Editor’s Page MONEYworks magazine The world stage of finance and economy continues to be P O Box 10656, Dubai, UAE Telephone: +971 4 391 2160, Fax: +971 4 391 2173 fascinating. One moment the market is gung-ho about positive Email:
[email protected] Published by news coming out of emerging markets and the next a majority Rasalmal Financial Publishing FZ-LLC of traders are betting on stocks retreating, as valuations A Dubai Media City Company Telephone: +971 4 391 2160, Fax: +971 4 391 2173 have stretched tight or a news item on new regulations being Email:
[email protected] drafted to curb risk-taking by financial institutions has touched Board of Directors Saud A. Al Amri - chairman some nerves. Abdulaziz Al Mashal Greg Hunt Gold is easing now and so is oil. There are talks of US General Manager recovery being real and China actually deciding to discourage Don Taylor Distribution credit, as its economy is showing signs of heating up quickly. Dar Al Hikma, Dubai, UAE, Tel: +971 4 266 7384 There are predictions that 2010 will see a good bit of volatility in the market, so Jashanmal, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Tel: +971 2 673 2327 Cover Image investors need to be cautious. Nothing can be truer, of course. The thing that MONEYworks continues to keep my confidence levels up is that we are mostly talking about Editor Utpal Bhattacharya positive news like debt restructuring near home, managing fears of inflation in Assistant Editors China or trying to come up with ideas that would help the world stave off a similar Ritwika Chaudhuri George Fahim financial crisis, the effects of which are still being felt.