Teen Talent Wows Judges
Serendipitous Happy hounds encounter at Ferrymead P3 P13 Christchurch’s largest circulating community newspaper Thursday, January 19, 2017 Teen talent wows judges ANNA PRICE Tap dancing high-flyer Bayley Graham has returned to Christ- church on a high after a rare standing ovation from the judges panel at the Follow Your Dreams (FYD) national dancing final in Ballarat, Victoria. The 16 year old was awarded a virtual-perfect 99.9 for each of the three routines, winning three senior national titles for New Zea- land, tap solo, slow tap, and speed tap, and highest points overall in the competition. He also took out the coveted Mr Entertainment Bayley Graham at Diamonz TapStudio. title. ‘‘It just makes me work even clear. He was a natural,’’ she said. harder,’’ he said. ‘‘He can take off any style from His stand-out performances Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly to included a breathtaking routine Michael Jackson. It doesn’t mat- jumping a cane he held at waist- ter what you give him, he adapts height and continuing tapping his style to suit that character. He without missing a beat, in a has the X factor’’. choreographed sequence influenced by the 1940s Fred ‘‘Tap dancing brings Astaire style. ‘‘It was very difficult because in your timing, the floor was extremely slippery,’’ rhythm, fitness, he recounted. ‘‘All this fast- tapping, I guess you hold your athletic ability. It's pace and stick to your routines.’’ creative and Bayley, a Burnside High School student, has his sights set personal.’’ on a show business career, and Bayley Graham says Broadway ‘‘would be amazing’’.
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