M — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday, A p ril 13, 1988 n - * s 8 - MAh Q j J HOMER CARR FOR SALE FOR RALE MURICAL ITEMR FOR RALE Medics Push aNct shovls MANCHESTER. Immac­ M A N C H E S T E R . $309,900. room ulate, lovely 3bedroom Immaculate 9 room U A S p e c i o l i AMPEG Amplifier with on 1.4 Ranch an a profession­ & R Built Ranch In area 4-12" speakers. Excel­ rage. 3 ally landscaped I'A of fine homes. Lovely lent condition, $300 ★ Oselta insists 0 ’f;^eill challenges leaders baths, acre lot, 2 baths, 1st yard with In-ground must sacrifice. Call Pleau rnust pick ilace In floor laundry and fire- pool. Must seel Kler- Bernte, 649-5819. ^ A b o i 169,900. ICARFENTRY/ [^ R O O R N B / concerns valid /3 placed rec room with nan Reolty. 649-1147. LAWN CARE iREMODELMe MIRCELLANEOUR working to balance budget75 Liut or Brodeur /II separate heat. Also In­ SOUTH Windsor- "Newer RIDING RERVICER Hundreds of readers turn LYNCH cludes 14x27 green­ Townhouse", mid to Classified every day house. $229,900. D.W . GlllIRT lAWN searching for some par­ Summi > acre $1S0's. Price reduced CARPENTIIY t Pish R ealty, 643-1591.0 J L g W M A f t S ODD lobs, Trucking. ticular Item. Will your od If this namt Is AAatn for quick sale on this REMOOEUIN iimnCES HOWlNiPIIOVIMiNT Home repairs. You be there? 643-2711. The Sur begin- MANCHESTER. Cozy 3 spacious S'/7 rooms, 2 CompM* horn* rspslr* sr,d r«- name It, we do It. Free not on your car, bedroom Cope on aulet bedrooms, beautiful modaflng. W* spoelalto In bath­ WIiMewi S Oewi Manchest ’ reno- room* and kflohsn*. SmoN seal* Ns Jak To* SI* or Taia Small estimates. Insured. 643- I brick street, formal dining, kitchen, dining area, AhPiyi • dNdOuM for Bwler OWwie l*% Ssnisr cmam Olscawit 0304. you probably paid skills in tl • aim iniekNit ol lotm ■Ad oommorclal work. R*gl*t*r*d,1n- MISCELLANEOUS orm al nicely finished lower sunken living room sursd, rsfaranos*. Msmkar ar m» imarnallanol program level with storage with nice fireplace, ■anar SvaHma MimORS • MillRORS FOR RALE too much!! base- CaH *47.7156 646-S165 Monday.. place, areas, full baths with family room, deck and c*ti72B-0761 Anytlm* Brlghlon up your homo. M Safari wood wagon, apx. S500 grades 8-1 vanity and lovely sten­ garagell Don't miss Roosontbly priotd, R E S U LT Of a renovation. 87 Trans Am. black a goM, TPI , 3 car PHIL'S U W N CARE •BBBBBMBBBafl $100 per s I Sun- cilled country kitchen. this one I Centurv-21 RSR Hsmi raforonoo*. Insurod. W e hove 15 doors, 87 Ford Rangor XLT Pickup • Spring desnup 88"x38" and 88"x42". June 10 w 79,900. $136,900. O.W. Fish Lindsey Real Estate. Improvimints 6 Ripilr • Over 20 yean oxporlonoo. ’ 87 Pontlao Grand AM 4dr, gray • Mowing HAR ROOFINQ Some ore flre-roted. 1 649- R ealty, 643-1591.0 519 Center Street, Man­ Complete, home care. RoaMonllal rooting ot aH typo*. 87 Supra, 2-ton* bm. S apd. Auditions ACCENT GLASS CG. Colors ore white and S7 Dodg* D100 PU, AT, AC MANCHESTER. Excep­ chester, CT. 649-4000. • Weekly service available. "No Job Too Small" FREE ESTIMATES. Enrollmei G47-G14G mahogany. For more 87 Dodg* D100 Pickup ilanrlipalpr Ipralfi tional Duplex. Well WILLIMANTIC- "More 10% Sonlor CNItan Olsoount. tion. call w the Call for free estimates. Fm Etllmatn Information coll Man­ 87 Pont Sunbird 4 dr sedan maintained 6-6 Duplex f o r t h e m o n e y ", School. 64 j until All Work Ouoranload. chester M a n o r. 646- 87 Samurai hrdip., JX pkg. conveniently located In $140,900. Don't miss 742-7476 PGWERWASiiiNG f. Call 646-1143 InkHtor a Exiorlor 8129. 87 Chtvy Nova 4 dr, AT. AC a quiet neighborhood. this fabulous buy, 647-9289 ace an EASTERN Molntononeoi Ronovstlons 87 Tran* Am OTA, rod '' Pinoch Each side has 3 bed­ stately and Impeccably FARRMD REMOOELINfi and Pointing. 87 Toyota 4x4 PU, Wu* rooms, living room, clean 9 room Colonial I LAWNCARE Room addition*, dsoks, roofing, Scores f aulsite O tltrlna s Full L in t of PRESTNIE ROORNG Inturod • Sonlor Dhoountt Aut8metlve 87 Qrand Prix, V8. lull powar Thursday, April 14, 1988 dining room and eat-ln Features 4 bedrooms, 1 Ltwn a Ytrd Strvlett sMIng, window* and guNsrs. 87 Toyota PU, standard, rad Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm the Army' )o ra rv kitchen. Must be seen. bath and 2 lavatories, Mown*. Swens. klanllns 4 Mom Bsokho* and buSdonr soiyle* Rooting of all typo*. Shingl**, 30 Cents form al fist roofing, roof ropolr*. Renovation^Plus 87 CMC Custom Van, 10K Laquerre, $199,900. D.W. Fish beautiful center chim­ Fu*, Inaufod • fim ladmaloa svsilabla. Call Bob Forrand, Jr. 87 Suzuki Samurai, black taclous Rojas. 62( R ealty, 643-1591.0 ney fireplace, finished All work guartntood. 646-2253 88 Ford Hangar 4x4, STX pkg. h fleld- A But. 647-B609 CARR A basement, woodstove, Coll 88 FlrsWrd, V8.4 *p. T-top* Laura Kri , sun- EAST Hartford. Lovely 447-9910 Kandsll Ksys* Rit.645-flB40 PATIO DOOR GLASS FOR RALE spacious Duplex with plus 2 car garage, car­ 88 Calloa QT LB, 5 apd., AC 578; Ann Is, la- port, separate work­ 742-7831 88 Toyota 4x4, rad, 18K walk-out basement. Liwn Mewing, Spiclll - (SSawm CLASSIC Ford Falcon C o v e n try ’s Bensche, , much KITCHEN & BATH 88 Nova 4 dr, AT. PS, 18K Landscaping and shop and profession­ «er raplsoswaiil (alandard SSaTS) ouallty Edging, Hidga Trlninilng, 1964. Runs, needs some 88 Pontiac STE 4 dr, blu* fenced bcfck yard. ally landscaped flat R EM O D ELIN G • Over 20 years sxparlsno*. w ork. $288. Coll Gene loti! Centurv-21 Lind­ LlgM Trucking, ate. 88 CMC Safari Panar van. 12K Hospital looks $260,000. Realty W orld, ISSjFLDDRINe otter 5; 38pm. 633-6164.a 149,900. sey Real Estate. 519 -Profosalonslly Equipped From the smallest rspslr to ACCENT GLASS CO. 88 Toyota Camry DIx. AT, AC Center / 649- Benoit, Frechette As­ 88 Cutlaa* Suprm. op*., maroon Center Street, Man­ • DspandsMa the largest renovation, we 1983 Chevy Cavalier appointment sociates, 646-7709.0 ____S47-014S 88 Buick Regal Cp*. VS The J.C chester, CT. 649-4000. will do a complete job. Start Wagon, 4 speed, power FLD0R8ANDINF 88 Chovy Cavalier CL wagon HEALTH Spa Included In Ray Hardy, 6 46 -79 73 to finish. Free estimates. s te e r in g , power has grant P MANCHESTER- High- • Floors Ilka now brakes, AM/FM 88 Toyota DIx P**t Von, S apd P of Manchi love In this magnificlent 10 wood D rive. See this Teg Sell tcreeaed L o b m 88 Toyota 4x4 longbod Heritage KHchen A • Specializing In oktsr floor* Cassette. $3208. 742- The paste n ,3 o r4 room home, 3 full desirable 8 plus room. LJS & SON • Natural & stained floors A ny amount dallvorad. Also, till, 88 Toyota Extra Cab Plek-up for answer to baths. Inside pool, 5459. ‘bipartisan’ f with Raised Ranch type Landscapine A Mewing Bath Center • No waxing anymore gravol, stona and bark, mulch. 88 Pont Qrand Am, V8. 8K ml mental ht Chen. 2 sauna and work out home. 4 bedrooms, Yard claon-up, mowins, full Come visit our showroom st: Bobcat, backho* 5 loador rsntal. TOYOTA Tercel 1988. 5 SB Toyota Cellea QT LB and marr area. Must be seen! londtcoo* sdrvic* sffsrsd. John Virfglllg - 84SS7G0 speed, deluxe. Air con­ 86 Toyota MR2,14K ml a r old main floor family 182 W. Middle Tpke. DAWS CONSTRUCTION ( heat. Blanchard & Rossetto room, plus a finished Fro* Estlmot**. Manchester ditioning. $758. Coll 646- 86 Olds Calais 4dr, gold Great Realtors," We're Sel­ recreation room, HEATM9/ 872-1400/659-9555 8213 otter 6pm SB Chevy Celebrity 4 dr By Jacqueline Bennett Schola Strano ling Houses” 646-2482.0 cathedral celling living 645-6412 (•«»*, _ 649-5400 weekdoys. Se QMC 1600 Serle* P/U PLUMBIN8 86 Toyota Tercal 3 dr, AC Manchester Herald car ‘nightmare’ The Ma ■7653.D p o r t e r Street 6 room, room , 7Vi bathrooms, TOYOTA Corolla 1977. CDSAinr LANdscaung 86 Toyota Corolla 4 dr scholarsh 1'/} bath Colonial with stone fireplace. Just Profeeslonal Lawn PAINTINR/ Don't miss tne many offer­ $588. Good condition. J.N.T. HEATING 85 Toyota Forerunner AT COVEN'TRY — Manchester native John Elsesser their sch< auarry stone front. 3 reduced to $225,000. U & Maintenance m PAPERING ings in today's classified 646-5184 otter 4pm. 85 Old* Delta 88 Royele tew to bedrooms, deck and ' R Realty, 643-2692. A C O O LIN G columns. SUBARU DL Wogon 1981. 85 Toyota Tercel 3 dr, AC was appointed by. the Town Council a.s town Bv Andrew J. Davis Connectic 't miss CompMa landseapliia dasign. Call garage. Clean and at­ Installations, Repairs, Burnor, New clutch, new axels. 85 Toyota Tercal 4 dr, AC manager Wednesday night and will take over the applfbatio ler Co- ter your fraa aaUmalaL NAME your pwn price. Manchester Herald tractive. $164,900. Blan­ BoWsrs, Water Haatara. Good condition. $1388 85 QMC P/U, V8, AT, AC jto rte r R. Michael QuiRh Father & Son Painting CIsanIng, Rstrsotory Sorvlc*. job May 6 after fini.shing his term as assistant.town ^ a r d of 1 chard & Rossetto Real­ 646-4075 ( negotiable.
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