From: Reviews and Criticism of War Theatrical and Television Dramas ( compiled by John K. McAskill, La Salle University ([email protected])

X5195 XICH LO (FRANCE/VIETNAM, 1995) (Other titles: Cyclo)

Credits: director/writer, Tran Anh Hung. Cast: Le Van Loc, Tony Leung-Chiu Wai, Tran Nu Yen Khe, Nguyen Nhu Quyeh. Summary: Melodrama set in contemporary . In the heart of the city, Cyclo (Le) a young pedicab driver, transports anonymous passengers through the teeming streets, trying to eke out a meager living for his two sisters and elderly grandfather. When his bicycle is stolen, he joins a small band of criminals led by a young poet (Leung) to earn money to repay his boss. Unbenown to the cyclo, his older sister has also been mesmerized by the poet and has turned to prostitution to please him. The cyclo is put to a test by the gang. He narrowly escapes a psychopathic killer and the police while transporting cocaine concealed in a pig carcass. He decides to ask for his old job back.

Andersen, Soren. “‘Cyclo’ grim chaotic film about postwar Vietnam” News tribune (Nov 29, 1996), SoundLife, p. 5. Anderson, John. “Life on the razor’s edge in Ho Chi Minh City” Newsday (Feb 12, 1997), p. B7. Armstrong, David. “‘Cyclo’ strong on visuals, weak on plot” Cincinnati enquirer (Nov 22, 1996), Weekend, p. 27. ______. “Exquisite pictorialism highlights ‘Cyclo’ film: Second film by director of ‘Papaya’” San Francisco examiner (Aug 2, 1996) Baltake, Jeff. “Post-war Vietnam spins out of control in ‘Cyclo’” Sacramento bee (Oct 18, 1996), Ticket, p. TK25. Bennett, Paul. “‘Cyclo’ examines modern Ho Chi Minh City life: From the ashes of hope” Santa Fe New Mexican (Oct 25, 1996), p. 43. Brumley, Al. “‘Cyclo’ is visual beauty that’s too restrained” Dallas morning news (Dec 20, 1996), p. 12C. Busch, Lyall. “Cyclo’s canvas is a busy Vietnamese street” Seattle times (Nov 29, 1996), p. F5. Butler, Robert W. “Cardboard cutouts could serve as actors’ stand-ins: Vietnamese director is all over the road with second effort” Kansas City star (Dec 13, 1996), p. 10. Carr, Jay. “Transcendent ‘Cyclo’ moves powerfully” Boston globe (Nov 1, 1996), Arts & film, p. E5. Denerstein, Robert. “‘Cyclo’ gives innocence brutal ride” Rocky Mountain news (Oct 25, 1996), Entertainment/weekend, p. 10D. Donovan, Patricia. “Life of the party: Two films document the horrors of totalitarian life” Buffalo news (Oct 31, 1997), Gusto, p. 34G. Dupont, Joan. “Bringing Vietnam back to the Vietnamese” International herald tribune (Feb 21, 1996), p. ? Elliott, David. “Images make a poem to urban life” San Diego union-tribune (Sep 26, 1996), Night & day, p. 9. Gabrenya, Frank. “Tran’s stylized ‘Cyclo’ probes Vietnam’s violent circles” Columbus dispatch (Jun 6, 1997), p. 8E. Gilbey, Ryan. “Pain in pleasure, peace in chaos” Independent [London] (Mar 21, 1996), Film, p. 10. Guthmann, Edward. “‘Cyclo’ no ride in the country: Crime and violence in Ho Chi Minh City” San Francisco chronicle (Aug 2, 1996), Daily datebook, p. D3. Hinson, Hal. “‘Cyclo’: The rickshaw thief” Washington post (Sep 13, 1996), p. F6. Hoberman, J. “Big wheels” Village voice 42/7 (Feb 18, 1997), p. 75. ______. “Fest forward: Cyclo directed by Tran Anh Hung” Village voice 40/40 (Oct 3, 1995), p. 76. Hornblow, Deborah. “A wretched life in Vietnam makes for a wrenching, yet beautiful film” Hartford courant (Apr 11, 1997), p. E7. Howe, Desson. [Cyclo] Washington post (Sep 13, 1996), Weekend, p. 44. Hunter, Allan. “Dog-eat-dog nightmare serves up potent morality tale” Scotland on Sunday (Mar 24, 1996), Spectrum, p. 16. Kehr, Dave. “‘Cyclo’-pathic land of the lost” Daily news [New York] (Feb 12, 1997), p. 39. Klawans, Stuart. “subUrbia” Nation 264/8 (Mar 3, 1997), p. 35-6. Larimer, Tim. “Obscure motorbike mechanic in the midst of a cultural debate” Houston chronicle (Mar 17, 1996), p. 31. LaSalle, Mick. “A portrait of lost innocence in Vietnam” San Francisco chronicle (Jul 28, 1996), Sunday datebook, p. 45. Levy, Emanuel. “Movies: Film clips: Tran-spotting: Vietnamese director looks at dark side” Los Angeles times (Jul 28, 1996), p. 28. Malcolm, Derek. “Screen: Wheels of fortune: Film of the week: Tran Anh Hung’s second film, Cyclo, comes laden with faith, hope, and numerous awards” Guardian [London] (Mar 21, 1996), p. T10. Maslin, Janet. “A Vietnamese taxi driver and his unworldly sister” New York times (Oct 12, 1995), p. C20. Milenski, Aaron. “Cyclo” Motion picture guide annual (edited by Jay Robert Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross) Chicago : Cinebooks, 1987-2000. (1998, p. 93-4) Millar, Jeff. “At the movies: ‘Cyclo’ powerful portrait of a city” Houston chronicle (Oct 18, 1996), Weekend preview, p. 1. Movshovitz, Howie. “Chaos propels ‘Cyclo’ as it searches for a vanished past” Denver post (Oct 25, 1996), p. F5. Mydans, Seth. “Censors limit movies to those about ‘real’ Vietnam” Palm Beach post (Sep 1, 1996), p. 31. ______. “Filming the ‘real Vietnam’” International herald tribune (Sep 4, 1996), p. ? “No way out for innocents in a harsh Ho Chi Minh City” New York times (Feb 12, 1997), p. C18. Potts, Jackie. [Cyclo] Miami herald (Nov 1, 1966), p. G8. Powers, John. “Foreign arrivals: Cyclo directed by Tran Anh Hung” Vogue 186/9 (Sep 1996), p. 366. Rayns, Tony. “Reviews: Cyclo/Xich lo directed by Tran Anh Hung” Sight and sound 6/4 (Apr 1996), p. 42+ Rea, Steven. “In urban Vietnam, descent into violence” Philadelphia inquirer (Apr 11, 1997), Weekend, p. 12. Romney, Jonathan. “Framespotting: Whose identity crisis?” Guardian [London] (Mar 29, 1996), p. T5. Rooney, David. “Cyclo (Xich lo)” Variety 360 (Sep 11, 1995), p. 108. Sachs, Lloyd. “‘Cyclo’ spins downbeat tale” Chicago sun-times (Nov 1, 1996), p. 34. Sheehan, Henry. “Allegorical elements tarmish ‘Cyclo’” Orange County register [California] (Aug 2, 1996), p.F17. ______. “Tran Anh Hung crafts film after observing life in Vietnam: Paris- based director’s second attempt at shooting in the country proves the charm” Orange County register [California] (Aug 2, 1996), p. F18. Stack, Peter. “Asian world on film: Vietnamese drama opens S.F. festival” San Francisco chronicle (Mar 7, 1996), Daily datebook, p. E1. Thomas, Dana. “‘Cyclo’: Missing Saigon-- Tran Anh Hung’s film depicts misery of postwar Vietnam” Washington post (Sep 15, 1996), p. G4. Thomas, Kevin. “‘Cyclo’ focuses on gritty life in Vietnam” Los Angeles times (Aug 1, 1996), Calendar, p. F2. Verniere, James. “Movies: ‘Cyclo’ ride is scenic but veers off course” Boston herald (Nov 1, 1996), p. S9. Vice, Jeff. “‘Cyclo’ looks beautiful but is devoid of emotion” Deseret news [Salt Lake City] (Jan 26, 1997), Arts, p. E11. Walker, Alexander. “Confusion reigns on a ride to trouble” Evening standard [London] (Mar 21, 1996), p. 26. Wilmington, Michael. “Superb ‘Cyclo’ shows a Vietnam on the brink of chaos” Chicago tribune (Nov 1, 1966), Friday, p. F.

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