Report of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Academic Year 2010-2011 OXFORD CENTRE FOR HEBREW AND JEWISH STUDIES A Recognized Independent Centre of the University of Oxford OXFORD CENTRE FOR HEBREW AND JEWISH STUDIES MAIN OFFICE Yarnton Manor, Yarnton Oxford OX5 1PY, England telephone: Oxford (01865) 377946 fax: Oxford (01865) 375079 email:
[email protected] website: HEBREW AND JEWISH STUDIES UNIT Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, England telephone: Oxford (01865) 278200 fax: Oxford (01865) 278190 Registered Charity No. 309720 IRS No. for the American Friends 13-2943469 Registered Company No. 1109384 ISSN 1368 9096 Typeset in 9/11 Cellini by Hype! 21 Brownlow Mews, London. Printed in Great Britain by XXXX CONTENTS Preface 2 Vision and Mission Statement 5 Highlights of the 2010-2011 Academic Year 7 New Research R. B. Kitaj: Painting the Way Home DR AARON ROSEN 21 What is the Future of the British Chief Rabbinate? DR MIRI FREUD KANDEL 33 Mother’s Boy, Pittam Envy and the Brotherhood of the Weak in Sholem Aleichem’s ‘Der Esreg’ DR ZEHAVIT STERN 47 The European Seminar on Advanced Jewish Studies The Material Texts of the Genizah Collection at the Bodleian Library: A New Approach to Genizah Research DR PIET VAN BOXEL 54 The Fellows and Their Research Prayers from the Genizah: Between Liturgy and Magic DR EMMA ABATE 67 Biblical Verses and Genizah Amulets DR YEHUDAH COHN 77 A Greek, Arabic and Jewish Philosophical Reconstruction – The Theology of Aristotle in the Cairo Genizah PROFESSOR PAUL FENTON 81 iv Genizah Manuscripts of the Babylonian Talmud – An Integrated Approach PROFESSOR SHAMMA FRIEDMAN 83 The Leopold Muller Memorial Library 149 The Third Form of the Hebrew Book: Rotuli from the Cairo Genizah Remembering Barry Blumberg, 1925-2011 156 PROFESSOR JUDITH OLSZOWY-SCHLANGER 89 Science and Religion PROFESSOR BARUCH S.