Vol. VIII, No. 16, 9th Waning of Tagu 1383 ME Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Public Information

IT is reported that some illegal organizations and news agencies are broadcasting, through illegal satellite dishes, programmes of TV channels that harm the State security, the rule of law and community peace and tranquillity and topics amounting to encourage those who commit high treason and rebellion to the State while the State Administration Council is performing the tasks in accord with the provisions of the State of Emergency. Those who install the illegal satellite dishes to watch the TV may unwillingly break the existing laws and rules enacted with the aim of ensuring the good deeds of the people. As such, the information was released with goodwill that those who install the satellite dishes to watch such kinds of TV programmes will face action under the law with one-year imprisonment or K500,000 as a fine.

Ministry of Information

Eight Roofed Turtles born in Lawkananda Wildlife Sanctuary

YANMAR Roofed Turtles were born in MLawkananda Wildlife Sanctuary for ten years in Bagan of NyaungU Township of Man- dalay Region. The Myanmar Roofed Turtle can be found only in Myanmar and were critical- ly endangered species, said U Shwe Htay Aung, warden of the sanctuary. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Turtle Sur- vival Alliance (TSA) started con- serving 100 Myanmar roofed tur- tles — 40 males and 60 females — in 2011. The officials rented 16 Myanmar roofed turtles — 10 males and 6 females — to Singa- pore in 2016 and transferred 10

The new turtle population is hatched during ten years after the cooperative work of the Forest Department and WCS/TSA in conserving. PHOTO: KO HTEIN (KPD) males to WCS/TSA to free them The new turtle population Of 54 female turtles, four laid into Chindwin river in 2018. And is hatched during ten years af- eggs in January and February so, there are 74 Myanmar roofed ter the cooperative work of the this year. The first baby turtle turtles – 20 males and 54 females Forest Department and WCS/ was hatched on 4 April 2021, — in the sanctuary, he said. TSA in conserving, he said. SEE PAGE-2


NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL BUSINESS Border affairs minister Tatmadaw provides Taninthayi Region Five men killed, one Kyaukse Seintalone inspects regional treatments to over Administration Council injured in homemade mango enters development works in 180,000 outpatients Chairman inspects construction mine testing in Pyay Pakokku, NyaungU Taninthayi region work of Kamyawkin Bridge markets PAGE-3 PAGE-3 PAGE-4 PAGE-4 PAGE-7 5 MAY 2021 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council Nine Objectives

1. Political affairs (b) To develop a stable market economy and promote international investment (a) To build a Union based on democracy and federalism, through a disciplined in order to enhance the economic development of the entire National people. and genuine multiparty democratic system that is fair and just. (c) To promote and support local businesses to create employment opportu- (b) To emphasize the achievement of enduring peace for the entire nation in nities and increase domestic production. line with the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). (c) To continue implementing the principle of peaceful co-existence among 3. Social affairs countries through an independent, active and non-aligned foreign policy. (a) To ensure a strong and dynamic Union spirit, the genuine spirit of patriot- ism. 2. Economic affairs (b) To respect and promote the customs and traditions of all National peoples (a) To enhance production based on agriculture and livestock through modern and preserve and safeguard their cultural heritage and national charac- techniques and strengthen all-round development in other sectors of the teristics. economy. (c) To enhance the health, fitness and education quality of the entire nation.

Five-Point Road Map of the State Administration Council

1. The Union Election Commission will be reconstituted and its mandated tasks, including the scrutiny of voter lists, shall be implemented in accordance with the law. 2. Effective measures will be taken with added momentum to prevent and manage the COVID-19 pandemic. 3. Actions will be taken to ensure the speedy recovery of businesses from the impact of COVID-19. 4. Emphasis will be placed on achieving enduring peace for the entire nation in line with the agreements set out in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement. 5. Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008 Constitution, and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards.

Eight Myanmar Roofed Turtles born ...

FROM PAGE-1 while another two on 19 April, one more on 22 April and four more on 25 April. The Forest Department and Lawkananda Wildlife Sanctuary officials have carried out meas- ures to know the exact time for adult, mating, laying eggs and hatchery for more than ten years. The veterinarian Dr Tint Lwin also explained conserving and medical services for the tur- tles in person or via Viber, online and video clips. The Myanmar roofed turtles live at Yadanarbon Zoological Gardens, Yangon Zoological Gar- Of 54 female turtles, four laid eggs in January and February this year. The first baby turtle was hatched on 4 April 2021, while another two on 19 April, dens and Lawkananda Wildlife one more on 22 April and four more on 25 April. PHOTO: KO HTEIN (KPD) Sanctuary. ically, they do not hatch, said Dr roofed turtles would rise in the Ayeyawady, Chindwin and Sit- (Sagaing Region) and Dokhta- Although the turtles rented Kalyar of TSA. future, U Shwe Htay Aung added. toung rivers, including larger wady (Mandalay Region). — Ko to Singapore are kept systemat- The population of Myanmar The turtles can be seen in tributaries and now in Chindwin Htein (KPD)/GNLM Security measures conducted to ensure community peace

TATMADAW, Police Force and Fire Bri- peace starting 14 February night. gade jointly conducted security measures Tatmadaw, police and fire brigade to ensure the State’s stability, security of members also jointly conduct security people, the rule of law and community measures for the peaceful night and com- munity peace in respective regions and Tatmadaw, police and fire brigade members states and keep serving security measures take security measures at night in Toungoo. the whole day. — MNA 5 MAY 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3


Myanmar needs to emphasize preventive measures of COVID-19 N N N

N ENCOURAGEMENT should be given to the people to take physical exercises for their healthiness. Myanmar’s expected lifespan is about 66 years, which is N less than those of other countries. Priority must be given to uplift the health sector for ensuring the health and fitness of the people. As the infectious rate of

M COVID-19 is high in some countries, including India, Myanmar needs to emphasize preventive measures of COVID-19. N

M (Excerpt from the speech to the Management Committee meeting made by N

M the Republic of the Union of Myanmar State Administration Council Chairman Senior General Min Aung Hlaing on 23 April 2021) N


Border affairs minister inspects regional development works in Taninthayi region

UNION Minister for Border cational Training School staff Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung in Kawthoung Town. He urged and party made inspection them to systematically scruti- tours on regional development nize and implement the border works in Taninthayi Region area development activities to from 2 to 4 May. make them effective and bene- On 2 May, the Union Min- ficial for the local people. They ister and party inspected the also checked the staff housing, road and bridge construction the construction of the class on the Banlaw-Banthe-Kyauk- hall for the motor sewing course mee Kyaung-Myanmar Indaw in the current fiscal year and inter-village road in Tanin- provided the necessary inte- thayi Township and on the gration. Hankapyu-Ywahe Lu road in The Ministry of Border Af- Hankapyu village-tract, Bok- fairs is implementing a total of Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung and party are making the inspection tours in Taninthayi Region. pyin Township. 50 projects, including road and At the inspections, the Un- out the rest of the needed work cooking oil, salt and foods were Afterwards, they inspected bridge construction, housing ion Minister said to work hard in the next fiscal year. also presented to a total of 47 the construction work of roads construction and water supply to complete the work as soon as On 3 May, the Union Minis- Salone ethnic people over the and bridges on the Zardetgyi projects with K5,024.423 mil- possible with the required quali- ter and party visited the Dham- age of 70 living on the island, island ring road. lion in the 2020-2021FY. It is re- ty as the rainy season is coming mika Yama TatU monastery in and school uniforms and books Yesterday morning, the ported that all projects will be soon and to do the fieldwork and Zardetgyi island and donated were provided to the teachers Union Minister and party met completed within the specified submit the application to carry offertories to the monks. Rice, and students. with the Women’s Domestic Vo- financial year. — MNA Tatmadaw provides treatments to over 180,000 outpatients

MILITARY hospitals in the town- ducted 8,521 major operations Moreover, the members of ships of regions and states are and 4,363 minor operations. The the Myanmar Fire Brigade of giving medical treatments to the senior doctors gave intensive Sagaing Region collectively do- people to solve their difficulties treatment the severe cases. nated blood for monks, military in healthcare services. A total of These hospitals managed members, police, and locals, 182,431 outpatients and 4,129 in- for the birth of 11,156 babies to who took treatments at the mil- patients reached these hospitals date. Of those, 4,417 cases are itary hospital in Monywa Town, from 5 February to date. done in the caesarean section Sagaing Region, to mark the Senior medical experts, and 6,739 cases in ordinary de- 75th Anniversary of the Myan- medics and nurses have con- livery. mar Fire Brigade on 3 May 2021.

Members of the Myanmar Fire Brigade are donating blood.

Sagaing Region Administration Ko Oo and the party encouraged Council Chairman U Maung the officers and other ranks, who Maung Lin and North-West had treatments at the military Command Commander Brig- hospital in PyinOoLwin and gave Gen Phyo Thant offered words of foodstuffs to them. encouragement to those who do- In addition to providing nated blood and provided blood medical care to patients in need donors with nutritious foodstuffs of hospitalization, Tatmadaw is and medicines (tonic). making arrangements for the Similarly, Commander of well-being of hospitalized pa- Respective regional commanders are encouraging local patients at the military hospitals. Central Command Maj-Gen Ko tients and caregivers. — MNA 5 MAY 2021 4 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Taninthayi Region Administration Council Chairman inspects construction work of Kamyawkin Bridge

TANINTHAYI Region Adminis- The new Kamyawkin Bridge tration Council Chairman U Tin is located on Dawei-Kamyawk- Aung inspected the construction in-Maungmakan road in the of the Kamyawkin bridge on Da- Dawei District of the Taninthayi wei-Kamyawkin-Maungmakan Region. To its east is Dawei and road yesterday. to its west is Launglon township. The bridge is being con- The type of 1,050 ft long structed by the construction bridge is R.C Girder, P.C Girder, team (4) of the Ministry of Con- Steel Truss &R.C Decking Slab, struction. and it uses R.C concrete for body Director U Thein Naing of and 1.2m and 1.5m Bored Pile the Bridge Department pre- for the foundation. The width sented the construction of a new of the bridge is 24ft and 5ft for bridge. The region council chair- each pavement. The waterway man instructed the need to con- clearance of the bridge is 164ft in duct the operation to complete width and 16ft in height. The load in line with the fixed standards capacity of the bridge is AASHTO The Kamyawkin Bridge construction work in progress. within the scheduled time. HS 25. — Region IPRD/GNLM Stock market up in April

THE number of shares traded on the exchange in April 2021 Amid the COVID-19 crisis One more public company, FPB, rules and regulations regarding on the Yangon Stock Exchange drastically dropped compared and political changes, Myanmar’s was listed on the YSX in 2017. the stock exchange and knowl- (YSX) climbed to 42,964 shares with the figures in April 2020 securities market has continued In 2018, TMH debuted on the edge of share trading through in April 2021, generating the (registered K902 million valued operating without stopping trad- exchange. EFR entered the ex- stock investment seminars. The trading value of K280 million, 173,808 shares), the YSX’s month- ing. change in 2020. stock exchange has also sought as against March’s trading, the ly report indicated. In 2020, the value of stocks Moreover, Amata Holding the government’s support to get YSX’s monthly report indicated. At present, shares of six traded on the exchange peaked Public Co., Ltd. (AMATA) re- more public companies to par- In February 2021, K442 mil- listed companies — First Myan- at K1.48 billion in February. In leased a statement that the listing ticipate in the stock market and lion worth of 77,388 shares were mar Investment (FMI), Myanmar contrast, trading on the exchange date will be postponed for a cer- help more institutional investors, traded on the exchange. The Thilawa SEZ Holdings (MTSH), registered an all-time low of tain period, and the rescheduled such as financing companies, in- figures extended further drops Myanmar Citizens Bank (MCB), K552.9 million in November due listing date will be announced vestment banks, and insurance to K110 million worth of 19,816 First Private Bank (FPB), TMH to the COVID-19 resurgences in in due time, YSX notified on 26 companies, to emerge. shares in March 2021. However, Telecom Public Co. Ltd (TMH) Myanmar, the exchange’s month- February 2021. Amid the COVID-19 crisis, the market went up in April com- and the Ever Flow River Group ly report showed. Next, the Securities and Ex- Myanmar’s securities market has pared to March’s trading. Public Co., Ltd (EFR) are being According to the annual re- change Commission of Myanmar been able to continue operating The stock markets world- traded on the exchange. port released by the exchange, (SECM) has allowed foreigners to without stopping trading. wide have reported their most Regarding of increase in a total of K12.6 billion worth of invest in the local equity market According to the annual re- significant declines since the 2008 share volume, the shares prices 1.87 million shares by six listed from 20 March 2020. port released by the exchange, financial crisis. Similarly, the local last month declined as against companies were traded on the Furthermore, YSX launched a total of K12.6 billion worth of equities market is also scared by the previous months. The price exchange in 2020, a significant a pre-listing board (PLB) on 28 1.87 million shares by six listed the COVID-19 crash, a market per share of FMI decreased to drop compared to 2019. September 2020 in order to pro- companies were traded on the observer points out. K9,100 in March 2021. Similarly, Over 2.4 million shares from vide unlisted public companies Yangon Stock Exchange (YSX) in At present, people are keep- the share price of MTSH slid to five listed companies, valued at with fund-raising opportunities 2020, a significant drop compared ing emergency savings rather K3,400. The stock prices slipped K13.39 billion, were traded on the and build a bridge toward listing to 2019. than investing the COVID-19 to K8,000 for MCB, K19,500 for exchange in 2019. on YSX, YSX stated. Over 2.4 million shares from crisis and current political con- FPB, and K2,700 for TMH. The In 2016, shares of only three The YSX was launched four five listed companies, valued at ditions, he added. share price of EFR last month companies were traded on the years ago to improve the private K13.39 billion, were traded on the The value of shares traded was closed at K3,050. YSX — FMI, MTSH, and MCB. business sector. It disseminates exchange in 2019. — KK/GNLM Five men killed, one injured in homemade mine testing in Pyay FIVE men were killed and one man Due to the mine explosion, four wounded in an explosion of a home- men, including the former Hluttaw made mine test in Pyay Township, Representative, died at the scene. Bago Region on 3 May, according to One of two men being taken to Pyay Myanmar Police Force. Public Hospital died of injury in the The incident happened in the evening. lemon farm in Kabila village, Natalin Security forces conducted a de- village-tract in Pyay Township, at tailed search and found that the wire around 5 pm. Upon the information was connected to a coil about 20 feet received from the people living near west of the scene. Three batteries, the incident happened, security forc- wrapped in blue tape, one keypad es investigated the area. phone cover with Hello logo, one Vi- It is reported that the people vo-branded phone case and one bat- from the neighbourhood heard a loud tery, one 3-inch empty battery, 5 sets explosion shortly after six men led of nut, and one damaged Samsung by the former NLD party Hluttaw blue phone were found and confis- Representative went inside the farm. cated. — MNA 5 MAY 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 5

Announcement of Union Election Commission 3 May 2021

1. Regarding the Multiparty General Election held on 8 November 2020, the Union Election Commission has inspected the voter lists and the casting of votes of and Ye townships of . 2. Findings in respective townships were as follows: Findings on voter lists in each township

List from Immi- Those involved in voting Those involved in voter list Those involved in voter Township and numbers of Township Sr gration depart- list without citizenship more than three times hold- list more than two times polling stations sub-commission ment scrutiny cards ing one CSC holding one CS 1 103 polling stations in 182,302 161,192 20,247 1,051 15,878 of Mon State 2 130 polling stations in 235,592 179,580 52,583 3,147 26,760 of Mon State 3. The Union Election Commission has inspected the withdrawal/receipt/use/remaining of ballot papers used for Pyithu Hluttaw Election of Mudon and Ye townships of Mon State together with the respective township election sub-commission, head of police force, Immigration and Population and administrators in accordance with Sec- tion 53 of the Hluttaw Election Law. 4. According to the inspection, a total of 233 polling stations in these two townships took out 444,483 ballots and used 225,857 ballots. It left 214,022 ballots instead of 218,626 ballots. The difference was 6,923 ballots and it found 2,319 extra ballots. The extra/shortage ballots were found at respective polling stations. Findings in respective town- ships were as follows: Findings on ballot papers for Pyithu Hluttaw Election in each township Difference Sr Subject Total polling station Withdrawal Used Exact remaining Remaining on the Ground Missing Extra 1 Mudon 103 200,062 101,257 98,805 97,813 1,635 643 2 Ye 130 244,421 124,600 119,821 116,209 5,288 1,676 Total 233 444,483 225,857 218,626 214,022 6,923 2,319 Findings on ballot papers for Pyithu Hluttaw Election in Mudon Township 5. According to the inspection, 103 polling stations in 9 Wards and 33 Village-tracts of Mudon Township in Mon State took out 200,062 ballots and used 101,257 ballots. It left 97,813 ballots instead of 98,805. The extra/shortage ballots and extra illegal ballots were found at respective poll stations. Findings were as follows: Difference Sr Subject Withdrawal Used Exact remaining Remaining on the Ground Missing Extra 1 Ward/village -tract ballots 185,450 98,510 86,940 85,745 1,635 440 2 Township ballots 14,612 2,747 11,865 12,068 203 Total 200,062 101,257 98,805 97,813 1,635 643 6. It found 1,635 missing ballots at the polling stations in 12 ward/village-tracts and 440 extra ballots in 5 ward/village-tracts of Mudon Township. There must be 11,865 remaining ballots at the township election sub-commission but it found 12,068 remaining ballots and so there were 203 extra ballots. 7. Findings were as follows:

Difference 21 ​Nyaunggone village -tract 3 6,800 2,523 2,377 2,327 50 22 KyaikYwe village -tract 2 3,450 958 1,442 1,442 Sr Ward/Village-Tracts 23 ​ Tawku village -tract 3 4,300 3,352 3,448 3,398 50 24 Takhontine village -tract 2 4,550 1,844 1,606 1,606 25 NaingHlonelettet village -tract 2 5,600 2,377 1,923 1,923 Total Polling Polling Total Stations Withdrawal Used - remain Exact ing Remaining on the Ground Missing Extra 1 Myoma (1) Ward 7 13,950 8,669 5,281 5,481 200 26 Akhwon village -tract 1 650 3,270 2,330 2,330 2 Myoma (2) Ward 6 12,100 7,040 5,060 4,922 138 27 Gonhnintan Ward 1 2,850 1,525 1,325 1,325 3 Myoma (3) Ward 4 6,400 4,396 2,004 2,004 28 Theingone Ward 5 8,300 4,165 4,135 4,135 4 Myoma (4) Ward 11 16,200 9,197 7,003 6,553 450 29 Kamarwet Ward 2 5,800 2,929 2,871 2,871 5 Tapathorn village -tract 2 4,900 2,041 2,859 2,409 450 30 Seintaung Ward 3 6,250 2,638 3,612 3,612 6 Kwaywan village -tract 4 5,100 2,729 2,371 2,371 31 ​ Htaungkay Ward 1 2,550 1,246 1,304 1,304 7 Naingpyinge village -tract 2 3,250 1,608 1,642 1,742 100 32 Hpedo village -tract 1 1,700 923 777 777 8 Kyauktalone village -tract 3 3,600 1,119 2,481 2,431 50 33 Kalawtaw village -tract 2 5,000 2,463 2,537 2,537 9 Hmeinganein village -tract 2 3,000 1,657 1,343 1,383 40 34 ​ Kawpehtaw village -tract 2 3,200 1,510 1,690 1,683 7 10 ​Kawkhapon village -tract 3 5,950 2,701 3,249 3,159 90 35 Doema village -tract 1 850 475 375 375 11 Konta village -tract 2 3,950 2,174 1,776 1,776 36 ​ Taungpa village -tract 2 4,700 2,008 2,692 2,692 12 Beyan village -tract 2 3,750 2,209 1,541 1,541 37 Htonman village -tract 1 1,350 545 805 805 13 Kinchaung village -tract 1 1,500 884 616 616 38 Kwankave village -tract 1 2,200 871 1,329 1,279 50 14 ​ Kawpayan village -tract 2 4,000 2,992 1,008 1,008 39 Setthwe village -tract 3 2,500 1,357 1,143 1,093 50 15 Katonepaw village -tract 1 1,350 911 439 489 50 40 Hneepadaw village -tract 4 5,450 2,273 3,177 2,977 200 16 Padauknyaungwine 1 1,800 1,288 512 512 41 ​ Yaungdaung village -tract 1 2,450 1,168 1,282 1,232 50 village -tract 42 Khwanhlya village -tract 2 5,650 2,648 3,002 3,002 17 Wegali village -tract 1 600 405 195 195 Ward/village -tract ballots 103 185,450 98,510 86,940 85,745 1,635 440 18 Kamaroake village -tract 1 600 427 173 173 Township Remaining ballots 14,612 2,747 11,865 12,068 203 19 Kyonephike village -tract 2 4,900 2,668 1,882 1,932 50 Township Total 200,062 101,257 98,805 97,813 1,635 643 20 Wette village -tract 1 2,400 327 323 323

Findings on ballot papers for Pyithu Hluttaw Election in Ye Township 8. According to the inspection, 130 polling stations in 14 Wards and 30 Village-tracts of Ye Township in Mon State took out 244,421 ballots and used 124,600 ballots. It left 116,209 ballots instead of 119,821. The extra/shortage ballots and illegal extra ballots were found at respective poll stations. Findings were as follows: Difference Sr Subject Withdrawal Used Exact remaining Remaining on the Ground Missing Extra 1 Ward/village -tract ballots 239,450 121,978 117,472 113,149 5,288 965 2 Township ballots 4,971 2,622 2,349 3,060 711 Total 244,421 124,600 119,821 116,209 5,288 1,676

9. It found 5,288 missing ballots at the polling stations in 17 ward/village-tracts and 965 extra ballots in 7 ward/village-tracts of Ye Township. There must be 2,349 remaining ballots at the township election sub-commission but it found 3,060 remaining ballots and so there were 711 extra ballots. 10. Findings were as follows: SEE PAGE-6 5 MAY 2021 6 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR FROM PAGE-5 Differ- 23 Yangyiaung Ward 2 3,100 2,302 798 798 ence 24 Yanmyoaung Ward 2 3,950 2,482 1,468 1,118 350 25 Aungthukha Ward 1 1,950 1,245 705 705 Sr Ward/Village-Tract ing

Used 26 Aungmingalar Ward 2 4,650 2,648 2,002 2,002 Stations Extra

the Ground 27 Aungmyitta Ward 2 4,100 2,262 1,838 1,838 Withdrawal Total Polling Polling Total Missing Remaining on Exact remain - 28 Chaungtaung village -tract 4 6,650 3,712 2,938 2,688 250 1 Thirimalar Ward 1 1,850 1,196 654 654 29 Abaw village -tract 4 6,950 3,218 3,732 3,232 500 2 Thirinanda Ward 3 6,000 3,797 2,203 2,203 30 Duyar village -tract 5 9,200 5,566 3,634 3,634 3 Thirizaya Ward 1 2,350 1,380 970 970 31 Asin village -tract 10 17,200 10,258 6,942 6,092 850 4 Thirikhayma Ward 1 2,700 1,665 1,035 1,035 32 Zipyuthaung village -tract 4 8,150 4,718 3,432 3,432 5 Laminemyoma (1) Ward 2 4,800 2,312 2,488 2,854 366 33 Kyaukmechaung village -tract 3 6,300 3,425 2,875 2,916 41 6 Laminemyoma (2) Ward 2 3,400 1,369 2,031 1,681 350 34 Kyaungywa village -tract 6 10,450 5,412 5,038 5,010 28 7 Laminemyoma (3) Ward 2 4,550 1,804 2,746 2,894 148 35 Koemine village -tract 2 3,950 2,140 1,810 1,510 300 8 Mawkanin village -tract 7 15,800 6,307 9,493 9,043 450 36 Kalaw village -tract 2 5,500 2,822 2,678 2,168 510 9 Kawdwat village -tract 5 9,550 4,203 5,347 5,097 250 37 Hangan village -tract 3 7,750 4,514 3,236 2,986 250 10 Hnitkayin village -tract 5 9,900 3,805 6,095 5,545 550 38 Kawhlaing village -tract 4 5,800 2,882 2,918 2,918 11 Baylamine village -tract 2 2,650 1,173 1,477 1,477 39 Yinyel village -tract 2 3,250 2,076 1,174 1,324 150 12 Belamu village -tract 2 3,050 957 2,093 2,043 50 40 Kabyar village -tract 2 2,850 1,674 1,176 1,176 13 Kaninkamaw village -tract 1 1,550 571 979 979 41 Kyonenye village -tract 2 2,450 1,262 1,188 1,188 14 Donphi village -tract 2 3,150 1,250 1,900 1,750 150 42 Khawzamyoma (1) Ward 1 2,200 1,275 925 925 15 Hninsone village -tract 2 2,850 1,407 1,443 1,293 150 43 Khawzamyoma (2) Ward 1 1,800 1,025 775 775 16 Aryutaung village -tract 4 6,750 3,065 3,685 3,695 10 44 Magyee village -tract 2 3,000 1,665 1,335 1,085 250 17 Tumyaung village -tract 4 4,850 2,714 2,136 2,136 Ward/village -tract ballots 130 239,450 121,978 117,472 113,149 5,288 965 18 Thaungpyin village -tract 4 9,050 3,137 5,913 6,013 100 Township Remaining ballots 4,971 2,622 2,349 3,060 711 19 Taungbon village -tract 4 7,350 3,038 4,312 4,462 150 Township Total 130 244,421 124,600 119,821 116,209 5,288 1,676 20 Kalarkoke village -tract 3 4,150 1,713 2,437 2,437 21 village -tract 2 3,150 1,480 1,670 1,670 Union Election Commission 22 village -tract 5 8,800 5,052 3,748 3,698 50

State Administration Council Press Release Re-invitation to Myanmar citizens who arrive in various regions for many reasons

1. Some student youths, State service personnel and citizens, evaded to areas of EAOs and foreign countries with worries because of incitement and intimidation of NLD members, the extremists who support that party, CRPH unlawful association, incitement of CDM and persons and organizations at home and abroad not wishing to restore peace and stability of the State since after 1 February 2021 when the Tatmadaw assumed the State responsibility. 2. They are further worried about the dictatorship statement and speeches of CRPH unlawful association and some relevant persons. As they face no security guarantee and difficulties in socio-economic life in their areas, they wish to return to their native lands. 3. As those who evaded from their native areas are also citizens, the State Administration Council will arrange their returns from evaded areas to various regions of Myanmar. 4. Information was released that if those who evaded to various areas except the persons who committed any kinds of crime wish to return to their native lands in Myan- mar of their own accord, the citizens abroad are to contact nearby ward, village, township and district administration bodies and relevant embassies, military attaché offices and consulates without facing action taken in accord with the law. Information Team State Administration Council

Daily Newspapers available online

FOR those who would like to read the Myanma Alinn, the Kyemon and the Global New Light of Myanmar, published daily by the Ministry of Information, please visit,,, and

News and Periodicals Enterprise

16 new cases of COVID-19 reported on 4 May, total figure rises to 142,858

MYANMAR’S COVID-19 positive cases rose to 142,858 after 16 new cases were reported on 4 May 2021 according to the Ministry of Health and Sports. Among these confirmed cases, 131,997 have been discharged from hospitals.—MNA 5 MAY 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR LOCAL BUSINESS 7 Kyaukse Seintalone mango enters Pakokku, NyaungU markets THE Seintalone variety of well, the mango didn’t yield as mangoes from villages in much as expected. As a result, Kyaukse township, also known the Seintalone mango growers as Diamond Solitaire, are en- face with a loss this year. tering Pakokku and NyaungU The mango trees started markets at affordable prices, to bloom and bear fruits in No- according to the mango trad- vember and December in the ers. region. The mango growers “Last year, the Seintalone are putting the plastic covers mangoes from Kyaukse town- on the fruits after having the ship were supplied to the Shwe- small mango. After placing li, Muse border trade zone. But them into the plastic bags, this year, the mangoes are the mangoes are ripe well and sold in Pakokku and Nyaung have beautiful colour and thus U markets. Last year, the man- marketable. go with the bag price fetched The plant bugs could de- K550 per fruit. But this year, stroy the mango without the the fruit is priced at K3,500 for cover. ten mangoes. The mango with- According to the mango out bag fetched only K200 per traders, the Seintalone man- fruit,” said U Maung Lay, the goes from Kyaukse town- Seintalone mango farm own- ship sell well in Pakokku er from Michaungtet village, and NyaungU markets at an Kyaukse township. affordable price. — Ko Htein According to the mango traders, the Seintalone mangoes from Kyaukse township sell well in Pakokku and Despite the Seintalone (KPD)/GNLM NyaungU markets at an affordable price. mango trees blossoming so

Lack of demand winds up 4,215 more acres of summer crops Myanmar corn exports by sea cultivated in Kyaukse successfully MYANMAR’S corn exports by on corn import to protect the sea have come to an end due to rights of their growers if the the lack of demand, said Chair corns are imported during the U Min Khaing of Myanmar corn season of Thailand, in line Corn Industrial Association. with the notification of the World Myanmar has been deliv- Trade Organization regarding ering corns to the neighbouring corn import of Thailand, said a countries Thailand and China corn exporter. via the land border. With the local corn con- The shipment to Singapore, sumption growing, Myanmar’s Malaysia and Viet Nam abruptly corn export to foreign markets stopped owing to zero demand, is expected to reach 1.6 million he added. “The lack of demand tonnes this year, the association by sea is attributed to the polit- stated. ical changes and disruption in Myanmar exported 2.2 the logistic sector,” said U Min million tonnes of corns to the Khaing. external market in the past Fi- Myanmar is conveying nancial Year 2019-2020 ended 30 corns to Thailand through the September, with an estimated land border, with a tonne of value of $360 million, the Minis- maize fetching up about 8,000 try of Commerce’s data showed. baht. Myanmar is allowed for At present, corn is culti- The department has grown 4,215 acres more of summer paddy, including 3,485 acres of sesame, 507 acres of corn export to Thailand’s Mae- vated in Shan, Kachin, Kayah green gram, 1.218 acres of chilli and five acres of vegetables in Kyaukse township. sot between 1 February and 31 and Kayin states and Manda- KYAUKSE township farmed targeted to grow 1,809 acres The cultivation of summer August with Form-D, under zero lay, Sagaing and Magway re- 4,215 more acres of summer of summer green gram, but crops succeeds in Kyaukse tariff. gions. Myanmar has three corn crops than expected, and the it actually grew 3,316 acres of township. Regarding the sum- Myanmar corn exports seasons- winter, summer and cultivation of summer crops sesame. Additionally, the de- mer sesame cultivation, most were exempted from tax be- monsoon. has met with success. partment grew 1,218 acres of of the village lands can be cul- tween February and August. The country yearly produc- The township is growing chilli and five acres of vegeta- tivated successfully with just a Thailand imposed a max- es 2.5-3 million tonnes of corns. the summer crops under a bles not included in the project, few irrigation water because imum tax rate of 73 per cent — NN/GNLM project depending upon the according to the Township De- of soil moisture and good soil. availability of irrigation water. partment of Agriculture Land That is the reason why the In Kyaukse township, the Management and Statistics summer sesame is grown. Department of Agriculture statistics. “Cultivation has suc- Land Management and Sta- The department has grown ceeded in those villages even tistics targeted the cultivation 4,215 more acres of summer though summer sesames are of 12,691 acres of summer ses- paddy, including 3,485 acres not listed in the cultivation ame. However, the department of sesame, 507 acres of green project,” said local farmer actually grew 14,176 acres of gram, 1.218 acres of chilli and U Maung Maung from Mone summer sesame. five acres of vegetables in Poung village. — Thet Maung Similarly, the department Kyaukse township. (Kyaukse)/GNLM 5 MAY 2021 5 MAY 2021 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL / ARTICLE 9

Strive for earning WHO begs G7 to step up and combat Covid-19 Public information

Yangon Region Administration Council is working with rele- increased The WHO pleaded Monday with the G7 to dig deep and fund the global Covid-19 recovery, warning vant departments to help the businesses in the region. People are informed to contact the following phone numbers to get assistance for their small and medium-scaled businesses the crisis cannot be resolved worldwide if they do not step up. and investments which are facing some delays and working income from to do new businesses. HE World Health Organiza- erty rights waivers, which could Meanwhile WHO’s chief Phone numbers: 01 830 1975, 01 830 2175 tion said the Group of Sev- expand production capacity. scientist Soumya Swaminathan Ten industrial powers had Vaccine shortage warned the additional vaccine Yangon Region Administration Council export of rice the ability to fund the vaccines, Nearly 1.2 billion Covid-19 doses going to India would not tests and treatments needed to vaccine doses have so far been slow the outbreak there imme- conquer the pandemic — and injected worldwide, according to diately. ICE is a staple food of Myanmar people as well as those knock down the barriers blocking an AFP count. This “is not going to come of almost all Asian countries. Moreover, many global faster production. But just 0.2 per cent of them down by vaccination”, the Indian Rcountries use rice as raw materials for making foodstuffs WHO chief Tedros Adhanom have been administered in the 29 clinical scientist told reporters, in their traditions. Ghebreyesus urged the G7 to take lowest-income countries, home to stressing that it takes time for Being a developing country, Myanmar earns income from decisive action at their June 11-13 nine per cent of the global popu- vaccinations to be distributed and commodity export, including paddy. In this regard, the export summit, being hosted by British lation. then take effect. of rice plays a pivotal role in achieving revenue for the State. Prime Minister Boris Johnson And the Covax global vac- Tedros also sounded a re- Within more than six months this financial year, Myanmar in Cornwall, southwest England. cine-sharing programme has minder that more new Covid-19 has bagged US$448.322 million from the export of rice and “The G7 countries are the largely been elbowed out of the cases were reported in the past broken rice weighing about 1.175 million tonnes to more than world’s economic and political market by rich countries striking two weeks than during the first 30 customer countries, ac- leaders. They are also home their own deals with manufac- six months of the pandemic, with cording to the Ministry of to many of the world’s vaccine turers. India and then Brazil making up On the right Commerce. producers,” Tedros told a news Its main supplier is the Se- the lion’s share. The country earned conference. The Covax global vaccine-sharing facility shipped more than 20 million doses to 20 countries. PHOTO: AFP rum Institute of India (SII), which Covax-Moderna deal US$277.699 million from the “We will only solve the vac- is producing AstraZeneca vac- Covax announced Monday track of those exportation of 685,433.093 cine crisis with the leadership of apeutics, is $19 billion short of its “I say to the G7… you have cent of the cost; Europe 23 per- cines. But increased demand for it had struck a deal to buy 500 tonnes of rice to over 30 these countries.” $22-billion target this year. the power and the ability to pay for cent; Japan six percent; Britain doses in India itself, where the million doses of Moderna’s Cov- three parties, a global countries from 1 Tedros was backed up by And a further $35 to $45 billion nearly two-thirds of the costs and five percent; and Canada — plus pandemic is raging, has also in- id-19 jabs, with 34 million doses of October 2020 to 16 April former British prime minister dollars will be needed next year secure a historic breakthrough South Korea and Australia, who terrupted Covax supplies. the two-shot vaccine in the final 2021. Meanwhile, the ex- Gordon Brown, who warned the to ensure most adults around the by agreeing an equitable bur- will also attend the G7 — two per- Bruce Aylward, the WHO quarter of 2021 and a further 466 larger volume port of broken rice weighing pandemic was becoming a “man- world get immunized. den-sharing formula,” the former cent each. lead on Covax, said the stoppage million next year. 489,822.950 tonnes obtained made catastrophe”. Brown, who chaired the wider finance minister said. Brown added that he detected had so far deprived Covax of some Under Covax, the cost of in the export US$170.632 million. The Access to Covid-19 Tools G20 in 2009 as it plotted its way Brown said that based on na- a change in Washington’s attitude 100 million doses it had been an- vaccines for the 92 poorest par- However, Myanmar se- Accelerator programme for find- out of the global financial crisis, tional income, wealth and benefits in recent days towards vaccine ticipating, and acknowledged it ticipating economies is covered cured US$497.522 million ing, developing and distributing called for immediate decisive ac- from the resumption of trade, the production licencing agreements still had no firm date for when SII by donors. of rice and bro- of income—over US$340 coronavirus jabs, tests and ther- tion from world leaders. United States would pay 27 per- and temporary intellectual prop- would resume deliveries. SOURCE: AFP million from the export of ken rice can more than 1 million tonnes of rice and over US$150 mil- lion from sending out more Scientists create new tool to rapidly screen molecules for anti-COVID properties earn income than 580,000 tonnes of bro- ken rice—during the same ESEARCHERS at the before it invades human cells there’s enough data here for us to virus on multiple fronts. “It goes amounts of data and teasing out on the NCATS data by comparing for the State as period of last budget year. University of New Mexico or disabling it in the early stag- build solid machine learning mod- back to the one-two punch,” he hidden patterns that might not be them against the known effects of As such, the earning of RHealth Sciences Centre es of the infection. Through the els,’” Oprea says. The results from says. REDIAL-2020 is based on perceivable by a human research- approved drugs in UNM’s Drug- well as for the income during the six and have created an open-source on- findings, published in the journal NCATS laboratory assays gauged machine learning algorithms ca- er. Oprea’s team validated the ma- Central database. a half months’ period this line suite of computational models Nature Machine Intelligence, the each molecule’s ability to inhibit pable of rapidly processing huge chine learning predictions based SOURCE: ANI financial year was some that will help scientists rapidly researchers introduced REDI- viral entry, infectivity and repro- 09251022355, private sector. US$50 million less than that screen small molecules for their AL-2020, an open source online duction, such as the cytopathic Call 09974424848 of the last budget year. potential COVID-fighting prop- suite of computational models that affect -- the ability to protect a cell So, they need Farmers place mon- erties. will help scientists rapidly screen from being killed by the virus. soon and summer paddy A year into the COVID-19 pan- small molecules for their potential Biomedicine researchers of- on some 18 million acres demic, mass vaccinations have COVID-fighting properties. “To ten tend to focus on the positive to choose the of farmlands on a yearly ba- begun to raise the tantalizing pros- some extent, this replaces (labo- findings from their studies, but in sis. But, paddy plantations pect of herd immunity that even- ratory) experiments, says Oprea, this case, the NCATS scientists option, right were cultivated on 17.31 tually curtails or halts the spread chief of the Translational Informat- also reported which molecules million acres in the 2019-20 of SARS-CoV-2. But what if herd ics Division in the UNM School had no virus-fighting effects. The track or not! financial year, and it was the immunity is never fully achieved of Medicine. “It narrows the field inclusion of negative data actually least sown acreage of paddy or if the mutating virus gives rise of what people need to focus on. enhances the accuracy of machine within the five-year period. to hyper-virulent variants that That’s why we placed it online for learning, Oprea says. “The idea Sown acreage, per-acre yield and exportation are interre- diminish the benefits of vaccina- everyone to use.” was that we identify molecules lated to one another in the agricultural sector. The government tion. Those questions underscore Oprea’s team at UNM and that fit the perfect profile,” he says. needs to encourage farmers to extend their farmlands to grow the need for effective treatments another group at the University “You want to find molecules that paddy. Farmers need to strive for increasing the per-acre yield for people who continue to fall ill of Texas at El Paso led by Suman do all these things and don’t do the of paddy by using various agricultural inputs and modern tech- with the coronavirus. While a few Sirimulla, PhD, started work on things that we don’t want them niques. Exporters need to perform initiatives on how to manage existing drugs show some benefit, the REDIAL-2020 tool last spring to do.” the increased volume of rice export. there’s a pressing need to find new after scientists at the National The coronavirus is a wily On the right track of those three parties, a larger volume therapeutics. Centre for Advancing Translation- adversary, Oprea says. “I don’t in the export of rice and broken rice can earn income for the Scientists have created a al Sciences (NCATS) released data think there is a drug that will fit State as well as for the private sector. So, they need to choose unique tool to help drug research- from their own COVID drug repur- everything to a T.” Instead, re- the option, right track or not! ers quickly identify molecules posing studies. “Becoming aware searchers will likely devise a mul- Those questions underscore the need for effective treatments for people who continue to fall ill with the capable of disarming the virus of this, I was like, ‘Wait a minute, ti-drug cocktail that attacks the coronavirus. PHOTO: UNM/ANI/FILE 5 MAY 2021 10 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Files opened against medical doctors who participated in CDM activity with attempts to deteriorate peace and stability of the State THE following medical doctors have been charged under Section 505-A of the Penal Code for inciting State service personnel and health staff to participate in CDM activ- ities, themselves participating in it, supporting CDM activities and CRPH unlawful association with the aim of deteriorating the State administrative machinery. 7 Dr Wut Hmon Kalewa Hospital Kalewa Town, 505-a Section Tun Sagaing Region Sr Name Hospital Address of Penal Photo (Medical Super- Code intendent) 1 Dr Khin Than- Katha Hospital Mahaaungmye 505-a 8 Dr Sai Wun Latt Kengtung Hospital Kengtung Town, 505-a dar Hsan Township, Man- Moht Shan State (East) (Specialist) dalay Region (Assistant Surgeon) 9 Dr Ei Mon Ko Patheingyi Hospi- Patheingyi Town- 505-a 2 Dr Hlaing Zaw Yankin Children’s Thingangyun 505-a Ko (specialist) tal ship, Mandalay Htet Hospital Township, Yan- Region (Specialist) gon Region 10 Dr Zin Mar Latt Mogok Hospital Mogok Town, 505-a (Assistant Sur- Mandalay Re- 3 Dr Aung Aung Ottarathiri Chil- Sangyoung 505-a geon) gion (Specialist) dren’s Speciality Township, Yan- Hospital gon Region

4 Dr Kaung Myat Ottarathiri Chil- Sangyoung 505-a Among them, Dr Sai Wun Latt Moht (Assistant Surgeon) of Kengtung Hospital Aye Chan dren’s Speciality Township, Yan- and Dr Ei Mon Ko Ko (specialist) of Patheingyi Hospital, and Dr Zin Mar Latt (Assis- (Specialist) Hospital gon Region tant Surgeon) of Mogok Hospital participated in CDM activities without performing medical treatments at assigned hospitals but gave medical treatments at private 5 Dr Yi Yi Lwin Ottarathiri Obstet- Pobbathiri Town- 505-a hospitals/clinics according to the documentary photos. (Specialist) rics and Gynaecol- ship, Nay Pyi Taw As tasks are being carried out to arrest those medical doctors charged, action ogy Speciality Council Area will be taken against the persons under the law for admitting those medical doctors, Hospital and work licences of the private hospitals/clinics which allowed them to give medical treatments will be closed. Deterrent action will be taken against owners of these 6 Dr Aung Pyae Ottara Thiri Chil- Shwebo Town, 505-a hospitals/ clinics under the law. Action will be taken against any health staff under Phyo dren’s Speciality Sagaing Region the law for taking charges of providing healthcare services to the people and giving (Specialist) Hospital assistance to private hospitals/clinics with participation in CDM activities without discharging assigned duty. Severe action will be taken against owners of private hos- pitals/clinics which admit those medical doctors and health staff for supportingthe CDM participants. —MNA

Files opened against education staff who participated in CDM activity with attempts to deteriorate peace and stability of the State THE following teachers have been charged under Section 505-A of the Penal Code for inciting State service personnel and education staff to participate in CDM activ- ities, themselves participating in it, supporting CDM activities and unlawful CRPH association with the aim of deteriorating the State administrative machinery.

Section 6 U Kuday Sein Senior Assistant Nawngh- 505-a Sr Name Occupation Address of Penal Photo Teacher, BEHS(2), kio Town, Code Nawnghkio Town Shan State (North) 1 U Khine Sar Senior Assistant Matupi 505-a (a) U Lin Teacher, BEHS Town, Chin 7 U Aye Lin Physical Teacher, Aungmyeth- 505-a (Branch) (Madu), State Aung BEHS(9), Aung- azan Town- Matupi Township myethazan Town- ship, Man- ship dalay Region 2 U Zay Yar Senior Assistant Htantabin 505-a Hlaing Teacher, BEHS Township, 8 U Hlaing Myo Junior Assistant Bago Town, 505-a (Thayettan) Bago Region Win Teacher, BEMS Bago Region Htantabin Township (NyaungInn), Bago Township 3 U Win Htay Senior Assistant Okpo Town- 505-a Teacher,BEHS ship, Bago 9 Daw Yi Yi Junior Assistant Mudon 505-a (Okpo), Okpo Region Htay Teacher, BEHS (3) Town, Mon Township Mudon Town State

4 U Aung Thu Senior Assistant Waw Town- 505-a 10 U Ye Min Tun Junior Assistant Salin Town, 505-a (a) Aung Teacher, BEHS ship, Bago Teacher, BEMS Magway Re- Kyaw Thu (Tanawkyun) Region (Htanaunggon), gion Waw Township Salin Township

5 U Kyaw Thin Senior Assistant Zigon Town, 505-a As tasks are being carried out to arrest those education staff charged, people Teacher, BEHS Sagaing Re- are urged to inform nearby police stations about those education staff and action (Zigon), Zigon Town gion will be taken against the persons under the law for admitting those education staff. —MNA 5 MAY 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR PANDEMIC: WORLD 11

NEWS Rickshaw ‘ambulance’ offers free oxygen, IN BRIEF transport for virus patients Chinese tourists out in force as virus WHEN Indian auto-rickshaw three-wheeler into an ambu- fears recede driver Mohammad Javed Khan lance. It’s not as spacious as saw people carrying their an ambulance, but it can surely coronavirus-stricken parents save lives,” Khan told AFP. SIPPING bubble tea and to hospitals on their backs as “I see young people strug- dressed in their holiday finest, they were too poor to afford an gling without oxygen. Even millions of Chinese travellers ambulance, he knew he had to when they call ambulances, the flocked to domestic tourist help. ambulances are charging 5,000- attractions over the May 1 long Khan, a 34-year-old driver 10,000 rupees ($70-140). How will holiday with Covid-19 fears in the central Indian city of Bho- a poor person be able to afford already a distant memory. pal, sold his wife’s jewellery and it? Especially during this pan- Beijing’s historic alley- converted his three-wheeled ve- demic when most people don’t ways were packed with cam- hicle into a small ambulance, have an income?” era-wielding visitors Tuesday, fitting it out with an oxygen cyl- A donor provided him with while a bride dressed in red inder, an oximeter to measure a cylinder and another with the tulle took wedding photos oxygen levels in the blood, and Auto-rickshaw driver Mohammad Javed Khan converted his three- oximeter. with her groom outside the wheeled vehicle into a small ambulance. PHOTO: AFP other medical supplies. A doctor taught Khan how Forbidden City. As India grapples with a stretched to breaking point, “A critically ill patient can- to use the cylinder and oximeter Out-of-towners also harrowing Covid-19 crisis that individuals like Khan have not be brought to the hospital to safely supply the lifesaving mobbed popular sites in has seen infections skyrock- stepped forward to try and help without oxygen support. So, gas to patients as he drove them Shanghai over the weekend, et and the healthcare system their local communities. I thought, why not turn my to a hospital.—AFP many dragging roller bags and snapping selfies against the city skyline. Istanbul to host Formula 1 as fans, tourism sector rejoice In Wuhan, where Cov- id-19 was first reported in late 2019, thousands of maskless and the ailing tourism industry. calendar over financial disa- revellers cheered and danced Formula 1 officials an- greements. In a surprise and shoulder to shoulder at the nounced last week that the event, last-ditch move, Istanbul was outdoor Strawberry Music scheduled between June 11 and included in last year’s calendar Festival.—AFP 13, will be moved to the Intercity following schedule changes due Istanbul Park racecourse, located to the COVID-19 pandemic. in the Tuzla district, on the Asian In 2020, Mercedes’ Lew- Virus-hit Papua side of Turkey’s biggest city. is Hamilton became the first New Guinea starts “We had missed the sound champion at Istanbul Park in a Covid-19 vaccine of the races. The enthusiasm of race held without spectators be- the Formula 1 Grand Prix is re- cause of coronavirus prevention roll-out turning to Istanbul,” Ali Yerlikaya, measures. The city is seeking to the governor of the city, wrote on be permanently included in the Papua New Guinea’s Prime FILE: Mercedes’ driver Lewis Hamilton ahead of Williams driver social media. World Championship, and this Minister launched a nation- Nicholas Latifi during an Formula One Grand Prix race. PHOTO: AFP The Istanbul race was part year’s organization is important wide coronavirus vaccine roll- FORMULA 1 will return to Istan- in Montreal due to travel restric- of the Formula 1 World Cham- in that respect to host the top- out Tuesday (May 4), hoping bul this year following the cancel- tions related to COVID-19, a move pionship between 2005 and 2011 flight motorsports event in the to quell a runaway outbreak lation of the Canadian Grand Prix which has excited Turkish fans before it was dropped from the years to come.— Xinhua and counter widespread public hesitancy about jabs. Mr James Marape said a Third COVID-19 wave ends in Croatia: chief epidemiologist batch of 100,000 vaccines had arrived in Papua New Guinea and would be distributed CROATIA›S chief epidemiolo- plans to administer two million countrywide, as he urged gist Krunoslav Capak said on vaccine doses and to vaccinate sceptical health workers and Monday that the country is flat- 55 per cent of the country’s four the public to get vaccinated. tening the coronavirus curve million population by the end of “We want to reduce and and that he expects to see a June. Croatia is now receiving prevent deaths of our people,” drop in new hospitalizations and larger weekly vaccine deliveries he said, launching the Sleeves COVID-19-related deaths soon. and has accelerated its vaccina- Up campaign. After weathering “This doesn’t mean that tion campaign. Furthermore, the initial stages of the pan- the pandemic is over, but the Capak said that the country has demic, the country has record- third wave has ended,” Capak also stepped up its campaign ed most of its 11,262 Covid-19 told reporters in Koprivnica, a aimed at educating the public. cases and 115 known deaths city in northern Croatia, which He said that those who have since February. Only 93,000 pioneered drive-through vacci- had COVID-19 in the past six tests have been carried out nation in the country. It is still months should receive only one among a population of nine possible that the new variants dose of a vaccine, citing studies million, so the real number of would result in a number of new that question the efficacy of a Medical workers are seen at a drive-through COVID-19 vaccination point infections is feared to be much COVID-19 cases, “but it seems second dose. in Virovitica, Croatia, May 3, 2021. PHOTO: DAMIR SPEHAR/PIXSELL higher. “If you have no need VIA XINHUA to us that this is going in the In the past 24 hours, Croa- to go to a public place outside right direction and that we have tia has registered 349 new cas- 2, more than 900,000 vaccine or 21 per cent of the adult pop- of your home or workplace, a decline.” es of coronavirus infection and doses had been administered in ulation, had been vaccinated. stay put wherever you are,” Mr According to Capak, Croatia 36 related deaths. As of May the country, and 708,137 people, — Xinhua Marape said.—AFP 5 MAY 2021 12 SOCIETY THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

NEWS IN BRIEF Pentagon downplays newest Afghanistan clashes

‘Woke’ CIA partment of Defense spokesman recruitment video John Kirby. “We’ve seen noth- infuriates US ing thus far that has affected the drawdown, or had any significant conservatives impact on the mission at hand in Afghanistan”. On Saturday, just A 36-year-old CIA employee as the US military formally began also wants you to know how to pull out its last 2,500 troops in else she sees herself -- that the country, it launched a “pre- she is proudly a “woman of cision strike” against the source colour,” is “intersectional” and of fire that targeted an airfield is a “cisgender millenial”. in Kandahar used by the Ameri- But a video featuring cans. General Austin Miller, the the young Latina woman to US commander in Afghanistan, promote diversity at the US “certainly has at his disposal re- spy agency has conservatives sponse options to make sure that fuming that it has gone over- he’s protecting our troops and our board with “wokeness” -- a people,” Kirby said. broad term for acute aware- Nearly 20 years after US and ness of contemporary issues allied NATO troops invaded the A US and Afghan soldier shake hands during the handover ceremony at Camp Antonik in Helmand province. of race and gender, some- PHOTO: AFGHANISTAN’S MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OFFICE/AFP country and ousted the Taliban times used with derision. government as they pursued The backlash was THE Pentagon downplayed Mon- forces began their withdrawal course of the weekend that have Al-Qaeda after the September sparked after the Central In- day the impact of attacks by Talib- from the country. not had any significant impact, 11, 2001 attacks, President Joe telligence Agency posted the an insurgents in Afghanistan over “What we’ve seen are some certainly not on our people or on Biden ordered in April the final slick promotional video on its the weekend as US and allied small harassing attacks over the our resources there,” said US De- withdrawal.—AFP YouTube channel as part of a series called “Humans of CIA.” In it, the CIA employee Australia walks back ‘racist’ India ban after backlash proudly declares her success, using language that is familiar with younger Americans and AUSTRALIA’S prime minister of that occurring is pretty much intellectuals, but is derided fended off accusations of racism zero,” Morrison said in a break- as focusing too much on and having blood on his hands fast-time media blitz on Tuesday. political correctness by many Tuesday, as he retreated from a Around 9,000 Australians are conservatives.—AFP threat to jail Australians trying believed to be in India, where to escape COVID-wracked India. hundreds of thousands of new Scott Morrison’s govern- coronavirus cases are being de- Four killed after ment moved to ban travellers tected every day and the death flash floods in from India from entering Aus- toll is soaring. Yemen’s historic tralia until May 15, threatening Among those trapped are rule-breakers - including Aus- some of Australia’s most high Tarim city tralian citizens - with prison time. profile sporting stars - cricketers Amid a widespread back- playing in the lucrative Indian FOUR people have been killed lash, Morrison on Tuesday said Premier League. There is a blanket ban on travel to-and-from the country unless an exemption is secured. PHOTO: AFP in flash floods following heavy it was “highly unlikely” that Aus- Commentator and former rains in the historic Yemeni tralians who skirted a ban would Test cricket star Michael Slater was a “disgrace”. “Blood on your Government cared for the safety city of Tarim, state media said be jailed. was among those who pilloried hands PM. How dare you treat of Aussies they would allow us to yesterday. “I think the likelihood of any Morrison’s decision, saying it us like this,” he tweeted. “If our get home.”—AFP The city, located in the central province of Had- ramawt, is best known for Spain’s socialists face drubbing in Madrid regional election its mud-brick structures and more than 360 mosques including Al-Mehdar, which MADRID votes Tuesday in an dealing a blow to Spain’s Socialist regional administration, has Diaz Ayuso Ser radio station last has the tallest minaret in the early regional election the incum- Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. consistently pushed back against month. “After a bad day a beer country. bent conservative Popular Party Isabel Diaz Ayuso, the out- central government pressure to cheers you up.” She has been The state-run Saba news is expected to win comfortably, going leader of the key Madrid impose tighter virus restrictions. campaigning under the slogan agency reported four dead The 42-year-old rising star in “Freedom”. and an unspecified number the PP argues keeping the econ- Critics however say her lax of injured as a result of heavy omy afloat and preserving social restrictions have come at too high rains on Sunday, and said interaction is also important for a price. They point out that Ma- three residences had col- health. drid has the highest percentage lapsed. On her watch, Madrid has of intensive care beds occupied by AFP footage showed had Spain’s lightest virus re- Covid-19 patients in the country, streets of the city flooded and strictions. It has been the only at nearly 45 per cent -- and one mud-brick buildings dam- major European capital to keep of the country’s highest infection aged, with vehicles and mo- bars, restaurants and theatres rates. Just over 5.1 million people torcycles buried under debris open with few restrictions since are eligible to vote in the election and mud. Residents said the a nationwide lockdown ended in in Spain’s richest region, which victims’ bodies were trans- mid-2020. has been governed by the PP ported to hospital.—AFP Diaz Ayuso has campaigned using the slogan ‘Freedom’. PHOTO: AFP “Having beers is important,” since 1995.—AFP 5 MAY 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR BIZ: WORLD/AD 13

Japanese startup to carry UAE lunar rover to NEWS IN BRIEF Moon in 2022 Bill and Melinda Gates announce JAPANESE startup Ispace divorce after 27 years Inc. will deliver a lunar rov- Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife and fellow philan- er under development by thropist Melinda announced on Monday they are divorcing the United Arab Emirates after a 27-year marriage. One of the world’s wealthiest cou- to the Moon next year in ples -- with a joint fortune estimated at $130 billion -- the what will be the Arab Gates have channeled billions into charitable work around world’s first lunar mission. the globe via their hugely influential foundation. Under the contract re- In announcing their split on Twitter, the couple said cently announced by the they would continue their joint work on the Bill & Melinda Tokyo-based space compa- Gates Foundation, which funds programmes in global ny and the Mohammed Bin health, gender equality, education and other causes. —AFP Rashid Space Centre, Du- bai’s governmental space agency, Ispace will also CLAIMS DAY NOTICE provide communications M.V CTP MAKASSAR VOY. NO. (223N) and power during the jour- ney to the Moon and on its Consignees of cargo carried on M.V CTP surface. The UAE’s rover MAKASSAR VOY. NO. (223N) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 5-5-2021 and cargo will be will be loaded onto a lunar Supplied image shows a rendering of the United Arab Emirates’ Rashid lunar rover under development by the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre, a Dubai government agency discharged into the premises of HPT where it will lie at lander that Ispace plans which is part of the UAE space programme. PHOTO: KYODO the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the to launch from Florida in byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. the United States using a in height will be transport- Takeshi Hakamada, CEO private firm to land on the Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am rocket made by SpaceX, ed in Ispace’s lander cur- and founder of Ispace, told Moon. Ispace has also been to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo officially known as Space rently under development. an online news conference. chosen by the U.S. National from the Vessel. Exploration Technologies The project marks Ispace’s “Furthermore, we are very Aeronautics and Space Ad- No claims against this vessel will be admitted after Corp. and founded by tech first space mission since its pleased to advance our ministration to join its pro- the Claims Day. billionaire Elon Musk. The establishment in 2010. collaboration between the ject to collect lunar regolith Phone No: 2301185 Rashid rover weighing 10 “We are very honoured UAE and Japan in space from the Moon’s surface as Shipping Agency Department kilogrammes and measur- that MBRSC has selected exploration.” If the mis- part of NASA’s Commercial Myanma Port Authority Agent For: ing about 50 centimetres in Ispace to play a key role sion succeeds, Ispace could Lunar Payload Services length and width and 70 cm for this historic moment,” become the first Japanese program. — Kyodo News M/S NEW GOLDEN SEA SHIPPING LINES Apple, Epic in heated US court clash over app market

FORTNITE maker Epic in developers and users back, telling the judge Games and Apple clashed and then squeezes money that Epic’s suit is part of in court Monday at the out of them. Apple essen- a “self-proclaimed war opening of a blockbuster tially planted a “flower in against mobile platform trial on the iPhone maker’s the walled garden (that) fees” that defies the law App Store with big impli- was turned into a Venus and the facts. Apple is no cations for the world of fly trap,” the lawyer said more a monopoly than is a mobile tech, trading barbs during opening statements grocery market that sells over alleged monopolistic in California federal court, a broad array of goods, actions and what is best for claiming the technology ti- competing with other consumers. tan gets profits of as much shops, Dunn maintained, Epic attorney Kath- as 78 per cent from apps. pointing out that people erine Forrest began the “The evidence will can play Epic games on case, accusing Apple of show unambiguously platforms including con- turning its online mar- that Apple is a monopo- soles, personal computers ketplace into a monopoly ly,” she claimed. Apple and smartphones made by “walled garden” that lures lawyer Karen Dunn fired Apple rivals. —AFP

Epic CEO Tim Sweeney arrives at federal court in Oakland, California for a trial pitting the maker of the popular video game Fortnite against Apple in a case with big implications for the future of the online App Store. PHOTO: AFP 5 MAY 2021 14 ECON: WORLD THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Hong Kong ends longest recession in decades

HONG Kong’s economy jumped trade tensions between Beijing back into growth in the first quar- and the US, pummelling the ter of the year, official figures economy that acts as an inter- showed on Monday, ending the national gateway to China. city’s most pronounced period of The city was among the first recession in its modern history. places outside mainland China to The international financial record a coronavirus infection, hub has been battered the last and the economy plunged by a 18 months by a triple whammy of record-breaking 9.1 per cent in the US-China trade war, months the first quarter of 2020. of social unrest and then the Since then, Hong Kong coronavirus pandemic. has managed to keep the virus It recorded six consecutive spread down to a little more quarters of negative growth, a than 11,000 infections thanks to more prolonged downturn than strict quarantine and economi- during both the 1997 Asian fi- cally punishing social distancing nancial crisis and the 2007-08 measures. global crash. This year’s economic re- A vendor pulls a trolley down a street of a food market in Hong Kong. PHOTO: AFP That came to an end on bound was largely sparked by Monday when the government three months of 2020. enough to enter the coronavi- In 2019, months of huge and a sharp resurgence in exports announced the economy grew Hong Kong was one of the rus pandemic already mired in often violent pro-democracy pro- fuelled by recoveries in both Chi- 7.8 per cent on year in the first few places in the world unlucky a deep recession. tests coincided with swirling na and the US.—AFP Economic downturn fueling Argentine crypto craze France rejects British ARGENTINA’S economic down- na since 2020,” said Maximiliano 11 percent. For those wishing to turn, with high inflation, a deflat- Hinz, Latin American director put money aside for a rainy day, fishing demands as ing currency and a shortage of of cryptocurrency exchange cryptocurrencies offer relief from US dollars to invest in, has in fact Binance, the world’s largest by low interest rates and a govern- Brexit row deepens proved a shot in the arm for one trade volume. There are now ment-imposed limit on greenback sector: cryptocurrency. an estimated two million crypto purchases of $200 per month in a As they seek safe havens trading accounts in the country population accustomed to dollar- for their dwindling nest eggs, of 45 million people. Argentina izing savings. One Bitcoin is now Argentines -- used to buffering has been in recession since 2018, worth about $60,000, or 5.6 million against economic crises -- have with inflation averaging 45 per pesos. “It is no coincidence that been putting their money into cent over the last three years, Argentina and Venezuela, coun- Bitcoin, Tether, Etherium or Dai. and a GDP contraction of 9.9 per tries with high inflation, are the “The number of user ac- cent in 2020. main crypto poles in South Amer- counts for investing in ‘cryptos’ Poverty haunts two in five ica,” said Marcos Zocaro, a spe- has multiplied by ten in Argenti- people, and unemployment is at cialist in digital assets. —AFP Fresh protests called after deadly Fishing boats moored in western France. PHOTO: AFP Colombia tax reform clashes THE French government on ed into the licences - when the Monday lashed out at new European Commission has not Some NGOs accused police regulations which Britain has been notified - they are null and of firing at civilians. Faced with declared for fishing in its wa- void,” the ministry told AFP. the unrest, the government of ters near the Channel Islands, The ministry said it was President Ivan Duque on Sunday deeming them “null and void” adhering “strictly to the deal” ordered the tax reform proposal in a deepening post-Brexit row. agreed on fishing under the be withdrawn from Congress, France and Britain have terms of Britain’s exit from the where it was being debated. And increasingly clashed over European Union on January 1. on Monday, Colombia’s finance fishing in recent weeks, with “If the United Kingdom minister Alberto Carrasquilla re- French fishermen saying they wants to introduce new meas- signed, saying in a statement his are being prevented from op- ures, it must notify the Europe- continued presence “would make erating in British waters be- an Commission which in turn it difficult to build the necessary cause of difficulties in obtaining notifies us - that allows for us consensus quickly and efficient- licences. to engage in a dialogue,” the ly” for a new reform proposal. He The French fisheries ministry said. Taxi drivers protest against a tax reform bill launched by President Ivan was quickly replaced by econo- ministry said Britain had in- “These new technical Duque, in Bogota on May 3, 2021. PHOTO: AFP mist Jose Manuel Restrepo, troduced “new technical meas- measures are not applicable to PROTESTERS in Colombia 18 civilians and a police officer previously the minister of com- ures” relating to licences for our fishermen as things stand.” called Monday for a new mass died in violence during the pro- merce. Despite the withdrawal fishing off the Channel Islands Fishing proved one of the rally after 19 people died and tests that began throughout the of the bill, which protesters said which had not been properly most fraught issues in the fran- more than 800 were wounded country on April 28, while 846 would make Colombia poorer in declared to the European tic negotiations leading up to in clashes during five days of people, including 306 civilians, the midst of the coronavirus pan- Union under the terms of the Britain’s departure from the demonstrations against a pro- were injured. Authorities have demic, an umbrella group known Brexit deal. EU, with London tightly guard- posed government tax reform. detained 431 people, and the gov- as the National Strike Committee “We consider that if the ing control over its waters as The office of Colombia’s ernment deployed the military in called for new demonstrations on new demands for sea zoning or a symbol of its sovereignty. — human rights ombudsman said the worst-affected cities. Wednesday. —AFP fishing equipment are integrat- AFP 5 MAY 2021 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR GLOBAL AFFAIRS 15

NEWS North Korea founder’s memoir triggers IN BRIEF censorship debate in South Biden to allow up to 62,500 refugees into A South Korean publisher’s de- in prison. US after criticism fiant move to release the mem- Even so publisher Kim Se- oirs of the North’s founder Kim ung-kyun in April released the Il Sung has triggered a heated North Korean founder’s eight-vol- PRESIDENT Joe Biden debate over Seoul’s decades-old ume memoirs, titled “With the announced Monday, after ban on Pyongyang’s propaganda Century”, telling AFP he did so coming under fierce criticism, under national security laws. to promote inter-Korean reconcil- that he was raising the max- Critics of the measure say iation. An anti-North civic group imum number of refugees Southerners are politically ma- filed a criminal complaint, police allowed into the United States ture enough to judge such ma- launched an investigation and this year to 62,500 -- up from terial for themselves and argue within days the country’s major the 15,000 cap imposed by his it amounts to unnecessary cen- bookstores -- who had received predecessor Donald Trump. sorship in a vibrant democracy it via a publishers’ association The change follows that is one of the most wired and -- pulled it from their shelves. backlash from allies over educated countries in the world. It briefly remained available Biden’s earlier decision to But the South remains North Korean founder Kim Il-sung’s eight-volume memoirs have been online for 280,000 won ($250) for keep the Trump-era limits -- a officially at war with its nucle- released in the South, potentially leaving their publisher at risk of the full set, but by last week it was politically costly moment of prosecution for reproducing pro-Pyongyang materials. PHOTO: AFP ar-armed and impoverished no longer available from popular confusion that stood out in a neighbour, with legislation to break of the Korean War, and still cial Rodong Sinmun newspaper. web portal Naver, while searches White House notable for its match. blocks ordinary citizens from ac- Reproducing or possessing on local bookselling platforms iron discipline in its first three The national security law cessing most North Korean-pro- banned pro-Pyongyang materials Kyobo and Yes24 showed no re- months. dates from 1948, before the out- duced content, including its offi- is punishable by up to seven years sults. —AFP “This erases the histori- cally low number set by the previous administration of 15,000, which did not reflect French parliament to vote new climate law criticised America’s values as a nation by green groups that welcomes and supports refugees,” Biden said in a elections. Measures include bans on statement. The draft legislation is al- domestic flights under two and “The new admissions most certain to be approved in a half hours that can be done by cap will also reinforce efforts first reading by the lower house of train, restrictions on renting bad- that are already underway parliament, where Macron has a ly insulated properties, or the cre- to expand the United States’ working majority, but it has been ation of a new “ecocide” crime to capacity to admit refugees, so heavily criticised by environmen- punish polluters. The overall aim that we can reach the goal of tal groups. Campaigners see it as is to put in place measures that 125,000 refugee admissions too timid given the pace of climate will enable France to meet its that I intend to set for the change globally and accuse the target of reducing its greenhouse coming fiscal year.” —AFP French leader of half-hearted gas emissions by 40 per cent com- commitment to a cause he has pared with 1990 levels by a dead- admitted to embracing belatedly. line of 2030. Lobby groups such as Bridge collapses France’s environment minis- Greenpeace have called it a “lost President Emmanuel Macron is trying to burnish his climate credentials with metro train on ter, Barbara Pompili, has defend- opportunity of Macron’s term”, ahead of next year’s election. PHOTO: POOL/AFP/FILE it, killing at least 23 ed the text, saying it “will affect while even the president’s own THE French parliament is set by President Emmanuel Macron the daily life of all of our citizens” environmental advisory council to vote through a new climate to reinforce his green creden- and is “one of the biggest laws of said it would “have a potentially AT least 23 people died and change law on Tuesday intended tials one year ahead of national the (president’s) term”. limited impact”. —AFP around 70 were injured after a portion of an elevated rail in a southern suburb of Mexico City collapsed on the ground, G7 pushes solidarity to tackle global threats causing a passing train to derail and crash at Olivos G7 foreign ministers meet in opolitical issues that threaten to station. London for their first face-to- undermine democracy, freedoms Early unofficial reports face talks in more than two years and human rights”. from the scene spoke of at on Tuesday, with calls for urgent Britain’s Foreign Secretary least 50 people injured, after joined-up action to tackle the Dominic Raab met his US coun- the metro train fell from the most pressing global threats. terpart Secretary of State Antony collapsing section of Line 12 China, Myanmar, Libya, Blinken on Monday with both on Monday evening, shortly Syria and Russia are all on the pushing a firm line on the need before 11 pm local time. formal agenda as the ministers for a more unified approach. Newspaper El Universal from the club of wealthy democ- “The UK’s presidency of the reported six dead and 80 racies prepare for a leaders’ G7 is an opportunity to bring to- injured, citing emergen- meeting in Cornwall, southwest gether open, democratic soci- cy services responding to England, next month. eties and demonstrate unity at Britain’s Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab (R) and US Secretary of State the scene. Mayor Claudia They will also discuss vio- a time when it is much needed Antony Blinken are both pushing a firm line on the need for a more Sheinbaum also came to the unified G7 approach. PHOTO: POOL/AFP lence in Ethiopia, Iran and North to tackle shared challenges and station. By midnight local Korea, Somalia, the Sahel and rising threats,” Raab said in a the need for a common stance, as order” to tackle issues from cli- time, Mexico City emergency western Balkans, as part of what statement. he reaffirmed US commitment to mate change to post-pandemic authorities spoke of 15 dead London said were “pressing ge- Blinken hammered home the “international rules-based recovery. —AFP and 70 injured. —AFP 5 MAY 2021 16 SPORT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Lethwei is the most effective stand-up combat: Dave Leduc MYANMA Lethwei Cruiser- The Lethwei star also ex- communities, and his fight weight World Champion Dave pressed his feeling about the against a Muay Thai fighter Leduc said that he loves Leth- brilliant combat. will be seen in the near future. wei with all of his heart. He “Let’s make it clear: Leth- “The Muay Thai communi- also spoke out that Lethwei is wei is the ultimate test for strik- ty is unaware of the ancestor of the most effective and brilliant ers. I don’t care how many belts their sport. I understand Myan- stand-up combat on the planet. you have in other stand-up dis- mar was hidden from the world “You can only understand, ciplines. It won’t matter once for 60 years, but it’s time to set true, all-out stand-up combat you fight without your hand the record straight. Lethwei is once you’ve fought without pillows, and you face a warrior not about being pretty or good gloves, all 9 limbs allowed, and looking for any opportunity to looking, and it’s about inflicting no judges – KO to win. The art smash his skull against the soft damage. of Lethwei is the most effective tissues of your face. It’s another That’s why I have accept- stand-up combat on the plan- world.” ed the offer presented to my et, far superior due to fewer The Lethwei World Cham- team for the end of the year: restrictions on striking and pion Dave has also accepted Lethwei vs Muay Thai”, Dave takedowns,” Dave Leduc said. challenges from Muay Thai Leduc added. —GNLM

Myanma Lethwei Cruiserweight World Champion Dave Leduc. PHOTO: DAVE LEDUC FB

Thierry Henry warns UEFA allows 26-player squads for Euro 2020 of long road ahead for Arsenal takeover bid THIERRY Henry has warned Sports. “When we knew first Arsenal supporters that a and foremost that he wanted potential takeover by Spotify to involve the fans we actually co-founder Daniel Ek could met the Arsenal Supporters’ take a “very long” time as the Trust and told them what we club’s all-time record goalscor- wanted to do—bring them back er confirmed his role in the bid. on board. Ek has gone public with “He wants to reinject the his desire to buy the strug- Arsenal DNA, the identity that gling Premier League giants is long gone. “You don’t have in the aftermath of fan protests Arsenal people there among against Arsenal’s involvement the board that can sometimes UEFA has increased the size of squads to 26 for Euro 2020 to cover for possible Covid cases. PHOTO: UEFA in the failed European Super show the right direction and League project. that is what Daniel wants to do. UEFA said Tuesday it would al- ures”. France coach Didier De- will include players who test However, the club’s billion- “He already said he collect- low expanded 26-man squads at schamps and Belgium boss Rob- positive for Covid-19 or who are aire American owner Stan Kro- ed the funds so he can make Euro 2020, meeting a demand erto Martinez were among those declared as “close contacts” of a enke has insisted he has no in- sure he can make a good bid. from coaches who feared they who had called for the change positive Covid-19 tested person. tention of selling the Gunners. Now obviously they need to lis- could lose players due to coro- while England manager Gareth The new regulations will Henry’s former team- ten and see what they can do.” navirus. Southgate had been opposed. also allow goalkeepers to be re- mates and Arsenal legends Last week, Kroenke, European football’s govern- Matchday squads will still placed before each match during Dennis Bergkamp and Patrick through his Kroenke Sports ing body said it had agreed the be limited to 23 players. the tournament in case of physi- Vieira are also part of an adviso- and Entertainment business, increase from 23 players “to mit- UEFA clarified that the cal incapacity even if one or two ry group for Ek’s takeover bid. issued a statement saying he igate the risks of teams facing a current regulations that allow goalkeepers from the player list “He approached us, we lis- “will not entertain” any offer. shortage of available players for coaches to change their squads are still available. A player that tened to him,” Henry told Sky —AFP certain matches due to possible after the cut-off point of June 1 has been replaced on the player positive Covid-19 test results and up until their first match in the list will not later be allowed to re- subsequent quarantine meas- case of “serious injury or illness” turn to the competition. —AFP

Europe’s clubs caught between a financial pit and hallowed grounds

AS European football clubs strug- clear their hostility to trading in sports economics at auditing gle to make up for revenue lost tradition for cash.Furthermore, firm KPMG, told AFP. Today, only in the pandemic, one untapped some big-money sport sponsors, 29 of the 98 clubs in the top divi- source of revenue is stadium notably airlines, have also been sions in England, Germany, Italy, naming rights, but exploiting hit hard by Covid-19 restrictions. Spain and France, Europe’s ‘big them may not be straightforward. “Many European sports five’ leagues play in named sta- Many football fans have long clubs have long been missing out diums. In the National Football Thierry Henry has warned Arsenal supporters that a potential takeover opposed clubs selling their history, on millions worth of stadia naming League by contrast, more than by Spotify co-founder Daniel Ek could take a “very long” time as the club’s all-time record goalscorer confirmed his role in the bid. PHOTO: and, during the European Super sponsorship fees annually,” Bryn 80 per cent of the stadiums bear AFP League fiasco, supporters made Anderson, an analyst specialising sponsors’ names. —AFP