A P Ilanrlipalpr Ipralfi

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A P Ilanrlipalpr Ipralfi M — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, A p ril 13, 1988 n - * s 8 - MAh Q j J HOMER CARR FOR SALE FOR RALE MURICAL ITEMR FOR RALE Medics Push aNct shovls MANCHESTER. Immac­ M A N C H E S T E R . $309,900. room ulate, lovely 3bedroom Immaculate 9 room U A S p e c i o l i AMPEG Amplifier with on 1.4 Ranch an a profession­ & R Built Ranch In area 4-12" speakers. Excel­ rage. 3 ally landscaped I'A of fine homes. Lovely lent condition, $300 ★ Oselta insists 0 ’f;^eill challenges leaders baths, acre lot, 2 baths, 1st yard with In-ground must sacrifice. Call Pleau rnust pick ilace In floor laundry and fire- pool. Must seel Kler- Bernte, 649-5819. ^ A b o i 169,900. ICARFENTRY/ [^ R O O R N B / concerns valid /3 placed rec room with nan Reolty. 649-1147. LAWN CARE iREMODELMe MIRCELLANEOUR working to balance budget75 Liut or Brodeur /II separate heat. Also In­ SOUTH Windsor- "Newer RIDING RERVICER Hundreds of readers turn LYNCH cludes 14x27 green­ Townhouse", mid to Classified every day house. $229,900. D.W . GlllIRT lAWN searching for some par­ Summi > acre $1S0's. Price reduced CARPENTIIY t Pish R ealty, 643-1591.0 J L g W M A f t S ODD lobs, Trucking. ticular Item. Will your od If this namt Is AAatn for quick sale on this REMOOEUIN iimnCES HOWlNiPIIOVIMiNT Home repairs. You be there? 643-2711. The Sur begin- MANCHESTER. Cozy 3 spacious S'/7 rooms, 2 CompM* horn* rspslr* sr,d r«- name It, we do It. Free not on your car, bedroom Cope on aulet bedrooms, beautiful modaflng. W* spoelalto In bath­ WIiMewi S Oewi Manchest ’ reno- room* and kflohsn*. SmoN seal* Ns Jak To* SI* or Taia Small estimates. Insured. 643- I brick street, formal dining, kitchen, dining area, AhPiyi • dNdOuM for Bwler OWwie l*% Ssnisr cmam Olscawit 0304. you probably paid skills in tl • aim iniekNit ol lotm ■Ad oommorclal work. R*gl*t*r*d,1n- MISCELLANEOUS orm al nicely finished lower sunken living room sursd, rsfaranos*. Msmkar ar m» imarnallanol program level with storage with nice fireplace, ■anar SvaHma MimORS • MillRORS FOR RALE too much!! base- CaH *47.7156 646-S165 Monday.. place, areas, full baths with family room, deck and c*ti72B-0761 Anytlm* Brlghlon up your homo. M Safari wood wagon, apx. S500 grades 8-1 vanity and lovely sten­ garagell Don't miss Roosontbly priotd, R E S U LT Of a renovation. 87 Trans Am. black a goM, TPI , 3 car PHIL'S U W N CARE •BBBBBMBBBafl $100 per s I Sun- cilled country kitchen. this one I Centurv-21 RSR Hsmi raforonoo*. Insurod. W e hove 15 doors, 87 Ford Rangor XLT Pickup • Spring desnup 88"x38" and 88"x42". June 10 w 79,900. $136,900. O.W. Fish Lindsey Real Estate. Improvimints 6 Ripilr • Over 20 yean oxporlonoo. ’ 87 Pontlao Grand AM 4dr, gray • Mowing HAR ROOFINQ Some ore flre-roted. 1 649- R ealty, 643-1591.0 519 Center Street, Man­ Complete, home care. RoaMonllal rooting ot aH typo*. 87 Supra, 2-ton* bm. S apd. Auditions ACCENT GLASS CG. Colors ore white and S7 Dodg* D100 PU, AT, AC MANCHESTER. Excep­ chester, CT. 649-4000. • Weekly service available. "No Job Too Small" FREE ESTIMATES. Enrollmei G47-G14G mahogany. For more 87 Dodg* D100 Pickup ilanrlipalpr Ipralfi tional Duplex. Well WILLIMANTIC- "More 10% Sonlor CNItan Olsoount. tion. call w the Call for free estimates. Fm Etllmatn Information coll Man­ 87 Pont Sunbird 4 dr sedan maintained 6-6 Duplex f o r t h e m o n e y ", School. 64 j until All Work Ouoranload. chester M a n o r. 646- 87 Samurai hrdip., JX pkg. conveniently located In $140,900. Don't miss 742-7476 PGWERWASiiiNG f. Call 646-1143 InkHtor a Exiorlor 8129. 87 Chtvy Nova 4 dr, AT. AC a quiet neighborhood. this fabulous buy, 647-9289 ace an EASTERN Molntononeoi Ronovstlons 87 Tran* Am OTA, rod '' Pinoch Each side has 3 bed­ stately and Impeccably FARRMD REMOOELINfi and Pointing. 87 Toyota 4x4 PU, Wu* rooms, living room, clean 9 room Colonial I LAWNCARE Room addition*, dsoks, roofing, Scores f aulsite O tltrlna s Full L in t of PRESTNIE ROORNG Inturod • Sonlor Dhoountt Aut8metlve 87 Qrand Prix, V8. lull powar Thursday, April 14, 1988 dining room and eat-ln Features 4 bedrooms, 1 Ltwn a Ytrd Strvlett sMIng, window* and guNsrs. 87 Toyota PU, standard, rad Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm the Army' )o ra rv kitchen. Must be seen. bath and 2 lavatories, Mown*. Swens. klanllns 4 Mom Bsokho* and buSdonr soiyle* Rooting of all typo*. Shingl**, 30 Cents form al fist roofing, roof ropolr*. Renovation^Plus 87 CMC Custom Van, 10K Laquerre, $199,900. D.W. Fish beautiful center chim­ Fu*, Inaufod • fim ladmaloa svsilabla. Call Bob Forrand, Jr. 87 Suzuki Samurai, black taclous Rojas. 62( R ealty, 643-1591.0 ney fireplace, finished All work guartntood. 646-2253 88 Ford Hangar 4x4, STX pkg. h fleld- A But. 647-B609 CARR A basement, woodstove, Coll 88 FlrsWrd, V8.4 *p. T-top* Laura Kri , sun- EAST Hartford. Lovely 447-9910 Kandsll Ksys* Rit.645-flB40 PATIO DOOR GLASS FOR RALE spacious Duplex with plus 2 car garage, car­ 88 Calloa QT LB, 5 apd., AC 578; Ann Is, la- port, separate work­ 742-7831 88 Toyota 4x4, rad, 18K walk-out basement. Liwn Mewing, Spiclll - (SSawm CLASSIC Ford Falcon C o v e n try ’s Bensche, , much KITCHEN & BATH 88 Nova 4 dr, AT. PS, 18K Landscaping and shop and profession­ «er raplsoswaiil (alandard SSaTS) ouallty Edging, Hidga Trlninilng, 1964. Runs, needs some 88 Pontiac STE 4 dr, blu* fenced bcfck yard. ally landscaped flat R EM O D ELIN G • Over 20 years sxparlsno*. w ork. $288. Coll Gene loti! Centurv-21 Lind­ LlgM Trucking, ate. 88 CMC Safari Panar van. 12K Hospital looks $260,000. Realty W orld, ISSjFLDDRINe otter 5; 38pm. 633-6164.a 149,900. sey Real Estate. 519 -Profosalonslly Equipped From the smallest rspslr to ACCENT GLASS CO. 88 Toyota Camry DIx. AT, AC Center / 649- Benoit, Frechette As­ 88 Cutlaa* Suprm. op*., maroon Center Street, Man­ • DspandsMa the largest renovation, we 1983 Chevy Cavalier appointment sociates, 646-7709.0 ____S47-014S 88 Buick Regal Cp*. VS The J.C chester, CT. 649-4000. will do a complete job. Start Wagon, 4 speed, power FLD0R8ANDINF 88 Chovy Cavalier CL wagon HEALTH Spa Included In Ray Hardy, 6 46 -79 73 to finish. Free estimates. s te e r in g , power has grant P MANCHESTER- High- • Floors Ilka now brakes, AM/FM 88 Toyota DIx P**t Von, S apd P of Manchi love In this magnificlent 10 wood D rive. See this Teg Sell tcreeaed L o b m 88 Toyota 4x4 longbod Heritage KHchen A • Specializing In oktsr floor* Cassette. $3208. 742- The paste n ,3 o r4 room home, 3 full desirable 8 plus room. LJS & SON • Natural & stained floors A ny amount dallvorad. Also, till, 88 Toyota Extra Cab Plek-up for answer to baths. Inside pool, 5459. ‘bipartisan’ f with Raised Ranch type Landscapine A Mewing Bath Center • No waxing anymore gravol, stona and bark, mulch. 88 Pont Qrand Am, V8. 8K ml mental ht Chen. 2 sauna and work out home. 4 bedrooms, Yard claon-up, mowins, full Come visit our showroom st: Bobcat, backho* 5 loador rsntal. TOYOTA Tercel 1988. 5 SB Toyota Cellea QT LB and marr area. Must be seen! londtcoo* sdrvic* sffsrsd. John Virfglllg - 84SS7G0 speed, deluxe. Air con­ 86 Toyota MR2,14K ml a r old main floor family 182 W. Middle Tpke. DAWS CONSTRUCTION ( heat. Blanchard & Rossetto room, plus a finished Fro* Estlmot**. Manchester ditioning. $758. Coll 646- 86 Olds Calais 4dr, gold Great Realtors," We're Sel­ recreation room, HEATM9/ 872-1400/659-9555 8213 otter 6pm SB Chevy Celebrity 4 dr By Jacqueline Bennett Schola Strano ling Houses” 646-2482.0 cathedral celling living 645-6412 (•«»*, _ 649-5400 weekdoys. Se QMC 1600 Serle* P/U PLUMBIN8 86 Toyota Tercal 3 dr, AC Manchester Herald car ‘nightmare’ The Ma ■7653.D p o r t e r Street 6 room, room , 7Vi bathrooms, TOYOTA Corolla 1977. CDSAinr LANdscaung 86 Toyota Corolla 4 dr scholarsh 1'/} bath Colonial with stone fireplace. Just Profeeslonal Lawn PAINTINR/ Don't miss tne many offer­ $588. Good condition. J.N.T. HEATING 85 Toyota Forerunner AT COVEN'TRY — Manchester native John Elsesser their sch< auarry stone front. 3 reduced to $225,000. U & Maintenance m PAPERING ings in today's classified 646-5184 otter 4pm. 85 Old* Delta 88 Royele tew to bedrooms, deck and ' R Realty, 643-2692. A C O O LIN G columns. SUBARU DL Wogon 1981. 85 Toyota Tercel 3 dr, AC was appointed by. the Town Council a.s town Bv Andrew J. Davis Connectic 't miss CompMa landseapliia dasign. Call garage. Clean and at­ Installations, Repairs, Burnor, New clutch, new axels. 85 Toyota Tercal 4 dr, AC manager Wednesday night and will take over the applfbatio ler Co- ter your fraa aaUmalaL NAME your pwn price. Manchester Herald tractive. $164,900. Blan­ BoWsrs, Water Haatara. Good condition. $1388 85 QMC P/U, V8, AT, AC jto rte r R. Michael QuiRh Father & Son Painting CIsanIng, Rstrsotory Sorvlc*. job May 6 after fini.shing his term as assistant.town ^ a r d of 1 chard & Rossetto Real­ 646-4075 ( negotiable.
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    Fun-page 7 The Observer VOL. XXI, MO. 3 6 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1986 the independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s Leaders put blame for accord failure on each other Associated Press The Americans "put good, fair ideas on the table, and they won't WASHINGTON - President go away," Reagan said, but he Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail also said the Soviet Union "has Gorbachev blamed each other long been engaged In extensive " Tuesday for their inability to efforts to devise its own strategic strike an arms reduction deal in defense system. Iceland, but agreed that too Reagan said the Soviet pro­ much is at stake to fold the arms posal to confine Star Wars re­ control bargaining table. search to the laboratory "would Recalling his description of have given them an immediate Iceland as a base camp leading one-sided advantage, and a dan­ to a summit, Reagan said, "I gerous one." believe there exists the opportu­ Gorbachev talked of possibly nity to plant a permanent flag of having to counter the Star Wars peace at that summit, and I call program. on the Soviets not to miss this "Soviet people know this, and opportunity." all people around the world Gorbachev, in a nationally should know this as well," he broadcast address to the Soviet said. "But we are opposed to a people, accused Reagan of trying power play. This is an extremely to push his country into an ex­ dangerous undertaking in the pensive new arms buildup. But nuclear missile age. " AF Photo Gorbachev also said that At the Pentagon, a top U.S.
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