Ethical Decision Making in Nursing and Health Care the Symphonological Approach James H
4EDITION Ethical Decision Making in Nursing and Health Care The Symphonological Approach James H. Husted is an independent scholar. He is a member of the American Philosophical Association and the North American Spinoza Society.He has been a member of the high IQ societies, Mensa and Intertel. He was the philosophy expert for Dial-An-M for Mensa, as well as the philosophy editor of Integra, the journal of Intertel. He guest lectures on bioethics at Duquesne University in the BSN, MSN, and PhD programs. He writes and presents workshops in the area of bioethics. Gladys L. Husted, RN, MSN, PhD, CNE, is a professor emeritus of nursing at Duquesne University,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She received a master’s in nurs- ing education from the University of Pittsburgh, where she also completed her PhD in curriculum and supervision. She was awarded the title of School of Nurs- ing Distinguished Professor in 1998. She has retired from full-time employment at Duquesne University but continues to teach part-time in the MSN and PhD programs. Her main area of expertise is in bioethics, where she writes, presents workshops, consults, and does research. Her other areas of expertise are in cur- riculum design, instructional strategies, and theory development. Dr. Husted’s Web site can be accessed at 4EDITION Ethical Decision Making in Nursing and Health Care The Symphonological Approach James H. Husted ■ Gladys L. Husted Copyright © 2008 Springer Publishing Company, LLC All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Springer Publishing Company, LLC.
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