YEAR 7 HISTORY LEARNING PROGRAMME Ridgeway All year 7 Spring 1 and 2 – Thematic Study – Power, politics and High School sets government, 500AD to present day

This term I will be learning about how England has been governed since 500AD, The key vocabulary I will learn this half and how this has changed over time term are… This term I am learning: England Mercia • How England was governed prior to 1066 Primogeniture • Who was the first “king” of England Witangemot Theigns, Churls, and Geburs • How was Anglo-Saxon society governed Feudal system • How did the Norman conquest change how England was governed Shires and Hundred (division of land) • What was the Magna Carta, how did it come about, and how significant is Barons it? • How did Parliament develop after Magna Carta Magna Carta • What happened in the Peasants’ Revolt and why is this event significant Parliament • How was England governed in Tudor times Speaker Debate • What caused the English Civil War and what effect did this have? Commons • What was the Glorious Revolution in 1688 Poll • What was the Peterloo Massacre? Statute of Labourers • How did Britain become more democratic after 1800? Heresy • How were women given the right to vote? Serfdom Acts of Parliament By the end of this term I will be able to: Ship money Petition of right • Explain how England has been governed over time, saying what has changed and Divine right of kings what has stayed the same. Roundheads and cavaliers Puritans • Explain all of the events listed above. Restoration • Explain key events in British history Declaration of Indulgence

Bill of Rights Peterloo Suffrage Rotten Boroughs Electorate

Week’s Learning Literacy Links 100% Sheet Homework Focus 1 - How was England ruled before 1066? I will use these literacy skills… Reading task 1 – Alfred the Writing to explain and analyse Great To know how power was distributed in England amongst different kingdoms and how Alfred became the first “king” To produce a timeline of English kings up to 1066 and to know how they became king Focus 2 – How was Anglo-Saxon society governed Reading task 2 – A Lord’s life To understand the role of the Witangemot played in AS society To understand the hierarchical structure of AS society Focus 3 - What changed with the Norman conquest? Reading task 3 – William I

To understand the changes that William I brought to British government – the Feudal System and the Domesday Book Focus 4 – How did the Magna Carta come about Reading task 4 – Magna Carta and the American To know the events that led up to the issuing of the Magna constitution Carta Focus 5 – What was the Magna Carta and why was it Reading task 5 – Life for important? women in the Middle Ages

To understand the importance of the Magna Carta Focus 6 – The growth of parliament from 1215 to 1500 Reading task 6 – the first black Britons To understand the changes that took place in parliament during the later middle ages Focus 7 – The Peasants’ Revolt – events Reading task 7 – Kett’s Rebellion To know the reasons for the revolt and the events that took place Focus 8 – The Peasants’ Revolt - significance Reading task 8 – The 1990 To know the consequences and significance of the Peasants’s Revolt Focus 9 – Government in Tudor times Reading task 9 – Lady Jane Grey To know the how Tudor monarchs used parliament to their own ends and the impact this had on monarch’s powers Focus 10 – Causes of English Civil War Reading task 10 – John Locke To know the long and short term causes of the ECW Focus 11 – Events of the English Civil War Reading task 11 – Liverpool and the English Civil War To know the main events of the ECW, including the events leading up to it Focus 12 – Effects of the English Civil War Reading task 12 – The Diggers of 1649 To know the impact the ECW had on parliament and England Focus 13 – Glorious Revolution of 1688 Reading task 13 – The French Revolution To know and understand the significance of the Glorious Revolution and the Bill of Rights in 1689 Focus 14– Peterloo Masscare 1819 Reading task 14 – The Miners Strike To know the importance of the Peterloo Massacre Focus 15 – The move to democracy 1800 to 1919

To know the main steps on the road to democracy in Britain Focus 16 – How did women fight to get the vote

To understand the work of the Suffragettes Focus 17 – End of unit assessment

Sequencing How this unit builds on prior learning: How this unit leads to future learning: This unit will develop some of the ideas that students will have This work will provide students with an understanding of how learnt about in the autumn term, the Norman conquest of England has been governed over time. They will look at every England major period and event in British history and much of what they do will underpin most, if not all units that they study in future.

Resources to support: - BBC Bitesize History pages

Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural and British Values linked to this learning programme: In this unit, students will examine major historical events in the development of the lives of the British people, in relation to how we as a nation are governed. This unit aims to show how we have got where we are today, and will ensure that students understand democracy and the idea that this is something that has been developed over many centuries. Assessment: One assessment TBA End of unit assessment – Norman conquest and Black Death