OPEC decision 4-year lowon Oil collapsesto 15 had beenshotin thechest.Afriendidentified officials said.A healthministryofficialsaidone ers clashedwithpolice,health and security at leasttwopeoplewerekilledwhen protest- acts ofviolenceduringtheprotests. at least145peopletheysaidwere planning in jail.Themurdercameaspolice roundedup killed hundredsofpeopleandleft thousands amid adeadlysecuritycrackdownthathas are increasinglygivingwaytoarmedattacks were notidentified,butprotestsbyIslamists health officialssaid.Theassailantsfledand dead andonewounded,themilitary east ofthecitythatalsoleftanothersoldier general inashootingoutsidehotelthe mosques, gunmeninacarkilledbrigadier last year. overthrow ofthen-presidentMohamedMorsi Islamist groupthatopposesthemilitary’s cities inanticipationofralliescalledbyan police hadfannedoutacrossCairoandother cer intheEgyptiancapital.Thearmyand shot deadtwosoldiersincludingasenioroffi- Cairo justhoursafterunidentifiedattackers when Islamistprotestersandpoliceclashedin CAIRO: of MatariyaduringclashesbetweenIslamistprotestorsandpoliceyesterday.—AFP CAIRO: EgyptiansreactnexttoamanwhowasshotinCairo’sworkingclassdistrict

I SUBSCRIPTION In Cairo’sworkingclassdistrictof Matariya, Hours beforethesmallmarchesleftfrom slamists, police clash in Two peoplewerekilledyesterday 150 Fils AUDY OEBR2,21 AA ,13 HNo:16357 1436 AH SATURDAY, SAFAR 7, NOVEMBER29,2014 blamed foryouthviolence Media, parents,teachers Experts shedlightonmotives been arrestedand jailed.—AFP has killedhundreds. Thousandshavealso to adeadlycrackdownonhissupporters that demanding hisresignation.Morsi’s ousterled pled him,followingmassdemonstrations political blocinEgyptbeforethe militarytop- Brotherhood movement,werethe strongest eight rudimentarybombsacross the country. a statementthatpoliceexpertshaddefused Morsi inJuly2013.Theinteriorministrysaid oppose thearmy’soverthrowofIslamist Front, partofaloosenetworkIslamistswho protests werecalledbythelittle-knownSalafi strator leftbehindtoawaitingpolicecar.The Officers frogmarchedonesuspecteddemon- turned upandfledatthesightofpolice. Haram district,onlyabout20protesters police, werereportedelsewhere.InCairo’s shotgun. and officersarrestedoneofthemcarryinga police cameunderfirefromtheprotesters, he said.However,theinteriorministrysaid “The policefiredrandomlyattheprotesters,” attended anti-governmentdemonstrations. dead manwasanIslamistwhohadregularly him asMohammedHassan,andtoldAFPthe Islamists, particularlyMorsi’s Muslim Smaller marches,quicklydispersedby C airo end extremism dialogue to Pope callsfor 7 peace andlaworder. disrupting authorities’effortstomaintainthe sters cancauseanxiety,tensionandchaos,thus among theyouth,cautioningthatjitteryyoung- interview thatviolencehasparticularlyincreased professor atKuwaitUniversity,indicatedinan and badteachers.DrAhmadAl-Sherif,amedia blame largelyonmodernmedia,carelessparents violence amongyoungstersinKuwait,puttingthe KUWAIT: prevailing cultureofconsumption. bad company,lackofreligiousdeterrence andthe cited otherreasonsforspreadofviolence, suchas tive energyandhatredagainstlaws andrules.”He literature andsciences,itmayturn intoadestruc- right ways,suchasbeinginvolved insports,arts, and ifthisenergydoesisnotletout throughthe said, “theyouthconstituteanexplosiveenergy motive tobeviolent. like orfathom,andthisinturnconstitutesanother are coercedtostudyspecializationstheydonot cism andreprimanding.Insomecases,children caused byparents’badtreatment,recurringcriti- violence asameansoflettingofffrustration malls. Manyminorshavebeenresortingtopublic that takeplaceatpublicplacesandshopping deans, inadditiontorecurringviolentincidents children getbadtreatmentfromteachersand over thepastyears,particularlyatschools,where acknowledged thatviolenceinKuwaitincreased encouraging voluntarywork. enable youngcitizensreleasetheirenergythrough children. Thestateonitspartshouldplayaroleto guidance anddependenceonmaidstolookafter dents”, alludingtheproblemtolackofparents’ into aphenomenon,notmerelyindividualinci- sor, saidthatviolenceinKuwait“hasdeveloped society. allowing themtobeeffectiveparticipantsinthe proposed listeningtotheyouths’demandsand extreme andeccentricideas.Asforremedies,he ing tobrainwashthemandmakeadopt groups areparticularlytargetingtheyouth,seek- conservative society.Healsowarnedthatradical with substantialfreedomsandthelocal,largely due totheculturalgapbetweenanouterworld KU, calledfortreatingfrustrationamongtheyouth broadcast viaaudiovisualnetworks. sorship onsuchmaterials,eitherthoseprintedor sion, onlineandcinema.Hecalledfortightercen- exposed toviolentimagesandthemesviatelevi- indicating thattheKuwaitiyoutharebeing television channelsandsocialmedia,”saidSherif, culture ofviolencebeingpromotedviasatellite and repression,thereforeweneedtocounterthe strategies thathavelongbeenbasedontaboos tion shouldnudgeustore-examineeducational Dr AbulhamidAl-Sarraf,asociologyteacher, Dr KhederYaroun,apsychologyprofessor, Dr HamedAl-Abdullah,politicalscienceprofes- Dr AyedAl-Mannaa,educationprofessoratthe “We liveinamaterialisticworldandthissitua- Experts haveshedlightonrootsofrising US Thanksgiving Lions dominateon Eagles, Seahawks, 43 25,000 othertypesofcrimes.—KUNA cases 2,229,minordelinquency 1,814and 18,064, feloniesunrelatedtonarcotics 6,709,drug in 2013showthatmisdemeanor casestotaled motive forcrimesanddelinquency. MoIstatistics that themodernmediahavebecome amain delinquency. Heconcurredwiththeprofessors media withrespectofguidingadolescentsagainst chological problems.”Henotedroleofthesecurity disrupting hisstudiesandresultingindeeppsy- be referredtothecorrectionsdepartments,thus legal authorities.“Insomecases,thejuvenilemay between thewarringsidestoavertresorting or minimizeinjuriesanddamage. rels becauserapidinterventionishelpfultoavert quick notificationaboutflare-upsofviolentquar- violence, suchasalcoholanddrugs.Hecalledfor Moreover, MoIpersonneldealwithothercausesof concealed dangerousobjects,deemedaweapon. sirens andscanningdevicesatexitstodetectany owners toinstallsecuritycameras,emergency weekends, wheresuchincidentsoftentakeplace. and outsideshoppingmalls,especiallyonthe injuries. Securitypersonnelhavebeenstationedin quarrels involvesharpobjectsandcauselifelong places, suchasshoppingmalls.Insomecasesthe often engageinviolenceatschoolsorpublic youth, particularlythoseagedbetween16and24, eral ofsecurityinHawally,indicatedthatmany MoI personnelseektosettlesomedisputes Ministry ofInteriorofficialshaveinstructedmall Col AbdullahAl-Ajmi,theactingdirector-gen- Col AbdullahAl-Ajmi Dr AhmadAl-Sherif Max Min 23º 08º LOCAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Speaker holds talks with leading Italian legislator ROME/MILAN: Visiting Speaker of the National on dialogue among religions and opposition to launch- Milan Municipality Filippo Del Corno discussed the ways Assembly Marzouq Ali Al-Ghanem held talks yesterday ing wars in the name of religions, Casini said, also quot- of enhancing cultural ties most prominently Kuwait’s with Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the ing Speaker Ghanem as noting that Islam is not a mes- participation in 2015 Milan Expo. Italian Senate Pier Ferdinando Casini dealing with sage of terrorism or violence. “Bukhadhour met with Del Corno Thursday and dis- regional issues namely terrorism. Casini emphasized necessity to maintain the special cussed means to strengthen cultural and social coopera- In a statement to KUNA as he emerged from the friendship relationship with Kuwait, as “it has grown tion between the two countries through holding cultural meeting, Speaker Ghanem said he informed Casini about since the Iraqi aggression on Kuwait,” when Rome and artistic events,” Consulate General of Kuwait in Milan latest developments on the Middle Eastern arena, partic- declared solidarity with the just Kuwaiti cause. said in a statement received by KUNA. ularly with respect of terrorism, affirming need for inter- The leading Italian legislator said he fully concurred Bukhadhour underlined the importance of opening national coordination to face the menace of terrorism. with the Kuwaiti side that “the war” on the Islamic State new horizons of cooperation and cultural exchange to The discussions, attended by Kuwaiti Ambassador to in Iraq and the Levant should not be restricted to military buttress friendship relations, communicate with peoples Italy Sheikh Ali Khaled Al-Jaber, dealt with means of bol- action, and that confronting this radical movement and develop human civilization, it noted. stering bilateral relations between the two countries at would warrant major action at the cultural and educa- The statement added that the two sides tackled the parliamentary level, in particular, he said, noting that tional levels. He also expressed desire to increase busi- Kuwait’s participation in 2015 Milan Expo, noting that Casini enjoys substantial expertise and connections, as ness cooperation with Kuwait. The Parliament Speaker Bukhadhour underscored the importance of this global he is a former chairman of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. Ghanem is accompanied by members of the National event to show Kuwait’s civilized image and its achieve- For his part, Casini told KUNA that his talks with the Assembly during his visit to the European nation. ments in dealing with global challenges. Kuwaiti Parliament Speaker “was excellent and reflected Bukhadhour discussed with Del Corno the possibility the perfect ties between Kuwait and Italy, based on com- Cultural cooperation of launching a media campaign before the start of the mon values.” Meanwhile, Kuwaiti Consul General in Milan Abdul- event to highlight Kuwait’s development and contribu- These common principles, he elaborated, are based Nasser Bukhadhour and Advisor for Cultural Affairs of tions to humanity, the statement concluded. — KUNA FM heads Kuwaiti delegation at Arab meeting

KUWAIT: First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah is scheduled to head the State of Kuwait delegation at the extraordinary session of the Arab League ministerial council sched- uled in Cairo tomorrow. The minister, due to depart the country early tomorrow, would also chair a meeting of the Arab peace initiative committee, sched- uled ahead of the ministerial Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled meeting. It will be attended by Al-Sabah Palestinian President Mahmoud MANAMA: Ambassador Sheikh Azzam Al-Sabah honors the journey’s crew members. — KUNA Abbas who will give a briefing about latest developments concerning the Palestinian cause and Israel’s practices in Jerusalem. The minister will be accom- panied by a number of ministry officials. Hope journey proven The Arab League had announced the extraordinary meet- ing would follow up on implementation of previous resolu- tions regarding the Palestinian issue, the Israeli hostile acts in successful: Ambassador Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Israeli settlements, the Arab national security and combating terrorism. — KUNA MANAMA: Kuwait’s Journey of Hope expedi- tion, a team of Kuwaiti advocates who have Convention zeroes in on toured the world to drum up support for job market diversification people of mental challenges, has proven suc- cessful in transmitting to the world Kuwait’s particular care for the special cases, said the SAN FRANCISCO: Concomitant with the convening here of the 31st Kuwaiti Ambassador to Bahrain. convention of the National Union of Kuwait Students (NUKS), US Sheikh Azzam Al-Sabah, also the dean of Branch, a number of companies and organizations are holding a job fair for prospective Kuwaiti university graduates. In separate remarks the diplomatic corps in the Kingdom of to KUNA, some of the representatives of these companies expressed Bahrain, said this unique expedition that has their eagerness to offer employment opportunities to students at toured the world including Europe has put the cusp of their graduation from their US colleges and universities. into light the State of Kuwait’s civic image. For instance, Kuwait’s Gulf Bank representative at the job fair, Ziyad The team conveyed the message to the Al-Rashid said the bank was considering the employment of five world; that these cases are capable of using Kuwaiti graduates which the bank thought of as qualified for jobs their potentials, said the ambassador, speak- with it. Abdul-Karim Al-Saeed, representative of the Kuwait ing at a banquet, held late on Thursday, cele- Investment Authority said his organization was offering training brating arrival of the Journey of Hope boat in opportunities to recent Kuwaiti graduates of US colleges and univer- the Kingdom. sities, with the aspiration to have them work at the World Bank. During the gathering, attended by senior The Journey of Hope boat sails off to Dammam. Meanwhile, at an economic forum, also concomitantly Bahraini officials, Yusuf Al-Jassem, a leading launched today with the 31st convention, Board Chairman of the member of the team, presented a documen- The boat docked at a Bahraini port on docked at many ports had crossed up to Commercial Bank Of Kuwait Ali Al-Mousa said it was incumbent on tary about the sea mission since the boat set November 24, the latest leg of the global 14,000 nautical miles, making history at the the Kuwaiti job market to create jobs for the growing numbers of sail from Kuwait, months ago. tour that had lasted for seven months. The level of rallying up international backing for Kuwaiti young school graduates. Currently, the Kuwaiti job mar- “The journey carried a basic message; ambassador had welcomed the team and this segment of peoples, namely those living ket needed upwards of 20,000 jobs annually, he pointed out, not- that our children of special needs are able to commended their noble cause. The expedi- in Kuwait. The Journey of Hope expedition ing that the private sector could only fulfill about 30 percent of integrate into the society and enjoy poten- tion had visited 20 countries in the region, concluded yesterday its visit to Bahrain and those jobs. Concurring with that assessment was representative of tials and skills that can be used to make them Europe, North Africa as well as the United is heading towards the Saudi city of Kuwait University Dr Anwar Al-Sheraia’an who stressed the indis- heroes,” Jassem said, praising in particular a States of America where they relayed the Dammam as part of its mission to spread pensability of boosting rapidly the private sector without which number of Kuwaitis of such challenge who noble message to US and UN officials who awareness for the mentally challenged. The no concrete and lasting growth and sustainable development took part in the marathon journey, despite applauded the efforts. The group that had boat is expected to arrive in Kuwait in the could be achieved. —KUNA all difficulties and risks. visited the long chain of countries and beginning of December. — KUNA LOCAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Program held Future of oil prices unclear on migrant workers’ rights after OPEC holds output By Nawara Fattahova OPEC fears losing market share: Omair

KUWAIT: The Kuwait Society for PARIS: Markets hesitated yesterday to follow Human Rights (KHRS) is holding a pro- the slide in crude prices after OPEC decided gram on developing skills in defending not to cut oil production, a choice imposed by human rights and labor rights of the most powerful cartel members to counter migrant workers in the Middle East and burgeoning shale energy but causing some Asia. This program is held by the deep side effects, economists said. After a Manpower Federation of Asia (MFS) in steep drop in the markets late Thursday in the cooperation with KHRS and the wake of the decision by the 12-member Diplomatic Training Program (DTP) Organization of Petroleum Exporting from Nov 26 to 30, 2014. Countries, crude prices collapsed to a four- Numerous activists and defenders of year low yesterday. London Brent oil for labor rights from the Philippines, India, January delivery sank in early deals to $71.12 Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri per barrel - the lowest level since July 7, 2010. Lanka, Nepal, , Canada, US benchmark West Texas Intermediate for Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Kuwait are January slumped as low as $67.75 in electron- participating in this program. Khalid Al- ic trading. Ajmi, Chairman of KHRS, said that With their precious oil income slipping away, some OPEC members like Venezuela developing skills of labor rights and Ecuador had tried in vain to convince fel- activists and those working in this field will probably face more and more problems lines watched their stock price take off. low oil producers to slash production and at prices below $70 per barrel,” according to Russia, already hit by Western sanctions and providing them with knowledge of force up prices. But the oil monarchies of the the new tools used in observing and analysts at Commerzbank. US oil output is over the Ukraine crisis, saw its energy-rich cur- Gulf, rich states with the wherewithal to take soaring thanks to fracking, which involves rency extend its record slide and the govern- documenting violations will clearly the hit in oil revenues, held against produc- blasting a high-pressure blend of water, sand ment lower its crucial oil price forecast. protect human rights. tion cuts. Their aim is to halt the rise of shale and chemicals deep underground in order to However, “the real victim today is Venezuela,” Patrick Early, Executive Director of oil - especially in the huge US market - which release hydrocarbons trapped between layers commented Dembik, as the South American DTP, appreciated the efforts of the is more expensive to produce. of shale rock. Even if the US shale production country’s beleaguered economy depends on Kuwait Society for Human Rights in “It’s a victory for the coalition of countries can still hold out with crude around 60 dollars oil. Fears frequently rise that Venezuela could hosting this program. “The Diplomatic in the Gulf Cooperation Council led by Saudi a barrel, Dembik said that “Saudi Arabia’s idea default on its payments but the country’s for- Training Program started in 1998, and Arabia and Kuwait,” said Christopher Dembik, is to dissuade all the research under way in eign minister, Rafael Ramirez, said the budget it’s a program for people of the Asia- economist at Saxo Banque in Paris. “They shale in Russia and China.” has built in 60 dollars a barrel “and we are Pacific region, which follows the have sufficient foreign currency reserves to ready to cope”. Faculty of Law of the New South support a lower (price) barrel” of crude, he Winners and Losers Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said University. More than 10 countries added. At the same time lower prices will While some analysts think oil prices will fall his country would continue to push until oil have already hosted it,” he pointed out. allow OPEC to hold its share of the market, before climbing back up a little and stabilis- prices “return to the levels they should be at, “This program aims to empower the which has seen some competition recently ing, others see prices continuing to drop over which is about 100 dollars” a barrel. For the participants to use international criteria Russia as well as shale oil in the United States. the next few months which will create a eurozone, the news is not so positive in the and standards in order to promote the “Today, there is a lot of competition and OPEC mixed bag of consequences for the world short term as lower oil prices will add to defla- rights of migrant workers in the Middle pumps only 30 percent of world oil produc- economy. “It’s good news for the Western tionary pressures with the EU reporting Friday tion,” Kuwaiti oil minister Ali Omair told East. This program is a forum for economies to have falling oil prices. That that inflation slowed to a five-year low of 0.3 reporters. “It was inevitable to take the right exchanging knowledge and skills and could generate a lot more purchasing power percent in November. But the lasting effects decision not to cut production because it can than any other measure taken by the govern- of plunging oil prices remain unknown. “We build a network of cooperation and be compensated by others present in the support between the countries both ment,” said Regis Begue, managing director at have entered a new paradigm,” said Dembik. market, who have the ability to do so.” Actions de Lazard Freres Gestion. OPEC’s deci- “The consequences in the short term don’t sending and receiving migrant work- In the future, “the key role in this looks set sion sent shares of oil producers tumbling on give us a view to what will happen in the long ers,” added Early. to be played by US shale oil producers who Friday while big energy consumers like air- term.”— AFP Health policy focuses on life-saving: official

KUWAIT: Assistant Undersecretary of the theme of the conference is keeping with the Ministry of Health Dr Jamal Al-Harbi said strategies of the ministry to upgrade life-saving Thursday the ministry attaches great impor- mechanisms and casualty departments at all tance to the improvement of the policies and hospitals.” “The ministry reported 464 deaths, measures to minimize loss of life resulting from mainly of youths, resulting from road accidents traffic accidents. in 2013; this is almost the same annual fatality The ministry focuses on efforts to meet the rate since 2008 which indicates the efficacy of world’s latest medical standards and protocols the development strategy for casualty depts.,” relevant to speedy surgical intervention in he said. He added that the policy of the ministry injuries, Dr Harbi said in a speech, to the Kuwait prioritizes building the capacity of medics conference on casualty surgery at Salwa Al- through constant training programs and mod- Sabah auditorium. Speaking on behalf of ernization of the ambulance fleet including the Minister of Health Dr Ali Al-Obaidi, he said, “the introduction of air ambulance. Meanwhile, Dr Salman Al-Sabah, deputy head of the organizing committee of the conference and consultant surgeon at the Amiri Hospital, said casualty is one of the pillars of medicine. “Recent statistics show that road accidents claimed 333 lives in the first eight months of 2014. The figure represents a ratio of 311 of each 100,000 citizens,” he said, noting that the ratio was 516 in 2006. Dr Al-Sabah added that the conference is meant to share views on the latest practices of surgical intervention, pro- mote the awareness of medical personnel, Dr Salman Al-Sabah speaks at the begin- whether at casualty or medical centers, about ning of the conference their crucial role in life saving. —KUNA KUWAIT: Dr Jamal Al-Harbi at the conference. —KUNA LOCAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 , 2014

Crime Report Driver caught with drugs

KUWAIT: Taima police arrested a citizen in his thirties after a hot pursuit that started in Taima and ended in Qasr dur- ing which he hit five cars. He was sent to the Drugs Control General Department. A security source said that patrols noticed a person parking his car in a dark area, and when they approached him, he started the car and drove off. Police chased him to Qasr where he tried to enter a house, so he was caught. Police searched him and his car and found various types of drugs.

Mandoob robbed A mandoob (representative) of a private company was beaten by two men he knows. They then robbed Brig Khalid Al-Mikrad with the honored firemen him of KD 650 and a case containing papers of the company he works in. A security source said that a Syrian complained to Farwaniya police that when he Armed man arrested with narcotics parked his car in front of the building he lives in, two of his compatriots attacked him and took the money and By Hanan Al-Saadoun documents before escaping. Police are working on the case. KUWAIT: A bedoon was arrested in Salmy with drugs and a sword. He was sent to narcotics authorities.

Manager charged Driver charged with rape A chairman of the board of a company accused a finan- A Sri Lankan maid accused a driver of storming her room cial manager of embezzling KD 20,000. A security source and raping her. said a citizen told Riqqa police that he works as chairman of A citizen in Qairawan told police that a car was stolen as he a company and discovered after the annual inventory a left the engine running while withdrawing money from an financial shortage in revenues estimated at KD 20,000. He ATM. accused the financial manager of embezzling it. Detectives are working on the case. Firemen honored Deputy Director General for Human Resources Affairs Brig Khalid Al-Mikrad received trainee students Hamad Salem and Student attacked Miteb Al-Rashidi who fought a fire in a citizen’s car on Ghazali A university student was attacked by a person who road. The drugs and sword found with the suspect followed her to her car while leaving university and attempted to stab her. The student, after escaping the Training course attempt on her life, went to Riqqa police station and KFSD held a training course to prepare new appointees to Fire campaign told them that while leaving her college, she was sur- the fire department in cooperation with Ibn Al-Haitham The “We Want it to Reach Every Home” campaign will be prised by a man following her to her car who then Training Center and the Public Authority for Applied launched next week on KTPC buses by the fire department. pulled a knife at her, so she screamed for help, prompt- Education and Training. Twenty civilian employees participat- The campaign will focus on the importance of having a fire ing the attacker to escape. Detectives are looking for ed in the course. extinguisher and smoke detector in every home. the suspect.

‘Cross-dresser’ arrested Hawally police sent a cross-dresser to criminal detec- tives after arresting him in Salmiya while driving in an abnormal condition. A security source said police stopped a car with tinted windows and very loud music coming from it. Policemen were surprised to find the driver was a man wearing women’s clothes and makeup. He was arrested and sent to the Drug Control General Department.

Wild party Vice detectives arrested 15 men and women who were in a Salmiya cafe during a party, including media presenters. A security source said detectives learned about an indecent party in Salmiya, so a warrant was obtained and they raided the place. Fifteen semi-clad and drunk people were arrested and taken to the crimi- nal detectives department. KFSD officials in a group photo with the trainees. Search for attackers Two brothers stabbed a citizen, while one of them fired rounds towards his Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh house. A security Expats dominate Capital Governorate source the injured man was operated on, while criminal evidence men recovered empty cartridges. The attackers KUWAIT: Statistics compiled by the Mirqab, Daiya, Qibla, Sulaibkhat, indus- tive in Shamiya where 9,271 Kuwaitis are being sought. Interior Ministry during the first half of trial Shuwaikh, Shuwaikh health zone and 8,465 non-Kuwaitis live, as well as 2014 shows a rise in the percentage of and Mubarakiya. Khaldiya and Kaifan where the differ- Sick inmate expats compared with citizens in the The close numbers of citizens and ence is no more than 2,000 in favor of Following diagnosing an Ethiopian detained at the sta- Asima (Capital) governorate where expatriates living in many areas is Kuwaitis. tion for having an infectious chest disease, Saad Al-Abdullah 534,964 individuals live - 234,277 notable - including Dhahiyat Abdullah In another statistic, the Interior police station referred all nine detainees who had shared Kuwaitis and 300,687 non-Kuwaitis. The Al-Salem where the number of Kuwaitis Ministry accounted for all registered the same cell with the sick person to the chest diseases hos- stats showed that the number of expa- is 10,987 and non-Kuwaitis 10,720, in vehicles in all governorates during the pital and found that one of them had been infected. The triates surpasses the number of Kuwaitis addition to Dasma where 10,827 first half of the current year according to infected prisoner is now held in solitary confinement. in many residential areas of the capital Kuwaitis live compared to 9,273 non- their shape and type, and the total was such as Dasman, Sharq, Bneid Al-Gar, Kuwaitis. The numbers are also competi- 1,889,605 vehicles. — Al-Rai

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Syria activists mourn France MPs hold debate Cameron urges migrant ‘death’ of revolution 8 recognizing Palestine 9 curbs, warns on EU exit 10

ANKARA: Pope Francis shakes hands with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the presidential palace yesterday. — AP Pope on first Turkey visit Pontiff calls for dialogue to end extremism

ANKARA: Pope Francis yesterday called for dialogue between Erdogan has long been accused by opponents of seeking ‘Moral Obligation’ faiths to end the Islamist extremism plaguing the Middle East to erode Turkey’s secular foundations with creeping The 77-year-old Argentine will move to Istanbul today and as he visited Turkey for his first visit to the overwhelmingly Islamisation. But he also presents himself as a friend of the tomorrow, visiting key sites of the city’s Byzantine and Muslim but officially secular state. Turkish President Recep country’s extremely small but varied non-Muslim minorities. Ottoman heritage as well as meeting the Orthodox Tayyip Erdogan, who welcomed Pope Francis as the first for- He chose the occasion to make a characteristically strong- Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I. A subject of keen atten- eign dignitary to his controversial new presidential palace out- worded warning against growing Islamophobia in the world, tion will be the pope’s visit in Istanbul Saturday to the Hagia side Ankara, for his part issued a strong warning about rising which he warned risked further dividing Muslims and Sophia, the great Byzantine church that was turned into a Islamophobia in the world. Christians. “Islamophobia is rising seriously and rapidly. We mosque after the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 and The visit of the pope is seen as a crucial test of Francis’ abili- must work together against the threats weighing on our plan- now serves as a museum. His every gesture will be scrutinised et - intolerance, racism and discrimination,” said Erdogan. ty to build bridges between faiths amid the rampage by later in the day when he visits the Sultan Ahmet Mosque, Islamic State (IS) jihadists in Iraq and Syria and concerns over known as the Blue Mosque, one of the greatest masterpieces the persecution of Christian minorities in the Middle East. First Palace Guest of Ottoman architecture. “Sadly, to date, we are still witnessing grave conflicts. In Syria The security of the pope - who looked tired and at times and Iraq, particularly, terrorist violence shows no signs of abat- distant during the visit - is paramount for the Turkish authori- When Benedict XVI visited the mosque in 2006, he assumed ing,” the pope said after talks with Erdogan. “Inter-religious ties. The streets of Ankara appeared deserted of well-wishers the Muslim attitude of prayer and turned towards Mecca in and inter-cultural dialogue can make an important contribu- as his motorcade whizzed through, in stark contrast to the what many saw as a stunning gesture of reconciliation. The tion... so that there will be an end to all forms of fundamental- close contact with crowds that have been such a feature of the pope addressed the problems of the 1.6 million refugees from ism and terrorism,” the leader of the world’s Roman Catholics past trips. Some 2,700 police supervised his visit in Ankara, a the Syria conflict being hosted by Turkey, although a previous- added. number that will rise to 7,000 for the last two days of the trip in ly rumoured visit to a refugee camp no longer appears to be Speaking in an overwhelmingly Muslim country which has Istanbul. There had been calls on the pope not to meet on the cards. “The international community has the moral a tiny but culturally significant Christian minority, the pope Erdogan at his vast presidential palace which has 1,000 rooms, obligation to assist Turkey in taking care of these refugees,” pointedly said all faiths should share the same rights. “It is costing no less than $615 million to build and seen by critics as Francis said alongside Erdogan. essential that all citizens - Muslim, Jewish and Christian - both an authoritarian extravagance. The pope was welcomed with In his talks with Bartholomew I - the “first among equals” of in the provision and practice of the law, enjoy the same rights an honour guard before the doors to the gigantic edifice the world’s estimated 300 million Orthodox believers - the and respect the same duties.” Turkey’s own Christian commu- swung open and he walked inside with the president. But trip pope will seek to narrow the schism between the two nity is tiny - just 80,000 in a country of some 75 million appears less controversial than the last by a pontiff to Turkey - Churches that dates back to 1054. Papal visits to Turkey are Muslims - but also extremely mixed, consisting of Armenians, the visit by Pope Francis’ predecessor Benedict XVI in 2006 still a rarity - Francis will be just the fourth pope to visit the Greek Orthodox, Franco-Levantines, Syriac Orthodox and which was overshadowed by remarks he had previously made country after Benedict in 2006, John Paul II in 1979 and Paul VI Chaldeans. deemed to be anti-Islamic. in 1967. —AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 New Israeli party born amid early election talk JERUSALEM: A popular former minister in that his restive five-party coalition govern- against minorities, including Arabs. seen,” he said at the graveside memorial cere- Israel has announced a comeback at the head ment had become unmanageable, and that as Netanyahu insists the law would balance mony. “Now there are those who challenge of a new party amid speculation Israeli Prime early as next week he could announce a bill to Israel’s Jewish and democratic characteristics. the Jewish character of the state of Israel - and Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is about to call dissolve parliament and hold a new election, He and former president Shimon Peres many are doing so - and therefore there is a early elections. Moshe Kahlon, who resigned probably in March. “It is still too soon to eulo- clashed over the issue on Wednesday. “The need to defend this character with the Nation as communications minister in October 2012, gise the coalition, but if there is no choice but Nation State bill is an attempt to undermine State bill.” Political analysts say that three months before the last general election, to advance the election, there is no reason the (Israeli) Declaration of Independence for Netanyahu’s support for the bill is a gesture to held a founding meeting attended by 350 that it would be hard to pass the bill,” the political interests,” Peres said in a speech Likud hardliners ahead of party primaries in supporters at a seaside hotel on Thursday paper quoted “a source close to Netanyahu” marking 41 years since the death of his politi- January. A poll published on Thursday night night, media reported yesterday. “There is not as saying. “The final decision will be made cal mentor and Israel’s first premier, David Ben by Israeli financial daily Globes said Likud has one person here who does not want reform of next week. It can’t go on much longer,” he Gurion. “The bill will damage the country both been losing popularity in recent months, and the diplomatic situation and our relations said. at home and abroad and it will erode the the paper advised the party to “go for an early with the world,” Kahlon, formerly of democratic principles of the state of Israel,” he election, and quickly”. Asked by pollster Rafi Netanyahu’s Likud party, said in remarks Controversial Bill added. Smith which party they would vote for if an broadcast by public radio. “There is no one Haaretz political commentator Yossi Verter election were held now, the answers predict- here who does not want social reform.” wrote that Netanyahu might use a preliminary ‘Changed Circumstances’ ed that Likud would win 23 seats in the 120- Neither the party’s name, nor details of its parliamentary reading on Wednesday of a Netanyahu said that since the 1948 found- member Knesset, down from the 24 it scored likely candidates, were given. Haaretz news- controversial bill to enshrine in law Israel’s sta- ing of the Jewish state circumstances had in an October survey but dramatically down paper reported in August that Kahlon intend- tus as the national Jewish homeland as a plat- changed, and it was necessary to bolster its from 31 in a July Globes poll. Likud currently ed to present his team two months before the form to launch his election campaign. Critics character with legislation. “When Ben Gurion holds 18 seats. The poll, which predicted that next general election, theoretically due in Nov say the new bill - endorsed by the cabinet on proclaimed the establishment of the state of Kahlon’s new party would win nine seats, did 2017. The Jerusalem Post reported on Friday Sunday - will come at the expense of democ- Israel the need to enact basic laws to ensure not give the number of respondents or the that Netanyahu had reached the conclusion racy and institutionalise discrimination its Jewish and democratic nature was not margin of error. — AFP

Jordanians protest ‘Jewish state law’

AMMAN: Hundreds of Jordanians joined a rally yesterday organised by the Muslim Brotherhood to denounce Israeli plans to enshrine in law the country’s status as the national Jewish homeland. An estimated 1,500 protesters set off from the Husseini mosque in downtown Amman holding up signs saying “Al-Aqsa is in danger”. “There is a greater danger today, and that is the Jewish state draft law,” Hamzeh Mansur, the former head of the Brotherhood’s Islamic Action Front party, told the protesters. “Where is Jordan’s custodianship over Jerusalem and where is the promised Palestinian state,” he asked. Jordan has custodianship over the Al-Aqsa mosque com- pound in Jerusalem - which is holy to both Jews and Muslims - and other Muslim holy sites in annexed Arab east Jerusalem, which the Palestinians want as the capital of their future state. East Jerusalem has been hit by months of violence, which has spread across the occupied West Bank and to Arab communi- ties inside Israel. The tensions soared earlier this month when Israeli police entered Al-Aqsa during clashes triggered by a vow by far-right Jewish groups to pray at the holy site, which they call Temple Mount. Against that background, the Israeli government endorsed RAQQA, Syria: A Syrian man carries a dead baby following reported airstrikes by government forces on this Syrian city, a Sunday a proposal to enshrine in law the country’s status as stronghold of the Islamic State, on Friday. —AFP the national homeland of the Jewish people. The Palestinian leadership has said the law “kills” the Middle East peace process and namely the creation of a Palestinian state side by Syria activists mourn side Israel. Critics have also said the move will weaken democ- racy in Israel and could institutionalise discrimination against Israel’s 1.7 million Arab citizens. The Israeli parliament is to vote on the law on Wednesday. —AFP ‘death’ of revolution Reality grim for pro-democracy movement

BEIRUT: With regime troops and jihadists exile or live under siege, said 28-year-old lusioned. “My revolutionary cry now is for battling for control of Syria, sidelined Sami Saleh from the central city of Hama, the killing machine to stop,” said Mustafa, activists who led a pro-democracy upris- where the opposition briefly seized con- who lives and works undercover in the ing in 2011 say their revolution has died trol for a month in 2011. “The revolution is northern city of Raqa. along with their dreams of freedom. On dead. The dogs have taken over... It’s total IS has overrun the city and proclaimed the ground, where foreign fighters have war,” Saleh said, speaking to AFP via the it their “capital”, having ousted the rebels flocked to join the Islamic State group and Internet from Turkey. who captured it in spring 2013. Those who rival Al-Qaeda-linked militants, the reality had tried to set up a civilian administration could barely be grimmer for the pro- ‘Stop the Killing’ after the army’s expulsion from Raqa, the democracy movement. The jihadists have “You need a movement, protests, civil first provincial capital to fall from regime expelled mainstream, “moderate” rebels action for it to be a revolution. What we control, have disappeared or are in exile. from large areas, while many opposition are witnessing now are battles for territo- Mustafa, whose name has been changed fighters once revered as heroes are now ry, resources and control,” he said. The to protect his identity, said he never sup- branded opportunistic warlords. feeling of failure has pushed many to ported the arming of the revolt, which Meanwhile President Bashar Al-Assad abandon their demand that Assad be came after the government used live still holds Damascus and is pressing on ousted at any cost. Instead, they long for rounds and tank fire against unarmed with his relentless campaign of aerial an end to a brutal conflict that has killed demonstrators. “I respect the fighters’ sac- AMMAN: Supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan bombings and arrests. Most of the peace- nearly 200,000 people. Nael Mustafa, who rifices, but when the decision to take up shout slogans during a demonstration in the capital yes- ful protesters of the early days of the risks his life to document violations by the arms came, I knew this will be the death of terday against Israeli “violations”. —AFP revolt have been killed, jailed, forced into Islamic State (IS) group, is among the disil- the Syrian revolution,” he said.—AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Namibians cast ballots in Africa’s first e-vote

WINDHOEK: Namibians voted yes- win. There is no ‘if’, SWAPO is going the final tally is in, cast his vote in terday in a general election billed as to win,” she said. the Windhoek township of Katutura. Africa’s first e-vote, with the ruling Around 1.2 million Namibians “We have plans already, we are not party expected to retain power in are eligible to cast their ballots at a new party. We have plans that we the country it has run since inde- nearly 4,000 electronic voting are going to implement,” said pendence. Polling nationwide places across the vast desert nation. Geingob after casting his vote. “The began at 0500 GMT across the Other African nations such as Kenya second phase is that of economic country, with voters standing in have run pilot or limited e-voting, emancipation,” he added. long lines before daybreak includ- but none have done so on this Opposition parties had launched ing some first-time “born free” vot- scale. Voting began slowly yester- an 11th-hour court challenge to ers - those born after Namibia day as presiding officers rolled out stop the vote from going ahead, gained independence from South the new electronic voting system. saying the use of Indian-made e- Africa in 1990. “It’s a rich country With each vote, the chunky green voting machines could facilitate with poor people, so I hope there is and white machines emitted a loud vote rigging. But the Windhoek more balance,” said 43-year-old “beep!” “The younger people get it High Court dismissed the applica- Elias while waiting to cast his vote. first time, but the older ones you tion on Wednesday. The ruling South West Africa have to explain a little,” said presid- WINDHOEK: Namibian ruling party South West Africa People People’s Organisation - better ing officer Hertha Erastus. Natural Party of Government Organization (SWAPO) vice president and presidential candidate known as SWAPO was forged from At other stations, independent SWAPO remains by far the Hage Geingob is cheered on by the public who lined up to cast their the embers of the anti-colonial and observers noted significant delays biggest party in the country, but votes as he was leaving the Katutura Community Hall where he vot- anti-apartheid struggle and has and long queues when the has seen increased criticism of the ed yesterday. — AFP won every election in the 24 years machines malfunctioned. slow pace of land reform as well as since Namibia’s independence. Namibians will choose 96 members allegations of government corrup- other services, whether we’re talking style, is basically a joke.” Across the Ahead of election day, foreign min- of the national assembly and one of tion. Former SWAPO member Hidipo about education, it’s a poor record country SWAPO election posters and ister and senior SWAPO party offi- nine presidential candidates. Hamutenya left the party to form the for the last 24 years, very poor,” he flags are ubiquitous, while material cial Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah told Current Prime Minister Hage opposition Rally for Democracy and told AFP. He accused SWAPO of from the cash-strapped and frac- AFP victory was inevitable this time Geingob, the man almost certain to Progress. “Whether we’re talking using the tools of state to bolster its tured opposition parties is difficult to around as well. “SWAPO is going to be named the next president when about health services, medicine, and campaign. “Democracy, the SWAPO find.—AFP

Erdogan: King France MPs hold debate of controversy recognizing Palestine ANKARA: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has raised eyebrows around the world with a series of apparently out- landish comments but while his remarks sometimes cause baf- Paris urges swift end to Mideast conflict flement abroad they strike a chord with many conservative Turks at home. In the last month alone he has declared that Muslims PARIS: France’s foreign minister yesterday discovered the Americas before Columbus and that women are urged a resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian not equal to men. But these were just the latest headline-grab- conflict within two years, as French MPs bing declarations from Erdogan over a long career of controver- debated a symbolic motion to recognise sy. Palestine as a state. Laurent Fabius said the He rarely backtracks on a statement and in the two most United Nations Security Council was work- recent cases has come out fighting, accusing Western media of ing on a resolution to relaunch and con- distorting his remarks and insisting he was right in the first place. clude talks. “A deadline of two years is the “Just because I repeated a fact based on scientific research, I one most often mentioned and the French have been targeted by the Western media, and the foreigners government can agree with this figure,” he inside us, who suffer from an ego complex,” he said Thursday in told MPs. The Palestinians are planning to response to the controversy over the Americas comments. formally submit to the UN Security Council Herewith are the most famous, and notorious, of Erdogan’s a draft resolution calling for an Israeli with- statements: drawal from all occupied territory in 2016. • Muslims discovered America’ - Nov 15, 2014: Erdogan says Fabius also said France was prepared to Muslim explorers made it to the New World before anyone else. host international talks to drive the peace “Contacts between Latin America and Islam date back to the bid forward. “An international conference 12th century. Muslims discovered America in 1178, not could be organized - France is prepared to Christopher Columbus.” take the initiative on this - and in these PARIS: French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius pauses during a debate on the • ‘Women not equal to men’ - Nov 24, 2014: Erdogan caus- talks, recognition (of the Palestinian state) recognition of the Palestinian at the French Parliament yesterday. — AP es an outcry by saying women and men are not equal. “Our would be an instrument ... for the definitive religion (Islam) has defined a position for women (in society): resolution of the conflict,” he said. Fabius when the lower house of parliament votes a state. “Do they have nothing better to do motherhood. Some people can understand this, while others did not specify when this conference, also on the text proposed by the ruling at a time of beheadings across the Middle can’t. You cannot explain this to feminists because they don’t mentioned late Thursday by President Socialists. The vote comes hot on the heels East, including that of a French citizen?” he accept the concept of motherhood.” Francois Hollande, might take place, nor of a similar resolution approved by British told reporters in Jerusalem on Nov 23, * ‘Stop smoking now!’- Nov 3, 2014: On a visit to a district of did he say who might be invited. lawmakers on Oct 13, Spanish MPs on Nov referring to hiker Herve Gourdel who was Istanbul, Erdogan personally upbraids a member of the public “If these efforts fail. If this last attempt at 18 and the formal recognition by Sweden executed by his jihadist captors in Algeria for breaking the law on smoking in a public place. “This shame- a negotiated settlement does not work, on Oct 30. The text of the motion “invites in September. “Recognition of a Palestinian less guy is sitting there and keeps smoking even after the presi- then France will have to do its duty and the French government to use the recogni- state by France would be a grave mistake,” dent tells him not to do so.” recognise the state of Palestine without tion of the state of Palestine as an instru- Netanyahu said. Reflecting the sensitivity * ‘Israel like Hitler’ - July 19, 2014: Erdogan launches a bitter delay and we are ready to do that,” ment to gain a definitive resolution of the of the subject in France, parliament was attack against Israel amid its air campaign against Gaza. “(Israelis) stressed Fabius, without fixing a deadline conflict”. divided, with the right-wing opposition have no conscience, no honour, no pride. They curse Hitler day for such a recognition. Paris has frequently UMP party expected to vote against the and night, but they have surpassed Hitler in barbarism.” said France would recognise a Palestinian ‘A Message of Peace and Friendship’ motion. * ‘New iPhone same as last’ - Sept 28, 2014: Erdogan ridicules state “when the time comes”, arguing that The Socialist MP who drafted the text, France was the scene of several pro- the fuss over the new iPhone 6, saying it is the same as the last. a two-state solution to the Middle East Elisabeth Guigou, said the motion was “a Palestinian demonstrations against Israel “This brand brings out a new model pretty much every year. But conflict logically implies recognition of message of peace and friendship during this summer’s 50-day offensive by in fact it (the iPhone 6) is not really different from last year’s ver- Palestine. addressed to the two peoples, Israeli and the Israeli army in Gaza that killed more sion,” he said. The minister’s comments came as Palestinian”. “We want to contribute to the than 2,000 Palestinians and dozens of * ‘We will wipe out Twitter’ - March 20, 2014: Never a friend of French lawmakers debated the non-bind- restarting of negotiations ... This is a alarm Israelis. Some of these turned violent, with new technology, Erdogan threatens to go a step further and ing motion urging the government to bell, so that tomorrow, it’s not too late,” looters in July destroying Jewish business eradicate Twitter. “We will wipe out Twitter. I don’t care what the recognise Palestine as a state, amid grow- she said. But ahead of the vote, Israeli and shouting anti-Israel obscenities in the international community says. They will see the Turkish repub- ing European frustration at the moribund Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Paris suburb of Sarcelles sometimes known lic’s strength.” —AFP Middle East peace process. The motion is warned France it would be making a as “Little Jerusalem” for its large communi- expected to pass comfortably on Dec 2 “grave mistake” if it recognised Palestine as ty of Sephardic Jews. —AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Police swoop on 80 airports in ticket crackdown THE HAGUE: Police have arrested 118 people in an boarding the flights or indeed to apprehend them on arrested, 11,000 euros fraud,” reads one message. unprecedented globally-coordinated swoop on plane arrival.” Europol said in total more than 281 suspicious transac- ticket credit card fraud, a billion-dollar organised crime Inside Europol’s fortress-like headquarters, experts tions were reported over the two days. Following their industry, officials said yesterday. Operation Global from credit card companies, including Visa and arrest, fraudsters’ real identities are checked against Airport Action at 80 airports in 45 countries was coordi- American Express, as well as airline representatives and Europol’s own crime databases. nated from Europol’s headquarters in The Hague, police analysts worked closely together. Europol gave “We’ve had lots of hits today,” said a Europol analyst Interpol in Singapore and Latin American agency AFP rare access to their European Cybercrime Centre who asked not to be named for security reasons, adding Ameripol in Bogota. Police teams at airports from EC3 during the operation. “We never realised how big that many of those arrested are also wanted for other London to Manila arrested suspects who had used the problem with fraud in the airlines was until we crimes. “In many cases, the credit card fraud is linked to fraudulent credit card details to buy plane tickets as they approached the airlines and asked for their coopera- other serious crimes like drug smuggling, illegal immi- queued to board or as they landed at their destination, tion,” Marcin Skowronek, one of the crime centre’s inves- gration and human trafficking for sex exploitation.” said Europol chief Rob Wainwright. tigators, told AFP. Behind him, a giant screen tracks Europol director Wainwright said the operation, “It’s a billion-dollar a year problem for the airline flights across Europe, some of them carrying suspect unprecedented in scale, took four months to put togeth- industry... and the volume of traffic is huge,” Wainwright passengers heading for arrest after Europol passes on er and so could not be mounted continuously. “This is a told AFP during the two-day operation on Wednesday their details to national police. fantastic example of the police working with private and Thursday. “In addition, millions of innocent citizens “We have a team of around 20 officers standing by at industry to protect the consumer,” he said. “It shows the are affected through the misuse of their credit card (London) Heathrow as we speak,” said Skowronek. value of this kind of operation led by international police data,” he added. “We had to design a global operation to Another screen shows arrest updates. “Miami (to) organisations... that really can crack down on all aspects put us into any kind of position to stop the guys from London Heathrow, American Airlines, 1 PAX (passenger) of modern organised crime.” — AFP Cameron urges migrant curbs, warns on EU exit Reforms to make Britain less attractive

LONDON: Prime Minister David adding: “We have to see what can be Cameron yesterday promised tough done without shutting the door.” curbs on welfare for EU migrants to ‘Open Borders’ counter a surge in arrivals and warned Cameron said Britain had been European leaders that blocking them built on immigration and condemned could put Britain’s EU membership in “deeply unpatriotic” calls to shut its doubt. He said the package of reforms borders. But he said its economic would require changes to European growth and generous welfare system Union treaties but said he was “confi- had made it a “magnetic destination” dent” he could deliver a deal. for migrants, and the government had Immigration to Britain has increased to take back some control. Cameron sharply in the past decade and was forced to abandon a promise to Cameron is under intense pressure to cut net migration to Britain to under address voters’ concerns ahead of the 100,000, after official figures on May 2015 general election. Thursday revealed it rose from 182,000 His Conservative party is losing to 260,000 last year. But he insisted support to the UK Independence Party action was still possible, and said (UKIP), which advocates leaving the EU migrants should have a job before altogether as the only way to curb EU arriving and could be deported if they migration. In a long-awaited speech do not find work after six months. on the issue, Cameron stopped short He also repeated calls for restric- of calling for a cap on new arrivals or a tions on the rights of citizens of new mooted “emergency brake”, which EU nations to work in Britain until their had caused consternation in EU capi- economies improved in line with other tals. But he announced plans to make members. The Institute of Directors EU workers wait four years to receive (IoD) business group responded posi- income tax credits and access social tively to the new proposals, as did housing, and vowed to stop migrants some of Cameron’s eurosceptic back- claiming benefits for children living benchers. However, UKIP leader Nigel elsewhere in Europe. Farage said they would likely be chal- ROCESTER, England: British Prime Minister David Cameron gestures as he delivers a speech on immi- Cameron said the reforms, intend- lenged in the EU courts. “While he may gration to factory workers and members of the media at JCB World Headquarters yesterday.— AP ed to make Britain less attractive, were have taken away, potentially, one or an “absolute requirement” of his bid to two of the pull factors, you cannot renegotiate Britain’s membership of control immigration as a member of the bloc before holding an in-out ref- the European Union because we have Russian warships enter erendum in 2017. “There is no doubt total open borders with the other that this package as a whole will member states,” Farage told the BBC. English Channel for drills require some treaty change and I am Since it took office in 2010, the confident we can negotiate that,” he coalition government has tightened MOSCOW: A squadron of Russian warships entered warships in the Channel. “They are not holding said. Cameron insists he wants Britain visa restrictions for non-EU migrants, the English Channel yesterday to hold exercises, exercises. They’re just waiting in a zone where they to stay in the European Union but has but European rules on freedom of RIA news agency reported, the latest apparent can be several times a year,” said the French Navy’s refused to say if he would campaign movement mean it has little control show of military might since ties with the West information service. for an exit if he fails to achieve the over arrivals from within the bloc. plunged to Cold War lows over Ukraine. RIA quoted Russia has flexed its military muscle recently, reforms he wants. He said yesterday: Reports last month that Cameron was the Northern Fleet as saying its vessels, led by anti- with the NATO military alliance reporting more “If our concerns fall on deaf ears and considering a cap on migrant numbers submarine ship Severomorsk, had passed through incursions by Russian fighters and long-range we cannot put our relationship with were condemned by the European the Strait of Dover and were now in international bombers. Sweden scrambled to find a submarine - the EU on a better footing, then of Commission, and Merkel reportedly waters in the Seine Bay to wait for a storm to pass. dubbed by locals “The Hunt for the Reds in course I rule nothing out.” warned the prime minister that he was “While it is anchored the crew are undertaking a October”. The Russian manoeuvres follow months Cameron briefed German approaching a “point of no return”. series of exercises on how to tackle ... infiltrating of increasing tensions over Ukraine, where Moscow Chancellor Angela Merkel, Polish Cameron said yesterday that freedom submarine forces and are training on survival tech- earlier this year seized and annexed the Crimean Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz and of movement was “key to being part niques in the case of flooding or fire,” RIA quoted Peninsula and has supported armed separatists European Commission president Jean- of the single market”. But he added: “I the Northern Fleet as saying in a statement. The opposed to the Kiev government. Most countries Claude Juncker on his speech before- say to our European partners - we Russian navy could not reached for comment and on Russia’s northwestern flank are planning higher hand, aides said. Afterwards, a have real concerns. Our concerns are the Defence Ministry declined to comment on the military spending, reversing sharp falls in recent Commission spokesman said the EU’s not outlandish or unreasonable. We report. France’s navy confirmed the location of the years, after the Ukraine crisis revived Cold War ten- executive arm was ready to discuss the deserve to be heard, and we must be ships and said it was not unusual to have Russian sions. — Reuters proposals “calmly and carefully”, heard.” — AFP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 No contact with 39 men held by IS in Iraq: India

NEW DELHI: India has had no contact with 39 men missing in Iraq since June, but believes them to be alive, the foreign minister said yesterday, distancing herself from a report that suggested they had been killed by Islamic State militants. India has grown concerned about the fate of the construction workers believed to have been kidnapped from the militant-controlled city of Mosul, along with a group of 46 nurses. While the nurses were freed within a few weeks, the workers’ whereabouts remain unknown, presenting the Hindu nationalist government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi with its first hostage crisis. Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj told parliament that the government was continuing its efforts to find the men after six sources, including the Red Crescent, had independently told it the men were alive. “We don’t have direct contact with them, but we have contacts with sources in the country,” she said. “They are telling us the Indians are safe and have not been killed.”On Thursday, television channel ABP Live said an account by a man who escaped from the kidnappers described the mili- tants as having taken the hostages to a hilly region and shooting them dead months earlier. The Indians were among a large group, including Bangladeshis, kidnapped by masked militants holding guns and Korans, according to the account by Harjeet Masih. While the Bangladeshis were told they would be let off after ascertaining they were Muslims, the Indians had their mobile telephones and passports confiscated. Four days later they were killed, Masih said, adding that he suffered two bullet BANGALORE: An Indian Air Force graduate is tossed in the air by his colleagues after their passing out parade ceremony injuries but escaped by playing dead. in Bangalore yesterday. A total of 121 officers including 45 women completed yesterday after 74 weeks of training. —AP Swaraj said there were several discrepancies in the account by Masih, who is now in the government’s protective custody. “We don’t believe his story. We have decided that we will carry India woos neighbors as on with our efforts to secure the release of our nationals.” Opposition leaders and families of the hostages, most of whom are from the northern state of Punjab, say the government has rifts open door to China kept them in the dark about the men’s fate. About 10,000 Indian nationals live and work across Iraq, the Indian government has estimated. — Reuters New Delhi to fund regional projects: Modi

KATHMANDU: India pledged a slew of of New Delhi, has benefited hugely from ing its regional rival to full membership sta- regional investments at a South Asian sum- China’s bounty over the last decade, getting tus, which comes with the power to veto mit this week, seeking to counter China’s much-needed new roads and other infra- agreements. Frustrated by the slow pace of growing economic inroads into its backyard structure. Even the venue where the leaders progress towards regional cooperation, it has as it remains embroiled in bitter rivalry with met was built with Chinese money. also sought to woo its neighbors outside the Pakistan. Indian Prime Minister Narendra It is among several SAARC nations includ- SAARC framework. Modi held separate meet- Modi said South Asia’s largest economy ing Pakistan and Sri Lanka that reportedly ings with all the SAARC leaders except would fund regional infrastructure, health support full membership for China, which Pakistan’s on the summit’s sidelines, and facilities and even a communications satellite, currently enjoys observer status in the agreed a deal to invest in a major hydropow- and promised to free up its markets to regional grouping. India has resisted promot- er plant in Nepal shortly after arriving. —AFP exporters in smaller countries in the region. Modi, who won a landslide election victo- ry in May, has made clear that boosting Sri Lanka candidate vows India’s influence in its immediate neighbor- hood is a key strategic priority for his Hindu to protect incumbent nationalist government. Critics say the previ- ous Congress party government began to COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s opposition presi- ing evidence in the UN investigation was KARACHI: Indian fishermen, who were imprisoned in Pakistan, take relationships for granted, allowing eco- wait in line for transport after leaving the Malir district jail fol- dential candidate vowed yesterday not last month, but Rajapaksa’s government nomic giant China-which shares a border to support any international prosecution refused to cooperate and did not allow lowing their release in Karachi yesterday. — AFP with four of India’s neighbors-to step into the of incumbent President Mahinda investigators to visit the island nation. breach. But the failure of the South Asian Rajapaksa for alleged war crimes. Sri Lanka’s civil war ended when gov- Association for Regional Cooperation Former Health Minister Maithripala ernment troops defeated Tamil Tiger Pakistan frees 40 (SAARC) to make any significant progress dur- Sirisena announced his candidacy last rebels who were fighting to create a sep- ing a two-day meeting underscored the scale Indian prisoners of the challenge New Delhi faces. week after leading a revolt in Rajapaksa’s arate state for ethnic minority Tamils. An Cross-border trade among the eight government. The main opposition United earlier UN report said up to 40,000 ethnic National Party has pledged to support Tamil civilians may have been killed in KARACHI: Pakistan yesterday announced the release of 40 Indian SAARC nations-Afghanistan, Bangladesh, him in the Jan. 8 election. Sirisena said if the last months of the civil war, and prisoners, including 35 fishermen held for violating territorial Bhutan, India, Nepal, the Maldives, Pakistan waters, a day after a major South Asian summit closed. and Sri Lanka-still accounts for less than five he is elected he will not let Rajapaksa or accused both sides of serious human The fishermen-who had been detained for between one and percent of total commerce in the region. any of his relatives or members of the rights violations. It said the government three years-will travel from Karachi to the eastern city of Lahore, “Indians want to keep South Asia as their military be taken before a war crimes tri- was suspected of deliberately shelling where the two neighbors and arch-rivals have their only active exclusive sphere of influence,” said Sreeram bunal. civilians and hospitals and blocking food border crossing. The move came a day after the South Asian Chaulia, dean of the Jindal School of “I must say clearly that I will protect and medicine for civilians trapped in the Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit in Nepal International Affairs in Delhi. them all,” he said yesterday. The UN war zone. The rebels were accused of ended in disappointment, overshadowed by India and Pakistan’s “To do that... we need to play the eco- Human Rights Council is investigating recruiting child soldiers and holding civil- rivalry. “Pakistan is releasing 40 Indian prisoners (5 civ&35 fisher- nomic game and we need to play the connec- whether war crimes were committed in ians as human shields and firing from men) tomorrow. With this, (the) number of Indian prisoners tivity game better. We have been protection- the final stage of the country’s 25-year among them. released this year will be 191,” the main foreign ministry spokes- ist, and that is not good,” he told AFP, wel- civil war in 2009. Rights groups and for- Both Rajapaksa and Sirisena are mem- woman said via a recognized Twitter account. A week ago coming Modi’s pledge to help smaller nations eign governments have accused the gov- bers of the majority Sinhalese popula- Pakistan detained 60 Indian fishermen for straying into its waters. reduce their trade deficits with India. ernment of failing to properly investigate tion. Sirisena had been the No. 2 official Such arrests are frequently carried out by both countries, as the allegations of war-time abuses. in the Rajapaksa-led Sri Lanka Freedom the maritime border in the Arabian Sea is poorly defined and Deeper pockets One of Rajapaksa’s brothers is a pow- Party, the largest party in the ruling coali- many fishing boats lack the technology needed to be certain of Leaders signed just one agreement, on erful defense secretary who played a tion. But he accused Rajapaksa of abus- their precise location. The fishermen often languish in jail even energy cooperation, at a summit that was major role in counterinsurgency pro- ing the presidential powers, taking the after serving their term, as poor diplomatic ties between the two overshadowed by the rivalries between India grams, while another is a Cabinet minis- country toward autocracy, and corrup- arch-rivals mean fulfilling official requirements can take a long and Pakistan, leading host country Nepal’s ter who reportedly negotiated the sur- tion and nepotism. The revolt is the time. The superintendent of Malir district jail in Karachi-where the Prime Minister Sushil Koirala to say that render of top rebel leaders who were lat- biggest challenge to Rajapaksa since he fishermen were held-Muhammad Hassan Sehto said 424 Indians SAARC had fallen short of expectations. er found killed. The deadline for accept- was first elected in 2005. —AP nationals including 419 fishermen are still in custody.— AFP Nepal, long under the political influence INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Two-day Indian property exhibition opens Projects from all over India on display at Crowne Plaza

KUWAIT: The much-awaited Indian Property exhibition began in Kuwait at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Farwaniya. The exhibition was officially inaugurated by Dr Sushil Kumar, Second Secretary, Indian Embassy in presence of prominent personalities, IIK officials, exhibition organizers, participants and a large crowd of eager exhibition visitors. Prominent personalities including Asad Khan of Kuwait Swedish Company, Air India country head Ajay Sinha, Gulfmart country head Dr TA Remesh, Dr Nampoory, Anis Ahmad, Director SIMS, Morad Behbehani Brand Manager Rajashekhar, KNS Das, Lulu Exchange, G V Mohan of Aradana Jewellery, were a few who attended the inauguration function. The exhibi- tion is organized by IndiansinKuwait.com. A large numbers of projects from all over India from reputed builders are exhibited at Crowne Plaza for the two-day event. Builders from Bengaluru, Mangalore, Udupi, Kochi, Trivandrum, Hyderabad, Goa, Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Indore, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Gurgaon and many more cities from across India are exhibiting their projects with exclusive offers for the visitors. With a tag line “Converting your dreamz into Real(i)ty”, buying a home which seemed to be a dream for NRIs in Kuwait could now become reality, thanks to the wide variety of handpicked homes from across South India. The exhibition witnessed a huge turnout on the ear- ly morning in the first day of the show. The two-day exhibition is open to the public from 10 am to 8 pm today at Al-Afra Hall, Crowne Plaza hotel, Farwaniya Kuwait. Air India made their presence felt with two free air tickets for the lucky winner at the end of the exhibi- tion. TikTok and Schneider are also sponsoring free gifts to pre-registered visitors. INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Indonesian, two Amnesty warns HK police Filipinos convicted in 2002 bombing not to use ‘excessive force’ MANILA: A Philippine court has convicted an Indonesian mil- itant and two Filipino extremists for their role in a 2002 mall Pro-democracy demonstrators set to hold rally bombing that killed at least 12 people and signaled the start HONG KONG: Amnesty International yes- Digital Broadcasting Corporation showed a Wednesday as authorities clashed with of the alliance of two of Southeast Asia’s most violent terror- terday warned Hong Kong police against police officer hitting an unarmed man on demonstrators in Mongkok. ist groups. “excessive force” ahead of a planned rally by the back with a baton near the cleared “They used fists to punch and feet to kick Judge Leili Cruz-Suarez said in her ruling on Thursday that Jul Kifli from Indonesia and Abu Sayyaf militants Ahmad pro-democracy demonstrators, following protest zone on Wednesday night. my body,” said Shum, who was released on Jekeron and Yacob Basug were “guilty beyond reasonable scuffles as a major protest site was cleared Police spokesman Hui Chun-tak said yes- bail late Thursday. “They used their knees... doubt” of staging the April 21, 2002, bombing that also earlier this week. Police fired “pepper water” terday that the force was “highly concerned and kicked me in the waist.” wounded dozens of people at the Fitmart shopping mall in at crowds as they tore down tents and barri- about a police officer suspected in an inci- In a separate case, seven officers were the southern port city of General Santos. State prosecutor cades in the busy commercial neighbor- dent of unnecessary use of force” during the arrested Wednesday over a video that had Aristotle Reyes, who initially handled the case, said the con- hood of Mongkok-home to one of three operation. The force has initiated “follow-up emerged of police beating and kicking a victions would serve as a deterrent to terrorism and comple- protest camps blocking major junctions in action” and the officer has stopped partici- handcuffed protester in October. ment military actions to defeat the resilient militants. the semi-autonomous Chinese city-and pating in “related operations”, Hui added. Protest leaders have announced plans A former Abu Sayyaf militant and key witness, Abu made more than 140 arrests. Amnesty said Friday marks exactly two months of for a large-scale rally at the main protest in Hamdie, said the bombing was the first joint attack by the the two-day operation had seen “unjustifi- mass street rallies in Hong Kong by protest- central Hong Kong on Sunday. But Hui said Abu Sayyaf and the Indonesia-based terror network Jemaah able force against protesters, bystanders ers calling for free leadership elections in that the planned rally was “illegal” and Islamiyah. and journalists”. “The heavy-handed 2017. The Chinese government says the urged protesters to leave the occupied He said the Abu Sayyaf was looking for a diversion to fend approach by police violates the protesters’ candidates must be vetted by a loyalist roads. The protests have at times drawn off a military offensive at the time, and Jemaah Islamiyah rights to freedom of expression and peace- committee, which demonstrators say will tens of thousands of people onto the “wanted to show off their bomb-making prowess.” With the ful assembly, and risks exacerbating an result in the election of a pro-Beijing stooge. streets, but the crowds have dwindled as help of Filipino militants, including notorious bombing sus- already tense situation,” said Mabel Au, Student leaders Joshua Wong and Lester the movement struggles to maintain pect Basit Usman, Jul Kifli manufactured the powerful bomb Director of Amnesty International Hong Shum have accused police of using violence momentum and commuters grow weary of and placed it near the entrance of the mall. The bomb was Kong. Footage from local news channel against them during their arrests on transport disruptions. — AFP remotely detonated with a cellphone call made by Jekeron, Hamdie said. “He uttered a short prayer then dialed the cell- phone number given by Jul Kifli,” he said. Usman, who is also Japanese paper regrets use of term ‘sex slaves’ wanted by the US government for several, deadly bombings, remains at large. TOKYO: Japan’s biggest newspaper expressions between 1992 and 2013. women weren’t forced. Indonesian Ibrahim Ali and Abu Sayyaf militants Arman apologized in print yesterday for using It said non-Japanese people have A government investigation in the Ameruddin and Ikram Ameruddin were acquitted in the trial. the term “sex slaves” in its English-lan- difficulty understanding the term early 1990s concluded that many of The Abu Sayyaf was founded in 1991 in the south, homeland guage edition to describe Asian “comfort women,” used in Japan to the women “were recruited against of minority Muslims in the largely Roman Catholic country women forced into Japanese military- describe the women, so its English-lan- their own will” and “lived in misery at and scene of rebellions for a separate Muslim homeland. run brothels during World War II. The guage edition added explanations comfort stations under a coercive Washington considers the Abu Sayyaf, which currently has conservative Yomiuri said in articles in improperly suggesting that “coercion atmosphere,” according to an apology about 400 armed fighters split into about six factions, as a ter- English and Japanese that it was inap- by the Japanese government or the issued by then-Chief Cabinet Secretary rorist group. A US-backed offensive has weakened and large- propriate to have used the phrase and army was an objective fact.” Yohei Kono. It said in many cases the ly isolated the Abu Sayyaf, but it has endured by turning to others implying the women were Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, other women were recruited by coaxing and ransom kidnappings and extortion. It currently holds about a coerced to provide sex. The newspaper conservative lawmakers and activists coercion, and that government and dozen hostages. — AP identified 97 articles, including 85 of its have a long-running campaign against military officials were often directly own, with “sex slaves” or similar the term “sex slaves,” maintaining the involved.—AP INTERNATIONAL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Some in US illegally could get retirement benefits 11 million illegal immigrants in US today

WASHINGTON: Many immigrants in the House has made it clear that none of the gible for survivor benefits if the United States illegally who apply for nearly 5 million immigrants affected by deceased worker had worked for 10 work permits under President Barack Obama’s actions would be eligible for years. For disability insurance, they Obama’s new executive actions would federal assistance. The decision to deny would have to work for 5-20 years. A be eligible for Social Security and them access to health care exchanges report by the White House Council of Medicare benefits upon reaching retire- and tax credits has especially disap- Economic Advisers this week concluded ment age, according to the White pointed immigrant advocates. that Obama’s executive actions would The office of St Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert House. “They were specifically carved out of expand the US tax base because about McCullough shows police officer Darren Wilson shortly Under Obama’s actions, immigrants that, which is deeply unfortunate two-thirds of immigrants illegally work- after he fatally shot black teenager Michael Brown. — AFP who are spared deportation could because it cuts directly against the spir- ing in the United States don’t pay taxes. obtain work permits and a Social it” of the health care law, said Avideh But many immigrants currently working Security number. As a result, they would Moussavian, an attorney at the National illegally still pay into the Social Security Cop at center of pay into the Social Security system Immigration Law Center. “They should system because they have obtained an through payroll taxes. No such “lawfully have had the opportunity to buy health Individual Taxpayer Identification Ferguson case present” immigrant, however, would be insurance just like anybody else.” Number. Moussavian said the number immediately entitled to the benefits Less clear until now was their eligibil- has declined because the Internal because like all Social Security and ity for retirement benefits for which they Revenue Service has made it harder to to leave force Medicare recipients they would have to would have paid into through payroll apply for the identification number. work 10 years to become eligible for taxes. Describing the administration’s The Social Security Administration WASHINGTON: The Missouri police officer who killed an retirement payments and health care. position, one official said Wednesday estimates that out of about 11 million unarmed black teen sparking months of protests in the city of To remain qualified, either Congress or that any immigrant considered lawfully immigrants now in the US who either Ferguson will never return to policing, his lawyer said. Darren future administrations would have to present and holding a Social Security entered the country illegally or over- Wilson is currently in discussions with the Ferguson, Missouri extend Obama’s actions so that those number would be entitled to Social stayed their visas, slightly more than 3 police department on the terms and conditions of his depar- immigrants would still be considered Security and Medicare upon retirement million paid payroll taxes of about $6.5 ture, attorney Neil Bruntrager said this week. lawfully present in the country. because they would have paid into the billion in 2010, with their employers “There’s no way in the world he can go back to being a None of the immigrants who would system. contributing another $6.5 billion. police officer,” the lawyer said. “It’s not a question of if, it’s a be spared deportation under Obama’s Stephen Miller, a spokesman for Sen. Those payments would not qualify question of when,” Bruntrager said of Wilson’s departure. executive actions would be able to Jeff Sessions of Alabama, a leading toward the 10 year requirement needed Wilson shot and killed 18-year-old Michael Brown in August receive federal assistance such as wel- Republican opponent of Obama’s exec- to be eligible for benefits, the adminis- claiming he acted in self-defense. The shooting set off days of fare or food stamps, or other income- utive actions, said making immigrants tration official said. The official was not racially-charged protests that erupted again this week after a based aid. They also would not be eligi- illegally in the US eligible for Social authorized to describe the policy by grand jury on Monday announced that Wilson would not be ble to purchase health insurance in fed- Security and Medicare “is an attack on name and spoke on the condition of charged over the fatal shooting. Bruntrager told CNN that eral exchanges set up by the new health working families.” anonymity. Wilson, who has said his conscience is clear, could simply not care law, and they would not be able to “The amnestied illegal immigrants “It’s one of many reasons why they go back to work given the outrage over the case. apply for tax credits that would lower are largely older, lower-wage and lower- would want to come forward,” “The first day he would be back on the street something the cost of their health insurance. skilled and will draw billions more in Moussavian said. “Many immigrants terrible would happen to him or to someone that would be The issue of benefits for immigrants benefits than they will pay in,” he said. have contributed enormously through working with him,” he told CNN. “The last thing he wants is to who are illegally in the United States is a Beneficiaries would have to be of retire- payroll taxes and income taxes and they put other police officers at risk,” the attorney added. —AFP particularly sensitive one for the Obama ment age and have worked for at least go to programs that they can’t currently administration. As a result, the White 10 years. Immigrants would also be eli- access.” —AP Southern Democrats urge a return to party basics ATLANTA: Southern Democrats are joining others in the party who say that a return to advocating to lift people out of eco- nomic hardship and emphasizing spending on education and public works will re-energize black voters and attract whites as well. “It’s time to draw a line in the sand and not surrender our brand,” Rickey Cole, the party chairman in Mississippi, said. He believes candidates have distanced themselves from the past half-century of Democratic principles. “We don’t need a New Coke formula,” Cole said. “The problem is we’ve been out there trying to peddle Tab and RC Cola.” Cole and other Southern Democrats acknowledge divi- sions with prominent populists such as Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is expected to run for president in 2016, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Yet they see merit in pushing stronger voting rights laws, tighter bank regulation, labor-friendly policies such as a higher minimum wage and other familiar party themes. Democratic politics have become a tough sell in the con- servative South. A major challenge in the region is finding candidates who can win high-profile races now that Republicans, who scored well in midterm elections earlier this month, dominate the leadership in state legislatures and across statewide offices. Georgia Democrats thought legacy candidates were the answer. But Senate hopeful Michelle Nunn, former Sen. Sam Nunn’s daughter, and gubernatorial challenger Jason Carter, former President Jimmy Carter’s grandson, each fell short by FERGUSON: National Guard troopers and police officers keep vigil in front of a Wal-Mart in Ferguson, Missouri, on about 8 percentage points despite well-funded campaigns Thursday night. A peaceful Ferguson came together on November 27 to celebrate Thanksgiving and recover from violent and ambitious voter-registration drives.—AP protests that erupted when a police officer was not charged in the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager. — AFP Oil plunge a panacea High costs, sluggish listings BMW 4 Series Gran Coup; Businessfor crude-reliant Asia 16 hold back African markets18Beauty and functionality in 19motion SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 EU gives France and Italy more time to fix budgets17

BEIJING: A stone lion stands near an exit for a gas station in Beijing yesterday. A renewed plunge in oil prices is a worrying sign of weakness in the global economy that could shake governments dependent on oil revenues. It is also a panacea as pump prices fall, giving individuals more disposable income and lowering costs for many businesses. —AP Oil plunges after OPEC move, glut looms Saudi, OPEC have relinquished balancing role: SocGen

LONDON: Brent crude fell to a fresh four-year low the mechanism to balance the market, they have research at Commerzbank in Frankfurt. “We think move despite calls from around the world-includ- under $72 a barrel yesterday after OPEC decided relinquished that role.” “Instead, the market itself - somewhere between $70 and $80 a barrel is proba- ing from some of its own members-to cut output as not to cut output, a move investors said would prices, in other words - will be the mechanism to bly about right. But we shall see.” Asian energy prices have fallen by a third since June. leave oil markets heavily oversupplied. rebalance the market. We cannot overstate what a stocks sink, airlines rise on OPEC decision The news was greeted with a huge sell-off on oil Saudi Arabia blocked calls from poorer mem- dramatic and fundamental change this is for the oil Meanwhile, shares in energy firms tumbled yes- markets, with both main contracts diving around bers of the Organization of the Petroleum market,” he added. terday after oil prices hit four-year lows in reaction five percent to four-year lows. New York’s West Exporting Countries for output reductions on Brent was headed for its steepest monthly to OPEC’s decision to ignore calls for an output cut, Texas Intermediate (WTI) at one point slumped to Thursday, triggering a rout in oil markets. The sell- decline since November 2008, after falling more although the prospect of cheaper fuel sent airlines $67.75 a barrel and London’s Brent North Sea crude off continued on Friday with Brent reaching a low than 15 percent this month. It has lost more than a surging. touched $71.25 — both four-year troughs-before of $71.12, its weakest since July 2010. By 0945 GMT, third of its value since June, falling from above $115 Sydney’s ASX/S&P 200, the home of commodity slightly recovering. Russia’s most powerful oil offi- Brent had recovered a little to trade around $71.90, a barrel as increasing shale output in North America giants such as BHP Billiton, Woodside and Santos, cial Igor Sechin said oil prices could fall to $60 or down 68 cents. has helped create an oil glut at a time of sluggish was the stand-out loser, although Asian stock mar- below by the end of the first half of next year. If US crude oil hit a low of $67.75 a barrel yester- global economic growth. kets were mixed as cheaper oil means lower import prices remained low, Russia had the potential to cut day, its lowest since May 2010 and down from costs. At a closely watched meeting Thursday the between 200,000 and 300,000 barrels per day of Wednesday’s close of $73.69. US financial markets New paradigm Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries production, Sechin said. A further blow to global oil were closed on Thursday for Thanksgiving. “The market is looking for a new paradigm, a (OPEC) said it would “maintain the production level demand could come on Monday when China “Welcome to the new world of oil,” said Michael new range to settle into. Where that is, is anybody’s of 30 million barrels per day”, where it has been for releases official Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) Wittner, senior oil analyst at French bank Societe guess. It could be $60, $70, or maybe even $80 a the past three years. The 12-nation cartel, which data for November that could show slower growth, Generale. “Saudi Arabia and OPEC will no longer be barrel,” said Eugen Weinberg, head of commodities pumps a third of global oil supplies, made the according to a Reuters poll. — Agencies BUSINESS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Russia to cut 2015 oil price forecast

MOSCOW: Russian Economy Minister Russia needs the oil price to be around Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said medium- and possibly in the long-term. Alexei Ulyukayev said yesterday the gov- $100 per barrel to balance its budget. on Monday that lower oil prices and Oil prices dived after the Organization of ernment would cut its oil price forecast for “This would be downward (the forecast Western financial sanctions imposed over the Petroleum Exporting Countries 2015, as oil prices continued their slide adjustment), of course. I won’t tell you by the Ukraine crisis would cost Russia decided on Thursday against cutting out- after OPEC’s decision not to cut output; how much,” Ulyukayev said. Russia’s gov- around $130-140 billion a year, equivalent put despite a huge oversupply in world but he declined to give a number. The oil ernment has forecast oil at $100 per barrel to around 7 percent of its economy. markets. Ulyukayev said OPEC’s decision price has slumped from nearly $115 per for its 2015-2017 budget, down from an He said Russia now sees an average oil not to cut oil production had been barrel in June to just above $70 now. estimate for an average of $105 this year. price of around $80-90 per barrel in the expected. — Reuters

India’s July-September growth rises 5.3% on year

NEW DELHI: India said yesterday the economy grew by 5.3 percent in the three months to September year-on- year-weaker than the previous quarter and stirring hopes of an interest rate cut to spur investment. Growth was below the 5.7 percent logged in the previous three months but the performance still beat consensus market forecasts of 5.1 percent expansion in the second quarter of the financial year, the government said. The data was released days before the hawkish central bank, which has held its benchmark lending rate at a steep eight percent since last January, meets for its regu- lar policy review. Most economists expect the Reserve Bank of India, which has vowed to “break the back of chronic inflation”, to hold rates until the next financial year starting in April. But some expect it to begin lowering rates as early as the next policy meeting Tuesday as growth slows. India’s benchmark Sensex share index closed up nearly one percent at a record high of 28,693.99 points on hopes that slowing growth, easing inflation and a slide in crude oil prices will pave the way for a rate cut. India’s Finance Minister Arun Jaitley has been pressing central bank gov- AMPANG: People wait to refill their vehicles at a Petronas petrol station in Ampang yesterday. Malaysian state energy ernor Raghuram Rajan to lower interest rates at the mone- firm Petronas was expected to announce its third-quarter earnings later yesterday. — AFP tary policy review to boost the stuttering economy. Jaitley has suggested that with India’s inflation now finally appearing to be on a downward track, the bank can bring Oil plunge a panacea down borrowing costs for businesses to help drive invest- ment. India’s economy has been mired in its worst slowdown for crude-reliant Asia in two decades. Growth was 4.7 percent in the last finan- cial year-around half of the near double-digit levels seen a few years ago-hit by high interest rates to curb inflation, a Businesses to cut costs, individuals to gain income lackluster global economy and a fall in foreign investment amid corruption scandals which embroiled the previous SINGAPORE: A renewed plunge in oil prices tracts there is a lag in cheaper crude filtering fuel prices were rising in Indonesia at a time Congress government. Jumpstarting growth is key for is a worrying sign of weakness in the global down to consumers. Also, a recent drop in when they were dropping elsewhere. The India’s new Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who led his economy that could shake governments the yen’s value will reduce the savings Japan latest fall in crude prices may help ease ten- party to the first single-party parliamentary majority in dependent on oil revenues. It is also a can reap from lower oil prices. In June, regu- sions once it flows through to pump prices. three decades in May on promises to revive Asia’s third- panacea as pump prices fall, giving individu- lar gasoline cost $1.40 a liter ($5.29 a gallon) New president Joko “Jokowi” Widodo says largest economy. The central bank has forecast growth of als more disposable income and lowering at Shimbashi. The price rose to $1.46 a liter the money saved on subsidies will be spent 5.5 percent this year, slightly below the government’s tar- costs for many businesses. ($5.53 a gallon) in July and was $1.44 a liter on infrastructure, education and social wel- get of 5.8 percent. Economists say India needs at least Partly because of the shale oil boom in ($5.44 a gallon) yesterday morning. Prices are fare programs. the US, the world is awash in oil but demand expected to fall but this welcome relief for eight-to-nine percent growth to create jobs for a balloon- from major economies is weak so prices are households and businesses will complicate Malaysia ing youth population. — AFP falling. the government’s efforts to end Japan’s Earlier this month, Malaysia took advan- The latest slide was triggered by OPEC’s deflation. tage of lower oil prices to end fuel subsidies. decision Thursday to leave its production tar- Starting Dec. 1, prices will be set at the end OPEC oil price get at 30 million barrels a day. Member China of each month based on a monthly average nations of the cartel are worried they’ll lose Beijing has cut prices repeatedly this year price. Currently, gasoline is fixed at 68 cents a slumps to $70.80pb market share if they lower production. in line with declining crude prices. The liter ($2.57 a gallon) and diesel at 65 cents a Brent crude, a benchmark for internation- Cabinet adjusts retail prices when crude liter ($2.46 a gallon). While saving on subsi- al oils, was at $72.50 a barrel yesterday, down changes by at least $1.15 a barrel over a 10- dies that were nearly $7 billion last year, VIENNA: OPEC daily basket price dropped by $2.90 nearly 30 percent in the past three months day period. yesterday in Beijing, highest economists said the sharp fall in oil prices is cents to stand at $70.80 a barrel on Thursday, com- and at its lowest in four years. US crude oil grade gasoline cost $1.20 a liter ($4.54 a gal- negative for Malaysia, an oil-exporting pared with $73.70 the previous day, said the OPEC bul- slid 7.5 percent to near $68 a barrel yester- lon). In June, the price in the Chinese capital nation. Opposition lawmakers have vowed letin yesterday. It estimated the monthly average price day and is down 27 percent over three was $1.35 a liter ($5.11 a gallon). Cheaper to hold street protests if the government of OPEC basket price in October at $85.06 pb vis-‡-vis months. fuel would ease financial pressure on manu- doesn’t reduce the price of gasoline to 58 $95.98 pb in September. Meanwhile, the annual rate of OPEC countries and other major oil facturers and small businesses at a time cents a liter ($2.19 a gallon) next month. the OPEC basket price hit $105.85 pb, the OPEC said. exporters will feel the biggest negative when economic growth has declined steadily impact. In Asia, lower oil prices are unam- over the past two years due to weak demand Philippines In their regular semi-annual 166th meeting on biguously positive for trade balances and for exports and government efforts to cool a Fuel prices have been steadily declining Thursday, OPEC ministers decided to maintain the car- government finances as the region is a major construction boom. with the latest cut on Tuesday, but Energy tel’s production level at 30 million barrels per day. The oil importer and some nations subsidize the Undersecretary Zenaida Monsada said if the new OPEC Reference Basket of Crudes (ORB) is made price of fuels. But there are also some possi- Indonesia price of oil continues to fall, it could mean up of the following: Saharan Blend (Algeria), Girassol ble negatives. Fuel prices have risen because the gov- job cuts for Filipino workers overseas. The (Angola), Oriente (Ecuador), Iran Heavy (Islamic ernment has cut its expensive subsidies, Philippines is among the world’s top labor Republic of Iran), Basra Light (Iraq), Kuwait Export Japan more than offsetting the decline in global oil exporters, with about a tenth of its 100 mil- (Kuwait), Es Sider (Libya), Bonny Light (Nigeria), Qatar At the Esso filling station in Shimbashi, prices. Gasoline is currently 70 cents a liter lion people working abroad, many in oil-pro- near the glittering Ginza shopping strip in ($2.64 a gallon), up from 53 cents a liter ($2 a ducing Middle East countries. They send Marine (Qatar), Arab Light (Saudi Arabia), Murban (UAE) Tokyo, prices remain relatively high. Japan is gallon) in June. The higher prices triggered home billions of dollars that support their reliant on foreign oil, but due to import con- street protests, with some questioning why families and the country’s economy. — AP BUSINESS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Lackluster Japan data paints gloomy picture for Abenomics TOKYO: Japan released a string of lackluster economic data yes- terday, with inflation hitting its lowest level in a year, dealing another blow to Tokyo’s attempts to conquer years of falling prices and tepid growth. The figures come after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called a snap election for next month and delayed a sales tax hike after a previous levy increase hammered spending and pushed the world’s number three economy into recession. Japanese consumer inflation came in at 2.9 percent in October compared with a year earlier, official data showed, matching mar- ket forecasts but slowing from 3.0 percent in September. Prices mainly rose largely because Tokyo raised the sales tax from 5.0 percent to 8.0 percent on April 1. Adjusted for the hike, nationwide core inflation rate came in at 0.9 percent, against 1.0 percent in the previous month and its lowest level since October 2013. The weak reading makes the Bank of Japan’s 2.0 percent inflation target-which it initially aimed to hit next year-look increasingly out of reach. The BoJ shocked markets last month by saying it would expand its asset-buying stimulus program to about 80 trillion yen ($676 billion) annually, as part of Tokyo’s bid to overcome defla- tion and kickstart the economy. “Even despite the BoJ’s surprise move, we maintain our view that there is a very long way to go before achieving the +2.0 percent target,” Credit Agricole said. The yen weakened further after the reading with the dollar at 118.21 yen against 117.74 yen in London on Thursday. —AFP BRUSSELS: (Left to right): European Commissioner for Euro & Social Dialogue and EC Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility Marianne Thyssen and European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Pierre Moscovici address a press con- ference at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels yesterday. — AFP EU gives France and Italy more time to fix budgets Commission warns of sanctions if spending is not curbed

BRUSSELS: The EU yesterday gave sion to extend the deadline on the like France and Italy in order to prevent France, Italy and Belgium an extra three grounds that the countries concerned another recession. months until March to fix their bloated needed more time to fix their budgets. budget, but warned it would still “I made a choice not to sanction ‘Play a part’ TOKYO: A salesclerk (right) of a kimono shop tries to hand enforce humiliating sanctions if they fail because that would have been easy,” Despite the softer tone, the a leaflet to a passer-by in Tokyo yesterday. Japan released to curb spending. The three countries Juncker told journalists from a group of Commission ordered urgent action in a string of lackluster economic data Friday with inflation were singled out for their deficits by the European newspapers ahead of the detailed opinions yesterday, especially hitting its lowest level for more than a year, dealing European Commission, the EU’s execu- announcement. But he insisted that the with France having already won several another blow to Tokyo’s attempts to conquer years of tive branch, as it unveiled a tough Commission remained tough on budget delays to meet EU deficit rules. “It is in falling prices and tepid growth. — AFP assessment of euro-zone budgets under overspending and the need for reform. the interests of the euro area that they new powers granted during the debt In conversations with the French and do. Everyone must play their part to As prices keep falling, crisis. Italian leaders, “I made it clear that I strengthen economic recovery,” said But instead of immediately imposing don’t want only promises but a clear cal- Moscovici, who until last spring oversaw Greeks start to spend penalties, Brussels gave them extra time endar,” the former Luxembourg premier public spending in France as finance to implement tough reforms, delaying a said. The pullback by Juncker, who took minister. harsh verdict on national overspending office on November 1, comes amid The extra time puts pressure on the ATHENS: At Greek home appliance retail chain Electroniki, a amid global calls for Europe to ease up growing fears that problems in the 18- embattled government of French washing machine cost 497 euros six years ago. Today, it sells for on austerity. “The Commission will not nation euro-zone could spread to other President Francois Hollande to imple- 356 euros. Like most Greek companies, Electroniki has slashed hesitate to take its responsibilities” if parts of the world. ment tough reforms that have only prices to hold on to consumers hit by recession. “Small appli- they fail to take steps by March, The bloc is caught in a slump of near- been announced for now. Last week, ances, big discounts” read flyers it recently stuffed under doors. Economic Affairs Commissioner Pierre zero growth, near-deflation and high Hollande’s pro-reform Prime Minister “We couldn’t avoid cutting prices,” says Chief Executive Yannis Moscovici said as he announced the unemployment. Manuel Valls, Italy’s Matteo Renzi and Stroutsis. “People were holding back ... because they didn’t know assessments. Data released on Friday showed infla- Belgium’s Louis Michel sent letters to whether they would have a job in six months’ time.” France in particular had made “limit- tion in the euro-zone slowed to a super- Brussels officials reiterating their gov- Greece has muddled through 20 consecutive months of defla- ed progress”, the commission said, refer- low 0.3 percent in November, while ernments’ commitment to reform. tion, or continuously falling consumer prices - a phenomenon ring to the fact that Paris is set for a unemployment held at a high 11.5 per- It was these letters that won the few that economists say could soon infect the whole euro zone. In deficit of 4.3 percent of GDP in 2015, cent. The Commission’s tolerance how- months of reprieve, another European October, prices fell 1.7 percent from a year earlier. Yet alarm over way above the EU’s official 3.0 percent ever risks angering an impatient source said. In Brussels, deep divisions low inflation in other parts of southern Europe does not echo in ceiling. Germany, frustrated with the slow pace have emerged over how to handle the Greece. Four other countries-Spain, Malta, of reform in Paris and Rome. Paris government’s failure to meet its “The deflationary period has not been a concern for the Greek Austria and Portugal-were also at lesser But German Finance Minister commitments. economy, but rather is a relief for distressed households,” say risk of meeting the rules imposed after Wolfgang Schaeuble acknowledged on Germany’s Commissioner Guenther Nikos Magginas, an economist at National Bank, the country’s the euro-zone debt crisis, the commis- Friday that “some of our most important Oettinger roundly criticized France for biggest lender. Economists say prices in Greece were unreason- sion said. partners are currently in a more difficult breaking the rules and failing to bring in ably high for a long time. Between 1995 and 2010, consumer Last month, France and Italy barely situation than we are. We know that we reforms. “It would not be credible to prices rose 17 percent more in Greece than in the euro area over- avoided having their budgets sent back have a joint responsibility and that we extend the deadline without asking for all. Lower prices have since made Greek products more attractive. for serious breaches in what would have must show solidarity.” very clear, concrete steps in return,” said Of course, continuing deflation would make it harder for Greece been a major blow to the euro-zone’s The international call for the EU to Oettinger, who is a close ally of austeri- to pay down its debt - the largest in the euro-zone as a percent- second and third biggest economies. step away from austerity, championed ty-touting German Chancellor Angela age of Gross Domestic Product. Still, now the price adjustment by Berlin as well as Juncker’s predeces- Merkel. The OECD, which provides eco- has largely been made, economists expect prices to start rising ‘A clear calendar’ sor Jose Manuel Barroso, is growing. The nomic advice to its 34 industrialized again next year as the economy grows. And Greeks are tradition- New European Commission chief OECD on Tuesday urged more flexibility members, this week recommended fis- ally big spenders. —Reuters Jean-Claude Juncker explained the deci- in fiscal rules for struggling EU members cal leniency for France and Italy. — AFP BUSINESS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 How JPMorgan struck gold with copper LONDON: December 2010 and the copper market was boom- Copper was added to the list just months after palladium at London copper market. Or was it? ing. On the London Metal Exchange (LME), three-month metal the request of an unidentified bank because, according to the The LME market is a hall of mirrors, with big beasts such as was charging to the then all-time high of $9,550 per ton, and OCC, “copper, like platinum and palladium, has been used to JPMorgan dealing for themselves and/or for clients at any one front-month spreads were tightening. mint legal-tender coins”. time. It turns out that the bank had not itself taken a massive LME reports at the time showed a single entity controlling It’s a curious interpretation, since as the subcommittee not- punt on copper in the way both market and media proclaimed. over half of all eligible LME stocks, leading to a frenzy of specu- ed in its report, “the penny, the US coin most closely associated JPMorgan’s legal counsel wrote to the subcommittee that “in lation as to just who was squeezing the copper market. with copper, has been composed of 97.5 percent zinc since late 2010 JPMorgan’s copper warrant position on the LME JPMorgan was “outed” in the media as the controlling hand, 1984”. But there it is. As far as the OCC and Fed are concerned, reflected its ongoing and sustained trading activity, including which only fuelled further the whirl of speculation, given the copper is officially “bullion”, which means that U.S. banks do not trades involving more than 50 different JPMorgan clients”. same bank was proposing to launch an exchange-traded fund have to declare their holdings to either body. Just as well for (Letter from Steven Ross, Akin Gump, to Carl Levin, chairman of backed by physical copper. As is always the way with such JPMorgan, because the documents it handed over to the sub- the subcommittee, dated Oct. 31, 2014) things, JPMorgan declined to confirm or deny its involvement. committee show that, even with some aggressive accounting “The trade data does not appear to support the theory that Now, thanks to documents submitted to the US Senate sub- techniques, staying within the Fed’s 5 percent Tier 1 limit in oth- JPMorgan’s copper warrant position was the result of a single committee investigating US banks’ involvement in physical er commodities has been a continual headache. large trade,” it added. commodities, we know that it was indeed JPMorgan that was It breached the limit in January 2012 thanks to a colossal alu- And another thing. “Finally, we note that JPMorgan’s copper holding that dominant position. minium position totalling 3,501,365 tons and worth around holdings during this time frame and at all other times, were The nature of its positioning was a lot more nuanced than $7.48 billion. The bank was forced to lend 100,000 tons to the related to its customer business and not to the then-proposed the headlines of the time suggested. market and another 400,000 tons to an affiliate to get back JPM XF Physical Copper Trust”. But the subcommittee has highlighted one highly anom- below the threshold. The task of complying with Fed and OCC alous and curious fact about copper. US banks such as rules would have been even more difficult were JPMorgan’s Conflict of interest JPMorgan do not have to declare their holdings of copper to copper holdings included, given they reached a maximum of Ah yes. The proposed physical copper ETF that provoked so banking authorities in the same way they do for other physical $1.65 billion in 2010, $2.72 billion in 2011 and $1.22 billion in much outrage among copper consumers the world over. commodities. That’s because both the Federal Reserve and the 2012. JPMorgan was one of several financial players looking to repli- Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) classify copper cate the success of physically backed ETFs in the gold market in not as a base metal but as bullion. Copper squeeze industrial metals such as copper. Or, if you’re reading this at Which brings us back to the frenzied events in the copper either the US Fed or OCC, that should read “replicate the suc- All that glitters market at the end of 2010 in the count-down to the LME’s Dec. cess of physically backed ETFs in the gold market in other bul- There has been a long-running game of cat-and-mouse 15 prime prompt date. JPMorgan supplied detailed copper lion markets.” between the US banks and authorities as to the amount of stock holdings figures to the subcommittee covering the period JPMorgan’s proposed ETF, with holdings of up to 61,800 physical commodities the banks can hold. There are two stand- from Oct. 14, 2010 through March 30, 2011. tons, was put on ice in the face of a fierce rearguard action by out restrictions among the multiplicity of contested grey areas. These show that the bank’s copper stocks peaked at 213,000 US copper consumers and Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the The OCC limits banks to settling no more than 5 percent of their tons on Dec. 13, at which stage they amounted to 64.5 percent Senate subcommittee. The fear was that the fund would fuel derivative transactions by taking physical delivery of commodi- of LME non-cancelled stocks. A large portion of that position ever higher prices by removing metal from a market that was in ties. The Federal Reserve limits financial holding companies to was sold back to the market on Dec. 15, and the holdings palpable deficit. There were also concerns about the inherent conducting complementary physical commodity activities at no dropped to 56,000 tons. But not before the position generated conflict of interest involved when the same entity runs high-vol- more than 5 percent of their Tier 1 capital. massive tension in the nearby structure of the LME market. ume positions in the copper market and offers an investment But not included in the count are gold, silver, platinum, pal- “Tom-next”, the shortest-dated spread in the LME’s arcane sys- vehicle backed by the physical market. It doesn’t matter that the ladium and ... copper. Historically, only gold and silver were clas- tem, flared out to $13 backwardation on Dec. 14. That was the ETF was the brain-child of the asset management arm of sified as bullion by the US authorities. But the definition was cost per ton of rolling a short position for one day. The bench- JPMorgan, not its trading arm. Nor that the December 2010 broadened in 1991 to include platinum, at the request of the mark cash-to-three-months spread widened to $70 backwarda- squeeze had nothing to do with the fund’s proposed launch. National Bank of North Carolina, and again in 1995 to include tion the day before. The timing was always wrong for that purported linkage to be palladium. So the market was right about who was squeezing the anything other than conspiracy theory. — Reuters

Gold falls for third High costs, sluggish listings day after oil drop hold back African markets LONDON: Gold fell yesterday on the back of a slump in oil prices, with strength in the dollar piling further pressure on the metal ahead of a referendum on the management of Swiss Investors complain about lack of IPOs bullion reserves this weekend. Oil prices posted their sharpest losses since 2011 on Thursday after OPEC refrained from cut- DIANI, Kenya: African stock exchanges might pay in London. Low volumes are “There is definitely demand for assets ting its output following a more than 30 percent plunge in should lower transaction costs and also partly to blame for driving up fees, as here. The issue is supply,” said Muathi prices since June. Oil steadied yesterday, but remained under encourage new listings if they want to local brokers have to charge more on Kilonzo, head of brokerage at Nairobi- pressure. Spot gold was down 0.6 percent at $1,184.44 an become more attractive vehicles for rais- each trade to meet costs. based Equity Investment Bank. ounce at 1033 GMT, while US gold futures for December deliv- ing capital and lure new investment. “We continue to be challenged by liq- Global funds have been drawn in the ery were down $13.10 an ounce at $1,183.50. “Weakness in oil Shares on many Sub-Saharan African uidity,” Oscar Onyema, chief executive past by the listing of Kenyan telecoms prices isn’t good for gold, because inflation expectations are bourses have offered enticing returns in officer of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, firm Safaricom in 2008 and Nigerian oil adjusted downwards,” ABN Amro analyst Georgette Boele said. the past five years, but investors complain told Reuters at the conference at Kenya’s firm Seplat this year, but Kilonzo said the “We’ve been looking at inflation expectations and oil prices about a limited number of initial public Diani coast resort region. “The markets flow of IPOs had generally been modest. and gold, and there has been a very strong relationship this offerings, high fees and poor liquidity. are not deep enough.” An IPO by Nairobi Stock Exchange this year.” A broad-based rally in the dollar, in which gold is Addressing those issues will be vital if In a bid to boost volumes and offer year, in which it sold a 38 percent stake denominated, also hurt prices. The dollar rose versus commod- the continent’s capital markets are to investors more ways to manage risk, and saw its shares surge 89 percent on ity currencies like the Canadian dollar and Norwegian crown keep African companies growing and sup- Onyema said the Nigerian exchange the first day of trading, has helped rejuve- on OPEC’s decision not to reduce output. port entrepreneurs in the race to drag planned to start trading by 2016 in deriva- nate Kenya’s IPO market which had not The OPEC decision also hurt stock markets and other com- more people out of poverty, bourse tives such as swaps and options on cur- seen an offering in about two years. modities, with copper falling to an 8-month low. Sliding oil chiefs, brokers and regulators said. rencies, interest rates, equities and equity But many firms still turned to banks for prices are set to remain in focus as US markets reopened after the Thanksgiving holiday. Traders are awaiting the outcome of “African exchanges have to make access indexes. Nairobi also plans a new deriva- funds, even though loans there could a referendum in Switzerland this weekend on a motion to to the market much, much easier,” said tives market. come with punishing interest rates of 15 force the Swiss National Bank to raise gold holdings to 20 per- Alan Thomson, a South African stockbro- to 20 percent or more. Companies need cent of its forex reserves, repatriate its bullion, and undertake ker at a conference this week on African New listings to be convinced that using capital mar- never to sell it. stock exchanges in Kenya. Complaints about liquidity and high kets, such as listing a corporate bond, The most recent opinion poll showed support among Swiss “In most countries you have to work fees have not stopped African share could be cheaper, experts said. voters for the initiative had slipped to 38 percent. A surprise through a broker there,” he said, adding prices doing well. The benchmark indexes Jendayi Frazer, managing partner at ‘yes’ vote could prompt the Swiss central bank to buy about that a limited number of licensed brokers for Nigeria, and Kenya are all Africa Exchange Holdings, an operator of 1,500 tons of gold over the next few years, analysts say. “The and challenges hindering new entrants up between 40 and 50 percent over the commodities exchanges, said vibrant cap- market appears not to have priced in the chance of a ‘yes’ vote, drove up costs. “It is very expensive to set past five years in dollar terms, taking into ital markets would support new business- and we expect the risks for the Swiss franc and gold are up. Settlement is expensive.” account local currency devaluations. But es and fuel growth. skewed to the upside,” ETF Securities said in a note. Commissions on some African markets there have been few major IPOs. Experts “It is the means by which the develop- Silver was down 1.1 percent at $16.04 an ounce, while are much higher than more developed say governments had been reluctant to ment of the continent is going to take spot platinum was down 0.2 percent at $1,209.55 an ounce exchanges. On the Nairobi bourse, broker- sell off more state enterprises while fami- place. It gives greater capital to young and spot palladium was down 0.4 percent at $801.50 an ages often charged 2.5 percent, com- lies who run many businesses in Africa entrepreneurs,” said the former US diplo- ounce. — Reuters pared with the 0.5 percent that an aver- have been wary of offering shares and mat. “It is essential to Africa’s economic age investor, rather than institution, ceding some control to outsiders. take-off.” — Reuters BUSINESS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe Beauty and functionality in motion

KUWAIT: Ali Alghanim and Sons Automotive they team up with the slightly forward-slanting keep the driver more alert, reducing the possi- Company has welcomed the all-new BMW 4 BMW kidney grille and twin round circular bility of accidents and minimizing the conse- Series Gran Coupe earlier this year in June 2014 headlights which make the new 4 Series Coupe quences should one occur. - the third model to join the new BMW 4 Series instantly recognisable as a BMW. The BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe is available product range and the company’s first compact Customers who want the utmost in exclu- with three powerful engine variants: 435i, 428i executive CoupÈ with four-doors. Since its sivity and aesthetics can select additional and 420i with BMW’s TwinPower Turbo tech- launch, the demand for four-door Coupe options from the BMW Individual Collection. nology for excellent dynamic performance design has risen in the Kuwaiti market after The range includes fine leathers for the interior, combined with low fuel consumption. The consumers realizing that they can finally mix exclusive wood trims, special door sill finishes high-end 435i 3-litre six-cylinder engine deliv- the best of both worlds - A sleek aesthetic and unique exterior colours, which enable cus- ers 225 kW/306 hp while the 428i and 420i both design with the amazing functionality and tomers to upgrade the car’s exterior and interi- come with a 2-litre four-cylinder engine deliver- comfort of a four-door BMW sedan. or to give a personalized look and feel. And to ing 180 kW/245 hp and 135 kW/184 hp respec- The four doors are frameless giving the car a make the strongest dynamic statement, the M tively. The extremely stiff body, which benefits smooth and elegant look. At a glance the typi- Sport package is also available at model launch from special reinforcements, and advanced cal BMW short overhangs, long bonnet and set- with special body elements, exterior colors, safety, comfort and infotainment. These chassis technology ensure that the coupe offers back passenger compartment complement the light-alloy wheels, and interior variants in both include the latest BMW Professional sporty coupÈ performance while offering design of the BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe to cloth and leather. The new BMW 4 Series Gran Multimedia Navigation system, Head-up added comfort for rear-seat passengers. express perfect balance combined with a bold Coupe has a unique combination of intelligent Display, Driving Assistant, Active Cruise Control Thanks to its low centre of gravity and a bal- presence. driver assistance systems available as standard with Stop & Go, Lane change warning system; anced front-rear weight distribution, the BMW 4 Xenon headlights are standard, while or as optional under BMW Connected Drive glare-free High-beam Assistant, Park Assist and Series Gran Coupe is glued to the road and Adaptive LED twin headlights are optional as that continue to set the benchmark in terms of Dynamic Safety. Collectively, these help to boasts particularly agile handling. Why Italy’s stay-home shoppers terrify the EU Country in a rut diminishing expectations

ROME: “Three for the price of two” used to be the most common Europe is cultural. Greeks and Spaniards are historically big still growing. Rising prices make it easier for high-debt countries special offer in Giorgio Santambrogio’s supermarket chains. It has spenders. The Spanish economy surged for a decade thanks to a like Italy to pay the fixed interest rates on their bonds. And debt is barely been used this year. The reason explains why efforts to property and consumption bubble that crashed in 2008. Greece usually measured as a proportion of national output, so when resuscitate Italy’s moribund economy are failing. grew strongly in the same period, before being brought to its output grows, debt shrinks. Because output is measured in mon- “People aren’t stocking up because they know prices will be knees in 2009 by its government’s clandestine finances. This year, ey, rising prices - inflation - boost output even if economic activi- lower in a month’s time,” says Santambrogio, chief executive of falling prices are helping these economies sell more of their prod- ty is stagnant, as in Italy. But if activity is stagnant and prices don’t Vege, a Milan-based association covering 1,500 supermarkets and ucts at home and abroad, fuelling a nascent recovery. rise, then the debt-to-output ratio will increase. That could poten- specialist stores. “Shoppers are demanding steeper and steeper Italians, however, are historically big savers. One reason, says tially reignite the sort of investor panic that set off the euro zone discounts.” Chiara Saraceno, sociology professor at Turin University, is that debt and economic crisis four years ago. Italy is stuck in a rut of diminishing expectations. Numbed by Italian parents traditionally save for decades in order to buy their Marcello Messori, economics professor at Rome’s LUISS univer- years of wage freezes, and skeptical the government can improve children homes when they marry. sity, estimates that without economic growth, prices in Italy their economic fortunes, Italians are hoarding what money they Another factor is Italy’s famously cash-based economy. Italy would have to rise at least 3.2 percent a year for its debt to fall at have and cutting back on basic purchases, from detergent to win- has fewer credit cards per person than any other country in the the rate the European Union requires. dows. Weak demand has led companies to lower prices in the euro zone except Slovakia, according to ECB data. That dampens “I see an enormous danger that we will still be in this situation hope of luring people back into shops. This summer, consumer consumption because people who use credit cards buy more in six months’ time, and the longer it lasts the harder it is to get prices in Italy fell on a year-on-year basis for the first time in a half- freely, economists say. Even the houses parents buy their children out,” says Gustavo Piga, an economics professor at Rome’s Tor century, and they have barely picked up since. Falling prices eat are often paid in one lump-sum rather than with mortgages. Vergata Unversity. Sebastiano Salzone, a diminutive 33-year-old into company profits and lead to pay cuts and job losses, further Like Japan, Italy has one of the world’s oldest and most rapidly from the poor southern region of Calabria, left with his wife five depressing demand. The result: Italy is being sucked into a defla- ageing populations - the kind of people who don’t spend. “It is years ago to run the historic Cafe Fiume on Via Salaria, a tradition- tionary spiral similar to the one that has afflicted Japan’s economy young people who spend more and take risks,” says Sergio De ally busy shopping street near the centre of Rome. for much of the past two decades. Nardis, chief economist of the Bologna-based Nomisma think- Salzone was excited by the challenge. But after four years of That is the nightmare scenario that policymakers, led by tank. In recent years, young people have been the hardest hit by grinding recession, his business is struggling to survive. “When I European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi, are desperate to avoid. layoffs, he says. Many have left the country to seek work else- took over they warned me demand was weak and advised me not The euro zone’s third-biggest economy is not alone. Deflation - where.People tend to spend more when they see a bright future. to raise prices. But now, I’m being forced to cut them,” he says. or continuously falling consumer prices - is considered a risk for Italian confidence has steadily eroded over the past two decades, A lunch at Cafe Fiume with a pasta course, mineral water, fruit the whole currency bloc, and particularly countries on its south- hurt by a revolving door of ineffectual governments. In Italy, as in and coffee costs 7 euros and 30 cents. That’s the same as it was ern rim. Prices have fallen for 20 months in Greece and five in Japan, the lack of economic growth has become chronic. eight years ago. In September, Salzone cut the price of his pani- Spain, for example. Both countries are suffering through deep nos by 40 cents to 2 euros 80, and cut the price he charges for soft cuts in salaries and state welfare. Yet Italy, a large economy with a Debt trap drinks by 30 cents, to 2 euros. Despite the lower prices, sales have huge public debt, is the country causing most worry. Underpinning economists’ worries is Italy’s biggest handicap: dropped 40 percent, or 500 euros a day, in the last three years. Part of the reason deflation is seen differently across southern a huge national debt equal to 132 percent of national output and Salzone has reduced staff to 12 from 15 to break even. —Reuters BUSINESS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 US shoppers go in for the kill on ‘Black Friday’ Don’t the store workers deserve a day off?

LEESBURG, United States: The tradi- tionalists don’t like it, but the “Black Friday” shopping frenzy is as much a part of the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States as turkey and pumpkin pie. And it’s only Thursday. Americans SEOUL: A woman uses a mobile phone as she shelters will spend tens of billions of dollars over beneath an umbrella during rainfall in Seoul yesterday. the four-day holiday and there was cer- South Korea’s industrial output fell 1.6 percent in October tainly no messing about at Leesburg from a month earlier, hit by labor disputes and slow smart- Corner, a Virginia outlet center only a phone sales, government data showed yesterday. — AFP short drive from the US capital Washington. Turkish markets There was hardly time for the roast turkey and stuffing to settle when most shops opened there on Thursday, rally, airlines surge Thanksgiving Day, for a 28-hour bonan- za of breathless consumerism that was ISTANBUL: Turkish shares and bonds hit their highest levels to stretch overnight and drag on non- since mid-2013 yesterday, with airlines surging in particular, after stop until 10 pm yesterday. a slump in oil prices raised hopes of lower inflation and interest After a tentative start, many shops rate cuts. The two-year benchmark bond yield dropped to 7.49 SOUTH PORTLAND: Target shoppers wait to check out on Black Friday yester- were packed by midnight: nearly 100 day in South Portland, Maine. The store opened at midnight. — AP percent, its lowest since July 2013, while the 10-year benchmark people queued to get into Kate Spade yield fell to 7.71 New York as the clock ticked into Black being forced here,” said Henri Brown, engineer originally from Senegal, Istanbul’s main share index ended the morning session up Friday and the cold night air dropped a 17, who along with his 15-year-old declared himself something of an old 0.93 percent at 85,479.04 points, having hit its highest level since degree or two further. Meanwhile they brother Will was among the first in. “And hand in the art of the post- May 31 last year when nationwide anti-government protests had been waiting at the door of Coach they might enjoy the rush of people,” Thanksgiving splurge. “It’s not the began to dent investor confidence in Turkey. “We expect the pos- before it even opened. added Henri, who forked out over $130 cheapest time in the year. After itive impact of the more than 7 percent fall in oil prices on BIST Likewise at J Crew and Sunglass Hut. in the first hour and proclaimed himself Christmas is cheaper, but I came today (Istanbul stock exchange) to continue,” Oyak Securities said in a Hide and Miho, a couple originally from happy with his early purchases: two because there are more options-noth- note. “The index will maintain its target position of 86,500-87,000 Tokyo but living locally, snapped up two jackets-a dark blue one he was already ing is left after Christmas,” he said sage- resistance levels, will support at 83,000 points technically,” Oyak winter coats within the first hour from wearing-sunglasses and trousers. Vera ly. He too was through the doors early said. The Turkish lira firmed to 2.2113 against the dollar by 1056 DKNY. “We got 50 percent off, but with Luo, a 19-year-old from China studying but was taking a more tactical GMT from 2.2160 late on Thursday. Shares in Turkish Airlines and another 20 percent off on top of that. in Washington, came armed with a suit- approach, refusing to jump right into Pegasus jumped on improved profitability expectations due to The coats are one for each of us because case she was ready to fill to bursting the spending bonanza. “I am well-pre- the sharp fall in oil prices after OPEC’s decision to refrain from here is pretty cold,” said Hide, clutching with new acquisitions that she said pared and have a list of four brands I cutting output despite a supply glut. Flag-carrier Turkish Airlines three bags in one hand. would be more expensive in China. want-Columbia, Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin shares traded 6.75 percent higher at 9.17 lira, having touched an She and two friends paid $60 for a Klein and Ralph Lauren-and I will get,” all-time high of 9.43 lira during the morning. Pegasus shares were ‘Maybe all night’ taxi from the US capital and they were in he said firmly. up 5.76 percent to 33.05 lira. The long Thanksgiving weekend is it for the long haul. Jeanette, a local who gave her age as “Oil at these levels is positive for airlines. With fuel accounting the kickoff to the US holiday shopping “I have no idea where my friends are “104,” was another refusing to get car- for 35-40 percent of airline companies’ costs, it results in serious season, and Black Friday has long been or when I will find them,” said the eco- ried away by the discounts of more reductions on the costs side. It will positively impact balance considered the critical day that turns nomics student, clasping a directory of than 50 percent. Taking a breather on a sheets and profitability,” said Is Investment aviation analyst Efe retailers’ books from red to black. But the more than 100 stores in the com- bench while her daughter and grand- Kalkandelen. Market sentiment was also supported by data show- there has been criticism of those retail- plex. “So far I have only bought lens daughter did the running about, she ing a narrowing in the trade deficit. The Turkish Statistics Institute ers that throw their doors open on solution, but I have a budget of $500 had scouted a Michael Kors purse said the deficit narrowed to $6.25 billion in October from $7.43 Thanksgiving instead of actually waiting and I want to buy a bag from Coach. “I online before moving in for the kill for billion a year earlier. “Overall, the rebalancing trend continues in for Black Friday. don’t know how long we will be here. just over $100. “I did not want to pay foreign trade, yet its pace has recently decelerated. We foresee Don’t the store workers deserve a Maybe all night.” the high price before but it was on a further rebalancing through the end of this year, and expect 2014 day off to spend with their families too? pretty big discount,” she said with a foreign trade deficit at $80 billion,” said Finansbank economist “They don’t have to work. I guess Tactical approach glint in her eye, rubbing her cheeks to Deniz Cicek in a note. — Reuters they do it for the money. They are not Mamadou Niass, 48, a cyber-security stave off the cold. — AFP

Tokyo investors eye Christmas UK house price inflation sales, ECB policy meeting slows to 11-month low TOKYO: Tokyo investors will be keeping an eye on US holiday retail sales and movements on Wall Street next week, while pos- sible European Central Bank easing will also be in focus, analysts LONDON: The annual rate of increase in British house prices fell The British Bankers’ Association said on Tuesday its members said yesterday. “On the back of stable growth and a low interest to its lowest level in nearly a year this month as the property were approving the fewest mortgages since May 2013. rate environment, the Dow (Jones Industrial Average) is likely to market continued to lose momentum, figures from mortgage Nationwide said the number of approvals was just two thirds of gradually rise,” Daiwa Securities said in a client note. lender Nationwide showed yesterday. Nationwide said house its long-run average. “There is something of a disconnect Investors will also be eyeing holiday shopping figures from prices rose 8.5 percent in the year to November, the smallest between the slowdown in the housing market in recent months the US National Retail Federation and the International Council increase since December last year, and well below June’s near and broader economic indicators, which have remained rela- of Shopping Centers, it added. Lower gas prices and bumper 10-year peak of 11.8 percent. tively upbeat,” said Robert Gardner, chief economist at share prices could put shoppers in the spending spirit, but cold British housing market activity and price rises have been Nationwide. Britain’s economy looks set to be the fastest grow- weather might drive online purchases instead of sales at bricks- slowing since the middle of the year, in part because of steps by ing among the major industrialised nations this year, though and-mortar shops, Daiwa said. Yesterday, the benchmark Nikkei regulators to require lenders to make tougher checks on bor- wage growth is still very weak, making houses hard to afford for 225 index at the Tokyo Stock Exchange finished up 1.23 percent, rowers’ ability to repay mortgages. Price growth in the three many British workers. The Bank of England is also expected to or 211.35 points, at 17,459.85. months to November-which many analysts view as the best raise interest rates next year for the first time since 2007. It gained 0.59 percent over the week. The Topix index of all guide to the short-term trend in house prices-fell to 0.9 percent, Gardner added that the national slowdown could not be first-section shares climbed 1.32 percent, or 18.44 points, to 1,410.34, marking a weekly rise of 0.73 percent.Record closes on the lowest since June 2013. put down solely to weakness in London-where annual price Wall Street and a weak yen have boosted the Tokyo market, “With housing market activity appreciably off its early-2014 growth has fallen sharply from rates of more than 20 percent while investors also cheered OPEC’s decision not to cut oil pro- highs, we suspect house prices will generally rise at a much earlier this year-as previous data for the three months to duction. In forex markets, the dollar firmed to 118.22 yen from more sedate rate over the coming months,” said Howard Archer, September had shown price growth slowing in 10 out of 13 117.74 yen in London. —AFP chief UK economist at IHS Global Insight. British regions. — Reuters SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

(From left) Actors Zhang Lei, Huang Xuan and Mu Huaipeng on stage during a ceremony before the pre- miere of the film “Blind Massage”. Toned and tattooed Mickey Rourke returns

This photo taken shows cast and crew of the film ‘Blind Massage’ with their awards during a ceremony before the pre- to the ring at 62 miere of the film at a theater in Beijing. — AFP photos ollywood actor Mickey Rourke prepared to pick up his boxing career yesterday in Moscow, in a bout Hwith a US professional 33 years his junior for an Movie brings undisclosed sum of money. “I’m very happy to be back to the boxing ring. Thank God for letting me do this”, Rourke told AFP ahead of the fight with 29-year-old Elliot Seymour. Wearing only a cowboy hat and turquoise boxer shorts, the China’s blind masseurs 62-year-old actor showed off his tanned, tattooed and muscly physique to a cheering crowd as he weighed in at 81.3 kilos (179.2 pounds), the same as his rival. out of the shadows Rourke is set to fight Seymour ahead of a match lind Massage”, the award-winning new film by the enfant Starring both sighted and unsighted actors, “Blind Massage” terrible of Chinese cinema Lou Ye, throws a rare spotlight explores the lives and loves of the masseurs, with some scenes delib- between Russia’s Ruslan “Bon those who cannot see for themselves in a country erately blurred to give the viewer a sense of having poor vision. Provodnikov and Jose Luis where the disabled are often marginalized. Lou has previous tackled a Desperation is never far from their lives, and some parts of the film- Castillo of Mexico. The organ- slew of forbidden subjects, including gay sex and the 1989 including mutilations-are undoubtedly shocking. The blind see them- izers said the boxers were Tiananmen protests, and his latest work went on general release in selves as outsiders to mainstream society, a narrator explains in a receiving “large amounts of China yesterday. Based on Bi Feiyu’s wildly popular novel “Massage”, voice-over, and their own community is divided between those who money” in fees, declining to the low-budget feature tells the story of a small blind community had the ability to see and gradually lost it and those born without give details but saying working in a therapeutic massage parlour in the eastern city of sight. The question of who is beautiful becomes a matter of huge “everyone is happy”. Rourke Nanjing. In China, home to some 85 million disabled people accord- curiosity even as they spend their lives in the dark. One character is was an amateur boxer before ing to state media, the stigma surrounding disability is marked. taken to a brothel where he becomes infatuated with a prostitute, his Hollywood career took off Schools often deny admission to disabled pupils, contributing to an but their dynamic shifts dramatically when his sight begins to return. and he became a sex symbol star in films such as “9 1/2 estimated 40 percent illiteracy rate in the community. For the 17 mil- Corrupt officials, loan sharks and callous family members who Weeks.” He returned to boxing as a professional for eight lion blind, massage offers an escape from poverty and ostracism, and abandon their blind kin also get an airing. It has echoes in the life of matches in the 1990s, causing damage to his face that neces- several hundred thousand work in salons and parlours across the Fu Chiyou, who expertly pummels his customers’ feet while perched sitated surgery and changed his appearance. In 2008 he country. “It was a taboo subject-but not any more, it seems to me,” on a tiny stool in a Beijing hairdressing salon. The 38-year-old was starred in “The Wrestler” about a washed-up fighter making a Lou told AFP at his film’s premiere in Beijing this week. Even so, he born blind into a family of farmers in Heilongjiang, China’s northern- comeback, winning a Golden Globe for best actor. still had to contend with China’s state censors, who have repeatedly most province. Forced into a relatively solitary existence because of banned his previous works.”We managed to get it through after four his disability, he spent his childhood and adolescence in the company ‘I wanna fight again’ or five months of discussions,” he said. “The version that the (Chinese) of just his family and two friends. Few blind manage to marry or Rourke said he was “terrible” when he made his own audience will see is a bit different from the original. We had to take secure stable employment, he says. “I never had anything to do, and out the most sexual and violent images. I can understand why we had my parents worried about my future,” Fu told AFP. “So I thought of comeback. “Before, when I fought 18 years ago, I smoked, I to do that, because Chinese cinema doesn’t have an age classification going to a massage school for the blind.” It took Fu five years to per- didn’t run, I got by on my natural ability,” he told journal- system,” he added carefully. fect the art of massage under the traditional principles of Chinese ists in Moscow. He said a boxing match between Russian medicine, learning the secrets of the human form and its pressure Ruslan Provodnikov and American Tim Bradley inspired points. “The blind have a more developed sense of hearing, as well as him to take on the challenge of returning to the ring. “I a more developed sense of touch,” he said. He works from 3:00 pm went to the gym and I was terrible: smoking, you know, until midnight every day, with the salon owner providing his lodgings drinking,” Rourke said. His conditioning coach, Jordan as well as his modest salary. Feramisco, “broke my ass every day”. “And then one day I said: ‘Fuck this. If I’m gonna do it. I think I’m strong enough, Behind closed doors I can do it.’” Lou, a Shanghai native, has faced repeated bans on his work in China and is used to having to screen it behind closed doors. He was Other fights in Russia banned from directing for five years after making “Summer Palace” The actor is a frequent visitor to Russia and has been (2006), which depicts relationships against a backdrop of the romantically linked to a Russian-born model, Anastassija Tiananmen protests and has never been released in China. His other Makarenko. On a visit to central Moscow in August, he films include “Spring Fever” (2009), which portrays a clandestine gay bought and wore a T-shirt sporting a picture of Russian affair and was shot in secret in defiance of his film-making ban. But President Vladimir Putin. “I met Putin ... and he seems to the Beijing premiere for “Blind Massage” was packed after the film be a very good guy,” he said at the time, according to pop- scooped top honors at the weekend’s Golden Horse film awards in ular Russian daily KomsomolskaÔa Pravda. Rourke says he Taiwan, touted as the Chinese-language Oscars. It also fared well at the Berlin film festival earlier this year, winning the Silver Bear prize always dreamed of fighting in Russia. He hopes to do four for Outstanding Artistic Contribution. Fu will never see the movie, but more fights, all in Russia. “I think I’m strong enough,” the is very much aware of it. actor said ahead of Friday’s five rounds of two and a half “For the first time there’s a film that talks about our lives,” he said minutes each. “We train hard as we can, but in the end it’s Chinese director Lou Ye before the premiere of his film as he dug his thumb into the sole of a customer’s foot. “That can only in God’s hands.” — AFP “Blind Massage”. be a good thing.” — AFP SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Leading Lebanese poet Saeed Akl dies at 102 aeed Akl, Lebanon’s leading poet whose fame spread throughout the Arab world, has died, state media and Sofficials said yesterday. He was 102. The ultra-nationalist Akl wrote his poems in classical Arabic as well as the Lebanese dialect, which he referred to as “the Lebanese lan- guage.” Some of his most famous poems were sung by Lebanon’s top singer, Fayrouz, including the emo- tional “Take Me Back to My Country,” a song that was played endlessly on radios during the country’s 15-year civil war. He also wrote a song about the Palestinian strug- gle, “Now, and not tomorrow, the bells of return shall ring,” written after Israel seized east Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967. But during the 1975-1990 civil war, Akl was known for his US singer Madonna, left, shakes hands with Malawian President Peter Mutharika at State House in Lillongwe, Malawi, anti-Palestinian statements, and once praised the late Israeli yesterday. Mutharika thanked Madonna for agreeing to fund the construction of a new state of the art Paediatric Prime Minister Menachem Begin for invading Lebanon. “The Surgery and Intensive Care Unit in the country. Madonna is currently visiting Malawi, where she has been working since hero Begin should continue cleansing Lebanon to the last 2006 with her nonprofit organization, Raising Malawi. — AP Palestinian,” he said in an interview in 1982, the year the Jewish State began an 18-year occupation of Lebanon. Akl was born in 1912 to a Maronite Catholic family in Lebanon’s eastern city of Zahle. After the death of his father, Violinist Chung Akl dropped out of school at the age of 15 to help his family. He later wrote for leading Lebanese newspapers and maga- zines, and penned some plays. “Lebanon and the Arabs lost one of the giants of poetry,” wrote former Prime Minister Back from finger collapse, Saad Hariri on his Twitter account. — AP Paul Schrader preps to play the ‘one note’ osing the use of her left index finger pretty much put an end in 2005 to web series ‘Life Lthe high-flying, globe-trotting career of Korean violin virtuoso Kyung Wha on the Other Side’ Chung. “During a rehearsal my finger just collapsed and I couldn’t play anymore,” n illustration of talent’s diaspora from conventional movies, Chung, who will be playing her first legendary helmer-scribe Paul Schrader (“Taxi Driver,” London recital next week in more than 10 A“American Gigolo”) is prepping a 10-episode web-series, “Life years, told Reuters in an interview. The on the Other Side,” each seg 10-minutes long, inspired by the episod- injury, due to weakening she attributes to ic structure of “La Dolce Vita,” Schrader confirmed at ’s Mar a cortisone overdose, might have thrown a del Plata Festival. Giving a Tuesday evening master-class, as president lesser spirit than Chung, 66, into a spiral of of the main Mar del Plata jury, Schrader delivered a trenchant analysis despair. Instead, she is full of enthusiasm of the tectonic shifts which, however exciting, are also decimating for making a limited comeback and can trad US movie business. also see a macabre upside to her injury. “I thought I would never say this, but when I was a young guy, I “Why do you think you are having an thought that the only place where I would be making movies was the interview with me?” the diminutive United States. It had the most freedom, most money, was the top Chung, who still seems to have much of community. I look at the world now, and I don’t know if the US is the the energy she displayed as a dynamo of best place to make pictures,” Schrader admitted. The imbroglio sur- the concert circuit in her youth, said with a rounding his latest films will hardly have dissuaded him of this that I didn’t have time to question because tune was made when she stepped in for notion. Sitting in front of a poster of “The Dying Light,” featuring twinkle in her eye. “Because you are curi- my immediate challenge was to go on Itzhak Perlman in London to nail a per- Nicolas Cage, Anton Yelchin, and exec producer Nicolas Refn and ous what does a violinist like me go stage.” Also, as her finger slowly healed formance of the Tchaikovsky Violin Schrader himself wearing T-Shirts with non-disparagement clauses, through when I have a hand injury. There with years of therapy, she learned how to Concerto in 1970. A new Decca box set of Schrader explained he could say nothing about that film given the are a gazillion people who have hand do something only a virtuoso prevented her collected recordings shows her profi- disparagement clause. Starring Cage and Yelchin, “Light” will be injuries.” from playing her instrument could pick as ciency on a wide range of music, from released in the US on VOD Dec 5 by Grindstone. Movie has been cut For violinists, simply put, losing the use a pastime: to play the violin in her head. Bartok to Mendelssohn to Brahms - whom and mixed by its producers without Schrader’s approval. of the left index finger makes it impossible she especially adores - to chamber per- Barring such significant silence, Schrader was highly articulate, to press down on the strings to produce Fairly meteoric rise formances with the likes of pianists however, about the state of the US movie industry after the first cen- the right notes, rendering them a bit like a “For instance, after coming out of five Krystian Zimerman and Radu Lupu. But tury of cinema. “I don’t think anything about cinema in the last 100 one-handed pianist. It wasn’t anything she years of not playing, and then to do the six Chung, who gave up playing the piano years applies anymore. Not how we make films, not how we watch would have wished to happen to anyone, unaccompanied Bach (sonatas and parti- when she was a child to begin what would them, finance them, or pay for them.” Several trends are at work. especially herself, but Chung said she took tas), after not having played...I worked it become a lifelong romance with the violin, “These days talent in the US is migrating to television and the the opportunity to re-examine her life, out all in my head...with every possibility attributes the foundation of her success to Internet. Schrader himself is a case in point. “Life on the Other Side” which she said up until then had been of bowing and so on,” she said. Chung had just one note. “For a string player, there is will be seen as a film at festivals but in episodes on the web, he driven mostly by the pressure of the con- a fairly meteoric rise to the top when she the challenge of finding that one touch of explained. cert circuit. was a young and glamorous prodigy, fresh sound that can go immediately into some- “The whole notion of projecting images in a dark room for an “My personal life was something I could out of the prestigious Juilliard School of body’s soul,” she said, adding that she fig- audience is a twentieth century one.” On “Life,” we pitched to a num- spend more time on, and so I’m forever ber of people, and one asked: ‘When will the film be ready?’ By next Music in New York. ures she tied with Zukerman for the grateful that I went through that period,” summer, we said. ‘We can’t tell you how we will distribute films by She first attracted notice when she was Leventritt award because of the way she next summer,’ he replied,” Schrader recounted. “This is the best of the mother of two sons said. “I’m relieved the co-winner with Pinchas Zukerman of played the first note, a B flat, of Bruch’s times and the worst of times,” Schrader said. “On one hand, piracy is of a lot of excess luggage, I’m freer, I’m first prize in the prestigious Leventritt “Scottish Fantasia”. “So you can do it with destroying big-budget films. —Reuters lighter. I came to terms with all the things competition in New York in 1967. Her for- one note,” she laughed. — Reuters SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Supermodel CampbellNaomi launches Ebola fashion pop-up

ritish supermodel Naomi famous for playing character Campbell launched a pop- Stringer Bell in TV show The Wire Bup fashion shop in east and Nelson Mandela in a 2013 London to raise awareness of the biopic. — AFP spread of Ebola on Thursday. Sporting a thick fringe and wear- ing a plunging grey dress, Campbell showed off party dress- es, glittery high heels and other pieces donated by designers and friends to be sold at the store. The “Fashion for Relief” shop, a fundraising drive founded by Campbell after the Hurricane Katrina disaster in 2005, will be open for one week at the Westfield shopping centre in east London. “Raising awareness for Ebola and educating about its preven- tion is crucial to help prevent the spread of this deadly disease,” Campbell said in a statement ahead of the opening. “We hope the Fashion For Relief store will raise much-needed funds and awareness, whilst offering amazing pieces at accessible prices.” Campbell was joined at the launch by fellow Londoners rapper Tinie Tempah and actor Idris Elba,

British television personality and model Lizzie Cundy

British supermodel Naomi Campbell poses with British actor Idris Elba at the launch of the US actor RJ Mitte arrives at the Fashion For Relief Pop-Up at Westfield in launch of the Fashion For Relief British supermodel Naomi Campbell poses as she arrives London. —AFP photos Pop-Up at Westfield. British rapper Tinie Tempah at the launch of the Fashion For Relief Pop-Up. Wife awarded $530 million in record British divorce

he estranged wife of a London financier was award- £700 million. Hohn had offered his wife a quarter of the er,” Hohn told the court, but adding that he did not “really ed £337 million ($530 million, 425 million euros) on fortune, but she argued that their wealth was the result of care about money” and that it did not bring happiness. TThursday in one of the biggest divorce settlements a partnership. The two, who met while studying at Harvard Legal experts said the settlement was one of the biggest seen in a British court. Details of the payment to US-born University and have four children, founded charity the made in Britain, but that it was difficult to know whether it Jamie Cooper-Hohn, 49, emerged after a draft judgment Children’s Investment Fund Foundation to help the poor was the largest ever because higher payouts may not was given to lawyers ahead of a final ruling. Cooper- in developing countries. The son of a legal secretary and a have been made public. It does however dwarf the Hohn’s lawyers were reported to be considering an car mechanic, Hohn was reported to have given away divorce settlement previously reported to be the high- appeal to get an ever bigger payout. Cooper-Hohn almost £1 billion between 2006 and 2011. He was knight- est ever in Britain-a 2011 award of between £165 mil- had separated from hedge fund manager Chris ed this year for services to philanthropy and international lion and £220 million from late Russian oligarch Hohn, 48, after being married for 15 years and development. Boris Berezovsky to his former wife Galina the two had fought over assets worth over “Over the long term I am an unbelievable money-mak- Besharova. — AFP SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Pakistan Fashion Week

Pakistani models present creations by Pakistani designers during Pakistan Fashion Week, in Karachi, Pakistan.-AP photos SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 , 2014 At 13, Sevian is youngest ever US chess Grandmaster ot many people can claim to have shattered a major American Expert (another ranking) shortly before his 10th birth- American record at 13 years, 10 months and 27 days. But day. At 12 years and 10 months, he became the country’s Nchess prodigy Samuel Sevian can now do just that, after youngest International Master. Samuel’s next target is to get to being crowned America’s youngest-ever Grandmaster, easily 2,600 points, which would secure him invitations to the most besting the country’s previous record holder by more than a year. prestigious tournaments. His ultimate dream is to become world At a tournament in St Louis last weekend, he won all four of his champion; the question is when he will be ready to tackle the games to push his World Chess Federation rating past 2,500 challenge. “It’s way out in the future and I don’t want to busy my points-enough to secure Grandmaster status. head with it now. First, I would need to improve my game,” he “I feel really good and somewhat relieved. This was one of my said. “After my big win in St Louis, my confidence level is high. best tournament performances,” the teen told AFP, noting that This definitely helps.” The chess star’s father said he is the sixth- he had beaten three Grandmasters during the event in only 20- youngest Grandmaster in the world. 25 moves. His father Armen-a scientist born and raised in Armenia who later emigrated to the United States-is bursting with pride. Elite status “He really outplayed his opponents in three games. But the The youngest person to win the status is Russia’s Sergey fourth, it was really back and forth, it wasn’t clear,” he said. “It was Karjakin, who became a Grandmaster when he was just 12 years like a blitz, it came down to the last seconds. Both players were and seven months old. Samuel, who lives in the Boston area, said shaking.” he was overcome with emotion when he realized he was about to This October 9, 2014 file photo shows thirteen-year-old chess The previous record for the youngest US Grandmaster was achieve elite status in the chess world. “The pressure was enor- player Samuel Sevian speaking during an interview in held by Ray Robson, who achieved the title two weeks before he mous when I played my fourth game, which I needed to win to go Alexandria, Virginia. — AFP turned 15. American legend Bobby Fischer also once held the over the 2,500 mark,” he said. “I’m suddenly a Grandmaster and record. At an August tournament, the bespectacled Samuel had felt overwhelmed.” In the coming weeks, Samuel will spend three world’s first Grandmaster born in this millennium.” After celebrat- put the record within days in New York at the Garry Kasparov Foundation. The chess ing his 14th birthday on December 26, Samuel will participate in reach, getting to within 14 points of the 2,500 needed for the legend is one of Samuel’s regular trainers and will be present for another tournament in the Netherlands. “We want to go more to elite Grandmaster title. The young chess wizard is well accus- the three-day visit. Europe. There’s stronger competition over there,” said Armen tomed to setting US records, having become the youngest The foundation hailed his achievement, saying he is “the Sevian, himself a former high-level player. — AFP Brazilian Capoeira

Players of Brazilian Capoeira, a mixture of dance and martial art inherited from the times of slavery, perform to celebrate the nomination of Capoeira to the list of UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage at the Cais do Valongo (Valongo Quay) his- torical site, where about one million slaves from Africa arrived in the XIX Century, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. — AFP photos SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29 , 2014 Tibetan tapestry Mystery of Alexander the Great-era fetches record $45 mn tomb holds Greeks in thrall in Hong Kong reek archaeologist Katerina Peristeri n ancient Tibetan silk tapestry has set a world record dug in obscurity for years before for Chinese art after it was sold to a Shanghai tycoon Gunearthing a marble tomb from the Afor $45 million (HK$348 million) at auction in Hong time of Alexander the Great-a find that has Kong, according to Christie’s. The 600-year-old artwork, brought her instant fame. In a land with one called a thangka and embroidered in vivid hues of red and of the world’s richest cultural heritages, gold, was bought by Liu Yiqian on Wednesday and will be archaeologists rarely receive much public displayed at his new museum in Shanghai, the auction house notice. Yet Peristeri has become the face of the Amphipolis crypt, a 2,300-year-old sepul- said. “I am proud to bring back to China this significant and chre beneath the sandy hills of northern historic 15th century thangka which will be preserved in the Greece. She has received three Greek awards Long museum for years to come,” he was quoted as saying in in the past month alone. a Christie’s press release Thursday. “I’m just a simple archaeologist, doing my Hong Kong has emerged as one of the biggest global auc- duty,” she beamed at one prize ceremony. At tion hubs alongside New York and London, fuelled by China’s another, she joined a choir in a rousing ode to economic boom and demand from Chinese and other Asian Alexander’s homeland. The tomb may be the collectors. The sale broke the world record for any Chinese last resting place of Alexander’s wife Roxane, work of art sold by an international auction house. The piece- his mother Olympias, or one of his generals, which depicts the meditational diety Raktayamari, known as according to competing theories. But the the Red Conqueror of Death, standing stride a buffalo-was speculation is not the only thing fuelling created during the Ming dynasty between 1402 and 1424. Peristeri’s popularity. A tourist read the guide of a marble Lion statue near the site where archaeologists It is one of a set of three thangkas from the Jokhang After six years of economic crisis, political have unearthed a funeral mound dating from the time of Alexander the Great, in Monastery in the Tibetan capital Lhasa, according to Christie’s. tumult and a humiliating international Amphipolis, Northern Greece. — AFP photos In April, Liu bought a Ming Dynasty wine cup which broke the bailout, Greeks are desperate for heroes and world auction record for Chinese porcelain in Hong Kong for Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’s govern- the marble wall that rings the tomb. He then say that an excavation is not going to lift the $36.05 million (HK$281.24 million). A taxi driver-turned- ment is eager for some good news. “It revives stood before the tomb’s entrance guarded by fortunes of a country where over one in four financier now aged 50, Liu is one of China’s wealthiest men Greeks’ hopes that despite their big struggle headless sphinxes to announce a “significant is unemployed and household income has and among the country’s new class of super-rich scouring the to survive there is a ‘holy grail’ that will recon- discovery” that makes “all Greeks proud”. fallen by a third since the crisis began. “The nect them to a period of glory and power,” globe for artwork. He is worth an estimated $1.6 billion. — AFP truth is we would all like this to be something said Christos Kechagias, a sociologist who Hot pretzels big,” said Garifallia Dedes, 40, a psychologist. teaches at the University of Athens. “In times Stories on the Amphipolis tomb sell like “But ultimately it’s nothing more than an of crisis, people have the chance to redefine hot “koulouri” or pretzels, the Kathimerini important discovery that brightens our grey their identity.” newspaper said. “It has unfolded in a thrilling days.” At Amphipolis, there are hopes the dis- The popular television program way, never before has an archaeological exca- covery will help the region prosper. The “Anatropi”, normally a political talk-show, has vation been unveiled this way,” Culture museum that attracted about 5 visitors each twice devoted its entire two-hour segment to Minister Constantinos Tassoulas told Greek weekend now gets up to 2,000, says Anna the excavation. In a front-page spread, the television. Not everyone is happy. The oppo- Panagiotarea, spokeswoman for the excava- Espresso tabloid suggested the identity of the sition has criticised Samaras, whose govern- tions. Buses packed with tourists and school tomb’s mysterious resident could be divined ment handles all announcements related to groups arrive at the site even though it is not with methods taken from the novels of Dan the tomb, for trying to make political capital open to visitors. Thessaloniki channel TV Brown. The answer, it said, lay in a painting by from the discovery. 100’s audience jumps from 3 percent to Renaissance master Giovanni Antonio Bazzi “Amphipolis is not the place for political about 24 percent of viewers when a regular depicting Alexander’s wedding. Greek broad- games,” said Panos Skourletis, spokesman for half-hour bulletin on Amphipolis is broadcast, This handout casters have been transfixed by discoveries the opposition Syriza party. Despina she adds. picture taken on from the tomb-a pebble mosaic showing the Koutsoumba, an archaeologist who belongs “Readers feel uplifted as a nation-this November 27, abduction of Persephone; two sculpted to the small, anti-capitalist Antarsya party, news boosts their confidence,” said Michalis 2014 and “Caryatid” figures; skeletal remains in a lime- says Samaras is using Amphipolis to hide cut- Alexandridis, director of popular northern released by stone grave that are now being analyzed for backs at archaeological and other sites: “They papers Makedonia and Thessaloniki. Christies auction identification. “It’s very unusual to have play- highlight Amphipolis to cover up the nation’s Peristeri, the archaeologist, is glad the tomb house shows a by-play coverage of archaeological work,” bankruptcy.” “reminds the world of Greece’s cultural con- 600-year-old said David Rupp, a classical archaeologist and A legion of tomb-related cartoons have tribution”, But she plays down the fuss. “The Tibetan director of the Canadian Institute in Greece. emerged: one shows Samaras urging archae- excavation has not changed my life,” she said embroidered “It’s almost become like a reality TV program.” ologists to identify the deceased in order to through a spokeswoman, declining to be artwork called Samaras has frequently highlighted the make him pay a new property tax; another interviewed ahead of a news conference this thangka. —AFP tomb in his speeches. With his wife Georgia, shows economists digging at Amphipolis in week. “This is scientific work I’ve been doing he toured the site in August, walking along an effort to find elusive growth. And some for 35 years.” — Reuters ‘Stuart Little’ helps lost Hungarian painting come home long-lost avant-garde painting has returned home to AFP. “She had snapped it up for next-to-nothing in an Hungary after nine decades thanks to a sharp-eyed art antiques shop in Pasadena, California, thinking its avant-garde Ahistorian who spotted it being used as a prop in the elegance was perfect for Stuart Little’s living room.” After leav- Hollywood film “Stuart Little”. In 2009 Gergely Barki, a ing Sony the set-designer sold the painting to a private collec- researcher at Hungary’s National Gallery, noticed “Sleeping Lady tor who has now brought the picture to Budapest for auction. with Black Vase” by Robert Bereny (1888-1953) in the 1999 kids’ Bereny, the leader of a pre-World War I avant-garde movement movie about a mouse as he watched TV with his daughter Lola. called the “Group of Eights”, fled to Berlin in 1920 after design- “I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Bereny’s long-lost mas- ing recruitment posters for Hungary’s short-lived communist terpiece on the wall behind Hugh Laurie, I nearly dropped Lola revolution in 1919. from my lap,” Barki, 43, told AFP on Thursday. In the German capital, he had a romance with actress “A researcher can never take his eyes off the job, even when Marlene Dietrich, and, according to Barki, a rumored fling with watching Christmas movies at home,” he said. The painting dis- Anastasia, the mysterious daughter of Russia’s last tsar Nicholas appeared in the 1920s but Barki recognised it immediately even II. Bereny’s painting goes under the hammer December 13 with though he had only seen a faded black-and-white photo dating a starting price of around 110,000 euros ($137,350), staff at the from a 1928 exhibition archived in the National Gallery. Barki Virag Judit auction house told AFP. According to Barki, the buy- Hungarian art historian Gergely Barki poses next to a plush sent a flurry of emails to staff at the film’s makers Sony Pictures er at the 1928 exhibition, possibly Jewish, probably left Hungary figure of the ‘Stuart Little’ character of the same titled US film and Columbia Pictures, receiving a reply from a former Sony in the run-up to, or during, World War II. “After the wars, revolu- in front of the painting of Hungarian artist Robert Bereny employee, a set designer-two years later. tions, and tumult of the 20th century many Hungarian master- “Sleeping woman with black vase” in the Virag Judit Art “She said the picture was hanging on her wall,” Barki told pieces are lost, scattered around the world,” he said. — AFP Gallery in Budapest. — AFP SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

A file picture taken on November 25, 2014 in Rome shows a painting on a wall of the Metropoliz Museum of the Other and the Elsewhere (MAAM) which is also home to 200 squatters, including Roma and people coming from all corners of the globe. — AFP photos

n a part of Rome few tourists ever reach, Andy Warhol who was part of New York’s Pop ethnic group whose herding into squalid, Sapienza. The concept has become reality the Metropoliz Museum of the Other and and Street art scenes in the 1970s and 80s, and overcrowded camps in Italy has been subject with help from hundreds of creatives, ranging Ithe Elsewhere (MAAM) takes the concept of now specializes in incorporating live flames to international criticism. And just down the from recent graduate Andrea Rinaldi, 27, to the warehouse gallery into a new dimension. into sculpture-based performance pieces. road lies Tor Sapienza, a rundown neighbor- established figures like Buggiani, 81, all of Located in an abandoned salami factory on hood where angry residents this month laid them working for free. the Italian capital’s scruffy eastern periphery, On the frontline violent siege to a refuge for asylum seekers. the museum is also home to 200 squatters, Culturally, physically and socially, MAAM De Finis’s vision is based on the encounter Yoda inspiration including 50 children, whose precarious situa- stands on the frontline of Italy’s overlapping between artists and residents and their joint “As soon as a single euro changed hands, tion is an integral part of a project described immigration and housing crises. Its inhabi- creation of an alternative to the broken mod- the whole thing would collapse,” said de Finis. by its creator, Giorgio de Finis, as a living, tants come from all over. Many are Roma, an el of society represented by events in Tor An anthropologist and film-maker with a breathing artwork. “The police could come in whimsical passion for outer space, de Finis tomorrow and throw everybody out,” de Finis draws inspiration from Yoda, the Jedi warrior- told AFP. “We have to be prudent. That why philosopher of “Star Wars” fame who once we only open to the public on certain days advised: “Do or not do: there is no try.” “At the (usually Saturdays) and for special events.” moment it is a story without an ending,” de Despite the irregular hours, the museum is Finis said. “I can see three possible outcomes: becoming increasingly recognized as an inno- the owners send in the bailiffs and shut the vative element of Rome’s otherwise recession- whole thing down, they decide to embrace fatigued art scene. From November 28- what we have created and take ownership of December 6, it hosts “Iron and Fire”, an exhibi- it, or it all just falls apart of its own accord,” he tion of Paolo Buggiani, a contemporary of said. Hopefully, he argues, the first option is a receding possibility because the authorities would hesitate to destroy a cultural project capable of drawing up to 1,000 members of the Rome art crowd out of the city for special events. “The art is a way of giving the place a sort of skin that perhaps will protect it from a forced eviction.”

Midas touch Occupied first in 2009 by BPM, a radical housing campaign group, after it was sold by the relocating salami makers to a construc- tion company, the building that houses MAAM has a crumbly feel to it. But that fragili- A file picture in Rome shows an inhabi- ty has also contributed to the cohesion of the tant looking on at the Metropoliz Women chat in a courtyard of the Metropoliz Museum of the Other and the whole space as the artists have patched up Museum. Elsewhere (MAAM). SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Italian artist Spentriu27 works on a piece of art at the Metropoliz Museum of the A picture shows a nursery where volunteer teachers provide educational support for Other and the Elsewhere (MAAM). the residents’ children at the Metropoliz Museum. rough edges, incorporating remnants of the site’s previous function or taking inspiration from it. A disused elevator has been given a gold veneer by visual artist Michele Welke in a nod to both the transformative, Midas touch of art and the role of money in social elevation. Cages of the kind once used for livestock also feature: German artist Susanne Kessler has donated an installation originally inspired by Guantanamo prison that she felt could make a different point about the treatment of migrants in the MAAM setting. Another room, once used for stripping carcasses, is now home to a giant mural by Spanish painters Pablo Mesa Capella and Gonzalo Orquin. Entitled E-MAAMCIPAZIONE, it features a series of pigs strung up but concludes with two joyously scampering to freedom. “We don’t have the money to do a complete architectural renovation of the building so we have to work with what we’ve got,” said De Finis, glancing down at the rubble that litters a still-to- be-renovated residential section of the main building. The sections completed include a court- yard vegetable garden and a nursery where vol- unteer teachers provide educational support for the residents’ children three afternoons a week. Resident Mustapha Labiki, originally from Morocco, says the interaction with the artists has been enriching. “This place attracts all kinds of people. There is always something going on, someone to talk to and that helps the older kids stay off the streets.” Sara Bautista, from Peru, says there is another advantage to life in a customized, art-filled squat. “We share recipes and you don’t get your neighbors complaining that your cook- ing is making a disgusting smell!” — AFP A picture shows a part of the exhibition “Iron and Fire” by artist Paolo Buggiani at the Metropoliz Museum.

Italian Giorgio de Finis poses at the Metropoliz Museum . A picture shows mailboxes at the entrance of the Metropoliz Museum. TECHNOLOGY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 EU piling pressure on Google to change ways

BRUSSELS: European Union institutions are piling pressure on Google to change the way it operates its business and applies EU rules. The European parliament on Thursday approved a non-binding reso- lution that calls for the unbundling of search engines from other services that internet companies offer, a practice that could in theory lead to the break-up of MOUNTAIN VIEW: In this February 16, 2010, file photo, giant internet companies like Google. Hewlett-Packard inks are seen on display in Mountain The resolution is a largely symbolic View, California.—AP protest vote without immediate impact. But it was approved with a large majori- ty - 384 votes to 174, with 56 absten- HP earnings tions - showing widespread political backing. show continued EU Digital Economy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger underscored the struggle resolution was “an important expression of opinion” but he added the EU was far from tearing digital multinationals apart. SAN FRANCISCO: Hewlett-Packard Company’s latest earnings “I don’t think, at the end of the day, report shows that despite three years of efforts to turn its business that the breaking up as such is what we BRUSSELS: President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker arrives around, the venerable tech giant still has a lot more work ahead. can expect,” Oettinger said. “Rather we to deliver his statement on growth, jobs and investment package for Europe, CEO Meg Whitman has decided to split the pioneering Silicon are talking about the consistent and cor- Wednesday Nov 26, 2014 at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, eastern Valley company in two. But she has said it will take a year to disen- rect implementation of EU legislation to France. — AP gage the sluggish printer-and-PC division from units that sell com- ensure that the interests” of EU busi- mercial tech hardware, software and services, where Whitman nesses and consumers are maintained. branded services at the top of search unfairly tarnishes an individual’s reputa- believes there are more opportunities for growth. Meanwhile, the EU antitrust authorities are currently result pages, especially when consumers tion - should be expanded to the gener- company reported Tuesday that its sales fell 2 percent in the most investigating Google to see whether it is are likely to be searching for something al .com domains. recent three-month period, marking its 12th revenue decline in abusing its position following allega- to buy. The purge of search results currently the last 13 quarters. tions it is biased in linking search results The EU Commission made it clear applies to Google’s local search pages Profit was down 6 percent from a year ago. For the August- to its own services. that the resolution will not have an covering the EU’s 28 member nations October fiscal quarter, HP reported net income of $1.3 billion, or Competitors in Europe, where impact on the investigation into Google. and four other European countries, 70 cents a share, on revenue of $28.4 billion. That fell short of the Google has an Internet search market On Wednesday, an EU data protec- encompassing more than 500 million expectations of analysts polled by FactSet, who predicted earn- share of about 90 percent, have com- tion group advised that “the right to be people. Those who switch to the firm’s ings of 80 cents a share on revenue of $28.7 billion. plained about the way the company forgotten” rule - which requires Google American domain, Google.com, can find And there was little comfort in a new forecast issued Tuesday gives preference to its own Google- by the market research firm IDC. Although the firm says total PC to delete upon request information that unaltered search results. —AP sales by all makers should level out in the next few years, “no sig- nificant growth” is expected. The only “good” news is that the global PC market won’t shrink as much this year. IDC now expects Selfie sticks could bring jail time in South Korea the decline to be 2.7 percent rather than 3.7 percent, as forecast earlier. SEOUL: That selfie stick in your hand. A tooth technology, allowing the user to ‘Obligated to crack down’ PC sales have suffered as consumers increasingly turn to smart- harmless memory-maker? Or a potentially release the smartphone shutter remotely, “It’s not going to affect anything in any phones and other mobile devices. Yet it’s the biggest single part chaos-inducing electromagnetic radiation rather than using a timer. meaningful way, but it is nonetheless a of HP’s business, accounting for more than 30 percent of the com- emitter? In South Korea, it seems, it could The problem, the ministry says, is that telecommunication device subject to reg- pany’s nearly $112 billion in annual revenue. be both and anyone selling an unregis- such units are designated as communica- ulation, and that means we are obligated Whitman has vowed to expand that by taking PC sales away tered version could face a $27,000 fine or tions equipment given their use of radio to crack down on uncertified ones,” an from competitors. In the most recent quarter, HP said its PC busi- up to three years in prison, the Science waves to provide a wireless link between official at the ministry’s Central Radio ness was the only segment that actually grew. But the poor out- Ministry announced last week. separate devices. As such they have to be Management Office told AFP. look for the PC industry as a whole is part of what led to her deci- Regulating the sale of these small, tested and certified to ensure they don’t Despite the harsh penalty on offer, the sion to split the company, despite vowing earlier not to. articulated monopods designed for cell pose a disruption to other devices using “crackdown” appears to have been rela- HP announced last month that it will separate into two compa- phone-wielding photographers won’t be the same radio frequency. tively low-key, with no mass police raids nies, roughly equal in size. Whitman will remain CEO of Hewlett- easy, given their numbers. Ministry officials admit the crackdown on unsuspecting selfie stick vendors. Packard Enterprise, selling data center gear, commercial software South Koreans have embraced the is basically motivated by a technicality, “The announcement last Friday was and tech services. One of her lieutenants, Dion Weisler, will technology with a passion, turning scenic given that the weak, short-range signals really just to let people know that they become CEO of HP Inc., selling PCs and printers. Whitman rejected spots into undulating fields of waving self- emitted by bluetooth devices are hardly need to be careful about what they sell,” a similar proposal soon after she was named CEO in 2011, after a ie sticks and grinning, upturned faces. likely to bring down a plane or interfere said the official, who declined to be identi- period of turmoil in the company’s top ranks, but she says HP is The focus of the ministerial crackdown with police frequencies. fied. “We’ve had a lot of calls from vendors now in better position to make the split. The split is expected to are those models that come with blue- who think they might have been unknow- happen by Oct. 31, 2015. ingly selling uncertified products,” he Wall Street analysts have cautiously endorsed Whitman’s argu- added. South Korea is, in many ways, a ment that the company’s commercial tech businesses can grow highly regulated society, and people are faster if they’re not held back by the printer and PC businesses. generally used to a pervasive requirement Restructuring the company may be a key to HP’s future success, for registration and certification. Patrons said FBR Capital Markets analyst Daniel Ives, but he added that of the country’s many Starbucks outlets, returning the company to the kind of growth it enjoyed in the however, protested loudly recently when past is still “an Everest-like challenge.” it emerged that the personal data they Whitman told analysts on a conference call Tuesday that HP is must provide to link to the in-store wi-fi working to increase profits and that its revenue should stabilize was not required of foreigners. Selfie stick next year. When the split is complete, she added, each of the new vendors in Seoul appeared to be taking companies will operate more efficiently and be more attuned to the ministry’s order in their stride. “I was its customers. told about the new regulation, but the “We’re going to make more progress as separate companies ones I sell are all certified, so I haven’t had than we would have if we kept them together,” she said. Investors any problems with the police or anything,” have gradually warmed to the idea: While HP’s stock fell more said the owner of a small kiosk selling than 12 percent in the week after Whitman announced the plan, smartphone cases and selfie sticks near a shares have since returned to above $38, where they had been in SEOUL: In a photo taken on November 26, 2014 people use a ‘selfie stick’ to subway station in Seoul’s Myeongdong August.—AP take a group photo overlooking the city skyline of Seoul. —AFP tourist district.— AFP TECHNOLOGY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Twitter now tracks other apps you’ve installed

NEW YORK: Twitter said it is now tracking what other apps its users have installed on their mobile devices so it can target content and ads to them better. Twitter Inc. said Wednesday that users will receive a notification when the setting is turned on and can opt out using settings on their phones. On iPhones, this setting is called “limit ad tracking.” On Android phones, it’s “opt out of interest-based ads.” San Francisco-based Twitter said it is only collecting the list of apps that users have installed, not any data within the apps. It won’t collect the app lists from people who have previously turned off ad targeting on their phones. Besides advertising, Twitter said knowing what apps people have downloaded can improve its suggestions on what accounts to follow and add relevant content to their feeds that isn’t advertising. A recent Pew Research Center poll found that people sometimes have conflicting views on privacy. About 80 percent of Americans who use social networking sites are concerned about third parties, such as advertisers, access- ing data that they share on the sites, according to the poll. At the same time, most are willing to share some informa- tion about themselves in exchange for using such services Sabre developing travel services for free. —AP for emerging wearable technology German chip-maker LONDON: Hot on the heels of showcas- more advanced TripCase services to be devices will be sold in 2014, and fore- ing its Google Glass prototype flight accessible on wearable technology in casts the global market to reach 111.9 Infineon sees growth finder app at World Travel Market in the future. TripCase is on pace to man- million units in 2018. London, global travel technology com- age more than 25 million trips in 2014. Sabre’s Google Glass prototype after solid Q4 pany Sabre has announced the next “As the adoption of wearable tech- flight finder app was the company’s step in developing travel services that nology grows, we want to ensure that first foray into testing wearable devices FRANKFURT: German semiconductors giant Infineon said work across a number of wearable the travel industry is ready to leverage and operates by finding flights based Thursday it will pay an increased dividend for the year to devices including smartwatches and this technology and serve travelers on on a user’s simple voice command,: “Ok September and forecasts further sales growth after a solid Google Glass. The move reflects the the device they prefer,” said John Glass, Find a Flight from London fourth quarter. company’s view that wearables will Samuel, senior vice president of Sabre Heathrow to Miami in June.” Infineon, which runs its business year from October to have a dramatic impact on the way con- Traveler Solutions. “Wearable technolo- “Wearable technologies - such as September, said in a statement that its net profit rose by 27 sumers shop for and experience travel. gy is fast becoming a prominent means smartwatches and heads-up devices percent to 181 million euros ($226 million) in the fourth quar- Launched this week, TripCase, of customer notification and communi- like Google Glass - will forever change ter. Fourth-quarter sales were up 12 percent at 1.175 billion Sabre’s leading travel itinerary manage- cation. We’re looking to take it even the way consumers experience travel - euros. ment app, is the first travel app of its further - from a one-way means of com- from shopping via virtual reality to Chief executive Reinhard Ploss said the group had been kind to integrate with the highly-antici- munication to an interactive, on-the-go voice command recommendation,” “well prepared to handle steeply rising demand from our cus- pated Samsung Gear S smartwatch. The service experience,” said Samuel. continued Samuel. “Creating these full tomers and therefore always able to deliver reliably. Revenue, integration allows the traveler to click Researchers expect a large propor- service experiences require not just earnings and margin all saw solid increases, in line with our the notification on the watch to open tion of the population to embrace smart devices but also more precise expectations.” the TripCase app to the relevant place wearable computing in the near future location services and smart recommen- As a result, shareholders would “participate in this success on the mobile device, and will include a as evidenced by the adoption trajecto- dation services.” and we are therefore proposing a dividend of 0.18 euros per click-to-call feature next month. In ry of other technology advances like Sabre Labs, the technology incuba- share,” Ploss said. “Despite a challenging market environment, addition, consumers using Android the smart phone and tablets. Juniper tor and research lab at Sabre, contin- we plan to continue growing in the current 2015 fiscal year,” Wear devices and the Pebble and Research forecasts that worldwide ues to explore the application of geo- he continued. Pebble Steel watches can receive spending on wearable technology will location technologies and their appli- “For the 2015 fiscal year, based on an assumed exchange TripCase travel notifications directly to hit £870 million this year and will reach cation to wearable devices in the trav- rate of $1.30 to the euro, Infineon forecasts a year-on-year their wearable devices. £12 billion by 2018. Further, wearable el experience. Understanding a travel- growth in revenue of 8 percent, plus or minus 2 percentage TripCase users wearing these smart computing is already expanding er’s precise indoor location and devel- points,” Ploss said. —AFP devices will receive real-time flight beyond the early adopters and quickly oping services that use that context to alerts, gate changes and other travel becoming more mainstream, according share information and interactions on information conveniently on their wrists to International Data Corporation (IDC). wearables will be a critical piece in at a time when minute counts. This ini- The research firm estimates that more creating a more intuitive experience tial integration lays the ground work for than 19 million wearable computing for travelers. Lawmakers may decide Uber’s place in Nevada market RENO: Uber Technologies’ legal battle Reno. Uber says it’s the victim of porarily suspend Uber,” company with Nevada’s highly regulated taxi overzealous enforcement of antiquat- spokeswoman Eva Behrend said in an industry over Internet ride-sharing ed laws that never envisioned smart- emailed statement. may be headed back to the political phones that could “e-hail” transporta- Nevada’s attorney general says the arena now that a judge has at least tion on demand. It’s unclear whether multibillion-dollar company finds itself temporarily banned Uber’s unlicensed any bills that would change the regu- in park because it thumbed its nose at operations statewide. lations are in the works. None of the regulators and deliberately broke the Whether his restraining order put brief summaries of the hundreds of law to maximize profits as long as it the brakes on an unregulated trans- bills lawmakers and state agencies could. Uber refused to seek the licens- portation service, or pulled the plug have requested so far mention ride- es because it maintains it’s a technolo- on emerging technology, is one of the sharing. gy company, not a motor carrier. Chief MUNICH: Reinhard Ploss, CEO of German semiconductors questions lawmakers may be left to The company said late Wednesday Deputy Attorney General Gina Session giant Infineon, holds a semiconductor as he poses near a decide if Uber can’t persuade state that it temporarily stopped offering suggested the company may have hybrid car BMW i8 during a press conference to present regulators to find a way to marry its rides in Nevada as a result of the rul- been picking a fight in court “to get their yearly results in Munich, southern Germany, on virtual world with the real one on the ing. “It’s unfortunate that Nevada is attention before the legislative session November 27, 2014. — AFP Las Vegas Strip and the streets of the first state in the nation to tem- and get some momentum.”— AP TV listings


Easy Food 02:50 Storage Hunters 08:55 I Didn’t Do It 14:05 The Jonathan Ross Show 01:25 Come Dine With Me: South 03:15 Game Of Pawns 09:20 Dog With A Blog 15:00 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Africa 03:40 Storage Wars Canada 09:45 Girl Meets World Here 00:50 After The Attack 02:15 Come Dine With Me 04:05 How It’s Made 10:10 Liv And Maddie 15:55 Andrew Lloyd Webber: 40 01:45 Untamed & Uncut 03:05 Come Dine With Me 04:30 How It’s Made 10:35 I Didn’t Do It Years Of Musicals 00:00 Violetta 02:40 Animal Cops Phoenix 03:55 Holmes On Homes 05:00 Treehouse Masters 11:00 Phineas & Ferb: Across The 17:15 Michael Buble’s Day Off 00:40 The Hive 03:35 Shamwari: A Wild Life 04:45 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 06:00 Dynamo: Magician Impossible Second Dimension 18:05 Breathless 00:50 Art Attack 04:00 Shamwari: A Wild Life 05:30 Come Dine With Me: South 06:50 Magic Of Science 12:15 Dog With A Blog 19:00 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of 01:15 Art Attack 04:25 The Pool Master Africa 07:15 Magic Of Science 12:40 Mako Mermaids Here 01:40 Jungle Junction 05:15 Tanked 06:25 Come Dine With Me 07:40 Close-Up Kings 13:05 Austin & Ally 19:55 Breathless 01:50 Jungle Junction 06:02 After The Attack 07:10 Holmes On Homes 08:30 Marooned With Ed Stafford 13:30 Girl Meets World 02:05 Jungle Junction 06:49 Untamed & Uncut 08:00 Antiques Roadshow 09:20 Deadly Islands 13:55 I Didn’t Do It 02:15 Jungle Junction 07:36 Animal Airport 12:20 Holmes On Homes 10:10 Dual Survival 14:20 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 02:30 Violetta 08:00 Animal Airport 13:05 Holmes On Homes 11:00 Fat N’ Furious: Rolling Thunder Witch 03:10 The Hive 08:25 America’s Cutest Pets 13:55 Holmes On Homes 11:50 Fat N’ Furious: Rolling Thunder 14:55 Gravity Falls 03:20 Art Attack 09:15 Bad Dog 14:40 Holmes On Homes 12:40 Fat N’ Furious: Rolling Thunder 15:20 Dog With A Blog 00:00 World’s Deadliest Animals 03:45 Art Attack 10:10 Your Very First Puppy 15:30 Bargain Hunt 13:30 Fat N’ Furious: Rolling Thunder 15:45 Good Luck Charlie 01:00 Armageddon Outfitters 04:10 Jungle Junction 11:05 Mutant Planet 16:15 Bargain Hunt 14:20 Fat N’ Furious: Rolling Thunder 16:10 Austin & Ally 02:00 Crash Science 04:20 Jungle Junction 12:00 Treehouse Masters 17:00 Antiques Roadshow 15:10 Fat N’ Furious: Rolling Thunder 16:35 Liv And Maddie 03:00 Mega Factories 04:35 Jungle Junction 12:55 When Dinosaurs Roamed 17:50 Antiques Roadshow 16:00 Destination North Pole 17:00 Girl Meets World 04:00 Engineering Connections 04:45 Jungle Junction 13:50 Preposterous Pets 21:20 Holmes On Homes 16:50 Railroad Alaska 17:25 Liv And Maddie 05:00 Animal Mega Moves 05:00 Art Attack 14:45 Preposterous Pets 22:05 Holmes On Homes 17:40 Railroad Alaska 17:50 I Didn’t Do It 06:00 America The Wild 05:25 Art Attack 15:40 Preposterous Pets 22:55 Holmes On Homes 18:30 Marooned With Ed Stafford 18:15 Phineas & Ferb: Across The 07:00 Great Migrations 05:50 Mouk 16:35 Preposterous Pets 23:40 Holmes On Homes 19:20 Deadly Islands Second Dimension 08:00 World’s Deadliest Animals 06:00 Dog With A Blog 17:30 Preposterous Pets 20:10 Dual Survival 19:55 Gravity Falls 09:00 Armageddon Outfitters 06:25 Liv And Maddie 18:25 Preposterous Pets 21:00 Storage Wars Canada 20:20 Mako Mermaids 10:00 Crash Science 06:50 Sabrina: Secrets Of A Teenage 19:20 The Pool Master 21:25 Storage Wars Canada 20:45 Spooksville 11:00 Beyond Magic With Dmc Witch 20:15 Too Cute! 21:50 Storage Wars Canada 21:10 Wolfblood 12:00 Helicopter Wars 07:15 I Didn’t Do It 21:10 Preposterous Pets 22:15 Storage Wars Canada 21:35 Suite Life On Deck 13:00 Hard Time 07:40 Jessie 22:05 Shark City 00:20 Extreme Car Hoarders 22:40 Storage Wars Canada 22:00 Good Luck Charlie 14:00 Evolutions 08:05 Liv And Maddie 23:00 Too Cute! 01:10 Fat N’ Furious: Rolling Thunder 23:05 Rattlesnake Republic 15:00 Jurassic C.S.I. 08:30 My Babysitter’s A Vampire 23:55 Preposterous Pets 02:00 Fast N’ Loud 23:55 American Guns 16:00 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey 17:00 Naked Science 18:00 Inside 00:00 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 19:00 Jurassic C.S.I. 00:30 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 20:00 Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey 00:05 Hebburn 00:55 Extreme Close-Up 21:00 Naked Science 00:35 Friday Night Dinner 01:25 E!ES 22:00 Inside 01:00 Doctors 02:20 E! News 23:00 Beyond Magic With Dmc 01:30 Casualty 03:15 Kourtney And Khloe Take The 02:20 My Family Hamptons 02:50 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy 04:10 THS Roadshow 05:05 E!ES 03:35 Friday Night Dinner 06:00 Kourtney And Kim Take Miami 00:30 The Daily Show With Jon 04:00 Hebburn 06:55 Kourtney And Kim Take Miami Stewart 04:30 The Impressions Show With 07:50 Style Star 01:00 The Colbert Report Culshaw... 08:20 E! News 01:30 Married 05:00 Charlie And Lola 09:15 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 02:00 It’s Always Sunny In 05:15 Woolly & Tig 09:45 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills Philadelphia 05:20 Mr Bloom’s Nursery 10:15 E!ES 03:00 The Neighbors 05:40 Teletubbies 11:10 THS 03:30 Last Man Standing 06:05 Garth And Bev 12:05 E! News 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 06:15 Charlie And Lola 13:05 The Drama Queen Jimmy Fallon 06:30 Woolly & Tig 14:05 The Drama Queen 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 06:35 Mr Bloom’s Nursery 15:00 Giuliana & Bill 09:00 The Neighbors 06:55 Teletubbies 16:00 Giuliana & Bill 09:30 The Goodwin Games 07:15 The Weakest Link 17:00 House Of Dvf 10:00 New Girl 08:00 Doctor Who 18:00 Untold With Maria Menounos 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 08:45 Peckham Finishing School For 19:00 E!ES Jimmy Fallon Girls 20:00 Kourtney And Khloe Take The 14:00 Last Man Standing 09:35 Outcasts Hamptons 14:30 The Goodwin Games 10:30 Me & Mrs Jones 21:00 Kourtney And Khloe Take The 15:00 New Girl 11:00 Me & Mrs Jones Hamptons 15:30 The Daily Show With Jon 11:30 Me & Mrs Jones 22:00 E! News Stewart 12:00 Doctor Who 23:00 The Soup 16:00 The Colbert Report 12:40 Casualty 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 13:30 Eastenders 18:00 Hot In Cleveland 15:30 Doctor Who 18:30 Modern Family 16:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 Modern Family 17:00 Me & Mrs Jones 19:30 New Girl 17:30 Peckham Finishing School For 00:40 May The Best House Win 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring Girls Abroad Jimmy Fallon 18:20 Outcasts 01:30 Brendan’s Magical Mystery 21:00 The Daily Show Global Edition 19:15 Doctor Who Tour 21:30 The Colbert Report Global 20:00 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 02:00 Billy Connolly: To The Edge Of Edition 20:45 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy The World 22:00 Saturday Night Live Roadshow 02:55 Emmerdale 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 21:30 Ideal 05:00 Coronation Street 22:00 Threesome 07:05 Cook Me The Money 22:25 Stewart Lee’s Comedy Vehicle 08:10 Tales From Northumberland 22:55 Doctor Who With Robson Green 23:40 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 08:25 Andrew Lloyd Webber: 40 Years 01:00 Devious Maids Of Musicals 03:00 Supernatural 09:45 I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of 08:00 Chicago Fire Here 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:10 Brendan’s Magical Mystery 14:00 Chicago Fire 00:00 Phil Spencer: Secret Agent Tour 18:00 Chicago Fire 00:55 Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh And THE FACTORY ON OSN MOVIES HD 13:15 The Jonathan Ross Show 19:00 Once Upon A Time TV listings


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ICSK’s chess team heads for national tournament

he Indian Community School Kuwait team members be held from 19/11/2014 -22/11/2014. The participants are Karayil, Secretary, Board of Trustees, Binoy Thomas, Head have gone to play national level tournament at DAV Karthik Thomas Mathew of class VIII and Meeth Chandresh of sports Committee Board of Trustees and K G Shirsath TSchool Amritsar, Punjab India after winning the Shah, Shubham Gupta, Jehansharukh Bhathena from class Principal and Sports Coordinator wished them exhorted championship at CBSE Kuwait Cluster. The competition will VII. They are accompanied by Coach Jimmy Kurian. Vijay comeback with laurels.

Paradigm 2014, mega arts fest

aradigm 2014’, the mega arts fest of ence. Bobby Mathew and Vijay Karayil spoke dents. Two days of cultural extravaganza all scores, house points were also awarded the Indian Community School on the occasion extending their apprecia- opened up large opportunity for the stu- and Shanti House was awarded as the best ‘PKuwait, Senior Branch was conduct- tion and well wishes for the grand event. dents to showcase their talents in various house with the highest points. All the ed with great energy and enthusiasm on the The Principal of ICSK Senior Dr V Binumon fields of art. The Mega event culminated awards were graciously presented to the 15th and 16th November, 2014, at the delivered the welcome address to the gath- with the Valedictory Ceremony held at the beaming winners by Bobby Mathew and Senior School campus. The event started ering. ICSK Senior school auditorium on Saturday Vijay Karayil in the presence of Dr V with a grand inaugural ceremony. The Mega event began well with prayers 16th of November, 2014 .Awards were given Binumon. Bernardetta Gravili, the Commercial attachÈ and words of wisdom from the guests. out to the winners at the function. The high- The welcome address epitomizing the of Italy was the chief guest for the occasion. ‘Paradigm 2014’ turned to be a grand event est individual male achiever was awarded true spirit and meaning was delivered by Dr The Guest of Honor Advocate Jithesh, an with the active participation of students, with the Kalaprathiba title and the highest Sam T Kuruvilla, the Vice-Principal of ICSK eminent speed cartoonist from India, support of ICSK management , skillful coor- individual female achiever was awarded Senior. The skillful coordination of the mega declared the arts fest open. dination by the Principal, dedicated team- with the title of Kalathilak in both the cate- event was meticulously carried out by the The ceremony was attended by Bobby work of the teachers and the encourage- gories. joint convener for the event Jacob George Mathew, the Honorary Vice-Chairman to the ment of the parents. Paradigm 2014 was In category 5, Master Jason Prem D’ and the assistant joint convener Jayabala ICSK Board of Trustees and Vijay Karayil, the conducted in two stages with more than six- Almedia of class 12 -A secured the title of Jayram. Ms Jayabala delivered the vote of Honorary Secretary to the Board. The chief ty different on-stage and off-stage items. Kalapratibha and Aadira Gopakumar of class thanks expressing sincere gratitude to all guest expressed her immense pleasure at Excellent musical, oratory, literary and artis- 11-E was awarded with the title of Kalthilak. the guests, the ICSK management, Principal, the opportunity to be present at the unique tic skills of the participants astonished the In Category 4, Master Moses Kurien Mathew students and the fraternity of ICSK for the event where the various art forms are hon- judges and mesmerized the audience. of class 8- A secured the Kalapratiba and smooth and successful conduct of the mega ored. Advocate Jithesh showcased his artis- Dance and drama filled the stages with Miss Nisreen Sabir of class 10-D was award- event. tic excellence that spell-bound the audi- music in the air and also in the souls of stu- ed with the Kalatilakam. Based on the over- WHAT’S ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

ICSK’s chess team heads for national tournament

he Indian Community School Kuwait team members be held from 19/11/2014 -22/11/2014. The participants are Karayil, Secretary, Board of Trustees, Binoy Thomas, Head have gone to play national level tournament at DAV Karthik Thomas Mathew of class VIII and Meeth Chandresh of sports Committee Board of Trustees and K G Shirsath TSchool Amritsar, Punjab India after winning the Shah, Shubham Gupta, Jehansharukh Bhathena from class Principal and Sports Coordinator wished them exhorted championship at CBSE Kuwait Cluster. The competition will VII. They are accompanied by Coach Jimmy Kurian. Vijay comeback with laurels.

Paradigm 2014, mega arts fest

aradigm 2014’, the mega arts fest of ence. Bobby Mathew and Vijay Karayil spoke dents. Two days of cultural extravaganza all scores, house points were also awarded the Indian Community School on the occasion extending their apprecia- opened up large opportunity for the stu- and Shanti House was awarded as the best ‘PKuwait, Senior Branch was conduct- tion and well wishes for the grand event. dents to showcase their talents in various house with the highest points. All the ed with great energy and enthusiasm on the The Principal of ICSK Senior Dr V Binumon fields of art. The Mega event culminated awards were graciously presented to the 15th and 16th November, 2014, at the delivered the welcome address to the gath- with the Valedictory Ceremony held at the beaming winners by Bobby Mathew and Senior School campus. The event started ering. ICSK Senior school auditorium on Saturday Vijay Karayil in the presence of Dr V with a grand inaugural ceremony. The Mega event began well with prayers 16th of November, 2014 .Awards were given Binumon. Bernardetta Gravili, the Commercial attachÈ and words of wisdom from the guests. out to the winners at the function. The high- The welcome address epitomizing the of Italy was the chief guest for the occasion. ‘Paradigm 2014’ turned to be a grand event est individual male achiever was awarded true spirit and meaning was delivered by Dr The Guest of Honor Advocate Jithesh, an with the active participation of students, with the Kalaprathiba title and the highest Sam T Kuruvilla, the Vice-Principal of ICSK eminent speed cartoonist from India, support of ICSK management , skillful coor- individual female achiever was awarded Senior. The skillful coordination of the mega declared the arts fest open. dination by the Principal, dedicated team- with the title of Kalathilak in both the cate- event was meticulously carried out by the The ceremony was attended by Bobby work of the teachers and the encourage- gories. joint convener for the event Jacob George Mathew, the Honorary Vice-Chairman to the ment of the parents. Paradigm 2014 was In category 5, Master Jason Prem D’ and the assistant joint convener Jayabala ICSK Board of Trustees and Vijay Karayil, the conducted in two stages with more than six- Almedia of class 12 -A secured the title of Jayram. Ms Jayabala delivered the vote of Honorary Secretary to the Board. The chief ty different on-stage and off-stage items. Kalapratibha and Aadira Gopakumar of class thanks expressing sincere gratitude to all guest expressed her immense pleasure at Excellent musical, oratory, literary and artis- 11-E was awarded with the title of Kalthilak. the guests, the ICSK management, Principal, the opportunity to be present at the unique tic skills of the participants astonished the In Category 4, Master Moses Kurien Mathew students and the fraternity of ICSK for the event where the various art forms are hon- judges and mesmerized the audience. of class 8- A secured the Kalapratiba and smooth and successful conduct of the mega ored. Advocate Jithesh showcased his artis- Dance and drama filled the stages with Miss Nisreen Sabir of class 10-D was award- event. tic excellence that spell-bound the audi- music in the air and also in the souls of stu- ed with the Kalatilakam. Based on the over- HEALTH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Bhopal toxic legacy lives on, 30 years after industrial disaster NEW DELHI: Beyond the iron gates of the lions of farmers. Fifteen years later, 40 tonnes derelict pesticide plant where one of the of Methyl Isocyanate gas was released and car- world’s worst industrial disasters occurred, ried by the wind to the surrounding densely administrative buildings lie in ruins, vegetation populated disaster remains unclear and under overgrown and warehouses bolted. Massive debate. vessels, interconnected by a multitude of cor- The government recorded 5,295 deaths, roded pipes that once carried chemical slurries, but activists claim 25,000 people died in the have rusted beyond repair. In the dusty control aftermath and following years. Another room, a soiled sticker on a wall panel reads 100,000 people who were exposed to the gas “Safety is everyone’s business”. continue to suffer today with sicknesses such On the night of Dec 2, 1984, the factory as cancer, blindness, respiratory problems, owned by the US multinational Union Carbide immune and neurological disorders. Some Corp accidentally leaked cyanide gas into the children born to survivors have mental or air, killing thousands of largely poor Indians in physical disabilities. While those directly affect- the central city of Bhopal. Thirty years later, the ed receive free medical health care, activists toxic legacy of this factory lives on, say human say authorities have failed to support those rights groups, as thousands of tons of haz- sick from drinking the contaminated water and ardous waste remains buried underground, a second generation of children born with GROSSGLOCKNER: Tourists visit the Pasterze glacier on the foot of the slowly poisoning the drinking water of more birth defects. Grossglockner mountain near Heiligenblut, Austria. With temperatures rising faster than 50,000 people and affecting their health. In a rehabilitation centre run by the charity in the Alps than the rest of the world, alpine countries are working together to Activists want this waste removed and dis- Chingari Trust, located 500 meters from the adapt to climate change and hope to set an example at the UN climate talks in Lima posed of away from the area, and feel Indian factory site, disabled children aged between 6 on December 1-12, 2014 meant to pave the way towards a global climate pact next authorities, who now own the site, have fum- months and 12 years gather for treatment year. — AFP bled on taking action - either by clearing up which ranges from speech and hearing issues the waste itself or in pursuing Union Carbide to to physiotherapy. “Our life changed emotional- take responsibility. ly and physically since we got to know about “There is a very high prevalence of anemia, his medical problem when was just 4 months Climate rhetoric faces delayed menarches in girls and painful skin old,” said 26-year-old Sufia, sitting on a mat on conditions. But what is most pronounced is the the floor, cradling her two-year-old son the devil in the detail number of children with birth defects,” said Mustafa who has cerebral palsy. “We had to activist Satinath Sarangi from the Bhopal stop the therapy when he was 8-months-old as PARIS: Politically sidelined since a 2009 UN and Europe have unveiled emissions pledges. Medical Appeal which runs a clinic for gas vic- it was very expensive. My husband is an electri- summit almost ended in a bustup, climate Key details are fuzzy, but the announcement tims. “Children are born with conditions such cian and doesn’t earn much. With the centre it change has resurfaced as a priority but faces a should raise the stakes next year when all coun- as twisted limbs, brain damage, musculoskele- is good as it’s free. It’s also good to meet other brutal test at talks opening in Lima on Monday. tries are meant to put pledges on the table. tal disorders ... this is what we see in every mothers with their children and realize that I The 12-day haggle will show what happens Money, too, has added a dose of goodwill. Rich fourth or fifth household in these communi- am not alone.” when high-minded global vows enter an arena countries have promised funds to the Green ties.” Sarangi admits there has been no long- where national interest rules the roost. “Things Climate Fund (GCF), the main vehicle for chan- term epidemiological research which conclu- Call for clean-up are still fragile, but there’s been good news,” neling help promised to poor nations in sively proves that birth defects are directly The government was forced to recognize the said French climate negotiator Laurence Copenhagen-a total of $100 billion (80 billion related to the drinking of the contaminated water was contaminated in 2012 when the Tubiana-pointing to recent political noises, and euros) annually by 2020. An inaugural pledging water. Supreme Court ordered that clean drinking pledges of money, to protect Earth’s climate session of the GCF in Berlin last week yielded water be supplied to some 22 communities liv- system. $9.3 billion, just shy of an informal $10 billion Toxic water ing around the factory site. “I don’t think there is The meeting in the Peruvian capital is benchmark set ahead of Lima. Built in 1969, the Union Carbide plant in any doubt now that the waste dumped by tasked with steering 196 parties toward the Madhya Pradesh state was seen as a symbol of Union Carbide is a serious problem and that it most ambitious climate pact in history-”the Pitfalls a new industrialized India, generating thou- needs to be dealt with urgently,” said Sunita matrix for managing climate issues for the next In spite of a sunnier mood, the talks face sands of jobs for the poor and, at the same Narain, director of the Delhi-based think-tank 30 years,” according to Tubiana. Due to be many tripwires-defense of narrow national time, manufacturing cheap pesticides for mil- Centre for Science and Environment. — Reuters signed in Paris in December 2015 and take interests, foot-dragging, finger-pointing and effect from 2020, the accord would roll back nit-picking that have bedeviled the climate carbon emissions and ease the threat of misery, process for years. Problem No 1 is agreeing on Colorado mastodon bones ecosystem damage and species loss for future the information countries will be required to generations. provide when they make their emissions show ancient warmer Earth Given the UN’s shaky record on climate pledges next year: things like which gases to change, the challenge is vast. The last climate cut, by how much and over which period. DENVER: A trove of ancient bones from gigan- tor of the museum’s Snowmastodon Project, treaty was the Kyoto Protocol, inked in 1997. A Without transparency-the means to compare tic animals discovered in the Colorado moun- which is sifting through the material. “It’s a bid to follow it up in Copenhagen in 2009 was a one country’s effort to that of another-trust in tains is providing scientists with a fascinating beautiful record of the last time it was as warm near fiasco. But in recent months, the political an already troubled process could easily break look at what happened about 120,000 years or warmer than it is today,” he said. tone has changed, strengthening hopes that down. ago when the Earth got as warm as it is today. The information gives scientists solid data to the creaking negotiations may finally yield a Another question is whether existing and Evidence left behind by mastodons, mam- check their climate models against. It also result. “The broad outlines of a deal have begun future pledges meet the UN’s target of curbing moths, giant sloths and huge bison - along with means that figuring out the impacts of human- to emerge and the three largest emitters have warming to two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees insects, plants, pollen and other animals - offers produced greenhouse gases combined with stepped forward early and encouraged others Fahrenheit) over pre-industrial levels. Right a glimpse at how ancient animal adapted to cli- natural changes might be more complicated to follow suit,” said Elliot Diringer of the Center now, the answer is clearly no, said Sam Smith of mate change. Among their findings: The than previously thought. “The point is ... if we for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES), a US WWF. “When you look at all these pledges warmer weather allowed forests to reach about haven’t seen all the natural variability in the sys- thinktank. “We’re in about as good a shape in together, they’re still keeping us very far away 2,500 feet farther up the mountainside than tem and we are causing warming, where are these negotiations as I think we’ve been for from where we need to be in order to avoid today’s tree line, which is about 11,500 feet we going?” Miller said. The Colorado site can some time.” dangerous climate change,” she said. “We are above sea level at the Snowmass site. Forests point to clues about how life adapts to climate Science has been a big driver of the shift. In going to have to have a review of these also may have been denser, and smaller trees change - but it doesn’t answer the question, a new overview, the UN’s Intergovernmental pledges, and maybe more than one review, in and grasslands might have been more wide- according to a climate scientist not working on Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) painted a the year that we have remaining before the spread amid drier conditions. the Snowmass site. tableau of a carbon-ravaged world just a few negotiations in Paris.” A team of 47 scientists has been studying “It shows an example of a world that’s that generations from now if emissions continue Developing countries are worried that too material unearthed four years ago near warm and shows us some manifest examples of their present trajectory. By 2100, hunger, much effort is being lavished on emission miti- Snowmass, a town just outside Aspen, when a how animals react to that,” said Ted Scambos, drought, floods and rising seas would stalk gation, said Mohamed Adow of Christian Aid, bulldozer was enlarging a reservoir. The lead scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data humanity and spur the risk of bloodshed as rather than helping vulnerable states adapt to a researchers published their first big batch of Center at the University of Colorado. “What nations fight for resources. Against this grim changing climate. “There’s a danger that some data in the journal Quaternary Research in we’re headed for is kind of a different situation backdrop, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon countries, and particularly developed countries, November. “The site is spectacular because it where we’re turning the knob way up on cli- staged a summit in New York in September could decide their contributions could be has a single continuous pile of sediment from mate in a very short period of time.” The reser- where leaders renewed oaths to fight the focused on emissions reductions targets only the most recent interglacial period,” about voir where the bones were found was originally scourge. Hundreds of thousands of protestors and not on climate finance,” he said. “Many 120,000 years ago, when conditions were simi- a natural lake and sits on a ridge about 9,000 rallied in cities around the world. developing countries are concerned,” Adow lar to the present, said Ian Miller, chairman of feet above sea level. The sediment and bones Ahead of schedule, China, the United States said. — AP the Earth Sciences Department at the Denver provided a record of about 85,000 years, from Museum of Nature and Science. He is co-direc- 140,000 years ago to 55,000 years ago. — AP HEALTH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Hollande to be first Western leader in Ebola-hit Africa

CONAKRY: French President Francois Hollande will become the first Western leader to travel to a country hit hard by the deadly Ebola virus yesterday when he makes a brief visit to Guinea. The west African nation has lost 1,200 people to the disease which has killed some 5,700 across the region and infected 16,000, according to the World Health Organization. The visit, the first by a French president since 1999, has been touted as a bid to deliver “a message of solidarity” to Guinea as it battles the worst outbreak of Ebola since the virus was discovered in 1976. France has pledged 100 million euros ($125 million) as a contribution in the fight against Ebola, focusing its efforts on Guinea. The money is due to help with financing several care centers as well as 200 beds, some of which are reserved for health workers caring for the sick. France has also pledged to set up two training centers for health workers, one in France and one in Guinea. In addition, French biotechnology compa- nies will set up rapid diagnostic tests in Africa. Hollande will visit healthcare facilities, participate in a round-table discussion on Ebola and hold talks with his Guinean counterpart Alpha Conde. The French leader will also sign a cooperation agreement with Guinean authorities for the creation of a Pasteur Institute in the capital Conakry by the end of 2016, the global medical research organization said on Thursday. The centre will focus on arboviruses, transmitted by THAILAND: In this file picture taken on August 4, 2014, Thai surrogate mother Pattaramon Chanbua holds her baby ticks, and viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola, Lassa fever Gammy, born with Down Syndrome, at the Samitivej hospital, Sriracha district in Chonburi province. — AFP and Yellow Fever, said Brechot Christian, managing director of the Pasteur Institute. Thai parliament votes to Use of force Guinean President Alpha Conde on Wednesday said the use of force was entirely justified in battling the deadly Ebola outbreak. “There are still people who think Ebola is fiction,” ban commercial surrogacy Conde told a news conference in a country where an eight- member Ebola education team was murdered by angry vil- BANGKOK: Thailand’s parliament has voted to ban commercial surro- because you are responsible for a life.” lagers in September. “We have an agenda which is to finish gacy after outrage erupted over the unregulated industry following a Pattaramon is currently in the process of applying for Australian with Ebola as soon as possible and in Guinea this is possible,” series scandals including the case of an Australian couple accused of citizenship for Gammy. In a separate case that also caused wide- he added. “If people don’t want to be treated we will use force abandoning a baby with Down’s syndrome. A draft bill-which would spread concern inside Thailand, police believe a Japanese man because we won’t allow the illness to spread despite all our see those caught profiting from surrogacy punished with up to ten fathered at least 15 babies with surrogate mothers for unknown efforts.” Bu press advocacy organization Reporters Without years in prison-passed its first reading in the country’s military- motives. A gay Australian couple were also stopped from leaving Borders, has recently voiced concern about the attacks on stacked parliament on Thursday, legislators said Friday. “We want to Thailand with a baby because they had incomplete documents. The press freedom under the pretext of the fight against Ebola. put an end to this idea in foreigners’ minds that Thailand is a baby bill-which will return to the kingdom’s parliament in mid January for a second and third reading-does not outlaw surrogacies within fami- The campaign group, known by its French initials RSF, urged factory,” lawmaker Wallop Tungkananurak told AFP. lies. A couple who cannot have a baby will be allowed to look for a Conde on Thursday “to ensure that the right of Guinean citi- “The bill was adopted with overwhelming support,” he added. A copy of the bill seen by AFP also forbids “any middlemen or agen- relative to act as a surrogate. If no-one can be found, they will then zens to free information is respected”. have to submit an application to a government agency who will look The Guinean opposition coalition this week denounced cies... receiving any assets or benefits” through the surrogacy process. Under its current wording it is unlikely foreigners will be able to use for a suitable surrogate. — AFP the lack of consultation by the government over its strategy Thailand as a surrogacy destination with the same ease they once for fighting Ebola. “The social, political and economic crisis enjoyed. The murky industry came under intense scrutiny this sum- in which our country is immersed could lead-due to the Mindfulness program may mer after a series of surrogacy scandals broke involving foreigners, refusal of dialogue by public authorities and their propensi- prompting the promise of a crack down by Thailand’s military junta, improve some rheumatoid ty to violate the constitution and laws of the republic-to a which took power in a May coup. confrontation with unpredictable consequences,” it said in Dozens, possibly hundreds, of foreign couples are thought to now arthritis symptoms an open letter to Hollande. Conde, who became the former be in limbo after entering into surrogacy arrangements through clin- French colony’s first democratically elected president in ics in the kingdom. Commercial surrogacy has always been officially NEW YORK: A two-month program combining gentle 2010, is due to make way for elections next year. Hollande is banned by Thailand’s Medical Council, but until recently even top fer- yoga with meditation techniques, known as Mindfulness due to travel later to the Senegalese capital Dakar to take tility clinics were believed to offer the service. “Hundreds of intended Based Stress Reduction, seemed to ease tenderness, pain part in a summit of French-speaking leaders that is likely to parents from Australia, or the US and European countries currently and stiffness among patients with rheumatoid arthritis in a be dominated by the Ebola crisis as well as the recent have pregnancies underway with Thai surrogates,” Sam Everingham, new study. “I think these findings are pretty consistent unrest in Burkina Faso. — AFP from Families Through Surrogacy in Australia, told AFP. with other studies of mindfulness and chronic conditions,” He added that the junta’s vow to clamp down on the industry had said Mary Jo Kreitzer, who was not involved in the caused huge confusion among families looking for surrogates, push- research. ing some families to opt for lesser known destinations such as Nepal Although it was small, and relatively brief, the study’s and Mexico. “The situation is at the moment very complicated,” he findings were impressive, said Kreitzer, the founder and said. “Many Thai employees of surrogacy agencies have fled, some director of the University of Minnesota Center for Thai hospitals have refused to accept surrogacy births, and foreign Spirituality and Healing. “I would say more research is intended parents have been very stressed and concerned about the needed to really understand how the mechanisms work,” health of their surrogates.” Kreitzer told Reuters Health, “so this trial is incredibly encouraging, but it’s not definitive.” Mother delighted by ban In August, a Thai mother who carried twin babies for an Australian Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a pro- couple accused them of abandoning a baby boy with Down’s syn- gram developed decades ago at the University of drome while taking his healthy sister. The couple have denied delib- Massachusetts to help seriously ill patients cope with pain, erately leaving the boy, called Gammy, with the surrogate mother- such as from advanced cancer or AIDS. But in recent years who was paid around $15,000 to carry the twins. Speaking to AFP by that program has been adapted and offered more widely telephone, Gammy’s mother said she was delighted the legislation to people seeking relief from pain and stress of many had been passed. kinds. “Mindfulness training involves the cultivation of “I am glad and thankful for the law because hopefully it will pre- non judgemental attention to unwanted thoughts, feel- vent other babies from suffering the same fate as Gammy,” ings and bodily experiences via meditation and may help Pattaramon Chunbua said. Asked whether the ban would have an ameliorate both psychological and physical symptoms of PARIS: French President Francois Hollande delivers his impact on Thai women wanting to become surrogates-a lucrative chronic disease,” write the study authors in Annals of the speech during the plenary session of a two-day environ- source of income for many poor women-she said: “They should find Rheumatic Diseases. —Reuters mental conference at the Elysee presidential Palace. — AFP other jobs. Being a surrogate mother gives good money but it is risky HEALTH SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Beijing adopts smoking ban for public places

BEIJING: China’s capital yesterday passed a smoking ban three yuan ($0.49). Chinese and foreign experts say the poised to take a quantum leap forward on tobacco con- for all indoor public places and offices, state media report- number of smoking deaths could triple by 2030. Experts trol.” But that optimism may be premature in the face of ed, despite the failure of past attempts to limit where the point to the state monopoly on the tobacco industry, past attempts to limit the behavior of the tobacco-hooked country’s 300 million smokers can light up. The new regu- which accounts for nearly a tenth of national tax revenue, country. Ministry of Health guidelines published in 2011 lation comes into force in June and also bans tobacco as one of the biggest obstacles to anti-smoking efforts. The banned smoking in “indoor public spaces”, but were criti- advertising outdoors, on public transport and on nearly World Health Organization applauded the move, saying it cized as too vague and lacked enforcement. Bars, restau- every form of media-including magazines, radio, TV, films, paved the way for strict anti-smoking legislation at the rants and clubs have continued to allow patrons to light up newspapers and books-the official Xinhua news agency national level. at will. Offering a cigarette is a common greeting among reported. “We are thrilled to see the Beijing 100% smoke-free law Chinese men while lighting up in lifts, buses or even in hos- Tobacco kills more than a million people each year in pass, with no loopholes and no exemptions,” said Bernhard pital waiting rooms is routine-highlighting the lack of pub- China, where some brands can be purchased for as little as Schwartlander, the WHO Representative in China. “China is lic awareness about the health risks of smoking. — AFP

Italy bans Novartis flu British scientists trial vaccine after suspicious deaths 15-minute Ebola test in Guinea ROME: Italy suspended the use of a dards,” it said. Health officials called flu vaccine made by Swiss pharma- for calm as news of the ban spread. CONAKRY: British researchers are to conduct trials in Justine Greening said in the statement. The biggest ceuticals giant Novartis on Thursday Italian consumer association Guinea on a 15-minute Ebola test, the Wellcome Trust Ebola epidemic on record has claimed around 5,700 amid fears it may have caused three Codacons called on the health minis- deaths. The Italian Pharmaceutical ter to suspend pro-vaccination cam- and UK government said in a joint statement yesterday. lives in west Africa since the beginning of the year, Agency (AIFA) banned the use of two paigns, but AIFA insisted vaccines The prototype is six times faster than current tests and according to the World Health Organization-almost all batches of the Fluad vaccine after were “a precious resource and irre- aims to speed up diagnosis, the London-based global of them in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. three people who had received it placeable for the prevention of sea- research charity and the Department for International In October France’s Atomic Energy Commission died and a fourth was taken seriously sonal flu.” Development said. “A reliable, 15-minute test that can announced that another 15-minute test had proved ill. The victims were two women aged “We need to make sure that the confirm cases of Ebola would be a key tool for effective effective in high-security laboratory trials, although it 87 and 79 and a 68-year old man, all number of people who get vaccinat- management of the Ebola outbreak, allowing patients has not yet been validated by regulators. The diagnos- of whom died between November 12 ed does not drop. We have to have to be identified, isolated and cared for as soon as possi- tic tool works by antibodies reacting to the presence of and 19 in southern Italy, according to faith in vaccines,” said AIFA head ble,” said Val Snewin of the Wellcome Trust. the virus in a tiny sample, which can be a drop of blood, Italian media reports. The fourth per- Sergio Pecorelli, who added that She said the test was designed to be suitable for plasma or urine, it said. A European pharma company son, a 92-year old man, is in hospital “8,000 people die of seasonal flu” remote field hospitals where electricity and cold stor- Vedalab is turning the prototype into a user-friendly kit in a serious condition. each year. The suspected batches age are often scarce. Early detection of Ebola leads to called eZYSCREEN that will see a positive result yield a “Novartis has been notified by were produced at a Novartis plant in better infection control as medics can identify and iso- small stripe in a results window on the hand-held AIFA of the precautionary suspension the Tuscan city of Siena. The Swiss late confirmed cases faster and start treating patients device. of two lots of Fluad in Italy following company said Fluad had been used sooner. The trials will be led by researchers from Other pharmaceutical teams are working on fast reports of the serious adverse effects since 1997, during which time over Dakar’s Pasteur Institute at an Ebola treatment centre in diagnostic tools for Ebola. They include Primerdesign, events after vaccination. No causal 65 million doses have been success- the Guinean capital Conakry in the coming weeks. a spinoff company of Britain’s University of relationship to the vaccine has been fully administered throughout the Britain already has an Ebola laboratory in Sierra Leone Southampton, and Corgenix Medical Corp of the established,” the Swiss company said. world, “which confirms the data and is building two others in its former colony. United States. Work is also under way in several labora- A review of the two batches “have gathered during clinical studies “Together these will quadruple the number of tests tories on developing a vaccine or cure for the killer confirmed that they are in conformity which involved over 70,000 that can be carried out every day and help contain the haemorrhagic fever against which no specific drug with all production and quality stan- patients.”— AFP spread of Ebola,” International Development Secretary treatment exists. — AFP SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Mafalda Gomes to Rosaria Kuwait SITUATION VACANT KNCC PROGRAMME FROM THURSDAY TO Mafalda Nunes. Required driver for Kuwaiti (C 4862) WEDNESDAY (27/11/2014 TO 03/12/2014) family. Tel: 66600625. (C4867) 26-11-2014 SITUATION WANTED SHARQIA-1 DUMB AND DUMBER TO 12:30 PM MARINA-1 Driver, having knowledge of IT Technical Support, MB4 NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 2:45 PM FALCON RISING 12:30 PM all Kuwaiti area. Contact: DUMB AND DUMBER TO 4:45 PM THE CULLING 2:45 PM 55748362. (C 4861) Graduate, 6 years experience HAMATI BITHEBINI -Arabic 6:45 PM FALCON RISING 4:45 PM in desktop technical support, NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 8:45 PM HAMATI BITHEBINI -Arabic 6:45 PM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 10:45 PM FALCON RISING 8:45 PM 1 month in Kuwait. MCSE NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 12:45 AM THE CULLING 10:45 PM CHANGE OF NAME 2008 certified, trained in FALCON RISING 12:30 AM Linux. Visa 18, can join SHARQIA-2 I, Vonkiraju Subramanyan immediately. Contact: HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 1:00 PM MARINA-2 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 3:00 PM PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 12:00 PM Raju (old name) holder of 97482501. HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 5:30 PM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 2:00 PM Indian Passport No: (C 4863) THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 7:30 PM PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 4:00 PM Z1959281 R/o HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 10:00 PM PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 6:00 PM HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 12:05 AM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 8:00 PM Madhavarampodu, M.Com 15 years of experi- NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 10:00 PM Upparapolli, RLY Kodun ence in independently han- SHARQIA-3 NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 12:05 AM (MDL) Y.S.R (Dist) A.P dling accounts of medium PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 12:00 PM changed my name as sized companies up to final- PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 2:30 PM MARINA-3 PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 4:30 PM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 12:45 PM Vankiraju Subramanyam ization level 4, familiar with PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 6:30 PM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 3:15 PM Raju. (C 4866) computerized accounting FALCON RISING 8:30 PM HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 5:45 PM systems, seeking suitable FALCON RISING 10:30 PM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 7:45 PM position. Mob: 66019422. FALCON RISING 12:30 AM HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 10:15 PM I, Aneesh Palakkeel Valappil , HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 12:15 AM holder of Indian Passport No. (C 4864) MUHALAB-1 K8441277 hereby change my 24-11-2014 NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 12:00 PM AVENUES-1 FALCON RISING 2:00 PM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 1:30 PM name to Muhammed Aneesh. NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 4:00 PM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 4:15 PM Address: Kannome Kerala, Prayer timings FALCON RISING 6:00 PM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 7:00 PM Ezhome P.O., Kannur Dt, pin- Fajr: 04:58 NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 8:00 PM CATCH HELL 9:30 PM code 670334 Kerala. FALCON RISING 10:00 PM CATCH HELL 11:30 PM Shorook 06:22 NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 12:05 AM (C 4865) AVENUES-2 Duhr: 11:36 MUHALAB-2 THE CULLING 12:00 PM I, Rosaria Mafalda Nunes r/o HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 1:00 PM THE CULLING 2:00 PM Asr: 14:30 HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 3:00 PM THE CULLING 4:00 PM H.No. 851 Goa-Velha HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 5:00 PM THE CULLING 6:00 PM Morgado. I would like change Maghrib: 16:49 THE CULLING 7:00 PM THE CULLING 8:00 PM my name from Rosaria HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 8:45 PM THE CULLING 10:00 PM Isha: 18:11 THE CULLING 10:45 PM THE CULLING 12:05 AM HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 12:30 AM AVENUES-3 MUHALAB-3 FALCON RISING 1:15 PM THE CULLING 11:30 AM FALCON RISING 3:30 PM PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 1:15 PM FALCON RISING 5:45 PM Sabah Hospital 24812000 PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR-3D 3:15 PM FALCON RISING 8:00 PM PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 5:15 PM FALCON RISING 10:15 PM Amiri Hospital 22450005 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 7:15 PM FALCON RISING 12:30 AM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 9:45 PM 360º- 1 Maternity Hospital 24843100 THE CULLING 12:15 AM HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 1:15 PM HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 3:30 PM Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 FANAR-1 HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 5:45 PM FALCON RISING 11:30 AM HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 8:00 PM Chest Hospital 24849400 FALCON RISING 1:30 PM HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 10:15 PM CATCH HELL 3:30 PM HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 12:30 AM Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 FALCON RISING 5:30 PM HAPPY NEW YEAR - HINDI 7:45 PM 360º- 2 Adan Hospital 23940620 FALCON RISING 11:00 PM HAMATI BITHEBINI -Arabic 12:15 PM FALCON RISING 1:00 AM HAMATI BITHEBINI -Arabic 2:30 PM Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 JESSABELLE 4:45 PM FANAR-2 HAMATI BITHEBINI -Arabic 7:00 PM Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 12:30 PM HAMATI BITHEBINI -Arabic 9:15 PM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 2:30 PM HAMATI BITHEBINI -Arabic 11:30 PM Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 4:30 PM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 6:30 PM 360º- 3 DUMB AND DUMBER TO 8:30 PM FALCON RISING 12:00 PM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 10:30 PM FALCON RISING 2:15 PM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 12:30 AM FALCON RISING 4:30 PM Kaizen center 25716707 FALCON RISING 6:45 PM FANAR-3 FALCON RISING 9:00 PM Rawda 22517733 HAMATI BITHEBINI -Arabic 1:00 PM FALCON RISING 11:15 PM Adaliya 22517144 THE CULLING 3:15 PM DUMB AND DUMBER TO 5:15 PM AL-KOUT.1 Khaldiya 24848075 THE CULLING 7:15 PM PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 11:30 AM HAMATI BITHEBINI -Arabic 9:00 PM PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 1:30 PM Kaifan 24849807 THE CULLING 11:00 PM PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 3:30 PM THE CULLING 1:00 AM PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 5:30 PM Shamiya 24848913 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 7:30 PM FANAR-4 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 10:00 PM Shuwaikh 24814507 PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR-3D 11:45 AM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 12:30 AM HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 1:45 PM Abdullah Salem 22549134 PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR-3D 3:45 PM AL-KOUT.2 HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 5:45 PM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 12:15 PM Nuzha 22526804 PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR 7:45 PM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 2:15 PM HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 9:45 PM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 4:15 PM Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 11:45 PM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 6:15 PM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 8:15 PM Qadsiya 22515088 FANAR-5 NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 10:15 PM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 11:30 AM NORTHMEN - A VIKING SAGA 12:15 AM Dasmah 22532265 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 2:00 PM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 4:30 PM AL-KOUT.3 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 7:00 PM THE CULLING 11:30 AM THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 9:30 PM FALCON RISING 1:15 PM Shaab 22518752 THE HUNGER GAMES: MOCKINGJAY - PART 1 12:05 AM THE CULLING 3:15 PM Qibla 22459381 information SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 DIAL 161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION

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Arrival Flights on Saturday 29/11/2014 UAL 982 IAD 17:55 JZR 356 Mashhad 10:30 Airlines Flt Route Time SVA 500 Jeddah 18:00 FDB 056 Dubai 10:35 JAI 574 Mumbai 00:10 UAE 875 Dubai 18:00 IRM 1181 Mashhad 10:50 JZR 239 Amman 00:25 JZR 177 Dubai 18:20 QTR 1071 Doha 11:00 JZR 267 Beirut 00:30 KAC 542 Cairo 18:25 KAC 541 Cairo 11:05 KLM 413 Amsterdam/Dammam 00:40 KAC 118 New York 18:30 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:15 JZR 539 Cairo 00:40 FDB 063 Dubai 18:40 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:25 THY 772 Istanbul 00:45 ABY 121 Sharjah 18:40 KAC 741 Dammam 11:45 FDB 069 Dubai 00:55 CLX 856 Luxembourg 18:50 RBG 554 Alexandria 11:55 QTR 1084 Doha 01:00 QTR 1080 Doha 18:50 KAC 501 Beirut 12:00 RJA 642 Amman 01:05 KAC 618 Doha 19:15 JZR 776 Jeddah 12:20 DLH 637 Dammam 01:15 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:15 MSC 402 Alexandria 12:25 SAI 441 Lahore 01:30 KAC 674 Dubai 19:25 SYR 342 Damascus 13:00 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:35 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:30 IRM 1189 Mashhad 13:10 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:30 KAC 176 Geneva/Frankfurt 19:45 JZR 176 Dubai 13:45 UAE 853 Dubai 02:35 KAC 502 Beirut 19:50 SVA 9603 Jeddah 13:50 JZR 553 Alexandria 02:45 IRA 669 Mashhad 19:50 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 JAI 526 Chennai/Abu Dhabi 02:50 KAC 104 London 19:55 UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 FDB 067 Dubai 02:55 KAC 614 Bahrain 20:00 IAW 158 Al Najaf 14:20 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 03:10 JAI 572 Mumbai 20:00 SVA 9607 Jeddah 14:50 MSR 612 Cairo 03:10 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:05 KAC 785 Jeddah 15:00 KKK 6507 Istanbul 03:20 JZR 189 Dubai 20:15 KAC 673 Dubai 15:00 OMA 643 Muscat 03:25 OMA 647 Muscat 20:20 MSR 576 Sharm el-Sheikh 15:00 QTR 1076 Doha 03:45 FDB 061 Dubai 20:20 QTR 1079 Doha 15:05 MSC 401 Alexandria 04:05 KNE 474 Jeddah 20:25 FDB 058 Dubai 15:10 KAC 546 Alexandria 04:10 ABY 123 Sharjah 20:35 KAC 617 Doha 15:15 JZR 503 Luxor 05:25 DLH 634 Frankfurt 20:50 TBZ 5484 Mashhad 15:20 THY 770 Istanbul 05:35 KAC 786 Jeddah 21:05 KNE 473 Jeddah 15:20 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:40 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 JZR 188 Dubai 15:40 BAW 157 London 06:40 MEA 402 Beirut 21:20 GFA 222 Bahrain 15:45 JZR 563 Sohag 06:45 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:30 KAC 773 Riyadh 15:50 KAC 416 Kuala Lumpur/Jakarta 06:45 FDB 073 Dubai 21:35 KNE 471 Jeddah 15:50 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 07:10 UAE 859 Dubai 21:40 KAC 613 Bahrain 16:10 FDB 053 Dubai 07:45 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 ABY 128 Sharjah 16:25 KAC 204 Lahore 07:45 QTR 1074 Doha 21:55 KNE 463 Madinah 16:30 QTR 1086 Doha 07:50 KNE 480 Taif 22:00 KNE 481 Taif 16:50 KAC 352 Kochi 08:10 JZR 135 Bahrain 22:05 SVA 9601 Jeddah 16:55 KAC 382 Delhi 08:15 KLM 415 Amsterdam 22:15 FDB 052 Dubai 17:00 KAC 302 Mumbai 08:20 ETD 309 Abu Dhabi 22:15 JZR 266 Beirut 17:05 KAC 206 Islamabad 08:25 FDB 059 Dubai 22:30 AGY 685 Sohag 17:35 UAE 855 Dubai 08:40 AIC 975 Chennai/Goa 22:30 QTR 1073 Doha 17:40 KAC 362 Colombo 08:45 MSC 403 Sohag 22:45 JZR 538 Cairo 17:45 KAC 344 Chennai 08:45 JZR 157 Dubai 23:05 UAE 858 Dubai 17:45 KAC 284 Dhaka 08:50 UAL 981 Bahrain 23:10 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:50 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:00 JZR 185 Dubai 23:15 RJA 641 Amman 17:55 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:20 AGY 684 Sohag 23:15 IRM 1187 Tehran 18:15 IRM 1186 Tehran 09:40 THY 764 Istanbul 23:35 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 FDB 071 Dubai 23:45 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 QTR 1070 Doha 10:00 JZR 156 Dubai 18:30 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 Departure Flights on Saturday 29/11/2014 JZR 184 Dubai 18:40 RBG 553 Alexandria 11:15 Airlines Flt Route Time IZG 4162 Mashhad 18:45 MSC 405 Sohag 11:25 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 JZR 238 Amman 18:50 JZR 165 Dubai 11:30 JZR 562 Sohag 00:05 JZR 134 Bahrain 19:10 IRM 1188 Mashhad 11:45 PIA 240 Sialkot/Islamabad 00:40 UAL 982 Bahrain 19:15 SYR 341 Damascus 12:00 FDB 072 Dubai 00:45 ABY 121 Sharjah 19:20 UAE 871 Dubai 12:50 JAI 573 Mumbai 01:10 SVA 505 Jeddah 19:30 SVA 3504 Jeddah 12:50 KLM 413 Amsterdam 01:55 UAE 876 Dubai 19:40 JZR 241 Amman 12:55 DLH 637 Frankfurt 02:15 QTR 1081 Doha 19:50 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 SAI 442 Lahore 02:30 FDB 064 Dubai 19:55 IAW 157 Al Najaf 13:20 THY 773 Istanbul 02:55 GFA 218 Bahrain 20:15 JZR 779 Jeddah 13:35 PGT 859 Istanbul 03:25 CLX 856 Hong Kong 20:20 SVA 3508 Jeddah 13:50 UAE 854 Dubai 03:50 KAC 283 Dhaka 20:30 KAC 672 Dubai 13:55 FDB 068 Dubai 03:55 IRA 666 Esfahan 20:50 QTR 1078 Doha 14:05 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:05 KAC 361 Colombo 20:50 MSR 575 Sharm el-Sheikh 14:15 MSR 613 Cairo 04:10 JAI 571 Mumbai 21:00 TBZ 5483 Mashhad 14:20 KKK 6508 Istanbul 04:10 MSR 607 Luxor 21:05 KNE 472 Jeddah 14:25 OMA 644 Muscat 04:15 JZR 554 Alexandria 21:05 FDB 057 Dubai 14:30 QTR 1085 Doha 04:30 KNE 475 Jeddah 21:10 JZR 175 Dubai 14:45 MSC 406 Sohag 05:05 KAC 331 Trivandrum 21:10 KAC 742 Dammam 14:45 QTR 1077 Doha 05:15 ABY 124 Sharjah 21:15 KNE 470 Jeddah 14:55 THY 765 Istanbul 05:40 KAC 351 Kochi 21:15 GFA 221 Bahrain 15:00 FDB 070 Dubai 06:30 FDB 062 Dubai 21:20 KAC 788 Jeddah 15:40 JAI 525 Abu Dhabi/Chennai 06:35 OMA 648 Muscat 21:20 KNE 462 Madinah 15:45 JZR 164 Dubai 06:55 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 ABY 127 Sharjah 15:45 RJA 643 Amman 07:05 KAC 381 Delhi 22:00 UAE 857 Dubai 15:45 JZR 240 Amman 07:15 ALK 230 Colombo 22:10 SVA 3502 Jeddah 15:55 GFA 212 Bahrain 07:15 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:15 FDB 051 Dubai 16:00 THY 771 Istanbul 07:30 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:15 KNE 460 Riyadh 16:00 JZR 778 Jeddah 07:55 MEA 403 Beirut 22:20 JZR 535 Cairo 16:10 FDB 054 Dubai 08:25 FDB 074 Dubai 22:30 KAC 562 Amman 16:20 BAW 156 London 08:45 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:30 JZR 357 Mashhad 16:30 QTR 1087 Doha 08:50 UAE 860 Dubai 22:50 AGY 680 Alexandria/Sharm el-Sheikh 16:35 JZR 534 Cairo 09:15 KNE 461 Riyadh 22:50 QTR 1072 Doha 16:40 KAC 671 Dubai 09:25 KAC 205 Islamabad 22:55 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:55 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:40 ETD 310 Abu Dhabi 23:00 RJA 640 Amman 16:55 KAC 787 Jeddah 09:50 QTR 1075 Doha 23:05 IRM 1180 Mashhad 17:00 KAC 101 London/New York 09:50 KLM 415 Dammam/Amsterdam 23:15 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 UAE 856 Dubai 09:55 KAC 543 Cairo 23:20 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 JZR 174 Dubai 10:10 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:30 IZG 4161 Mashhad 17:45 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:20 MSC 404 Sohag 23:45 JZR 777 Jeddah 17:55 KAC 561 Amman 10:25 FDB 060 Dubai 23:55

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (www.kuwait-airport.com.kw) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

3. A sharply directional antenna. 4. Primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true CROSSWORD739 stems and roots and leaves. 5. Any of numerous hairy-bodied insects including social and solitary species. 6. An intensely radioactive metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in urani- um ores. 7. Any group or radical of the form RCO- where R is an organic group. 8. A stiff chitinous seta or bristle especially of an annelid worm. 9. Ancient Hebrew unit of liquid measure = 1.5 gallons. 10. Not elegant or graceful in expression. 11. Superclass of eel-shaped chordates lacking jaws and pelvic fins. 12. Essential oil or perfume obtained from flowers. 13. Expletives used informally as intensifiers. 14. The cardinal number that is the sum of seven and one. 19. A member of the Nahuatl people who established an empire in Mexico that was overthrown by Cortes in 1519. 23. A white crystalline carbohydrate used as a sweetener and preservative. 25. The sound made by a horse. 27. Rapacious seabird that pursues weaker birds to make them drop their prey. 29. Constructed with or in the form of an arch or arches. 31. A cyst on the underside of the tongue. 37. Swift timid long-eared mammal larger than a rabbit having a divided upper lip and long hind legs. 38. An archaic name for Easter or Passover. 40. The lean flesh of a fish similar to cod. 41. American professional baseball player who hit more home runs than Babe Ruth (born in 1934). 42. (Welsh) A warrior god. 43. A facial expression of contempt or scorn. 45. Someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike. 47. A formal expression of praise. 50. Doglike nocturnal mammal of Africa and southern Asia that feeds chiefly on car- rion. 55. Goddess of the dead and queen of the underworld. ACROSS 57. A federal agency established to regulate the release of new foods and health- 1. One of the strands twisted together to make yarn or rope or thread. related products. 4. The condition of having no arms. 58. A large and stately mansion. 12. A dark-skinned member of a race of people living in Australia when Europeans 59. A farewell remark. arrived. 60. Small terrestrial lizard of warm regions of the Old World. 15. A unit of length of thread or yarn. 62. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables. 16. The process of leaching. 63. An indehiscent fruit derived from a single ovary having one or many seeds within 17. Considerate and solicitous care. a fleshy wall or pericarp. 18. Carry out or participate in an activity. 65. A city in western Nevada at the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. 20. A language group of the Hokan family. 66. A domed or vaulted recess or projection on a building especially the east end of a 21. Headdress that protects the head from bad weather. church. 22. 1,000 baiza equal 1 riyal-omani. 67. Voluntary contributions to aid the poor. 24. A republic on the Isthmus of Panama. 69. Type genus of the Anatidae. 26. Large (to 3 feet) blackish yellow-banded South American lizard. 70. The basic unit of money in Western Samoa. 28. Worn to shreds. 72. The products of human creativity. 30. Soft creamy white cheese. 73. Intentionally so written (used after a printed word or phrase). 32. A soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and 77. A state in New England. thermal conductivity of any metal. 33. A colorless and odorless inert gas. 34. An expression of greeting. 35. A state in midwestern United States. Yesterdayʼs Solution 36. Relatively low in price or charging low prices. 39. French painter (born in Russia) noted for his imagery and brilliant colors (1887- 1985). 44. The portion of the vertebrate nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord. Yesterday’s Solution 46. Sayings of Jesus not recorded in the canonical Gospels. 48. Exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health. 49. A card game similar to ecarte. 51. A branch of the Tai languages. 52. European strong-scented perennial herb with gray-green bitter-tasting leaves. 53. A person who participates in or is skilled at some game. 54. Give over. 56. A island in the Netherlands Antilles that is the top of an extinct volcano. 61. A silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite. 64. A city in southeastern Spain. 68. (Greek mythology) A maiden who was first a sculpture created by Pygmalion and was brought to life by Aphrodite in answer to Pygmalion's prayers. 71. Of or pertaining to or characteristic of Nepal or its people or language or culture. 74. The elementary stages of any subject (usually plural). 75. The part of the nervous system of vertebrates that controls involuntary actions of the smooth muscles and heart and glands. 76. An iron-clad vessel built by the Confederate forces in the hope of breaking the blockade imposed by the North. 78. Resinlike substance secreted by certain lac insects. 79. Having a toe or toes of a specified kind. 80. A portable rectangular traveling bag for carrying clothes. 81. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth.

DOWN 1. One of the common people. 2. A Russian river.

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution SPORTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

England and Australia in search of a final flourish

LONDON: England’s clash with Australia at (29-26) and Ireland (26-23). “We won’t be look to boss the breakdown against an a fly-half, was at inside centre against the Twickenham today may be a ‘preview’ of looking at it like it will set us up for the World England back-row trio led by opposing skip- Pacific Islanders but did not look especially their World Cup pool fixture in just under a Cup,” said Australia captain Michael Hooper. per and rival flanker Chris Robshaw, was in no comfortable. year’s time, but there will be an immediate “We will be playing the English there doubt of his inside backs’ quality. “We were Now Lancaster has dropped Farrell, the benefit to the winners of both sides’ final Test (Twickenham) again next year, but we’re not very strong in midfield in Dublin, we are on son of England backs coach Andy Farrell, to of 2014. November has seen England’s calling it a trial match or anything like that,” the up even though we lost,” Hooper said. the bench with centre specialist Billy Twickenham ‘fortress’ conquered by both he added. Twelvetrees recalled to the Red Rose world champions New Zealand (24-21) and On paper, today’s match is shaping up Strong channel brigade’s thorny area of midfield. “With a rela- South Africa (31-28). Australia, adjusting to into a case of whether England’s tight five By contrast, England’s backs remain a tively new 10, and a 12 that’s been there a life under new coach Michael Cheika follow- forwards or the Wallabies’ backs will have the work in progress with fly-half George Ford, while, it’s a channel that you’ve got to be ing the shock resignation of Ewen McKenzie decisive say. Behind the scrum-which given a first Test start in last week’s 28-9 win strong down, and for us this weekend we’ll be in the fall-out from the Kurtley Beale text pic England forwards coach Graham Rowntree over second-tier Samoa, now handed a looking to go there,” said Hooper. Twelvetrees scandal, have enjoyed a win over Wales-the insisted was not a Wallaby weakness despite chance to direct operations against stronger last wore the No 12 shirt against the All Blacks third heavyweight in the 2015 World Cup some notable problems-Australia will field a opposition by coach Stuart Lancaster. in Dunedin in June. Things went well until a ‘group of death’-this month. settled nine-10-12 combination of Nick “Managing a game like this is a big thing to stray pass led to a try for New Zealand’s Ben However, they too have since been on the Phipps, Bernard Foley and Matt Toomua. The put on George’s shoulders,” said Lancaster. Smith, a score that proved a turning point in wrong end of a pair of narrow defeats against trio ripped through Ireland’s defense on “We know what a talent he is and this will test the game. “The step we need him to take with top-flight opposition in losing to both France occasion last weekend and Hooper, who will him at the next level.” Owen Farrell, primarily Billy is consistency,” said Lancaster. —AFP Wales eye Springbok launchpad for WCup

CARDIFF: Wales will seek to end a six-year wait for a southern hemisphere scalp when they take on South Africa today with one eye very much fixed on next year’s World Cup. The last Welsh victory over a SANZAR nation was a 21-18 win over Australia in November 2008, coach Warren Gatland’s sole win- ning performance against either the Wallabies, Springboks or All Blacks in 27 matches since he took charge in 2007. South Africa will not, however, be a roll-over, having notched up the year’s sole defeat of New Zealand and also having only ever lost to Wales once in 29 clashes. It promises to be a humdinger of a Test match at Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium, where Wales went down 34-16 to the All Blacks last weekend after leading with 12 minutes to play. “We were obviously disappointed last week,” said Wales fly-half Dan Biggar. “We felt like we were in with a real chance after 68 minutes but we let it slip at the end. “It’s all about moving for- ward now. We’ve put it to bed and it’s all about focusing on this week and making sure we put on a good performance and more importantly getting the win.” Biggar, as Gatland had also stressed, insisted there was not an underlying concern over fitness levels. “I think our fitness has been good. We put quite a big shift in today night push- ing one of the best sides in the world all the way,” the Ospreys playmaker said. “We’re concentrating now on finishing the autumn series on a high.” The last time South Africa played Wales, the home side came back from deficits of 17-0 and 30- 17 to triumph 31-30 in Nelspruit. “We know our record against the Southern Hemisphere isn’t great,” Biggar admitted. “In the summer we played a pretty complete game up until the last few minutes and then we let it slip. “We can take a lot from that performance and hopefully we can push on and get the SAINT-DENIS: France’s full back Scott Spedding (center) is tackled by Argentina’s Santiago Gonzalez Iglesias (right) result today because that’s all that matters.” during the international rugby union Test match France vs Argentina at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, north of Paris. —AFP International window Gatland has made three enforced changes to his run-on team, Liam Williams notably coming in for injured Northampton winger George North. Veteran prop Gethin ‘Painful Gulch’ rivals Jenkins and hooker Scott Baldwin take over from Paul James and Richard Hibbard, who have returned to club duty with Bath and Gloucester respectively since today’s match falls out- to face off in France side the international Test window. South Africa coach Heyneke Meyer has made eight changes to his team from the one that beat Italy 22-6 last weekend. Prop Tendai Mtawarira, PARIS: Reigning French and European in for one another, but with all the respect he added. “It’s become a sort of ‘Classico’ hooker Bismarck du Plessis, full-back Willie le Roux, and wing champions Toulon tackle their “Painful that we have for each other,” said between the red-and-blacks (Toulon) and duo Cornal Hendricks and Lwazi Mvovo will all start. Gulch” rivals Clermont in the plum tie of Boudjellal. “They’re always close battles the yellow-and-blues (Clermont).” Even so, The changes in the back three were required because Johan the French Top 14 this weekend. As has so with some stories to tell at the end. We’ll Boudjellal complained that the current Goosen (Racing Metro), Bryan Habana (Toulon) and JP often been the case over the last three go into it with a lot of desire, even though country-dominated structure in rugby was Pietersen (Panasonic Wild Knights), who started against the seasons, they are the top two in the divi- we’re weakened.” Both sides will be with- penalizing clubs, pointing to the fact that Azzurri, are not available, while the two changes to the front sion, with leaders Clermont holding a out a number of key international players many big names will be missing from this row are rotational. “We will face a fired-up Welsh side this three-point advantage over Toulon. And who will be recovering following a tough top-of-the-table clash, which has also weekend. They played very well against New Zealand and it the latter’s outspoken president Mourad series of November tests. The match will affected ticket sales as only 30,000 had will be a tough end to our season,” said Meyer, whose team Boudjellal, the comic book magnate, be played at the Allianz Riviera stadium in been sold by the beginning of the week. opened their November series with a 29-15 defeat by Ireland likened today’s clash to the eternal rivalry Nice to account for a bigger crowd than “We’ve got players on holiday for before beating England 31-28. “But we want to finish on a high of the O’Haras and O’Timmins in the fic- Toulon’s 15,400-capacity Mayol stadium matches that they didn’t play with us- and the focus this week has been on ensuring we keep on tious town of Painful Gulch in the Lucky can hold. Even without the missing inter- that’s the amazing world of rugby,” added building on what we’ve done thus far this year.” For Gatland, Luke comic book series. nationals, Boudjellal expects a massive Boudjellal. “Nowadays we realize that cer- the clash against the Springboks will be Wales’ last before next “With Clermont it’s a bit like the Painful battle. “This is the derby (the most antici- tain players who signed on a two-year year’s World Cup in England, in which the Welsh have been Gulch Rivals with O’Hara and O’Timmins. pated match) of the last few seasons. Two contract are only with us for eight months, drawn in pool that includes the hosts, Australia and Fiji.—AFP We’ve been enemies for years, we’ve got it years ago it was the European Cup final,” not including injuries.—AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Australia says too McCullum mauls Pakistan early for Indian SHARJAH: Opener Brendon McCullum smashed the fastest century by a New Zealand batsman to give his team an upper hand in the third and final Test against Pakistan in Sharjah yes- test decision terday. The Kiwi skipper completed his tenth hundred off 78 balls and went on to reach 145-ball 153 when bad light ended SYDNEY: Emotions were still too raw in the wake of the play seven overs earlier with New Zealand 249-1, a strong death of Phillip Hughes to make a decision on whether to go position with just 102 runs away from Pakistan’s first innings ahead with next week’s first test against India, Cricket total of 351. Kane Williamson matched his skipper’s aggres- Australia chief executive James Sutherland said yesterday. sion and was unbeaten on 76, putting an impressive 198 for Indian cricket officials were being kept closely informed, the unfinished second wicket stand which gave New Zealand Sutherland added, and had been “outstanding” in their a strong position to level the series which they trail 1-0. understanding of the “unique circumstances” surrounding Pakistan won the first Test while the second ended in a the match, which is scheduled to start in Brisbane next draw. But McCullum’s rapidfire knock was overshadowed by Thursday. the gloomy atmosphere as Pakistan and New Zealand “Cricket will go on and it will go on when we’re ready,” observed a minute’s silence before the start and wore black Sutherland told reporters outside the Sydney Cricket Ground armbands to join in the mourning for young Australian bats- (SCG). “To be honest, we haven’t broached that subject with man Phillip Hughes who died Thursday from serious head the players yet. We will in time, but to be honest, they’ve got injuries after being hit by a bouncer. The New Zealand team other things on their minds. “I know for many people, seven also did not celebrate any dismissal. The teams abandoned days doesn’t seem too far away but in other ways it is a mil- Thursday’s second day’s play as a mark of respect for the tal- lion miles away. We will get there when we can.” Cricket in ented Australian. Australia has come to a standstill in the wake of the death of New Zealand’s coach Mike Hesson admitted the day was 25-year-old Hughes on Thursday, two days after he was gloomy despite his team’s dominance. “It wasn’t about cricket struck on the head by a short delivery during a domestic today,” said Hesson. “It was about supporting a fellow player Sheffield Shield match at the SCG. and the key for us to stay calm as some players were strug- Among the matches cancelled was India’s two day tour gling more than the others.”Craig showed a lot of character game in Adelaide, the touring party’s last chance to get some and his drift and variety got him rewards,” said Hesson. match practice before the four-test series starts at the Gabba McCullum stole the show, hitting eight sixes-four off left-arm in Brisbane. “We’ve been in constant contact with the officials spinner Zulfiqar Babar-and 17 boundaries as New Zealand rat- from the Indian Cricket Board (BCCI) and I’ve got to say that tled the total in just 45 overs. In the penultimate over before their understanding and empathy has been absolutely out- tea he hit four boundaries in one paceman Mohammad Talha standing,” Sutherland added. “They completely understand over before two quick singles completed his hundred. the situation and they’re doing everything they can to do This was the fastest hundred ever by a New Zealand bats- that. They will prepare themselves in the best way possible. man, beating the 81-ball hundred Ross Taylor made against “They understand that these are unique and extraordinary Australia at Hamilton in 2010. Williamson, who had a dismal circumstances and I guess both teams will have, if a test series before this match, hit seven fours and a six off 96 balls. match goes ahead, both teams will have a very different Their stand is New Zealand’s best for second wicket against preparation.” Pakistan, beating the 195 between John Wright and Geoff Howarth in Napier in 1997. Pakistan’s spin-cum pace attack Full support looked hapless against McCullum as Babar conceded 71 in his ten overs while leggie Yasir Shah gave 59 in as many overs. The BCCI will wait for Australia to arrive at a decision. “I am SHARJAH: New Zealand cricket captain Brendon Tom Latham was the only wicket to fall, caught behind off in constant touch with my Cricket Australia counterparts. We McCullum avoids a bouncer during the second day of the Rahat Ali for 13. Earlier off-spinner Mark Craig took a career want them to first get over the trauma,” BCCI secretary Sanjay third and final Test match between New Zealand and best 7-94 as Pakistan lost their last seven wickets for 70 runs to Patel told Reuters. “After that we can decide on the fate of Pakistan at the Sharjah cricket stadium yesterday. —AFP the first test.” Pat Howard, Cricket Australia’s team perform- get bowled out for 351 after resuming at 281-3, squandering a ance manager, said the Australia squad had gathered in strong position on a flat Sharjah stadium pitch. Sydney and were receiving the full support of medical and Opener Mohammad Hafeez hit a career best 197 before he SCOREBOARD backroom staff. “We’re not going to talk about the first test. miscued a pull off leg-spinner Ish Sodhi and was caught at We know it’s there,” he said. “What we’re focused on today is deep square-leg. He hit 25 boundaries and three sixes during a grieving, dealing with the questions.” Sutherland said the dominating seven hour ten minute stay at the crease to better Scoreboard at stumps on the second day in the third and final Test views of Hughes’s family would be taken into account when a his previous highest of 196 made against Sri Lanka in between Pakistan and New Zealand on Thursday in Sharjah, United decision was made on whether to go ahead with the match Colombo two years ago. But it was skipper Misbah-ul Haq who Arab Emirates. but suggested that the final word would go to his former sparked a collapse, edging seamer Tim Southee to wicket- Pakistan 1st innings (Overnight: 281-3) team mates. “I can remember just in the last few hours con- keeper BJ Watling in the fourth over of the day, without M. Hafeez c Boult b Sodhi 197 versations with Phillip’s father telling me just how much he adding to his Wednesday’s score of 38. Craig wrapped up the S. Masood b Craig 12 and the family love cricket,” he said. “Phillip loved cricket middle and lower order dismissing Asad Shafiq (11), Sarfraza Az. Ali c Taylor b Craig 39 more than anyone, and he would want nothing more than for Ahmed (15), Talha (nought), Rahat Ali (nought) and Yasir Shah Y. Khan lbw b Vettori 5 the game to continue, but, as I said, the game will continue at (25) — his last four wickets coming off 25 balls. Craig’s previ- Misbah-ul-Haq c Watling b Southee 38 test level when we’re ready.”— Reuters ous best of 4-91 came in his debut Test against the West Indies A. Shafiq c Sodhi b Craig 11 in Jamaica in June this year.—AFP S. Ahmed c Watling b Craig 15 Y. Shah c Taylor b Craig 25 M. Talha c Latham b Craig 0 R. Ali c Taylor b Craig 0 Australia, Pacific states Z. Babar not out 0 Extras (lb-4 nb-1 w-4) 9 Total (all out, 125.4 overs) 351 get foothold in Asiad Fall of wickets: 1-44 S. Masood, 2-131 Az. Ali, 3-160 Y. Khan, 4-285 Misbah-ul-Haq, 5-311 M. Hafeez, 6-313, A. Shafiq, 7-336 S. Ahmed, 8- ASHGABAT: Australia, New Zealand and ing committee, pressed for the Games to Robin Mitchell, head of the Oceania 336 M. Talha, 9-346 R. Ali, 10-351 Y. Shah other Pacific states are to send up to be expanded to increase the internation- National Olympic Committees group Bowling: T. Boult 21-6-54-0(w-1), T. Southee 24-4-54-1, D. Vettori 19-5- 1,000 athletes to the next Asian Indoor al exposure, according to officials. Sheikh who agreed with the estimated numbers 41-1 C. Anderson 12-4-28-0(nb-1 w-3), M. Craig 27.4-5-94-7, I. Sodhi 22- Games in 2017 following an accord with Ahmad predicted there would about at the event. 3-76-1. the Olympic Council of Asia sealed yes- 1,000 Pacific athletes among up to 6,000 Pressure on the OCA to let in Australia terday. The accord, hailed as “historic” by competitors at the Ashgabat games. and New Zealand has increased since New Zealand 1st innings OCA president Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad “This will be historic,” said the sheikh, they were let into the Asian Football T. Latham c S. Ahmed b R. Ali 13 Al-Sabah, is the first step toward one of the leading figures in world sport Confederation. Australia will host the B. McCullum not out 153 Australia and the Pacific nations taking at the ceremony. Asian Cup in January. Many Asian sports K. Williamson not out 76 part in the full Asian Games within a “This will be a first chance for coopera- leaders have however been traditionally Extras (lb-2 nb-3 w-2) 7 decade. The 2017 Asian Indoor and tion between the two continents. wary of letting in what they consider to Total (for 1 wickets, 45 overs) 249 Martial Arts Games are to be held in the Oceania has many champions.” Sheikh be “outsiders” who could dominate Fall of wickets: 1-51 T. Latham Turkmenistan capital, Ashgabat. The Ahmad said the presence of Australian Asian events. But supporters such as the To bat: R. Taylor, C. Anderson, D. Vettori, B. Watling, M. Craig, T. Central Asian state is spending $5 billion and other Pacific champions could boost sheikh have highlighted the added eco- Southee, I. Sodhi, T. Boult. on an “Olympic Village” for all the ven- the performance of Asian athletes. “We nomic benefits for the Asian Games as Bowling: M. Talha 7-0-62-0(nb-3 w-1), R. Ali 8-0-24-1(w-1), Z. Babar 10-1- ues. President Gurbanguly have to see how we can maximize our well as the increased sporting prestige to 71-0, Y. Shah 10-0-59-0, M. Hafeez 10-2-31-0. Berdymukhamedov, head of the organiz- opportunities for our athletes,” said be brought by top Pacific athletes. —AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Lions, Eagles, Seahawks beat rivals on Thanksgiving Day

SANTA CLARA: Richard Sherman set up the only touchdown with another key defensive play in this heated rivalry, then made a second interception with the 49ers driving late to help the Seattle Seahawks end a five-game losing streak on San Francisco’s home field with a 19-3 win Thursday night. Steven Hauschka kicked four field goals and the Seahawks’ stout defense held Colin Kaepernick and Michael Crabtree in check as Seattle (8-4) overcame 14 penal- ties for 105 yards, including an offensive pass interference that negated a touchdown. Russell Wilson passed for 236 yards and thoroughly outplayed Kaepernick, who had one of his worst performances for the 49ers (7-5). After his second pick, Sherman looked at those fans still remaining in half-empty sta- dium on a Thanksgiving night and gave them the hush sign with his pointer finger to his mouth, then waved goodbye. The Seahawks won by the identical score they beat first-place Arizona five days earlier. Kaepernick was 16 for 29 for 121 yards.

EAGLES 33, COWBOYS 10 LeSean McCoy ran for 159 yards and a touchdown and Mark Sanchez had his first scoring run in almost three years as Philadelphia beat Dallas in a battle of NFC East co-leaders. The Eagles (9-3) opened with quick drives of 80 and 88 yards for touchdowns. They took sole possession of the division lead with four games remaining, including a rematch in less than three weeks. Tony Romo looked ragged in the first quick turnaround for his surgically repaired back as the Cowboys (8-4) lost their third straight home game. McCoy, who led the NFL with 1,604 yards last season, had his fourth 100-yard game in the past sev- en after going without one the first five weeks and secured his fourth 1,000- yard season since 2010. Although his deficit to Dallas’ DeMarco Murray in the rushing race is proba- bly insurmountable, McCoy outgained Murray, who was held under 100 yards for just the second time this season. McCoy averaged 6.4 yards on 25 carries on the same field where he clinched the rushing title last December while the Eagles beat the Cowboys in a playoffs-or-bust finale. Murray finished with 73 yards and Dallas’ only touchdown on 20 carries. Making his fourth start since Nick Foles was sidelined by a broken collarbone, Sanchez was 9 of 11 for 99 yards in the first quarter. That included a 27-yard scoring pass to Jordan Matthews when Sanchez hit the rookie in stride on a crossing route for a 14-0 lead. Sanchez finished 20 of 29 for 217 yards with a touchdown.

LIONS 34, BEARS 17 Calvin Johnson caught 11 passes for 146 yards and two first-half touch- downs and Detroit beat Chicago to boost its postseason hopes. After losing at Arizona and New England and falling out of first place in the NFC North, the Lions (8-4) spotted Chicago a 14-3 first-quarter lead before rallying with rela- tive ease in the second. Joique Bell ran for two touchdowns for the Lions, and Jay Cutler threw two scoring passes for Chicago (5-7). Detroit’s Matthew Stafford went 34 of 45 for 390 yards with the two touchdown passes to TEXAS: Dallas Cowboys running back Lance Dunbar (25) is stopped on a run by Philadelphia Eagles’ Johnson. Detroit had not scored this many points since a 35-14 win over the Fletcher Cox (91), Trent Cole (58), Malcolm Jenkins (27) and Casey Matthews (50) during the second half New York Giants in the season opener.— AP of an NFL football game on Thursday, Nov 27, 2014 in Arlington. — AP 2015 European Games to succeed despite gap

BERLIN: Next year’s inaugural European Olympic Committees as a continental a vast majority of our (broadcasting rights) been designated is the third division of Games have generated unexpected media competition similar to the Asian Games or target. “There are still deals in the pipeline the team event. It is a weekend event for interest, Baku 2015 Chief Operating Officer the Panamerican Games, it should eventu- in North America with Canada and the the lowest ranked teams.” Simon Clegg said yesterday, despite a ally serve as a springboard to the Olympics United States and the whole of Latin For the European Games to succeed a complete lack of top track and field ath- for athletes. “Things are on track and on America.” lot will depend on what Baku delivers on letes from the $1 billion event. The Azeri schedule but there is no complacency on the fields of play. “There is no brand val- capital Baku will host the first continental my part,” Clegg said yesterday, less than Athletics absence ue,” Clegg said. “But after Baku it will be a Games next June, luring top athletes in 200 days before the start. The European Games will be missing reality. We have gone to the commercial some sports with 11 direct or indirect The former British Olympic Association the international reach of athletics, how- market place with a blank piece of paper, qualifiers for the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Chief Executive must also a deliver an ever, with the sport present with only a containing a concept and a bunch of Olympics. event that would quickly attract potential third tier continental team competition. promises.” Clegg said his successor for the The June 12-28 event will have a total hosts for future editions. Broadcasting Soccer, an even stronger crowd puller, is 2019 edition would have an easier job of 20 sports, 16 of them Olympic and four rights have been sold to 90 percent of ter- represented only by the beach game. With using blueprints and reducing the cost as non-Olympic sports such as karate, sambo ritories in Europe as well as 21 states in the European Athletics team champi- energy-rich Azerbaijan had the cash to and beach soccer. With 6,200 athletes, the North Africa and the middle East and onship super league to be held in Russia spare to build a lot of the venues from Games are no small affair and Azerbaijan Japan, said Clegg. “It’s way beyond my during the European Games, an initial plan scratch in a short period of time. “The mes- has pumped in more than $1 billion to expectations,” he added. “They were mod- to transfer the event to Baku fell through sage to the second Games is ‘look what organize it in just 30 months instead of est that we would get a level of interest with Russia resisting such a move. “We has been delivered in just 30 months. four years for its successor, to be named across Europe. I was not convinced 18 have a challenge with track and field ath- Think what you can do if you have four next year. Designed by the European months ago. But we already have secured letics,” Clegg said. “The event that has years’,” he said.— Reuters SPORTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Huge outpouring Youngster who bowled ball for tragic Hughes that killed Hughes ‘broken’ SYDNEY: Flags flew at half-mast and thousands of fans and players paid tribute yesterday as Australia SYDNEY: A “broken” Sean Abbott faced rebuilding his life yesterday after Thursday evening and said he was impressed with the way he was han- and the world cricket community united in an out- delivering the ball that killed Australian batsman Phillip Hughes, although dling the situation, adding “this is a grieving process that will affect people pouring of grief for the tragic death of batsman Cricket Australia said the young bowler was holding up well given the cir- in different ways”. “I think it’s been fantastic the way in which people have Phillip Hughes. Cricketers the world over paused to cumstances. The 22-year-old was doing what he always does for his state shown concern for Sean,” he said. “What we will do and the relevant remember the player, and a spontaneous #putyour- New South Wales, bowling fast, when Hughes misjudged a pull shot at the experts will do will be to provide Sean with all of the support he needs to batsout campaign received a massive response with Sydney Cricket Ground on Tuesday and collapsed to the ground uncon- work through this. “But right now I can say that he is holding up very well thousands posting pictures of bats on Twitter. scious after being hit on the base of the skull. and I’m incredibly impressed with him.” Australia’s stunned Test team comforted each oth- He never recovered and died on Thursday after massive bleeding to Despite this, Pakistan great Waqar Younis questioned whether Abbott, er in a grief counseling session at the Sydney Cricket the brain. Test veteran Jason Gillespie said Abbott’s personal and profes- who has made no comment, would be able to continue in cricket. “How Ground, where Hughes was knocked unconscious sional life had been turned upside down by the unprecedented tragedy. will he continue?,” Waqar, one of the outstanding fast bowlers of his gen- while batting in a domestic game on Tuesday. The “That lad is absolutely shaken and broken at the moment,” he told Fox eration and now Pakistan’s coach said. “He needs counseling, which I am 25-year-old died two days later on Thursday from Sports, while former Australian captain Mark Taylor said he would be sure must have started, and needs to stay calm.” Abbott visited Hughes in massive bleeding in his brain, becoming one of the haunted by the incident. “He’s got no questions to answer but I’m sure Sydney’s St Vincent’s Hospital and has been getting support from cricket- he’ll be feeling some guilt today and probably will be for a long time,” he ing officials and his teammates. Reports said Australian captain Michael highest profile deaths in sport since Formula One said. “I really hope Sean can get over it and we one day see Sean back Clarke and Hughes’ sister Megan went out of their way to spend a signifi- icon Ayrton Senna in 1994. playing for NSW and maybe Australia.” Up-and-coming bowler Abbott, cant amount of time with him this week. While the outpouring of grief Shock at the freak accident pulsed around the who made his one-day and Twenty20 debut for Australia in October, was and sympathy on social media has been for Hughes, there have also been globe as Hughes featured on front pages worldwide seen cradling the injured player immediately after the incident. plenty of encouraging words for Abbott. and flags were at half-mast at Lord’s, the home of “Spare a thought for Sean Abbott,” tweeted England great Ian Botham, cricket in London. New South Wales authorities ‘In our thoughts and prayers’ while West Indies legend Viv Richards also sent his best wishes: “Deepest announced a public memorial service for Hughes, Cricket Australia chief executive James Sutherland spoke with him on sympathy for Phillip’s family, friends & associates. —AFP while next week’s first Test against India hung in the balance. Four players in Australia’s Test squad-David Warner, Brad Haddin, Shane Watson and Nathan Lyon-were on the field when he collapsed after being hit by a Sean Abbott delivery. “Six or seven days is not a long time, but right now with where we all are, it seems like a million miles away,” said Cricket Australia chief executive James Sutherland, referring to next week’s game in Brisbane. Sutherland said the “understanding and empathy” of India’s powerful Board of Control for Cricket has been “absolutely out- standing”. “They understand that these are unique and extraordinary circumstances,” he said, adding: “We all love cricket and no one loved cricket more than Phillip. “Cricket will go on and it will go on when we’re ready.”

#putoutyourbats Both the Sydney Cricket Ground and the cav- ernous Melbourne Cricket Ground lowered their flags to half-mast, while club teams from Australia to India paused in a minute’s silence. Before play in the third Test against Pakistan, New Zealand’s players lined up their bats and caps outside their dressing room in somber tribute. Both teams in Sharjah, who cancelled play on Thursday in shock at the news, also held a minute’s silence and donned black armbands. Rank- and-file fans and superstars alike contributed to #putoutyourbats, posting pictures of bats leaning against front doors, stadiums and statues. Previously In this computer generated image shows a cricket helmet with old and new profiles. In light of the death of Australian bats- anonymous Sydneysider Paul D Taylor, who started man Phillip Hughes, are cricket helmets affording the right level of protection to batsmen receiving deliveries of up to 90 the campaign, said he was “amazed and humbled by miles per hour from the world’s quickest bowlers? And will helmets ever guarantee the safety of a batsman? — AP the outcome”. Google Australia joined the trend, decorating its home page with the poignant image of a single bat. The tragedy transcended sports. Golf number one Batsman’s death turns Rory McIlroy wore a black ribbon as he played the Australian Open in Sydney, and tennis star Rafael Nadal offered his condolences. Fans of Western attention on helmets Sydney Wanderers planned a minute’s applause at 63 minutes Hughes’ score when he was struck down- during Saturday’s derby match against Sydney FC. SINGAPORE: A week ago, cricket was considered one of the safest lot of mobility, so they can turn their heads quickly enough to avoid Australia’s rugby team will wear black armbands games in the world, a sport that anyone can play without any real fear being hit and play the shots required to score runs. It is a fine balancing when they play England at Twickenham on Saturday, for their safety. The horrific death of Australian batsman Phillip Hughes, act and even the helmet manufacturers say there is still no guarantee and a message of sympathy came from New who died after being hit in the head by a ball, has shattered that notion that a newer style helmet would be completely safe. Although test crick- Zealand’s All Blacks. forever. Suddenly the sport is under the spotlight and preparing to con- et dates back to the 1870s, players only started wearing helmets in the Meanwhile support remained for Abbott, 22, the duct a full review of its safety procedures to ensure there is no repeat. late 1970s and the initial response was mixed. The former Australian cap- unlucky fast bowler who delivered the fateful ball But if history, and what has happened in other sports is any guide, tain Graham Yallop was booed when he wore a helmet in the West and who was said to be “broken” by the incident. wholesale changes are unlikely to happen quickly. Indies in 1978 while Tony Greig was lampooned for wearing one that “That lad is absolutely shaken and broken at the The two key elements that will come under most scrutiny are hel- looked like a motorcycle helmet. moment,” former Test quick Jason Gillespie told Fox mets and bouncers, the deliveries that cause the most serious injuries. But as time past, and lighter, more aerodynamic styles were made, Sports. The sport has already placed restrictions on the number of bouncers a they became more commonplace, reducing the number of serious Doctors said the ball cannoned into the base of bowler can deliver and even in the immediate aftermath of Hughes’ injuries. Cricket is not the first sport to investigate helmets after the Hughes’ skull, splitting his vertebral artery and caus- death, there was universal support to keep the existing rules, considered death of player. In 1920, Cleveland shortstop Ray Chapman was killed ing massive bleeding in his brain. Hughes, who was a vital part of the game. The main focus will be on helmets. It is currently when he was hit in the head by a ball thrown from New York Yankees struck below his helmet, remained standing for a few not mandatory for batsmen to wear helmets but that rule will now be pitcher Carl Mays, the only death in Major League Baseball. His death seconds after the blow, before crashing to the pitch reviewed, as will the design. Hughes was wearing a protective cap but led to calls for batter helmets but they were not made mandatory face-first. Experts called it a freak injury with only 100 the ball slipped through a tiny gap between his shoulder and the base of until the 1950s. Bill Masterton died from head injuries he suffered in a cases ever reported, and only one known incident as his helmet. National Hockey League game in 1968, sparking a long-running a result of a cricket ball. — AFP Other sports use larger helmets and cricketers wore them as well debate over helmets, which were finally made mandatory 11 seasons years ago but opted for a smaller version because they need to retain a later. — Reuters SPORTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Football legend India’s league ‘more’ popular than Pele on dialysis NEW DELHI: India’s fledgling football league has become the fourth most popular in the world after just six weeks, surpassing Italy’s long-standing Serie A in average crowd attendance, according to organizers. The Indian Super SAO PAULO: Brazil football legend Pele’s health is improving League (ISL) has lured former international veterans such but he is still receiving an intensive treatment known as as Sweden’s Freddie Ljungberg, Frenchman Nicolas hemodialysis for a urinary infection, the hospital treating him Anelka and Italian great Alessandro Del Piero for the 10- said yesterday. Pele, 74, “is in better clinical condition,” said week competition. the Albert Einstein Hospital in Sao Paulo, adding that he was The league, played around the country, has been hit by “lucid” and breathing on his own but still receiving hemodialy- injuries to some of its biggest stars, while some football sis, which involves filtering a patient’s blood through an artifi- experts have questioned the quality of the matches. cial kidney that cleans it before returning it to the body. Cricket dominates on the subcontinent, and football at The hospital said the measure was a “temporary kidney the grassroots level has long been neglected. But organiz- support” and that no other treatment was currently required. ers said more than one million fans have turned out, with Pele, whose real name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento, is an average match attendance of 24,357, making it the widely regarded as the greatest player of all time. He was fourth most popular football league behind Germany’s admitted to hospital Monday and diagnosed with a urinary Bundesliga, the English Premier League and Spain’s La infection. After the hospital said Thursday that he had been Liga and ahead of Serie A. placed in intensive care, he took to Facebook and Twitter to “We have always believed that the sport of football, if insist that he was fine and had simply been moved to another given the right platform, has the potential for tremendous room for more privacy. growth in India,” an ISL spokesman said late Thursday. “I want to take this opportunity to let you know that I am Backed by some of the biggest names in business and doing fine,” he wrote. “I am blessed to receive your love and sport, the league is modeled on cricket’s glitzy Indian support, and thank God this is nothing serious. “I was simply Premier League. Bollywood A-listers and cricket stars are relocated to a special room within the hospital for privacy pur- co-owners of the eight city-based football franchises, while poses only. While I appreciate all the visitors that came to see Rupert Murdoch’s Star TV is broadcasting the games. India me, I really need to continue my treatment and recovery in has always fared poorly in world football rankings and cur- peace.” He said he would spend the upcoming holidays with rently stands at 159 out of 208 countries. But FIFA chief family and looked forward to beginning 2015 “with renewed Sepp Blatter has dubbed the world’s second most popu- health,” adding he had “many international trips already lous country the sleeping giant of football. — AFP planned.” His agent Jose Fornos said that the star was tired after receiving too many visits, and added that his treatment “could go on for eight days.” River edge Boca to reach Recent surgery final Pele underwent surgery for kidney stones at the same hos- pital on November 13. He had to cancel an appearance at his museum in Santos, on the coast near Sao Paulo, on November : River Plate will meet Atletico Nacional of HONG KONG: File picture shows football legend Pele ges- 12 as he began showing symptoms of the illness. And he was Colombia in the Copa Sudamericana final after the Argentine turing to head a cardboard football at a promotional press also forced to miss a gathering of members of the Brazil team side eked out a 1-0 home victory over arch-rivals . conference in Hong Kong. Brazil great Pele, 74, was taken that won the 1970 World Cup in Mexico, who had come Midfielder Leonardo Pisculichi scored the only goal of the into a special care unit in a Sao Paulo hospital after his together to mark the 45th anniversary of his 1,000th career match in the 16th minute of Thursday’s semi-final second leg at health worsened, three days after being admitted with a goal. El Monumental for a 1-0 aggregate win. The victory keeps urinary infection. —AFP But he appeared to be in good humor when he was River’s double dream alive although they were overtaken at the released from hospital two days later, joking with journalists: “I country and won his first World Cup aged just 17, scoring top of the Argentine league championship standings by Racing am ready to play tomorrow.” Nicknamed O Rei (The King), Pele twice in the 1958 final win over hosts Sweden. In 1977, he Club, who beat them 1-0 at the weekend. It is the second time was born in a humble home in the city of Tres Coracoes. He is inspired New York Cosmos to the US national title in his final River have reached the final of South America’s second-tier considered by many as the greatest footballer in history with season with the club, which featured fellow greats Franz intercontinental club competition after they lost to Peru’s his exploits for Brazil and a career that saw him score 1,281 Beckenbauer, Italian striker Giorgio Chinaglia and former Brazil Cienciano in 2003. Boca won the tournament in 2004 and 2005. goals in 1,363 games. He scored 77 goals in 91 games for his captain Carlos Alberto. — AFP River goalkeeper Marcelo Barovero saved a fourth minute penalty from striker Emmanuel Gigliotti, who had the ball in the net later in the match but was flagged offside. “We deserved a bit more,” said Boca’s former Atletico Madrid Chalmers holds a one-shot defender Daniel “Cata” Diaz, who was sent off in added time for kicking out at River’s Colombia striker Teofilo Gutierrez. Nacional advanced on Wednesday after beating 2012 winners lead at the Australian Open Sao Paulo 4-1 on penalties following a 1-0 defeat in Brazil. They had won the first leg 1-0 in Medellin. “I heard they (Nacional) wanted (to play) us, now they have us,” Gutierrez McIlroy lurking, Scott revived said of his fellow Colombians.— Reuters

SYDNEY: Australian Greg Chalmers pen on Sunday night.” a day to forget, bogeying two of his first held a one-shot lead at the halfway Northern Irishman McIlroy had an up four holes and finishing with a 72 to stage of the Australian Open yesterday and down round with an eagle, six drop to a share of sixth on three-under but defending champion Rory McIlroy birdies and six bogies for a share of sec- with three others. “It was a struggle, big was well-positioned for the weekend in ond with American Conrad Schindler as time struggle,” he said. “I wasn’t hitting a share of second place. Chalmers, twice well as Australians Adam Crawford and it well. If I wasn’t putting well I may a former winner of his national open, Todd Sinnott on four-under. “I felt like I have shot 45 on the back nine.” Scott snared his seventh birdie on the last had an opportunity today to shoot a was in a group of six players sharing green for a five-under-par 66 to edge good one and put a little bit of space ninth on two-under having soared back ahead of a congested leading pack at between myself and the rest of the field into contention with a blemish-free 66 five-under for the tournament. but it didn’t really turn out that way,” that was also fired by an eagle at the The 41-year-old was not getting too McIlroy said. “A few too many mistakes 14th. The 34-year-old former US carried away with his early lead, howev- and it was pretty tricky out there to be Masters champion, an early starter, held er, with the world number one on his honest. Swirling quite a bit, which made the course record on the newly-recon- heels after a second 69 and Adam Scott it hard for club selection. Misjudged a figured layout at The Australian Golf having revived his tournament with a few wedged shots and got bogies from Club for half an hour until Jamie sparkling 66. “I think it’s very early to be those. “I was happy with how I finished, Lovemark completed a round of 65. BUENOS AIRES: Boca Juniors’ midfielder Cesar Meli (front) talking about winning given who’s right picked up shots in four of the last five “We had a good morning for it, so I had vies for the ball with River Plate’s defender Leonel behind me and who’s playing very holes and I’m still in a good position to take advantage just for the sake of Vangioni during their Copa Sudamericana 2014 semifinals well,” he told reporters. “Very early to heading into tomorrow.” getting back in the tournament,” Scott second leg football match at the Monumental stadium in be thinking about what’s going to hap- Overnight leader Jordan Spieth had said. — Reuters Buenos Aires, Argentina, on November 27, 2014. — AFP SPORTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 Bayern aim to learn from Man City lesson in Berlin

BERLIN: Pep Guardiola wants Bayern Munich to learn from captain Bastian Schweinsteiger is set to be named on the sidelined until 2015 with the foot injury which kept him out of their mid-week Champions League defeat at Manchester City bench again having made brief appearances against the Chelsea drubbing, while striker Klaas-Jan Huntelaar is just to help strengthen their iron grip on the Bundesliga at Hertha Hoffenheim last weekend and City following a knee strain one yellow card away from suspension. Last season’s runners- Berlin today. Bayern have a seven-point lead at the top of the which had sidelined him since July’s World Cup final. up Borussia Dortmund are at mid-table Eintracht Frankfurt on table, but are licking the wounds from their first defeat in 22 Sunday looking to escape the bottom three having lost seven games on Tuesday although they had already made the last Battle royal of their 12 opening league games. They will be looking for a 16 in Europe as group winners. “It’s good that it’s happened There promises to be a battle royal in the pack chasing much needed confidence booster after their Champions and maybe there’s a lesson in it for us,” said Guardiola. “If it Bayern as second-placed Wolfsburg host third-placed Borussia League defeat at Arsenal. happens in the Round of 16 or the quarter-finals, you’re out, Moenchengladbach with both sides looking to bounce back Dortmund coach Jurgen Klopp is down to his second- so we have to learn from this.” from respective league defeats last weekend to Schalke and choice centre-back pairing of Neven Subotic and Matthias Defender Jerome Boateng has insisted Bayern will bounce Eintracht Frankfurt. Gladbach will be without suspended Swiss Ginter with Mats Hummels and Sokratis Papastathopoulos back in his home city of Berlin. Mid-table Hertha have shown defensive midfielder Granit Xhaka, who was sent off against both recovering from a sprained ankle and calf injury respec- little to cast doubt on that having only won four of their last Frankfurt. Yesterday, Dutch coach Huub Stevens took charge tively. Werder Bremen, who posted loses of nearly 10 million 10 games. Bayern have good memories of the Olympic of bottom side VfB Stuttgart at Freiburg having been named euros in mid-week, need a win at home to Paderborn as they Stadium as their 3-1 win there in March saw them claim last as Armin Veh’s successor on Tuesday. It will his second stint at look to climb up from second from bottom. North German season’s title with a record seven games to spare. Germany the club having kept them up last season as caretaker coach. neighbors Hamburg are at sixth-placed Augsburg with captain Schalke, who are seventh, have to pick up the pieces of their 5- Rafael van der Vaart having admitted he is prepared to take a 0 mid-week thrashing at home to Chelsea in the Champions pay-cut with his contact, worth 3.5 million euros, set to expire League when they host mid-table Mainz after Roberto di at the end of the season. Fourth-placed Bayer Leverkusen host Matches on TV Matteo suffered his first home defeat in his eighth game in neighbors Cologne in the Rhine derby having reached the (Local Timings) charge. Champions League last 16 despite losing 1-0 at home to Di Matteo is without Cameroon defender Joel Matip, who is Monaco on Wednesday.— AFP ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE West Brom v Arsenal 15:45 beIN SPORTS 1 HD Juve favorites for Turin Liverpool v Stoke 18:00 beIN SPORTS 11 HD Man United v Hull City 18:00 derby, Roma host Inter beIN SPORTS 1 HD Burnley v Aston Villa 18:00 MILAN: Champions Juventus host Torino in the ‘Derby della Napoli, nine points adrift of Juve and six behind Roma, also beIN SPORTS 6 HD Mole’ tomorrow looking to reinforce their lead over title rivals qualified for the Europa League’s round of 32 thanks to a QPR v Leicester 18:00 Roma, who host Inter Milan in what will be Roberto Mancini’s scoreless draw at Sparta Prague. However Rafael Benitez’s beIN SPORTS 7 HD second game in charge of the Nerazzurri. Following a morale- men face another daunting trip on Monday to Sampdoria, West Ham v Newcastle 18:00 boosting Champions League win over Malmo, Juventus who are only a point adrift and unbeaten at home in six beIN SPORTS 3 HD returned to Turin on a high on Thursday with renewed hope games. Milan return to the San Siro tomorrow looking for their Swansea v Crystal Palace 18:00 of qualifying for the last 16 of the competition for the first time first win in six games when they host Udinese. A run of four beIN SPORTS 8 HD in two years. Having won all five home games in Serie A this draws and one defeat has left Pippo Inzaghi’s men in seventh Sunderland v Chelsea 20:30 season, Massimiliano Allegri’s side are expected to claim three place 13 points behind Juve but only four behind Napoli in the beIN SPORTS 1 HD points against a Torino side that was whistled off the pitch at closest Champions League qualifying spot.—AFP the Stadio Olimpico following a 1-0 home defeat to Sassuolo SPANISH LEAGUE last week. Indeed Torino’s last victory over the Bianconeri goes back Lyon put unbeaten Getafe v Bilbao 18:00 to the 1994-95 season, when they beat their city rivals home beIN SPORTS 2 HD (3-2) and away (2-1), and they last hit the back of the Juventus run on line in derby Espanyol v Levante 20:00 net in February 2002 when the sides drew 2-2. Since then beIN SPORTS 6 HD Juventus have won 12 and drawn four Turin derbies and are PARIS: A resurgent Lyon will be looking to extend their Malaga v Real Madrid 22:00 likely to again deploy the 4-3-1-2 formation that outclassed impressive unbeaten run in Ligue 1 when they make the beIN SPORTS 2 HD Lazio 3-0 away last week. Defender Simone Padoin, sent off for short trip to face great rivals Saint-Etienne tomorrow. Celta de Vigo v SD Eibar 0:00 the final 20 minutes in Rome, sits out a one-match ban for Hubert Fournier’s side have recovered from a poor start to beIN SPORTS 6 HD tomorrow allowing Patrice Evra to return to the fray. Central the campaign by going 10 games unbeaten since the defender Leonardo Bonucci has applauded the move away beginning of September to climb to third in the table, four ITALIAN LEAGUE from a 3-5-2 tactical system which he believes has allowed points off top spot coming into the weekend. And while Juve to spread their wings in Europe. the two local rivals are as closely-matched as they have Sassuolo Calcio v Verona 20:00 “Our tactical changes have made us stronger and more been for many years, Lyon may be slight favorites as they beIN SPORTS 3 HD enterprising in Europe,” Bonucci said after Wednesday’s win in make the 60-kilometre trip to take on Les Verts at the AC Chievo Verona v Lazio 22:45 Sweden. “Sometimes it means we find ourselves on a one-on- Stade Geoffory-Guichard, where they have won on each of beIN SPORTS 3 HD one situation in defense, but it gives us more options in attack. their last seven visits. Under former Lyon assistant coach Now we have the derby and, as always, only victory matters.” Christophe Galtier, Saint-Etienne finished above OL last GERMAN LEAGUE Roma will host Inter without Vasilis Torosidis (calf), who has season for the first time since 1993 and are unbeaten in Bayer 04 v Koln 17:30 joined a casualty list already missing fellow defenders Maicon, their last five league outings. beIN SPORTS 9 HD Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa and Leandro Castan. Rudi Garcia’s side However, they have been struggling badly to score could welcome back Dutch midfielder Kevin Strootman, who goals this season and will have just 72 hours to recover for Hertha Berlin v Bayern 17:30 came on as a late substitute away to CSKA Moscow in mid- the game after Thursday’s Europa League clash with beIN SPORTS 4 HD week but copped some of the blame for the Russians’ last- Qarabag of Azerbaijan. Indeed, an overdue return to conti- Hoffenheim v Hannover 96 20:30 gasp leveller. nental competition has dominated the thoughts of Galtier beIN SPORTS 4 HD The 1-1 result, along with Manchester City’s shock 3-2 win this season, and before the clash with Qarabag he said: over Bayern Munich, left Roma’s last 16 hopes hanging in the “We have not been used to playing in Europe and we FRENCH LEAGUE balance-although club bosses responded by letting players off dream of going further in the competition.” In contrast, Paris Saint-Germain v Nice 19:00 the leash long enough to visit a Moscow strip club. “After the Lyon’s early European exit has allowed them to prepare beIN SPORTS 5 HD result in Manchester the team needed a little distraction and peacefully for the 109th derby, and they will welcome Racing Club de Lens v Metz 22:00 they did so in a spirit of friendship and togetherness,” back talented youngster Nabil Fekir after a ban, although beIN SPORTS 6 HD explained sporting director Walter Sabatini. Whether Roma’s the injury-plagued Yoann Gourcuff is again set to miss out. few hours of freedom has defused enough tension to create a Leaders Marseille entertain Nantes at the Stade Stade Rennes v Monaco 22:00 competitive edge for meeting Inter tomorrow remains to be Velodrome on Friday evening as the best attack in Ligue 1 beIN SPORTS 8 HD seen. Inter travel to the capital a week after holding city rivals host the side with the best defense. Nantes are fourth in Toulouse v Lorient 22:00 Milan to a 1-1 draw and only three days after Thursday’s 2-1 the table after a fine run of nine games without defeat but beIN SPORTS 9 HD Europa League win over Dnipro which secured their ticket to OM coach Marcelo Bielsa will welcome back several key Caen v Montpellier HSC 22:00 the last 32 of the competition. players, including Nicolas Nkoulou, Alaixys Romao and beIN SPORTS 5 HD It was Mancini’s 50th birthday on Thursday but his focus is Jeremy Morel. “They are a team who are difficult to break Stade de Reims v Bastia 22:00 firmly on getting Inter back to winning ways and reducing the down and who defend very well with a sharp sense for hit- beIN SPORTS 7 HD 14-point gap to Juventus. “We will need some time, but our ting on the counter-attack,” said Bielsa, who will again be objective is to get back to winning as much as possible and without Andre Ayew, of the Canaries.— AFP quickly,” Mancini said. “We’re aiming for a third place finish.” SPORTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014

Spanish La Liga table

MADRID: Spanish La Liga table ahead of the weekend’s matches Arsenal, Liverpool (played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points):

Real Madrid 12 10 0 2 46 11 30 Barcelona 12 9 1 2 30 6 28 seek to halt drift Atletico Madrid 12 8 2 2 23 12 26 Valencia 12 7 3 2 24 11 24 Sevilla 12 7 2 3 19 16 23 LONDON: Arsenal and Liverpool will each attempt to arrest Barcelona player, who has already contributed 10 goals to the Malaga 12 6 3 3 15 12 21 Celta Vigo 12 5 5 2 17 12 20 damaging sequences of results when they return to Premier Chelsea cause this term. “The mood is great and hopefully it Villarreal 12 5 3 4 17 14 18 League action this weekend following mid-week exertions in will grow as the season goes on because you know that for the Athletic Bilbao 12 4 3 5 10 13 15 the Champions League. The two teams have fallen out of title next two months it’s going to be really, really tough-a lot of Getafe 12 4 2 6 9 16 14 contention over recent weeks, with Arsenal now 15 points games.” Southampton’s hold on second place faces a stiff test Rayo Vallecano 12 4 2 6 15 24 14 behind leaders Chelsea following consecutive losses and over the next fortnight, with successive games against Eibar 12 3 4 5 13 19 13 Liverpool three points further back after three straight defeats. Manchester City, Arsenal and Manchester United on their Levante 12 3 3 6 9 26 12 Arsenal’s poor form has seen manager Arsene Wenger’s 18- schedule. Third-place City arrive at St Mary’s tomorrow, Espanyol 12 2 5 5 12 16 11 year stewardship called into question as rarely before, amid buoyed by a stunning 3-2 victory over Bayern Munich on Granada 12 2 5 5 6 17 11 concerns that a climate of tolerated under-achievement has Tuesday that breathed fresh life into their Champions League Real Sociedad 12 2 4 6 12 16 10 Almeria 12 2 4 6 9 14 10 infiltrated the club. However, Wednesday’s 2-0 victory over campaign. Deportivo 12 2 4 6 12 21 10 Borussia Dortmund in the Champions League saw Arsenal United, meanwhile, have crept into fourth place, five points Elche 12 2 4 6 12 24 10 reach the last 16 for the 15th consecutive season, boosting behind City, after their smash-and-grab victory at Arsenal last Cordoba 12 0 7 5 10 20 7 morale ahead of today’s trip to West Bromwich Albion. “We weekend. Louis van Gaal’s side host Hull City today, when vic- have to show character and that is what makes me really hap- tory would enable the 20-time champions to register a third py for the next few games, because we have to sharpen up in consecutive league victory for the first time since December ‘Buoyant’ Barcelona the Premier League as well,” said Arsenal’s German centre- 2013. Newcastle, who trail United on goal difference, visit back Per Mertesacker. West Ham United, who are a point further back in sixth place target Valencia scalp “Today is a good chance to show to everyone that we are after losing 2-1 at Everton last weekend. There is a basement still alive. We have to come back in the Premier League and battle at the foot of the table, with bottom club Queens Park MADRID: A Lionel Messi-inspired Barcelona vanquished some that is the next target.” Victory over Dortmund came at a cost, Rangers hosting third-bottom Leicester City, while second- early season doubts with back-to-back thrashings of Sevilla with Spanish midfielder Mikel Arteta joining a host of players bottom Burnley will be seeking a third straight win when they and APOEL Nicosia in the past week thanks to two hat-tricks on the sidelines after injuring his calf. Jack Wilshere has been entertain Villa.—AFP from the Argentine as he became the all-time leading scorer ruled out for three months after undergoing ankle surgery, in both La Liga and the Champions League. Luis Enrique’s but goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny should return from the hip English Premier League table men are expected to face a tougher test tomorrow, though, injury he sustained in last Saturday’s 2-1 loss at home to when they travel to a Valencia side that are unbeaten at home Manchester United. Liverpool host Stoke City today having LONDON: English Premier League table ahead of the weekend’s matches so far this season. Messi’s treble in Nicosia on Tuesday over- slumped to 12th place in the table after successive defeats by (played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points): shadowed Luis Suarez’s first goal for the club in a comfortable Newcastle United, Chelsea and Crystal Palace. Chelsea 12 10 2 0 30 11 32 4-0 win as the Catalans remained on the tails of Paris Saint- They also received a setback in the Champions League, Southampton 12 8 2 2 24 6 26 Germain for top spot in Group F. conceding an 88th-minute equalizer to draw 2-2 at Man City 12 7 3 2 24 13 24 Enrique was delighted with his side’s display in the Cypriot Ludogorets Razgrad, but can still secure a place in the knock- Man Utd 12 5 4 3 19 15 19 out phase by beating Basel at home next month. Welsh mid- capital, claiming this was the Barca side he “wanted to see for Newcastle 12 5 4 3 14 15 19 fielder Joe Allen believes Brendan Rodgers’s side should draw the rest of the season.” The former Spanish international will West Ham 12 5 3 4 20 16 18 also have the luxury of recalling Claudio Bravo, Sergio encouragement from their display in Bulgaria, saying: “The Swansea 12 5 3 4 16 13 18 Busquets and Neymar to his starting line-up as they were rest- manager mentioned that it was almost like a fresh start and ed in midweek in preparation for the trip to Mestalla. we see it that way as players. “It’s up to us to turn it around Arsenal 12 4 5 3 20 15 17 Valencia’s title aspirations have faltered in recent weeks as and it is now back to Premier League action at the weekend. Everton 12 4 5 3 22 19 17 they were beaten 2-1 by local rivals Levante last weekend and We are looking forward to giving everything to get three Tottenham 12 5 2 5 16 17 17 held to a 0-0 draw by Athletic Bilbao last time out at home. points.” Stoke 12 4 3 5 13 15 15 Alvaro Negredo was finally fit enough to make his full debut Liverpool 12 4 2 6 15 18 14 for the club at Levante. The former Manchester City striker Fabregas buoyant West Brom 12 3 4 5 13 17 13 looked decidedly rusty having not completed 90 minutes Second-place Southampton’s 1-1 draw at Aston Villa last Sunderland 12 2 7 3 12 19 13 since March, but he believes Barca can be exposed tomorrow. Monday means that Chelsea’s advantage at the summit has Crystal Palace 12 3 3 6 17 21 12 “Barcelona will be confident because they had a great win swelled to six points ahead of their visit to 14th-place Aston Villa 12 3 3 6 6 17 12 last week, but we are playing at home and need the three Sunderland today. Jose Mourinho’s side cruised into the Hull 12 2 5 5 14 17 11 points,” he told Valencia’s website. “We know how difficult a Champions League last 16 with a breezy 5-0 win at Schalke on Leicester 12 2 4 6 11 18 10 Tuesday and in-form midfielder Cesc Fabregas says their foot- game it will be, even if Barcelona aren’t at their best level. Burnley 12 2 4 6 8 20 10 ball is as enjoyable to create as it is to watch. They won’t make things easy for us, but at home we have QPR 12 2 2 8 11 23 8 played well, we feel comfortable and hopefully we can get the “We have a very young, talented team,” said the former three points we want.” Real Madrid will have the chance to stretch their lead over Barca at the top of the table to five points when they go for a club record 16th consecutive win in all competitions at Malaga today. Playmaker Isco has played a Mourinho in search of pivotal part in that run, filling a number of positions during the absence of Gareth Bale through injury and now in a cen- tral midfield role as Luka Modric is sidelined. Sunderland revenge And the 22-year-old can expect a hero’s welcome on his return to La Rosaleda after guiding Malaga to the quarter- finals of the Champions League in 2012/13 before sealing a 30 SUNDERLAND: Jose Mourinho will extended the Blues’ unbeaten start to the direction,” he added. Cesc Fabregas had a million euro move to the European champions. “It is always attempt to overturn a landmark defeat season to 19 games in all competitions. A hand in four of the goals that crushed very special to return home. Malaga gave me everything, but when Premier League leaders Chelsea visit demanding schedule between now and Schalke and the Spain midfielder said he now I have to defend another shirt and I am happy here,” he Sunderland this weekend. The last time the turn of the year will test Mourinho’s was playing the best football of his career said. “Hopefully we can win again and keep this good run the two clubs met was in April when Gus squad, but with their main rivals regularly following his close season switch from going.” Champions Atletico Madrid could also move above Poyet’s Sunderland’s side-then rooted at dropping points, it is hard to see their Barcelona. “I am playing next to great Barcelona into second place for a few hours at least when they the foot of the table-pulled off a shock win commanding lead being whittled away in players and they are playing very well and host struggling Deportivo la Coruna to the Vicente Calderon at Stamford Bridge. Defeat brought an end the foreseeable future. Unlike other lead- are helping me,” the former Arsenal play- in tomorrow’s early game. to Mourinho’s 77-game unbeaten home ing Premier League clubs, Chelsea have maker said. “We have a young, talented Meanwhile, David Moyes will get his first experience of league run in two spells as Chelsea man- managed to negotiate the opening team and the mood at the training ground leading Real Sociedad at home when Elche visit Anoeta on ager and helped derail the Blues title bid. months of the campaign without losing is great.” Friday night. The former Manchester United boss got off to an Mourinho’s side have not lost in the key players to long-term injury. underwhelming start with a 0-0 draw away to Deportivo last league since and last weekend’s one-sided And defender Branislav Ivanovic said: Great escape weekend and has his sights set on pulling away from the rele- dismissal of West Bromwich Albion helped “We are playing as a team at the moment. Connor Wickham scored in gation zone as quickly as possible. “What I really want is an extend the club’s lead at the head of the It’s still an early stage of the year and we Sunderland’s 2-1 win in west London sev- exciting, fast, united team that show how determined they are Premier League to six points after just 12 know how many games we have to play en months ago that helped them pull off to play well for the club,” he said. “Can we get that from the games. until the end of the season to win tro- their escape from relegation, and the for- first game at home? I don’t know, but that is the plan and that The 5-0 victory at Schalke in midweek phies. We have games every three days mer England Under-21 international insist- is what we want. “I want the fans to see a good team perform- confirmed Chelsea’s place in the knockout now. “At the moment we are very calm ed another surprise result shouldn’t be ance, but most importantly I want three points.” — AFP stage of the Champions League and and everyone is thinking in the same ruled out. —AFP Seahawks Lions and Eagles beat rivals on Thanksgiving Day SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 SATURDAY, SportsSports 43

LONDON: Tottenham Hotspur’s English midfielder Aaron Lennon (right) is crowded off the ball during the UEFA Europa League group C football match between Tottenham Hotspur and Partizan Belgrade at White Hart Lane in north London, on November 27, 2014. — AFP Feyenoord victory leaves Sevilla sweating Spurs-Partizan game halted by pitch invaders LONDON: Feyenoord’s Karim El Ahmadi scored a superb goal to minutes in the first half after three separate pitch invaders, wearing In a difficult week for German teams, Manchester City beat help them into the Europa League last 32 with a 2-0 win over identical branded t-shirts, gave security guards the run around. Bayern Munich, Arsenal downed Borussia Dortmund and Chelsea Sevilla on Thursday that left the holders facing a winner-takes-all “The behavior of these people was to show who or what I don’t thrashed Schalke 04 in the Champions League. “It was a perfect final game to stay in the competition. The former European cham- know,” Spurs manager Mauricio Pochettino told reporters. “For all away performance. Our counter-attacks were lethal and I thought pions led nine teams-Everton, Napoli, Trabzonspor, Celtic, the people that love the game it was very disappointing, a very we were outstanding,” Martinez told the Merseyside club’s website Tottenham Hotspur, Dynamo Kiev, Besiktas and Inter Milan-into the strange situation.” Tottenham and Besiktas, who drew 2-2 with (www.evertonfc.com). It was a good night for the three Italian sides knockout stage of Europe’s second tier competition, setting up a Asteras Tripolis, meet in their final match to decide who finishes in the competition. Napoli made the knockout stage after a 0-0 nervy finale for others. top of Group C. draw at Sparta Prague gave them a top two finish in Group I, Inter However, Feyenoord can take it easy in their final outing after Milan beat Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk 2-1 to clinch top spot in Group F they scored early in the second half through Jens Toornstra and Higher priority and Fiorentina wrapped up Group K with a 2-1 win at Guingamp. wrapped up the points when El Ahmadi received a bouncing ball With a Champions League place up for grabs for this season’s Scottish side Celtic lost 3-1 at home to Group D winners and struck a precise, looping finish. The result compounded a mis- Europa League winners, many teams have placed a higher priority Salzburg, but still made it through as guaranteed runners-up erable week for Sevilla who were thrashed 5-1 by Barcelona in La on the competition, with Everton manager Roberto Martinez behind the Austrian outfit, while Trabzonspor reached the last 32 Liga today and must now get at least a point against Croatian side among those who have welcomed the mountain of extra fixtures. from Group L with a 3-1 home win over Metalist Kharkiv. Salzburg, Rijeka in their final Group G game to continue the defense of their His side reached the last 32 with a 2-0 win at VfL Wolfsburg with Fiorentina, Legia Warsaw and Dynamo Moscow had already title. goals from Romelu Lukaku and Kevin Mirallas to ensure they will booked places in the knockout phase in the last round, with the Tottenham Hotspur beat Partizan Belgrade 1-0 with a goal from finish top of Group H. Wolfsburg are flying high in second place in Russians maintaining their perfect group stage record in a 2-1 Benjamin Stambouli four minutes into the second half, but the the Bundesliga but they were outplayed by an incisive Everton side comeback win at home to Panathinaikos on Thursday. The eight match will be remembered for what appeared to be a bizarre pub- who became the latest English team to inflict defeat on German teams who finish third in their Champions League groups will drop licity stunt. The referee took the players off the pitch for about 10 opposition. into the competition in the last 32. — Reuters