'It's Over^ — Eighth Says 'Yes'
L t t o — MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, Mar. 14, 1989 NOTICI OP HIARINO HOTICE TO CREDITORS lAPARTMENTS I HOMES ■STATI OP ■STATE OP Rentals Automotlvo JOSIPH M. SPKNCIR, II ORACE W. HOPPER MOSTUdES FOR RENT FOR RENT FURNITURE a minor The Honorable William E. Parking Pursuant to an ordor of Hon. FitzGerald, Judge of the MANCHESTER. Room In TOLLAND. 3 bedroom COUCHS: 1 single Semifinal Easter William E. FItxGorald, Court of Probate, District of S A V E Y O U R ROOMS sleeper, 1 king size 4 CARS Judso, datod March 9,19(9, a quiet rooming house. home, all applianCes, Manchester at a hearing held H O M E tl FOR RENT Off street parking. $80 fireplaCe, 1'/2 aCre lot, cushion high bock co FOR SALE hoarlng will bo hold on an ap on 03/09/89 ordered that all lonial, 1 modern silver plication praying for author claims must be presented to It you are In FORECLOSURE. per week. 646-1686 or garage. $850. month. Attorney deCides Press is key for Coventry A speCial dinner ity to compromiso and lottlo the fiduciary of the address BANKRUPTCY or OlVORCEO MANCHESTER. Ladles 569-3018.____________ SeCurltyand lease. Call trim, with 3 bloCk 1977 MERCURY Cougar. a doubtful and disputod below. Failure to promptly Boarding House, 347-3059. leather Cushions. One XR7, V8, 62,000. ExCel claim In favor of sold ostato present any such claims may or "falling behind," ask for MANCHESTER. Small 4 ormered wind Chair, 1 lent Condition. $450. against Curfew /3 in clash with Old Saybrook / I I for the holiday /14 Clean, furnished.
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