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The BG News November 20, 1987

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News November 20, 1987" (1987). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4729. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4729

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Lefties have rights too, see Friday Magazine THE BG NEWS Vol.70 Issue52 Bowling Green, Ohio Friday, November 20,1987 Budget City police accord at hand investigate WASHINGTON (AP) - Bar- gainers from the White House 'hot* signs and Congress said yesterday they were closer to agreement byJaredO. Wadley on a deficit-reduction plan, but copy editor divisions in Republican ranks imperiled efforts to avoid City police detectives have Gramm-Rudman budget cuts started an investigation to re- today. cover stolen street and traffic President Reagan pushed for signs because of a recent in- the negotiators to settle on a crease in student thefts. STOP Sackage of deficit cuts. Some When the Department of Pub- epublicans, however, said lic Works' fund to replace the they'd just as soon see the wide- signs became low, Decteetive Al spread automatic slicing begin Alvord said a "recovery opera- as required by the Gramm- tion" was started with assis- Rudman deficit-reduction law. tance from University police dish pranks," Fabrey said. "While the final package may and anonymous tips through "They are taking this serious- not be all that I might want, it Crime Stoppers. ly." will not be all that Congress Although the street signs and She said sometimes students wants either," Reagan told the flashing construction lights are do not realize why a street sign U.S. Chamber of Commerce. interesting room decorations, a should remain in its proper missing sign could cause traffic place. The Gramm-Rudman law re- problems, he said. "Most students who had the auires $23 billion in deficit re- "I know it's the 'cool thing' to signs didn't know the serious- liction in fiscal 1988, which be- have a street sign in your gan Oct. 1. By the end of the day ness of the crime," Fabrey said. today, Reagan must order such room," Alvord said. "How "They knew it was wrong to a cut in federal spending, half would you feel if you went into a have them, but didn't think it from domestic programs and strange city and street signs was against the law." were missing?" However, anyone who wants half from the military. "The city is going broke re- to return a stolen sign may take Even if an agreement is rea- placing signs," he added. it to campus police or city ched by White House and con- Everything we've done has police, but Alvord said the per- gressional negotiators on a defi- been through legitimate in- son may not receive amnesty. cit-reduction package to avoid vestigations. "Don't throw them in the the automatic slicing under the He said the investigation was dumpsters because we want to Gramm-Rudman law, enacting productive because last Friday, get them back where they be- such a program might take street and traffic signs and con- long," Alvord said. "If you find weeks. struction flashers were re- a sign, we're not going to arrest However, the immediate covered from 11 students, and you when you return it." Gramm-Rudman cuts could be Wednesday, nine signs were re- According to Capt. Tom Vo- avoided if Congress passes and covered. tava, anyone found possessing the president signs a delay. From January to October, a street sign could face six Yesterday, the House Rules 1987, 430 street signs and 204 months in jail and/or a $1,000 Committee, at the urging of poles had to be replaced because fine. House Speaker Jim Wright, of vandalism, traffic accidents "It's bad enough they take D-, approved a resolution and thefts, Paul Thiebaut, street street signs, but some are for to delay the cuts until Dec. 16. superintendent, said. traffic control — without them, However, lawmakers said it Before the beginning of next it could jeopardize someone's would not pass on today unless year we will break last year's life," Votava said. there was an agreement in the record (522 signs and 223 talks. The penalties for possession of BG News Mark Thalman posts)," Thiebaut said. street signs usually results in a The bargainers were still Train delay With this in mind, the courts $150 to $200 fine, court costs, working on a plan to cut the de- will start to "crack down" on community service with the ficit $75 billion over two years. It Scott Capelle, junior marketing major, hurdles a stopped train on his way to class yesterday morning. those in possession of street street department, a year's pro- would raise about $9 billion in Capelle had waited about 20 minutes for the slow-moving train, which rolled through Bowling Green at signs, Barbara Fabrey, Student bation and restitution, Fabrey taxes this year and impose about 11 a.m., to pass. When the train came to a halt Capelle and several other students saw their chance I^egal Services attorney, said. said. selective spending cuts. to get to class on time. 'TJoth the city and court are not looking at the thefts as chil- □ See Signs, page 3. Students still BG workers may get raise

fied that they are getting a fair by Caroline Langer wage, they give better service. opt to smoke city editor "Finances are a problem," he added. "We really can't afford by Jackie Jackson she believes someone can be a The pay scales of city em- to pay this, but we are going to BG employees staff reporter nonsmoker and die of stomach C/ees not under collective have to find ways to do it. The cancer, a brain tumor or gaining agreements will be people deserve this pay." overeating. increased up to 35 percent to Personnel Director John Many University students "You can get cancer from align them with comparable Fawcett said a Columbus firm support study chose to continue smoking yes- practically anything," she said. levels of similar jobs in similar was contracted by city council in terday, despite the nationwide I don't know why nonsmokers cities. January to study 25 cities with a by Caroflne Langer observance of the 24-hour Great are so concerned about people Municipal employees will be population, tax base, university dty editor American Smoke-Out. who smoke. If they are not paid according to the new salary and proximity to a major In an informal survey of 35 happy with the atmosphere they schedule if a new ordinance, metropolitan area similar to University students about the are in they can leave. which received a first reading Bowling Green's. The study Employees from various city departments support the com- Smoke-Out, seven said they re- She said she believes society during Monday's city council covered areas across Ohio and pensation and Job classification study city council had conduc- frained from cigarettes for the puts too much emphasis on ciga- meeting, passes. two communities in Michigan ted, but not all are satisfied with the results. day, while 28 continued to rette smoking and not enough Because the present classifi- and established average mini- Tta Dowmey, electric line foreman of Bowling Green Muni- smoke. emphasis on graver things. cation system no longer accu- mum and maximum pay scales cipal Utilities, 515 E. Wooster Ave., said the electric depart- Cher Gardner, senior social '^¥hy don't they show more of rately describes the duties car- for 28 positions. ment called for a compensation study of that area "and it work major, said she did not an interest in people who really ried out in many job classifica- The pay scales were arranged snowballed into a study of the whole city." know about yesterday's Smoke- need it, like drug addicts or al- tions and does not provide for like a bell curve because "the There was "a bit of dissatisfation with the study" because Out, but added even if she had coholics," she said. proper compensation for the middle is where most cities want the firm doing it did not work with individuals to review the in- known about it, she would not Sherman Johnson, one of the work being performed, a study to be," Fawcett said, adding formation given by employees in the job description surveys. have stopped smoking. seven who said he planned to was conducted to establish an that Bowling Green targeted its "Needless to say, a lot of BS went into some of those papers, In response to social pressures stop smoking for good, said he equitable pay base equal to pay scale to the average. and no one checked it out So, whoever wrote the best essay concerning smoking, she said, gave up smoking because his those in municipalities like "From the study we found came out the best and got a better pay increase than someone "I feel it is my choice to smoke. girlfriend threatened to break Bowling Green, according to the that some classifications were whose wife wasn't an English teacher," Dowmey said. And why should I hide some- up with him. ordinance. not as underpaid as we thought He also saw inequity between increases and pay scales. thing that I enjoy doing?" "She told me which one did I Council President John Quinn — some pay scales were com- "Those with the least remain there and those at the higher She said anything can be bad want more — smoking or her. Of said, "I'm in favor of paying parable, Fawcett said. end are getting more «han expected. For example, a $5 per for you and does not know why course, I chose her. Smoking public employees fair wages be- a See Employees, page 4. smoking is singled out. She said □ See Smokeout, page 4. cause if the employees are satis- a See Salaries, page 4. Friday News in Brief Q*n/-Jer»T hnme after school work, I think,'' said Bill Bess, director of It appears the subject saw two officers who were Oiuuciiuiuiiicauci publicsafety. trying to spot him, and thus fled from the area, ac- QBrian Wright, a member of the 1 was Nischnawbe nation, discusses the expe- sillonaH QI iiHH<=> sirt*»mnr The g"* "doing okay at the time she left," cording to the police. riences of American Indians in the aiiegea SUlCiae attempt tmmlt Witnesses described the subject as a white male, United States today, see story page 3. A female resident of Dunbar allegedly attemp- ...... about 5 foot 10 inches, 190 pounds and 30 to 35 years ted to commit suicide Wednesday afternoon and Library Deeper qetS away old. He had a moustache and shoulder length f- ire kills 30 in London subway, and was admitted to Wood County Hospital, according "dirty brown hair," and was wearing a royal blue the prime minister demands inquiry, see to a police report. A man was evidently seeking education from a windbreaker and blue sweat pants, police said. story page 5. A dty ambulance transported the woman to the new perspective Wednesday afternoon in Jerome There is no indication this incident is related to a emergency room around 4 p.m., after she appar- library. previous incident in which a "partially clad indi- DThe MAC media surprises men's ently overdosed on medication, police said. The unknown male, while in one of the lounge vidual" was arrested for indecent exposure in the basketball team, picks it to finish sixth, The student was released from the hospital at areas, was "positioning himself so he could look up library on Sept 14, police said. see story page 6. 11:40 Wednesday night and has gone home, ac- under dresses of female persons," and engaging in Police are stepping up surveillance in the li- cording to police. She had been "despondent over masturbation, according to a police report. brary. Editorial 2 November 20,1987 'Pranks9 deserve The professional student stricter penalites College is not always great, but it does have its strong points Ringing doorbells and running and toilet- papering houses are childish pranks. Pulling fact, there have been times dur- one-act play. it doesn't continue ad infinitum. false fire alarms and stealing street and traffic ing my scholastic odyssey when Since coining to graduate My point is that college is more signs are not childish pranks, contrary to the be- I thought about dumping the school, I've written and perfor- than the years one puts in for his liefs of some students. whole thing. I loathe the frenzied med satirical protest songs, or her degree. College is a state With this in mind, judges are beginning to hand pace of the last week or two of worked for a local campaign and of mind. To be a student is to be the semester, when I have three had my own weekly column in committed to learning, to view down strict penalties for offenders. At this point, papers due at the same time. I the school newspaper. To be knowledge as end in itself. If this the stricter the better. loathe the pressure to keep pull- sure, one doesn't have to be in attitude is discarded at the end The number of false fire alarms and theft of signs ing A's as regularly as George college to be active. But had I of four years along with the Uni- is inexcusable. Brett (Kansas City Royals) hits been out of school and in an of- versity pennants and Madonna .300. And I wasn't wild about More than 70 fire alarm pranks have occurred earning a teaching fellow's sa- this semester and 430 signs and 204 poles have had Editor's Note: Hergert has lary that didn't disqualify me On the whole, though, I've found been trying hard to emulate from receiving free government to be replaced since January because of vandalism. such columnists as Mike Royko cheese. college to be a good place to learn how to During a false fire alarm a person can get in- and Art Buchwaid. This week he Then why am I still here? I've learn. jured. If a traffic sign is missing, accidents can has, perhaps, carried the at- asked myself that question more occur. tempt a bit too far. In the spirit than once. But I do have an an- Students should start acting responsibly — or pay of Rovko and Buchwaid, he has swer. I'm still in college be- fice, I'm sure I wouldn't have posters, then the state of mind the price. Now, the price is a high one. asked that The News run a re- cause, for one thing, f have had the chance to wear so many necessary to be a student was print of a column that appeared plenty more to learn about my hats. Although I'd like to contin- never really won although the Pulling a fire alarm is a first-degree mis- two years ago. We went along chosen field of study and about ue some of these endeavors diploma was. demeanor punishable with a $1,000 fine and six- with him. We know how fragile life in general. I have plenty to when I get into the real world, or Dr. Frank Baldanza was an month jail stay. The University will suspend a stu- these sensitive-writer types are. learn about myself, too. And be- when I become a full-fledged example of a perpetual student. dent for a year if caught pulling a fire alarm. cause the time I've spent in col- □rofessor in the academic one, A professor in the English de- The maximum penalty for having a stolen street When, during one of the first lege to date has been helpful in 1 m sure this versatility will partment here at the University, sessions in a new semester's making that discovery, I can't stop. I'm also sure I'll miss it. he had a reputation for profes- or traffic sign is the same. writing class, I ask my fresh- help but think that it will contin- By making a habit of staying sionalism among his students The Department of Public Works' fund to replace man students what they want to ue to be so. in college, I've gradually made and his peers. One of his stu- vandalized signs has become low, forcing police to be in 10 years, the answers tend When I started college, back a habit of what college is sup- dents, who worked at the Jer- begin a recovery operation. to be the same. Whatever it is when Gerald Ford was president posed to be all about in the first ome Library, said it was not False fire alarms can't be recovered, though. If they want to be doing for a living and my Minnesota Vikings still place. Some 2,500 years ago a unusual for her to see Dr. Bal- (most of them don't specify), had a decent football team, I professional thinker told his stu- danza arrive there at 8 in the they persist students are going to begin ignoring they all want to be rich. What no was extremely shy, I mean ex- dents that the unexamined life is morning and still be there at 10 them and hiding in closets and elsewhere so they student has ever answered, and cruciatingly shy. I made Latka not worth living. In the envi- at night. What was he doing? don't have to leave the building. That can only lead probably never will, is what I Gravas look like Whitey Herzog. ronment of the University, I've Research for his classes — the to more problems. myself am 13 years after start- College turned out to be a good had the chance to examine a lot ones he was teaching. For Dr. What happens if the next one is real? ing college — a student. place to discover my strengths, of things, and I don't mean Baldanza, a career as a profes- I'm sure the undergraduate all two of them, and to gain a merely student exams during sor did not mean a long awaited It had become apparent that the situation has be- students in the classes that I little confidence. the proficiency week. end to study, but a welcomed come embarrassing. The image of students can teach are awe-struck at the no- Much of the self-discovery has Now, I'm not an expert at it, continuation of it. only be further damaged if these "pranks" persist. tion of someone who is, gasp!, come from having the chance to mind you. There are plenty of He died in 1985, every bit as The courts have taken a responsible position in- 32, still being in college. Who play as many roles as Laurence times when you could offer me a much of a student, and very volving these irresponsible acts. Maybe lime in jail could possibly prefer all- Oliver. During my undergradu- penny for my thoughts and not likely more so. as on the day he nighters, dull classes and a lean ate days, I sang lead in a '50s get your money's worth. On the began his college career as a will curb the problem. paycheck, if any, to a shot at the band (I used to have a tape of whole, though, I've found col- freshman some 40 years ago. One can only hope students won't revert back to job market and financial secur- some of our performances, but I lege to be a good place to learn their childhood days in the future. ity? think I lost it, thank God), edited how to learn. Hergert, a teaching fellow in All right, I'll admit it. I don't the college newspaper, reviewed I don't mean to imply that a English from Slayton, Minn., is Letters love everything about college. In films, and wrote and directed a college education is worthless if a columnist for The News. ner was dragged before Women Women for Women —scares However, when on the Bowling college community, can ing those in need. Often times Feminists draw strength for Women and his or her de- them because their distorted Green campus a $15 "donation wholeheartedly support. the commitment of hours rather from fear, prejudice fense was, "Golly, I had no idea and misrepresented strength is is required by each chapter and The problem does not lie in "... than money is far more appreci- what I was doing, as a matter of bred from the very things they independent team participating the pettiness of some greek or- ated and desired by worthy or- The problem of sexism, if fact, I was sleep walking and I loudly and obnoxiously condemn in the event. 100 percent atten- ganizations," but I believe in ganizations. there is one, has been so grossly must have ripped down the ban- in men: fear and hatred and pre- dance is far from feasible. There over programming. Passing This, Mr. Green, is the true misrepresented and distorted by ner thinking I was ripping down judice; prejudice not against an are simply too many jars, too judgment such as this is far sense of fraternity life. fringe groups such as Women a "REAGAN AND THE CON- individual or a race of individu- many "Kings and Queens," and from accurate let alone just. for Women that one cannot even TRAS: I LOVE 'EM BOTH" als, but against an entire sex. too many "Happy Hours" that Perhaps we, as a system, ought Tracy Greul read a column written by one of banner. Please forgive me." And perhaps in this grotesque we as members of the greek and to reevaluate our means to help- 303 Chi Omega its members without coming then Women for Women might environment of hatred, one away feeling as if he or she had react differently than if the evil which breeds such sad and sick- just been subjected to an editor- bandit had said "I plead guilty ening lies as "every woman has ial from the newspaper Pravda, to the charge. I despise all the a story about rape," perhaps and all the cynicism that goes righteousness and good that this environment ana those with it. This type of thinking is Women for Women stands for. which inhabit it clamor to such IT LOOKS u& m&e WGODlwu MM common among groups that By the way, would you girls be nonsense slogans and marches latch onto lies and try to pass interested in donating to a new and protests which prey on fear HBAZ doMMWZ LOT JO. ftAl& 1710 MlUZATiOtl them off as truths through high funded group called Men for and hatred and which, in the visibility and outrageous accu- Men?" end, will be judged by civiliza- sations. But just because it is Which brings us to another tion — both women and men — spoken or written, does not dilemma — that being the as a dark chapter by an unrep- make it true. nature of Women for Women it- resentative group of misguided And so when Diane Docis self. Of course there have been people whose pathetic antics claims that, in ugly reference to groups throughout history and and contrived anger did little the unspeakable ghastliness still existing today, that, by their more than earn our contempt surrounding the brutish vanda- nature or by-laws solicit mem- and pity. Pity not for the cause, lization of the Rape Awareness bership from one sex only, (not but tor the voices which perver- banner, that "their intent mat- that this is the case with Women ted it. ters less than the effect their ac- for Women) and I'm certain that Nick Rombes, Jr. tions had," I choose not to ac- there have been many more OCMB4732 cept that argument. It seems to groups whose members have me that the intent here is very been predominantly men than important to any one who really Cups whose members have Abundance of events cares about the whole thing. If a n predominantly women. But person is violenUy accosted on a it seems hypocritical to me that causes support problems street corner and brought to the a group that seeks to promote As a member of the Bowling brink of death beneath the blade understanding and fairness be- Green State University greek of a knife and that person in- tween the sexes would form a community I am writing in re- stinctively delivers a blow suffi- coalition that by its very title sponse to an editorial written by cient to kill the perpetrator, then (not to mention actions) empha- John Green and published by the in a court of law, and public sizes the conflicts between men BG News on Nov. 17. opinion, the intent has everyting and women. But perhaps I am I would like to begin by agree- to do with the situation. Had the wrong. Perhaps the noble inten- ing with the author of this letter victim knowingly delivered a tions of cooperation and under- for I, too, feel it is unfortunate iT3<4 blow to an unwary passerby, he standing are not even on the that not all Greek organizations or she would be spending the agenda of Women for Women. can participate in all philanth- rest of his or her life in a very Perhaps, instead, the group does ropic events. The spirit of doing different place than had the not profess to create a world in good for those less fortunate SOCICOV DAVID HARRIS blow been delivered in self de- which men and women live than ourselves is the tenant upon fense. Likewise, if the malicious equally and harmoniously. Per- which many of our fraternal or- OK JUST CAt-fl T>OWM H£«r£ COH6S A "\ t, hooligan who violated the ban- haps that very idea scares MAW WE'AE COMMA GEUvWA BA86 MOW LETS _ M HHAT Dlu I T>0 ganizations were founded. It is x V A TJATE. A M\C£ GlRl UHU. CO CASSArJOVAi "2~ V / WROslG,? this long-standing dedication to SWAP sou orr OF TWS ee cm*Mi»ic,,svMPr » jr the welfare of the community MEUTAL hiSTABurtN HICK. ^ I TUMI* IT I AMD FUll. Of APPEAL IV WAS SOUS. TOr*. I THE BG NEWS that not only helps to erase the / - OF WX. Editor RonFnu Assl Photo Editor Mark ThaJman stereotypical views of fraterni- Managing Editor Mel -.vi MoQ '■•' " Cruel Copy Editor Kim Garn ties and sororities held by the Assl Managing Editor Bern Thomas Cruet Copy Editor Judi Kopp larger society, but gives us, as News Editor JuheFaubte Copy Editor JuDeann Bell chapter members, a sense of City Editor Caroline Langer Copy Editor Mary Hribar purpose. Editorial Editor Beth Murphy Copy Editor JohnMeola In the vitality of fraternity Wire Editor Linda Hoy Copy Editor Reoecca Thomas Sports Editor Jell McSherry Copy Editor JaredO Wadley life, it should be our responsibi- Aaat Sports Edrtor Tom Skerrovitz Copy Editor Julie Wallace lity to help our fellow brothers Friday Editor JimyouB Production Supr MIKeGK and sisters in their individual Assl Friday Edilo* DeOorah Gonschalk Production Supr Christine Rogers philanthropic endeavors. Photo Editor RoC Upton Production Supr Dsvtd Simpson The BG News • puManed darty Tuesday through Friday during me academe year and BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed weerdy during the aummer eeeeton by the Board ol student Puoacaatona ol Bowing Green Slate Unrvererty Respond -0U5H ISfiHW 'JKKXNJ mtTEKIWr/ 'u/tmauy&mvu. Opmrone •■pressed By corumnrats do not neceeaanty reflect the optnriona ol the BG Bvmee POINTS, poce meemscN XCN HUNPtePtMlHS To w, HICK BY TWO ' mMMb TWO fmrs News The BG News editorial bOfXUPfWK.''• iWeAP Of PIXAKIS irs 6&imn-N&£ The BG Newt and Bowing Green State Unrvererty are equal opportunity emptoyert and NSO: 'ALF do not rjecnmmale m Iwmg precfjcee Siage is your campus INCVBUC/Ue/"' /HP urm The 80 News «* not accept erjverttalng that ■ deemed rjrKnMnraory. degredug or orum. neuRmg on the Deafe ol race, eei or neeonal ongm Letters to the editor copyright 1SM oy me BG Newt art rights reeervefl should be typewritten, double-spaced, and signed. Buaneta Office EdNonal onto. Address submissions to: 214 Weal Mel Ph {4191 372 2801 210 Weal Mel Ph (4IB) 372-2603 Boweng Green State Umverelty Bowing Green. Ono 43403 0270 Editorial Editor Summer Moors 730am to 5 p m Monday through Thursday The BG News 7 30am lo 11 30 s m Friday 211 West Hall Local November 20,1987 3

■ American Indian plight unveiled Signs □ Continued from page 1. Labor, materials to make the signs, and the U.S., Canada impose 'Just (As system truck rental ($15 an hour) ■ are part of the restitution. For example, Thiebaut said the cost for a stop sign by Melissa McGUIivray "This uranium fuels their Wright also addressed the and post is $87.56. managing editor reactors and does nothing more case of Indian political prisoner He also said the judge than make nuclear weapons and Leonard Peltier, who was ar- has told those tried for pos- poison this land," said Wright, rested in 1976 and convicted of killing two FBI agents. session of the signs to con- "Thanks for giving it up" is who added that on one re- tact stores to purchase the real meaning of the first servation, women face a 38 per- "He's become a symbol of one. Thanksgiving to the American cent miscarriage rate due to what this struggle is all about," Indian, said Nischnawbe nation high radiation levels. he said, adding that Peltier is member Brian Wright. currently serving two consecu- "We talked about stu- Contrary to history textbooks, Wright called the American tive life sentences at Leavens- dents wanting to buy signs Thanksgiving was a time of bru- and Canadian justice systems worth for a crime many people from us, but we couldn't do tal attacks, dismemberment the "Just Us" systems, and said believe the government created it because we can't keep up and death to the American In- he believes laws permitting with little evidence. with the vandalism. We dian by the white man, Wright uranium mining were made to Several people have signed don't have the man- said last night in the Education benefit the rich, disregarding petitions for Peltier's release, he power," Thiebaut said. Building. the needs of American Indians. said, including Jessie Jackson He added the most popu- In the process, the mining has and Bishop Desmond Tutu. lar street signs stolen are Wright has been active ji the drained lakes and natural re- "All throughout the world, in- Scott Hamilton Drive, Canadian Alliance Solidarity sources and caused a form of digenous people are under at- Manville Avenue, Merry With Native Peoples, an organi- "genocide" to Indians who are tack," he said. "Our people have Avenue and High Street. zation that educates the public exposed to its ill effects, he said. been thrown in jail, and our about the problems of Native women sterilized without their But the signs recovered Americans. "The Navajo miners that consent." are not only from Bowling "It's a history of technology mined for uranium for the But Wright said he believes Green. Alvord said if a sign and exploitation which contin- bombs used in Hiroshima have the prayers of Americans In- from another town is re- ues to this day," Wright, a Tor- all died of lung cancer," he said dians are beginning to be an- covered, the proper au- onto resident, said of the situa- Wright said American Indians swered. thorities would be contact- tion in the United States and have traditionally been relo- "There was a time when we ed to see if they wanted to Canada. cated to the most dangerous were not allowed to speak in press charges against the sites in the U.S. and Canada. [ilaces like this —we were not al- perpetrator. An example of that exploita- "The government is attempt- owed to speak at all." "We don't care where tion is in uranium mining, which ing to extinguish these people," Wright, whose appearance they (signs) came from — has forced many Indians to he said. "Cultural genocide vio- was sponsored by the Peace Co- well prosecute the person either live with the disease and lates the First Amendment, the alition and other groups, possessing them," Alvord death caused by radiation or re- United Nations charter, and the received a standing ovation said. Brian Wright BG News/Paul Vernon locate, he said. Constitution." from the crowd of about 200. Coming Soon! "the Little Shop" WE • SUNTANNING * for Revolutionary Tanning Process with the Latest and Finest Tanning Equip- '••SANDWICHES DELIVER**■***-* w «HI ment in the entire State of Ohio! THANKSGIVING! GUARANTEED! Introducing: ICE CREAM SANDWICHES CARDS & GIFTS BG TANS 13 flavors ice cream "A Tan for all Seasons" ™ also subs & salads Salon UNIVERSITY UNION Also available: Vitamins, supplements and Skin Care products. 1448 E. Wooster M-F 8:00-4:45 127 S. Main St. Bowling Green, Ohio Across from Harshman 354-1001

The Bowling Green State University Board of Student Publications is now accepting applications for EDITOR of THE BG NEWS for spring semester 1988 DO Applications Available At: 214 West Hall Deadline: 5 p.m., Tuesday, November 24

Delta Sigma Pi NOW! Barnyard Bash November 20, 1987 Today is it for Rob + Stephanie Karin + Russ Susan + Scott Mike + Anita Stuart + Anji senior portraits! Limited Margaret + The Debbie + Mark Randy + Patty appointment sittings remain so Lone Ranger Donna + Dave Laura +Fred call now. Cheryl + Tonto Matt + Laurie John + Date Cindi + Someone Ed + Barb Jeff + Kathy Rich + Lisa Mike + Laurie Ryan + The Mystery Mark + Rene Bill + Kelly Woman Diane + Kathy + Chris Lisa + Jeff Call The KEY today Brian + 1 Dom + Carrie Janet + Rachid Jessica + Ed Kurt + Laurie Becky + Date at 372-8086 Mark + Lora Brian + Sally Tammy + Date Randy + Date Tim + Patty Micki + Nick DO It NOW! Pam + Jeff Michele + Todd 4 November 20,1987

Smokeout ^ G Continued from page 1. i Fest features food doesn't mean that much to " , r'f . > \ me and my girlfriend means a lot more," he t 1 tries, which include countries in Europe and said. ' by Rebecca Thomas Asia," Phoon said. "I really want to stress the part Mingxin Gao, graduate copy editor that food plays in this festival." The International student in geography, said A '' I Festival has been going on for seven to 10 years, he was not aware of the M . !•■** • ■ : ' Americans often feel intimidated by foreign stu- ever since the inception of WSA, Hicks said. Smoke-Out, but after he dents, and the World Student Association is trying Last year, over 300 people attended the festival was informed of it, he said AM to alleviate this attitude, Melynda Hicks, commun- and about 200 stayed for the entertainment, she be would give it up for the ity services director of WSA, said. said. day. Tomorrow WSA will co-sponsor the Internation- The festival, which will be held in the gym- Donna Sinito, junior JWL al Festival along with the department of Interna- nasium of St. Thomas More Church, 431 Thurstin, business major said, "So- tional Programs, Graduate Student Senate, Italian includes music and entertainment from foreign ciety is so health-oriented Amm Club, Japanese Club and Spanish Club. countries. that it has become socially AUm f MJ The festival is open to all, and American stu- After an hour of food and booth presentations, unacceptable to smoke, dents are encouraged to attend. Hicks said. the festival will feature ajazz group, followed by especially for girls." "Many times students think that because it is dances from Malaysia, Thailand and Sri Lanka She said that during her A hosted by WSA, it is basically for foreigners, and among other countries, Hicks said. Marketing 300 class yes- ^Vv ^^^H that they really shouldn't go,'' Hicks said. "We are Though the event is free, donations will be ac- terday, the teacher asked trying to eliminate the feeling of intimidation that cepted to benefit "Save the Children." the class for a show of ^m *^H they may feel." The WSA board is responsible for the festival, hands of those who MBB^^-* ^BBBBW' Raymond Phoon, WSA social and cultural pro- and members all take leadership of different posi- smoked. ,W s9 gram chairman, said booths displaying different tions, with everyone helping everyone else in the "Not one person raised a ways of life in foreign countries and food will be end, Hicks said. hand. I know there had to featured at the festival. "This is one of our major events, and it is a great be smokers in a lecture "There is a really wide variety of food. We have learning experience for everyone. It's a lot of tun," class of 200. The guy sitting people cooking dishes from over 20 different coun- Hicks said. next to me smokes and he didn't raise his hand," she ^k ^1 said, "and I'm sure there were many more like ■ ^LV him." m ^y She said many people m Diners get live music are aware smoking is bad ^ JUB m .« for you, but they do it be- M cause they enjoy it. agree on a contract and the m Jt T by Janice Hardman Ellen Intermill, director of the "People who want to quit K reporter committee, said the weekly pro- equipment needed. The groups will and those who don't gram will rotate between dining are paid from the budget pro- won't," she said. Mr 9 A halls until Dec. 7 and then re- vided by UAO for the Spotlight Debbie Sinito, junior University students will be no- sume in January. Entertainment Committee. business major, agreed. ticing a new form of entertain- David Rogers, assistant to the Rogers said he believes the "Not smoking will be for 1 law A N ment in their dining halls during dean of the College of Musical Brogram is a good way to expose personal gain. The only ^T their Monday dinners in the next Arts, is responsible for selecting le groups and to bring music to people who will stop are few weeks. the groups. students. Rogers also said he those who want to stop," The Spotlight Entertainment He said Intermill tells him the hopes it will increase audiences she said. ^ location of the concerts, and he for other concerts sponsored by Committee of the University Ac- Joe Norris, graduate BG News/Mike McCune tivities Organization is sponsor- schedules appropriate bands the College of Musical Arts and student in English, said, ing the Monday Musicians pro- and ensembles according to the make students aware of the kind "It is easier to give up her- gram. Groups of graduate and event and available space. He of musical performances avail- oine than cigarettes.'' ete Willows chose not to kick the habit yesterday, as he smokes in undergraduate students and sends the names of the group able on campus. He said he did not give he Union. He said he thought the Smoke-Out was a good idea that faculty members will perform 5 leaders to Intermill who asks the Rogers said he thinks the up smoking for the day. ' robably wouldn't "accomplish much.'' p.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday nights groups if they are interested. Monday Musicians program is in the dining halls until Dec. 7. The groups and Intermill successful because it is eva- luated and information is passed on to add variety to the types of Employees the jobs we do than the old Salaries music students hear. □ Continued from page 1. study." The only problem Rogers said hour wage goes up to $5.50, but Maribeth Genson, a tax spe- D Continued from page 1. SICSIC sez he sees is that the use of the din- those making $20 go up to $25 an cialist from the income tax div- ing halls may be infringing on hour," Dowmey said. "We don't ision, looked at the situation Therefore, if an employee is students' privacy, but tie be- have a greedy bunch here. We from a city budget perspective. not receiving as much of a raise LOOK FOR US ON lieves dining halls are the most have a dangerous job to do and as expected, it means that per- logical place to start. we know what we are worth." "Everyone here in the tax de- son's earnings are not far out of WED. NIGHTS Rogers also said the Monday partment is affected favorably. line from what the study indi- Musicians has advantages for Rita German, clerical superv- As an employee it is human cated employees in similar situ- both the UAO and the music de- isor of the business office of nature to be happy we getting a ations are being paid, he said. partment. It gives students the Bowling Green Municipal Utili- raise," Genson said. "We also Quinn said, "You'll find SICSIC sez experience of writing contracts ties, 304 N. Church St., said indi- have to think about long run. If workers at every level that got and management, and it fills the vidual job descriptions should they spend too much money on large wage increases and you'll GREAT EFFORT MARK needs of the musicians. have been more closely eva- this, are there going to be layoffs find workers at every level that Intermill said the perform- luated. in the future? I would rather be got smaller wage increases." ances have been successful and conservative because the city Fawcett said, on the average, SIROWER, WELCOME has enjoyed popularity for "Even so, the new study is an administration is always talking municipal employees will be re- several years. improvement over what we've about running out of money." ceiving a 9 percent wage in- ABOARD GREGG DECRANE "Sometimes it gets a little had," she said. "People should crease, not including merit in- loud, but the students seem to 8et paid by the job they do and Kit Brown, class three opera- creases or extra pay received enjoy it." le study is a better reflection of tor at the Water Pollution Con- for longevity. trol Facility on Dunbridge Road, The firm was contracted to said his department believed the assure that the study was con- increase, and the process which ducted without administrative lead to it, was fair. biases, Fawcett said. A steering THEBIGBLCIE committee made up of city de- "The city kept us informed partment heads was to take in- Learn about the Come and join us at the from the first step to the final formation generated by the corners 1987 International Festival step. Some people are not happ study, review it with their em- of the world through MARBLE on the 21st of November, 1987 with overall outcome, but they ployees and provide the firm different kept us informed about the with recommendations based on 7:00 pm whole process," Brown said. that feedback. art displays! Jt)* at ' 'We stand to make out so we are "The committee was not char- Experience food from &&,?/)&. St. Thomas More Church pretty happy about it ... If we tered to give approval, but to re- *«$ were on the other end (of the pay view data ana introduce rec- different countries! V* %;%," , 431 Thurstin Street increase scale) there would ommendations so as not to place Get to know us through Bowling Green probably be some sour grapes." them in a position where they songs and dances! Free and open to all! would be deciding on their own Kent Gardam, engineering raises," Fawcett said. "The Special thanks to: International Programs. GSS, MASA, Donations accepted to technician of the engineering more they (employees) become Italian Club, Japanese Club, and the Spanish Club. "Save The Children" division of the Department of familiar with the study's de- Public Works, said the depart- tailed approach to reviewing the World Student Association World Student Association World Student Association ment believed the study itself classification system, the less was a good thing since jobs likely they are to disagree with tended to change over the years. the soundness of the final rec- However, he said some aspects ommendation." of the study were not properly Quinn said, "You couldn't conducted so they are working have asked the city to be more with the personnel department fair. The supervisors were in- to review and correct job classi- volved in every step of the fications. study."


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(L-teaant / aJiaai J4ouAe at 9:00 Craatkinkes copMt. Craat paopM 113 Railroad St. Payment Plan is Bowling Oreen, Ohio 354-3977 Personal Checks « available * GRAB-A-DATE NOV. 20th 1987 This Ad Required Elsewhere November 20,1987 5 News Briefs Thatcher calls for inquiry USSR details missiles Parliament seeks information on London subway fire WASHINGTON (AP) - and did not include all the The Soviet Union has pro- specific data the U.S. side LONDON (AP) - The King's Cross Station to search and alcoves instead of fighting staff shortages and corner- vided the United States with wants on SS-20s and SS-4s that government yesterday announ- for clues. their way upward into the cutting in the maintenance of detailed information about its might be in storage and ced a public inquiry into a sud- Fire chiefs said they were cer- smoke. London Underground, the medium-ranee missile ar- where they are being kept, den and quick-spreading fire tain the fire broke out on one of Queen Elizabeth II expressed world's oldest subway system. senal in another step toward the officials said. that raged through London's the escalators, not beneath it as shock and sent condolences, and It was also disclosed that an- completion of a treaty to be largest subway station, killing was previously thought, but ad- the Archbishop of Canterbury other fire broke out Wednesday signed at the December In the meantime, there 30 people and injuring about 80 ded they had no idea what called for prayers. night at the central train station summit, Reagan administra- were growing indications that others. tion officials said yesterday. Secretary of State George caused it. Prime Minister Margaret of Liverpool, in northwest Eng- Shultz would go to Geneva Twenty-one of the injured re- Thatcher visited the injured and land, forcing the evacuation of But the information turned next week to meet with Soviet Survivors of Wednesday even- mained hospitalized yesterday, then nicked her way through the about 100 passengers. ing's blaze told harrowing stor- 12 of them in serious condition. A rubble for a look at the escalator The fire brigade said a cable over Wednesday to U.S. nego- Foreign Minister Eduard ies of people on fire and of being victim's list was not issued. where the fire began. She later caught fire and no one was hurt. tiators in Geneva dealt mos- Shevardnadze on a summit carried on an escalator into the Some of the dead were burned went to Parliament to announce Scotland Yard said it was not tly with deployed missiles agenda. flames. beyond recognition. the public inquiry. It will be taking seriously telephone calls People collapsed from smoke The North London Blood headed by a senior lawyer, with from Northern Ireland terrorist and many pounded helplessly on Transfusion Service said it assistance of rail and fire ex- groups claiming responsibility Jet loses engine power windows of passing trains in nearly ran out of blood Wednes- perts. for the King's Cross fire. search of an escape from day night, and emergency sup- Some lawmakers of the oppo- "So far we have no evidence to HONOLULU (AP) - A De- Delta's customer service Britain's worst subway fire. plies had to be flown m from as sition Labor Party indirectly suggest arson or terrorist activi- lta Air Lines jumbo jet with An assistant fire chief, Joe far away as Scotland. blamed the Conservative ty, said a Scotland Yard 112 people aboard lost power supervisor. Kennedy, said fighting the Fire Brigade divisional officer government for the tragedy, spokesman who spoke on condi- in an engine over the Pacific The incident was the second flames was like "going down a Gerry O'Neill said many people saying budget cuts had caused tion of anonymity. but landed safely after flying in four days involving engine roaring chimney." could have been saved if they 400 miles on its two remaining shutdowns on Delta flights to Fire officials said they could had fought their natural instinct engines with a military es- Honolulu. not explain how a small fire to escape the claustrophobic cort, officials said. Flight 1563 was on its way could spread so quickly. In- tunnels. from Los Angeles to Honolulu He knew of 50 people who American Heart The 100 passengers aboard when the declared an vestigators descended into the mm Flight 1563 continued watch- emergency 400 miles north- cavernous, fire-ravaged ticket- stayed in lower areas and were Association ing a movie during the inci- east of Honolulu International ing plaza of the multi-tiered saved by sheltering in toilets dent Wednesday night and Airport, said James Miura, a were unaware the engine had Federal Aviation Administra- shut down, said Lew Malin, tion air traffic controller. Gunmen shoot fisr<' Pilot quality questioned T-SQUARE 1 WASHINGTON (AP - The of a Continental Airlines DC-9 Irish politician major airlines have been eas- after it was disclosed that 121 Souih Main Slteet ing their hiring requirements both the captain and copilot * Bowling Green. Ohio 43402 in recent years because of the had only recently begun fly- BELFAST, Northern Ireland poses any concessions by Prot- 419352 8488 need for thousands of new pi- ing that type of jetliner. (AP) — A leading Protestant estants to the Catholic minority lots, and some aviation safety politician who once recom- in the British province. Let us tastefully custom design officials worry about the de- Spokesmen for the airline mended burning Roman Catho- Seawright, 35, was shot as he cline in cockpit experience. disputed suggestions that the lics was shot in the head yester- got out of a car at a supermarket all your holiday greetings. Pilot inexperience has been two pilots' flying background day as he got out of a car, police on Dundee Road, in the Protes- We will create your cards, letters, raised as a possible factor in was unusual, calling it "the said. tant Shankill district, a police last Sunday's crash in Denver norm in the industry.' statement said. envelopes, and invitations, with George Seawright, an elected city councilor, was admitted to Seawright gained notoriety in festive holiday art work that shows Mater Hospital in critical condi- 1984 when he declared to a Bel- you care enough to send the best! Guard grant money low tion with two bullet wounds in fast council meeting that the the head, authorities said. city should buy an incinerator COLUMBUS (AP) - A re- fice listed a projected deficit, The Royal Ulster Constabu- and bum all Catholics in it. fort confirmed yesterday for the biennium ending June lary said Seawright was shot by He was the second Belfast CONVENIENTLY LOCATED hat the Ohio National 30, 1989, of $8.3 million — in- "terrorists," but there was no councilor to be shot this year. A DOWNTOW?VN™ WA Guard's scholarship program cluding $4.5 million in the immediate claim of responsibi- member of the political wing of Whr is in deep financial trouble school year already started lity. the Irish Republican Army was and suggested some of the and $3.8 million in 1988-1989. reasons, including awards The Scottish-born Seawright is shot in May. that exceeded statutory lim- Roughly $10.8 million was a member of the Democratic its. appropriated for the bien- Unionists, led by the militant The Legislative Budget Of- nium in July. Rev. Ian Paisley. The party op- YOU HAVE IT, NOW USE IT! ANNUAL Holiday BGSU Season CRAFT FAIR vs. Final Central Michigan December 7, 8, 9th 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom. Seniors' This Saturday Get your Christmas shopping done Kick-off at 1:30p.m. Farewell Perry Field early this year! Shop with us!!!

r Alisa & Steve Joanna & Mike y Beth & Mike -^^ i ^ Donna & Sean k "Rose" & Dave ■ A^. tf^ Karyn A Erik Gina A Scotter Ir ■/ I\ f "Joanie" A "Red" ► Stacie & Dave 11 ^ Tracey & Brian k Jodie A Brian w■ %.^ mmL# w^ m Heather A Steve Nancy & Brian wl« w Heather A "Eggnog" ► Krista Sue A Some Jim Guy Sherrie & Pete ▲ Lyric A Don ^ fyP) ML* Anne A Shawn • Lisa & Don /» jjf »/ ***** < Lisa A A C.J. t Beth A Scott K~ 1 Amy & Rob y Chris A Chris , X~y J Kristine & Richie C. ' Lisa & Jim Joanie A Cha-Chi ) Michelle A Dean Amy A Lenny Rita A Tony Colleen & Squiggy ' Beth A Andy Joanne A Aaron ► Linda A Geoff "\ w Amy Jo A Howie Val & Don Lori A Rob , Sue A Kevin Ann A Dave ► Suzy A Matt . . . Angie A Bill . Corrine A James Dean Lorie A Steve E. M. Gray A J.T. Elios Danielle A Fred y Leslie A Dave Shannon A Mike . Debbie A Matt Cathy A Craig Lisa A Wes Denise A Dave > Dave A Diane Chrissy A Kevin , Kip A Elizabeth Michelle A The Duke of Earl Dave A Cathy _ ^_^ tr%m. Lisa A Todd ► Sue A Jimmy Lee *■• Shelly A Jason v Colleen A Sean Wmmm .£«»& Q fT^^fl kAA Darlene A Eric Kelley A Joe jfllll ■ *5M A AHAI 11W f Nancy A Joe ► Celeste A John QW '15*1 HE > CPtlWI 111 • Veronica A Scott Sports 6 November 20,1987 Falcons' linemen set for last hurrah by Tom Skemlvttz pation in the trenches is simple seniors. Few will be able to walk 299 passes in 10 games, BG's "Everyone coming in said we — take the field, play hard and away from Doyt Field as proud quarterback has been sacked had good receivers, good backs, assistant sports editor go home quietly until the next as Joyce, Mahoney and Stu- only 14 times. Although the Mid- but the offensive line is a ques- practice. drawa. American Conference records tion," Studrawa said. "But that For Mike Joyce, Neal Ma- So, when the trio of seniors "Those three kids have been no team comparisons on quar- i'ust made us work harder. honey and Greg Studrawa, there dons Bowling Green uniforms Seat leaders in the program, terback sacks, BG's offensive 3very day when we got tired has never been a curtain call, a for the last time tomorrow, each ve worked hard and we're go- line can boast of a total near the we'd say, 'hey, they say we're standing ovation or a bright- will realize a last hurrah is bet- ing to miss them a lot next top of the MAC. not any good guys; let's go.'" eyed autograph seeker. ter than no hurrah at all. Kir," offensive line coach Bob "They've done a great job all An unwritten rule of football ublin said. And away they went. dictates their role as offensive Tomorrow's 1:30 p.m. game Rich Dackin would be in con- Testimony of the line's suc- linemen lends them too little, if against Central Michigan will tempt to disagree with Reublin. cess can be found in Dackin's any, attention at all. Their occu- spell the athletic end for 16 BG Despite attempting a whopping performance this season. The sophomore enters tomorrow's game .leading MAC quarter- backs with a 119.49 passing effi- ciency. "We take a lot of pride in that because we've been pass protecting real well," Joyce Joyce Studrawa said. "If we don't do our job, things don't happen." year long. I couldn't expect "Seeing Dackin number one, more out of them," Dackin said. that tells me the offensive line "Last year's line was con- did a hell of a job this year," sidered great, but this year Studrawa added. "You know go- BG News/File Photo they've done a tremendous job ing in when you're an offensive of protecting me." lineman, you're not going to get Greg Studrawa It wasn't supposed to be that the gtory. The glory comes in way. winning and seeing guys like "You know going in . . . your not The offensive line was everv- Dackin have a good game." going to get the glory." suffering from his injury, said balls and chains could not keep "It's going to be sort of sad him from missing tomorrow's when I walk out of this locker game. room." "I don't know how many plays I'm going to get in, but when I get in there and have my last chance, I'm going to do the best -Meal Mahoney, BG left guard that I can do," Mahoney said. "There's 110 guys out there that are my best friends. I've grown one's fear entering the 1987 The line's success has come up with all the fifth-year seniors BG News/File Photo season. Last year's graduation about despite knee injuries to and they're my really close removed three starters (two all- Studrawa and Mahoney which friends. It's going to be sort of Mike Joyce We've got to be satisfied with making our blocks, knowing our assignments and MAC) from the line with Stu- forced them to miss five games sad when I walk out of this protecting the quarterback because you're not going to touch the ball or get a lot of the glory.'' drawa being the only returnee. combined. Mahoney, who is still locker room."

'Infxt I efns'injimun rj /W Witaf/mnttVk* C NH~ ffk Omptr In, tyteaniiti t&r kvi mr nvamdmjd«k**(it and Itamw* Imai/iWrand 7V/*WTk> btwhrt

Bowling Green, last year's "surprise" basketball team in the Mid-American Conference, was given its first surprise of the 1987-88 season yesterday in be- ing picked to finish sixth in the MAC preseasonpoU. Last season, BG was picked to finish dead-last in the same poll, but ended up fooling everyone with a third-place finish in both the regular season and in the conference tournament under first-year coach Jim Larranaga. The MAC media association, however, apparently doesn't think Larranaga will be pulling any mini-miracles with this year's squad without departed guard Frank Booker and center Avon Davey. In the poll, Central Michigan was picked to repeat as the con- ference champion in receiving 30 first-place votes and a total of 590 points. Miami finished sec- ond with 21 first-place votes and 563points. The Chippewas and Redskins were followed by Ohio's 481 points, Eastern Michigan (470), Western Michigan (374), BG (338), Kent State (260), Toledo (224), Ball State (151). The Falcons will open their season at home Nov. 30 at 8:00 p.m. against Findlay.

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by Al Franco Western (Michigan)," BG head three of four regular season the CCHA in scoring with 10 sports reporter coach Jerry York said. "I think match-ups, the Bulldogs gave goals and 8 assists for 18 points, they're a real key six games for the Falcons fits during the post- while dePourcq is 8-6-14. us." season. After FSC finished When the Bowling Green The games are important be- eighth, they were seeded to play The Bulldogs' weaknesses ap- hockey team heads north to Big cause each team would like to first-place BG in the first round pear to be in the areas of goal- Rapids, Mich, this weekend, it establish strength in the stand- of the playoffs. The Bulldogs up- tending and special teams. With will be the beginning of the end ings before the mid-way point of set the Falcons in the first game Marc Felico and Mike Williams of the first-round of its Central the season. While Michigan of the best-of-three series and seeing most the action, FSC has Collegiate Hockey Association State (17 points) and Lake Supe- forced BG to win the next two a combined goal against aver- slate. rior (15) have a strong hold lor games. age of 5.13. The Falcons face the Ferris the CCHA lead at the moment, This season FSC has a good State Bulldogs Friday and Sat- there is a tight race for third mix of youth and experience The Bulldogs power play is the urday at the Robert L. Ewigle- place with Western Michigan which is evident in its scoring. worst in the league, scoring only ben Sports Center. (12), Michigan (12), BG (11), The Bulldogs are led by senior 10 goals in 65 opportunities for a "Now, we're gonna get a look and FSC (9). left wing Darin Fridgen and .154 average, while their penalty at our last three opponents Fer- Last year, FSC was a thorn in freshman center John de- killing is second to last allowing ris, Michigan State, and the side of BG. Although BG won Pourcq. Fridgen ranks fourth in 22 goals in 74 attempts (.313). Swim teams home tomorrow

by Mark Huntebrinker each week, but have yet to gain a victory to While the men look for their first win of the sports reporter show for it. With a third-place finish at the year this weekend, the women try for their Tom Stubbs Relays and a toss to powerhouse third and fourth first-place finishes of Bowling Green's swimming teams look to Eastern Michigan last week in a dual meet, season. They defeated EMU 156-110 in last build on their early-season success this outscoring WSU Saturday would be a big weekend's dual meet. weekend. confidence builder. The women swimmers and divers will "The men are improving very nicely, but I On the diving side, coach Reagan Minser travel to Cleveland State today, while the think a win would help them immensely," said the divers are looking for better con- men's team joins the women in hosting Photo Brad Phalin coach Brian Gordon said. "Wright State will sistency and concentration along with ad- Bowling (jreen senior r\im Trost practices her routine on the bal- Wright State tomorrow. be a good meet. The teams match up very asome dives with a higher degree of The men have done well and improved ance beam yesterday in Eppler North. Trosi. a walk-on last year, well. culty. broke the school record on the beam, scoring a 9.6 last season. The Falcon gymnasts open the 1987-88 year with a Brown-Orange ex- Classifieds hibition Dec. 5.

FOUND Something ol value. Simh floor lounge • • • MARK KAMINICKI ■ ■ • •ATTENTION- •NkcheUe Jenkins' Alpha Phi Big Michele Desana CAMPUS & CITY EVENTS Administration Bldg Sunday Nov 15 Call Your date cuts her hamburger in half Oo you ever leel the need to be WILDLY Congrats on going Neophyte' We are so proud Hey large, how's a going? Love ya tots 372 2017 to identity What do you do? CREATIVE' If so. wear your T-SHIRTS and of you You have done such a fantastic job with mean, who else would wail 45 mrtutes m an air pledging and Alpha Phi is lucky lo nave you AM* FORMAL MEETING LOST Opal ring on 2nd floor-Union No ques- 'Let me feel your elbow JEANS to DRY DOCK lor GRAFFITI NIGHT this port lor their big?' Campoul The Big Room Did I really fall asleep Saturday If not, you can come anyway 9 PM to Remember, we are beheld you al the way and A Phi Luv and AJ of Mine MONDAV Nov 23 7 30 McFal Cenlef tions asked PIMM leave in OCMB 3783 activation is nol lar olf John Brabender Irom Direel Marketing on you or were you just nervous??? 1 AM, no cover Your Small LOST RING what was the mystery item in the glass caM? Love. Margo and Sleph Shefy Sen/ices- 'Remember the 50-50 Draw' 'GAMMA PHI BETA- Gold with silver If found please return Much Happy Anniversary-"I Lova You' Michelle Andrews AMA HAPPY HOURS sentimental value. 372-5911 ' Endless Love1' Just wanted lo say how excited I am that you're A-Phi'UtnesBarb A Mendi-APlw Fn Nov 20 59 Uptown Pane' ALPHA PHI-UL' KAREN WANNEMACHER- Congratulations on going Neophyte' Keep up ALPHA PHI Theme Happy New Year's my BIG! You are the greatest, and I'm proud lo the good work 'cause. Activation is almost here' CONGRATULATIONS FOR BECOMING SI 00 members S3 00 non-members be your Mile' SERVICES OFFERED • ■ • -LADIES OF BG" ■ ■ • GAMMA PHI love and mine. Love. Your Big NEOPHYTE" HUM Jenruler ALPHA PHI LOVE S MINE BIG LYNNELL FRIDAY MAGAZINE Hairy Buffalo. Bonfire and Good Cheer. ABORTION Weekly meetings are Monday at 7 30 PM in the Theta Cht Swampwater is very near' A! Morning after treatment Commons. 2nd Hoor ol Wesl Hal Writers, -J.C.M.- Good luck Saturday' So sad the season is over- Personal & Private So glad you asked me •I love watching you I'm so proud of you for photographers and artists are needed Non- Get Ready to have the time ol your Me Center lor Choice II (as hv as you know) ARE YOU GOING' ARE YOU GOING? (oumaksm majors are welcome to attend Call sticking it out YOU'RE the greatest' Toledo 419 255-7769 372-6967 or 353-2935 tor more information Brothers ol Theta Chi Love. Trace I love you' Brll, ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CHANCE TO FULL SCHEDULES WILL BE DISTRIBUTED TO -JOIN THE "I'M DRIVING CLUB"• All Your Typing Needs DRINKING AND DRIVING CAN RUIN YOUR ALPHA PHI PLEDGES MEET NEW AND EXCITING PEOPLE? THEN CAMPUS ADDRESSES. ON-CAMPUS MAIL ■• -Delta Zelas'" Prompt & Professorial UFE AND MAYBE SOMEONE ELSE'S. IF YOU CONGRATULATIONS ON GOING NEOPHYTEI PREVIEW DAY NO. 2 ON SATURDAY. DEC BOXES. Grab A Dale Clara at 352-4017 YOU AAL HAVE DONE SUCH AN OUTSTAN- IS FOR YOU!' HERE'S YOUR BIG CHANCE TO OR HOME ADDRESSES BEGINNING Don't be late AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE PLANNING ON DING JOB THIS SEMESTER AND WE BE AN OFFICIAL CAMPUS TOUR GUIDE FOR NOVEMBER 23 A great time awaits" DRINKING. DECIDE IN ADVANCE WHO'S COULDN'T BE MORE PROUD OF YOU! THE DAY TO BECOME INVOLVED, ATTEND IF YOU DON'T GET EITHER A PARTIAL OR NEED CASH? See you at the Pike House al 9 00 DRIVING HOME. DESIGNATE A DRIVER WHO ALPHA PHI: THE BEST YOU CAN BE! ONE TRAINING SESSION ON: MON., NOV. 30. FULL SCHEDULE BY DECEMBER 2, CHECK IN (OVER 4 BILLION DOLLARS AVAILABLE! WON'T CMMC. •JOIN THE "I'M DRIVING CLUB"- 4:30-«:30 TUES., DEC. 1. 6:30*30 THE EVERYONE QUALIFIES' OUR DATA BANKS ALPHA PHI-UL KELU GUIHER-ALPHA PHI MEMBERSHIP DRIVE MONDAY NOV. REGISTRAR'S OFFICE. ROOM 110 AD- CONTAIN OVER 2000 SOURCES OF FINAN- CONGRATULATIONS FOR BECOMING A MINISTRATION BUILDING. CIAL AID OFFERED BY PRIVATE INSTITU- '"FIJI-GAMMA PHI BETA--- 16-FHIDAY NOV. 20 IN THE UNION FOYER NEOPHYTE' FALPHA PHI LOVE S MINE. BIG TIONS FOR MORE INFORMATION SEND A Teler-Here is your personal you haven't gotten »:JO-4:30 LYNNELL HSA ST. THOMAS MORE BUSINESS SIZED STAMPED SELF- Irom me yet this year Gel ready 10 Twlet-N- cont. on page 8. NEEDS YOU! Help us make soup tor the Saint ADDRESSED ENVELOPE TO: EDUCARE Shout on Saturday mghl' So what is my Louis Soup Kitchen . ENTERPRISES LTD 25140 LAHSER RD Christmas present? Tea* me soon'?'? When Mon Nov 23 anytime between l7-10 SUITE 141, SOUTHFIELO. MICHIGAN 48034 I LOVE YOU. PM Please sign up in Honors office by 5 PM Shannon Friday Nov 20 Come Help and show your con PACKAGING \s.a.a.a^a.s.&&&a.&s.&a.a.a.a,a.a.a.a.&a.a.a.s,a.a.a.a.a,s,s.s. corn for the needy' HAVE TO SHIP A PACKAGE? For al your shipping needs • • -GAMMA PHI BETA- ■ • R INTERNSHIPS IN EVERY MAJOR Federal Express ' U.P S. BRIAN AVAILABLE IN WASHINGTON O.C. BE READY TO DRINK 1 A-Z Data Center ■ 352-5042 Find oul more" Information session Monday al BE READY TO DANCE i 230 WHEN TOMORROW COMES WE'LL HAVE A TYPING? RESUMES? & MEXICAN ARTIFACTS FOR SALE BLAST Document storage on Diskette FOR TWIST a SHOUT IS HERE AT LAST i Nov 20. 1987 Friday 9 00 3 30 PM A-Z Data Center 352-5042 • al the Union Oval TRACEY i In case of bad weather, come to the lobby ol the Math-Science Bdlg W» do typing ■ my home ol reports, forms. i Sponsored by W S A resumes. etc Cat btwn 8 AM 9 PM •••SIG'-- Remember the past live GRAND ft 3548159 weeks Bumps room, James Dean, weekmght ft Prep lor Mock Trial Tryouts WOMEN'S CLINIC fun. MTV Hanoi Rocks, smoking, hair cuts. B 2 - 5:00 Sun 2 700 Monroe SI , Toledo Offering diaries I'l. your woman (my problem), drawing 114 BA gynecological services A pregnancy termination The Cure, keepng roommates awake, an 5 Oy licensed physician including: prenatal mghters. poems, memories recatad. dale party obstetrics, pregnancy testing. Pap test (lor cer- II), etc HAPPY BIRTHDAY (early)'" Love Nan ft Prep lor Mock Tnal Tryouts vical cancer). VD screening, birth control mlo . cy?1 O PENING! 2 ■ 5 00 Sun Tuoal Ligation. termination of pregnancy up ft 114 BA ••BEER UNTIL 2 30" through 10 weeks (special rales for students t BEEIN BEE-OUT CARRY-OUT ft By appomtmenl 1-241-2471 IN FRONT OF STINGRS CAFE Prep lor Mock Tnal Tryouts ft 2- 500 Sun ft 114 BA • -CARRY OUT BEER UNTIL 2 30- • PERSONALS AT STATE MINIMUM PRICES ft UAO MOVIE OF BEEIN DLL OUI CARRY-OUT of THE WEEKEND IN FRONT OF STINGERS CAFE "" ft STARRING LISA BONET 8. 10. 1 MIDNIGHT "DELI SANDWICHES 79- • "The Christmas Shop" ft 210 MATH SCIENCE MON FRI AFTER 10 00 PM FRIDAY t SATURDAY ONLY Ohio Stale VS Michigan STINGERS CAFE ft See the game on our 7 ft screen TV SI.SO WITH I.D. at the ft Bar open at 11 30 ••LARGE PIZZA $2 50 1 ITEM" ft WHAT DO ALEXANDER HAIG, LEE IACOCCA UNCOOKED-ANYTIME DAY OR NIGHT AND JESSES JACKSON HAVE IN COMMON? BEEIN BEE OUT CARRY-OUT ft THEY'RE SPEAKWQ AT THE LEADERS ON UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE ft LEADERSHIP SYMPOSIUM' For more details. - * Shelly Wenninger * • call the Center lor Academic Options al I'm so proud ol you lor going Neophyte' You'n ft 372-8202 only one step away from going active and I can aj STUDENT SERVICES BLDG ft UAO PRESENTS wad' "ANGEL HEART" Alpha Phi love from your ft 8, 10, * MIDNIGHT Grand-Big. Heather LOST & FOUND FRIDAY-SATURDAY M-F 8-5:00 • SAT 9-5:00 ft 210 MATH SCIENCE - ft FOUNO sal ol keys on Eppler South slepa on St.SO WITH I.D. •STATE MINIMUM PRIZES UNTIL 2 30 a rrtrst week of November tf yours can Sue 3965 BEEIN BEE-OUT CARRY-OUT ft *t ft ft} ft t ft & ft I * ft ft 2) ! BUSINESS! ftj Come in Nov. 30th ft I JJ and get f ft *} 1 ft is looking for an enthusiastic person to become our Exhibits ft 20% OFF! ft Director. You can gain valuable experience planning, ft arranging and conducting a variety of sales and exhibits. fl Your ft ft Christmas Purchase Applications are available in the UAO office and are due ft Friday, December 4 by 4:00 p.m. It's Not Too Late to Get Involved! 'WW rwvWaniwwwwwwwvw ft Classifieds 8 November 20,1987

Cont. from page 7. CARIBBEAN ASSOCIATION Jen Murphy Lou Simon, TRACY FRANK Server Computer Student Thanks al who helped and attended Harambee I know I don't always say (t. but I'm so proud Thanks tor the GREAT time al your ATO date Good Luck this weekend at the Miss Nor- to help teach Word-perfect and Lotus 1. 2, 3 m 1 Unrty Raggaa Party . Oct 24 (Peace and love) you're my Kite' party' Just DON'T cat ma Missy1 thwestern Ohw Pageant' Love, your Dee Gee our office evenings Please cal 352-2299 bet- (Next one re Bob Mertey Day. Fabrurary 6) Love ya Lots' Love Sisters All •niton Dee ZM'I ween 8-12 AM Laura MH Only ■ taw houri to grab ■ men and bring him CONNIE BAKENSHAKE A AMY (GIRL USG's "Parking Petition Drive'' THE 80 NEWS Is now scceptlng appscat«>ns to the Pike rtouMf! SCOUT). 10.000 signatures or bust! lor ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Grab • Oil* 1987 Gat psyched for Sat Night Jenny Byrd. Carole Gktason. Barb Pyte. Use MATT 1 BRIAN 10.000 signatures or Dust' lor positions starting Spring Semester 1988 Our first date party together w* be out ol sight Boughton and Missy Stftenger-207 needs to get Back to the Gamma Phi 505 we go 10.000 signatures or bust' Gain valuable experience, commission paid AU Big 4 U roomies too together again-Happy Thankagrvtng-Love and A tun time wel have you know Attanlion ALL Greeks 10,000 signatures or bust' majors encouraged to apply Must have own There's nothing that trio won't be able lo do rmss you guys' Wei twist and shout the whole night through The nme ol year has finally arrived 10.000 signatures or bust' car Appkcations 6 fob descriptor* available at See yalhere Wendy And we're so exerted that our dstes era you' The KAPPA pledges wi lake no bribes 10.000 signatures or bust' 214 West Hal DEADLINE: Tuee., Nov. 24, 6 Eileen Lova. p.m. The Kidnaps tonight so afl Presidents beware 10.000 signatures or bust! MM* I Nancy 10.000 signatures or bust' For dinner and conversation with KAPPAS who IT- The Bowling Green State University Board ol USQ'a "Parking Petition Drive"" care DAVIO HI You' Too Bad 19 doesn't mean anything Student Publications is now accepting appkea- Just how much your worth the ransom wi Nedd and Maxx are looking forward to see«g anymore. Matt Teller (Goose) tiona lor EDITOR ol THE BO NEWS lor Spring reveal you. So is their sister So hurry home and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANYWAY' Thanks baby tor a terrific weak I really ap- Vsrden Studios of Semester 1968 Applications available al 214 1 But look al it tha way-you got a iree meal remember to ^ Love-Sloop & Booker preciate al that you have done tor me II miss New York la here thru West Hall DEADLINE: S p.m.. Tuesday, SMILE Jodl McKeen you over break Nov. 20 lo. Senior rM. Maybe there's a prize warring for you -if you're Lova ya. Portraits. Csll 372-8086 Attention Stg Ep dates Don and Slave good My bast friend and favorite (only) IN' A time warp is whal It's about To the good times we've had Debbie To schedule your appointment Love • Wei rock and roll at TwIM-rvShout and those yet to come Me FOR SALE On the good times you can depend We've shared so much already MELISSA PUCKETT ZBTs and their Dates We'l rock around the ckxk-rt'l never end both bad times and fun Congratulations on becoming PanheHenlc One more day IN the warm air and palm trees at 68 VW Squareback Get ready tor some Elvis, and Buddy Hoty And I hope you know PreskMntl the ZBTahiti Date Party Asking $500 OK shape, leave name and Don't lorget our favorite Good Qoty Miss Moty Do you want to travel throughout that I'm always here You're Wonderful' "Get Ready to Jam" number al 353-0797 Saturday ntght wid be the best Europe? and also Wherever you are Love. Vour Kappa Sisters This date party win out do the rest Earn six hra toward your degree' either lar or near 1978 Ptymouth Arrow 70.000 mi Good con- "LAURA MACVICAR" Your Gamma Phi dales BGSU's Fantastic Summer Program in Now just one more thing ditoon S4S0 353-3637 MICHELLE PETERS. HAPPY 1»TH BIRTHOAYtll Val and Col lean France may be just right lor you to end this poem right Happy 20th. Buster1 1986 BIANCHI RACING BIKE Meet David Read of the Business School Congratulations on becoming a Neophyte1 Campy-Modoto-Otmega equipped Attention of Nantee France during an open inlo meeting on Wed Dec 2 at 9 00 PM at Alpha Phi love and mine. The Duaos $600- Can Adam 353-1568 Sisters of Alpha XI Delta Big Pam Go West the French House on Sorority Row PAM LE00Y WANTED Talc to previous participants YOU ARE THE BEST UTTLE AND FRIENO IN 2 piece SO protection colored television The tea ol the year is happening at 501 Pike St Classes In English Al majors welcome TH WORLD' THIS YEAR I AM THANKFUL FOR Phone 352-1268 Get psyched and be ready to party at our 3rd John Bokas and Jim 1 Female Needed FREE RENT lor rest ol For further info please contact YOUaANO EVERYTHING THAT YOU HAVE Annual Barn Bash But Beware there might be Three weeks ago O U bound we went semester S106 25 Spring Sem Gas Paid An 8 string acoustic guitar. New condition. $100 Or Charles Chtttte. Dapt o( Economics ADDED TO MY LIFE HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! some recent Jawbreakers on the loose just On massive quantities of beer your money cond Cat 352-2930 and leave a message for or best offer 352-7299 312 Business Admm 372-8180 or UTB. WENDY waiting to ambush you there spent Lisa 372-2646 or 352-6012 CAMERA OUTFIT Penlax ME-FD. 50 mm Phi Delta Theta Six "pit stops" we made Portraits Now. 1 female roommate to sublease NEW apt on E 118. 28 mm 1.2 wide angle. 75-300 mm Our memories wA never lade Senior Portraits with 1:5 6 zoom lenses. Vivrtar 2500 200 mm tlaah. John, in B.G we play the "weenie" toss. V.rden ol New York Merry lor spring sem. Call 354*5022 Attention: all Greek Pledges Don't be a blank spot and camara bag. $350 or best otter 354-2401 Together we work concessions, Call 37240(6 lor your I or 2 tomes rmts to share 2 bdrm apt with 2 The ALPHA GAMMA DELTA pledge class after 6 PM-Dan In your classmates' When you guys graduate it wil be our loss. appointment Now' other females Spring semester Can Denise at would Hke lo wish ai ol you the Best ol Luc dur- memorial seniors. The crew party ta next, Monday night' 353-8913 COMMODORE COMPUTER FOR SALE DISK ing the last two weeks ol pledging"" Schedule your senior and John, when's the turkey dinner DRIVE, TV SCREEN, HARDLY USED $300 PVT DAVID SAYRE 1 or 2 rmtes needed 2 bdrm apt Rent Artn Robert Wifram Schultz portrait today. Call -You guys are out of sight CONTACT TRACY AT 372-3588 Welcome home xito my arms they'll be negotiable Cal 353-2177 (The man who'll try anything??) 372-8066 Love, your "cutie" fans. holding on lo you lorever'l' You've made Me Ready (or tonight? Did you take a shower yet? Beck and Murph t-2 MALEIS) NEEDED TO SUBLEASE EAST realize that love Is more than the loNging lo be Compact Disk Player AdoH Hitler rented me the room you know Do DONALD HODGSON MERRY APRTMENT FOR SPRING SEM together I'm looking toward to our tutmc . Brand-new $300 we use the Horizon or the Aries K? Maybe we Are you ready lo Twist and Shout? MORE INFO CALL 364-3242 JOHN SAILER, JIM STEVIC. and JORDAN Al My Love. Shem Cal 352-0762 after 5 can Hi afterwards at Pablo s (our arms to our Because that's what this date party is about MASANOA 2 NEEDED SPR. SEM.-2BDRM-2 BTH NICELY mouths that is 1 So sack back your hair, get ready for fun When the clock strikes 8. gel ready for your FURN APT »117 t ELEC. CALL NOW Get Psyched1 And don't toget lo grab your hon Ripper Dudette, Nahreness, Skillet's Chick, Onette table and 4 chairs tor sale Also 2 wrxte dates. 354-7512 OR STOP 400 NAPOLEAN NO. 360 Srgt Pigg We'll dnnk and dance until the night's thru We'l rock and roll. TWIST AND SHOUT and Spoo's date. tamps Great condition Cal 354-2501 even alias The Ping'' We'l rock and roe" and bebop loo That's what this date party is al about Gatsoy '87 is linaly here Female lo sublet apt for Spring sem $115 per ng Love. Your (avorile Gamma Phi So grease back your hair and rol up your reans. So throw on some old clothes and grab a beer mo a elec a dose to campus Cal 354-6216 Your gangster dates wil take you away FOR SALE AXO*'AXO"AXO Lyric Our Gamma Phl-Slg Ep combination is ready HELP And party unts we drop the following day ught Blue Honda Accord (1982) Good Demand is high, KEEN'" APARTMENT FOR SUBLEASE. SPRING 88 Your S-g-Ep Dates condition-new brakes, new struts, new wiring. the market is nghl DRINKING A DRIVING DON'T MIX!! Love. Celeste. Maryanne. and Ely BRAND NEW BUIXHNG A new stereo Asking $4300 (very negotiable) 1 tor RISKY BUSINESS" JOIN THE "I'M DRIVING CLUB'' TODAYI Gamma Phl-Slg Ep-Gamma PtH-Sto, Ep NEW APPLIANCES PLUS DISH. LARGE Cal 353-7020 Aak lor Rob Tonight s the night' MEMBERSHIP DRIVE MON. NOV. 17-FRI. SCOTTER. MMDAVE. EGGNOG SINGLE BEDROOMS $350 PER MONTH JUUE JENKINS OPEL GT '73 (Grab a date') NOV. 20 IN THE UNION FOYER 8:30-4:30 Congratulations on being elected PanheHenrc Shake it up babies. CALL MARK AT 353-9612 AXO"*AXO"AXO "TWIST AND SHOUr 79.000 ORIGINAL MILES treasurer! Just think, no more assessment Need 1 or 2 male rmtes to sublease apt lor C'mon now babies. NEW PAINT $1,100 funds' spr-ng $150 a mo. 354-0549 FALCON MARCHING 8AND CONCEPT We'l work rt on out. CALL 9 AM 2 PM AXO'LAURA SMtTM'AXO Love, your Alpha Phi sisters At the Gamma Pin's Need 1 or 2 females lo rent apt for Spring Sem. 841-8480 Only 3 more days til we Mark S. Kelly and "TWIST AND SHOUT!" $106 a mo incl Heat Call 3530925 Read west to Palm Springs. Jay C. Jackson, conductors KAPPA SIG: TODO HARDY LOVE. THE BOPPERS LOOKING FORWARD TO A FUN FIUEO Needed Spring Term Male roommate, non- for 8 days of fun and sun' Sunday, November 22-Anderson Arena NIGHT' smoking Vary dose to campus 525 E Merry FOR RENT ' GET EXCITED * 3:00 PM—S3.00 adults S2.00 students CAUSE TWIST AND SHOUT IS GONNA BE SHERRY FICKEN $t20amo & low utlities Cal soon 354-4818 Luv the other letsetter CONGRATULATIONS NEOPHYTE' OUT OF SIGHT' Needed nonsmoking female to sublease apart- Stacey WE KNEW YOU COULD DO IT' •••ROOM FOR RENT-•• YOUR GAMMA PHI DATE. ment close lo campus spring semester Cal ALPHA PHI LOVE ALWAYS. USA 353-5817 3 females looking lor roommate ANGELA s AMY BOOBS Spring 1986 GAMMA PHI BETA Non-smoking temate needed to sublease apt Cal 352-6865 Hope you have a loadaly hoppin' birthday 1 To a great Big Nancy Crcd Karen Schaffer -mmediately and spring sem $106.25 a mo Your womb loves you. and the rest of the toads 1 SHORT MOP (soon lo be only "short") Hope you have a great weekend" Congratulations I'm very proud of you, just Cal 352-5432 ask lor Kathy. eves too Stay away from bread twabes. toilet rats. Are you twisting and shouting? think one more step and then you II be active' Get psyched lor this Saturday as we venture 1 6 2 bdrm turn apt Close to campus lor video game men. cars, bloo bathrobes. Tina's. Your fame loves ya. I'm glad you're in my famityy Irom the Gamma Phi Twist and Shout to the 1986 Spring Semester-aval mid Dec Cal col popcorn makers, boots, monsters. Kent State ZBT Tahiti I'm sure we'l have a blast as long aa Chris Love. Your Grand B»g Laura Wanted one non-smoking female roommmate Hct 1 287-3341 Security and stammers you have your alcohol (Just kidding!) and I let lor Spring Semester Furnished Piedmont GAMMA PHI BETA 1 bdrm (urn apt util included Close to cam Love. Edd*. Lau (WIL). Bone. Annie(but). you behave that you're always right One thing Apts Cal 352 0347 Jesster. Lol. Lenny, Amus and her roommate Get Ready Delta Zetas. this Sunday at 6:00 la L.J. (R.R.R.) though The couch Is mine pus 6 downtown $350 a mo. Avail Spring 1 Knn Caucus! When the Slaters of Delta Zeta meat, Hey. it's been 3 months HARD TO WANTED. 1 MALE (OR FEMALE) ROOMMATE 1988 Cal 352-6389 9 lo 5 and 869-3255 wonderful things happen!! BELIEVEICC Just think of all the games of .NEEDED FOR SPRING SEMESTER ALL eves BETA: AARON MCVEIGH -DZ'See You Sunday at Sli*DZ* monopoly yet to play. The Slug Bug SIG EPS UTILITIES EXCEPT ELECTRIC PAID 2 HOPE YOU'RE READY TO TWIST AND SHOUT Members, the bone parties, or Ann Arbor SHOTGLASS SKILLET SPOO BEDROOMS. LARGE UVING SPACE IF IN- SAT NIGHT WITH A GAMMA PHI" GET READY It's the 1980s it is true 1 lemale nonsmoking roommate wanted lor 1 (almost), or better aim...The All-Momlng TERESTED. CALL 354-5121 TO PARTY. GET READY TO DANCE. FOR A Happy 19th Birthday Dan Mordarskl May your Out we can't wait 2nd semester 2 bdrm . 2 bath apt Close to 1 TECH LAB EXTRAVAGANZA with a trip to FUNFILLED EVENING THAT WILL END IN Me be like a re* ol toilet paper-long & useful lo go back rn lime with you' WANTED 1 NONSMOKING MALE TO campus Cal now 353-6120 1 Micky D's (not to be confused with The Khvl 1 Try not to gat too wasted Love. Guess Who' SUBLEASE APT SPRING SEMESTER ROMANCE I LOVE YOU. JOANNE Man) ASSUME LEASE * OCCUPANCY ANYTIME 1 Fmte needed to rent apt dose to campus Hey Alpha CM'sl Back lo the 20s B»g Keeey D -T.A. (R.R.) AFTER 12-19. NO PAYMENT UNTIL 1-15 EX- EFFICIENT AND FURN $130 a mo Aval Campus economy says it's time for a fattee flappers and gangsters we wil be. Spring-summer Cal 353-3243 I don't know how lo thank you enough (or al TREMELY CLOSE TO CAMPUS. $120 A MO RISKY BUSINESS1 breaking Prohibition at the GREAT GATSBY. you've done (or me since I met you You're a LIC Janet- PLUS GAS 1 PHONE CALL 362-1470 Tonight's the night1 1 non-smoking female to sublease nice turn 2 good listener, a good talker add a great friend I'm so eicfted to get my new little! You're a bedrm apt lor spring semester Rent Grab a date and let's Program"' On to the 50 s WANTED: MALE ROOMMATE GAMMA PHI BETA ft even more special to me perfect addition to an already fabulous negotablei Please cal 352-8684' we'l TWIST AND SHOUT SPRING SEMESTER now that I've got a t>g sister m you I LOVE MY family! Rock'n and roi'n is what it's al about 21 OR OLDER- $160 6 ELEC t or 2 non-smoking, female roommates to BIG" HEY TELEPHONE MAN!!! XI love A lots of mine. 354-3045 sublease 3 bdrm apt 2 bats from campus Love. U" Rita Since I don't have a car. could you sell me a -cfcy On the Gamma Phi'a Avb xnmed or Spring Sem Cal 352-0709 cellular telephone tor my bike? Lll' Shannon you can depend Blank spot? Memory Gel psyched lor tonight' So get ready lor a Wild Time Warp weekend WANTED ONE OR TWO MALE ROOMMATES Love and Luck Young Lady I'm so excited that you are now a part ol our TO SUBLET APARTMENT FOR SPRING toss? You'll be both seniors, Alpha Xi tamey. I'm proud to have you as my 2 bdrm apt newly redecorated Heat incfud SEMESTER ACROSS FROM CAMPUS ALL 11 you don't schedule a little' KIM AMY BETH KRISTINE Aval Jan 1 352-7454 8 823-7555 UTIUTIES EXCEPT ELECTRIC ARE PAID senior portrait today. HOW CAN SIGNING YOUR NAME ON ONE GAMMA PHI BETA ^ Lo.a. your Big CALL STEVE 353-2504 2 BDRM -2 BATH APT CLOSE TO CAMPUS Portraits thru Nov. 20. CARD SAVE YUR LIFE AND MAYBE YOUR Lisa and Micheae $120 PER MONTH. PLUS ELECTRIC CALL Call 372-8066 today! FRIENDS? IT CAN IF IT'S A MEMBERSHIP Congratulations on going Neophyte! SUSAN CAGE ANYTIME 353-0504 FOR THE "I'M DRIVING CLUB" BGSU'S Wanted one lemale roommate lor spring I am so proud of you two You are the best i.ttlos 3 more days til you know wnaf DESIGNATED ORIVER PROGRAM. ALL YOU semester to share apt with 3 other girts At 4th 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED TO SUBLEASE TWO anyone could ask tor Yep' You're a year older I wish you the Hap- HAVE TO 00 IS SIGN A MEMBERSHIP CARD BEDROOM APT. SPRING SEMESTER. 1130 Brathaus Alpha Phi love & tons o( mme. pieat Birthday ever a Elm Please conlacl Unda at 354-4708 IN THE UNION FOYER TODAY FROM PEB MONTH. THIRD 6 HIGH 354-06B1 OSU vs Michigan Karen Loves ol Love, LD 9:30-4:30. THEN BE A DESIGNATED DRIVER Wanted Roommates Oklahoma vs Nebraska FOR TWO OR MORE Of YOUR FRIENDS. Little Betsy Hanscom 1 or 2 needed For more wlormation cal Dawn See both games on our 7 loot screen T V 521 East Merry Apt Dl Needs Male Welcome to "Xi" Best Family Thenksgrvng Eve Service or Mac before 10 AM-after 10 PM 354-0588 Bar open at 11 30 AM SHOW THE CARD AT LOCAL BARS AND 150 1-2 Manvile Needs Female RECIEVE FREE SOFT DRINKS ALL NIGHT!! Love, SI Mark's Lutheran Church 220 Luckey Road Wed.Nov 25 7 30PM Come early for good seats MEMBERSHIP DRIVE 9:30-4:30 IN THE UNION Nancy 710 Eighth St (House) FOYER Non-perishable food Items wil be collected dur- Hot Dogs Available HELP WANTED 402 High St Apt 2B Needs Male ing the otlenng 707 Ttvrd St Apt B HWO CAN YOU RECEIVE FREE SOFT LITTLE KIM NOLAN AND LITTLE JULIE Everyone welcome DRINKS BY BEING A DESIGNATED DRIVER? FRINDT ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR NEEDED 707 Third St Apt D GET YOUR "I'M DRIVING CLUB" CARD AN0 I love my httles' Congratulations on going NOW INTERVIEWING lor the summer ol 1988' 727 Third St Apt A CJ and Joe TAKE IT TO LOCAL BARS. Neophyte' I'm so proud ol both of you! The Alpha Dolts love their pledges' Keep up the Need a summer k»? Why wait til the last 854 Eighth St No 10 We are ready to go 120 South Colege (House) •JOIN THE I'M DRIVING CLUB- Love. enthusiasm! ma-iutel? Wei. then, as Yogi Bear says. "Hey. It sure wM be fun. TODAY! IN THE UNION FOYER 9:30-4:30 Big Brtgrtte Hey-lfs your lucky day!" Cal John Newtove Reateslale 354-2260 We H be on the run THE MEMBERS OF THE Our campground. Yogi Bear's Jellystone Camp Two date parties await PI KAPPA ALPHA VOLLEYBALL TEAM It will be great1 JANET SHANK LIN Little Linda Pond WISH TO THANK THEIR DZ Resort, is looking lor 2 creative, outgoing in A TWO PERSON APT. AVAILABLE FOR dlviduais to coordinate and direct activities for a Your Gamma Phi Dates Welcome to XI family' Congrats on going Neophyte' COACHES DAWN. USA. AN0 VICKI SUBLEASE SPRING a SUMMER SEMESTERS. Lisa and Jan Xi love, your great grand big Kattn Keep up (he good work FOR DOING A FANTASTIC JOB family camping resort. LOCATION Aurora. Ohio GOOD LOCATION, FURN. 1300 A MONTH*. and grand big Gina Alpha Phi Alpha Phi THANKS' WE HAD A GREAT TIME 5 miles form Sea World of Orso and Geeuga CALL 354-1345 AFTER 5:00 PM Lake Park Love. Your Big. Ertn College Jr or Sr level pretend The Sisters ol Alpha XI Delta Experience preferred but not a must little Led Ann would Ilka lo congralulata Jenny Foreman on Living tacaities provided ACROSS FROM OFFENHAUER Congratulations on going Neophyte her Alpha XI Delta-Sigma Alpha Epsllon pin- If interested, send resume to Jellystone Camp TRAILER TO SUBLET FOR SPRING You've done a great rob S ning to Chris O'Connor from Case!! Resort. 3392 SR 82, Mantua. Oho 44256 SEMESTER. 2 BEDROOM. CLOSE TO CAM- 1 PUS. CALL MITZI OR TRACY AT 353-4035 I'm so proud of You! The Sisters ol Delta Zeta love Vickie Fuegat and Alpha Phi Love. COME TO NEW YORK! Energetic mother's Lisa Corkins" Both ol you are super special helper with good sense ot humor wanted for AN EFFICIENCY CLOSETOCAMPUS IN A BtgDtana 1 Zeea DZ • DZ" DZ • DZ • DZ New York City environs 19 plus years, must BUILDING OF ITS OWN RENT $175 PLUS LITTLE SHANI FALLAW To my DC bound Denver buddies drive, non-smoker Start In January for a year UTIUTIES CALL TORNAR AT 354-2898 Welcome to XI famey I'm so excited that you Sorry I can't go Have a great nme and a Happy Experience desirable, references necessary are my tttJe because you are such a special per- Thanksgiving Wnte-cal June Blanc. 1 Heights Cross Road. FOR son, especially to me I love you! Apartment for sublease two bedroom unfur- Wendy Chappoqua. NY 10514(914-238-3639) ONLY Your Big. Lisa nissea lor spring semester. $280 a mo & gas a Any Medium Extra flame etec 354-0493 756 • asch To my large CATE WITTE ELECTRICIANS Apartment for Rent LITTLE SUE KERZAN 13" One—Item Pizza You're a great big and I'm proud to be your little APPRENTICESHIP •Lrttle I am finally tm9 2 bdrm , AC, Free gas a heat, new appaances. Thanks for the lun last Friday and Thanks lor OPPORTUNITY WITH THIS '•Even though rt took some beer microwave, carpeting Available January 4. PLUS 2 FREE estormg lo the "Days ol My Lite" Get ready to Men 6 Women) Ch-tOOO Styl" Ixtro -Welcome to the family of XI, 354-8602 12 OZ. CANS OF POP COUPON do some DMTY DANCING this weekend The Toledo Electrical Joint Apprenticeship and -Thai la where the laughs will be' Love, your Pi Phi Srrvjl... Training Committee wil be accepting applies- -Even though you are a knob FREE SECURITY DEPOSIT Cathy Dona lor apprenticeship Irom November 30. Expires •They promised me it would be a tun job! Large 2 bedroom apt tor 3-4 people a.allabli FREE DELIVERY 1*67 through December 11. 1N7. Appkce- 12/31/87 I Love You Uttle' TO OUR KAPPA SIG DATES KEVIN THE tor spring semester Close lo campus Cal Ono Coupon Per Pizza trons wil be n njnhlri at the Apprenticeship Debbie DUKE OF EARL". AND TODD Sandy at 372-4610 Open 4 p.m. PHONE 352-5166 Gel exerted lor Saturday night Training Center. 803 Ume City Road. Rossford. Couae GAMMA PHI'S AND KAPPA SKIS Ohio Ibeh-nd Local 8) from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 FREE SECURITY DEPOSIT L——-B.C.'t Oldnt and Finest Pizzeria ———J Atwaya do It up right! p.m., Monday through Friday. It you are at Lg 2 bedroom. 2 bathroom apt 616 E Merry Wei Twtet and Shout and drink some cheer least 18 years ol age. have successfully com- Street Female Roommate Needed lor Spring Just one more day. patted one year ot ragh school algebra or a post Semester $131 25 per mo 353-8515 Kim And the time to party wil be here! high school algebra course, or GEO and are MI Your GAMMA PHI DATES Chrtssy, Michelle. good health, you qualify to apply for said Pro- Houses a Apartments dose to campus tor Spr and Lisa gram YOU MUST APPLY IN PERSON. ing Semester 1988 and 1988-1989 school Winthrop Terrace Apts. Recruitment, selection, employment and train- year 1-267-3341 ing ol apprentices « done without discrimination To Our M| Ep Dstea: Scott > Pele due to race, religion color, national origin or 1 Saturday night la mat about hare •ex. LIVE ALONE Cozy efficiency apt -Completely Our Tarlet and Snout Date Party wl be the beat tumiahed-al unities included' Cal 362-4971 thai year! Help Wanted Cashiers after 9 PM Buttons Now Hiring Back to the 50a la where we'l be ISecond"Semester"Leasesi Must be 18 yrs or older Need to aubteaao large 2-bedroom apartment e e It wl be the time of your Me so lust wait and see 5 minute waft to classes Available for spring Plenty of drinking we writ do non-slop Cal 352-0801 And ol course lots ol dsndrtg to some JarJhouse 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts .- Furn. & Unfurn. Rook! UFEGUARDS So gel ready lo twist and gat ready lo shout Get your summer job aned up earty' Certified Roommate needed to sublease 2 bedroom apl Cause Saturday night ■ what ware taking Ifeguarda needed for al shifts II interested, $225 a month Utilities paid 352-2429 Includes: Heat, Water, Full Time Maintenance about! contact Jelyslone Camp Resort 3392 SR *se Efficiency apartment, unfurnished Love, your Gamma PM Detes 82. Mantua. Ohio 44255 one bedroom, new carpet, dose to campus Beth J Shorn RESORT HOTELS. Cruoeanes. Alrlnes 6 $276 monthly Cal after 5 00 and weekends SAVE $'s WITH SPECIAL RATES DURING NOVEMBER Amusement Parka NOW accepting applications 363-9317 TO THE ALPHA PHIS lor summer iobs mternehips and career posi- Two trjommalee needed to sublease lor spring GOOD LUCK NEXT WEEK WITH ELECTIONS tions For information A application: write Na- semester Brand New Ctoee to campus $688 Office: 400 Napoleon Rd. Hrs: Mon-Fri 9-8 ALL OF YOU ARE VERY QUAUFrEO AND THE tional Coiegiele Recreation. P.O. Box 8074. per semester I uMtiea Separate bed and bath 332-9135 Sat & Sun 10-4 88-89 EXEC WILL BE IN GREAT HANDS' ►Won Head Island SC 29938 CaN3M-*4M The BG News Magazine Nov. 20, 1987 'Angels9 a guaranteed good time by Nancy Erikson

Why in the world would anyone go to see "My Three Angels" this weekend in the Eva Marie Saint Theater in University Hall? The play is not well known. It's the weekend before Thanksgiving and the second weekend it runs is before the dreaded finals week. Who has the time to see this show? (Except, of course the Theater 141 students who have to save their grades.) Well, I'll tell you why someone would want to go see this show. It is absolutely hi- larious and I can guarantee the audience will have a good time. The show will run Nov. 19,20, and 21


and Dec. 3,4, and 5 in the Eva Marie Saint Theater in University Hall. The perform- ance begins at 8 p.m. Directed by Dr. Allen Kepke, the show is cast perfectly. The convicts are clever and lovable. The trusting storekeeper is naive but not annoying. The ingenue is beautiful and charming. And, of course, the villains are shrewd and loathsome. Part of the reason the cast works so well is that Kepke was not afraid to cast a mix- ture of people, with a mixture of ages and occupations. There are undergraduates, graduates, alumni and even an actress from Miami Florida. This mixture adds to Friday/Paul Vernon Elizabeth Ann* Kimes (Emille Ducotel), left, Melissa Ann Mll- Three Angels." The play wi the flavor of the play, which takes place on I run all this weekend and all next IInglon (Maria Louise Ducotal), Jerry Busse (Joseph) and Jamas weekend. an island that contains a mixture of peo- A. Tutorow (Alfred) run through the drasa rehersal of "My ple, to say the least. The three convicts are played by Gerry They convey a feeling of warmth that made annoying. That was a good choice on their portrayal of Jules. He tended to slip into Busse, a graduate student in theatre, Jim me almost want to go up on the stage and parts. the role he had in Brighton Beach Azelvandre, sophomore theatre major, and join them. That feeling of togetherness is The Ducotel family was played by Peters. Memoirs. James Tuturow III, sophomore theatre important to the show because it makes all Elizabeth Kimes, junior journalism major There was also a tendency for the per- major. their actions, no matter how ruthless, seem and senior IPCO major Melissa Millington. formers to throw away their opportunities Busse plays Joseph. He's the busi- almost noble in the name of friendship. They really came off like a real family. to make the most of jokes. Busse had a nessman of the trio. He is very convincing One of the smaller character parts was There was the affection between Peters tendency to get caught up in the pace of and has superb comic timing. He plays the that of Madame Parole, played by Virginia and Kimes who played husband and wife. the play, which is very good, except that he sarcasm well but I was more impressed by Harris, resident of Miami Florida. There was also that loving relationship be- threw away a couple of his lines which were his glimpses of tenderness towards the Harris, where the heck have you been? tween mother and daughter between also quite funny. storekeeper, Felix Ducotel, played by Wil- She has a wonderful handle on her char- Kimes and Millington, even though the ac- However, these are nitpicky complaints. liam «)i,in Peters III, senior theatre major. acter without creating a caricature. She tresses have very little time to develop that The show not only carries itself, but the Azelvandre plays the fatherly Jules. He never makes fun of her character; she sim- relationship in the show. performance of every single person in the portrays the fatherly image well but he ply lives the character's life and makes her Since this is a Christmas show the colors cast and crew makes the experience of does not try to make his character old. I delightful for the audience to watch. 1 are very important in regard to light and watching it absolutely entertaining. I dare tell could that Jules was definitely older didn't want her to leave the stage. costumes. The costumes are very colorful anyone to walk out after the first act. than the others, but Azelvandre chose to The villains are played by Ed McMasters. and give a real flavor to the show. The keep him young, which was a good choice. junior IPCO major and Kerry Riffle, a Uni- lights, likewise, are somewhat festive in Tuturow plays Alfred. He gave a really versity alumnus. Both play their parts as that there are a lot of blues and greens and impressive performance. He is a very ener- though they are almost bookends of each reds that give the show that Christmas feel- getic actor. However he controlled his per- other. Riffle's character being a bit ing. formance and made his character funny younger. One very intelligent aspect of There is a trap that is easy for actors and but real too. their performances was that they did not actresses to fall in and that is the trap of The three actors worked well together to try to make these villains evil or overbear- playing a role the way they played a similar portray their relationships with each other. ing. They simply made them snobby and role. Azelvandre does this in his fatherly 2 i ini Friday Hagailne/Nov 20, 1987 Radical feminist play performed by Deborah Gottschalk Mark's Large 2-item pizza The play is "about being outsiders and outlaws, and is deliberately and quite con- $ siously contradictory...it goes against any for 5.95 kind of ideology," said Holly Hughes, writer of the "Dress Suits to Hire" which was performed Wednesday night in Joe E. FREE DELIVERY 352-3551 Brown Theater. The play, which Hughes agrees is a "ra- dical feminist play," is about two women who live together in a tuxedo rental place, BGSU Theatre presents isolated from the outside world. They may be lovers or sisters; they may not know each other. As they put on different My Three clothes they change personalities. "The women are most defin- Angels itely gay... not apologetic or By Sam and Beta Spewacfc trying to convince people Novembet 19-21 and that that it's good or bad." December 3-5 at 8 p.m. Eva Marie — Holly Hughes Saro Theatre University Hal "The women are most definitely gay," Friday/ Jim Voull Hughes said. They're "not apologetic or Lois Weaver and Peggy Shaw starred In trying to convince people that that it's "Dress Suits for Hire" which was per- good or bad." Hughes describes the play lormed Wednesday night In the Jo* E. as a "an erotic dynamic." Brown theater. Although Michigan and Deeluxe, the two characters played by Lois Weaver and in Spring, 1988. According to Hughes, she Peggy Shaw, are lesbians, all people can began by writing "smutty quasi-political relate to the play "because it is a portrayal theater pieces," and her writing is "still as of people outside the mainstream." disgusting and smutty." The women in the play are "trying to "I soil have a big interest in presenting seek sanctuary," Hughes said, although womens' sexuality as baldly as possible," she added that "it's impossible to have she said. sanctuary really." Shaw (Deeluxe) began her acting career When talking about the play as being a in 1974 as a member of the gay theatrical gay play. Hughes said Shaw calls it "queer company Hot Peaches and co-founded theater." WOW. "Forget about gay, say queer...," Hughes said. Cay is a word that came about in the Weaver, a founding member of WOW late 1970s for a lot of reasons. People who and Spiderwoman Theater in New York What is it? wanted to fit into a mainstream adopted it has toured with them for seven years If you can identify this object, so that they could be accepted by middle through Europe and the U.S.. She is cur- you could win a $15 gift America. It became a bland saying, like rently making her film debut in "She Must certificate from Stingers Cafe, saying "there's nothing different about us Be Seeing Things," and has taught acting 1414 E. Wooster. (Does not include tax, gratuity, or alcoholic but our sexuality," Hughes said. "Queer- in Europe and at several American col- beverages). ness is less about assimilation," and more leges. Drop your answers in the entry about accepting cultural values that are The play was first read at WOW. then box located in the BG News different, she said. produced by PS122, an experimental editorial office, 210 West Hall. theater in New York City. It was then Entries are due by Wednesday, "The difference is important in this play; "picked up at the inner art theater in New Nov. 25 at 2 p.m. The winning we're not saying we're like everybody else," York... we got a very good response in New entry will be named at that time. Hughes said. York." Hughes said. In a tour of the If more than one correct entry is Hughes wrote "Dress Suits for Hire" in Midwest, the play was performed at two received, a drawing will be held collaboration with Shaw and Weaver, who sold out performances at the University of to determine the winner. If no correct entries are received, the all work together at the WOW cafe in New Michigan. Wednesday night it was well best guess wins. York City, a woman's performance space received in Bowling Green. The next stop Employees of BGSU Student on the Lower East Side. Hughes is author for the play is Milwaukee. Publications are not eligible. of "The Lady Dick," and "The Well of Hominess" to be published by Crove Press Sponsored by

The winner of last week's contest was Kelly McCoy, who correctly identified the object as the Friday bottom of a tennis shoe. Kelly's name was chosen in a drawing of all correct entries. The best The BO News Magazine Gr wrong answer (sorry, no prize since the object was identified) was "Rubber strip found on bars that bartenders put their glasses on so they don'l slide." Editor Jim Youll flUey MaaUiaa to pabUsfcas «»erj Assistant editor ...... PrMar tmrtrng tfea aeateaato rev ay the a Deborah Oottachalk —** *' •*"*"« *•*"<»"•-» <•'»—"M ENTRY FORM Photographer .Paul Veroon p.m.. ..,,...... ,.l—.l.i. a. Name Artist Thorn Krooae ~t ■immllj raflact the aalaloae of Editorial Office ....210WeetHaU rriteyatagaata.. Address <«•> «»-•••' .^a^^^rss^ Phone Number. ■eaptoyiri aaa «• awl alacrtauaat• la air- What is it?_ Copy right 1987, The BO "Jaws toay """" Return to BG News Editorial Office. 210 West Hall. BGSU. Friday Magazlne/Nov 20 1967 DOO 3 Lefties are all right Studies can't explain 'handedness' but historians say it's nothing new by Jackie Jackton plains how left-handers were weeded out. that lefties' brains are organized different Another explanation suggests that high But this is just a myth. Artwork dating from righties'. levels of testosterone or a sensitivity to it Man has explored the outer limits of back 5,000 years depict 90 percent of the "In right-handed people, the left side of may cause the brain's left hemisphere to space and found the cures to numerous people performing tasks with their right the brain dominates, while in left-handed develop slower than the right hemisphere. diseases, but why is one sibling right- hands. This proves that there has been a 9 people the right side of the brain domin- Still another theory, Rich said, is that a handed while another is left-handed? to 1 ratio since prehistoric times, hut why? ates." Rich said. stressful birth may have some effect on About 10 percent of the population is One truth about handedness is that it One theory suggests brain damage dur- which side of the brain dominates. left-handed. One myth says that during the has always been customary to greet ing fetal development or at birth causes 'This would explain why twins have a time of chivalry, right-handed knights, who someone with the right hand. In some the right hemisphere of left hander's higher rate of left-handedness," she said. held swords in their rigtht hands and countries, eating is restricted to the right brains to dominate. Some scientists specu- Rich noted that nobody can ever really shields in their left hands, had a better hand only and the left hand is used exclu- late that this may be due to a lack of oxy- change the neurological wiring of a per- chance of surviving through battle. It was sively for unclean tasks, such as wiping gen during prenatal development. ■See Left, page 7 assumed that the shield protected the left after defecation (to put it mildly). half of the knight's body, where the vital But why the big stink about what hand organs were. you use? Deborah Rich, graduate assistant Left banders, holding shields in their in psychology said handedness is neu- right hands and swords in their left hands, rologically ingrained. ■ suffered the most casualties. By a so-called Despite attempts by people to reverse process of natural selection, this myth ex- the hand preference, scientists have found

Friday/Paul Vernon Friday/Paul Vernon Debbie Rich explains how the dlehotlc listening task la run. The task Is used to show The letters on the table correspond to syllables that the aubject heara In the dlchotic which side ol the brain Is favored by left banders. listening task. The subject removes his hand from the letters aa he heara the syllable. A, BOWLING Soft A ^woodland moll GREEN Climb the Stairs to Sunday-Monday fun! It CK Phone No. cinema 354-0558 SUNDAY: Mocktails at the Club 7 p.m. - Midnight 18 and over. PG PG FATAL ATTRACTION TEEN WOLF, TOO Baby Boom Featuring LIVE entertainment with SQUARE ONE! SAT/SUN 1 00 3 25 SAI/SUN 1 00 3 15 9 30 ONLY IV! 6 45015 EVE 6 500 20

G PG-13 MONDAY: Big Screen at RUNNING 8 p.m. Football Party Cinderella FLOWERS IN S3 00 All TMES THE ATTIC MM SAI/SJN1 15320 SAI/SUN 1 10 3 35 SAI/SUN 1 20 3 30 Beer Pitcher specials EVE 700 EVf 705045 EVE 7 15 0 35 and Munchie ^^^B TONIGHT & TOMMOROW at 11:30 P.M. Buffet. Latenight Shows *3M Adults *2°° Children "RUNNING MAN" (R) "BABY BOOM" (PG) 104 S. Main 353-0988 "FLOWERS IN THE ATTIC" (PG-13) 4oOQ Friday Magazlne/Nov 20, 1987 Future looks bleak in 'Running Man' by Craig Wagner trained assassins. enter the battlefield with the Stalkers, the constantly pulls for the Stalkers and cheers In an effort to boost ratings even more, story becomes increasingly boring, repeti- when a contestant meets a grisly death. Why is it that films dealing with the fu- Killian arranges to have Ben Richards tious, and predictable. For a production involving Schwarzeneg- ture portray it as such a horrible place to (Schwarzenegger) appear on the show. Ri- In addition, Schwarzenegger's extraor- ger, this is quite a profound insight into live? Maybe such movies are intended to chards, a former police officer framed and dinary wit and humor wears thin very fast. what society has become under a totalitar- make the audience more satisfied with the convicted by the government for the mass Someone has to write this guy more origi- ian regime. present — no matter how bad it may seem. murder of 60 people, is the ideal specimen nal lines than "I'll be back" and "What a This is not enough to completely save Whatever the reason, Arnold Schwar- in Killian's eyes. hothead!" after throwing someone into a "Running Man." However, it is not a bad zenegger's new movie, "Running Man," While Richards proclaims in one of his fiery explosion. movie. The action and Schwarzenegger's paints a grim and grisly picture of the days longer sentences, "I'm not into politics — On the other hand, Dawson gives a par- popularity will draw enough people to keep to come. The thriller, directed by Paul Mi- I'm into survival," his friends Laughlin ticular impressive performance as Killian. theaters full for quite awhile, and Dawson's chael Claser (remember "Starsky and (Yaphet Kotto) and Weiss (Marvin Mcln- His voice, mannerisms, and actions were performance is definitely worth seeing. Hutch"?) and based on the book by Ri- tyre) are members of the underground re- those of a ruthless and manipulative per- Avid Schwarzenegger fans should make chard Bachman (Stephen King's pseu- sistance movement. They too are forced to son concerned only with ratings and public a point to see "Running Man." The rest of donym), shows a totalitarian United States run the death course with Richards. The adulation. Obviously, his experience as a you could rent a video movie and watch a in the year 2019. element of romance is subtly thrown in real game show host helped because he more talented actor. The country is a dark and sinister place, when Amber Mendez (Maria Conchita played the part perfectly. and the government has complete control Alonso), an employee of the T.V. network, The most intriguing aspect of this film is "Running Man," rated R, isnowplaying over everything in society. Television has is caught trying to help Richards and un- seeing a society which is obsessed with sa- at Woodland Mall Cinema. Running time: emerged as a key force in peoples' lives, willingly becomes a contestant. . dism. The audience of "Running Man" 100 minutes. but the programs are extremely sadistic in Most of the film then focuses on the four (which includes elderly grandmothers) nature. as they fight to withstand the attacks of The shows range from the "Hate Boat" such Stalkers as Buzzsaw (Gus Rethwisch), to "Climbing for Dollars," in which a con- who brandishes an assortment of chain testant clings to a rope hung from the ceil- saws, and Fireball (Jim Brown), who car- ing of a room filled with Doberman pins- ries a flame thrower. Yes, the future is full chers. The idea is to pick up as many dol- of amazing technologically-advanced lar bills lying on the floor as possible with- weapons — chain saws, flame throwers, out getting tom to pieces. and hockey sticks. However, the highest-rated program on But audiences will not rush to see "Run- T.V. is the game show "Running Man," ning Man" for its accuracy and ingenuity. which is hosted by the egotistical and ruth- People will go to see Schwarzenegger do less Damon Killian (Richard Dawson, who his usual bicep-flexing in a movie which in hosted "Family Feud" from 1977 to 1985). not really as violent as it seems. In the show, convicted felons are piomised The pace of "Running Man" is fast and it suspended sentences or even beachfront is relatively entertaining — it is definitely condos in Maui if they can outrun and ou- Schwarzenegger's best film since "Com- twit the Stalkers, fearsome and highly- mando." However, once the contestants

You choose the Sub - We'll fill the Mug

rQQIlQl S special. George's special. Taco Sub, German Delight, Vegetarian, Monty, Hawaiian Punch, Chef's Delight, Regular, or Taft Entertainment Roast Beef Ban Richards (Arnold Schwarzenegger} and Buzzsaw (Qua Rsthwlsch) match strength on "The Running Man," a daadly futuristic gama show where contestants light to the death tor the home audience. HOWARD'S^ *

No Cover 8 + 1M ug To your door or in the store POgl iQi'S Filled 16 oz. collector's Pizza MUG for only STARTING MONDAY NIGHT 945 South Main MONDAY-WEDNESDAY FREE DELIVERY DAILY $ FRIDAY & SATURDAY From 11AM' 3.50 NOV. 23-25,27 + 28 with this coupon 352-7571 HOWARD'S IS A DESIGNATED DRIVER PARTICIPANT i Friday Magazlnt/Nov ZO. 1987 5 "I've got the washday blues, oh yeah..." by Christopher J. D«wion amounts, but don't listen to them. Those amounts are based on what they do in Certain things in this world are inevita- laboratories, and have nothing to do with ble. Death, taxes, final exams, sex, drun- the real world. But then again, neither kenness (usually precedes final exams does college. Just pour in enough. and/or sex), and laundry. I knew laundry If you think a whole box is enough, so be /ijywA&l0Zl Mid£, PO YoUtieAZ" was inevitable when my closet began over- it. Add your quarters (in the coin slots, not flowing with my rather grungy wardrobe. with the clothes) and start. Don't worry I think there must be some mathematical about what temperature, just set it on law that states that dirty clothes take up "cold". Hot can shrink everything, and more space than clean clothes. I have medium does nothing. Once the wash cy- plenty of room when my clothes are clean, cle has started, be prepared to wait, as but they seem to occupy much more space these machines can be notoriously slow. In fact, this would be the perfect time to learn a second language, do a term paper, or settle down, get married and have kids. After the washer is through, it's time to Tongue in Cheek dry your wardrobe. First, you have to fight for a dryer. Once the dust has settled, reach into the washer and pull out the so- and smell much worse when they are dirty. ggy mass that was once clothing. Lug it 'I,»« When the mass of dirty laundry gains sen- over to the dryer and pour it in. Once tience and starts doing your term papers, again, throw it all in at once. you know it's time to do the laundry. Now you have to pick a temperature to The best way to do laundry is to put it dry it all. The machines in the dorms make off. Wear everything three or four times. it easy by having four settings, Hot, Hotter, That's tough to do with underwear but the Blast Furnace, and Nuclear Reactor Core. only way around that is to buy enough Pick one and automatically assume that all underwear to last a few weeks. of your clothing will shrink. Also assume Pants can be worn many times, unless that it will take forever and a day to dry. In they're white. Shirts can also be worn fact, this would be an excellent time to many times. If they get dirty, tum them in- learn a third language and maybe write side out. Not only does that stretch out your memoirs. - 7?''// your wardrobe, but it makes you look sty- When your clothes are finally dry, throw lish. As for socks, don't worry about wear- them into your bag or basket, and haul ■e*f*i&&i ing them many times, because no one can them back to your room. Some people sit uu see them. Just spray them with Lysol every there and fold everything, but you've two or three days, and try to ignore the already spent enough time in the laundry squishy feeling. room. The process now begins again, and Once the wardrobe has been exhausted, in a few weeks you'll be back in Laundry it is safe to assume that laundry time has Room Hell again. Of course, you could go arrived. home every few weeks and have Mom do •T3<4 First, get some quarters (the ones used your laundry for free, but don't say I gave Friday/Thorn Krouse last night are probably too sticky). Beg if you the idea. you have to. Next, stuff your laundry into a basket or garbage bag and haul it down to the laundry room. One guy I know throws ACE thorn krouse all of his laundry onto his bed and wraps it up in his sheets, which he also washes. In fact, he just jams the whole mass into one Qoooo-W* BCWGOAJT I COULD scant? (MX ...0R1CMO 1$\ AmmniUtems TO CCAS5, MAT'S A To UPZ SC/fNCE ANV TROT 0W* TO— routiDTvi ipKM-s machine, without unwrapping it. HVfte.-itireui(ZNTM A IK lOttDtTiotiiHG PUCT. Once you have reached the laundry UKeMenvoTbc*/? HVMAJ&fcHlY MOM 1 ' . ..; •# room, find a good seat and wait. All the ABdir rue wozw- r ■■ washing machines will be in use. This is especially true in my dorm. Four hundred people live in my building. We have four machines. This introduces a new factor into the laundry process. You have to plan when to do your laun- dry. Usually, the best time is around mid- night, or on a weekend morning. Around seven or eight is good, because no one else is awake at that time unless they're trying to do laundry also. Once you have gained the use of a machine, defend it to the ... ANQSO.AtTlZAHHOUR, death. There are plenty of desperate peo- A MOUfT OF AffT ft/CAT, fCE ple out there with dirty clothes who want your machine. For example, Iran. You've got a machine. Now it's time to do the actual washing. First, jam all of your clothing into one machine. I know every- one says not to, especially parents, but a they're not broke, either. I don't know about you, but I cannot afford to do separ- ate loads. Once the clothing has been wedged into the machine (don't worry; they're built to take it), pour in some detergent. Of course aD the various brand* specify exact 6 in Friday Magazine/Nov. 20, 1987 'Mice': Give your support to this local' Cleveland band by Jeff Ingle and Mike Kutas tion. his steady, innovative bass lines fill the Also included is the politically-based spaces often left by a three-piece band. While many people turn to Los Angeles, rocker "Not Proud of the USA," a song After gaining local popularity, the band THEMICEI New York, or London for what they con- which does not condem the USA, but has since released its first full-length album sider "happening" music (like that which is prompts a closer look at some of this coun- entitled "Scooter." This album goes For Almost Ever propagated commercially on the likes of try's past and present activities. A romantic beyond the more fundamental rock 'n roll MTV), they fail to recognize the true talent flavor is added to the EP with "Rescue You explosiveness found in the first EP. which exists right in their back yards. Too" and "Felicia." The trio includes Bill "Scooter" features ten tracks that exhibit a Cleveland, the rock and roll capital of Fox on guitar and lead vocals, Tommy Fox well-balanced variety of music ranging the world, is only two hours away on the on drums and Ken Hall on bass. Fox, a from the soft ballad of "When Tiffany turnpike and offers some of the hottest history major at Cleveland State Universi- Cries" to the melodic overture of "Little hands in the land. One such band is Cleve- ty, contributes the lyrics, adding to the Rage" to the omnipotent punch of "Se- land's "The Mice." The band released its already powerful music. Tommy Fox adds cond Best"and"Just Like Brick." first EP. "For Almost Ever." in 1985. The the drive behind the music. Many bands The band artistically includes the trum- six song EP quickly became a local favorite use drums as the backbone of their music, ■See Mice, page 7. in Cleveland. "For Almost Ever" opens but the Mice use the drums to give direc- with the aggressive "Downtown" which tion and power to their songs. Hall adds gives a solid example of the band's direc- backing vocals to many of the tracks, and 'You can't stuff oatmeal' by Jim Cummer ked Dr. L.E. Ott. 'Used if. Dr. Tasty ex- claimed, 'I ain't never even heard of it!' FRIDAY ON MY MDND.,.No nukes, it's 'Well', Dr. Ott replied, 'I'd better call Friday! You've survived another week as Judge Ginsberg. He's used just about ever- P.O.A's (that's Prisoners of Ambition, ything.'(Hct 248 is, of course, a DNA folks). Rest easy, Joe College, next week is intercalating dye used to stain DNA and abbreviated! And, we've only 35 shopping cell nuclei.) days 'till You Know What! HEY! TURN IT DOWN OR ILL CALL THE FRIDAY TOP FIVE - This Fri- THE COPS - If you'll dance to anything day's Top Five topic is: Why do we serve then don't miss THE DEAD MILKMEN turkey on Thanksgiving instead of Oat- Monday at the Nectarine Ballroom in Ann meal? Arbor. Tickets are $8.50 and the show 1. You can't carve oatmeal. starts at 9 p.m. SQUEEZE and THE 2. Oatmeal doesn't have a wishbone. SILENCERS will be at Detroit's State 3. You can't stuff oatmeal. Theatre on November 25. Tickets are $16.50! Whoah. Squeeze that! THE FRIDAY SIX SENTENCE NOVEL — This week's title: 'Walking Along Woos- ter. "But she was beggin' for it. I couldn't be- Th« FRIDAY Column lieve it!' "What was she like? Was she good looking?" "Hell no, man! She had all these 4. There's no dark meat in oatmeal. clothes on and looked pretty scruffy, so I 5. The dog won't eat leftover oatmeal. ended up givin' her a dollar." NEWS IN BRIEFS - Marvin Garfinkle claims he's not the father of Coco's baby. FRIDAY WITH ELVIS - On Friday, WHAT'S NEW AT THE CAL-TECH November 26,1956, Elvis performed two BIOLOGY LAB? - Real stories from the shows at the Toledo Sports Arena for over biology lab at the California Institute of 13,000 fans, earning over $16,000 in the Technology in Pasadena. This week...'Dr. process. Later that night. The King was in- Tasty, have you ever used Hct 248?', as- volved in a fist fight with the husband of a zealous fan. It seems the fan carried a pic- ture of Elvis in her wallet and not of her husband. The husband decided to duke it The Bowling Green State University out with The Pelvis. Patrolman William Kina, who witnessed the altercation, said, Board of Student Publications "Presley's no slouch. He was really work- ing over that guy. He knows how to handle himself real fine." But, the question re- is now accepting mains, did he get the girl? applications for EDITOR Next to New Shop of has Coats, Jackets Clothes of all sizes

Housewares, Drapes THE BG NEWS Bedding, Shoes for spring semester 1988 Electrical Appliances and Youth Chairs

Applications Available At: 214 West Hall St Aloysius School Deadline: 5 p.m., Tuesday, November 24 S. Summit OPEN TUES. 10-4 FRI. 1-7 FiM«tllimlnc/Nov.20, 1987 t:t n 7

album that certainly deserves national at- tention. So, before you go out and buy the Beatles impersonators perform latest pop-slop from who-knows-where. check out The Mice. by Kraig Pycr nor left-handed. But he learned to play the at the Masonic Auditorium box office or by bass left-handed to make the show more calling (419) 381-8851. Left The Beades together again? No, but authentic. "1964: As the BeaUes" are on tour and ac- ■(Continued from page 3) cording to the critics they are the next best The band started out playing small Mice thing to John, Paul, George, and Ringo. theaters, usually entertaining between "My mother-in-law, a left-hander was Alistair Taylor, former president of Apple 1.000 and 3.000 people. But they recertly forced to change to her right hand when ■(Continued from page 6) Records for the Beades, once called "the played at an outdoor theatre in New Jersey she was younger. After 60 years of using resemblance uncanny-it sent shivers down and attracted 35,000. pet talent of Mike Baker on "Little Rage" her right hand, she found that she could my spine-it was just like the boys." The band, which has been featured on to add another dimension to t he album. work an adding machine easier with her Other than " 1964's" extraordinary abil- such nationally-televised programs as En- Alan McGinty, former member of the" left hand," Rich said. ity to mimic the Beades' vocal style, a big tertainment Tonight, PM Magazine, the Wild Giraffes" (another Cleveland-based part of their appeal is the fact that every- USA Network, and the Nashville Network, band) makes an appearance on the album, She said that although left-handers have thing about their stage show — hair, recendy completed a sound track for as does Tim Rossiter who produced "Caro- been found to have a higher rate of dys- clothes, instruments, amplifiers, every- "Concrete Angel," a movie which was fil- lina," the final cut on the album. lexia, autism, epilepsy and other brain re- thing —is as authentic as possible. med in Canada and features eight Beades' This mice-music is certainly quality mu- lated disorders, they also tend to be art- Drummer Greg George even learned to tunes. sic. Instead of turning on your MTV, you istic, athletic and mathematically gifted. play left-handed on a right-handed drum should turn your car on and drive to Cleve- Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci. Reg- kit the way Ringo Starr did. Gary Grimes, "1964" is scheduled to appear at the land and catch The Mice, one of the gie Jackson, and former president Gerald who portrays left-handed Beades bassist Toledo Masonic Auditorium on Friday. hottest acts around. "Scooter," released by Ford are a few examples of lefties who Paul McCartney, was neither a bass player Nov. 27. Tickets for the show are available Cleveland's St. Valentine Records, is an have succeeded in a right-handed world.

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Opinions, please: dislike it appropriate hate it __doesn't matter 6. How do you feel about having sex inappropriate with someone you just met? by Kcrrilyn Hcon very inappropriate always __ah«ays all right 10. How do you feel about a person sometimes usually all right having many sexual partners'' Tell us how you feel about dating and seldom sometimes all right strongly approve sex by filling out the following question- never never all right ^_approve naire. The results will be published in a 3. "1 would feel uncomfortable dating no opinion doesn't matter future issue of Friday Magazine. an older person. 7. Who do you think gets more en- ditapprnup Thank you for your cooperation in this strongly agree joyment out of life? strongly disapprove poll. Please send (or drop off) question- agree single person 11. How important is it that you have naire at: Friday Magazine, 210 West don't know __married person sex on the first date? Hall, Bowling Green State University, disagree equal very important Bowling Green, OH 43402. strongly disagree no opinion important 4. Would you like a person who AGEL 21-23 24 or 8. What makes you want to date a doesn't matter J7-20_ would want an exclusive relationship older person a second time? (rate using 1 as not too important after only a few dates? SEXu MALE FEMALE most important) not at all important strongly agree prestige 12. What signals do you look for in a 1. How important is it to you that your agree personality person that encourages or makes you date is physically attractive? no opinion appearance/looks want to walk up and talk to them? very important disagree compatibility eye contact fairly important strongly disagree good time on first date smiles not too important 5. If your dates takes the initiative by intelligence laughes not at all important suggesting sex, do you... sense of humor quietness don't know love it 9. How do you feel about a woman nervousness 2. Do you believe dating expenses like it asking a man for a date? touching should be equally shared? doesn't matter very appropriate other:

VALENTINE THEATRE 4zs- I DEFIANCE. OHO 782-5826 I FRI & SAT. THE BG NEWS NOV. 20&21 «.»i THE ONE AND ONLY 27&28 is now accepting OPEN A111:00 SHOWING THIS YEAR SHOW AT 11:30 applications for ADVERTISING THIS IS IT! $ALE$ REPRESENTATIVES SENIORS, YOUR LAST for positions starting TIME EVER AS A Spring Semester 1988 BGSCJ STUDENT! • Gain valuable experience • Commission Paid-potential for FALCONS one of the highest paying jobs on campus vs. • All majors encouraged to apply CENTRAL MICHIGAN • Must have own car Applications & job descriptions SATURDAY available: 214 West Hall PERRY FIELD DEADLINE: Tues. Nov. 24, 5 p.m. KICK-OFF AT 1:30 !■ FridayMagazlne/Nov 20. 1987 inn; 9

DAYTIME MORNING NOVEMBER 20,1987 • NOVEMBER 26, 1987 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 O Nighiwalch Cont'd CBS News CBS News Morning Program Hour Magazine S.J. Raphael Card Sharks Price Is O Varied Programs Morning Stretch Mr. Dressup Sesame St ID Nightwatch Cont'd CBS News Morn/Pro Morning Program Oprah Winfrey Pyramid Card Sharks Price Is © CNN News NBC News Today Donahue Sale Concent Fortune m Agn. Report J Swaggart Good Morning America Q Hour Magazine Geraldo Who's Boss m Business Homestretch Sesame Street g Varied Programs Taste of Contact 0D Business Kangaroo Sesame Street Q Instructional Programming © G.I. Joe SilverHawks Thundercats Menace Little Pony Dallas 700 Club Bewitched m Financial CNN News Porky Pig Teens Flintstones Thundercats Little Pony Little House on the Prairie B Hillbillies Morn. Brk. 700 Club ESPN Varied Aerobics Getting Fit Nation's Business Today SportsCtr SportsLook Varied Programs

TMC Movie Cont'd Movie Varied Programs Movie Movie

DAYTIME AFTERNOON 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O Price Is News Young and the Restless Bold/Bea As the World Turns Guiding Light Divorce P Court Donahue O Sesame St Midday Varied Programs Movie Video Hits News ID Price Is News Young and the Restless Boid/Bea As the World Turns Guiding Light Magnum. P.I. Benson - ID Win, Lose News Scrabble Days of Our Lives Another World Santa Barbara Divorce P Court Cheers M A'S"H S) Truth Ryan's Hope Loving All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital Little House on the Prairie Win Lose News m Varied Programs Square 1 TV Sesame Street g Mr. Rogers Varied 60 Instructional Programming Cont'd Sesame Street g Mr Rogers Square 1 TV

6D Mister Ed Dr Ruth Movie Jeannie Smurfs Jem Gh busters Scooby Doo DuckTales Difl. Strokes SD 700 Club Andy Griffith 1 Love Lucy Dukes ol Hazzard Laverne Ghostbust. BraveStarr G.I. Joe Smurfs DuckTales Happy Days Good Times ESPN Varied Aerobics Getting Fit Varied Programs Auto Racing Auto Racing

TMC Movie Varied Programs Movie Movie Varied Programs

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_—.'. ■. 10 Friday Magazlne/Nov 20, 1987

FRIDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 20, 1987 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O News CBS News PMMag Beauty and the Beast Dallas Falcon Crest News Movie: "The Pink Panther Stnkes Again' o NewsContd Video Hits Not My Front Page Professionals: Master ol Two Servants Journal News Rock Good Rockin Tonite CD News CBS News Fortune Jeopardy! Beauty and the Beast Dallas Falcon Crest News Comedy "Mr Moto's Gamble" IB News NBC News Ent Tonight Facts ol Lite Rags to Riches Private Eye News Tonight Show Late Night SI H Square ABC News Newtywed Dating Full House Dora Belvedere Pursuit 20/20 News Nighlline Love Con. S.J. Raphael © Streamside Business MacNeil/Lehrer Wash Week Wan $t Wk Doctor Who Try Times Mysteryi 09 MacNeil/Lehrer Wonderworks Wash Week Wall St Wk A Case ol Libel R Vickery D. Shadow Business Sign-Ot! m Happenin Gel Smart G Break B Buddies Gunsmoke Movie: Hang Em High' Late Show CheechiChong Nxt Mov © OKI. Strokes Facts ol Life Family Ties M-A'S'H Shaka Zulu News Shaka Zulu 3 s Co. Fall Guy Comedy

ESPN SportsLook Racing SportsCtr. SpwdWk NFL s Greatest Moments Top Rank Boxing SportsCtr. AWA Wrestling

TMC Movie: CametoT Conl'd Movie Trading Places Movie: "Under Fire" Movie: "At Last. At Last"

SATURDAY AFTERNOON NOVEMBER 21,1987 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O Popeye Teen Wolf College Football Notre Dame at Penn State College Football: Oklahoma at Nebraska o Coronation Street What s New Wonder Sportsweekend Sportsweekend CD Winners reen Wolf College Football: Noire Dame at Penn SIM College Football Oklahoma al Nebraska CD Fraggle New Archies I'm Telling! Quiz Bowl Weight Horse Racing Breeders Cup Breeders Cup Continues m Flintstones Bugs Bunny College Football: Ohio State at Michigan College Football: UCLA at Southern Cal w Kitchen Madeleine Kovels V Garden Frugal Old House Woodwrighl Maturity Austin City Limits Business DeGrassi Jr That Delicate Balance

6D Motorweek Madeleine Matunty Outdoors Old House v Garden Woodwnght Kovels Frugal Great Chels Art Tony Brown To Read Business

CD Pro Wrestling Julie Hulk Hogan's Animated Movie: "Easy Come. Easy Go Star Trek Got It Made It s a Living

m Jetsons Meet the Flmtstones Movie: The Legend of Hell House" Movie Battle Beyond the Stars Star Search ESPN Sports SportsCenter Saturday Senior PGA Golf Machado Ford Classic: Second College Basketball North Carolina vs Syracuse IGA Golf: Work) Cup: Final Round

TMC Movie Streets ol Gold Cont'd Movie: Boy in Blue" Movie: "This Sporting Life" Movie: "Blue Skies Again"

SATURDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O College Football Wonder DeLuise Movie: "Agatha Christie s 13 at Dinner" West 57th News Movie: "Breakheart Pass o Sat Report Parliament Real Fishing Grapevine NHL Hockey: Los Angeles Kings at Maple Leals News Knockouts CD College Football News Cash Exp. Movie: "Agatha Christie's 13 at Dinner" West 57th News Movie: "Cocaine: One Man's Seduction CD News NBC News DeLuise Wonder Facts of Lie 227 Golden Girls Amen Hunter News Saturday Night Uve €0 College Football Solid Gold in Concert Sable Ohara Hotel DC. Foies Wrestling Championship World m Adams Chronicles Lawrence We* Compleat Gilbert and Sullivan Mosquito College Football: Ohio State at Michigan £0 Nova Lawrence Welk Movie: "The Shaggy D.A." Movie: Fort Apache Austin City Limits

03 Mama 9 to 5 The Sheriff Martnebead Mr President Women In New Chance Friday the 13th: The Championship Wrestling Star Trek: Next Generation

CD Star Trek Webstar Whats Mr President Women In New Chance Star Trek: Next Gener 3 s Co. Movie: Porky's Revenge

ESPN IGA Golf: Sports Scoreboard College Football Clemson at South Carolina Football CoMg* Football: Air Force at Hawaii

TMC Blue Skies Short Film Movie: "Breaking Away" Movie: Streets ol Gold Movie: "On The Edge Get the good look you want at... ^tjUiW $

Thanksgiving H AIRWAYS Arrangements & Flowers HAIR STYLING FOR MEN AND WOMEN Open Tues - Sot Appointments prei&red out not necessary FTD your order anywhere 6 FULLTIME STYLISTS TO SERVE YOU Sherry I Kyuxi - Hev Pomona - Judy - Donn Greenwood Centre (across from stadium) 428 E. Wooster 353-1045 Friday ll«|azine/Nov 20, 1987 11

SUNDAY AFTERNOON NOVEMBER 22, 1987 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 O North Coast Frontier SportsCtr NFL Today Mov* "Runaway! Movie: "The Desperate Miles" NFL Football: New Yofk Giants at New Orleans Saints o Your Wealth Bits, Bytes Meeting Place Moneyweek Week in Review Larry King Weekend Fiddling Championships CFL Football: Western Final ID Geographic Newsmakers Earl Bruce NFL Football: Detroit Lions at Beam Love Boat Kingdom © Shut-ins Mass Replay NFL Live NFL Football: NBC Regional Coverage NFL Football m World Tom. This Week With David People Sybervision Close-Up Movie: "Benea'.h the Planet ot the Apes" TBA Beautiful Star Search m Tony Brown Markel Nova Candidates M/M Kalb Great °erformances Chiliida Adam Smith McLaughlin Firing Line SD Newton DeGrasst Jr. Interests Adam Smith Wash Week Wall $i Wk. Great Performances Chillida White House Performance Candidates 88/M. Kalb S3 Father Murphy Movie: "The New Adventures of Heidi" Movie: "Susan Slept Here" Star Trek Monkees Cnaries SD WWF Wrestling Challenge Star Trek: Next Gener. Movie: "Revenge ol the Pink Panther Movie. Support Your Local Sheriff" Rich & Famous ESPN Wk/Sports SportsCenter Sunday NFL Auto Racing: NASCAR Atlanta Journal 500 Senior PGA Golf: Machado Ford Classic Hie Code Name: Emerald ] Movie Delia Force | Movie "Oxlord Blues" Movie "Hotel"

SUNDAY EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 o NFL Football CBS News 60 Minutes Murder. She Wrote The Gambler III: The Legend Continues (Part 1 ol 2| News Siskel Cinema T Randall o CFL Footbaft Western Final Cont'd B. Comber Movie: "Keeping Track" News Night at the Races ID News CBS News 60 Minutes Murder. She Wrote The Gambler III: The Legend Continues (Part 1 of 2) News Rosie: The Rosemary Clooney Story" CD NFL Football Cont'd Our House Family Ties Movie: "The Empire Strikes Back News To Be Announced Trapper m Rich & Famous Disney Sunday Movie Dolly Buck James Siskel Runaway The Doctor Is In a Lawrence Welk Wonderworks Nature Masterpiece Theatre Danger UXB Only 1 Earth Art Beat Sign-Off GO V Garden Trains Odyssey Nature Masterpiece Theatre Upstairs. Downstairs Only 1 Earth Prayers Sign-Off m Throb Sea Hunt 21 Jump Street Werewolf Children Tracey Duet Star Trek: Next Gener GLOW Avengers so Star Trek 21 Jump Street Werewolf Children Tracey Duet 9 to 5 Runaway Washingtn Kenneth Copeland 700 Club ESPN Senior PGA Ski World NFL Prime Time NFL Football: Miami Dolphi s at Dallas Cowboys SportsCenter Sunday NFL Prime Time THC Movie: "Hotel" Cont'd Movie. "Tex" Movie: "Delta Force" Movie "Something Wild"

MONDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 23, 1987 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 o News CBS News PM Frank's Kate & Aiiie Newhart D Women Cagney & Lacey News Taxi o News Cont'd Monitor Danger Bay Nat 1 Geo DeGrassi Jr 1915 Journal News Grapevine Rumpole of the Bailey o News CBS News Fortune Jeopardy! Frank's Kate S Alhe Newhart D Women Cagney & Lacey News Movie: "Fast-Walking" IB News NBC News Ent. Tonight Facts of Life ALF Val's Family Movie: "Lena: My 100 Children" News Best ol Carson Letterman w H Square ABC News Newlywed Dating MacGyver NFL Football: Los Angeles Rams at Washington Redskins News Nightline m Literacy Business MacNeil/Lehrer First Eden Oil Try Times Off Center Ohio Bus Nature so MacNeil/Lehrer World of Disney First Eden Oil In Defense of Freedom D Shadow Business Sign-Ofl S3 Happemn Get Smart G Break B Buddies Gunsmoke Movie: The Pirates of Peruance Late Show "Gong Shdw Movie so Dill. Strokes Facts of Lite Family Tiea M'A'S'H Movie: "Apocalypse Now" News Fall Guy Comedy ESPN SportsLook Surfer Mag. SportsCtr NFL NFL NFL Monday Auto Racing: NASCAR Atlanta Journal 500 Auto Racing SportsCtr NFL Great NFL IMC Detective School Dropouts Movie Something Wicked This Way Comes" Movie: "Marlowe Movie: "Top Gun

i^iirvr For everything, oi- wirsici.s we thank you. You challenge us to do our best when we serve you, and you give us a chance to discover just how good our best can be. We thank you for the opportunity to work with you.

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125 E. COURT 352-SPOT 117 E. Court St. 352-4068 12 uuu Friday Magulne/Nov. 20. 1967

TUESDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 24,1987 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 | 12:30 O News CBS News PM Ch. Brown It s Your "The Gambler III The Legend Continues (Part 2 ol 2| News Taxi Kojak o News Cont'd Venture Way We Are fiMh estate Market Man Alive Journal News Movie: "Terror m the Wax Museum CD News CBS Ne*< Fortune Jeopardy1 Ch Brown It s Your The Gambler III: The Legend Continues (Part 2 ol 2)' News To Be Announced CD News NBC News Ent Tonight Facts ol Life Mo» ■■ The Karate Kid Crime Story News Tonight Show late Night m H Square ABC News Newlywed Dating Who s the Growing 20th Anniversary ol Rolling Stone Magazine News Nightline Love Con S J Raphael m French Business MacNeil/Lehrer Nova Ring ol Truth Story ol English Bowling World Chess 69 MacNeil/Lehrer San Bosco Reel Nova Ring of Truth Try Times F Towers D Shadow Business Sign-OM

03 Happenm Get Smart G Break B Buddies Movie "West Side Story Late Show Movie: "Yellowbeard"

CD Dill Slrokes Facts of Life Family Ties M'A-S-H NBA Basketball: Detroit Pislons at Houston Rockets News 3 s Co Fall Guy Comedy

ESPN SportsLook NBA Today SportsCtr. Magic Years Billiards: Team Championships Spirit ol Adventure Tractor Pull SportsCtr Australian Rugby

TMC 1 Ought to Be in Pictures Movie. Turtle Diary" JMovie: "Mane Movie: "night. Mother"

WEDNESDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 25, 1987 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8::S0 9:00 9:30 1(1:1)0 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 o News CBS News PM Oldest Rookie Movie Gandhi" News Taxi Koiak Q News Cont'd Dateline Shuster Nature of Things Street Legal Journal News Movie "Me, Natalie

CD News CRS News Fortune Jeopardy! Oldest Rookie Movie: "Gandhi News Night Heat CD News NBC News Ent. Tonight Facts ol Lite Highway to Heaven Year In the Lite Jay Leno Comedy Hour News Tonight Show Late Night

© H. Square ABC News Newlywed Dating P Slrangers Head Cl Hooperman S Maxwell Dynasty News Nightline Love Con SJ Raphael

© Literacy Business MacNeil/Lehrer Norman Rockwell American Masters Newport Jazz 87 Art Beat Ring of Truth

GD MacNeil/Lehrer San Bosco Reel Norman Rockwell American Masters Newport Jazz 87 D Shadow Business Sign-Off

CD Happenm Get Smart G Break B Buddies Gunsmoke Movie Xanadu Late Show Movie: "Apache Uprising

ED Dill Slrokes Facts ol Life Family Ties M-A-S'H Movie: "The Jerk" News Hmooner 3 s Co Fall Guy Comedy

ESPN SportsLoc* Scuba SportsCtr Sports WKA Karate U S Top Rank Boxing NHL Hockey: Blackhawks at Kings

TMC "Trading Places Cont'd Movie An American m Pans" Movie "The Money Pit Friday the 13tn. Part VI: Jason Lives When Father

THURSDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 26, 1987 (i:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 O NFL Football til A PM Diet Daffy Duck Movie: "Gandhi" News Taxi Koiak

O News Cont'd Ontario Out Your Moments in Time Tommy Hunter , Journal News "They Shoot Horses. Don't They'

CD NfL football TBA Jeopardy1 Diet Daffy Duck Movie: "Gandhi" News Nighl Heal CD News NBC News Ent Tonight Facts of Life Cosby Show Dif World Cheers Mama's Boy This Is Your Life News Tonight Show Letterman CD H. Square ABC News Newlywed Dating SI Hammer Charmmgs Movie Norman Rockwells "Breaking Home Ties'" News Nightline Love Con. S.J. Raphael CD French Business MacNeil/Lehrer Wild Amer Trains Mystery' Mystery1 Time Out Try Times Prayers m MacNeil/Lehrer The Living Desert Old House Wild Amer Adams Chronicles Mystery! D Shadow Business Sign-Otl CD Happenm Get Smart G Break B Buddies Gunsmoke It's Howdy Doody Time: A 40-Year Celebration Late Show Movie: "Fuzz" CD Diff Strokes Facts of Life Family Ties M-A'S'H Movie: Miracle on 34th Street News Hmooner 3 s Co Fall Guy Comedy

ESPN SportsLook Horse Mag. SportsCtr Sports College Football: Texas at Texas ASM SportsCtr SpeedWeek Skiing:

TMC Movie The Qumns" Movie: Blue Skies Again" j Wo Oxlcid Blues Movie Under Fire

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