VOLUME 2, NUMBER 2 JULY 6, 1993 Another Look At Waco: Nothing Adds Up Except New lRiiwld Order Plan

714193 13 HATONN legal client in a courtroom said to an- across the world”, warning that “WE other: “1 am devastated and saddened MAY HAVE TO CONFRONT IT AGAIN.” QUOTING (Scripps-Howard News by the events of the gunman killing all He added piously: “1 hope uery much Service) : those San Francisco attorneysn The that others who will be tempted to join other replied, “Yes, it is too bad, did you cults and become irwolved with people “RENO’S ROAST” know any of them?” The first speaker like David Korresh wil2 be detemd by AN ATHENAEUM.... replied, “Oh, I’m not sad over the shoot- the horribte scenes they have seen over ing of the lawyer-1 am sorry because the last seuen wee&s.” So the federal Beyoti the tasteless (ifneverthe&ss the gunman shot himself and he was the government is now in the business of de- apprvpriate)jokes (-es the differ- best lawyer shooter we’ve had.“] tiding which religions are good for us. Mr. ence between Reno and Wuo? Waco Clinton seems ready to attach warning -killed 86people inReno.” %?hat% RESPECT: Joseph Sobran (This comes labels. the diffeerence between child abuse and from the Universal Press Syndicate of April But his alarm is hypocritical. There is, child murder? %arrumph...the FBI 22, 1993.) [H: But the copy comes from in fact, no segment of the American popu- does not engage in child abuse.“) one is our own attorney,] lation that is more gentle and law-abiding most reminded of the oxymoronic mili- The fall of the Branch Davidians has than fundamentalist Christians. bq~ officer in Viet Nam who said, ‘We brought the inevitable clucking about Fundamentalists have very low rates of had to destroy the village to save it.S “cults” and ‘fundamentalists”. President violent crime, drug and alcohol abuse, [H: I guess in the same vein, then, Clinton, in the course of defending the final illegitimacy, and other disorders. Few of there is another %wyei” joke that could FBI assault on the Waco compound, spoke them even smoke, which ought to win them be shared here in equally bad taste: One of the “rise in this sort of fanaticism all .%p AMVW?R COOK AT WACO. DaPe 48 FIRST CLASS MAIL Intelligent Nuclear Attack Preparations, p.2,6 Today’s Boiling World Watch, p.9,3 1,34,35,42,45 Paul Wilcher Murder and Eulogy, p. 19,44 Nit-Wit George Fumbles Again, p.2 1 “Free Energy” Magnetic Motors, p.25 U.S. Navy “Stealth” Ships, p.28 Deadly Mosquito Warning! p.43 Remember “Family” & Ray Renick Interview, p.46 . Advanced Bio-Engineering Media Slips, p.49 4 Page 2 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT High Risk Of Nuclear Attack! An Ounce Of Prevention...

6/29/93 #l HATONN I, further, wonder how many of you took 6/29/93 #2 HATONN action THIS DAY according to the request WHEN YOU THINK YOU CANT which SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON THE NUCLEAR HIGH RISK GO ON-YOU CAN! HOTLINE regarding AB 782 & AB 733 in ramrod through the Nevada legislature I have to write here as if you each and Good gracious, children, you are all but (full HOUSE committee). This&Bob Miller” ALL have read every word we have priorly INTO a massive global NUCLEAR WAR!! (YOUR corporation-State Governor) calls offered. There is no longer time to ‘catch THIS WAR WILL WIPE OUT MORETHAN 2/ this his “reorganization Bill AB 782”. You up” nations full of sleeping people. We 3RDS OF YOUR GLOBAL POPULATION- are going to STOP this bill’s passage or you have worked around the clock for five years AND THAT INCLUDES YOUR DOORYARD! are going to have more and more difficulty to pour all the information possible into Does ANYONE remember the writings to even finding out what the “government” is your “truth” machine. We cannot now date or do you just want to dawdle around doing. The input came too late to make a hold back, from diligent students, the very waiting for spoon-feeding of NEW in- big thing of it in the paper in time to get survival we have come to attend. IT IS TIME formation? YOU ARE AT WAR!! AND THIS action. But, this is the way all things will TO GET SCARED, LITTLE FRIENDS-REAL ONE WILL BE THE WAR TO END ALL happen from now on-even the Con- SCARED. I don’t even want to see or WARS!! AMERICA HAS STARTED IT SO Cons [Constitutional Conventions] will be hear that “Hatonn dishes out nothing STOP YOUR FIGURING AND DENIALS- held SUDDENLY in the middle of the but FEAR!” YOUR WORLD IS AT WAR, YOU ARE IN IT, YOU HAVE NO DEFENSES night. You are now at war and Emer- THE U.S. DID IT AND YOU CAN EXPECT TO SPEAK OF AND YOU BETTER FIGURE gency Regulations under Executive Or- THE FULL-BORE RETALIATION. BY OUT THE MEANING@ OF “THE WINTER der ARE ACTIVATED PUBLICLY. If you STARTINGTHEWARAGAININBAGHDAD OF ‘931 think otherwise-you are DEAD! CLINTON DEMONSTRATED THAT YOU Good grief, chelas, you cannot expect Protection and retaliation for attempts IN THE U.S. ARE UNDER FULL MARTIAL and wait for the one or two to attend YOUR on Bush’s life? Come now-don’t you LAW AND EXECUTIVE ORDER-AGAIN, needs. think that if there was a bomb which YOU WENT TO WAR ON AN INTERNA: “But what do we need to do?” you ask would take out two square miles of Ku- TIONAL LEVEL, IN SECRET, WITH ONLY helplessly. You need to check your sup- wait real-estate that it couldn’t have YOUR ELITE ALLIES IN KNOWING (NOT plies, make sure your Lugol’s solution or been detonated? You are victims of the YOUR CONGRESS NOR YOU-THE- tablets are handy [more on this later on, LIE-staged to do exactly what they have PEOPLE)-YOU-THE-PEOPLE WERE keep reading], you need to have a “safe done while you “ohmand ((ah” and =err- GIVEN NOTHING. THIS MEANS THAT place” to cover your asses for up to five a”. You are at war in Somalia, Angola, ALL IS IN PLACE FOR FULL-OUT UNITED days if necessary-and stop assuming I Yugoslavia, and, and, and!!! You err NATIONS INTERNATIONAL WORLD WAR just write for Tehachapi! I DON’T! In moment to moment-YOU BELIEVE III! This war, before it ends, will be the this instance I write the least for WHAT THE MEDIA TELLS YOU-THE NUCLEAR WAR (SUICIDE) of your planet if Tehachapi. GO CHECK YOUR MAIN- MISINFORMATION MONGERS WHO it works the way of the prophecies. You are TENANCE AND SURVIVAL GEAR-YOU STAGE THE ENTIRE SCENARIO TO WIPE headed directly, full-steam ahead for “THE ARE DUETHE WORST NUCLEAR BLAST- YOU OUT. WINTER OF ‘93”. Further, I am not going ING OF THE GENERATIONS AS WELL AS Does Hatonn sound a bit “testy” to- to place my people in further danger by THE MOST HORRENDOUS EARTH UP- day? Indeed, I am about as “tested” as giving you “fortune-tellings”, etc. YOU get HEAVALS OF THE CENTURIES OF TIME I have ever BEEN. I can keep Dharma busy and pick up the back information- IN COUNTING. AND YOU SIT. pumping out tons of information but if MY PEOPLE HAVE DONE ENOUGH! Are your immediate needs packed and no one reads it or listens or even believes There aren’t any BLOODSUCKERS out by your door FOR IMMEDIATE MOVE- what is written-what difference does Uhere” gonna “getcha”! Those are the MENT? WHAT IF YOU ARE CAUGHT IN her overload make-except to her, who most evil of all projections upon your place YOURDWELLINGANDCANNOTGETOUT? doesn’t give a damn whether or not she and it will get far worse before it gets better, ARE YOU SET TO BE ABLE TO IMMEDI- survives as she has become but a tor- friends. I and “mine” have a massive ATELY FUNCTION IN YOUR BEST SECU- mented prisoner in her own basement! mission-but it is not to “save your as- RITY FOR SEVERAL DAYS?? Will I save you? Give me a good sets” or your “astral” bodies. You believe Believe me, the stuff is going to hit the REASON why I SHOULD DO ANYTHING? the lies, deny the Truth and then kick and fan with the next release-because you are What have YOU done for your brother kill my speakers and messengers-it does AT nuclear war and NOBODY wants to today? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR NOT make me happy! Is it bad to have ME hear it. We wrote many JOURNALS on the YOUR BROTHER-TODAY, THIS angry and unhappy? YES IT IS VERY BAD! subject right through how to survive and MINUTE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR You sleepy- heads in your wondrou s worldly what to do. [For more information, see “SELF” THIS MINUTE? AH01 visions of sugar-plums and an orgy in JOURNAL #6, called SURVIVAL IS ONLY Let us take this off the computer for every bed-with a pot of gold under it- TEN FEET FROM HELL, and JOURNAL we must speak in remindings of things have about played out your final cards- #52, called TANGLED WEBS, VOLUME 8. which always “bring down the roof. If and lost the game. When this world erupts Ordering information is on back page.] not YOU, however, WHO?? there will be death of the human physical JULY 6,1993 Page 3 to well over two-thirds of the population of read this information until you can recite it exploded high in the sky like Hiroshima, to the planet -and frankly-THAT IS under pressure! create damage over a much larger area. ‘SCHEDULED” BY YOUR ELITE HUMAN- SOME PEOPLE DON’T WANTTO KNOW Get yourself at least 10 miles from any ISTS FOR 19 HUNDRED AND 931 This THE FUTURE THAT PROPHETS HAVE target. Say a missile is launched from a must be done in order to have the full PLAN FORETOLD ABOUT WORLD WAR III submarine in the Atlantic or the Pacific 2000 operational and in place by 20001 STARTING IN IRAQ. Oceans. Russia does have SS-20 missiles Sleep on, little blind kittens, and hopefully [H: As we go along with these writings that can fly 3,000 miles across the U.S.A. you won’t know what hit you. However, there will be many quotes from those to targets. Suppose an SS-20 comes from nuclear war is a bit different-you WILL books called ubib&#-BECAUSE that is 1,000 miles away, you only have about “six know what hit you and it will be TOO LATE! what you run to to prove your own minutes” to get protected. So prepare now! Does it HAVE TO BE this way? NO-BUT dreary points of view-not the truth of A missile from the that comes I SEE NO SIGNS OF YOU STOPPING IT! TRUTH. However, therein, obviously by over the North Pole in one half hour puts In the instance of what just happened in the effort to tamper and destroy it, LIE us on the front lines of battle. With a one Iraq-do you ACTUALLY THINK STUPID THE CLUES AND THE ANSWERS JUST megaton ‘Soft” target warhead the bomb LITTLE CLINTON ORDERED THE MASSA- AS TRUTH LIES IN THE ORAL TEACH- will explode from 6,000 to 10,000 feet high CRE? FORGETIT, SLEEPING CHILDREN- INGS OF THE GENERATIONS OF THE for maximum damage. The blast wave and BUSH, SCOWCROFT, ETC., ARE STILL IN NATIVE HUMAN PEOPLE. Don’t, please, overpressure will crush all buildings, even FULL COMMAND FROM “THIS SIDE”AND botherourpeoplewithyourobjections- skyscrapers, for 5 miles out like a giant foot ARE WORKING DIRECTLY WITHTHE ELITE object all you wish, throw this away, stepped on them. #Ten seconds” after the BANKERS, OIL BARONS AND ZIONISTS. stomp on it, shoot the scribdo with it blast the fireball will be 1 mile across and THIS IS GOING TO END IN A MASSIVE what ye will--I DO NOT CARE WHAT 11 million degrees. Four miles away the BLOODBATH; IT IS ONLY THE ‘WHEN” YOU DO WITH IT! DO YOU UNDER- wind will be 180 mph. The flash (50 times THAT IS IN QUESTION. STAND ME? I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU brighter than the sun) will last 22 seconds DO WITH THIS INFORMATION!!! Fur- and start fires 20 miles away. People EVERYWHERE THE BRIDGE ther, if you are able to not have it within 7 miles will begin to burn unless IS “FALLING DOWN” ON YOU happen this year-wait until next for they duck for cover quickly. [H: This is the buggers in the woodwork fully in- NOT a careless statement-bodies WILL OK, we are going to offer you some tend that it WORK and on their time ignite and burn-literally.] information that has been given to you at schedule! Neither am I going to go on The blast wave moves out at 1,100 feet least three times prior to this writing- the airwaves, or on the phones and tell per second. Or 1 mile every 5 seconds. If DIRECTLY! THIS WILL COME-AGAIN- you “exactly WHEN”. Take your care you are 10 miles away you only have 50 THROUGH THE PEN OF ONE L.F. WHO IS and do your job and it won’t matter seconds until it hits you. A house will LOVINGLY LABELED THE “PAROWAN WHEN11 stand at 12 miles, but glass windows will PROPHET”. Why would he have knowl- ‘implode” into the house with enough edge that the rest of you do not have? QUOTING: force for the glass to cut you up and kill Because he spent time on this side of the you. Nuclear Fire is unquenchable. In curtain in a “death” experience and he Congratulations, you “may” live fact, some bombs are“hydrogen” bombs WAS SHOWN EXACTLY WHAT WOULD through it all. By expressing your interest like hydrogen that is in water H 0. HAPPEN. He tries to reach through to you- in survival, your chances have improved Matthew 3~12 says: ‘He will gather his the-people and you ridicule, assault, and 100%. I realize that there are as many wheat, but he will burn up the chaff with insult him just as you do me and my opinions as there are people. But most unquenchable fire” (11 million degrees). scribe-so be it, for in the foxhole there are people will die because of their own igno- Don’t (DO NOT) look at the fireball, few unbelievers1 But, in the foxhole, safety rance of survival techniques. A prophet is people 30 miles away can be blinded. The is often TOO LATE TO SAVE THE BODY a “Scout” for mankind. He is to tell what mushroom cloud (Gourd of Ashes) will AND, OFTEN, THE SOUL. is ahead. Don’t quit now! The New Testa- rise to 80,000 feet (16 miles) and be 25 You readers are right up against it ment (Acts. 217-I 9) speaks of the LAST to 30 miles round in ten (10) minutes. now; the warning clues have been played DAYS, dreams, and vision of MY SER- Fallout begins in 15 minutes very, very out-and surely enough the Bastards VANTS, blood, fire, and smoke (H-Bombs). deadly so you have little ,Lime to prepare. did it again-set up THE stage for the Peter3:3-5speaks ofthe LAST DAYS, scoff- When the flash of light begins, ufall” final encounters in the MIDDLE EAST ers, who are “willingly ignorant”. Those flat, the human body can stand 8 times from whence would come arising your hypocrites are as Jude 18 tells us: “There more force laying flat than standing. FINAL WAR OF YOUR GENERATIONS! should be mockers in the last time.” While laying flat count out loud to 200 From this war will come the Dark Ages WHEN the surprise attack comes upon before you get up. If the blast wave does whilst a planet heals-if it is not vaporized the United States you can be prepared. not hit you by “200”, then get up and look by the insanity. YOU ARE NOT DEALING Millionswilldiebecausetheydon’t know for shelter QUICK, with water for a week’s WITH REASONINGMINDS, CHELAS, YOU what to do. They will say, “Oh, I wish I had stay. ARE DEALING WITH MADMEN! listened and prepared.” You would not If the bomb was a”surface” hit then the want to be on the Titanic about to dirt, steel, concrete, etc., will be vaporized DIRECT INFORMATION ABOUT iceberg without a life jacket. The cost of into about 300 radioactive elements all NUCLEAR ACTION one funeral is more than the cost to protect very, very deadly, to begin to fall out of the a large family. Some targets are =hardA sky when they cool. The hole will be l/3 I thank Leland for allowing us the re- targets where the bomb must hit the sur- mile across and as deep as a 10 story printing of this information for his mission, face to crater a hole in the earth. Such building. About 40+ acres. About 80% of like ours, is to inform to the limits of his targets are missile silos, airport runways, the stuff from that hole will fall out of the capabilities-in the face of your scorn and industrial areas, hydroelectric dams, power sky within 24 hours within hundreds of ridicule. I wonder how many still laughed plants, military command and control cen- miles away. Remember we are onlv talk- as the water rose in Noah’s marina? ters. Many other targets are ‘Soft” targets ing about a 1 megaton bomb. Bomb blast I suggest you get very somber and re- such as our cities, where the bombs will be overpressure of 2 lbs per square inch . Page 4 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

(psi) WILL CRUSH A HOUSE. That is a big radioactive ho&. replaced by mixing 4 TEASPOONS OF Here I suggest you send for the =sur- SALT PLUS 2 TEASPOONS OF BAKING DISTANCE OVERPRESSURE WIND vival information” that I publish. Send a SODA (PLAIN OLD ARM & HAMMER SPEEDS $6.00 donation to: The Parowan Prophet, TYPE) WITH 1 SMALL PACKAGE OF at 1.5 miles 24 psi 600 mph Utah, 8476 1 for a lot of good ideas that can JELLO-0 IN ONE GALLON OF WATER. at 3.0 miles 9 psi 250 mph save your life and people you care about. Just a lot of water, juice, soda pop, or beer, at 6.0 miles 3.2 psi 100 mph Be prepared like the Boy Scouts. will NOT help. You must replace the body at 10 miles 1.5 psi 50 mph electrolytes, tool [H: Now right here I at 12 miles 1.0 psi 40 mph SHELTER am going to suggest to all of you who have Gaiandriana-have a ulot” handy 5 psi will break eardrums of people. Shelter is your ticket to the future. Just and take an ounce at least three times You can see that people within a few miles think where you can get so that someone the fist “exposed” day and a table- of the hit are dead, or have only a short cannot shoot you with a deer rifle. Radia- spoonful 4 times daily thereafter-you while to suffer. But, you CAN protect tion uRnis just like deer rifle bullets. The need all the healing system at full recov- yourself from fallout and radiation. only thing that will stop them is umassD. ery. You can even take more but “dead” You need 150 poundsof”mass per* square drianas won’t help muchdust keep FALLOUT foot between you and the “R”. some extra for this purpose and keep Examples: 1 foot thick concrete-even rotating it as much as possible. Also, Fallout is very dangerous for the first overhead, or two feet of packed earth. You mixing it with half aloe Vera will qua- few days. Radiation is measured in “R” need to unlearn all the foolish stories you druple the positive good.] {See next-to- and 450 “R” will kill l/2 of the people. The have heard over the past years. I’m telling last pages for ordering information on the other one half will be very sick, but MAY you simple truth: you CAN surwive “IF” Gaiandriana product.} Millions will die survive. I say “may” survive. Downwind YOU PREPARE. Air is not poisoned; just do NOT KNOWING WHAT YOU HAVE READ of a “Surface” hit the “R” levels will be not breathe fallout dust. A 50-cent dust HERE. Save those plastic milk jugs to 18,000 “R” for 20 miles, 40 miles 1,300 mask from a paint or hardware store does carry to a hole somewhere. One gallon of ‘R”, 60 miles 400 ‘R”, 80 miles 130 “R”, the job just fine. Don’t let anyone track water “per” day for a week’s stay. Seven 140 miles 40 “R”. The truth is that more fallout dust into your shelter on their shoes gallons per person! DO IT NOW! Drink a people will die a long, slow, painful, death or clothes; sweep them clean. [H: Better lot, that helps flush radiation effects out of from the fallout. Some people say, “I want yet, if you can have enough “house- your body in urine. When vomiting, just to die at the beginning.” B-S! They will be shoes” or usocks” within the shelter to sip fluids at room temperature. Use empty hiding just like everyone else, those rotten simply pull off all clothing in a changing milk jugs to hold urine in a shelter. Men hypocrites. Survivors of Hiroshima ‘and room which is isolated from you. All of pee in a jug. Women work a similar ar- Nagasaki are some of the best studied ones using a common shelter should rangement (cut the bottom out of one jug people in medical history. We now know have at least one CLEAN set of clothes and use as a funnel arrangement). Have a what to prepare for good survival. The on stand-by so any possible contamina- 5 gallon can or trash pail lined with gar- human body can take *some” radiation tion can be minimized.] bage bags. Crumple some newspaper in “R”. Less is better! A one mega hit The human body puts off as much heat the bottom. Dung into the can (each produces 1,000 “R” per hour at 1 hour as a 100 watt light bulb. Really! So, in person) crumple newspaper over their own tier the hit. Seven hours later it has crowded conditions, heat will build up in a business, and have two rolls of toilet paper decayed to 100 “R” per hour. Seven times few hours. You need air circulation of 10 each. (It can get very bad when diarrhea that or 49 hours (2 days) it has decayed to cubic feet per person per minute to carry sets in ifyou are not well prepared.) When 10 ‘R” per hour. Seven times that 2 days off carbon dioxide from breathing and body the can is about full, tie off the bag and or two weeks it is down to 1 *R” per hour. heat. In a sealed shelter, one Ucubicn yard replace it. Set it carefully aside after punch- That is called the 7/ 10 Rule (remember the of air is enough for =one” hour for “one” ing a couple of pin holes in the TOP OF clue 7-1 I stores). Cumulative doses add pers0n.l Blue lips and headache show a THE BAG to keep it from exploding from up in your body. Don’t get more than 25 lack of oxygen. gasses from decay. When you can, take “R” in one day, 125 “R” in one week, 300 the bags away outsiddut not in the ‘R” in three months, stay sheltered until first few days of deadly fallouteon- it drops to l/2 UR” per hour. You can see serv6 your uRn buildup levels. Don’t take that if you are out in “early fallout” just a Carbon Dioxide build-up will be a prob- aspirin for headache at this time because it short time you can get a deadly dose. Find lem before the oxygen is gone. Normal air can and probably will make your stomach and f= a shelter now or be sick until you is 20,0/oOxygen and 0.03% Carbon dioxide. bleed when exposed to radiation. Use an and your loved ones die’s horrible death. At 2% carbon dioxide, breathing is deeper. acetaminophen base like Tylenol or You can estimate bomb size from the At 4% carbon dioxide, deeper, quicker, Excedrin aspirin free product during this flashtime. some discomfort. At 5% headache, nau- critical time-for pain. sea, labored breathing. 7% to 9% limit of A box of 80 baby wipes cost about $2.50 l/2 megaton flash 15 seconds tolerance. People should “lay” still as to wash faces, hands, underarms, groin, 1 megaton flash 22 seconds possible. Take turns “fanning” air into feet, DAILY while in your shelter and you 2 megaton flash 28 seconds the shelter. Use a TV tray, cardboard, or might well enjoy a bit of cologne if everyone 5 megaton flash 40 seconds two people with a bedsheet to scoop air like is very careful with its use. [H: Cologne is 10 megaton flash 55 seconds a sail into the shelter. a high percentage alcohol and is both 20 megaton flash 70 seconds refreshing and antiseptic in nature. It is WATER a time when utmost care should be given As a bomb increases Uteri fold” the to cleanliness to prevent infections- damage doubles. A ten mega only doubles One of the first effects of radiation sick- baby wipes are especially good and often the damage of uoneAmega so you can see ness is nausea, vomiting AND diarrhea. have a soothing aloe Vera or lanoliu there will be a lot of 1 mega hits. A 10 mega That produces loss of body fluids at both base. Hygiene is perhaps the most hole is 1 mile across and 20 stories deep. ends. Body electrolytes and fluid CAN be singularly important item next to water SF.,..< tz,.-: _.I. I..“..., I... t...**..,.,.~l ‘....*.r...... *...... ,.~.,,,,,.,.,. JULY 6, 1993 Page 5 supply. You fl have to umeasure” use don’t survive, who is going, to bury you? radiation doses added up. of ail substances exuding odors, how- People you love or some stranger who will ever, as some people will be highly sen- push you into an unmarked grave? END OF QUOTING dive to usmells”.] Each person must have their OWN cup PLAN TO LIVE-DONT DIE FOR MORE INFORMATION (preferably plastic if breakage is a problem in overcrowded circumstances), also a bowl, The Lord tells us: “The sword is with- Send a Se&addressed uSTAMPED” spoon and a little dish soap. Diseases out, and the pestilence AND THE FAMINE business letter envelope and $1 dona- spread quickly in crowded conditions. Buy within; he that is in the field (without a tion OR MORE - and $6.00 DONATION 100 hour candles for light. A few changes fallout shelter) shalI die with the sword; (of FOR SURVIVAL INFORMATION, $12 of socks and underwear really make it war) AND he that is in the city, FAMINE donation for book PROPHFCP TODAy better. A few good books should also be and pestilence (radiation sickness and which includes fallout mans and the sur- available and a Biblewill have some ‘inter- disease) shall devour him.” AND shame vivaI information. Send requests to: The esting” clues and help. AND, our survival shall be upon all faces (because they didn’t Parowan Prophet, Utah-8476 1. After the information about the famine to come, listen or prepare) AND BALDNESS UPON war starts-Cash ONLY! This is your best foods to keep you healthy, and how to ALL THEIR HEADS (‘radiation” doses of buy, I would guess, since we may not make awater filter to eliminate radiation in 300 R makes your hair fall out and kills reprint all you need. I do ask that Editors water. about 20 percent of the people within 6 isolate our usurvival” writings and JOUR- weeks-see Prophecy Today Book and Sheet NALS for your help. [Those would be ONE MEDICINE 19826). They shall cast their silver in the JOURNAL #6, called SURVIVAL IS ONLY streets and their gold shall be removed TEN FEET FROM HELL and JOURNAL ALL fallout has “radioactive iodine” (from backing the USA currency in 1971). #52, called TANGLED WEBS. VOLUME 8. which is attracted to your thyroid in your THEIR SILVER AND THEIR GOLD SHALL See back page for ordering information.] neck like steel to a magnet. Protect your- NOT BE ABLE TO DELIVER THEM IN We can nag, push, shove and plead with self now. Get (KI) Potassium Iodide [the THEDAYOFTHEWRATH OFTHELORD: you to take action-and all we shall do is chemical symbol for Potassium is “K@ - they shall NOT sati+ their souls NEI- make ourselves worn to fiddle-strings. We from the Latin “kalium: meaning “alkali* THER FILL THEIR BOWELS (not enough have no intention of doing such-your - while that for Iodine is “r, for those of to eat) .” [Bible: Ezekiel 7: 15, 18, 19.1 survival, of all things, is up to you-AND IF you enquiring minds out there who may Place smokers and sick, vomiting people YOU HAVE CHILDREN, HEAVEN HELP won&r why “KP is the chemical shorthand NEAR the air exhaust. If flush toilets YOU IF YOU IGNORE THEIR RIGHTS TO for Potassium Iodide! PZeuse also see the available everyone SIT to do ALL waste SURVIVAL BECAUSE OF YOUR GREEDY, auxiliary information on Potassium Iodide business. You can live days without food, CARELESSA’ITENTIONTOTHEIRNEEDS. be@nzziw on page 6 that has been rep- but you MUST have water. A pillow, blan- I suggest you get your own asses in gear duced with permission from the book ket, toothbrush, comb, some food and just and,quit waiting until lmothef or “dad” NUCLEAR WAR SURVIVAL SKILLS by SIT and wait. Learn the patience of Job in or someone else uses their funds for your Cresson H. Kearny. 1, ‘Lugol’s solution”, 1 the Bible. With a candle and food and needs. If.most of you simply gave up the ounce with an eyedropper now. PER PER- water you’ll have it made while millions of beer swigging you could afford everything SON. Keep it in a cool, dark place. WHEN smart, intelligent, talented, wealthy people necessary. We are meeting God’s re- the attack begins and you know fallout is are dying. Just be patient and wait. Some sponsibility TO YOU-BY LETTING YOU coming, THEN 5 DROPS FOR ADULTS, 4 people can go outside for supplies in shifts KNOW HOW IT IS AND WILL B&YOUR DROPS FOR PRE-TEENS, 3 DROPS FOR . Keep track of each person’s total FANNY IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! Sahl. CHILDREN, INFANTS (LESS THAN 1 YEAR) 2 DROPS DAILY-FOR 100 DAYS! I, Twice the dosage DOES NOT HELP. Put SURVIVAL IS ONLY TEN the drops on a cracker or piece of bread. FEET FROM HELL TANGLED WEBS-VOL. 8 BY ASHTAR CY GYEORGOS CERES HATONN/ATON Try not to chew too much. The stuff tastes ( J6 ) 136 pages terrible, BUT it sure will help protect you! (JS2) 251 pages When Chernobyl happened in Russia in Commander Ashtar details the 1986 the world flew in l/3 of a million truth behind nuclear energy mis- “IT SHALL ONLY BE THROUGH THE doses. But nobody ELSE will be helping conceptions and how to prepare KNOWINGOFTHATWHICH’IS’THAT us when the attack comes here. If you for the probable Nuclear War YOU. CAN RECLAIM THAT WHICH are not protected, you’ll probably get which is -planned. He explains ‘WAS’ YOUR NATION, UNDER GOD caucer of the throat in’ 10 or 15 years. that the U.S.A. has no under- WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR That is terrible to think of for the youth of ALL. THE TANGLED WEBS CAN BE ground Nuclear Shelter defense today. Kids who are not protected with SORTED BUT YOU SHALL DO IT-- system, except for the Elite. Ad- %I” and get some Uradioactive iodine” GOD AWAITS, AT READY, FOR YOUR wiIl be stunted in their growth because ditional topics: The Ten Feet CALL.” the thyroid gland controls growth. There Underground Protection--HowTo Some of the many topics covered: are other medicines listed in our survival Order the book Fighting Chance- Computer Chip Injections--lo information as well. If you can get KI -Probable First Strike--Fallout C&z’s Presidential Campaign--The tablets, a person needs 130 miBigrams Danger--Cost Per Person for a Federalist Papers--The Necessity for (mg) DAILY, for the 100 days after fall- Shelter--Why You Must Prepare- Emergency Personal Food and Sup- out begins. Plans While America Sleeps--The plies--The Behind-The-Scene-Prepa- People realize that some cancer pa- Nuclear Deterrent Once Available rations for Emergency Takeover tients get small doses of radiation that No Longer Exists. (Dictatorship) of the U.S. (INDEX makes their hair fall out. Two weeks after INCLUDED) fallout begins people will start to go bald. Hair will grow back ‘if you survive. If you Page 6 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

Recommendations On Use”. These lengthy rec- ommendations are summarized in the FDA’s More Information On “mandated patient product insert”. (See a com- plete copy in the following section.) This insert is packed with every bottle of non-prescription KI tablets sold. However, the lengthy FDA Potassium Iodide For recommendations contain many facts not men- tioned in this required insert, including the following: “Based on the FDA adverse reaction reports and an estimated 48 x 1gS 148 million] 300-mg doses of potassium iodide administered Radiation Protection each year [in the United States], the NCRP [National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements] estimated an adverse reaction rate of from 1 in a million to 1 in 10 million (Editor’s note: The following information radioactive iodine may have come from the air doses.” (Note that this extremely low adverse on potassium iodide is reproduced with they breathed.) reaction rate is for doses over twice as large as permission from the book NUCLEAR WAR the 130-mg prophylactic dose.) An extremely small and inexpensive daily dose Copyright 1986, by SURVIVAL SKILLS, of the preferred non-radioactive potassium salt, FDA-PATIENT INFORMATION USE OF Cresson H. Keamy. Copies of NUCLEAR potassium-iodide(KI), iftdken ‘/I hour to I day before 130~MOSCORED TABLETS OF POTASSIUM WAR SURVIVAL SKILLS may bepurchased exposure to radioactive iodine, will reduce later IODIDE FOR THYROID BLOCKING from Oregon Institute of Science and Medi- absorption of radioactive iodine by the thyroid to cine, P. 0. Box 12 79, Cave Jim&ion., Oregon only .about ,190 of what the absorption would be (Potassium Iodide Tablets, U.S.P.) 97523. 1 copy $12.50; 5 copies $45; 10 without this preventive measure. Extensive’experi- (Pronounced poe-TASS-e-urn EYE-oh-dyed) copies $80.) mentation and study have led to the Federal Drug (Abbreviated KI) Administration’s approval of l30-milligram (l30- TAKE POTASSIUM IODIDE ONLY WHEN PREVENTION OF THYROID DAMAGE mg) tablets for this preventive (prophylactic) use PUBLIC’HEALTH OFFICIALS TELL YOU. IN FROM RADIOACTIVE IODINES only. Jh~Z’‘A l30-mg dose provides the same daily A RADIATION EMERGENCY, RADIOACTIVE amount df iodine as does each tablet that English IODINE COULD BE RELEASED INTO THE There is no medicine that will effectively prevent authorities for years have piacedin the hands of the AIR. POTASSIUM IODIDE (A FORM OF IO- DINE) CAN HELP PROTECT YOU. nuclear radiations from damaging the human body police near nuclear power plants, for distribution to IF YOU ARE TOLD TO TAKE THIS MEDI- cells that they strike. However, a salt of the elements the surrounding population in the very unlikely event CINE, TAKE IT ONE TIME EVERY 24 HOURS. potassium and iBdine< taken orally even in very small of a major’nuclear accident. It is quite likely that a DO NOT TAKE IT MORE OFTEN. MORE WILL quantities ‘/J houractive and release dangerous amounts of radioactive ADULTS AND CHILDREN ONE YEAR OF AGE OR forms that later may become available in the blood; iodines and other radioactive material into the OLDER: One (1) tablet once a day. Crush for small then it is sajd to be blocked. (Excess iodine in the atmosphere, the Government rushed prepara- children. blood is rapidly. eliminated by the action of tion of small bottles of a saturated solution of BABIES UNDER ONE YEAR OF AGE: One-half (H) tablet once a da . Crush first the kidneys.) potassium iodide. The reactor’s containment structure did not rupture. The 237.013bottles of DOSAGE: Take Yor 10 days unless directed otherwise by An excess of ordinary iodine retained in the saturated KI solution that were delivered to State or local public health authorities. Store at .controlled room temperature between 15’ and thyroid gland is harmless, but quite smallamountS of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania-mostly to0 late to 30% (5Q to 86°F). Keep bottle tightly closed andprotect radioactive iodine retained in the thyroid eventually have been effective if the Three Mile Island from light. will give such a large radiation dose to thyroid cells accident had become an uncontainedmeltdown that abnormalities are likely to result. These would -were stored in secretin a warehouse, and were WARNING nevitr used. POTASSIUM IODIDE SHOULD NOT BE USED BY include loss of thy&d function, nodules in the PEOPLE AUERGIC TO IODIDE. Keep out of the reach thyroid, or thyroid cancer. Sixty-four Marshall Since this famous 1979accident. thet iajured of children. In case of overdose of allergic reaction, lsianders on Rongehp Atoll were accidentally no one, tbe Governors of the 50states have been contact a physician or public health authority. exposed to radioactive fallout produced by a large given the responsibility for prowling Ame& DEscmPTfoN cans radiohdines by providing prophy- H-bomb test explosion on Bikini Atoll. about against Each iOSArY Tablet contains 130 mg. of potassium JO0 .miles away. Twenty-two of them developed laotic potassium iodide.By May of 196%only in iodide. thyroid abnormalities beginning nine years later.” In Tennessee have A.knerioans.other than some the two days before they mre taken’out oft he fallout specialists, been given potassium iodidetablets; HOW POTASSIUM IODIDE WORKS around one nuclear reactor some 7,5OQresidents Certain forms of iodine help your thyroid gland work area. these completely uninformed natives.’ living have been given the officially approved KI right. Most people get the iodine they need from foods wntially oiHdo0t-s. had received estimated whole- tablets, to assure their having this protection if like iodized salt or fish. The thyroid can “store” or hold body gam&ray doses of about I75 R from the only a certain amount of iodine. a nuclear accident occurs. fa’llout all rtiund them. They absorbed m&t of the In April of lQS2 the Bureau of Radiological In a radiation emergency, radioactive iodine may be radioactiveiodine Etained by their thyroid glands as released b the air. This material may be breathed or Health and Bureau of Drugs, ,Food and Drug a result of eating and drinking fallout-co~taniinatcd swallowed. It rfxiy enter the thymid gland and dMlage it. Administration, Department of Health and f&d and water duiing their two days of exposure. The damage would probably not show itself for year& HumanServioesr&ased”F’INALRECGMMEN- (Because of unusual environmental conditions at the Children are most likely to have thyroid damage. DATIONS. Potassium Iodide As- A Thyroid- time of fall~t deposition, some of the retained Blocking Agent In A R&i&ion Emergency: If you taki, potassium iodide, it will fill up your thyroid JULY 6,1993 . Page 7 gland. This reduces the chance that harmful radioactive l Protection againstradioactive iodine solution contains a very small amount of a compound iodine will enter the thyroid gland. in fallout from a nuclear war fought outside that prevents it from deteriorating significantly for a WHO SHOULD NOT TAKE POTASSIUM IODlDE the United States. few years. It is best stored in a dark glass bottle with a The only, people who should not take potassium iodide solid, non-metallic cap that screws on liquid-tight. A are people who know they are allergic to iodide. You may Most strategists believe that a nuclear war fought separatemedicine dropper should be kept in the same take potassium iodide even if you are taking medicines by nations other than the United States is a more likely place. An authoritative publication36 of the National for a thyroid problem (for example, a thyroid hormone or catastrophe than a nuclear attack on America. Several Committee on Radiation Protection and Measurements antithyroid drug). Pregnant and nursing women and of the Soviet and Chinese nuclear test explosions have babies and children may also take this drug. states: “Supplies of potassium iodide can be stored in a resulted in very light fallout deposition and some variety of places, including homes,. . . n HOW AND WHEN TO TAKE POTASSIUM IODIDE contamination of milk by radioactive iodine in many of Potassium iodide should be taken as soon as possible the 50 states. However, serious contamination of milk, In 1990 the price of a 2-ounce bottle of U.S.P. after public health officials tell you. You should take one fruits, and vegetables could result if war falloat from saturated solution of potassium iodide, which is dose every 24 hours. More will not help you because the many overseas nuclear explosions were oarried sold by prescription only, ranges from about thyroid can “hold” only limited amounts of iodine. Larger to an America at peace. These potential dangers $7.00 to $11.00 in Colorado. A e-ounce bottle doses will increase the risk of side effects. You will proba- contains about 500 drops. Four drops provide bly be told not to take the drug for more than 10 days. and effective countermeasures are included in Chapter 18, Trans-Pacific Fallout. ’ the daily dose of 130 mg for adults and for children older than one year. For babies less SIDE EFFECTS If a nuclear war were to be fought in northern than one year old, the daily dose of a saturated Usually, side effects of potassium iodide happen when parts of Asia, or in Europe, or in the Middle East, a solution is two drops (65 mg). Thus approximate- people take higher doses for a long time. You should be very small fraction of the fallout would come to earth ly 99% effective protection against the subse- careful not to take more than the recommended dose or on parts or all of the United States.” This fallout would quent uptake of radioactive iodine by the thyroid take it for longer than you are told. Side effects are not result in an overwhelming catastrophe to Ameri- unlikely because of the low dose and the short time you can be gotten by taking saturated potassium. cans, although the long-term health hazards would be will be taking the drug. iodide solution. If bought by prescription, today serious by peacetime standards and the economic losses the recommended daily dose costs 6 to 9 cents. Possible side effects include skin rashes, swelling of the would be great.” The dangers from radioactive iodine salivary glands, and “iodism” (metallic taste, burning in milk produced by cows that ate falloutantaminated + Without prescription. mouth and throat, sore teeth and gums, symptoms of a feeds or drank fallout-contaminated water would be In 1990 the leading company selling 130-mg head cold, and sometimes stomach upset and diarrhea). minimized if Americans did not consume dairy prodypts potassium iodide tablets without prescription for several weeks after the. arrival of war fallout. Safe A few people have an allergic reaction with more serious and by mail order in the United States is ANBEX. symptoms. These could be fever and joint pains, or milk and other baby foods would be the only essential Inc., P.O. Box 861. Cooper Station, New York, swelling of parts of the face and body and at times foods that soon would be in very short supply. The N.Y. 10276.Two bottles, each containing fourteen severe shortness of breath requiring immediate medical parents of babies and young children who had stored 130-mg potassium iodide tablets, cost $10.00. attention. potassium iodide would be especially thankful they had Thus the cost per 24-hour dose is 36 cents. To the made this very inexpensive preparation, that can give best of my knowledge, the company in the U.S. Taking iodide may rarely cause overactivity of the thyroid 99Y&effective protection to the thyroid. All members of gland, underactivity of the thyroid gland, or enlargement that in July of 1990 is selling 130-mg KI tablets of the thyroid gland (goiter). families with a supply of potassium iodide could safely without prescription at the lowest price is Pre- eat a normal diet long before those without it could do ‘paredness Products, 3855 South 500 West, Bldg. WHAT TO DO IF SlDE EFFECTS OCCUR so. G, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115. This company If the side effects are severe or if you have an allergic The most dangerous type of radioactive iodine se& 14 tablets, in a brown, screw-cap glass reaction, stop taking potassium iodide. Then, if possible, bottle, for $3.50, postpaid, including shipping call a doctor or public health authority for instructions. decays rapidly. At the end of each 8day period it gives off only half as much radiation as at the start of that charges. For three or more bottles, the price is HOW SUPPLIED period. So at the end of 80 days it emits only about $2.50 per bottle. Tablets (Potassium Iodide Tablets, U.&P.): bot- I/ 1000 as much radiation per hour as at the beginning After the disastrous Russian nuclear power tles of [number of tablets in a bottle] tablets of these 80 days. Flecause.of this rapid decay, a lOOday reactor accident at Chernobyl in May of 1986, ( ). Each white, round, supply of potassium iodide should be .suflicient if a pharmacies in Sweden soon sold all of their 130- scored tablet contains 130 mg. potassium iodide. nuclear war, either overseas or within the United mg potassium iodide tablets and Poland limited States, were to lastno more than a week or two. its inadequate supplies of prophylactic iodide The probability of most Americans being supplied Note that this official FDA required insert salts to the protection of children. In California, with prophylactic potassium iodide during a major given above prudently stresses the name, the pharmacists reported abnormally large sales of pronunciation, and the chemical formula (KI) of nuclear disaster appears low. Under present regulations iodine tablets, and also of tincture of iodine- the decision concerning whether to stockpile and these Government-approved 130-mg potassium apparently due to the buyers’ having been mis- iodide tablets. Perhaps this emphasized infor- dispense potassium iodide tablets rests solely with each informed by the media’s reports that Europeans state’s governor.4’ mation will keep some alarmed Americans were taking “iodine” for protection. (misinformed in a future crisis by the media Individuals can buy chemical reagent grade that typically stated during the Chernobyl l Need for thyroid protection after a nuclear potassium iodide, that is purer than the phar- nuclear accident that “iodine tablets” were being attack on the United States. maceutical grade, from some chemical supply given to people endangered by radioactive iodine After a nuclear attack, very few of the survivors firms. No prescription or other authorization is from the burning reactor) from getting and would be able to obtain potassium iodide or to get necessary. In 1990 the least expensive source of taking iodine tablets, widely sold for water advice about when to start taking it or stop taking it. In which I am aware is NAS‘CO, 901 Jamesville purification, or tincture of iodine, areas of heavy fallout, some survivors without potas- Avenue, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 53538. The Strangely, neither in official information sium iodide would receive radiation doses large enough price for 100 grams (100,000 mg) in 1990 is $10.50, available to the general public on the prophy- to destroy thyroid function before modem medical plus $2.00 to $4.00 for shipping costs. Thus the lactic use of KI nor in the above-mentioned FDA treatments would again become available. Even those cost in 1990 for a 130-mg daily dose is less than 2 “Final Recommendations” is any mention made injuries to the thyroid that result in its complete failure cents. NASCO sells 500 grams (500.000 mg- of the much greater need for KI in a nuclear to function cause few deaths in normal times, but under about one pound) for $35.50, plus $2.00 to $4.06 war-even for Americans during an overseas post-attack conditions thyroid damage would be much for shipping-making the cost per standard nuclear war in which the United States would more hazardous. daily dose only one cent. not be a belligerent. For yearsof storage,crystalline or granularpotas- Also note that this official insert contains 0 Ways to obtain potassium iodide sium iodide is better than a saturated solution. Dry no instructions for giving a crushed KI tablet to for prophylactic use. potassiumiodide should be stored in a dark bottle with infants and small children. Nor is there any a gasketed, non-metallic cap that screws on tightly. mention of the fact that the KI under the tablet’s * By prescription. Two-fluid-ounce bottles, filled with dry potassium coating is a more painful-tasting drug than any With a prescription from a doctor, a U.S.P. iodide as described below, are good sizes for a family. that most people ever have taken. This omitted saturated solution ofpot&sitimiodide can be bought at Separate medicine droppers should be kept with stored information is given in the next to last section of many pharmacies today. (In a crisis, the present local bottles. this chapter. supplies would be entirely inadequate.) The saturated Page 8 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

Thus at low cost you can buy and store see her. stable iodide.” enough potassium iodide for you family and To eliminate the painfully badtastcofa large numbers of your friends and neighbors- Research has been carried out in an effort to crushed or pulverized KI tablet, first pulveti as 1 did years ago. develop a thyroid protection procedure based on it thoroughly. Next stir it for a minute into at the ordinary iodine solutions which are used as least 2 ounces of milk, orange juice, or cold disinfectants. Since iodine solutions such as 0 Practical expedient ways to prepare and drink, to make sure that the KI (a salt) is tincture of iodine and povidone-iodine are dan- take daily prophylactic doses of a saturated completely dissolved. Then the taste is not gerous poisons if taken orally, these experi- solution of potassium iodide. objectionable. If only water is available, stir the ments have utilized absorption through the skin To prepare a saturated solution of potassium pulverized tablet into more than 2 ounces of after topical application on bare skin. iodide, fill a bottle about 60% full of crystallineor water. granular potassium iodide. (A 2-fluid-ounce bottle, KI is a corrosive salt, more injurious than All reported experimental topical applica- made of dark glass and having a solid, non-metallic, aspirin to tissue with which it is in direct tions on human skin have given less thyroid screweap top, is a good size for a family. About 2 contact. Some doctors advise taking KI tablets protection than does proper oral administration ounces of crystallineor granular potassium iodide is after meals, except when so doing would delay of potassium iodide. Moreover, undesirable side needed to fill a 2-fluid-ounce bottle about 60% full.) taking the initial dose during an emergency. All effects of skin application can be serious. For Next, pour safe, room-temperature water into the recognize that taking a dilute solution of KI is these reasons researchers to date have not rec- bottle until it is about 90% full. Then close the bottle easier on the stomach than taking the same dose ommended a procedure for the use of ordinary tightly and shake it vigorously for at least 2 minutes. in tablet form. This may be a consequential iodine solutions for thyroid protection. Some of the solid potassium iodide should remain consideration when taking KI for weeks during permanentlyundissolved at the bottom of the bottle; a prolonged nuclear war emergency. Potassium iodide, when obtained in the this is proof that the solution is saturated. crystalline reagent form and used as recom- Experiments witha varietyof ordinary household 0 WARNINGS mended above on pages 114 and 115, is safe. medicinedroppers determined that I drop of a saturated inexpensive, and easy to administer. Prudent l Elemental (free) iodine is poisonous, except solution of potassiumiodide containsfrom 28 to 36 mg individuals should obtain and keep ready for in the very small amounts in water disinfected of potassium iodide. The recommended expedient use supply of potassium iodide well with iodine tablets or a few drops of tincture of an adequate daily doses of a saturatedsolution (approximately 130 in advance of a crisis. mg for adultsand children older than one year, and 65 iodine. Furthermore, elemental iodine supplied mg for babies younger than one year) are as follows: by iodine tablets and released by tincture of iodine dropped into water is not effective as a l For adults and children older than one year, 4 blocking agent to prevent thyroid damage. If drops of a saturatedsolution of potassiumiodide each you do not have any potassium iodide, DO NOT 24 hours. TAKE IODINE TABLETS OR TINCTURE OF * For babies younger than one year, 2 drops of a IODINE.

saturatedsolution of potassiumiodide each 24 hours. l DO NOT MAKE A FUTILE, HARMFUL Potassiumiodide has a painfully bad taste, so ATTEMPT TO EAT ENOUGH IODIZED SALT WEAVER-HARRIS bad that a single crystal or 1 drop of the saturated TO RESULT IN THYROID BLOCKING. Iodized solution in a small child’s mouth would make salt contains potassium iodide, but in such a him cry. (A small child would be screaming in low concentration that it is impossible to eat TRIA-L UPDATE pain before he could eat enough granular or enough iodized salt to be helpful as a blocking agent. crystalline KI to make him sick. Some KI JUNE 29. 1993--DAY 42 tablets are coated and tasteless.) Since many personswill not takea bad-tastingmedication, especially OTHER WAYS TO PREVENT if no short-termhealth hazards are likelyto resultfrom THYROID DAMAGE (Boise, Idaho)...OnthisTuesday, the 12th not taking it, the following two methods of taking a Besides the prophylactic use of potassium day of Jury deliberation, the Jury came in at saturatedsolution are recommended: iodide, the following are ways to prevent Or 8:00 A.M. The lawyers all came in this * Put 4 drops of the solution into a glassof milk or reduce thyroid damage under peacetime or war- morning and met with the Judge. other beverage, stir, and drink quickly. Then drink time conditions: Open court was convened at 1:30 P.M. some of the beveragewith nothingadded. If only water l Do not drink or otherwise use fresh milk and the Judge told the court that the Jury is available,use it in the same manner. produced by cows that have consumed feed or foreman had been monitored by the court * If bread is available,place 4 drops of the solution water consequentially contaminated with fall- and adoctor for the past 24 hours and it had on a small piece of it; dampen and mold it into a firm out or other radioactive material resulting from been determined that he was too exhausted ball the size of a large pea, about Yginch in diameter. a peacetime accident or from nuclear explosions to continue, so he had been released. There is almost no taste if this “pill” is swallowed in a war. The next alternate was brought in and quickly withwater. (If the pill iscoated with margarine, l As a general rule, do not eat fresh vege- said that she thought she could take over and there is no taste.) tables until advised it is safe to do so. If under be a fair and impartial Juror. As statedbefore, 4 d.ropsof the saturatedsolution wartime conditions no official advice is obtain- The rest of the Jury was brought in and able, avoid eating fresh leafy vegetables that provide a dose approximately equal to 130 mg of given some more instructions by the Judge potassiumiodide. were growing or exposed at the time of fallout . deposition: thoroughly wash all vegetables and and told to elect another foreperson and 0 Preparing potassium iodide tablets fruits. continue with their deliberations. Howen was back and it appeared that he to give to infants and small children. l If a dangerously radioactive air mass is The official FDA instructions for using KI being blown toward your area and is relatively has a 4-marshal escort, or it could have been tablets state that one half of a 130-mg tablet, small (as from some possible nuclear power a coincidence that they were there when he “first crushed”, should be given every 24 hours facility accidents), and if there is time, an ordered went in and also when he left the court room. to “babies under one year of age”, and that a evacuation of your area may make it unneces- He looked like he was back to normal, as whole tablet should be crushed “for small sary even to take potassium iodide. he had his normal scowl on his face. children.” * For protection against inhaled radioactive This mornings local paper reported that Putting even a small fraction of a crushed iodine, the FDA Final Recommendations (which he had been ill and that was all they knew. or pulverized potassium iodide tablet on one’s are mentioned in the preceding section) state Hoping that this change can get them off that the following measures “should be con- tongue is a startling experience, with a burning dead center. Keep Randy, Kevin and the sensation. A slightly burnt sensation continues sidered”: “ . . . sheltering [merely staying indoors for hours. Therefore, a mother is advised to can significantly reduce inhaled doses], evacua- Jurors in your prayers. make this experiment where her children cannot tion, respiratory protection, and/or the use of More when it happens...Jerry. JULY 6,1993 Page 9 What In The World Is Goi ng On Today?

6/30/93 Wl HATONN This is a heavy, heavy burden, readers- were intentional and grievous errors by the camel’s back is about to break. And your government and United Nations WHEN YOU THINK YOU CAN’T what do these ones have to look forward to? troops. Remember what they won’t tell GO ON-YOU CAN! More poverty; they have no home; they you-the ATF, Attorney General, Marshals, have no property; their own ‘friends” bite Secretary of the Treasury, the IRS, the Fed. WHEN YOU BELIEVE YOU CANT at them for ‘lessb or “more” and Dharma, Reserve, the U.S. Postal Service, etc- GO ON- quite frankly, thinks that ‘survival” is the ARE PAID EMPLOYEES OF THE UNITED YOU CAN’T! LAST thing she wants to do. So what NATIONS AND THE PAY COMES DI- GOOD is there in this message-that you RECTLY FROM THE INTERNATIONAL WHO IS IN CONTROL? readers might glean? SWE KNOWS THAT MONETARY FUND! TKERE IS WONDROUS RADMNCE AT Now, good old executioner, Janet Reno, As you look about your world and see TXE END OF HER RAINBOW-SHE is stating that there will be an ‘investiga- the wars and bombings and other happen- KNOWS fil Is that enough? YES. Also, tion’“- thisdue to the fact that some goodly ings and realize you ARE IN WARS of she can cling to the words we often share people TOOK VIDEOS OFTHE WACO INCI- magnificent magnitude and impact on your lately, from Benjamin Franklin 8s her DENT-AND THE ATTEMPT TO BURN OUT entire world future-who is in control? brother, Little Crow: *He who shall in- THE WEAVERS. THESE pictures don’t lie Well, it surely is NOT one called Bill tmduce into public aflairs the prim and they can’t get hold of all of them to Clinton-NOR his mixed-up wife. These ciplesof ch?ist will changethe farce of destroy them. There were also more than are purely puppets and, unfortunately, Z#zetuotZc2.~ So, we can lead the horses to 10,000 letters from you-the-people DE- RIGHTNOW Bush, Eagleburger, Scowcroft, water-but we cannot force the drinking. MANDINGthis not be buried. Will it be? It Kissinger, et al., are in full control of your won’t matter as all other regulations are ‘sector”. If you don’t believe this-you CURRENT EVENTS moving along supremely well for the nation’s had best look again. Bush %rew” the WE ARE BEHIND ON adversary. election, friends. You were told that at the time and nothing has changed except the There are so many critical current top- JUST LIKE NEW ZEALAND iron bars are coming down hard on their ics that one knows not where toeven begin AND AUSTRALIA adversaries-or even ones who were not to catch up so we will just rip through a few their adversaries-but KNOW TOO MUCH. “watch closely(s)“. You in America are going to find, very Am I their adversary to overthrow them? shortly, that you MUST carry national iden- No! I am not. That is your prerogative ifyou THE BALKANS tification cards which will contain a com- wish radical action-but radical action will puter chip that will allow the federal gov- not prevail so why would you act in such a You have sent some troops to the ernment to keep constant tabs on the manner as to INSURE FAILURE? Mine is a Balkans but the big force will function entire scenario of each of your lives and mission of higher cause regarding Earth under the facade label of United Nations habit-very individual in the whole coun- and civilization of human cycle changes. forces. It will be YOUR sons and daugh- try1 Guess what! It will be brought into To accomplish my task I must get you, who ters, husbands and wives-and it will be mandatory compliance through Hillary will listen, informed and awakened and the same death marches. There is NO WAY Clinton’s developing ‘health care program’. l this will be so relatively few as to shock you to win ANYTHING in the Balkan states. It You want free health care? Well, brothers, .’ goodly people. is not even intended that you do so. It is so you are going to get something-but it Since beginnings of contact with this entangled with Russia and GERMANY that surely is NOT going to be free1 The chip in scribe-who, by the way, asked for NONE you cannot begin to sort it, readers. The THAT card will match an injected chip (in to OF THIS LOAD-it has been harangue, Khazarian Zionist anti-Christs are so in each of you) and it will carry every action assault, stone throwing, poverty, property charge that you cannot even tell one from and every bit of information regarding you loss, legat confrontation one after another- another-that is how unified this one-world from lineage background to what movies now five cases at once! This has gone on take-over is structured. Now there is talk you prefer! since we began to write-my people are of dividing up into groups the area in point, And who might be the final presenter of tired, sick of this job and simply want to of old Yugoslavia. Will this work? No, but the plan and ‘brains” for consummation say, “To hell with it all! .s Can they do that? to “divide” is to “conquei). of the “plan”? Longtime *Friend of Bill” is No, the “system” will not even allow them being given credit for developing this “won- to “quit” without costing greatly everyone WACO derfully brilliant” plan to “help” every- who has participated. And, worse, it has one-Ira Magaziner (Zionist). He is an %y now grown to the extent that some forty Even your hand-fed media is having to Leaguer” who came to know your cute little other persons (DIRECTLY) would have to let slip through bits and pieces, proving President at Oxford. After graduating, give up their work if she gives up “hers”. that Waco, Texas and Ruby Ridge, Idaho Magaziner made millions as a manage- Page 10 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

ment consultant to major international Middle East Moslem and Arab Nations. some lengths. He is the nice Israeli person, corporations. In addition, he has served You who can remember, do you recall a veteran Israeli AGENT, who received a as an adviser to Sweden, ISRAEL, etc. “President” Bush declaring war on Soma- special grant of American citizenship This is another of the Rhodes Scholar lia with tears “over the starving children” ON THE DAY OF THE CLINTON-GORE Club. So, the plan being boasted as bril- streaming down his face? Still believe it? INAUGURATION so he could take over liant demands Americans register with the U.S. policy in the Middle East, the the government for health care, and BUT NOT TO WORRY! oil-rich Persian Gulf countries and South thereby give government the ability to Asia. track people through the credit card Back on the home front: the “mystery Well, on May 22, in Washington, this look-alike provided by your good old disease”, the outbreak of Bubonic Plague person Indyk told a group of Israelilobby- Uncle Samstein. Cleverly, the card will in Northern Arizona, terrorist plans and istsTHAT UTHECLINTONADMINISTRA- “at first” contain only medical informa- actual bombings in New York (and other TION HAS DECIDED TO DESTROY THE tionbut the information capacitywillbe places yet to explode), pending imminent GOVERNMENTS OF BOTH IRAN AND gigantic and immediately expanded nuclearwar, the U.S. functioning ENTIRELY IRAQ.” through the Social Security number of under Executive Order orchestrated by Readers, however you butter your toast, each individual-and then matched to prior “executives”, a state of Martial law in this means endless WAR and you will note the chips inserted into every baby birthed matured blossom, weather patterns liter- that, other than the top U.N. Thug-nations, TODAY and for the past two years! If you ally annihilating portions of your nation, the U.S. will have no supporters but don’t have one,you willget one or perish the government ‘cutting back” (i.e., Gore, Israel. Will the other nations go along? outside the system. I suggest you get who heads a task force on streamlining What choices do they have? Not many- the card-they already KNOW EVERY- government, had 73 percent MORE staff- but the ones they DO HAVE will toast your THING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT EV- err on his Senate payroll at the end of toadies before they give up1 ERYONE OF YOU GOODLY PEOPLE- March than Dan Quayle employed at the Let me tell you even worse: Indyk, in AND YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO EAT! same point in his term. Gosh, some Israel, represents only the MOST BEE THE MARK OF THE BEAST WHICH “cutbacks”), the nation’s infrastructure is LIGERENT POLITICAL FACTION, the INTERESTS GOD IS THE ONE WHICH falling apart, jobs are all but GONE, reli- coalition of aging terrorists known as YOU PLACE ON YOUR OWN SOUL-NOT gious targets are beingtotally holocausted, the Likud. Indyk has publicly asserted ON A PIECE OF PLASTIC. IFYOU CAN’T AIDS is sweeping the nation along with that he is in charge of the White House KNOW THE DIFFERENCE, THEN YOU other untreatable viral infections-the an- policy and the United States will %&her ARE WASTING YOUR TIME READING swer has come: San Francisco is planning seek nor expect a reconciliation” with Iraq. MY MATERIAL. to become the first U.S. city outside Ne- So, am I at war with your ‘system”? vada to legalize and regulate prostitution GLOBAL REGLME NO! I am solely at war with the adversary as a way to stem crime and spread of MOVES UUDER WAY of GOD CREATOR-the big “boy” himselfl infectious disease. “Unregulated pros- And it is already known- that I win be- titution causes major problems in San QUOTING (H: The following is so under- cause the illusion of the physical expres- Francisco,” said Supervisor Terrance stated as to remind me of Rolaids use for sion will be devoured by its own evil for Hallinan, who proposed the idea. carcinoma of the stomach, but I ask that nothing of physical is infinite--only soul Yep, it worked for Sodomand Gomorrah the article, sent to us from out of SPOT- and Creation is infinite. too!!!??? See, the ‘worry” is over, read- LIGHTa few weeks past, be printed.): ers-Nuclear devastation wipes out both The move toward global government BUSH: “GOD’S WORK” unregulated prostitution and infectious and the dismantling of national saver- diseases--even the untreatable, unbeat- eignty is proceeding in accordance with I am asked constantly about the pur- able HIV! the timetable laid out by the interna- pose of Somalia. I told you months ago- By the way-who of you think the U.S. tionalists. (James P. Tucker Jr.) it is to establish total control of the area Government is unresponsive to com- The world shadow government is taking and have a war position against Iran and plaints?? Not so, it is your imagination, great strides toward its goal of making the other countries but most especially the readers--ask Israel. United Nations a global regime, tearing Arab nations (Iran is not Arab). It is further U.S. officials have streamlined export down ancient barriers protecting national totally wrapped up with the Soviets and licensing procedures associated with the sovereignty. OIL, as is all the rest of the heinous activi- U.S.-Israel Arrow development program As you read this, the Bilderberg/Trilat- ties going on in the area-and in Africa. (paid for by U.S. taxpayers) in response to eral clique, in cooperation with President Look at Angola! The U.S./UN involvement Israeli complaints that a bureaucratic Bill Clinton, other heads of state, and in Somalia has proved ,to be a farce and a logjam was causing schedule delays and internationalists in banking, the media tragic farce at that. Bush said you were adding costs to the joint anti-missile and industry plot unprecedented interfer- moving into Somalia to do “God’s work”. promam. A State Department agree- ence by the UN into the domestic affairs of And so, if the Somalis would just lay down ment has been presented to the Israeli many nations: and die, give up their nation and submit to Ministrv of Defense Purchasing Mission In Haiti, UN officials and the Clinton “god’s will” (as has also been stated) and in New York. It ELIMINATES THE NE- administration plan to send an interna- cooperate with the executioners sent via CESSITY FOR U.S. COMPANIES IN- tional “police force” of 500. Both backers the U.N. and Bush on your “holy mission”, VOLVEDTO GET INDMDUALAPPROVAL of exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide it wouldn’t be necessary for you to murder FOR EXPORTS OFAMILITARY NATURE. and of the coup that ousted him object, so many of them-would it? Good luck, America-but it may take more arguing correctly that this would be the Now it has dropped into another slot than “good luck” from where I sit. beginning of the end of Haitian sover- hasn’t it? What of the Pakistani troops? eignty. Clinton and UN officials are warn- You now murder them, too, because you WHAT WlZL YOU BELIEVE? ing Haitians that they may lose American want (or Mr. Kissinger-Mr. Bush wants) tax dollars unless they agree to the occupa- them murdered as hostages to get their Remember Martin Indyk? This is the tion. Haiti, at this moment, is resisting. hands on and squash Pakistan and all the same Indyk we have spoken of at quite American troops are serving in Somalia JULY 6,1993 Page 11 under a UN banner and under the com- to sell you in San Francisco! by the same judges. mand of a Turkish general. It is the first Does anyone feel like barfing? All this Well, gosh, it worked for John Demjanjuk time in history American soldiers have “incredulous” reaction to a trumped-up didn’t it? Sick, sick, sick! Let’s look back served under a foreign leader accountable, scheme by the shadow government is a bit at this man wrongfully taken from the U.S., not to the president or Congress, but to the too much for even an old Space Cadet. falsely accused and now having spent three UN Security Council, in a blatant violation The U.S. has plotted, paid for, and of his shadow years wrongly incarcerated of national sovereignty and of the Consti- executed deliberate death on numerous and on DEATH ROW in Israel. You have tution. heads of state all over the globe-most of come ‘a long way, babies. It is so bad In the former Yugoslavia, the UN is which you don’t even know about-BUT, internationally over Demjanjuk that even eager to both formally establish the NATO certainly you well know about Cuba, Iraq the ‘Ukrainians” have taken up his cause. forces as part of its own world army and to and Libya. Actually, nobody in Iraq gave a Let that be a good clue to you observant further assert its right to interfere any- damn about Bush being in Kuwait or his “watchers”. where, anytime. However, they are now sickening stance to annihilate life. A war is shunning a protracted ground war to avoid PLANNED and you have need to further INJUSTICE PROTESTED public outrage-and because there is no poison and deaden the brains and thinking oil to be exploited. of people so you get support for your mur- In May a number of residents of Kiev, The UN is establishing a war tribunal to ders. Believe what you will-the LIE will the capital of Ukraine, picketed the Israeli prosecute %ar criminals” in the former stalk you to your grave if you are lucky Embassy with a demand for freedom for Yugoslavia. This is a precedent dear to the enough to have one of your very own. John (Ivan) Demjanjuk, the retired Cleve- hearts of the world shadow government. It land autoworker who has spent three years willbethefirsttimesincethe%arcrimes” LET’S LOOK AT on death row in Israel for alleged ‘war trial farces in Nuremberg and Tokyo, which ‘GLOBAL POLICE” crimes”. The leaders of the demonstration were then widely denounced by a Supreme attempted to deliver a petition signed by CourtjusticeandthelateSenRobertTaftfor, ANYAmerican (or other nationality) can 50,000 Ukrainians on behalfof Demjanjuk, among other things, ignoring the expastfado be summarily arrested, moved to overseas but it was refused. Three members of the doctrine. jails and tried by foreign judges for crimes Ukrainian Parliament, Iryna Kalynets, Whilehistory’sfirst suchtrialinvolvedthe unknown under U.S. law under a new UN Mykhailo Kosiv and Yaroslav Kendzior, conquered and occupied nations of Germany edict. openly support the demonstrators and and Japan, this will be the first time the UN The United Nations is underway in Demjanjuk DESPITE COVERT PRES- has established aworld crimes court to “try” preparations setting up an international SURE FROM THE UBITED STATES TO people in what began as adomestic fight in a criminal court system, complete with a KEEP QUIET! And how is your week sovereign nation, Yugoslavia, global police force at its full command. You going? The global picture comes into focuswhen are already seeing it AT WORK. It will be It might be good for the world to remem- you consider the ultimate goals, as directly formally introduced in ‘phases*. ber one little thing about the UKRAINE- stated by participants in theTrilateral Com- The initial thrust will deal with cases of thev have nuclear weapons, mission and Bilderberg group: murder, rape, torture and ‘other serious CosmospheresandPOWER! They do not violations of international humanitarian l&e Zionists or American s-and despise law” and will begin in former Yugoslavia. the British and Soviet Khaearian From there it gets really interesting. “JEWS*. This is a most interesting The international court will consist of group to keep your eyes and ears upon two trial chambers with three judges each, for you won’t be hearing about them at ‘It is of interest that in 1993 U.S. forces an appeals chamber of five judges, a pros- all IF the organized Zionist media can am coming under the comman d of a UN ecution staffand service units. The cost of keep it FROM YOU. Perhaps a word to commander who is not an American and who such a legal establishment will come from the wise is sufficient? Those nuclear isanswerable to the UN SecurityCouncil.“- the UN member states, WITH THE U.S. warheadedmissilesare now split in aim- John Roper, director of the Western Euro- TAKPAYERS PUTTING UP AT LEAST A directions-a few toward Moscow and pean Union in Paris. FULL THIRD OF THE COST. the rest, which are a whole big bunch- The shadow government again demon- right at the strategic targets II NORTH strated its raw power when Denmark and PANELS AMERICA! Britain recently ratifledtha trsaty creat- ing a Eumpeam super-&ate. Ah, it gets better: The judges, nomi- AND THE LITTLE GUYS? EarlieqtheDaneshadvoteddecisively nated by the Secretary-General and to retain their sovereigbty. It was re- eIected by the UN General Assembly, will It has now been over a year since federal versedinaclcsevoteayearlater,asthe form polyglot panels. ‘No two of them may and state bullies raided the Tacoma, Wash- controlledpre8sfrightenedtheDancainto be nationals of the same state,” the plan ington clinic of “vitamin doctor” Jonathan ratifpinQ~==-k~thay states. Wright, a licensed physician who practices wouldbeleftoutinthecoldintheinevi- Defendantson trial will not be protected alternative medicine. Although Wright is table union and would stier economi- by the constitutional rights and immuni- not charged with any crime, the federal clllp* ties of their own nations, only by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) con- Finally,thePaciflcRimistobecome standards of procedure the judges them- tinues to dog him. “Here it is a year later thethirdgreatregionfortheconvenience selves adopt. Well, what else is new-that and we still have no idea what the FDA of admi&tration by the UN. is already a working practice in the U.S. really wants,” said Wright. The location of this infamous body will (Editor’s note: We covered this matteron END OF QUOTING be in The Hague, the capital of Holland. the Front Page ofthe May 26, I992 PHOE- The defendants will be held in custody NIX LIBERATOR under the headline “Ge- PLOT ON BUSH’S ASSETS? while they are on trial. When convicted, stapo Tactics By Armed FDA”, and that they will serve their sentences in the prison incident was a fiZfiUing prediction of Corn- Yes. indeed. and I have anriceless bridge svstems of various nations. as determined ma&r Hatnnn’s Frond Paae wtitiw in the Page 12 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

Febnrary 18, 1992 PHOENIX LIBERATOR House was a result of the tensions with STAND UP? PICK O-UT OF THE which was headlined “FDA Sounds Iraq, saidAnthony Lake, President Clinton’s MANY-IF YOU CAN! Deathknell To Wellness Industry”.) national security adviser. “I think rou- Let us close this writing. I would like to They are getting exactly what .they tinely at a moment like this there are devote the next one to Russbacher, Rayelan want-proper vitamins, minerals, herbs additional procedures,” Lake said Tues- (and other ‘patriots”) and recently mur- and hydrogen peroxide removed from the day. dered Paul David Wilcher. He may be clutches of you citizens. You will be forced On Saturday, shortly after an Iraqi in- PgoneA but YOU will see to it that he is to take the poisons given to you to insure telligence center in Baghdad was attacked not “forgotten”! He had a lot of informa- your demise-very, very soon now.. with U.S. cruise missiles, the State Depart- tion which was stolen (shades of Danny In view of the above note about nuclear ment issued a worldwide advisory telling Casolaro of the INSLAW case) at the time missiles and the shutting down of ability to Americans to exercise “greater than usual of his murder. Also, of some 65 tapes get life-saving nutrients which is ALL that cautionA when traveling abroad...... p: bearing information of great interest- will save your lives in nuclear attack-I And sogoes the B.S. Of courseit couldn’t only some 33 to 35 were received at point suggestyou carefullyconsider Gaiandriana have anything to do with the current of destination from point of mailing. This [see next-to-lastpages for ordering informa- actions! (refer back to paragraph two of means that much information is missing tion] to boost that IMMUNE SYSTEM and the quote).] from even that which will be offered by speed up the cellular system (YOURS) to AND another: Rodney Stich-like half. facilitate heavy radiation doses. Does it Washington, 6/29/93 (AP): A Senate Well, we will share what we end up “cure” anythin;l3 NO-if anything gets panel plans to question a top Pentagon with but reporting is all we have going “cured” YOU WILL DO IT. Does it offer medical officer Wednesday about claims here. I ask that NONE of our staff or assistance? YES! Will it work in’ the by Navy veterans that they were injured eager patriots construe our work in this presence of nicotine, alcohol and-or caf- by CHEMICAL WEAPONS DURING THE paper or our JOURNALS as anything feine? YES-but not as effectively and PERSIAN GULF WAR AND ORDERED TO other than information. We are in no that, readers, is solely up to you as to how KEEP QUIET ABOUT IT..... The Navy did way activists other than as “pressI and effective you want ANYTHING to be. The not return repeated telephone calls Tues- personally supporting friends who find least you can do is move to decaffeinated day seeking comment on...... [And so it themselves in ‘victim” circumstances in coffee perhaps? Is it so much ‘trouble” to goes!] this once GREAT NATION of FREEDOM. save your own lives? Are your lives so CONTACT has thus far cleared the scru- worthless to you and do you care so little END OF QUOTING tiny of those who censor ‘subversive” for the gift of life God gave you that you care mail in closely guarded facilities. This is not for ANYTHING? By the way, will the REAL STORY ON exactly. the way we intend to KEEP it. YOUR CURRENT “SHUTTLE” PLEASE Thank you. TERRORIST WARNING

I got a note this morning with the follow- ing AP release-the note from my beloved friend, left unnamed but recognized through A Reminder To ALU “Geodesic Structures” for his own recog- nition, just said ‘Commander, you were right!” I am extremely appreciative of this Fiddling While Rome Burns person’s faithful sortings and sharings. You citizens are being more and more isolated from the pressures of inability to 6/30/93 #2 HATONN can respond in reasonable clarity without longer ‘afford” some of the luxuries and, having to repeat questions and-or answers through the pressure of FEAR, you have WED. JUNE 30. 1993 [Commander Hatonn takes cure of this him- becomevirtualprisonersinyourownhomes seff a bit later in the writins]. (and even there YOU ARE NOT SAFE) and WHEN YOU THINK YOU CANT I will begin, however, by tellingYOU ALL now with diseases to terrify you, you now GO ON-YOU CAN! that you have NO IDEA WHAT IS REAL have to fear the actual “terrorists”, It is AND WHAT IS PHONY IN THE SEMJASE- ‘happening”, chelas-Armageddon time WHEN YOU BELIEVE YOU CANT SILVER-STAR CENTER-(good grief). is not one happening-it is all happening to GO ON- I will, right up front and in advance, tell YOU CANT you right now as.’ we write. you straight forward-I DO NOT WORK WITH ANY SUCH CENTER AND NEITHER QUOTING: We will interrupt our work to respond to DO I SERVE IN ANY SQUADRON OR COM- L a letter which has Dharma too upset to go MAND WITH SEMJASE. DO I KNOW Washington, 6/29/93 (AP)-Americans on with our scheduled projects. Response SEMJASE? INDEED-SHE IS ONE OF were warned Tuesday to be mindful of is to our beloved friend in New Mexico, Ron THE FOREMOST COMMANDERS IN THE . terrorists even while traveling in the United Sease. I have neither the time nor the ENTIRE FEDERATION FLEET. States, while the White Hovse security inclination to be %oft” for I sit with inquir- DO I SERVE “WITH” ASHTAR? has been increased. ies, petitions, demands, insults, dares, ‘ASHTAR” IS AN IDENTIFICATION FOR A The State Department warning was not questions and simple “kiss-offs” by the SPECIAL “COMMAND”. That Command linked directly to rising tensions with Iraq dozens-EVERY DAY of our work. So, if I is considered in the organizational plan as or the bombing at New York’s World Trade seem abrupt-so be it. . an Evacuation Command-and keeper of Center. “It rises out of a general sense that I ask that the Semjase-Silver-Star-Cen- the massive Cosmic records for this por- it is agood thing for U.S. citizens just to be ter letter be printed, please [seepages 14- tion of the Universe. Do not confuse this more careful,” said department spokes- 151. I will also have ALL OF YOU note it is with Akashic records. trn&mMike McCurry. NOT from Billy Meierl The Commander of that particular’com- But the increased security at the White Ialsoaskthatwe print Ron’s letter so we mand” is identified as ‘Ashtar” in com- JULY 6,1993 Page 13

munications-just as I am identified in the this place. Dharma has all she can stand FINDYOURANSWERS-FOR OBVIOUSLY sectors of Command as “Hatonn”. It gives of this fragmentation, gets no rest from MINE DO NOT SUIT MANY OF YOU. both identification of commission, singu- man nor The Beast and I do not like the Before you read this, please refer back lar identification of energy (person), point tone of demand in such letters which to the information received from Switzer- of service and duty responsibilities AND. indicate that we do not do enough. My land [reproduced on pages 14-15 1. limits of involvement. Wherein, however, JOB is HERE--and we must serve the Ron, I don’t know when your letter to my label is fitted from point of last origin or mission first in order that ALL can have Rick was written or sent as you have given *base” -Ashtar designates the Ashtar the necessary information. To answer no information or address. Rick is sad- Command but is NOT the label of the EACH of you now causes great inconsid- dened by his inability to satisfy your in- Commanding “officer”. My reference to eration of ALL other readers who have quiries and has referred it to me although the Host Command is Aton. done their homework and must lose I note he has responded as of today, to you. Now, hear you well, please. My scribe information for lack of Dharma’s capac- . has had enough. Her job as described is to ity to work longer or more quickly. She QUOTING Letter: write-she does that and she does it to the writes anywhere from 15 to 55 p,ages point that very few ofyou readers have read PER DAY among the hundreds of piles of Dear Rick, more than a pittance of the offerings. Then, messages and material mandatory for Perhaps we are not communicating well as with Ron-you come and ‘demand” her attention. because it is imperative that we must expe- that you need explanations and “straight I have so little to do with the Dal rience some straight answers. There is so answer9. There is NOTHING YOU ASK universe that I won’t even bother to much going on that we need clarity and THAT IS NOT FULLY EXPLAINED IN ONE comment further about it. Ones in the confirmation if these things are a part of OR MORE OF THE JOURNALS!! This Dal universe can respond. I would even the Command. includes all necessary information about have to look it up on a Galactic map for It is aggravating not to know how things one Billy Meier and Semjase. coordinates and I frankly have no inter- are to go because of the variables. Now, it is true that Billy.Meier wants est in doing so. You are not headed for As long as I have been writing to the nothing to do with George Greeu-how- the Dal universe, at any rate, so why Commander, even though I never expected a ever, it is NOT as presented in this letter. would I allow such a distraction? return letter, I suppose I hoped that I would Further, the activities which are possibly Ptaah, Quetzal, etc.: Yes, I know them, get a reply. [H: Come now, son, you HAVE going on in Switzerland in Hinterschmidruti but their mission is not my mission- had replies and we have run some of your are of no interest to’me. Pleiadians made but they may well have “your” mission. offerings as well.] The questions I ask are their contacts in that area for very specific I am not the one to either judge or very important at this time. There is a lot of reasons and those reasons are no longer discern about that. deception out there and I need to establish a relevant to anything that ‘1” do. So, why First these people said Semjase was firm path. do you demand that =I”give you “straight DEAD. I called them on it and said she Rick, don’t think I am new at all this. The answers”? Go get your answers from-these certainly IS NOT. Now we have a different problem is sorting out. I am listening to an old people! The facades are many and great story-and it does not come from Billy Ashtartaperight now as I write this letter. It and the shenanigans going on at that Cen- Meier. Back in 20543 What the dickens seems feasible since ascension is being dis- ter are about as bilious and incorrect as for? Stop it reader-your planet is in cussed. p: Ascension or evacuation? A anything that George Green presents. destruct mode and to take time with fan- very,verybigdifference! Idon’tcarewhat So, I am going to ask you some straight- tasy la-la-land stories to account for a Ashtar tape you are list- to, if it says forward questions: HAVE YOU STUDIED vacuum in connections is not my idea of “ascend” it is NOT right! We are efforting EVERY JOURNAL AND EVERY EDITION attending “reality”. Semjase has forgotten to get you ready to be able to move within OF THE PAPER?? WHAT SPECIFICALLY NOTHING and, moreover, it would take a “light” and maintain physical viability IS IT THAT YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND? less than 30 seconds to replace everything when that becomes a necessary move-IF YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN SPECIFIC IN- in her computer. If you ones don’t stop it becomes nv. If ones are giving STRUCTIONS AS TO “LIFT-OFF” AND, this, you are going to miss the whole won- youagocdlysonganddanceaboutascend- IN THAT, ASHTAR’S COMMAND TAKES drous journey. By the way, Semjase’s ing-then you sre in deep yogurt if you COMMAND IF NECESSARY. IF YOU father is Semjasa! Ptaah only serves as attend that assumption without knowing WANT SURVIVAL INFORMATION-WE her guardian-teacher. what in the name of goodness you are HAVE WRITTEN 75 JOURNALS ABOUT My intention is not to offend anyONE. doing.] The tape is not ofyour organization. THAT VERY THING-YOUR SURVIVAL Please-however, EVERY ONE who writes [H: Good, we have no orwtion.] It is FROM HOW TO BURY YOUR WASTE IN A feels he/ she deserves answers and re- interesting and doesn’t conflict. SHELTER, TO RAISING YOUR FRE- sponses and is somehow special. Each By now you probably think me less than QUENCY TOALLOWLIFT-OFFTO ABOUT IS-but it has nothing to do with Dharma’s a worker for the Kingdom but I assure you- WHEN IT PROBABLY WILLHAPPEN. AM job and I happen to utilize her as my “I must ask questions” for OTHERS.(??) p: I AND MY SCRIBE REMISS--OR ARE secretary. So be it. Ron, how do you even know the questions YOU POSSIBLY CARELESS IN YOUR This letter came to Rick but obviously to ask fcr OTHERS if you know not your HOMEWORK? has been forwarded on to me because Rick own lemons?] Are you or you or you less important cannot answer it. He could turn it over to You still havent explained why a lot of the than any other? No, not to your sdce Esu but that Commander is pretty busy JOURNALS and reams of newsprint have sector command or to God. I am not, also-especially in view of the fact that ALL been dedicated on readiness and evacuation. however, here to spoon feed 6- l/2 bil- of the information demanded IS ALREADY w: Could you actually mean, %ave not”?] lion people one by one. Neither am I WRITTEN FOR YOU-AND AVAILABLE. Youwouldthinkthisveryimportant,wouldn’t simply at the beck and call of any ONE- Give these people a break, please; they are you? Well, we do and many of us who have when the answers have already pre- human, caring and loving and yet they come to New Mexico axe ever vigilant in the ceded the questions. Am I angry? Ne have no time for selves, family or living. WE readiness. Some of us would prefer to leave I would simply like you to go do your own have come to bring the WORD and we have and let the inevitable happen. p: So, what homework so that we can do ours with done so and continue to do so-YOU HAVE tiy keeps you? It is important to the limited hands we have to serve in TO READ IT, STUDY IT AND SEEK AND ap1;w81:this and not consider it a flippant Page 14 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

F.I.G.U., Semjase-SiIve&N.arCenter CH-8495 HinterscImid&i/ZH (Switzerland) ‘&I. 052/45 13 10 end 052145 27 01 Fax 052/45 42 89

Rdn Sease Western New Mexico University P.O.Box 680 Silver City, New Mexico 88062

Unscr Zeichcn: ph Datum: March 7, 1993

PortckcbKooto: FreicIateresscngemeinschft f3r Crcnz- and Ccisttsulucn~+~en, CH-8495 ScbrWrfM, PC 8043703-3, Zfirich Frcic lntcnsseagemcinsddt ccAktfrc All&oz~, F.I.G.U., Cli-8495 ScbmidrYtl, PC 84-4366-1, Wintcrtbmr

Dear Ron Sease

We thank you for your letter. Enclosed you find our English information material. Unfortunately our pricelist is not available in English for the next time and the prices are always in Swissfrancs because the currency is changing to often. The few booklets I marked yellow are t,he only English translations of our writings. We must tell you that we keep absolut distance to George Green and don ’ t have anything to do with him. The reason why, YOU find in the booklet 'Those who lie about contacts...'. We have about 400 numbrerd UFO pictures, but we don’t have a catalogue of the pictures themselves, only a book which describes the numbers, like place, date, photographer and the meaning of the picture. With kind regards



Philia Stauber

llrirle Mnntn nor bcantwortet wtrdcn, wcnn lrsrclcheade~ RYckporto beilicgtikcinc Rrlcfmarkm vom Aoslrnd I.rttcrs can be answered only if rrtorn-postage is coclared/latc~~tion~l reply coopans or cash: IIS $ l o stamps JULY 6,1993 Page 15

The contacts took place during periods of eleven years.

1. Period: 1942 - 1953 contact with Sfath, the grandfather of Semjase. 2. Period: 1953 - 1964 contact with Asket, a woman from the Dal-universe. The following eleven years there were no'contacts. 3. Period: 1975 - 1986 contact with Semjase, her father Ptaah, Quetzal and other Pleiadians.

On december 15, 1977 Semjase had an accident here on Earth in our Center, because of the impudence of an earth human. She was brought back to her home planet Erra to be restored to health again. The contacts stopped until Mai 20, 1978 and continued until March 26, 1981. At the end of March 1981 Semjase went away from Earth to fulfill other duties. She came back in January 1984 and her last contact was on February 3, 1984. At the beginning of November 1984 she had a brain collaps, that was a consequence of her accident seven years ago. She was brought immediately to.a brother-nation of the Pleiadians, to friends who could help her. This nation emigrated about 50000 years ago into our twin-universe, called the Dal-universe. Asket is belonging to this brother-nation. In the meantime Semjase iS very well again and there is no phy- sicalinjuryleft, but she lost all her knowledge concerning to her profession and also knowledge of other kind. Now she is con- vinced to learn everything fundamentally a second 'time in her life. Although she has the possibility to leern.everpthing much faster than we could do, it will take anyway about 70 years. This heavy job of learning she doesn't take upon her 'on Erra, but in the Dal-universe by her friends. Except to her family on Erra she hasn't any contact. to our uni- verse and it is also not possible to contact her in a spiritual way, because of the fact, that she is in another universe, which is an independence for itself. Only with an universe-gateway, made available in a technical way and of a short duration, it is possible to go from one uni- verse into the other. The' earliest time Semjase will come back will be in the year 2054. When Semjase was brought into the Dal-universe the contacts went uninterrupted with her .father Ptaah, station commander - i:etxal , with Talida, Menara, Pleja and other Pleiadians until January 29, 1986. In the year 1989, on November 17, the contacts started again with Semjase's father Ptaah and will continue for the next ele- ven years. Page 16 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT question. It may well be the most impor- searching-but it appears that you do not FOCUS FROM WHAT “YOU WANT” AND tant one question you ever answer for self. wish to actually “find”. You want debate THINK “YOU NEED--YOU WILL HAVE NO WHY WOULDYOU NEED MOREVOLUMES and explanation-and so, too, do I, but your CONFIRMATION. IT IS NOW TIME FOR ON THE SUBJECT IF IT HAS BEEN WELL human limitations make it impossible in “WISDOM”AND”RESPONSIBILITY”-AND COVERED IN DETAIL PRIOR TO NOW? your dimension and in that mode of crude NOT FOR FURTHER TINKERING WITH BITS TRUTHDOESN’TCHANGE, FRIENDS, GOD communication. Further, if you know not of AND PIECES OF THIS ANDTHAT-TO KEEP DOESN’TCHANGEANDNEITHERDOTHE that which you speak, then perhaps you YOU FROM YOUR WORK. HOSTS OF GOD OR THIS MISSION. should not speak at all. To mislead or Do you assume because “I”seem to have WORLDLY THINGS CHANGE WITH THE misdirect at this critical time is indeed unwise no pointed instructions for your duties or my SHIFTING WINDS AND I SUPPOSE YOU for there is not time in your counting to undo scribe cannot use your services or, or, or- NEED NEW UPDATES MOMENT BY MO- damages. that GOD DOES NOT NEED YOU? THERE MENT. TRUTH DOES NOT CHANGE AND I understand that space craft, aliens and ARE ALL THE PLACES IN THE WORLD- WEAREOFFERINGTRUTHJUSTASFAST ascension are wondrous to speculate about OTHER THAN HERE-PONDER lT! THERE AS DHARMA CAN TYPE.] and share and ponder-but our mission here ARE ALLTHE OTHER JOBS INTHE WORLD We are instant in season and out and in is to get as many informed as is possible in the THANTHISONE-PONDERITALSO. WHERE the process, we need to be informed. p: I’m shortest possible time segment of sequence. DO YOU FIT AND SERVE? ONLY YOU sorry we could not decipher the meaning You should be able to lookat what is happen- KNOW! FOR ALL OTHERS IT WOULD BE of this. And, son, ifyou are not constantly ing RIGHT NOWinyourareaand understand BUT EMPTY SPECULATION. WHY DO YOU informed-then have youbeen doing your the massive load on my people in just getting ASK ME FORYOUR ANSWERS-I ASK YOU homework?] out information. It is not to be rude or to NOT FOR MINE-AND THE SOURCE IS Ex- I received the last paper and thanks. I ignore--it is simply humanly impossible for ACTLY THE SAME! notice that we are doing a lot more sleeping me to answer ALL. If I have not adequately What most of you miss is that you seek these days (something for you to observe). covered a subject and we get correspon- Spirituality in all the wrong places and the By HIS Love and Light, dence-we effort to respond as well as pos- fact is that being spiritual means you do Bra. Ron sible but to individually give readings or everything for everyone else and not yourself. answer questions which must, after all, go I nor any other person can show you any END OF QUOTING unanswered or answered by self to self is not spiritual path to follow. I can share TRUTH, appropriate even if possible. “Even the son nothing more--the rest is your problem or gift No, I’m sorry but no one here is hardly knows not the hour of His return!- Are you or whatever you choose to call it. You’re on finding time to sleep at all. Worse yet, my own more pertinent to the mission than HE? one, either way (spiritual path)-that means staff is not finding time to read their own This is a very “physical and physics” you have your own. Take responsibility for it instructions for action in the physical emer- matter. It is not magic nor rapture. You stare and live it the best way you can for there is no gency. Perhaps myself, nor my staff, knows down the barrel right now of a nuclear war to other. If you don’t get the spiritual connec- exactly what it is you want from them. They, end all wars-you are IN IT. I suggest you stop tions with God in order and focus on things including Rick, are willing to offer you any- attending debates and arguments with Asket other than some possible space ships and thing within their capability in service. You and supposed craft “centers” and get right magic ascension chants-you aren’t going are welcome to read, study and believe or WITH GOD! SEMJASE IS NOT GOING TO anywhere, anyway. What is in disbelieve every written word on the planet- GET YOU ANYWHERE; NEITHER IS BILLY Hinterschmidruti is none of my business but please, do not compare it to ours unless MEIER ANDIFYOU DONTGETINFORMED- and, likewise, I sincerely hope they STAY OUT you have read every word we have printed NEITHER AM I. THATWOULD BE LABELED OF MINE. Just the term “UFO” is without a or spoken for your information. Your “ABDUCTION” AND WE DONT ABDUCT doubt the most absurd misrepresentation I wondrous planet is at destruct and if all you ANYTHINGOR ANYONE! have ever continually had thrust upon any are interested in is how we might “fit”or not I do believe, however, #at ifyou will catch language. What in the world do you actually “fir with another universe such as Dal- up and stay right up to date-you will fmd mean? An unidentifiedflyingobject isexactly then you are obviously NOT interested in our that we are covering a lot of the information that and, frankly, everything in my vision is work-so be it for unto each is freedom of for six-viva&AGAIN, LIKE RIGHT NOW! fully IDENTIFIED and in yours it cannot choices and seeking. As a child you should see things darkly possibly be so-so, what in the world are you For instance, we got a letter yesterday- through the glass. But you must grow up people doing? The minute you utter the just as demanding for answers because of the now-for it is time for awakening untoTRUTH question “Oh look, is that a UFO?” you have “importance” and they wanted me to do a and truth is not flapping around on silver answered yourself-for you obviously can’t whole volume on how I differ from the one feathered carpets like fireflies. My COM- identify whatever you might be looking at. I called Devil? I can do it in one breath-” In w IS REALl It houses the Hosts in this would like to ask you to study something- every way there IS!“.’ Sector and&vice and we do not flit around how many actual flying objects can you fully You ones must understand that if you playing games with Space Cadets, either. identify? I don’t mean ‘%hat’sabird,”etc. What write to ME through Dharma or this rout- Remember: There will be zillions of false- kind of bird, what are its habits and habitat, is ing-you expect an answer from HER. She is witnessesandfalse-pmphetsandfalse-speak- it round, squam, bw? Stop the silliness a human being and sits in almost seclusion ers u cotne in my name and calling fhemselms and the ax&nations will come-fall for the with FEET-thick stacks of inquiries, papers th Christ returned...” trickster&ricksandyouwillbewavinggood-by and urgent documents and faxes-alongwith Take heed, for discernment and judgment at liftoff. over five major books being processed for of actions is all you will have for proof and And NEVER ASK FOR ‘OTHERS”. THEY others. SHE CANNOTDO IT. WE ALMOST confirmation. If daily and nightly sightings CANASK FORTHEMSELVES IFTHEY WANT LOST HERTHIS WEEK-AFTERTHETHIRD over your area and that areaof the “mysteri- TO KNOWAND, MOSTLY-THEY DO NOT,SO ATTEMPT TO LITERALLY KILL HER, SHE ous disease” are not sufficient for your con- SAVEUS BOTHTiME ANDENERGY FOROUR WENT TO PIECES AND COULD NOT EVEN formation-WHAT DO YOU WANT? IF YOU IMPORTANTTASKS--AND, YOU MAY TELL RECOGNIZEWHERESHEWAS UNTILSOME START PRAYINGAND FOCUSING ON YOUR THE INQUIRE&THATTHEY CANGO READ 24 HOURS PASSED. I WILL NOTDOTHISTO BROTHER AND LESS ON SELF-YOU WILL THE INFORMATIOI’&JUSI’ LIKE IN ?7% IN- HER LONGER. BEGIN TO GET ALL THE ANSWERS YOU Q W’S THERE IFYOU BOlHER Ron, you are searching, searching and CAN CONJURE! UNTILYOU REMOVE THE SALU. JULY 6, 1993 Page 17 Many Surprises In Store For Those Embracing TRUTH

71 l/93 #l HATONN sponsible FOR YOU. You must always the absurd and losing you to your “intel- petition for your brother-but you cannot ligence” and learned deceptions of teach- “IN THE HOLLOW OF MY HAND” BE your brother. Each decision and choice ings, I shall keep the remindings small for self WILL ULTIMATELYONLYREFLECT so that you don’t flunk “responsibility” “....for in the hollow of MY hand shall ON SELF.” before you even get started. you find your shelter, your security and You (WE) are ALL sacred! But it does your peace. Through the Valley of the CONSIDER THESE WORDS OF WIS- not begin and end with that statement Shadows I shall guide your steps and the DOM MOST CAREFULLY FOR YOU ARE and beingness. There is NO WAY to wipe Lamp of Truth shall light the path and NOWMOVINGINllVTOTHATTIMEOFASHES away your sacredness. But, that does brother willjoin with brother that the army FROM WHICH WILL RISE THE PHOENIX not mean that you are either “Holy” or of voyagers shall soar again unto the AND ALL THAT IS NOT OF GOD SHALL BE “Godly” or will make it to the top of the heights of Creation’s infinity. The jour- SWEPT AWAY-BUT NOT BEFORE THE Spiritual mountain-unless you accept ney must beprepared and the ships made LESSONS OF TRUTH ARE LEARNED AND your obligation and responsibility to ALL ready and all shall rest upon the WORD CHAOS SPREADS FROM CORNER TO THINGS TO WHICH YOU ARE CON- for the WORD IS GGD, and the Spirit shall CORNER OF THE WHOLE OF THE NECTED-AND THAT IS ALL THINGS! break from the bindings and tethers and PLANET. SAVE FOR MY PEOPLE THE YOU are the messengers of time. YOU for MY PEOPLE shall come infinite FREE- WHOLE OF THE CIVILIZATION IS are the prophets of the time foryou carry DOM. Take unto yourself MY HAND as TRAPPED WITHIN THE PLACES OF YOUR forth THE WORD through your own ac- GUIDE for I have sent MY MESSENGERS PRISON OF LOWER DIMENSION EXPERI- tions and behaviors. Remember, friends, unto you that you might KNO W. Shadows ENCE, FOR THE EVIL OF MAN WILL NOT if YOU ARE INTO THAT PHYSICAL CON- and insanity shall be upon all the lands in BE BROUGHTOUTSIDE THE PRISON CON- SCIOUSNESS of materialism-THAT will these next days and measurings to come FINES TO INFECT THE PEOPLE OF MY be your message and IS THE WORLD you but I am ever with you-EVER BESIDE PLACES. IHAVE MANSIONSOFBEAUTY, portray. You can’t “just get.. .n spiritual. YOU-Ishall carry you if it needs be if you HARMONY AND TOTAL BALANCE FOR YOU ARE SPIRITUAL! Now, what is it be MY lamb belonging to MY FOLD. Heed YOUR SHARING-I EVEN HAVE PRO- that you will do with that SPIRITUALITY? Truthfor the wrath of Creation is about to VIDED ADDITIONAL CLASS-ROOMS TO Ah, indeed, the crossroads of decision- descend upon the Earth as man rises in CONTINUE YOUR LESSONS-BUTIF YOU into the Light or into the dark of physi- evil against man, The gourd of ashes FOLLOWNOTMYMESSENGER’STEACH- calness. has risen in the sky and it shall pour INGS, YOU SHALL NOT KNOW AND AR- I would remind all of you who just its contents upon the four comers of GUING WILL BE OF NO AVAIL-IN THIS think you will go with the most expedi- the Earth as man clashes in his in- HAS MAN MISTAKENLY SAID THE tious to the fun physical expression- sane madness. Stay ever within MY WRATH OF WD SHALL BRING RE- WHAT HAPPENS IN ETERNITY WHEN shelter and shield for I AM both your VENGE UPON YOU. NO, GOD CREATOR YOU ARE NOT? If you express even a shield and your buckler. Sanity must BRINGS NOTHING UPON YOU-YOU hundred ‘yea&-what happens in all prevail in the sanctuary of MY hand BRING WHATEVER COMES UNTO YOU the rest of ‘time”? that you may come yourself, and bring UPONYOURSELF-TO THE LASTATOM Ah, but you want your confirmations your brother, into KNOWING and into OF DETAIL. SO BE IT FOR THESE lest you AGAIN trust that which will fail safety. THINGS ARE COMING IN THIS TIME OF you. I cannot help you much in that “You need not ‘another’ to teach you THIS GENERATIONAS THE CYCLE HAS respect for you fail in your lessons to do how to be what you aiready’are-the COME FULL CIRCLE AND GREAT your work. You want miracles, magic infinite perfection of Creator/Creation- CHANGE AND CHOICES ARE NOW TO and displays-ALL of which are but illu- you have simply forgotten and walked the BE MADE IN THIS JOURNEY. SOME sion. The TRUTH lies within THE WORD, way of the black road into darkness. You WILL GRADUATE IN GLORY-MOST balanced in action. YOU ARE THAT don’t need somebody to show you spiritu- WILL FAIL FOR THEY ARE LOST IN WHICH YOU BELIEVE. SO, YOU CAN ality because you ARE spiritual by the THE MIRE OF LIES AND DECEPTION. REMAIN LIMITED AND TRAPPED AND very essence of your birth. You have AH0 AND ADONAI. CONTINUE TO ACT OUT THAT PLOT AND strayed and LEARNED the ways ofphysi- IAM! WHO BE YE? SO SHALLYOU BE. OR, YOU CAN CAST cal insanity and you will come back into OFF IGNORANCE AND MOVE INTO Truth and within the Laws or you shall MESSENGERS AND PROPHETS KNOWING (NOT JUST “BELIEVING”) perish in the physical darkness. Further- OF TIME AND FIND INFINITE FREEDOM. DO more, if you perish in the physical expres- WHAT YE WILL. sion IN DARKNESS-so shall your soul be Friends, as we must consider things caused to pay the price of your actions. of a most unpleasant anticipation I must APPRECIATION TO NORA BOYLES “You can seek ‘cause’ for your indeci- remind you of your strengths. YOU ARE sions and doubts but only YOU are re- m and yet to keep from representing In the effort to bring you some confir- Page 18 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT mations of our own identification and PEROT. Can he do something? YES, if some things? Yes, of course, and you Truth as writers of THE WORD and ex- he sees Truth for he cannot be so easily may not be able to at first sort who is, pression of the Presence, we have agreat destroyed as with the next instance I was, may be, could be or is not-enemy presenter of research upon which you shall outlay for you readers. Indeed I or friend. But, remember, exposing of can base ureason” and “knowledge”. recognize that I am building up to some- TRUTH is a ‘good sign”. Is everything Nora has served her task with infinite thing very important and become a bit being exposed simply for agoodness”? care and research so that YOU might boring-the story itself will not be found Good grief, NO. However, Truth is that have *fact” to back up our offerings. to be boring!! which shall give you back your freedom Dharma has no conscious knowledge of and nation and the price is ever high for ‘these” things and yet as the unfolding PURPOSES FOR WHY AND that wondrous privilege of expression. comes-everything that I (we) have given WHAT WE PRINT By the way, you cheaters and doubters: unto you bears the spotlight of historical WHAT ELSE BETTER DO YOU HAVE research-even unto our labels. How will you know that what we write TO DO? IS A FOOTBALL GAME OR A The first volume of Nora’s book is fory0.u is actually true if we print it in the SOAP OPERA MORE INTENSELY “IN- ready for press and I can only offer its paper? YOU WONT because this is a TERESTING”? AND IN THIS uPLAY” presentation for your use. It is as with “paper” and nothing more. We will print YOU CAN BECOME A PLAYER! the encyclopedia of descriptions and de& information as it is obtained, always We are going to be speaking about nitions-you can get it, not get it, disre- protecting resources and sources to the Drug Trafficking, Arms Dealing, and gard it or use it to fill out those corners very best of our ability. Even if the Money Laundering and, yes, it is difficult of ignorance-or, you can even go on a substance may be untrue-there is pur- to bear such overwhelming fragments “crusade” against it-but it will not pose in printing what we can, for we into your consciousness. Ones such as change one iota of the Truth it holds. must understand that messages are car- Col. Gritz tried to give you this in A So, you ask, who in the world is Nora? ried which may mean nothing to you or NATION BETRAYED-or did he? Is he Nora is a teacher Cohan come to search to me. We have one limit-WE WILL NOT worthy or unworthy? Come now, EV- out Truth that YOU can have access to CARRY THAT WHICH WILL ASSIST THE ERYONE IS WORTHY-YOU JUST DON’T confirmation of history and recognize ADVERSARY OFYOU ORYOUR NATION, KNOW THE MISSION IN POINT FOR ANY “futurem. I am honored to be allowed to AS A FREE PEOPLE UNDER GOD AND “OTHER”AND, MOSTLY, NOT EVEN FOR serve with her for THE WORD, without CONSTITUTION. THEREFORE, YOU CAN SELF. Stop getting side-tracked on dis- confirmation unto which a MAN can turn, KNOW THAT EVEN IFTHE STATEMENTS tractions. is but more words if there be no identifi- BEAR SOME ERRORS-IT IS EXCEL- You will also note that any given sub- cation. Knowing may come in the blink LENT READING, INSIGHTFUL AND ject is not comprehensive-you will need of an eyelid-BUT, a whole mountain of GOOD REALIZATION FOR YOUR “PER- to put the pieces together and that may learning and study must come prior to CEP’I’ION” TESTING. IF YOU READ require you attend a lot of back writings the final “blink”. Your eyelids blink ‘ALL” AND KEEP UP, YOU WILL HAVE A (like some 75 JOURNALS and other constantly and yet you KNOW NOT. (We WONDROUS PICTURE PUZZLE TAKE recommended reading). OUR MAJOR use the ‘tern? because it fits a descrip- SHAPE. PURPOSE IS TO BRING THINGS TO tion, so if you just sit and “blink” your YOUR ATTENTION-NOT DO YOUR lives away-that is all that you will gain- NUCLEAR WAR IS THINKING FOR YOU. Also, you will tired eyes and poor vision.) HARDLY have to know that each puzzle-piece- Thank you, NORA, for we, too, feel MOVED ONTO BACK BURNER bearer will not have all the pieces so you have birthed the baby which can don’t give us ‘...but you said.” We will give the world a lamp for understanding. Because I digress to current events do the best we can for you but our ONLY We humbly thank you for your accepting does it mean that the Nuclear War is intention is to offer EXACTLY what is of such a responsibility that your breth- OFF? Chelas-that is most careless of brought to us-the rest is up to YOU. We ren might SEE and come to KNOW. ‘We you! Every breath you take is on the line will use that which is offered-YOU WILL understand, fully, how difficult it is to and you must understand HOW FAR SUPPLY THE BRAINS IF YOU HAVE IN- accept from unseen resources, etc. But your own Administration and Zionist TEREST. you will come to know that that which connections will go to BURY you. Mur- can come in Truth through these re- der is NOTHING to them. It also tests the CONTACT SUBSCRIPTIONS sources will ultimately SAVE lives in stamina and faith of my people. I shall your experience and confront the evil shield you if you continue in service and It would, further, be really nice if you servants. You will also come to know remain ever staunch in that KNOWING. would get busy and get some subscrib- WHY my scribe is’ given NO KNOWING The testing is hard and terror is even ers for this paper-for our people have OF THESE MATTERS AND WHY SHE harder to manage and yet, you are either carried it about as far as they can go. CANNOT REMEMBER MOST OF THE “with me” or ‘against me” as we are Most of our people have had to literally SUBJECTS UPON WHICH WE EXPOUND. sent forth in answer to the petitions of join the abhorrent Welfare system just to You ones must come to realize that MAN as to “HOW” to function in this continue this work. Our intention is to there are ‘bunches” of ‘good guys” out time-in Truth. If, for instance, Dharma bring this all into a foundation of being there giving of their very lives to reveal refuses to write longer -will you get able to fund the paper nicely, offer it at Truth in your societies and allow you to Truth? Not for a while, good buddies, for substantially lower prices through fund- know the horrendous and critical nature I have to consider service as well. ing-and release our people from this of your status. We will be talking about incredible awesome responsibility and aggressive things still hidden from you-the-people bombardment and attack. We have a AGAIN, PLEASE: which will ‘blow your minds”, in the way yet to go before that can bear fruit. CONTACT ROSS PEROT slang of your day. Actually, it will simply In the meanwhile, we keep on going in be that names and places will finish their the shelter of God’s PLAN. MAY YOU I cannot urge you strongly enough- cycling and return to your attention- CARE ENOUGH ABOUT SELF, FAMILY, get this information we offer to one ROSS WITH MEANING. Will you be shocked at NATION AND GOD-TO WAKE UP! JULY t&l993 Page 19 Paul David Wilcher Shocking Murder Revisited

THE RECENT DEATH Mr. Wilcher’s friend and colleague Sara McClendon has asked that finger- Marion Kindig said that Wilcher had ex- prints be taken to prove conclusively that OF pressed concern that he might be killed for the body is that of Mr. Wilcher. She has PAUL DAVID WILCHER “what he had in his head.” also demanded that an autopsy be per- Sara McClendon, the well-known, inde- formed. JUNE 23, 1993 pendent White House Correspondent and * * * (by Rayelan Russbacher) a personal friend of Mr. Wilcher’s, had been trying since Monday to get the police 7/l/93 bl HATONN The badly decomposed body of Paul to open the door to his apartment and see David Wilcher, age 46, was found today at if he was there. The local police had PAUL DAVID WILCHER his Washington, D.C. apartment. Mr. expressed a reluctance to get involved. Wilcher was an attorney and an investiga- Finally, today, Ms. McClendon was suc- You will be reading in this paper, hope- tive researcher who had been working with cessful in getting the police to open up the fully before you read this portion, about Gunther Russbacher, the “October Sur- apartment. Mr. Wilcher was found in the one called Paul Wilcherwho was murdered prise” pilot, trying to prove that the Reagan bathroom, sitting on the toilet. No ruling recently [reprinted above frompage 2 of last & Bush 1980 campaign conspired to delay has yet been made on the cause of death. week’s CONTACT]. He was a friend and the release of the 52 American Embassy An autopsy hopefully will be performed, associate of Russbacher and, since there hostages in Teheran, Iran until after the but that is not acertainty as this summary have been connections shared with you election, to prevent the reelection of Jimmy is being written. readers, it is important, I believe, that you Carter and manufacture a diplomatic vic- Sara McClendon and Marion Kindig have the more detailed story of the matter tory for Reagan. viewed the body to make an identification. of one, Paul Wilcher. Paul held a lot of the (Editor’s note.- And, qfcourse, we were Neither woman was able to positively iden- information which is now floating around then vulnerable to blackmail from the tidy Mr.Wilcher’s body. They were only in security in MANY places and of which Israelis because they were involved, as shown the face, which was badly decom- bits and pieces are shared here for your usual, with the other facet of this whole posed, swollen and purple. Both women reading. As is a good journalist’s desire, stinking plan, the “Arms-For-Hostages* said that the face looked as though it always, we offer what can be pretty well deal, that later surfaced as the aIran- had been badly beaten. Neither woman, confirmed and given by multiple sources- Contra, Oldie North” revelations, once our even though they knew Mr. Wilcher very for your input as well as to protect those bought-and-paid-for Congress got around well, could positively identify the body as sources. to their “damage control’ “investigation” being that of Mr. Wilcher. If the body is not The following information comes from into the matter. In spite of all the Congres- that of Mr. Wilcher, where is Paul Wilcher, the Eastern U.S. and is now confirmed by sional coverup accomplished, the Iran- who was last’ seen June tenth or eleventh ‘other” Special Forces, ‘agents”, etc. It is Contra matter was stillproven to be a U.S. by his neighbors? going to reduce you to disbelief as the Government operation run directly out of Gunther Russbacher had recently ar- ‘actions now hit your own experience”- the “back door” of the White House. In ranged for a controversial video tape to be and it does not “always just happen to the other words, business as usual. All of delivered to Mr. Wilcher. The video tape other guy!” these pieces - and many more - are was the cockpit video of the flight back connected together, as longtime PHOE- from Paris in an SR-71 spyplane. Mr. WHAT HAPPENED TO WILCHER? NIX LIBERATOR and, later on, CONTACT Russbacher has claimed that the reason readers are probably ’ already aware.] he is in prison is to discredit him and keep [H: We will share information EX- Mr. Wilcher recently had told friends him quiet about his role in the 1980 Qcto- ACTLY as we can decipher it-please and colleagues in Washington that he knew ber Surprise scandal. According to Mr. realize that the notes were written hast- far more about the October Surprise and Russbacher, the cockpit video tape will ily and may well be translated improp- related scandals, such as the INSLAW conclusively prove that he did fly vice- erly. Therefore we wilI make comments scandal, the BCCI scandal and other gov- presidential candidate George Bush back as may be appropriate, fully realMug ernment scandals and cover-ups, than did from a Paris meeting on October 20, 1980. that our own interpretation may stand Danny Casolaro, a reporter and writer who This tape was supposed to have been deliv- in gross error.] ‘Prior to his ‘suicide’ and was ‘suicided in Martinsburg, West Vir- ered to Mr. Wilcher sometime between the being found atop his ‘toilet’ he underwent giniain 1990.. Even though Mr. Casolaro’s 10th of June and the 19th of June, 1993. a most horrible period of torment. Paul death was ruled a suicide, there are still No one, except government authorities, was picked up at his apartment, taken to many unexplained questions which leave have been allowed inside Mr. Wilcher’s Vienna (we think), Virginia, where he was many people feeling that he was murdered apartment. No one knows if his data and questioned unmercifully as to the Bush, to keep him from exposing a network of research are still there. No oneknowsifthe Webster, and Carter ACCOUNTS with government corruption which he termed tape was delivered and, if it was, if it is still London S.N. p: uusure of meaning of “The Octopus”. in the apartment. S.N.] BCCI. Page 20 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

QUOTING (TO THE BEST OF OUR (c) Audio tapes-65 tapes, 92 hours. heId totally responsible for ALL things ABILITY) : (d) WACO-agcy. /Delta [H: ??I in- that I write-in a Federal Court of Law. volvement. What if I changed the word to pericar- He was questioned for approximately 2 “RENO IS IN ON ALL OF IT! dium and the term substituted was”peri- hours at which time he was fed Pizza. At ?Sessions has been notified.” toneum” as a “trick”? This could be 3:40 p.m. on the 18th of June, he was construed that Dharma had information administered ,025 mg of curare, via DSMO END OF QUOTING unknown to anyone other than a partici- (as a stabilizer).” w: I believe we will have pant. to note that we don’t know what DSMO Now, why would I, Hatonn, make ex- In most “copy” work there is a chance may be. This could be a mistake on the planations on such insignificant and of misspelling which is often corrected part of the writer OR our assumption of somewhat obvious words, etc. Because but with handwritten notes it is too dif- “DMSO” (333) is possibly the greater you never KNOW what is being offered ficult to be 100% correct in the ‘?orrec- error. I think UDMSOn might be the here and intelligence is your first line tions”. Does it matter? Yes, immensely, substance intended as to description, of defense! I will remind you readers for ones who send the messages-if their but when the term was written a second that just a couple of days ago a man, intent be goodly-they will not be of- time it appeared to possibly be D(5)SO or falsely convicted of murder, spent nine fended but rather feel their security is in even could be UD5SD” If you realize the years in prison-and was on death row good hands-or, they will object and will properties of DMSO you will realize that until DNA work got him cleared. He insure knowing that they are ‘plants” or it works through absorption rapidly was CONVICTED on something as in- sting operators. Which is this one? I through the skin and all membranes of consequential as the following: He was wouldn’t tell you on a daring bet-YOU the body.] ‘It was applied as a coating to questioned by the police who placed a PAY ATTENTION AND YOU WILL FIND IT the Pepsi [H: Now isn’t that just a strange rock and a pair of panties on the table DOES NOT MATTER-LET YOUR EGOS coincidence?] bottle he was given. [H: in front of him while being interro- GET IN THE WAY TO ‘APPEAR” SMART Please understand that I am not going to gated. The man, when questioned AND YOU WILL GET VERY DEAD! do other than this type of comment- about his session outside, said, “Man * * * l l GET THE NOTE IN POINT OUT ing-it is simply that I am not familiar I don’t know but I am being accused of OF THE HOUSE, BURN IT, BURY IT OR with DSMO or D5MO or DS(5)MD and do killing some girl with a rock.” Now, SHRED IT BUT GET IT DESTROYED!! not wish the error, if so, to be either just suppose for a moment that =assum- DO IT RIGHT NOW. DHARMA, GET UP noted or corrected at this keyboard.] ing knowledge” regarding, say, the “peri- ANDGONOWl***** The information continues: ‘At the point toneumA (as it alooks” on the handwrit- Does this mean that the aenemy” of death he was beaten to the face to make ten paper) and “pericardium” and I sim- doesn’t know who sent it or what it is? it look like a mugging. He was held in the ply exchange the words-are you getting No-it means that wisdom is the better trunkof awhite and p;reyFordVictoriawith the picture? Remember that Dharma is part of valor! Maryland plates. Hew&s then taken to the apartment and, as he was in rigor mortis, he was placed on the toilet. He emptied his bowels at death in another location. The bowel (3) was removed and disappeared.” [H: Here again, we assume the “bowel movement” but we have nothing on which to base the assumption other than probability of intent.] “The au- topsy serologywill show Curare/(DSMO) [H: or one of the descriptive letters listed above.] in the cardio vascular sack (peritoneum).” [H: Now here again is a choice to be made as to spelling and intent. uIf” it is meaningful as uheart sack” it must be “pericardium”. There are so many “peri...” in medical expression from perienteron, perito- neal, perididymis, peritoneal, etc., etc., as to be difficult to be explicit. However, if uheart sack* is truly the intended description then the word would be pericardium.] “The judge in Chicago died the same way Wilcher died, Parsons, was being primed and readied to accept a CIVIL RICO filing. ‘We were scheduled for filing 6/30/ 93. All documents have DISAPPEARED!! ‘Several others have died because of these issues. Primary causes of death: (a) Bush/Russ. video of SR-71. “About this ‘Liberty or Death’ business, Mr.*Henry. Isn’t there (b) Documents of BCCI 86 BNL. [H: Another word present at end but some reasonable position in between?” unable to be sure as to what it is.] JULY 6,1993 Page 21 Nit - Wit Strikes Again: Latest CCHumors99From George

711193 #2 DHARMA do find all sorts of yet uncovered and action they “mailed” stupid demands for undiscovered things. FOR INSTANCE: a books, records, etc., which have nothing to AT LEAST HUMOR ENTERS cashier’s check in the amount of $100,000 do with ANYTHINGunder discussion in or WHEN THE ABSURD BECOMES made payable EXCLUSIVELY to George out of the courts-certainly NOTHING to TOTALLY ABSURD Green from Eleanor Schroepfer. It was to do with the court cases involving these have been for the Institute and covered by parties. FROM DHARMA: a NOTE signed by George to John and But todav The Truth broke through the Eleanor, which note was reportedTHEFTED ethers when the original plans did not work Please, friends, I have permission to FROM THEM. Just how much money did out. Now there have been served THE express some things of this insane illusion you take, George?!? Perhaps it will turn PAPERS to put the Institute into receiver- of simulating “life” which puts everything out that you really did take the $10 million ship. And for the interesting part-WHY?? into perspective FOR ME. speculated and rumored by your UFO ex- I think I fall into the category of being as buddies. SIGNATURES FROM A “PRO” ‘human” as anyone else-not stupid but I will tell you now, readers, that God has certainly not overly brilliant, talented per- never failed meHatonn has never failed Among all the other incredible stories haps, but mostly at the kitchen stove- me and, even though all men everywhere George has spread, he now has had Mark certainly not at the sewing machine or do-1 now have my proof that God never Williams read every word of everything and typewriter and have not had nor actually shall. listen to every tape of every meetineand HAVE a great deal of interest in things George Green was eager to snatch away here is what ‘Doris” has done to deceive all happening except, as most, to be disap- my writings, speak with Commander, ask of you nice helpless readers: It seems pointed and sorely agitated at what has advice and pledge allegiance--even to claim- Hatonn (through Doris, of course) said at happened in society and to ‘my” country. ing that this Commander had moved WITH one point about “Dr. John Coleman”, that I had not voted in well over 12 years and my George TO UTILIZE GEORGE AS THE he had plagiarized ‘his” work (COAr.SP!- idea of reading material was a good book by ‘NEW” SPEAKER FOR THE COMMAND. ToRS’h?lERM!CHY: The Story of The Corn- Hemingway. I HATE (strong but accurate) Good. I saw it as a vacation long overdue. mitteeof300) from Lyndon LaRouche. Then any kind of RESEARCH and the tedium of Talent? Well, after only 4 years of he laughed and said, I know-because such digging. I actually never really learned writing we have now written 75-76 (I have some of it I plagiarized first. What makes to use a library efficiently for I grew up a long ago lost count) JOURNALS. These are this particular story a bit sad is that a lot distance from town and it was hard for me all nicely dated and time-stamped as the of time and a lot of money has been spent to use other than just the school library. writings are done-yes indeed, very, very in doing everything we could to get In 62 years, however, I have experi- often in the full presence of others. I have LaRouche freed. I don’t know about enced a lot of things as has any living, spent thousands of hours speaking-partly LaRouche, but it seemed he was unconsti- breathing being doing anything. The re- to George Green to solve his myriads of tutionally incarcerated and Commander motest thought of being involved in this past problems. Thank you, George! While thought that evil. Mostly he takes excep- kind of service would have brought peals of George and Desire& went to lovely places tion to LaRouche’s work but there is one laughter from me (on the floor holding my like Canada and Hawaii-I stayed right at particular plan which came from New stomach so as not to split). Shocking? To the keyboard in my basement. I have not Zealand which WAS originally written by you? No, to ME! Worse, I am not even one had two days in arow off in FIVE years. On LaRouche (and his group) which was hon- who would WRITE very much of anything, Holidays I get to double up on my writ- ored and utilized with full credit to all even if I had questions because I would not, ing output. named authors. I think it may be funny of course, presume upon anyone’s time to We have had to take Food Stamps to live here to consider what DID happen regard- answer lmy” questions; Actually, I don’t while our home was confiscated ILLEGALLY ing a book which George now carries about know whether to have fits, scream, kick by the RTC. We are allowed to live here still Bush (George Bush-The Unauthorized Bi- and squall-or feel honored, benighted, or because the Church in Arizona which ogrczphy~ When the publisher was asked if what. But, of all thing-for this moment bought it has bogged down in local Plan- HE (America West Distributors) could offer on this day at this time, I am hysterical ning Commission set-backs. We attend as the book-there was absolute denial of with laughter and hope that you will be as caretakers, the property-NEVER TO BE rights. Sort of like Russell’s material- I share the latest with you. ALLOWED TO BUY IT BACK EVEN IF WE however, somehow he NOW carries that GOT WEALTHY! George told the “public” book in stock. THE HUNDRED GRAND that we lied and there was not even any Now let’s see, oh yes, one day, in a RESURFACES litigation. But so be those things-the new meeting recently, there was great discus- assault is somehow the most funny of them sion about how my mind works as I receive, GEORGE GREEN has done it AGAIN! all. etc. To make a point, Commander got a Just when we think he cannot top his last They had planned to arrest us when we piece of paper and pen and asked me to pen stupid idiocy-he does. But in the search- would have gone to the ‘hearing” last week some names--AS SIGNATURE.. I don’t ing.for ‘answers” to the NEW MOTION to in Nevada, and immediately place the In- know but I think there were several, some place the Institute into receivership-we stitute into, receivership. To cover the of which I don’t remember. I believe there Page 22 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT was ‘Hatonn”, Germain, Tesla (not sure she was issued a note. She later sent a a PUBLISHER. What ‘publisher” do ANY on that one) and Russell. No one in the CONTRIBUTION of $3,000. But, E.J., be- of the rest of you know who causes m to room had the list (except on the tape) and ing the trustworthy person he is, ALSO do the writing, you to do the editing, m to nothing to compare them with for no one gave her a note for the second $3,000 to give him all the income AND you to PAY could turn up anything with, for instance, cover her-as THAT is the good business FOR THE PUBLISHING? So, I am not so Russell’s signature so the incident was practice of the Institute! We’ don’t take smart. But then, I NEVER CLAIMED TO relative to NOTHING. money; we don’t hide money and we don’t BE NOR HAD (HAVE) I THE TIME TO GET Is it not interesting that, NOW, George bury it. Ruby asked for her loaned $3,000 TIIiQT’SMART’-GODHELPMEIFIEVER claims “Doris has added forgery to her back and GOT IT. It has been recently CHOSE SUCH A PATH OF DECEIT. other thievings.” He makes a big point of enough that there has been no final “settle- To have to face the fact that we were so that day-when I would like to know ment” because E.J. sent $3,000 and re- sucked in by such a deceitful liar embar- WHERE IN THE DEVIL (OOPS!) HE EVEN minded her of the other amount which rasses me, to tears. This man would see GOT A COPY OFTHE TAPE? OBVIOUSLY, must be accounted for in the records while everyone who has worked and shared and WE SURELY DON’T HIDE THINGS VERY YOU, YOU NIT-WIT, have the Institute tied ‘dared” effort at goodly work-lose it all to WELL-AND YOU CAN BET YOUR BUT- up. She wants that, TOO, which I find ffi his greedy, avarice-filled pocket-and TONS GEORGE NEVER WOULD HAVE interesting as example of the ‘gifting” ones now would like to ‘beat the rap” by BOUGHT AND PAID FOR A COPY! More do after they meet up with you. As soon as hightailing himself to Costa Rica or, at the interesting is, however, how come he thinks it can be worked out with the Board, she least, shifting assets there. By golly, I sure the signatures would match anything from will get it or it will be released when others’ do hope and pray that George is a simple ANYONE? Ah ha-Karen searched until accounts are cleared. robot because I agonize over the possibility she uncovered a copy of Russell’s signa- Now, readers, don’t go away, for Ruby that he is this EVIL. ture and my writing, in ‘trance”, matched Pimental is THE EXAMPLE OF THE DAY- Readers, there is NOTHING in my life, well enough to shock the daylights out of TO PROVE GEORGE GREEN’S FULL CO- now or ever, that I would not spread before me (weeks after the incident-I think Nora OPERATION AND INTEGRATIONWITHTHE you-good or bad-and there is both, I am Boyles found the signature in her research). RIP-OFF OF MONEY FROM,THE INSTI- quite sure. I have to, further, trust my Of course I was writing on my lap with my TUTE AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW CEN- *teachers” that the lessons are necessary eyes closed-so give me a break if it isn’t TER: IT WAS THROUGH RUBY PIMENTAL and the training mandatory. It is so pain- identical. I don’t forge checks because Mr. THAT GEORGE AND GARY ANDERSON ful, however, to see a young and beautiful Russell, deceased for some years now, WERE CAUGHT RED-HANDED SKIVING talent such as Mark Williams get sucked hadn’t given me his bank account num- MONEY AND RUNNING IT THROUGH A into the pit of this diabolical deceit. Mark bers and I certainly doubt US&P would do coLoRADo BANK. is the one who had read the JOURNALS so. Rubyhadsentacheckfor$2,577.47TO onto audio tapes as well as being a gifted the Constitutional Law Center. It was sent musical vocalist. NIT WIT by route of America West in Carson City. As amPUBLISHER”, I marvel that George (Remember, everyone, THAT is THE rout- does not know magazines and digests from Yes you, George+1 guess the next thing ing that all correspondence and such had novels and regular ‘books”. There was will be that Doris obviously forged all those to take-except for the very, very few who never (and George KNEW IT) any other documents which now so confuse you!?!? knew my location or knew how else to than full intent to compile information for Certainly I have never had time to practice reach Hatonn or the Law Center). I don’t readers covering myriads of subjects and YOUR signature (if you can call it a signa- know how the check was =made out” but give resources wherein seekers could_ _go ture). What do you have to hide that you it didn’t suit George Green. He sent it back get the material and the books and other can’t even make your name legible? A lot, to her asking her to change the way it was resources. George even supplied them. So it works out! written. She did that and, the next thing where in the world does his ‘innocenr It would appear to me you have com- we know, THAT CHECK HAS BEEN STO- crossed-wire brain waves conjure up such pletely lost your marbles, George-caught LEN, ENDORSED BY GARY ANDERSON garbage?? in your own trap of deceit and lies and the AND SENT TO AN ACCOUNT IN COLO- He has expressed things in seminars only thing that saves your assets is the RADO. IT WENT THERE BECAUSE BANK which nearly burned us all to the quick. confusion you generate within an incred- EXECUTIVES VERIFIED IT AND WERE, After he was u that some of his presenta- ibly corrupted legal system held together INDEED, NERVOUS! On the same day as tion and pictures were TOTAL FABRICA- by totally blackmailed lawyers! Indeed, I inquiries were placed, the bank officer TIONS, he continued to use them. He do mean exactly that-YOU GOT EACH about had a breakdown when he found he ‘acquired” many of Billy Meier’s pictures ONE OFTHEM IN A MOST INCONVENIENT had been ordered by fax by Gary Anderson and ended up with all the books. I even POSITION AND 1. WOULD GUESS YOU to ‘not give out any information on that noted,TODAY, on the frontofsomethingor BETTER START WATCHING YOUR BACK- accoune AND make and send a cashier’s other called the OPEN m (I think) was SIDE BECAUSE ONE OR TWO OF THEM check in the amount of $2,577.47 m this picture of a Pleiadian star ship and an AREmlDl GEORGE GREEN! article by Barbara Marciniak (forgive me if George, with his “innocent” liar’s lips misspelled) from “rhe Pleiadians”. The INSTITUTE BUSINESS said-? immediately returned it to Ruby ship is a lieit was proven and the model Pimental and I can’t imagine why Gary FOUND. It looks like a tiedding cake” Now, readers, want to know on what Anderson sent it to mell Sure. And I have AND NO SELF-RESPECTINGSPACETRAV- basis George wants to place the Institute a bridge to sell YOul ELER WOULD BE CAUGHT DEAD IN THE into receivership? Good, I was afraid you THING-OR, WELL, MAYBE ONLY BE wouldn’t ask. PUBLISHER CAUGHT DEAD. The ship is covered with He claims it is because someone by the metallic-looking bubbles. Now, how do name of Ruby Pimental “can’t get her This poor innocent man who “ran” with you think a bunch of %varts on smooth money back”! I simply can’t let that one the “insiders” in the “fast lane” and “knew skin” would fare aerodynamically in galac- pass, George. Ruby ‘participated” in the everything about everything” must have tic speed trials? I am human, ignorant, but Institute with an initial $3,000, for which been lacking in truth when he said he was still it is too absurd to swallow! JULY 6,1993 Page 23

JOHN AND ELEANOR City saying that you were going to get the Volcker asked YOU to be the Financial SCHROEPFER: money from “investors” and do a “devel- head for Carter’s campaign-or, I guess I A SHOCKING AND SAD STORY opment” and give each a big stake in the answer myown question-politicsisnasty, operation. John‘dsd laugh and say, “. . . but thieving and tilled with just your kind of I am caused to think of a beloved pair what in the world are we going to do with underhanded shenanigans! who are local, John and Eleanor Schroepfer, TWO dome houses?” Oh, I see: perhaps I The thing that really fries my bacon, who have absolutely been torn apart and can take it out of the Food Stamps and ifwe though, is that we trusted you, listened to asunder by the actions of George Green. go take Social Security early, maybe we can you and did everything we knew to do to John is now “hospitalized” “for safe keep- somehow make it all up. Or, when we are help you. We thought you knew exactly ing”, in fact, and facing the most incredible again moved out of this property, perhaps what you were doing because you claimed time of his life-right now. Yes, indeed, it we can drape some plastic sheets and live to be the “BIG”, knowing business man. is the same one(s) I mentioned early on in in the foundation of the partly-finished You set up the plan for the Institute and this letter who gave George the check for place. Well, that’s not such a bad idea for now you sueitfor beinga”Pon.zischeme”- $100,000. How many more shall we un- I can get (borrow, actually-the Institute and accuse E.J. and me of being Con cover? Who knows. Eleanor isaself-styled has about 40 little tents) and I can even artists. I would be flattered if I were not so invalid and John has tended her, hand and have ?oomsn. totally embarrassed. foot, for YEARS. She was absolutely terri- tied about her MONEY and guess what THE LATEST FAX WITH APOLOGIES TO George did? He called her and got her to THE TEXAS CRAWFISH arrange THAT FATEFUL TRIP TO CARSON Well, it may all be moot by the beginning CITY WHEN ALL THIS STARTED a number of next week-if the newest FAX is credible. I believe I have finally classified you. of months ago. LATER SHE BLAMED I have about been in a panic as Com- You are a crawfish right out of the mud LEON FORT (who knows?). LEON SAID mander has told us to check supplies and ditches in Texas, that I used to catch on fat- THE CALL CAME TO ELEANOR. (Again, prepare for upheaval and-or actual nuclear pork rinds. They are puffed up, grey (as in who knows? Certainly I DO NOT!) attack as a 4th-of-July retaliatory ‘gift” to aliens), snap backwards and live in the Now, however, guess what? John is us Americans. This FAX, however, is the mud gutters. I shall forever be indebted to “hospitalized” and Eleanor has gotten =cat’s meow”. It says that a Federal Court you, however, for you have given me more Power of Attorney and she plans to divorce has ordered the banks closed as of Friday lessons in a few months than most get in a John! He is not able to care for himself and, A.M. (July 2). Further suggestions (in the full lifetime and I shall standTRUTH against forgive me, readers, but I hope George same fax) are to stock up on oatmeal, your lies any day. Green ROTS IN A HOLE SOMEWHERE. honey and hydrogen peroxide. We haven’t You had a chance to have the ‘golden” These precious people have reached ANY idea WHO sent it or if it is so-BUT ring of all treasures-and you chose to well into their seventies forTHIS?? Desire& THEN, YOU NEVER CAN TELL! It came steal the “brass” one. I am truly sorry for as you turn your cute little body around in here by APFN fax but Vardon hasn’t been we could have done so much good. Desiret frontofyourmirrorin your Neiman-Marcus able to check it out sufficiently so far to tell is a beautiful flower just opening to the dresses and flash your Cartier watch and if the plans are actually for today, tomor- sunlight and I can only send her my love for gems-1 know that from now on you will row or next month. I know within that her heart is broken, for see John and Eleanor. (Eleanor, with her But, this is only the good news. The bad she is fragile. Or, perhaps I refuse to see greedy stash- for she took all the coins news is that all around Las Vega-and that which is REALLY there. John had put away- DID SHE SEND probably other parts thereabout-there is What shall we do? Shall we just add the THOSE TO YOU AND GEORGE ALSO????) full military activity as of this whole week. $100,000 from John to the $182,000 in Eleanor and her son now have placed a New military (unmarked BUT ARMED) Gold Maple Leaf coins and the other coins massive construction dumpster outside tanks even lined up at State Line, NV. Also ‘collected” while here and there building the house and it is almost full-of John’s there are low-flying choppers and jets your nest? Maybe Gary Anderson already precious things: his engineering treasures, ARMED TO THE GILLS on full patrol cruis- has it shipped out? But no, that is a RICO books, etc. Will this rest easy on your ing at no more than 1000 feet off the violation and surely YOU wouldn’t partici- conscience as you spend those coins? ground. pate? Like Gary, do YOU ALSO carry an Eleanor had been taking and hiding things Now, George, you go right on and do illegal automatic weapon in YOUR brief- and making John think he was “losing it”. whatever it is you are thinking of doing- case or car trunk? How many ‘Constitu- They would report the “thefts” to the sher- but it bears at least a second thought. You tional Law CentER(s)” did you help set up? iff and then she would call and tell the are causing yourself (and all those associ- By the way, we find some very interesting sheriff she found them-that John was ated with you) to appear as total idiot ‘mail fraud” involved also! There are also just “senile”. What kind of a life does this clowns. ‘tax” situations which appear not too sound like to you, Desiree? We are pleased to realize that you still dandy for you and Gary Anderson. The Eleanor insisted that George be their read the paper, etc. In fact, it is too bad that interesting thing we note, however, is that “trustee” and then made damned sure the you didn’t read it while you were plotting you work over E.J. and DORIS-why? We paperwork DISAPPEARED. (How relieved how to take it all and get away with it. You are NOT the ones finding all these indiscre- was George Green when that got taken care made some real enemies (I am not one of tions. We were stupid enough to probably of?) The Institute took to them-on the very them, fortunately for you) here and crimi- try to help you out of the mess. Perhaps day of the discovery of the worrisome nal activities must beat the hell out of you can stillplead’insanity”-itjust might “theft”-a new set of notes guaranteed by writing a dated paper and suggesting that hold. E.J.-torelieveJohn. Eleanorwasfurious. some (authors) are correct. I also suggest You remind me of the Weaver trial De- Now I wonder WHY!?! There is a $250,000 that you look at the responsibility of a fense speech by Spence-you have helped domed home Publisher: I AM NOT and if you allowed US so much that I can hardly be angry at at their ORDERS, half finished. Are YOU, something to go out (and you with it to you. You make almost anything and any- George and Desirei, going to take care of it push it) and it is not true or right-WHO IS one LOOK GOOD. May you rest in piece(s). for them?? At least we now know WHY REALLY TO BLAME? If you “didn’t know Good “luck” along your continuing jour- John and Eleanor came back from Carson better” then why do you brag that Paul ney because “1ucK” is about all I see that ‘i Page 24 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT you can count on-that and other deceiv- ers and liars who are undoubtedly also into your games. God warned me that if I took up HIS work that “there would be days like this.” Touring The I guess I just didn’t want to believe it. NOW I DO! Indeed, NOW I DO! Do I want the gold you stole? NO SIR, not on your life. Looks like the banks will be out of business anyway and that means Pleiades?! that someone will just confiscate the gold. Or, was your plan to remove it all to Costa Rica and tell the investors here that the government did, in fact, confiscate it all? 712193 #2 HATONN OR VOICES FROM OUTER SPACE TO That is a most naughty plan, George. I’ll GET YOU YOUR INFORMATION AND tell you what I want: to see all that nice PLEIADIANS WAKE UP. YOU NEED TO ATTEND WHAT shiny stuff returned right back into the IS ALREADY AVAILABLE TO YOU- hands of the original owner-including We are barraged daily by ones wanting WHERE YOU ARE AND BE THAT WHICH kindly Dave Overton right up top, to know about “The Pleiadians” and chan- YOU WERE CREATED TO BE. What I am really curious about, how- nels with seminars and tours, etc. I guess Let me share a bit from the advertise- ever, is how you managed to steal the I can understand why you ask ME, but I am ment: @The Pleiadians are a collective of %ouls~ of the ones around you? You see, not in the business of channeling or cri- extra-terrestrials from the Pleiades star I’ve learned something: When you commit tiquing anybody or any ‘group”. system. They are here as ambassadors to to God-it never changes! He never changes I note two things about the recent rash help Earth through the intense transition and neither does your own Truth. You can of papers received-without, frankly, look- to the 4th 86 5th dimensions and to assist degrade me, hit me, kill me-and it will not ing at the material. Firstly, the picture each of us to awaken. They will push your give credence to your lies--it will ulti- featured of one of Billy Meier’s model ships metaphysical limits over the edge and be- mately only give TRUTH IN TOTAL LIGHT is FALSE. Actually it isn’t Billy’s ‘ship”- yond.” Then there is listing of some dozen TO THE WORD OF GOD. I may lose every it was conjured by the attachments who seminars and workshops for a very hefty thing and person in my life-but I am exploited Billy. fee for each plus expenses. RICH-I HAVE ITALL and I SHALL NEVER, As to “rhe Pleiadians” as presented by Do you want ‘your metaphysical limits FOR EVEN A SECOND, WALK ALONE. Marciniak and soon to be touring Australia pushed over the edge and beyond”? It YOU ARE ALREADY ALONE! I don’t think and New Zealand, I do have comment. I appears to me that most of you are already your conjured ‘Kroton” (or even Proton or have spoken with her through my scribe, pushed over the edge and beyond. Do you Electron) is going to do a thing for you! personally, and urged her to IDENTIFY need a %ollective” of something or an- Well, Ife spent an afternoon with you, HER ENERGY FORMS AND CAUSE EACH other pushing you over the edge and be- George, and it has been a drag, really, for TO IDENTIFY SELF. IN EVERY GALAXY, yond? Exactly where do they come from in now I shalI have to work all evening and EVERY ‘PLAY” AND EVERY CIRCUM- Pleiades?-YOU CAN SEE SEVEN SUNS into the night to do my WORK, I hope you STANCE ON EVERY THIRD AND UPPER WITH YOUR NAKED EYE AND THERE ARE have an-interesting Fourth of July. Maybe DIMENSION-EACH ENERGY HAS A LA- SO MANYMORE PLANETSTHATTHERE IS you can visit Dave’s GOLD (in your back BEL. If they (the collective) refuse to iden- NO WAY FORYOUTO EVEN COUNTTHEM! yard?) and shoot off your big guns. What- tify, then they are suspect-GREATLY. The ‘But these sound really nice!A So do most ever. first thing demanded of us by God is that of the ones in the Elite New World Order of I’m sure this will not be the last, for as we identity instantly and state source. Earth1 In fact, THEY sound the best of all- we uncover that which you opened in this What would you think if someone went and they have ALL the easy answers for can of worms-good griefl Do you think into trance and said to you who have paid you: rapture, allowing, unconditional love, you’ll have room for us to visit in Costa for your tickets: “We are Earth Collec- let us do it FOR you and on and on until you Rica? Looks like it might get hot and tive”?? Collective WHAT? Are you demo- are deeply anesthetized. bothersome here-maybe the ocean breeze cratic or republican collective? Are you If you have a human person who can go and aroma of fresh coffee beans roasting pro-war collective, Russian collective or about the world making money and telling will be, indeed, relaxing. But, George, perhaps a collective of insane people? YOU you things which push you over the edge watch out for the CIA-they appear to me HAVE ONE THING TO CONSIDER-ARE and beyond-perhaps it will ‘work” won- to be dangerous to your health. Maybe you YOU AWAKE ENOUGH TO TAKE TRUTH? ders for you. I do not make discernment should stick with Pepsi? [Seepage 2 9for DISCERN FALSE INFORMATION? SORT FORYOU and I don’tjudge FORYOU. I do reference to what Dhannu is talking about AND UTILIZE, DISCARD AND RETAIN? note, however, that most of the REAL here.] THEN, IF YOU FEEL LIKE AN EXPENSIVE truthbringers don’t flit around Europe and- Not very cordially yours, TRIPTO AUSTRALIA OR NEW ZEALAND- orAsiaand-orAustraliaandNewZealand- Doris-as in ‘Dharma, et al.” as you so GO FOR IT. But I promise you-you don’t THEY ARE IN THE HIDDEN PLACES TRY- graciously have put it. need an expensive trip to touch GOD! Or ING JUST TO STAY ALIVE! % Pleiadians. Are there valid Pleiadians run- I would recommend the following: Ask lie valiue of ersistent ning (floating) around the universe in in- this person to explain to you all about God visible form and in invisible ships? I sup- (Aton-in your Earth terms), ask for a pray& is not t Kat He wicG pose *THERE ARE AS MANY FORMS thorough explanation of the LAWS OF hear us, 6ut that we will FLOATING AROUND THE UNIVERSE AS CREATION AND GOD, ask for equation of jiinaKy hear Him THERE ARE INDIVIDUAL THOUGHT PAT- Creation and Creator. Ask her how you are - wdzibn34cGin; TERNS. MY ONE MAJOR THRUST IS TO going to awaken and get off your planet if Simpson’s Contemporary Quotations GET YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU necessary? Check if it is *magic” or rea- DO NOT NEED DISEMBODIED VAPORS sonable physics. (You are third dimen- JULY 6,1993 Page 25

-al, barely, and you have physical needs. ets in the !Uj&y Way-which collection do Upon applying the ‘equation’ to the How are you going to get through a light they collect? What @resTHEM authority?. machine parameters and testing it, there beam and aboard?) Ask her to identify This question session could go on for was no doubt the machine was running in each energy in the “collective”, their pur- pages but we have not the time nor inclina- a higher state of resonance than previously pose here, dabbling around and so on. tion to speak of it longer. If you enjoy obtained. Goodness, if you know me well enough to seminars and get your money’s worth from It had been arranged beforehand be- send me the inquiries-you must have a the program, then you need not my input tween myself and Mr. Cathie that, should good idea of how to discern. GO WITHIN, on the matter. I do, however, want you to the results of this test be of some sub- you know the LAWS. Will YOU be able to verify your own assumptions-call it your stance, Mr. Cathie would travel from change the world “Earth” when you leave own ‘collective” thought patterns. Auckland to Whatkatane specifically to that seminar? Why? How? Is uconscious- To have a group of “collective Pleiadians” check the machine parameters with his nes$ enough? God had ‘consciousness” is the very same thing as saying you have ‘harmonic equations’. These results con- but even HE had to & something to cause a collective group from firmed the theory which we had previously ?reationR. Is this “collective” group also Ipssomlichtenbrackenstit. Don’t you know discussed and planned to implement. from the ‘Milky Way”? Goodness, there what that is and where it is located? So The results of these f=st trial tests have are over 178 thousand inhabited plan- WHAT1 been superseded, with the new fmres obtained being found beyondanythingthat is known of in the present-day field of Free Energy research. There is every possibility that these latest figures, also, will be sur- “Free Energy” passed in the near future. The equations and how they arc applied are hidden within certain parameters and, to this end, it could be said that to reach the ultimate in rotary, over-unity devices is Magnetic Motors not. possible without the correct applica- tion to all parameters of the machine using the ‘Adams Pulse Method’and the Adams- Cathie equations. 7/2/93 W2 HATONN the answers ARE NOT! The above methods and nzsu1t.s give us If you fmd this of interest I suggest you a valuable lead in the realm of solid-state BACK ON EARTH (NEW ZEAtAND) get a copy of NEXUS (this most recent gravitational energy research. The equa- issue) and-or contact Robert Adams. tions and methods of application in design Now I am going to turn to some informa- When I fmish this article, Dharma, I procedures, however, remain, at this stage, tion from our Australian friends that IS want to comment on the pictures and secret. The efficiency figures possible from MARVELOUS-WONDERFUL-THANK information sent from France on the ‘in- the device are such that they simply can- YOU! visible” U.S.-Russian CRAFT1 not be published. It comes as a copy from NEXUS in the I wish readers to refer further to the Science News section, April-May 1993 and QUOTING: following discussions on Wilhelm Muller I see credit for the article itself is to Robert and Dr. Rolf Schaffranke, the general con- Adams, 46 Landing Road, Whatkatane, ADAMS BREAKS THE tent of which relates to my discovery of the New Zealand. In advance, what am “I” GRAVITY BARRIER mysteries of magnetism some twenty four going to think of this presentation? It years ago. matters not. I will say that Bruce Cathie [H: I urge you to remember as you had come the closest to isolating the fre- read this that the REAL definition of THE ADAMS PULSED ELECTRIC quencies and vortices grid of anyone on Ugravityn (or action thereof) is DENSITY MOTOR GENERATOR; your planet, but he doesn’t have it quite seeking its own DENSITY. Solids wiLl right, either. He is another one repre- “fall”-gasses will “rise”. If you hang ON WILHELM MULLER sented by Mr. George Green, which has set onto the old “gravity is magnetic pull” our joint work behind some light years. I or other such misconceptions, you will Reference to an article authored by Tom simply have not yet learned HOW to CON- not find perfection in ANY mechanical Valentine, California based freelance jour- CUR with a man’s truth, work or inven- machinery.) nalist, in regard to claims by Wilhelm Muller tions without referring’ to the work, the Inventor Robert Adams appears to have and his magnet manufacturers. subject or the person! To me, all Earth broken the gravity barrier, with his ad- I must take Muller and his magnet inventions and suppositions are incorrect vanced Adams Electric Motor Generator manufacturers to task on their statement as to Cosmic TRUTH--or you would be out operating in a high state of resonance and that’magnetscandoatremendousamount here where I AM. Do you approach KNOWL- apparently tapping gravitational energy. of work*-this is not so. EDGE enough to grow? Indeed, and Earth During the later months of 1992, I In an over-unity rotary machine, the scientists have done so-THEY JUST DO derived what I considered to be an equation magnets are ‘assisting’to run the machine, NOT SHARE IT WITH ‘CITIZENS”--JUST for possibly the ultimate in rotary motor but they are not generating the extra en- EACH OTHER FORTHEIR OWN PURPOSE generator design. The purpose of this ergy beyond the reaching of 100% effi- OF WORLD DOMINATION. Moreover, you exercise was to ascertain whether further ciency. The magnets are not doing actual “citizens” can’t change that much without unconventional design features of the ma- work, as such, beyond that point. additional help and protection. But, ifyou chine parameters, using this equation, It is likely the Muller’s machine is oper- will NOT allow sharing of information lest proved certain theories which I had previ- ating, according to the efficiency figure you lose a dime-you are going to lose your ously discussed with Mr. Bruce Cathie, an Muller quoted, somewhere in the near lower assets totally. The major tendency of internationally recognized New Zealand end of a positive resonance curve. From MAN is to continue to SEARCH where researcher in this field. the generally known information on his .n-.*.iv,_r” PG.?. Ic.sYdr..s,..* -n,-.-C+..~, . p, ...... ‘ - Page 26 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT device, this would be the likely area in science today need to be more fully under- again. It IS enough to know that the which it is operating. If this is so, then the stood. “work” never ceases nor the workers chances of greater efficiency are slim, par- ever more than change relationships- titularly on account of it appearing to be ON DR. ROLF SCHAFFRANKE we have a long way to go and we must get operating in a positive mode. For the rotor there this time. I know you just want magnets to operate as a gate to harness Reference to an article written by Dr. “away* and a Urest” and to be just left gravitational energy beyond unity, it must Schaffranke in The Manzd ofFree Energy alone-but oh, precious, otherscan ONLY be in a negatively resonant mode and not Devices and Systems, Volume Two, pub- DO THEIR tasks IF WE DO OURS! operating in a closed magnetic circuit sys- lished by D.A. Kelly, in which, on page 7, You were told, on about August 13, tern. paragraphs 7 and 12, Dr. Schaffranke 1987 by a prettyvaIid Commander, that Bruce Cathie and I spent an entire day erroneously maintains it is necessary to you would do this-you simply did not together in January 1993 going over his use super magnets to tap gravitational understand it. Little Crow told you that harmonic equations in regard to my ad- energy. you would do this and you still did not vanced machine, and confirmed that it was I found that my original 1970 open understand it. You were told you woald running in an advanced state of reso- magnetic circuit motor generator is supe- be given the credentials and mammoth nance, harnessinggravitationalenergyand rior to my 1976 closed magnetic circuit amounts of information that you would demonstrating evidence of the magnets model in regard to the results of obtaining not understand-but it was necessary forming a ‘gate’to harness one half-cycle of and maintaining a correct harmonic and it woald reach the ones who were the gravitational pulse, but does no actual vacuum oscillation and so tapping gravita- waiting for the bits and pieces. REMEM- work over and above the 100%. tional energy during one half-cycle of the BER? I thought so. Dear one, the slings In regard to another statement by Muller gravitational pulse wave. and arrows of experience are painfuI and that he had to use powerful special mag- People who make such claims regard- the physical wearies and hope seems nets, this is also contrary to our findings. ing the use of super magnets obviously dim--but God did not create us for fail- It matters not whether you use standard have little or no experience in the realms of ure for there is NO failurb-ev en total off-the-shelf ‘alnico’magnets [Editor’s note: rotary free-energy devices using perma- failure is total success for you are very “alniw”is a wined namefora magnet made nent magnets. Over twenty years ago, I successful at failure if nothing else. of ~min~m, mckel and abalt, plus a proved that even tinyweak magnets bought Well, we are not failures and much de- Zittle tmn thrown in, and is capable of very off the shelf and incorporated into my pends upon that which we do and high magneticjlux densit& or what could machines yielded efficiency into the hun- present--George Green be set aside. be called in wmrrwn language as “high dreds of percent over unity. When readers care enough about this magnet strength” for the size-and can hold [H: Please, readers, bear with me for information, THEY will shut down the that state of high magnetism well, such as if a moment while I have a break with my antics of one George Green. If they do you drop it. Among other more technical secretary. She hasundergone just about not then what have ye lost? That is uses, alniw is wmmonly used to make as much assault as she thinks she can worthy of note too, chela-when you permanent magnets for hi-fi speakers.] or take, without letup-only increasing seem to have lost it all-what else is powerful magnets, the results are no differ- exponentially. Now, we start on ufun” there to give UP? YOU HAVE “LOST” ent. It is not necessary to use powerful subjects like atomic wars, prophecies of NOTHING OTHER THAN AS IT USEEMSn magnets to prove if a machine can be Armageddon, bank closures and govern- TO BE-YOU HAVE GAINED THE KING- constructed with over-unity capability. This ment internment camps-and Hatonn DOM OF HEAVEN AND GOD AND YOU fact has been shown repeatedly with the now chooses to write on some uninter- SHALL BE ABLE TO OFFER YOUR OWN Adams machines, using small and weak esting material from New Zealand about SONHISUNIFIEDFIELDUUNIFICATION” magnets. which she has NO INTEREST and no ON A PRINTED PAGE. IT DOES NOT The inference also that Nikola Tesla understanding. Hmm-n-n, let us see EASE THE MEMORIES OR THE LONG- might have required today’s advanced about that, Dharma. Go BACK to 1984- ING TO HOLD A SON AND EASE HIS magnetic materials to achieve over-unity 85 when PauI (suicided in 1985) was TORMENT AS A MOTHER-BUT HE results, is also totally wrong. The only working with dowels, simple magnets COULD NOT DO HIS WORK ON YOUR difference between using ordinary mag- and crudest of crude component parts- PLACE ANY MORE THAN COULD TESLA nets like ‘alnico’and for instance, ‘samarian and yet utilizing the principles spoken OR RUSSELL. cobalt’, is that you get greater energy out- of RIGHT HERE-he built out of tinker I know that to see your name as a put from the stronger magnets by way of toys a literal perpetual motion machine thief, despoiler and con artist laid forth their ability to detect and amplify the en- (once running). .Nuts? No, your son was in international news press is painfirl ergy on a greater scale; and, therefore, NOT NUTS! HE KNEW HE WAS BEING and allbut overwhelming--but, Dharma, upon utilising the Adams pulsing system GIVEN THE ANSWERS AND NOBODY kicking dead dogs is a useless cause you can have a device using any ordinary WOULD EVEN LISTEN TO THE QUES- WHY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE THE magnets capable of not only 100% effi- TIONS. TARGET, CHILD? YOU DO NOT PICK UP ciency but also of being tuned into operat- Why do I bring this up now and ask SUCH FLACK IF YOU ARE NOT ON THE ing as a gate in detecting and delivering that we cover this particular article? TARGET! But you feel used up and gravitational energy. Because I see and feel that your limits frightened and weary? So be it. You As for the establishment text stating are all but reached, friend, and you need wonder as to your safely and who wiU that ‘magnets do no real work”, the estab- a REASON beyond “just do your job” to pick up if you are not here? Why? I can lishment, for once, is correct. It is, how- cause you tocontinuebeyond thelimits attend to those things, precious, and ever, interesting to note that it is a very ofbelief iu self. Just as Paul’sTheory of SHALL. It is our job to see if this “convenient” fact for the establishment to Dimensional Life was accurate-so was wondrously perfect planet can endure expound upon-there would be an under- his machine. Is it not sad to think how and recover-there is NO HOPE if ye few lying inference here that magnets are use- far along you ALL would be if you had quit. Please abide with me and let us less for machines designed to achieve be- that kind of energy machinery avail- ease these things gently-there will be yond-unity results. able? Do not forsake the son again, exactly the right amount of time to do Permanentmagnets and. their pJacce is &I@wT, for yw wiu. not reww?, rpeU_ ~~~~y +F .tW* e,LA.I...I1=-~g+doW@?F- JULY 6,1993 Page 27

ACTLY! And Mother, YOU cannot know machines. They all have my personal stators reach boiling point within fifteen another’s contracted journey or ser- blessings for their endeavours, but may I minutes. The Adams machine does not vie-exe it not for exactly what hap- hasten to add for those who make such have this problem. pened in March of 1985 YOU would not claims, that they exhibit a lack of experi- Given these salient factors, which in be sitting here today and I can ruggest ence and knowledge of the capabilities of themselves are a starting point for those of that you would otherwise be more weary permanent magnets in rotary electrical you who are forward-thinking, I feel I have and more overwhelmed. YOU have it machines. provided sufficient hints, information and ALL, chela-ALL. You even have a gra- But don’t be disappointed, readers, as I guidance to enable those astute enough to ciou6 friend offering to rhare her very assure you that permanent magnets are realize the potentiality of the principles clothing with you-from afar, never indeed the answer to free energy. Correctly given, to build a machine for themselves meeting--ju6t lovingand caring and you adapted to a rotary machine they are the according to their own leanings as well as will be surprised-they wiIl fit. HOW ‘gateway’ to harnessing gravitational en- along the lines of the Adams machine. CAN GOD PREVAIL IF EACH OF YOU ergy. Most of you know of the manual which CANNOT? Come now, let us understand With the application of the “Adams has been published and distributed by the scope of our offering that a flower resonant pulse frequency equation” and NEXUS magazine. My purpose in compil- can blossom on every 6tem to reproduce the “Cathie harmonic equations” com- ing this manual is to give those interested beauty and harmony again into our liv- bined with the ‘Adams Pulsed EMG Sys- an insight into the principles of the myster- ing Mother. Thank you.] tern”, incredibleenergiescan beveryeasily ies of my machine, and I expect those A permanent magnet is an entity unto and cleanly made available. interested, patient and persevering enough itself. It is no different in any way whatso- I wish to’ state to all readers at this to accept that they must work out and ever from its brothers made of different particular stage that I have only, in the workwith these mysteriesand, like myself, materials; it is still a permanent magnet past year, made the decision to publish to battle to get there. Only then will true irrespective of its gauss rating. certain aspects from my twenty years of understanding and enlightenment reveal These claims are tantamount to saying work in the field of Free Energy research. itself and true reward, however slowly, be that you can get more than 2.2 volts out of Because of this, most other researchers theirs. a lead acid cell simply by increasing its have probably never heard of me and so Notwithstanding these statements, how- ampere hour rating, or conversely, you use naturally assume they are among the first ever, I submit here a few further valuable a ten horsepower motor to run a machine pioneers into Free Energy research. recommendations for readers and, as time that only requires one horsepower. There are no doubt many other re- progresses, and as time permits, some I reiterate-the sooner science rejects searchers who, for various reasons such as further such tidbits of information will be conventionalism, the better for human- lack of finance, fear, suppression and very drip-fed through NEXUS as a form of en- kind. many other barriers, have not had even a couragement to all concerned. If indeed magnets were doing a tremen- chance to be heard. It is to be hoped the I would like to inform readers at this dous amount ofwork, they certainly would day will soon arrive when all can benefit point in time that, because of the steady not last long in any machine. There are from our work.” flow of response I have had since publica- secrets and mysteries surrounding mag- tion in NEXUS, by enthusiasts, interested nets and collapsing field energies, and only THE ADAMS PULSED ELECTRIC parties and investors alike, it is no longer after exhaustive studies of these two phe- MOTOR GENERATOR-JAN. 1993 possible to address enquiries of the nature nomena in practice, do these mysteries of those above individually, other than on unravel themselves and emerge in their An explanation to readers on matters a consultancy basis. Although I will con- glory, and correctly applied through the pertaining to hysteresis loss, eddy current tinue to contribute certain articles to NEXUS use of the required mathematics, pave the loss, magnetic drag. Also some advice as long as I am able, and will continue to way to tapping gravitational energy in as- regarding further information required fmm personally reply to all mail, I ask readers to tronomical quantity. enquiries received to date by interested kindly understand that a good deal of my For high-power rotary machines, how- parties: time is involved in consultancy already on ever, super magnets are the obvious choice, Iwould first like to state that it has been my advanced projects, so my free time is for reasons of higher power capabilities, made clear that this machine has been somewhat limited. I encourage readers to reduced weight and volume. When in- proven to be capable of over-unity perfor- keep their eyes on NEXUS as I intend to stalled in an =Adams” machine, these mance, plus the fact that it has proven remain as loyal to them as they are to me. super magnets enable the opening up of itself capable of nzturning energy to its Here, then, are those few further recom- clearances between rotor and stator with- supply source. So we now come to the mendations to readers: out appreciable loss due to the high overall matters mentioned above. If contemplating the construction of a efficiency of this machine. If a machine is to run at unity or better, proving machine-note as follows: If indeed it were possible to induce it must first aovercome” those problems 1) Don’t purchase expensive, powerful magnets to do a tremendous amount of found in theconventional machine, which, ‘neodymium” or%marian cobalt” mag- work, as claimed by the aforementioned ofcourse, are principallythoseofmagnetic nets without first having experience with people, then I claim that the magnets must drag, hysteresis loss and eddy currents, all cheap easy-to-get %lnico~ magnets, for if first havevery substantialenergyimparted of which waste energy in heat and hence you commence with powerful magnets you to them to undertake the task ahead. Set- require a cooling b-with its attendant willfmdyourselffacingpowerfulproblems. ondly, when reaching this ‘tremendous” losses as well. More information on this matter of ‘power- state, they would start heating up and As explained previously, the Adams ful magnets’ will be found in the article continue todo so until they reach the point machine runs cool in comparison to the referred to as OThe Adams 1992-1993 whereby their magnetism would begin dis- conventional machine and does not, there- Christmas-New Year breakthrough” (refer integrating, and continue to do so until the fore, require a cooling fan. Now these to NExuSVol. 2, No. 11) and in the article machine would eventually come to a halt, factors surely speak for themselves. It written by the inventor referred to as ‘On unable to start again. must also be borne in mind by the reader Wilhelm Muller”(dated 1 Feb. 1993). Us- There are alot of people out there striv- that in the conventional AC or DC ma- ing powerful magnets will not prove any- ing tOr the. ultimate in rotary eleetrleal chine, the internal heat of windings and thingbeyondwhatalr&owilldo. However, Page 28 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT given this, ifyou feel you must choose power- ful magnets, for whatever your reasons, take heed-great care is required in the handling of them to preclude personal injury. Advanced CCStealth99Ships 2) For a proving machine do not use less than 10 ohms each for two stators at 180 degrees apart; recommend series mode for Of U. S. N avy Design first attempt. Don’t be concerned about start windings initially and, remember, what can be achieved microscopically can be achieved 712193 W2 HATONN ACTUAL ARTICLE TEXT: macroscopically and so I strongly suggest- walk before you run. As we close this writing I want to share 3) Should you experience any difficulty in with you a picture with just a brief, brief After the F- 117 stealth bomber, the designing and constructing the tapered disc explanation. Staff, please see if you can American Army invented the “invis- contactor (machining, etc.), then use elec- reduce, section off or somehow get this ible” boat. The U.S. Navy is actually tronic switching, i.e., photo, Hall effect, or picture [next page] sufficient for semi- working on creating the next genera- inductor effect, with switching current tran- viewing. You will note the label ‘U.S. sistor, etc. The machine, correctly con- Navy” so it is valid but the “news” is not tion of its merchant war ships, which structed, should still deliver a minimum allowed printing or discussion stateside. will begin to be in service around 107% efficiency. The charging effect will, of These ships are fully capable of total 20 10, and which will have been con- course, be lost, and the input current to INVISIBILITY. The boat series is planned to supply the electronic switching will raise the be the battle ships of the U.S. Navy. They structed from prototypes which are total input quite steeply. The point to be fly, ride like hydrofoils and take off like among the most closely guarded se- made here is that in using electronic switch- hydrofoils. The ship is ROUND in shape crets of the United States. Until now, ing, in alargermachine, the degreeofloss due and looks exactly like any good old UFO. the surface ships (destroyers, cruise to this use of electronic switching is negli- They can shoot deadly nuclear missiles gible. from every direction singularly or simulta- missile launchers, escorts, etc.) have However, for those who are seeking greater neously. not had the benefit of any real protec- efficiency figures, it is advised to staywith the Since the article is in French, we will tion in the face of current detection tapered disc contactor method and build a attempt to provide some translation. You methods (radar, uhydrophoneA,so- small, low wattageunit, i.e., 0.25 to 1 (one) need to know that technology is mind- Watt. This is the areaof power rating within boggling as to what you have and what nar, reconnaissance satellites, etc.), which you will gain quicker and better results ‘they” have, etc. I am reminded by the and we can say that their war design which, in turn, wiU provide the necessary sharing reader that we have mentioned has not evolved for over fifty years. experiencefordesigningandbuildingalarger these craft, specifically I am told, in CON- unit. TACT, Vol. 1 # 11 p.2, June 8th, 1993 in the Once again the inventor cannot stress the writing called ‘Space Shuttle Mission #4; For more than ten years the obses- importance enough, for those who wish to 1982 Nuclear War TRUTH”. sion of the American Admiralty Re- *** construct a successfuldevice, to start at the search Department has been to make bottom rung and listen to what the device is saying to you as you go along. TRANSLATION OF FRENCH future naval war vessels virtually ARTICLE BY BERNARD undetectable - a fleet practically NOTE FOR THE CURIOUS THOUANEL camouflaged on the seas - to the I have received a lot of requests regarding extent that they would escape enemy an explanation accounting for such low HEADLINE= On the heels of the F- radar and sonar detection. The temperature operation on full load. This one 117, the aircraft to radar, here is “recipe” to accomplish this: silent fact alone is indisputable evidence of very the ship (PHANTOM of the fu- helix screws or a hydrofoil system, a high efficiency rating. I have therefore decided to make up a set ture). superstructure made up of compos- of drawings which will explain to the reader ite materials, and covered with a the questions regarding hysteresis, eddy cur- FIRST INVISIBLE CRUISER “wave-eating’ (wave deflecting) paint, rent and magnetic drag losses, as well as round shape, similar to the hull of a temperature ratings; etc. These drawings will be accompanied with TEXT NEXT TO HEADLINE: submarine, basic arms - torpedos written explanations concerning the “how” and retractable missiles, no chimney and “why” of certain factors. This boat will one day be in the front stack (in future it will be integrated These drawings and their accompanying information will be available directly from the lines of naval boats. Shown for the into the ship’s hull, as are the anten- inventor at the address given below at a cost first time, this round shaped hy- nas) . The Swedish Navy is also work- of 2$20.00 including postage. drofoil, bristling with missiles, ing on futuristic naval invisible ships. Meanwhile, for further information on the The race to produce the “phantom” ‘Adams and Cathie’project, you’ll find it all in should also be, according to the your future issues of NEXUS. U.S. Navy project as (“furtive”) ship is on. Robert Adams, 46 Landing Road, “stealthy” as the (stealth) Ameri- Whatkatane, New Zealand. can bomber would be in the (cloud- Article and Photos by Bernard Thouanel END OF QUOTING less) sky. J?JLY 6,1993 , Page 29 Page 30 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

Little Crow:

Beauty Amidst The Turmoil, What we are looking for, we al- ready are. What we are seeking we already own. What we would like to Refreshment Along The Way find out, we already know.

And so it IS. 7/2/93 W2 HATONN any one care? All in one Spirit, all one heartbeat. And, May the center of the uni- And let us close this out with a couple Canyouhearitinyourhead,canyoufeel verse visit your inner most being and of beautiful messages from a friend, it in your feet? set a fire of desire there to bum for Tommy Dean: eternity: May the flame of this fire The wnscious is one, and it never slum- serve to warm your soul as you travel THE CALM OF CREATION bers. through the universe on the journey It comes from the One, from the sky of and expansionof your being. May the Before the light of day and before the thunder. fire of God desire in you be of many dark of night Rain pours all around and cleanses the colors and each color be a reminder of There was the calm of Creation. O?lX?. your soul of where and who it has Lightning charges the air and Kingdom been and whom it will bewme. May Before the planets looked upon the uni- Come! the four comers of the universe be- verse come your beacon of light and forever There was the calm of Creation. The light is within and round about. call you into growth in God and Cre- It calls your name and doesn? shout. ation. May you ever become more And they came into being with the fire You hear a whisper deep from space. wnscious of this great journey and and the splash of light as powerful as the It’s the truth, come to take lie’s place. remember me as yourfriend rww and Creation. f orever. Be prepared for the rain will fall. -Tommy Dean, Dec. 14, 1992 All was made for the experience, les- And the wind will blow, the Heavens will sons, and expanding of Creation call. All of you are Wisdomkeepers if you The clouds will part and the angels will but allow such realization and do you Expansion until it fills up the universe, sing. not see that if each of us takes up re- and then retums to the source. Are you ready for the waking of your sponsibility it is done? So be it and may being? you think upon these things that wis- Mind of the Creation jills the energy, - January 21, 1992 dom may again come to be your guide in moves in and moves out through the *** all things. vastness. I wonder...! salu.

The breathing inhaling and exhuling, giving and regiving of life.

The Heartbeat of the Creation moves Vuvugh theuniverse withsteady rhythms of two by two.

All knowing all seeing all loving all ONE.

Before the light of day there was the culm of Creation.

Before the dark of night there was the calm of Creation. : -January 21, 1992


Buried deep within the Earth Human is a ligtied soul. Deep within the mud, time has hidden it’s role. One with all cries out for its loss. It’s in searchforits seK once nailed to the cmss. “Dr. Chambers is unscrambling messages from outer space, The One finds no pain, only acceptance Dr. Waddell is working on computer language, and Dr. Saville is there. has been conversing with dolphcns, .but perhaps you could human Ii’s all been a misunderstanding, does all find some common form of communicaticn.”

. . I. , ,. ,- ..” .,._ _...,I., . :. . . ,, __.1.._,,. . . ‘_ . . , . . I _ JULY 6, 1993 Page 31 Signs of >The Times: Tribulation By Anv Name J

7/2/93 #3 HATONN inestimable pn’vileges for which we have morrow? Have you “peace” anywhere? been so long contending-if we mean not Can you not see the media brainwashers THE AMERICAN’S CREED basely to abandon the noble struggle in setting you up with fear and trembling as which we have been so long engaged, and well as guilt at the slaughter in ‘set up” IBELlEVEinthe United StatesofAmerica which we have pledged ourselves never to places to confuse you into inaction? You as a Government of the people, by the peo- abandon, until the glorious object of our are NOW IN the phase of CONFUSION so ple, for the people; whose just powers are contest shall be obtained-we must fight! I that you don’t have any idea what YOU derived from the consent of the governed; a repeat it, sir, we must fight! An appeal to THINK about almost anything. Is there democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation arms and to the God of Hosts is all that is left intelligent life out there somewhere in the of many sovereign states; a perfect union, us! universe? What about on Earth--Is TIlERE one andinsepamble; established upon those They tell us, sir, that we are weak- ANY INTELLIGENT LIFE LEFT ON principles of freedom, equality, justice, and unable to wpe with so formidable an adver- EARTH? humanity for whichAmeticanpatriots sacri- sary. But when shall we be stronger! Will Just ponder what the alien brothers f&d their lives and fortunes. it be the next week, or the next year? Will it visiting your place think of you in witness: I therefore believe it is my duty to my be when we are totally disarmed? Shall we You rape, ravage, pillage and plunder. You wuntry to love it; to support its Constitution; acquire the means of effectual resistance by set your minds and dwell on the ugly, the to obey its laws; to respect its flag; and to lying supinely on our backs and hugging the carnal, the painful and the degrading. You defend it against all enemies. delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies train your children in the way of violence shall have bound us hand and foot? and lawlessness and make it glamorous - William Tyler Page Sir, we are not weak if we make aproper and challenging from a world of total bore- use of those means which the God of nature dom and despair. You move about as ACALLTOARMS has placed in ourpower. Three millions of swarms, not individual creations of won- people armed in the holy cause of liberty, der. You clog the very passages with your Mr. President, it is natural to man to and in such a country as this that we pos- hordes and gaggles, protestors and anti- indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt sess, are invincible by any force which our everythingers. Pro-life? You are not pro- to shut our eyes against a painful truth Is enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, life, you are destroyers. Even if you allow this the part of wise me&~engaged in agreat we shall not fight our battles alone. There is your babes to be birthed you immediately and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we a JUST God who presides over the destines set forth to destroy them in every cruel way disposed to be of the number of those, who, of nations, and who will raise up friends to possible. Perhaps the worst of all-the having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not very dehydration of soul-nowhere to be, not, the things which so nearly concern their to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the nowhere to go, nothing for which to aspire, temporal salvation? For my pa&, whatever active, the brave. wait out the life-span in total zombiism: a anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. brew, a broad and you know the rest. know the whole truth; to know the worst, Gentlemen may cry “Peace, pea&-But You are come to the celebration, again, and to provide for it. there is nopeace. The waris actually begun! of your Independence in the U.S. But are Ihave but one lamp by which my feet are Our brethren are already in the field! Why you independent? Are you less “handled” guided; and that is the lamp of experience. stand we here idle? What is it that gentle- by England than in 17763 No, you are I know of no way ofjudging of the future but men wish? What would they have? Is life so MORE controlled by Great Britain than in by the past. Let us not, I beseech you, sir, dear, orpeace so sweet, as to be purchased the history of your glob-The British Is- deceive ourselves longer. Sir, we have done at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, raelis which includes the Monarchy and all everything that could be done to avert the Almighty God! I know not what wurse the King’s men. storm which is now coming on. We have others may take; but as for me, give me “Give me liberty or give me death?” You petitioned; we have remonstmted; we have liberty or give me death! already have death! You remain supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves “flatlanders” in a flat land of ignorance. before the throne, and have implored its - Patrick Henry, 1775 Your enemies have gleaned enough tech- interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands nology to blow away your planet and most of the ministry and Parliament. Our peti- Every tomorrow has two handles. You of you will pass sleepingly on without ever tions have been slighted; our remonstrances can take hold of tomorrow with the handle of knowing what hit you-again, and again have produced additional violence and in- anxiety or you can take hold of it un’th the and again. sult; our supplications have been disre- handle of faith What is Flatland? Imagine a vast sheet garded; and we have been spurned, with -Henry Ward Beecher of paper on which straight lines, triangles, contempt, fmm the foot of the throne! In vain, squares, pentagons, hexagons, and other after these things, may we indulge the fond *** figures, instead of remaining fKed in their hope ofpeace and reconciliation. There is no places, move freely about, on or IN the longer any room for hope. If we wish to be And what of you, citizens? Where are surface, but without the power of rising free-if we mean topreserve inviolate those you? Will you be stronger, somehow, to- above or sinking below it, very much like Page 32 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT shadows-only hard and with luminous your study and we are in great apprecia- babblings: for they will increase unto more edges-and you will then have a pretty tion for the messages herein. ungodliness.” correct notion of your country and coun- As you read the following I want you Matthew 24:3 “And as he sat upon the trymen. keep uppermost in your minds that I am Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto In such a country, you will perceive at dictating as written and there will be the him privately, saying, tell us, WHEN shall once that it is impossible that there should use of the name “Jesus” a LOT. I can, these things be? and WHAT shall the sign be anything of what you call a“solid” kind; however, guarantee you each and every of thy coming AND of the end of the world?” but you will suppose that you could at least one-that HE WILL NOT BE CALLED Jesus then lists the signs of the end, distinguish by sight the various “JESUS”. YOU may call HIM Jesus but famines, pestilences, earthquakes, MANY beforementioned geometric designs mov- others may well call him a whole lot of false prophets, love waxes cold. Matthew ing about as described. On the contrary, different labels. Just remember, good bud- 24:15”WHEN ye therefore SHALL SEE the you could see NOTHING of the kind, not at dies, IT MEANSTHE SAMETHING-THERE abomination of desolation, spoken of by least so as to distinguish one figure from IS ONLY ONE! I get totally careless about Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, another. Nothing was visible, nor could be %ames” even though they be sweet and (whoso readeth, let him understand).” visible, to you, except straight lines; and wondrously melodious. However, they don’t Friend, it is our enemy who will “AH-Bomb- the necessity of this can be demonstrated. mean anything in reality-call a rose a A-Nation, and make it desolate and MORE Place a penny on the middle of one of crocus and you still have a rose by any than 100 million will die probably this next your tables in one of your “spaces”. Lean name. Keep your balance about these winter of 93, though I have NOT been told over it and look directly down upon it. Does things or you will become distracted and yet a date. it not appear to be as a circle-a round miss the whole point of the lesson. Matthew 24~21-22 For THEN shall be circle? great tribulation, such as was not since Now, draw back to the edge of the table, QUOTING: the beginning of the world to this time, no, gradually lower your eye, thus bringing nor ever shall be. AND except those days yourself more and more into the condition PROPHECY: should be shortened, there should NO of the inhabitants of Earth (Flatland), and NO RAPTURE FROM COMING flesh be saved: BUT for the elects’ sake you will find the penny becoming more and NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III those days shall be shortened.” more oval to your view; and at last, when Reader, are you going to be one of the you have placed your eye exactly on the Most Christian denominations have a elect? edge of the table, the penny will then belief in what is called “the rapture”. But Matthew 24:29 “Immediately AFTER have ceased to appear oval at all, and the word “rapture” is not even found in the tribulation OF THOSE DAYS shall the will have become, so far as you can see, the BibZe. [H: Any SaZe.1 Just like the sun be darkened, (because of all the fall- a straight line. words “division of church and state”, are out) and the moon shall not give her light Well, chelas, I am not going to go further NOT found in the United States Cons&u- (fallout night and day).” with this subject-get alittle book by Edwin tion.. People believe things by tradition, not Matthew 24:3U “And THEN shall ap- A. Abbott called FLATLAND and read it. If what God has said. The doctrine of a pear the “sign” of the Son of Man in you do not move out of Flatland and out of blissful rapture, or escape from the final heaven: And then shall ALL the tribes of ME-VILLE and MY-NESS you are never period of Great Tribulation began in Scot- the Earth mourn.” going to do anything except live in-on the land in 1830 with a prophecy by a girl, Matthew 24~27 “For as the lightning surface of Flatland tablecloths. You think Margaret MacDonald. But as you will see (SUN) cometh out of the east, AND shineth you live in a three-dimensional world? from the words of God, WHEN Jesus does even unto the west; SO shall also the No-most all of you are very definitely lost come to rule the world with an Won coming of the Son of man be.” in the surface of the tablecloth in a two- rod”, it will be AFTER the Great Tribula- Ezelciel 43~2 “And behold, the glory of dimensional trap. tion of World War III. the god of Israel came from the way of the Liberty? What is Liberty? You have so Revelation I9:15-16 “And out of his east: and his voice was like a noise of many long since lost Liberty that you peer at it as mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he waters: and the Earth shined with his if it were one of those straight lines within should smite the nations: (World War III) glory.” the tablecloth itself. Freedom? Freedom to and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: Matthew 24:33-34 ‘So likewise ye, do and be WHAT? Ifyou do not know what AND he treadeth the winepress of the fierce- WHEN ye shall see all these things, know it Is YOU WANT to be-how can you come ness AND wrath of Almighty, God. AND he that it is near, even at the doors. THIS to be it? The ‘Beginning” should be revis- hath on his vesture AND on his thigh a generation shall not pass, till all these ited often if you are to know the ending. name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD things be fulfilled.” Instead of fixing that which is broken and OF LORDS.” You have NOT seen the “Sign”, be- sick-you grasp at’a finaI rapture of some The tongue of Jesus is not a sword. But cause the sun and moon have not been yet kind-again escaping responsibility for self his words DO cut, and divide people into darkened. We’ll keep reading as there isno and self-growth. You want to ‘just as- groups. Revelation 1116-l 8 says: “And out rapture yet. Luke 21:22”And THEN shall cendn, then let’s learn how. First you take of his mouth went a sharp two-edged they see the Son of man coming in a a giant missile with a nuclear warhead sword... Fear not I am the first and the last: cloud with power and great glory. And attached-you fire it at a group of people I am He that liveth, and was dead.” WHEN these things BEGIN to come to and things; you fire the missile, detonate Alexis de Toqueville said: “Men will NOT pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; the warhead and whoosh, in the blink of receive the truth from their enemies AND it for your redemption draweth nigh. So eye-all ascended1 Except, of course, those is very seldom offered to them by their likewise ye, WHEN ye see these things who didn’t get in the close-knit circle of friends.” So, as a friend or enemy 111show come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of ascenders-these others will ascend more you what God has said with his ‘rod of God is nigh at hand. Thisgeneration shall slowly as they radiate away. Wouldn’t it iron”. not pass away till all be fulfilled.” somehow seem better to “become” than to Timothy 2~1516 *STUDY to shew thy- Luke 21:36 ‘WATCH ye therefore, and “ascend”? selfapproved of God, a workman that need pray always, THAT ye may be accounted We may as well get on with the “curse” not be ashamed, rightly dividing the- word_ worthy_ __ to escape all these things-_ - that of the ages. We will offer a document for-~ of truth. BUT shun profane and vain shall come to pass, and to stand before the JULY 6, 1993 Page 33

Son of man.” you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, BUT unrighteousness.” Jesus said: “I am come to send ‘FIRE’ we shall all be changed.” Revelation 3:15-l 7 “I know thy works, on the earth; and what will I, IF IT BE 1 Corinthians 15:55-57”O death, where that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would ALREADY KINDLED. (By Nuclear War) is thy sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory? thou wert cold or hot. So then because Suppose ye that I come to give peace on The sting of death is SIN; and the strength thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor Earth? I tell you NAY; but rather divi- of sin is the law: But thanks be to God, hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. sion.” LUKE 12:49,51 which giveth us the victory through our Because thou sayest, I am rich, and in- Nuclear fireballs of 11 million degrees Lord Jesus Christ.” creased with goods, and have need of noth- cause a lot of FIRE. Luke 21:34-36 “And TARE HEED to ing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, So the war comes, THEN the “sign” of your selves, lest at any time your hearts be and miserable, and poor, AND BLIND, and Jesus coming, in fire to bring judgement overcharged with surfeiting (headaches of naked.” on the Earth. But nuclear fire is “already” life) and drunkenness, AND CARES OF ‘Reader, do you have the holy spirit to here. We have to watch, pray, and escape THIS LIFE, and SO that day come upon tell you what is true? Don’t you have the destruction of war to stand before the you unawares. FOR as a snare shall it ability to read the scriptures yourselfand Son of man, when he does come. come on all them that dwell on the face of see what God has commanded? You should Matthew 2531-32 WHEN the Son of the whole earth. (World War III) WATCH know what God has said about the last man shall come in his glory, and all the ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may days and the events ahead. Everyone is holy angels with him, THEN shall he sit be accounted worthy to Escape all these quick to point out there will be MANY false upon the throne of his glory. And before things that shall come to pass, AND to prophets. But A&2:1 7-l 9says in the Last him shall be gathered all nations: (ALL stand before the Son of man.” So how Days there WILL BE “dreams and visions” KINDS AND CLASSES OF MEN, ALL DIF- should each of us be? on my servants and blood, fire and smoke. FERENT RACES, ORIENTALS, BLACKS, l%us 2:13 “Looking for that blessed [H: Wait now, you are not going to get WHITES, ETC.) AND HE shall SEPARATE hope, AND glorious appearing of the great away with u...but Hatonn said the BtiZe THEM one from another, as a shepherd God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” is tampered and changed and this and divideth his sheep from the goats.” So Jesus was perfect and never lied to us, that...” Good grief, isn’t everything? separation is a true doctrine. did he? He said: “BE YE therefore perfect, The point is to get your selfinto oneness 1 Thessalonians 1: 7-9 “And to you who even as your Father which is in heaven is with God and you will know exactly are troubled, rest with us, WHEN the Lord perfect.” Matthew 5:48. Can you become which parts are tampered with and which shall be revealed from heaven with his “perfect”? Did Jesus? is Truth in guidance and signs with mighty angels, IN FLAMING FIRE taking Hebrews 5:8-9 “Though he were a Son, instructions.] vengeance on them that know NOT God, YET learned he obedience by the things Revelation 21: 7-8 “He that overcometh and that OBEY NOT the gospel of our Lord WHICH HE SUFFERED; and being MADE SHALL inherit all things; and I will be his Christ WHO shall be punished with ever- perfect, he became the author of eternal God, and he shall be my son. BUT the lasting destruction from the presence of salvation unto all THEM THAT OBEY him.” fearful, AND UNBELIEVING, and the the Lord, and from the glory of his power.” So! do you think you’re going to sneak abominable, and murderers and WHEN Jesus comes after his sign is into Heaven without paying the price of a whoremongers, and sorcerers and idola- given AFTER the great tribulation of 2 ticket? If Jesus suffered to be made perfect ters, and all liars shall have their part in billion people dying (l/3 of mankind-see are you any better to go without suffering? the lake which burneth with fire and brim- Revelation 9: 15) You will suffer more OR less, depending stone; which is the second death.” THEN Revelation 6:15-l 6’And the kings upon your obedience TO HIM. Apostle Paul said, ‘Examine yourselves, of the earth and the great men, and the Matthew 10:24“The disciple is not above whether ye be in the faith; prove your own rich men, and the chief captains, and the his master, nor the servant above his lord.” selves. Know ye not your own selves, how mighty men, and every bondman, and ev- Read, STUDY Matthew 10:24-42. that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be ery freeman, HID themselves in the dens Matthew 5:ll “Blessed are ye, WHEN reprobates?” (2 Corinthians 13:5) “If any and in the rocks of the mountains; AND men shall revile you, and persecute you, man come to me, and hate not his father, SAID to the mountains and rocks, FALL and shall say all manner of evil against you and mother, and wife, and children, and ON US, and hide us FROM the face of HIM falsely, for my sake.” So are you a social brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life that sitteth on the throne, and from the church member? What should a disciple of also, He cannot be my disciple. [H: Here wrath of the Lamb.” Christ expect? you have a “true” meaning of the word Now ifyou think nuclear war is bad, you John 16:2”They shall put you out of the “hate”. It simply means “without abil- can’t even imagine how terrible His second synagogues: (church) yea, the time cometh, ity to release”.] And whosoever doth not coming will be to unrepentant sinners. that whosoever killeth you will THINK that bear his cross, AND come after me, CAN- 1 Thessalonians 4:16-l 7 “For the Lord he doeth God service.” NOT be my disciple.” Luke 14:26-27 HIMSELF shall descend from heaven with People honor and revere those early That is pretty tough doctrine-But Jesus a shout, and the voice of the archangel, and Christians who gave their lives and were said it. Reader, do you bear a cross? with the trump of God: AND THE DEAD IN eaten by lions rather than deny the gospel. Peter said to us: “Beloved, think it not CHRIST shall rise FIRST. THEN we which People today who won’t accept all the strange concerning the fiery trial which are alive and remain shall be caught up truth because it would interfere with their is to try you, as though some strange together with them in the clouds, to meet lifestyle or they would lose some friends are thing happened unto you: BUT REJOICE, the Lord in the air: And so shall we ever be not valiant people. The gospel of the 20th inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s with the Lord.” Century has been so watered down and is sufferings; that WHEN his glory shaIl be So War comes, THEN the sign, l/3 of so apostate that nobody is even willing to revealed, ye may be glad also with ex- mankind has been destroyed. THEN we die for it-[much less live for it.]. ceeding joy. If ye be reproached for the who are alive and remain shall be caught 2 Thessalonians 2:11- 12 “AND for this name of Christ, happy are ye.” I Peter UP. cause God shall send them strong delusion 4:12-14. [H: Again let us clear up a bit of That is far from a blissful rapture ‘af- that they should believe a lie. That they all English “meaning”: Suffer does not nec- ter” having survived World War III. might be damned who believe not the essarily mean to have bad happenings, 1 Corinthians 15.51 “Behold, I shew truth, but had pleasure in pain and agony-remember “Suffer th4 Page 34 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT little children. . . .” You have to get with BE. You can quote from Genesis 1 to the secure in the hollow of My hand wherein no this program, readers, and stop the end of Revelation and it will mean NOTH- harm can reach through unto you-for all spoonfeedings. It is difficult to trans- ING if you twiddle over every word and these things upon the stage of physical late from Arabic and Hebrew into U.S. phrase- for at best the translations have expression are but the classroom instruc- far-out cool grammar. You KNOW what been touched by hundreds and thousands tion. The TRUTH OF INFINITY RESTS is intended in meaning-STOP the of MEN. You can ONLY FIND THE KNOW- WITHIN MY DIMENSIONS WHEREIN THE games.] ING within, in the silent stillness of your SPIRIT SOARS ON WINGS AS EAGLES. =For this is thankworthy, IF a man for soul within. And, IT will be EXACTLY AS MAY YOUR FLIGHT PATH BE SMOOTH conscience toward God endure grief, suf- YOU MAKE IT TO BE! AND YOUR LANDING EASY. feringwrongfully. Forwhatgloryisit...when May you come to KNOW that you are GOD BLESS! ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.” 1 Peter 2:19-20. [H: So, again, what is “suffering”-well, you modern sufferers seem to think it is moan, bitch, groan We Are Entering A and agony on me as some badge of courage or fulfiient4TOP IT! THERE IS ONLY TOTAL GLORY AND JOY IN SERVING WITH THE CHRISTED Most Dangerous Time - BROTHER OF CREATION f CREATOR AND YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT REAL “SUFFERING” IS, MUCH LESS EXPERI- 713193 #l SANANDA And many shall perish; they shall drop like ENCE IT. Mostly you go about in your flies before the final bell strikes. moaning to gain attention to support Peace, Thomas, I am as near as your Doom and gloom from Sananda? Nay, your fits of self-pity and “look at me” breath. I AM SANANDA AND I COME IN TRUTH! ego trips.] LIGHT AND SERVICE UNTO GOD AND Hold to thine KNOWING IN LIGHT1 Be “As ye have therefore received Christ THE CREATION. ever vigilant for evil is ever at thine door- Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him. Beware You are entering a most dangerous time step and shall be a thiLf in the night if you lest any man spoil you through philosophy indeed. The controllers have been aggres- tend not thine shields! Thine shield of and vain deceit, AFTER the tradition of sive in their recent actions and the return Light is thine only protection and it is of men, after the rudiments of the world, and shall be felt harshly. The beast has been GOD-ATONI not after Christ.” Colossians 2:6,8 unleashed. World War III shall be so YOU BELOVED ONES OF GOD HAVE “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, destructive that you shall pray for peace FREE WILL. ITIS NOT FOR MET0 DIRECT hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to and there shall be none. You have brought YOU BUT TO GUIDE YOU TOWARD GOD. I make one proselyte, (convert) AND when it upon yourselves, little Israel. I use the TELLTHEE SURELY) ANDI HAVESAID THIS he is made, ye make him twofold more the term “little Israel” as the ones in foreign BEFORE: MOVE AWAYFROM THINE CITIES child of hell than yourselves. [H: Back to lands use it, and for those of you unfamil- FOR THEY SHALL BECOME MOST DES- UPleiadian Collective” -is it no;t just iar with the term, it refers to AMERICA! PERATEPLACESOFDEATHAND DESTRUC- about this way. You think you have a The financial depression shall sweep TION. WHILE THERE IS YET TIME, MOVE right to go and proselytize the sectors of the land as more and more bases are INTOTHE RURAL AREASWHERE YOU MAY the world who probably already have closed, leaving you open for attack by SURVIVEDIFFICULTCONDlTIONSASTHEY THE Truth of goodness and corrupt it foreign invaders. Ah, their plans are most COME UPON THE LAND, WHICH THEY with your almighty need to put YOUR well laid and are being carried out to per- SURELY SHALL. HEED WELLTHE WARN- doctrines off on others. Good grief, is fection. How will these men and women INGS AS GIVEN FORTHEY ARE NOT GIVEN it not enough to despoil yourself and who have protected your nation from inva- CARELESSLY, BUT.FOR THINE OWN PRO- your close relations who can’t get away sion find employment? The answer, be- TECTION AND LIFE! from you?] Woe unto you, YE BLIND loved, is that they shall not! S&l. GUIDES, which say; Whosoever shall What motivation has big business to swear by the temple, it is nothing; but remain in this country with the pressure of AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME whosoever shall swear by the gold of the unions, high wages and insurance costs? IMMANUEL -- I AM SANANDA temple, he is a debtor!” Matthew 23:15- No motivation whatsoever, for they are BY SANANDA &JUDAS ISCARIOTH 16 Read all of Matthew 23 and Luke driven purely by the profit motive, so you (12 ) 156 pages 2 1 about churchleaders and lawyers- shdl’see the mass exodus of business to The story of the life of the one known [H: AND THEN go as fast as you can and foreign lands and into Mexico. You have as Jesus of Nazareth (Immanuel) is read PHOENIX JOURNAL #2 called AND been seeing this trend for years and it shall told by Jesus and his .disciple and THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL accelerate, leaving the American workforce scribe, Judas Iscarioth. Judas’ name and find out how it really was and IS.] unemployed, alone and fearful. Ah, you’ve is cleared and the actual one who come a long way, America. betrayed lmmanuel is revealed. Clari- END OF QUOTING Hold closely to your families, beloved. fication is given concerning Prepare as you are able to. Tend thy stores lmmanuel’s life and teachings, such Enough. We are in great appreciation of goods which shall see you through times as: The Purpose of His Life--His 40 for the sharing and all of the research of turmoil and chaos. I and my brothers Days With Cosmic Beings--His Cruci- done. FOR us. You need guidelines in bring not these messages to you carelessly fixion, Resurrection and His Journey this time of awakening and you must for we have greater vision and can see the after Resurrection--Clarification Re- know what to expect as the prophets roadway ahead. Let those who have eyes, garding God, The Creation, The Laws have predicted’and shared with you- see and those who have ears, hear. So be and Commandments. BUT IT IS YOU AND YOU ALONE WHO it for, as you progress, those who are WILL DECIDE HOW YOU SHALL GO AND unprepared shall be many-nay, most! JULY 6, 1993 Page 35 There’s A Nuclear GZow To Today’s News Watch

713193 #l HATONN the numbers given but as with any “poll” ATOMTC SUICIDE they are off by ul-3% in either direction” (I By Walter Russell PRIME BEEF ON THE HOOF- believe is the cover-inclusion). CLONED How are you going to escape what is GET THIS BOOK!! IF YOU BUY NO coming according to the “prophets”? If OTHER BOOKTHE REST OFYOUR LIFE- How many of you watched the “short there is no “rapture until after the tribula- BUY ATOMIC SWCIDE. Please, however, I subject” on cloning on CNN yesterday?? tion”-what is going to happen to you? If ASK YOU HUMBLY: GET IT FROM THE Did you get indigestion? Did you also note you are among the “anti-God/Christ” it UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSO- that the process is perfected and you had doesn’t lookgood, does it? Ifyou are among PI-IYI Please do not just go get it “some- a row of full-grown bovine with identical the Christians and other religions who DO where” as it is hard to find, costly and I appearance, not only cloned but geneti- trust in and believe in God, you are already WANT return to authors and institutions tally altered to produce ONLY prime beef hostage. who produce the volumes. There is NO for your tables? You have to stop overlook- ROOM IN YOUR LIVES, CHELAS, FOR ing such news items lest you stay unin- QUOTING: VENDETTASAND HARANGUES-YOU ARE formed! ABOUT TO BE NUCLEAR “SUICIDED”. Almost 1 billion Moslems on earth are I would appreciate your mentioning MORATORIUM ON NUCLEAR TESTING lookingfor their twelflh Imam (Paradise on CONTACT and ‘Ekkers” when you order Earth leaders). the book and again, please get it from This morning a big thing was made, by About 18 million Jews are looking to the THEM-not from America West. I also ask Clinton, on extending the moratorium on ~1fWnent ofZechariah 12- 14 and Zionism Ed if he will please run an ad in this next nuclear testing. What in the name of worldwide. CONTACTedition [seepage 521. I apologize common sense could he mean? There has More than 1 billion, 700 million Chris- to you staff, however, and to you readers. never been even a slow-up in testing- tians (most of whom are asleep) await the We are accused of plagiarizing the book- just in Nevada. Who does he think he is second coming of Jesus Christ and the BUT WE DO NOT EVEN HAVE A COPY TO fooling? THE PEOPLE PERHAPS? It can’t millenium. REPRINT THE COVER. Since America be the Russians for the Russians are every- West was, however, so nice as to send where in the U.S. that the testing is done- END QUOTING CONTACTcopies of their most recent cata- WITH JOINT INPUT. I just wonder if IT log, perhaps you can plagiarize their pic- COULDBEthutthelaunchingofthatmunned The best and highest way to count ture of the book in point. May “justice” rocket from Kazakhstan could have any- this does not account for even HALF of some day again be your foundation. thing to do with such a “sudden” decision in the population of Earth Planet. By the It appears to me, however, that Mr. the mutter of nuclear blasts? It wuld be way, almost all of the above counted- Green hasjust overstepped hisgood luck- worth a thought, perhaps? are looking forward to the WRONG thing he has finally pushed the WRONG people and in the WRONG way. Makes you TOO FAR. No, that is NOT “US”. It appears WATCH THE G-7 think, doesn’t it? And, further, who is he has presented LIES to the WRONG going to blow up whom and when? So be JUDGE, PERHAPS. We won’t waste time Boy, THIS IS THE ONETO WATCH. The it, friends. We would like to help you but on the matter. G-7 conference IS the International it surely looks quite gloomy to me from Banker’s big league gang. This is also the time to time-like second to second. QUOTING (from The Economist, BOSS and paymaster to ones like Reno, I ask that the ?iuclear related” maps London, June 5, 1993): Bentsen and thus and so. They control the be placed in this paper as close to these Federal Reserve, the Postal Service, the prophecies and (Lattack” articles as pos- HOW TO STEAL AN ATOM BOMB Internal Revenue Service, etc., OF THE sible so you can look at a picture and see U.S. of A. In Japan? Good griefl You are the possibilities OF JUST THIS ONE Did you stop worrying about nuclear dead and don’t know it, citizens. You are PROBABLE EVENT [see pages 36 - 37). obliteration when the cold war ended? existing in that lower Astral Plane of not yet We won’t even go into secondary targets Start again. To make an atomic bomb, a realizing you are dead and yet can’t find a of cities and installations utilizing neu- terrorist or a would-be proliferator would way to participate in the game going on tron bombs to preserve structures or need to get hold of only 5 kg of weapon- around you. other warfare OR “unnatural” and natu- grade plutonium or 15 kg of weapon-grade ral changes. uranium, less than you would need to fill a HOW DOES IT ADD UP? Since Dharma is .accused ,of being so fruitbowl. At present the world probably good at plagiarism and I am noted for contains about 250 tonnes of this sort of The numbers, in simple arithmetic, are pushing her into such evil behavior- I plutonium and 1,500 tonnes of the ura- interesting as presented by ‘counters”. am going to give you some more of nium. To lose a bomb’s-worth from the They go a bit like the following. These ARE =other’s” worthy work1 stock is the equivalent of losing a single Page 36 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

I .,v,L I ‘I-

m II cn - z -I c3 =r: m JULY 6, 1993 Page 37




ORWL-owe m-20 ISOSCI Cl o-IOOR 451-2500 A 2504 -5000 R 5001- tO,OOOR 10.004-20.0 800 R q n w B l >20.000


‘me Yarowan Prophet Parowan, Utah 84761 Page 38 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

word from one of three copies of The Econo- on their soil. The breakdown threatens to reprocess their nuclear waste have taken mist. But the loss would be harder to create a shambles where areasonablywell- on a life of their own. But the environmen- detect. The world’s stock of nuclear-explo- ordered nuclear establishment used to be. taI and economic cases for reprocessing sive material is dispersed and hoarded. The different parts of Russia’s nuclear- have faded. Reprocessing does nothing to Almost none of this material is covered by weapons complex are in conflict with one help manage waste from modern reactors; international nuclear-accounting rules. another. The inspectorate that BorisYeltsin plutonium fuel is clearer than uranium, And more than half of it is inside the has put in national charge of nuclear ma- and is likely to stay that way. It would be chaotic relic of the former Soviet Union. terials has less muscle than the mighty a far sounder policy to run down Western Forfourdecades, countrieswith nuclear nuclear ministry and the military estab- reprocessing. This would not only save weapons have tried to keep weapon-grade lishment. Its rivals have excluded its in- money and help to curb the growth of the material safe from terrorists and foreign specters from their installations. In a way, world’s stocks of separated plutonium; it powers. They know that there is no room nuclear disarmament makes matters might also help to persuade Russia to for error. Despite occasional lapses (like worse. As weapons are reduced, six tonnes dispose ofits plutonium, rather than weav- the 100 kgof highly enriched uranium that of plutonium and 30 tonnes of uranium ing an economic pipedream around it. went missing in the early 1960s from a from dismantled warheads must pass Will Russia listen? It has a solemn factory in Pennsylvania) the system has through Russia’s rickety bureaucracy ev- responsibility to make sure that its own not failed catastrophically. Bomb-grade ery year for the next 15 or so. Given the house is put in order. Fortunately, pure plutonium and uranium have been kept unpredictable changes sweeping through self-interest demands as much. Russia securely enough to persuade most poten- Russia, and the penury of its bureaucrats, cannot afford to be flanked by newly nuclear tial proliferators that, if they want a bomb, the danger of nuclear theft or bribery is states on its southern borders; or to allow they will have to make their own nuclear clearly growing. Some Western experts the ethnic strife in and between ex-Soviet material, not just steal or buy it. Because believe that Russia has never properly republics to turn nuclear; or to see extrem- making the material itself is a lot harder counted the exact amount of nuclear ma- ists among its own frssiparous peoples than turning it into a rudimentary bomb, it terial it possesses. demand independence on pain of nuclear is the tight control of plutonium and ura- The only sure way to reduce the danger terrorism. [H: Good grief, it makes you nium that has until now restricted the is to reduce the world’s store of uranium wonder who in the world the nut is who spread of nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, and plutonium. But there is no easy way wrote this paper-IT IS DONE ALREADY! for two reasons, the job of the nuclear thief to undo the nuclear binge of the cold war. IT IS OVER-THEUHORSEm IS OUTSIDE or illicit buyer may be getting significantly Although uranium can be put to use, and THE BARN-DONE, OVER--JUST THE easier. used up, as fuel in existing reactors, Pluto- RESULTS OF THE URUNAWAY” IS ALL [H: URGENT ALERT! Wake up!! You nium is much harder to get rid of. Its value THAT IS PENDING!] Because plutonium are only one small country using atomic as a fuel is limited, since uranium is cheaper cannot be made safe rapidly, Russia must powered power plants. FRANCE DE- and plentiful. By most estimates it would at the very least compile and police a RIVES ALL OF HER POWER FROM cost at least $1 billion to level Russia’s and thorough inventory of its nuclear materi- NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS FROM America’s plutonium mountains, either by aIs. If some material is lost already, that is WHENCE COMES MATERIAL FOR mixing it with waste in glass, or by burning all the more reason to stop a lapse becom- BOMBS! MOREOVER, FRANCE AND it away in special reactors. And this money ing a loophole. RUSSIAJUST LAUNCHED A JOINT-VEN- would have to be spent in the knowledge The United States has earmarked $8OOm TURE ROCKET INTO 8PACP;REALLY that it would never produce a profit, only to help Russiacountand monitor its nuclear INTO SPACE TO HOOK UP WITH THEIR the hope of a safer world. materials. In the end, international super- ALREADY TOTALLY EFFICIENT STA- vision would provide the best reassurance. TIONS AND COSMOSPHERES. THEY PLUTONIUM PIPEDREAMS But Russia still has its pride as well as its CALLED IT A COSMODROME, MANNED plutonium. It would not accept such in- AND FULLYCAPABLE AND ARMED. m Sadly, the Russian nuclear industry spections unless America accepted them WAS LAUNCHED FROM KAZAKHSTAN does not yet see things that way. Even if too. That might not please American gen- iread onl. YOU ARE GETTIIVG SET FOR rapid disposal of precious plutonium were erals used to secrecy, but America should SOME VERY INTERESTING THINGS, possible, Russia’s nuclear experts would agree anyway. Mutual inspection, careful READERS. THE LAUNCH WAS IMMEDI- shun it. They have grandiose ideas about inventories and a steady reduction in the ATELY ON SET-DOWN OF YOUR creatingaplutoniumeconomy, built upon world’s stockpile of nuclear fuel; these SHUTTLE!] advancedreactors,reprocessingplantsand three measures will not guarantee secu- It is becoming easier, fust, because the thermal reactors burning plutonium fuel. rity. But they are the least the world must world’s stock of, plutonium is growing. This is a dangerous dream. Not even the do to make itself safer from nuclear black- Accordingtooneauthoritativestudy, stocks West has mastered the necessary reactor ma& of civil plutonium separated from spent designs. And Russian demand for energy reactor fuel in Britain, France, Russia and is collapsing along with the country’s in- END OF QUCYI’ING,End of Article Japan could grow from 72 tonnes in 1990 dustries. Right now, Russia has neither to more than 250 tonnes by 20 10. Because the money to build new nuclear facilities, If you don’t wake up and know what is it has been in reactors for so long, this sort nor experience of burning plutonium in its THELIE in the above, you can’t survive this of plutonium is not best-suited to nuclear already unreliable civil reactors. In other madness. You no longer have a free United weapons. But it would still make a bomb words, the bulk of its plutonium is likely to StatesofAmericaundersome~nder God- that could flatten muchofacityanddrench remain stashed in potentially vulnerable Co-n You have a nation run by, the place with fall-out. stockpiles for at least a decade. ordered by and functioning under the The second thing making life easier for Here, the West could lead by example. United Nations ONE WORLD ORDER- the would-be proliferator is the break-up, Itsowndrivetocreateaplutoniumeconomy GLOBAL GOVERNMENTOF BANKERS and breakdown, of the Soviet Union. The has stalled, yet Western nuclear contrac- AND ZIONIST’BUSIN~ PEOPLEWHO break-uphasgivennewregimesinUkraine, tars are encouraging Russians in their HAVE NO MORALS,NO QUALMSABOUT Bdorussia and -AR a say in dream. The contracts which Western utiIi- MURDERORDEST’RUCTIONAND,ATTHIS what will become of the nuclear weapons ties signed in the 1970s and 1980s to TIME,YOUHAVEN0 RECOURSEASYOU JULY 6, 1993 Page 39

ARE UNDERTHE FORCE OFTHE WORLD Instability would spread like a chain reac- nium into a usable form, the fuel has to be ENFORCERS AND U.N. INTERNATIONAL tion. Countries newly unsure about their ‘reprocessed”. POLICE. neighbours’ capabilities would find them- The bombs in today’s stockpiles contain So, let us read on with the news of the selves ever more tempted to try to get a almost pure 23gPu. The other isotopes mess month in The Economist, same issue as bomb themselves. Terrorist groups kept up the workings of the nuclear reaction. above article. from the nuclear game by their lack of But isotopically impure plutonium pro- industrial infrastructure, could become duced in civil reactors can be made into QUOTING: players. Exploiting these fears, nuclear bombs; American scientists at Los Alamos blackmailers could make a mint. There National Laboratory have tried it, and it SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY have already been more than 50 attempts worked. According to Frank Barnaby, to extort money from America with nuclear once director of the Stockholm Intema- URANIUM, PLUTONIUM< threats, some frighteningly credible. The tional Peace Re,search Institute, it takes PANDEMONIUM people who decide whether to believe them about 35kg (771b) of civil plutonium in its or not have been able to check their.own oxide form to make a bomb, whereas a Disarmament has a dark side. It sets stocks quickly, to make sure no bombs or mere 5kg of good military metal will suffice. free nuclear explosives that used to be material are missing. Such checks will be Despite being larger, bombs made from tucked away in superpower arsenals, less reassuring if the world’s supplies be- civil plutonium will have low, unpredict- and must now be disposed of. [H: Now come more accessibleand, alarmingly, able yields, especially if inexpertly designed don’t for one moment let the Chemical less well documented. and assembled. But terrorists do not need and Biological weapons leave your men- the power, precision and elegance of a tal notebook of destructive toys to use THE SOVIET SYNDROME high-yield weapon that fits on a missile. and test on you-the-people! AND of Low-yield bombs in lorries could serve course the most effective destruction The break-up of the Soviet Union has their purposes, demolishing a fair fraction comes in those PULSE BEAMS AND PAR- fractured the brutal certainties of the cold- of a city and spreading fall-out far and TICLE BEAMS. Also, I ask that the war nuclear regime. Roughly 3,000 weap- wide. somber illustration from TheEconomist onsin Ukraine, Belorussiaand Kazakhstan be inserted within this article we are are now less firmly in the grip of the top GEIGER COUNTER now going to reprint.] brass in Moscow. Ukraine has been reluc- tant to honour its pledge to relinquish its The first convincingly reasoned inven- There are various recipes for making arsenal. Whether or not these countries tory of the world’s nuclear material was nuclear weaponry. Some can be carried have nuclear ambitions, there are worries published earlier this year. (“World inven- out only by experienced master bomb mak- about security on their soil. One Russian tory of Plutonium and Highly Enriched ers. Others are easy enough for beginners officer is reported to have advised his west- Uranium, 1992” by David Albright, Frans to have a go at. All of them, though, contain ern counterparts to “take seriously” Berkhout and William Walker, Oxford Uni- ingredients-plutonium or highly enriched rumours that three or four weapons have versity Press 1993) Working from a variety uranium (HEU)-that have always been disappeared in Kazakhstan. of sources, public and private, the authors very hard to come by. In Russia itself, the nuclear industry conclude that there are roughly 1,000 It is the possession of these nuclear that once supported whole cities, such as tonnes of plutonium and 1,500 tonnes of materials, more than know-how about their Chelyabinsk, east of the Urals, and Tomsk HEU. Because of the doubt attached to use, that separates the Israelis from the and Krasnoyarsk, in Siberia, is facing a their estimates, they want all governments Iraqis, or the Indians from the Iranians. crisis. Grandiose Soviet schemes for to publish their inventories and submit Making them is hard, and requires the sort nuclear power have been replaced by Rus- them to international supervision. of efforts only rich countries or desperate sian realities. Thousands have lost their At the moment, international supervi- ones will undertake. Even with money and jobs. The chances of a foreign country sion is woefully limited. Only 1% of the will, a uranium-enrichment programme finding a Russian engineer ready to sell world’s HEU comes under the safeguards takes time to build, and might easily be nuclear advice or materials are growing. administered by the International Atomic detected by others. The cost of making Disarmament treaties between America Energy Agency; that is mostly used to materials for nuclear weapons, and the and the former Soviet Union could further power small research reactors in countries risk of being caught in the act, are the strain the regime for guarding weapons that have no nuclear weapons. Almost all biggest obstacles facing countries tempted materials. Roughly six tonnes of pluto- the rest, 95% of the total, is held by the to gate-crash the nuclear club. nium and 30 tonnes of HEU are due to be American and Russian armed forces. It is Mindful of this, countries with nuclear released annually over the next 15 years as not all in weapons; as much as 100 tonnes weapons have developed elaborate sys- Soviet warheads are scrapped, Many West- of Russian HEU is used simply to power tems to guard plutonium and HEU. But ern sources believe that there is no reliable ships and submarines. A tiny fraction of the authoritarian mechanisms that overall inventory system to keep track of this amount could be the basis for a suc- guarded Soviet nuclear material can no this material. cessful third-world weapons programme. longer be guaranteed. Nuclear smuggling All this is happening against the back- A mere 130-220kgof HEU, accumulated in is already on the increase. The number of ground of a worldwide accumulation of its own enrichment programme, has made reported cases rose to over 100’ last year, civilian plutonium. Plutonium is not found Pakistan a nuclear power. This is 0.0 1% of compared with 35 in 1991. ‘So far the naturally on Earth, but it is produced the world’s total stock. contraband is low-grade stuff fromindus- whenever uranium is used in a nuclear By contrast, most of the world’s 1,000 trial sources, not weapon-grade materials. reactor. Military production reactors are tonnes of plutonium are in civilian hands- All the same, smuggling routes are being designed to burn fuel in short bursts and though only 30%, that in Britain, France established that could serve more danger- thus maximize the production of a particu- and the non-nuclear states, is under inter- ous trades, and customs authorities are lar isotope of plutonium, 23gPu. Civilian national safeguards. More than half of this beginning to be stretched. reactors, designed to produce power, use plutonium is sitting in used fuel-rods from The mere possibility of a black market their fuel for longer and so produce heavier commercial reactors, unusable for any- in weapon-grade material is terrifying. isotopes, 240Puand 241Pu. To get the pluto- .% . . , .I c . -1. _ , . _ . < _ .,__. , thing until -it is.*.o-., reprocessed. _.._..... But stocks* ,e,... of Page 40 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

siders have always been seen as a potential danger. Who has what Distribution of: The snag with disarmament, for all its other merits, is that it disrupts the estab- End 1990 End 1990 End 1990 lished Soviet routine. The chart shows how Total: 122 tonnes Total: 2!i7 tonnes Total: 1330 tonnes much plutonium and HEU might be re- Othrr 6% ;;;t$:” 7 ,---- Other 2% leased from warheads if the INF and START 1 disarmament treaties are implemented. Weapons will be broken open and the plutonium and uranium stockpiled or pro- cessed. This material will be passed to civilian inventories controlled by Minatom, the ministry of atomic energy; counting bombs will give way to accounting for ma- terial. There is no systematic connection between the two inventories. Gosatomnadzor, the regulator which was given responsibility for civil and military materials last June, has been refused ac- cess to some military inventories. plutonium will be produced in Britain and France, though some could also be sepa- THE GREAT BONFIRE rated in Russia and possibly JAPAN. When it comes to military plutonium, The HEU that gets to Minatom can, America and the former Soviet Union have eventually, be burnt in commercial reac- the lion’s share: some 250 tonnes between tors. Uranium comes in two isotopes, 235U them. Again, small amounts can have and =U. It is 235Uthat releases energy; but striking political consequences-witness 99.28% of natural uranium is ?I. For Israel and India with about 300 kg of this natural uranium to be made more plutonium each. Russia and America both potent it must be enriched in =U, which say they need no longer make military means sorting through the uranium and plutonium. And yet, even as military pro- discarding some of the -U. A little enrich- duction stops adding to the total amount of ment-to a B5U content of 2-6Y-is good nuclear material in the world, plutonium enough for most reactors, though some and HEU from dismantled weapons will can work with unenriched uranium and add to the stocks. some research reactors use highly enriched uranium. The HEU in weapons is usually 30,ooo zo,om 15,am romo 5,ooo 0 Numbe~ofmfhoadspeirfimrl THE DANGER OF DISARMING enriched to 94% 235U. smrro: world mgwy tnrbdud vmnlum 1992’ Enrichment is hard, which is why bomb The former Soviet Union has more bombs programmes are rare. Reversing it-dilut- to dismantle-at least 33,000 weapons in ing HEU by adding less enriched ura- civil plutonium are flowing forth from re- all. The reason the Russians have so many nium-is easy, and America is making it processingplantsorderedduringthe 1970s. is that fresh plutonium slowly undergoes profitable as well. America has agreed to These plants were supposed to provide fuel radioactive decay, making it unpredictable buy Russian HEU diluted for commercial for a new generation of “fast” reactors in warheads. America solves this by recy- use. It is set to pay $780 a kilogram for which would bum plutonium, but neither cling old material, chemically extracting material blended to a concentration of 4.4% the demand for nuclear power nor the impurities, occasionally going so far as to 235U, a price competitive with that of en- performance of fast reactors has met the make ((ivoryAplutonium, almost pure 23gPu. riched fuel. A total of 500 tonnes of HEU planners’ expectations, and the cost of As a rule, the Soviet Union did not refresh will be blended into 15,000 tonnes of fuel, uranium fuel has dropped. Most of the its plutonium. Aging weapons simply got which makes the deal worth $12 billion. reprocessed civil plutonium-72 tonnes- put into reserve, replaced by warheads full The Uranium Institute, based in Lon- is sitting in storage. of plutonium fresh from the reactor. don, has calculated that the 8 16 tonnes of And yet reprocessing will continue. The differences in design account for HEU that might be released from American Billion-dollar reprocessing plants have been some of the differences in safeguards. With and Soviet disarmament could take the built in Britain and France. It is hard to most of the Russian plutonium in weap- place of 166,000 tonnes of natural ura- resist the pressure to use them, especially ons, either ready for service or held in nium, roughly three years’ worth of world as some nuclear-power generators have reserve, control of materials could be main- demand. This is a headache for the world’s tied themselves into long-term reprocess- tained by locking up bombs. In America, uranium producers, which are already ing contracts. When they did so, they partly because of more recycling, safe- suffering from depressed uranium prices. hoped that reprocessing could cut the cost guards depended more on full accounting For everyone else, though, it is a blessing: of disposing of nuclear waste. That claim for the nuclear materials themselves as once blended, the uranium presents no has not been borne out for today’s designs, they passed through the long and complex more threat than any other nuclear fuel. It but such contracts cannot easily be bro- procedures. A greater distinction between would be no easier to enrich than any other ken. So on current plans the reprocessing the two systems of safeguards, though, lies reactor-grade uranium. plants will separate an average of 2 1 tonnes in their psychology. The Soviet system, If only it were as simple for military of plutonium a year over the next 20 years. confident in its control over its own people, plutonium. But the world has a surplus of By 20 10 a total of 545 tonnes of plutonium saw threats coming from outside. In plutonium, even without extra supplies coming from disarmament. And there is no is due to have been senarated. Most of this America treacherous and corruntibleL in- * JULY 6, 1993 Page 4 1 commercial plutonium-fuel industry has been made- the lack of an economic in France and Britain, want to begin a equivalent to the uranium-fuel industry rationale has never stopped the nuclear new programme to build fast reactors into which diluted HEU so neatly feeds. industry trying things-but as yet it has running on plutonium, undaunted by Many bright ideas-and failed ideas used up only 12.5 tonnes of plutonium. difficulties the West has had with such looking for a second lease on life-are Now disarmament and reprocessing technology. being put forward as ways of converting are bringing about what fast reactors Even if it were technically possible, weapons-grade plutonium into a form never did: surplus plutonium. MOX Russia does not have the money to do it. too awkward for the weapon-minded to would be a relativelv safe (333) [H: The alternative, when plutonium is seen bother with. One such scheme would Emphasis mine.] way of disposingofthe as a fuel, is to load it into existing Rus- mix the plutonium with nasty but use- stuff. Moreover the Livermore study sian reactors, unused to the stuff and less nuclear waste and seal it in blocks of concluded that it would be easy to adapt already regarded as unsafe by outsiders. glass. Most of the rest would help pay for designs for tomorrow’s reactors so they Either way, as long as reprocessing plants disposing of the plutonium by generat- could burn MOX exclusively-rather than make plutonium look like a commodity, ing electricity from it while turning it a mixture, one-third MOX and two-thirds the risk that the wrong people will buy it into waste. France has thought about uranium, as is the practice today. Given remains. reviving Superphenix, its experimental free plutonium, the report says that such fast reactor, which was shut down after a plant could generate electricity at 3.1 END OF QUOTING, End Of Article technical mishaps. General Atomics, cents a kilowatt hour (kwh), compared based in San Diego, has floated a plan for with 3.0 cents a kwh using uranium fuel Since the WRONG PEOPLE already a $1.5 billion helium-cooled reactor-a in a standard reactor. have the ‘stuff”, it looks pretty sober- novel design it has long wanted to build. Unfortunately there is not enough ing, does it not? There are other, more radical designs. capacity in MOX factories to .&km the Well, who knows-maybe some Fairy- One is a molten-salt reactor. Liquid weapons surplus from both superpow- godmother dust will settle on your pre- plutonium is squirted in, waste is si- ers into fuel. And governments have not cious little beings and you can just ‘rap- phoned off. Scientists at Los Alamos licensed enough MOX-burning reactors ture” up to somewhere. I wouldn’t choose have suggested using particle beams to to absorb the plutonium coming from clouds though-because guesswhere the help burn up the plutonium, rather than reprocessing plants, let alone tonnes of most radiation ~111 be! relying entirely on particles given off by weapon-grade plutonium as well. Ac- Happy Independence Day-America? a chain reaction going on within the cording to the authors of the inventory, May you and the Queen of England live material; they think it would be like even the most optimistic projection- happily ever-after. holding a flame underneath the pluto- which, incidentally, takes no account of IF YOU EVER GET AROUND TO RE- nium, rather than starting a dangerous military plutonium- sees plutonium MEMBERING GOD-GIVE US A CALL. plutonium blaze. stocks growing from 72 tonnes in 1990 GOOD DAY. A study of different ways to burn up to 113 tonnes in 2000, before decreasing plutonium by America’s Lawrence to36 tonnesin 2010, as MOXfabrication Livermore National Laboratory came out and fast reactors take off. against such clevernesses, at least as far As a matter of course, many will pro- as using up America’s surplus pluto- test about shipping and flying civilian nium is concerned (though it did recom- plutonium around the world in large mend more research into a few). Not only volumes. Terrorists will not be among would these novel reactors take too long them. Some of the planned MOX facto- to develop, but the electricity that comes ries will probably fail to get approval; from them will, in most cases, be need- reactors will be refused licences to load ( , lessly expensive. Instead the study pre- MOX into their cores. In Germany and r(*i- fers a proven technology known as mixed- Japan, where reprocessing nuclear waste ( . oxide fuel, or MOX. has been a requirement, using the Pluto- i The idea is to take plutonium and mix nium produced seems less popular; sev- 1 it with unenriched uranium. Since 23gPu eral utilities are having difficulty secur- acts like 235U, the end result is quite like ing licences to burn MOX. A projection the low-enriched uranium used as reac- that tries to take account of some of tor fuel. The idea dates from the 195Os, these factors sees civil plutonium stocks when it looked as if there would be plu- growing to 265 tonnes by 2010. tonium left over from the fast-breeder reactors that were being planned-reac- THE COMMODITY FROM HELL tors which could produce more pluto- nium than they consumed. Under such The problem is not just that MOX conditions MOX made sense. If you have reactors provide only a narrow channel ,, to pay to reprocess the plutonium from for disposing of military plutonium, or spent fuel, though, it doesnot. An OECD that the channel will be clogged by the study in 1989 found it unlikely that MOX plutonium from uneconomic civil repro- could compete with uranium under real- cessing programmes. It is that these istic circumstances. According to the programmes, and the plutonium fuel-cycle manager of a large German economy they seek to bring into being, power company, it is twice as expensive encourage the Russian nuclear industry as uranium. Even with free plutonium, to think of plutonium as valuable. Far MOX is unlikely to be cheaper than mak- from talking of the plutonium problem, ing uranium fuel from scratch unless desperate Russian nuclear engineers, uranium prices soar. Some MOX fuel encouraged by the pluton+Ilm industry Page 42 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

U.S. and, to keep prices up, the import restriction from Canada will be indefi- nitely imposed.” Want to hear even more? The U.S. Independence Day rhips more sugar and sugar products INTO CANADA than Canada sends into the U.S.! Confusion News LATEST LAYOFFS FROM IBM Oh, by the way-don’t miss the over 50,000 lay-offs from IBM. [Editor’s note: 714193 #1 HATONN strictly on law-enforcement grounds, This is just the LATEST in an alarming ordering that Abdel-Rahman be taken series of waves of layoffs by the Number INDEPENDENCE DAY?? into custody as a flight risk.” 1 computer giant, and this newly an- Flight? Flight to where? Now, nounced number wasjust DOUBLEDfrom Well, let’s see if you are free and today, it goes further in that there will what they were saying WAS NECESSARY independent. be consideration of release pending mere weeks ago4 extradition and then the news states: OMAR ABDEL-RAHMAN. “and it can be years before such extra- GENETICALLY ENGINEERED dition can be worked out”! FOURTH-OF-JULY FEASTING First of all, perhaps the “followers” of I begin this writing with this subject Rahman may well be involved in opera- because we are going to write some very Have a good day of hotdogs and apple tions “against” this or that, including disturbing things about Waco. You just pie. Just remember, the hotdogs are bits the American Government-BUT SO IS aren’t first-hand witnesses to what is and pieces of =wasten meat by-products YOUR CIA, ATF, AND YOUR OWN GOV- happening to some Pakistanis in Soma- often from cloned, genetically altered ERNMENT (AGAINST YOU-THE- lia because of retaliation against and antibiotic-riddled animals and the PEOPLE). Rahman. MURDER is the agenda of the apples are treated with pesticides, ge- The arrest-seizure of Rahman on In- day for getting rid of all you “fundamen- netic alteration for ripening and holding dependence Day weekend was a sign- talists”-and before the purge is fin- capability, and additives to polish their and not a good one. Now THE TRUTH ished, it will hit local Baptist and Catho- lovely skins to entice you. comes out, readers: Warren Christopher lic churches WHO DO NOT MODERATE People, you are on your own-I can AND Bill Clinton have now made major TOTHE NEW WORLD ORDERMORALS- only suggest that if you get nothing else- public statements that “THE ARREST IS VOTED IN HOMOSEXUALITY AS EQUAL you had best keep up your Gaiandriana TO CARRY A MESSAGE TO ALL FUNDA- AND ORDAINED BY THE RELIGION, ETC. [see next-to-last pages for orden’ng infor- MENTALISTS LIKE RAHMAN’S FOLLOW- The International Intelligence Cults mation] for it will be through your own ERS AND ONES OF THE CHRISTIAN are the ones-in conjunction with your working body immune system that you are FAITH SUCH AS THE WACO SITUATION, CIA, Mossad and KGB-U.N. Forces-who going to keep the alterations from totally THAT CULT ACTIVITIES WILL NOT BE bombed the Trade Center, et al. Indeed, taking over your mechanical bodies. TOLERATED.” Now, the plan is to extra- Pakistani or known terrorist groups are dite him back to Egypt-but actually it targeted-so did they TRY to set up Waco IRA0 AND SUDDEN CHANGES will come to be that it is a plot to keep as a bunch of terrorist gun dealers? him in prison without bail and without Actually Koresh and his group were This is one of the most important things chance of release-FOR YEARS! I can- NOTHING BUT LAW ABIDING, CLAIMED- that almost all ofyou WILL MISS TODAY. The not warn you ansaspectinz citizens, TO-BE-CHRISTIANS MINDING THEIR “1nspectionteams”fiomtheUNlTEDSTATES stron& enouph, of how serious this OWN BUSINESS, AND MAKING a am leaving Iraq-TODAY! There is blathering type of unlawful manipulation and WAVES ANYWHERE-ANYHOW! If you and corrections and intended confusion as to force actuallv IS. How much damage Americans aren’t scared spitless then U.N.vs.U.S.,sotheysayasanafter-announce- can an old blind man do? you are DEAD...OR CERTAINLY IN A ment: ‘It is the U.S. teams pH:who make up In addition, since when is it the duty FULL BLOWN COMA. the entire~ of the teams] of the U.N. of THE NATIONAL ATTORNEY GENERAL resolution for inspection of possible weapons TO PERSONALLY DEMAND THESE AC- MORE INDEPENDENCE sites...A. Now, RIGHT AFTER BOMBING TIONS AND ORDER THE.M DONE? DO AND FREE TRADE WONDERS? IRAQ, is this not interesting as there have YOU REALIZE YET WHAT A POLICE been no signs of “n9al.iation” AND Hussein STATE YOU HAVE BECOME-AND, ‘A What of this “free trade wonder”? has stated, “THERE WILL BE NO REI’ALIA- LESBIAN LAWBREAKER WHO IS How do you think Canada feels about TION.” Ah, what have we here?? No-surely AVOWED TO BE ANTI-GOD (SHE CALLS this wonderful free trade trend? TODAY not, it couldn’t possibly have anything to do IT SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND it is announced that the US-Canadian with the launch of that Cosmodrome from STATE)-TO BE IN CHARGE OF CLOS- border will be closed to sugar import (to Kazakhstan-COULD IT? ING DOWN, BY FORCE AND MURDER, the US) along with any products using RELIGIOUS GROUPS AND SPEAKERS? sugar. The sugar-beet industry is the CLINTON AND JAPAN Am I “sure” it was Reno? Come now, major product for Canada in almost all chelas-don’t you read your own propa- instances. First you wiped out the fish- Well, good luck, Mr. President. The G-7 ganda sheets and listen to your open ing industry, canning industry and now troops are about to erupt like avolcano+md news programs at all? you hit the sugar industry. This will I would have suggested you check with Mr. The last paragraph of one such article wipe out income and jobs for multi- Bush before dancing in the streets of about the matter read: “Friday, admin- hundreds ofthousands of citizens. Why? Japan or, at the least, avoid all ban-

istration officials said that Reno acted Because. I “There is a alut of suaar in the quetsl JULY 6, 1993 Page 43 Nasty Mosquitos And Other Bloodsuckers

7/4/93 #l HATONN flower beds! These are very versatile little insects. (adequate) for about $50. Four lesser- I actually suggest that, in addition, if the tent quality ones will be more useful than one of NASTY MOSOUITOS AND does not already have a floor (which is more the high quality variety. If you have sev- OTHER BLOODSUCKERS flexible in use) get plastic tarps a size larger than era.& you will USE them. If you have to the tent-this gives you a “fold up flap” to use for continually move ONE, you won’t. OK, America, the Asian Tiger camping and sleeping. Spray repellent UNDER Another reason for the tents is for use Mosquito has been brought into the tarp. I further suggest covering by an old if displaced to have to sleep OUTSIDE in YOUR America and is on the prowl. bedspread or bedspread-comforter on top of the case of earthquake, etc. A set of tents They have been in your midst since tarp to protect, especially, crawling babies or for temporarv livins are excellent in 1985 and are now OUT OF CON- youngchildren. Imitationgrasscarpetsareok but your sutival packs AND SCREENED TROL. This little insect transmits not necessary-whatever makes you more corn- ROOMS ARE EXCELLENT FOR SAME- so many “blood” diseases that I fortable and is aesthetically pleasing. IN SUMMER MONTHS-FOR YOU ARE won’t bother to lay them out for you. I suggest that young children have their out- JUST STARTING SUMMER AND THIS IS They are the best “bloodsuckers side sand-boxes covered by the screened facility. A VERY REAL DANGER FROM NOW ON! of the bloodsuckers” and, more- It will also offer shade and a bit of protection from The time to get ready is right NOW while over, they regurgitate the blood al- the direct sun and block out some of the higher commercial sales make buying easier. ready within in a mixture of diges- ultraviolet rays. I would guess that if you are on a tive saliva to facilitate feasting on Bv theend of summer it IS INTENDEDbvthe “hard” surface you will need a style of the “next?’ banquet provider. This Elite that most of the citisens are infected with tent that can be moved and stand with- mixes everything in the blood it that dastardlv Asian flu we have been speaking out “stakes”, THE TYPE IS UP TO YOU- carries with every other host it bites. -of. BUT WISDOM WILL KEEP YOU ALIVE What do 1 suggest, since most of If you watch sales you can get these little tents AND WELL. the diseases it will transmit (inten- tionally) are at present non-treat- able? Well, of course, repellents- but this won’t deter too many from their intended feast-but it is better than NOTHING. Next, get screened ?entsn and USE them for all pic- nics and outings-even in your back-yard. You can even get small ones and rig them on apartment balconies. I suggest you get whatever size(s) you like; I suggest a family have more than one-especially if you have small children. What I am telling my people here is to get the tentsand use them even on patios in the backyard for din- ing. The Bar-B-Q cook will usually have smoke which is a good deter- rent so he is pretty safe if you put repellent on the legs (trousers), etc. EAT under that screen canopy and do your sitting and visiting WITHIN the canopy. The screens will not interfere with visiting and closeness and will provide such a more pleasant atmosphere at any rate than fighting bugs. With all the rainsinweftheU.S.andflood- ing-mosquitoes will breed out of control thisyear-everywheref Thejr will even breed in over-watered Page 44 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

in the paper itself. As a Commander in this miss&,-I am faced with losing my people to the left and to the right-some have not When A Patriot Falls even found their own mission sufficiently to come within our ability to attend and protect them. Tribute To Paul Wilcher All begin this journey with ‘Stars and Stripes” in young eyes-excited to play in the games of trick-or-treat and “I Spy”. It From Gunther Russbacher is no longer amusing when realization of TRUTH strikes between the eyes and it is found that vour own will desert you to death and HELP DEATH ALONGI However, 714193 #2 HATONN Ekkers with a note and the request. It is what is done is done and past is past- being shared with our own public appre- there is no “going back”-one must ever ANOTHER MURDERCIDE? ciation to those who serve, and actually move in wisdom-forward. give ALL as in this instance. We have I salute both Gunther, the survivor, and The next is placed herein at the request gained other information regarding the my fallen friend who did not yet under- of Gunther Russbacher in MEMORY OF A death of Paul David Wilcher which will be stand-for with ALL, you think you CAN FRIEND. He has requested that we run it found elsewhere in the paper [see pages I9 MAKE A DIFFERENCE and AFTER ALL, ‘I in the paper and we are most pleased to - 201. I hope that Gunther will have oppor- AM AN AMERICAN LMNG IN AMERICA.” offer this space. The letter came to the tunity to share this and other information GOD HELP US ALL.


GUNTHER KARL United States. Much to our Paul, in death, I salute you. RUSSBACHER regret, Paul was never able to MayGodgrantyou the peace hand-deliver the documents to you SO dearly deserve. June 27, 1993 Ms. Reno. He was stopped by the adversary before he could With love and respect, I Dear Friends, make mention of the great ir- sign, regularities he had found while Your friend always, Please know that you have investigating the ongoing cor- not been forgotten. Much to ruption, the BCCI and BNLscan- Gunther (Raven) my regret things have been hap- dals. pening which have exceeded Paul has died to secure a bet- *** my scope of influence and abil- ter way of life for each and ev- ity to act. Matter of fact, death ery one of us. He shall never be This letter did not reach us has struckwithinourranksand, forgotten by Rayelan and my- in time to run it in last week’s as such, all my correspondence self, as he has been a true friend CONTACT and, somehow, it has come to a screeching halt. and staunch advocate for truth, seems more fitting to recog- Please know that one of my freedom and justice in govern- nize this kind of “above and attorneys, Paul David Wilcher, ment. beyond” service on your IN- has been found dead of un- Let us all remember him not DEPENDENCE weekend. known causes amerefewdays only for what he did for our Where have all the patriots ago. He was found by some cause, but also and more so, for gone? Will you allow the slay- of our Washington friends, his dedication to The Constitu- ing of ALLof them before you and members ofthe Washing- tion of the United States. He take a stand for freedom? ton D.C. Police Department. was willing to battle any giant “Give me liberty or give me Paul has been working on my to protect this great document death!” takes on more mean- cause, as well as preparing against all enemies - within ing, perhaps. Will you give numerous exhibits for the at- and without. the patriots “death” for, as tention of Ms. Janet Reno, His memory shall always be with Wilcher, it certainly was the Attorney General of the with us, wherever we might be. not liberty. ~$:f$c^_. --- / JULY 6, 1993 Page 45 Inconvenient Fourth-Of- July -Observations

714193 #2 HATONN unmarked military presence. Fighter air- force made up of two dozen officers from craft and helicopters are flying fully-fledged several Salt Lake County police forces While considering the importance of today’s ARMED patrols. The border between Cab- and state agencies. celebrations for freedom, I have a couple of fornia and Nevada is capable of instant The organization conducts undercover observations to bring to your attention. blockade by ARMED (NEW) TANKS. KEEP transactions, employs informants and This h a celebration o’f U.S. In&pen- YOUR EYES AND EARS OPEN! uses other techniques to ferret out drug dence,fsitnot?Thenwhyhaveseverslofthe I also sit in receiving ofa second request trafficking along the Wasatch Front. UsemimzPfartodayfeaturedvarlnuspoutid- to print an article sent prior to this from Authorities expect to be operating pants;lNFULLDRFX3SBRR‘IsHuNIFoRIv133 Salt Lake City, Utah, the end of April. We under the reorganization by July 1. Have you gone insane, America?!? missed printing it then and thought it may The reorganization eventually may ANDMOREIMPORTANT: Howmanyofyou SEEM out of date-it isn’t. adopt a new NAME, officials said, but notice the advertisements (in advance, which is one has not been chosen yet. hardly ever done) of the 60 IwNLR%s television QUOTING (THE HERALD, Provo, Utah, show feature for this evening? While you are 4/25/93): END OF QUOTING celebmtingyour national independence for ALL citizensandwithunlimitedresourceskomwhich Des To J&x-e Local SM&e Force This above, is Mr. Brent Scowcroft’s tochoosepro@amming to suit the beauty of the town, chelas. In fact, you are going to day and the celebration ofyour NATION-THEY Salt Lake City (AP)-The U.S. Drug En- find that Mr. Scowcroft has been en- AREGOING’IOFEATuRETHEJEWSOFTHE forcement Administration will take over tangled and has sucked the LDS church HOLOCAUSTINEUROPE! Ifyoustillthinkyou management of Metro Narcotics Strike into so much clandestine illegal opera- donothaveariggedmediaandZionistmanage- Force, federal and local officials said.’ tions as to SHOCK the most hardened merit ofAm-u had best take your tem- The shift, to be announced at a news believers. These things will ultimately peralue, for you are SICK! conference early next week, was confirmed probably DESTROY the Mormon church Friday by Drew Moren, theDEA’s topagent as it *was, for it has pulled away from, NON U.S. in Utah, and Sandy Police Chief Gary except for rituals, anything religiously Leonard, who heads the Metro Strike goodly in its business operations and From one end ofyour nation to the other- Force’s board of directors. management. Another ‘murder” of the there are dozens of reports of fully-armed Metro is an 1 l-year-old anti-drug task ‘times”.


!fodiay I take a moment to innocence and aCi the admira66 she woufdaCways 6eprotected reflkct, zn solkmn sorrow, on a quafities tfzat others admire. andserved ht hedone. I remem6er her It was 6y face o ;ra&t ;s weCCas an innocent &Ccl; taken felii silknt, morta I$ f;rom me 6 a ang of thieves was 6y dkeit, tric x ery andslkiglit w#io used kf r or their own of liandtht I didnot notice, as pr oses. die wept. By the time I realized & eir zb---oses were not herperil; she was gone. fhmora6 Pe, 6ut she didnot resist, ~GhnemyseCf,as ~diinot trusting tfuzt no one woulX raise my voice to warn her, nor intentionally harm her, or my hand to d2fendher. I,too, was d&troy her wa of fife. fool266 tfie cowardly Gastar& ~#ie was tfie ep5 tome ofGeauty, who Medfier.I? I,too, trustedthat Page 46 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT Remember Our ccFamily’s And More On/From Rav Renick

714193 62 HATONN GUNTHER RUSSBACHER you remember the movie, “PattonA? # 184306 May we please take time to remember Missouri Eastern Correctional Center TV: Yes. Ray Renick who is still very much incarcer- 1870 1 Old Highway 66 ated. Please don’t forget to remember him, Pacific, MO 63069 RR: Patton wanted to beat Montgomery to readers. He is having to fight his OWN case Messina, but he had to go all the way as of now, and that bodes very badly for * * * around the perimeter of Sicily. Do you anyone. Keep praying that funding re- remember that? sources come through and some honest The following is a report (transcript) legal counsel (Yes, I know you know that is from Tom Valentine’s program April 29, TV: Yes. all but impossible to come by) can be 1993. Ray was expecting to be “taken” at found. We simply do that which we have to this very time and, of course, has been RR: Do you remember the name of this do until the injustices are caused to be laid captured and incarcerated by SWAT team, tank force? forth in the light of day. ATF and local Police. TV: No, what was the name of his tank * * * QUOTING TRANSCRIPT (Tom force? Valentine’s Radio Free’Ametica, April 29, Editor’s note: Remember, patriots in 1993; Tom Valentine host, Ray Eenick, RR: It was”Lucky ForwardA. And, the way jai2 often feel isolated and alone. A guest): Patton beat Montgomery was, he incorpo- kind word, catd, or letter can bring rated the help of the Mafia in Sicily, and great joy and solace. Take a moment TV: Ray, San Luis Obispo, my old home “Lucky Forward” was named for Lucky and sham with them town. Hello, Ray. Luciano. Ray Renick has asked that we ex- p- appreciation on his behalf to all RR: Hi, Tom. TV: Alright, now, that%-that’s a, the fact of you readers who haue &ttento him is I knew that Luciano was hired by the He has notfelt up to responding ye& but TV: How are you? government, but I didn’t know he worked he does patly appreciate the kind with Patton. words of support and genuine love of RR: Hey, I was listening to the first hour “family” you have exptvssed to him there and, man, those people you had on RR: Well, indirectly, he did. This is what life is ovally all aboutI were talking about all the same people I We avv hem supplyingadd~esfor know, all the same subjects IZIebeen talk- TV: Hmmm. seveml who desem mention at this ing about, and I’m writing a book, too, but Fourth-qf&ly time of taking stock of my book’s a little different. My book goes RR: The payoff to Luciano was that after the dirrection of our country. Putyov- back a lot farther than these fellas. All the the war he was to get the heroin concession seff in their pZace for a moment and way back to the 1700 and 1800s and for the world. Now, I’ve-, this book I’m remember, QThere, butfor the Grrrce of Capt. Russell, of the Russell Company, writing, I talked to you about this before, cod, 90 PI. with the British East India Trading Com- and you seemed to be a little sensitive pany and the opium trade. In 1832, about it because you’re from San Luis RAY RENICK when he retired, he left $54 million dol- Obispo and so am I. c/o: SLO County Jail lars to the Skull 8&Bones Club at Yale. 1585 Kansas Ave. Isn’t that interesting? TV: Well, I wasn’t sensitive about your San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 book; I didn’t know what it was about, at TV: That is very interesting! . the time. RANDY WEAVER . c/o: Boise County Jail RR: And then, when he left, his position RR: Well, let me tell you a little about it. I’ve 7200 Barrister Drive was taken over by a man named Warren discovered in the last number of years that Boise, ID 83704 Delano and Warren Delano made mil- the people here in San Luis Obispo are up lions and billions of dollars on the dope to their ears in drug traftlcking, also, like KEVIN HARRIS trade. And, he left his fortune to his William P. Clark, for instance. c/o: Boise County Jail grandson, who was named Franklin 7200 Barrister Drive Delano Roosevelt. TV: Yes, now you’ve mentioned William P. Boise, ID 83704 Clark. That’s right. TV: Yep. MAYNARD CAMPBELL RR: Yes, and he was on the cover of the c/o: Sacramento County Jail RR: And, then I go, I’m just skippin’ Spotlight. 650 I Street around a bit to give you a brief history of Sacramento, CA 95814 $ (what my dope research goes back to. )Do TV: That’s right. JULY 6,1993 Page 47

RR: And, William P. Clark is a large stock- part of my book is based on William P. little anecdotes here, real quick ones. In holder of a cattle company called... Clark. I think the guy you’re thinking of is San Luis Obispo County there’s a cattle Peter Glibbery. Steven Car-r was the con- company called the Zapata Cattle Com- TV: Hold on, Ray, we’ll go through the nection, thatwasaneyewitness to Noriega’s pany. Now, where have you heard that break and you can come back, alright? drug planes landing at Albrook Air Force name before? Base in Panama and he also was at Home- RR: The Zapata Cattle Company. Okay. stead AFB and saw JEB BUSH meeting the TV: OK, that’s George Bush’s company same planes. name [Z&p&a Offsshore aid, of Houston, BREAK Texas. TV: Is your book ready to go? TV: Alright, it’s Tom Valentine. We’re back RR: Right. And, they’re dealing in the live, and Ray Renick, from San Luis Obispo RR: Well, it’s kind of rough yet. It’s kind of same business, not cattle or oil, but drugs. is on, and you mentioned the name of more of an outline, there’s no beginning The cattle, for the Zapata Cattle Company William P. Clark. Before you get going on and there’s no end to it, I just can’t, you here, come in, or used to, I don’t know if that, Ray, let me tell you that when Russell know, it’s just... they still do, from Mexico and with the Bowen was a guest on this show, and he is cattle came drugs, and William Clark is the flyer for the CIA, he told the story that TV: Well, you’re never going to have a book one of the major stockholders. he was assigned to go in to Costa Rica, I until you have a book. You’ve got to finish believe, following La Penca bombing and it, Ray, and then, by golly, you send it and TV: Is that right? Do you mean when old the fact that some American CIA type had we’ll put you on the air and help you sell it. Bob Marre, down there in Avila Beach, got in trouble and killed a national police- used to bring in 10,000 head of those man and everything else and he had to be [H: Please note here, that for a long Zebu cows from Mexico, that’s a.. . . bailed out very surreptitiously.. . . time an agreement has been that if the CONTACT and the Institute can sur- RR: Oh boy, am I glad you said THAT [H: Still think Mr. Green ujust” owns vive-Ray’s book will be immediately name! You just bought me a..., you just a coffee farm with squatters-in Costa published (printed, even if rough) when connected a whole bunch of stuff for me. Rica? Well, perhaps! Who knows- available. We have been given some of it He owns a trucking company too, doesn’t maybe Ude Shadow” do. It&t seem and, of course, shared it with you read- he?...a Carolina Western or something theru bso muchgoing on in that remote ers last year about this time in the now- like that. place: like Cm headquarters and inter- forced-to-be-deceased precursorto CON- ~ti0~1 drug deals and money laun- TACTcalled THE PHOEMXLIBERATOR. TV: Mr. Marre? I don’t think so, he deringandgoldlaundering, #off-shonP Ray is a good friend and we are doing all owned all the land that has been devel- banking, etc., that under the cirmcm- we can to help him. I’m sure that just oped into the San Luis Bay Club; that’s stances it being Costa Rica makes it this far into this interpiew you can see since I left there. When I was a boy, LOOK so unclean. WHP HE WAS ARRESTED AND SEPA- Marre’s riders used to run me off his By the way, readers, do I think that RATED FROM ABILITY TO PRINT HIS property because I lived on the third pier Mr. Green is a free-wheeling and dealing MATERIAL. WELL, GO BACK TO THE at Avila Beach. criminal? NO-GEORGE GREEN GOT LIBERATOR AND YOU WILL FIND A SUCKED INTO BIGGER AND BROADER WHOLE LOT OF THE INFORMATION RR: And Marre had a partner, a Mexican, THINGS THAN HE COULD EVEN REAL- FROM HIM, PUBLISHED!] who was connected with government in IZE-HE IS ABSOLUTELY A TOOL AND Mexico, which facilitated getting across WHEN HE IS NO LONGER USEFUL RR: Urn, yes, I sent some of it to the the border. (WHICH IS SOON NOW IFNOTALREADY) Spotlight two years ago, and they looked HE WILL BE CAST OFF LIKE A USED like they were really interested and all of a TV: That could be. I know he just brought LEMONRIND. THESEUBIGBOYSn DON’T sudden they just turned off, I... up thousands of head of cattle for that KEEP PROMISES AND WILL WIPE OUT huge spread he’s got. ANYONE--ANY TIME-EVEN THROUGH TV: Well, it’s not that they turned off, Ray, PURELY “CIRCUMSTANTIAL” CIRCUM- you’ve got to understand that at the Spot- RR: Right, and that was all a drug run- STANCES. GEORGE GREEN LIKED TO light we get thousands upon thousands... ning operation. PLAY BIG-SHOT WITH THE BIG-BOYS AND HE PROBABLY DIDN’T (AND PROB- RR: I suppose... TV: It’s his property, by the way, where ABLY STILL DOESN’T) RNOW WHAT HIT that great big Diablo Canyon Nuclear HIM. SO BE IT.] TV-. . . .of submissions and we only have Power Plant is.. . 30 some pages each week, and we have RR: Yes, that was Steven Carr? to stay up with the breaking news. But, RR: Diablo Canyon, right. And, also they don’t slight anybody, they just do another stockholder in the Zapata Cattle TV: I think that was the name and he went their very best, but we just get so many Company, and IZre had four people who in to get this guy... the guy is the number submissions. have seen him there at Clark’s ranch in onegun-sellerofarmsinAmerica, isthere.... Shandon-with a man named Ronald [H: Well, and I just “suppose”... the Reagan. RR: Five? SpotLight refused to even consider allowing the JOURNALS to be so much TV: Well, Ronnie’s been up there a lot, TV: Yeah, but anyway, Russell Bowen flew as advertised in their paper. They also yes. in and in this room, in this house, hiding in STOPPED allowing Bo Gritz to so much a closet and dying of thirst, so he handed as advertise his books therein. IN- RR: Sure, and you remember Nancy him a coke, WAS WILLIAM P. CLARK TERESTING?!?] Reagan had...there was an article about her investing in nursing homes in Cali- RR: Yes, I’ve got all kinds oE-, the main RR: Let me -give you a couple of more forma? Page 48 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

TV: Hmm hmm... niece to tie the new world order of Europe he’s been alleged to do, and we’ve talked into the new world order of San Luis Obispo. about him on this show before, he did RR: Well, Clark’s law firm, Sinsheimer, TV: (laughs) Thank you for that! I’ve pick a beautiful place to settle down- Schiebelhut & Baggett. . . got to take a break, but, Ray, I’m de- San Luis Obispo County. Of course, Mr. lighted you called in. My home town, Hearst thought it was beautiful too. He TV: Sinsheimer! ladies and gentlemen, is San Luis Obispo, had the huge Hearst ranch and Hearst California. I’ve lived in almost every Castle. Great place, beautiful place, I RR: Yes. nook and cranny of that beautiful, beau- haven’t been there in years and years. tiful county and I’ll say this for Mr. I’mTom Valentine, and this is Radio Free TV: That’s one of the most famous names William P. Clark: for all the things that America. in San Luis Obispo.

RR: Yeah! Robin Baggett was the attor- ney for drug dealers for the Hell’s Angels. And, a man named Mark Woolpert worked for Baggett. And they were...there’s a Another Look place down on the Nipomo Mesa where there are bodies buried, where there was a drug lab. They made crystal-meth down there. I have a map of the bodies and everything, and I think, if I remember At Waco: right, I’m not sure, somebody could look this up for me, but I think the property at (Continued from page I) one time was in Robin Baggett’s name. at least a little respect from liberals. Most and several died on both sides. The govern- TV: Is that right. Well, Nipomo Mesa is a of them work and pay taxes and don’t take ment lost face, and continued to lose face big, old sandy place, you could bury a lot welfare. They don’t riot when they don’t get throughout the long siege. Far from worry- of bodies out there. their way. They aren’t into street crime. Or ing about the children inside, it subjected organized crime. Their names don’t come them for weeks to what must have been RR: Yes, but I know exactly where they up in Wall Street scandals. They don’t mug utter terror, with harsh floodlights and are. Let’s see, of course William Clark or kill foreign tourists. They haven’t intro- the most unnerving loud noises it could was also the National Security Advisor duced new diseases into the national blood- contrive. The welfare of the children when the Korean Airliner plane went stream. They don’t amuse themselves with was secondary to regaining the lost pres- down, and nobody’s got that right; I drive-by shootings. Nobody avoids aneigh- tige of the federal government. THE mean, boy that was a real operation. borhood because fundamentalists domi- LAST DAYS OF THOSE KIDS ARE UN- nate it. BEARABLE TO IMAGINE. TV: Well we, urn, oh, I’m thinking of On the contrary, fundamentalists are Even the reason for the original raid has Gander [another “rigged” air eras h 1. rather easy to push around. They are given never been very clear. The government has to charitable works, though they don’t quietly backed away from its first story, RR: Yeah, the Gander one also, but the believe in advertising their kindness. They that it suspected illegal weapons conver- one that’s connected that I KNOW about suffer a lot of abuse without complaining. sions. Even if that was technically true, it is KAL 007. If they are getting active in politics now, it’s hardly warranted the ultimate price. Obvi- because they have learned the hard way ously it was easier to attack an isolated TV: Oh! That’s right, the one that had the that the government won’t leave them alone rural cult in Texas than to raid the Crips Congressman from Georgia, the head of and respect their way of life. and Bloods in Los Angeles, though the the John Birch Society. Which brings us back to Waco. The gangs are at least as likely to possess illegal Branch Davidians weren’t bothering any- weapons and a damned sight more likely to RR: You heard about that ?I I’ll have to one. Why was it necessary to disturb them use them on the innocent. When in doubt, send you a copy of my book. in the first place? Why was the final attack attack the fundamentalists. called for? Can anvone doubt that if the govern- TV: I’m looking forward to it, Ray! And, I’m A New York Times headline says it all; ment had really thouzht the Davidians glad to have you as, a listener. ‘Officials Contradict One Another on Ra- were dangerous. it would have left them tionale for Assault on Cult.” Attorney alone? Nothing brings out the raw cour- RR: I’ll get one out right away. And, Clark General Janet Reno offered “child abuse” age of heavily armed federal agents like is involved in a lot of things. He goes all the as the reason for the attack that resulted in afsaeccentricallvrelkiouswhitepeople way back to the Kennedy Assassination a score of children’s deaths. FBI Director out in the coantrv minding their own because, you know, his wife is Werner Von William Sessions denies that child abuse business. Braun’s niece. had anything to do with it. [H: Could that As for Mr. Clinton, he can count: he be why Sessions is now OUTI?] knows the Christian fundamentalistsdidn’t TV: Yes, you mentioned that the last time It looks very much as if the government give him much money or many votes in the you called. decided in February that the Davidians last election. He also knows that he doesn’t would be easy pickings for a dramatic live up to their moral standards. No won- RR: He met her in Austria when they were operation, with the media in attendance. der he dislikes them. arranging to have all the Nazi scientists Even when the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco come to this country [Operation Paperclip]. and Firearms knew the Davidians knew it RETROSPECT i3lark was with CIC, I mean “counterintel- was coming, it proceeded,. evidently as- hey brought Nazi scientists suming that its prey wouldn’t fight back. .s; If Rodney King’s civil rights were vio- here and he married Werner Von Braun’s For once, that assumption was wrong, lated in Los Angeles, what happened in JULY 6,1993 Page 49

Waco, Texas? compound might expect to be gunned sphere in which the ATF, like an un- If a billy-club is excessive force, what down if they rushed outside. thinking bully, feels compelled to in- is a tank (with a lighted flame-thrower Clearly, any psychiatrist who dealt creasingly and brazenly show its pres- attached? with a paranoid patient in this way would ence. That is what produced the deaths If four Los Angeles police officers- be guilty of malpractice. How could a of 86 children, women and men. their adrenalin flowing from exertions to highly trained FBI team, an Attorney An embarrassed Attorney General subdue a resisting, large, strong man- General and a President make such a lamely blames her “fatigued agents” and used bad judgment in applying force, mistake? ‘?-eportsA that babies were being beaten what kind of judgment was exercised by The black inmates who have taken and children molested. After the event, President Clinton, Attorney General over the Lucasville, Ohio, prison and she pleads the Clintons’ concern with Janet Reno and the FBI in the relative murdered both inmates and guards are children to justify setting in motion a calm of their Washington office? being shown a great deal more under- plan that gets all the children killed. The Branch Davidians are not a pre- standing. Some solution. ,And now it is proven that ferred minority, but their civil rights True to form, many liberals have there was NEVER any child abuse under were nevertheless violated. rushed forward to blame the Waco disas- any circumstances. The federal officials responsible must ter on the Second Amendment, which But it shows once again the utter be held accountable for the deaths of permits Americans to own guns. incompetence of the federal government. about 24 children and 62 adults. The To the contrary, it happened pre- Why anyone would want it more involved congressional hearing into the extraor- cisely because of federal laws regulat- in our lives is inexplicable. dinary miscalculation that produced the ing gun ownership. The Branch - Scripps-Howard News Service horror must not become a cover-up domi- Davidians hadn’t assaulted anyone. END OF QUOTING nated by liberal hostility toward religion They lived peacefully within the com- and gun ownership. munity. Except for the federal gun Now, however, it all makes sense, The excuse given by Attorney General laws, they would all still be alive. doesn’t it? Just knowing that Janet Reno is that the FBI’s hostage team was It wasn’t the state of Texas that pro- Reno, your Attorney General, and the fatigued and could not indefinitely con- voked the confrontation. It is the gun ATF forces are working for the Secretary tinue in place. Out-waited and impa- control propaganda that has let the ATF of Treasury, Bentsen-AND ALL OF tient, something had to be done. off the reservation and encouraged the THEM WORK FOR, AND ARE PAID BY, So the FBI played directly into David T-men to throw their weight around. THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY Koresh’s hands and fulfilled his prophecy. From the standpoint of the Sarah Bradys FUND OF THE UNITED NATIONS ONE Throughout the long siege the media of this world, to own an unregistered gun WORLD ORDER-NOT THE FEDERAL have regaled us daily with reports that is a matter of serious import; it ought to GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED Koresh believed that he was destined for be illegal. STATES OF AMERICA BY ANY NAME. persecution and that he and his follow- The liberals’ premise that gun owner- You had better be getting this right, ers would die in a violent confrontation ship should be illegal, or in the least citizens, or there may not be %nother with the secular state. heavily regulated, has created the atmo- day” to “try again”. The FBI cannot claim to have been unaware of his views. In a briefing last month, a senior FBI official said: ‘From the mid-80s on, he’s preached that his group will end up in a violent confronta- Some Matters Of tion with law enforcement and that this will be a fulfillment of his prophecy.” Fully armed with all the facts, the federal government set out to bring the tragedy to pass. Numerous opportuni- ties were ignored to serve Koresh with the warrant on his trips to town or to detain and question him about the 7/4/93 W3 HATONN before altered for greater production and government’s suspicions that he pos- ease of growing and harvesting. Both are sessed illegal firearms. Instead, 100 GOOD OL’ DAYS thrivers in higher ultraviolet light, and armed agents of the Alcohol, Tobacco have protective coverings which protect and Firearms division of the Treasury Before we talk about clones and genetic to some extent from radiation assault. If Department unexpectedly assaulted the alteration in pigs, cows, etc., let’s talk irradiated, the radiation will not pen- compound. about corn that has been bred from lO,OOO- etrate and contaminate the fruit to nearly The agents dressed themselves in year-old genes. 1 guess “they just don’t the extent as in hybrid crops. Also, if black assault uniforms and brought the make it like they used to!” And 1 am asked growing already, it has a strong ten- TV cameras along to record their ex- again and again, “Why spelta?” Be- dency to NOT pick up radiation from the ploits, but their assault was repelled by cause it is ancient, unaltered, ground or water and accumulate it. the Branch Davidians, with loss of lives unhybridized and has kept all of its won- The reason 1 want to speak of this and injuries on both sides. The FBI derful qualities-untampered-YET! The corn, however, is because of the mention showed up with tanks and armored ve- grain itself has been moved into hybrid- of the “mitochondria” of which we have hicles. ized and crossed mixes of grain resulting given great long lessons in speaking about The FBI let the tensions build up for in wheat and other grains, but the DNA Gaiandriana. [See the information on 50 days and then broke into the building of Spelt has remained unaltered and Gaiandriana and Aquagaia-mitochon- with tanks and attacked with gas. After YOU CAN STILL GET IT (the most impor- dria-on next-to-last pages.] It is just experiencing the ATF attack and being tant fact of all). It is about the same with interesting and something you might prepped by Koresh, people inside the red lentils-that WAS the original color enjoy reading. Page 50 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

QUOTING (The next couple or three genetically identical plants or animals. For managed educational research cen- articles are from USA Today, “World of many plant species, this is a simple proce- ters on your globe.] is perfecting a clon- Science” section, June 1992): dure-just take a cutting and allow it to ing method known as nuclear transfer, root in damp sand. In others, single cells which involves moving nuclei from an LESSONS FROM ANCIENT can be grown in culture and entire new embryo that is several days old to an GRASS plants produced by manipulation with unfertilized egg in a surrogate mother. hormones. The method successfully has yielded About 10,000 years ago, American Indi- Cloning is more difficult in animals. hundreds of cattle-but only one pig. ans engineered corn, or maize, from a wild Almost every animal cell contains a nucleus, “If all hogs in a litter were genetically grass known as teosinte. Kathy Newton, each of which has identical DNA to the identical, farmers could be assured of associate professor of biological science, donor animal. The problem is that animal them all growing at the same rate, re- University of Missouri-Columbia, is using genes controlling the development of new sponding to the same ration, and most this ancient grass to learn what genes are individuals appear to “switch ofI” after a importantly, producing the same quality important for maximum growth and fertil- certain stage and, at present, can not be of pork,” he explained. (H: Now, go back ity in modern corn. She is studying the “switched on” again. and replace uhogs” with uhumans” .] genetic material in mitochondria-tiny Researchers at the University of Mis- Cloning also could be used to produce organelles within cells that convert sug- souri-Columbia have overcome this by tak- identical pigs for research purposes. If ars to chemical energy-by introducing ing genetic material from cattle and pig all those in a study have the same geno- teosinte mitochondria into maize plants embryos at the eight-cell blastocyst stage. type the effect of an experimental treat- and then mating them with others. “We They suck the nucleus out of the blastocyst ment can be measured without the added want to see how the interaction ofthe genes cell with a micro-pipette, while holding it variable of genetics. In addition, geneti- in the mitochondria and nuclei affect the by suction under a microscope, then use cists could identify and reproduce supe- outward characteristics of the plant.” [H: this nucleus to replace that of an unfertilized rior genotypes throughout the swine You might also realize that this is muta- ovum. population and foster superior breeds tion in action from the DNA interaction. The new composite cell next is treated to more quickly. It also involves the DNA reproduction fuse the protoplasm and seal the cell mem- Because each cell in the body has a system of the Gaiandriana-in that if brane, then cultured in vitro. In theory, nucleus that contains the same genetic genetically unaltered, intentionally, the eight identical animals can be produced information, each cell theoretically can Gaiandriana will actually perfect the from each blastocyst. If the process is be cultured to produce a clone of the original construction.] repeated when the new cells reach the donor. Currently, there are two methods Until the 196Os, when scientists dis- eight-cell stage, 64 identical cells can be in use. The first mimics the way identi- covered the presence of genetic material in created. After a third cycle, there could cal twins are produced naturally. A mitochondria, it was believed that all of a be 256 Lpmbably this should read 512 fertilized egg is removed surgically from cell’s genetic material, or DNA, was con- here]. the uterus shortly after it begins divid- tained in its nucleus. The find suggested When enough genetically identical blas- ing. The embryo then is split into two or that mitochondria once had been inde- tocysts have been cultured, they are im- more individual cells known as blas- pendent organisms incorporated into planted inside a surrogate uterus and al- tomeres, which are cultured in the labo- cells at some point in the distant past. lowed to grow to term. Since the technol- ratory until they can be returned to a Researchers also determined that mito- ogy still is being perfected, many manipu- uterus. In the second method, nuclear chondrial DNA could be transmitted only lated embryos fail to develop properly. So transfer, the nucleus is removed from an through females [H: Gaiandrianas], which far, the technique has yielded hundreds of unfertilized ovum and replaced with a has led to a scientific quest to discover the cloned calves, but only one live pig [H: nucleus taken from a developing em- genetic makeup of humanity’s ancestral Well-maybe-at that lab. The pigs are bryo. The method should make possible mother, also known as our “genetic Eve”. the ones which have shown the most the production of eight embryos from an (H: And, do you suppose the scientific success through other techniques re- eight-cell embryo. By repeating the pro- community will ever %implyn look sulting in the same thing.] Current cess, 64 clones can be created and so on. where it can be found?] research aims to increase the number of ‘Nuclear transfer has been success- Newton also is working with naturally live clones. fully repeated up to six times in cattle occurring mutations in maize mitochon- The long-term aim of the study is to and has resulted in calves after three dria. By studying the resulting outward produce identical pigs for research pur- times,” Prather notes. One reason for characteristicsofthe plants, such as striped poses, but there are practical applications. the low efficiency rate in swine is that or discolored leaves, she is learning what Clones of superior animals could help to litter-bearing animals need a minimum traits are influenced by the mitochondrial improve the rate of genetic gain in cattle number of fetuses to maintain pregnancy. DNA. “We’ve found that the mutations and swine. For a sow to do so, there must be at least often have profound effects on plant growth * * * four viable fetuses in the womb. Another and development. Anything we can learn And, just a couple of pages further in cause may be chemical factors that enter about which traits are affected by mito- the same Journal: the nucleus when the membrane is rup- uhondrial DNA can potentially be used by tured during the process. other geneticists, plant physiologists, and ANIMAL HUSBANDRY: In addition to the promise of future breeders.” THIS LITTLE PIGGY IS A CLONE advances in health and greater repro- * * * ductive efficiency in animals, knowledge Next article: Farmers soon may have a better pig gained from the research is expected to cloning technique, allowing for leaner, lead to useful spin-off ideas in human CLONlNG: healthier breeds that grow faster on less and animal health, such as treatments PROD WING IDENTICAL PIGS food. Randall Prather, assistant professor for genetically-based diseases and im- FOR RESEARCH of animal science, University of Missouri- proved fertility for humans. “If we can Columbia, [H: Busy school, isn’t it? And increase the efficiency of the cloning Cloning is the process of producing one.- of the most controlled of the Elite- 1nrocedure in swine. I and if someone can JULY 6, 1993 Page 5 1 figure out how to freeze swine embryos, we will be ready to go with this. Then, when consumers demand changes-for A Little Pause To examnle. less fat-we will be able to clone-a line that has less fat in it, and we can do it in a relatively short period of time. The consumer will have more say and will be able to dictate more rapid Refresh The Soul changes.” * l *


DISEASE TOLLTO SOAR, U.N STUDY 714193 #3 HATONN was commanded in Scripture, FORECASTS. [H: Note please, the rela- Women were true ladies; respectable’ tionship (subtle) between the U.N. and I have been asked to close off today’s gentle and pure. WHO.] writing session a bit more gently than Where children respected their parents abruptly leaving you with Reno-Waco and loved their family, Ottawa (Special)-A massive increase and the Genetic Engineering- World When schools really educated, untouched in deaths from AIDS and other diseases Health Organizatioin news items. by government policy. around the world threatens to erase “de- Turn back the pages, turn back time for cades of hard-won reductions” in mor- TURN BACK THE PAGES our great nation, tality rates, says the World Health Orga- (Written by Ann Stanton) Where once again, we can be proud to nization (WHO). [H: And, they lie about bear the name “American”. everything else also!] A faded photo lies before me in the midst By the turn of the century, AIDS deaths of this dusty album, Thank you for sharing, Luanna. in Third World countries each year will Of Q couple standing before Q tiny log- *** equal the number recorded to this point- built cabin. . about two million-according to research Snow lying in the winter sun reflects the by the U.N. agency, to be published next pride in their faces, In view of the fact that this has been month in a joint report with the WORLD I wish Icould have been there, how Ilong a most dreadful week which Dharma will BANK. [H: Isn’t this just a whole pot- to turn back the pages. not look back on with great joy (Quoting full of wonderful connections which When life was a simple thing and God Queen Lizzie), I have noted that she had would, on the surface, seem unlikely. was all there was to fear, some good belly-laughs in spite of her- Even the numbers are wrongby grossly No need to lock the doors, when needed a self. We shall share some of the light- understated figures.] neighbor was there. ness of a couple of pages from a new WHO’s most conservative estimates A time when Chtist and Country were the magazine sent as a sample, called suggest that by 2000, 26 million people in greatest source of pride, REMINISCE. [Reimun Publications, 5927 developing countries will be infected with A time when our nation’s leaders had not Memory L.ane, PO Box 998, Greendale WI HIV and 1.8 million a year will die of AIDS. a thing to hide. 53129; $9.98 for a l-year subscription, =By destroying individuals’ immune The goals of love and happiness were published every other month] It is filled systems, HIV will also vastly worsen the built on and found, with pictures of “old” things and times, spread of other diseases, especially tuber- And the souls ofAm.ericandreams, through and times just to remember even if you culosis. In higher-affected areas, demand God, were tightly bound. have only heard about them from hand- for AIDS treatment will overwhelm capac- Turn back the pages America, go back in me-down. ity for clinical treatment and cause a dete- time and history’ rioration of care for other illnesses.” When the Bible was a source of vitality, QUOTING (from the section “Over the The study also says that n&w strains instead of your TV. Backfence”): of malaria could double the annual death toll from that disease to two million a I stare at another photo and a tear falls GOOD QUESTION: year within a decade. upon the page, And the aging of populations will bring Thirteen children in a schoolhouse, with A Grandfather was digging potatoes ‘to the fore costly, non-communicable dis- heads bowed to pray. along with his grandson. eases of adults and the elderly”. Through time and corruption we have left After several hours of hard work, the Tobacco-related deaths from heart dis- God out of our lives, little fellow looked up into his ease and cancers alone are expected to Unlike the days of our forefathers’ ours grandfather’s face and asked, ‘Why did double by the first decade of the next are all but bright. you bury all these things in here?” century. [H: If anyone should know- Turn back the pages once again, to the they should! And if you want to be sure, integrity of America’s youth, just wait until they bring on the NEW Where Christians were Christians and untreatable and incredible SMALL- eager to feed upon the Truth. It just doesn’t seem right to go over POX!] When men weren’t afraid of obeying what the river and through the woods to Page 52 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

Grandmother’s conclo. ONE LAST COMPLAINT: ATOMIC SUICIDE? A little old lady died and went to heaven. Five years later her husband died. When he arrived in heaven, his wife couldn’t wait to show him around, BY pointing out what a beautiful place it is. u Yes, it certainly is, m said her hus- DR. WALTER AND LAO RUSSELL band, “and if it hadn’t been for that blamed fiber diet of yours’ I could have been enjoying it years ago!”


These bloopers were found by Edythe Hanson of Arizona in the church bulle- tins. She says all of them are authentic and taken directly from written an- nouncements: 1. This afternoon there will be a meet- ing in the south and north ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends. 2. Thursday at 5 p.m., there will be a meeting of the Little Mothers Club. All wishing to become little mothers will please meet the pastor in his study. ; 3. This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Brown to come forward and lay -& .. an egg on the altar. T 4. Ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind, and they can be seen in the church basement on Friday afternoon. 5. On Sunday, a special collection will be taken to defray the expense of the new carpet. All wishing to do something on the carpet, please come forward and get a piece of paper. UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY 6. Tonight’s sermon: ‘What is Hell?” FORMERLY THE WALTER RUSSELL FOUNDATION Come early and listen to our choir prac- ticing. SM’ANNANOA, WAYNEShOKO, VIRGINIA 7. Another marriage-encounter week- end is being offered. It’s a chance for a weekend away for just you and your souse. ORDERING INFORMATION PROaRESS

Progress is Jmpossible without The University of Science and Philosophy change; and those who cannot change P. 0. Box 520 their minds cannot change anything. - George Bernard Shaw. Waynesboro, VA 22980

LITTLE CROW: Book Orders Only: (800) 882-5683 Loving the God self fills a hole Other: (703) 942-5161 within us that cannot be filled by another human being, because they’t’e busy filling their hole. But Atomic Suicide: $20.00 once the hole is filled, then you are Postage: $3 first book complete and there is a complete- $2 each additional book ness that then can be shared.

And so, may you get those holes filled! Salu, Hatonn bids Good Day. JULY 6, 1993 Page 53 A Free And

Independent Tapes, Transcriptions & Videos

PRESS Is In addition to audio tapes of meetings with Commander Hatonn and written :ranscriptions of some taped topics, 7XEW0RV also offers other tapes and videos )n selected topics. Long Dead Donations to cover the costs of tapes are 54.00 for one tipe, $6.00 for two tapes md 92.50 per tape for three or more, except where otherwise noted. The (Editor’s note: The folIowing piece of rare ranscriptions are $3.00 each. (Mexico or Canada add $0.25 and other foreign and candid insight comes from 1953, a solid :ountries add $0.50 per tape or transcription.) Postage is included in tape and 40 years ago now. Egads! How much mor< ranscription prices. controlled do you think the media is now? Please send check or money order to: mE WORD, P.O. Box 6194, Tehachapi, Keep this in mind and show John Swinton’s ZA 93582 or call 805-822-4176 if you have questions or you wish to use your remarks to your doubting friends who wonder Jisa, Discover or Master Card. why you subscribe to and honor CONTACT so highly above the typical Satanic-Elite- If you desire to automatically receive tapes from future meetings, please send at controlled regular news media. east a $50 donation from which tape costs will be deducted. We will try to notify you We like to run this following message 1s your balance reaches zero. periodically, both as a caution to those still Special Ordertapes are noted below by * and are not automatically sent since this naive enough to think there is a free press out naterial is usually either already in print or will be soon. Available written transcriptions there in the commercial world controlled by the Elite, and as a special kind of *thank you n ire noted by #. to our many, many readers who so consistently The following is a complete list of meeting dates with the number of tapes in support and encoura c CONTACT and, be- bold in parentheses and mentioning if the meeting has a special focus: fore that, THE PHO i NIX LIBERATOR. We are &&y grateful for your constant and sincere messages of encouragement. Those 2/22/92(4); 3/l 4/92(4); 7/26/92(3); ofien highly emotional “thank you nnotespour- 3/2 l/92(2); 3/28/92(l); 4/4/92(% 8/3/92(2) radio program, KTKK; ing into the oflces every day are what give us 4/l 2/92(2) a talk at local Community 8/8/92(2); the necessary boost to keep on keeping on.) Church; 8/3 l/92(2) Anti-Christ Banksters; 4/l 3/92(l) # “What is a Semite?‘; JOHN SWINTON, THE FORMER CHIEF g/5/92(2); OF STAFF OF THE NEW YORK TIMES, 4/l 7/92(l) # “Who Were the First Chris- 9/l 2/92(2) radio program, KTKK; CALLED BY HIS PEERS, “THE DEAN OF tians?” 1 O/4/92(3); 1 O/l O/92(2); HIS PROFESSION”, WAS ASKED IN 1953 4/25/92(2)* # “The Photon Belt”; 1 O/l 7/92(2) radio program, KTKK; TO GIVE A TOAST BEFORE THE NEW 4/26/92(3); 5/1/92(l) “L.A. Riots and 1 O/24/92(2); 1 1 /l/92(2); YORK PRESS CLUB. HE RESPONDED WITH THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT: The Bigger Plan”; 11/1/92(l) radio program, New Mexico; 5/2/92(3; 11/8/92(2); 1 1 /14/92(3);1 l/22/92(2); “There is no such thing, at this date of the 5/8/92(2) radio talk show; 1 l/25/92( 1) radio program, Gallup, NM; world’s history, in America, as an indepen- VWW); 11/29/92(2); 12/6/92(2); dent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your 5/l l/92(3) * “Silent Weapons For Quiet 12/6/92(2) Cosmos Patriot Group-I; honest opinions, and if you did, you know Wars”; 12/7/92( 1) Cosmos Patriot Group-II; beforehand that it would never appear in print. 5/l 3/92(3) meeting with European visi- 12/l 2/92(2) Cosmos Patriot Group-III; “I am paid weekly for keeping my honest tors over lunch; 12/l 3/92(2); 12/20/92(2); opinions out of the paper I am connected with. 5/l 6/92(3); 5/23/92(2); 12/3 l/92(1)* Constitutional Law Center; Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be 5/30/92(3)* “The Divine Plan and Places l/2/93(2); so foolish as to write honest opinions would be In Between” tapes l-3; l/l 4/93(2) Seminar speech by Retired out on the streets looking for another job. If 6/l /92(3); 6/4/92(2); 6/6/92(4); Police Officer Jack McLamb; I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one 6/l 3/92(3); 6/2 l/92(3); 6/27/92(2); 1 /16/93(2); l/23/93(3); l/30/93(2); issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours 6/28/92(2) radio program, KTKK, Salt 2/6/93(l); 2/l 3/93(2); 2/l 8/93(z); my occupation would be gone. 2/20/93(2) radio program on KTKK ‘The business of the Journalist is to de- Lake City, UT; stro truth; To lie outright; To pervert; To 6/30/92(3)* “The Divine Plan and Places featuring Soltec with Hatonn; vili J y; To fawn at the feet of mammon, and to In Between” tapes 4-6; 4/4/93(3) including Soltec and Sananda; sell his country and his race for his daily 7/4/92(2) radio program, KTKK; 4/l O/93(2) radio program KTKK; bread. You know it and I know it and what 7/l 2/92(3); 4/24/93(3); 5/2/93(2); 5/l 6/93(2); folly is this toasting an independent press? We 7/l 8/92(2) radio program, KTKK; 5/23/93(3), 6/20/93(2); are the tools. and vassals for rich men 6/20/93( l)*MysteryVirus in New Mexico. behind the see es We are the jumping jacks, they pull yhe’ strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives #1-#5 Corporation Lectures (SS each tape). are all the property of other men. We are 7-?fE WORD NOW ACCEPTS VISA, DISCOVER OR intellectual prostitutes. n MASTER CARD Page 54 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT Hydrogen Peroxide Use For Purification Of “Stuff j9

Editor’s note: We are re-running Gaiandriana or Aquagaia bottle. Re- slimy goo in the bottom of the bottle of this important information on the member to scale down the number of Gaiandriana or Aquagaia if left out of purification uses of Hydrogen H202 drops utilized for the smaller 16- refrigeration? GOOD GOO! I suggest Peroxide not only because of its ounce and 8-ounce product bottles. The you now go get some FOOD-PROCESSED bearing on some of the New Gaia Gaiandriana or Aquagaia will continue ALOE VERA LIQUID. Take a half cup or Products items (on the next-to-last to thrive and the unwanted bacteria and- so of it (some of it is even orange or pages) during these warmer sum- or any virus will be destroyed and then lemon-lime flavored, etc.) and dump in mer months, but also because of actually removed by ingestion by the the Qgoo” and last portion of a the Elite’s water contamination (and Gaiandriana or Aquagaia activity. Gaiandriana or Aquagaia bottle. Or, other “plague” introduction) plans. The “tea” (MO-Gu) is a very different strain the “goo’ out of its original bottle matter. You are making a very sweet and place it into the new aloe vera 4127193 #l CERES ‘ATONN growing medium for the membrane and ‘home”. Leave set for a couple of days in addition you are growing it in a warm and you will have a concentrated batch NECESSARY INSTRUCTIONS: condition (necessary) and further you of Gaiandriana or Aquagaia product GAIANDRIANA AND OTHER are setting it for a couple of weeks or so, which will be an addition to the original “PRODUCTS” give or take a bit. What do I suggest? bottle. Well, I suggest that probably you won’t This is NOT a replacement for the As we sit to pen this information I am want to ship much “tea” during the hot original batch you get for it will not at a loss as to how to keep you from months because of lack of refrigeration contain all you need. However, in ones thinking me idiot-material. However, in route. But, you CAN purify the water who intake products which tend to kill you who already have past information, used in making the tea with the general off a portion of the Gaiandriana in the say, regarding Hydrogen Peroxide and rule-of-thumb water-purification formula body (like caffeine in coffee)-this will its antiseptic-antibiotic properties, please of 7-10 drops of 35% food-grade H202 enhance the potency-even if you just be patient while we offer information to per gallon of water-which will addition- drink a little. Remember, Aloe Vera itself those who have not received same. Fur- ally help enhance the membrane growth. has a tendency to make some people feel ther, Summer is upon you and such as Then, later on, as you process or #queazy” so DO NOT OVERDO how much Gaiandrianaand the MO-Gu starters and- =harvest” the finished MO-Gu tea prod- of this you drink!! However, a full-blown or tea need updated care instructions. uct, and store it in the refrigerator, add AIDS victim could take ten times a ‘?-ior- [See next-to-last pages for the New Gaia another 7 to 10 drops (say, for a gallon mal” amount and only improve-for per- Products being referred to here.] storage container of MO-Gu, with scaled haps ‘feeling good” is a very relative We have gotten back from ONE who down number of drops for smaller stor- state of being. said he had the “stufp tested and found age containers) of the 35% food-grade Some people are going to run fevers a few bacteria, avirus or two and some E. H202. Again, first dilute the H202 in and have “crisis” symptoms as healing Coli in the test-run. If it were the some water before adding to the MO-Gu. takes place. If this goes on for very long, Gaiandriana I question that result very, You will not taste it and neither will it look to other health problems for the very much. It is important for $0~ to hamper the value. cause. First, treat the “liquid batch” know that in the culture medium uti- I always suggest, in adding any 35% with hydrogen peroxide as above de- lized there is a combination of items food-grade H202 to anything, that it be scribed. THEN start on a regimen of which CREATE AND PRODUCE HY- DILUTED FIRST. Just as you must hydrogen peroxide according to the in- DROGEN PEROXIDE in the Gaiandriana NEVER drop concentrated anything into structions given again herein [chart on transformation. This will purify the the mouth (for it would damage living following page at bottom]. liquid. This does not mean that you cellular structures), neither do you dump I happen to know that you do not_ need_ cannot contaminate the bottle in some it full-strength into living culture me- to work up to any 25 drops as the in- manner. However, since intake de- dium. Dilute it in a bit (say, an ounce) of structions ~olloting] claim UNLESS you creases, usually, let us consider the “set- water first and STIR rapidly. whatever it are suffering from flu, infection, or other ting” bottle, etc. Of course it is recom- is you are dumping the diluted H202 maladies. If you are “well” and “any- mended that you store the larger quan- into for purification purposes. Natu- thing” makes you feel bad-either stop it tity in refrigeration facilities. rally, if just purifying a gallon of water, or, certainly, decrease the amount. USE HOWEVER, if you have no refrigera- there is no need for active stirring, though YOUR REASONING MIND!! Like any- tion facilities, etc. Place the equivalent’ a little closed-container agitation (a few thing of this nature-TOO MUCH WILL of 10 drops of food-grade (35%) hydro- shakes) won’t hurt. MAKE YOU SICK OR BE DETRIMEN- gen peroxide (H202) in a small quantity TAL-EXCEPT WITH GAIANDRIANA- (approximately an ounce) of water (to GETTING “SLIMED” AND THEN EVEN THOUGH YOU MIGHT first dilute the H202) and then add this NOT FEEL GOOD (BECAUSE OF THE diluted H202 to the 32-ounce Another question: What about that OVERDOSE OF ALOE FROM THE CUL- JULY 6,1993 Page 55

TURE MEDIUM), YOU WONT HURT of the body: skin, lungs, kidneys and that YOU ADD, however, will only en- YOURSELF. bowels. hance-not damage. Some reactions to the cleansing effect HYDROGEN PEROXIDE - H202 could include skin eruptions, nausea, OTHER PRODUCTS (35% Food Grade) headaches, sleepiness, unusual fatigue, diarrhea, head or chest cold, ear infec- We have tried to make available other Purchase a small eye dropper bottle tions, boils or any other ways the body products to use in conjunction with the at the drug store. Fill your small dropper uses to loosen toxins. This is a natural Gaiandriana. USE YOUR REASON HERE bottle from the large bottle as needed. cleansing of the body and should be of a ALSO!! If something makes you feel The large bottle may be stored in the short duration as you continue to main- bad-don’t use it!, cut back on amount refrigerator or in the freezer inside an- tain your program. or forget it altogether. These are all other plastic container. The small eye Formula to make a 3% solution of natural substances so remember, if you dropper bottle should also be kept in the hvdrogen neroxide. Put 1 oz. of 35% are eating anything that makes you feel refrigerator. Always use caution when hydrogen peroxide in a pint jar. Add 11 bad-you quit eating it, right? Just handliug 35% hydrogen peroxide! oz. of distilled water. This will give you continue the Gaiandriana-I promise DO NOT use with carrot juice, car- 12 oz. of 3% H 0,. Use also for brushing you-it is not making you ill. If you are bonated drinks or alcohol. For best teeth and app$ing to skin sores. reacting, then it may be due to the ‘base” results, take on an empty stomach 1 Do not use 35% H,O, if you have had or ‘combining” substance in tableting, hour before a meal or 3 hours after a transplant. etc. meals. Formula: Mix the number of drops of TO THOSE OF YOU WAITING CHLORELLA 35% hydrogen peroxide into at least 6 oz. FOR NEW STRENGTH OF PRODUCT of distilled water, juice or milk and stir We get complaints about chlorella vigorously, then drink the mixture. Some Because I have mentioned that work causing indigestion, etc. Chew the tab- people eat 1/ 4 to l/ 2 of a banana imme- is being done on strengthening the lets or dissolve in a bit of liquid before diately after drinking the solution. You Gaiandriana, some of you are backing off intake. may prefer something else to eat. and waiting. Please don’t do that for Now again, use reason. Are you still If your stomach gets upset at any research is being done and it will be a eating in addition to the chlorella? Well, level, stay at that level or go back one while. In addition, one of the items in the perhaps you will wish to reduce the in- level. Then proceed to increase your medium is being removed in order to take. It is better for you than food but daily dosage again. enhance the strength. This will mean you DON’TNEED EVERYTHING.We are that you can get the same basic result by efforting to show you what you could When free of complaints you may taper adding some food-processed aloe vera to take with NO food in suIviva1 situation off by taking: the initial product which will allow a AND STILLBE ABUNDANTLYHEALTHY. 25 drops once every other day for 1 week, higher level of Gaiandriana presence. Adjust your intake accordingly. If you 25 drops once every 3rd day for 2 weeks, Gaiandriana will only grow to its level of are caught in an emergency and need 25 drops once every 4th day for 3 weeks. fuel (food) available-so just treat the survival sustenance-now you know product accordingly. what to take for health needs. A good maintenance could be 5-15 I am, further, requesting that all fur- You can subsist on chlorella and wa- drops per week, or whatever makes you ther product’ be receiving hydrogen per- ter alone. Add MO-Gu tea, a bit of spelt feel good. oxide for purification purposes. Any bread and some lentils (preferably red) If you get the 35% hydrogen peroxide on your skin rinse it under running - .-- .--- - water for several minutes. 1

waErak feet: l-1/2 oz. 35% to 1 gal. of

Baih: 16 oz. 35% to a tub ofwater to detoxify. ,atyrlonic: l/2 pt. of 3% per 5 gal. of ,- v5-. -. -+ .- _ .‘...t- -- ..--.- . .L. -_. -_-_- ---. -. * 7’* 3- Douche: 6 tablespoons of 3% per qt. h&l& drinking____-_- water .-- -. -- _..- of water. v- I I ,,,ifies it. Shake well. I 1 drop of 35% 3 times a day; then increase schedule.

For the more serious complaints, stay at 25 drops 3 times per day for 1 to 3 weeks. Then graduate down to 25 drops two times per day until your problem is taken care of. This may be from 1 to 6 months. If you have a weak stomach you may experience nauseasimilar to that in preg- nancy. Also as dead bacteria or various forms of poisons are released you will experience a cleansing effect as they are relea8ed through the elimination organs Page 56 CONTACT: THE PHOENiX PROJECT and you canJive healthily ‘ever after-in toothbrush a couple of times a week-or major business so we are perhaps re- other words, it would not be malnutri- daily-whatever. You will have a steril- miss in full-range material. We can do tion that would “getcha”. AND ALWAYS ized brush and stop spreading germs better when the full load eases a bit. KEEP FOOD-GRADE HYDROGEN PER- and recontamination. Thank you for your patience and loving OXIDE AVAILABLE TO PURIFY EVERY- support of the ones who have taken this THING. REMEMBER, 7 DROPS OF 35% SPILLING load on in addition to their other tasks- FOOD GRADE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ever without complaint and ever wishing TO A GALLON OF WATER WILL PURIFY If you spill full strength (35%) to help and please. At present they are IT AND THE WATER WILL PICK UP A peroxide on your skin-it will burn you. trying to build refrigeration facilities to MUCH IMPROVED “FLAVOR” OF Rinse immediately under water and it bring you exceptional product as the FRESHNESS-UNDER MOST CIRCUM- will be fine. It will bleach so rinse any- months heat up and yet do so with very, STANCES NOT EVEN NOTED AT ALL. thing that gets spattered-in water. It is very limited resources-so we do thank THIS is why one of the first items confis- simply one of those substances which you for your patience. With George cated from health food stores, labs, and needs to be handled properly. Peroxide Green’s attack on the Institute a lot of so on-IS HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN offers so many *cleaningA uses that I things have had to wait or be actually FOOD GRADE. I remind you readers of won’t even effort to list them-but you closed down until the audits are over long standing: the best treatment for will find it about the most useful item and the reclamation can begin. As you arthritis and other seemingly ‘incur- around your kitchen, bath, etc. You can might realize, the impact has been great able” diseases is hydrogen peroxide ther- find information at health food stores on all entities in these projects. It is apy in accompanying regimen of and vitamin supply outlets. fine-rewards will be in like measure to Gaiandriana which moves in and re- Our people may also be able to that which is given forth. stores the cellular restructuring of self. direct you or help you with product or I ask that this message be both run in information; I do not attend those things the paper and sent in addition to all CRYSTAL LIFE unless brought to my attention. We offer packings in mailings of product. these things as a service rather than a Thank you. That is an exceptional product but has become almost-out of sight expen- sive. However, the best results with Gaiandrianaare being reported with con- tinued, even if remarkably decreased amounts, of Crystal Life continued right along in conjunction with the Gaiandriana-mixed or otherwise. About 8 to 10 drops mixed or separate under the tongue three times a day is excellent. In illness, however, increase within rea- son. If I did not already state it prior to this-add 7- 10 drops of hydrogen perox- ide per quart to the Crystal Life alsc+ especially if non-refrigerated, after open- ing. This will decontaminate any pos- sible ‘unwanted visitors” and not dam- age the product.


I cannot urge you often enough to TREAT your faucet water. Even if you have a reverse-osmosis unit-treat that water with proper amounts of hydrogen peroxide for YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS IN THAT WATER. IT WON’T HELP CONTAMINATION .,BY TOXINS BUT IT WILL TAKE CARE OF THE VIRAL OR BACTERIAL CONTAMINATES. IT IS CHEAP AND NON-TOXIC IN PURIFICA- TION AMOUNTS. The best mouthwash and gum enhancer is a mouthwash of several drops of hydrogen peroxide in a fourth cup of water (or so) and cleanse mouth after brushing (or just do it sev- eral times a day as convenient). If the solution is “light” just swallow the wash-it can only help you unless you have an active mouth infection. More- over I suggest keeping some hydrogen peroxide near and handy to drop a few drops of undiluted peroxide on your JULY 6, 1993 Page 57

amsimplyreportinginanefforttoexplainWHAT takesplacewithinthecellularstructumsof livingOIganismS. lfyou Irally want to witness New Gaia mmarkablegmwthinplantsandgoodstamina andhealthinpetsandother~~~alittle of these additives as you would vitamins or fertikem. UseinamildlyvitaminCbased solution on same. At transplant time forganien plants and houseplants-soak their little mot Products systems in this natural and mild solution. Just addatablespoonofGaiandxiana,afewdmpsof liquidvitaminCorC-ciystalstoaquartofwater GAIANDRIANA supply of healthy mitochondria - like “fksh and let set for 48 hours-then it is ready for use. batteries” for the body’s cells. Itwillnotn~ti~~~~~~~~~O~~ Gaiandxiana is a non-alcoholic health tonic The better our cells function, the greater is than perhaps harbored viruses and disease which provides basic “ibods” to help cells, the stamina returned to our internal defense sporesand organkms. weakened by the stresses of modern life, to systems, and the better we can counter the mtum to a state of health. constant onslaught of biologicaland viral invad- NOTE The better our cells function, the greater is em. The end result is a feeling of well-being by, the stamina returned to our internal defense of course, being well. Ifanyproductyoumceivehasanunpkasant systems, and the better we can counter the odor-it is from the finishing cultum process. constant onslaught of biologicaland viral invad- 2/l l/93 #2 HATONN kave the bottle open to air and it wilI quickly ers.Theendresultisafeelingofwell-beingby,of dissipate. Then, dependingon taste and prefer- course, beingwelll GAIANDRIANA AND AOUAGAIA: enmte afteropening and nzclosing. The Gaian~(commonlyreferred to as IMPORTANT: Do not mix the two, ‘chondriana~ in the Biological literature) are To help in understanding the workings of Gaiandriana =dAq-@bm ffs capable of intelligent, organ&d attack against these organic *pat-meriByou must realize that storage as the Aqaagala (v h ceIIular invaders like viruses. Think of it as a thereisaproteincoveringkap”onviruses. The ~and~t~~eat”theOeianQiarta “pat-man”operationofsorts.However,beyond pmtcincapiscenteredonachatgedzincatom fdid.Theygoaboutthekappointedtasks that, andisthepartofthevirusthat mcognizsand onceingerrted,tmtinbottkpzisonstheysre cellularstructumlmpairsduetodamagecaused binds to DNA-in turn allowing the virus to not m@ Compatmte once the avail- by, for instance, free mdicals and cumulative mpmduce. ablefilelsupplyLenrharrs;ted. Jlaicware levels of so-called ?x&gmund~ radiation in Aquagaia, in conjunction with the excebnttotakewiththeAquagaiabecaarr;e our modem environment. Healthy DNA and Gaiandriana, knockoutthezincatom(asimple the mLtochondriamustha~thefueldertcred RNA within the nuclei of our cells then lead to “charge” change), which renders the protein fiom6am~themostefllectivejuicebeiug properly formed and concentrated enzymes, ineffective. Thisisa breakdown of“parts”of the firomthe tropical“Guavan Pratt. @Juioe is upon which healthy cellular function depends. Gaiandrianamale/femaleDNAstructurewhich &e,h owewex,andismostpleasanttdn~ Gaiandriana liquid is made entirely from release many working variants but fixes the lIBbbtbahouldutilizewhateverjuicesare wholesome natural ingredients. CaiandrionettesorQiller$totakeoutthatzinc avahbleantheirfdplanto~withinthe atomand passrightintotheafkctedcell. With- safeguidehesforcddesandother~ AOUAGAIA out the “cap’, the virus cannot reproduce and mats. infixt more cells-further, the damaged virus Themoe5tinnocuousandeaqintake Complementary to the Gaiandriana prod- feeds the Gaiandriana unified cells and the avahbleisdmpiyaf~dropsunderthe uct, Aquagaia is also a non-alcoholic health circulating mitxhondrk tongue,bothproductstakenatthesame tonic which provides basic “foods”to help cells, Healthy cells are not afkckd because they timeorat~‘ttimesoftheday. -the weakened by the stresses of modem life, to lack the zinc-centered protein cap on the virus. uinWatnpro~isbegunandmainteMnce return to a state of healthy function. These “Gaia”compounds have an effect on isfoaowed,certaMythedropsandearthe Aquagaiacontains e Theseam cancercellsbecausetheystopanenzymeon~~ we are the least anne to any daily the major biochemical energy “pmcessox-s? cancer cells fr-orn producing a “messenger) regima within cellular metabolism. First, enzymes molecule that blocks a second enzyme fr-orn k@n the breakdown process of organic nutri- attacking the cancer d’s DNA. The corn- A-C-E ANTI-OXIDANT FORMULA ents (like fats, carbohydrates and proteins) to pounds (Caia) have been seen to actually take- intermxliate substances such as amino and out leukemia, breast, bmin and colon cancer There is gmwing evidence that essentially j?~~~tic acids. Then, in the next “bucket bri- cells. We have no claim to anything other than everyone in our society is exposed to free mdi- gade” step, these various acid molecules am stating that people utilizing these simple and c&,nowmor-ethanever. Whilefkemdicalsam processed within the mitochondria to release natuml substances do show improved well- normal pm&,~t,sof our cells and have certain chemicalenergymcognkdasadenosinetxiphos- being and do report feelinggenemlly and, often beneficial roles in the body, incmased levels of phate (ATF’). remarkably, improved as to state of health, fke radicals in our body tissues can be detri- About 95% of the energy needed to Vun the thought processes and stamitxx mental to our health. machin@ that keeps each cell going and The obvious conclusion is that there might Free radicals are highly unstable substances healthyispmducedinthemitochondria Unfor- well be good reports of better health and faster pmduced in the body through, among other tunately,themitiondiiaamparficularlydam- mcoveiy following infection by other viruses mutes,themetabolismofcxygen. Fkemdicals agedl@ieemdicalsandcumulativelevelsofso- thanthosementionedabove. Allviruseslmown multiplythroughaseriesofchainmactionsand cakd ‘background’@radiation in our modern react in genemlly the same manner. canattackthepolyunsatumtedfattyacidsofcell environment. These compnxnised mitochon- Itisknownthatmanydiseasesaxedueto membranes. Unlessexcessfieemdicalsam dria, like halfdead batteries, then lead to im- mtmviml DNAand these am the most afkcted neutral&d, they can cause considerable dam- paired cellular fimctioning and health. Thus is viruses by the Gaiachondrianas (livingcry&l age to the structure and function of cell mem- theimportanceofAqua@a,withitsa&-&table forms). We,again,makenomedical&ms-we bmnes, and thus the cells themselves. The Page 58 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT products from !iee radical reactions are impli- usually harvested from trees gmwn on planta- CHLORELLA caked in the progmssive aaxmulation of delete- tions in South Korea, Japan and France. rious cellular changes over time, which may Ginkgo is reported to have a natuml a@nily Chlorellaisasingle-celled,ii-esh-water-algae. eventually result in ele disease. Free for the nervous system. It also seems to stimu- Believed to be the first form of life with a true mdicaldamageisimplicatedintheinitiationand latethevaseularandendocrinesystemsthat,in nucleus,chlomlladatesbackapproximately2.5 promotion of many cancers, as well as harden- turn, stmngly affect the function of the nefvous billionyears, making itprecambrian Through ingofthearteries system, possibly in- the capacity for the process of photosynthesis chlomlla cells One ama of Aging Research suggests that normalphysicalactivity,andtheflowofbloodto repmducethem&ves bycelldivisionattherate free radicals damage body cells and cause the the bmin. Somenxarchindicatesthepossible of four new cells every 17-24 hours It was not pathological changes associated with aging. e&ctiveness of Ginkgo in the tmatment of until the 1890s that chlorella was identified Besides being bypnxIucts of the metabolism of Abdkmer’s disease. under the microscope. In naming it, the prefix oxygen, such as during strenuous exemise, we Duetoitspharmacologicalproperties,Gin@ cfilor was selected to signify green, while the also generate f&g&ant levels of free radicals is now widely used throughout Europe for sufIixella,indicatessmalL Chlomllaisthemost from the envimnment, such as f?om so+lled txeating many forms of vascular disease. In a researched algae in the world and remains the ‘background” levels of ionizing radiation. survey of pa&aging information of European mostpopularwithmillionsofconsumersworld- Coopemtive defense systems that can pm- products, Ginkgo has been recommended for wide. tect the body from k radical damage include such ailments as headaches, vertigo,innerear Cl?lotrellakanzrtrllionalEyWwhde certainenzymesandtheantioxidantvitaminsA, disturbances, diminished intellectual capacity foodandcon~butestothehealthand~of C, and E and beta-carotene, which protect cell and alertness as a result of insufficient cimula- human cells like no single vitamin or mineml membmnesiiomoxidativedamage. Vitamin E, tion to the brain, anxiety, and depression, to possibly can. one of the fat-soluble vitamins, is present in the name a few. CYdmdla is extmnely h@h inprvtck (6077) bloodasd-alpha-tocopherolandiswellaccepted GinkgoBilobaExtmct(24%) isconcentrated and contains more than 20 vitamins and min- as the major antioxidant in lipid body tissues. from the leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba tree. The emls, 19 of the 22 essential and nonessential Vitamin E is considered the first line of defense highly specialized extra&ion process yields a amino acids, enzymes and chlorella growth against cell-membrane damage due to 50: 1 concentrate from the leaves (50 gmms of factor. ItisoneoftherichestsourcesofRNAand peroxidation. VitarninEsca.vengesfreemd.icals, leaf produce 1 gram of extract). The extract is DNA known and has twenty times as much terminatingchainmactionsandcontiningdam- thenfurtherstandardizedtocontain24%ofthe chlomphyllasa&If&, 1Otimesmom than other agetolimitedamasofthemembmne. Selenium active Ginkgo Flavoglycosides. edible algae including spirulina, and 10 times containedintheenzymeglytathionepemxidase morethanbarleygrass is the second line of defense that destroys MO-GU ELIXIR Chlcdk2isanatumldtaMyentmnaer. The peroxides before they can damage cell mem- vitamins found in chlorella cells include: Vita- bmnes. Beta-carotene, a precursor of Vitamin The first recoded use of Mo-Gu Elixir was min C, provitaminA, B-carotene, chlorophylla, A, also haps fnx radicals. Vitamin C is water duringthe ChineseTsin-Dynastyin B.C. It chlomphyll b, thiamine (Bl), ribofIavin (B2), soluble and semes to neutralize free radicals in was referred to as” W Reme&jbrImmo~ eoxine (Bfi), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid, aqueous systems. or”lReDivineTti. folic acid, vitamin B- 12, biotin, choline, vitamin The antioxidants show promise as cancer- It has been well documented that them am K, PABA, lipoic acid, inositol and pam-amino- prevention agents, alone and in combination. ccrtainpeoplewholivetobewellpastahundmd benziic acid. The minemlsinclude: phospho years of age. These people live in such amas as x-us,potassium, iodine, magnesium, sulphur, GINKGO BILOBA themountainousCaucasus,YakutiainSiberia, iron, calcium, manganese, copper, zinc and (Ginkgo Biloba extract 24%) the Poltaya District of the Ukraine, Tibet and cobalt. Spain.ThereisanamainRussiacalledKargasok The amino acids include: lysine, hi&dine, TheGinkgoBiloba,orMaidenhairtme,isone where the people are a dairy- and vegetable- arginine, aspartic acid, thxeoinine, serine, glu- oftheoldestlivingspeciesonthisplanet. Ginkgo eating populace. Centenarian s are common tar& acid, pmline, glycine, alanine, cystine, has flourished almost unchanged for 150 mil- arnongthesepeople. Theyattributetheirlongev- valine, methionine, isoleucine, leutie, @mine, lion years, and itsancestorscan be traced back ilytotheYeastEnzymeTea(Mo-GuElixir)which phenylalanine, omithine, tryptophan. 250 million years. It is because of this antiquity has been in their diet for hundreds ofyears. It is ‘Ibesuggesteddailyconsumptionis3grams that the Ginkgo Biloba tree is called “the tiz&g said that MoGu and yak butter am staples per day. fd. Individual trees am believed capable of among the dwellers of the high Himalayas. living2000to4000years. Duringthelasticeage, Mo-Guhasbeenusedthroughouthistoiyin ECHINACEA GOLD PLUS Ginkgos nearly became extinct. These trees China, Japan, Russia, Korea, and India It has with American Ginseng survived only in China and other parts of Asia, been said to promote a feelingofwell-being and where they stayed until approximately 1,000 overall physical restoration. It has been known In recent years few medicinal plants have years ago. At that time, Ginkgo trees were also by many names, some of which am: Fungus garnered as much attention as Echinacea planted around monasteries in Japan, where Japonicus, Fungojapon Kombucha, Pichia (varadEdtinlllprrAng&i&&$ they stiIl live today. Fermentans, Cembuya Orientalis, Combuchu The genus name is derived from the Greek The name m may come from the Cl& Tschambucco, Volga-Spring, Champignon de echinos,(hedgehogorseaurchin)reftigtothe nese sanlcyoor ~uzrcuO(YinGuo),meaning Wll LongueVie,Teekwass,Kwassan,and&xgasok pricklyscalesofthedriedseedhead. Echinacea apricot?or”silverfi-uit?.Theword &bameans The Mo-Gu fungus constructs in a mem- was widely used medicinally among Native “two lobes” and describes the young leaves. bmne form and is a symbiosis ofyeast cells and Americans, particularly in the Plains. It is a Although modem medical research focuses different bacteria. Among these bacteria are: product which is now used widelythroughout mainlyontheleavesofGinkgo,theGinkgofruits Bacterium Xylinum, Bacterium Gluconicum, United States and Europe. and nuts have been used in China since time AcetobacterKetogenum,andFichiaFermentans. -isanon-specificstimulanttothe immemoriaI as a delicacy and tonic food. An- TheMo-Gufungusneedstoliveinasolution immunesystem. ClaimsforEchinaceainclude: cient Chinese texts recoil Ginkgo’s use as a composed of common (black) tea and sugar. In stimulation of leukocytes, mild antibiotic activ- medicinal agent as tar back as five thousand the proper temperature envimnment theymul- ity, anti-Wamatory activity, stimulation of the years ago. tiply constantly. They do not build spores as adrenal cortex, stimulation of the pmpenlin/ The Ginkgo Biloba extract is a complex yeast normally does, but instead multiply by a complement system, interferon-like activity, compound. The green leaves of the tree are process ofbranching. stimulation ofgeneml cellular immunity, and JULY 6, 1993 Page 5S, antiviralactivity.Internalp~tionsasaid to assist in alleviatingcold and flu symptoms, respi- ratory infections, and arthritis, to name a few. New Gaia Products Goldenseal (Hydmstis Cunadensis) isgen- P. 0. Box 27710 erally placed in the buttercup family. The name Goldenseal was adopted in 1880, pre- Las Vegas, NV 89126 viously having been known as Yellow Root. Goldenseal was widely used among the Na- For credit card orders, call (805) 823-1644 tive American population, particularly among those in the East. The Cherokee used the We accept Discover, Visa or Master Card. roots as a wash for local inflammations, for Please make all checks and money orders payable to: New Guia Products general debility, dyspepsia and to improve appetite. The Iroquois used it for whooping cough, diarrhea, liver trouble, fever, sour (NAME) stomach, flatulence, and pneumonia. Ben- jamin Smith Barton first referred to the useof (ADDRESS--PLEASE GIVE STREET ADDRESS FOR UPS DELIVERY.) Goldenseal for rattlesnake bites as early as 1793. Clinical recognition of the use of Goldenseal came in the e+y 1850s and has continued to this very day. . . Goldensealisamongthe mostpopularherbs (STATE) (ZIP CODE) (TELEPHONE) in the American health food market. Uses are numerous, including but not limitedto: antisep- EXP. tic, hemostatic, diuretic, laxative, and tonic/ CREDIT CARD (Visa, Master Card or Discover) anti-inflamatory for the mucous membranes, hemorrhoids, nasalcongestion, mouth andgum SOITSand eye afllictions. 10-l 9 20 OR MORE QUANTITY ITEM TOTAL Ginseng can be literally translated from pk%ER (LESS 10%) (LESS 15%) GAIANDRIANA $21.00 $21.00 Chine* as a the essence ofman” or 4 man- 8 oz. LIQUID (no discount) $21.00 shapedprecious m&m Few medicinal plants GAIANDRIANA $41 .oo $41 .oo $41 .oo in the world possess Ginseng’s near-legend- 16 oz. LIQUID (no discount) ary status. Dating back thousands of years, GAIANDRIANA $81.00 $81 .OO 32 oz. LIQUID (1 qt.) (no discount) $81 .OO its history of use in the Orient records thera- AQUACAIA (Mitochondria) $21.00 $21.00 peutic properties so wide ranging that it was 8 oz. LIQUID (no discount) $21.00 I first dismissed by Western doctors as a”pana- AQUAGAIA (Mitochondria) $41.00 $41 .oo $41.00 cfS*. When fatigued, Ginseng reportedly 16 oz. LIQUID (no discount) AQUACAIA (Mitochondria) restores both physical and mental functions $81.00 $81.00 32 oz. UQUID (1 at.) (no discount) $81.00 to peak efficiency and, with regular use, tiQClJ .ELIXIR Culture Start (LIOUID~ (no discount1 1 $40.00 1 $40.00 1 $40.00 1 I improves resistance to disease and stress. I . - ~., I American Ginseng’s genus name is Pwux A-C-E Anti-Oxidant Formula $22.46 $2121 QLdnquefolius. (180 TABLETS) $24.95 GINKGO BILOBA (24% Extract) Over 40,000 species of mushrooms exist, (180 TABLETS/40 ma. EA.) $24.95 $22.46 $2121 many of which are used as medicines. Of CHLORELIA (l/2 LB) $28.80 $2720 particular note are such remedies as penicil- (500 TABLETS - 500 ma. EA.) $32.00 ECHINACEA GOLD PLUS lin- and ergot-based extmcts used in rni- $24.50 $22.05 $20.83 gmine treatment, to name a few. Extensive (90 TABLflS) research has been done with one mushroom SUB-TOTAL in particular, namely, Reishi. This mush- SHIPPING (ALL ORDERS) room is now considered a tried and true immune system fortifier. TOTAL References to the use of Reishi in the **PLEASE USE THE SHIPPING RATE CHART BELOW WHEN CALCULATING SHIPPING treatment of a variety of complaints date FOR ALL New Gaia Products. back as far as 2700 B.C.,in Chinese litera- SHIPPING RATES: NOTE: ture. It is referred to by a number of ORDER UPS UPS 2ND DAY AIR **For UPS 2nd day to Rural Alaska, please names, including the “ten thousand year GROUND !TFATES ALASKA/HAWAII call for rates. mushroom*. The rarity of this particular **For Priority Mail to any location, please mushroom has increased its value. The : lo~::“o”o 55.2555.75 511.00113.00 516.75$19.00 call for rates. S 201-300 56.25 516.50 522.50 **All Foreign orders, please, contact our Chinese emperor Shih Huang Ti (250-2 10 s 301-400 57.00 I1 9.00 $25.00 0fZe In writing for specific rates as B.C.) mounted expeditions of hundreds, s 401-500 17.50 $21.25 $30.50 I Sol-600 18.00 524.50 533.50 rates vary greatly. even thousands of men to find the Reishi. Recently techniques have been developed DUE TO PRODUCT SUPPLY AND DEMAND, PLEASE ALLOW 4-6 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY. for the cultivation and harvesting of the Reishi Mycelium. Writings about Reishi place it in the category of “’ zhen.# herbs and claim it is a medicine that improves the ability of the body to maintain balance by strengthening natural resistance and generally improving health. Page 60 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT

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