Llew Laculty - Llj
Butgers-Gamden Fall 2011 IleRartmcnt ol Sociology, lnthronology Newsletter And Gfiminal lustice llew laculty - llJ. $tacia Gilliard-Mattncw$ Stacia Gilliard- Gilliard-Matthews was intersections of gender, Matthews has joined an Assistant Professor race, and social class). the department as an of Criminology at West She teaches Police and Assistant Professor of Virginia University in Policing, Research Criminal Justice. Morgantown. Her areas Methods (graduate Professor Gilliard- of research focus on seminar), and Poor, Matthews earned her the relationships that Minorities, and Justice. B.A. from the University politics and policies She also directs the of Maryland at College have on social issues internship program. We Park, M.A. from The (i.e., White supremacist are delighted to Ohio State University, group mobilization, welcome Professor and Ph.D. from Arizona police behavior and Gilliard-Matthews to the State University. Before discretion, and the department. coming to Rutgers- treatment of victims as Camden, Professor it relates to the laculU llews Professors Ted Goertzel The second edition of Sponsored by the Rutgers and Sheila Cosminsky Crack Mothers: Center for Children and have announced plans to Pregnancy, Drugs, and Childhood Studies in retire after long careers at the Media, a book by Dr. partnership with our Rutgers Camden. Next Drew Humphries, has just department and the semester may be your last been released. Editors at Rutgers-Camden School chance to take a course Ohio State University of Law, the event brought with one of these profess- Press recognized the together about 100 sors, although Emeritus continuing demand for the policymakers, government faculty do occasionally book and made the officials, human service teach courses.
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