Udr 113 54.Pdf
Today's weather: A five atar Variable clouds. All-American mild. new1paper High 60. <rl>bble, gobble. Vol. 113 No. 54 Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716 Tuesday, November 24, 1987 UD may alter I / I Mall dorms Jonesproposestoconvert N. Central to office space by Kean Burenga According to Dave Butler, Assistant News Editor director of Housing and Residence Life, the conversion President Russel C. Jones is of Brown, Sypherd, Harter and asking the university's land Sharp would not take place un management committe.e to til "after new residence halls consider converting Brown, are built." Sypherd, Harter, and Sharp One tentative plan is to build residence halls into academic a dormitory complex with a builcijngs. central dining hall on univer Jones said he is proposing sity land between Ray Street turning the residence halls in- and North Campus, Butler said. see editorial p. 8 The complex might include . _.... housing for Greeks, graduate THE REVIEW/ Don Della Piazza to math and science buildings students and special interest President.Russel C. Jones' proposal could turn Brown/Sypherd into math and science buildings. and constructing new dorms groups, Butler added. elsewhere OriCampus because According to Harrison, the "academic space is too crowd land planning committee is ed." just gathering information Robert Harrison, university now and will be considering $300,000 confiscated treasurer and chairman of the many alternatives in the com land committee, said his com ing months. mittee will probably suggest Before any decisions are that dorms be located on the made, he said, the committee in 1-95 drug busts "periphery" of campus while will be soliciting input from the "core campus" is reserv students, faculty and the ed for academic space.
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