1 LYNETTE M.F. BOSCH Curriculum Vitae Contact: State University of New York, Geneseo Department of Art History- Brodie Hall Geneseo, New York 14454 Telephone: 585-260-1888
[email protected] EDUCATION 1985 - Ph.D. Princeton University, Department of Art & Archaeology Areas of Focus: Renaissance/Baroque (Spain, Italy, Netherlands) 1981 - M.A. Princeton University, Department of Art & Archaeology 1978 - M.A. Hunter College, City University of New York Areas of Focus: Renaissance (Italian & Northern) 1974 - B.A. Queens College, City University of New York Dean’s List Major: Art History Minor: Classics EMPLOYMENT 2016 – SUNY Distinguished Professor and Chair, Department of Art History, SUNY Geneseo 2015 - Continuing – Chair, Department of Art History, SUNY, Geneseo 2014 – Coordinator Museum Studies Minor, SUNY, Geneseo 2005 – Professor of Art History, SUNY, Geneseo 2000 – Associate Professor of Art History, SUNY, Geneseo 1999 – Assistant Professor of Art History, SUNY, Geneseo 1992-98 - Assistant Professor of Art History, Brandeis University 2 1990-92 - Assistant Professor in Art History, SUNY, Cortland 1983-94 - Visiting Assistant Professor in Art History: School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston (1994) Cornell University (Spring 1992) Seton Hall University (1988-1990) Tufts University (1986-1988) Hunter College, CUNY (1983-1986) Lafayette College (1984-1986) Trenton State College (1983-1984) FELLOWSHIPS, HONORS AND AWARDS 2017 – SUNY, Geneseo, Geneseo Foundation Research Award 2014 – Rothkopf Scholar Award, Lafayette College, Regional recognition