Register Or President a State Encamp
S1ciety WHAT PART OF $500 IWHAT PART OF $500 DO YOU WANT ? DO YOU WANT ? See Our Ad on the Fourth Page See Our Ad on the Fourth Page Vol. XXII. No. ii. LEWISTOWN, FERGUS COUNTY, IlONT., WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 32, o904. Price 5 Cents. REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS. AND DEVOTED TO THE MINERAL, AGRICULTURAL, STOCK AND WOOL INTERESTS OF THE GREAT JUDITH COUNTRY, I --- - --- --- the services began hundreds had to No. 19. Voting i,, , ... ' i turn away. and Elso; registry .: i. Ii\V;. s nll:-"1I)1to flatj oll iI irrl "a;l ml "" ASSIGNMENT Archbishop Christie, of the province REGISTER OR ton, Lavina. Oct. 17.; . : PRESIDENT A STATE ENCAMP- 27. 28. 29; at poas• • I;. (~(.t. of Oregon. an old schoolmate of thb ''5, 26. new bishop, was the installing pre (ii 3t"II:ilI$S.~Iri I'iri,-uu an\ 'fin. I late, and others partic.lpating in th( YOU CAN"T VOTI The qualiflcatlon ' , rf ar';r WESTERN MAN Iinthei I I"r thaut has gli;n; h, ,i OF SPEAKERS Irl o 1 c"Mlh cc ial al k ilt it 111 :Il I. MENT 1rl~ HERE ceremonies were Bishop O'Dea, of Se follows: jointllir l'zllicNot anhlthIIIt k}islagii.its 'I,'(ulli. dl-,-. attle, Bishop Glorieux. of Boise, Bish He must be a cill,ni,, iii,tUnii *igil conslderatifonu Ifgi co untt% op Shanley, of North Dakota, ant States. Books Will be Open Next Monday Republican County Central Committed many priests. an The only exceptin~l r, his i1 STheo. Roosevelt is the First Presi .l I lii' elingllargf 'liVcl f.*w thin;i: Next Meeting of the Spanish-Ameri.
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