DUNDEE PRECIOUS METALS - TSUMEB SMELTER: 3D GROUNDWATER FLOW AND CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT Prepared for: Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb (Pty) Limited SLR Project No.: 733.04040.00010 Revision No. 1: Month/Year: March 2018 Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb (Pty) Limited Dundee Precious Metals - Tsumeb Smelter: 3D Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport File name: Appendix E Addendum - SLR Project No.: 733.04040.00010 Month/Year: March 2018 DPMT_Groundwater_flow_and_transport_model_Report_v1.1 DOCUMENT INFORMATION Title Dundee Precious Metals - Tsumeb Smelter: 3D Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Project Manager Arnold Bittner Project Manager e-mail
[email protected] Author Markus Zingelmann, Winnie Kambinda Reviewer Arnold Bittner Keywords Keywords Status Final Authority Reference No SLR Project No 733.04040.00010 DOCUMENT REVISION RECORD Rev No. Issue Date Description Issued By Revision No. 0 January 2018 Client Draft report issued to client AB Revision No. 1 March 2018 Final Report AB BASIS OF REPORT This document has been prepared by an SLR Group company with reasonable skill, care and diligence, and taking account of the manpower, timescales and resources devoted to it by agreement with Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb (Pty) Limited part or all of the services it has been appointed by the Client to carry out. It is subject to the terms and conditions of that appointment. SLR shall not be liable for the use of or reliance on any information, advice, recommendations and opinions in this document for any purpose by any person other than the Client. Reliance may be granted to a third party only in the event that SLR and the third party have executed a reliance agreement or collateral warranty.