
Traektoriâ Nauki = Path of Science. 2018. Vol. 4, No 2 ISSN 2413-9009

Abstract Objects in a Metaphysical Perspective

Aleksandr Kulieshov 1

1 Cherkasy State Technological University 460 Shevchenko Boulevard, 18006, Cherkasy, Ukraine

DOI: 10.22178/pos.31-1 Abstract. The article presents an unconventional although not LСC Category: BD95-131 absolutely unprecedented view on abstract objects defending the

position of metaphysical realism. It is argued that abstract objects Received 21.01.2018 taken in purely ontological are the forms of objects. The forms Accepted 14.02.2018 possess some common characteristics of abstract objects, they can Published online 25.02.2018 exist not in physical and and play a grounding role in their relation to concrete objects. It is stated that commonly discussed Corresponding Author: abstract objects – properties, kinds, mathematical objects – are forms. [email protected]

© 2018 The Author. This article is Keywords: ; abstract objects; metaphysical realism; licensed under a Creative Commons nominalism; forms; spatio-temporal characteristics; grounding. Attribution 4.0 License

INTRODUCTION generally accepted standard understanding of its subject . The defining characteristics of Abstract objects are of two major interests for abstract objects are three according to S. Cowl- philosophers and scientists. Firstly they are the ing: 1) lack of any causal role in the world; 2) lack referents of scientific and everyday speech. of spatiotemporal location; 3) special epistemic Without referring to abstract objects scientific access to them [2, p. 2]. This is quite standard and everyday language would be deprived of the representation of abstract objects. Philosophers means of generalization what would be fatal for discern different kinds of them, particularly: science and nearly so for everyday communica- mathematical entities, properties and, proposi- tion. Secondly they are the key item of metaphys- tions [2, p. 3]. One may add natural kinds as one ics. Their clear understanding reveals what sort of the most significant group of abstract objects. of we live in. The problem of abstract ob- jects is commonly admitted as central to modern The theme of abstract objects is well elaborated. philosophy dealing with metaphysical problems. New in this domain of philosophy seem in- evitably to be a reminder of very old and well Philosophical texts of the last decades show spe- known ones. Such is the J. Porter Moreland’s in- cial and not decreasing interest for the problem terpretation of the problem of universals as that which has the form of the discussion between concerning “One and Many” problem [12, p. 11]. two conceptions of abstract objects. One is tradi- There is also thoroughly developed standard sys- tionally marked as metaphysical realism another tems of arguments and counter-arguments for as nominalism. Sometimes realism is associated and against realism and nominalism. Arguments with Platonism, sometimes there is more sophis- against nominalism in details are formulated in a ticated distinction between realism and Platon- paper of Z. G. Szabo [14], most widely used ism like that argued in the book of W. L. Craig [3, among them – indispensability argument and the p. 13]. The difference is in the scope of abstract context [14, pp. 29, 33]. One should objects but both variants accept some. So we may note also the refutation of nominalism by G. call the both “metaphysical realists”. The contro- Rosen [13]. Well-grounded arguments against versy of metaphysical realists and nominalists realism may be found in C. Dorr’s chapter in has long history which cannot be traced here. “Contemporary Debates in Metaphysics” which Still some recent traits should be noted. There is are based on the contrast between superficial

Section “Phylosophy” 2001 Traektoriâ Nauki = Path of Science. 2018. Vol. 4, No 2 ISSN 2413-9009 and more profound way of talking about abstract when “reality considered in itself is like some objects [4, p. 9–11]. F. MacBride analysing the amorphous dough and our are like contemporary debate on universals finds the es- cookie cutters, carving up reality into objects” [6, sence of differences in the understanding by phi- p. 383]. losophers of the degree and character of orderli- Another vision of reality (represented in this pa- ness in the [11, p. 278]. per) presupposes that reality is not chaotic. Such The contemporary realists-nominalists dispute vision needs the differentiation of reality from reminds of а grandmasters’ chess game in which the human cognitive process. Accordingly there all the debut moves are long known, counted and are two principally different ways of for foreseen. Arguments and counter-arguments be- abstract objects – as they exist by themselves (if come more and more subtle but do not go be- they exist at all) and as they exist within human yond some limits. The dispute seems to move by . of abstract objects regard- circle. The necessity is felt to view the problem less of their cognition is seen as a special aspect from another point which may be not absolutely of their problem. The question is whether this new but has not been in a focus of interest at the aspect can be differentiated from the cognitive recent phase of debate. The objective of this pa- one. The common belief of analytical philoso- per is to present such unconventional view de- phers (especially nominalists) is that it cannot. fending the position of metaphysical realism. The decisive premise of this paper, on the con- Two main questions will be answered: How else trary, is that independently existing abstract ob- (besides known definitions) can be defined the jects are conceivable. Our cognitive ability of ab- objects generally called abstract? What does their straction may go further than constructing ab- real existence mean? stract objects. We can abstract as well from the process of abstraction leaving ‘within the brack- ets” just the objects and their objective existence. RESULT AND DISCUSSION This is purely metaphysical point of view and We have to define with new degree of precision from now on abstract objects will be understood the objects of our interest. It is the task to find this way only. new boundaries of a known phenomenon. First Limiting and purifying the understanding of ab- of all let`s take apart two principally incompati- stract objects we need to part with equivocation ble viewpoints on abstract objects. One is onto- of existing objects and objects’ existence. Exis- logical, another – epistemological. They are tence is not a rare ground to the solution of the commonly go together at philosophical texts of abstract objects problem. Contrast between ab- analytic orientation. Abstract objects are defined stract and concrete objects is often seen as the having properties of lacking locality, causal neu- two types of existence. It is not a real solution but trality and special cognitive access as though the transference of the difficulties in abstract ob- these properties are of the same type. It seems jects analyses to the new and more obscure natural to regard abstract objects as a result of sphere of existence. The perspective of finding abstraction. Logic of such research strategy is right decision becomes more vague as that abstractness is a sort of mental representa- G. Imaguire reasonably notices “we have far too tion, which may well refer on not refer to reality. many different conceptions of existence; and The central point of discussion becomes the possibly worse, we have different concepts of ex- problem of reference to abstract objects. How istence” [9, p. 376]. There is another way to solve imperceptible objects could be referred to is the problem of abstract objects by means of exis- qualified as the fundamental point in philosophi- tence analyses. One does not identify abstract cal theories of reference [8, p. 50]. The search for objects with a special form of existence but uses -conditions based on the context principle the known, well studied forms. Such is the juxta- of G. Frege becomes in this case the way of expla- position of concrete and abstract objects with nation [8, p. 51]. The aim is, according to actual and possible existence. This conception M. Dummett , to find “some content” unites the spheres of abstract objects and possi- while identifying the referent of abstract singular ble worlds [1, p. 238]. As a matter of fact this terms [5, p. 65]. Why reality is liable to such con- conception ruins the very phenomenon of ab- structive efforts by human is out of ques- stract objects as they become indiscernible from tion here. The most suitable image of this treat- the possible objects. Our analysis is based on rec- ment of the problem is, in M. Eklund words, ognizing the actual existence of abstract objects

Section “Phylosophy” 2002 Traektoriâ Nauki = Path of Science. 2018. Vol. 4, No 2 ISSN 2413-9009 as only this way the problem becomes worth concrete relation in a broader context. The most thinking about. Another kind of using the known general context is marked by the term ‘determin- form of existence in explaining abstract objects is ism’, in particular is a kind of determin- the presentist conception of A. Filomeno. Ab- ism. If we cannot say about abstract objects in stract entities exist according to it in the same terms of causality, we can analyse the determi- way as past and future things exist [7, p. 177]. At nistic role of abstract objects. least the former and he latter share such proper- The sort of associated with abstract ties as the lack of locality and causal inactiveness. objects is grounding. Abstract objects (if they ex- This analogy is interesting and may have some ist) ground the existence of concrete objects. By ontological grounds but hardly reveals the es- grounding we mean the objects existence of sence of abstract objects. Abstract objects seem which is necessary for the existence of other to be something more fundamental than a mere (grounded) objects but not vice versa. Without representation of a form of time. abstract objects (as we conceive them) no con- The main of this part of discussion is that crete objects exist. It may be said however that existence of abstract objects is not abstract exis- without concrete objects abstract ones don’t exist tence. It is no use to differentiate existence be- as well and so this is not the case of grounding. cause of its extreme abstract character. Existence The answer is this. When it goes about particular is existence and our intuitive understanding of objects a concrete does not exist without the term is enough here. Surely the existence of abstract but any abstract object can exist without abstract objects as real is extremely important to any of the concrete. Surely abstract objects need explain. Such explanation appears to be the ulti- for its existence something concrete. But all con- mate point of discussion. Still the very term of crete objects do not pre-exist before every one of existence does nothing to solve the problem. We them. And every one of them is not unique and may part with it to continue the search. therefore is grounded by abstract objects. Standard of abstract objects properties in- It is commonly acknowledged that abstract ob- cludes lack of causal power. Note that negative jects are not located in space. Less common are is already questionable. What do ab- statements about their timelessness. It is mostly stract objects possess instead of causal power? this point which causes difficulties in defending Lack of interaction with concrete spatial objects the reality of abstract objects. Absolute spaceless makes it difficult to define the place of abstract and timeless existence is the mark of strictly Pla- objects in the world structure. It looks like there tonist type of metaphysical realism. Today the is no connection between different kinds of ob- main line is represented by a more moderate jects. Lack of causal power should not be just kind of realism. Abstract objects are not abso- stated, it must be explained and the ties of ab- lutely excluded from time and space. Not pos- stract objects with other parts of reality must be sessing “a determinate temporal and spatial revealed. Not going into discussion of causal properties of the same kind as concrete physical problems in metaphysics let`s just take into ac- objects or events”, as S. Klausen points out, they count far from clear understanding of this phe- “should not commit us to view them as trans- nomenon. There are too many explanations of temporal or trans-spatial” [10, p. 4]. Even if ab- the of causal relation and how it works in stract objects are not themselves spatiotemporal modern philosophy. in physical sense they somehow are connected When it is said that abstract objects lack causal with spatiotemporal objects. They exist by means power the cause is understood as a physical in- of spatiotemporal objects, so they are indirectly teraction factor. Causality means the contact be- spatiotemporal themselves. But obviously this tween physical objects in time and space leading locality of abstract objects is indirect. They lack to some spatial changes. Abstract objects obvi- immediate physical locality. How it is possible ously don’t act this way. But if abstract objects looks somewhat like a mystery, if we are not in- exist they have to be somehow involved in causal clined to use the world conception. processes, though apparently indirectly. They It may be that this is the principal point in resolv- have to be connected with concrete causes and ing the problem of abstract objects. We are in effects. This connection may be not directly need to change our physical outlook according to causal but it must have something in common claims of metaphysics and this is not encouraged with causality. So we have to view the abstract- in our today’s naturalistic discourse. One possible

Section “Phylosophy” 2003 Traektoriâ Nauki = Path of Science. 2018. Vol. 4, No 2 ISSN 2413-9009 way to go out of trouble is not to refuse from the many in which parts of an object may space-time but to generalize it. We may be connected. It is acceptable to say also about present locality in physical sense as not the only one general form of an object compiled of other or even the necessary characteristic of space and forms. time taken in a perspective. Then we Naturally forms are not in physical could speak about abstract space and time draw- object (although an abstract or – better to say – a ing the line between the abstract and the con- formal object is identical with its forms). Talking crete analogously to objects. For mathematically about something non-formal in physical objects it thinking at least it seems not unnatural. would be pertinent to apply one more Aristote- The problem of deterministic relation of physi- lian term – “matter”. Matter is, first of all, the cally non-spatial abstract and physical spatial ob- uniqueness of an object, something which cannot jects looks even more complex. Any ties in physi- be duplicated therefore not existing in different cal world are seen by the modern theoretical locations. Forms coincide in a way with objects mind as fundamentally spatial. Even admitting and it may raise the question about their exis- non-spatial objects and their physical effective- tence. If a form (say – a general form) is identical ness we need to answer the question: what real- with an object we have no reason to admit it as ity connects both abstract and physical objects – something specially existing. Metaphysical un- spatial or non-spatial? One instance of such ques- derstanding of existence however makes this tionable relation is that of mind and body. Ab- situation unproblematic. “Existence of some- stract objects in general are no less problematic thing” in the most general and abstract sense in this sense. And again we have to construct means just “differing of something from every- some sort of common environment for physically thing other than this”. To exist is to be different spatial and physically non-spatial objects if we from all other entities. Forms differ from every- intend to provide a place for abstract objects thing which is not a form particularly from for- within the known to us Universe. malized objects. Therefore forms do exist. For closer defining abstract objects in meta- Locality and non-locality (in physical sense) is physical sense we have to make this based on different types of relations. There are purely ontological. It is the task to abstract from spatial relations which are created by spatial abstraction, concentrating exclusively on object. parts of objects and tie objects to special (unique) We should search for something within objects localities. There are, conversely, non-spatial rela- (taking the word “within” in metaphorical sense tions – structural, functional, typological, which not having in mind spatial location). It should be in themselves are realized without localization in a part of object in most general sense of the term space. Relations, as it was stated before, define “part” (not spatial) and something coinciding in the character of forms. Hence forms may be local the same time with an object. There is a well- and non-local. One can assume as well that every known term for such an item, namely “the form “. has both spatial and non-spatial Taking general idea from we should try forms. Spatial forms define localization of objects. to define it more precisely. The form as it seems It may be called “the local forms” of an object. A at first sight can be identified as structural parts local form is made of material parts of an object of an object connected in some way. For instance and in this sense may be termed also “the mate- geometrical form is made of parts connected by rial form”. There are, besides, non-local forms of some spatial relation. Let’s take more strict defi- an object. They are made of parts which relate nition – a form is a complex of an object's con- independently of locality of a physical object. stituents being in one type relation. This relation Components of such forms may have locality but makes the whole out of parts of an object and dif- their locality don’t influence the form, locality is ferentiates one whole from other such wholes. left behind non-local forms. Their peculiarities The form apparently is not identical with its con- are not defined by locality, so they exist out of stituents, it is something more complex. It is also physical space in some sense. Non-local forms not a mere sum of constituents, it embrace their lacking spatial features have another type of relation in its peculiarity (not relation itself but identification. They are not identical by identical specific relation). Neither it is a mere relation, it placement. Their therefore is qualitative is something being in relation. An object obvi- (not numerical). Nothing differentiates one form ously has not one form but many as there are from another if they are partially or completely identical in qualities. So one form (or its part)

Section “Phylosophy” 2004 Traektoriâ Nauki = Path of Science. 2018. Vol. 4, No 2 ISSN 2413-9009 may be represented in locally different physical terparts of properties in some sense it seems cor- objects. rect to provide them with similar formal role. represent that aspect of forms which Still it is the question how non-local forms are represented (or “instantiated”) in local objects. It consists in quantitative relations of components seems that we may use material forms as an in- of a (complex) object (a set for instance). The be- termediary between non-local forms and local longing of geometrical forms to the domain of (physical) objects. Another problem is with a forms is intuitively evident. So, mathematical ob- type and direction of dependence between forms jects are a type of forms together with properties and material objects. The consideration concern- and kinds. ing necessary presence of forms in formalized One more type of entities formal in their essence material (particularly physical) objects should be worth noting. These are mental representations: answered. Forms at least of physical objects do , images, , memory, con- not exist apart from these objects. But the con- sciousness etc. The may be more or less abstract trary is also true. Physical objects do not exist but they are apparently formal. Mental represen- without any forms. There is no use to discuss tations fall within the definition of forms because what is the primary reality in causal or temporal they connect in non-local (physically) and non- sense. It is obvious that there is some depend- material way components of outer objects. Non- ence from both sides. It is also discernible that in material and non-local components of outer ob- the opposite directions dependence is different. jects and their relations become immaterial rep- Forms are dependent on material objects as resentations but fully preserve their formal as- structurally incomplete reality on structurally pect. Mental phenomena may be described as complete reality. Material objects are dependent non-local forms differentiated in some mysteri- on forms as something grounded on its grounds. ous way from local ones and from material ob- There are various types of abstract objects: jects. among them properties, natural kinds, mathe- matical objects. Are those entities forms accord- CONCLUSION ing to how the forms were defined in this paper? Properties, according to P. van Inwagen, are The problem of abstract objects existence, char- ’’ways in which a thing can be like a thing’’ [15, acteristics, and functions is the main problem of p. 121]. It looks plausible but may be rewritten in metaphysics. Metaphysical view presupposes the the terms of this paper like “relations in which reduction of the discussion solely to the ontologi- parts of a thing are connected”. Properties from cal aspect of the problem. Taken in purely onto- this point of view are forms taken in their aspect logical sense abstract objects are the forms of ob- of relations connecting their components. Strictly jects. The forms exist, being the necessary com- speaking properties are not forms but are formal ponent of every real entity and at the same time entities, they belong to forms. not merging into form-bound entities, existing Natural kinds look like much closer entities to specifically. Differing from objects forms may be our definition of forms. Kinds’ characteristics in- local and non-local, may exist in physical space or clude both relations and components of the ob- not in physical space. Non-local forms are repre- jects of one kind. Every such unity forms a part of sented in local forms which are in its turn repre- an individual entity common with other indi- sented in material objects. One non-local form viduals. As this common part lacks spatial char- may be represented in different material objects acteristics it appears to be one and the same in and in different locations. The forms are the different objects. So it may be said that individual ground of material objects but they depend on objects carry in themselves the form of their the latter as structurally incomplete reality. kind. Commonly discussed abstract objects – proper- ties, kinds, mathematical objects – are forms. The Mathematical objects are often discussed as the most interesting type of the forms is mental rep- most representative abstract objects. The major resentations as this is the only known to scien- interest is shown for numbers. Do the numbers tific reason entities of purely formal character. fit our definition of forms? As numbers are coun-

Section “Phylosophy” 2005 Traektoriâ Nauki = Path of Science. 2018. Vol. 4, No 2 ISSN 2413-9009

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Section “Phylosophy” 2006