THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 18, 2021 Our Lady of the Assumption A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust PARISH OFFICE P.O. BǟǨ G, 2434 NǕǑǜ Rǔ. CǟǢǑǜ, PA 15731 Fax:7244791130 Phone: 7244799542 OFFICE HOURS STAFF Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri Pastor The Reverend John A. Pavlik, OFM Cap……. Ext 11 9:00 am 1:30 pm
[email protected] AfternoonNby appointment only Closed Wednesday Parish Secretary/Office Coordinator Connie DivenExt 10
[email protected] SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 4:00 pm Lucernemines Director of Parish & Family Life Cindy Marcoline Ext.15 Saturday 6:00 pm Coral
[email protected] Sunday 900 am Coral Sunday 11:00 am Lucernemines Director of Liturgical Music Joseph Petruna
[email protected] Sanctuary Lamp for April 16 to April 30 burns in Maintenance & Facilities Coordinator Bob CiranniExt 50 memory of
[email protected] Michael & Pauline Gatskie Financial Secretary Diane Cawley By The Gatskie Family
[email protected] (Coral) Indiana Regional Medical Center & ChaplainNRev. Matthew Palkowski, OFM Cap In honor of Julie Carr by Phone7242543041 Jenny Farabaugh & Family (Lucernemines) Parish Website: Host in memory of Prayer Chain7244633656 Gusty & Rose Vilcek by Marianna & Daughters 7244648716 (Coral) PAGE 2 APRIL 18,2021 Thank you to A Doorkeeper to God those who have already Dear Parishioners, taken the Have you noticed that after Easter, at almost every opportunity to Mass, we read some passage or the other from the Acts of “Be the Light” the Apostles? In the opening paragraph of this book, for their faith community by the author, Luke, tells the reader (perhaps mostly to his patron, donang to the 2021 Diocesan Theophilus or Lover of God) that in his first book (Gospel), he wrote Lenten Appeal.