8th May 2017

The Shelter, Orchard Road, Pulloxhill

Present: C McCall - Chair L Arnold B Brown D Higson C Prest S Roscoe

In Attendance: B Green – Clerk P Schofield – Rushymeade Committee Chair 4 members of the public

Meeting opened at 19.00

1. Apologies.

Apologies received from Cllr Jamieson, L Austin, Rev. D Bell, W Butterworth, J Morrow, I Wren

2. Minutes of meeting held on 9th May 2016

The minutes were accepted as a true record of the proceedings and duly signed by the Chairperson

3. Annual Reports and Updates

Reports were received detailing areas of responsibility as follow. These are appended in full at the end of these minutes.

Chair Carol McCall Rushymeade Paddy Schofield The Charles H. Gardner Trust Paddy Schofield Pulloxhill Players Julie Morrow – read by the Clerk Friends of Pulloxhill Church William Butterworth – read by the Clerk Gardeners Club Carol McCall Monday Coffee Club Irene Wren - read by the Clerk Projects group David Higson Pulloxhill Singers Carol McCall Speedwatch Brian Brown

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Neighbourhood Plan Craig Prest Pulloxhill School Mrs McCullion Friends of Pulloxhill School Mackayla Lawrence

4. Any Other Business

A resident asked if the school could make more use of Rushymeade as a learning tool. This was considered a good idea and the headteacher said they would actively consider taking the children for educational walks and talks. This would also be considered within the Green Infrastructure Plan.

The Chair thanked the retiring Clerk for her service and expert advice to the PPC and wished her well in her new venture. The Chair also expressed her sadness at the passing of Tony Terrel and recognised the great work he did for the PPC as Tree Warden.

There being no further business the Annual Village Meeting was closed at 20:00, and was immediately followed by the Pulloxhill Parish Council May meeting incorporating the Annual General Meeting.

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Appendix: Reports to the Annual Village meeting

Chair – Cllr. Carol McCall

The years seem to be flying by ever faster, but this has been a good year for our village.

We are very close now to having a Neighbourhood Plan thanks to significant efforts of a small group who are working together with and Greenfield to arrange consultations and write this importance document which will protect and shape our village’s future. I am also very happy to report that after 20 years plus of requests from village residents and significant work by the Parish Council, we will have traffic calming tables installed during the coming year. My personal thanks go to Brian Brown who has co-ordinated with Central Highways Dept and secured “matched funding” that has allowed these improvements to go ahead. The past year has also seen an increase in demand for our Allotments with all workable allotments now let. One kind allotment holder has also set up a Facebook group where our allotment holders can support each other and swap “spare” seedlings and advice on the best source of seeds, compost and other necessaries.

As Chair I would like to thank our Ward Councillor James Jamieson who provides updates on Central Beds Council activities and helps us unblock and resolve issues and all the other Parish Councillors who volunteer their time for Parish Council and support many other village activities. We were all very sad to say our last goodbyes to our Tree Warden, Tony Terrell, who provided us with many years of sound advice regarding the trees in and around the village and was a significant member of our community who will be greatly missed by us all personally and at village events.

Lastly a huge vote of thanks to Mackayla Lawrence, our Parish Clerk who will be leaving us soon after years providing huge support to me and the other councillors. Please join us in giving a warm welcome to Brian Green our incoming Parish Clerk who has family ties to the village and, hopefully, will soon to be Pulloxhill a resident himself.

In the coming year, the Parish Council priorities will be working to install the traffic calming measures and to renovate the small children’s play area in the recreation ground. We have also been asked by Central Beds to provide a Disaster Recovery Plan for the village following the recent power outage in , so will be asking for volunteer co-ordinators living around the village to help us do everything we can to keep all our residents safe if we had a similar incident.

We continue to encourage everyone to join in village events and look forward to seeing you there.

Rushymeade Annual Report, 8th May 2016. – Paddy Schofield

Rushymeade is an ancient meadow on the south-eastern slopes of Pulloxhill. With marvellous views over beautiful landscape, full of wildlife and rich in historical features, it is a rare example of undisturbed Bedfordshire grassland. Rushymeade was purchased by the Pulloxhill Parish Council in 2001 to preserve it for the pleasure and enjoyment of the village.

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It comprises just over sixteen acres encompassing open meadow land, boggy ground and shrubby areas where a wide variety of wildlife and birds can be seen. A further four acres of private grassland, with permissive access, makes up the whole area. As an essential part of managing and maintaining the area, cattle are grazed on the land through the Summer months.

The Rushymeade management committee aims to maintain and improve the area, both in terms of its natural diversity and in its accessibility and utilisation and safety for the public. The objective is to maintain grass cover over at least 80% of the total area by grazing with cattle and cutting back the spreading brambles, bushes and trees. We receive management advice and funding from Natural , on the basis that we maintain its present balance of grassland and scrub area, flora and fauna. The Rushymeade management committee is led by Paddy Schofield on behalf of the Parish Council, and has a supply of equipment suitable for most of the cutting and maintenance work.

There are now no horses on Rushymeade, so cattle are the only grazing animals and are essential in maintaining the ancient, unimproved grassland. They are usually present from Mid-April to Late October each year. We currently have 13 cattle, but may need to introduce more in June to properly graze the area. The cattle were dog-tested before release into the areas with public access, on the 2nd of May this year.

Notices informing the public of when the cattle were due to be introduced were posted at each of the six entry points to the Rushymeade site and on the new information boards have been installed adjacent to the recreation ground and churchyard entrances. An article was also published in the April edition of the Pulloxhill Village News. The notices were replaced with signs warning that cattle are present for the duration of the grazing season. The aim is to make the public aware of the presence of the cattle, and to explain their options should they come across them.

One significant piece of clearance during 2016 was the removal of the brambles and scrub that had been allowed to grow along the school fence line. The main cutting was done by a hired contractor, and secondary tidying and clearance by volunteers. The work was much appreciated by the school governors, who wrote a letter of thanks to the committee.

Work to control and cut back the areas of bramble and scrub will continue through the year, mainly following the bird nesting season. The main footpaths will be cut once the wild flowers have seeded. It is worth noting that some of the areas of scrub are developing naturally into woodland with glades. With some thinning, these areas should become very attractive over the next few years.


After nearly 50 years, the money remaining in the Charles H. Gardener Charity Trust fund has depleted to a point where it will soon not be possible to continue with donations at a viable level. The Trustees propose to distribute an equal share of any remaining funds to each of the parishioners included on the list in January 2018, and the Charity will be closed. Charles H. Gardener lived Pulloxhill, and was a local land owner, farmer and chairman of the Parish Council and was described as “a general good-body”. Following his death, his will

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(proved in 1960), included the sum of £1,066 to form the Charles H. Gardener Charity. The will stated that the income from this money – a generous sum in 1960 - was to be spent on a “party” for the village. However, the UK tax laws forbid spending tax-free charity money on a party, but accept that it can be spent on” people in need” so an annual Christmas distribution to those over 65 was agreed instead. The first record of donations being distributed is dated 1967, when the interest earned on the invested money was £70 per year, and each of 75 residents who had asked to be on the list received 15/- (shillings) at Christmas. By 1974, the funds were invested in Treasury 5.5% Stock, and were worth £2,268.19, yielding £124.74 interest in that year. Between 1974 and 1992, Bernard and Nellie Jellis volunteered to distribute the funds each Christmas, saving the fund having to pay the Parish Council clerk to do it - he had received £2.50 a time, later rising to £5.00. The Trust has been managed and the funds distributed by a committee of three village trustees ever since. In 1976, the sum given to each of 85 recipients rose to £1.50. By 2010, the interest rate had fallen to 0.52% which required the trustees to get permission from the Charity Commission to use some of the capital each year so that a viable donation of £5 per person could be distributed to the 50 or so villagers wishing to be on the list at that time. The January 2017 distribution of £10 per person was accepted by 39 recipients, which will leave approximately £780 in the bank at the current interest rate at 0.3%, to share out in January 2018. Any villager over the age of 65 can ask to be included in the January 2018 distribution. All people accepted onto the list will receive an equal share of the remaining funds which they can spend or donate as they wish.

Pulloxhill Players – Julie Morrow

The Pulloxhill Players have been performing in the Church Hall for 44 years. The group was founded by residents of Pulloxhill at that time one of whom recently sadly passed away, Tony Terrell. We are a team of around 18 who perform each year a play in the summer and a pantomime in January. We are all involved in the productions from Scenery painting, props, costumes etc.. We hold an annual BBq and also have a Xmas dinner together . We encourage new members over 18 years of age to join.

Just a note that might be worth mentioning, is that sadly we get very little support from the people in Pulloxhill either as members or audience and would really love to see more people from the village getting involved.

Friends of Pulloxhill Church – William Butterworth

Report from the Friends of Pulloxhill Church - May 2017

FOPC had a successful year fund raising for the projects required to maintain and enhance the fabric of the Church. The most noticeable project was the new church path which was delivered very successfully by the PCC. A recent report by the diocese has identified a variety of other work that needs to be undertaken on the Church and so the fund raising will continue. Events planned so far this year are a wine tasting event on the 8th July and the Art

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Show on the August Bank Holiday weekend. Other events are also being planned and the FOPC would welcome anyone who is interested in helping out.

In the last year Will Butterworth has taken over as the chairman of the trustees from Rod Collier, and Tony Terrell also step down as a trustee. FOPC is very grateful for the huge contribution that they both made to the charity.

Gardeners Club – Carol McCAll

Pulloxhill Gardener’s is a small group of people who organise the Pulloxhill Village Show each September and Pulloxhill Open Garden’s every second year. The Pulloxhill Gardener’s also help our with horticultural activities in and around the village e.g. bulb planting, clearing brambles and hedge trimming. In January, a silver birch tree was planted near the bench in Flitton Road in memory of John Singh and Pulloxhill Gardener’s have offered to provide further trees for the village and we are waiting on advice from the Parish Council on suitable species and locations.

New members are welcome and membership is only £1 per year – our contact details are on the back page of the Pulloxhill Village News each month. As member you get included in the circulation of the RHS Magazine “The Garden” and one organised trip per year to an RHS Garden plus an invitation to the Pulloxhill Gardener’s Christmas Party. Pulloxhill Open Garden’s is planned for 24th June 2017 (11am – 5pm) and we are looking for volunteers to both open their gardens and help steward on the day. We would like to thank Jan Clark for acting as Show Chairman and successful organising the Village Show for the last few years. Last year we moved the show from Saturday to Sunday and that was a success, so this year the show is to be held at the Pulloxhill Church Hall on Sunday 10th September. We look forward to seeing you there.

Monday Coffee Club – Irene Wren

About 12 people meet on a regular basis. We lost Betty Hyde this year and Betty Wattamore’s visits have lapsed due to hearing and eye problems. Our group attended the Christmas Dinner at the Rufus Centre and our own Christmas Dinner was held at the Cross Keys. We charge £1.50 for a cup of tea or coffee and provide a selection of sweet and savoury biscuits. Bob Cowell provides us with Bedford On Sunday, News and information on other events. Friendship, gossip, jokes and laughter are the order of the day.

Projects Group – David Higson

The team has been busy again organising litter picking, fixing gates, posts and fences around the village.

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They have also been active in the recreation ground cutting hedges and mending swing seats. As always the team is hard pushed to fit in the needs of the village with those of young families. Help, and plenty of it, is always needed. Contact Steve Ball to offer any help and time you may have.

Pulloxhill Singers- Carol McCall

Our village choir has performed 9 concerts in the past year and continues from strength to strength. We are a 4 part SATB choir (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) with 24 members who have been singing together in the current formation for over 2 years. The choir members thanks go to Hilary Parks our Musical Director, John Hemmings our accompanist and Martin Roderick our Assistant Musical Director – they give a lot of time of their spare time to the choir and we are all very grateful for their efforts. Pulloxhill Singers’ events are mainly fundraisers for other organisations who arrange the venue and sell tickets – if you would like us to perform for your organisation, please contact us. Out next concert is Friday 2nd June at St James Church Pulloxhill, organised by Friends of Pulloxhill Church – we can recommend the interval refreshments. Our own “Cream Tea Concert” at Greenfield Village Hall was a sell-out last year and will be repeated this year on 30th July at 2.30pm – booking is essential for catering.

We lost some special people this year. One of our very long-standing choir members, Ray, passed away and was remembered beautifully with a rendition of “The Lord Bless You and Keep You” at our Christmas concert in Church a few days later. We were also very pleased to be asked to sing at Tony Terrell’s funeral to help remember his contribution to village life, especially, his regular theatrical “turn” at the annual Pulloxhill Christmas Concert.

For information on forthcoming events and to book tickets, please see our website www.pulloxhillsingers.co.uk. We look forward to seeing you at one of our concerts.

Speedwatch – Brian Brown

It was reported the activities of the speedwatch team had significantly reduced the speed of vehicles passing through the village. The number of vehicles monitored during the period March through April were 1315 (2016/17) compared to 958 (2015/16), an increase of 37%, whilst the number of vehicles reported were 179 (2016/17) compared to 147 (2015/16). This represented a significant overall reduction in reported vehicles 13.6% against 15.3% the year before.

Neighbourhood Plan – Craig Prest

A leaflet was being prepared based on the results of the recent questionnaire, which had a greater than 50% response rate. As part of the Neighbourhood Plan (NP), a Green Infrastructure Plan was being compiled including the protection of green space and incorporating the views of the under 21’s. The results of this consultation were not yet available but some concerns had been expressed with

Signed (Chairman)...... Date...... Page 7 of 8 - Draft Minutes respect to the state of equipment in the recreation grounds due to the number of bird deposits. This needs action to clean up the area and equipment. As part of the NP Central Beds Council (CBC) request details of suitable sites for the erection of more than 9 dwellings. It is noted that Pulloxhill is designated as having Small Village status and such sites are unlikely to be identified within the village. The NP is due to be available late June or early July 2017 with the draft NP being submitted to CBC in August. The NP and policy will be drafted with the help of CBC. The final NP should be available by the end of 2017.

Pulloxhill School – Mrs McCullion

The headteacher reported there were 70 children in 4 classes in the school. This relatively small number proved challenging in running and organising school activities, although the children were happy and enthusiastic. Keystage 1 was split over Classes 1 and 2. It was hoped the school could grow to around 100 pupils. The school was last inspected in 2013 where it was designated as “Outstanding”. This means it is not due to be re-inspected in the near future. The school is vibrant and its teaching staff of 12-14 are fully committed. Friends of Pulloxhill School (FoPS) is very active and recently raised £1650 at the May Fayre. The next project for FoPS is to upgrade and replace ICT equipment. The school was very thankful for the hedge cutting and for assistance provided by Rev. Bell. Year 4 was having a 3 night trip to York, and a German twinned school was visiting in June.

Friends of Pulloxhill School – Mackayla Lawrence

The FoPS had been very active, as reported within the Pulloxhill School report above. They continue to support the school on a wide variety of activities and have begun planning for the 2016-17 year and are hopeful that they will continue with their support of the school in helping to provide new equipment, support network and a vibrant social environment for parents, staff and pupils.

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