The Truth About the Jameson Raid

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The Truth About the Jameson Raid ! HE ! R ! ! H ABO ! ! ! HE JAM ESO N RAID J O HN HA! S HAM MON D A S R ELA! E D ! O A L L E ! N E I R E L A N D ' B O S ! O N 7 M A RSHA L L J O N E S CO M PAN ! M D C C C C X V H I COP! GH! 1 1 8 RI , 9 B! MARSHALL J O N ES COMPA N ! All right: reserved By permifiio n of ! he N orth American Review PRIN ! ED IN ! HE ! N I! ED S! A! ES OF AMERICA B! ! HE ! N V ! ! P C M B D G M . I ERSI RESS , A RI E , ASS P re fac e ! HE contents o f th is volume appeared in the August and September numbers of the “ ! 1 1 8 . North American Review, 9 Following thei r publication I received so many requests that a more permanent form should be given to the material that I have had this little volume issued . I wish to express my indebtedness to His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons , to the Hon . Ho n . William H . Taft , to the E M House , to President Arthur T . H adley, and to the . fo r Hon Oscar S Straus , their permission to print the letters which they have been good enough to send me in regard to “ The ! Truth About the J ameson Raid . I take the occasion also to acknowledge “ the courtesy of the North American Re view ! in allowing the republication of the articles . O ! S M M O D J HN HA HA N . t er 1 1 8 . Oc ob , 9 [ V ] n c 1 8 . W t n . C . O t . 2 1 ashi g o , D , 4 , 9 e M y d ar M r . Ha m m o nd am e r to e r t t ur e r m and I v y glad h a ha yo cl a , cal , moderate statem ent O f the inj ustice and outrage of th e Kruge r Gove rnm ent is to b e publishe d in a fo rm w hich w r e ill e ach the p eople of the Un it d S tat es . It is of the u tm ost im port ance to Show th e re al groun d fo r the action of En glan d in fighting the Boe r War and in p roducing the p resent conditio n of p ros e rit ne an d t the er e e . p y , happi ss, loyal y of Bo p opl I t is w e ll to have the facts cl early brought o ut to w the tt tu e Ge rm n w w as e e sho a i d of a y , hich of a pi c w t he r re n e re and n e and the i h fo ig policy b fo si c , high purpose of those w ho w ere the first m over s tow ar ds th e ree m the r n and w e ur e e m i f do of T a svaal , hos co s is l th r nent y j ustifi e d by e esult . ! ur e r n ere o s v y si c ly , M AF! . W . H . T ! C r n e en e 0 C r e St 8 . a di al s R sid c , 4 N ha l s m r c 1 1 t e O t . 1 6 8 . Bal i o , , 9 D ear M r . Ham m o nd : In these days w hen History is be ing m ade so fast “ ! your bookle t ! he Truth About the Jam e son Raid w ill be app re ciate d by stu dents w ho are investigating the int rigues w hich flour ishe d in so m any parts of the w r re u to the W r War an d w e o ld p vio s o ld , hich hav be en looke d upon as part of th e p repar at ion fo r the p resent struggle to se cure w o rld dom ination by the Centr P w e r al o s . Faithfull ur y yo s , CARD . I BB S . G N J O , Ar chbi h o s p of Ba ltim o r e . [ vi ] ! e n er t N ew en C nn . al U iv si y, Hav , o ! fie ct 1 1 8 . Pre ent O . sid s Of c , 4 , 9 e r r m m o n M y d a M . Ha d “ ! he art icles o n ! he Tr ue Sto ry of the Jam e son ! h e w M r . re n w r tten o n t Raid , hich I la d has i basis of n rm t n w o u e urn e are Of extrao r i fo a io hich y hav f ish d , dinar n te re t e t r w t no t n o n the y i s . Th y h o ligh , o ly circum stan ces w hich p rece de d an d follow e d the r aid ! t e but o n the r ter Pre ent Kru er i s lf , also cha ac of sid g s and n re t o n the nte rn t n policy , i di c ly also i a io al policy r w t e t the m tt er of Ge m any as a hole . This las asp c of a e em re new e nt ere t t I t o ne the giv s th d i s oday . is of m an y pi ece s of history w hich th row light o n the attem pt of ' the G erm an em p eror t o establish a new w orld hege m n no t an tu w r em re an d o u e o y , if ac al o ld pi ; y hav done good se rvice in con tr ibu tin g the t est im ony of an e e w tne o er t r y i ss t this chap t of his o y . Ve r n ere y si c ly, ne R! H! R ADLE! ( Sig d ! A T . H . N e ! r t w C e t . 1 1 o k i y , S p 5 , 9 8 . M d ar r m y e M . Ha m o nd : w nt to ho w m u en e re n in th I a say ch I joy d adi g, e rt m er n e ew ur rue t r No h A ica R vi , yo T S o y of the ! m e n It m n t e Ja so Raid . is ost i er st ing and m ost in rm n and o u e ren ere t n r fo i g , y hav d d a dis i ct se vice in clarifyin g t his im po rt ant incid ent in i nte rnational rela tio nshi n p . I say a disti ct service be cause th e gen e r al im p ression so far as this country is conce rne d w as e tr m en tal to r t r d i B i ish fai play . ! ur r t tem ent t ff r in w o g aphic s a of his a ai , hich yo u t m rt nt rt urn e an ook so i po a a pa , f ish s additional evi [ vii ] ! dence of the Kaise r s unconscion able m e thods and of r r n e r e r n the Ge rm an kult u of f au d a d p v sio . I hop e that these articl e s w ill be furth e r distribute d in rm no t n in t unt r b ut in G re t book fo , o ly his co y a r n B i tai . n ere ur Si c ly yo s , SCAR ! RA! S . O S . S N r w ! t ct . 1 1 1 1 e C O 8 . o k i y, , 9 r r Ha m m o nd D ea M . : I am glad that yo u are givi ng t o the p ublic ! he ! r e r th e m e n T u S to y of Ja so Raid . I t w as o ne the m t r m t n en t in t r of os d a a ic i cid s his o y , an d its conse quence s have bee n of such far - re achi n g im port an ce that th e w o rld w ill b e e ager to know th e t fac s . n ere ur Si c ly yo s , HO! S E . viii J ! h e ! ru th Ab o u t th e J am e so n R aid B! J OHN HA! S HAMMOND AS R ELA! ED ! O ALLE! NE IRELAND ! HE amazing revelations of German in trigue which within the past few months have come from points as fa r apart as Buenos Aires and Constantinople , as Petro grad and Tokyo , have stirred in my mem ory the recollection of a certain telegram signed by the same William , King of im Prussia and German Emperor , whose pudent and mendacious emissaries have se t the mark o f indelible infamy o n the brow o f their Imperial accomplice .
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