Screen Australia | Annual Report 2016/17 Screen Australia Annual Report 2016/17 Published by Screen Australia October 2017 ISSN 1837-2740 © Screen Australia 2017 The text in this Annual Report is released subject to a Creative Commons BY licence (Licence). This means, in summary, that you may reproduce, transmit and distribute the text, provided that you do not do so for commercial purposes, and provided that you attribute the text as extracted from Screen Australia’s Annual Report 2016/17. You must not alter, transform or build upon the text in this Annual Report. Your rights under the Licence are in addition to any fair dealing rights which you have under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth). For further terms of the Licence, please see by-nc-nd/3.0/au/. You are not licensed to reproduce, transmit or distribute any still photographs contained in this Annual Report without the prior written permission of Screen Australia. TV ratings data Metropolitan and National market data is copyright to OzTAM. The data may not be reproduced, published or communicated (electronically or in hard copy) in whole or part without the prior consent of OzTAM. Regional market data is copyright to RegionalTAM. All Annual Report enquiries should be addressed to: The data may not be reproduced, published or Communications Unit communicated (electronically or in hard copy) Screen Australia in whole or part without the prior consent of Level 7, 45 Jones Street RegionalTAM. Ultimo NSW 2007 Toll free: 1800 213 099 This Annual Report is available to download as a Phone: 02 8113 5800 PDF from Email:
[email protected] /Screen.Australia Front cover image from Lion.