BMJ Open Ophth: first published as 10.1136/bmjophth-2018-000180 on 17 November 2018. Downloaded from Original articles Ophthalmic phenotype of TCIRG1 mutations in Chinese infantile malignant

Wenhong Cao,1,2 Wenbin Wei,2 Qian Wu1

To cite: Cao W, Wei W, Wu Q. Abstract Key messages Ophthalmic phenotype of Objective To evaluate the ophthalmic phenotypes TCIRG1 gene mutations associated with T- immune regulator 1 (TCIRG1) What is already known about this subject? in Chinese infantile mutations in Chinese patients with infantile malignant malignant osteopetrosis. ► T-cell immune regulator 1 (TCIRG1) is one of the osteopetrosis (IMO). ► BMJ Open Ophthalmology main that are responsible for the majority of Methods and analysis 27 Chinese TCIRG1-related 2018;3:e000180. doi:10.1136/ infantile malignant osteopetrosis (IMO) cases, which osteoporosis infants were enrolled using direct DNA bmjophth-2018-000180 are characterised by neonatal and infantile onset, a sequencing of PCR-amplified . 12 cases had systemic sclerosis of bones, vulnerability to fracture, frameshift mutation (the frameshift mutation group, group progressive anaemia, infection, hepatosplenomega- Received 30 May 2018 F), and 15 cases had point mutation (the point mutation ly and cranial nerve dysfunction, including poor gaze Revised 25 September 2018 group, group P). The clinical features of the two groups qualities, optic atrophy and optic canal stenosis. Accepted 26 September 2018 were compared, including age at onset, gaze qualities, ► To our knowledge, there is no study on the ophthal- optic atrophy, optic canal stenosis and waveforms of Flash ► mic phenotypes of TCIRG1 mutations in patients visual-evoked potential (FVEP). with IMO. Results The clinical signs, except age at onset and FVEP, showed statistically significant differences between the What are the new findings? two groups. The mean age at onset was 1.8 months in ►► We found that by comparing frameshift and point group F and 4.3 months in group P; 22 eyes (92%) with mutation cases in 27 Chinese patients with TCIRG1- frameshift mutation and 16 (53%) with point mutation had IMO, severity of the ocular manifestations was relat- poor gaze qualities, such as nystagmus and/or strabismus; ed to the type of gene mutation, and the frameshift optic atrophy was found in 16 eyes (67%) in group F and mutation in TCIRG1 led to more serious phenotypes. 6 (20%) in group P; the average optic canal diameter was 1.45 mm in the frameshift mutation cases, 1.87 mm in How might these results change the focus of other cases; FVEP indicated that the waveforms in 10 eyes research or clinical practice? (42%) were not elicited in group F, yet five eyes (17%) in ►► Future studies should assess the correlation of group P. TCIRG1 gene mutation and the mechanism of ocular Conclusion In Chinese TCIRG1-related patients of IMO, sign occurrence. the optic canal stenosis and optic atrophy were more ►► This may encourage better understanding of the © Author(s) (or their serious in cases with frameshift mutations. However, no mechanism of ocular sign occurrence and more tar- employer(s)) 2018. Re-use differences in the conduction block of optic nerve were geted treatment of IMO. permitted under CC BY-NC. No found between the two groups. commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by 2 BMJ. and severity contribute to a high mortality. 1 Department of Ophthalmology, Introduction It is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Beijing Children’s Hospital, To date, more than 10 osteopetrosis-causing with an incidence of 1 in 250 000 births in National Center for Children’s genes have been identified.1 The inheri- North America, particularly high incidence Health, National Key Discipline tance patterns include autosomal dominant, reported in Costa Rica (3.4:100 000).3 of Pediatrics, Capital Medical autosomal intermediate, autosomal reces- Currently, T-cell immune regulator 1 University, Beijing, China 4 2Beijing Tongren Eye Center, sive and X linked. The disease severity also (TCIRG1, Gene ID: 10312, MIM 604592) is Beijing Key Laboratory of varies from malignant, intermediate, to mild one of the main genes that are responsible for Ophthalmology and Visual manifestations. Infantile malignant osteope- more than 50% of IMO cases.5 6 It has been Science, Beijing Key Laboratory trosis (IMO) is an extremely rare congenital reported that homozygous mutations in the of Intraocular Tumor Diagnosis disease caused by failure genes encoding the a3 subunit of VATPase and Treatment, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical resulting from osteoclast dysfunction. This (TCIRG1) produce severe malignant osteo- University, Beijing, China disorder is characterised by neonatal and petrosis phenotypes in both humans and infantile onset, a systemic sclerosis of bones, mice.4 Mutations in TCIRG1 associated with Correspondence to vulnerability to fracture, progressive anaemia, general clinical features have been reported 7 8 Dr Wenbin Wei; ​weiwenbintr@​ infection, hepatosplenomegaly and cranial in previous studies. In this study, we present​ nerve dysfunction. The rapid progression a more detailed investigation of the relation

Cao W, et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2018;3:e000180. doi:10.1136/bmjophth-2018-000180 1 BMJ Open Ophth: first published as 10.1136/bmjophth-2018-000180 on 17 November 2018. Downloaded from Open access between the ophthalmic phenotype of Chinese patients than 2 mm. The optic canal diameter was measured inde- with IMO and the genotype of TCIRG1 mutation. pendently by two radiologists and reviewed by the third radiologist. Children were in the supine position with a Subjects and methods cushion under their heads. Axial scanning was used, and The study was conducted in accordance with the Declara- the reconstruction was multiplanar reconstruction. The tion of Helsinki with approval from the Ethics Committee scanning parameters were as follows: tube volt 80 kV; of Beijing Children’s Hospital. Written informed consent pitch 1.375; depth 1 mm; interlamellar spacing 1 mm; was obtained from all the parents of each child as well as and a 256×256 matrix. The average radiation dose in their own participation in the study. this study was 1.09±0.02 mGy, which is much lower than the American College of Radiology CT accredited CT TCIRG1 gene mutation analysis Dosimetry Index reference level of 75 mGy. A low-dose Blood samples were collected from patients (families) CT protocol for children was followed for the purpose of with IMO at Beijing Children’s Hospital, Capital Medical this study. University. Twenty-seven patients with TCIRG1-related FVEP was examined using a visual electrophysiology osteopetrosis were included in the study by gene detec- system (Roland, Germany). The standard FVEP protocol tion. We performed mutation analysis of the TCIRG1 recommended by the International Standard EEG 10–20 gene using direct DNA sequencing of PCR-amplified System (International Society for Clinical Electrophys- exons (the mutation nomenclature conforms to www.​ iology of Vision) was followed: the examination was​ ​mutnomen). The TCIRG1 gene was amplified performed in a darkroom; the electrodes including the from genomic DNA (genomic sequence AF033033) in active electrode, reference electrode and ground elec- the conditions previously described.6 Prediction of the trode were placed; the eyes were stimulated by a mini domains was based on the potential topological handheld stimulator separately and repeated twice per domains reported in UniProt database (Q13488; www.​ eye, with more than 70 superposition times. The exci- .​org) and refined by homology with the yeast tation frequency was set at 30 Hz. subunit a (Vph1p).9 The putative structural consequences of mutations were estimated in silico by sequence analysis Statistical analysis and multiple sequence alignment information. Patients Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS V.13.0. with other gene-related osteopetrosis were excluded. In two groups, gaze qualities, optic atrophy and FVEP 2 None of these Chinese probands were the offspring of a waveform were respectively compared by Pearson χ , age consanguineous marriage. Of the 27 patients with IMO, at onset by Mann-Whitney U test and optic canal diam- 12 had a frameshift mutation (the frameshift mutation eter by Student’s t-test. Alpha correct p values for five group, group F) while 15 had a point mutation (the point comparisons (0.05/5=0.01) were considered as statisti- mutation group, group P). cally significant.

Clinical examination Results A clinical diagnosis of osteopetrosis was made on the All cases in group F and group P had ocular symptoms basis of the following criteria at presentation (which has and signs of IMO such as loss of vision, optic canal been described by the previous study10 11 : early symptom stenosis, with/without nystagmus, strabismus, or optic onset (before 2 years of age), high bone mineral density, atrophy. The clinical and genetic data of the 27 patients bone marrow failure with consequent pancytopenia, with TCIRG1 mutations were summarised in table 1. hepatosplenomegaly and cranial nerve palsies by the The male:female ratio was 7:5 in the frameshift muta- haematology specialists. The ophthalmological features tion group and 9:6 in the point mutation group. The

at the onset of IMO were ascertained in all 27 cases by mean age at onset was 1.8 months in group F and 4.3 on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. examining the clinical records at Beijing Children’s months in group P, but there was no significant differ- Hospital. We compared the group F with the group P in ence in these two groups (table 2; Mann-Whitney U test, terms of sex, age at diagnosis of IMO and appearance of p=0.028<0.05). eye (eg, gaze properties including nystagmus, strabismus, Significant differences in the clinical findings were optic atrophy, optic canal diameter and waveform of found between the two groups (table 2). Patients with Flash visual-evoked potential (FVEP)). For analysis, the poor gaze qualities, which referred to no response to onset of IMO was defined as the time of the initial diag- moving object/light, nystagmus or strabismus, included nosis. 22 (92%) of 24 eyes with frameshift mutation and 16 We checked the gaze qualities with a light source, iden- (53%) of 30 eyes with point mutation (Pearson χ2; tifying whether there was nystagmus and/or strabismus. p=0.002<0.01). We also found that there were 16 eyes Slit lamp and dilated Retcam Ⅲ fundus examination (67%) with optic atrophy of 24 eyes in the frameshift were performed after applying tropicamide eye-drops. mutation cases, and 6 (20%) of 30 eyes in the point muta- Data for orbital 3D-CT reconstruction were collected tion cases (Pearson χ2; p=0.001<0.01). Orbital 3D-CT for all children using the Discovery 750 (GE Healthcare) showed that the average optic canal diameter was 1.45 with bone window parameters and layer thickness less mm in the 12 frameshift mutation cases, 1.87 mm in the

2 Cao W, et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2018;3:e000180. doi:10.1136/bmjophth-2018-000180 BMJ Open Ophth: first published as 10.1136/bmjophth-2018-000180 on 17 November 2018. Downloaded from Open access L F F F F F F F R FVEP L 1.7 F R Optic canal diameter (mm) 1.2 1.3 W W 1.2 1.3 F 1.5 1.5 W W 1.7 1.7 W W 1.47 1.52 W W 2 1.96 1.81 F 1.3 1.5 F 1.24 1.56 W W 1.8 1.4 W W 1.0 1.0 F Optic atrophy No 1.6 1.6 W W Yes Yes No 1.9 1.8 W W No 1.6 1.5 W W Yes Yes Yes No 1.7 1.7 W W No 2.2 2.3 F No 4.1 3.8 W W Yes Yes No 1.1 1.0 W W No 2.8 2.6 W W No 2.5 2.7 W W Yes Yes No 1.5 1.6 W W Yes No 1.1 1.2 W W Yes No 2.0 2.0 W W Gaze qualities Source Parents – Parents N Mother NRM No 1.7 1.3 W F Mother NRL Mother NRM No 1.1 0.9 F Parents – Parents – Parents N, S Parents N Parents N Parents N Father N Parents N, S Parents – Parents – Parents S Parents NRM, N No 1.7 1.3 W W Parents S Parents S Parents – Parents N, S Parents NRL, S No 1.2 1.1 W W Parents – Effect p.G410R p.C727X p.I721del p.Q372X Deletion of splicing site p.E266X/p.G458S / p.G405R p.G229X/p.Q633X p.P397Pfs6/p.R670X Large segment protein deletion segment protein Large Father – p.670,R>X(161) p.P158fs/p.G458s p.G405R / p.W592X p.L578R/p.R670X p.(Gly405Arg)/p./ p.T457Tfs*71 p.(Gln372*) /p./ p.Thr457fs p.Thr457fs p.Q372X/p.R670X s with TCIRG1-related IMO s with TCIRG1-related on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Mutation in TCIRG1 gene 1 c.1228G>T/c.2218-2219delCT 1 c.1837-1840delATGT/IVS15+1G>A Deletion of frameshift 2 c.2181C>A 1 del c.2161-2163ATC 1 IVS13,-2A>C 5 IVS15,+1G>A 4 c.796G>T/c.1372G>A 2 c.1019-c.1020:ins GGTGA/c.65(E2):delC p.340,S>Sfs151/p.22,A>Afs5 Parents N, S 1 IVS3,+5G>A/IVS4,-21A>G 6 c.1213G>A/c.2218-2219delCT 7 c.685G>T/c.1897C>T 3 c.1188delC/c.2008C>T 4 c.C649-1297 4 c.2008C>T(E16) 3 c.475dupG/c.1372G>A 2 c.1036_1037insGTGC/c.1188delC p.V348Cfs*143/p.F398Sfs*5 Parents S 2 c.1213G>A 6 c.117+5G>A/c.630G>A 0 c.1007_1013del/c.1015A>T/c.1213G>A p.L336Pfs*8/p.S339C/p.G405R Parents NRL, N 6 c.1775G>A/IVS13,-2A>C 3 c.1733T>G/c.2008C>T 0 c.1213G>A/c.196+5G>A 1 c.1370delC 2 c.1114C>T/c.196+5G>A 1 c.1371delC 0.2 c.1371delC 17 c.1114C>T/c.2008C>T Age at onset* Clinical and genotypic information in 27 Chinese patient

Table 1 Table 1 M 2 F 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 7 M 8 M 9 F Case Sex *Month. response to moving; R, right; S, strabismus; response to light; NRM, no L, left; N, nystagmus; NRL, no Flash visual-evoked potential; IMO, infantile malignant osteopetrosis; flat wave; FVEP, /, 'no change in amino acids'; F, waveform. 1; W, immune regulator TCIRG1, T-cell 10 M 11 F 12 F 13 F 14 M 15 F 16 F 17 M 18 F 19 M 20 F 21 M 22 F 23 M 24 M 25 M 26 F 27 M

Cao W, et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2018;3:e000180. doi:10.1136/bmjophth-2018-000180 3 BMJ Open Ophth: first published as 10.1136/bmjophth-2018-000180 on 17 November 2018. Downloaded from Open access

Table 2 Clinical signs in patients with IMO with different TCIRG1 mutation styles (the frameshift mutation group and the point mutation group) Mean age at onset Optic canal diameter Group (cases/yes) (month)* Poor gaze qualities† Optic atrophy† (mm)‡ Flat FVEP† Group F (12/24) 1.8 (0–6) 22 16 1.45±0.36 10 Group P (15/30) 4.3 (0–17) 16 6 1.87±0.73 5 P values 0.028 0.002 0.001 0.009 0.042

*Mann-Whitney U test; p<0.01. †Pearson χ2; p<0.01. ‡Student’s t-test; p<0.01. FVEP, Flash visual-evoked potential; IMO, infantile malignant osteopetrosis; TCIRG1, T-cell immune regulator 1.

15 point mutation cases (Student’s t-test; p=0.009<0.01). After 3 years, the boy’s sister was born, whose clin- FVEP indicated that the waveforms in 10 eyes (42%) were ical features were very similar to her brother. Within not elicited in group F, yet five eyes (17%) in group P 1 week of age, the neonate was also referred to the (Pearson χ2; p=0.042>0.01). Beijing Children’s Hospital and diagnosed with IMO by The clinical features of one case (case 18) with point the haematologist. Her eyes were characterised by no mutation and two siblings (cases 25 and 26) with frame- response to light and alternating exotropia. Optic nerve shift mutation were presented in this study. atrophy has not yet been shown in the fundus examina- tion. However, the compression of optic canals has been Case 18 very obvious, and its diameter was 1.2 and 1.1 mm, respec- A female Chinese infant who had bilateral hip asymmetry tively. P2 latency period of FVEP was 171/183 ms and and anaemia at 6 months of age was referred to the Depart- the amplitude was 1.92/1.86 μV in bilateral eyes, which ment of Hematology, Beijing Children’s Hospital, and revealed severe conduction block of the optic nerve. Allo- diagnosed with IMO with general examination. No contrib- HSCT was performed at 5 months of age; unfortunately, utory family history or consanguinity was present. Genetic as a result of acute respiratory distress syndrome, she analysis showed that she was a compound heterozygote died 28 days after bone marrow transplant. with both c.117+5G>A (from the father) and c.630G>A (from the mother) mutations. Both eyes had a good fixa- tion ability without nystagmus or strabismus. The diameter Discussion of optic canals was 2.5 mm in the right eye and 2.7 mm Osteopetrosis is a heterogeneous disease, depending in the left eye. Optic atrophy was found in neither eye by on the causal genes, modes of inheritance and disease Retcam Ⅲ fundus examination. The latency (P2) of the severity (phenotypes). To our knowledge, this is the first FVEP was 117.1/123.5 ms and the amplitude was 33.2/32.7 study on the ophthalmic phenotypes of TCIRG1 muta- μV in the right and left eyes, respectively, which indicated tions in Chinese patients with IMO. Our result showed relatively good conductivity of the optic nerve. After 8 that 12 cases had a frameshift mutation and 15 cases had months, she received successful haematopoietic stem cell a point mutation in the TCIRG1 gene. transplantation (HSCT), and the optic canal stenosis was First, from the aspect of onset, 58% (7/12) cases in the controlled for 10 months. The latest FVEP results mani- frameshift mutation group and 20% (3/15) cases in the fested no reduction in conductivity of the optic nerve, and point mutation group were severely affected in neonate, the Teller visual acuity for both eyes was 20/63. even in fetus. We found that, clinically, the cases in the TCIRG1 frameshift mutation group had a little earlier

Case 25 and case 26 (brother and sister) IMO onset age, compared with those from point muta- on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. These two siblings were homozygotes for c.1371delC. tion group; however, there were no statistical differences Their parents were no consanguineous couple. between the two groups. This may partly be explained by The brother was referred to the Beijing Children’s selection bias. Theoretically, the children from frameshift Hospital as newborn for developmental retardation mutation group may have more severe phenotype, thus and strabismus. Various potentially fatal manifestations could be more easily attended and identified. On the other had been ascertained by haematologists, such as bone hand, children from point mutation group may have more marrow failure resulting in pancytopenia, hepatospleno- latent onset or slight symptom, thus could be more easily megaly, growth retardation and cranial nerve palsies. He ignored. For example, three patients (cases 4, 19, 23) who was affected by bilateral proptosis, nystagmus and alter- were treated with poor vision as the first symptom all had nating exotropia, with an extremely poor fixation ability frameshift mutation in the TCIRG1 gene. and optic atrophy. The diameter of optic canals was 1.0 Second, from the aspect of severity, most of the mm in both eyes, and showed severe compression of optic TCIRG1-related patients (88.9%, 24/27) showed a severe canals. The waveform of FVEP was not elicited. The child ophthalmic phenotype characterised by optic canal had died from pulmonary infection and multiple organ stenosis with or without optic atrophy, nystagmus and failure before he waited for the right donor for HSCT. strabismus. Moreover, the above ocular features from

4 Cao W, et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2018;3:e000180. doi:10.1136/bmjophth-2018-000180 BMJ Open Ophth: first published as 10.1136/bmjophth-2018-000180 on 17 November 2018. Downloaded from Open access frameshift mutation cases were all more serious than to clinical characteristics may encourage better under- those from point mutation cases. This finding can be standing of the mechanism of ocular sign occurrence ascribed to the fact that most TCIRG1 mutations, being and more targeted treatment of IMO. frameshifts or stop codons, completely disrupt the protein function.12 For example, the two siblings (cases 25 and Acknowledgements Haematologists Maoquan Qin and Guanghua Zhu are acknowledged for providing the genetic data of the patients. 26) who were homozygotes for c.1371delC had typical frameshift mutation, changing the reading frame (the Contributors WC carried out CT and FVEP study, performed the statistical analysis and drafted the manuscript. QW participated in the design of the study grouping of the codons) and resulting in a completely and performed the statistical analysis. WW conceived the study and participated in different translation from the original. There was a simi- its design and coordination and helped draft the manuscript. All authors read and larity in the phenotypic features due to the same genetic approved the final manuscript. factor in these two siblings, suggesting the decisive role of Funding This study was supported by grants from the National Natural Science the TCIRG1 mutation of the disease. Foundation of China (81570891); the National Natural Science Foundation of China (81272981); the Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals’ Ascent Interestingly, we also found 18.5% (5/27) of cases Plan (DFL20150201); the Science and Technology Project of Beijing Municipal with no frameshift mutation but suffered from severely Science and Technology Commission (Z151100001615052); the Beijing Municipal impaired vision. For these three cases, the point muta- Administration of Hospitals Clinical Medicine Development of Special Funding tions were all inherited from either of their parents who Support (ZYLX201307); the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (7151003); and the Advanced Health Care Professionals Development Project of Beijing Municipal only carried one mutation and behaved healthy. We Health Bureau (2014‑2‑003). hypothesise that the following facts may explain such Competing interests None declared. inconsistency: IMO is a sort of recessive disease, yet in Patient consent Parental/guardian consent obtained. some cases, only one allele was detected, or, as shown in table 1, the mutant gene came from only one parent. Ethics approval Ethics Committee of Beijing Children’s Hospital This means the mutation could have been missed in the Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed. sequencing, or there is a large deletion. It is also possible Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the that there are two heterozygous genes at different sites Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, that have not been detected. 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Cao W, et al. BMJ Open Ophth 2018;3:e000180. doi:10.1136/bmjophth-2018-000180 5