Another Look at Waco—Nothing Adds up Except New World Order Plan
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CONTACT THE PHOENIX PROJECT “YE SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH AND THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE YOU MAD!” VOLUME 2, NUMBER 2 JULY 6, 1993 Another Look At Waco: Nothing Adds Up Except New lRiiwld Order Plan 714193 13 HATONN legal client in a courtroom said to an- across the world”, warning that “WE other: “1 am devastated and saddened MAY HAVE TO CONFRONT IT AGAIN.” QUOTING (Scripps-Howard News by the events of the gunman killing all He added piously: “1 hope uery much Service) : those San Francisco attorneysn The that others who will be tempted to join other replied, “Yes, it is too bad, did you cults and become irwolved with people “RENO’S ROAST” know any of them?” The first speaker like David Korresh wil2 be detemd by AN ATHENAEUM.... replied, “Oh, I’m not sad over the shoot- the horribte scenes they have seen over ing of the lawyer-1 am sorry because the last seuen wee&s.” So the federal Beyoti the tasteless (ifneverthe&ss the gunman shot himself and he was the government is now in the business of de- apprvpriate)jokes (-es the differ- best lawyer shooter we’ve had.“] tiding which religions are good for us. Mr. ence between Reno and Wuo? Waco Clinton seems ready to attach warning -killed 86people inReno.” %?hat% RESPECT: Joseph Sobran (This comes labels. the diffeerence between child abuse and from the Universal Press Syndicate of April But his alarm is hypocritical. There is, child murder? %arrumph...the FBI 22, 1993.) [H: But the copy comes from in fact, no segment of the American popu- does not engage in child abuse.“) one is our own attorney,] lation that is more gentle and law-abiding most reminded of the oxymoronic mili- The fall of the Branch Davidians has than fundamentalist Christians. bq~ officer in Viet Nam who said, ‘We brought the inevitable clucking about Fundamentalists have very low rates of had to destroy the village to save it.S “cults” and ‘fundamentalists”. President violent crime, drug and alcohol abuse, [H: I guess in the same vein, then, Clinton, in the course of defending the final illegitimacy, and other disorders. Few of there is another %wyei” joke that could FBI assault on the Waco compound, spoke them even smoke, which ought to win them be shared here in equally bad taste: One of the “rise in this sort of fanaticism all .%p AMVW?R COOK AT WACO. DaPe 48 FIRST CLASS MAIL Intelligent Nuclear Attack Preparations, p.2,6 Today’s Boiling World Watch, p.9,3 1,34,35,42,45 Paul Wilcher Murder and Eulogy, p. 19,44 Nit-Wit George Fumbles Again, p.2 1 “Free Energy” Magnetic Motors, p.25 U.S. Navy “Stealth” Ships, p.28 Deadly Mosquito Warning! p.43 Remember “Family” & Ray Renick Interview, p.46 . Advanced Bio-Engineering Media Slips, p.49 4 Page 2 CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT High Risk Of Nuclear Attack! An Ounce Of Prevention... 6/29/93 #l HATONN I, further, wonder how many of you took 6/29/93 #2 HATONN action THIS DAY according to the request WHEN YOU THINK YOU CANT which SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON THE NUCLEAR HIGH RISK GO ON-YOU CAN! HOTLINE regarding AB 782 & AB 733 in ramrod through the Nevada legislature I have to write here as if you each and Good gracious, children, you are all but (full HOUSE committee). This&Bob Miller” ALL have read every word we have priorly INTO a massive global NUCLEAR WAR!! (YOUR corporation-State Governor) calls offered. There is no longer time to ‘catch THIS WAR WILL WIPE OUT MORETHAN 2/ this his “reorganization Bill AB 782”. You up” nations full of sleeping people. We 3RDS OF YOUR GLOBAL POPULATION- are going to STOP this bill’s passage or you have worked around the clock for five years AND THAT INCLUDES YOUR DOORYARD! are going to have more and more difficulty to pour all the information possible into Does ANYONE remember the writings to even finding out what the “government” is your “truth” machine. We cannot now date or do you just want to dawdle around doing. The input came too late to make a hold back, from diligent students, the very waiting for spoon-feeding of NEW in- big thing of it in the paper in time to get survival we have come to attend. IT IS TIME formation? YOU ARE AT WAR!! AND THIS action. But, this is the way all things will TO GET SCARED, LITTLE FRIENDS-REAL ONE WILL BE THE WAR TO END ALL happen from now on-even the Con- SCARED. I don’t even want to see or WARS!! AMERICA HAS STARTED IT SO Cons [Constitutional Conventions] will be hear that “Hatonn dishes out nothing STOP YOUR FIGURING AND DENIALS- held SUDDENLY in the middle of the but FEAR!” YOUR WORLD IS AT WAR, YOU ARE IN IT, YOU HAVE NO DEFENSES night. You are now at war and Emer- THE U.S. DID IT AND YOU CAN EXPECT TO SPEAK OF AND YOU BETTER FIGURE gency Regulations under Executive Or- THE FULL-BORE RETALIATION. BY OUT THE MEANING@ OF “THE WINTER der ARE ACTIVATED PUBLICLY. If you STARTINGTHEWARAGAININBAGHDAD OF ‘931 think otherwise-you are DEAD! CLINTON DEMONSTRATED THAT YOU Good grief, chelas, you cannot expect Protection and retaliation for attempts IN THE U.S. ARE UNDER FULL MARTIAL and wait for the one or two to attend YOUR on Bush’s life? Come now-don’t you LAW AND EXECUTIVE ORDER-AGAIN, needs. think that if there was a bomb which YOU WENT TO WAR ON AN INTERNA: “But what do we need to do?” you ask would take out two square miles of Ku- TIONAL LEVEL, IN SECRET, WITH ONLY helplessly. You need to check your sup- wait real-estate that it couldn’t have YOUR ELITE ALLIES IN KNOWING (NOT plies, make sure your Lugol’s solution or been detonated? You are victims of the YOUR CONGRESS NOR YOU-THE- tablets are handy [more on this later on, LIE-staged to do exactly what they have PEOPLE)-YOU-THE-PEOPLE WERE keep reading], you need to have a “safe done while you “ohmand ((ah” and =err- GIVEN NOTHING. THIS MEANS THAT place” to cover your asses for up to five a”. You are at war in Somalia, Angola, ALL IS IN PLACE FOR FULL-OUT UNITED days if necessary-and stop assuming I Yugoslavia, and, and, and!!! You err NATIONS INTERNATIONAL WORLD WAR just write for Tehachapi! I DON’T! In moment to moment-YOU BELIEVE III! This war, before it ends, will be the this instance I write the least for WHAT THE MEDIA TELLS YOU-THE NUCLEAR WAR (SUICIDE) of your planet if Tehachapi. GO CHECK YOUR MAIN- MISINFORMATION MONGERS WHO it works the way of the prophecies. You are TENANCE AND SURVIVAL GEAR-YOU STAGE THE ENTIRE SCENARIO TO WIPE headed directly, full-steam ahead for “THE ARE DUETHE WORST NUCLEAR BLAST- YOU OUT. WINTER OF ‘93”. Further, I am not going ING OF THE GENERATIONS AS WELL AS Does Hatonn sound a bit “testy” to- to place my people in further danger by THE MOST HORRENDOUS EARTH UP- day? Indeed, I am about as “tested” as giving you “fortune-tellings”, etc. YOU get HEAVALS OF THE CENTURIES OF TIME I have ever BEEN. I can keep Dharma busy and pick up the back information- IN COUNTING. AND YOU SIT. pumping out tons of information but if MY PEOPLE HAVE DONE ENOUGH! Are your immediate needs packed and no one reads it or listens or even believes There aren’t any BLOODSUCKERS out by your door FOR IMMEDIATE MOVE- what is written-what difference does Uhere” gonna “getcha”! Those are the MENT? WHAT IF YOU ARE CAUGHT IN her overload make-except to her, who most evil of all projections upon your place YOURDWELLINGANDCANNOTGETOUT? doesn’t give a damn whether or not she and it will get far worse before it gets better, ARE YOU SET TO BE ABLE TO IMMEDI- survives as she has become but a tor- friends. I and “mine” have a massive ATELY FUNCTION IN YOUR BEST SECU- mented prisoner in her own basement! mission-but it is not to “save your as- RITY FOR SEVERAL DAYS?? Will I save you? Give me a good sets” or your “astral” bodies. You believe Believe me, the stuff is going to hit the REASON why I SHOULD DO ANYTHING? the lies, deny the Truth and then kick and fan with the next release-because you are What have YOU done for your brother kill my speakers and messengers-it does AT nuclear war and NOBODY wants to today? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR NOT make me happy! Is it bad to have ME hear it. We wrote many JOURNALS on the YOUR BROTHER-TODAY, THIS angry and unhappy? YES IT IS VERY BAD! subject right through how to survive and MINUTE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING FOR You sleepy- heads in your wondrou s worldly what to do. [For more information, see “SELF” THIS MINUTE? AH01 visions of sugar-plums and an orgy in JOURNAL #6, called SURVIVAL IS ONLY Let us take this off the computer for every bed-with a pot of gold under it- TEN FEET FROM HELL, and JOURNAL we must speak in remindings of things have about played out your final cards- #52, called TANGLED WEBS, VOLUME 8. which always “bring down the roof. If and lost the game. When this world erupts Ordering information is on back page.] not YOU, however, WHO?? there will be death of the human physical JULY 6,1993 Page 3 to well over two-thirds of the population of read this information until you can recite it exploded high in the sky like Hiroshima, to the planet -and frankly-THAT IS under pressure! create damage over a much larger area.