THE DOCKET the Official Publication of the Lake Cou Nty Bar Association November 2007 • Vol

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THE DOCKET the Official Publication of the Lake Cou Nty Bar Association November 2007 • Vol THE DOCKET The Official Publication of the Lake Cou nty Bar Association November 2007 • Vol. XIV, No. 11 Also in this issue: • Checking in on an Application of the Continuing Violation Rule by Mark Van Donselaar • Rule 216 Requests to Admit: Is Your "Good Cause" a Lost Cause? by Daniel Jasica November151Northbrook ASSETP ROTECTI ONP LANN ING Check~in : 8:00a.m. Anintroductoryexplorationofcontemporarywealth ATG LEGAL Program:8:30a.m.·12noon protectionplanningmethods,includingdomestic (3. SCLEhours) entitiesinconjunctionwithforeign situsasset ED UCATION protectiontrusls. An ATGT rustprogram. November-December2007 November151Northbrook BASIC§ 103 1"S TARKER" T AX-DEFERRED Check-in:12;30p.m. EXCHANGES ATGand itS5ubsidiar ies,A TGT rustCompan y Program:1 :00-4:30p.m. HelpyourclientsincreasetheilWealthusingoneof andCa pitalFundinqCor ovide (3.SCLEhours) thefewtaxstrategiesavailabletopeopleofvirtually Jawyersw ithqua li tyeduca tionalpr oqrams.W e anyincomelevel. An ATG T rustprogram. areenhancinqourpr oqramsandupq rad inqour defiverysystemssow ecanoff era v arietyof DecemberSIChicago BASICL OANO RIGINATI ON wayst ory outomeetClEr eq uirementsa nd January91Lombard AMortgage1 01 classonprovidingclientswith improvey ourr ealesta te,titleinsur ance.and Check-in:8:45a.m. mortgageproductstailoredtotheirneedswhile Program:9:00a.m .-2:30p.m. earningfeesseparateandapartfromyour estateplanninqleq alskills . (4.0CLEhours) customarylegalfees. ACFCprogram. SPECIALA TTORNEYDISCOUNTS: PurchaseA TGleq alEduca tion ClEpr oqramsscheduled throughJ une30.2009, ATGLegalEd ConnectOn-LinePrograms: foranaff ordable.llatf ee. Real-timeclasses\'iathelnternet. GainCLEcr editfr omyour office! Fordetailsandsemina rloca tions.visit ww w.atqf.comandc ti ckthe"A TGleq al November13 YEA R- ENOC lIENTS TRATEGIES Log-in:11:S0a .m. -12noon Education"loq o. ReviewitemsyouneedtoconsidelWhenadvising Program: 12noon- 1: 30p.m. clientsontaskstocompletebytheendofthe (I.SCLEhours) calendaryear . An ATGT rustprogram. DecemberS 1099C OMPLI ANCE:R EPORTINGS ALES December12 PROCEEDS TOS ELLERS ANO T II EI R S Log-in:11 :S0a.m.-12noon Federallawrequiresreportingthesalespriceof Program:12noon-1 :30p.m. residentialrealpropertytothesellerandthelRS. (I.SCLEhours) Thisprogramguides ATGmemberclosersthrough theprocessandhow REsourcecanmakeiteasier WWW.algf.comregularlyandclickthe Educalionlogoforcurrenlinformalion C ATG10/1OJ07 Champaign I Chicago Loop I Chicago Nonh Side 800.252.0402 Homewood 1Liberly" illc I Lombard I Mt. Prospect WWW.ATGF.COM Nonh Riverside I Oa k Lawn I Schaumburg Wheaton I Belleville I Madison, Wis. ATTORNEYS ' TITLE GUARANTY FUND, I NC. L~BA THE DOCKET The Official Publication of the Lake County Bar Association NOVEMBER 2007 3 President's Page ............. ... .... .... ... .. ....... .. ... .... ... .......................... .. Fredric Bryan Lesser, President 7 Chief Judge's Page .... ........... .. .......... .. ........ ... ...... ..... .. .... Han. Christopher C. Starck, Chief Judge 9 Bridgewater Over Troubled Lago Vista .............. .... ...... .. ............................... Han. Charles Johnson 13 Checking in on an Application of the Continuing Viola tion Rule ............ .. .... .... .. ... ........ .. ..................... .. ................. Mark Van Donselaar 19 Is Your "Good Cause" a Lost Cause? ........ ...................................... .. ........ .. .. ............ Daniel Jasica 25 Myr~ Bradwell, First Fe m ~ l e Lawyer .... .. .... .. .. .. ................. .. .......... .... .. ........ ................ Ken Suskin 27 Writer's Workshop 30 LCBA Monthly Business Meeting: September 33 Executi ve Board Meeting Minutes ......................... .. .. ............. Han. Daniel B. Sha nes, Secretary 34 Civi l Trial and Appeal Committee Minutes ...... .. ...... ................................ .. ........ ............ /oe Kolar 35 Wills, Trusts, and Probate Committee Minutes ...... ........ ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... .. Liz Rochford, Chair 39 The Gr~pevine (publicity ~nd Public Relations Committee) The Lake County Bar Association Advertising Olll' ,,, 1 WCIVl' Bar i Nllrth COllnl), Slrl'l'! • \<V<HL k l·~'\Il. Bllnoi .. 6tltl~5 .B.Mn bhl!.c ~ I"':-Pt,!> Bull ~ tin Boarjj (1\.17) 2H -31 43 • (~47) 244 -H2,9 FAX Eighth Pi'lgc 50S $6f1 $55 U p 10 5 lines $25 QUClrlcr Pi'lgL' S115 S1n5 ~y:; 6 tn 10 Ii nc~ 535 200712008 Executive Board Editoriat Hi'lif Pilge 5170 5155 $140 11 10 151il1('5 540 Fredric Bryan L esse r -Prl' ~idclll Coordinator Bryan Winter- 1s l Vi(t,- P rl'~idclll ASM.lnc. Fu ll Pi'lgc 5290 5265 $24!1 16 1020 lines $45 Scott B. Gibson-2l1d Vh·I,-Prl'~if/O/I Tn pl,,((' "11 "d ur ror rnfonn"hnn 011 "cl\'l'rtr"tng r,,\('S, (,,11 ( ~7) 244·"11 4"1 , Perry S. Smith, Jr. -Trm:'lIra Staff Subml~<;lol1 de"cllln(': Fm.. t clay 1'( month preccc1mg thl' month of rublictllion. All I-Ion . Daniel B. Shanes-S,'O't'lary Amy D. Darling submls ... ron~ mu<; t be made in electronl(" fo rma t acctlmpallled by a hard (OPY Robert S. Smith, Jr.-llI/lI1cd illl!' P{/:,I Prc:.' . IJr!'>ke1t~ arc retumed to 7 N C(IUllt}' Slrl'('t, \.V'H1kq;<ln, and if not rc tne\'cd by E.r('el/til't' Director M fl rjorie Sher-Mf'/llbt'r-til-LarSI' the "ulhnr / t)wncr wIthIn Ihrrty (:m) d"}",, rof publlc"t,oll, oc'Come propert}' of the Mel issa E. Brown Lake County Bar ASSOCliltiol1. Ext'(lI till(' A~s i :::t{/ J1f The Dock('t rs the officl,,1 publici\litm £If thl' Li\ke Cnunty I~r A~~(Kiation, 7 2007/2008 Editorial Board N_ County Stret't, Waukegan. II. 60085 (847) 244·JI·O, and IS publi<;hed mOllthly Hun. Mitchell Hoffman & Stephen j. Ri ce-Editors Subscnptinns for nnn-members afe S4S(XJ per year. Ann Bu che Conroy • j~m es DeSanto Reproductron 11) whnle nr pMt wi thnut permissIon is prohibited. The Op11) ­ james Simo nian . NealSimnn ions ,md posltinns s tated H1 signed miltena l are th n~ of the authors ilnd nnt Hon. Ra ymond McKoski I1l'Cl'Ssarily those of the Associatioll or Its members. All ~ubrmtted m.llluscrrpt<i Me cnnSldl'rt>d by the Edi torral 13oiI rd _ All lcltcrs to Ihc edilor and artidl~ Me Hon. Daniel Shanes • Hon. Stephen Wa lter .. ub)l>ct to ediling. PublicatIOn n( advertlsemenls is not 10 be cOllstruccl as an Daniel j(lsica • Rebecca Whitcombe t:'1ldors(>lllenl of .lily product or servicc ild\'('rt i$cd u llle~s o th(' rwisc stil ted. The October Docket conteined two Stelue of Liberty photos thet ran without credits. The photo on pege 9 wes taken by jonathen De vies of Bredford, Engtand. The photo on page 25 was teken by Stewert Cherlin of Park Ridge, Ittinois. What, Me Worry? "Illinois Class Actions filed against title companies for paying fees to attorney agents for which no core title services were performed. " •The Title Report "The Inquirer has an independent obligation to comply with the Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct and should determine whether or not the allegations in the Class Action Complaint are true. If the Inquirer's activities are illegal or dishonest, the Inquirer should immediately cease such activities." ·CSA Ethics Opinion 2007-08-21 Breach of fiduciary duty alleged in lawsuit where client paid excessive title charges. fRead "Junk Fees"/ -RESPA News "Attorney disbarred for receiving payments from a title company but performed no [core title] services." .......................................................................-Legal Description National and Local events are rapidly coa lescing to form what some are predicting will be the "perfect storm" of Legal, Regulatory and Disciplinary actions against the real property bar. What is your firm's exposure? Has your 'title company' changed lawyer duty requirements since they first solicited your firm? Does the title company employee perform title clearance duties at settlement "on behalf" of the lawyer agent violating HUD's core title service requirement? If you're not getting straight answers on career impacting questions, Come Hom e to the nation's largest and oldest bar related ® title organization where Member Law Firms have been performing actual core title services since 1948. Professional National Title Network, Inc. Chicago - Cryslal lake - Joliel - libertyville - lincolnwood - lombard - Oak lawn - ~ympia Fields - Palaline - Tinley Pari< PNTN is an agent for the Florida Fund. the nation's largest bar re/ate~ title group operating exclusively through law firm members since 1948. November 2007 The Docket Page 3 President's Page by Fredric Bryan Lesser, Presidel1t hen my family so too have the number of felonies. After all, they need to moved to Highland cases. The growth in cases has show thilt they ilre tough on W Park in 1960, the been primarily in the criminal crime. population of Lake County justice field. As you, can see Politiciil ns ilnd the U.s. was only 293,656. In 1990, from th e box insert, while Civil Chilmber of Commerce have shortly after I moved my law Cases (including Family Law successfully ilnd irretrievilbly practice to Lake Forest, the Cases) hilve grown by 44' )1" convinced the public that county had grown to 516,418. SlOce 1970, C riminill Cilses "frivolous" laws uits are Now, based on the most recent have g rown by 272%' The "clogging" the court system. In estimates, there are 713,076 growth in criminal Cilses is not fact, since 1970, while the Lake Countians. That's a 143% simply th e result of population population of Lake County increase since 1960. Lake growth. Your state legislature grew by H6%, the number of County is predicted to grow to has diligently worked to in­ civil suits (excluding divorce) 806,000 by 2020. That's
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