14 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wcdnwdav. Nov. 11, 1987 V NOTICB FUaOIL/COAL/ CARS PUBLIC HBAMNO Fascinated by crime: BOARD OF DIRBCTORS FR«WOOO FOR SALE OOP^Anobligationtagetthii^^ TOWN OF MANCMB8TBR, CONNBCTICUT BUSINESS & SEItVICE DIRECTORY Notice It hereby given that the Board of Directors, Town of Ex-FBI man teaches Manchester, Connecticut, will hold a Public Hearing at the FIREWOOD SALE DDDGE Aspen 1976. 4 Lincoln Center Hearing Room, 4M Main Street, Manchester, *S3 par cord, 8 h. Isnglha, door, runtaood.$300or Connecticut, on Tueedoy, November 17,19S7 at 1:00 P.M. to irssn, dalivsrad, B cord best offer. y-75$0. Deadlock: No score, but Whalers shine / page 14 M CC class / page 11 IWiTWS/ consider and act on the following: mlntmum. MC/VI8A PDNTIAC G ra n d Lo ICME l ^wFcWliB Prepoted appropriation to Education Special ------------- Rartharn Flrawoad Mans Safari 1981. Auto­ Prolecte - Fund 41 - Head Start Food 19S7-SS .,!:rr::iUM5.00 matic, power brakes, to be financed by o State Oront. OMrlbutare rAtYlHTINO-Offtrwl mTeSnSSTpalntlna and B30-0II5Q A/C, Excellent condl- dBliHWt n r vow to oe MTOIENAMTN tfolnino. Exparltnca MOW REMOVAL Proposed appropriation to Education Special tlon. 82600. 643-9758. 2V4 yaors. Porastlmate Prelects - Fund 41 - Drug Prevention 19S7-SS.......$17,140.00 QPPVtinYYrVflTV# #Tv« REMODEUin Manohoolor Aron > to be flnonced by o State Oront. OLDS Cutlass 1981. ,^QrT ipnv Qoy cor# coll »<7.>ttS. ________ IRECREATIORAL Brown, 4 door, 92K oi^rrttuo Olio, l i - OimN^ onffw ian^ Of Rooaofloblo Ratoa Proposed appropriation to Education Special tilfiM4lwme. ibOts of ■fforVWW* prtoM. VMt ow Prolecte ■ Fund 41 - Account *306 - Youth lEQUIPMERT miles. 6 cyi'r.aer, A/C. levt im t attonflon. HumroomoretUtortm PAINTING 646-2S16 Employment.............................................................$1,000.00 Exceller.l dependobll- loiPfNN' SSSaStSSRSBNSSSSSMMRSS to be flnonced by Interest earnings of the Man­ DPTIMA. Radio con­ Ity. $2200 or best offer. fo m w Moctior. 647- chester Emergency Employment Fund. trolled electric po­ 643-1955.______________ ■MM Ntrllaga lUlahM B DEUVEBINB SSL PrMo takon In ovary |ob Proposed appropriation to Education Special wered racing cor. Fully D ATSU N 260 Z 1974. Runs wo dor Quality la our Rich farm loam. 8 Prolecte - Fund 41 - Excess Cost Grant ............... $71,700.00 assembled, 4 wheel Mrda. $75 plus tax. good. $700. Best offer. NPHQIVWfOl *** |4O0MKD«: iBm W* MRPBRB TpPW» main oonoam. to be financed by a State Grant. drive, 2 channel radio 649-7198.____________ _ ttaMIM-- Sand, oravol. horao Proposed appropriation to Gonerol Fund - and 7.2 volt battery U M m IW AtOIIAtU RATES manura and daoorativa Health Department - AIDS Prelect...................... $11,374.00 Included. Good condi­ H D N D A W agon 1979. atona. to be financed by a State Grant, tion. Asking $230. Coll Needs storter ond front ) Manchester — A City ol Village Charm Hrralft Waoatartotlta 649-1373. end work. Best offer. mulmttr Proposed appropriation to Spoclol Grants - homa ownar. S43#S04 Fund 61 - Shared Von for the Elderly ...................$13,900.00 Phone 646-3308 offer 6iiRR0USlL FM5E KSTIMATE8 to be financed by contrlbutlene from portlc- 3pm. Ipotlno towns and ogenclet of which Moncheet- MU8ICAL W i N w i h d H i fully ln$und HANDYMAN er't fhore Is estimated at 15,975.00. ITEM8 Thursday, Nov. 12,1987 30 Cents C trp in try Home improvement * Proposed opproprlotlon to General Fund - Mis­ Sa// Your Car « 4»#744 Pirtnttna - well NOWinO- cellaneous Budget - Contribution to Fund 61 - • OouMorTopo Shored Von tor the Elderly.....................................$5,975.00 FOR Sole. % Student llllne - Ueht CorpeMry- Violin with cose and • CiMlom CaMnoto LeofServlee to be flnonced from Fund Balance. $ 15 To consider abandonment of those premises designated os stand. Excellent condi­ N TiFonTifSir- • GMnortl C o rp o t^ ceil BARRY SCANLON "Future Street" located between Lots No. 51 and 53, all os tion. $125. 646-7293. 4 Lines — 10 D ays hooMkMpIna. Irdomns shown on o subdivision plan of Green Manor Estates onO tol*4Mwkly. ■II Hm M M WHH ol645'2411 tereetimele 509 charge each addi­ Storm kills man, makes roads Ireacherous’ quatily wmI omo • aaooaoeeaeoae Addition No. 4, Sheet 3 of 5, doted December, 1963, bulMIno or ronowtOns. FU>OR 'sSncHriorTf^ All public meetings of the Town of Manchester ore held at PETR ARD tional line, per day. You L'-b I H G t. Ilka now. Soaclollzlng m w ( k s ’i m ‘ia n fid E locations which ore accessible to handicapped cltUens. In 8UPPLIE8 can cancel at any time. The season’s first major snow­ Manchester Memorial Hospital, said. That work is not performed by Wednesday night, said Priscilla until 10 a.ni. Henry Obst of Anderson Bros. I i n t o n a n e o - Can Bucket, buck A chipper. addition, handicapped Individuals requiring on auxiliary police, but Is given to contractors. "P a t” R. Burt, interim director. Manchester plowing crews were Amoco Service on Main Street euBinaaa 843-0053 In oldar floors, natural old In order to facilitate their participation at meeUngs I SORRY. storm, which dropped 4 to 6 inches said Amy Avery, assistant director ilno. Avolkible 2> Stump removal. Free There were 19 people at the Main or stolnad. No woxlno. should contact the Town at 647-3123 one week prior to the AKC Adorable 2 year old NO REFUNDS OR of snow in Manchester, left "trea­ of public relations. Wednesday afternoon's rain and out Wednesday afternoon, and reported at 8:-15 this morning that «Mnifay*Firt<ioy. RaaldafN)oiM»>«200 John VarfolllO, 046- eahmalee. SpiidN Street shelter Tuesday and 18 scheduled meeting so that appropriate orrongements con be Somoyed needs new ADJUSTMENTS cherous" roads, closed schools, Manchester roads this morning sleet turned Into snow early Wed­ again starting at 6 p.m., Chapman crews were already running about 0 ir oroo. No S7S0. considemiion for eldedy mode. Wednesday, which is about average said. Crews worked all night and two hours behind schedule. lorvlco* no«<f end handicepped. home. Has oil shots. caused a number of auto accidents were "treacherous” because of nesday evening, leaving 3 to 6 STEPHEN T. CASSANO, SECRETARY $100. 644-6497._________ GALL HERALD Inches In Manchester and sur­ for the season, she said. were still working this morning. Debbie Jensen, a dispatcher for BOARD OF DIRECTORS and left a Benton Street man dead Wednesday’s rain and sleet, High­ TM O lm *jP I g ^ U N E O U S FR E E to good home. of an apparent heart attack while way Superintendent Keith Chap­ rounding towns, according to a Most public and private schools Chapman said 22 Manchester vehi­ Charlie’s Towing and Road Service Doted at Manchester, Connecticut this Sth dovof November, in the area were closed. All cles were used and six contractors on Tplland Turnpike, said Charlie’s *ltoeima ■ 1907. Golden Retriever mix. CLASSIFIED shoveling snow. man said this morning. spokesman from the National 9 month old Female. elementary and secondary schools were called in to plow roads and night-shift driver was out on calls • sMna.ntBnooiM'^ F M i a E M l U r 015-11 The victim, whose name and age Police spokesman Gary J. Wood Weather Service in Hartford. • Rm M mmnO OMnAMMewt OOO lobs, Trucklno. Spayed, oil shots, fully 6 4 3 - 2 7 1 1 were not available late this morn­ said there were four accidents Tn spite of the freezing weather, in Manchester, Bolton. Coventry, spread sand. constantly from Wednesday at 10 FuFyFmnUFntettUmm trained. Coll 649-4237 • anyiiaMt.AwertM -ik* Homa rapolrs. You ing, died at about 7:45 a.m., between 7: IS and 8:30 this morning, and winds of up to 25 miles per hour Andover and Hebron were closed. Crews were to continue to sand p.m. until this morning at 5 a.m. noma It. wa do It. Free '‘o t ' c - tocreditors I^APARTMEHTS weekends or otter 6pm '•.RnMMAOMMWIaM CORRIVEAU’S . one of them a six-car pileup on at Bradley International Airport, The weather gave students and Manchester roads throughout the Usually, said Jensen, the night IAEA RAY eNImotes. insured. 643- weekniahts. according to police. No other HERVEY G. LoPOINTE, ^ F O R RERT details were available. His name Woodbridge Street. No injuries Manchester’s homeless shelter was some staff a two-day holiday as day, Chapman said. He did urge driver sits around the shop much of _____JCBPM a 0104 . o/k/o HERVEY LoPOINTE, SBBVICaBSv.f. CLYDE was not released by police because were reported in that accident. not filled to capacity. schools were closed Wednesday for drivers, however, to exercise cau­ the night. 6 4 e . « 7 1 B ^ LotsgMANCHESTER, about CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. V llortmM Fm Wrmn CaOmafo* WiUMKK' 'NOTNM t relatives had not yet been notified. Wood said. Police also received The Manchester Area Confer­ Veterans Day., tion and avoid travel, if possible. This morning, the firm had five PUPPIES R O U T E 83, V E R N O N Manchester Comipunity College Private plowing and towing com­ V ... ipayroU j n i i RiMOVAi: « The Hon. y?Mllam E. Rti- ’5; ^ Four people with injuries caused calls from six people whose cars ence of Churches’ Samaritan Shel­ lOMrUilyUMM. "SS^SSfi* Gtralds JudoGs of ttio Court room# V/a baths# cellar Adorable Black was open, but classes did not begin panies were busy as well. Please turn lo page 10 uwl |N4^ QWIQW A Stset ......f R E E S ’-*’^ of Probott# District of Mon- and attic area. $75Q per 79 Impali Z dr. *2995 by snowblowers were brought to were stuck in snowbanks.
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