14 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wcdnwdav. Nov. 11, 1987 V

NOTICB FUaOIL/COAL/ CARS PUBLIC HBAMNO Fascinated by crime: BOARD OF DIRBCTORS FR«WOOO FOR SALE OOP^Anobligationtagetthii^^ TOWN OF MANCMB8TBR, CONNBCTICUT BUSINESS & SEItVICE DIRECTORY Notice It hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of Ex-FBI man teaches Manchester, Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing at the FIREWOOD SALE DDDGE Aspen 1976. 4 Lincoln Center Hearing Room, 4M Main Street, Manchester, *S3 par cord, 8 h. Isnglha, door, runtaood.$300or Connecticut, on Tueedoy, November 17,19S7 at 1:00 P.M. to irssn, dalivsrad, B cord best offer. y-75$0. Deadlock: No score, but Whalers shine / page 14 M CC class / page 11 IWiTWS/ consider and act on the following: mlntmum. MC/VI8A PDNTIAC G ra n d Lo ICME l ^wFcWliB Prepoted appropriation to Education Special ------Rartharn Flrawoad Mans Safari 1981. Auto­ Prolecte - Fund 41 - Head Start Food 19S7-SS .,!:rr::iUM5.00 matic, power brakes, to be financed by o State Oront. OMrlbutare rAtYlHTINO-Offtrwl mTeSnSSTpalntlna and B30-0II5Q A/C, Excellent condl- dBliHWt n r vow to oe MTOIENAMTN tfolnino. Exparltnca MOW REMOVAL Proposed appropriation to Education Special tlon. 82600. 643-9758. 2V4 yaors. Porastlmate Prelects - Fund 41 - Drug Prevention 19S7-SS...... $17,140.00 QPPVtinYYrVflTV# #Tv« REMODEUin Manohoolor Aron > to be flnonced by o State Oront. OLDS Cutlass 1981. ,^QrT ipnv Qoy cor# coll »<7.>ttS. ______IRECREATIORAL Brown, 4 door, 92K oi^rrttuo Olio, l i - OimN^ onffw ian^ Of Rooaofloblo Ratoa Proposed appropriation to Education Special tilfiM4lwme. ibOts of ■fforVWW* prtoM. VMt ow Prolecte ■ Fund 41 - Account *306 - Youth lEQUIPMERT miles. 6 cyi'r.aer, A/C. levt im t attonflon. HumroomoretUtortm PAINTING 646-2S16 Employment...... $1,000.00 Exceller.l dependobll- loiPfNN' SSSaStSSRSBNSSSSSMMRSS to be flnonced by Interest earnings of the Man­ DPTIMA. Radio con­ Ity. $2200 or best offer. fo m w Moctior. 647- chester Emergency Employment Fund. trolled electric po­ 643-1955.______■MM Ntrllaga lUlahM B DEUVEBINB SSL PrMo takon In ovary |ob Proposed appropriation to Education Special wered racing cor. Fully D ATSU N 260 Z 1974. Runs wo dor Quality la our Rich farm loam. 8 Prolecte - Fund 41 - Excess Cost Grant ...... $71,700.00 assembled, 4 wheel Mrda. $75 plus tax. good. $700. Best offer. NPHQIVWfOl *** |4O0MKD«: iBm W* MRPBRB TpPW» main oonoam. to be financed by a State Grant. drive, 2 channel radio 649-7198.______ttaMIM-- Sand, oravol. horao Proposed appropriation to Gonerol Fund - and 7.2 volt battery U M m IW AtOIIAtU RATES manura and daoorativa Health Department - AIDS Prelect...... $11,374.00 Included. Good condi­ H D N D A W agon 1979. atona. to be financed by a State Grant, tion. Asking $230. Coll Needs storter ond front ) Manchester — A City ol Village Charm Hrralft Waoatartotlta 649-1373. end work. Best offer. mulmttr Proposed appropriation to Spoclol Grants - homa ownar. S43#S04 Fund 61 - Shared Von for the Elderly ...... $13,900.00 Phone 646-3308 offer 6iiRR0USlL FM5E KSTIMATE8 to be financed by contrlbutlene from portlc- 3pm. Ipotlno towns and ogenclet of which Moncheet- MU8ICAL W i N w i h d H i fully ln$und HANDYMAN er't fhore Is estimated at 15,975.00. ITEM8 Thursday, Nov. 12,1987 30 Cents C trp in try Home improvement * Proposed opproprlotlon to General Fund - Mis­ Sa// Your Car « 4»#744 Pirtnttna - well NOWinO- cellaneous Budget - Contribution to Fund 61 - • OouMorTopo Shored Von tor the Elderly...... $5,975.00 FOR Sole. % Student llllne - Ueht CorpeMry- Violin with cose and • CiMlom CaMnoto LeofServlee to be flnonced from Fund Balance. $ 15 To consider abandonment of those premises designated os stand. Excellent condi­ N TiFonTifSir- • GMnortl C o rp o t^ ceil BARRY SCANLON "Future Street" located between Lots No. 51 and 53, all os tion. $125. 646-7293. 4 Lines — 10 D ays hooMkMpIna. Irdomns shown on o subdivision plan of Green Manor Estates onO tol*4Mwkly. ■II Hm M M WHH ol645'2411 tereetimele 509 charge each addi­ Storm kills man, makes roads Ireacherous’ quatily wmI omo • aaooaoeeaeoae Addition No. 4, Sheet 3 of 5, doted December, 1963, bulMIno or ronowtOns. FU>OR 'sSncHriorTf^ All public meetings of the Town of Manchester ore held at PETR ARD tional line, per day. You L'-b I H G t. Ilka now. Soaclollzlng m w ( k s ’i m ‘ia n fid E locations which ore accessible to handicapped cltUens. In 8UPPLIE8 can cancel at any time. The season’s first major snow­ Manchester Memorial Hospital, said. That work is not performed by Wednesday night, said Priscilla until 10 a.ni. Henry Obst of Anderson Bros. I i n t o n a n e o - Can Bucket, buck A chipper. addition, handicapped Individuals requiring on auxiliary police, but Is given to contractors. "P a t” R. Burt, interim director. Manchester plowing crews were Amoco Service on Main Street euBinaaa 843-0053 In oldar floors, natural old In order to facilitate their participation at meeUngs I SORRY. storm, which dropped 4 to 6 inches said Amy Avery, assistant director ilno. Avolkible 2> Stump removal. Free There were 19 people at the Main or stolnad. No woxlno. should contact the Town at 647-3123 one week prior to the AKC Adorable 2 year old NO REFUNDS OR of snow in Manchester, left "trea­ of public relations. Wednesday afternoon's rain and out Wednesday afternoon, and reported at 8:-15 this morning that «Mnifay*Firt«200 John VarfolllO, 046- eahmalee. SpiidN Street shelter Tuesday and 18 scheduled meeting so that appropriate orrongements con be Somoyed needs new ADJUSTMENTS cherous" roads, closed schools, Manchester roads this morning sleet turned Into snow early Wed­ again starting at 6 p.m., Chapman crews were already running about 0 ir oroo. No S7S0. considemiion for eldedy mode. Wednesday, which is about average said. Crews worked all night and two hours behind schedule. lorvlco* no«upa *2995 .... (MINOw-ManolMMMi emiM OlMoiiMs, iTM sell- ' 1 Foil a winter Cleaniio- ’ November 6, 19S7 ordered » 9 month eecurltv quality championship 91 Dodga D150 PU *4995 MS42SD» mewe. NO laNl. lOysereexiwI-, Seosoned Firewood' thot oil cldlmt most be pre- month ^ iNcmt A O lio ^ t... snoaCiMielHrSeM. Detlvory AvolloMo->«^ tented to the fiduciary at the No pets. References, bloodlines, AKC 82 Cantury ooupa *6195 IUM ttM ItttIO OCH ’h> SnewFlowIne' ^ address below. Failure to 643-2121. registered. Hips and S3 Bonnavllla 4 *. *6995 Car ‘pops,’ rOBwlorly. promptly present any euch 5— RaHrnnm nnartment eyes clear. Wonderful 83 Ragal 4 dr. *6995 •S' CALL S B S M R -O M a clolm may roeuit In the loss ' Beoroom (iporTmem. Warm front, sun 11. of rights to recover on such References ond SMur- for pets or show 84 0ldtClara4d, *7795 THE EASY WAY to find q clolm. Ity. Coll Ed ot 649-2947. dogs. Private breeder. flows IMBNO Md IW cosh buyer for no-lonoar-, 84 Carniro ooupa *6495 burns in ^ mooirs orowiMi tiw JIUYER MEETS ttllor In Johanna Bruder Roy, •400. IT ONI on axp^. I MIoSmii^^Sh needed household Items Is ^ the wont ode... timo oftor Assistant Clerk E n R T O R E ARD 84 Camaro oou«a *8495 I’M fMd fho iwtp you comhmnoM vnxS. nwNWrvdp in* with 0 wont od. Dial Hmo after timet Roodimd 86 Chavy 8-10 piokup *6495 turadk wfnWMM. - ^ 643-2711 tq place your ESJoffim wkc 872-1527 melt away snow m Oosalflad. 643- use the wont ods 88 Chavy Caprtca 4 dr. *8495 oulek-octlon od. 112 TImrod Rood driveway reoulorly. Manchester, CT 06040 E X C E L L E N T Locotlon. 86 Nova 4 dr. *8495 (>w II 500 square feet and up. 86 Camaro Z26 *13,995 State police said there were MI CELLAREDU By The Associated Press Store and offices from 8 8 67 Spactrum 4 dr. *8495 traffic jams hnd fender-benders, Marie Caron of 34 Butler Road $200 o month. 647-9223 FOR SALE 87 Chavalla 2 dr. *5495 Temperatures were expected to but no fatalities or major accidents escaped injury Wednesday when reported due to the storm, which vmJCOHOOMIHIUMS ,,iAP«RTSEIITS ------T E E Shirt transfers. Ap­ reach the 40s today and melt away her car burst into flames on the HOMES HOMES HOMES 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 much of the snow that blanketed the was blown by winds of 25 mph, driveway of her home. - Z | for sale '4IHMREMT laimOSNITES proximately 3000, also FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE 50 to 100k numerals and state overnight. occasionally gustlng to 45 mph. The car, a 1981 Oldsmobiie, was A mixture of snow and freezing I MANCHESTER. 2 bed­ M A N CH ES TER . Good lo- letters tor shirts, cops, The National Weather Service in destroyed as Caron watched from SOUTHERN New Enq- rain left less accumulation in BURSTING With person­ room brick Town- etc. Best offer. 649-3642 Windsor Locks said 1 to 2 inches of the safety of her home. Just a few lond classitleld ads M A N C H ES TE R . The lo­ southern parts of the state, but due cation is Ideal and the ality! Classy 7 room house, dishwasher, SSiM m ent 9nrt‘*fioo7’ ROOMATE Wonted otter 5:30pm.o snow fell along the coast overnight, minutes earlier, she had been in the reach nearly 800,000 deck, spectacular ^M ^I^ln V l^rn rn lH n a ' MonChester. LOOklhC to its added weight caused more homes In Connecticut price Is right on this 7 Tutor Colonial featur­ ° protesslonol Fe HEALTH Club Member­ 3 to 6 inches fell in central portions car, trying to move it into the view. Convenient, on ship for sole. Lifetime SCRANTON havoc with power lines. and Rhode Island. The room, 2 both, full dor­ ing 3 bedrooms, IVi cS? rHu mole to Shore oport and 6 to 8 inches fell in the north. carport attached to her home. mered Cope. Finished baths, 1 cor garage, busline. No brokers. membership to Court CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH But the National Weather Service Statewide, nearly 40,080 custo­ Caron had recently spent 8800 on price for a basic 25 $82,900. 649-1043. CHRYSLER EXECUTIVE word ad Is only $55 and lower level recreation fireplace, vinyl and $485. Coll ^3-1595.____ Fountain Village. Easy House One, Manches­ said a warm front, with partly mers were left without power for repairs and new tires for this car, room, and o large deck brick siding, newer ter for $100 regularly VEHICLES AND SELECT USED will appear In 43 news­ BRAND New Listing! EAST Horttord, 1 bed- access to 1-84and Hart- CARS... sunny skies and temperatures as piortions of Wednesday. she said this morning. She had had with sliders from kit­ roof, finished base­ Cleon os a whistle 3 room. $435 'monthly ford. Coll evenings and $200. Coll Anita at 643- B.a« Almost 22,000 customers in papers. For more In­ 2711.______SOME nNANCINO Oh LES8I high as 45 degrees, was expected to a tuneup done on the car on formation call Classi­ chen. Mokeonoppolnt- ment, blown-ln Insula­ plus room Condomi­ plus utilities. On bus weekends. 282-1985. Bridgeport, Stratford and the ment today to viewthls tion, outstanding natu­ nium at Ridgecrest on 67 DODGE 4x4 p u im move into the state today. Saturday. ^ fied, 643-2711 and ask line. 568-1054.______$315 includes heat and WOOD Chips, doors, pa­ Hak aato.. Fanoy. ranoy In Windsor Locks.'8:8'inches of Devon section of Milford lost power She said this morning that she for detolls.g______lovely home. $148,000. ral woodwork. New East Middle Turnpike. MANCHESTER. Large 1 hot woter.o______nelling, wall hung Truck, an kaiMi '16,995 Sentry Real Estate. 643- offering price! snow forced Bradley International about 3:55 p.m. Most had service had turned on the car Wednesday 1 bedroom, generous bedroom apartment, MANCHESTER. Rent- toilets, tanks and mis­ 87 DODQE RAM CHQR. C O V E N TR Y . Nestled In 4060.0 ______$184,900. Jackson A closet space, I'/i baths, cellaneous building 4»4 TOMtlf lOBdtd, Airport to shut down Its runways at again by 5:20 p.m.. and crews were evening to defrost it. When she the pines. 46 foot Ranch Jackson Real Estate. 3rd floor. Stove ond mote wanted to shore Uktnawl *16.995 working throughout the evening to M A N C H ES TE R . [>eluxe 3 sligers to deck. Kitchen refrigerator. Available apartment In town. $263 materials for sole. Coll 2 a.m., the normal time for ceasing returned to the car several minutes being built on corner 647-8400.D______oppllonces, private 643-4139.______87 DAKOTA 4x4 pu air operations, airport manager complete repairs, according to later, she said that she noticed lot. 3 bedrooms, 2 bedroom Townhouse December 1. No pets. plus '/i utUltles. Coll AliGPM DiBrBO Cbbb.. 2 Ton*. at Southfield Green, FRESH os a Daisy! At­ basement. Quiet area $425 per month plus 649-5323 otter 6pm. Ask Must sell. Twin bed $155. SMdMiQ fBBF window, A A a Robert Juliano said. The airport Jack Dolan, spokesman for United smoke, but started to drive it baths, $147,900. In handy location! 4M0mLt.t%nN. lAVE C.H.F.A. Qualified. 2 '/i baths, large kitchen tractive 5 plus room security and utilities. for Dove. Excerclseblke$55. Toll reopened at 8:30 a.m. today, Illuminating. toward the carport, anyway. ond tomlly room oredv Cope Cod in super fam­ $119,900. Jackson A dresser $155. 647-9407. 87 LeBARON QT8 auio^ UI Spokesman Jeff Belmont said Then, when she was half-way into Klernon Reolty. 649- Jackson Real Estate. E**"**- HARTFORD. Female Ak. Uh« N«w 10K mMM *9,795 causing some passenger flight 1147.______central oir, cor port, ily neighborhood. Ver­ delays, he said. this morning that during the course the carport, she became alarmed many extras. $162,000. satile floor plan, open 647-8400.P ______needed to shore 2 bed- 87 DODQE ARIES 4* ____ O P EN House. Sunday No­ 1 Room efficiency room apartment In Mt. PW. AT. AC. R.t RN. *8995 of the storm as many as 35.000 and turned off the car, she said. At U A R Realty. 643-2692.0 and airy. Newer Dok MANCHESTER. Immac­ FREE PALLETES customers were affected by vember 8. 1-4pm. 123 kitchen cabinets, rem­ (smoM). Heat and hot South End. $300 plus '/x for pick-up 86 DODQE 600 Const that time, she heard a pop in the MANCHESTER. Stun­ ulate 3 bedroom North- water, security dep- utilities. Immediate Atfle, Air, nv, 10K ml *11.995 Warren Avenue. This odeled both, shiny field Gre. en outages. engine compartment, she said. home Is ideal for a ning 3 bedroom Gorrl- osit. $260 per month. availability. Days 547- 86 DODQE 600 Cofwt About 11,600 homes in the New so n Colonial In hardwood floors, fire­ Condominiums. Ap- 8YNDET Tufbo, Nney. ml *11,495 Ramp opens She left the car and went into the large family or on In­ 646-4412 to leave mes- ib is , evenings 246-6663. Haven area lost power between 1 Immaculate condition. place, pretty yard with pllonced kitchen, din­ PRODUCTS. INC. house. A few minutes later she saw law situation! There many young plantings sooe or 649-4820. . - 88 LgBARON Oonvi and 1:25 p.m.. then had intermit­ Steel beam con­ ing room and 12 x20 Route 6, Bolton Auto. Ak. DmuMMI *10,695 it burst into flames, she said. are 5 bedrooms, 2 full for the gardener. Coll living room, 2'/3 baths, FOR Rent. 4 room opart- ■ ■ ____ i______s i ___ idespite snow tent outages after 6:15 p.m. Traffic At that point, Caron, who speaks baths, den, family structed home teotur- 86L#BARONtdr.. ingo x living room, quick! $142,500. Jack- central olr, extra Auto, Ak. AR Vm toy*. lights failed along Route 80 in East room, liarpe kitchen 12 20 s;^":t'"or';r«ii merchandise ■toeliADMUtHUI *8,995 with an accent, tried to call the fire dining room and son A Jackson ReoL closet space, carport, Haven’s Foxon section, creating department. But she dialed the Includes dining area. Estate. 647-8400.O amenities Include pool, hot water IncludM. On 86 CHY. QTS Turbo. A new ramp indirectly connect­ beamed 1st floor fam­ chaos at rush hour. operator and reported the fire Hardwood floors on 1st clubhouse and tennis busline. Lease, dep- E N D R O L LS r Auto, Air. Nrtey wYibbIb. ing Interstate 384 westbound to ily room. Fireplace, MANCHESTER. Immac­ 27nnections be­ to Wood. Priced to sell. Coll for 12x24 1st floor family nicely! Must be seen to night. Firefighters responded to a details. $159,900. front to bock master eost side Duplex. $575 shlons. Must sell will tween 1-384 westbound and 1-84 The dispatcher sent the Town of bedroom, finished room, dining room, appreciate. $274,900. plus utilities. 649-8490. not fit In new oport- false report that people were stuck A large snowblower being operated by Co. on Hartford Road. Scagnelli Is a Manchester Fire Department to Century-21 Epstein den and recreation Strono Real Estate. westbound, and'1-384 westbound Reolty. 647-8895.0 basement. Extra bo­ M A N CHESTER. Spo- otter CARS and 1-384 eastbound. are scheduled Rick Scagnelli eats up and spits out the Gunver employee. Buttenut Road. nus: Seller to pay up to room on the lower 647-7653.0 NEW Llstlnpl 1 floor level. Deck, 2 cor gar­ clous 1 bedroom opart- — ------FOR SALE to be put in service at that time. Please turn to page 10 snow in a ioading lot of the Gunver Mfg. At 6; 17 Wood said, the dispatcher living... tired of cllmb- 3 points toward buyers ment Including IW APLE Desk/Vqnlty. got a call from another person for a closing costs. $159,900. age. A must see! appliances ond heat. Center kneehole, 6 tnp those stairs all the $189,900. D.W. Fish P LY M O U TH Reliant TAKE A LOOK fire at 34 Butler Road, and time? Change your life Centurv-21 Epstein $495 649-8490. drawer with Chlppen- 1982. Automatic, ste­ dispatched the Eighth District Fire Realty. 647-8895.0 Realty. 643-1591. MORTBAGES with this 3 bedroom reo, electric windows. 86 Pontiac Sunbird Department to it. L-shaped Ranch lo­ '^turarshld^o’*po?tmenT tloue'^m ontle “shelt: $1200. Coll 649-5460. AT. as. A/C »7295 Trade deficit drops and markets surge ahead Thomas O’Marra said the Eighth 9 cated In the Cheney convenient 7ocmio"n: I ROC Z281987.4,000 miles. 83 RX7aNmr.tiK ‘6795 District Fire Department received Adults preferred. No con 049-3ieo.------Historic District. This $135,000 NO PAYMENTS T-top, phone hook-up, manufactured goods fell to $26.6 9 MANCHESTER Verity said in a statement. the call at 6:19 p.m. and the first fire unique floor plan Is Up to 2 years. Kits your fi­ pets. References and 1 G O LD Velure couch. E x ­ loaded I Factory wor- 84 Mazda RX7 WASHINGTON (AP)- The na- hour of trading after the early- deficit figure of $15 billion or less month security. $525. cellent condition. $225. »6895 Exports rose in September to $21 billion, down from $26.9 billion. officer was on the scene at 6:20 p.m. Ideal for the young nancial difficulties goodbye. rentv. Pristine condi­ .tion’s trade deficit narrowed a morning announcement. The bat­ would be well received in financial family or the soon to be Avoid foreclosure, cotch up Coll Mrs. Brook. 742-5981.______billion from $20.2 billion in August. Exports of U.S.-manufactured He said dry chemicals were used tion. $14,500 or best 87 Marc Cougar hefty $1.6 billion in September, its tered dollar rallied strongly in New markets. goods, meanwhile, were up $1.1 retired onel Fireplace, on late payments luchoi first Mondov-Frldoy be- CDFFEE Toble (cocktail otter. Phone John 526- Had. Loaded SAVE Commerce Secretary C. Wiiliam Imports declined to $35.1 billion to keep the fire from spreading to 1 Vi baths. Only or second mortoaee or even tween 3:30-8pm. 649- table), 23x59". Beoutl- best performance in four months, York, rising 1 yen to 136 yen at billion to $14.8 billion. the house, to which the carport is 3072 onvtlme.Q midmorning from its 135-yen close Verity hailed the report, saying the from $35.9 billion. $144,900. Coll Blan­ outstanding credit cord Mils. 9472.______ful Green polished 84 Mazda QLC the government,said today. The The September performance was Despite the improvement, the attached. Paint on ceiling of the Keep your home free and M AZDA 1986 323 DX. 4 4 dr.. Auto. iOK *5495 Wednesday. September deficit, "while still far chard A Rosetto, MANCHESTER. 6 room, Gronite. Coll 649-7543 report sparked an immediate rally the best since a $14.0 billion trade deficit for the first nine carport was scorched. About ‘‘We're Selllno clear without llene and ot- door, 5 speed. Excel­ In financial markets. It had been last month's disap­ too large, is encouragingly lower tochmenes. Bad credit or 3 bedrooms, oil op- between 8-9om. Best lent condition. $5900. 82 RX7 GSL shortfall in May. months of 1987 was running at an 1,000 gallons of water was used to Houses" 646-2482.0 pllonces Including offer, The Commerce Department said pointing report on the August trade than August’s $15.7 billion total” annual rate of $166.9 billion, larger 8 late payment not o problem. 568-1922 otter 5pm. *7895 The slowdown in imports was extinguish the fire which was under deficit, which showed a smaller- “ While we are always cautious of NEW Listing I 6-6 Duplex washer and dryer. the gap between imports and paced by drops in purchases of both than the record $156.2 billion for all control at 6:29. O’Marra said about located In upper east Quiet street. $575 plus I ^ B O O D TRIR CHEVY Malibu 1980. 4 83 Mazda Pickup than-anticipated improvement, relying on a single month’s figures, Swiss Conservative 68 door, olr, good condi­ 'sport modoT •3700 exports fell to $14.1 billion from foreign merchandise and oil. of 1986. - 43 firefighters were on the scene side of town. Huge 3 G r o u p utilities. Security and I f O I t o FAT $15.7 billion in August and $16.5 that helped trigger the stock the totals and the nature of the The U.S. deficit with Japan references. Kids wel- tion, high mileage, Imports of petroleum products and the last apparatus left at 7:07 bedroom units In excel­ 82 Granada billion in July. market collapse. components of our trade suggest lent condition, hard­ 1-4M-4404 or come. 649-9443. — ^ highway. Snow tires 4 dr., va, AC. PS declined to $3.9 billion from $4.7 decreased to $4.6 billion, down from p.m. ‘2650 The Dow Jones industrial aver­ Analysts suggested in advance of that the fundamentals underlying wood floors, master 1-454-13M and extra wheels. $900. billion in August. Imports of $4.9 billion. Caron said this morning that she MANCHESTER. Excel- MIchaBrS ProdUCB 643-5985 otter 5pm. 87 Line Continental. age surged 56 points in the first half today's report that a September our trade position are improving,” bedroom sitting area, lent 3'/i room opart- m th Fruii t Produo* 'was not satisfied with the tuneup Mporote pos heating ment. Stove, s4 Mr. wi. T4s-T«sm»nw T4t-»a4 COMET 1965. Low mi­ Low MMbb SAVE which was performed on Saturday. H00M8 leage, upholstery Inex- systems, new roof, refrigerator. No pets. 40 sw. nsUw Macs. 85 NIaaan Stanza 7 aluminum siding. Coll OPEN HOUSE — 1:00 to 4M FORREHT cellent condition. 1 4 Dr. References and secur- coruand Appiat *6495 today for o convenient SUNDAY — Novambar Sth Ity. $450 monthly plus so a . Kiwi Fruit ' owner. 742-6569. SIN G LE room, female 88 Line. Town Car 7 showing. $190‘s. Coll Dozens hurt as rush-hour trains collide in Hub 31 DELMONT STREET utilities. 649-4003. 40Cl. IR Grapafrult M l!! TRANS-AM 1979. Good SAVE TODAY Blanchard A Rossetto, preferred. Non- condition. Must sell. Tha prica Is right for this nsst, 7 room Cspe Cod. smoker. Convenient lo­ MANCHESTER. Gut- 00 lha. (»iafa Polatoaa * 8” state, was struck by a seven-car Passengers aboard the train said gency room. One was in serious “ We're Selllno $2500. 645-8221. Call ot­ 84 Merc. Marquia BOSTON (AP) — A commuter a.m., he said. Most of the injured Houses" 646-2482.0 An sxcsllont sisrter homa. It has 3 bsdrooms with cation. References and standing 7 room, 3 bed- Honey Daws 0 or Fa MB" •rouGhom train. He said the extent of injuries they had to walk through the dark condition with trauma and other room apartment In AA 40 Iba. Chlq. Bananas Me" ter 5pm. SAVE train rammed into the back of passengers were aboard the first walk-ln closats, 1 ’A baths, lowsr Isvsl rac room, all 1 week security. $60 probably was reduced because the and smoky tunnel to the station unspecified injuries; the others DPEN House. Coventry Zone. All new wall to too Ct Ruaaan Potatoes ' I " DATSUN 210 1980 Station 84 Mazda Pickup another train letting off passengers train, he added. Index hardwood floors under carpatlng, firaplacad living week. Coll Mrs. Brook ‘4500 last car in the train at a standstill after the accident. have minor injuries, such as November 15 from V Mondov-Frldoy be­ wall carpeting. Bentley too (x. DAn|ou Pears *20" Woodn. High speed. at the large Back Bay Station Massachusetts Bay Transporta­ room and modern kltchsn. Convsnisnt location 84 Toyota Celica was the engine. "Everyone started falling and scratches and bruises, he said. 20 pages, 2 aaetlone 4pm. New listing. Move tween 3:30-8pm. 649- School D istrict. No too Wash. Rad Dal. *17" Clean, reliable. $1200. during the morning rush-hour, tion Authority officials said an MBTA spokesman Timothy Gens close to shopping, bus, schools, ate. Pay us a visit 6434)104.______AT. AC. aa. Mk ‘8900 Inside the station, full of rescue everything went black,” said one In condition. This 7'/3 9472.______pets. References and osiivar to Hartford and injuring dozens of riders, officials estimated 1,500 people were on both said other passengers were being Advice------12 Lottery------2 room, full dormered to view this "mova-into" homa. security. $750 monthly East of the River 85 Olda Calais workers from hospitals and police passenger, Geri Hansen of Canton. D O D G E Aspen 1977. said. trains. Business------9 Obltuarlee^— 10 Cope has many fea­ Directions: Main Strsat to one strsat beyond GENTLEMAN preferred. plus utilities. 649-4003. or *tim to oAoom IromI AC/Loadid ‘6995 and fire departments, victims " I was scared; there was a lot of taken to local hospitals for observa­ Middle Turnpike. Private home, plea­ Slont-6, 49,600 original About 50 people were injured, and Deputy Fire Chief James Cos­ ClesBilled _ 17-19 Opinion------0 tures among them ore miles, -1 owner. $1395. covered with brown wool blankets smoke ... especially in the tunnel tion and treatment. sant room, next to 1 Room efficiency. Heat, "about seven were rather serious,” grove said it took 90 minutes to Comics------8 Prople------2 3-4 bedrooms, I'/i WsssakslIll vss feasMS I hot water and oppllon- 649-5445.______were being carried out' on you didn't know where you were," Ambulances and other rescue baths, loros aot-ln kit­ shower, telephone and MORIARTY said Leo Stapleton, the city's fire clear everyone from the two trains equipment rushing to the scene Connecticut _4-6 Sports _ _ 14-17 nidF|t»ONAU parking. 649-6801. ces Included. Security R E F U E L 0H./C0AL/ D O DG E Von 1976. 50,000 and the darkened tunnel. stretchers. said a relative, Mike Hansen. chen, 3carearaee, new Call I& ssi 8ik lirDiR required. ^ Pejs. $275 1 7 ^ PHIEWOOD commissioner. Boston City Hospital spokesman were hampered by streets and Entertainment 13 Talevlelon------13 wall to wall carpeting. MANCHESTER. Central miles. Runs great, BROTHERS Stapleton said the accident oc­ The train that was hft was listing o month. 646-2970, good working von. One train was discharging pas­ Bill Markley said 13 people were sidewalks covered with snow in the Focus------— 1) U.S./World------7 10 minutes from Down­ D. F. location, kitchen and 301 CBnttr 8t. sengers at the platform when the curred when one nine-car car train, toward the platform, dripping snow AVAILABLE December SEASDNED Cord wood. Needs some body brought to the hospital's emer­ city’s first major snowstorm. Local new s-3,10 Weather------2 town Manchester. parking privlledges. ManchtBlBT, C T other plowed into it at about 8:30 coming from the southern end of the and Ice onto the ground. Very private lot. 742- $70 weekly. Security 1.1 bedroom, heat, hot Cut and spilt. $85 per work. Price to sell at 0324. $175,000. Princi­ 646-4128 and references. 649- water, appliances. No cord. Cosh and carry . $1100 or best offer. pets. Security. 646-2970. 646-3156. 643-5135 pals only. 9227 or 649-4248. 643-2129 or 646-3929. t — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurgday. Nov. 12. 1M7 Teachers were on the job THE WEATHER REGIONAL WEATHER Dangerous Substance! Th»Aocu-WM*t«r^|f.No««n*er13 Accu-Weaiher*^torecast for Friday Oavtime Conditions and High Temperatures What coHega studonto thM while pupils had a holiday 1.40 4A Pwesm «h o bo«o«o IMS lo ham iM ------'T l emaker said. “ The team prepared all students can learn, the more c L w x w |37 • I By Andrew J. Davis two action plans; two focuses. But effective your school can he.” t 4 « Manchester Herald Cocaine -1------— r r q it’s becoming a little important that In the long run, improving - While Manchester school child­ things get going. You’re a little schools will be easier id Manches­ ren were able to enjoy the first snow behind.” ter than other communities. Sho­ Cigarettes of the season Wednesday, public Other goals to be worked on by emaker said. Since Manchester is a school teachers were busy at work. schools in the program include close-knit community, helping to Marijuana •S% Students and faculty in Andover, developing; instructional leader­ improve schools should be of Bolton and Coventry were off for ship, high expectations, an oppor­ importance to everyone, she said. Veterans Day, but teachers in tunity to learn with time for “ This is a very small town,” she Joan Shoemaker, Manchester were working, on the students to do their tasks, frequent said. “ People do love Manchester V O .I. |57 I Alcohol and that’s an advantage to your coordinator Of the first of their three in-service days. monitoring of student programs Other in-service days (or teachers and a good home-school school. You do have a long history; state School Effec­ will be held Feb. 4 and May 3. relationship. a kinship ... that doesn’t have to Ortr.w ------, NRAgnpMo tiveness Project and Verplanck School was typical of But being an effective school will established.” Chapter II program, seven of the town’s nine elementary mean nothing unless the needs of all Shoemaker added that the first WMMnglon |6S ' I Many college students don’t think using drugs or schools, as about 30 faculty students are addressed, she said. two goals at Verplanck should be smoking cigaretts is dangerous. But a majority believes talks with teachers at “ One of the definitions of an implemented sometime next year, )■ nH,'A Highs should be in the 30s in CONNECTICUT WEATHER firms that a woman's place In society nast Nadia Comaneci competed for minority on the incoming Board of accept reappointment to the Ck>m- marks the level of situation" — Eliza­ Romania at the 1976 Olympics In northern New England; 40s Directors, told fellow Republicans mission on the Handicapped, the beth Cady Stanton. Montreal. Ethics Commission and the Re­ from the remainder of New Wednesday night that he will serve Eastern Interior: Tonight, clear. Low in the upper In the post with “ honor, dignity, and gional Forum of the Capitol Region England across New York, 20s. Friday, mostly sunny and milder. High 50 to 55. integrity.” Council of Governments, Pennsylvania and northern respectively. “ We have an obligation to get Central: Tonight, clear. Low in the upper 20s. Kuehl said that the latest tally of Michigan; 70s in southern Flor­ Astrograph things done.” Werkhoven said of ida and southern Texas; 70s to Friday, mostly sunny and milder. High 50 to 55. Republican voters in various voting West Coastal: Tonight, clear. Low in the upper 20s. three Republicans on the board. districts shows how many 80s in southern California and your work or career Is concerned today, Werkhoven was high vote-getter Friday, mostly sunny and milder. High 50 to 55. members of the Republican Town the desert Southwest; and 50s to do a bit more than that which Is expect­ among the Republican candidates Committee from each district when ed of you. Your efforts will not go unno­ in the Nov. 3 election and came in 60s across most of the rest of the East Coastal: Tonight, clear. Low in the mid 30s. a new committee is chosen in ticed, nor will they go unrewarded. ahead of one of the Democratic nation. Friday, mostly sunny and milder. High in the mid 50s. January. ^Birthday ARIES (March 21-AprH 10) Lady Luck candidates, Barbara Weinberg. This is the authorization; Temperatures around the na­ .Northwest Hills, Southwest Interior: Tonight, clear. will have a strong Influence on your af­ Director-elect Ronald Osella said Low in the mid 20s. Friday, mostly sunny and milder. fairs today, with the possible exception District 1 — eight members. tion at 2 a.m. EST ranged from Nov. 13,1987 of financial Joint ventures. Be careful In , the party has a good team on board You will experience some Important Distric 2 — nine members. 16 degrees at Limestone, High around 50. matters where you bank on others. and will be more vocal than changes In the year ahead that Will not District 3 — nine members. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Things Republicans have been in the past. Maine, to 66 at Key West, Fla. Long Island Sound to Watch Hill. R.I., and Montauk be entirely of your own doing. However, District 4 — 11 members. should run smoothly today, provkM “ We will hold the general manager these alterations authored by outside District 5 — 11 members. Point: Small craft advisories are in effect. Wind you let events proceed alorig their pre­ (Robert Weiss) acccountable,” Influences will all work out to your District 6 — eight members. northwest 20 to 30 knots and gusty today diminishing to sent lines. Don’t Implement chatiges ' Osella said. On average. 850 tornadoes strike advantage. that could throw them off course. District 7 — seven members. the United States each year. 15 to 20 knots tonight. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Lady Luck He admonished J. Winthrop GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Today, your District 8 — seven members. Is still your strongest ally, and she’ll do ’ Porter and John Garside, unsuc­ Initial Impulses could cause you to focus District 9 — nine members. all she can to help you realize your de­ cessful candidates' for the board. on life's darker side, but after taking a District 10 — eight members. sires. Just be certain you're doing all ' “ not to fade away” because their hard second look, you’ll discover you District 11 — six members. you can to help her. Get a jump on life help will be needed. have much for which to be grateful. District 12 — six members. by understanding the Influences which CANCER (June 21-Juty 22) You are ^ w a r d Sierakowski, who also are governing you In the year ahead. presently In an encouraging financial - lost in his bid fora directorship, was Send for your Astro-Graph predictions trend, but be careful not to earmark . not at the meeting. today. Mall $1 to Astro-Graph, c/o this that which you anticipate receiving for Thirteen Republicans came out Cheney plan 2 newspaper, P.O. Box 91428, Cleveland, PEOPLE extravagant purposes. OH 44101-3428. Be sure to state your in the bad weather to attend the LEO (July 23-Aua. 22) Circumstances zodiac sign. meeting of the Republican Town may enable you to take unfair advan­ rejections has been working on a book to be Defense lawyer Marian Gore SAOITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dm . 21) You’ll ! Committee in the hearing room of tage of a situation today, but you won’t. Gone to the dogs pubiished next year. said Miss Came was given the discover early In the day that being too Lincoln Center. No votes were Your thoughtful decision will turn out to assertive with associates Is unproduc­ taken because there was not a HOUSTON (AP) — Eternal inhalers by a friend and had not be a lucky one for you. ‘bug’ Malone tive. Fortunately, your good Judgment f^ashion degree intended to- import drugs. She Be on guard quomm. emcee Bert Parks had beauty will get you beck on track. v n O O (Aug. 23-SapL 22) said the actress was a drug addict today, because a dominating personal­ Geoffrey Naab. the only incum­ Beverly Malone, a member of the pageant contestants jumping CAPRICORN (Dm . 22-Jan. 19) It could NEW YORK (AP) - Fashion ity might attempt to Impose his or her bent Republican director, apolig- Cheney Historic District Commis­ through hoops before the former in the 1970s but had since been appear at first glance that you're getting designer Donna Karan has re­ Ideas upon you. Your evaluatlorM of crl- ized again for remarks he made sion, sounded off Wednesday night ------Miss America competition host cured. the short end of a deal today. Relax, be­ ceived her degree from Parsons tial situations are better than this ' after the election in connection with on a matter she said “ has bMn crowned a finalist with a cold, wet “ She is an ordinary person who cause your reading could biis faulty. Ev­ School of Design nearly two has had her past successes and erything should eventually even out. person’s. the defeat by voters of the Eighth bugging me for the past two LIBRA (BepL 23-OcL 23) Enjoy yourself nose. decades after she left to pursue AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fob. 19) Involve­ ^ Utilities District of a proposed weeks.” now, in the 1980s, she has got her with frlmds today, but don’t Introduce Punkin, a 2-year-old poodle, ments with others could be a trifle trying agreement between the town and Malone complained at a meeting her career. foot on the ladder to get back on your commercial Interests Into the con­ became a national finalist in a early In the day. If you respond calmly, of the Republican Town Committee Ms. Karan was presented her versation. You'll be more effective con­ , the district over fire and sewer small-dog beauty contest Wed­ top,” Mrs. Gore said. this will pass, and the balance of the day diploma Tuesday night at a ducting business In a business setting. jurisdiction. that planning and zoning officials nesday. The 3-pound canine also should be a breeze. ceremony attended by fam ily and “ My wife, Joan, tells me I ’ve ignored the recommendations of climbed a ramp and “ break PISCES (Fob. 20-March 20) Where ® IMI. NBWSMFBI aN m nU SB ASSN. friends, after successfully com­ Routine tests been talking too much,” he said. the historic commission in two danced” in the competition Parks instances. pleting her senior thesis. Ms. ^ Naab protested, however, that he did not say what people have been ’The commission objected to a oversaw. Karan left Parsons in 1968 after ' WASHINGTON (AP) - "People say to me ‘Bert, you’ve saying he said. His remarks were plan by the Army k Navy Club to finishing her junior year. Former House Speaker Thomas gone to the dogs,’ but I tell them Current Quotations reported accurately in the press, he use land it owns in the Cheney She went to work at Anne Klein P. O’Neill Jr. is expected to be they’re barking up the wrong r said. Historic District (or parking, but & Co. until she started her own discharged from the hospital tree,’ ’ Parks said. Naab, a strong advocate of the the Zoning Board of Appeal ap­ company two years ago. “ She has soon, after undergoing routine He goes to Atlantic City, N.J., tests for a prostate condition, a “ Nicaragua is ready to comply provide no more surprises for the - agreement, described the district proved the plan. developed into one of Seventh Malone said the commission home of the Miss America hospital spokesman said. 100 percent with the agreement.” Congress or embarrassments for ' voters on election night by saying, Avenue’s most creative and ac­ “ worked long and hard” to deter­ pageant, on Nov. 19 to crown the O’Neill, 74, was admitted to — Nicaraguan President Daniel the White House.” — Senate ' “ They’d rather fight until they go complished designers,” said Par­ down in their sewer pipes and mine what kind of windows should nationai winner of the contest Sibley Memorial Hospital on Ortega, referring to a peace Majority Leader Robert C. Byrd, sons President Jonathan F. drown in their own sewage.” be used in the Yam Mill in the sponsored by Ralston-Purina Co. Monday after experiencing pain on the nomination of Anthony M. Fanton. agreement signed by five Central Naab said Wednesday night that district when the mill is converted The winner will get $5,000 and and discomfort over the weekend. Ms. Karan’s assistant, Beth American presidents. Kennedy for the Supreme Court. he is looking forward to “ two years to apartments and stores. ride with Parks in the annuai Wohlgelernter, said the designer Hospital spokesman Barry Ei- of excitement and hard work.” ’The Planning and Zoning Com­ Macy’s Thanksgiving Day pa­ had regretted never getting her senberg said the Massachusetts “ I hope this nomination will ” I think we just about had it Republican Town Chairman Do- mission Monday declined to ap­ rade in New York City. “It’s college degree and decided last Democrat, who has been travel­ worked out. Then we started. ' nald Kuehl announced the names of prove the window style. “ We were going to be colder than you-know- MUDDY ACTRESS — Joan spring to complete her studies. , ing to promote his new book, was France makes more getting to specifics ... so we ' members of Candidate Recniit- shot down by the PZC and the what,” Parks said. “ I ’m going to Collins has mud in her face in satisfactory condition Wednes­ weren’t as close as we thought we ' ment Committee which will select ZBA,” Malone said. have to put that dog in my coat to during the taping of the day and would be released soon. in high-tech products were.” — Rep. Trent Lott, people to fill vacancies In appoin­ “ What about an elected Planning keep me warm.” and Zoning Commission?” asked Cocaine fine O’ Neill’s son. Kip, said his R-Miss., the House minority whip, tive town postions reserved for ABC-TV' show “Dynasty" NEW YORK (AP) - Despite Ronald Osella, a newly elected --Tather had suffered a prostate as lawmakers and White House . Repulicans under minority repres­ recently. The actress partic­ LONDON (AP) — Actress Judy' their fame for high fashion, expen­ Republican town director and an 9 problem for at least a decade, but entation provisions. ipated In a tug of war over a Came, a star in the 1960s comedy sive perfuihes and wines, the officials continued working on a The members are Garside, Por­ advocate of electing the PZC Regan on radio h ad n o t sought regular French make more money in the show, “ Rowan and Martin’s deficit-reduction plan. ter, Jonathan Mercier, Mary Sears, instead of appointing it. mud pit with actress Linda treatment. United States through the sale of CULVER CITY, Calif. (AP) - Laugh-In,” was fined the equival­ . Curtis Smith, Gloria DellaFera, ’The Planning and Zoning Com­ Evans during an old English high technology products. Former White House Chief of ent of $859 for trying to smuggle Mary Fletcher, and Harry Rein- mission declined to act on the The Association for French m . . fair scene that will air Dec. 9. 0.006 ounce — 185 micrograms — Test for AIDS horn. Kuehl is an ex-officio window style because an applica­ Staff Donald Regan will deliver Science, Industry and Technology news commentaries for the NBC of cocaine into Britain. member. tion by Brophy Ahem, developer of DALLAS (AP) — Rock star says the top five French exports to ^ Kuelh said replacements would the mill project has not completed Radio Network, a radio syndica- Reagan’s Secretary of the Treas­ On leaving court Wednesday, the U.S. by volume are airplane David Bowie, accused of sexually be needed for Werkhoven on the requirments for It application. Uon group reports. ury after serving as chairman Miss Came told reporters she was assaulting a Dallas-area woman, engines, airplanes and hellcoters, and chief execuUve of Merrill “ delighted with the resuit — I Building Committee and Osella on ’The PZC continued its hearing to 8 Regan’s commentaries wiil be auto equipment, synthetic organic has agreed to take an AIDS test if the Human Relations Committee. Dec. 7. broadcast weekdays in 90-second Lynch. think that a fine of 500 pounds was it doesn’t intermpt his world tour, chemlc; ’uuuuuuuel plates and Connecticut daily “I’m looking forward to ex­ segments called “ The Donald ’ very fair.” his attorney says. sheets. Wednesday: 042 Regan Report,” beginning Dec. 1 pressing my views, contrary as Miss Came, 48, who was bora The test to determine whether France ranks eighth in imports to and originating from Washing­ they may be, to those generally Joyce Audrey Botterill, was Bowie carries the vims that the U.S., it says. Play Four: 2504 Smoke at post office ton, D.C., Westwood One Inc. accepted,” Regan said. arrested Oct. 22 at Gatwick causes AIDS was requested last In addition to his reguiar announced Wednesday. airport after customs agents month by a 30-year-old Univer­ commentaries on NBC Radio, Regan, 68, was forced to resign found the drag, valued at $27, sity Park woman who said Bowie blamed on faulty light Regan pians to continue as Manchester Herald from the White House during the concealed in two nasal inhalers sexually assaulted her Oct. 9 in a 7 Iran-Contra affair. He came to commentator on the NBC-TV hidden inside her boot, a prosecu­ Dallas hotel room and then told the Veterans Day holiday, some of Washington in 1980 as President program, “ Before Hours” and tor said. USPS 327-500 VOL. evil. No. 37 A faulty ballast In a fluorescent her he had Just exposed her to the light fixture produced smoke that the rooms In the building were fatal disease. brought firefighters Wednesday locked. A postal official from Rocky ON THR RASTRACK by Rill Holbrook State District Judge David Published dally except Sunday Suggested carrier rates are $1.00 afternoon to the Manchester Post Hill had to be summoned to open Brooks had set a hearing for and certain holidays by the Man­ weekly. $7.70 for one month. $23.10 Office ot the comer of Main and some doors. today to decide whether Bowie chester Publishing Co.. 10 Bralnard for three months, $40.20 for six East Center, streets. Town of ’The department received the call P$Af,A<2T..WH6l2e CAii I I'M NdT 40HB should be ordered to take the test. Place. Manchester. Conn. 00040. months and $02.40 tor one year. Manchester Fire Capt. Jack at 12:84 p.m. Wednesday, when u e c e r p s e r But the judge agreed to delay the Second class postage paid at Senior citizen rates and mall rates Hughes said. someone in the post office dialed I 6flE<$(5t9(M6r^RJirrrr Manchester. Conn. Postmaster; are available on rsquest. pnesetlTF he hearing until Dec. 18 after a 911, Hughes said. In spite of the lioeppiMo I iM T i?i(m m . . . Send address changes to the T o place a claasifisd or display conference Wednesday with at­ Hughes said it took firefighters holiday, a skeleton postal crew was \ Manchester Herald. P.O. Box 501. advertisement, or to report a news torneys for the woman and over two hours to find the source of worlcing. Manchester. Conn. 00040. Item, story or picture Idea, call He said three engines, one ladder Bowie. 043-2711. Off Ice hours are 0:30 a.m. the smoke. He said that if it had If you don't receive your Herald by truck, and 12 Town of Manchester 5 p.m. weekdays or 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. gone undetected, a serious fire might have resulted. “ That’s why firefighters responded to the call. TV shown In 1949 Saturdays, please telephone your The Manchester Herald la a carrier. If you're unable to reach member of the Associated Proas, the we were so persistent in finding the Some of the trucks left early when it Radio Corporation of America your carrier, call subscriber service Audit Bureau otCIrculatlonaandthe cause of smoke,” Hughes said. was determined not to be a serious gave the first pubiic showing of its at 047-9040 by 0 p.m. weekdays for N e w England Newspaper Hughes said that the bulb which emergency. The last firefighters all-electronib television system in delivery In Manchester. Association. failed was located in the postmas­ were on the scene until after 3; SO, 1949. ter’s office. He said that because of Hughes said. 4 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurgday, Nov. It, 19«7 L’Am biance St. Mary’s bells Extra funding Kasmer planning fines to be will ring again can’t meet needs innocent plea HARTFORD (AP) - Ousted shaken during his arrainment last Liquor Control Commission Direc­ week, Is now "taking it easy. He’s contested BRIDGEPORT (AP) - Cars with lots of money, but his pari­ of homeless tor Charles W. Kasmer intends to - fine." were being stolen during services shioners are “ very generous with HARTFORD. (AP) - TPMI- their time.” plead Innocent to bribery charges He said the three-member com­ Macomber, the primary contractor and St. Mary’s Roman Chtholic HARTFORD (AP) - The De­ bonding next year for affordable when he appears in court next mission failed to give Kasmer Church, the oldest church in the ■The church has also regained its and project manager for L ’Am­ partment of Human Resources has housing.” week. adequate notice and unfairly used a city, was nearly bankrupt and financial stability. The 1,500 pari­ biance Plaza, will contest the $2.4S increased its annual spending on But aside from providing new One of his lawyers, Martin J. clause in state regulations that ready to close when a priest from shioners now manage to scrape million dollars in fines proposed for the homeless to $5.6 million — shelter space or even new perman­ Minnella, said Wednesday that a permits an immediate dismissal Italy arrived In 1980. together about $2,000 a week for the alleged safety violations at the site nearly 300 times the level of three ent hopsing, the department is plea bargain with state prosecutors "in cases of serious misconduct by “ Even the pastor who installed collection plate, he said. of the Bridgeport building collapse. years ago— but still it can’t keefi up Initiating a series of programs was not being considered. an employee affecting the public, me said he felt sorry for me ... He “ If we decide to have a festival, Thoihas Murtha. attorney for the with the growing problem. serving those who could not other­ Kasmer, who faces one count of the welfare, health or safety of felt I didn’t know what I was getting we can get 50 people to work in no enterprise which is a Joint venture The housing crisis is deepening, wise maintain a suitable position in bribe receiving and one count of patients, inmates or state em­ into,” said the Rev. Matthew time,” he said. of TPM International of Darien. and a dramatic increase in the the world, much less improve their conspiracy to commit bribery, is ployees or the protection of state Bemelli, 49. a former Central "M y people are poor. But if andB.H. Macomberof Boston, said number and diversity of programs lot once they found a place to live. also appealing his firing by the property." American missionary. “ But I had they’re motivated, they can do Wednesday that the company since 1984 has yet to keep pace with “ It’s not enough to create bricks commission, which came one day Minnella said the clause applies lived in so many different situa­ miracles,” he said. would notify the U.S. Occupational So far, the church has raised $1 the rate at which economic and and mortar any more,” Ginsberg after his arrest. to “ life-and-death situations,’’ nota Safety and Health Administration tions, nothing shocks me.” social factors are forcing, people said. "You’ve got to create com­ Attorney Martin J. Minnella said case like Kasmer’s, where a Bernelli went to work, persuad­ million toward the project, but the by Friday that it will contest the onto the streets, regaidless of munities and you use support the firing violated Kasmer’s rights suspension without pay pending the ing residents of the poor neighbor­ cost of the new church has in­ fines. season. services for that. We all agreed that and proved the commission was outcome of his court case would hood around the 130-year-old creased because of rising constrac- "I had out experts review the ” I ’m sure there isn’t a surge in this is where we failed in the past. “ forgetting the 18 or 19 years he’s have been appropriate. church to return to worship. tion costs. They need another $1 fines,” Murtha said, "and the fines the winter,” said Jane McNichol, We built these things and just given as a public servant to this He accused the commission of Then the parishioners went to million and plan to raise some of it are not in order against us.” executive director of the Connecti­ walked away. state.” Minnella said that appeal “ lynch-mob sort of behavior." work, holding festivals and raffles and borrow the rest. Last month, the Labor Depart­ cut Coalition for the Homeless. "In 1083-84, the issue of homeless­ AP Photo would be filed by Friday. Hartford County State’s Attorney N to raise $1 million to rebuild the Bemelli isn’t daunted. As part of ment assessed a record $S.ll "There just isn’t this seasonal ness became one of consciousness Kasmer, who was arraigned Nov. John M. Bailey said an undercover church. his promotional efforts, he deve­ Former U.S. Sen. Gary Hart speaks at Yale University in million in fines against contractors pattern. There just are more raising,” Ginsberg said. "W e had 5 and released on $25,000 bond, is state police trooper passed bribes They’re preparing to open its loped a bumper sticker that reads, for the a half-completed apartment (homeless people), and I think it’s people on the street and we made New Haven Wednesday night. Hart spoke about the due back in Hartford Superior of $500 and $1,000 to Kasmer in July doors by spring. "The Bells of St. Mary’s Will Ring building that collapsed and killed 28 the continuing housing crisis.” sure they didn’t die, but the Court on Nov. 19. and August of 1986 in exchange for "The biggest job for me was to Again.” A huge bell has been media and presidential politics. workers April 23. The governor’s office estimates long-term solution was not a shelter liquor broker licenses. make people believe we could do salvaged from the old church and At that time, Minnella said, he Following a six-month investiga­ that there are 3,000 to 5,000 on every com er." Bailey said the transactions were it.” said ^ n ie lli, who is fluent in will be installed in the new one. will enter a plea of innocent. Asked tion, federal officials concluded homeless people in Connecticut on a The legislature has increased the captured on videotape at a Hartford Spanish. "When they saw me, they "That bell will ring again — if he planned to discuss plea that a small bracket that bent under given night, including those staying Department of Human Resources’ restaurant. He described the opera­ said, 'He’s coming to close the there’s no question about that,” he Sensationalist media bargaining. Minnella said no. heavy pressure triggered the in shelters, in emergency housing budget for the homeless from tion as a sting. church.’” said. "You call it a deal; we call it plea disaster. like hotels and motels, and in homes $20,000 in 1984-85 to $3.3 million last Minnella said he was incensed He said he conducted a feasibility bargaining,” he said. "But we just The companies that were as­ D.vid Kool/MinchMter Herald year and $5.6 million in the current that state police ‘‘paraded’’ study and found it would be cheaper Trash-plant vote of friends and relatives. is assailed by Hart intend to go in there and plead not sessed fines have until Friday to fiscal year that began on July I . The Kasmer. in handcuffs, in front of to build a new church than renovate All told this year. 35,000 people guilty ” notify OSHA that they will contest department is the main agency news photographers on his way to Snowed under the old one. wasn’t complete with no place to stay at one time or the fines. another will make use of the 1,431 responsible for administering to the NEW HAVEN (AP) - Former Hart spoke to about 650 people at He said a pretrial hearing would court last week. As of Tuesday, two other compan­ Bill Edwards of 539 E. Center St. is not in Edwards is a teacher at llling Junior The parishioners fixed up the Democratic presidential candidate the Yale Law School as the likely be set for the first week of “ It’s just uncalled for,” Minnella STRATFORD (AP) — New coun­ beds in 41 state-financed shelters. homeless. ies, Lift Frame Builders of Elms- gymnasium to use as a temporary Gary Hart says a sensationalist Inaugural lecturer in the School of December. said. "You’re destroying the Indl- any rush as he works on cleaning the High School, so he got the day off from cil members who made a campaign Gov. William O’Neill said recently. More than $2.9 million is being ford, N.Y., which faces fines of chapel after the main church news media has helped shape a Organization and Management’s vidual’s presumption of snow off of his car this morning. work. issue out of a proposed trash-to- McNichol said that the figure was spent for emergency shelters — an Minnella said Kasmer, a 54-year- $104,000, and Preforce Corp. of New building was razed. Services were culture that "treats politics like a - Distinguished Visitors Pro­ innocence.” energy plant have learned that 20,000 last year, when there were increase of $100,000 per bed over the old Bristol resident who appeared York City, fined $1,000, had notified never interrupted. 1986-87 fiscal year. sport and produces more celebri­ gram. The speech was his first V They also purchased a nearby lot their election doesn’t guarantee eight fewer shelters and 242 fewer the federal agency that they would beds. Another $1.5 million provides ties than statesmen." major address on the media since contest the fines. for a new rectory and another lot for them a voice in the facility’s future. “ Is it any wonder that an age of leaving the campaign. i Yale University, unions working Council members learned this While demand for the number of intermediate housing and services An official of Fairfield Testing parking. between emergency shelter and television sound bites produces Hart said the media provioes Settlement suggested ■"There was a chain reaction. week that when the Stratford beds is not increasing at the same Labs of Stamford, assessed $10,000 permanent homes; security depos­ bite-size policy," the former U.S. "simple analyses” to meet the People who had moved away came Resource Recovery Authority was rate it was several years ago, there in fines, said last week his company its. without which many people Senator from (Colorado told a Yale public’s demand for "short expla­ back to the old neighborhood,” created in January 1986, it called still are not enough. also would file a challenge. would never afford the move to University audience Wednesday nations” of issues. Bemelli said. "W e invented ways to for terms of office that do not On Oct. 23, for the first time in its in Bhopal gas leak suit ‘We found a serious disregard for to avoid repeat of bitter strike rental units; and help in recruiting night. As a result, he claimed, the media raise money. We collected cans and coincide with council terms. seven years, Middletown’s only basic, fundamental engineering landlords willing to rent to welfare Hart ended his 1988 presidential failed to cover alternative propos­ eral city aldermen. 17 clergy Local 35 has had several strikes newspapers. Once we raised $35,000 • As a result, some of the new shelter for the homeless turned bilitation of them. practices.” said Assistant Labor NEW HAVEN (AP) - Yale clients. campaign last May after news­ als to the Reagan administration’s BHOPAL, India (AP) — Presi­ members and rabbis, and three since 1968. selling $1 raffle tickets.” council member might not gain people away. Shelters in Bridge­ At least 2,600 people were killed Secretory John A. Pendergrass, University and two labor unions, Additionally, about $10 million paper reports disclosed an extram­ economic policies that he claimed dent Ramaswami Venkataraman state legislators. Contracts for both unions expire Bemelli persuaded a crew of seats on the SRRA until 1990 unless port and Stamford report occu­ and more than 40,0(10 injured when chief of OSHA had said during a remembering a bitter 10-week has been budgeted to departments arital relationship with model could have averted the stock said Wednesday that the devastat­ on Jan. 16.1988. They are negotiat­ artist friends from Italy do come to some former council members pancy rates of above 100 percent lethal methyl-isocyanate gas news conference in Washington on strike at the Ivy League campus “ We are aware of the terrible dealing with issues of welfare, Donna Rice. market crash as well as alterna­ ing Bhopal gas leak of 1984 should ing jointly with Yale in talks that Bridgeport and create a colorful resign. during 1986. leaked from a pesticide plant Oct. 22. three years ago, say they agree discord and division which the housing, children and youth servi­ Hart said "the issue isn’t whether tives to administration programs in serve as a reminder of the perils of begun on Oct. 20. Yale and the mosaic on the front of the church. “ It’s a heil of a situation, isn’t St. Elizabeth’s House, a 23-bed owned by a subsidiary of the Union OSHA and the National Bureau of with local leaders calling for an repeated strikes at Yale have a candidate has something to hide. the Middle East, particularly the industrial pollution. unions have set a target date of a ” We don’t have a contract with it?” said former council Chairman shelter in Hartford, has been about ces, mental health, and alcohol and Carbide Corp. on Dec. 3, 1984. Standards concluded that builders early agreement in current con­ brought to the comniunity ... A drug treatment — factors which ■The issue is one of self-respect and Persian Gulf. In a private meeting with a lobby settlement for December, and have them. We’re paying them little by Edward Fennell. "The way the 90 percent full throughout 1987 India has filed a $3 billion damage failed to conduct stress-analysis tract talks. renewal of that discord this winter the self-evident value of privacy. "The solutions to our nation’s group for victims of the leak, he was been negotiating about two days a ordinance is set up, I think that the compared with about 60 percent may contribute to or be aggravated suit against the U.S.-based com­ tests to discover if the lifting “ The university does not deny the runs the risk not only of reopening little,” Bemelli said. Take that away and we will not only problems cannot pass through a quoted as saying he favored an week. ■The priest said the church doesn’t old council is still the Resource occupancy in 1986, said Denis by homelessness. pany. But the trial judge has given brackets, a steel piece about 4 necessity for an early negotiated those scars but of making the have bite-siz^ politics but pint- media filter which demands sim­ out-of-court settlement in the case receive pledges from prfessionals Recovery Authority. It’s ironic.” Oullete, administrator of the Operators of shelters observe attorneys for both sides until next inches by 12 inches, could hold up a settlement. We support it utterly.” wounds permanent,” the letter A1 Marder of the Greater New sized leaders." plicity and is transfixed by person­ rather than protracted litigation. shelter. that up to half of their clients suffer Wednesday to negotiate an out-of- stack of huge concrete floors being Sheila Wellington, the secretary of said. Haven Peace C!ouncil said he ality, particularly when those solu­ Venkataraman visited this city in “ Five years ago, we weren’t even from mental illness, some of which court settlement. inched into position. Yale, said Wednesday. initiated the letter to Yale and the is caused or aggravated by the tions are contracts and when they the central state of Madhya Pra­ It was sent to Yale President here,” Oullete said, noting that Money dispute desh to inaugurate an Indian Red "Just as Hiroshima and Naga­ Pendergrass said the “ unaccep­ "We'd like to see It resolved.” unions because "we feel-we have 85 E. Center St. stresses of homelessness. The require serious debate by an said Frank Anderson, a business Benno C, Schmidt Jr., and Lucille from 1981 to 1987. federal spending Cross Society hospital that will saki are reminders to man Of the table design deficiencies” could the responsibility to create a remainder are alcohol and drug informed public.” said Hart. agent for Local 35 of the Federation Dickess and Thomas Gaudioso. on housing dropped from $37 billion leaves 3 dead specialize in treating victims. hazards of nuclear war, Bhopal have been easily detected with climate” favorable to an early 649-5268 abusers, the working poor, and the Hart also blamed the public for of University Employees. presidents respectively of Local 34 to about $1 billion. The Red Cross is using a $5 should be a reminder to man of the “ rudimentary engineering settlement. fastest growing segment of the BRIDGEPORT (AP) — Police what he called "the blur of The officials were reacting to a and Local 35 of the Federation of Elliot Ginsberg, the state’s com­ million donation from the Union hazards of industrial pollution,” analysis.” homeless population, single say a feud over money led to the distinction between serious and letter signed by 45 community University Employees. "The strike was shattering ... for missioner of human resources, said Carbide Corp. for relief and reha­ Venkataraman said in a speech. OSHA. which waited for the 7 ^ 7 ^ mothers. shootings that left three people sensationalist press.” leaders and sent to the university The two unions represent about such a prestigious university to C aih & Carry the federal withdraw! from the technical report from the standards Ginsberg acknowledges that dead and one wounded. and the unions, asking that current 3,600 workers at Yale, with Local 34 have thousands of workers picket­ housing market has created a bureau before issuing fines, cited there will always be those “ who will Inspector Anthony Fabrizio said talks "come to an early, peaceful representing clerical and technical ing,” he said. permanent housing deficit. Texstar Construction Corp. of San need some place to stay on a cold the victims and suspects in both Insure two and successful conclusion.” employees and Local 35 blue collar Although Marder said the letter Weekend Special On ’Tuesday, a presidential com­ Antonio. Texas, with 238 instances night in October or November." shooting incidents Tuesday were Among the signers of the letter, workers. Local 34 workers walked signers were not taking any sides, a mission in Washington recom­ of alleged willful violations for Deinstitutionalization of mental related. No arrests had been made BLAKE & BESAW made public Wednesday, were out in a bitter 10-week strike in 1984 few of them at a press conference at mended even further withdrawal of an(j SdVG using lifting brackets that did not LONG RED ROSES dozen health patients, economic pressure and no weapons had been reco­ Mayor Biagio DiLieto, city schools prior to reaching the union's first the Center Church on the Green the federal government from public II you're a two-car family. meet federal standards. The bu­ to convert affordable apartments to vered, he said Wednesday. reau requires that they be able to superintendent John Dow, U.S. contract, and Local 35 honored the expressed some sympathy for the housing — a move being decried by Electrical Contractors Nationwide can save you Rep. Bruce Morrison, D-3rd, sev­ picket lines. unions. the National Association of Housing condominiums, rising rental prices John Gayle. 26. of Bridgeport, money on your auto hold 2>/t times the anticipated load. brought on by increased demand was killed by an unknown assailant and Redevlopment Officials. For All Your Electrical Needs Insurance. Additional lib­ for housing, and welfare payments in the Java Restaurant at Milne 2 ’’There’s always going to be the eralized benefits are avail­ that are insufficient to pay rent will Street and Harral Avenue at 9:30 problem that if tomorrow someone Commercial & Residential able to those who qualify. decided to build subsidized housing, continue to contribute to the prob­ a.m., Bridgeport police Sgt. Robezt Call a Nationwide agent lor PANADOL we will still have lost what wasn’t lem, Ginsberg said. Kwet said. TROJAN CLAIROL PHILLIPS • Including Fire and Security alarms complete details. Contraceptive SEA CONOm ON Children’s built in the 1981-to-1987 period.” Nevertheless, he said. Connecti­ Llewelyn Blake. 29. and Lilia Milk of Ginsberg said. cut is "progressing from address­ McCalla, 26, were shot and killed Generator Hook-ups • Service Up-Grades Stan Bysiewicz, CLU Shields or LOVING BREEZE Gel A Asprin Free Connecticut, one of about nine ing the homeless problem in terms 4>A hours lateral Blake’s Market on 386 Main St., Manchastar Magnesia Normal or Pain Reducer states with budget surpluses, ’’did of immediate needs only — shelder Newfield Avenue, Kwet said. 649-4049 M anchester 649-0761 64f*2Ml Ribbed Enz CARE Whipped Extra Hold Phillips Liquid 30's not sit on it and say we’ll wait for the and food — to long-term needs. ... Blake, who shares the same ad­ nut or ■niis strategy means more atten­ dress as McCalla. is believed to be NATIONWIDE Lubricated Facial Scrub 4 OZ. HAGNCSU Regular or Mint federal government — see who Lotion blinks first,” Ginsberg said. “ For tion to the root causes of the owner of the market, police Call For Free Estimates 36 pH. BREEZE! 4 0Z. I) INSURANCE All Shades $ p 7 26 OZ. example, there’s $100 million in homelessness." said. Senior Citizen Discounts NattonwKJe la on your atde Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company *8»V*6" 5 3 9 9 $219 $427 ...... Home Qftice: Columbus. Ohio Judge orders worker Squeeze RMider. ALLEREST to trial in murder AGREE PEDMCARE COTYLENOL Allergy Caplets CRUEX for Bellamy, who was missing from CUREL Shampoo or NEW HAVEN (AP) - A judge Cough and CdrnBm ; Tablets 12 Hour Spray has found probable cause to bring a his work station. Hand Lotion Conditioner 24'a Powder U.S. Repeating Arms Co. worker to ■The three men went to the 13 OZ. Cold Formula 10's All Types trial for the murder of his foreman basement, where Bellamy was 4 OZ. 1.8 OZ. last month. found squatting behind a large 7 OZ. trash container, DiBiagio testified. $419 $ 2 2 7 Elbert Bellamy, 44, of New $339 Haven remained in custody in lieu Hayward called Bellamy’s name, SIJRYIVINLS $j[77 of $100,000 bond after Superior told him he had to go back to work Court Judge Samuel S. Freedman and exchanged a few words about THISTLE on 'hiesday ordered Bellamy’s whether Bellamy was too tired to NEEDLEWORKS All Leather prosecution on the murder charge work, DiBiagio said. SpeciflIIxinf in to continue. As the four men w aik ^ away Counted Thread Embroidery W aterproof MISS Bellamy, who is scheduled to from the trash container, Bellamy Providing the Very Best asked if he could go home, DiBiagio DIGEL Deodorant enter a plea on Nov. 19, is accused in Qnality, Selection, ^rvicc, said. and Insulated FEENAMMT J | DURATION Antacid 2oz. BRECK the shooting death of James Hay­ Ne^lepoinl, Crewel, CRUEX ward, 39. of West Haven. Then, the security guard said, " I Cron Tablets Counted Croie Stitch, Squeeze Pills Nasal Spray Cream Hairspray During the probable cause hear­ seen Mr. Bellamy’s arm out and I Fnimet A Acceseorie*, W ork Boots 3 0 's Mint or ing on ’Tuesday, Frank DiBiagio of heard a shot. ...I seen Mr. Hayward Framing A Finishing. 9 1 0 2 . All Types Powder Lemon-Orange $ 2 6 9 Trumbull, a security guard at the fall to the ground. I hesitated a 1 .5 OZ. 7 o z wRh arms company, testified that he moment. Mr. Bellamy leaned to the 63 Hebron Ave. the Byway** -la 90'a Glaitonbury 633*8503 $227 $409 was on duty about 1; 40 a.m. on Oct. right and aimed a gun directly at 33% FREE Mon.*S«l. 9:30*5:30 / Thure. *til 9 pm Solid 3 when Hayward asked him and a me. This is when I saw the gun," $4999 $ 2 3 9 A B s ._____ $ 2 « $ 2 5 7 $ 1 5 9 union shop steward to help search DiBiagio said. 6 " and 8 " nubuck leather boots. Style 87568, 8 TEXTRAI 87582 and 87588. CONTAC CONTAC BENYLIN Shampoo or PLAX Men's sizes 7-13. Cough and STYLE Conditioner Cough Expectorant Hairspray Anti-Plaque SNOW PLOWING Atl Types Sore Throat Liquid 8 OZ. All Types Pre-Brush Liquid 4 OZ. 15 0 2 . m 8 OZ. Rinse 4 OZ. $429 16 OZ. $215 ,iwee«x*x*;ii t h e $ 2 1 5 $j[99 7 $ 2 3 9 M M co m n an v Available at participating Campho FESiCES’^'AL c o m m er c ia l INDUSTRIAL CONTRACTORS Crown Pharmacy VALUE PLUS STORES! ORALB Prescription Center Not all items available at Lenox Pharmacy Right Angle all stores. 299 E. Center St. Phenique ^ 8 W. Center SL Toothbrush • Residential • Commercial • Industrial Not responsible for Manchester ORALB 1 !^ Liquid Manchester typographical errors. 4 or 5 Row From Driveways to Large Lots Super Floss 1.5 OZ. $ 1 5 7 Fully Insured — Free Estimates Health & $j[47 $2«7 Beauty Aida Kay Drua Co. Brooks Pharmacy Quinn's Pharmacy 14 Main SL. 585 Enflpld Ave.. 873 Main St. Middletown Enfield Hamden Waterbury Manchester Sale PricesI .75 OZ. n o w Open Mon. thru Fri. 10*9, Sal. and Sun. 10-6 East Hartford Enfield Manchester CALL 643-2659 . We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover Card and American Express efFBCTIVE DATES M 5 9 NO¥»mb»r t2-14. 1I$7 « - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tliuradav. Nov. 11. 1987 V.S./WoHd in Britf OPINION Turbulence forces Jetliner to. land MIAMI — An unexpected patch of severe turbulence over the Atlantic shook a Jetliner with 136 people aboard and sent it into a sudden dive, injuring 30 and forcing an unscheduled landing here, authorities said. Y a m Mill Jack "Everybody hit the ceiling, everybody at once. It happened two or three times," said John Payton, one of 127 passengers aboard the Pan American A-310 Airbus Jet Wednesday night en route Aaderaofs from New York to Caracas, Venezuela, and Port-of-Spain, developer Trinidad. White House chief of The sudden winds hit in a clear sky about 340 miles northeast of staff Howard Baker, Miami at 33,000 feet, where most passengers had their seat belts unfastened and were waiting for the movie “ The Untouchables" ieft, and Attorney to begin, said airline spokesman Alan Loflin. General Edwin unprepared The most serious injury appeared to be a broken hip suffered by Meese hold a GAO probes a woman, said Jackson Memorial hospital spokesman Mark whispered conversa­ Santo. tion Wednesday as When Brophy Ahern of West Haven President Reagan emerged as the developer of the Y am Mill in VO A gripes Hijack suspect says wrists broken introduces federal the Cheney Historic District, the firm got a appellate judge An­ WASHINGTON — FBI agents slammed a hijacking suspect to warm welcome from the Cheney Historic the floor so hard that both his wrists were broken and then denied thony M. Kennedy as N WASHINGTON — The Voice of America tells the District Commission. The company has a world what’s going on in the United States, but the him medical treatment during a grueling four-day interrogation his choice to fill the good reputation in historic renovation work. It radio network’s management and employees can’t at sea, a defense iawyer says...... vacancy on the U.S. Fawaz Younis, who is charged in the 1985 hijacking of a came forward with a concept for conversion agree on what’s going on inside VOA. Supreme Court. Jordanian airiiner, was arrested this year in the Mediterranean Faced with this standoff, the House Foreign A P photo that fits in well with the rest of the district and after being lured aboard a yacht by an FBI informant. Affairs subcommittee that supervises VOA brought with the original concept for use of the M m W In court papers filed ’Tuesday, defense lawyer Francis D. IkM POYOU S^Y B « I L 1 D ¥ GiMWOMIKeS W In an umpire: the General Accounting Office. It has building. Carter says both of Younis’ wristo were broken when he was ||0 M E,T1I^6 W)L,1K EHWWW SWm been ordered to investigate VOA management grabbed by two FBI agenU and “ thrown — face down — to the But the developer has not received the practices and employees’ grievances. deck of the vessel.” , Third nominee off to a fast start universal support its executives would like. Our reporter Gary Clouser reviewed the mutual FBI spok-san Susan Schnltzer declined to comment on the recriminations with VOA Director Richard Carlson They have themselves to blame. defense allegations. “ We will comment on it in a proper forum, WASHINGTON (AP) - Supreme judge from Sacramento, Calif., will D-W.Va., a member of the Judi­ with him and after he has appeared and Norman Painter, president of the American which will be through our own filing,” she said. Court nominee Anthony M. not embarrass Reagan, as the ciary Committee, before the Senate Judiciary Unquestionably, the cbnversion is a difficult Open Forum Federation of Government Employees local at the . Kennedy is off to a far better start president tries for the third time to Biden, D-Del., said, "I suspect Committee.” agency. we’ll have a new Supreme Court project because of the lack of adequate than his two predecessors as fill a court vacancy more than four Biden said Kennedy "seems on As it happens, the GAO investigation comes on Ortega says U.S. undercuts accord senators from both parties say they months old. justice if all goes well immediately the surface like a mainstream parking space on the site and because of site the heels of an internal VOA report on alleged like what they know about him so The first nominee for the seat, upon the reconvening of the Senate conservative justice whom I can Mr. Finguerra had stated that Wa s h in g t o n — Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega is development problems. Taxpayers owe Obituary doesn’t irregularities at Radio Marti, the station that is far. Robert H. Bork, was defeated by after the first of the year.” support.” he had a plan to build 1,000 luxury accusing the Reagan administration of undercutting the Central Taking nothing for granted, the the Senate, 58-42. Second choice Among the meetings Kennedy V beamed at Cuba. ’The report was generally Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, D-Vt., a The developer does not have enought on-site apartments With amenities such American peace agreement by flying surface-to-air missiles and tell whole story laudatory of VOA management, but has bwn federal appellate judge scheduled Douglas H. Glnsburg withdrew will have with senators, few will be committee member, said, "The parking to satiny regulations and has made Sadloski thanks as tennis courts, swimming pool, other equipment to the Contra rebels. visits with senators today, less than from consideration when conserva­ more important than his session labeled by the union as “ a coverup.” thing that struck me is that he at etc. Now, in 1,000 luxury apart­ Ortega said Wednesday that there have been 140 U.S.- 24 hours after President Reagan tives declined to back him after he with conservative Jesse Helms, an effort to solve that problem. To the Editor; To the Editor; The internal VOA report last May praised the least has a lot of experience as a ments, I’m sure there will be at sponsored flights to Contra forces inside Nicaragua since the praised him as a "courageous, admitted past marijuand use. R-N.C. judge.” agency’s management and staff for getting Radio Two weeks ago, Helms said there But Brophy Ahem has gone before the least 100 or more children who will This is written in memory of an peace agreement was signed by five Central American tough but fair jurist’ ’ in announcing Bork’s nomination generated The taxpaying electorate of Marti in operation so quickly after it was was "no way Jose” that he could Conservative Sen. James be bused to our schools and presidents in August. Kennedy as his new choice for the negative comments right away. Planning and Zoning Commission without Manchester owes Betty Sadloski a elderly lady who died this week authorized by Congress, but said that more Ginsburg's inexperience — one back Kennedy, and there were hints McClure, R-Idaho, called Kennedy educated in our schools at the U.S. spy flights over Nicaragua are continuing, he said, adding court. having resolved all the problems that must be vote of thanks for her efforts in with the only mention of her death attention should be paid to personnel matters. The Senate Judiciary Committee year as a federal appeals judge — of a filibuster by conservatives if he “ a capable, well-qualified jurist expense of you, the Manchester that the intelligence information is passed on to the CIA for use by who would be a fine member of the resolved before the PZC, which has very leading the Manchester property being a simple obituary in your report described Radio Marti as a "broadcasting C3iairman Joseph R. Biden Jr. said made senators uneasy from day received the nomination instead of taxpayers. the Contras. Supreme Court.” owners’ fight to achieve a "no” obit column. Herdeath wasnotan miracle” for being on the air with 14*/i hours of The Nicaraguan leader, addressing the General Assembly of he would meet with White House one. Ginsburg. specific responsibilities to discharge, can put Also, the plan for the area But Sen. Charles Grassley, R- vote on the Buckland mall refer­ historic event to shake the world programming only 18 months after its creation. the Organization of American States, pledged that his chief of staff Howard H. Baker Jr. Ginsburg’s surprise admission of But Helms said Wednesday that its official stamp of approval on the between Deming and Slater Kennedy telephoned him within lowa, a Judiciary Committee, endum question. or even the state or the town. Yet The internal report said that "considerable government will comply fully with the peace accord. Among the and other White House representa­ past drug use left senators wary of streets calls for considerable moving too quickly on' Kennedy. minutes of Reagan’s announce­ member who had criticized the conversion. Unlike the bankers, merchants, her life deserves some public sacrifices had to be made involving personnel in key provisions are an end to U.S. aid to the Contras and steps tives to work out a timetable for housing development. Again, like mention as she served the public confirmation hearings. That ses­ "I hope this nomination wili ment, and he expressed satisfac­ administration’s failure to muster On Monday, the developer was before the etc.. who encouraged a "yes” vote order to get Radio Marti on the air and running." toward democracy in Nicaragua. early support for Bork, said Rea­ Mr. Finguerra’s luxury apart­ in the Manchester area for many sion is likely today. provide no more surprises for the tion with the conversation. based on an ulterior motive called But the report said no evidence was found to Helms added, "I hope I will be gan apparently took the path of PZC and asked that the group approve a style ments, there will be children years. Favorable but cautious reaction Congress or embarrassments for profit, Mrs. Sadloski's only mo­ support the union’s charges of harassment, from both liberal and conservative the White House,” said Senate able to support his nomination with least resistance in naming of window which has already won the support attending our schools and being Edna Werbner worked hand in Town In despair after boy’s death tive was her responsibility to intimidation and sexual discrimination. senators suggested the 51-year-old Majority Leader Robert C. Byrd, enthusiasm following my meeting Kennedy. educated with our tax dollars — hand with her husband in the of the Cheney Historic District Commission. bring accurate facts to the The investigation was authorized after 19 VOA PITTSFIELD, N.H. — This small New England town struggled not with the mall real estate operation of a retail business in The PZC declined to do so and quite attention of the taxpayers of employees complained a year ago about with despair after learning that a 9-year-old boy had been shot to dollars which would have been correctly. Manchester. Main Street, in Manchester dur­ "administrative irregularities.” The employees’ death and one of his friends stood accused of murder. used to pay off the bond. If a proper analysis had been ing a period in Manchester’s petition asking for an investigation did not include A tip led police to Jason Elliott’s body Monday night, more than Egypt is returning to the Arab foid The look of the window sashes may seem made by Town Manager Weiss Furthermore, the increased history when Main Street, Man­ specifics; union officials told us that more two days after hundreds of residents and police using a helicopter like a small matter, particularly when that chester, was the shopping mall for and his staff, I’m sure the “ no” enrollment could require a new employees would have signed it if not for and bloodhounds searched unsuccessfully for him. AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — Egypt, shunned by historic peace treaty in March 1979, the only one But the summit’s final communique clearly look has already been endorsed by the historic eastern Connecticut. She had vote would have been overwhelm­ elementary school, a new junior management intimidation. Police Chief Steven Byers, who uncovered the body, recalled most of the rest of the Arab world for more than between an Arab country and the Jewish state. reflected a belief that the Arabs would be commission. ing. As a matter of fact, the Board high and possibly a new senior customers ranging from Willi- Last August, the Federal Labor Relations Wednesday that he had “ a sick feeling” and turned away eight years for making peace with Israel, is Ironicaliy, one of the prime movers to patch stronger with Egypt in their comer. But it is generally not a good practice for of Directors might not have high school in the next 10 to IS mantic to Enfield and she always Authority ruled that the union’s charges of repeatedly as an investigator’s camera recorded the evidence. returning to the fold. things up with Egypt, the Arab world’s most It said the Arab leaders were "firmly approved the bonding plan if all years. Three additional schools remembered those customers by intimidation were unfounded. ’The union, which had Jason’s mother, a school nurse, asked that the students in the Many leaders of the Arab world threw the door populous and military powerful state, was Iraq, convinced that Arab national security can only the PZC to approve development piecemeal. complete Its elements, conditions and require­ the facts had been examined and could cost in the neighborhood of their shoe sizes. Even in her later been picketing to protest what it claimed were town of 3,600 be given counseling and a chance to attend a open to Egypt at a four-day summit in Amman which hosted the summit that booted Egypt out. By doing so, it can put itself in a prejudiciai brought to the board’s attention. years she would look at a person memorial service today. by ending Egypt’s diplomatic banishment. Kuwait’s al-Anbaa daily said the summit was ments through total solidarity,” and spoke of $50 million to $75 million in “ widespread abuse and harassment,” said it lost “ shared conceptions of the dangers threatening .'osition if it finds later it must reject the For example, no mention was and recollect the correct shoe size. It may have been the back door, but the “ a turning point in joint Arab action.” obligation bonds — principal and before the labor board because employees were too “ The Amman summit has apparently suc­ the Arab existence and future.” '’evelopment on some other ground. ever made concerning the impact The "m om ” and "pop” busi­ decision of the Arab League summit on interest. paid for by the Manches­ intimidated to testify. Wednesday to allow individual states to restore ceeded in iaying down a new strategy of Arab Egypt, with a population of 50 million, is the of the 380-acre Buckland project nesses that were strength of the Budget negotiators down to details Brophy Ahern should board up the spaces ter taxpayers. Perhaps the most explosive part of the relations with Cairo marked a significant step action and the establishment of quiet and only Arab country with the manpower to match on the Manchester school system. downtown retail neighborhoods controversy was the union’s charge that some male WASHING’TON — Lawmakers and White House officials tension-free relations among Arab states,” it Iran, which has about 55 million people. where windows have been taken out or broken Furthermore, no accurate esti­ toward Egypt’s rehabilitation. Why? Because the negative im­ are no more. ’They have not been VOA employees who were receptive to the working on a deficit-reduction plan say they have agreed on the A handful of hardline Arab states, including said. It also has a modem, American-equipped and get all its ducks in line before it mate of the other town services 2 pact would have offset some of the replaced and they will not be homosexual overtures of a supervisor were overall shape of the package and are now down to the details. Syria and Libya, blocked an attempt by Egypt has been quietly rebuilding its links for army of 450,000 men, and it has shipped arsenals approaches the PZC again. was made, such as the impact of sales pitch for a “ yes” vote. because times have changed and rewarded with favors and promotions, while those / “ We’re now renting the hall by the day,” Rep. Pat Williams, moderate leaders to readmit Egypt to the Arab several years. But the Iran-Iraq war, and of arms to Iraq since the gulf war began. Some additional traffic on Manchester estimates put the total as high as $2 billion worth work ethics certainly have who resisted the supervisor’s advances got ' D-Mont., said after Wednesday’s meeting, expressing the League. growing Arab alarm that it will spread, drove streets leading to the mall. Only a of hardware. changed. But certainlyin recount­ negative job evaluations. The union also charged optimism that several of the bargainers said they felt after 13 But the ice was broken. gulf states to turn to Egypt as a friend with rough estimate of the cost tc powerful arms to sell. The Egyptians are not likely to send their ing the history of a town like that women employees were not promoted because days of talks. Before the conference had ended, several gulf maintin the mall roads was made, states, including Iraq, Bahrain, the United Arab Iran and Iraq both are Moslem countries, hut army into the gulf in the afterglow of the Amman Manchester we should give full they didn’t interest the supervisor in question. The "W e’re on the threshhold,” said Rep. Silvio 0. Conte, R-Mass. and there was no estimate of the The participants, who met for more than five hours as a Emirates and Qatar, said they will restore Iraq is Arab and Iran is Persian. They have been summit. But they are expected to play a bigger credit to people like Edna union identified the supervisor and submitted two military role In helping countries like Kuwait cost to keep other streets near the Veterans Day snowstorm buffeted the capital, indicated that relations with Cairo. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait fighting since September 1980. Werbner who served the public affidavits supporting its allegations. defend themselves from Iran attack. mall in good condition. they still had to refine their numbers before shaking hands on an are sure to follow, an Arab diplomat in Cairo The conference indirectly repeated Arabs’ with tenderness and affection. Carlson, the VOA director, called the charges rejection of the solo path Egypt took to peace While the gulf looks toward Egypt for tacit Of course, there would be an agreement. said on condition of anonymity on Wednesday. false and “ the lowest form of character Egypt's membership was suspended after it with Israel, insisting peace talks could only support, Egypt, deep in debt, is looking to the increase in police costs despite Alfred P. Werbner assassination." Management said that an put out peace feelers to Israel, then signed a occur with all parties to the conflict present. oil-rich gulf to help feed its masses. what town hall tries to soft-pedal. Manchester employee who signed the affidavit alleging sexual , t Other utilities would require Socialism dead In Britain, book says discrimination was fired because of inadequate job attention from time to time. LtTS performance that predated the alleged sexual LONDON — Socialism is effectively dead in Prime Minister Huge sinkhole So you see, taxpayers of Man­ overture by the supervisor. Margaret Thatcher’s Britain eight years after the Conservative chester, you can thank your lucky leader cam e to power, a leading analyst said in a book published Hard to believe VOA management was embarrassed last June by star that a handful of concerned swallows home the revelation that two supervisors were today. citizens — especially George Peter Jenkins, a respected liberal commentator, also wrote Naab said that conducting a private gold-selling business on ODESSA, Fla. (AP) - A sinkhole Marlow and Mike Dworkin — led that Mrs. Thatcher, President Reagan’s closest foreign ally, government time, using VOA phones for overseas swallowed a mobile home despite A eA V M .. by Betty Sadloski — caused the To the Editor: flattered Reagan publicly to bring him around to her views and calls. ’The matter is under investigation hy the efforts by two wreckers to save it defeat of the Buckland mall bond foster close ties between the nations. Justice Department. from crumpling into the widening referendum. I find it hard to believe that Jenkins wrote that in reality, Mrs. Thatcher would not have Other union-management bones of contention 30-foot-deep pit. For those of you who swallowed Geoffrey Naab, a town director, tolerated Reagan in her Cahinpt. He quoted her as saying of the include a Radio Marti interview with President “ I thought a tornado or a the sales pitch for a "yes” vote, could tell the people of Eighth president to one of her officihls: "Poor dear, there’s nothing Reagan using questions and answers written by the hurricane might have gotten it, but consider all the facts and you will District to drown in their own between his ears.” National Security Council staff; a controversy over I never thought it would sink,” said thank Mrs. Sadloski for a job well sewerage! Jenkins concluded in his book, "Mrs. Thatcher’s Revolution; a Radio Marti reporter who asked the president a The Ending of the Socialist Era,” published by Jonathan Cape, Winston Eden, 72, who has lived in done. Impeach the bugger! question at a news conference; required testing of that her single biggest foreign policy fall e has been not to identify the trailer since 1972. His family of _ employees for AIDS; and a $1.3 billion with Western Europe. six has moved in with relatives for ' J.R. Smyth Howard August the time being. modernization program that is far behind schedule 48 Strawberry Lane 11$ North School St. and millions of dollars over budget. Eden was in the dining room lWc^<5>/W@ toe Manchester Manchester States lead feds in competitiveness Tuesday evening when he heard creaking noises and sent his daugh­ Coal baron’s honor WASHINGTON — States have taken the lead from the federal ter Caroi Geraldi outside to check. Because the accounting system at the Interior government in promoting U.S. prosperity in the highly competitive world economy, according to a study released today She discovered the growing sink­ Department’s Minerals Management fen ice can’t hole, noticed that a propane tank identify coal companies that pay too little or hy an economic research organization. "While Washington has been mired in an ideological stalemate had disappeared into it, and knew it Major changes under way In Taiwan, too nothing at all on their government leases, an honor was time for the family to flee. system is used to collect the rent. And guess what? over this issue, governors from both parties have embraced it,” David Osborne wrote in the study for the Economic Policy “ When I first ran back, I didn’t ’Thanks to the government’s miscalculations and know what to take” from the TAIPEI. TAIWAN — No journalist could possibly probably impossible, to fine-tune such reforms. Institute. the coal companies’ malfeasance, some coal firms trailer, said Mrs. Geraldi, who visit the Republic of China (Taiwan) today without Taiwan is clearly headed for genuine multi-party State governments, faced with idled plants, high unemploy­ didn’t pay anything for six years. The agency has recently moved Into the mobile wanting to write about it. But I owe it to my readers democracy, so it seems probable that the ment and loss of the industrial base supporting towns and lost at least $12.5 million between 1976 and 1966, regions, have actively intervened in the private sector, while the home with her three children to warn them that I hardly represent that Kuomintang party, like Japan’s Liberal congressional auditors estimated, and could lose federal government under President Reagan has turned back "to following a divorce. She grabbed a reportorial ideal, the wholly objective observer. Democratic party, will continue to rule the roost Williaiii $12 million because of administrative blunders. the free-market myth of the pre-industrial era,” Osborne said. purse and car keys. For one thing, I am here at the invitation and for the foreseeable future. And permission for A F photo ’Two wreckers tried to pull the expense of the government, to address the students visits to the mainland to see relatives is bound to 8 Rusher Mlni-editoilal home from the hole, but it began to of the School of Journalism of National Chengchi broaden to other categories, as sentimentality and U.S. denies CIA Involvement in FIJI tear-apart as the wrecker’s winch A sinkhole continued to grow Wednes- the cavernous opening Tuesday even- University, and to receive the government’s 1987 sheer curiousity make their impact felt. Testimony at Michael Deaver’s perjury trial has day in Odessa, Fla., gobbling more of a ing. th e six occupants of the trailer left us a little bewildered. High government SYDNEY, Australia — The U.S. Consulate today accused two tightened, said Assistant Hillsbo­ International Communication Service Award. For Second, these changes are the ripe fruits of social rough Fire Chief Richard Grodrlan. 60-foot mobile home that slithered into escaped safely. another thing, and more to the point, I am a strength, not the frantic concessions of a fading officials keep testifying that, yes, the former White r publications in Australia and one in New Zealand of waging a longstanding friend of Free China, having visited oligarchy. "We have a middle class now," one House insider did call them, but no, he didn’t ask disinformation campaign by alleging CIA involvement in Fiji’s this lovely island repeatedly over the past quarter high-ranking official told me with a smiie, "and a them to do anything on behaif of his lobbying firm’s May 14 coup. In a five-page statement, the consulate accused the of a century. middle class demands, and deserves, more clients. If this is true, it raises a fascinating ‘Greenhouse’ worry changes nuke stance question; What in the blue-eyed world were publications of printing "no more than an illogical web of 7 That said, let’s begin by noting that major reforms. freedom: freedom to travel more widely, freedom Deaver’s clients paying him all those millions of fabrications, half-truths, facts taken out of context and changes are under way simultaneously on both Here too, of course, Taipei has always led Beijing to make more political choices, and so on." we ought to be a lot more early in the next century, this dollars to do for them ? unfounded allegations.” WASHINGTON (AP) - Fear latest round of congressional hear­ sides of the Straits of Formosa. In Beijing. Deng by a country mile. As Fox Butterfield, the former ’That distinction may for the present spare Asked about the statement, a consulate official who spoke on that a “ greenhouse effect” acceler­ ings Into the greenhouse effect: The aggressive pursuing nuclear heating could double, making the Xiaoping appears to have effected a transition to a New York ’Times bureau chief in Beijing, explained Communist China, which has no middie class, the condition of anonymity said the denial was issued because ated by burning fossil fuels could world must find alternatives to power,” he said. Earth warmer than it has been for younger generation of communist leaders cast in it, "On Taiwan, everything is permitted except a embarrassing necessity of explaining why it isn’t allegations of CIA involvement "keep popping up" six months dismpt the world’s climate with fossil-fuel energy sources such as 100 million or more years, the The scientists reiterated testim­ committee was told. his mold — "pragmatists,” who are determined to few things which are forbidden. On the mainland, emulating Taipei’s political reform. But in the long after the coup in Fiji, an island nation in the South Pacific 2,000 disastrous results Is leading some coal and oil, and the United States ony heard at hearings over the last must come up with an energy policy try to revivify Communist China by substituting everything is forbidden except a few things which run Beijing will feel the pressure to follow Taipei’s fHaurliPstprI Hpralft miles northeast of Sydney. environmentalists to reconsider 18 months; The Earth’s atmos­ While no one is yet linking it to the large dollops of free-market economics for the are permitted.” lead. Henceforth the very presence on the their stance against nuclear power. to lead the way. phere is being overloaded with greenhouse effect, scientists say Wirth talked of energy conserva­ failed nostrums of Karl Marx. But nowadays even fewer things are being mainland of a stream of visitors from Taiwan, Founded In 1881 A prominent Senate environmen­ gases that trap het like a green­ that 1987 is the hottest year on tion and renewable resources such On Taiwan meanwhile. President Chiang forbidden on Taiwan. For one thing, new opposition describing the relative freedom and prosperity of Iraq says another ship hit off Iran talist, Democrat Tim Wirth of house, causing polar ice to melt and record. Computer models predict PENNY M. SIEFFB IT...... PuWWier Colorado, broke ranks this week as as solar power, but he also said the Ching-kuo has displayed astonishing flexibility for political parties are being permitted to organize, life here (the per capita gross domestic product is QEORQE T. CHAPPELL ...... EdHor flood coastal areas, and bringing that unless greenhouse gases are MANAMA, Bahrain — Iraq said its planes attacked a ship in he chaired two days of Energy nation must look for ways to make about shifts in weather patterns reduced, temperature averages an elderly and ailing leader. He needs no lessons and are doing so with impressive enthusiasm. For an amazing 15 times higher than across the DOUGLAS A. BEVINS...... Executive Editor nuclear generators safer. He ac­ ALEXANDER GIR ELLI...... AeeocMe EdNor the Persian Gulf off Iran today, the sixth vessel Iraq has claimed Committee hearings at which that can produce drought in bread­ could rise by eight degrees or more from Deng Xiaoping on the merits of a free another, the government has just authorized travei straits), will serve as a constant reminder of what knowledged that such a view to have attacked this week. scientists warned of the need to baskets such as the Midwest. by the end of the next century. economy; Taiwan’s is one of the freest in the world, to the mainland in certain circumstances — e.g., in is possible to the hard-working people of China. DENISE A. RO B ER TS...... Advertleino DIreelor Baghdad Radio, monitored in Cyprus, said the Iraqi warplanes reduce the flow of carbon dioxide, conflicted with the no-nukes philo­ and has prospered accordingly; Today this country the case of old soldiers who want to see their What is not possible is that the government here MARK F. A B R A ITIS...... Boelneee Meneger made an "accurate and effective" strike against the "large methane and other gases into the sophy within the environmental Over the past century, the global The scientists say that the SHELDON C O H EN ...... CompoeWio Meneger climate has warmed by about two warming Is occurring faster than has the highest foreign reserves per capita of any relatives once more before they die. should reciprocally welcome to Taiwan those ROBERT H HUBBARD...... Preeeroom Meneger maritime target," which usually means a tanker, at 4:45 a.m. atmosphere. movement. nation on earth. Rather, it is in the field of politics Two things need to be said about these measures mainlanders who wouid like to sample this island’s JEANNE Q FROMERTH ...... Clreolelkm Meneger Two themes emerged from this "This is counter-political (but) degrees Fahrenheit. Sometime previously believed. that President Chiang has instituted major of liberalization. The first is that it is hard, and many charms. » — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Nov. 12. 1M7

K A N U T S by ChwtM M. Bchirix Com ve. ^ Counti>o(a/m • wiMueiz ■Bat. ^R IFR TH - RNAFU byBruc.B..MI. BUSINESS ‘Problem Solvers’ Joint chamber ‘Problem Solverf,” a small business advisory service Health benefits affect company values operated by Jay Savery of 223 Henry St., has Joined the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce. even more than the value of pension Savery specializes in "street-smart’’ marketing services for WASHINGTON (AP) - Many expenses. there that could have a very entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations. He designed a American corporations could find Early next year, the regulatory significant impact on corporate benefits promised to the same values,’’ he said. workers, the study says. That course entitled “Street-Smart Market­ their paper profits and stock values 'board is expected to require com­ ing for the Entrepreneur” and teaches It slashed by requirements that they panies to project the health benefits The research is compiled in a raises questions for companies that figure in ttie cost of health benefits they will have to pay to retired book called “Measuring and Fund­ have been using special incentives in the continuing education program at promised to retirees, according to a employees, which the institute ing Corporate Liabilities for Reti­ for early retirement as a way of Manchester Community College. study released today. estimates could reach $2,400 annu­ ree Health Benefits.’’ reducing work forces. Savery says his 14 years’ experience New requirements expected ally per current employee. Phyllis A. Doran of the actuarial The study is intended to provide as an adviser to small businesses and as from the Financial Accounting ’The Impact on the financial firm Milliman k Robertson, which information for employers, govern­ an owner of several small businesses Standards Board could push stock community is expected to be much conducted the study, said it found ment policymakers, groups con­ has convinced him that proper market­ prices down, affect corporate earn­ larger than the new 1087 board that the nation’s top corporations cerned with employee benefits and ing can be the critical difference ings, limit borrowing abilities, requirement that companies take could show a reduction in net officials of companies considering between failure and success. affect multibillion-dollar acquisi­ into account pension benefits, income of from 30 to 60 percent once corporate takeovers. His emphasis in on low-cost market­ tion decisions and cause some which are usually backed by a health benefit liabilities are added “An important but frequently ing techniques. companies to cease operations, separate fund rather than paid out to the equation. neglected consideration in valuing says the study by the non-profit of corporate earnings the way She said that range is based on a a company for potential acquisition Employee Benefit Research health benefits are, said Dallas L. study of the Fortune 500 companies, is the value of liabilities for health Institute. Salisbury, Institute spokesman. which found that the median benefits promised to retirees,” said Net Income up ’tlie institute says estimates of “Very, very lew companies that company made $4,200 per employee a news release on the study. promise these benefits have really in profits. The health benefits of The Employee Benefit Research at The Hartford N the potential liability for all com­ panies that provide retiree health looked beyond the tips of their noses from $1,200 to $2,400 per employee Institute is a public policy think HARTFORD — The Hartford Insu­ benefits range from $100 billion to on liabilities inherent in the prom­ would be subtracted from that. tank that has examined issues rance Group, citing improved property- trillion, but few companies ise,’’ said Salisbury in an interview. The cost of benefits for early related to Medicare, Social Secur­ ity, pensions and health care costs. casualty business, Wednesday reported realize the extent of their future “It’s a bit of a bombshell sitting retirees can be particularly high, a net income of $109.3 million in the third quarter, up 45 percent from $75.4 million in the same period last year. For the first nine months, net income U.S. automakers gear up for Japan was $296.3 million, 23 percent higher jgy Savery than last year’s $240.4 million. TOKYO (AP) — American automakers are six years from 28 percent to 3.4 percent. “Now we have a product to sell. We also have Net income from The Hartford’s casualty-property buainess gearing up for a run on Japan’s lucrative Meanwhile, German automakers accounted quality and we have price.” increased 65 percent to $102 million compared to $61.8 million last markets, hoping to recapture some of the for about 80 percent of the 68,000 imports sold in In addition to importing the Taurus, the year. initiative grabbed by Europeans in the past few Japan last year. company also has a 25 percent interest in Mazda, “The continued improvement in earnings is an encouraging years. Leonard said GM sees Japan as a growing and sells the Laser, Telstar and Festiva through sign for The Hartford. But, unfortunately, we’ve also seen General Motors announced today it plans to market. its Autorama dealerships in Japan. unmistakeable indications that the property-casualty market is import two models made in the United States, to The company already sells annually about Kowai said Ford now sells 40,000 vehicles a becoming more competitive,” said DeRoy C. Thomas, chairman be marketed in a Joint venture here with Suzuki 3,000 cars, including the Cadillac and Buick, year through its 200 outlets, but most of those are and chief excecutive officer. Motor Co. through its Yanase distributors. He said the made in Japan under the Ford label. He said the company has instituted a hiring freeze in some V He said Ford is now trying to appeal to the H.V. Leonard, executive vice president of initial shipments to Japan of the new models will areas and is completing efficiency studies to deal with a General Motors Overseas Corp., said the be several hundred at first. youth market, and said the approach seems to be working. slowdown in property-casualty premiums. relatively new Chevrolet models Corsica and Kenji Kowai of Ford Motor Co. said the The Hartford is a subsidiary of ITT Corp. Beretta will be marketed in Japan next year. announcement that it will begin selling Taurus “The high yen definitely gave us a competitive “These are not cars made in the United States in Japan represents a further commitment to edge, and now we can exploit it,” he said. The by Japanese companies,” he said. “The ones develop the Japanese market, in hopes of strong yen tends to make U.S. imports cheaper. we’re talking about are entirely Anierican- recapturing some of the ground taken by Chrysler also brought an American-made car, made.’’ Europeans. the K car series “Michigan” built for the CE plans Joint venture with Soviets “Around 1979, the second oil shock and strong Japanese market, which it sells through its Anic Several weeks ago. Ford Motor Co. announced STAMFORD — Combustion Engineering Inc. said Wednesday it plans to begin exporting the Taurus to Japan. dollar drove U.S. imports in Japan to pratically distributors. Imports account for only about 2 percent of nothing,’’ he said. “At that time, we were trying The company said it had no sales figures for it will establish a Joint venture with the Soviet Union to develop Japan’s auto market. According to the Japan to sell cars of a past generation — big cars with the Michigan, but said it had sold only 114 other software, instrumentation and control products for the Automobile Importers Association, the U.S. big engines. We had to redo our product from the cars, including New Yorkers and vans, through hydrocarbon processing industry. share of imports has plummeted during the past ground up.” its distributors so far this year. The venture is the first under a new Soviet policy allowing Western companies to share ownership of Soviet industries. Combustion Engineering said in a prepared statement. The agreements were signed in Moscow on Wednesday by Commercial banks differ from thrifts Nikolai V. Lemaev, minister of oil refining and petrochemical industries, and Combustion Engineering President Charles E. authority to guarantee customers’ and your wife leave this vale of QUESTION: The venture, to be called Applied Engineering Systems, will be My husband signatures on stock certificates. tears. On inherited stock, the Nonetheless, most transfer agents ’’basis” — cost for tax purposes — 49 percent owned by Combustion Engineering and 51 percent died recently owned by the Ministry of Oil Refining and Petrochemical and I would like refuse to accept SAL signature usually is the value on the date of Investors’ guarantees. death. Industries USSR. , to transfer stock On gift stock — and a gift of half The new concern is expected to begin operating by Jan. 1,1988. from Joint te­ the stock would be made under your nancy in his Guide QUESTION: My wife and I own stock as “joint tenants with right of plan — the basis is the stock’s name and mine William A. Doyle to my name survivorship.” When one of us dies, original cost, if the stock is later may the survivor add the name of sold at a profit. That could result in alone. I was told a bigger tax bite. ALLEY OOP ' by Dave Graue that, when I our son to replace the deceased? If send in the cer­ so, how is this done? WHOEVER STOLE OU r I HOW BECAUSE TH' OMLV ...AN' AH'LL BET QUESTION: How much can my b o a t m u s t a t a k e n y y 'f ig g e r FOOTPRINTS W E WHOEVER TOOK IT tificate with the brother leave to me, before tax? IT u p s t r e a m : t h a t . FOUND BACK THEAH WADED INTO TH' necessary papers, my signature on It’s unlikely you’ll be able to ANSWER: It can be done by WHERE WE LEFT IT CREEK AN' PULLED the certificate must be guaranteed obtain a satisfactory signature sending the certificate, with the ANSWER: Besides leaving un­ WERE OURS ... IT INTO TH' WATUH guarantee from a thrift. It’s been assignment form on the back filled Call by a brokerage firm or a commer­ limited amounts to a spouse, each cial bank. less likely you’ll get it from a notary out and the signature guaranteed, person can leave $600,000 free of Exactly what is a commercial public. to the stock’s transfer agent, whose 2 federal estate tax. bank? Can’t this be done by a You'll.send your stock certificate name and address you’ll find in the State "death taxes” vary. All savings and loan association or a to the stock’s transfer agent, which annual stockholder report. states, except Nevada, have some Our Mortgage notary public? will cancel the old certificate and The executor or administrator of form of estate and/or Inheritance issue a new one in your name. the estate must include a certified tax. ANSWER: Years ago, the defini­ Transfer agents almost always copy of his or her appintment and tion of commercial bank came insist that the signature be guaran­ an affidavit of domicile. An inherit­ William A. Doyle, a syndicated Bridge easy: A bank that accepts “demand teed by a brokerage firm member ance tax waiver is required in many columnist, welcomes written ques­ Specialist deposits — checking accounts — of a national stock exchange, a states. tions, but he can provide answers and grants business loans while commercial bank or a trust com­ For tax purposes, however, it only through the column. Write to THE BORN LOSER ‘ by Art Sansom would probably be better to will the Doyle in care of the Manchester clarer tried the queen. West won and providing a variety f other financial pany, all of which have filed services. That made commercial signature guarantee cards with stock to your son. so that he Herald. P.O. Box 591, Manchester Thinking continued the suit. South now had to becomes the owner after both you NORTH hope for a 2-2 spade division. He won banks quite different than S&Ls and transfer agents and also provide 06040. PK95 ahead the heart ace, and played ace and a savings banks — nicknamed financial guarantees. P87 5 2 spade to dummy’s king. When spades “thrifts” — that did not offer Some transfer agents do accept ♦ 7 didn't split, he had to hope that both checking and business loans. Signature guarantees from S&Ls, 4 K J 10 6 3 By James Jacoby defenders still had a club. Nope. East ’The Monetary Control Act of 1980 savings banks and credit unions WEST EAST ruffed the third club and down went and other moves to deregulate the with which they have working LIVE CHRISTMAS TREES 4 8 410 7 6 Of course South had a good hand, so four spades. Now that you know how "banking industry” changed relationships. And some mutual Thousands to choose from - 4KJ8 410 6 4 it may seem a bit timid that he bid the play went, can you guess declar­ tilings. S&Ls and savings banks funds which act as their own Tag Now... Cut or Dig Later ♦ A K Q 10 9 ♦86432 only two spades at his first opportuni­ er’s name? You got it — Willy Nilly. now have checking accounts and transfer agents take signature 49874 4 A 2 ty. South was wise enough to know make loans to business. ’The distinc­ guarantees from notary publics. In SOUTH that cards like the club queen and the And what would Careful Charlie tion between commercial banks the vast majority of cases, how­ WAGON SHED 4AQJ432 heart queen don’t take tricks unless have done differently? That’s easy. At and thrifts has been blurred. ever, signature guarantees must 4AQ3 partner has some supporting values, trick two, when a second high diamond Nonetheless, a commercial bank come from brokerages, commer­ NURSERY ♦ J 5 so he contented himself with a simple was played, Charlie would have dis­ is chartered as such and is cial banks and trust companies. 4Q5 overcall. The story was different after Back in 1981. the Federal Home 155 Qrlffin Rd., So. Windsor ca rd ^ a heart from dummy. Now the FRANK AND ERNEST "by Bob Thavet generally referred to as a “full- Vulnerable; E^st-West North had raised spades. With the defenders can take no more than the service bank.” SftLs and savings Loan Bank Board’s office of gen­ North on Rt. S to Sullivan Ava. (Rt. 194), Ry# St. to Griffin Rd.. 289-7386 Dealer: West knowledge that partner had some ace of clubs, since declarer can play banks do not have commercial eral counsel issued an opinion that cards plus support. South happily con­ A-Q and a third spade to dummy's king bank charters. federally chartered S&Ls have the W«l North East Sooth tracted for 10 tricks. after the club ace has been dislodged. PARAPSYCHOLOGY th*nk 1 ♦ P ass 2 4 2 4 o p A N U M ^ei^ 3 ♦ 3 4 P a ss 4 4 West led the diamond king and then CLINIC P a ss P a ss P a ss the queen. Declarer ruffed in dummy A new book by James Jacoby and ANP Be and played a club back to his queen, his father, the late Oswald Jacoby, is S' Opening lead: 4 K which was allowed to hold. He then now available at bookstores. It is “Ja­ i played another club, and East took the coby on Card Games,” published by Roberta Montour ace and led back the 10 of hearts. De­ Pharos Books. 1 For Any Type of Mortgage Financing 9 ini ^ = a n r PoUy’s Pointers Our mortgage specialist, Roberta Montour, can answer your mortgage ques­ WINTHROP -byOickCavalli several ways of being sure that a packaging (bow much of a product tions and take your mortage application. Be watchful and product is non-toxic. could be consumed at one time), and THE FARA^ERiS I WONDER IF I CDfJLDRASS She is available to meet with you in your prevent poisoning Many products display the word potential harm to skin or eyes. In ad­ A L M A N iA C FOR A ErREYHOUND ATONE *non-toxlc,’ which means that the dition, color formnlas are considered, SAVS WE'RE OF THOSE DOS TRACKS. home or office, even on weekends or during 8 prodncts are not considered poison- and all prodncts are retested when IM F O R A evening hours. By Polly Fisher ons. Some craft prodncts bear the . formnlas change. V E R V TD U S H symbols ‘CP* or ‘AP,* which are in­ No matter what your mortgage needs. DEIAR READERS — Every now dications by the Art & Craft Materials Be especially careful when using WINTER. and then, I like to remind all those Institute Inc. that those prodncts also prodncts like super-glues and type­ New England Savings Bank is ready to help. who care for children (or just have writer correction fluid. The polMu are non-toxic. Some of the prodncts control center receives calls from kids visiting In their homes) to he es­ that may carry these seals include Limit We offer a wide range of mortgage pro­ pecially watchful In preventing acci­ crayons, watercolors, tempera colors, many who accidentally stick together one special grams, including construction, conventional, dental poisonings — a tragic occur­ fingerpaints, chalks, modeling clay, their fingers or glne their eyelids per family. For all who love winier rence. Here are some things to watch closed when using these gines. It takes Piq- black printing inks and media, draw­ • tMT by NCA. Wc

New Haven M Obitiiaries FOCUS CD spending Salvator* A. Baitolotta whom she lived; two sons, Frank Copeland and Robert Copeland, in question Salvatore A. Baitolotta, 62, of 35 both of Manchester; a half-sister, Washington St!, died Wednesday at Florence Tracy of Somers; six NEW Ha v e n (AP) - a federal Manchester Memorial Hospital. He grandchildren; three great­ agency is questioning three city was the husband of Frances (Zito) grandchildren; and several nieces paynnents totaling abcnit SiM.OOO Baitolotta. and nephews. F a s c in a t e d for legal and consulting services, He was bom in Cromwell, Dec. The funeral Is Friday at 1 p.m. at saying the money was meant for 10,1024 and had been a Manchester the Second Congregational Church, assisting needy people and elimi­ resident since 1984. Before retiring 450 N. Main St. Burial will be in nating urban blight. in December, he was employed by Buckland Cemetery. There are no "We don’t know whether It’s the Carlyle-Johnson Co., Manches­ calling hours. Holmes Funeral misuse (of funds), or Just an ter, for 30 years. He was a Home, 400 Main St., has charge of b y c r im e eagerness to get something done,’’ parishioner of St. Bridget Church. arrangements. said Mary Ellen Morgan, manager Besides his wife, he is survived by Memorial donations may be of block grants for the federal a son, Peter S. Bartolotta of made to the Memorial Fund at the Department of Housing and Urban Manchester; a daughter, Mariann Second Congregational Church or Development in Hartford. • IV V D’Antonio of Mansfield; two broth­ to the Visiting Nurse and Home A HUD audit showed the money % ers, Sebastian Bartolotta of Crom­ Care of Manchester, 397 Porter St, Former FBI agent well and Joseph Bartolotta of from the federal Community Devel­ ■■ Manchester 06040. opment Block Grant program was Middletown; a granddaughter; several nieces and nephews; and used to pay for matters related to Myrtle I. Chapman helps MCC students economic development. several grandnieces and HUD has ordered the city to grandnephews. Myrtle I. Chapman, 73, of 168 reimburse the block grantaccounts The funeral is Saturday at 8:45 Summit St., who died Wednesday N with non-federal funds because a.m. at Holmes Funeral Home, 400 morning, is sunived by two broth­ understand the Mafia HUD regulations restrict the block Main St., with a mass of Oirlstian ers and a sister-in-law. William H. \ burial at 9:30 a.m. in St. Bridget grants to programs and projects and Viola Chapman of Manchester, TO UNDERSTAND the organ­ DavM Kool/MinohMWr Harald Church. Burial will be In St. James with whom she made her home, and By Anita M. Caldwell that help low- and moderate- Manchester Herald ized crime picture, it’s necessary income people, rid cities of decay­ Cemetery. Calling hours are Fri­ Kenneth I. Chapman of Indianpolis, No day off day from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Ind.; and several nieces and to understand the history of the ing areas or address an "urgent Mafia, according to McKinney. need.” Memorial donations may be nephews. Her sister-in-law was Former FBI agent Jerry Michael Kirk, 8, shovels his front walk morning. Three to six inches fell in the made to a charity of the donor's McKinney remembers an inci­ ’The payments included almost incorrectly identified in Wednes­ Although it has never been !■— flM,000 to a law firm for contesting outside his home at 63 Stephen St. this Hartford area Wednesday night. choice. day’s Herald dent when having his .38-caliber proven conclusively, McKinney a proposal to build a mall in North 'Ilie funeral is Saturday at 1 p.m. Smith & Wesson handgun proba­ said that in Sicily during the 19th Haven, |S0,0(X) to a consultant hired Wade Lumpkin Jr. at the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 bly saved his life. century, a group of people estab­ Main St. Burial will be at the The Federal Bureau of Investi­ to help the city apply for a federal Wade Cecil Lumpkin Jr., Infant lished themselves to combat grant for a redevelopment project, Town man dies in storm; convenience of the family. Calling gation was pursuing a fugitive unfair treatment of the peasants son of Angela Elaine Atmore and hours are Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. and $82,000 in legal fees in connec­ who was involved in organized by the wealthy class. Wade Cecil Lumpkin Sr. of Hart­ Memorial donations may be Rtgindd Plnto/MinchMter Htrild tion with bankruptcy proceedings ford, died Monday at St. Francis crime. Agents surprised him as involving the U.S. Repeating Arms made to the Rockville General he was meeting another member Some of the members of this Hospital and Medical Center. He Hospital Dialysis Unit, Union group eventually became Jerry McKinney speaks to a class at Manchester Community College Co. roads caiied ‘treacherous’ was the grandson of Verlon Jackson of the organization. Street, Rockville 06066 or to the "There was a shoot-out in the wealthy landowners themselves, of Manchester. Memorial Fund at the North United on the history of organized crime. Continued from page I weather-related drop In business. when people can get out of their Bronx. The guy was hit, but it was and it is believed that they were V He is also survived by his driveway to get here.” Methodist Church, 300 Parker St., the foreriinners of the Mafia in Town man held Ann England, of England's Hard­ maternal grandfather, James At­ Manchester 06040. never determined whose bullet drivers on the road. Jensen said. ware Inc. of West Middle Turnpike, A spokeswoman for Connecticut more of Hartford; his paternal hit him,” McKinney said. Italy, he said. Snowy conditions affected a said business was slow this morn­ Transit in Hartford reported that grandparents. Mo and Margaret Although he didn't often use the Many of the peasants left Italy In assault case Charlet Henchel to teach, it was only recently that number of companies, though. Two ing. However, business was brisk buses were running near or on Moore of Hartford; and other gun, “ if you needed it, you better for the U.S. to get away from said McKinney, resulting in more whom. But investigative work isn’t all of the area's biggest employers, the late Wednesday as people prepared schedule in the Manchester area. glamour and glory, McKinney he started working the lecture Police arrested a Manchester relatives. NEW HAVEN (AP) - A funeral have it." said McKinney, who is unfair economic conditions, concentrated investigations "Not knowing who you’re going Purdy 0)rp. and the J.C. Penney for the storm. Bllsh Hardware Co. The Bowers School Parent- emphasized. "It’s long, hard, circuit and teaching classes. man Wednesday evening on Graveside services will be Fri­ is planned for Friday for retired ; teaching a class on organized McKinney said, but they found against organized crime. to run into,” said McKinney, is Distribution Onter and Outlet of Main Street reported that the Teacher Association meeting sche­ His students seem to think he charges that he assaulted his day at 9;30 a.m. at Mount St. Probate Judge Charles Henchel, a d im e at Manchester Community many of the same conditions one of the most fearful aspcts of arduous work. It didn’t stop at 5 Store, both reported employees store was sold out of rock salt, but duled for this evening was can­ has made the right decision. girlfriend and struck a police Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield. former state legislator. ' College. existed here. TO AN AGENT these investiga­ the Job, especially when working p.m .,” he said, adding that there having trouble getting to work still had a few dozen shovels to sell. celed. As of 11a.m., townand school lofficer with a beer can. The Henry L. Fuqua Funeral Henchel died Tuesday at the In his 14 years with the FBI, tions are long and/often frustrat­ as an undercover agent. was "a lot of footwork, a lot of "It (organized crime) tends to because of the weather. David “ We still have some shovels." board meetings in Manchester, Some of the immigrants drifted Robert M. Davis, 35, of 9 Service, 2087 Main St., Hartford, Hospital of St.-Raphael after a brief : McKinney, 46, performed what he ing. “ Some investigations take long hours.” be glamorized a bit,” said Mary Anderson, manager of the outlet said Blish owner Dale Rival, "but Bolton and Coventry were still has charge of arrangements. illness. He was 83. toward participating in gangs Starkweather St., wascharged with ; describes as “ every type of years,” he said. "There are WORKING UNDERCOVER For McKinney, interest in law Montanye, a training consultant store, also said the store expected a we expect to see them go today ... scheduled to be held. A native of New Haven, Henchel and crime. The more industrious threatening, breach of peace, res­ investigative function.” For his people today who don’t acknowl­ can be lonely, too. enforcement began in college at at Aetna Life & Casualty Insu­ served in the state House of organized themselves into what isting arrest, interfering with an John W. Brown ■ last five years with the Bureau he edge the Mafia exists.” McKinney said the "burden of Western Carolina University, in rance In Hartford. “I knew officer, and assault on a police Representatives from 1045-47 and became the Mafia in this country, holding all that in was sometimes North Carolina. After earning a nothing about it until now. Eve­ John W. Brown, 72, of Cape Coral, 1949-51. He was first elected a ; specialized in investigating or- In this country, Mafia officer. according to McKinney. overwhelming.” bachelor’s degree in social rybody always wonders how the Fla., formerly of Manchester, died probate Judge in 1965. ' ganized crime. members maintain a low profile, Police said Davis’s girlfriend Warm front follows storm If takes a certain personality to science, he went to Washington, bad guys got where they are,” she Wednesday at a hospital In Fort He is survived by his wife, two After being away from the FBI The group remained active and avoid violence against law came to police headquarters and Myers, Fla. He was the husband of for 10 years, McKinney, now a through the Prohibition period, enforcement officials, McKinney deal with the pressures and often D.C. and worked in various areas said. reported that Davis had assaulted Continued from page I overnight. shops selling snow tires. sons and four grandchildren. "It’s a good Insight into how the Margaret (Wrenn) Brown. 'private Investigator, has taken and up through the early 1960s, said. Things are different in double-life of an investigator. of investigations for the FBI. her. She reported that when she This morning a number of school He was bom in Manchester and McKinney said the FBI screens After three years, he moved to transition was made,” said Glas­ in an elevator. “ It's a little heavier than normal. his first teaching assignment. when Joseph Valachi became the Sicily, he said, where "if a high returned home from work and told districts around the state shutdown had worked for the Railway Ex­ In Memoriam potential investigators early on in Ohio for a year and then worked tonbury police officer Tom In East Haven, the fire depart­ It's only natural, they always wait He’s doing this, he said, so first witness for the government official speaks against the Mafia, Davis she would be late the for the day, primarily those in press in Manchester for 20 years. in Connecticut. He received a McKee. He said it provides ment sent an emergency lighting to the first storm,” said Ray .students will understand the after his arrest on a narcotics he gets killed.” their training. following night, he became upset areas with the heaviest accumula­ He lived in South Windsor for many In loving memory of Mildred master’s in criminal Justice from "another perspective on organ­ unit to a home for elderly invalids tion. Many other school systems Garbus of Bosco Tire Center in fr a c t u r e of organized crime, its charge, said McKinney. Instead, Mafia members in the Training begins with super­ and began calling her and her years before moving to Florida. Jarvis, who passed away October ized crime.” after an auxilliary generator failed. delayed openenings for up to two Naugatuck. ^history and the current picture. While in prison, Valachi United States “ tend to focus on vised teaching programs, he said. the University of New Haven and 8-year-old son names, police said. Besides his wife, he is survived by 12,1985. Even Connecticut has its share The organization that runs the hours. Organized crime is no longer an drafted notes describing what their own kind,” McKinney said. A person who displays an adven­ a sixth year education degree in ' Police said the girlfriend told John Philbert of Brass City Tire three sisters, and several nieces of organized crime, McKinney home then transferred about a Cancellations piled up around the It seems so strange that those we exclusively Italian phenomenon, transpired in the Mafia, which In fact, the Mafia members will turous nature, an outgoing per­ supervision and administration them Davis grabbed her throat, Co. said he had customers “ five or and nephews. said. "Being between New York banged her head against a wall. and dozen residents to another location. state Wednesday, but schoolchild­ ne^. he said. There are now a number later became the book, "The frequently see “ law enforcement sonality, an intuitive sense and an from Fairfield University. six deep” waiting to purchase snow Burial is private and at the and Boston, a fairly good-sized threatened to kill her, stopping The state's road-plowing crews ren were not affected since Wednes­ And those we love the best. of other ethnic groups involved, Valachi Papers,” by Peter Maas. as a source of information,” he interest in law enforcement Pursuing education, however, tires. He had five men working to convenience of the family. element” exists in Connecticut, when her son began kicking Davis reported to work Wednesday after­ day was a day off for Veteran’s Are Just the ones God calls away. including the Columbians and the The widely publicized book be­ said. Frequently, a question will would be a good prospect for is a long way from pursuing the keep up with sales. he said. in the legs. noon on what normally would have Day. State and federal govern­ And takes them home to rest. Chinese, he said. came a turning point for the FBI, arise as to who is working for investigative work. Mafia. Althugh.he always wanted Three officers went to the house, been a holiday. The Department of ments also were closed. "They Just keep coming in and Irene Copeland Loved and Remembered Always and a man who answered the door Transportation had some 630 trucks But most businesses remained out.” Philbert said. "We’re happy Irene (McKell) Copeland, 84. of Oliver Jarvis said Davis had left, police said. But and about 1,600 workers on the road open and among the busiest were with it.” 87 Starkweather St., died Wednes­ when the officers called the station day evening at an area convlaes- for a description from the girl­ cent home. She was the widow of This ‘dandy’ isn’t friend, they discovered that it was Lawrence Ckipeland. a fashionabie gent 2 Davis who answered the door, Storm blamed for 14 deaths She was bora in Windham. Feb. Come through for me and Vtt come through for you i,ulice said. 27, 1003, and was a Manchester TAYLORVILLE, Ri. (AP) - The Police said Davis told the officers resident most of her life. Before Since then I’ve turned my life bround and obtained By The Associated Press North Carolina coast. afternoon in the Washington area. term “ dandy” doesn’t always refer DEAR MR. ROSS; I’ve run into a string of bad to those who are willing to work themselves and go to leave, and when one officer went Boston's Logan International Fifteen inches fell in nearby retiring, she had worked at the all of the above, but I still need to ask your help. to a fashion-conscious gentleman, luck the last couple of years trying to fight off the halfway. to handcuff him, he struck him in A wintry storm blamed for 14 Airport was closed around 3 a.m. District Heights, Md., and a foot of former Manchester Modes and for according to Georgia-Pacific Corp. Secondly. I’d like to say that I’m not asking for You see, I have three children to support, so I the eye with a beer can. Another the Manchester school system. adversary — Satan. deaths blustered up the New today so crews could clear the snow shut down Washington's Na­ In papermaking, a dandy is a anything. My husband and I have worked hard all haven’t any extra money. My company refuses to officer hit Davis in the legs with his She was a member of tiie Second My wife kicked me out of the house and divorced England coast today after dumping runways. Officials said they hoped tional Airport for most of skeleton cylinder covered with a T h a n k s our lives. We are not rich — Just ordinary. promote without a degree. I really would like to go nightstick, and Davis resisted a record IS inches of snow near to open it by midmoming, but work Wednesday. Congregational Church and the me. I had no money so I moved in with my mom. woven wire cloth that marks a Midwest, middle income supporters of our country. to school. They will partially reimburse me, but I violently as the three officers Washington, D.C., stranding crews were hampered by high The snowfall broke the area's church’s Women’s Fellowship. She paper sheet with design, the arran­ who is a widow. She survives on only Social A M i l l i o n What we have, we made ourselves. haven’t been able to come up with the $100 needed wrestled him to the floor and hundreds of students at schools and winds. 1967 record, when the total for the was also a member of the VFW gement of the wires determines the Security. handcuffed him, before having to However, one thing I would like to know. How do to register. disrupting Veterans Day In Rhode Island, where 7 inches entire month was 6.9 inches. auxiliary, the AARP and the weave or laid effect of the sheet. I got a grant from the government and graduated Percy Ross drag him from the house, police Please consider my request. ceremonies. fell in Providence, all public The snow kept schools closed Manchester Senior CHtizens Center. A watermark is produced when from a pharmacy technician program. Things you distinguish the legitimate people in need from said. MS. J.B. Schools were kept closed today in schools and public universities today in at least five Maryland She is survived by a daughter, letters, figures or otter devices are were going fine for awhile, then all of a sudden, the swindlers? It must be difficult because some of Davis was held on a $10,000 cash districts. Doris Marsh of Manchester, with MELBOURNE. FLA. at least three states. The largest were closed today. T. F. Green placed in wires on the dandy. Satan got right on top of me again. them can be pretty convincing. bond. He was scheduled to appear system affected was in Boston, On Wednesday, students in Anne MRS.B.R. Airport in Warwick was closed until I’m totally without energy. My sense of smell and this morning in Manchester Super­ where 5 inches of snow was on the Arundel County had to wait until 10 ELYRIA. OHIO DEAR MS. B.; What’s to consider — a legitimate ior Court. 7:30 a.m. today. 1 taste are, barely present. If I were an employer, I ground this morning. “ It looks pretty much over p.m. at the Old Mill Middle School request from a good woman looking to better Cold air moving behind the for bus rides home. Teachers wouldn’t hire me either because I look like the farther south along Pennsylvania COMPACTS psychological or physical problems that need DEAR MRS. R.: Intuition, a gut feeling — call it herself? I love giving people the tools, as long as storm, meanwhile, dropped and a good- sized portion of New stayed late to supervise the child­ STANDARDS walking dead. attention before you could even consider starting a what you may. After reading a letter I get a feeling. they’re willing to do the building. temperatures below freezing today York," said Harry Gordon of the ren, who were served pizza. > Choice of 4-cycie engines or 120 I’ve tried to figure out an Income possibility and Auto flips over in the Deep South. Eight cities and Dozens of students in nearby • Choice of 4, 5 or 7 hp lecumseh business. I’m not pointing a finger at you, I Just If the request is small, I send it off with my best My $100 will get you hammering! National Weather Service’s Severe volteiectric motor engines have com e up with starting a small mail order towns from Texas to Virginia broke Prince George’s County also had wishes and hope for the best. Storms Center in Kansas City, Mo. > Self-propeiled action > 20" and 24" snow clearing business. The company I’ve selected wants $250 up don’t want to see you suffer any longer. In Monday crash or tied their low temperature long waits for buses maneuvering If you will seek some type of medical assistance, With larger amounts, my staff and I research Percy Ross is a Minneapolis millionaire known Hardest hit by Wednesday’s • 2-stage power - widths front. Internationally for his humanitarian and records for the day. through unplowed streets. This sounds like a fair amount, but I don’t have I promise to com e through for you with $250. each case for validity and I base my Judgment A Windsor man was injured Wednesday’s snowfall left 3 sudden storm were Maryland, the "Most folks are still geared up for throws snow tram 3 ' • 4 forward speeds philanthropic activities. His favorite pastime It -2 5 ' and reverse the money. I call myself a Christian, but my Make my day and come through for me by accordingly. Monday afternoon after his car was inches in the mountains of North District of Columbia and Virginia, cutting grass and blowing leaves,” helping others — by sharing both his money and his hit by another car, causing it to flip where the storm lingered. • Folding handlebars »2-stage power - prayers aren’t being heard. If they are, it must be checking out your health. Overall, I’d say my track record is pretty good, Carolina; 8 inches in Harrisburg, said Brian Porter, a county school philanthropy with them. Write to Ross in care of over on its roof. throws snow from God’s will that I suffer this way. and for those who have taken me for a buck or two, Pa., and 10 inches in Poughkeepsie, Thunderstorms accompanying spokesman. "But our subcontrac­ NOW the Manchester Herald, P.O. Box 38000, Police said Daniel D. Lee, 25, was -'-30' Could you help me out? DEAR MR. ROSS: I think you have a feeling for you know who you are! So let the chips fall where N. Y. Snowfalls of 8 to 10 inches were the snow helped produce 5 inches of tors aren’t equipped to move Minneapolis, Minn. 85435. Include a telephone turning left from Parker Street into reported over central and western snow in three hours Wednesday massive amounts of snow.” »499" NOW D.S., POMONA, CALIF. your fellow man (and wom en). Maybe it’s a they may. a private driveway when his car Massachusetts, 6 to 10 inches over tax-write-off, but somehow I think that doesn’t number if you wish. All letters tent are read. Only a *740“ few are answered in this column, although others was struck on the right side a car portions of eastern Connecticut and DEAR MR. S.: Your letter concerns me. Several enter into it. At least, not totally. If I did, you’d give DEAR MR. ROSS: After my ex-husband broke driven by Dorothy A. Brisaro, 30. of may be acknowledged privately. southern Vermont, 5 to 7 inches points lead me to believe that you have either some to the swindlers as well. It seems you prefer to give my jaw, I was left with no Job, no car and no home. Enfield, who was traveling on over Rhode Island, 4 to 6 inches It’s Beginning to Parker Street in the opposite over southwest New Hampshire. direction. The storm lost much of its power Look a Lot Like The force of the impact caused as it moved up the coast late the back left of Lee’s car to hit the Wednesday. However, storm warn­ CHRISTMAS at VITTNERS\ SI2-I-2 edge of the paved driveway, and the ings for snow showers and gusty the Most Complete 9 car then rolled over onto its roof. winds remained along the northern Your neighbors’ views Lee was taken to Manchester half of the New England coast CHRISTMAS SHOP In the Areai Memorial Hospital, where he was today. Warnings of gale-force treated for minor iujuries and winds were posted from the New ARTIHCAL Come tn and See How do you feel about voting for a candidate who at one time smoked marijuana? released. Jersey coast to Cape Lookout on the The Largest Selection of DELUXE PROFESSIONALS TREES, WREATHS • Powerful 8 hp engine • Choice of 10 or 11 hp engines OPEN DAILY ANNALEE DOLLS • 24" snow clearing width • 5 forward speeds and reverse CALDWELL .and GARLAND. Around • 2-stage pcmr - throws snow • 32" and 36" clearing widths 8 10 to 9 from 3'.- 30' • 2-stage power - A huge selection, Great > 5 forward speeds throws snow from SUNDAY OIL INC. SelectionI and reverse 3'-35' 1 0 T O S y y drill’s Applet NOW NOW Great 75.9 Look like the real thlngf Prlcesl__ iogg~ *1300“ Cemino Ple/ekV ' Mm per gal. C. 0. D. LARGE Hanlord Tpke jf c . JW W e Are For DISPLAY OF T h e B ird sI 7 649-8841 DO-IT- Prieee Suh/eef fo Change A Compfete YOURSELF Line of Feeders ITEMS ROBERT J. SMITH, inc. and Lyric Bird OPEN 7 DAYS ST824 8T1032 Food. The Best SUNDAY INSIIRANSMITHS SINCE You Can Buy. UNTIL 400 1914 GARDEN Obriens. Sold and Serviced By: VITTNER'S CENTER Ellen Joi ’That’stheleastof Gary Stone: ‘It wouldn’t make Richard King: "I don’t think Carol Burrill: "That’s 20 years Susan Towle: "It was wrong, Alex Leggett: "Everybody 649-5241 1 TOLLAND TURNPIKE makes mistakes. In the case of many vices.” any difference. that there’s any problem as long ago. We’ve all made mistakes.” but he’s not still necessarily doing CAPITOL EQUIPMENT CO. as they’re not a pothead.” it. Everyone learns from their 65 E. C«iiter Street MANCHESTER-VERNON TOWN UNE 6 4 9 - 2 6 2 3 Glnsburg, he should be the chief manchesfer, €T. 38 Main St. ■ Manchester ■ 643-7958 Justice of the Supreme Court.” mistakes.” MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurwiav. Nov. » , HW-M

It - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Nov. 12, 1987 Thursday TV Advice Van Gogh’s ‘Irlsw’ 5:00PM Hi) londerful World of DIs- relationship develops between en ex-con ney; EHe(F> Boos The edventures of e KNOTS end the mysterioue proetKute he chauf­ brings $53.9 million 19th-century lawyer (Rotiert Loggia) In the feurs around London. Bob Hoskirts, Cathy Southwest who menegee to solve the LANDING Tyson, Michael Caine. 1986. Rated R. Wedding pictures most difficult of cases. (60 min.) [USA] Akw oH Wealthy Indus­ NEW YORK (AP) - Vincent million,” said Sotheby’s spokes­ [DIS] The Almost Royal FamUy The 11:30PM CD Late Sh ow (R) (In Stereo) woman Fiona Ford. TTie pur­ members of the Henderson family set up trialist Charles van Gogh’s “ Irises,” the mas­ CD ® NightHna (CC). chaser must pay a 10 percent their own kingdom on Great Mosquito Is­ Scott (guest star terpiece the artist painted in the land. (60 min.) dD Honeymooners commission fee to the auction Michael York) un­ garden of his insane asylum, has M C] MOVIE: 'Farris BuoUor's Day Night Heat O'Brien and Qiambone un­ over the ‘throne’ been auctioned oft for a record house, making the official sale r (CC) A tsenage whiz kid plays hooky expectedly re­ cover a drug-smuggling ring that uses in­ 953.9 million, a sale the auctio­ p ric e 983.9 m illio n , she Sfrom school, borrows a vintage Ferrari end enters Abby's life nocent senior citizens for couriers. (70 DEAR neer said shows “ the art world is explained. heeds off to do the town. Matthew Broder­ on "Knots Land­ min.) ick, Mia Sera, Jeffrey Jones. 1986. Rated (S) Tonight Show (In Stereo) ABBY: Here’s a alive and well.” Three other records were set 1 ^ 1 3 . (In Stereo) ing," airing The buyer, whose bids were Wednesday at Sotheby’s fall sale THURSDAY, (S) Racing from Plainsfleld new one for you. 5:30PM [HBOlTrouMawIthOranilpa My daughter-in- entered by phone through a of Impressionist and^Modern ICC) A teenager (Meg Tilly) is faced with NOV. 13 on CBS. ® Hogan's Heroes law has my wed­ European agent, chose not to be Art. A decisions involving the care of her ailing @ ) New s ding picture Dear Ahhy identified, said John L. Marion, Claude Monet’s “ Le Jardin grandfather. CHECK IISTINGS [CNN] Sports Tonight Anchors: Fred hanging directly Abigail Van Buren chairman of Sotheby’s North Fleuri” sold for 95.83 million, the [ M A X ] M O VIE: T h e Rat Raca' A love FOR EXACT TIME Hickman, Nick Charles. over the toilet in America, where Wednesday most ever paid for one of his affair develops between a naive aspiring [DIS] Words By Heart In the early 1900s, works; Salvador Dali’s painting, musician and a brittle-minded dancer the young people of a amen Midwestern her bathroom. night’s auction was held. Tony Curtis, Debbie Reynolds, Jack Oakie. town attempt to overcon>e racial prejud­ She has ’ ’ ho­ The previous record for a “ The Battle of Tetuan,” was sold I960. ice. (2 Iws.) for 93.4 million, a record price nored” her par­ painting was set by another van 6:00PM C D C D ® 90) ffiD New s [ESPN] SportsCenter for a Dali painting; and the ents’ wedding Gogh masterpiece, “ Sunflow­ CD Thrae's (ktmpany [MAX] Cinemex Seselom; A Blues auction brought in 9110 million, Session: B.B. King ar>d Friends Blues picture in this ers,” which sold for 989.9 million ( £ Magnum , P.l. fashion by hanging it right next to (One woman actually reached out earlier this year to a Japanese the most ever collected in a Guitarist B.B. King performs with Eric Clap­ (ID Jeffersorw 8:00PM (3D Tour of Duty (CC) Ander­ dZ) Myeteryl: Dorothy L. Boyers' Lord ton, Chaka Khan. Stevie Ray Vaughan, Phil ours. and removed the pacifier from my insurance company. single evening auction, Marion son. Johnson and Baker discover a Peter Wlm sey (CC) Lord Peter and Harriet L (3) Simon A Simon Collins, Gladys Knight. EMIly Ocean and Paul unravel the contradictory evidence. (60 This must be a new fad because daughter’s mouth!) ” I think it’s obvious that the said. woman in childbirth among the ruins of a Butterfield. (60 min.) (In Stereo) @ OltiHna a Braak min.) Part 4 of 4. my daughter hung the wedding I ’m not asking you to suggest an art world is alive and well,” The Dali painting was sold to recently destroyed village. (60 min.) (S ) Doctor W ho C D M O VIE: Friday the 13th. Part H' [C N N ] Larry King live 11:35PM CD Entertalnmont Tonight picture of her grandparents (my insulting comeback, but I hope you Marion said after “ Irises” was help, pay a 93 million settlement Actress Faye Dunaway ("Barfly"); Farrah Terror at Crystal Lake continues as camp will print this so those people will in a fraud suit a Japanese doctor (3) T.J. Hooker [DIS] MOVIE; 'The Gang's All Here' A Fawcett (Part 1 of 2). (In Stereo) beloved mother and father) over sold. The last time "Irises” was counselors are attacked by an unknown brought against a Honolulu art ^ i S Family Tias soldier visiting his father at • New York the “ throne” in her bathroom! know how rude they are. Thanks for sold, in 1947, it fetched 980,000. killer. Adrienne King, Amy Steel, John Fu- nightclub falls for ons of the chorus girls. 12:00AM CD Getting in Touch the pressure valve, Abby. gallery he accused of selling him 9D Raportar 41 rey 1981 I ’m tempted to ask for those "This painting was beyond the Alice Faye, Carmen Miranda, James Elli­ CD Entartainmant Tonight (CC) Actress MOTHER OF A prints priced as original @ MacNell / Lahrar Nawshour son. 1943. picture back. I would rather see stock market. It transcended the CD (@) Sledge Hammerl (CC) Sledge is Faya Dunaway ("Barfly"); Farrah Fawcett them destroyed than hanging there. CUTE L I’L SUCKER lithographs. [CNN] Inside Politics '88 asked to join a breakout party when he [H B O ] M O VIE; '4 8 Hrs.* A convict Is re­ (Part 1 o( 2). (In Stereo) stock market. There just was no goes undercover as a convict in a federal They should be in an album. I “ Irises,” one of van Gogh’s [DIS] MOVIE: 'Child of Glass' A boy leased from prison (or 48 hn«»ri to help a (IfiBtarTrak other opportunity to buy a prison (In Stereo) rumpled police detective oat’ h two aa- treasure those pictures and wanted DEAR MOTHER: If your profes­ most famous oil paintings, de­ must solve a riddle or face being haunted (O) Evarybody'a Money Mattari painting like this.” forever. Barbara Barrie, Biff McGuire, A n ­ CD Bosom Buddies caped killers. Nick Notts, Eck i^itrohy. my family to have them after I ’m sional advisers (dentist and pedia­ picts a patch of purple Irises and James Remar. 1983. RatSdR Conaumar Discount Network Bidding began at 915 million. thony Zerbe. 1978. flD gone. I am 82. trician) approve of your daughter’s one white bloom in a flower [M AX] MOVIE; "RoundMMf-'di' tf , ANtod Hitchcock Praaanta [ESPN] SporteLook C ii MOVIE: 'The Highest Honor' A S When it reached 940 million, the Bertrand Tavemler'a atory of thi friP'id- HURT IN ARIZONA sucking on a pacifier at her age, it’s garden at the Saint-Remy asy­ World W ar II Australian commando force IH lQ u ln oy approximately 2,000 people [HBO] MOVIE: ‘Over the Edge' When ship between an American )aik mur,«eiar> all right with me. But I ’m con­ lum, where the artist lived for a their pleas fdr parental attention go un­ raids Japanese controlled Singapore. John i9 Gena Scott Barbara Richmond/Manchaatar Harald DEARHURT: Pleasedon’tjudge and a young Frenchman In IBBf^ Paris Judy Laxorlk/Spdclil to th* Honild cerned about your daughter’s feel­ present applauded. They grew year before his suicide at' age 37. heeded, a group of California teenagers vi­ Howard, Stuart Wilson. 1984. [CNN] Nsw titight your daughter and daughter-in-law Dexter Gordon, Frertcols Ckizet, GabrleNs ings. She must feel confused when hushed and tense as the price Van Gogh was able to sell few olently rebel a ^ in st the system. Matt Dil­ M O VIE: 'Breakheart Pass' A dis­ Haker. 1986. Rated R. (In Stereo) [ESPN] Watarakling Highlights of the In- lon, Michael Kramer, Pamela Ludwig too harshly. I ’m sure they meant no you encourage her to suck on a continued to climb. if any paintings during his guised federal agent is caught up in a dan­ tarrtatlonal Tour, from Lansing, Mich. (60 Samantha sits with Dog Warden Richard Rand in Rand’s 1979, Rated PG, [TM C] MOVIE; 'Down By Lew' Two un­ Bonnie, a lovea oung cat is waiting to be adopted, offense. Many contemporary de­ gerous sequence of events aboard a train min.) (R) pacifier in public, and strangers There were at least three lifetime. As recently as 1947, the [USA] Cartoons in 1870. Charles Bronson, Jill Ireland, Ben justly imprisoned convicts are spurred to office at the dog pound. Sam is ready to be adopted. escape by their new cellmate, an Italian Im­ with gray tiger patches and very corators suggest hanging heirloom humiliate her for doing so. people who placed bids for the 28-by-32-inch “ Irises” sold for Johnson. 1976 [HBO] MOVIE: 'The Man Who Broke Bonnie is. migrant. Tom Waits, John Lurie. Ellen Bar- pictures In the bathroom, powder When strangers make these rude painting, according to Marion, only 980,000 to Joan Whitney 6:30PM (T) Family Ties 1(XX> Chaina' (CC) A fact-bated account affectiona room or dressing area. Though the (X) GB) A B C N ew s (CC) Cosby Show (CC) In a series of kin. 1986. Rated NR. of World W ar I veteran Robert Elliott comments, tell them politely but but the final bidding took place Payson, a philanthropist, art Bums' Imprisonment and eacapa from a Idea may not appeal to you, the QD Honeymooners (CC) flashbacks, the Huxtables try to help Elvin [USA] WWF Prime Time Wrestling firmly that you are able to handle between two phone callers. collector and former owner of understand Sondra by reliving events from brutal Southern work camp during the @ (Si) Night Court (CC) Dan pictures will be enjoyed far more (S ) ® Jeffersons the family's past. (60 min.) (In Stereo) 9 :3 0 P M 1920s. Val Kllmar. Charles [Jumihg. 1987. the situation, so kindly back off. “ The hammer price was 949 the New York Mets. becomes elermed when he experiences where they are seen every day, [USA] Dragnet Adopt\a pet (g ) (SD N B C N ew s (CC) Undersea World of Jacques Cous­ impotency. rather than placed In an album DEAR ABBY: Having just read Nightly Business Report teau 12:05AM CD Magnum , P.l. 10 :0 0 P M (3) Knots Landing (CC) that's seldom opened. the letter from “ Patti” regarding (411 Noticiero Unhrislon ® MOVIE; The Yellow Rolls Royce' Over a ten-year period, the three separate 12:30AM CD W K R P in Cincinnati DEAR ABBY: Please comment the “ nasty” thank-you note for a $10 9!) Love Connection (S (£ ) (S) News owners of one Rolls-Royce experience ro­ CO) CD Aak Dr. Ruth on a relatively trivial annoyance wedding present, I thought you Freeway shooting film [CNN] Showbiz Today mantic surprises. Rex Harrison. Shirley Ma- everal dogs waiting for adoption 9$ Star Trek CD Truth or Cortaaquancaa might get a kick out of the [ESPN] Winner's Circle Horse Racing cLaine, Ingrid Bergman 1964. that I and other mothers agree is ^ Lota Night with David Lattarman Magazine ) L.A. Law Van Owen has lunch with not so trivial after it’s happened 30 following; (S® M O VIE; 'North Dallas Forty' A pro­ (In Stereo) Aid to Helpless Animals Inc. fessional football player is left out in the Kuzak's ex-wife; Sifuentes represents a ago, is also still waiting to be Oct. 22. He was adopted by an or 40 times. 1 refer to strangers who A young couple (friends of mine) 7:00PM C D C B S New s woman who w as raped while an off-duty (S) Alfred Hitchcock Praasnts By B( >ara Richmond Enfield family. needs good homes for cats and were recently married and were bothers highway patrol cold by the team to which he contributed AAonch( Iter Herald adopted. He's a very friendly mixed strike up a conversation with your CD New s so much. Nick Nolte, Mac Davis, Bo Sw en­ officer stood by. (60 min.) [MAX] MOVIE: 'Hardbodioa' (CC) breed and was found roaming at There were no new dogs at the kittens.that are lost or abandoned. child in a park or checkout line or surprised at not receiving any CD Wheel of Fortune (CC) son. 1979. (S) Mystery); Dorothy L. Sayers' Lord Three middle-aged men seek advice from Woodbridge and Starkweather pound as of Tuesday. The organization has the cats wedding gifts from the groom’s mountains. Peter Wimsey (CC) Lord Peter and Harriet a Califomia beach hustler on how to pick yA y o tM female shepherd cross is wherever ^ th such comments as; ’ LOS ANGELES (AP) - For the CD $100,000 Pyramid 01) Novela: Pecado de Oyuki streets on Oct. 13. The dog pound is located on town neutered and they are given their “ What's a big girl like you doing best friend (and best man). Al­ California Highway Patrol, it may Murphy said the movie’s villain unravel the contradictory evidence. (60 up beautiful girls. Grant Kramer, Teal Rob­ this w e w s featured pet. She's been Cij] @5) Cheers © ) This Old House (CC) Carpenter Norm min.) Part 4 of 4. erts, Gary Wood. 1984. Ratad R. property near the town landfill on shots if they are old enough before with a pacifier In your mouth?” though the groom wanted to ignore - have been the ultimate irony. After uses a high-powered handgun and a Abram and architect Mary Otis Stevens named Samantha. She's about 6 (ID Best of Saturday Night dD Noticiero Univision [U S A ] Edge of Night Also still waiting are the two Olcott Street. Rand is at the pound being adopted. My daughter is big for her age the fact, the miffed bride sent the ' a summer chasing dozens of car phone to wreak violence on the examine the 1785 farmhouse; heating and months old and is black and tan dfi) M *A *S *H 0Z) Upstairs, Downstairs (R) 12:40AM (SB m o v i e : 'Brady's Ea­ puppies, the last of nine picked up in weekdays from noon to 1 p.m. The and her dentist has told me it’s all following thank-you note; “ Thank ' highway gunmen, officers were highways. “ He’s describing the cooling systems. with a little white. MacNeil / Lehrer Newshour capa' A downed American bomber pilot the Bush Hill Road area several number at the pound is 643-6642. If This week's featured feline is right to let her use a pacifier. I try you for the lovely wedding gift; killings over the phone to a radio $1) M O VIE: Friday the 13th. Pert III' SD Hill Street Blues directing traffic fora movie abouta Four teenage couples find horror at an Iso­ finds unlikely wartime allies in Hungary. In­ Bonnie, who was found roaming Barney Miller [CNN] CNN News cluding an orphan boy who comas to hero- Samantha is very friendly. She weeks ago. One is a male and one a there's no answer, call the police very hard not to “shame” her out of every time we look at it, it reminds ' freeway shooter. talk show host,” he said. lated take. Dana Kimmell, Paul Kratka, Tra­ and is being taken care of at an area Hollywood Squares worship him. John Savage, Kelly Reno. was found on Orchard Street on Oct. female and both are very much in department at 64M555. There is using it, but it’s difficult when so us of you’” ! “ We may not be happy with the Lisa Rawlins, director of the de Savage. 1982. 10 :3 0 P M m IN N New s veterinary clinic. Bonnie is white ^ Novels: La Dama de Rosa 1984. 24 and is ready to be adopted. need of loving homes. also someone on duty at the pound many strangers try to do It for me. STILL CHUCKLING •film ,” CHP officer Rick Stevens California Film Office, said that [CNN] PrimeNews (S) Honeymooners with gray tiger patches and she just Smiley, last week's featured pet, The male shepherd found on Monday through Friday from 6 to 9 said Wednesday of the filming of while the film may raise moral ($D Nightly Business Report dD America Topicos concernientes sobre 1:0 0 A M CD Archie Bunker's Place adores lots of attention. She will be [DIS] Best of Walt Disney Presents A is still waiting to be adopted and Redwood Drive on Oct. 30, new last p.m. the movie “ Freeway.” qualms it makes economic sense in $j) Three's Company behind-the-scenes look at photographers la pDlitica, la culture y la vida de los hispa- CD Home Shofiplng Overnight Sorvica spayed soon and would love to have nos residentas en los Estados Unidos. (2 hrs.) still smiling for his dog biscuits. week, is also on the waiting list to be There is a $5 fee to adopt a dog “ But we don’t want anybody a state in which more than 230,000 [CNN] Moneyline who film Disney's True-Life Adventure He’s a neutered. male collie- adopted. He's also about 10 years and the. new owner must have the a nice home. Consumers demand people are employed by the movie [ESPN] SportsCenter films. Including the feature film. ("The 11:00PM CD d) 98 9® ® New s CD Joe Franklin injured because they hired a Olympic Elk"). (60 min.) shepherd cross. Although he's old. dog licensed. The new owner must Anyone wishing to adopt a cat or industry. [T M C ] M O VIE: "night, Mother' (CC| A ® ) M -A -S -H 99 Twilight Zona private agency to handle the [ E S P N ] : South Caro­ CE) about 10 years old, he's in very good The only dog adopted in the last also get the dog its rabies shot. It is kitten should call any of the “ We are trying to keep film mother and daughter confront each other CD Sim on 8i Simon (S) MOVIE: 'Strsst Gangs of Hong following numbers: 666-7000, 232- traffic.” over the daughter's decision to commit lina State at Qrambling (3 hrs.) (Live) Kong' A man takas on the street gangs of shape and needs a good home. week was the white mixed breed also recommended that dogs be Still, there are fears within the production in the state,” said 99 INN News 8317, 242-2156 or 623-0489. leaner cuts of meat suicide at the end of the evening Sissy [USA] Riptide Hong Kong in revenge of Ns fatNir'a un­ Pal, the featured pet two weeks found in the Parker Street area on neutered. Rawlins, whose office is run by the Spacek, Anne Bancroft. Ed Berke 1986, (li) Untouchables timely death. W ang Chung. Lily LI, Betty Lu department that the low-budget d® Charm ings (CC) Lillian Rated PG-13. 8:30PM CD film’s release could trigger another state Department of Commerce to casts a spell which causes Eric and Luther ^ Hottaymoonars Ti. 1972. D E A R DR. round of highway violence, perhaps promote in-state film making. [USA] AirwoH to switch bodies with each other. (In 99 This Old House (CC) A lead removal (3) Maude ' GOTT: We are outside California this time. “ We are educating the public 7:30PM CD p m Magazine Oprah W in­ Stereo) expert inspects the farmhouse; a radiant Aak Dr. Ruth Don’t stuff your pet on Thanksgiving told not to eat so “ This is not something we want about the jobs it means, the kind of frey; rock music in Russia ( D Entertainment Tonight Actress Faye heat system; pouring the new w ing's foun­ [C N N ] Croasfiira Dunaway ( "Barfly"); Farrah Fawcett (Part dation; rewiring. (R) much red meat. spread all over the world,” said money it generates in the commun­ CD Current Affair [ESPN] Australian Rugby: EHmination 1 of 2). (In Stereo) ® Soep symptoms of insecticide poisoning What about deer Stevens, who acts as the CHP’s ity and we are educating the CD Jeopardy! (CC) Final Gome (60 min.) (R) Thanksgiving City, Va., that it must re-label its Dr. Gott Frugal Gourmet industry that California is commit­ d S PEUCULA: 'La Bestla Acorralada' [TM C] MOVIE: 'The Killing Machina' A cans of “ Blockade.” The Hartz flea occur. These are nausea, salivat­ and buffalo? liaison with the entertainment CD ^ Barney Miller Claudio Brook, Lucy Gallardo. seems to have W lseguy An angered Spanish trucker eeeke revenge against the ing. trembling, hyperactivity or ted to keep them here and we aren’t Cij) IN N New s 9:00PM CD been made se­ and tick repellant has been suspect Peter Gott, M.D. industry. Sonny Steelgrave accuses Vinnie of be­ © S C T V French farmers who killed Ne wifa. George loss of coordination and usually dear taking them for granted anymore,” condarily for us in more than 300 cases of possible Peter Murphy, an associate with dD Carson's Comedy Classics traying him to his rival. (60 min.) Part 2 of dj) Late Show (R) (In Stereo) Rivero, Margaux Hemingway, Lae Van occur within two to three hours of READER: Al­ Ms. Rawlins said, Cleaf. 1985. Rated NR. to stuff both the pet poisonings. Gower Street Pictures, said the 92.5 ® M**A«S*H 2. (In Stereo) [CNN] Moneyllne Pet Forum application. Later seizures and though some million-budget movie is based on Indeed, even the CHP officers Napoleon and Josephine: A Love [U S A ] Edge o f Night turkey and our­ (1® Newlywed Game CD [DIS] Missing Adventures of Dzzle and The new labels will warn that paralysis may occur. There has who directed traffic Wednesday Story (CC) Napoleon's obsession with Jo­ selves. Please dietitians are the more than 100 random shootings dS) Win. Lose or Draw Harriet 1:0 5 A M CD Lova Boot “ Blockade” should not be used on also been some deaths attributed to concerned that Were hired by the movie production sephine parallels his rise to power as Em­ remember not Allan Leventhal, D.V.M. that terrorized California highways (5^ World of Survival peror; unable to produce an heir, Napoleon [ESPN] NFL's Greatest Moments: 1:3 0 A M CD Get sm art cats younger than 1 year old or on toxicity. If symptoms occur, a mild excess protein, company, so there was no expense to allow the last summer, killing five people and di) Family Ties and Josephine are divorced; Napoleon's 1986 AFC/NFC Championships High­ 99 IN N New s dogs under 3 months bid. It also detergent shampoo should be used in the form of to taxpayers, Stevens said. disastrous Russian campaign leads to his lights of the 1986 AFC and NFC Champion­ same thing to wounding at least 20. [CNN] Crossfire (i® Doting Gome should not be used on sick, old or twice to remove any residual spray animal meat, may be harmful brasion, can skin be grafted to the Wednesday's filming took place Some motorists stuck in traffic first exile. Stars Armand Assante and ships (Broncos vs. Browns and Giants vs. happen to our [ESPN] SpeedWeek Redskins). (R) [CNN] Nowanlght Uprfots debilitated pets. Female cats under and activated charcoal given three (because some studies have sug­ affected area to help improve along Interstate 210, the Foothill jams because of Wednesday’s Jacqueline Bisset. (2 hrs.) Part 3 of 3. pets. [HBO] MOVIE; 'Troll' A mischievous JHBO] Inside the NFL Hosts: Len Daw­ [USA] Search for Tomorrow 5 months old are the most suscepti­ to four times daily to absorb any gested an increase in colorectal appearance? Freeway, which runs parallel to the filming, however, weren’t thinking CD Morton Downey Jr. The rich fat­ creature' attempts to transform an apart­ son, Nick Buoniconti. (60 min.) (In Stereo) 1 :5 5 A M [HBO] Not Nscsssaifly the ble to toxicity. residue in the gut. A veterinarian cancer), the primary consideration .picturesque San Gabriel in terms of dollars and cents. ment house and its residents into his king­ U S MOVIE; 'Deathtrap' A noted Broad­ laden turkey skin, bones and grease splintery bones. Be kind to your way playwright Is so desperate for a box [TMC] MDVIE: 'Mona Usa' An unlikely I (60 min.) should be consulted immediately to is that red meat is a rich source of DEAR READER: Dermabrasion dom. Michael Moriarty, Shelley Hack, June are food that most pets don't pets. To them Thanksgiving should office hit that he resorts to murder. Michael It also says that application determine if other treatment is cholesterol. Cholesterol-laden is the sanding off of the outer layers Lockhart. 1986. Rated PG-13. (In Stereo) ordinary ingest. Being nice to be just another day — they and you should never be more often than Caine, Christopher Reeve. Dyan Cannon. required. animal fat is the probable reason of skin. After a properly performed [M AX] MOVIE: 'Haunted Honeymoon' 1982. companion animals and having will be more thankful for it. A radio star, planning to marry his co-star once weekly and applied lightly so for the higher incidence of coronary procedure, new skin from the ^ Cheers (CC) Cliff handcuffs him­ them join in the gastronical gorging Cinema at his family's ancestral mansion, is sud­ □ □ □ as not to saturate the animal's coat. deeper layers grows out to replace self to his mother's (Frances Stemhagen) is to invite digestive disasters. Allan M. Levanthal, D.V.M., Is a artery disease in meat eaters than denly plagued by phobias. Gene Wilder, And never use It together with Bolton veterinarian. If yon have a in vegetarians. Consequently, the old that was removed. Ordinar­ Gilda Radner, Dom DeLuise. 1986. Rated house in an effort to save it from demoli­ Nausea, diarrhea, bloating, ano­ Hartz Mountain Corp. was re­ tion. (In Stereo) another product such as a flea question you’d like to see answered many consumers are now demand­ ily, skin grafting is not required. PG. (In Stereo) rexia and sometimes attacks of cently told by the product invesgi- : HARTFORD MAHCHESTRR dD upstairs. Downstairs collar. here, write to: Pet Forum, Man­ ing leaner cuts of meat. The meat However, such grafting could be — CliMfflo City — Dogs In Space 6:40, DA Th eaten Rest — Dirty Dancing [DIS] Mouseterpiece Thea­ pancreatititis occur following such gation manager of the U.S. Envir­ 7:35PM chester Herald, P.O. Box 591, industry is complying with our performed if necessary. 9:20. — The Pricezs Bride (PG) 7:10, (PG-13) 7:15,9:40. — Fire and Ice (PG) ter 0J) Novela: Senda de Gloria irresponsibility. Not to mention onmental Protection Ageny's A very light first application is a 9:50 — Made In Heaven (PG) 6:50,9:30. 7,9:30. — Like Father Like Son (PG-13) Manchester 06046. wishes: Beef is less likely to be 7:20, 9:20. more serious ills from the short registration division in Crystal good precaution to determine if — Slamdance (R) 7,9:40. “ marbled” and pork is less fatty VRRNON than was the case some years ago. Dr. Gott’s new Health Report on RA9T HARTFORD Cine 1 A 2 — Dirty Dancing (PG-13) Deer and buffalo are leaner than weight loss tells you how to lose ' Rastwoed Pub A Cinema — Someone 7:10, 9:30. — Like Father Like Son to Watch Over Me (R) 7:30. (PG-13) 7,9:10. beef, lamb and pork, so many weight wisely — and keep it off. For Peer Richard's Fob A ClMmo — About Town people are turning to these sources your copy, send $1 and your name Someone to Watch Over Me (R) 7:30, WR8T HARTFORD as substitutes for the traditional and address to P.O. Box 91369, 9:30. Rim 1 A 2 — Dirty Dancing (PG-13) 7, forms of meat protein. There have Cleveland, OH 44101-3309. Be sure Shewcate Cinemas 1-9 — Fatal 9:30. Someone to Wotch Over Me (R) Beauty

SPORTS ______TORONTO (A P ) - Don’t look only the work of Leaf goalie A1 now, but the Boston Bruins have Beater kept the score close. Bruin unleashed Jay Miller, their en­ goalie Rejean Lemelin ended a N H L Ro.undiip forcer, and Randy Burridge, their personal six-game losing streak. pit bull. Boston had won only one of eight Clemens goal and set up another in a With the NHL season only five previous games. Liut, Hayward shine weeks old. Miller already as “ I ’m a role player but If I get a Uiree-goal second period that car­ doubled his entire goals output of goal here and there it’s a plus for ried Pittsburgh over Washington. last year. Uie team,” said Miller, who has The Penguins won for the fourth repeat That’s nothing. Burridge has dropped 20 pounds to 208 and has time in the last five games while scored 11 times more goals than he been working diligently to hone his Washington lost its fourth straight. in scoreiess deadiock scored all of last season. craft. “ The coaching staff told me Cunneyworth, who has five goals ” 1 just stood in front of the net like to lose weight because they wanted in his last four games, gave winner Charlie Simmer,” Miller said Wed­ me to play. PitUburgh a l-I tie at 8; 27 with his good game overall. I ’m sure both By Jim Tierney Goal-scoring inefficiencies have nesday night after scoring the "They don’t want me to sit on the eighth goal of the season. He later teams can play better. It’s not a Manchester Herald plagued the club from the start of winning goal in the Bruins’ 3-2 bench and have three shiftsa game. assisted on a goal by Dave Hannan the season and lately, no one is hot game with room to manuever when By Ruth Rendon victory over the Maple ’They want me to play now. So, I said in the second period as the you have the two best defensive The Associated Press HARTFORD - Outside the Civic offensively. ” 1 guess we haven’t Leafs. "Charlie worked with me to myself, ‘Let's go, let’s lose some l^ngulns took a 8-1 lead for their ended them (scoring problems),” teams in the division who respect before he got traded. weight.’ I ’ve been working out eventual winning goal. Center ‘Storm Ben’ had begun each other. Hayward Is getting KATY, Texas — Boston Red Sox cultivating its inclement effect Evanssaid. ” I thought we had some "H e told me to stand in front of every day and watching my diet. I “ We’re putting so much heat on better.” Perron is surprised about pitcher Roger Clemens not only throughout the state while inside good chances in the first period. the net and put my stick on the ice. feel really good now.” ourselves to score that nothing’s the Whalers’ poor start, and their broke the Cy Young jinx, but also was a calm, serene setting between Hayward made some big saves on You never know what can happen.” Burridge says he’s slimmer, too, happening,” Washington Coach lack of scoring. managed to win the American the Montreal Canadians and the us. T thought we held them to quite a Miller has played 116NHLgames dropping five pounds to 179, which Bryan Murray said. “ Each individ­ ” I am surprised the Whalers are League’s top pitching award for a Hartford Whalers. few long shots. Our goals against is over three seasons, scoring six has made him faster. ual seems to be in a situation where off to a slow start,” Perron said. second consecutive year, After 65 minutes of hockey, a first the best in the franchise’s history. goals and accumulating 437 min­ ” 1 feel so much more confidence he’s not relaxed with the puck.” "They are having a hard time for the Whaler franchise since You have to get some satisfaction ” It was little more anticipation utes in penalties. It does not take a when I have the puck,” he said, N scoring goals but they have the FlaniM 4, Star* 3 joining the NHL in 1679 had out of doing your chores when you this year,” a smiling Clemens said mathematician to figure out what holding an ice pack to his right eye players who can put the puck in the Third-period goals by Hakan occurred — a scoreless overtime don't have the puck.” Wednesday outside his home in this the 27-year-old left winger’s role Is where he took five stitches when hit back of the net. It’s Just a matter of Loob and Joe Mullen 3>A minutes tie. The last O-Odeadlock in the NHL The Whalers had some fine suburb of Houston. "Last year I just with the Bruins. The Wellesley, by a puck with seven seconds left In time. Wewent through It last year.” apart snapped a tie and led Calgary was on Oct. 15, 1986 between scoring opportunities during the waited around to find out how much Mass., native produced one goal thegame. ” 1 feel as if I can skate up The Whalers were afforded five over Minnesota. Montreal and Buffalo. Of course, first period but Hayward was there I won by. This year It was going to last season. His goal Wednesday the Ice and beat a guy.” shots during their first power play Loob scored his sixth goal of the there were countless scoring chan­ each time. Ulf Samuelsson’s slap­ be a little closer. I think 1 did all was his second this season and Blood cakes Burridge’s right of the third period. Montreal’s season at 10; 08. Mullen scored the ces on both sides, but both goaltend- shot from the right point was right. first-ever winning goal as a Bruin. hand, but he’s so happy with how Bobby Smith and the Whalers’ eventual game-winner at 13:39. ers — Hartford's Mike Liut and sticked out. John Anderson’s wris- Coach Terry O’Reilly calls Bur­ he’s been playing that he does not AP photo Dave ’Tiger’ Williams both hit ” I like the award, and my wife is Calgary had tied the game 2-2 on Montreal’s Brian Hayward — ter from 10-feet was stopped. ridge his pit bull. The left winger’s notice. 0 posts In the third period. Suffice to already talking about the third one an unassisted power play goal by shined for the duration. Sylvain Turgeon’s wrister from the teammates call him Stump. “ Be­ "You have to go out and play hard say, no one scored. In a row now,” he said. ” It’s Mike Bullard at 13; 44 of the second The tie extends the Canadians’ top of the slot was blocked. Dave cause I ’m short and stocky.” He all the time. The goals will come as Boston’s StQve Kasper and Keith goalie Ken Wregget during the first ” I’m not satisfied. T thought we gratifying that It puts me in a class period. unbeaten streak to eight games Tippett intercepted a cross-ice pass scored one goal for Boston last long as (Jie work ethic is there.” period of their game Wednesday in deserved to win,” Anderson said. with people I looked up to. I guess Crowder appear to skate over Toronto’s (5-0-3) while the Whalers move to and his quick shot was knocked out. season. The goal he scored Wednes­ To Toronto Coach John Brophy, Blackhawks 6, Wings 3 Anderson feels that the Whalers I ’ll try to beat the jinx again.” Luke Richardson (2) as they try to Toronto. The Bruins won, 3-2. 5-7-3 and remain 11 points behind Both sides had plenty of power day was his 11th this season. mention of a work ethic draws a will break out of its offensive woes Gemens wasn’t home when the Wayne Presley scored three first-place Montreal. Hartford will play opportunities (Montreal had " I came in with a different blank stare. disiodge the puck from the pads of Leaf when one playercatches fire. "Goal call came that he had won the power-play goals to lead be at Bo.ston Saturday. Montreal six, Hartford five) and neither attitude Uiis year.” Burridge said. ” l ’ve got six or seven or eight scoring is contagious,” he said. award. He was stuck in traffic, but over Detroit. (10-4-4) owns the best record in the could find the back of the net. Three " I decided I wasn’t going to float guys that aren’t playing,” he said. with less than three minutes left in Vancouver Coach Bob McCam- officials called him on his newly Presley had a goal in each period best power-play unit.” Murray of the Canadiens’ power plays came ’’Once one of us gets hot, away we around. “ 1 haven’t got an answer for it.” the third period allowed Vancouver mon praised the efforts of Sutter league. as he increased his scoring streak said. "Power play is confidence. during the second period. go.” installed car phone. ” I decided I was going to work A five-game winning streal is now and Dan Hodgson, both of whom V Despite the relentless lack of to four power-play goals in his last Last year we didn’t have any. but to tie Buffalo. (Dhris Nilan’s 20-foot slapper at Liut, who stopped 24 shots, felt ” I think it’s been the most hard on every little thing. A lot of a distant memory in the wake of scored the third-period goals. They offensive production, a problem the two games. this year we do. We’re more Sutter tipped in a low shot by 12:29 of the second period crept like Evans did concerning the exciting moment for me that I ’ve this game is in the head — 90 per three straight losses. played on a line with rookie Dave Whalers have encountered over AP photo Chicago scored five power-play comfortable with the puck and Doug Lidster at 17:09 to spoil a solid behind Liut and the rebound outcome. ” I thought it was a been caught In Houston traffic.” he cent of it is in the mind.” Elsewhere, it was Pittsburgh 3, Saunders and provided some of­ their last four games (six goals in goals, a team record. we’re making things happen.” effort by Buffalo goaltender Darren four games). Coach Jack Evans felt strolled across the crease un­ well-played game,” the 31-year-old said. Cam Neely also scored for the Washington 2: Calgary 4, Minne- fense when defeat seemed immi­ Petr Svoboda (25 in dark jersey) and Brian Skrudiand Clemens drove up to his home In a Troy Murray, who picked up two Puppa. positive about the outcome. touched. Canadien Coach Jean Liut said. ” Our penalty-killing was Bruins — his 11th goal — and A1 sote 3; Chicago 6, Detroit 3, and iHippa, a winner in his first four nent. ’ ’ If we keep forechecking like (39) of the Canadiens come to the aid of Montreal goalie black Porsche with the license plate assists, said it was a clash of two " I thought it was a very, very well Perron, unlike Evans, wasn’t excellent tonight. We’re always lafrate and Vince Damphousse Buffalo 4. Vancouver 4 in a tie. starts, rejected 35 shots in allowing that, and the Hodgson line gets "Super K ” and ” MVP 1986” etched teams who do things right. played game.” Evans said. ” I don't pleased with his club’s play. concerned with what we give up Brian Hayward as he makes a save on a shot by the replied for the Leafs, who suffered Sabres 4, Canucks 4 the Sabres to finish a four-game some goals, we'll get the wins we into the bumper. He said he had Penguins 3, Capltels 2 “ They got the best penalty-killing feel that we’re playing up and "It was a funny game,” Perron more than what we’regetting. We’ll Whalers' Kevin Dineen (white jersey) during first-period their third consecutive defeat. Rich Sutter's power-play goal road trip with a 2-1-9 record. need.” McCammon said. taken his 1986 Cy Young trophy to Randy Cunneyworth scored one unit in the NHL. and we’ve got the down. We’re 5-3-2 in the last 10. but said. ” We didn’t play well in the eventually start scoring.” action at the Civic Center Wednesday night. Boston outshot Toronto 45-28 and the slow start hurt us.” first or second period, ft was not a When? be cleaned "for good luck.” Clemens had a 20-9 record with 256 strikeouts in 281 2-3 innings this Cubs nam e Simms is not year. He received 21 of 28 first- Patriots’ place votes and 124 points in Sporta in Brief Bird ‘phenomenal’ balloting by a panel of Baseball Frey exec iikeiy to piay Writers Association of America Blackm on members. MHS girls’ soccer game Monday EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. Jimmy Key of Toronto. 17-8 with The Manchester High School girls’ state soccer Class L Bv Joe AAooshll in Celtics’ victory (AP) — The return of Phil Simms to a league-leading earned run aver­ The Associated Press Division game with Staples High has been postponed and has age of 2.76, had four first-place m ay retire practice was pushed back Wednes­ been moved to Monday at 2 p.m. at Memorial Field. _ votes and 64 points to finish a CHICAGO — Jim Frey, running By Dave O'Hara romp. day when a heavy snow cut short “ You can’t plow the field because it’s too soft underneath, the workout and distant second. Dave Stewart of the Chicago Cubs after comment­ The Associated Press ” We made three or four substitu­ explained Manchester Coach Joe Erardi about the delay. By Howard Ulman tions at the start of the fourth clouded their quarterback picture Oakland, at 20-13 the only other ing on them from the broadcast The game was first set to be played Wednesday. The Associated Press BOSTON — Indiana’s Jack Ram­ quarter and that’s tough on the for this weekend’s game against the 20-game winner in the AL, was third booth, says his first task asdirector The Coventry High girls’ soccer gam e in the Class S Dlvison of baseball operations will be to say is in his 20th year as the dean of rookies because they don’t really Philadelphia Eagles. with two first-place votes and 32 FOXBORO, Mass. — Don Black­ with East Hampton High has been reset for Friday at 2 p.m. in name a manager to help rebuild the NBA coaches. He knows all about know how to react that well yet.” Simms, who suffered a sprained points. mon lay on the field, unable to move Coventry, if the field is playable according to Patriot Coach Chris beleaguered team. Boston superstar Larry Bird. Bird said after his first 40-point. Doyle Alexander, who went 9-0 his arms and legs. left knee 10 days ago against Frey’s appointment as executive The Pacers’ Reggie Miller, the 20-rebound game in nine NBA for Detroit after coming to the D’Ambrosio. ” It’s the ultimate scare a football Dallas, was supposed to take half vice president came almost two 11th player picked In the NBA seasons. Tigers from Atlanta on Aug. 12, got the snaps in the practice, but he just player has.” he said. weeks alter the resignation of last June, has played just four "So K.C. put the starters back in. the remaining first-place vote and New England’s outside line­ stood on the field during the Cryulik signs letter with Huskies General Manager Dallas Green, games as a pro. He doesn’t have to I didn’t want to take the 3-polnt totaled eight points to finish fourth backer regained feeling witbin 75-mlnute workout in a blowing, who had hired and fired Frey as be told anything more about Bird. shot, but they gave it to me, heavy, wet snow while Jeff Ru­ in the balloting. As expected, 6-foot-ll center Dan Cryulik from Williamsville, minutes, but the emotional effect of Cubs manager. "Bird is just phenomenal,” Ram­ ” 1 was around the boards a lot "Whether I won or not, 1 felt I N.Y., inked a national letter of intent to attend the University of the injury 11 days ago lingers. tledge got all the work. “ I feel terrific,” Frey said say said Wednesday night after the and the ball always seemed to come beat the Cy Young jinx and that’s Connecticut on a basketball scholafship Wednesday morning. Suddenly, his profession isn’t so ” I just couldn’t do anything,” Wednesday at a news conference. league’s three-time MVP scored 42 to my side. Any time you have a what I set out to do, to try and said Simms, who did not play in last Wednesday was the first day of a week-long NCAA early important. "I wouldn’t name myself manager points and grabbed 20 rebounds as really good rebounding game it just overcome that which is more “ When 1 went home after I left the Sunday night’s 17-10 victory over signing period. because I want to have a good the 4-0 O ltics rolled to a 120-106 seems like the ball’s following you prevalent in the American hospital and was able to run around New England. ” It was cold. I feel Tony Scott, a 6-8 power forward from Rochester, said Tuesday relationship with my manager.” victory over the Pacers. around the court. ’That’s what it was League,” Gemens said. “ A lot of he’ll also sign a national letter of intent with the Huskies. and hug my kids, that’s a lot more Frey said he has a long list of ” Geez, I can certainly see why like for me out there tonight.” fine.” guys have gone to the wayside after UConn Coach Jim Calhoun, as is customary under NCAA important than tackling a running candidates for the job and expects they call him the best,” said Miller, ” I tried to give the starters a rest Giants Coach Bill Parcells said they’ve had a good year. 1 was guidelines, would not comment on either player until the national back,” Blackmon said Wednesday. to get applications from a number a former UCLA star who scored 24 in the fourth period, but when he is not sure whether Simms will looking for consistency and I got “ If I can provide for my family, letters of intent reach his office. of people with whom he’s been points. "He makes it impossible to Indiana got it down to seven I had to be ready for the Eagles. it.” whether it’s a hug or a kiss, without associated in his 40 years in the play catchup.” put them back in.” Jones said. "The Winning the award, however, having to have somebody lift me up I Miller pulled the Pacers, 2-2, to guq sweren’t really warmed up, so However, the chances of Simms was not the best news for Gemens. game. to do it, that’s a lot more " I deserve some time to prepare within seven points, with a rebound we called'Bird’s plays and hit the starting lessen each day he does not ’ 'The best newsisthata week ago Mets deal Blocker to the Braves important.” a list” of candidates, said Frey, tipin 46 seconds into the fourth shots to break the Pacers’ practice. we just found out that Debra (his NEW YORK — The New York Mets traded outfielder Terry Blackmon. 29, has two daughters who answered “ Yes, yes, yes,” periodh sit was a mistake. Boston momentum.” "The big thing is you have to be wife) is pregnant again, so I guess and an uncertain future in the NFL. careful not to rush him,” said Ron Blocker, who batted .312 with Tidewater of the International AP photo when asked if Don Zimmer, Joe Coach K.C. Jones responded by ’’Bird is such a special player these awards bring babies. She He said Wednesday he can’t re­ Erhardt, the Giants’ offensive League this year, to the Atlanta Braves Wednesday for a player Torre, Billy Williams and Pat sending Bird and his other starters there’s not much you can do.” wants me to win my third in a row. sume playing without neck surgery Ramsay said. ” He does whatever coordinator. ” He might go back on but I don’t know if she wants to be named later. Tony Dorsett (left) and Herschel Walker of the Cowboys Corrales were under consideration. back into action. AP photo and isn’t sure he’ll play after an Bird responded in dramatic fa­ has to be done. If he’s on the floor, it some of that stuff and slide and slip another little one that quick.” Blocker, 27, hit .067 In 18 games with the Mets in 1985. were all smiles during this preseason practice session Frey also was asked about John operation. Vukovich, who like Zimmer, Is a shion. He hit a 3-point bomb from doesn’t matter who the other four and do something stupid. It’s not The Clemens already have an The Mets’ roster now stands at 36. Indiana's John Long (25) is sandwiched by Boston's He hasn’t decided when to have it but Walker, upset by his lack of playing time, said close friend and was one of Frey’s the top of the right circle, connected players are out there with him. worth it.” 11-month-old son, Kody. qnd said he would be sidelined the Darren Daye (left) and Larry Bird in their NBA game Simms began running and throw­ Wednesday he may want a trade to another NFL club. coaches when he managed the on an 18-footer, tipped In a rebound "You double him, he dishes off to Clemens, the game’s dominant rest of the season. The Patriots and scored on a 20-footer, keying an everyone else. You leave him alone, Wednesday night at Boston Garden. The Celtics won, ing on Monday after rehabilitating pitcher in 1986 with a 24-4 record, Pat Cash makes triumphant return (jubs. placed him on injured reserve “ I plan to contact and talk to 11-2 run that turned the game into a he shoots the lights out.” 120-106. his knee last week. 2.48 ERA and 238 strikeouts, was WEMBLEY, England — Wimbledon champion Pat Cash of Wednesday. Vuke,” said Frey, acknowledging written off early this year to repeat Blackmon, a starter since his as the Cy Young winner. Australia made a triumphant return to Britain Wednesday with a he knew Vukovich had committed 7-5,7-6 victory over Sweden’ s JonasB. Svensson in the first round second N FL season in 1982. was An upset Walker himself to coaching under Lee Elia After holding out in a salary hurt trying to make a tackle with of the 8375,000 Benson and Hedges tennis championships. at Philadelphia. dispute, he rejoined the Red Sox a 1:04 left in New England’s 26-23 Sleepy’s roll a nightmare to the Phoenix Suns week before the season started. He Cash, who had not played in Britain since beating Ivan Lendl In Vukovich was expected to be victory over the Los Angeles the finals in early July, successfully made the transition from named Cubs manager by Green on started 4-6 with a 3.51 ERA in his Raiders Nov. 1. Dr. Bertram grass, his favorite surface, to indoor carpet and edged Svensson may want a trade Oct. 29 only to hove Green making Bv Bill Barnard Golden State led 66-59 at halftime, first 13 appearances going into Zarins, the Patriots' team physi­ 34-23 lead after one period. kept close throughout despite hit­ the surprising announcement of his The Associated Press but the Warriors extended the ting 29.2 percent of their shots in the mid-June. in two tight sets that hinged on a few key points. cian, said Wednesday Blackmon Charles Oakley had 15 points and Injuries to wide receivers led to own resignation. margin to 104-85 after three quar­ NBA Roundup first half and 39.1 percent for the Many felt he would not be the suffered a ruptured disc in the neck Bv Howard Ulman 12 rebounds for Chicago, and, Ben Walker’s use at that position. “ I expect to hear from a lot of When Sleepy Floyd gets on a roll, ters thanks to Floyd’s outburst. game. overpowering pitcher he was in that caused the temporary The Associated Press Coleman and Dallas Comegys led Lyle leads Kapalua golf tourney " It’s very frustrating because t>eople,” Frey said of applications it can be a nightmare for the ” We just couldn’t shut him 1986, when he started 14-0 and set a paralysis. New Jersey with 14 points each. Jazz 121, Mavericks 92 I ’m not a wide receiver,” Walker for the managerial job. “ But I ’ll opposition. down.” Phoenix Coach John Wetzel the way. major-league record with 20 stri­ K A PA LU A , Hawaii — Sandy Lyle of Scotland shot a It was his third neck injury in FOXBORO. Mass. — Herschel Brad Daugherty led Cleveland just plod along like Jim Frey Last May 10, Floyd set NBA said. Hawks M , Knicks 93 Utah, which lost to the Los keouts in a game against Seattle. bogey-free, 7-under-par 65 for a one-stroke lead over Andy Bean college and pro football. Zarins said Walker wants to run. not get the said. " I like to do the things I. do with 24 points. playoff records with 29 points in a Atlanta handed New York its Angeles Gippers on Tuesday, came After starting with a 4-0 shutout in the first round of the 8600,000 Kapalua International golf the disc must be removed and the runaround. best. They’ve taken that away from always has.” at Cleveland on June 17, Clemens me and it doesn’t seem like anyone quarter and 39 in a half en route to Bucks 109, Cavaliers 101 Bulls 105, Nets 96 fourth consecutive loss as Domi­ back strong against Dallas as Karl tournament. two surroundM(g vertebra fused, Upset about being used as a wide went on a spree. He finished the really cares except me and my 51 points against the Los Angeles Chicago won its third straight nique Wilkins scored 33 points and Malone had 32 points and 10 Nick Faldo of England, the British Open champion, was but there is no urgency for the "receiver and uncertain of his role Jack Sikma scored 26 points for season 16-3 with a 2.66 ERA in his Lakers. He wasn’t quite that hot game as Michael Jordan scored 31 Spud Webb hit a tiebreaking rebounds. stranded by darkness on the course and has a chance to move operation in the very near future. with the Dallas Cowboys, he said family. Zvereva upset Milwaukee, and his two free throws Malone, who was 13-for-17 from final 23 startings. He capped the “ I don’t have a feel for just what Wednesday night, but his 20 points points at New Jersey, including 13 jumper with 24 seconds left. within a stroke of the lead when he returns to complete play “ We are not taking football into Wednesday he might be better off and two rebounds stifled a Cleve­ year with a 4-0,12-strikeout victory the Cowboys have me here for.” he in the third period and 37 for the of the Bulls’ first 15 in the fourth After Webb’s shot broke an 88-88 the field, scored 22 points in the first consideration,” he said. "That with another N FL team. land rally in the fourth quarter. half as the Jazz took a 53-39 lead. A over Milwaukee in Boston. Thursday. said. " I ’m used 75 percent as a tennis winner 9 game were plenty as Golden State tie, the Hawks hit four straight free " I think what is so frustrating ThO Cavaliers scored seven con­ quarter. football-playing decision will be rollied to a 130-115 victory over throws in the final nine seconds, 25-13 spurt in the first quarter put Except for his won-lost record about it is I don’t know my role,” decoy (at wide receiver). That’s secutive points to cut an 88-78 Bucks Jordan sparked a 15-10 spurt at addressed during the offseason.” CHICAGO (AP) — Natalie Zver­ Phoenix. them ahead to stay. and ERA, Clemens had a better Pazlenza, Haugen rematch slated Walker said. " It ’s very hard for me sort of bad.” the start of the final period, giving offsetting a basket by Sidney Green “ If I don’t have the operation. I eva got what she called the biggest "When Sleepy gets going like lead to three before Sikma’s foul Mark Aguirre led the Mavericks year than in 1986 despite pitching to prepare for a team when I don’t Last season, his first with Dallas, the Bulls a 95-80 lead with 4:52 left, and a buzzer-beating 3-point goal by can’t come back at all,” Blackmon victory of her pro tennis career by that, we just get out of his way and shots with 7:17 left. He then with 21 points, but Utah held for a poorer team. He led the PROVIDENCE, R.I. — Vinny Pazienza of Cranston, R.I., will know what I ’m going to be Walker caught 76 passes and rebounded Cleveland’s next two ■riie Nets had gotten as close as four Mark Jackson. said. “ We’re not discussing this toppling fifth-seeded Claudia let him work,” said Warriors high-scoring guard Rolando Black­ majors with 18 complete games and defend his International Boxing Federation lightweight title rushed for 737 yards. points in the third quarter after a Patrick Ewing had 26 points and from a standpoint of football. We’re playing.” Kohde-Kilsch in the 8150,000 Virgi­ forward Ben McDonald, who had 13 shots, and the Cavaliers got no seven shutouts. against Greg Haugen of Las Vegas in a rematch in Atlantic City, liie Dallas running back spoke on He said he didn’t know how long 20-7 spurt by the Bulls gave them a 11 rebounds for the Knicks, who man to 11. discussing this from a standpoint of nia Slims of Chicago tournament. points and 14 rebounds. closer than four points the rest of N.J., next year. . a telephone hookup with New he could cope with the current everyday life. But the 16-year-oId player from David Downs, director of sports programming at ABC, England writers. The Ctowboys visit situation. ’ "The doctors felt surgery was the Soviet Union hopes her second- confirmed Tuesday his network had signed a contract with Main the Patriots on Sunday. " I want to help any team that necessary because of common round match against the West Events Inc. to air the 15-round bout on its “ Wide World of Sports” In last Sunday’s 27-17 loss to wants to win ballgames.” he said. accidents. You can slip on the ice or (German provided just a glimpse of Detroit, Walker ran 13 times for 65 “ That’s the reason God has put me UConn soccer should not be forgotten Sunday telecast Feb. 6. the stairs,” he added. “ They don’t future success. ya^s. He also played wide receiver on this earth, to go out and give my know how much pressure it would “ I don't know how important it and the quality of its opponents. This is not to say and caught five passes for 55 yards. very best.” Harvard, then it will also host a quarterfinal match take to cause a further problem.” means to be No. 1, but my goal right Forget watching professional football for one that Husky soccer Isn’t appreciated, because it is. He was on the field for every Dallas He said he could be satisfied if be inStorrs. Hilliard, Doleman cited by NFC Whether he would play after now is to beat the best players and Sunday, namely, this Sunday. The UConn faithful always have endured inclement offensive play. ended his N FL career without Just as many of UConn’s Top 20 adversaries surgery “ has to be evaluated in my do it consistently,” Zvereva said. The times are few and far between that the state weather to watch their team, especially in an NEW YORK — Running back Dalton Hilliard of the New In Dallas’ five games this season reaching goals expected of him employ the services of several foreign-bom home and among doctors.” Black­ Zvereva whipped Kohde-Kilsch of Connecticut has a Top 20 sports team. Except, of NCAA tournament game. Orleans Saints has been named the offensive player of the week with regular players. Walker has after a brllllbnt college career at players, the Huskies, due to Morrone’s unyielding mon said. 6-4, 6-2 at the University of course, when one speaks of the University of Jim Tiernev and end Chris Doleman of the Minnesota Vikings the defensive Blackmon, a seven-year veteran, been tbe Cowboys' leading rusher Georgia and success in his three stance, refuse to recruit foreigners. Instead, the years with New Jersey of the Illinois-Chicago Pavilion. 7 player of the week In the NFC, the N F L announced Wednesday. in four of them and top receiver in Connecticut men’s soccer team. THIS W ILL M ARK TH E third time in the last said he doesn’t feel any pain in his She’ll await the outcome of Husky roster is exclusively made up of East Coast three. He is sixth in the NFC in United States Football League. Perenially, one of the 20 elite programs in the four years that UConn has played for the New Hilliard accounted for 199 yhrds in the Saints’ 31-14 win over the neck now. He said he hasn't even today’s second-round match be­ products, mainly from New York, New Jersey, and thought about how long he would be receptions and 13th in rushing. "Everyone Is saying I’m in my country, the Huskies have qualified for the 24-team Herald Sports Writer England championship. Los Angeles Rams Sunday. prime.” the 25-year-old Walker tween second-seeded Hana Mand- Connecticut. sidelined If he had surgery. But Walker, who has expressed NCAA tournament for the 14th time in the last 16 said. “ But I ’ve played five years of likova of Czechoslovakia and Kate Countless UConn sports fans are enthralled with UConn junior All-America forward Dan Donigan Although he faces an uncertain his frustration before, still isn’t years — an Impressive statistic which bears pro football. I ’ve always said oncel Gompert of Rancho Mirage, Calif. Husky basketball, a program seemingly on the (11 goals, 12 assists) is one of the great pleasures to Robinson signs pact with 76ers future. “ I ’d be lying If 1 didn’t say happy sharing the running duties testament to UConn Coach Joe Morrone’s undying start getting bored with something, Top-seeded Martina Navratilova upswing since the arrival of Coach Jim Calhoun. view in the sport of soccer. The Huskies are 10-2-2 I ’m happy standing here right with Tony Dorsett. efforts toward Husky soccer. PHILADELPHIA - Forward Cliff Robinson has sJSMd “ " I must not be the type of runner it’s time for me to give it up.” is off until Friday after a 6-4, 6-3 But, how many times has UConn basketball at home this season and were 6-1-1 in New England now,” Blackmon said. “ When I got victory over 16-year-old Mary Joe UConn (13-6-3) will host Harvard University among Division I teams. The Crimson is unbeaten tw ^ year contract with the Philadelphia 76ers after sitUng out the Cowboys are looking for.” he Why would he be bored with the participated in the NCAA tourney or even been competition (the only loss to Brown, 2-1). This hit, I didn’t know if I’d be able to get Fernandez. in its last 14 games since bowing, 3-1, in last year’s eight exhibition games and the first two games of the reguler said. “ If that’s true. I ’d rather they Cowboys? (12-0-2) Sunday at 1 p.m. at the Connecticut Soccer ranked in the Top 20. Instead of wasting precious game Sunday will mark Morrone’s SOOth career up or not.” In other matches, fourth seeded Final Four to eventual national champion Duke let me play somewhere else where I “ Just doing the things I ’m Stadium for the New England championship. The gam e as a coach in his 29-plus years of coaching, 10 season, the NBA club has announced. Zina Garrison of Houston stopped time and space with the latter question (Only God am that type of runner.” doing,” he said. " I ’m not really Huskies, ranked No. 2 in New EM land and No. 16 University. *‘We are glad to have Cliff back," Sixers General Manager Poland’s Iwona Kuezynska 7-5.6-2; knows the next time UConn hoop will make the at UConn. Blizzard halts race Dallas Coach Tom Landry said playing. I ’m being used as a nationally, will tangle with th^ Crimson, ranked John Nash said Wednesday. “ He is one of our top six playera. To Gompert defeated Pam Casale 6-2, NCAA tourney), let’s simply state that UConn So, if you haven’t seen UConn soccer play this Wednesday it was difficult finding decoy.” No. 1 in the region and No. fin the country, in a IF THE HUSKIES PREVAIL over the the be without a player of that caliber is a major dis^vamag®. They tried to hold the downhill ski 6-3; Mary Lou Daniels eliminated soccer, unquestionably, is the finest collegiate year, Sunday would be a golden opportunity to see enough playing time for Walker and Asked what he might do outside Crimson, they will advance to the national Hopefully, G lff Is coming in in good physical shape and can race in a blizzard at the 1968 Winter Natalie Bykova of the Soviet Union highly anticipated rematch. The pair played to a two Top 20 teams display their unique finesse, Dorsett. football, he said he had business quarterfinals against the winner of the New York sports team in the state and warrants support. become an instant contributor.” Olympics in Grenoble. France. The 6-3, ^3, and Barbara Potter took 0-0 tie at Storrs on Sept. 23. physical ability, and unbelievable stamina. The "Therefore, both of them are interests with former Generals regional matchup between Hartwick and Adelphi. The tremendous success of UConn soccer year in Other than the length of the contract, terms were notdlsclosed. race was postponed after a dozen Katrina Adams 6-2, 6-4. Harvard, a 1986 NCAA semifinalist, is the only brand of soccer Harvard and UConn will unveil will copiP«1*tors were hospitalized. usually unhappy,” Landry said. owner Donald Trump UConn tied Adelphi, 1-1, In its season opener Sept. and year out probably has left some people undefeated Division I soccer team in the United indifferent to the quality of athletes on the team be second to none. States and has the longest existing Unbeaten skein 1. There is a good possibility that If UConn gets by -A,” MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Nnv 12.1W7 - H U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thuradav. Nov. II. 1»7 Some taxpayers continue Indiana football not a big thing on campus markki change since 19M, when to make IRA deductions Ohio and I know what enthusiasm is understands. By Hank Lowenkror their Big Ten Conference show­ Ernie Jones said. "1 don't think Indiana went 0-11. ' for football. Give it time here and "That’s something that never (the part allocable to earnings on down with No. 13 Michigan State, they really know how good a team "In years past we haven’t really S tartin g in The Associated Press the same thing will happen here.” changes. Basketball is the big thing the contributions) is taxable and thousands of students stood In line we can be, or we are. I think over had a full stadiuip. This year we’ve 1987, the Tax the years ttey’ve looked at Indiana "There’s a lot of excitement arou ^ here,” he said. subject to a 10 percent penalty. BLOOMINGTON Ind. - While for more than an hour on Wednes­ Kramme said the players aren’t had real good crowds at home.” . Reform Act puts as a basketball school. around here Tor footbaii but win­ Still, Kramme and everyone else However, If you are eligible for an Indiana’s football team plays its day for the tickets that wouid tell concerned with the vagaries of new restrictions "But we’ve got a football pro­ ning lU be cetball has been around realises which sport commands IRA deduction, those U x savings biggest game in 20 years on them where they would be seated student and local support. on IRA deduc­ fora lotIonger,” saldKrisHlland,a passion around Bloomington. could exceed the tax you would owe Saturday, the big concern on for six of Indiana’s basketball gram, too.” "W e play as a team. We don’t tions. But for Sylvia Students say decades of losing sophomore from Clayton. " I guess " I love Indiana basketball,” for the plan withdrawal. campus is seat location for the games. really worry about what other some taxpay­ football produced apathy. students are waiting to see what Dawn Stokes, a freshman from Big exception: Distributions af­ upcoming basketbali season. With the exception of a few signs people think about us,” Kramme ers, the deduc­ "People from Indiana aren’t used happens Saturday before they think Atlanta, Ind., said. "Look at the Porter ter 1986 of employee contributions A victory at Michigan State and encouraging the Hoosiers to "Spear said. “ We feel we do have real good tion remains un­ to it.” said Jim Bowling, a fresh­ about the Rose Bowi. And the fact school’s record (five NCAA cham­ that were made before 1987 con­ another the foilowing week against the Spartans,’’ there was little student support behind us. We have touched. These man from Lancaster, Ohio, who that the game is away probably pionships) . Indiana is a basketball tinue to be tax-free, as long as the Purdue would earn ISth-ranked indication of Rose Bowl euphoria confidence in ourselves and that’s taxpayers can was among those picking up helps keep the enthusiasm down.” sUte. I hope the team goes to the plan permitted such withdrawals Indiana its first Rose Bowl trip visible on campus. Senior quarterback Dave all we need right now.” continue to an­ basketball tickets. "There’s no Rose Bowl.” on May 5, 1986. since 1967. "That bothers me. 1 don't think Kramme, who grew up In Elkhart, Kramme said he has seen a nually contrib­ As the Hoosiers prepared for they’re excited.” senior flanker football tradition here. I ’m from ute and deduct 82,000 ($2,250 total (The deadline for making 1987 3. Rollover from an existing IRA: for spousal IR A s). contributions is April 15, 1988.) If you are temporarily short on If you are an active participant in 1. Use your anticipated tax funds and you can’t count on your an employer-paid retirement plan refund: Say you do not have $2,000 1987 refund, you can u8e an existing Village (inclu(ling a Keogh) and have a in hand to make a contribution IRA to make your 1987contribution. ABC’S finish-line blunder is having a lasting effect joint adjusted gross income of before you file your return, but you It’s all tied into a special rule for Charm $50,000 or more ($35,000 if single), expect a big tax refund from the IRA rollovers. . th e rieht H in n er. But ttiis Week, the Kamm wouldn’t discuss the incl-inci w will ill ----- cohost------the n- l ^------l y shows from Mai^elOT^^ Mknwkouts. Chaves Is unbeaten In the tax act eliminated your IRA government for the 1987 tax year. By Rick Warner the right runner. But this week, the 52 fights. dent, saying “ enough has been said Calgary. ABC announced Wednes­ was fighting regulariy on Home Pat McCary, ieft, and deduction. For those with joint File your 1987 return as soon as SHORT-TERM LOAN: You are The Associated Press head of the union that represents ’’This fight has been two years in allowed to make a tax-free rollover already.” But a source at ABC said day that Gifford would be the host, Box Office, he used to joke that Sandy Wiiiiams iook incomes in the $40,000-849,999 range possible and claim your IRA N the network’s cameramen came up the making, but it’s been worth but refused to say whether Kathie HBO stood for Hagler Box Office. In ($25,000-$34,000 for singles), the deduction. Reason: You stand a of funds from one IRA to another ABC’s telecast of the New York with a different explanation. the gaffe wasn’t his fault. waiting for,” Seth Abraham, head over a foik art wail ’’Two cameramen were assigned Lee would play a role in the recent years, there have been maximum IRA deduction limit is good chance of getting your refund once during the year. The one catch City Marafton lasted three hours. James Nolan, president of the similar jokes about heavyweight of HBO Sports, said. is that the rollover must be to shoot the winner, and they both telecasts. plaque depicting the reduced proportionately. back before April 15 (now, of The controversy over the network’s National Association of Broadcast champion Mike Tyson’s frequent completed within 60 days. In effect, missed him,” the source said town of k^anchester course, the refund may be even finish-line blunder is lasting much Employees and Technicians, ac­ Amrham also said HBO Is close to it amounts to a 60-day loan. For Luckily for ABC, not many people Mrs. Gifford is co-host of the appearances on the pay cable WHAT TO DO: If you still qualify bigger because of the IRA deduc­ cused ABC of using the cameraman signing a new multi-fight deal with that will be among example, you take $2,000 from your longer. saw the finish. The telecast re­ "Morning Show” In New York. The network. for the IRA deduction, try to make tion) . You then use all or part of Callers swamped ABC with com­ as a scapegoat. He said a shot of IVson. Tyson’s current HBO con­ the many items existing IRA on April 14 and use It ceived a 2.8 rating. Its lowest in the program, which is shown on the HBO’s next fight doesn’t feature maximum use of it. If you don’t your refund to make your contribu­ plaints when the network failed to Hussein crossing the finish line was tract ends with his Jan. 22 defense for your 1987 contribution. You owe seven years ABC has shown the city’s ABC-owned station, will be Hagier or Tyson, but it should be auctioned at the qualify for the deduction, you can tion. The deduction you claimed on show the winner, Ibrahim Hussein available to director Latry Kamm, one of the best bouts of the year. against former champion Larrj’ no tax on the withdrawal as long as race. nationally syndicated next fall. still make a $2,000 (or $2,250 your return will stand up, as long as of Kenya, crossing the finish line but he was looking at the wrong Holmes. Manchester Junior you complete the rollover within 60 Other Winter Olympics assign­ On Nov. 21, World Boxing Associ­ spousal) IRA contribution for 1987. you make your contribution by Nov. 1. Some even accused ABC of monitor. ation lightweight champion Edwin Abraham said Tim Witherspoon, Women's Ciub Auc­ days. In short, you come up with ABC’s late-night Winter Olym­ ments are: Jim McKay, principal And doing so can still cut your tax April 15, 1988. racism b^ause Hussein was the ’ ’They’ll never admit, though.” Rosario defends his title against Frank Bruno, Carl "The Truth” $2,000 from another source and put pics show may be subtitled "A ll In anchor and figure skating; Al tion on Thursday, bill for years to come. 2. Withdraw voluntary contribu­ first black to the win the race. Nolan said. "Everything that goes former World Boxing Council super Williams and Evander Holyfield it in the rollover account by June IS. Tbe Family.” Michaels, hockey; and Keith Jack- Here’s how: While the contribu­ tions: If you belong to a profit- ABC said the mistake was the wrong Is always the cameraman’s featherweight champion Julio are being considered as opponents Nov. 19, from 7 to 10 Be alert : No deduction is permit­ There’s speculation that Frank son, weekend daytime host and tion itself is not deductible, IRA sharing plan that permits volun­ result of “ plain human error,” a fault. It’s never the producer or Cesar Chavez. Rosario is 26-2 with lor Tyson. p.m. at the Church of wife, Kathle Lee. short-track speed skating. earnings grow untaxed until they tary non-deductible employee ted for a contribution to an IRA cameraman’s failure to focus on director.” during or after the tax year in which Christ on Lydaii are withdrawn. By compounding contributions, you may be able to Street. without any tax bite, amounts get a $2,000 deduction without you reach the age of 70'A. But you Dsvid Kool/Msnchester Herald can continue to deduct payments of contributed to an IRA can increase spending any additional money. up to $2,000 to a nonworking your wealth faster than if those Withdraw from the plan $2,000 of V younger spouse’s IRA until your same dollars were put into taxable your voluntary contributions and investments. use the money for an IRA spouse reaches 70‘A . Also: If you are involved in an SCOREBOARD Births If a temporary cash crunch is all contribution. IRA inherited from someone other that’s keeping you from making Starting in 1987, only part of a than a spouse, no deduction Is 591-211, Stockton 5-112-2IZ Honien 3-4804, your 1987 IRA contribution, here withdrawal from an employee permitted for amounts paid Into Bailey 4-115513,(5rlfn(h8-142-219,Gr«jn2^5 St., was born Oct. 29at Manchester are some strategies that may help contribution account is considered Candlana 0, Whalera 0 1-2 5, Turpin 2-4 A7 10, Scurry 1-3 82 2, Cyr, Benjamin James, son of David Kinney of Fitzwilliam, N.H., ^ return of capital. The other part such inherited IRAs. Trtpucka2-5825.Totalt 444727-35121. Memorial Hospital His maternal you come up with those dollars. Raymond and Greta McC^nville and JoAnn Smith of Lebanon, Conn. Hockey 8880-0 His paternal grandparents are grandparents are Donald K. and 8 8 8 O-rO OoHo* 11 18 18 25— 91 (jyr of 18 Elizabeth Road. Bolton, U M t 19 M M 11-111 Roberta A. Costello of Madison. His First Period—None. Penalties— was born Oct. 28 at Manchester Donald P. and Sandra Carter of Social Security 3-polnt goali— ^Wennlnoton, (Jrlffith, TrI- paternal grandparents are Fred­ Svoboda, Mon (hooking), 5:05; Peterson, Coventry. pucka. Fouled out— None. Reboundji— Memorial Hospital. His maternal rick Hanson of South Windsor and Hor (holding), 7:31; Lemleux, A4on Dallas 45 (Tarpley 14), Utah45 (Malone W). NHLttandIngt (tripping),13:44. grandmother is Rita McCtonville of Ryan, Kyle Daniel, son of Daniel Beatrice Helfinger of 86 Ash St. Assists—Dallas 17 (Schrempf 4), Utah » 453 Summit St His paternal grand­ (Stockton 14). Total fouls—Dallas 31, J and Lori Ann Brewer Ryan of Ext. W ALES CONEERENCE Second Period—None. Penalties— Dependents need numbers Munyn, Hor (elbowing), 2:04; Gavin, Utah 27. A —12,212. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cyr 1033 Parker St., was bom Oct. 27 at of 69 Tracy Drive. He has a brother. Parkhurst, Gregory Douglas, son w L T P tl OF Hor (Interference), 8:53: DIneen, Hor Manchester Memorial Hospital. New Jersey 10 4 1 21 57 45 (holding), 11:31; Ludwig, Mon Warriors 130,8unt 115 Kyle. 4'/4. His maternal grandparents are Mr, of Bruce D. and Marie Cavallaro also exceptions for certain individ­ plan to donate one of my kidneys to 45 (hooking), 14:31. QUESTION: I have heard that I N Y Islanders> 10 4 1 21 66 and Mrs. Eugene Brewer of Marl­ Parkhurst of 400 North Main St., uals who work or homeless individ­ her for a kidney transplant opera­ WasMnoton 7 8 1 15 52 50 Carmlenke, Sean Albert, son of must show a Social Security tion. I know Medicare will pay for 6 7 3 15 58 59 Third Period—None. Penalties—Corson, PHOENIX (111) borough. His paternal grandpar­ was born Oct. 28 at Manchester uals temporarily living in public Plttaburob Mon (hooking), 4:42; Peterson, Hor Adams 7-11 33 17, Johnson 4-M 44 IZ Albert and Kathleen Murdock number for all dependents 1 list on NY Ronoers 4 10 3 11 65 74 Memorial Hospital. His maternal shelters. most of her hospital costs except for 44 47 (Interference), 7:34; Somuelsson, Hor Edwards 9-14 89 34, Davis 1823 1-2 21, Carmlenke of 62 Root Road. Coven­ ents are Mr. and Mrs. William F. my 1987 federal tax return. Is this PtillodelpMo 4 10 3 11 Hornocek4«2210,Ballev81343,Cook81A4 grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. the hospital Insurance deductible Adomi DIvltlan (holding), 10:48; Corson, Mon (elbow­ try. was bom Oct. 30 at Manchester Ryan Sr. of Glastonbury. true? 4 4 24 69 53 ing), 13:44. 4, Humplirtes 24 1-1 5, Sanders 54 2-2 IZ Joseph Cavallaro of East Hartford. QUESTION: I ’ve been getting and coinsurance. Will Medicare Montreal 10 Overtime— None. Penoltles— None. Martin 1-2 80 Z Thompson 821-21. Totals Memorial Hospital. His maternal 9 5 1 19 62 51 Nerbonne, Daniel Joseph, son of His paternal grandparents are Mr. also pay for the hospital costs I ’ll Quebec Shots on gool— Montreal 7-4-9.2—24. 4348 31-37 115. ANSWER: Yes it is. The provi­ Social Security for a few years and Buftalo 7 5 4 18 60 41 grandparents are Richard and Dennis and Cheryl Normandin and Mrs. George Parkhurst of incur when I donate my kidney? 7 7 2 16 60 41 Hartford 9^11-0—23. OOLDEN STATE (118) now I ’ve started getting SSI, too. Is Boston Power-^ay Opportunities—Montreol 0 Higgins A12 33 15, McDonald 491-1 13, Helen Murdock of 78 Pucker St,. sions of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 Hartford 5 7 3 13 42 51 Nerbonne of 44 Croft Drive, was Glastonbury. there anything special I should ANSWER: Hospital Insurance of 4; Hartford 0 of 5. __ ^ — Carr^A17331S, Floyd 1220121437,Mullln Coventry. His paternal grandpar­ requires all dependents to each born Oct. 30 at Manchester Memor­ know? pays for full cost of care for a Norris Division GMlIes— Montreal, Havword (23shots-23 1817 5-7 24, Frank 34 84 IZ MInnIefleld 34 ents are Werner and Erika Car- Hoyler. Philip Brian, son of Brian have a Social Security number. The saves). Hartford, Llut (24-24). 22 8, Whitehead 14 80 Z Feltl VI 04 ial Hospital. His maternal grand­ person who donates a kidney for W L T “ OF OA mienke of 450 Gardner St. R. and Christine Cota Hoyler of 141 new tax law requires that when you 1« tt 41 A —14,489. 2.Totals47933540130. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ANSWER: Yes. Your reporting Medicare patient’s surgery. Addi­ Toronto Phoenix 18 IS 1418-1» O ilcooo It 72 71 Referee—Mike Noeth. LInfsmen— Normandin of South Windsor. His Tudor Lane, was born Oct. 28 at file your tax return for calendar Wayne Bonney, Bob Hodges OoMen State I f 17 SI S4-1S8 Roberts,' Jessica Marie, daughter responsibilities are greater. For tionally, donors do not have to pay Detroit 14 48 53 Devid KooVMsnchester Hertid Manche.ster Memorial Hospital. year 1987 you must show a Social 13 55 42 3-polnt goal—Mullln. Fouled out— of Richard T. and Melanie Vucic paternal grandparents are Mr. and example, now you’ll need to tell any hospital Insurance deductible Minnesota Higgins, f ^ k . Rebounds—Phoenix 43 His maternal grandparents are Security number for each depend­ 91. Louis 11 47 52 Roberts of 78 Grissom Road, was Mrs Wilfred Nerbonne of Elling­ Social Security about changes in or coinsurance charges. SmvRw Dlvtslon (Edwards 13), (Solden State 40 (M cDo­ ton, He has a sister, Nicole Renee, Chester and Evelyn Cota of Pots­ ent listed on your return who is age 20 74 57 Pengulna3,Capltala2 Bennet boys* cross country team nald 14). Assists—Phoenta 20 (Homaoek born Oct. 30 at Manchester Memor­ your resources. Income, and the Edmonton 4), (Solden State 38 (Floyd 12). Total dam, N Y. His paternal grandpar­ 5 and older. This colamn~is prepared by the Winnipeg 18 51 44 ial Hospital. Her maternal grand­ 5>/2. number of people living in your 43 44 fo u ls — P h o e n ix 33, G old en S tate 31. ents are Raynard and Beverly Social Security Administration In Ooloarv It WasMnglen 0 1 1—2 Herman, Chris Spadaccini, Rico Gua- Technical— Phoenix Illegal defense. A— mother is Barbara L. Vucic of 78 household. Call any Social Security Vancouver 10 51 40 The Bennet Junior High boys' cross Alger of East Aurora. N Y. QUESTION: My disabled ne­ Pittsbursh 0 18-3 8448. Grissom Road. Her paternal grand­ WItham, Francis David, son of office for more information. East Hartford. Do you have a Los Angeles 10 41 42 country team had its second consecu­ chione, Dave Hoagland, Joel Impelluso, phew has no income and lives in a Wednesday's Oames Hrst Period—None. Penalties—Smith, Michael D. and Christina Voelkl of question you’d like to see used Was,malor (flghtlno),4:38; KochowskLPIt, parents are Raymond and Virginia Morton, Ryan Lee, son of Robert public facility. Would he be eligible Boston 31 Torofrto 2 tive unbeaten season in 1987, finishing Coach Stan Bebyn. Back row: Ryan South Meriden, was bom Oct, 28 at QUESTION: My father has a here? Write to Social Security, molor (flghtlng), 4:38; Gartner, Was Roberts of East Hartford. Her L, and Mariana Malin Morton of 91 for SSI payments? Montreol 0, Hartford 0, tie (Interference), 5:11; Hannon, Pit (hold­ Leonard, Chad Shelton, Juan Rodri­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. Manchester Herald, P.O. Box 891, Pittsburgh 3, Washington 2 at 7-0. The Bears won the Holy Cross paternal great-grandmother is Autumn St., was born Oct. 24 at medical condition that requires he 2 ing), 7:47; Frawley, Pit (elbowing), TransactioBis His maternal grandparentsare Mr. Manchester, Conn. 06040. Chicago A Detroit 3 12:25; Fronceschettl, Was (hlglvsllcklng), Freshman Invitational, too. Team guez, Chris RIzy, Jim Anselmo, Eben Ruth Roberts. She has a brother. Manchester Memorial Hospital. ANSWER: Generally, a person have diagnostic X-rays. Since he Calgary 4, Minnesota 3 14:47; Sundstrom, Was (holding), 14:11; Brian Joseph, 20 months. and Mrs. Gerhard Voelkl of South His maternal grandmother is Jose­ can’t leave home, his doctor has Buftalo 4, Vancouver 4, tie members (from left, front row): Assistant Plese, Keith Pratt. Missing: Mike Russo. who lives in a public institution is Fronceschettl, Was, mlnor-malor (rough­ BASEBALL Meriden. His paternal grandpar­ phine S. Malin of 91 Autumn St. His ordered the X-rays to be made at Ancient mlniaturet mersdoyH Oames ing, charging), 14:55; Simmer, Pit Wertenbach, Seth Richard, son of not eligible for SSI. but there are Montreal at Boston, 7:35 pjt». coach Mark Rawlins, Rob Cole, Scott ents are Dave and Barbara Witham paternal grandparents are Leo and home. Will Medicare pay for these Pittsburgh at Philadelphia, 7:35 pm . (roughing), 14:55. CLEVELAND INDIANS-ftamed Tom some exceptions. A person who In New York exhibit Second Period—1, Washington, (tartner 9 William K. and Donna Carpenter of Manchester. services in a person’s home? Winnipeg at New Jersey, 7 :« p.m. Giordano special assistant to the presi­ Mary Lou Morton of Wilkes-Barre. lives in a publicly operated com­ (Hatcher, Stevens),4:51 (pp). Z Pittsburgh, dent. Wertenbach Jr. of Green Road, was NEW YORK (AP) — The exhibi­ N ew York Islanders at St. Louis, 8:35p.m. Duff, Sarah McConvlIle, daugh­ Pa. munity residence which serves no Cunneyworth 8 (Hannan, Brown), 8:27. 3, DETROIT TIGERS—Purchased the con­ born Oct. 31 at Manchester Memor­ ANSWER: Yes. medical insu­ tion “ Ancient Art In Miniature” Is Pittsburgh, Brown 4 (Siren, Hllller), 10:55 Flames 4. North 8tars 3 Bulla105.Nata96 tract of Richard Carter, pitcher, from ter of Thomas D. and Patricia more than 16 people may be eligible (pp). 4, Pittsburgh, Hannan 3 (Cunney­ ial Hospital. His maternal grand­ Olson, Jamie Ann, daughter of rance helps pay the approved on view at the Metropolitan Mu­ - Minnesota at Buffalo, 7:35 p.ip. Lakeland of the norlda Stole League. McConville Duff III of 102 Redwood for SSI. Someone who lives in a Los Angeles at Calgary, 9:35 p.m. worth), 14:37. Penolfles—Simpson, Pit MILWAUKEE BREWERS—Named mother is Doris Carpenter of 285 John C. and Ann Mullen Olson of 173 charges for diagnostic X-rays ser­ seum of Art through Jan. 10, 1988. (Interference), 3:41; Pittsburgh bench, BaaketbaD CHICAGO (185) . , , „ Road, was born Oct. 26 at Manches­ public institution primarily to at­ Quebec at Vancouver, 10:35 p.m. Colgarv J J J-J Sellers 813 1-2 13, Oakley 59 55 15, Lom or Johnson minor league bolting Henry St. His paternal grandpar­ South Road, Bolton, was bom Oct. vice made in a person’s home if the This Is the first time many of served by Simmer (unsportsmanlike con­ Minnesota 1 .1 1--* Gllmore251-15, Jordan182011-1331,Poxson Instructor. Signed Odell Jones, pitcher. ter Memorial Hospital. Her mater­ tend approved educational or voca­ duct), 4:51; Ridley, Was (holding), 10:03; First Period—1, Colgarv, Pepllnskl 4 ents are William and Mary Wer­ 26 at Manchester Memorial Hospi­ service is ordered by a doctor and is these Near Eastern seals have been 4-4 33 11, Conine 54 80 10,Threott54 Resigned Bill Mooneyham and Bryan nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. tional training offered there may be NHL rts u H t Cavalllnl, Wos, molor (fighting), 13:03; (Mullen), 5:90. 2, Minnesota, Brooke 1 1-211,Plpoen87808, CUBS—Named Jim Ffey St. Her paternal grandparents are eligible for a monthly SSI payment supplier. 16*29 8:57; McRoe, Min, malor (flghtlna), executive vice president director mouth, N.H. Her paternal grand­ the ancient Near East, but It was In Bnilm3,MipleLNls2 Third Period—5, Washington, Miller 2 13:34; Hunter, Col,mlnor-malor (stashing, EASTERN CONFERE9ICE NEW JERSEY (94) Carter, Richard Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Duff Jr. of — usually $25 if he or she lives in a Williams 4-4 58 13, Branch 4-9 80 8, o f baseball operations. parents are the Rev. and Mrs. Mesopotamia that the art of en­ (Christian, Hunter), 19:23. Penalties— fighting), 13:34; Acton, Min, (hlgh- Atlantic DIvltlon NEW YORK METS—Traded Terry Donald P. andICaren Kinney Carter 34 Hunter Road. public or private health facility and QUESTION: My younger daugh­ W L Fct. OB GmlnskI 312 1-1 7, Hopson 817 1-2 13, Edward Olson of Eliot, Maine She graving seals found Its fullest 1 1 Mathlasen,Plt (lrlpplno),3:39;(>ustafsson. sttcklng), 13:34; McDonold, Col, (high- Blocker, outfielder, totheAltanta Brovesfor III of Coventry, was bom Oct. 25 at Medicaid is paying more than-half ter has Medicare coverage because Was (tripisine), 2:54; Stevens, Was, molor sticking), 13:34; Macinnis, Col, (tripping), Boston 4 0 1.000 — Washington 3-5 1-1 7, Engler 81 22 2, has two brothers, Timothy, 7. and • 2 Bagiev 310248, Waller 598110, Coleman a player to be named later. Hanson, David Scott, son of Scott she has permanent kidney failure. I expression. (h lgh ^ c k ln g), 2:54; Johnson, Pit (rough­ 14:39. Ptillodelphia 1 1 .500 2 Manchester Memorial Hospital. the cost of his orhercare. There are Rriit Period—1, Boston, Neely 11 0 2 .000 3 8132214,Comeovs574814.Totals39891829 Scott, 2. ing), 2:54; Loughlln, w as (rowfhing), 9:99; Second Period—3, Minnesota, MocLel- New Jersey BUFFALO BISONS— Named Rocky His maternal grandparents are F. and Carol Hanson of 36 Village (Bourque, Larson), 18:47 (pp). Johnson, Pit (roughing), 9:59; Loughlln, lon3(Clccorelll),1:(10.ACaloorv,Bullord 7, Woshlnoton 0 3 .000 3Vi Penoltles-Pelersen, Bm (Itaerfer*™*)- 0 4 .000 4 Oilcapo M 21 21 25-185 Bridges, manager; Jackie Brovm, pitching Was (routhing), 12:58; Cunneyworth, 13:44 (pp). Penalties—Zemlok, Min, New York coach,and Carlos LeDeima,lralner. 1:00: Semenko, Tor (hlgh-sttcklita), 3 :fl; Pit (roughing), 12:58; Washington bench, Central Dlvtslon New Jersey n 29 1114— 94 Terrion, Tor (Interference), 4:22; Mld- molor (fighting), 2:21; Sheehy, Col, malor — Fouled out—Oakley, W illiam s. BASKETBALL served by Fronceschettl (too many men on (fighting), 2:21; MocLellon, Min (hold­ Chicogo 3 0 1.000 ^NOseO^eOa dtaton. Bos (roughing), 4:22,- B t^ d g e , ing), 3:19; Glynn, Cai (hooking), 4:21; Attanta 3 1 .750 Rebounds—Chicago 44 (Oakley 12), New lce),13:40. Jersey 55 (Coleman 12). Assists— Chlcooo17 PH ILAD ELPH IA 74ers—M re cd to Bos, (roughing), 5:S3; Lonz, Tor (rw gh - Shots on goal— Washington 1-14-9—24. Sheehy. (tal (roughing), 9:29; Zem- 6AII««aukee 3 1 .750 Vi ing), 5:53; Secord, Tor (triMring), 4:37; 2 2 JOO (PIppen 5), New Jersey 20 (Bagiev 4). Total terms with Cliff Robinson, forward, on a Pittsburgh WAA-22. lak, Min, malor-mlsconduct-gomemls- Indlano IVi two-year contract. Kasper, Bos (holding), Lgr^, Cleveland 1 2 .333 2 fo u ls — C h ic a g o 24, N e w J e r s e y 22. Power-ptay Opportunities—Washington conduct (spearing), 9:29; Roberts, Min PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS— CLASSIFIED ADVEKTISING 643-2711 Bos (tripping), 9 :«;_ Wesley, ^ Detroit 1 2 .333 2 Technicals— New Jersey Illegal defense. (cross-checking), 13:04; Fergus, Tor 1 off7; Pittsburgh 1 of 7. (cross-checking), 12:99; Mocinnis, Col Obtained Mtaurtce Lucas, forvwird, Goalies—Washington, Malarchuk (slashing), 18:57; Sheehy, Cal (roughing), WeSTCRN CONFRHCNCE A— 11392. (hooking), 17:49; Solming, Tor (holding), Midwest Dlvlslen from theSeottle SuperSonIcs fo r a 1990 (22shots-19 saves). Pittsburgh, RIggIn 19:54. secottd-round draft pick. 18:28. (24-22). Third Period—5, COIgorv, Loob 4 W L Fct. OB Second Period—I Toronto, tafrote 7 Denver 2 1 .667 — (Fergus, Oomphousee), 7:14. 3, Toronto, A —14,361. (NIeuwendyk, Roberts), 10:08.4, Colgarv, z HawkaB4,Knlcl(aB3 FOOTBALL Referee—Don Kohorskl. Linesmen— Ron Mullen 4 (Nottress, Bullard), 13:39. 7, Houston 2 1 .667 — Domohousse 4 (Ihnaeali), 7:51. 4, Itaslon, —- HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELPWANTHI Rnn, Leon Stickle. Minnesota, a ccorelll 7 (Acton, R.WIIson), Sacramento 2 1 .667 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Burrldge 11 (Kosper), 14:14. Perwitles-;- 2 2 .500 Vi —Announced Employment HELP WANTED CD 17:49. Penalties—Macinnis, Col (trlp- Dallas A TLA N T A (94) that Mike Junkin, linebacker, will miss Notices CD Kotsopoulot, Tor (holding), 3:IB; Wchqrd- CD 2 Utah 2 .500 •/i D.WIIkIns 1825 1217 33, Willis 88 2811, the remainder of the season because of a DATA Entry-Clerical. OFFICE Manager expe­ son. T o r (stashing), 9:01; lofrote. Tor 1 2 .333 1 EXPERIENCED Florist ***Shots on goal— Colgarv 11-187—28. Min­ San Antonio RolllnsDI 800, Webt>27221, WlttmonD111-2 broken wrist. Waived Ralph Malone, As a condition precedent to SALES. Want to be paid FURNITURE Makers. rienced for a busy Op- (crots

l i — MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Nov. 12, 1987 IPET8AND ICARD IH0ME8 ISUPPLIES IFORRALE KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ' by Larry Wright HELP WANTED ____ ^ FOR SALE AKC Adorable 2 year old TRANS-AM 1979. OOOd IBOTnflGPTJev^nr Samoyed needs new condition. Must sell. UCENSED OIL land classifleld ads home. Hos all shots. 82500. 645-0231. Call Ot­ CLASSIFIED ADS 643-2711 reach nearly 800,000 irnm -1^ $1W. 644-6497. ______ter 5pm. ^ ____ homes In Connecticut BURNER and Rhode Island. The FREE to good home. DATSUN 210 1980 Stailon IIE 6 9 l6 i6 Golden Retriever mix. Wagon. High speed. Form Supplies ond Eoulpm ent.. . W price for a basic 25 loSUICAIIt Bu!lnt!! Prooartv ...... as Entertainment...... S3 R A T It* 1 to I Bovs: fO cents per line per dov. SERVICE 9 month old Female. Clean, reliable. 81300. Notices . 54 Office/Refoll Equ ip m e n t...... If word od Is only $55 anfi Resort Prooertv ...... 76 BooRheeping/Income Tox 7 to 19 dovs: 70 cents per line per dov. Spayed, all shots, fully 643-0104.______Lost/Found...... O' 71 Corpcntry/Remodellng SS Recreotlonol Equipment...... 12 TECHNICIAN will appear In 43 news­ IBABYSlTli^^O-cjfrei'eS Mortoooe! Boots ond Morine Equipment — 13 M to IS dovs: 40 cents per tine per dov. .tiinlni. iWaSSS SKOW W pViiL trained. Call 649-4237 P trto n o li...... 02 Wanted to Buy 79 Polnting/Poperlng...... 54 94 or more dovs: 50 cents per line per dov. papers. For more In­ dovllnie. for you to. go WT S r D O D G E Aspen 1977. Announcement!...... 03 Rooflng/Sidlng 57 Musicot Items...... M MUMmofii ctioroe: 4 tines. IMMEDIATE formation call Classi­ to oppa)iitifMiRt$, afe^ veore. R jr tttimafe MBftOhsataf Araai - weekends or after 6pm Slont-6, 49,600 original ABDUfib Auction!...... 04 Flooring...... 58 Comeros ond Photo Equipment .. IS OPENING FOR FULL coll 447-7815. weeknights.______Rentals 59 Pets ond Supplies...... M fied, 643-2711 and ask Part time dov corti , w&ss -a -’-T g r r r s a x . n t e e n s M e m m miles, 1 owner. $1395. FInonclol...... 05 Electricoi ...... OKAD LINBS: For clossifled odvertlsements to Room! for Rent...... 31 40 Miscelloneous for Sole ...... 12 TIME SERVICE iliyallable oito. LI- Heotlng/Plumblng. . be published Tuesdov throuoh Soturdov. the for detalls.o 649-5445.______Aportment! for Rent...... 33 4) Too Soles...... •• Miscetloneous Services deodllne Is noon on the dov before publlcotlon. TECHNICIAN eetited heme. Lola of Employment & Education Condominiums for Rent...... 33 43 Wonted to Buv/Trode ...... >9 GOVERNM ENT Homes PAINTING 848-2818 DODGE Van 1976. s6,o6b Services Wonted For odvertlsements to be published Mortdov. love ortd attention. Hornet for Rent...... 34 Excellent starting pay PUPPIES miles. Runs great, Help Wonted...... " the deodllne Is 9:30 p.m. on Fridov. from $1 (U repair). Former teacher. i , <2 SItuotlon W on ted ...... '3 ...... 35 Merchandise and bsnaflts. Delinquent tax prop­ ew&'euSSSnSSr** Adorable Black good working van. Buslnes! Opportunities...... '3 Resort Property...... 34 Automotive erty. Repossessions. Pride taken in every lob ' ^ Needs some body Instruction...... Industriol Property...... 37 Holldov/Seasonol . . . 71 r BAD y o u r AO. Clossifled odvertlserrtents ore Plaaaaoall wa QuaHty la our ^ eSe Labador puppies from Employment Services '3 Garages ond Storage...... 38 Antiques ond Coiiectibles. 73 Cors for Sole...... token by telephone os o convenience. The Coll 805-687-6000 exten- quality championship work. Price to sell at Roommotes Wanted...... 3t Clothing ...... 73 Trucks/Vons for Sole...... Monchester Herold Is responsible for only one 81100 or best otter. Compers/Trollers...... 423-1684 Slon GH 9965.______Wonted to Rent...... 40 Furniture...... 74 Incorrect insertion ond then only for the site of or mall reaume ______0|xmiMttQtl'6tF Moodllnea, AKC 643-3139or64a-3W. Real Estate TV/Stereo/AppMonces . . .. 75 Motorcvcles/Meoeds...... the orlolnol Insertion. Errors which do not COVENTRY. Nestled In NBASOIIMIU BATM manure arid deoersHve regleterad. Hips and Mochinery ond Tools 74 Auto Services...... lessen the volue of the odvertlsement will not *end tewidagiwl^lliwe- DODGE Aspen 1976. 4 Homes tor S o le ...... 3' Services 77 Autos for Renf/Leose...... the pines. 46 foot Ranch Condominiums for Sole.. 32 tow n ond Gordon ...... be corrected by on odditlonol Insertion. POTTER’S OIL ' vt tme eipenliigs else.-1, Weoatertotho eyes clear. Wonderful 78 Miscelloneous Automotive being built on corner door, runsgood. S300or Lots/Lond for Sole. 23 Child Core . . 5) Good Things to E o t ...... brieMiM, htneh eixl' home owner. 79 Wonted to Buv/Trode ...... lot. 3 bedrooms, 2 T643.9804 for pete or ehow best otter. 647-7550. Investment Property 24 Clconlng Services S3 Fuel OU/Cool/Flrewood .. .. SERVICE, INC. baths, $147,900. e X M E L FREE ESTIMATES doge. Private breeder. PONTIAC Grand Lo RoutoS ‘womrtiMW ii No. Windham. C T 08256 C.H.F.A. Qualified. V'-:; Pully ln$ur»tl •400. Mont Safari 1901. Auto­ Klernon Realty. 649- WA n o y m a I i "'' matic, power brakes, 1147.______6 4 3 -6 7 4 4 Meweimpmgwewt-* 872-1527 A/C, Excellent condi­ CLERK needed to handle l ... FointMe- WaU^Nie«Hna»t | tion. $3600. 643-9758. m m HELP WANTED IHELP WANTHI account maintenance. OPEN House. Sunday No- . Tlltna* LleM C e iy ntry V C iMrbyNCA.mc I HELP WANTED HELP WANTED IHELP WANTED vember 8. l-4pm. 123 I HELP WANTED 8am-4:30pm, Mondov- Warren Avenue. This BUSPERSON wanted. PROGRAM Director- RECEPTIONIST. Busy Frldoy. Colt Savings ------Mllp'-anpd- r E 1 h j D6 I H N 8 ^ ^ ^ ® cell b a SS y ^ MiSCELLANEOUS N C L Y b E D u r e s s or waiter. GRAMPY?CornerStore MAINTENANCE Bonk of Manchester home Is Ideal for a Worker. Full time posi­ Apply; Covey's Res­ Youth. Develop and Manchester doctor's large family or on In­ rtonced iKnni^eeiNmi IWW1 ...... 6 4 6 -U n for esHiiite FOR RALE CHEVROLET-RUICK, INC. Lunches. Experience has Immediate open­ administer YWCA pro­ 9om-4:30pm. 643-1787. weakly Ofldbl-woekrv ings for Cashler- tion available for Inde­ taurant. Telephone office, full time, medi­ law situotloni There ___ _ _..J care • FLOOR Sondinov w o o ripfe * . , ROUTE S3, VERNON P u zzle s necessary. Apply: grams for school-ogad cal Insurance, paid ho­ SALES Clerks needed. 2 Colt 449-3482. TE^in^rontfersTTp- Covey's Restaurant. /Clerks. $6 per hour to pendent self starter. 643-2751. ore 5 bedrooms, 2 full j ...... p-Ti wfi outidlfifl or renovating. ^ like new. Spedolllttne Raw Efc ite fc 'e e w iW l 7S Impala 2 dr. •2805 Applicants should have children with primary lidays, earn time and positions available. baths, den, family proxlmately 3000, also 643-2751.______start. Liberal benefits, emphasis on before pension plan. Call 79 Cougar Coup* •2995 flexible hours. Apply experience and ability Mornings 9:30-4pm. room. Large kitchen 50 to 100k numerals and Answer to Previous P ^ le TE X A S on Conr)panv In all ospects of main­ OFFICE HELP and after school day 646-4576 for Evenings 4-9pm plus Includes dining area. letters for shirts, caps, St Oods# DtSO PU •4895 at; Grampv's, 706Main One full time, one re­ care. Good supervi­ T needs mature person Street, Manchester. tenance Including: appol ntment.______Saturdays and Sun­ Hardwood floors on 1st etc. Best otter. 649-3642 52 Cantury ooup* •6195 tor short trips sur­ gular part time general sory and communica­ days. Apply at; Monchesl^r oreo. No AIDE. Weekend live In general repairs, paint­ M AINTENANCE Person. level. Wall to wall otter 5:30pm.p______83 Bonnevllla 4 *. •6895 rounding Connecticut. ing, carpentry, plumb­ oftlca parson orclaimt tion skills needed. Dependable, reliable, Eblen's Casual Clo­ carpet. Full finished Contact customers. We for elderly In Manches­ BS/BA In Recreation, HEALTH Club Member­ 53 Ragal 44,. •6995 ing, mechanlcal/elec- person. Good typing a maintenance person- thing and Footwear, basement. Inground ship tor sole. Lifetime train. Write K.G. Dlck- ter. Assist with hy­ mutt. '7.50 to start - Education or Child De- 974 Main Street, 84 Olda Clara 4 4r. •7795 giene, meals. Referen­ trlcol systems. /custodlan needed at a pool. Many other membership to Court > erson, President, Alternoting weekends' •8.00 after 30 days. veloment, plus min­ Manchester Parochial Manchester. amenities and fea­ 54 Camara ooup* •6495 Southwestern Petro­ ces. Please write to; imum 1 year expe­ House One, Manches­ required. Competitive Send resume to school. 2nd shift. tures. Coll looki Direc­ >aMe8, neq Reome - p ofri, YW.W.- mWUL’eiE vfcEWllUF M gg* ter for $100 regularly S4 Camara OOUP4 •6495 leum, Box 961005, Fort P.O. Box 3078, Vernon, rience In school-oged iWsplseementOiKxsawnxto**ndB^ementOoeisSWindwi i* Awiiwimetit CT 06066. salary and benefits In­ Bueinesa Manager Fringe benefits. If In- tions: Phoenix Street $200. Call Anita at 643- 86 Ctiavy 8-10 pMni* •6495 Worth, Tx. 76161. cluding health-dental day care or other youth ^ STUDENTrir to Maple Street to •aitviwii*.AWFMs •6495 P.O. Box 1213 programming. Excel­ terested coll 643-5088. 2711.______S6 Chavy Capriea 4 * Insurance and pension Mancheater M EDICAL Billing Clerk Part Tina • EvaplRga Warren Avenue. •ttaiMksEO^MMmiotis % 86 Nova 4 dr. •6495 plan. Apply Inperson lent benefits package. NATIONAL new­ $214,900. Realty World BARI WOOD Chips, doors, pa­ with knowledge of ac­ nelling, wall hung 66 Camara Z28 •13,895 Mondav-Fridav, 10am- Salary $17,182. Send spaper concern has Frenchette-Benolt As­ BODi FLORAL Designer. Part resume by November counts receivable and s « s e n s - toilets, tanks and mis­ 87 Spaotrum 4 dr. •6495 Full Time.... 4pm. Rockville Mem­ time. Experienced In medical Insurance. Immediate openings sociates. 646-7709. frmWrnmettinum orial Nursing Home, 22 24 to M. Stoner, Nut­ Leet mWne. «M<«8**: cellaneous building 87 Chavalta 2 dr. •5485 all phases. Call 643- Manchester office. for M ANCHESTER. The lo- '■ 6' ■ . '.aueMMe ' South Street, Rock- meg Branch YWCA, 78 , . 'QMMnWQ* Mncpw materials for sale. Call' V 1635. Call 646-0534 between 12 ORDER CLERKS cotlon Is Ideal and the 9 Respiratory 33 Car for hire vllle, CT.______North Main Street, CKIten Olsee- _. . 643-4139.______o^n 36 Snakes POWER Manchester, C T 06040. noon and 2pm.______VERIFIERS price Is right on this 7 MMw. FSH nws. lOyeen 872;9111 room, 2 both, full dor- Must tell. Twin bed $15S. 10 Biblical king 40 Cocktail An EOE/AA Employer. G E T paid for reading ASSISTANT ONlNew.^Mj«!ffl»Nrt.y, ;;^ro5r;iSr4m Pen 8r winter Oennue- Excercise bike $55. Tall 11 Iridescent seafood EQUIPMENT MANAGERS. mered Cape. Finished SeoMNiedFInHiraea-' gem LIGGETT-PARKADE PHARMACY JEW ELR Y Sales. Christ­ books! $100 per title. O i l M i l dresser $155. 647-9407. 46 Neckpiece Call Today lower level recreation ib o illf 19 Thallium 48 Engineering MECHANICS mas sales person Write; ACE-849A, 161 room, and a large deck p o r t a b l e Acrylic Spo TAKE A LOOK 1 Actress Sue (chemical deg. needs needed. Flexible S. Llncolnwov, N. Au­ symbol) ★ 647-9946 with sliders from kit­ with Insulated spa 49 Surfeit a Department Manager hours. Apply Diamond rora, IL 60542. chen. Makean appoint­ IliT tSsiMtfeiSf, ■ WiRttr ft H «q l.iil: w i « i cover. Seats 5. $2000 or 2Chtri- 21 Small brook 50 At a SCHEDULE VPUl UWh |443-27tV. 86 Pontiac Sunbird UtM 23 Robbed 2 needed immediately. Ex­ Showcase, Manchester ment today to view this best otter. 649-6962. AT. as. Arc *7 2 9 5 51 Plains Indian Porkode. hours. A very busy I Mil'" " ...... 1* *'' 'BilO Offl. 24 Grinding tool 53 Secretary's a Cashier lovely home. $148,000. MIffiaeltwMt! HEAVY Duty Torps. Blus 3 Direction 25 Hawaiian perience preferred but not national firm Is recruit­ Sentry Real Estate. 643- mew} reboIrKfOprowfid tiw.- me»w. 83 RX7em,.2iK *6 7 9 5 4 Cheese feast error ing medical people to iNSTRUCTiON nylon, reinforced. 6x8 54 Lang Syne a Pharmacy Computer Operator BANK TEUERS 4060.O Ihqiney Cp« an .tki>«rt. varietY 26 Leave out necessary. Salary based on complete medical Insu­ ^Meaftar.j)fatfPi«K»o(Mi| through 40x120. Cover 84 Mazda RX7 55 Slog United Bank has teller * 'A s ;, 5 Track circuit 27 Unclothed For modern pharmacy. Pleasant working rance exams. RN's, j u s t pools, boots, machin­ •6 8 9 5 6 Baseball 29 Peasant 58 Command to experience. Good benefits, positions available In TRAIN TO be 0 Diesel VW wr ^ ery. Free shipping with player Mel 31 Fumbler’s a horse LPN’s and E M T’s who Mechanic. 7 month 87 Marc Cougar conditions, fringe benefits, in P R O FESSIO ­ the Vernon Circle of­ can draw blood and MANCHESTER. Stun­ $50 order. 1-800-654- 7 Ear (comb, exclamation 59 Call day excellent working condi­ hands on program. ning 3 bedroom Garrl- DAVE 32 Anti-aircraft 60 Bernstein, for N A L A TM O S P H E R E at Manchester’s lar­ fice. Prevloue teller or perform EKG's are 7837. Windy Ridge Dis­ form) Next class, Jonurory son Colonial In tributing, Mlddleburg, 84 Mazda QLC 8 Talking bird short tions. Call Wally, service ma­ gest shopping center. Good pay and flexible cashier experience ne­ auollfled. Please call 1-800-992-3221 between 19th. Diesel Technol­ Immaculate condition. NY 12122.______4 dr.. Auto. MX *5 4 9 5 cessary. Good com­ ogy Institute, 105 Pho­ Steel beam con­ 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 e 11 nager for appointment. hours. Ideal for working mothers. 10am and 2pm, munications — CU8- enix Avenue, Enfield, structed home featur­ ilDiNES liNVEDTHENT 1 9 1 APARTMENTS IROOMMATER 82 RX7 QSL Mondov-Frldoy.______CT 06002.1-000-243-4242. FREE PALLETE8 •roflM *7 8 9 5 12 13 Hiring at once... Apply to Pharmacist and tomar sarvica ekllls a ing a 12x20 living room, FOB DALE I pr o per ty » | f o r r e n t IWANTED 646-0378 SERVICE SALES Consultant. Look- ' dining room and for plok-up 83 Mazda Pickup Office Manager. must. Apply at; Ing for ambitious, wil­ I ROOMATE Wanted. 15 16 beamed 1st floor fam­ PERFECT for offices or MANCHESTER. Good lo­ *3 7 0 0 646-4055 PARTS Unitso Bank ling to learn person to iHOiNES ily room. Fireplace, NEW Listing. Immpecca- owner occupied busi­ cation. 2 bedroom Manchester. Looking 8YNDET fill an opening at a | f o h «ale 1 >/i baths, 2 car garage, ble 3 bedroom, 1 'h bath apartment-2nd floor, tor a professional Fe­ 82 Granada io a k g 18 LIGGETT-PARKADE PHARMACY Vamon Cirde Offlca ness. Presently used PRODUCTS, INC. 4 dr.. VI. AC. pa *ZOOU 646-2789 SALES ______eoiAyr family run, growing, vinyl siding, new Colonial. Front to back for clothing shop and wall to wall carpeting, male to share apart­ Route 8, Bolton Parkade Shopping Center • Manchester floor covering store. All real estate advertised In carpet. Newer root. An fireplaced living room, hair dressing salon on appliances. No pets. ment with the same In 87 Line Continental CASHIER, convenience No experience neces- the Manchester Herald Is excellent buy In area of front to back master 1st floor, and a unique Security and lease. Fountain Village. Easy lowmum DAVE ary. Call 643-5168 be- bedroom, finished 26 26 27 30 31 32 33 647-9966 store. Our Xtra Mart sublect ta the Fair Housing fine homes. $229,900. apartment with $485. Call 643-1595. access to 1-84 and Hart­ NlATClfSrtRHONrA stores In the greater tween 9-5 tor Interview. Act of 1968, which makes It D.W. Fish Realty. 643- basement. Extra bo­ cathedral celling and ford. Call evenings and E N D R O L LS r 85 Nissan Stanza ..a n e Illegal to advertise any pref­ nus: Seller to pay up to MANCHESTER, about 4 Of. •8485 34 36 Manchester area has FULL Time Coshler. 1591.0 loft on 2nd and 3rd weekends. 282-1985.- 2716 width - 284 THE PROFESSIONALS erence, limitation ordlscrim- 3 points toward buyers November 15. 3 bed­ $315 Includes heat and vacancies for Cashiers Good pay. Mondov- Inotlon hosed on race, color, floor. Walk up attic, I 13Vi width - a for 284 86 Line. Town Car 41 closing costs. $159,900. room, 1'/3 baths, cellar hot water.ci ______37 3 ^ and Assistant Manag­ Frldav. Apply Conyers religion, sex or notional new roof. Shows very and attic area. $750 per I MUST M plckad up at Ihal DAVE 30 ADAMS STR EET Hardware, Manches- NEW Listing! 6-6 Duplex Centurv-21 Epstein ers. For an Interview 1^ origin, or on Intention to .nlcelyl Must be seen to month plusutllltlesand iHartld Oftloa Monday thru I 42 144 MANCHESTER. CT 06040 ter. 646-5707.______moke onv such preference, located In upper east Realty. 647-8895.0 appreciate. $274,900. I Thursday batora tt a.m.only. 84 Merc. Marquis call 649-2337. EOE. side of town. Huge 3 heat. 2 month security. ■rougham DAVE CASHIER Full or part limitation or discrimination. LIVE and earn In this Strano Real Estate. No pets. References. Msrchandlse The Herald will not know­ bedroom units In excel­ vintage Duplex on a 647-7653.0 84 Mazda Pickup •4 5 0 0 time. Buckland Street ingly occept any advertise­ lent condition, hard­ 643-2121.______and Route 84 Mobil. double lot on a quiet- 46 80 81 64 55 ment which Is In violation of wood floors, master dead end street. Conve­ 1 Bedroom apartment. ITAR 84 Toyota Celica Salary $5 and up. Apply the l o w . ______bedroom sitting area, References and secur- AT. A C P I. 2M •8 9 0 0 In person Monday- nient location near bus SALES 56 [ 8 ^ 88 b¥ 60 |ei OPEN House. Coventry separate gas heating lines and shopping. Ity. Coll Ed at 649-2947. I f u r n it u r e Full Time... PRIVATE PARTY Frldoy, 10pm-5pm. systems, new roof, MORTRARED 85 Olds Calais November 15 from 1- Priced to sell. Call for OAKLAND Heights AO/Utddd •6 9 9 5 2 62 63 64 WAREHOUSE Person. 4pm. New listing. Move aluminum siding. Call details. $159,900. Apartments are taking COFFEE table and end Full time, experience today tor a convenient Centurv-21 Epstein NO PAYMENTS table (together or se­ SUPER TAG SALE 67 In condition. This Vh applications for 1 and 2 68 66 Merchandise Ads preferred but not ne­ room, full dormered showing. $190's. Call Reolty. 647-8895.0 Up to 2 years. Kiss your fi­ bedroom apartments,. parate),one Individual MORIARTY cessary. Benefits. Blanchard 8, Rossetto, nancial difficulties goodbye. gloss topped coffee to- Sat Nov. 14 Cape has many fea­ NEW Listing! 1 floor waiting list only. Apply Apply: W.H. England "We're Selling Avoid foreclosure, catch up In person, 360 Oakland ble. Call 742-5918 BROTHERS tures among them are living... tired of climb­ on lote payments such os first In d o o raS ’ S \ THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME Lumber Co., Route 44, Houses" 646-2482.0 Street, Manchester. evenIngs.D______3-4 bedroom s, ^ '/2 ing those stairs all the or second mortgoge or even 301 Ctnt9r 8t. by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee Bolton, CT. BURSTING with person­ Leatheralte love seat baths, large eat-ln kit­ time? Change your life outstanding credit cord Mils. Hours 12-5pm only No- W ATERBEO king size. ManchMttr, CT COLLECTOR. 30-60 day chen, 2 car garage, new ality! Classy 7 room with this 3 bedroom Keep your home free and vember 16th.______Complete package ex­ and chair, 24 pc. Grace Unscramble these four Jumbles, accounts. Experience wall to wall carpeting. Tutor Colonial featur­ cluding headboard. one letter to each square, to form L-shoped Ranch lo­ dear without Hens and at? M ANCHESTER. 3 room fine china, sewing 643-S13S four ordinary words. preferred. Good work­ 10 minutes from Down- ing 3 bedrooms, 1'/9 cated In the Cheney tochmenes. Bad credit or furnished apartment. Asking $100. Coll 742- Itema, cloth remnanta, ing condition and town Manchester. baths, 1 car garage, Historic District. This late payment not a problem. Convenient location. 5918 evenings.o______glassware, 1940'e hours. Apply In person. Very privote lot. 742- fireplace, vinyl and FLAYE unique floor plan is Adults preferred. No GOLD Velure couch. Ex- chrome leatherette Savings Bank of Man­ 0324. $175,000. Princi­ brick siding, newer Ideal for the young Swiss Conservative pets. References and 1 cellent condition. $225. SCRANTON PER chester. 649-9696. pals only. roof, finished base­ family or the soon to be G ro u p month security. $525. 742-5981.______chairs, craft Iteme, util­ zrr: 3 NEEDED (NOW) ment, blown-ln Insula­ retired one! Fireplace, Call Mrs. Brook. ity chest and table, CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH COFFEE Table (cocktail TOWN OP MANCHR$TIR tion, outstanding natu­ 1-454-4404 o r rugs, hamper, wicker (MRYSLER EXECUTIVE . DAY 1'/j baths. Only Monday-Frldoy be­ table), 23x59". Beauti­ VEHICLES AND SELEfTt USED Import experience helpful, but not LROAL NOTICa ral woodwork. New $144,900. Call Blan­ 1-454-1334 tween 3:30-8pm. 649- chair, yard tools, 5ECRETARY offering price! ful Green polished CARA.. SKUYH necessary as we will train. The Plonning ond Zoning chard 8i Rosetto, 9472.______Granite. Call 649-7543 Christmas ornaments, tOM I I.S « PINANCINO OR LCSN ★ Minimum 4 Lines — 7 Days Good opportunity for Commission will hold o pub­ $184,900. Jackson 8< ''We're Selling MANCHESTER. 6 room, between 8-9om. Best doll carriage, dolls end Salary based on experience, good a ealf-motlvatad lic hearing ? " o'iS" Jackson Real Estate. Houses" 646-2482.0 87 DOOQE_4x4 P U Rod u ★ Additional Lines 50

4To«dly)ad*dd. cations, and consider the followtno peti­ tractlve 5 plus room | I t o e a t uwmM •18,995 For interview call Tom Dell, 8 am organizational skills. tion: IRODMD utilities. Security and etc. 87 DAKOTA 4x4 pu ★ Merchandise Under <250 Cape Cod In super fam­ references. Kids wel­ Diversity of duties In Tewn ef Manchester — BRAND New Llstlngl IFOR RENT A k ^ SIIO Oma. 2 Ton*. to 4 pm, Monday thru Friday. Amendment to Article I, Mc- ily neighborhood. Ver­ Clean as a whistle 3 come. 649-9443. 162 Holllcter S t ★ Ad m ust contain price! pleasant working satile floor plan, open Michaai’8 ProdBee SSSlmtSS"' 8AVE tlen 3 Zones,^ctlon 3.m, 3.M plus room Condomi­ SINGLE room, female MANCHESTER. Excel­ fn th FruU 6 Pndud0 . RIaHcliBBter GLAUPE atmosphere. High and new section 3.10.04 go­ and airy. Newer Oak nium at Ridgecrest on 87 LeBARDN QT8 au*^ Now arrange the circled Mtara to You m ay cancel anytime, but NO *:efunds verning the preferred. Non- lent 3'/i room apart- 24 Hr. rtl. 74S-T4M.Hwm 742-1024 Ak. Uhd N*> 14K Pdbd ^,795 7- ^ school diploma and kitchen cabinets, rem­ East Middle Turnpike. form the aurprise answer, as sug- MANO€SratHOND\ adopting o new oftlclol lon- smoker. Convenient lo­ ment. Stove, 40 Ibo. NoUvo Mac*. 87 DODGE ARIES 4 d r ._____ getted by the above cartoon. odeled bath, shinv 1 bedroom, generous •ION due to this low price... minimum 2 years Ino mao, and addino rules tor hardwood floors, fire­ cation. References and refrigerator. No pets. Cortland Applaa IWANTED TO ps.pe.AT.Aai.tPiN. •8998 THE PROFESSIONALS Interpreting moo boundo- closet space, 1'/i baths, 1 week security. $60 References and secur­ I g n secretarial place, pretty yard with 39 Ct KIM FruH I buy/traoe 88 DODGE 600 c«m . ^ 24 ADAMS STREET rtes. sliders todeck. Kitchen week. Call Mrs. Brook ity. $450 monthly plus 40 Ct in Grapafrull •II" Auto. Ak. PW. ttx iM '11.995 A n * : srp r m r r m m experience. Excellent At this hearing Inteiyited many young plantings appliances, private M A N C H E S TE R . C T 06040 Mondov-Frlday be­ utilities. 649-4003. 60 Iba. Chaft Potaloaa • git 86 DODGE 600comi ... (Answers tomorrow) benefits package, for the gardener. Call basement. Quiet area OLD and new furniture, Turn*. PMcy. te i w 'l l . e o o written eommuMeoMonwih quick I $142,500. Jack- tween 3:30-8pm. 649- MANCHESTER. O ut­ Honty Dtwa 0 or ffa •10" salary $13,579. In handy location! 9472.______•I2N household Items and 80 LeBARDN oomt Jumbles: GRAIN LIVEN TACKLE SCROLL 646-3520 celved. CopIm o» son 8i Jackson Real standing 7 room, 3 bed­ 40 Iba. Chlq. Bananaa Yesterday's Send resume to; tient are on tile In the Tovm $119,900. Jackson. 8> I gn glassware. Will pay Auto. Ak, tiw th d l •10,096 Answ er Where a fanatic's train of thought always Estate. 647-8400.0 Jackson Real Estate. GENTLEM A N preferred. room apartment In AA 100 Ct. Ruaaan Potaloaa ^cosh^4M496^^^^ runs-ON A SINGLE TRACK Clerk's Otflce and mov be Im Private home, plea­ Zone. All new wall to •JQN 80 LeBARDN 2 *. P it W ilton spewed during normal office BOLTON. Gorgeous well 647-8400.g______too Ct. CAnlou Paara Auto, Ak. Al tw toy*. CALL CLASSIFIED sant room, next to wall carpeting. Bentley too Wash. Rad Dal. •17" •8,996 78 Nirth Main 8L hours. maintained family M ANCHESTER. Immac- PLANNING AMDZONING home with many shower, telephone and School District. No Dallvar to Hattlord and Automotive 86^8 6 CHY. QT8 Turn*. I. oo this MMpapw. Mancliastsr. CT 06040 uiate 3 bedroom North- porkino. 649-680). pets. References and Eaat of ttia RIvar Auto. Ak. Punuy *1 Includ* y«tK namt.I.•eWMt i«4>tpcoda and maka t*w chaek payafeta ta Naaaeapaieaaki, energy features Includ­ fleld Green lup*r Ihvp. t>K • •6,605 b w t1/tS /87 LEO KWASH, SECRETARY MANCHESTER. Central security. $750 monthly M,lMr«di of *4ffl4 10 oiNMto fromi J d B ing 3 southern expo­ Condominiums. A p - plus utilities. 649-4003. 88 PLY RELIANT 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 N O W ! eto/AA Doted at Manchester, CT mis sure skylights, spa­ location, kitchen and WlTL, Auto. Ak. 14K mL •7,696 9 12th day of November, 1907. pllanced kitchen, din­ ICAR8 CELEBRITY CIPHER OPPORTUNITIES cious 3 bedroom ing room and 12x20 parking privlledges. 1 Room efficiency. Heat, 88 DODGE CHARGER 017-11 Raised Ranch with S70 weekly. Security hot water and applian­ iFUa 0R./C0AL/ IFORRALE Auto. Ghmbt OonMn Cefebrtty Cipher cryptogreme ere creeled from quotettorw by famoua living room, Vh baths, •6,796 people, pieet end preeent. Each letter In the cipher etande for 12x24 1st floor family central air, extra and references. 649- ces Included. Security I fm ew d o o another. Tod»y‘» du0: X aguaA N. MANCHESTER. DeluxeJ 9227 or 649-4248. required. No pets. S275 PLYMOUTH Reliant 88 MUSTANG mmi •4,998 a t t h e bedroom Townhouse room, dining room, closet space, carport, den and recreation g month. 646-2970. SEASONED Cord wood. 1983. Automatic, ste­ 8 6 HORIZON 4 Dr. at Southfield Green, amenities Include pool, MANCHESTER. Female reo, electric windows.