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A Thesis Submitted

to the Division of Graduate Studies of the Royal Military College of Canada


Daniel Desjardins, BSc Second Lieutenant

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of

Master of Physics

6 May 2011

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Thesis completed by Desjardins, Daniel, in partial fulfillment of requirements for M.Sc. in Physics from the Royal Military College of Canada on this 26 April 2011 tided Analytical Modeling for Transient Probe Response in Eddy Current Testing under the direct supervision of Dr. Thomas Krause and Dr. Napoleon Gauthier.

Fatigue cracks in multi-layer aluminum structures are prone to develop around the ferrous fasteners found on ageing Canadian Forces aircraft such as the F/A-18 Hornet, CC-130 Hercules and CP-140 Aurora. Normally, fastener removal is required for inspection by conventional eddy current testing (ET), since the conducting aluminum structure limits inspection to either surface breaking or near-surface cracks when fasteners are present. In this work the fundamental principles behind the application of transient eddy current as a means of inspecting fastened structures without fastener removal is investigated. In particular, the proposal of using ferrous fasteners as conduits to carry flux deeper into the multilayer structure is examined.

Analytical models were derived from solutions to Maxwell's equations using the magnetic vector potential and appropriate boundary conditions. The models described the progression of magnetic flux, generated by a step function current applied to a coil, 1) down the length of ferrous and nonferrous conducting rods, and 2) a hole in an infinite aluminum plate (borehole). Analytical results were validated against finite element models of the same configuration. The analytical models were then expanded to model actual transient probe responses, including feedback effects, for transmit-receive probe configurations using measured driving currents and physical probe dimensions. The model results predicted a significant shift of signal peaks to later times for the ferromagnetic rod as the distance between transmitter and receiver was increased.

A comparison of analytical and experimentally measured receive coil responses for air and conducting nonferrous rods showed excellent agreement with model predictions. Good qualitative agreement with experimental ferrous rod results was obtained, including the predicted shift in time of peaks with distance. The results are in support of experimental observations of greater depths of penetration achievable for the inspection of multilayer aluminum structures in the presence of ferrous fasteners as compared to multilayer structures with only aluminum. This work represents the first complete analytical model of transient eddy current coil response in the presence of ferrous and nonferrous conducting rods. IV


Les structures a multiples couches en aluminium sur les aeronefs vieillissants des Forces Canadiennes tels le F/A-18 Hornet, CC-130 Hercules et CP-140 Aurora sont suscepdbles de developper des fissures dues a la tension autour des rivets de fixation. En temps normal, 1'enlevement des rivets est requis afin d'effectuer l'essai par courants de Foucault convendonnels, puisque l'influence des rivets ferrugineux presents dans ces structures restreint l'inspection aux fissures superficielles ou en proximite de la surface. Cette these developpe les principes fondamentaux qui permettraient l'application de la methode d'essai par courants de Foucault transitoires sans necessiter 1'enlevement des rivets de fixation. En particulier, l'hypothese que les rivets ferrugineux accroissent et acheminent le flux magnetique a de plus grandes profondeurs a I'interieur de la structure a multiples couches est etudiee.

Des modeles analytiques sont developpes a partir des equations de Maxwell en utilisant le potentiel magnetique vectoriel et des conditions frontieres appropriees. Les modeles decrivent revolution du champ magnetique, suivant l'application soudaine d'un courant dans une bobine electromagnetique, 1) au long de tiges conductrices ferreuses et non ferreuses, et 2) dans un trou perce dans une plaque infinie en aluminium (trou de forage). Les resultats analytiques sont valides par des modeles d'element fini decrivant la meme geometric Les modeles analytiques sont ensuite utilises afin de modeliser des signaux transitoires, en incluant les effets de reaction, pour des configurations emetteur/recepteur en utilisant la fonction decrivant le courant applique ainsi que les dimensions physiques de la sonde. Dans le cas d'une tige ferromagnedque, les resultats de la modelisation prevoient que les maximums des signaux seraient deplaces plus tard dans le temps a mesure que la distance entre l'emetteur et le recepteur est accrue.

Une comparaison effectuee entre les signaux experimentaux et modelises dans l'air et en la presence de tiges non ferreuses demontre un bon accord. Un accord qualitatif est etabli pour les tiges ferromagnetiques, qui demontre le deplacement anticipe des maximums en fonction de la distance. Ces resultats soutiennent qu'il serait possible d'utiliser les rivets ferrugineux afin de sonder plus profondement a I'interieur des structures a multiples couches en aluminium. Ce travail represente le premier modele analytique complet decrivant la reponse transitoire d'une sonde pour l'essai par courants de Foucault en la presence de tiges ferreuses et non ferreuses. V


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii RESUME iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix LIST OF ABREVIATIONS xiii LIST OF SYMBOLS xiv CHAPTER 1 -INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 The Ferrous Fastener Challenge 1 1.2 Objective 4 1.3 Research Survey 4 1.4 Scope and Methodology 7 1.5 Structure 8 CHAPTER 2 - THEORY AND BACKGROUND 9 2.1 Maxwell's Field Equations 9 2.2 Material-related Magnetic Quantities 10 2.3 Material Interface 11 2.4 Quasistationary Magnetic Fields 12 2.5 Magnetic Field Diffusion and Eddy Currents 14 2.6 Electrodynamics Problems 18 2.6.1 Problem Formulation 18 2.6.2 Solution Building 20 2.7 Feedback in Coupled Magnetic Circuits 25 2.8 Duhamel's Theorem 28 CHAPTER 3 - THEORETICAL MODEL 29 3.1 Long Rod 29 3.1.1 Stationary Solution 29 3.1.2 Transient Solution 41 3.2 Borehole 53 3.2.1 Stationary Solution 53 3.2.2 Transient Solution 55 VI

CHAPTER 4 - FINITE ELEMENT MODEL 59 4.1 Long Rod Comparison 59 4.1.1 Stationary Current Loop Results 59 4.1.2 Stationary Finite Coil Results 64 4.1.3 Transient Results 68 4.2 Borehole Comparison 70 4.2.1 Stationary Results 70 4.2.2 Transient Results 72 CHAPTER 5 - TRANSIENT PROBE RESPONSE MODEL 75 5.1 Theoretical Response 75 5.2 Modeled Response in Air 79 5.3 Modeled Response of an Aluminum Rod 82 5.4 Modeled Response of a Brass Rod 84 5.5 Modeled Response of a Steel Rod 86 CHAPTER 6 - EXPERIMENTAL WORK 89 6.1 Experimental Technique 89 6.2 Long Rod 93 6.2.1 Air 94 6.2.2 Aluminum 97 6.2.3 Brass 101 6.2.4 Steel 104 6.3 Bored Aluminum Plate 109 6.4 Rod & Bored Plate 113 CHAPTER 7 - ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 117 7.1 Parameters Affecting Voltage Response 117 7.2 Channelling of Magnetic Flux 121 7.3 Electromagnetic Interactions in the Borehole 122 7.4 Dual Couple Diffusion Process 123 7.5 TEC and the Ferrous Fastener Challenge 124 CHAPTER 8 - CONCLUSION 127 CHAPTER 9 - FUTURE WORK 129 9.1 Complete Ferrous-Fastener Geometry 129 9.2 Calculating Feedback 130 REFERENCES 135 ANNEX A 137 vii



Table 1: Sample Eigenvalues for A — 0, 10, 20 and 400, when^r = 66 and r0 = 4.8 mm 47 Table 2: Physical dimensions of the transmit and receive coils 141 Table 3: Inner wing intermediate spar lower cap specifications (source: F/A-18 Fleet Management repport) 143 IX


Fig. 1: McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet (source: 2 Fig. 2: CF-18 Inner wing intermediate spar lower cap fastener cross-sectional view 3 Fig. 3: Refraction of a magnetic field line and related field vector decomposition when crossing the boundary 12 Fig. 4: Magnetic field of a current loop centered on the z-axis 14 Fig. 5: Magnetic vector potential of a current loop 16 Fig. 6: Plots of Bessel (a) and Neumann (b) functions of orders 0 - 4 23 Fig. 7: Modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind 23 Fig. 8: Transmitter coil current onset 25 Fig. 9: Simple RL circuit 26 Fig. 10: Magnetic circuit with two inductors 27 Fig. 11: Equivalent magnetic circuit with three inductors 27 Fig. 12: Diagram of the long rod model 30 Fig. 13: Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a non-magnetic rod 34 Fig. 14: Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a non-magnetic rod 35 Fig. 15: Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a magnetic steel rod 36 Fig. 16: Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a magnetic steel rod 37 Fig. 17: Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling magnetic and non-magnetic rods 40 Fig. 18: Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling magnetic and non-magnetic rods 40 Fig. 19: 3d plot of the Fourier-Bessel coefficient; lambda and m ; cross-sectional views 44 Fig. 20: Sample kernel function 49 Fig. 21: Axial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential in a magnetic steel rod. 50 Fig. 22: Radial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential in a magnetic steel rod. 51 Fig. 23: Diagram of the long borehole model 53 Fig. 24: Stationary magnetic vector potential in the borehole configuration 55 X

Fig. 25: Stationary magnetic vector potential of an aluminum rod and a current loop 60 Fig. 26: Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a non-magnetic rod; FEA vs Analytical 61 Fig. 27: Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a non-magnetic rod; FEA vs Analytical 61 Fig. 28: Stationary magnetic vector potential of a magnetic steel rod and a current loop 62 Fig. 29: Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a magnetic steel rod; FEA vs Analytical 63 Fig. 30: Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a magnetic steel rod; FEA vs Analytical 63 Fig. 31: Magnetic vector potential of a finite coil encircling an aluminum rod 64 Fig. 32: Analytical vs. FEA: Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling a non-magnetic rod 65 Fig. 33: Analytical vs. FEA: Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling a non-magnetic rod 65 Fig. 34: Magnetic vector potential of a finite coil 66 Fig. 35: Analytical vs. FEA: Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling magnetic and non-magnetic rods 67 Fig. 36: Analytical vs. FEA: Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling magnetic and non-magnetic rods 67 Fig. 37: Transient progression of magnetic vector potential along a magnetic steel rod 68 Fig. 38: Analytical vs. FEA: Axial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling magnetic and non-magnetic rods 69 Fig. 39: Analytical vs. FEA: Radial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling magnetic and non-magnetic rods 69 Fig. 40: Magnetic vector potential of a current loop in a non-magnetic bored structure 70 Fig. 41: Magnetic vector potential of a current loop in a magnetic bored structure 71 Fig. 42: Magnetic vector potential of a current loop in a borehole 72 Fig. 43: Transient progression of the magnetic vector potential into a bored conducting structure 73 Fig. 44: FEA: Radial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential from a current loop inside an aluminum borehole 73 xi

Fig. 45: FEA: Axial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential from a current loop inside an aluminum borehole 74 Fig. 46: Second-order fitted transmitter signal 80 Fig. 47: Modelled transient probe response in air at 5, 10 and 20 mm receiver positions 82 Fig. 48: Comparison of the experimental and fitted transmitter signal 83 Fig. 49: Modelled voltage response of an aluminum rod 84 Fig. 50: Modelled transient probe response in the presence of a brass rod 85 Fig. 51: Comparison of modelled brass and aluminum transient responses 85 Fig. 52: Comparison of experimental and analytical fit transmitter signals 87 Fig. 53: Modelled voltage responses in the presence of a steel rod 88 Fig. 54: Diagram of simplified experimental model 89 Fig. 55: Schematic diagrams of the different experimental configurations 90 Fig. 56: 1033-turn transmit and 675-turn receive coils 91 Fig. 57: TecScan and pulser system 91 Fig. 58: Functional flow diagram of signal generation in the experimental set-up 92 Fig. 59: Functional flow diagram of signal aquisition in the experimental set-up 92 Fig. 60: Long rod experiment configuration 94 Fig. 61: Voltage response in the absence of a conducting rod 94 Fig. 62: Peak occurence time vs. receiver position for air 96 Fig. 63: Signal peak times in air relative to the diffusion timescale 97 Fig. 64: Comparison of modelled and experimental results for an aluminum rod 98 Fig. 65: Voltage response in the presence of an aluminum rod 99 Fig. 66: Peak occurence times for an aluminum rod 100 Fig. 67: Signal peak times relative to signal duration for aluminum 101 Fig. 68: Voltage response of a brass rod 102 Fig. 69: Comparison of brass and aluminum rod signals at 5 mm distance 103 Fig. 70: Peak occurence times for a brass rod 103 Fig. 71: Signal peak times relative to the magnetic diffusion timescale 104 Fig. 72: Experimental voltage reponse in the presence of a steel rod, fir unknown 105 Fig. 73: Modelled voltage response in the presence of a steel rod, fir = 200 105 Fig. 74: Voltage respons of a steel rod 106 Fig. 75: Peak occurence times for a steel rod 107 Xll

Fig. 76: Signal peak times relative to the diffusion timescale for a steel rod 108 Fig. 77: Thick bored plate experimental configuration 109 Fig. 78: Voltage response of a bored aluminum plate 110 Fig. 79: Signal peak times relative to the diffusion timescale for a bored aluminum plate. ..Ill Fig. 80: Time-derivative of the axial magnetic flux density in the bored aluminum plate configuration 112 Fig. 81: Diagram of long half-rod & bored plate configuration 113 Fig. 82: Voltage response of a magnetic rod through a bored aluminum plate 113 Fig. 83: Voltage signal peaks versus receiver position for the rod and plate configuration.. 115 Fig. 84: Transient progression of magnetic vector potential along a magnetic steel rod shielded by an aluminum plate 115 Fig. 85: Comparison of voltage responses of air, aluminum, brass and steel 118 Fig. 86: Transmitter signals in the presence of air, aluminum and steel rods 119 Fig. 87: Normalized voltage response of air, aluminum, brass and steel 119 Fig. 88: Time-to-peak measured as a function of notch depth 125 Fig. 89: Signal peak amplitude as a function of notch depth 126 Fig. 90: Complete ferrous fastener boundary value problem 130 LIST OF ABREVIATIONS

AC Alternating Current AWG American Wire Gauge BC Boundary Condition BVP Boundary Value Problem CDDP Central Driver Differential Pickup CGSB Canadian General Standard Board EC Conventional Eddy Current EMF Electromotive Force FEA Finite Element Analysis FT IACS International Annealed Copper Standards MAS Military Aviation Services MFL Magnetic Flux Leakage MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection MQS Magnetoquasistatic NDE Non-Destructive Evaluation NDT Non-Destructive Testing OML Outer Mold Line PDE Partial Differential Equation TEC Transient Eddy Current XIV


A Magnetic Vector Potential (tesda • m) H Magnetic Field Strength ( ampere • m ') B Magnetic Flux Density (tesla) D Electric Flux Density ( coulomb • m2) E Electric Field Strength (volt • m1) j Total Current Density ( ampere • m 2) jf Free Current Density ( ampere • m2) j. Induced / Eddy Current Density ( ampere • m ) if Surface Free Current Density ( ampere • m :)

3 pe Volume Density of Free Electric Charges ( coulomb • m ) a Current Loop radius ( m ) R The Set of Real Numbers t Time (s) \i Magnetic Permeability ( henry • m x)

1 (l0 Magnetic Permeability of Free Space ( henry • m )

\JLR Relative Magnetic Permeability ( dimensionless )

Xm Magnetic Susceptibility (dimensionless ) a Electrical Conductivity ( Siemens • m ') p Electrical Resistivity ( ohms • ml) V Nabla Operator (m 1) V2 Laplacian Operator ( m2) c Subset of V For all G Element of fl Domain dfi. Domain Boundary

Tilde designates the Fourier transform of the function JC Subscript J-C designates the Hankel transform of the function 1


The increasing demand for fast, reliable and economical aircraft inspection capabilities makes it desirable to develop novel technologies in the field of non-destructive evaluation. Transient eddy current testing is one such technology that has the potential to advance present inspection capabilities for multi-layered rivet-joint aluminum structures by using ferrous fasteners as flux-carrying conduits.

1.1 The Ferrous Fastener Challenge

In operation, aircraft aluminum structures are subjected to stresses from alternating loads, continuous vibrations, and in the case of supersonic aircraft, shock waves, all of which inevitably cause fatigue cracks. Since eddy current testing is especially sensitive for materials of high conductivity such as aluminum, it offers excellent opportunities for detecting surface-breaking and sub-surface defects, and is therefore widely used throughout the aeronautical industry [1]. Furthermore, it is easy to use, mechanically robust and is not restricted by any safety regulations [2].

In conventional eddy current non-destructive testing (NDT), eddy currents are excited in a conductor by passing an alternating current (AC) through a coil in close proximity to the conductor. AC current is time-harmonic and sinusoidal in nature and gives rise to eddy currents of a similar nature. Detection of subsurface cracks, however, is limited by skin depth considerations [3].

An alternative technique employs transient eddy currents (TEC) that are excited by means of a non-sinusoidal coil current. In most systems, a steady-state current is allowed to persist for some time before the waveform repeats. The length of this steady state period is usually made sufficiently long so that any eddy current signals have completely decayed away to undetectable levels. When present, a flaw will perturb the induced eddy current density within the conductor. Detection and analysis of the signal perturbation has the potential to permit flaw identification and characterization. 2

The sensitivity of eddy current testing systems, however, depends on the depth and volume of the target discontinuity, and its reliability is reduced by other perturbing effects such as the presence of magnetic materials or geometrical discontinuities. Ferrous fasteners strongly influence conventional eddy current NDT in multi-layered rivet-joint aluminum structures. Their presence requires specific kinds of probes which themselves are skin depth limited. Since cracks in ageing rivet-joint aluminum structures generally start from the fastener boreholes, the sensitive detection of cracks in underlying layers, separated from the strong rivet influence, demands further improvements of NDT-methods [4].

The confounding influence of the ferrous fasteners on eddy current signals may be dubbed the "ferrous fastener challenge". Because of the fastener's detrimental influences on conventional NDT systems, the current practice of performing bolt hole eddy current inspection on the CP-140 Aurora, CC-130 Hercules, and CF-18 Hornet aircraft, shown in Fig. 1, wing structures requires that ferrous fasteners be removed from the wing before inspection [5].

Fig. 1: McDonnell Douglas CF-18 Hornet (source:

Consequently, defense aircraft experience long downtime and require several hundred man hours for inspection. For example, technicians at Canadian Forces Base Trenton report that approximately 1200 hours on average are required to inspect approximately two hundred thousand boreholes on a Hercules wing structure [5]. Military aircraft undergoing maintenance are non-operational and are therefore unavailable to meet mission objectives and national interests. Likewise, commercial aircraft undergoing maintenance do not generate revenues for their parent companies. Furthermore, repetitive removal and installation of fasteners pose additional risk of damage. Procedures for fastener 3 removal and the addition of new fasteners must be stncdy adhered to. For example, interference fit of fasteners and torque tightening is required [6].

The outer wing skin on the CF-18 must first be removed in order to access and inspect the inner wing intermediate spar lower caps, and exemplifies the challenges associated with present eddy current inspection methods [7]. A cross-sectional view of the CF-18 Hornet's inner wing structure, shown in Fig. 2, demonstrates this difficulty. The limited accessibility increases cost, downtime and risk of additional damage upon component removal and reinstallation. Therefore, the present approach using conventional eddy current is excessively invasive.

Fastener Seal groove Skin

Fatigue crack initiating at hole and Corrosion crack initiating at hole propagating in Force-Aft direction and propagating spanwise

Fig 2 CF-18 Inner wing intermediate spar lower cap fastener cross-sectional view (redrawn from F/A-18 Fleet Management report)

A unique opportunity now exists whereby the fasteners could be used to enhance the inspection's sensitivity to defects using transient eddy currents. Recent experimental work performed at the Royal Military College by P. Whalen [8] has demonstrated a mechanism which suggests that ferrous fastener magnetization enables the sensing of discontinuity- induced perturbations in the transient eddy current field at greater depths

It is proposed here that transient eddy current NDE has the potential to detect defects at much greater depths by using the ferrous fasteners as magnetic flux carrying conduits in a manner analogous to the transport of flux in magnetic circuits [9]. This technique would simultaneously address the "ferrous fastener challenge", and enable testing without removal of fasteners. With respect to the CF-18 inner wing example, stress and 4 corrosion cracks have the potential of being detected down to the required depths within the spar structure itself, and thus skin removal would no longer be required for accessibility. The inspection process would be simplified and aircraft downtime would be drastically reduced. Elsewhere, avoiding fastener removal and re-instalment would eliminate the risk of causing additional damage.

1.2 Objective

The aim of this thesis is to elucidate the potential of transient magnetization processes, occurring within ferrous fasteners, for increased depth of detection within multilayer aluminum structures. A theoretical model would provide a comprehensive framework to develop an understanding of the physical dynamic magnetic processes at work, and assess the ferrous fastener's ability to act as a flux-channelling conduit. The results of work in this area could have far-reaching implications for the applicability of transient eddy current non-destructive evaluation.

1.3 Research Survey

A thorough understanding of electromagnetic field theory is a pre-requisite to construct physically reasonable analytical models. In addition, a suite of mathematical tools is necessary for the formulation of the appropriate equations. Consequently, textbooks encompassing the subjects of electrodynamics, magnetic diffusion theory, boundary value problems and differential equations are of particular importance. However, transient solutions to magnetic diffusion problems in the presence of ferromagnetic materials are largely absent in the literature. In the near-neglected topic of eddy currents [10], authors have mostly developed formulae for the simplest cases which involve non-magnetic conducting materials and uniformly applied magnetic fields. Additionally, feedback effects have yet to be addressed.

Standard electromagnetics textbooks such as Jackson [10], Griffiths [11], Sadiku [9] and Plonus [12] provide fundamental knowledge of electromagnetic field theory, particularly 5 in the framework of magnetoquasistatics, required for understanding the governing physical principles. However, detailed examinations of diffusion theory must be sought elsewhere.

One of magnetic diffusion theory's earliest pioneers is Wwedensky [13], circa 1921. He developed formulae describing the time-dependent diffusion of an abruptly applied uniform magnetic field into a long circular conductor. However, his formulae can only be considered approximate because he assumes a time-independent external field. Additionally, he makes the approximation of an applied field, infinite in extent, which requires the assumption that the divergence of the magnetic induction is non-zero, thereby violating Maxwell's equations. As a result, his theoretical model does not achieve suitable agreement with experimental results at early times.

In 1959, C. Bean et al. [14], used the Wwedensky solution to develop a method for measuring the resistivity of metallic specimens. Transient magnetization for the case of ferromagnetic material and feedback effects were not incorporated into the theoretical model. Furthermore, the applied field was considered uniform which greatly simplified the problem as in the Wwedensky case. Bean et al. [14] also developed a solution for the case of a bar with rectangular cross-section.

P. Hammond [15], in 1961, developed the response of a sinusoidally-excited magnetic conducting slab. The solutions sought in terms of the magnetic vector potential show clearly the separate effects of the exciting current and the slab. In particular, a magnetization component strengthened the vector potential outside of the slab while an opposing term acted to reduce it. This remains one of the few examples of analytical results including effects of magnetization. Furthermore, Hammond explicitly states that eddy currents modify the magnetic field outside of the metallic bodies in which they flow.

The Dodd and Deeds [16] solutions, formulated in 1968 in terms of the magnetic vector potential, describe the response of a layered half-space and of a layered rod to a non­ uniform poloidal excitation field. However, the solutions are only applicable to non­ magnetic conducting media, and the excitation field is sinusoidal, which greatly simplifies the solution to the problem. These solutions are more relevant in the framework of conventional eddy current theory than to the transient problem addressed in this thesis. However, Dodd and Deeds [16] did make extensive use of the magnetic vector potential and 6 its continuity at boundaries, which mirrors the methodology of the solutions developed in Chapter 3 of this thesis.

In 1972, R. Calleroti [17] sought to express the voltage response of a receiver coil encircling a long metallic rod excited by a long solenoid, which repeated the problem tackled by Wwedensky, but utilized Fourier transforms. The resulting expressions contained approximate expansions of partial fractions and certain equations were explicidy stated to be obtained by trial and error. Furthermore, experimental and theoretical results only agreed at later times. The implied disagreement at early times is similar to the same difficulty encountered by Wwedensky [13] as the same approximations were made.

H. Knoepfel [18] presents a comprehensive theoretical treatise on magnetic fields with particular attention to magnetic diffusion and eddy currents as of 2000. Despite their relevance, the majority of problems developed in his work are restricted to problems of uniformly applied excitation fields, and therefore only describe diffusion in one dimension. Additionally, the mathematical models are developed for non-magnetic conducting media and assume time-independent external fields.

Interestingly, the most helpful literature pertaining to the transient magnetic diffusion problem tackled in this thesis comes from the discipline of geophysics. In the Journal of Russian Geology and Geophysics, Geologiya I Geofi-^ika, G. Morozova et al. [19] thoroughly develops analytical expressions for the transient magnetic and electric fields within a hollow ferromagnetic conducting cylinder. This particular article published in 2000 is one of the few explicitly tackling magnetic diffusion due to a non-uniform excitation in the presence of ferromagnetic materials. Accordingly, it provided insight into the present problem. However, her formulae share the same lack of agreement with experimental data at early times as those of Wwedensky, Bean and Calleroti.

Recently, J. Bowler et al. [20] have sought the step-function response of a conducting cylindrical rod to a poloidal field excitation. The final solution takes the form of a sum, an approximation of an integral of products of Bessel functions. A Laplace transform is used to separate the time component, and eigenvalues are sought in the form of discrete sets of relaxation times. The overall development leading to the final solution is scarcely explained 7 and difficult to follow. However, there are points of similarity between the analytical portion of Bowler's development and the work presented in Chapter 3.

1.4 Scope and Methodology

In this thesis, analytical, finite element and experimental work are performed conjointly in order to develop, verify and test exact analytical descriptions of transient magnetic field behaviour in idealized models. That is, the models assume homogeneous, isotropic and linear media, and address infinite half-spaces such as the infinite rod and infinite borehole problems. Hence, a classical treatment of the present electrodynamics problems provides a generalized description of the electrical interactions occurring within layered conducting rivet-joint structures. Elsewhere, electromagnetic effects of material defects are discussed, but are not included in the models. The detection and characterization of target discontinuities, such as cracks, are deferred for future work.

In order to study material and geometrical influences on the magnetic diffusion processes separately, the fastened aluminum structure is subdivided into simpler idealized models. Analytical solutions for the transient step-function response expressed in terms of the magnetic vector potential are explicitly derived from Maxwell's equations for a conducting magnetic rod and borehole. They are subsequently verified with finite element results. The theoretical models, supported by finite element analysis, describe transient processes arising in the borehole and rod configurations. The analytical models are then used to elucidate the electromagnetic interactions in the complete structure incorporating a conducting magnetic rod (fastener) and a bored conducting plate (aluminum layer). Finally, a series of experiments are performed to verify the predictions made by the theoretical and finite element models. 8

1.5 Structure

This thesis will include analytical models, finite element models, and experimental work. Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive overview of the elemental concepts of magnetic field theory, magnetic diffusion theory, and introduces the required for the formulation of solutions to potential problems.

Subsequently, transient analytical solutions for conducting rods and boreholes, valid for both magnetic and non-magnetic media, are developed from first principles and verified, in Chapter 4, with Finite Element Analysis (FEA).

Chapter 5 develops a novel method for analytically modelling transient probe response in eddy current testing by applying Duhamel's theorem to the step-function solutions in conjunction with a measured transmitter signal.

The experimental work is presented in Chapter 6. Symmetries present in the multilayered aluminum and ferrous fastener structure are exploited in order to construct simplified models, such as the rod and plate geometries. These simplified models are studied and progressively combined. Accordingly, material and geometrical effects on the magnetic diffusion processes are isolated and understood separately, and the theoretical model is checked for consistency. The experimental chapter is, therefore, structured in a manner which reflects the natural progression of this piecewise approach.

In Chapter 7, the theoretical, finite element and experimental results are summarized and discussed in relation to the ferrous fastener challenge. The focus of the analysis is to explore the potential of using ferrous fasteners as flux-channelling conduits in transient testing to enable deeper detection of target discontinuities in the vicinity of ferrous fasteners.

Chapter 8 concludes with a summary of important results and recommendations, while ongoing and future work are discussed in Chapter 9. 9


This chapter, beginning with Maxwell's equations, presents a summary of magnetic field theory in the context of the Transient Eddy Current (TEC) technique, and reviews the mathematics necessary to formulate analytical solutions to potential problems.

2.1 Maxwell's Field Equations

Maxwell's field equations [10] in vectorial form in SI units (International System of Units) are

V • D = pe (2.1)

VB = 0 (2.2)

dB VxE = (2.3) ~~dt dD 7xH = (2.4)

where current density j and charge density pe are considered as the sources that establish the electromagnetic fields H (auxiliary magnetic field), B (magnetic flux density), E (electric field) and D (electric flux density). In order to formulate general solutions, two more equations, known as the constitutive equations, are required. They are Ohm's law [10]

j = crE, (2.5) and the relation [10]

B = nH . (2.6)

The electric conductivity a and the magnetic permeability^ characteristic of the mediums can themselves be functions of space and time. In reality, the total magnetic induction B in ferromagnetic materials exhibits a hysteretic and non-linear relationship with the auxiliary magnetic field strength H [12]. This thesis takes the classical approach of 10 treating electrodynamics problems by seeking conditions under which the relationship between B and H is approximately linear. This approximation reduces the complexity of the magnetic problem in the presence of ferromagnetic materials. Henceforth, media are assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic, and the electric conductivity a and relative magnetic permeability ^. are taken to be constants.

2.2 Material-related Magnetic Quantities

The magnetic properties of a medium can be described by the magnetization vector M [12] such that

B M = H , (2 7) Mo which only exist in a medium. It vanishes in free space where B = fJ.QH. Introducing it into

(2.1-2.4) yields B dE V x — = j + (V x M) + e0 — (2 8) Mo ot

Equation (2 8) formally shows that when material is present in a magnetic field, internal sources of bound, or Ampenan, currents appear [11]. The term

Jm = VxM (29) is defined as a material-related equivalent magnetization current density [12]. In accordance with the principle of superposition, the total local induction is a vector sum of the fields defined by the existing current densities, so that

B = ^0H + n0M = fiH (210)

It should be noted that when an auxiliary magnetic field H0 is applied to a finite body of magnetic material, a steel rod for instance, the local magnetic behaviour is not described by equation (2 10) containing the substitution H0 -» H. Specifically, the magnetic induction in the

1 1 1 1 finite body is not B = /^H0, but B = /jH , where the internal local field H is itself the superposition of the outer field with the shape-dependent magnetization component arising from the finite volume of the magnetic body [18] Likewise, the induction outside the body 11 is Be = fiHe, where the external local field He is co-determined by the magnetic effect of the body.

This argument may be extended to the transient regime, where transient eddy

currents also modify the internal and external fields [15]. This thesis has found that several authors, including Wwedensky [13], Bean [14], Callaroti [17] and Knoepfel [18] have made the

e approximation of a time-independent external field with the substitution H0 -» H . This is only true for an infinite rod within an infinite solenoid, which violates Maxwell's equation V • B = 0. Determining B1 at any point within the body and Be outside it, for both the stationary magnetic and transient cases, requires solving a well-posed potential problem as will be done in Chapter 3.

2.3 Material Interface

The fundamental boundary conditions for the tangential and normal magnetic field components between two media are [10]

~ /B2 »i\ fix — -— =i (2.11)

fi-(B2-B1) = 0 (2.12) where fi is the unit normal vector pointing from medium 1 to medium 2, i is the surface current density related to the free electric charges. In the magnetic quasistationary approximation for normally conducting media where, i vanishes, the previous boundary conditions mean that the tangential (||) and normal (l) components become


Mi M2

Bi.! = Bx>2 (2.14)

Stated otherwise, the normal component of the magnetic flux density remains steady across the boundary while the tangential component may be discontinuous according to the magnetic properties of the adjoining media. For example, if the first medium is air, the discontinuity is 12

AB, = B, 2 - B,! = (g - l) B, i = *mBlu (2 15)

where ^m is the magnetic susceptibility of the adjoining medium. The magnetoquasistatic boundary conditions, in the absence of free surface currents and when the first medium is air, are summarily illustrated in Fig. 3.

Fig 3 Refraction of a magnetic field line and related field vector decomposition when crossing the boundary

Having reviewed the effects of stationary magnetic fields in the presence of matter, the next sections address the interaction between time-varying magnetic fields, in the quasistationary approximation, and the related current densities in conductors.

2.4 Quasistationary Magnetic Fields

Maxwell's equations can be simplified by considering the time rates of change that appear in the Ampere-Maxwell (2 1) and Faraday (2 2) equations: if the rate of change is sufficiently slow with respect to the dynamic phenomena of interest, a quasistationary approximation may be applied [18].

In the quasistationary approximation, certain time dependences of the fields are explicitiy allowed. Conditions for tolerable time variations must be defined with respect to the dynamic processes of interest. These processes may be compared in terms of their characteristic times. The magnetic diffusion time rm, is the characteristic time required by an electromagnetic field to diffuse into a conductor. The formal electric field or charge relaxation time in the conductor re, is a characteristic time after which a variation of the 13 electric charge density settles to steady-state conditions [18]. The magnetoquasistatic approximation requires that

Tm » Te (2.16)

where Tm is the magnetic relaxation time and rm is the charge relaxation time. This condition is generally well satisfied in electric conductors, where the effects of magnetic fields predominate over those of electrostatic fields. Therefore, the whole conductor system is subject to the same quasistationary field [18]; fields generated by current densities in existence at a given time can be considered to propagate instantaneously.

Elsewhere, Ohm's law (2.5) is only valid for time scales much larger than the average time between collisions of the free electron (with electric charge e and mass me) in the conductor [12] so that

mea Tr= -, (2.17)

where xr is the mean free time between electron collisions. For copper it is typically Tr = 2.4 • 10~14 s [12]. For the quasistationary approximation to remain valid in a conductor, it is necessary that Tm be long compared to Tr, in which case the current is in phase with the electric field and there is no lag effect in field propagation. The relaxation time rr can be taken instead of xe as a limit in most situations [18]. For typical quasistationary magnetic-

6 dominated phenomena, where rm > 10~ s [18], it follows that

Tm » rr (2.18)

As a consequence of these conditions, the displacement term in Ampere's equation can be neglected and the magnetoquasistatic equations become [10]

VxH = j (2.19)

VxE=-— (2.20) at

V • B = 0 (2.21)

The magnetoquasistationary approximation will be used to develop transient solutions for the magnetic diffusion problems associated with rivet-joint aluminum aircraft structures. 14

2.5 Magnetic Field Diffusion and Eddy Currents

The electromagnetic interaction effect in the conductor can be treated either as a magnetic diffusion process or as the induction of an eddy current distribution, the two solutions being related through Ampere's law [18]. The concentration of induced current densities in the vicinity of an abrupt change in the conductor's geometry, around a crack for instance, is the basis of magnetically sensitive non-destructive testing.

In an axisymmetnc problem, azimuthal or toroidal currents, that is, currents flowing in circular paths perpendicular to the z-axis and centered on it, generate a poloidal field, meaning B^ = 0. This is demonstrated using the curl of the magnetic flux density.

The curl operator in circular cylindrical coordinates is given by the expression

(1 dBz dflrfA. (dBr dBz\ ~ 1 / d , . dBr\ "XB=^ = {r^-^)f+{^-^ + r{^rB^-^)2- (222)

However, given a stationary azimuthal current density) = J , the expression appropriately reduces to

(dBr dBz\ „

As a result, azimuthal currents will give rise to a poloidal magnetic field, that is, a field with axial and radial components only as illustrated in Fig 4.

Fig 4 Magnetic field of a current loop centered on the z-axis

To better address the magnetic diffusion problems presented in Chapter 3, it is convenient to introduce the magnetic vector potential A. The vector potential is useful because it applies to both current-carrying materials and to empty space. Additionally, it is 15 particularly convenient because the axial symmetry of the problems treated in this thesis eliminates two of its three vector components. The magnetic vector potential is defined as

B = Vx A (2.24) and is in agreement with (2.1-3), which requires B to be the curl of some vector field; that is, the divergence of B vanishes according to the differential relation V • (V x A) = 0 [11].

The expression for the diffusion of the magnetic vector potential is sought by making use of the constitutive relations and Maxwell's equations under the magnetoquasistationary (MQS) approximation.

Vx H = Vx — = j (2.25)

With the assumption that the medium of interest is isotropic, n is approximated as spatially constant, and equation (2.25) can be written (Ampere's law)

VxB=/jj. (2.26)

Substituting equation (2.24) into (2.26), using the known vector calculus identity [11]

V x (V x A) = V(V • A) - V2A (2.27) and the coulomb gauge

V-A = 0, (2.28)

Poisson's equation is obtained, and is written as

VZA = -ii\. (2.29) where V2 is the vector Laplacian given by

d2 Id2 d2 Id __2__3_ _Ar dr r2d(p2 dz2 r dr r2 d(j) 1 32 d2 1 d 2 d V2A _ i! :A + A* + ^r^A* + —^-Aa, + ~T^rA - -^r (2.30) lh 2 2 * r2d'r 0 dr'' r dcp dz r dr d2 1 d2 1 d A + A + -^-A A -I ' a* > r dr z dr2 z r2 dtp2 16

Due to the axial symmetry, there is no (^-dependence, and given azimuthal stationary currents, the vector Laplacian appropriately reduces to

1 d ™ = [a-2A* + wA* + rd?A**l + (2.31)

As a result, azimuthal stationary currents will give rise to an azimuthal magnetic vector potential field, that is, with an azimuthal component only as illustrated in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5: Magnetic vector potential of a current loop.

Equation (2.29), Poisson's equation, defines the magnetic vector potential according to the existing free current densities. For the transient state, Faraday's law in MQS conditions

dB (2.32)

is combined with Ohm's law to describe the induced current density j; as a function of the time-derivative of a magnetic flux density, such that

Vx!i = -^. (2.33) a dt

Assuming that electrical conductivity is spatially invariant, equation (2.33) becomes

Vxji = -a^. (2.34) dt

Expressing B as the curl of A yields 17

aVxA dA _„. Vxji = -ff— =-VXff —, (2.35) at at and an expression for the induced current density which, arises naturally from a time- dependent potential, is written as

In a source-free region, where stationary and bound current densities are absent, the substitution of (2.36) into Poisson's equation yields the diffusion equation for the magnetic vector potential under quasistatic conditions:

dA V2A = na—. (2.37) at

Together with the appropriate initial, final and boundary conditions, the partial differential equation in (2.37) defines the transient magnetic processes which occur in dynamic potential problems. Boundary conditions for the magnetic vector potential A can be derived from the conditions on B given previously in (2.11) and (2.12). One of the physical meanings of A is related to the magnetic flux across any arbitrary curved surface S bound by a contour line C; in fact, applying Stokes' theorem yields [11]

ct> = B • ds == I VV x A • ds = c A • dl (2.38)

At the boundary, B may be discontinuous due to Amperian currents and even induced currents. However, for an infinitesimal increment of distance crossing the boundary dCl, the flux

Ai = A2 (2.39)

Additional boundary conditions for A can be developed from the boundary conditions on B; their derivation is shown in ANNEX A. They are

A , dAi . dA2 A r A r i + dr = 2+ dr (2.40) Ml i"2 18

dz dz

Having reviewed the fundamental aspects of magnetic diffusion theory, the following sections present some of the mathematics used to solve magnetic diffusion problems.

2.6 Electrodynamics Problems

Problems involving the diffusion equation, such as the determination of magnetic potentials, are often stated as boundary value problems. A boundary value problem is a partial differential equation (PDE) together with a set of additional constraints, called boundary conditions. A solution to a boundary value problem is a solution of the differential equation which also satisfies the boundary conditions.

2.6.1 Problem Formulation

In order to achieve a physically meaningful solution, an electrodynamics problem must be well-posed. The correct partial differential equation must be solved for each region of a system in the appropriate coordinate system. Subsequently, the solutions must be matched at the interfaces using the correct boundary conditions. These conditions impose values of the solution and/or of its derivatives at two or more points. The number of conditions imposed is equal to the order of the differential equation [21].

Dirichlet boundary Condition

The Dirichlet (first-type) boundary condition specifies the values taken by a solution on the boundary of the domain. If fi is the domain on which the partial differential equation of the form

V2u(x) + u(x) = 0 (2.42) is to be solved and dQ. denotes its boundary, a Dirichlet boundary condition takes the form


u(x) - f{x) v x 6 an (2.43) 19 where u{x) is a solution of (2.42) defined on H.

For example, Wwedensky [13], Callaroti [17] and Knoepfel [18] have maintained in their work that when a uniform applied excitation field H0 is applied along an infinitely long non-magnetic conducting rod, the value of the solution along the surface of the conductor will correspond to H0. However, the infinite solenoid required to generate a perfecdy uniform field is unphysical. Maxwell's equation (2.3) is violated since it assumes an infinite solenoid where V • B =£ 0. Under experimental conditions, induced current densities generate a field outside of the conductor [15] when the applied field is non-uniform or when the rod is finite. The reaction field in turn modifies the external field He that is necessarily

e different from H0, and the boundary condition H = H0 does not hold, especially at early times, due to the transient eddy current field. As discussed previously in section 2.2, the internal and external fields are codetermined and can only be obtained from a well-posed potential problem.

As induced current densities diffuse further into the conductor, the value of the field on the boundary rapidly assumes H0 and a Dirichlet condition may be approximately correct. Coincidently, Wwedensky [13], Callaroti [17] and Morozova [19] have explicitly noted disagreement between theory and experiment specifically at early times. This thesis proposes that the initial disagreement arises from the misuse of the Dirichlet boundary condition, valid for infinite systems, as an approximation in finite experimental systems. In magnetic materials, the boundaries become time-dependent because of magnetization processes as well as transient eddy-current fields.

Neumann Boundary Condition

The Neumann (second-type) boundary condition specifies the values of the solution function's normal derivative along the boundary of the domain. It is expressed mathematically [21] as

Vu(x) • nix) = f(x) VxSdD.. (2.44)

Physically, it is related to the flux of the function at the boundary. Non-homogeneous (non­ zero) Neumann boundary conditions represent external (or internal) sources impressing normal flux densities on an outer (or inner) boundary, where the sign is indicative of the 20 direction of flow [21]. A homogeneous Neumann boundary condition is said to be insulating because it specifies that flux is neither gained nor lost at the boundary.

Robin Boundary Condition

The Robin (third type) boundary condition is a specification of a linear combination of the values of a function and the values of its normal derivative on the boundary of the domain. It is a general form of the insulating boundary condition for convection—diffusion equations [22]. The Robin boundary condition is written

a u(x) + b —=^ = f(x) Vxeda (2.45) on for some non-zero coefficients a and b and a given function / defined on dft. More generally, a and b may be functions rather than constants [21].

Mathematically, equation (2.45) describes a concentration-dependent flux. Thus, the Robin boundary condition can be interpreted as a radiative boundary condition [21]. In the context of potential diffusion problem, behaviour of the magnetic vector potential across a cylindrical boundary at a material interface is given by a Robin boundary condition as shown in (2.40). Physically, magnetized materials will contain a greater flux line density than an adjoining region of lower permeability. Since divergence of B is zero, the field lines inevitably curl out of the boundary. Therefore, greater concentrations of magnetic flux within a geometrically finite region generate larger concentrations of magnetic flux density at the boundary, hence the radiative nature of the boundary.

Once a potential problem is correctly posed with the appropriate PDE and boundary conditions, the solution can be sought

2.6.2 Solution Building

Solutions of potential problems can be constructed using expansions in terms of orthogonal functions which are solutions to the PDE. The particular orthogonal set chosen depends on the coordinate system of choice. Consider an interval (a, b) in a variable z with a set of real or complex functions Un(x), n = 1,2,..., square integrable and orthogonal on the interval (a, b). The orthogonality condition on the functions Un(z) is expressed by [10] 21

r (0 if m =£ n w(x)UXx)Um(x)dx = 8nmPn = (2.46) J tPn > 0 if m = n a where w(x) is the weight factor obtained from the PDE. An arbitrary function f(x) can be expanded in a series of the orthonormal functions Un(x). The series representation


f(x) = J] anUn(x) (2.47) 71=1

with weighted coefficients an converging in the mean to f(x) [10].

Rectangular Coordinates

An expansion in terms of sines and cosines is a Fourier series, which is well-suited for constructing a solution in rectangular coordinates. The series equivalent to (2.47) on the interval (- a, a) is


f(x)=-A0+2^ [Am cos (—^—J + Bm sin (-^—Jj, (2.48)


2fu/i (2nmx\ Am=-\ /(x)cos dx,

(2.49) 2 fa/2 (2nmx\ Bm=-\ /(x)sinl——Jdx. aJ_a/2 \ a y

The interval (a, fe) becomes infinite or semi-infinite when the solution exists at infinity, which it often does in the framework of potential problems. In this case, the set of orthogonal functions Un(x) becomes a continuum of functions, rather than a denumerable set [10]. The Kronecker delta symbol becomes a Dirac delta function, and the series expansion takes the form of an integral. An important generalization is the Fourier transform. The Fourier integral, equivalent to (2.48), is written

1 r°° /(*)=— A(X)eax dA, (2.50) V27T J-oa

where 22

A(A)=-=— f e-'^/OOdA. (2.51)

Additionally, if the solution is known to be symmetric or anti-symmetric about the origin, a Fourier cosine or sine integral representation may be used, respectively [21]. They are written

/.GO f(x)= I A(A) cos(Ax) dA,

(2.52) i r

A(X) = - f(x) cos(Ax) cU, for the case of a solution symmetric in x, and

/•CO /(x) = I B(A)sin(Ax)dA, •' — CO (2.53) l r°° fi(A)=- /(x) sin(Ax) dA, nJ-oo for an anti-symmetric solution. Generally, Fourier coefficients are determined from initial, stationary and boundary conditions by exploiting the orthogonality relation (2.46).

Cylindrical Coordinates

Bessel functions are also known as cylinder functions or cylindrical harmonics because they are found in the solution to Laplace's equation in cylindrical coordinates. They arise naturally in solutions developed for rods and for boreholes which will be presented in Chapter 3. Bessel's differential equation is written [10]

r2 , , +r—r^+(a2r2-v2)u(r) = 0 (2-54) drz dr where v is the order of the . The solutions to (2.54) are [10]

u(r) - A)v(ar) + BYv(ar) (2.55)

where A, B are constants. Jv(ar) are Bessel functions of the first kind. Bessel functions of the second kind Yv(ar) are also known as Neumann functions. Fig. 6 illustrates plots of Bessel and Neumann functions of integer orders 0 to 4. 23

Fig 6 Plots of Bessel (a) and Neumann (b) functions of orders 0 — 4

Similarly, the modified Bessel Functions Iv and Kv, sometimes referred to as the hyperbolic Bessel functions, are solutions to the following differential equation

d2u(r) du(r) + r —-— + {-a2r2 - v2)u(r) = 0, (2 56)

which differs from equation (2 54) by a negative sign in front of the third term. Plots of Iv and Kv are drawn for orders 0 to 2 in

Fig 7 Modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind

Bessel and modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind form pairs of linearly independent solutions to the radial component of Laplace's equation [10]. The 24 ordinary Bessel functions form an orthogonal set of functions which can expand an arbitrary function in cylindrical coordinates on the interval 0 < r < a in a Fourier-Bessel series [10]


fir) = ^T Avn ]v (xvn £) where Jv(xvn) = 0 for n 6 M (2.57) n=l

and coefficient Av„ = — r r /(r) Jv (xvn -) dr (2.58) a x a I v+1K vn)Jo

given the orthogonality relation

2 J r }v (xvn -) Jv (xv?n -) dr = — []v+1(xvn)] Smn (2.59)

with weight function r.

The Fourier-Bessel series is appropriate for a finite interval 0 < r < a. However, when the solution exists at infinity as it often does in potential problems, the series becomes an integral in a manner entirely analogous to the transition from a trigonometric Fourier series to a Fourier integral [10]. The resulting radial integral is known as a Hankel transform, or a Fourier-Bessel transform [10]

/•CO Fv(m) = /(r) Jv(mr) r dr , •>o (2.60) ^•00 f(r) = I Fv(m) Jv(mr) m dm . Jo

These transforms are verified using the orthogonality relationship

/•CO S(m — n) I Jv(mr) Jv(nr) r dr = (2.61) Jo m

In order to elucidate the progression of flux in ferrous fasteners in aluminum wing structures, the mathematics presented above can be employed to construct solutions to the magnetic conducting rod and borehole diffusion problems. Historically, authors have sought transient solutions in the form of step-function responses, which are often less difficult to obtain. In reality, the applied field H0 is generated by a transmitter coil, which, by 25 virtue of Faraday's Law, is subject to mutual coupling with the conducting sample. The

coupling effects, herein referred to as feedback, cause a delay in the onset of the applied field.

2.7 Feedback in Coupled Magnetic Circuits

As discussed in the literature survey, theoretical models are often formulated for the

application of a step-function excitation field [18]. However, although voltage can be

abrupdy applied, the current flowing through the inductor, which defines the excitation field, has an exponential form as shown in Fig 8.


Actual transmitter signal /(t) 05-


Fig 8 Transmitter coil current onset

The non-zero rise-time is a result of induced electromotive forces (EMF) which oppose the establishment of the steady-state field. Back-EMF, also called feedback, arise from self-inductance effects in addition to mutual inductance effects between the transmitter coil, the receiver coil and the conducting sample. Formally, the complete diffusion problem becomes quite complex.

The inductance L is a constant of proportionality which relates the magnetic flux to the current, and is defined in Griffiths [11] as

O (2 62)

The value of L of a conducting sample is often unknown and presumably time- dependent, since it depends on the diffusion of the magnetic field and accompanying 26 currents, both of which have complex dependencies on material and boundary conditions. Circuit components such as inductors may be approximated as having a constant inductance and treated as lumped circuit elements [11].

Any circuit which contains an inductor, such as a solenoid, has a self-inductance which prevents the current from increasing or decreasing instantaneously. Consider the simple circuit shown in Fig. 9 corresponding to a coil (inductor) in air.

Fig. 9: Simple RL circuit.

Suppose the switch S is closed at t — 0 (step function application of voltage). The current begins to increase and, because the current is time-dependent, the inductor L generates a back-EMF which opposes the increasing current as it tends to equilibrium. The expression for the self-induced back-EMF'is given in most electromagnetic textbooks [11] as

dl (2.63) e, = -L di

Applying Kirchhoff s loop equation to the circuit and solving the resulting partial differential equation, assuming that that inductor is the system's sole source of inductance, yields the expression for the time-dependent current in the circuit.

/(t)=i(l-e-S') (2.64)

When a conducting material is placed in proximity to the transmitter coil, eddy current densities are induced within its volume by virtue of Faraday's law. Transient fields generated by the eddy currents induce an additional back-EMF in the transmitter coil. The conductor can be understood as a lumped inductor, and the system, illustrated in Fig. 10, can be represented as coupled magnetic circuits. 27

Fig. 10: Magnetic circuit with two inductors.

Although the solution for a system of two coupled inductors is known [23], no solution currendy exists for a system containing a solid inductor.

When a receiver coil is introduced into the system, additional coupling effects between the transmitter and the receiver, and between the receiver and the sample, further increase the complexity of the problem.

Fig. 11: Equivalent magnetic circuit with three inductors.

Exact analytical models which describe the behaviour of magnetic fields in the physical system represented in Fig. 11 do not exist. This thesis, however, develops two methods of incorporating all feedback effects into transient solutions. The first method is to recover the physical system response from the fundamental solution, or step-function response, via Duhamel's Theorem. 28

2.8 Duhamel's Theorem

Duhamel's integral is a technique of calculating the response of a linear system to an arbitrary time-varying external excitation. Given the response of a linear system with a zero initial condition to a single, constant non-homogeneous term with magnitude of unity (referred to as the fundamental solution or step-function response), then the response of the same system to a single, time-varying non-homogeneous term with magnitude T(t) can be obtained from the fundamental solution [24]. Mathematically, the integral is written

f* dT(t') A(r, z,t) = Af(r, z, t - t') —V" dt' + Vt=0 • A/(r, z, t) (2.65) J0 at where A(r,z, t) is the response of the system to a time-varying input excitation T(t) given the fundamental solution Af(r,z,t). A transient analytical expression, for the step-function response of a system, is achieved by solving the corresponding potential problem as is done in the following chapter.

The second proposed method of addressing coupling effects is to incorporate back- EMF direcdy into the governing partial differential equation (PDE). A correctly-posed initial-value boundary-value problem includes all electromagnetic interactions of the system. Solution of the resulting PDE, by means of integral transforms, simultaneously integrates all mutually inductive and self-inductive effects. An analytical model obtained in this fashion should describe the physical system exactly. Exact details of this solution are beyond the scope of this thesis and are left for future work. 29


Magnetized ferrous fasteners are hypothesised to act as conduits carrying magnetic flux deeper into aircraft wing structures. As a result, target discontinuities within the aluminum adjacent to the fastener may become detectable at greater depths. In order to elucidate the potential for this effect, an analytical model describing time-dependent flux progression into and along a magnetic conducting rod, excited by a current loop, is developed.

3.1 Long Rod

A loop carrying a direct current I in the azimuthal direction 0 is located in a plane normal to and centered on the axis z of a vertical ferromagnetic conducting rigid rod as shown in Fig. 12. The current is abruptly turned on at / = 0. The solution describing transient magnetic diffusion processes within the media is sought using a separation of variables technique and corresponds to the step-function response of the system. This approach requires knowledge of the stationary solution which is, therefore, developed first.

3.1.1 Stationary Solution

The regions of the model shown in Fig. 12 are region I, the cylindrical conducting ferromagnetic rod 0 < r < r0, and region II, the non-conducting non-magnetic region outside the rod r0 < r < oo. The transmitter loops' axis coincides with the cylindrical rod's axis of symmetry. The boundary value problem is most conveniently treated in circular cylindrical coordinates using the magnetic vector potential. 30 0 u


^0 t^fiil " a<,

Ha Mo

Fig. 12: Diagram of the long rod model.

The conductivity a is assumed to be constant and uniform throughout the volume of the rod. In reality, the permeability \i of a ferromagnetic body is field-dependent and possesses hysteresis. It is non-linearly related to the external magnetic field, except for small applied fields where it can be assumed to be linear.

Poisson's equation describes the stationary state of the magnetic vector potential. It is a parabolic non-homogeneous differential equation, which is written

V^2A - -Ms (3.1)

In the equation above, subscript i designates the cylindrical region of interest, I or II, as illustrated in Fig. 12. A is the magnetic vector potential which, for the given geometry, always circulates in the azimuthal direction (p. The solution of a non-homogeneous partial differential equation is the superposition of the homogenous solution with a particular solution [25]. Region I does not include any stationary current densities within its volume, except for Amperian - or magnetization - currents on its surface, therefore js = 0 and equation (3.1) becomes

V2A = 0. (3.2) 31

The vector Laplacian in cylindrical coordinates and basis was stated in equation (2.30). Here we need only the term with A$ dependent only on r and z and Ar — 0. Thus, A = A(r, z)

Equation (3.2) above is known as Laplace's equation [21]. Here, the vector Laplacian is recast into its differential operator form for the appropriate cylindrical geometry where

( d2 Id 1 d2\ \^ + rTr--2+^rr-Z) = Q- (33)

Next, the z-coordinate is separated by means of the Fourier cosine as discussed in sub-section 2.6.2. The transform parameter, A, transforms the second order z- derivative, such that A{r, A) = J™ cos(Az) A(r, z)dz, where

(JF_ l_d__£_ 2\ -( \dr2 r dr r2 J

Equation (3.4) is Bessel's modified differential equation and its solutions are the modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind of order 1, written

A(r,X) = CliCAr) + DKx(Ar) . (3.5)

The general solution is required to be finite everywhere inside of the rod. However, the modified Bessel function of the second kind diverges as the argument approaches zero, as shown in Fig. 7. It must, therefore, be omitted from the solution inside the rod, which then becomes

A\r,X) = e\x{kr) . (3.6)

The steady-state solution for the magnetic vector potential outside of the rod is the superposition of the contributions from the magnetized rod (solution to Laplace's homogeneous equation), with the contribution from the current loop denoted \p(r,z) (solution to Poisson's non-homogeneous equation). However, the modified Bessel function of the first kind diverges as its argument tends to infinity, which is unphysical. Consequendy, its coefficient is necessarily zero and the external solution (Region II) is

i"(r,A) = BK^Ar) + ${r.X) . (3.7) where i/i(r,A) is the Fourier cosine transform of rp(r, z). 32

The magnetic vector potential attributed to the current loop, xp(r, z), is solved for explicitly in what follows. Returning to equation (3.1), a current density I is confined, using delta Dirac functions, to a loop of radius a on the plane z = 0. Accordingly, Poisson's equation becomes

a2 Id 1 d2\ d^ + -g;-^+Q^)^,z) = -n0I8(r- a)S{z) . (3.8)

The z-coordinate in the expression above is separated by means of a Fourier cosine transform. Equation (3.8) transforms according to

+ A2 ^ 7a7~" )^,X) = -n0lS{r-d) . (3.9)

A first-order Hankel-transform, with radial transform parameter y, separates the r- coordinate as discussed in Section 2.6.2, such that

2 2 (-K - A )^(y, X) = -j ix0I8{r - ^rJ^yOdr . (3.10)

The expression for the spatially transformed magnetic vector potential is isolated as

Ji(ya) and the inverse first-order Hankel-transform can be applied to recover the Fourier transformed magnetic vector potential. Integral transform tables (Erdelyi, 1954, Ch. 8, Sec. 11, eq. (lo)) provide the following piecewise solution, which is, however, singular at the radius of the current loop:


rp(r,X) = n0Ia\ °° r = a. (3.12) Uu^KiCAr) r> a

The receiver is located within the region inside of the current loop and exterior to the rod r0 < r < a, thus, only the first component of equation (3.12) is retained. The exterior solution is the superposition of the contribution from the current loop and from the magnetized rod, and is written as 33

Au(r,X) = BKiCAr) + HoIal^A^K^Ad) . (3.13)

The boundary conditions are used to solve for the two unknown coefficients C in equation (3.6) and T> in equation (3.7). ANNEX A details the derivation of the following equations:

i'(Ar) = An(Ar) , (3.14)

A\Xr) + r gv ,4"(Ar) + r—^-^ r (3.15) Mo

The equation,

C = lxQlaK1{Ad)+'D-^-^- , (3.16) h(Ar0) is obtained from the first boundary condition (3.14), while the second boundary condition

(3.15) yields the second equation:

ix Kn(Arn) C = -^-TTTT + ^a K^Aa) . (3.17)

Substituting and solving for both coefficients yields:

p _ ii0lajii - Ho) I0(Ar0) ^(Arp) K^Ac)

/i0I0(Ar0)K1(Ar0)4-/zI1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) '

c = MoM/a K1(Aa)(l1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) + IoCArpjK^Aro))

MoIoU^o)Ki(Ar0)+/iI1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) therefore, the Fourier-transformed steady-state solutions inside and outside of the rod are

-, MMo/a K^AqjQ^AroJKoaro) + IpU^)^ (Ar0)) lr' J Mlia^KoCA^+MoIoU^K^Aro) lUrJ '

K + 4"(r. A) = Mo/aKl(Aa) (^^^ + ^^K.^ ^> '^)J " ^

Evidently, if the rod is non-magnetic (ju - fi0) — 0, as in the case of aluminum, air and free space, the field is solely defined by the potential of the current source, and the first component of equation (3.12) is recovered. The same is true for the solution inside of the 34 rod (3.20). The inverse Fourier cosine transform of equations (3 20) and (3 21) yield the interior and exterior stationary magnetic vector potential for both magnetic and non­ magnetic rods The solutions are written here as

MoM/a f ,, , K1(Aa)(l1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) + I0(Ar0)Kiar0))r A\r,z) cos(Az) j-.—-.„ ,.—r jz—r—TZ—r—-\x{Xr)AX. (3 22) Mli(Ar0)K0(Ar0) + /i0I0(Ar0)K1(Ar0)

(At - Mo) I0(Ar0) l!(Ar0) Kt(Ar) i4"(r,z) = — | cos(Az)K1(Aa) | + Ix (Ar) dA . (3 23) MoIoU'o)Ki(Ar0) + AiI1(Ar0)K0(Ar0)

Infinite range integrals of products of Bessel functions are notoriously difficult to evaluate and most often must be computed numerically [26]. The magnetic vector potential in an aluminum rod is numerically calculated along the axial cut line, defined by —100 < z <

100 mm and r = 3 mm, and plotted in Fig 13 Since aluminum is non-magnetic, the resulting plot also corresponds to the vector potential of the current loop in air

a = 10 mm

r0 = 4 8 mm / = 1A r = 3 mm -100

T t 75 -50 -25 0 100 Axial position [ mm

Fig 13 Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a non magnetic rod

The vector potential, symmetric in z, is maximal on the plane defined by the current loop and decreases to zero as z approaches tmfinity. The radial dependence of the analytical solution is plotted, in Fig 14, for z = 5 mm and 0 < r < 10 mm 35

0123456789 10 Radial position [ mm ]

Fig 14 Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a non-magnetic rod

The magnetic vector potential is continuous and smooth across the boundary and is zero at the center of the rod. The analytical solution is expected to diverge, however, as it approaches the radius of the current loop. When n = jUQ, equations (3 20) and (3 21) both reduce to equation (3 12) and a singularity exists at r = a = 10 mm. This problem arises from the delta coil formulation in (3 8); a finite current confined to an infinitesimal volume leads to an infinite current density and is therefore necessarily divergent. The delta coil formulation gready simplifies the problem by virtue of the sampling theorem [25], which invokes properties of integrals of Dirac delta functions. However, convergence at or near the current loop becomes an issue. This will be addressed when the coil is later expanded into its actual physical dimensions.

The same equations describe magnetic rods, provided the excitation field is small enough so that the relationship between B and H remains approximately linear. The axial dependence of the analytical expression is plotted for —100 < z < 100 mm and r = 3 mm in

Fig 15 for/i = 66. 36

i . . 1—9-e-l , 1 • . -100 75 50 25 0 25 50 75 100 Axial position [ mm ]

Tig 15 Axial dependence of the magneac vector potential in a magnetic steel rod

The presence of bound, or Ampenan, currents clearly increases the magnetic vector potential throughout the rod. With respect to the plot in Fig 13, its distribution appears to have been amplified and stretched along the axis of the rod. For comparison, the field generated by a current loop in steel at z = 100 mm is twice the field created in an aluminum rod at z - 0 mm This relative increase in vector potential is indicative of the potential of ferrous fasteners to enhance and channel magnetic flux deeper into aircraft structures.

However, transient processes governing the establishment of the vector potential, and propagated electromagnetic interactions with the surrounding aluminum structure, will ultimately determine the potential for using the fasteners as magnetic conduits.

Results computed from the analytical expressions, along the radial cut line at z = 5 mm, are plotted in Fig 16. 37

Z.3 -

2.0 - ^* 1 Rod boundary (4.8 mml/ W'

d u 1.5 - o a* Mr == 66 ^**~--^^ a = 10 mm ^^^^ 1.0 - > r0 == 4.8 mm o I = 1A 1) a 0.5 - z = 5 mm 0< r < 10 mm

0.0 -r i i i i i i — i i 0123456789 10 Radial position [ mm ]

Fig. 16: Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a magnetic steel rod.

Although sectionnally smooth, the derivative of the vector potential is discontinuous at the boundary. This is the net result of the presence of bound currents, arising from magnetization and described by equation (2.9), in the rod. The apparent linear increase in potential within the region of the rod can be explained through its connection with the magnetic flux, shown in equation (2.38). If the axial magnetic flux density B • z is approximately constant across the cross-section of the rod, then the magnetic flux ip is proportional to r2.


B • ds = Bz • nr (3.24)

Elsewhere, also from equation (2.38) and for the given geometry, the magnetic flux is proportional to the vector potential and radius r.


By equating (3.24) and (3.25), A = - • Bz is obtained. Since the axial component of the magnetic induction is approximately constant along the rod's cross-section, the magnetic vector potential will increase linearly with r as observed in Fig. 16. 38

Continuity of the vector potential at the material interface ensures that the potential external to the ferrous fastener is also increased due to bound currents contained within its volume. This boundary condition, together with magnetization effects, indicates that a magnetic conducting rod has the effect of amplifying flux along its axis and generating additional flux in the surrounding medium, as shown in Fig. 16. In the context of transient magnetic diffusion theory, the increase in vector potential at greater depths within the surrounding aluminum structure strongly suggests that ferrous fasteners can be used to enhance sensitivity and depth of detection using transient eddy current.

Both axial and radial components of the magnetic induction B and the magnetization vector M, as well as the azimuthal bound current density jm, and other magnetic quantities of interest may be derived from A. Moreover, the stationary solutions are required for the development of the corresponding transient solution.

For practical application, the magnetic field generated by an electromagnetic coil of a given length and thickness can be modelled as a superposition of delta coils. Solutions (3.22) and (3.23) above are integrated over the physical dimensions of a coil, and multiplied by a cross-sectional coil-turn density nT. The resulting expressions describe the total magnetic vector potential due to an arbitrarily sized coil encircling a rod of arbitrary material and thickness. In equations (3.26) and (3.27) below, / is the transmit coil length, b is the inside coil radius and c is the outside coil radius. The transmit coil's position is defined by the limits of integration. Here, the coil is centered about the origin. The interior and exterior solutions, which describe the stationary magnetic vector potential due to a magnetic or nonmagnetic rod encircled by an arbitrarily-sized coil are written: 39

CO l A (r,z) = ix0nT I I cos(Az) sin f A-J

cKx(Ac)L0{Ac) + cKpUcjL^Ac) - bK^A^LpjAb) - bKpjAb^Ub) (3 26) x - x

n(l (Ar )Kp(Ar ) + l (Arp)K (Ar )) " 1 0 0 0 1 0 IiCArjdA , Mli(Ar0)K0(Ar0) + /^IoCAio)!^ (Ar0)

v4"(r, z) = [i0nT I I cos(Az) sin IA-J x

cKx(Ac)L0(Ac) + cKoCA^LiCAc) - faK!(A&)L0(A6) - faKoCMOL^Afe) X — X (3.27)

Il(A } + Kl(Ar) dA I MoIo(Ar0)K1(Ar0) + Ml1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) J "

L0 and L-L are the zeroth and first-order Struve L functions. The Struve Hv and Lv functions are special solutions of the non-homogeneous Bessel second-order differential equations. Applications of Struve functions include electrodynamics, potential theory, and optics [27].

Given the physical dimensions of a coil, its turn density and fill-factor, the driving current within it, and the magnetic permeability of the rod, the magnetic vector potential is computed, using equations (3.26) and (3.27), for the region 0 < r < b. The results for the stationary states, for both magnetic and non-magnetic rods, are plotted together along axial and radial cut lines, r = 3 mm and z = 20 mm, in Fig. 17 and Fig. 18 respectively.

Solutions (3.26) and (3.27) no longer contain the singularity, encountered previously at r = a = 10 mm, as the physical dimensions of the current-carrying wire have been addressed. The flux enhancing effects attributed to the presence of the magnetic rod, represented mathematically by the term

(M-^IoCAro^CAro) .Ki(Ar) , (3.28) M0Io(Ar0)K1(Ar0) + /uI1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) which is monotonically increasing in n, are apparent, when comparing the magnetic and non­ magnetic magnetic vector potentials in Fig. 17 and Fig. 18 on the following page. 40

12 -|

b = 10 mm y* c = 12 86 mm / = 27 89 mm

a /0 8 - r0 = 4 8 mm o / = 1A / 06 - r = 3 mm -100

Mr = 1 i 1 1 1 0~ -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 Axial Position [ mm ]

Fig 17 Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling magnetic and non­ magnetic rods

12 ->

a b = 10 mm c = 12 86 mm ? = 27 89 mm c. o PL, V-l O (J



3 4 5 6 7 Radial position [ mm ]

Fig U Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling magnetic and non­ magnetic rods

Having achieved the stationary solution, the transient solution may now be developed in the section that follows. 41

3.1.2 Transient Solution

From Maxwell's equations, the diffusion equation governing the transient vector magnetic potential in a conductor is

dA V2A = Wg£. (3-29)

The vector magnetic potential is strictly azimuthal given the axisymmetric nature of the problem. The separable partial differential equation (PDE) is again expanded in cylindrical coordinates such that

2 2 d Id 1 d \~, N dA(r,A) ^^T^r^^V- (33o) Region I extends to infinity in z. The set of orthogonal functions becomes a continuum, rather than a denumerable set [10]. The z-coordinate is, therefore, separated by means of a Fourier integral transform. The separated equation is written

d2 I d l \ dA

In order for the equality above to hold for arbitrary values of the independent coordinates, both terms must equate to a constant. The separation constant is chosen to be

-fioa, . (3.32) where subscript j above denotes the index of the eigenvalue. The time-dependent component of the solution is given here in exponential form

qe-V + c2 , (3.33)

where c2 corresponds to the singular solution when a, = 0. The left side of separated equation (3.31) becomes

^ + l^-^ + ^j-^)Aj(.r,A) = Q. (3.34)

The expression above is recognized as Bessel's equation of order 1. The separation constants are re-grouped in accordance with equation (3.35) and the solution for the radial coordinate 42 is expressed as a weighted sum of first-order Bessel and Neumann functions respectively in equation (3.36):

2 mf = \iaa} - A , (3.35)

Aj (A) J!(m}r) + 2,(A) Yx{m,r) . (3.36)

The solution in region I is required to be finite. However, the Neumann function diverges as r approaches zero as shown in Fig. 7; its Fourier-Bessel coefficient is necessarily zero. The product solution of the Fourier transformed PDE is

A,(X) Jx(m,r) (qe-^ + c2) , 3 37)

where, from equation (3.35), _ mf + A2 a> ~ fia • 3.38)

The Fourier-trans formed general solution for domain I is the superposition of all possible product solutions determined by the eigenvalues m, and is written

1 - i (r, A) = 2]

The singular eigenvalue (m; = 0) is explicitly dealt with through the addition of a particular solution of Bessel's first-order differential equation to the general solution [25] such that

-- A\r,X) = A0(X)r + ^

Initial conditions require the vector potential inside the rod to be zero at t = 0. Equation (3.40), given the initial condition, is expressed


0 = A0 (X)r + ^ JI, (A) h (m,r) (cx + c2) . (3.41) J=I

The zeroth Fourier-Bessel coefficient


^o (A) = - - J] «/*, U) Ji (m,r) (q + c2) . (3.42) 7=1 43

Substitution of (3.42) into (3.40) and recombination of the coefficients yields the general Fourier transformed solution of the transient magnetic vector potential in region I:

" / mj+X2 \ A1 (r, A) = 2] A, U) Ii (™,r) I e~~^ - 1J . (3.43)

Fourier-Bessel Coefficient

The unknown coefficient is determined using properties of orthogonality and the stationary solution, when t -* oo5 determined previously in subsection 3.1.1. Equating equations (3.43) and (3.20), while invoking the stationary condition, yields

CO e h(Ar) = - £ cAj (A) h (rrijr) . (3.44)

The unknown Fourier-Bessel coefficient is isolated by multiplying both sides by rj1(m;r) and integrating over the radial span of the region such that

J0 r]((mjr)dr

The integral in the denominator of equation (3.45) is solved, using equation (B.4) in ANNEX B, giving

„2 f (K{m,r0) - J0(m,r0)j2(m,r0)) , (3-46) and the integral in the numerator is evaluated, using equation (B.9) in ANNEX , giving

^ I2Un))Ii(^^o) + "i; h&r0)]2(mjr0) z z A +m;

The Fourier-Bessel coefficient is, therefore, analytically given as

2C A httro^irrijro) + m, I1(Ar0)J2(7n;r0) •ftjUJ = -r r . (3 48) r m r 2 2 ° (Ji( ; o) - JoKro)j2(m;r0)J (A + m, ) where C is a coefficient determined previously and given by equation (3.19). 44

A plot of the Fourier-Bessel coefficient is shown in Fig. 19. Although m; is plotted as though continuous, only a discrete set of eigenvalues determined by boundary conditions are included in the final solution. The plots serve to assess convergence of the Fourier-Bessel coefficient, because if c/^(A) does not converge at zero, the transient solution for A will diverge.

r0 = 4 8 mm 2 x 10 7_ 2 x 10 Hr = 66 a = 10 mm 1 x 10 7_ / = 1A 1 x 10

o- HnlfjHJ IjgpB

1 x 10 7_ r -1 x 10 - 1 f • i ' • • ' 1 ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' 50 100 150 200 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 X

Fig 19 3d plot of the Fourier-Bessel coefficient, lambda and m,, cross-sectional views

The coefficient converges on the intervals 0 < A < co and 0 < m; < co. Therefore, the Fourier transform of the magnetic vector potential inside the rod is given as

I^Ia K^Aa) M(li(Ar0)K0(Ar0) + X^Xr^K^r^) A\r,A,t) r0 ^oIoUnOKiOo) -(-/^(Ar^KoUro) (3 49) mJ+A2 ^ l2 0b)Ji(ra;?o) + mj Ix O0)J2(m,r0) V ]1(mJr)l 1-e ^ 2 2 pi (JiK?b) - ]o(m}r0))2(m}r0)) (A + m, )


The eigenvalues are determined from the Robin and Dinchlet boundary conditions

(2 40) and (2 41), respectively. The radial separation constant m; associated with the Bessel terms arises naturally from the circular geometry of the problem. 45

Let the problem be confined to the domain of the rod itself (0 < r < r0) by complex conjugation of the values of the function and its derivative on the boundary, using the explicit form of the space coordinate dependence of the solution, R(r), outside of the conducting rod.

Region I, inside of rod

R\r)=Aj(X))1(m]r) (3.50)


Region II, outside of rod

II R (r)=S(A)K1(Ar) (3.51)

R"(r0)='B(X)K1(Ar0) where 2(A) is the unknown Fourier-Bessel coefficient of the exterior solution. The normalized interior and exterior solutions, (3.50) and (3.51), are written

l fl'(r) = R (r0) (3.52)

Ru(r) = Rn(r ) • (3.53) 0 KiCAro)

Application of the first boundary condition (continuity of the vector potential) yields the trivial solution. However, the Robin boundary condition, equation (3.15), yields a second linearly independent equation, from which the eigenvalues can be extracted, given here as

Dir ^ dft'(r) DUr ^, dft"(r) (3.54) dr dr with r = r, Mo o-

The right-hand-side of equation (3.54), upon substitution of (3.53), becomes

Ar K (Ar ) - _D" 0 0 0 Ki(Ar0) + r0 fi»(To) (3.55) Mo^Aro) dr Ai0 K^Aro) r=r0) while the left-hand-side, upon substitution of (3.52), yields 46

• 9 , . \ , m,r J {m,r ) l fl'Oo) ((, f . 9 0 0 0 Mli(m;r0) ^+r°rMmdj • "oo-infcffi • (356) Equation (3.54) is, therefore, equivalent to

J" ]i(jnjr0) Mo K^Aro)

Continuity of the magnetic vector potential at the boundary ensures that the radial solutions

n are equal at r0, where /?'(r0) = i? (r0), such that

m m r ;Jo( / o) <* K0(Ar0) -^- ; J ^ = ^—^ . (3.58) /* Ji(^n>) MoKiUro)

Equation (3.58) is the characteristic equation of the system. Ordinary Bessel functions are oscillatory in nature. Therefore, each value of A determines an infinite set of roots corresponding to the Eigenvalues m7. Equation (3.58) is rewritten as

, \ f \ Ko(Ar0) \JL mj )0{m}r0) + firXJi(m;r0) = 0 where jUr = — . (3.59) K-i WJJ MO In the limit, as A approaches zero, the second term in the characteristic equation vanishes and the eigenvalues correspond to the roots of the zeroth-order Bessel functions of the first kind scaled by a factor yr .

In the limit that X or fj.R approach infinity, the first term in the characteristic becomes negligible, and the roots of the characteristic function approach the roots of the first-order

Bessel function of the first kind scaled by a factor fr0-

The characteristic equation (3.59) is analytically insoluble. Sets of eigenvalues mp specific to each X and dependant on the relative permeability pLr and the rod radius r0, are computed numerically using Maple 13's numerical root finder "next zero". Examples of the

A-dependent eigenvalues are listed in Table 1 for a conducting rod of arbitrary radius 4.8 mm and a relative magnetic permeability of 66. 47

Table 1: Sample Eigenvalues for A - 0, 10, 20 and 400, when ^r = 66 and r0 = 4.8 mm.

k=0 1= 10 k = 20 X. = 400 ...

501 0053245 538 0979638 595 2379499 790 5962716 1150 016273 1167 743285 1202 554145 1447 541475 m, 1802 859982 1814 336818 1838 099023 2099 147656 2456 569675 2465 033166 2482 884544 2749 210136 3110 607856 3117306117 3131 554373 3398 641524

Thus, the solution has been found, and all functions are determined for the region inside the rod:

MQaanJKoqro) + UArQ^CAr-o)) Al(r,A,t) = -^-^ f cos(Az) K,(Aa)^V 7"o J0 Hoh (Ar0)Kiar0) + MI1(Ar0)K0(lr0) (3 60) m2+A2 AIzCAraJJ^Tn^rp) + m, Ix(/lr0)J2(m,r0) Ji (m;r) 1-e v dA. 2 2 ) - Jo(m;n>)j20n;ro)) (A + m )

The magnetic vector potential outside the rod, which is responsible for inducing voltages in a receiver coil, is obtained from the solution inside the rod (3.60) via the normalized exterior solution (3.53) and continuity of the vector potential (2.39):

n K^Ar) ^(^aroJKoaro) + IoCArpjK^Aro)) A (r, A, t) = -^-^- [ cos(Az)Kx(Aa) -^ nr0 J0 Kx (Ar0)^Io(Ar0)K1(Ar0) + Mli(Ar0)K0(Ar0) (3.61) m2+A2 A l2(Ar0)I1(m,r0) + m} I1(Ar0))2(7n;r0) li(m/o) 1-e" "° ' dA I£i (Ji(m7ro) ~ loO^M™,^)) (A2 + m2)

Equations (3.60) and (3.61) describe the step-function response, or fundamental solution, of a magnetic conducting rod to a poloidal excitation field. Solution (3.61) is to be used in conjunction with Duhamel's Theorem in the theoretical probe response model later developed in Chapter 5.

By definition, the inverse cosine integral transform has the effect of transforming the functions of A into functions of z. In both solutions, the presence of A in the time component indicates that the transient diffusive processes are z-dependent since it appears in both. The theoretical transient model, derived from first principles, predicts that an axial 48 progression of flux, directly related to the vector potential, should occur along the rod following the application of a poloidal field.

The summation operator has the same effect for r through eigenvalues my. However, the radial coordinate is only associated with my in the solution inside the rod, equation (3.60), because of the term Ji(m;r). In the exterior solution (3.61), r becomes a constant such that Ji(wi;r0). In the exterior solution, m,- no longer translates the radial dependence to the time component. Therefore, the theoretical model predicts that, inside the rod, flux will diffuse inwards and along the axis, while on the outside, the magnetic vector potential will only progress in the zdirection.

Numerical Calculation

Unfortunately, infinite integrals of products of Bessel functions are often not amenable to analytical closed-form solutions [28]. Furthermore, the eigenvalues' dependency on the integration variable A further increases the complexity of the integration. Therefore, a numerical computation algorithm is developed in what follows.

A matrix of eigenvalues is numerically generated for a pre-determined set of incremented A's. This matrix is specific to the material and diameter of the modeled rod. For a given r, ^, and /, the kernel function is evaluated at incremental points along the A axis.

At each A, the corresponding series of eigenvalues mj is called from the eigenvalue matrix. The incremental points trace the kernel function, which necessarily converges in A. An example of the kernel function f(r, z, t, X) is plotted in Fig. 20. 49

\ir = 66 a = 8.5 • 105 S • m-1 a = 10 mm

r0 = 4.8 mm / = 1A N. 2E-08 - *.—; r = 4 mm z = 5 mm t = 200 ns

200 300 400 500

Fig. 20: Sample kernel function.

The trapezoidal rule [25] is applied to calculate the area under the curve, and the resulting value of the numerical integration corresponds to the magnetic vector potential for the given r, z and t. The first point corresponding to A = 0 must be evaluated separately. The limit of the kernel function for region I as A -> 0 is

2Ji(m;r0) - m;r0J0 (m;r0) M'Ji(ni;r) l-e na (3.62) mfr0]l(mjr0) - 2mJ]0(m}r0)]1(rnJr0) + mfr0)^(mjr0)

In domain II, it is

m r V-Ir0 2Ji( j o) - tt^roJo^rojh^ro) 1 _ e \ia (3.63) rrijur m,r0lj(m,r0) - 2mJ]0(mJr0)}1(rnJr0) + m;r0j2(mjr0)

An iterative loop implements the algorithm and calculates the value of the magnetic vector potential at every point in space and time.


Values of the magnetic vector potential are calculated along axial and radial cut lines, r = 3 mm and z = 5 mm, and plotted in Fig. 21 and Fig. 22 respectively. 50

-100 -50 0 50 100

Axial Position [ mm ]

Fig. 21: Axial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential in a magnetic steel rod for certain times.

Results plotted in Fig. 21 illustrate an axial spread, or propagation, of flux. Not only is flux increasing everywhere along the rod, it appears to expand outward from the origin, around which lies the current-carrying loop. The inverse cosine integral transform is responsible for the ^-dependent progression of flux because the integration parameter links the axial and time component terms in the solution. The axial transport of flux observed in Fig. 21 is consistent with the hypothesis that ferromagnetic rods and, therefore, ferrous fasteners will channel flux along their axes.

The radial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential is plotted in Fig. 22. 51

0123456789 10 Radial position [ mm ]

Fig. 22: Radial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential in a magnetic steel rod for certain times.

Results plotted in Fig. 22 illustrate a radial spread, or propagation, of vector potential inside the rod. Outside of the rod, the evolution of the potential appears to be independent of r as predicted by the analytical expression. Similar to the effect of the cosine integral with z, the summation operator translates an r-dependence through the eigenvalues rrij to the time component of the interior solution only. In the exterior solution, r becomes r0 in the radial Bessel term containing m.j.

The interior solution (region I) becomes unstable as r approaches the boundary r0; such is often the case for solutions formulated as integrals of rapidly oscillating functions [28] As such, the external solution, whose integrand is a modified Bessel function (non- oscillating), remains stable at the boundary. However, as discussed in subsection 3.1.1, the solution diverges as the radial argument approaches the position of the infinitesimal current loop.

Integration of the transient solution over the physical dimensions of the transmit coil removes the singularity in a manner completely analogous to the stationary solution since the 52 integrals to be performed are the same. The transient solutions for an arbitrarily sized transmit coil about a long ferromagnetic conducting rod are written:

2^0nTI r°° fXl^ |/(l1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) + IQOO^OQ)) A\r,z,t)= cos(Az)sin — ^x r0 J0 V2//z0Io(Ar0)K1(Ar0)+/d1(Ar0)K0(Ar0)

cK!(Ac)Lo(Ac) + cKoCAcOLi(Ac) - bK^AZOLoWb) - foK0(A/))L1(Afo) X — X A2 (3.64)

x f AIiMKrfl)+W,W)2W / _ e_^A ^ ^ m r 2 2 fe ( tf( j o) ~ JoKr0)j2(m;r0)j (A + m, ) \ /

A^ Ki(Ar) /u(l1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) + I0(Ar0)K1(Ar0)) ^•"-^r-*"-©^ )M0Io(Ar0)K1(Ar0) + /zI1(Ar0)K0(Ar0)

cK1(Ac)L0(Ac) + cK0(Ac)L1(Ac) - Z)K1(Aft)L0(Afo) - bK^Xb^iXb) X 5 X A (3.65)

V A IzCArpJh^ro) + m, hi^h^rp) ( _!^!t\ x > T ^_^ i _—±->—^- }Jm,r0) 1 - e ^ dA . 2 2 £* (Ji (m,r0) - IoKr0)j2(m;r0)) (A + m?) \ J

In summary, the transient rod solutions developed in this thesis indicate that magnetic flux will be enhanced within and in the vicinity of a ferromagnetic rod, and that the flux will diffuse into and along its volume. Outside the rod, the solution suggests that, although flux will not progress radially, magnetic flux will be transported axially parallel to the rod boundary. This result is indicative of the ferrous fastener's potential to channel flux to great depths within the aircraft's wing structure. The next section develops the theory describing propagated interactions with the surrounding conducting structure. 53

3.2 Borehole

In order to investigate the electromagnetic interactions of the rod with the surrounding aluminum structure, the step function response of a borehole to an in-hole current loop is obtained by proceeding in the same fashion as in section 3.1. Additionally, it provides the theoretical motivation for developing and employing transient eddy current to inspect the jack pad boreholes in a CP-140 where cracking is prone to occur [29]. As stated previously, knowledge of the stationary state is required in order to derive the transient solution.

3.2.1 Stationary Solution

The theoretical model diagram is presented in Fig. 23.


I—^. f.

: All


Mo , no

Fig. 23: Diagram of the long borehole model.

Region I is defined by two sub-intervals: 0 < r < a, inside the current loop, and a < r < r0, outside the current loop, but within the borehole. With respect to the ferrous fastener challenge, the surrounding aluminum structure is conducting, but non-magnetic. However, for completeness, a generalized borehole step-function solution valid for both magnetic and non magnetic conductors is developed here.

Returning to equation (3.12), the field due to a delta coil is given by 54

f IiCAiOKiCAa) r < a

x/j(r, A) - /i0Ia • r = a (3.66) IiOcOKiCAr) r > a

The general solution for the field produced by the surrounding magnetized structure written (r, z) is obtained from Laplace's equation and is written

•Tl^Ar) r(r,A) = (3.67) -SKaCAr) r0

As performed in the previous derivation, the current loop's contribution is superposed with the magnetic material's contribution in the in-hole region. Therefore, the general Fourier-transformed solutions for the stationary magnetic vector potential in regions I and II are written

f //o/ali(Ar^Cla) + 7\1(Ar) 0 < r < a A\r,X) oo r = a 3 68 . ju0/aI1(Aa)K1(Ar) + 7ll{Xr) a

i"(r,A)=^K1(Ar) r>rn

Coefficients 7 and Q, determined from boundary conditions (3.26) and (3.27), are given here as

H0la\1(Aa)(ji - /i0)K0(Ar0)K1(Ar0) 7 = • (3.69) Ml0(Ar0)K1(Ar0) +^0I1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) '

9 = (3.70) ^I0(Ar0)K1(Ar0) + /J0Ii(Ar0)K0(Ar0)

Consequently, the complete solutions for the stationary vector potentials are

r , fi^(v n ^ I^A^CM-^KoCA^KiCAro) /iI0(Ar0)K1(Ar0) + ^0I1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) 4'(r,z,z)) = cos(Az)< dA, (3.71) T Jo I^ArXM-MoJKoCAro^CAro) \1(Aa)[K1(Ar) + ^I0(Ar0)K1(Ar0) + /i0IiUr0)K0(Ar0)

1V (3.72) 7T J0 MI0(Ar0)K1(Ar0)+/^0I1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) 55

Given a transmitting loop with radius 20 mm and carrying 1 A of current located inside of a 25 mm radius borehole, results are computed for media with relative permeabilities 1 (non-magnetic) and 200 and are plotted in Fig. 24 in order to demonstrate the reduced effect of geometry in this case.

375 -i ^ V^UlICIlt loop w >-*. i ^ r> l l 1 1 /or N radius (20 mm) •^ ^^ (^ Dorcnoie Dounuary (^J mm) 300 H G \| \ a = 20 mm a! G r G 225 - \ \ o = 25 mm u G 75

• 1 1 1 1 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Radial position [ mm ]

Fig 24 Stationary magnetic vector potential in the borehole configuration

The theoretical stationary borehole model suggests that the magnetic contribution of the bored structure is comparatively less than from a rod This result is consistent in theory because the magnetic field outside of a current loop is much smaller than at its center. Divergence effects are noted at r = 25 mm, and are attributed to the singular current density created by the Dirac delta functions. As in the rod solutions, the singularity is addressed by expanding the current loop over the physical dimensions of a coil.

3.2.2 Transient Solution

Proceeding from the diffusion equation (2 37) in a fashion analogous to subsection 312, the z-coordinate is separated by means of a Fourier cosine integral transform with separation constant —A2 The /"-coordinate is separated from the transformed expression with separation constant — mj The general Fourier-transformed separated solutions are therefore 56

mj+X2 IS t cxe l ~ + c2 , (3.73)

Initial and stationary conditions require that cx and c2 are -1 and 1 respectively. However, unlike the transient rod solution, region II does not include the origin. Therefore, both cylinder functions (Bessel and Neumann) must be included in the complete solution inside the conducting medium, and both Fourier-Bessel coefficients require a solution.

u - -1 A (r,z, t)=-\ cos(Az) V (M,(A) Ji(m,r) + JVJ(A) Y^r^r)) 1 - e" ^ AA (3.74)

Exploiting orthogonality relations in conjunction with the stationary condition given previously in equation (3.72), the coefficients are determined to be

M (X) = 2m} A)1(m]r0)K0(Ar0') + wi;K1(Ar0)I0(m;r0) ; 2 r mf + A m,r0 J?(mj o) - 2)0(m]r0)}x(mJr0) + m;r0 j£(m;r0) ' (3.75)

f y. = 2™-j AY^m^oJKoCAro) + m^jAr^Y^m,^) 2 2 ' mf + A m,r0 Yf{m,rQ) - 2Y0(m7r0)Y1(m,r0) + m,r0 Y0 (m;r0) ' where Q was determined previously in (3.70).

The transient solution to the diffusion equation for region I, given that the conductivity of air is 0, is the stationary solution multiplied by an unknown coefficient which may be a function of / and still satisfy Laplace's equation. Because the boundary condition will be invoked, let the in-hole problem be confined to the region between the current loop and the borehole boundary a < r < r0 such that

4'(r,z)T(t) = (^/aI1(Aa)K1(Ar) + Tl^Ar)) • T(t) . (3.76)

Continuity of the vector potential at the boundary ensures that

(/io/aUCAa^CAro) + Tl^Ato)) • T(t)

CO (3.77) = £ (MJ(A) h(rnjr0) + JVJ(A) Y^m^)) | 1 -e ~£°~

Invoking the stationary solution, the time-dependent coefficient is solved and written 57

m?+A2 i MjW h(mjr0) + Wj(X) Y^m^J UU j ZJ //0/aI1(Aa)K1(Ar0)+yi1(Ar0) " ^'°

All functions are known and the in-hole solution is achieved:

r A\r,X,t) = (jio/altCAtOKiCAr) + J I1(Ar)) x

r V^WliK o) + JV;a)Y1(m,r0) _!££ \ (3-79)

Z^ Mo'ali (Aa) Kx (Ar0) + ?IX (Ar„)

In the context of the ferrous fastener structure, the surrounding media is aluminum. For non-magnetic conducting media, solution (3.79) reduces to

A\r,X.t) = //o/aliOUOK^Ar) m +A2 Ki(Ar) v^ - , / t (3.80) a),i r +JV (A)Yi ro e -^^2J^ ^ °) ' ^ ) "" •

The complete solutions are given by

Al(r,z, t) = — I cos(Az) ( ^o/aliCAoOK^Ar)

(3.81) ^ /-; \ ™ m2+A2 \

II C i4 (r,z,t)=-J cos(Az)%(jX)(A)I1(m,r)+jy;(A)Y1(m,r))( 1-e" »<* dA . (3.82)

The characteristic equation, obtained from the second boundary condition given by equation (3.15), is written

Ar K (Ar ) 0 0 0 (j (m r )>f (A) + Y (m,r )JV;(A)) = m,r (j (m r )>f (A) + Y (m,r )jv;(A)). (3.83) KxCAro) 1 J 0 y 1 0 0 0 J 0 J 0 0

The task of plotting and verifying transient solutions (3.81) and (3.82), however, is left for future work.

A magnetic field generated within a bored aluminum structure will interact with the surrounding conducting volume. The in-hole field will diffuse into the aluminum structure 58 and, therefore, induce eddy current densities, which would be expected to interact with discontinuities such as cracks. Additionally, the second term in (3.81) identifies a transient shielding eddy current field effect, which acts to reduce the field inside the borehole. The implications of these results are that the enhanced magnetic field inside the borehole channelled by a ferrous fastener will interact with the surrounding aluminum structure in accordance with Faraday's Law. Correct solutions form the theoretical basis in support of the hypothesis that transient eddy current can employ the fasteners as flux-channelling conduits for increased depth of detection. Furthermore, the transient borehole solution also suggests that transient eddy current NDE could be applied for the sensitive detection of target discontinuities in the CP-140 jack-pads.

In summary, exact analytical solutions derived from Maxwell's equations describe the transient step-function response of ferromagnetic and non ferromagnetic conducting rods. The models suggests that the application of a poloidal excitation field would induce axial and radial magnetic diffusion inside the rod, and that flux would be transported through air along the axis in accordance with the boundary conditions. Transient magnetic fields and the current densities they induce, however, would be enhanced by magnetization effects when a ferromagnetic rod is present. In the case of boreholes, stationary and transient analytical solutions have indicated that a magnetic field generated by an in-hole current loop would propagate electromagnetic interactions into the surrounding conducting structure. By extension, a magnetized ferrous fastener will channel magnetic flux deep within a bored structure and induce current densities within the adjoining conducting volume.

The following chapter will verify the ferromagnetic rod and conducting borehole solutions with Finite Element Analysis software. 59


Commercial Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software is useful for producing computer-generated estimates. Here, values of the magnetic vector potential, generated with ComSol Multiphysics 4.0a, are sampled along axial and radial cut lines defined in the finite element rod and borehole models. ComSol is ideal for calculating the step-function response of a system because it does not include coupling effects, also referred to ^feedback effects, in its solutions. It is, therefore, well-suited to verify the analytical solutions developed in the previous chapter.

4.1 Long Rod Comparison

A 2D axisymmetric representation of the magnetic vector potential provides a visual representation of the system's magnetic behaviour. The current loop and the finite size coil are both modelled in the stationary and transient regimes. The model meshes are configured to the highest preset resolution.

4.1.1 Stationary Current Loop Results

In the stationary state, the vector potential, generated by the current loop, completely permeates the aluminum rod as if it were in free space. Since the rod is nonmagnetic (jU = HQ), the system's stationary magnetic vector potential is solely established by the current loop, as predicted by equations (3.22) and (3.23). A cross-sectional view of the aluminum rod and current loop configuration is presented in Fig. 25, and displays the magnitude of the stationary magnetic vector potential which circulates azimuthally (^-direction; into/out of page). 60

i 1 175x10" xlO"7

a o •a o [T-rn] a, -a <

T -5 349xl0~u -20 0 20 Radial position [ mm ]

Fig. 25: Stationary magnetic vector potential of an aluminum rod and a current loop (mirrored about r=0).

Within ComSol, an axial cut line is defined along -100 < z < 100 mm with fixed radius r = 3 mm, and a radial cut line is defined along 0< r <10 mm at z = 5 mm. The subtended magnetic vector potentials are plotted alongside the analytical results, calculated with equations (3.22) and (3.23), in Fig. 26 and Fig. 27, respectively.

As expected, the analytical expression for region II, which contains the delta coil, diverges at r =10 mm by virtue of equation (3.12). The singularity exists in the analytical model because a finite current density is confined to an infinitessimal volume,whereas, in the finite element model, the current loop wire diameter is small (0.05 mm), yet finite. 61

a = 10 mm

% r0 = 4 8 mm Mr = 1 a c / = li4 O r = 3 mm -100 < z < 100 mm u > u u

"I I i -100 75 -50 25 0 25 50 75 100

Axial position [mm]

Analytical Finite Element Analysis

Fig 26 Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a non-magnetic rod, FEA vs Analytical

200 -i

160 - %

aC4 c 120 u a

0 3 4 5 6 7 10

Radial position [ mm ]

Analytical Frnite Element Analysis

Fl£ 27 Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a non-magnetic rod, FEA vs Analytical

The analytical solution describing the magnetic vector potential of a ferromagnetic rod encircled by a current loop is verified in the following section 62

Magnetization, which only occurs in magnetic media, can be described in terms of bound current densities as discussed in section 2.2. By virtue of solutions (3.22) and (3.23), bound current densities within the magnetized steel rod are anticipated to have a considerable effect on the net magnetic vector potential of the system. A 2D cross-sectional plot of the magnetic vector potential, given a magnetic steel rod (|j.r= 66), illustrates this effect and is presented in Fig. 28.

k 2 434xl0~6 xlO~8

a o ;g [T-ml o a, •a <

» -2 551x10" -20 0 20 Radial position [ mm ]

Fig. 28: Stationary magnetic vector potential of a magnetic steel rod and a current loop (mirrored about r=0).

Vector potentials subtended by the same radial and axial cut lines are plotted alongside analytical results in Fig. 29 and Fig. 30. In the magnetic case, the discrepancy between analytical and finite element results at r =10 mm, in Fig. 30, appears smaller because of the dominant contribution from bound currents. 63

1.6 -I \ a = 10 mm

\ r0 = 4 8 mm

-a J 2 \ ^r = 66 • a \ / = 14 O \ r = 3 mm PL, a8 / " \k -100 < z < 100 mm

> ^^ 0.4 - O^

• , , , 0^— i i — • i i -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100

Axial position [mm]

Analytical Finite Element Analysis

Fig. 29 Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a magnetic steel rod, FEA vs Analytical

a = 10 mm

2.5 -, r0 = 4 8 mm Rod boundary (4 8 mm) • jxr = 66 <1 2.0 / = 1A z = 5 mm 0 < r < 10 mm B 1.5 o OH

1.0 u a

0.0 -r- 0 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Radial position [mm]

Analytical Finite Element Analysis

Fig 30: Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential in a magnetic steel rod, FEA vs Analytical 64

4.1.2 Stationary Finite Coil Results

In reality, a current-carrying wire will possess a finite thickness. Delta coils are, therefore, unphysical. A finite-size coil is modeled around an aluminum rod in ComSol 4.0a, and the resultant stationary magnetic vector potential is shown in Fig. 31.

100 11.547x10 xlO"4


1.5 [T-ml


-100 f -2 126x10" -100 -50 0 50 100 Radial position [ mm ] Fig. 31: Magnetic vector potential of a finite coil encircling an aluminum rod (mirrored about r=0).

The steady-state magnetic vector potential, subtended by the axial (r = 3 mm) and radial (z = 20 mm) cut lines, is plotted against the analytical results in Fig. 32 and Fig. 33. The analytical solutions no longer diverge at r = 10 mm and the results are in excellent agreement. Therefore, the stationary solutions describing the magnetic vector potential arising from a finite-coil are exact. 65

0 05 fo = 10 mm c = 12 56 mm Z = 27 89 mm

r0 = 4 8 mm a c / = XA o a* nT = 17361111 r = 3 mm o > -100 < z < 100 mm U u


100 75 25 0 25 75 100 Axial Position [ mm ]

•Analytical Finite Element Analysis

Fig 32 Analytical vs FEA Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling a non magnetic rod b, C and I were defined in Ch 3 and their values are listed in ANNEX C

U U4V -

^ 0 035 - Rod boundary (4 8 mm) w H w j^ 0 030 - -3 ^^^^ b = 10 mm § 0 025 - c = 12 56 mm ^ 0 020 - I = 27 89 mm o r = 4 8 mm | 0015 - 0 > u / = 14

§ ooio - nr = 17361111 So 1 0 005 - z = 20 mm 0 < r < 10 mm 0 000 - S^ . i 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 0123456789 10 Radial position [ mm ]

^^^— Analytical Finite Element Analysis

Fig 33 Analytical vs FEA Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling a non-magnetic rod

The next section will verify the analytical solution describing the magnetic vector potential of a ferromagnetic rod encircled by a finite coil 66

The magnetic vector potential is plotted, in Fig. 34, for the case when the rod has a relative magnetic permeability fir of 66.

100 A 1.608xl0~3 xlO 7



-100 5.604x10" -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Radial position [ mm ]

Fig. 34: Magnetic vector potential of a finite coil (mirrored about r = 0).

Finite element results, for both magnetic and non-magnetic rods, are presented together, in Fig. 35 and Fig. 36, for comparison and to verify the theoretical solutions. The finite element model is in excellent agreement with the analytical model. Elsewhere, the magnetic vector potential, at a distance of 10 cm from the center of the coil (and r = 3 mm), is 8 orders of magnitude greater in the steel rod (1.018 • 10"3 Wb/m) than it is in the aluminum rod (6.546 • 10~12 Wb/m). This is further indication that ferrous fasteners enhance and channel magnetic flux to greater depths within the aircraft's spar structure. 67

1.2 b = 10 mm c = 12.56 mm I = 27 89 mm 3 0.8 r = 4 8 mm a 0 / = 1/1 a*o Hr = 66 0.6 nr = 17361111 u r = 3 mm > 0.4 - -100 < z < 100 mm

Mr : 1 -T— ""I"" "T" -100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100

Axial Position [ mm ]

Analytical Finite Element Analysis

Fig. 35: Analytical vs FEA- Axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling magnetic and non-magnetic rods.


b = 10 mm 1.0 Rod boundary (4 8 mm) H c = 12 56 mm Z = 27 89 mm a a fj.r = 66 O a. 0.6 r0 = 4 8 mm u / = 14 > 0.4 o n = 17361111 a T

Radial position [ mm ]

^•—^ Analytical Finite Element Analysis

Fie 36: Analytical vs FEA: Radial dependence of the magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling magnetic and non-magnetic rods. 68

4.1.3 Transient Results

Here, finite element analysis software is used to compute the transient magnetic vector potential of the system. Fig. 37 clearly depicts an axial progression of flux, as described by the analytical solutions (3.60) and (3.61), along a magnetic conducting steel rod.

0 us 10 us 50 us 150 us 1 ms

Fig. 37: Transient progression of magnetic vector potential along a magnetic steel rod (mirrored about r = 0).

In Fig. 38, finite element results are compared to analytical results at times 25 (J,s, 70 (J.S, 123 |as, 200 (as, 340 [is and 1 s. The analytical model is, generally, in excellent agreement with the finite element model for all z and t. The singular effects of the delta coil become, once more, apparent as the radial argument approaches the position of the current loop (r = 10 mm), as shown in Fig. 39 at times 0.2 (is, 1.8 u.s, 13 u,s, 50 (0,s, 150 \xs and 1 s.

Finite element analysis confirms that the magnetic vector potential diffuses into and along conducting magnetic rods, and that outside of the rod, the vector potential increases and spreads outward from the origin along z, but not along r. The axial progression of vector potential in the region external to the rod is attributed to the non-uniformity of the applied field, the ensuing magnetization processes and the boundary condition, which requires continuity of A. Since voltage induced in a receive coil is proportional to the time- rate-of-change of A, the receiver signal can be expected to peak at increasingly later times for increasingly greater distances between the receiver and the transmitter. 69

Axial Position [ mm ]

Analytical Finite Element Analysis

Fig 38 Analytical vs FEA. Axial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling magnetic and non-magnetic tods

Radial position [ mm ]

Analytical Finite Element Analysis

Fig 39: Analytical vs FEA Radial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential from a finite coil encircling magnetic and non-magnetic rods 70

4.2 Borehole Comparison

Here, the theoretical stationary state of a conducting borehole is verified with finite element analysis. Transient FEA borehole results are given because they demonstrate the electromagnetic interactions of an in-hole magnetic field with the surrounding bored structure. Additionally, they provide the theoretical motivation for developing and employing transient eddy current to inspect the jack pad boreholes in a CP-140 where cracking is prone to occur [29]. The stationary and transient states of the system are visually depicted in cross-sectional plots of the magnetic vector potential.

4.2.1 Stationary Results

As in the case of a non-magnetic rod, the vector potential is solely established by the current loop when the adjoining media is non-magnetic as shown in Fig. 40.

xl0~ 10

6 JL c o •a [T-m; o a, <

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100

Radial position [ mm ]

Fig. 40: Magnetic vector potential of a current loop in a non-magnetic bored structure (mirrored about r=0). 71

When the adjoining medium is magnetic, however, bound currents are expected to contribute to the system's net magnetic vector potential. The analytical solutions predict that, although present, the effect of the bound currents would be comparatively smaller in the borehole geometry than in the rod geometry. Fig. 41 presents a cross-sectional plot of the magnetic vector potential of a current loop coaxially placed inside a bored material. Despite the adjoining structure having a magnetic permeability of 200, the dominant source of potential, according to the finite element model, remains the current loop.



» -2.528x10" -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 20 40 60 80 100 Radial position [ mm ]

Fig. 41: Magnetic vector potential of a current loop in a magnetic bored structure (mirrored about r=0).

Finite element results are compared to analytical results, for both magnetic and non­ magnetic media, in Fig. 42. 72


Borehole Boundary a = 20 mm

r0 = 25 mm I = 1A z = 3 mm 0 < r < 120 mm

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Radial position f mm ]

-^—» Analytical Finite Element Analysis

Fig. 42: Magnetic vector potential of a current loop in a borehole.

There is good agreement between the finite element and theoretical models, despite singular behaviour in the analytical solution at r = 20 mm due to the delta coil formulation. Finite element analysis results do not diverge because they model a finite size coil. The issue is resolved for the analytical case when the coil is expanded into finite dimensions as for the rod model in section 3.1.1.

4.2.2 Transient Results

Finite element analysis software is again used to compute the transient magnetic vector potential of the system. Fig. 43 clearly depicts the electromagnetic interaction of an in-hole field with a surrounding bored conducting structure, as described by analytical solutions (3.81) and (3.82). 73

0 us 100 us 500 u.s 10 ms

Fig. 43: Transient progression of the magnetic vector potential into a bored conducting structure.

The magnetic vector potential generated inside the borehole is shown, in Fig. 43, to diffuse into the surrounding aluminum structure where induced eddy current densities may interact with target discontinuities. A plot of the vector potential subtended by a radial cut line defined by z = 5 mm and 0 < r < 75 mm is presented in Fig. 44.


250 - Borehole boundary (25 mm)

u 200 - -4-1 a = 20 mm o r0 = 25 mm 150 - u I = 1A > z = 3 mm u 100 •a 0 < r < 120 mm <3 50 -

10 20 30 40 Radial position [ mm

•0 [ms] -0.15 [ms] 0.6 [ms] -2.3 [ms] •10 [ms]

Fig. 44: FEA: Radial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential from a current loop inside an aluminum borehole.

Two interaction effects are identified from the results shown in Fig. 44. The in-hole field diffuses into the aluminum and induced eddy current densities are generated within its volume in accordance with Faraday's law. At the same time, the induced currents generate 74 an opposing field which acts to reduce the in-hole field. The Finite Element results strongly suggest that there is an exchange of electromagnetic interactions between the borehole region and the adjoining conducting media. Therefore, in the case where a magnetized fastener establishes a magnetic field at the borehole boundary, similar coupled interactions are expected to occur.

The axial dependence of the magnetic vector potential is shown in Fig. 45 along the cut line defined from r = 30 mm and -100 < z < 100 mm.


a = 20 mm % = 25 mm = 1A a = 30 mm o a. 1000

o > u •a §0

-100 -75 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100

Axial position [ mm ]

•0 [ms] -0.3 [ms] 1 [ms] 3 [ms] •lOlmsl

Fig. 45: FEA: Axial dependence of the transient magnetic vector potential from a current loop inside an aluminum borehole.

Magnetic diffusion along the axis is again attributed to the poloidal shape of the applied field.

In summary, the analytical solutions developed in Chapter 3 are in excellent agreement with the finite element analysis results, which both indicate that a transient magnetic field initiated inside a bored conducting structure will generate electromagnetic interactions in the surrounding structure. A transient voltage response model is developed in the following chapter and results are generated for air, aluminum, brass and steel rods for subsequent comparison with experimental results. 75


In the chapter that follows, it is shown from Maxwell's equations how the voltage response of any system may be calculated from the magnetic vector potential. Furthermore, if the system's step-function response and time-dependent excitation field are known, an exact transient solution, which includes feedback effects, is achieved using Duhamel's theorem. Whereas the step-function response is obtained from a well-posed potential problem, the time-dependant excitation field can be fit to experimental data or analytically calculated using a perturbation approach.

5.1 Theoretical Response

Although Maxwell's equations explicitly invoke magnetic flux density B, the magnetic vector potential A can sometimes offer a more concise expression of magnetic quantities. Here, the advantages of using A are twofold: (1) two of its three vector components are eliminated because of the ferrous fastener's axial symmetry and (2) its connection to induced current densities is clearer as will be shown in what follows. From Faraday's Law, the electromotive force (EMF) induced in a secondary conducting loop due to the time-dependant magnetic flux contained within it is

£(r,z,t) = j>E -dl =-<&> — • ri da, (5.1) which can be expressed as the curl of the magnetic vector potential in accordance with equation (2.24) as

[C d(V X A) e(r, z,t) = - — fida . (5.2)

Stoke's theorem simplifies the expression such that

£(r,z,t) = - — j>A-dl.i A-dl . (5.3) 76

Both the vector potential and the loop line element are in the azimuthal direction tf>, therefore, the vector potential can be taken out of the contour integral and the EMF becomes

e(r,z, t) = -—A{r,z, t) dl , (5.4) where j> dl defines a loop centered on the z-axis, which when integrated about its contour gives

d e(r,z,t) =-2nr—A(r,z,t) . (5.5) at

Equation (5.5) describes the EMF on a loop of radius r. In order to calculate the voltage through a receive coil possessing finite dimensions, the expression for the EMF is integrated over the cross-sectional area of the receive coil defined as rx < r < r2 and zt < z < z2, and multiplied by its turn density nR:

rn rz2 d e{t) = -2nnR\ r—A(r,z,t)dzdr. (5.6) •Ir,'71 •>'7.,'Zi "'•

The position and dimensions of the receive coil are contained within the limits of integration for the coil's cross-sectional area. Elsewhere, the time-dependent magnetic vector potential required by equation (5.6) is obtained by solving a potential problem. The problem may be formulated such that the solution corresponds to the step-function response, or fundamental solution, of the system, Af(r,z,t), as was done in the previous chapters for rod and borehole configurations. Duhamel's theorem, equation (2.65), is subsequently applied to obtain the physical response of the system which includes all feedback effects.

A(r,z, t) = j Af(r,z, t - t')—^-dt' + Tt=0 • Af(r,z, t) (5.7)

The time-varying term T(t) in equation (5.7) corresponds to the applied time- dependent field, known as the transmitter signal. The second term on the right-hand-side of equation (5.7) is zero because Tt=0 = 0, and the theoretical voltage response is written

rr2 rzi d ff dT(t') 1 e = -2nnR\ r— \ Af(r,z, t - t')—^-r-dt &zAr . (5.8) dt dt Jri JZl h 77

Since the diffusion equation contains a first-order time derivative, solutions for the system's step-function response will always assume the form of a decaying exponential. In the axisymmetric rod problem solved in Chapter 3, the fundamental solution (3.65), derived from Maxwell's equations and verified by finite element analysis, took the generalized form

Af{r, z, t) = ip(r, z) + (r, z) - S(r, z, t) , (5.9) where I/J is the stationary field generated by the transmitter defined in equation (3.27) as


il>(r,z) — [i0InT I IxUr) cos(Az) sin f A-J x (5.10)

cK^AcOLoCAc) + cK0(Ac)L1(Ac) - fcK^A^LoCAfc) - dK0(Afe)La(Afo) x Ji dA,


<$>(r,z) = n0InT I cos(Az)sinlA—)

cK!(Ac)L0(Ac) + cK0(Ac)La(Ac) - foK1(Ab)L0(Ab) - i)K0(A6)L1(A6) (5.11) X A1 X

Qt - Mo) IQOp) It (Ar0) Kl( Ar QA - VoIoar0)K1(Ar0)+MI1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) ' and S is the transient eddy current field given in equation (3.65) as

iCr Z t} Sm C SC/lZj X ' ' nr0 J0 12 J ° K^Aro) MoI0(Ar0)K1(Ar0) + MI1(Ar0)K0(Ar0)

CKJCACJLQCAC) + cKpCAcjL^Ac) - frKjU^LpCAfc) - foKpCAbjL^Ab) x _ x (5.12)

V A ^(ArpJI^m^o) + m, Ii(Ar )J (m r ) . 0 2 ; 0 e *a t dA . £* (JiKn,) - Jo(m;r0)j2(m;r0)) (P + mf) * "^ 78

Equation (5.9), in which integral and summation symbols are temporarily omitted for conciseness, is substituted into equation (5.8) in order to obtain a generalized model describing transient probe response expressed as

e(t) = -2nnR jj r — ( xp(r,z) T(t) + 0(r,z) 7(t) - E(r,z,t) I e ^ "—V^t' dzdr , (5.13) which is applicable to any experimental configuration with arbitrary probe parameters and includes feedback provided that the fundamental solution and the transmitter signal are known.

Equation (5.13) suggests that the induced voltage arises from a superposition of contributions from the applied field, from the magnetized rod (+) and from shielding transient eddy current fields (-), whose time components are modified by the transmitter signal. The magnetization component increases the magnetic field because the magnetic domains, which make up the magnetic body and can be viewed as local magnetic dipole sources, are aligned parallel to the net field. The vector sum of aligned dipole sources increases the total magnetic induction and, therefore, enhances the voltage response. The eddy current fields, however, have a shielding effect and act so as to reduce the magnetic field in accordance with Lenz's Law. This observation was also made by Hammond [15] for sinusoidal excitation fields.

The transmitter signal T(t) is required in order to model a system's physical transient voltage response. In conventional eddy current testing, the transmitter signal is sinusoidal in nature, while in transient eddy current testing, it assumes an exponential form. The external excitation can be either determined experimentally by curve fitting, derived mathematically using a perturbation approach, or possibly calculated exactly using integral transforms. Here, the form of the function chosen to fit the transmitter signal will be deduced analytically and its parameters will be determined by best fit.

A first-order approximation of the transmitter signal may be written

ty T(f) = E0{l-e-T j, (5.14) 79

where the supplied voltage £0, resistance R and inductance L characterising the transmit coil may be experimentally measured. Superior agreement is obtained, however, by incorporating a second-order inductance effect of the form (l — e~t/T) using Duhamel's Theorem. Equation (5.14) becomes

(5.15) where the relaxation time T can be adjusted for an optimized fit. A third-order approximation may be achieved by introducing a third relaxation time, v, such that

2 2 / Rv (. Rx \ -i- RT (. Rv\ -L , , . -*t\

Tit) = s0\l R2VT2 Rv2 R2y2T Rx2 • (5-16) V -L^ +—+T—L2 r~v J

Having determined the appropriate form of the function, the transmitter signal may be fit for each experimental setting. Together with the step-function response solution, the transmitter signal is then be used to model the transient probe's response.

5.2 Modeled Response in Air

When the conductivity of the rod is approximately zero and the relative permeability is 1, as in air, wood, or any non-conducting non-magnetic medium, the second and third terms in equation (5.13) vanish and the modelled response is written

frz fZ2 d e(t) = -2nnR r\p(r,z) dzdr -r-T(t). (5.17) 'r'r,x Jy-•'Zi It where \p(r,z) corresponds to the stationary magnetic vector potential generated by a finite coil in free space.

The coefficient resulting from integration of the vector potential f2 jZ2 r \p(r, z) dz dr will depend on the separation distance between the coils and will therefore scale the amplitude of the signal accordingly. In addition, the time component, — r(t), should also contain a spatial dependence due to feedback, or coupling effects. It is reasonable, however, 80 to assume that, if the self-inductance of the transmit coil is the dominating contribution to the system's total inductance, then the transmitter signal T(t) is approximately constant, independent of the receive coil's position. As a consequence of this approximation, the voltage signal, acquired at different separation distances, will be scaled in magnitude according to jrz fZ2rip(r,z) Az dr. Local signal maxima, therefore, are expected to occur at the same point in time, irrespective of receiver position.

In an experimental configuration, which will be described in greater detail in Chapter 6, two electromagnetic coils are centered on a graduated wooden dowel. The receiver's position is defined as the distance measured between the inner edges of the coil spools. The transmitter signals are acquired at receiver positions of 5, 10 and 20 mm. Since they do not vary significandy, they are fit by a single analytical function written as

e"Lt-jfe'? no = e 1 (5 1f 0 1-?

4 4 where the coefficients £0 = 0.3345 V, R = 25 55 il, L = 4.77 • 10~ H, x = 4.68 • 1(T s are chosen with 95% confidence bounds. The close agreement between experimental and fitted curves is presented in Fig 46

E 0 30 - ^ "-"""" , . ^^^ rt f bae J' f C/3 0 20 - / t


C/S} j / 010 - V-l J H

0 00 - r 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 000 0 001 0 002 0 003 0 004

Time [ s ]

Analytical Fit Experimental

Fig 46 Second-order fitted transmitter signal 81

R-square can take on any value between 0 and 1, with a value closer to 1 indicating that a greater proportion of variance is accounted for by the function. Here, the R-square value is calculated in Matiab 7.9.0 to be 1.000, which means that the fit explains 99.999% of the total variation in the data about the average. Elsewhere, the root mean squared error (also known as the fit standard error and the standard error of the regression) is an estimate of the standard deviation of the random component in the data. The value calculated for the yjMSE is 2.037-1 (M V.

Having determined a suitable function for the transmitter signal and using the step- function response solutions developed in Chapter 3 equation (3.27), the analytical expression for the transient voltage response s is written

e(t) = _*W"*"T |~ (s.n(Az2) _ s.n(Azi)) x ^ Jo

cKx(Ac)L0(Ac) + cK0(Ac)Lx(Ac) - &Kx(A&)L0(Afc) - &K0(Ab)Lx(Af>) X A5 X (5.19) r I (Ar )L (Ar ) - r I (Ar )L (Ar ) - r^Ar^LoiArJ + r I (Ar )L (Ar ) x 2 1 2 0 2 2 0 2 1 2 - 1 0 1 1 1 dAx


where rx and r2 are the inner and outer receive coil radii, and zx and z2 determine the position and length of the receive coil. The values of these physical parameters are listed in ANNEX C. A numerical computation algorithm is developed in order to generate results with equation (5.19). The modelled responses for receiver positions of 5, 10 and 20 mm are plotted in Fig. 47. 82

Air 0 05 - 5 [mm]

0 04 - > 1 1 be 0 03 • /vlOfaim]

> 0 02 - ^o)wk 0 01 -

0 00 - 0 000 0 001 0 002 0 003 0 004 Time [ s ]

Fig 47 Modelled transient probe response in air at 5, 10 and 20 mm receiver positions

The modeled transient probe response results predict that peak induction occurs almost simultaneously at different receiver positions, which is consistent with the theory. When a conducting non-magnetic rod is present, however, the third term in equation (5.13) is non-zero. Induced eddy current densities within a conducting rod modify the external field.

5.3 Modeled Response of an Aluminum Rod

When a conducting aluminum rod is present, magnetic field diffusion will occur Induced eddy current densities give rise to transient fields, which have the effect of shielding the receiver. Furthermore, they generate additional back-EMF in the transmitter which affects the rise-time of the applied field.

As in the case of air, transmitter signals acquired at 5, 10 and 20 mm receiver positions are almost identical and are, therefore, fit by a single second-order function written as

-«t RT - e L e T (5 20) no = e0 I 1 -~r 83

4 -4 were the coefficients £0 = 0.3345 V, R = 25.55 a, L = 2.214 • 10~ H, r = 4.764 • 10 s are determined with 95% confidence bounds. The quality of the fit is characterized by an R- square value of 0.9999 and an sMSE value of 4.281 • 10 4 V. Agreement is shown in Fig. 48.


g 0.30 60


0 H 0.10 - Analytical Fit Experimental 0.00 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 Time [ s ]

Fig. 48: Comparison of the experimental and fitted transmitter signal.

The analytical model for transient response, equation (5.13), in the presence of an aluminum rod becomes

2 . (XI 2n ti0InRfRnTfT sin £(t) f V (f) > (sin(Az2) - sinCAzJ) — (Ar0) J0 £ K.


CK^A^LQCAC) + CKQCACJL^AC) - bK^Xb^iXb) - 6K0(Afa)L1(Ad) x _ x (5.21)

^ I2Ob)Ji(m;r0) + m, Ix(Ar0)J2(m}r0) . (Ji(m;ro) - JofanOhC"1/^)) (A2 + m,2)

d r' -tO^dTCO^, 1-e ^~ — dt' dX *4 df

A numerical computation algorithm similar to the one developed in section 3.1.2 is implemented to calculate equation (5.21) and generate results. The modelled transient probe response is graphically presented in Fig. 49. 84

_ 5 [mm] Aluminum

0.03 •

1 , > _ 10 [Ami i 1 13 0.02 -


0.01 - 20 [mm\ \

0.00 - -T ~ - ' 1 i 1 i

Time [ ms ]

Fig. 49: Modelled voltage response of an aluminum rod.

Consistent with the theory, the modelled voltage responses are significantly smaller in amplitude than in the air case due to the presence of shielding eddy current fields. Furthermore, the signal peaks are observed to occur almost simultaneously relative to the diffusion timescale.

5.4 Modeled Response of a Brass Rod

The same process is repeated with a conducting brass rod. The transmitter signal is found to be almost identical to the signal for the case of an aluminum rod, therefore, the same function and its associated parameters are used. Furthermore, since the value of conductivity does not intervene in the characteristic equation given in (3.59), the same set of eigenvalues may be used for any non-magnetic conducting rod possessing a radius of 4.8 mm.

Modelled transient probe responses in the presence of a brass rod are plotted, in Fig. 50, for receiver positions of 5, 10 and 20 mm. 85

0.040 • /x 5 [mm] Brass i \ i \ i \ i » ,_, 0.030 • ; \ > u 1/ x \ 2 0.020 - " \ \ o I•I \ \ X\ > " * \ • > \ • ,H20 lm\] \ 0.010 •

0.000 -

Time [ s ]

Fig. 50: Modelled transient probe response in the presence of a brass rod.

In accordance with the model (equation 5.21), the theoretical results bear similarities with the results obtained for aluminum. In relation to the response in air, the voltage response is reduced by shielding eddy current fields as described by equation (5.13). Local signal maxima appear to occur at the same time at different receiver distances. For comparison, the modelled responses for brass and aluminum are plotted together in Fig. 51.

t\ 5 [mml 0.040 • i \ L ' Aluminum •/ \ •/ \ ,_ 0.030 - •/ \ > Ln] J/M0 \\ so VI \ \\ B 0.020 - VI \ x\ o > 1-520 0.010 •

T 1 I " ' i > 0.00-5.2E-10 - 8 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 Time [ s

Fig. 51: Comparison of modelled brass and aluminum transient responses. 86

The results in Fig. 51 suggest that experimental voltage responses acquired along a brass rod would be larger in amplitude, peak earlier and decay at a faster rate than in the case of aluminum. Since brass is a poorer conductor than aluminum, the smaller eddy current density induced within its volume gives rise to a less effective shielding eddy current field, which is consistent with the larger signal amplitudes closer to air. For the same reason, the induced eddy currents will decay at a faster rate as greater Joule heating losses arise.

5-5 Modeled Response of a Steel Rod

Equation (5.13) suggests that transient magnetization, which can be interpreted as the diffusion of bound current densities, is expected to have an enhancing effect on the voltage response, in opposition to the shielding effect of eddy current fields.

The transmitter signal is again fit, but with the empirically modified function written as

T(t) = s0 I 1 - ^- (ae-* + l) , (5.22) where the term (ae~^t + l) has been added to address the observed spread and maintains boundary conditions at t = 0 and t -> oo. The coefficients £0 = 0.3335 V, R = 25.55 Q., L = 5.11 • 10"4 H, T = 4.674 • 10"3 s, a = 1.109, B = 490.5 s"1 are chosen with 95% confidence bounds. The quality of the fit is characterized by an R-square value of 0.9994 and an y/MSE value of 1.454-10"3 V. Agreement with experimental data is shown in Fig. 52. 87

u.t-u • 0.35 - 0.30 - ^ — 1 1 ^^^^ > 0.25 - s^ 60 0.20 - / 0.15 - > 0.10 - 0.05 -

0.00 - -* 1 1 1 1 1 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0 020 0.025 0.030

Time [ s ] Analytical Fit Experimental

Fig. 52: Comparison of experimental and analytical fit transmitter signals.

The transient voltage response model now incorporates contributions from the time- dependent applied field, from the magnetized rod, and from the shielding eddy current fields. The modelled response is written

2 sin 2n fj.0InRfRnTfT f°°V ©lT £(0 = > (sinO^-sinazJ)—Y- r0 JQ 4-J K-IWD

TzKiO^LoOz) + r2K0Ur2)Liar2) - rMlrJUiXrJ - rMXrJl^QrJ A2 >

CKXCAQLQCAC) + cKpCAcjL^/lc) - bK (Xb)L (_Ab~) - bK (Ab)L {Ab') _ 1 0 0 1 x (5.23)

A l2 0o)Ji(™;n>) + m7 Ii (ArJJ^mjro) X r———— Ji(m,r0J X m r 2 2 (Ji ( ; o) - Jo(myr0)j2(rn;ro)J (A + m, )

c mj+X2 M(liaro)Ko(Ar0)+ 1000)^00)) d f f -(t-tl)\ dr(t') ,

>0IoUro)K1(Aro)+^Iiaro)K0(Ar0) dt)0[ I dt

Voltage responses are plotted for receiver positions of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 mm in Fig. 53. -Steel

T 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 Time [ s ]

Fig. 53: Modelled voltage responses in the presence of a steel rod.

The amplitudes of the modelled responses are greater in the case of steel than for air, brass and aluminum. The signals persist for a much longer time because of stronger feedback on the transmit coil and because the induced current densities persist longer due to the material's greater value of yia. The axial transport of flux along ferromagnetic rods, discussed in chapters 3 and 4, is revealed in Fig. 53 as a shift in the modelled signal peaks.

Whereas chapters 3 and 4 have demonstrated how flux is channelled and enhanced along ferromagnetic conducting rods, chapter 5 has shown how the diffusion processes interact to induce a transient voltage response in a receiver. A model capable of including feedback effects has been developed to describe the voltage response of any system given the fundamental solution and the corresponding transmitter signal. The modelled steel rod results, which show stronger signal amplitudes and a shift in signal peaks for greater receiver distances, further support the hypothesis that magnetic flux is amplified and transported along the rod's axis. These features will be investigated experimentally in the following chapter. 89


The experiments are performed in this chapter to corroborate the theoretical and finite element rod and borehole models. Additional experiments study the transient responses of bored plates and of rod and plate configurations for which analytical solutions have not been developed in this thesis. The results of these additional experiments are used to generalize concepts developed from the rod and borehole models in order to elucidate transient magnetic processes arising in multi-layered rivet-joint aluminum structures.

6.1 Experimental Technique

The experimental model seeks to take advantage of the fastener's radial symmetry and makes the following simplifying approximations: (1) the ferrous fastener is modelled as a magnetic conducting rod, (2) the influence of the nut securing the underside of the fastener is assumed negligible, (3) the structure is assumed radially symmetric and flat within the region of the applied transient magnetic field and (4) poorly-conducting nonmagnetic materials, which do not interact electrically with the structure, may be omitted from the model. For example, the CF-18 Hornet's inner wing intermediate spar structure, in which the skin is a non-conducting carbon-epoxy composite as detailed in ANNEX D, can be simplified as shown in Fig. 54. =b Fig. 54: Diagram of simplified experimental model.

By virtue of the magnetic boundary conditions discussed in section 2.3 and the analytical solutions developed in Chapter 3, it is expected that geometry, in addition to material properties, will influence diffusion processes which occur within a conducting 90 structure. In order to verify predictions made by the theoretical and finite element models, the geometry and materials relating to the probe/ferrous fastener configuration were varied in a series of experiments. This variational approach facilitated a study of the different diffusion mechanisms at work within the complete multilayer aluminum ferrous fastener structure. The experimental configurations, shown in Fig. 55, consist of (a) a long rod, (b) a plate with a borehole and (c) a long rod through a bored plate.

-LL «=. J

! I


(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 55: Schematic diagrams of the different experimental configurations.

Four different experimental materials were used: wood, aluminum, brass and steel. Their relevant electrical and geometrical properties — permeability, conductivity and radius - are listed in Table 2 below.

Table 2: Material properties of the experimental materials.

flr a r0 [unitless] [S • m"1] [mm] Wood 1 = 0 4.8 Aluminum 1 2.463 • 107 4.768 Brass 1 1.610 • 107 4.723 Steel =150 1.631 • W 4.785 Aluminum Plate 1 3.562 • 107 N/A

Faraday's law of induction (2.3) states that a time-varying magnetic field generated by a transmit coil will induce a voltage within a secondary receive coil. When an arbitrarily- sized conductor is present, induced and bound current densities within it modify the net transient distribution of magnetic flux density. Consequently, the receiver voltage response is affected. For the purpose of the experimental work performed in this thesis, transmit and 91 receive coils were designed and built to investigate the progression of magnetic flux density along conducting rods, and through bored conducting plates. Their electrical and physical properties are listed in ANNEX C.

Fig. 56: 1033-turn transmit and 675-turn receive coils.

A commercial data acquisition hardware and software system from TecScan Systems Inc. (Boucherville, Quebec) was used for the measurements. The data acquisition system, shown in Fig. 57, generates a controlled square waveform signal and acquires the receive coil's voltage response.

Fig. 57: TecScan and pulser system.

Functional flow diagrams best illustrate the signal generation and acquisition processes. Fig. 58 depicts the sequence of hardware and software operations which generate the transmit coil signal. 92

TecScan PEC HP Pulse Generator Transmit Coil System / model 214B -/ |gfi|yr •Generates the Generates a •Generates the trigger signal pulse of specified transient which controls amplitude and magnetic field. the pulse duration. repitition rate.

Fig. 58: Functional flow diagram of signal generation in the experimental set-up.

The magnetic field, generated by the transmit coil, interacts with the conducting sample, the receiver coil and the transmit coil itself, in accordance with Faraday's law. The analytical solutions, derived from Maxwell's equations and supported by finite element results, were developed to describe these electromagnetic interactions and model receiver signals by virtue of equation (5.8). The process, whereby the experimental signal response is acquired and stored, is also represented by a functional flow diagram and presented in Fig. 59.

Receive Coil TecScan Aquisition TecScan Display System -/ •/ Software &&£ •A transient •Digitizes and •Displays the voltage is records the signal digitized signal induced in the aquired by the output voltage as receive coil. receive coil. a function of time.

Fig. 59: Functional flow diagram of signal acquisition in the experimental set-up.

The receiver signals contain random error hereafter referred to as noise. Sources of noise in eddy current testing are numerous, but generally fall into the following categories:

(1) Intrinsic electronic noise from the instrument electronics,

(2) External electronic noise also known as electromagnetic interference and 93

(3) noise from the material, in that noise can be defined as any signal that may obscure the desired signal [30].

Rapidly varying signals such as electronic noise are mitigated by a low-pass filter directly integrated into the TecScan system hardware. The system software is capable of averaging a user-defined number of consecutive signal waveforms in real-time. Integrated signal averaging further reduces random error. Finally, additional data post-processing may be accomplished using third-party software. Moving average and Gaussian filters were developed in Madab for further post-processing.1 However, care must be taken when applying such filters as they may have undesirable smoothing and distortional effects on the acquired signals.

The experimental setup described above can be modified to study the different experimental configurations presented in Fig. 55. The following sections present experimental results and observations for the rod, bored plate, and rod through plate configurations respectively.

6.2 Long Rod

Investigation of the transient magnetic flux density along a ferromagnetic conducting rod provides considerable insight into the "ferrous fastener challenge". It demonstrates the mechanisms by which flux would be propagated by a ferrous fastener to greater depths than when no fastener is present within an aircraft's aluminum structure. Here, the long rod experiment seeks to verify predictions, derived from the theoretical and finite element models, which suggest that flux would travel along conducting rods, and that the effect would be largely enhanced in the case of a ferromagnetic material. In order to perform the experiment, the transmit and receive coils are coaxially positioned about a graduated rod specimen as shown in Fig. 60.

1 Developed by A. Tetervak. Royal Military College of Canada 94

*_ .6 i.

Fig. 60: Long rod experiment configuration.

Signal responses are acquired for different rod materials, and at varying separation distances measured between the inner edges of the coil spools.

6.2.1 Air

A graduated wooden dowel does not interact electrically with the system and, in this sense, is equivalent to air, but reproduces relative positions later explored with aluminum, brass and steel. A wooden dowel is coaxially positioned through the primary and secondary coils. An inductive coupling still exists, however, between the transmit and receive coils. The equivalent circuit diagram was presented earlier in Fig. 10. Signal responses are acquired at 1 mm increments and plotted in Fig. 61 below.




> rr i-5 <3



0.0 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004

Time [ s ]

Fig. 61: Voltage response in the absence of a conducting rod. 95

Magnetic diffusion is observed to begin simultaneously everywhere along the rod; every plot line departs from zero at the same point in time - 0.5 milliseconds — which corresponds to the onset of the pulse. This observation is consistent with the quasistatic approximation, which states that the propagation of an electromagnetic field is considered instantaneous relative to the magnetic diffusion timescales.

In accordance with Faraday's law (2.3), as the magnetic field reaches equilibrium, the currents induced in the receiver coil subside and the signal vanishes. This general behaviour is expected for all transient eddy current probe responses. The signal peaks, which reveal important information about the diffusion processes, appear to occur simultaneously along the rod, independent of the receiver's position. Eddy-currents cannot exist within the non­ conducting wooden dowel; therefore, magnetic diffusion does not occur. In the absence of diffusion processes arising from the electromagnetic interaction with a conducting sample, the applied field propagates at the speed of light, or instantly under the magnetoquasistatic approximation, to the position of the receive coil. This is consistent with the approximate simultaneity of signal peaks observed in Fig. 61.

Signal peak times, which coincide with the occurrence of the signal maxima, may be plotted as a function of their respective separation distances between the transmit and the receive coils in order to provide more detailed information about the transient behaviour of magnetic flux progression along the axis of the rod specimen. A plot of signal peak times versus receiver position, in the case of a wooden dowel, is presented below in Fig. 62. 96



0.640 • + + a If I llll I HI 11 + + •a 0.635 ++ ++ + * -H- M II I II I IIIMIII -HH+* + -HHf + -Hf a

0.620 ) 3 6 9 12 15 Receiver position [ cm ]

Fig. 62: Peak occurence time vs. receiver position for air.

Instead of occurring simultaneously, the results above suggest that signal maxima occur earlier at greater separation distances, and, in the mean, appear to tend to a constant. This behaviour is attributed to electromagnetic coupling between the transmit and receive coils. As the separation distance increases, the coupling effect diminishes and the system's inductance is reduced. Consequendy, the magnetic field generated by the transmitter coil is established more rapidly, which results in earlier signal response maxima. At large distances, the coupling effect vanishes and the rise-time is solely defined by the self-inductance of the transmitter coil. As separation distance increases, the receiver signal tends to zero and becomes indistinguishable from system noise, hence the increasing disparity in the data points at greater distances.

Nevertheless, results in Fig. 62 are contained within a 20 [is range. Relative to the receiver signal duration, which persists from 0.5 to approximately 3.0 ms as observed in Fig. 61, the signal peaks occur, to good approximation, simultaneously. The signal peak times are re-plotted in relation to the diffusion timescale, in Fig. 63. 97


0 3 6 9 12 15 Receiver position [ cm ]

Fig 63 Signal peak times in air relative to the diffusion timescale

The results form a horizontal line indicating that they occur almost simultaneously everywhere along the rod This result is consistent, under the quasistatic approximation, with the theoretically modelled air response presented in Section 5 2, which stated that no axial progression of magnetic flux would occur in the absence of a conducting material

When a conducting rod is present, however, the magnetic fields associated with induced current densities are expected to affect the voltage response and the magnetic field's behaviour in general.

6.2.2 Aluminum

When the experiment is repeated with a conducting aluminum rod present, transient eddy currents, which oppose the infusion of the applied field in accordance with Lenz's law, are induced within its volume. The theoretical probe response model suggests that transient magnetic fields associated with the induced current densities will have the effect of reducing the amplitude of the voltage response and shifting peaks to later times.

Experimental voltage responses are acquired at receiver positions 5, 10 and 20 mm in order to verify the analytical probe response model for an aluminum rod developed in Section 5 3. For comparison, the experimental results are plotted, in Fig 64, alongside the modelled results. 98

0.04 5 [mm] Exp. 10 [mm] Exp. 0.03 - 20 [mm] Exp.

o 5 [mm] Model > 2 0.02 H o 10 [mm] Model o 20 [mm] Model

0.01 -

0.00 4-»

Time [ ms ]

Fig. 64: Comparison of modelled and experimental results for an aluminum rod.

The experimental results are generally in good agreement with the theoretical model. However, modelled results slighdy overshoot the experimental signal peaks, particularly for higher voltage responses. The discrepancy is attributed to the fact that the theoretical model does not account for self-shielding effects arising from the eddy currents induced within the receiver itself. Although the model incorporates feedback effects from the receiver acting on the transmitter, it does not subtract the back-EMFs generated by the receive coil within itself. However, since the aluminum rod generates an effective shielding eddy current field, the voltage responses are small and the receiver's self-generated back-EMFS become negligible. Although left for future work, it is proposed that the theoretical model can account for self- shielding of the receiver using a perturbation approach.

Additional experimental voltage responses are plotted, in Fig. 65, as a function of receiver position in order to investigate the transient behaviour of the magnetic flux in the presence of an aluminum rod. 99

0 25 j

0 20 -

> 015 - a

c3 0 10 -

0 05 •

0 00 -• 0 000 0 001 0 002 0 003 0 004

Time [ s ]

Fig 65 Voltage response in the presence of an aluminum rod Relative to the air case, the voltage signal strength is significantiy reduced when the aluminum rod is present. Faraday and Lenz's laws indicate that induced eddy current densities and their associated magnetic fields be opposite in polarity to the applied field. While induced current densities are constrained to the volume of the conducting rod, their transient magnetic fields extend into the exterior region. As discussed in Section 5 3, the net magnetic flux is, by the principle of superposition, the vector sum of the applied field with the opposing eddy current field. The experimental results are, therefore, consistent with theory.

Elsewhere, signal peak times are plotted, in Fig 66, as a function of receiver distance in order to characterize the axial progression of flux along a conducting non-magnetic rod. 100

0.750 i X 0.735 -

0.720 • VM^WOWWI xx x xx x a 1? ^H§w 0.705 : ^V/m yy VS? "" V^ w«* yy y y

x X X X.A*. v x x 0.690 - x *x xv X xv * C/3 0.675 • x* xx

0.660 - < 1 • i 1 . • I > . i < • ' () 3 6 9 12 1 Position [ cm ]

Fig. 66: Peak occurence times for an aluminum rod.

The results above share certain features with those generated in air: an increasing disparity in the data due to a decreasing signal-to-noise ratio at greater distances and convergence to a constant as coupling effects vanish. However, over a short interval [0-1 cm], the signal maxima occur at progressively later times. This effect is attributed to an axial component of magnetic diffusion occurring within the aluminum, which arises from the poloidal shape of the field. The analytical solutions for magnetic and non-magnetic conducting rods had identified that a magnetic field would diffuse both axially and radially within the rod, but that the external field would only be transported parallel to the rod's axis due to boundary conditions. Elsewhere, as the receiver distance continues to increase, the peak induction times describe a retrograde motion, that is, their trend reverses and peak induction begins to occur at progressively earlier times. This effect was previously attributed to the gradual uncoupling of the receiver from the transmitter, which led to faster rise-times of the applied field and, therefore, to earlier signal peaks.

Nonetheless, the signal peaks occur within a 20 us interval; signal maxima are approximately simultaneous with respect to signal duration (~ 3 ms) as shown in Fig. 67. 101

a! U



6 9 Position [ cm ]

Fig 67 Signal peak times relative to signal duration for aluminum

Although magnetic flux is known to be transported in air parallel to the rod boundary, the straight horizontal line formed by the results indicates that the signal maxima occur almost simultaneously along the rod. The modeled voltage responses for the aluminum rod, presented in Fig. 64, had predicted this result and are consistent with experimental results.

6.2.3 Brass

The third experiment examines the transient response with a brass rod present

Since brass is a conducting non-magnetic alloy, its transient response is expected to behave similarly to that of aluminum in accordance with the model developed in the previous chapter. The receiver signals are plotted in Fig 68. 102

0.25 -r—

0.20 -

> 0.15 -

a too t/3 0.10 -

0.05 -

0.00 -I— 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 Time [ s ]

Fig. 68: Voltage response of a brass rod.

As in the air and aluminum rod experiments, magnetic induction appears to begin instandy, which is consistent with the quasistatic approximation, and signal maxima appear to occur simultaneously, independent of the receiver's position. Again, signal amplitudes are significantly smaller when a conducting rod is present. As mentioned previously, the decrease in receiver signal strength is attributed to the eddy current field, which, in superposition with the excitation field, reduces the net magnetic flux according to Lenz's law.

The voltage signals observed in Fig. 68 are narrower, yet larger in amplitude, and their maxima occur sooner than those of aluminum presented in Fig. 65. To illustrate this effect, the voltage responses of the aluminum and brass rods acquired at a distance of 5 mm are plotted together in Fig. 69. 103

Aluminum 012 - \ / \ Brass 0 10 • if i/ > 0 08 • bfi \ 0 06 - "o vv > 0 04 • vs. VS. 0 02 - C*v^

0 00 - _ , , , 0 000 0 001 0 002 0 003 Time [ s ]

Fig 69 Comparison of brass and aluminum rod signals at 5 mm distance

Since brass is a poorer conductor, the eddy current density induced within it will be smaller and decay sooner than in aluminum Additionally, the rise time of the applied field is faster because of the decreased coupling by virtue of equation (2 62) As a result, the signal peak occurs earlier than for aluminum These results are consistent with the modelled results presented in Fig 51m Section 5 4

Elsewhere, the signal peak times in Fig 68 are plotted as a function of receiver position in Fig 70 below

0 720

0 705 -

A A AA . A A . \ . MA .A A AA A A A. A A 0 690 - A^A^A A A A A AA A A A A AA A AVA *AAA/> £5A^A 4& V A * 4 A* A^A 1 0 675 A " A AA A' £ A A A go c3 0 660 A A

0 645 —I r- —i r- 3 6 9 12 15

Position [ cm ]

Fig 70 Peak occurence times for a brass rod 104

Despite previously mentioned differences in the amplitude and shape of the signal, the general behavior of magnetic flux along the axis of the conducting brass rod, reflected in Fig. 70, is similar to that of aluminum. There is a slight progression of flux along the axis due to the poloidal shape of the infusing field as predicted by the theoretical model, and, in the mean, the values tend towards a constant at larger distances due to reduced coupling between the transmit and receive coils.

2.5 - a

0.5 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 3 6 Position [ cm ]

Fig. 71: Signal peak times relative to the magnetic diffusion timescale.

In agreement with the theoretically modeled brass results shown in Fig. 50, signal maxima are again observed to occur almost simultaneously.

6.2.4 Steel

Lastly, a ferromagnetic conducting steel rod was coaxially positioned through the coils. Within the context of the "ferrous fastener challenge", this experiment is expected to provide insight as to how magnetic flux could be channelled by ferrous fasteners to greater depths within multilayered aluminum structures, as predicted by the theoretical and finite element models. Theoretically modelled results have predicted that, in the case of a ferromagnetic conducting rod, signal responses would be enhanced and persist longer. Modelled transient probe responses generated for a steel rod in Section 5.5 had shown a significant shift in the voltage peaks as receiver distance increased. Experimental 105 observation of peak shifting would, therefore, support the hypothesis that a ferrous fastener will carry flux to greater depths within the aircraft's aluminum structure.

Experimental voltage responses are acquired at receiver positions 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 cm in order to qualitatively verify the analytical probe response model for a steel rod developed in Section 5.5. A direct comparison of modelled and experimental results is not performed, as the actual value of the relative permeability for the steel rod is unknown. Determination of this value is left for future work. The experimental and modelled responses are shown in Fig. 72 and Fig. 73 for qualitative comparison.


0.60 > & 0.40

o > 0.20 -

0.00 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 Time [ s ]

Fig. 72: Experimental voltage response in the presence of a steel rod, \Xr unknown.

u - 5 [mm] 4 • 2 - 0 - > 8 - I 5^ 9 6 - 4 - > p^v^ 2 - 0 - 1^^— 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 Time [ s'

Fig. 73: Modelled voltage response in the presence of a steel rod, fir = 200. 106

The general behaviour of the modelled response is in agreement with the experimental results as correct diffusion times and signal peak shifts are observed both in theory and in experiment.

Additional voltage responses are acquired at 0.5 cm intervals and are plotted in Fig.


0.000 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016 Time [ s ]

Fig. 74: Voltage response of a steel rod.

Significant observations in the steel rod's voltage response predicted by the analytical model, which are central to the magnetic behaviour of the ferrous fastener, are listed here.

1. The amplitude of the voltage response is significantly larger than the response of either air or non-magnetic conducting rods.

2. The receiver signal, which is linked to magnetic diffusion processes occurring within the rod, persists for over 16 ms, instead of 2.5 ms in the case of air, aluminum and brass.

3. The signal maxima occur at progressively later times along the rod. Unlike the peak shifts observed in the experimental results from non-magnetic conductors, the shifts observed in the steel results are significant with respect to the diffusion timescale. 107

In the analytical solutions developed in Subsection 3.1.2, the monotonically increasing term, associated with magnetization, indicates that the voltage response of a sample would be enhanced by its magnetic properties. The experimental results are consistent with this prediction, as a signal could still be acquired by the receive coil 50 cm away from the transmit coil.

The corresponding signal maxima occurrence times are plotted in Fig. 75 below as a function of receiver position.

.yvrfttGOOOOOOOOttVyytu. ^^jP^A^VWVWWVVS«*^^QQQjy 2.6 • Xw "* **sxl^ 1—1 «v. 2.4 - ^***^<*Wc<> £

1.4 - 1 1 1 i 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 'i 1 1 , , , p.—. ( , , , 10 20 30 40 50 Position [ cm ]

Fig. 75: Peak occurrence times for a steel rod

According to theory, if additional measurements were taken along the steel rod, the plot in Fig. 75 would resemble, in shape, the signal peak time plots for aluminum and brass since the analytical solutions, which describe the transient magnetic vector potential in magnetic and non-magnetic conducting rods, are almost identical. The difference residing in the magnetization term associated with u. has the effect of enhancing magnetic flux along the magnetic rod. Additionally, since the relaxation time is proportional to the sample's magnetic permeability, greater values of \x will result in longer diffusion times. These two effects, which arise from the magnetic properties of a material, appear to stretch non­ magnetic results along the horizontal position and vertical time axes.

When the results from Fig. 75 are plotted on the same timescale as the corresponding magnetic diffusion processes, a significant delay in the signal peaks is observed, especially in 108 the first 15 cm from the transmit coil. According to Faraday's law, a voltage induced in a receiver coil is proportional to the time rate-of-change of the magnetic flux density B. Then, physically, a position-dependent delay in the voltage signal, as observed in Fig 76, strongly suggests that flux transport is occurring.

Position [ cm ]

Fig 76 Signal peak times relative to the diffusion timescale for a steel rod

Since significant peak shifts only occur in magnetic conducting rods, this distinctive feature is attributed to transient magnetization processes. With reference to Section 2 3, this effect can be understood as the result of diffusing bound current densities, which in turn generate greater eddy current densities. The experimental results, for both magnetic and non-magnetic conducting rods, are consistent with the theoretical rod model developed in Chapter 3, which suggested that non-uniform applied fields would induce two-dimensional diffusion processes. The analytical solutions also suggested that these radial and axial diffusion processes would be sigmficandy enhanced and slowed when the conducting rod is ferromagnetic.

In summary, the experimental results are consistent with the theoretical and finite element models, which demonstrate that a magnetic conducting rod and, by extension, a ferrous fastener will enhance and channel flux along their axes. However, it is the electromagnetic interaction with the surrounding aluminum structure that is required for 109 detection of discontinuities. The following sections will address transient responses in the presence of bored conducting plates.

6.3 Bored Aluminum Plate

The second set of experiments studied the transient response of a conducting plate with a borehole. As only an infinite borehole was modeled, the objective was to understand the electromagnetic interactions between an applied magnetic field and a bored aluminum plate, and to relate them to the ferrous fastener structure. In order to conduct the experiment, the transmit and receive coils were coaxially positioned about a graduated wooden dowel, and separated by a conducting bored aluminum plate as shown in Fig. 77.

Fig. 77: Thick bored plate experimental configuration.

A signal was acquired at different receiver locations along the dowel. According to Maxwell's equations, a position-dependent delay in the signal maxima can only occur if there is an axial displacement of flux. This effect has been previously attributed to a material's magnetic properties. However, the plate is non-magnetic. Furthermore, the receiver was located in air, below the plate, where no eddy currents can exist.

The bored plate experiment offers an opportunity to investigate the geometrical effects of bored aluminum structures surrounding ferrous fasteners. Though the exact transient solution for the bored finite plate has not been developed in this thesis, the general behaviour of magnetic flux may be anticipated by considering boundary conditions and Maxwell's equations. Referring to section 2.3, both vectorial components of B are continuous at an interface between a non-magnetic material and air, and, therefore, so are their time-derivatives. Consequently, magnetic flux, diffusing through the aluminum plate, 110 must be continuous across the borehole boundary. Therefore, the boundary condition has the effect of transporting, or dragging, magnetic flux through the air parallel to the ln-hole wall boundary. This axial displacement of flux should cause the signal maxima to occur at progressively later times as the receiver is displaced along the dowel and away from the plate

Signal responses were acquired at 1 mm incremental separation distances, measured between the inner edges of the coils, and plotted in Fig 78.

0 05

0 04 -

— 0 03 - > a SP 0 02 CO

0 01

0 00 0 000 0 002 0 004 0 006 0 008 0 010

Time [ s ]

Fig 78 Voltage response of a bored aluminum plate

The amplitudes of the voltage signals are much smaller and the relaxation times are significandy longer than the aluminum rod results These effects are attributed to the fact that a larger volume of eddy currents are induced in the thick plate in comparison to the smaller volume associated with the rod. The strong opposing eddy current field, generated by the plate, superposes with the applied field and has the effect of shielding the receive coil, which is why the signal amplitudes are notably smaller than the rod signal responses. This shielding effect reduces the coupling between the receive coil and the transmit coil. Therefore, as the receiver is displaced away from the plate, the rise-time of the applied field remains almost unaffected and the signal peak times do not exhibit the pronounced retrograde motion exhibited in the rod results shown in Fig 66, Fig 70 and Fig 75 Conversely, since the transmit coil interacts with a larger conducting volume, coupling Ill between the transmitter and the sample is increased, and the rise-time of the applied field is significandy longer. Eddy currents are then induced over a longer period of time and, therefore, diffusion time is longer as observed in Fig. 78.

Further insight on the transient magnetic behaviour of the plate is obtained by plotting the peak times as a function of the receiver's position, along the axis of the borehole below the bored plate, as is done in Fig. 79.


4 6 10 Position [ cm ]

Fig. 79: Signal peak times relative to the diffusion timescale for a bored aluminum plate.

The signal peaks are observed to occur progressively later in time as the receiver position increases. Furthermore, the relationship is approximately linear and the corresponding expression is written

Time to Peak [ms] = 0.07104 [ms/cm] • Position [cm] + 1.211 [ms], (6.1) where the coefficients are determined with 95 % confidence bounds with an R square value of 0.994 and a calculated ^IMSE of 0.095 ms.

Shifted peaks were previously attributed to transient magnetization processes. However, in the present experimental configuration, the presence of the borehole is ultimately responsible for the signal peak shifts. In accordance with Faraday's law, the applied field diffuses through the plate while inducing eddy current densities. The damped wave of magnetic flux traveling down through the plate is hypothesized to be dragged 112 through air along the in-hole interface since boundary conditions require that the magnetic field be continuous across the borehole boundary. The resulting displacement of flux in air is responsible for the experimentally observed shift in the signal peaks to later times at greater receiver distances. Thus, electromagnetic interactions are understood to propagate from the plate into air via the borehole boundary.

Finite element analysis FEA software provides a visual representation of the diffusion process occurring in the bored aluminum plate. Fig. 80 displays a sequence of cross-sectional images illustrating the progression of the time-derivative of the magnetic flux density's axial component.

Fig. 80: Time-evolution of the axial magnetic flux density in the bored aluminum plate configuration.

The FEA results, shown in Fig. 80, support the hypothesis of a damped wave of flux traveling through the plate and along the borehole boundary where it is necessarily matched by the field in air. Furthermore, the inverse of the slope in equation (6.1) yields the damped wave's velocity through the plate and is calculated to be (141 ± 2 ) m • s_1.

In summary, electromagnetic interactions are necessarily propagated across the borehole interface in accordance with the boundary conditions. This result is consistent with Finite Element results presented in Section 4.2.2, which indicate that a magnetic field generated inside a borehole by a current loop will interact with the surrounding aluminum structure. By extension, a magnetized ferrous fastener is also expected to propagate electromagnetic interactions into the surrounding aluminum structure. 113

6.4 Rod & Bored Plate

While previous experiments sought to elucidate the geometric and material-induced diffusion effects occurring in the rod and plate geometries separately, the third and final experiment was aimed at understanding transient electromagnetic interactions between a ferromagnetic conducting rod and a bored conducting plate. This experiment, which combines all of the previously encountered effects, studies the interactions hypothesized to occur in the ferrous fastener structure shown in Fig 54. A cross-sectional view of the experimental configuration is displayed in Fig 81.

Fig 81 Diagram of long rod & bored plate configuration

The steel rod, which models the fastener, was inserted through the aluminum plate. Signal responses, presented in Fig 82, were acquired at 5 mm intervals

0 000 0 010 0 020 0 030 0 040 0 050 Time [ s ]

Fig 82 Voltage response of a magnetic rod through a bored aluminum plate 114

Results in Fig. 82 can be explained using concepts acquired from the theoretical model, finite element model, and previously conducted experiments. Despite strong shielding effects from the plate, which acts to cancel the applied field, magnetic flux through the receiver is enhanced by magnetization effects occurring in the steel rod. This is consistent with the observation that the signal amplitudes are smaller than those obtained with the steel rod (Fig. 74), yet greater than those from the bored plate (Fig. 78).

Elsewhere, eddy current induction persists for over 50 ms, which corresponds to a diffusion time longer than the rod and plate experiments combined. This enhanced diffusion time is attributed to a coupling of the steel rod, through the aluminum plate, with the transmit coil. Their combined feedback on the transmitter significantly slows the establishment of the applied field which, therefore, prolongs the diffusion processes. This result is further indication that the ferromagnetic rod must be electromagnetically interacting with the surrounding aluminum structure.

Two distinct diffusion mechanisms are proposed to be occurring in the rod & plate configuration. The wave of flux traveling through the aluminum along the borehole boundary and the propagation of flux along a magnetized rod, represent dual, yet coupled, diffusion processes. A key feature in the voltage responses supporting this hypothesis, apparent in Fig. 82, is the kink in the signals occurring shordy after the main peak. It suggests that a secondary component of magnetic flux arrives at the receiver shortly after the initial signal peak. This is experimental evidence of a dual diffusion process. The initial voltage peak times are plotted on the same timescale as the bored plate, in Fig. 83, as a function of receiver position along the steel rod below the plate. 115

iu -

14 •

12 • ^^^^^^^^"W*^*'

10 - x^

8 - o o o s 6 - o 4 •>

2 -

n - 1 1 1 1 -, , , , , 0 10 20 30 40 50

Position [ cm ]

Fig. 83: Voltage signal peaks versus receiver position for the rod and plate configuration.

The elongated diffusion time causes the signal peaks to occur much later than in the rod or plate experiments combined.

Computer-generated results provide a visual representation of the evolution of magnetic flux in the bored aluminum plate. A sequence of cross-sectional images illustrates, in Fig. 84, the progression of the time-derivative of the magnetic flux density's axial component.

Ous 10 ns 50 us 150 us 1 ms

Fig. 84: Transient progression of magnetic vector potential along a magnetic steel rod shielded by an aluminum plate. 116

2D axisymmetric plots generated in ComSol support the hypothesis of a dual diffusion process. Initially, the portion of the steel rod below the plate is shielded by eddy currents induced within the aluminum plate. The main signal peak observed in the experimental results, shown in Fig. 82, occurs when the applied field reaches the underside of the plate and begins magnetizing the bottom portion of the steel rod. Meanwhile, a second wave of flux, channeled by the ferrous rod, travels along the borehole while maintaining boundary conditions. The kink observed in the signals occurs at approximately 10 ms and is attributed to the arrival of the second contribution of magnetic flux traveling along the steel rod.

In summary, concepts gained from the simplified rod and plate experiments, supported by analytical models and Finite Element Analysis, elucidate the mechanisms by which a ferrous rod carries magnetic flux deeper within a bored aluminum structure. Two main effects were identified in the progression of flux down the borehole. The applied field rapidly diffuses into the aluminum plate and begins magnetizing the steel rod. The rod then enhances and channels the magnetic flux to greater depths within the plate and in the bottom portion of the rod. 117


The objective of this thesis was to elucidate the potential of using ferrous fasteners as flux-channelling conduits for improved detection of target discontinuities at greater depths within surrounding multilayer aluminum structures. Co-supporting theoretical, experimental and finite element results generated in Chapters 3, 4 and 5 confirm the ferrous fastener's magnetic flux-channelling effect, but also identify propagated interactions with the surrounding conducting structure. The following chapter will summarize important results and discuss their implications in the context of Transient Eddy Current NDE.

7.1 Parameters Affecting Voltage Response

The theoretical response model developed in Chapter 5, which describes transient probe response, reveals how different physical parameters affect the magnitude and shape of a voltage response. This theoretical description is important because it provides an account of magnetic processes occurring in conducting structures such as the ferrous fastener configuration. Furthermore, a mathematical understanding of the effects of various parameters may be used to optimize transient eddy current systems and techniques.

It is essential to understand that a transient signal, measured by a receiver, does not correspond to the transient eddy current signal generated by a conducting sample. Rather, the signal will depend of on several competing processes which ultimately define its amplitude and shape. Equation (7 1), derived from Maxwell's equations, suggests that a voltage is induced in the receiver by the applied field, enhanced by magnetization effects and simultaneously shielded by eddy current fields generated by the sample.

1 7 x e

For example, a ferromagnetic rod can be expected to enhance the receiver signal with its magnetic contribution. Conversely, rods with greater conductivities will generate stronger eddy current fields, which will dimmish the voltage response. Experimental results 118 are consistent with this superposition effect. The voltage responses acquired, at a receiver position of 5 mm, for air, aluminum, brass and steel rods are plotted together in Fig. 85.


2.5 /' \ / \ > 2.0 / \ 1 \ c o 1.5 i X a, i 's 1.0 .\ ft "s. r ': "•N J \ ' — f 0.5 > 0.0 0.000 0.004 0.008 0.012 0.016 Time • Air Aluminum • Brass Steel

Fig. 85: Comparison of voltage responses of air, aluminum, brass and steel.

The aluminum and brass signals appear almost identical in Fig. 85 and are overlapping. They were measured to be smaller in amplitude than the air signal, while the magnetic steel signal was measured to be the largest. These results are generally consistent with the theoretical response model. However, additional complex electromagnetic interactions contribute in determining the exact position and shape of the signal peaks measured in experiment.

The rate-of-change of the transmitter signal will also affect the amplitude and shape of the induced signal, since, in theory, induced voltage is proportional to the time-derivative of the magnetic vector potential. The onset of the applied field is slowed when a material with a greater fia generates stronger feedback on the transmitter, as shown experimentally in Fig. 86. 119

u JJ •

0 30 - ^^

0 25 - /

> 0 20 - too «s 0 15 - f ^^- — — > 0 10 - / ^ 0 05 - f / 1/ 0 00 - 11 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 05 15 2 25 3 35 Time [ s ] Air Aluminum — — Steel

Fig 86 Transmitter signals in the presence of air, aluminum and steel rods

Smaller rates-of-change result in smaller voltage responses, but also in longer diffusion times as shown previously in a comparison of brass and aluminum responses plotted in Fig 69 The voltage signals associated with the different rod materials are normalized and presented in Fig 87 in order to compare their diffusion times


> u bO OS "o >

00 0 001 0 002 0 003 0 004 Time [ s ] Air Aluminum Brass — — Steel

Fig 87 Normalized voltage response of air, aluminum, brass and steel 120

Longer decay times were, in fact, observed experimentally for experimental materials with greater values of \io given in Table 2. The steel rod's voltage response, indicative of internal diffusion processes coupled with the transmit coil, persisted for over 16 ms, while the voltage response of the aluminum rod was almost completely decayed after 2.5 ms.

Alternatively, magnetic diffusion in conductors may be understood to occur at different rates due to the effect of permeability and conductivity on the time dependent component of analytical solutions. The exponential time term in the rod and borehole solutions is written

!-.-=}£•. ^

As the product defined by \ia increases, so does the characteristic diffusion time T; the induced eddy current densities persist for a longer period of time before completely decaying away.

Physically, when the material's conductivity a is high, induced eddy-current densities persist longer because of the reduced rate at which they are lost to resistive heating. In the limit, when the resistivity is zero, as in the case of a superconductor for instance, there are no resistive losses and the induced current densities persist forever. Conversely, in the limit that the conductivity approaches zero, the diffusion currents would be reduced to zero.

A physical interpretation of [i and a is that magnetic permeability \i increases the density of induced eddy currents, while the conductivity o establishes the rate at which they decay; both terms then linearly scale the relaxation time as seen in equation (7.2), which is, therefore, proportional to their product.

In summary, conducting materials with greater values of jia are more strongly coupled with the transmit coil. Stronger coupling, therefore, results in a slower rise-time of the applied field. Accordingly, the duration of voltage signals induced in the receiver will persist longer, as shown in Fig. 87, and the voltage maxima will occur later. For the same reason, signal amplitude, which is proportional to the time rate-of-change of the magnetic flux, will be smaller for non-magnetic conductors having a greater a, as observed in Fig. 69. In the case of ferromagnetic conductors, the magnetic flux is even slower to reach 121 equilibrium because of its much greater product fia. However, the stationary state it must attain can be orders of magnitude greater due to magnetization and, therefore, the rate-of- change of the magnetic flux remains high, resulting in strong voltage responses. All of the competing transient processes described above, which interact in a complex manner through electromagnetic coupling, determine the amplitude, shape and location of the peak in a voltage response signal.

Ultimately, the sensitivity of transient eddy current testing in detecting defects at depth is almost only limited by signal-to-noise ratio considerations. Therefore, the theoretical response model written as equation (7.1), which incorporates physical parameters such as receiver distance, coil size, driving current, material characteristics and so on, provides a physical interpretation of the coupled electromagnetic diffusion processes, and can be used to optimize signal response and, thus, system sensitivity.

7.2 Channelling of Magnetic Flux

Analytical and finite element models calculated the stationary magnetic vector potential to be up to several orders of magnitude stronger in magnetic rods than in non­ magnetic rods. For example, at a distance of 10 cm away from the transmitter coil, the value of the vector potential in a magnetic rod characterised by a relative permeability of 66, was found to be 8 orders of magnitude greater than in a non magnetic rod.

The voltage induced in a receiver is dependent, however, upon transient diffusion processes that define the rate at which the magnetic field grows to its stationary state. Transient solutions developed from first principles had suggested that the application of a non-uniform poloidal magnetic field would induce transient two-dimensional diffusion processes within conducting rods. In particular, the solutions predicted that, in the case of ferromagnetic conducting rods, diffusion would be slowed, yet enhanced by magnetization effects.

The enhancement of magnetic fields due to magnetization is reflected in both stationary and transient analytical solutions, where the term associated with the magnetic properties of the rod, 122

At(li(Ar0)Ko(Ar0) + IoCA^K^Aro)) I Mo o(Ar0)K1(Ar0)+^I1(Ar0)K0(Ar0) ' is monotonically increasing in jx. The term appropriately becomes 1 as expected when ju =

HQ. It was an experimental observation, in this thesis, that the receiver coil still acquired a distinct signal up to 50 cm away from the transmitter coil along the magnetic steel rod, whereas the signal for an aluminum rod became indistinguishable from the noise after 5 cm.

In summary, the analytical solutions, finite element models and experimental work have shown that at greater distances along a conducting ferromagnetic rod, where the applied field effectively vanishes, the diffusing molecular field, arising from magnetization, continues to induce strong eddy current densities. The modification of these diffused fields and current densities at an abrupt change in the vicinity of a discontinuity is the basis of magnetically sensitive, non-destructive transient eddy current testing, in the presence of ferrous fasteners. Since the fields are enhanced and exist at much greater distances along magnetic conducting rods than along nonmagnetic conductors, so too are the corresponding current densities.

If it is clear that a magnetic conducting rod will enhance and channel flux along its axis. Therefore, the next important point of discussion is the propagated electromagnetic interactions from the rod to the surrounding aluminum structure where stress-cracks are prone to develop.

7.3 Electromagnetic Interactions in the Borehole

Developing a theoretical model of the bored plate configuration, while employing the separation of variables technique, would require solving an initial value boundary value problem with 6 regions. As no examples addressing 6 region potential problems were found in the literature, the transient solution for a thick bored plate was not sought in this thesis. Instead, the geometry was idealized as an infinite borehole, thereby requiring solutions for only two regions. Although the resulting transient solutions do not exactly describe a thick bored plate, they reveal that an in-hole field will interact electromagnetically with the surrounding structure. Solutions (3.81) and (3.82), which describe the electromagnetic 123 interactions between an in-hole field generated by current loop and the surrounding non­ magnetic conducting media, show that magnetic fields, and their associated eddy current densities, travel into and along the in-hole boundary. The theoretical and finite element results, therefore, suggest that the field contained in the borehole interacts with the plate.

In the experiment, where the transmitter coil was located above the bored plate, the applied field diffused through the plate while inducing eddy current densities. The fields associated with the eddy currents modified the external field, which was required to match the internal field at the in-hole boundary, as they diffused through the plate. The receiver coil, coaxially located beneath the borehole, measured an approximately linear delay in the voltage signal peaks as it was moved further away from the plate. The process, shown in Fig. 80, may be described as a damped diffusive wave of flux traveling through the plate and along the borehole boundary, where it is necessarily matched by the field in air. The experimental results, therefore, indicate that the field in the plate interacts with the field contained in the borehole.

In summary, the analytical, finite element and experimental results strongly suggest that there is an electromagnetic bilateral coupling between the region inside the borehole and the plate. Thus, an interpretation of the borehole and rod models may be combined, along with experimental results from the rod through plate configuration, to elucidate the potential of using ferrous fasteners as flux-channelling conduits for improved detection of target discontinuities at greater depths within surrounding multilayer aluminum structures.

7.4 Dual Couple Diffusion Process

It was demonstrated through theoretical and finite element analysis, and experimental measurements, that a magnetic conducting rod would enhance and propagate flux along its axis. Theoretical and finite element models have demonstrated that a field generated inside a borehole would diffuse into the surrounding conducting media. Additionally, the bored plate experiment revealed that a damped wave of flux would diffuse down from the surface of the plate, all the while matching the field in air at the in-hole boundary as shown previously in Fig. 80. Although a complete theoretical model for the 124 ferrous fastener geometry was not developed in this thesis, it was inferred from the borehole and rod models that the rod would enhance and channel flux down into the bored aluminum structure. The field created by the magnetized rod, which has already been demonstrated to exist far beyond the point where the applied field becomes effectively zero, diffuses into the aluminum structure and may interact with target discontinuities. The process by which the rod becomes magnetized in the presence of an aluminum plate is itself the result of a primary diffusion effect. The field from the transmitter coil diffuses a certain distance into the aluminum structure at a faster rate by virtue of its lower \ia product. The primary diffused field becomes the field which magnetizes the rod. The rod then enhances and channels the flux to greater depths, beyond the effective range of the transmitter coil, and creates a secondary diffusion process whereby the field generated by the magnetized rod diffuses into the aluminum structure.

This dual diffusion process was observed experimentally in the rod and plate configuration in Chapter 6. The primary signal peak occurred when the magnetic field from the coil diffused through the aluminum plate and magnetized the rod along its surface where the receiver coil was located. A secondary amount of flux was sensed by the receive coil once the flux was enhanced and channeled by the ferrous fastener, yet forced to travel through the plate and match the in-hole boundary, arriving at the receiver as shown in Fig. 82.

This thesis, therefore, proposes that a dual diffusion process occurs in fastened aluminum structures. Furthermore, the enhanced coupling between the fastener and the surrounding aluminum layers, demonstrated by the results obtained in this thesis, are indicative of the potential for using the fasteners as flux-channeling conduits.

7.5 TEC and the Ferrous Fastener Challenge

The theoretical, finite element and experimental results summarized and discussed above strongly suggest that transient eddy current has the potential of performing enhanced bolthole inspections in the presence of ferrous fasteners with a similar configuration. The analytical solutions describing the amplification and transport of magnetic flux along 125 ferromagnetic conducting rods have been developed and verified by finite element analysis. Elsewhere, Faraday's law, together with boundary conditions on the magnetic fields, would suggest that the enhanced flux generated in a ferromagnetic rod would extend into a surrounding conducting medium and induce currents within it. Accordingly, experimental results have demonstrated that a ferromagnetic conducting rod interacts with a surrounding conducting aluminum plate, and has shown evidence of a dual diffusion process.

A primary diffusion field, induced in the aluminum by the transmitter coil, interacts with surface and near surface defects and magnetizes the ferrous fastener. The secondary diffusion field, generated by the magnetized fastener, interacts with the aluminum structure at much greater depths, beyond the effective field of the transmitter coil. Experimental work performed by P. Whalen [8] has presented evidence for this dual diffusion process. In his experiment, bored conducting plates were successively added between a transmit coil and a notched plate. In this manner, the depth of the discontinuity could be varied. The time- to-peak of the differential voltage response signals are plotted in Fig. 88.



'—u ' 0.0012 - 6 0.0008


0.0000 0 12 3 4 5 6 Depth [ mm ]

Fig. 88: Time-to-peak measured as a function of notch depth. (Credit: P. Whalen [8])

Concepts gained from theoretical, finite element and experimental work performed in this thesis help elucidate these results. The bored aluminum plate experiment demonstrated that a diffusive wave of flux will travel along the in-hole boundary at approximately constant velocity. Magnetic flux has been demonstrated, both analytically and 126 experimentally, to diffuse along a ferromagnetic rod. By virtue of a greater product \xa, the diffuse wave is slower to travel along the ferrous fastener than the wave diffusing through the aluminum plate. Both of these transient effects are occurring in the ferrous fastener structure. As a result, the initial, approximately linear, portion of the results is attributed to the primary diffusion wave induced in the aluminum by the transmit coil, while the second, slower wave, is attributed to a secondary diffusion wave induced, at greater depths within the aluminum structure, by the magnetized fastener.

The same dual effect is observed when comparing the amplitude of the acquired signal peak to the depth of a detected notch, as shown in Fig. 89.



> -, 0.0008 % 0.0004

° o o o O O o 0.0000 -4-^- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Notch Depth [mm]

Fig. 89: Signal peak amplitude as a function of notch depth. (Credit: P. Whalen [8])

Although other physical processes affect the signal's amplitude, there is a distinctive alteration of the rate of signal decay at greater depths.

The work performed in this thesis is consistent with these results, which all suggest that transient eddy current is capable of detecting target discontinuities in the vicinity of a ferrous fastener at much greater depths within the surrounding aluminum structure when magnetization of the rod in the current configuration is applied. 127


This thesis has developed the underlying theory that elucidates transient magnetic processes arising in multi-layered rivet-joint aluminum structures. Exact analytical solutions using the magnetic vector potential were derived from Maxwell's equations. The solutions, verified against finite element results, accurately describe magnetic field diffusion and corresponding eddy current densities along ferromagnetic and non ferromagnetic conducting rods. Similarly, stationary and transient analytical borehole solutions identify electromagnetic interactions propagated by an in-hole magnetic field to the surrounding conducting structure.

A generalized transient probe response model employing these step-function solutions and capable of incorporating all feedback effects was developed. The model identified the various electromagnetic interactions present in the system (the applied field, a magnetization component and a shielding eddy current component) that give rise to and modify the voltage response. Furthermore, the analytical expression describing the response can be used to optimize probe parameters and configurations. The modelled results obtained in the presence of a ferromagnetic rod predicted that an axial progression of magnetic flux would significantly shift the signal peaks to later times as the distance between the receiver and the transmitter increases.

Transient eddy current measurements were performed in the laboratory using encircle transmit and receive configurations along rods of aluminum brass and steel. Experimental measurements along conducting rods agree with theoretically modelled results, and reproduce the predicted signal peak shifts in the case of a magnetic steel rod. A second experiment identified magnetic diffusion processes occurring in a bored aluminum plate and their behaviour at the in-hole boundary. When both experimental configurations were combined in the rod & plate experiment, evidence for a dual diffusion process was observed. Two main effects were identified in the progression of flux down the borehole. First, the applied field rapidly diffused into the aluminum plate near the surface and began magnetizing the steel rod. Second, the rod then enhanced and transported the magnetic flux, 128 albeit at a slower rate, to greater depths within the borehole and propagated electromagnetic interactions into the surrounding aluminum structure.

Similar magnetic diffusion processes are expected to occur in the fastened aluminum aircraft structure because of comparable geometries. The magnetic field generated by the transmit coil initially diffuses into the aluminum plate, where it may interact with surface and near-surface cracks, and magnetizes the ferrous fastener. As the magnetic flux is intensified and channelled into the structure due to magnetization effects, so too are associated eddy current densities which are propagated into the surrounding conducting medium. This explains observations of greater depth of penetration compared to when ferrous materials are not present. 129


Only a portion of the analytical investigation of the ferrous fastener challenge was investigated in this thesis. Additional challenges that may be completed utilizing the work initiated here are outlined below.

9.1 Transient Borehole Solution

Transient borehole solutions (3.81) and (3.82), developed and presented in Section 3.2, remain to be plotted and verified by finite element analysis results. Following verification, these solutions will accurately describe the electromagnetic interactions of an in- hole current loop with the surrounding aluminum structure. As a result, they would provide the theoretical motivation for developing and employing transient eddy current to inspect the jack pad boreholes in a CP-140 Aurora where cracking is prone to occur.

9.2 Complete Ferrous-Fastener Geometry

An analytical model of the complete ferrous fastener geometry, obtained by a separation of variables technique, requires solving an initial boundary value problem with 6 regions. Building a Fourier-Bessel Series solution for a problem with 6 regions, using the separation of variables technique, is much more difficult than the problems involving only two. No such example was encountered in the literature. The solution is, however, currently being sought using an integral transforms method. 130

A1 A"

AIV ( j


Fig. 90: Complete ferrous fastener boundary value problem.

Other interesting geometries, such as the finite rod and the bored plate, also require a feasible method for solving 6-region problems.

9.3 Calculating Feedback

A complete theoretical description of all electromagnetic interactions, which incorporates feedback effects, is yet to be developed in the literature. It is proposed here that all feedback effects may be explicidy addressed by a well-posed partial differential equation and using an integral transform method. For example, consider the ID case treated by Wwedensky and Calleroti of a long thin solenoid encircling a long conducting rod.

The partial differential equation governing transient behaviour of the system is given by Poisson's equation

2 V A = -A*0j (9-1)

In order to be well-posed, the vector Laplacian must correcdy reflect the symmetries of the system. Given the geometry's independence of z and 0, the vector Laplacian will only contain the r-dependent azimuthal vector components. Elsewhere, all current densities, being induced, bound or stationary, must be correcdy integrated into the partial differential equation so that the solution has the form A = A(r, t) (f> where 131 ( -\2 -l a i ' (9.2) dA(r t) ~ dA(r t) +li0a0nT—^— 5(r - a) - [x0V x M • u(r) u(r0 - r) + fia—-^— u(r) u(r0 - r)

Where r0 is the rod radius, n is the rod's permeability, a is the rod's conductivity, /J.0 is the permeability of free space, a is the coil radius, <70 is the coil's conductivity and nT is the coil turn density. The delta-Dirac function S(r — a) in the first and second RHS terms restricts the free and induced (feedback) current densities respectively to a cylinder of radius a. A product of Heaviside functions u(r)u(r0 — r) restricts an additional induced current density to a rod of radius r0. Thus, feedback has been explicidy included in the partial differential equation. A solution to (9.2) will simultaneously incorporate self- inductance and feedback effects of a long thin coil around a long magnetic conducting rod.

Since the solution is defined on the interval 0 < r < oo, a Hankel transform is appropriately applied and equation (9.2) is written

dA(a,t) -Y AK(Y,t) = -fi0nTI a^iya) + n0a0nT——— a^iya) - (9.3) rr° d fr° -J AuO-.Or^Cyr^dr + na— J A(r, ^r^iy^dr .

In order to solve equation (9.3), two valid assumptions are made

1. The solution is separable and of the form A(r, t) = R(r)T(t). 2. The time component is in the form of an exponential T(t) = (1 - e~at) .

Equation (9.3) is separated using assumption 1. so that

2 -y Rjf(K)T(t) = -ii0nTI ahiya) + ^0o-0nrR(a)T'(t)aJ1(ya) -


-Qi - ix0)nTl T(t) f °r h(yr)dr + \io T'(t) f R(r) r)x(yr)dr . Jo Jo

From assumption 2, limits on the time component and on its derivative are 132

lim 7(t) = 1 , t->ca (9.5) £-»olimo T'(t) = 0 .

In the limit that t increases to infinity, the partial differential equation in (9.4) becomes

Ji(ya) fr° IiCy) Rjf (y) = H0nTIa +(ji- u0)nTl I r —— dr , (9.6) with solution:

r ur 2 ro Afo«2 Q

r > a

The choice of R(r) will depend on the region for which a solution is sought. Using the now solved radial component R(r) where r0 < r < a and its Hankel transform Rjf (y), equation (9.4) becomes

2/ , Jifrq) , , , , f° JiCyr). \T/V. -y ( MonT/a —3— + O - Mo)M I r —5- dr J T(t) =

2 o)r -u0nTI a h(Ya) + u0

f» rr°,ur2 -(/i - Mo)M T(t) r J1(yr)dr + M

Equation (9.8) simplifies to the following ordinary differential equation:

T(0 = 1 - a0nT fc/^ + ^) r(0 - j^r-, T'(0 fV hCyDdr . (9.9) \ 2a 2 ) 2u0a)t{ya) J0

The integral on the RHS is analytically soluble and the equation becomes

( 2 T(0 = 1 - a0nT ( J^lt + *£) r(0 - ^ J1^o)-y^o(yro)2 T V 2a 2 2iiQa y Ji(ya) and the resulting differential equation written 133

2 \ \ 2a 2) 2^0a y Ii (ya) ) is exacdy soluble. The closed form analytical solution to (9.11) is

2 _ _ (

In the limit that r0 goes to zero (i.e. no rod is present) equation (9.13) simplifies to

T(t) = (1 - e" WonTa ^ (9.13)

The solution of an inductor in air is well-known and previously given in (1.2)

T(t) = (l-e~H (9.14) where

N2na R p0N2nr 0b 2 / 2 2 2 (9.15) I n0N A/l lx0N na n0o0a N ix0a0nTa I

This consistency check suggests that this method could be successful at directly incorporating feedback effects into analytical solutions. The solution remains to be verified experimentally.



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Magnetic vector potential boundary conditions

B B l,ll _ 2,l| (A.1) Ml ("2

Bl „ B2 - Z = Z (A.2) Ml M2

V x Ax V X A2 z = • z (A.3) Mi M2

rAl rA r dr ( ) = r dr ^ ^ (A.4) Mi M2

Ai 9Ai A2 dA2 r dr _ r dr (A.5) Mi M2

. dAt dA2 Al + r 2+r gr = * dr (A.6) Mi M2

Bi,i = B2,± (A.7)

Bx • f = B2 • f (A.8)

VxA1-f = VxA2-f (A.9)

dk _ dA x 2 (A.10) dz dz

aA _ 9A x 2 (A.11) dz dz



Useful Bessel function identities and integrals

1. Derivative of a Bessel function.

^(kz) = ke^Cfcz) -£cM(fcz) (B.l)

—h(mjz) = m,J0(m,z) — (B.2) m,

2. Integral of a squared Bessel function. f z2 2 2 (B.3) J z • C (kz) dz = — [C (kz) - C^ikz) • CM+1(fcz)]

2 2 J r J (m,r) dr = ^- [ J (kr0) - J0(/cr0) • J2(fcr0)] (B.4)

3. Integral of dissimilar Bessel functions and dissimilar arguments. If k =£ l,z 6 C and C^ is a

cylinder function of order v,

k t-n+i(.kz) e^iz) --1 • e^ikz) Cn+iOz) l then /*•

k e2{kz) Ci(iz) --z- c\(fcz) e2(fz)l ifM = 1 J z • CiC/cz) • ex{lz) dz = 2 (B.6) fc - -z2

r0 k • J2(fcr0) • JiGro) - / • ]t(kr0) • ]2{lr0) and JrJiCfcr)!! (Ir) dr — r0 (B.7) k2-l2

k -* iX

r0 a • -I2(Ar0) • ]1(m]rQ)-mJ • tIx(Ar0) • J2(m;r0) I riliCAOJ^rn^^dr = r (B.I 0 -X2-m2

r0 ^ I Un))Ii("i,ro) + "*/ Ii(^o)J2(m r ) j rI Ur)J (m r)dr = r 2 ; 0 (B.9) 1 1 ; 0 A2 +m/



Physical dimensions and electrical properties of the transmitter and receiver coils:

Table 3: Physical dimensions of the transmit and receive coils.

Inner coil radius: 10.00 mm Outer coil radius: 12.56 mm Length: 27.89 mm Spool edge thickness: 1.00 mm Transmitter Coil Resistivity: 25.55 Q. Inductance: 12.57 mH Wire gage: 30 Number of turns: 1033

Inner coil radius: 5.435 mm Outer coil radius: 6.28 mm Length: 20.55 mm m Spool edge thickness: 1.00 mm Receiver Coil Resistivity: 35.15 Q Inductance: 1.8 mH Wire gage: 38 Number of turns: 675


Table 4- Inner wing intermediate spar lower cap specifications (source: F/A-18 Fleet Management repport)

Ferrous Fastener :

Spar: Aluminum 7050 MATERIAL Skin : Composite (Carbon-Epoxy)

Skin / Spar interface : Sealant

From lower skin : OML ACCESSIBILITY From top : by removing upper skin



Daniel Rocco Desjardins was born on the Gaspe coast, Quebec, on the 11th of September 1987. Expressing an early interest in aviation, he applied to become a Canadian Forces pilot. He graduated from the Royal Military College (RMC) with a Bachelor of Science in combined honours Physics and Space Science. Daniel was the recipient of two departmental medals for highest academic standing in both programs. While attending RMC, he partook in a six month exchange at the US Air Force Academy, in Colorado Springs. Following graduation, he completed Phase I military pilot training in Portage La Prairie, Manitoba, in the summer of 2009. In September 2009, he returned to RMC and undertook a Master's of Science in Physics while working as a research and teaching assistant. Later that year, he was selected to attend the International Space University (ISU) in Strasbourg, France, for the summer session of 2010. The ISU program offered a unique international, intercultural and multidisciplinary experience covering all disciplines related to space programs and enterprises, space science, space engineering, systems engineering, space policy and law, business and management, and space and society. Currently, Daniel is completing his Master's Degree, and is scheduled to attend Phase II military pilot training in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, in March 2011