193)1 RAYER FOR PEACE LAST WORDS OF PIUS T„ Hat th« loUrnaUooal Newi 8«rvic« (Wir« and Uail). th« N. C. W. C. N«wa Servie* R.rfin. >nri S.r»lc.. Lian.n S.r»le. .1 Chin.. InUm.tton.1 IlHutfl^d T ol W. 0. S .rv U ^ I HIS HOLINESS, PIUS XI DEATH CCfiES National Two Centf s Edition THE a Copy nr!" ’j u s t b e f o r e a n .; the ANNIVERSARY REGISTER Pontiff Continues Labors to Very End; Had (N«m «~ftttlittrtd In the U. S. Patent Ofllce) Suffered Almost Ceaselessly for Past Two Years E . XV. No. 8. DENVER, COLO., SUM IAY, FEB. 19, 1939 T W O CENTS j Vatican City.— (Special)— With his feehle hand up- tuning Ceremony at Vatican Described i raised in benediction and with a prayer for peace on his ' lip.R, Pope Pius XI, 261st Vicar of Christ on Earth, the Pope of Peace, ended his long and fruitful reign as Supreme Pontiff. Seventeen years before, he had dedicated his reign or 1st Time All Cardinals to peace with the words, "Pius is the name of peace— then Pius shall be my name,” and since then he had labored for ■Se peace and justice and charity. As death came near, the Pon­ In U. S. to Help Elect Pope tiff who had several times recently offered his life as a .sac­ rifice for accord among men spoke his last words: "Jesus and For the first time in history all The election of a Pope is a solemn ' Mary— peace to the world.” the American Cardinals will par­ ritual, governed by centuries-old’ Thus, worn out with his ceaseless labors for religipn ticipate in the election o f a Pope legislation— a ceremony on which ■ and for all humankind, his aged body racked with over two .ISTENING IN at the conclave that will choose will largely depend the history of, I years of almost constant suffering, Pope Pius died of cardiac Pius Xr.s successor, and one o f the the Church in coming years and j three American Princes of the one fo r whose result the whole | ' asthma in the early morning two days before the 17th anni­ riip death o f Pope Pius XI Church belongs to the governing world waits with anxiety. versary of his coronation. Fulfilling his promise to continue body of four who direct the affairs U. S. Cardinal* Leaye for Rome his labors up to the very end, the Pope in the short days of bioves from the chair of St. o f the Holy See in the inter-regnum. When word of Pope Pius’ death his last illness was still making plans for his audience with kerune o f the strongest char* The three are William Cardinal came to America, the three Car­ the Italian Bishops on the tenth anniversary of the signing Irrs who ever occupied it. O’C'onnell, A'rchbishop o f Boston dinals immediately began prepara­ tREj rs io come may apply to him and, as the first-ranking Cardinal tions to sail for Rome. of the Lateran treaty with Italy and for the ceremonies Priest, one o f the ruling commis­ 'E 43li| name not infrequently A t his winter home in Nassau, marking his coronation jubilee. sion; Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, Bahama islands. Cardinal O’Con­ f>n during his l^ntiScale— Archbishop of Philadelphia, and nell arranged to return to the Condemned Abuses But Ji« the Great. Neve* was the George Cardinal Mundelein, Arch­ United States and book passage Loved A ll the People Ipnry held in higher regard bishop of Chicago and the la.<;t fo r Rome. Twice before he reached American Cardinal who saw Pope the Eternal City just too late to From beginning to end of his 17-year reign, Pius XI under him. He easily Pius X I alive. take part in the conclave, and it devoted himself to the cause of peace. When he bitterly con­ [iks with the dozen most emi* was largely because ^of his dis­ demned atheistic Communism and pagan Naziism. he spoke hi men who have worn the appointment over missing the elec­ his love for the Russian and German peoples. He prayed pie crown as Vicar of Jesus tion of Pius XI that the time fqr opening the conclave was extended that the people subjected to the tyranny of godless govern­ irist on earth. IN U . S. from ten to 15, or, at the most, 18 ment would be given the peace of Christ, that they would days. I be returned to the religion of their fathers, that they would ■Sixty years o f his life were Cardinal Mundelein, who re­ have all God’s blessings on their lives. He loved all men. m i ^nt in m inor positions. He turned from the Vatican only at the end o f November, was vacation­ I His last words recalled his statement of a few months Salef I an old man before he was H O N O R E D ing in Florida when he learned of ago: "While.millions of men are living in an.xiet.v because psecrated to the Episcopacy, the Pope’s death. He le ft at once Pictured above are His Holiness, Pius XI, 261st Pontiff, and his coat o f arms. I of the imminent danger of war and the threat of disaster I was a (Cardinal only a few fo r New York to sail on the Italian and ruin without precedent, we receive in our fatherly Inths before he became the liner, Rex, on Feb. 11 with Cardinal IN PIOS' REIGN Dougherty. Cardinal Mundelein heart with tremulous feelings our numerous sons. With all llr Father. From the mo- shrugged off as unimportant his Accomplishments Extraordinary our heart, we offer our.Relves for the health and peace of the Int he broke precedent by own slight illness o f a stomach dis­ I world.” ^ng his blessing to the (Copyright. NCWC N*w« 8«rvlet) order. The Catholic Church in the rung in St. Peter’s square Cardinal Pacelli in Charge I H’fr.s Serene ERS United States was signally honored A fte r the death of the Pope, the iht after his election, the in the Pontificate of Pope Pius Biography Shows Pius XI ‘ In Last Moments Cardinal Camerlengo, who is now flinlic world knew that he XI. Eugenio Cardinal PaccIIi, becomes ' After fighting off a dangerous illness at the end of last d hr man who could l>e ex* Pope Pius XI’s first official first in authority. Acting with him Xovember, the Pope had continued his normal round of work document, given less than a month are the highest ranking members at tile Vatican. On E'cb. 7, 17 years and one day after his hed to do things in a way after his election, w'ts a .Ifotu o f the three classes o f Cardinals. Greatest Man of Period election and his self-dedication to peace, the Pope was taken Lt would make even stern Prop rio altering the Constitution, These three are (ienaro Cardinal kiition vicld to common Vacanfe Sede Apoatolica, so as to Pignatclli di . Belmonte, Cardinal ill. At fir.st he was thought to be suffering only a cold from give the American Cardinals and Bishop; .Cardinal O’Connell, Cardi­ Pope Pius, 261st successor to St. o f which will undoubtedly place i t ' Brianaa, the fourth Ron nf Francis which he would soon recover. On Feb. 9 came a series of others living at some distance time nal Priest, and Camillo Cardinal Peter, whose Pontificate has em­ in the fo refro n t o f historical ac and. Terpsa«• (G alli) Ratti. uHe - heart attacks, from the first of which he rallied for a time. to arrive at the Vatican fo r the Caccia-Dominioni, Cardinal* Dea­ counts o f the period. ‘PLNGl I hen the .writer spent election of the Pope. The last con. I f no Pope is chosen in the braced one o f the most trying pe­ birth!''recei'vhiK the ^naraes'''Am-' And then early On the morninft of Feb. 10, the Holy Father. encyclical of Pope Pius XI, Vi- riod* in the world's history, is en­ broRp Damian Achille. a n o in tin j; kut three months in Rome first three davs of the conclave, (B y Mscr. E nrico Prcci, Copy­ i well kpowinir that death waa et hand, received the pitaAti Cunt, dealing with motion the second-ranking mcmbei** o f the titled to be ranked ua the greatest [It in 193.5, he lived at the A fte r Achille Ratti had become i of E.xtreme Unction and then with his last breath spoke his »ictures, was addressed particu- three divisions of the Sacred Col­ world figure of his time and one right, N C W C News Service) Pensione San Carlo, Pope Pius X I was 60 years o f Pope Pius XI, the house iii “ hicb prayer for peace. He was serene in death, ready for the farly to the Archbishops and lege take over the dut>'* o f assist­ of the great men o f all time. he wa» born waa purchaRed by the , to Pap, , -C olum n 1) ere the I.«ombard college Bishops of the United States. ing the Camerlengo. The commis­ Had he accompIi.«hed but one o f age and had exorcised his sacred Brothers Gavazzi. prominent man- kd to be located.
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