15th June 2021

Year 6 Update

Dear parents and carers,

I would like to update you with regards to the Year 6 Induction process. Mrs Lamkin as the Head of the new Year 7, has completed all the transition work with primary schools and the planning for the induction days and evening is well under way.

We have uploaded a short and informative welcome video to our website that can be accessed by following this link:


This year, our induction programme will be a two day event. Due to Applemore’s location on the Waterside we have students joining us from the north and from the south. The other secondary schools are holding their induction days at two separate times. Therefore, to support our community and our parents we are holding two separate induction programmes. One programme of two days will match with the Hounsdown-Testwood days, and the other set of two days will match with the Noadswood- days. These days will be:

For and Calmore students - Thursday 8th and Friday 9th July

For students from the following primaries - Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd July – Hythe, Waterside, Orchard, Wildground, Blackfield, Beaulieu and Cadland.

The Induction Evening will be a common evening across the Waterside and will take place on Thursday 8th July. Following the Government’s announcement today, this evening will be virtual and will follow a similar format to the Open Evening. We will aim to make this evening exciting and informative.

We are also planning to hold a summer school throughout the first week of the summer holidays. This will be from Monday 26th to Friday 30th July. The summer school will cover a range of subjects and activities over the week. It will be designed with the intention of students attending the whole week and it will be based on not just academic support but also exciting and enriching experiences. It will be possible to accommodate students for part of the week if necessary.

Headteacher: Mr A Chipping Applemore College, Roman Road, , SO45 4RQ 023 8084 8804 www.applemore.hants.sch.uk More information will follow, however at this point it would be really helpful to gain some idea of the numbers we will be hosting. Therefore I would appreciate it if you would complete the summer school survey by Thursday found by following this link:


We are really looking forward to meeting our new Year 7s in a few weeks’ time. Until then, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Lamkin or me.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Alan Chipping Headteacher