Cuvier's kingdom, London,W.S. Orr,1840.


Article/Chapter Title: The seventh order of , -- the (Rhyngota, Fabr.). Author(s): Westwood, John Obadiah Subject(s): Hemiptera, Homoptera, Heteroptera, Page(s): Page 562, Page 563, Page 564, Page 565, Page 566, Page 567, Page 568, Page 569, Page 570, Page 571, Page 572, Page 573

Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library Sponsored by: University of Toronto

Generated 18 October 2018 7:13 AM This page intentionally left blank. 562 INSECTA. yellow, spotted '\'itl1 black, and whicl1 Sl1aw and Denon have figured in the accounts of their voyages in Africa; they then reduce them to po,vder, '\vhich they use as flour, as l learn fron1 M. Savigny. These t'vo species, and son1e otl1ers, have a conical prominence upon the prosternum, and co111pose t11e genus Acrydium. Amongst those which do not present this cbaracter, and in wl1icl1 the antennre are equally filiform, some have the wing-covers and wings perfect in tl1e t\VO sexes, and belong· to the genus which I have named


THE HEl\ICIPTERA (RHYNGOTA, Fabr.),- Terminate in our system the numerous division of insects furnished witl1 wing-covers, and being the only ones among them which have neither mandibles nor maxillre, properly so called, [that is, fitted for biting]. A tubular articulated tongue, cylindrical or conical in its for1n, curved downwards, or directed under the breast, l1aving tl1e appearance of a kind of rostrum; presenting throughout its '"'hole upper face, when stretched for\ivard, a gutter, or canal, out of which three scaly, stiff, slender, and pointed setre may be witl1drawn, and which are covered at tl1e base by a tonguelet; these setre form unitedly a sucker, resembling a sting, l1aving for its sheath tl1e tubular piece above described, an(l in which it is kept by means of the superior tonguelet [or labrumJ, situated at its base. The inferior seta is composed of two threads united into one at a short distance from their or1gin; thus the number of the pieces of the sucker is, in reality, fc)ur. M. Savigny considered that the two superior setre, or those which are separate, represent the mandibles of tl1e biting insects, and that the two threads of the inferior seta answer to the maxillre (or rather, as it appears to me, to their terminal lobes, whicl1 in the and Butterflies are transfo1·med CJ into an elongated filament); hence the lower lip 0 e is replaced by tl1e tubular sheath of the s11ckerJ and ' 11-- : .....,~-t'11/ the triangular piece at the base becomes the labru1n. ' The tonguelet, properly so called, also exists, and 8.f) under a form analogous to that of the preceding piece, but bifid at tl1e tip (see ); the palpi are tl1e only organs whicl1 have entirely disappeared, and vestiges of the1n are perceived in Thrips, [ '"'hich, however, are now proved to belong to an order

nutritive fluid, successively compressed, is forced up the main canal, a11d arrives at tl1e reso­ phagus ; the sheath of the sucker is often elbowed, or forms an angle. Lil(e other sucking insects, the H emiptera possess salivary vessels. In the majority of tl1e insects of this order the \

GEocoRISlE (or Land-b11gs ),- Have the antennre exposed, longer than the head, and inserted b.etween the eyes, near their inner margin; the tarsi have [generally] three joints, the first of which is often very short. They form the genus CtMEX, Linn.,- Some of which, Longilahres, have the sheath of the sucker corr1posed of fot1r distinct and exposed joints; the upper lip is considerably prolonged beyond the head, like an awl, and transversely striated on the upper side; the ta.rsi have always three distinct joint5, the first equal in length to, or longer than the second. These species emit, in general, a very disagreeable scent, and suck other insects. Sometimes the antennre, always filiform, are composed of five joints; the body is generally short, oval, I or rounded. l ScuTELLERA, Lam.,- 111 which the scutellum covers the abdomen. lineatus, Linn. [a reputed British insect]. Pentatoma, Oliv., in which the scutellum covers only a portion of the upper-side of the abdon1en. This g·enus, as proposed by Olivier, comprises five others in the Systema Rltyngoto1·um of Fabricius ; but 11is groups are imperfectly characterized a11d badly arranged. His genera ..!Elia a11d H alys are Pen­ tato~re , wl1ich have the 11ead more prolonged, and advanced in front lil{e a sno11t, more or less triangular. The type of the former is ..!Elia aci6minata [a rare Britisl1 species], which differs from the rest in having the antennre covered at t11 e base by tl1e anterior and detached margi11 of the under-side of the thorax, and by the scutellum of much larger size, whereby this species more nearly approaches Scutellera. His genus Cyd1ius has tl1e head seen from above, broad, semicircular; the thorax tra11sversely square, scarcely narrower in front than behind, and the ' tibire are often spinose. These species are found on tl1e ground ; some othe1· species inay also Fig. ~~cc!~~~oma be united, '\Yhich have the sternum neither keeled nor spi11ed: sucl1 are Ci1nex ornatus and oloraceus, [handsome rare British species, for1ning Hahn's genus Eu1"ydema]. Other Pentatomre, having the mesosternum elevated in the 1nanner of a keel, or exhibiting a poi11t like a spine, are generically distinguished under the name of Edessa, employed by Fabricius. Many of t11e species which be introduces into this genus possess this character, which is also founcl in some of bis species of Cimex, as P. l1ce­ morrhoidalis, Linn. [the type of Curtis's genus Acantltosoma, and P . griseus, the type of Laporte's genus R aphigaste1·] . 002 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-_! 564 INSECTA.

The female of tl1e last-named species protects ber you11g "'ith great care, leading them about as a ben does her chickens.. Heteroscelis, Latr., is formed for the receptio11 of a species from Cayenne, having the head cylindrical, the anterior tibia; broad and palette-like. Ca1iopus, Fabr., as shown by the recent ·observations of M. Alexa11dre Lefebvre, is composed of sn1all South A1nerican insects, not yet arrived at their full developement, l1avi11g tl1e body rather compressed, and very convex above, concave beneath, and the ocelli, as \Yell as the wings, wanting]. [Tl1e preceding insects form the family Pe1itatomid<£, Leach ; Pentatomites and Scutelle1·ites, Laporte ; and Sczttati, Burmeister. The numbe1· of genera into which tl1ey have been divided by these authors, as well as by Hahn, in his Die Wanzena1·tigen Insecte1i, is very greatly increased, a11d has probably been carried too far.*] Sometimes the antennre have only four joints, and the body is ordinarily oblong. In some of these the antennre are filiform or clavate. Some exotic species approach the preceding in the general form of the body, being ratl1er ovoid tha11 oblong, and are distinguished from all the following by being either very flat, membranous, with tl1e margins very stro11gly dilated and angular, or by having t11e prothorax posteriorly prolonged into a truncated lobe, and tl1e sternum cornuted. Such is Tesseratoma, Lepel and Serv. Type, Edessa papillosa, Fab. Dinido1., Latr., has similarly 4-jointed antennre, but the thorax is not posteriorly lobed. (Edessa obscura, niacta1is, &c.) Phl<1Ja, Lep. and Serv., is quite fiat and membranous, with the sides of the body dilated and angular, the a11te­ rior extremity forming a flattened, truncated hood, hicling t11e ante11nre, ~·l1ich are very short, apparently 3-jointed, and elbo,ved. [P. corticata, a singular Brazilian insect.] All the others have tl1e body generally oblong, and do not exhibit such characters as the last group. So1nc of these have the ai1ten11re inserted near the lateral and superior margin of the 11ead; the ocelli are close together, or at tl1e same distance apart as they are from the eyes. Co1·eus, Fab., bas the body oval ; tl1e last joint of t11e a11tennre ovoid or fusiform, often thicker and not longer than the preceding. C. marginatiftS, Geoff. [a common Englisl1 species]. From the proportions of the joints of the ; the species may be tl1us subdivided. Gonocerus, witl1 the third joint of t11e antennre compressed a11d ang·ular at the sides,-C. sulcico1·1iis, insidiato1·, &c. ; A"lyrontastes, vvith t11e third joint of the ante11nre simple, and longer than the fourth,-V. marginat11,s, &c. ; Co1·eus, -vvith t11e last joint of the ante11nre much longer than the fourth, and compressed,-C. lti1·tico1·nis, &c. Holltymenia, Lep. and Serv., has the second and third joints of t11c antennre plate-like. [Exotic species.] Pacltylis, Lep. and Serv., has the third joint alone of this forn1. Anisoscelis, Latr., has the antenna; filiform, without dilatation; some have the posterior tibia; with a broad mcm­ brane,-L. membranaceus, F., &c. The others, L. valgus, &c., have not, [but the hind femora are often grotesquely thiclcened. T11ese are exotic species of large size.] Some of tl1e species, \Yith long slender antennre, form my genus Nematopus. Alydus, Fab., has the body long and narro.. Yed; the eyes prominent; the ocelli close together, and the thorax slightly broader behind. [A. calcaratus, a rare British species]. Leptocorisa, Latr. [part of Gerris, Fab.], has the body long and filiform; the antennre and legs are also greatly elongated, and the former straight. Neides, Latr. (Berytus, Fab.), bas the antenna; elbowed. [Small singular insects, three or four species of which occur, but rarely, in this country. C. tipularius, Linn.] We now pass to the Geoco1·is<1J which have the antennre similarly filiform, or thickened at the tips, and 4-jointed, but inserted lower tl1a11 in tl1e preceding; the ocelli are close to tl1e eyes, and the apical membrane of the hemelytra J1as only four or five nerves. [These form the family Lygceid£.] Lyg<1Jus, Fabr., l1as tl1e l1ead narrower than the thorax, '\>Vhicl1 is 11arrowed in front,-C. equestris, Linn. C. ap­ te1·us, Linn. ; red, witl1 the bead, a spot on the tl1orax, ai1d two on the hemelytra, black; the wirtg-covers without apical membrane, but occasionally this, as well as tl1e wings, is fully developed. [The ocelli are "'anting in this species, which forms the type of the genus Pyrrltocoris, Fall.; Platy1iotus, Scbill. ; or Astemma of Lep. and Serv. It is occasionally found in this country.] The species with the fore-legs thicke11ed form tlle genus Pacltynierus, Lep. and Serv., but which name having been previously used, must be changed. [The species are very numerous, and form Hal1n's genus Rlty­ parocltronus.] [ Geoco1·is, Fallen, Optlialmicus, Schill.] Salda, Fab., bas the head as broad as the thorax, and often dilated bebi11d, \Vith large eyes, S. atra, grylloides, &c., Fabr. }.fyodatlta, Latr., has the bind part of the head elongated into a neck. We now arrive at t11ose Geocoris

" The H.ev. F. \V. rlope has published a catalogue of the species I species. Gcr1nar has also added many new genera. and speciell in the belo11ging to this tril>c, \Vi th the description of a. great nun1her of ue\v first part of his Zeitsclirift fur die Ento112ologie, 1839. I , I-IE~'.lIP'l'ERA. 565

Ilcteroton1a, La tr., has tbe t\YO basal joints of the anteunre very thick and setose. The type of this curiot1s genus is Caps us SJJissicornis, Fab. [a con1mon British species]. 1'he otl1er He1niptera of this fa1nily have only two or three joi11ts iii tl1e sl1eath of tl1e proboscis; the labrum is short, and 11ot striated ; the basal and often tbe second joint of t11e tarsi are very s11ort; the legs inserted in tl1e middle of the breast; tl1e ungues apical. Some of these have the proboscis straig11t, and generally resting in a canal ; the eyes of ordinary size, and the l1ead not narro\vecl into a neck. The body is generally entirely or i)artly membranous, and often flattened. 1'hey compose the majority of the Fabrician genus Aeanthia, from which the follo,ving have been separated. Syrtis, Fab. (Macrocepltalus, Swed., Phymata, Latr.), has the fore-legs very large and claw-like, serving to seize t11eir prey. In Macrocephalus the scutellum is distinct, and covers nearly the whole abdomen. In Phymata (S. crassipes, F.), the [scutellum is minute], and only covers part of the upper side of the abdomen. Tingis, Fab., has the body very flat, and the antennre terminated by a short knob, the third joint being elong­ ated; tl1e majority live upon plants, puncturing the of flo\vers, and sometimes producing galls. The leaves of the pear are often gnawed by T. py1·i. [These are minute insects, many of which are English, having the body membranous, and covered \Vith small cells; the thorax is extended bel1ind, over the scutellum.] Aradus, Fab., resembles Tingis i11 the form of the body, but bas the antennre cylindrical, 'vith the second joint as long as the third, or longer. They are found under the bark of trees, in crevices of old wood, &c. [Small insects, of 'vhicb several are found in tbis country. A. dep1·essus, Betul<£, &c.] Ci1nex proper, Aca1ithia, Fab., has the body very flat, but the antennre terminate in a setaceous joint. The typical species, C.lectularius, Linn., the Bed-bug, is too well kno'vn to need description. I tis said not to have existed in England before the great fire in 1666, and that it \Vas imported in wood from America; Dioscorides, bo\vever, mentioned it. It has also been asserted that this species sometimes gains wings. It also infests young Pigeons, S\vallows, &c. ; but that which attacks the latter birds appears to me to form a distinct species. [The Rev. L. J enyns has recently described it as distinct, C. J-lirundinis; as well as one from Pigeons, 0. colunibarius; ann one found 011 a Bat, C. Pipistrelli. (A1inals of Nat. Hist., June, 1839.)] Various plans have been proposed for their extirpation, but the best is extreme cleanliness. Tl1e otl1er Geocorisre of this subdivision l1ave the proboscis exposed, arched, or sometin1es Fig. 96.-Cimex straight, \Vith the labrum prominent and the hea

REDUVIUS, Fabricius,- In which the proboscis is short, very acute, and capable of pricking strongly, the pain of \Vhich lasts for a long time. Tl1e ante11nre are very slender at tl1e tips ; ma11y species produce a noise similar to that made by Crioceris and the Capricorn Beetles, which is morP- quickly repeated. This genus has been thtlS subdivided. Holoptilus, Lep. and Serv., 'vbich have only three joints to the antennre, the last two furnished witl1 very long hairs, arranged in tv;o ro\vs, and verticillated in the last joint. Redttvius proper, bas the antennre 4-jointed, and sn1ootb, or but slig;l1tly pt1besce11t, and the body is oblong­ oval, with the feet of moderate size. R. personatus, Linn., inhabits the interior of l1ouses, w-here it lives upon tlies and other insects, which it approaches stealthily, a11d then darts itself, in1mediately killing tben1 by piereing them 'vith its proboscis. In the preparatory states it looks like a Spider, covering itself with particles of dust and dirt. J>labis, Latr., in which the thorax is but slightly divided transversely, a11d Petaloc!teirus, Pal. Beauv., i11 \Yhicl1 the fore tibire forrn a round plate, may be united therewith. Zelus, Fab., has the body linear, with t11e legs \'ery long, slender, and alike, [consisting of a g;reat number of exotic species]. Ploia1·ia, Scop., differs from the last in having the two fore-legs [sl1ort] with elongated coxre, formed as in for seizing the prey. Ge1·ris vagabundus, Fabr. [a11 insect of small size, not uncommon in England]. We are no\v arrived at Geocorisre remarkable for the large size of the eyes, and tl1e head not formed into a neck, \vitl1 the 11ead transverse. Tl1ey live at the sides of 'vater, where t11ey run with great agility, and often tal(e short leaps. Leptopus, Latr., has the proboscis short and arched, and the antennre setaceous; [small species, several of,vbicl1 are found on the Co11tinent]. Acanthia, Latr. (•'>ahla proper, Fabr.), has the proboscis long and straight, and the antennre filiform. Salda litoralis, Fabr., &c. [several British species of small size]. Pelogonus, Latr., differs from Acantbia in having the antennre very sl1ort, and folded beneath the eyes. The species are small, and approach Naucoris, to which they conduct 'vith t11e follo\ving. Sometin1es the four hind legs, \ery long and slender, are inserted upon the sides of the breast, and 'vide apart; the tarsal t1ngt1es are very small, indistinct, and fixed in a fissure at t11e side of the tarsi. These feet serve either for rowing or creeping on the water. They are peculiar to the genus

HYDROMETRA, Fabr.,- W11ich Latreille divides into tl1ree others. Hydronietra proper, \vith setaceo11s antennre, and the head produced into a muzzle, with the rostrum received in a canal on the under side. [H. stagnoru11i, a small, very slender, and common species, found cra'rvling on tl1c surface of 'vater.] Gerris, Latr., l1as filiform antennre, with t11e sheath of the proboscis 3-jointed, and tl\e second pair of legs wide 566 JN SECTA.

apart from the anterior, and twice as long as the body. [Commor1 i!lsects, often seen skimming along the surface of the water.] · Velia, Latr., witl1 the antennre also filiform, but with the sheath of the sucker only 2-jointed; the legs mode­ rately long, and placed at equal distances apart. V. cu1·rens, [a common British insect, seen running 011 the • surface of brooks.] · [The works of Laporte Comte de Castelnau, the Encyclopedie Methodique, Burmeister's Manual of Entomology, vol. ii., Spinola's Essay on the Heteropterous Hemipter·a, and Hahn's work, Die Wanzen­ artigen Insecten, m11st be consulted for many new genera established in this division of the order. J


T aE H YDROCORISE, or Water-bugs,- Has the antennre inserted beneath tl1e eyes, by which they are concealed, being shorter than tl1e head, or scarcely longer than it. All these Hemiptera are aquatic and carnivorous, seizing other insects with their fore-legs, whicl1 fold upon themselves, and serve them as claws. They prick very sharply [with the proboscis]. The tarsi have only one or two joints ; the eyes are generally of a remarkable size. Some of the Hydrocorisre, forming the subfamily Nepides, have the two fore-legs formed into claws composed of a very thick or very long thigh, channelled on the under side to receive the under surface of the tibia and of the tarsus, which is very short, or is 11nited with the tibia, forming with it a strong hook; the body is oval and very depressed in some, and of a linear form in others. These insects form the genus NEPA, Linn.,- Which may be thus divided:­ Galgulus, Latr., in which all the tarsi are alike cylindrical, with two distinct joints, tlie last of which is furnished with two hooks at the tip; the antennre appear to have only three joints, the last of which is large ai1d ovoid. (Nauco1·is oculata, Fab.; North America.) . The antennre in the following genera are con1posed of four joints, and the anterior tarsi are terminated simply in a point, or by a hook. Nai.r,coris, Geoff., has the labrum exposed, large, and triangular; the body is nearly oval and subdepressed; the eyes flattened; the extremity of the body is not furnisl1ed with elongated processes ; the four hind feet are ciliated with 2-jointed tarsi, and two ungues at the tip. N. cimicoides, Linn., [a common British insect, half an inch long]. In the three following subgenera, the lab rum is hidden in the canal, and the extremity of the abdomen furnished with two :filaments. Belostoma, Latr., has all the tarsi 2-jointed, and the antennre semi-pectinated. [Exotic species.] Nepa, Latr., has the fore tarsi formed of a single joint, and tl1e four hind tarsi 2-jointed; the anten11re appear forked; the fore coxre are long, and the thigbs thicker than tl1e other parts. The abdomen is terminated by two long :filaments, which are employed in respiration ; the eggs resemble the seed of some pla11t, being oval, surmou11ted by a coro11et of hairs. M. L. Dt1four has published an elaborate memoir on their internal anatomy. N . cine1·ea, Linn., of a dirty ash.colour, with the upper surface of the abdomen bright red, [is a very common insect.] Ranat1·a, Fabr., differs from Nepa in its linear form, and the more elongated form of the legs. N . linearis, Linn. [a common British species in certain localities]. The coronet at the top of its eggs is formed of only two threads. The others, Notonectides, have the two fore-legs simply incurved, with the thighs of the ordinary size ; the tarsi diminishing to a point, and very m11ch ciliated or similar to the others; the body is nearly cylindric or ovoid, and rather thick, or not so much depreS'sed as in the preceding ; the hind legs are very much ciliated, in the form of oars, and terminated by two very min t1te cla,vs : they swim or row with great quickness, and often on their backs, [whence their generic name]. They Fig. 97.-Nepa cinerea. compose the genus NOTONECTA, Linn.,- Which may be thus divided :- Corixa, Geoff., which has no scutellum, the elytra horizontal; the fore-legs very short, with the tarsi composed of a single compressed and ciliated joint ; the other legs are elongate, and the two middle ones terminated by two very long ungues. N. striata, Linn. [and several other small British species]. Siga1·a, JJeach, founded upon N. minutissima, Fab1·., has the fore-tarsi I-jointed, but possesses a distinct scutellum, and the body ovoid. Notonecta, Linn., has a distinct scutellum; a rostrum elong·ate-co11ic; the wing-covers de- Fig. 98.- N. glauca. 'flexed at the sides, and all the tarsi 2-jointed; the fore tarsi are cylindric, simple, and terminated by two ungues. I HEMIPTERA. 567

N. glauca, Linn., more than half an inch long, [is one of Ollr commonest 'vater insects]: it swims upo11 its bacl' in order the better to seize its prey, and is able to prick sl1arply. Plea, Leac11, is fot1nded upon Notonecta minutissima, Lin11., which l1as the ungues of the hind feet large, and tlle elytra entirely crustaceous. The second section of the Hemiptera, tl1at of the

HoMOPTERA, Latr.,- Is distinguished from the preceding by the following characters :-Tl1e proboscis arises from the lowest part of the head, near the breast, or even, as it appears, between the two fore-feet. The "ring-covers (nearly always roof-like) are throughout of tl1e same consistence a11d semi­ membranous, sometimes even nearly like the wings. The three segments of the tl1orax are united into a mass, and the first is often shorter than tl1e following. All the Hemi1Jtera of tlus section feed only upon the fluids of vegetables; the females l1ave a scaly ovipositor, gene­ rally composed of three denticulated plates, and lodged in a scabbarrl of two valves: they use' this instrument as a saw to mal


THE CICADARI2E,- Comprises those which have three joints in the tarsi, and the antennre generally very small, conic, or awl-shaped, from 3- to 6-jointed, including a very slender seta, with which they al'e terminated. The

females are provided with a denticulated1 saw-like ovipositor. Messrs. Ra1ndohr, Marcel de Serres, Leon Dufour, and Strauss, have studied the a11atomy of different insects of this family with great care; the latter has not yet however published his researches. Amongst the others, M. Leor1 Dufot1r is the author whose investigations are the most extended a11d complete, at least as regards the digestive and generative systems, as is easily proved on referring to his memoir intitled Recherohes anatomiques sur les Cigales, inserted in the fifth volu1ne of the Annales des Sciences naturelles. Some of the Cicadarire are named Chanteuses, and have the antennre composed of six joints and three ocelli. The mesothorax, seen from above, is much more spacious than the prothorax, and is r1arrowed toV\·ards its extremity, where it forms a kind of sct1tellum. It is 11early of the same form in the Ful­ gorre and otl1er genera separated· therefrom. The mesothorax is often of a reversed triangular form, and the prothorax. is generally very short and tra11sverse. In M embracis, Cicadella, &c., it is, on the contrary, much more extensive than the other thoracic seg1nents, and very much developed i11 one or the other direction, and tl1e mesothorax appears only in the form of an ordinary triangular scutellum. In the whole of the family, the mesotl1orax is very short and concealed. Considered in respect to other insects, the head of the Cicada.rire, seen in front, exhibits immediately above the labrttm a triangular space, answering to the epistome or clype us, above which is another space, often s'vollen and striated; above this is the forehead, and whicl1 is succeeded by tl1e vertex or superior part of the head. The Chanteuses comprise the Cicad~ manriifer~, Linn., or . the gent1s Tettigonia, Fabr., and form with me the genus C1c_-tDA, Oliv. (Tettigonia, Fabr.). These insects, in_wbich the wing-covers are almost always transparent and veined, differ from the following not only in tl1e structure of their antennre, and the number of the ocelli, but also in not possessing the power of leaping; the males also produce in the l1ottest part of the day a kind of monotonous and noisy m11sic, \'Vl1ence they have been termed by authors'' chanteuses,'' or singers. The organs of sot1nd are placed at each side of the base of the abdomen, internal, and covered by a cartilaginous plate like a shntter, a11d which is an appendag·e of the under side of the n1etathorax. The cavity \'V11ich incloses these instruments is divided into two partitio11s by a scaly and triangular e

The Cicadre are fot1nd upon trees, or shrubs, of which t11ey sucl' the sap. The female pierces the small twigs of dead branches of trees as far as the pith with its ovipositor, lodged in a semi-tubular sheath formed of two valves, and composed of tl1ree scaly pieces of a narrow and elongated form, t"\>vO of which are terminated like a file, i11 order to deposit their eggs therein, tl1e i1umber of \Vhich being great, the fem ale makes a succession of slits, tl1e place of which is indicated by so many elevations on tl1e exterior. The young larvre qttit their birth-place, how­ ever, in order to descend into the ground, wl1ere they increase in size and become pupre. Their fore-legs are short, the fore thighs being very strong, and armed with teetl1, fitted for burrowing in the earth. The Greeks devoured the pupre, wl1ich they called Tettigomet1·

The other Cicadarire (Muettes) have only three distinct joints to the antennre, and two small ocelli. 1'heir legs are i11 general fitted for leaping ; neither of the sexes is furnished with organs for the pro­ duction of sound. The wing-covers are often coriaceous and opaque ; many of the females envelope their eggs in a white cottony mass. Some of these ( Fulgorell(£) have the antennre inserted immediately beneath the eyes, and tl1e fore­ head is often prolonged into a muzzle, varying in figure according to the species. This is the distin­ guishing cl1aracter of the genus

FULGORA, Linn. The species in which the forehead is advanced, \Vith two ocelli, and which have no appendage beneath the antennre, are the true Fulgo1·

In otl1ers, the antennre are at least as long as the 11ead, and often inserted in a notcl1 below the eyes. A notia, Kirby, allied to Otiocerus, and which approaches the preceding in the mode of insertion of the antennre. [Small exotic insects.] Asiraca, Latr. (Delpltax, Fab.), has the a11tennre inserted in a notcl1 below the eyes, as long as the bead and thorax, \Vitl1 the first joi11t generally longer than the second, compressed, and angulaterl; tl1e ocelli are wanting. [A. clavico1·nis, Latr., a small, exceedingly active species, a11d several others, inl1abitants of tl1is country.] Delplla.r:, Fab., has the antennre similarly inserted, but not longer than t11e head, with the first joint much shorter t11an tbe second; the ocelli are present. [Numerous very small species, found by sweeping grass at tl1e sides of roads, commons, &c. Some of the species occasionally l1ave tl1e wing-covers only partially developed. These constitute tl1e genus C1·iomorpkus, Curtis.] Derbe, Fabr., are unknown to me, but I presume they come near the preceding insects, and especially to Anotia. In the terminal Cicadarire the antennre are inserted between the eyes. These compose the genus

Ct CA DELLA (or the Cicad(JJ Ranatr(JJ, Linn.),- Which may be thus divided :- We commence with the species which, with the exception of a small number, (Ledra,) formerly com­ posed the genus Memoracis of Fabricius. The head is very much deflexed, or low in front, and pro­ longed into an obtuse point under the form of a clypeus, more or less semicirct1lar. Tl1e antennre are always very small, terminated by an inarticulate seta, and inserted in a cavit)' under the margins of the head ; the prothorax is sometimes dilated, and horned on each side, and prolonged behind into a simple or composite horn, and sometimes it is elevated longitudinally down the back, compressed like a crest, sometimes porrected and pointed in front ; the legs are seldom spined. [This gent1s comprises three principal groups,-the Membraeides, Cercopides, and Cicadellin(JJ]. Some [the Membracides] have no scutellum, properly so called, exposed. Membtacis, Fab. (having the prothorax elevated, compressed, and -like along the middle of the back), and T·ragopa, Latr. (where this part of the body is horned, or pointed on each side, 'vithout any intermediate eleva­ tion, and posteriorly produced into a point as long as the abdomen), l1ave tl1e tibire, especially of the fore-feet, foliaceous. In the following the tibire are of the ordinary form, and not foliaceous. Darnis, Fabr., in which the prolongation of the prothorax is in the sl1ape of a long triangle, covering the wings and abdomen. Bocydium, Latr., has the prolonged part narrowed so as to expose the wings and sides of the abdomen, and more or less Ianceolate, or spear-shaped. [Such are Bocyd. glo­ bula1·e, ancl B. m·uciatum, two extraordinary Brazilian in­ sects, of sn1all size, here figured. The majority of the species of Membracides are exotic, of small or but moderate size, and F1g lOO.-a, Bocydium globulare ; b, B. cruciaturu. amongst tl1em are to be found some of the most anomalous forms.] In others the scutell11m, although the prothorax is prolonged, is exposed, at least in part, the posterior extremity of the prothorax exhibiting a transverse suture, whicl1 distinguis11es it from the scutellum. These form the subgenus Cent'rotus proper. Types, e. cornuta and C. ge1iist£. [Two small species, of rather common occurrence in woods in this country, the last of which is figured in the Entomologist's Text Book, pl. 3. f. 2.]

We IlOW pass to the species in which tl1e head is but little lower than, or on the same plane as, the prothorax ; horizontal,- or but little deflexed when seen from above, and in wl1ich tl1e prothorax is neither elevated in the middle, nor posteriorly prolonged, offering only lateral dilatations, and in whicl1 the mesothorax assumes the form of a triangular scutellum, of the ordinary size; the wing-covers are always exposed ; tl1e posterior tibire are more or less spined. In many, such as the following [which con1pose the tribe Cercopides], the thorax has the form of an irregular hexagon, being prolonged and narrowed behind, and terminated by a truncattrre fitti11g to tl1e base of the sc11tellum, and often receiving it ; this truncature being conca,ve, or emarginate. LBtalion, Latr., bas the crown of the l1ead transverse, the forel1ead being sudde11ly deflexed in front, and the antennre are inserted above a line drawn between the eyes. [Brazilian insects.] In the three following subgenera the vertex is triangular and bears the ocelli, and the antennre are inserted in a line drawn betwee11 the eyes. Ledra, Fab., has the bead very flat between the eyes, like a transverse clypeus; the sides of tl1e protbora.x are 570 INSECTA . I dilated i11to short wing-like appendages, and the hind tibire are very compressed, and margined by a me1nbrane. C. au1·ita, Li11n., [a species not uncommor1 in the woods in Kentl. Ciccus, Latr., has the antennre termi11ated suddenly after the second joint in a seta composed of four distinct cylindric and elongated joints; the anterior extremity of the head is generally advanced. [Exotic species.] Messrs. Serville and Saint Fargeau [as well as Drs. Germar and Burmeister] have established numerous additional genera in this group. The Eurymelafenestrata, Serv. and St. F., described by them as Brazilian, is a native of New South Wales, the description given of wl1ich by these authors being inexact, the insect possessing ocelli, although difficult to be detected. Hence this genus ought to be introduced at the genus Jssus. Cercopis, Fab., Germ. (Aphropho1·a, Germ.), has the third joint of the antennre conical, and terminated by an articulated seta. [C. vulne1·ata, Rossi, the only British species closely allied to C. sanguinolenta, Linn., is a co1n1non insect, and the han(lsomest in the family; being black, with blood-red spots.] C. [Aph1·opho1·a] spu1na1·ia, Linn., is an ex­ tremely abundant species, tl1e larva of which is found upon leaves a11d twigs in the midst of a frotl1y secretion, of a white colour, which has bee11 commonly called Cuckoo-spit. In the other Cicadarire, terminating this family, [and forming the tribe Cicadellines, and which in the earlier works of Fabricit1s formed his gent1s Cicada], the pro- Fig. 101.-Aphrophora spumaria; a, imago; b, frothy secretion; • · • c, pupa. thorax is not at all, or scarcely, prolonged postenorly, and is terminated by a straight, or nearly straight, line, as long as the breadth of the body, the scutelll1m, at its base, occupying a great portion of this breadth. Eulopa, Fallen, has the eyes very pro111inent, the head but little advanced beyond the eyes, b11t depressed, and forming a kind of ridge round the face ; two ocelli placed on the posterior and superior part of the head, and legs destitute of spines or teeth. C. E1·icce, a small species, [found on heaths]. Eupelix, Germar, has the head in the form of an elongated and very flat triangle, with the ocelli situated in front of the eyes, upon the edges of the head, which are prolonged, nearly cutting through the eyes. C. cuspidata, Fab. [a rare British species, found with the preceding]. Penthimia, Germ., has the antennre inserted in a large cl1annel, reducing t11e space between tl1e eyes more than ordinary; the bead, seen from above, appears semicircular, and gradually detlexed in front; it is rounded, and its edges are extended above tl1ese channels ; the body is short. These insects have some resembla11ce to Cercopis, with wl1ich Fabricins united them. C. sa11quinieollis, Fabr., [a very rare British species]. G'!fpona, Germar, appears to be closely allied to Penthimia, but I 11ave seen no specimen of that subgenus. Iassus, Fabr., has the superior surface of t11e head comprised between the eyes, very short, transverse, and linear, or arched, and very little advanced even in the middle beyond the eyes. The plates at the sides of tl1e clypeus are large; the antennre terminate in a long seta; the ocelli are situated near or below the anterior margin of the head. [Numerous small British species, divided by Curtis, Lewis, Burmeister, and Germar into various subgenera.] Cicadella proper, or Tettigoma, Fabr., Oliv.; Cicada, Linn., has the head, seen above, triangular, witl1out being either very long or very fiat, whereby it i.s distinguisl1ed from Et1pelix; tbe eyes also are not cut into by the sides of the head; the ocelli are situated between them. Tl1ese insects are, in other respects, very nearly related to Iassus, as \'Vell as in respect to the extent of the plates at the sides of the face, and the lengt11 of the seta of the antennre, which appears to be articulated at its base. as in Ciccus, from which it chiefly differs in the form of the thorax. [This is also a very nun1crous grot1p, which has been likewise much cut up by late writers.] Some of the species, as C. g1·isea, tran-SVersa, striata, Fabr., appeared to Latreille to form a distinct subgenus, from the flat­ tened form of the head, and the ocelli i11serted near its edge.

THE SECOND FAMILY OF TlIE HOMOPTEROUS HEMIPTER~.!\,- - THE APHIDII, commonly called Plant Lice,- "\Vhich are distingt1ished from the preceding by having only two joints in the tarsi, and the antennre filiform, or like a thread, and longer than the head, con1posed of from six to eleven joints. The winged individuals have always t\vo wing-covers and t\.VO ~· ings. These are very small insects, having the body generally soft, and the wing-covers very similar to vvings, differing only in being larger and somewhat thic1{er. They multiply with exceeding rapidity. Some 11ave ten or eleven joints iu the antennre, the last of whicl1 is ter1ninated by t,¥0 setre. They leap well, and form the gent1s PsvLLA, Geoff. ( Chermes, Linn.). These Hemiptera, which are also termed by the French False Plant-lice, live upon trees and plants, HEMIPTERA. 571

from which they obtain their nourishment; the two sexes are winged; the larvre have the body gene­ rally very flat ; the head broad, and the abdomen rounded behind. Their legs are terminated by a men1branous vesicle, accompanied beneath by two ungues. Four broad pieces, which are tl1e sheaths of the wing-covers and wings, distinguish the pupre : many in this state, as in that of the larva, are covered by a white cottony secretion, arranged in flakes. Their excrements. form threads or masses, of a gt1mmy saccharine nature. Some species, by puncturing vegetables to extract the sap, produce in various parts, especially in the 1lowers and buds, monstrosities, having the appearance of galls. In this number is Psylla Buxi, figured by Reaumur, '!Jlern. Ins., vol. iii. pl. 19, fig. 1-14, which is found on the box. The alder, fig, nettle, &c. preduce other species.• Latreille bas formed with the species which lives in the flowers of Juncus articulatits, a ge11us, under the name of Livia. The antennre are much thicl<.e11ed ~t the base. [Mr. Curtis has published the figt1re of another genus under the name of Livilla, founded upon a small, inter­ esting British species.]

The other Aphidii have only six or eight joints in the antennre, the last of which is not terminated by two setre. Sometimes the wing-covers and wings are linear, fringed with hairs, and carried horizontally upon the body, which has nearly a cylindrical form ; the proboscis being small, or scarcely distinct. The tarsi are terminated by a vesicular joint without ungues ; and the antennre have eight somewhat moniliform joints. Such is the genus THRIPS, Linn.,- The species of which are extremely active, and appear to leap rather than fly. '\iVhen much irritated, they elevate and bend the extremity of their bodies into an arch in the same manner as the Staphylini. They live upon flowers and plants, and under the bark of trees. The largest species scarcely exceed a line in length. Latreille observes in a note that the structure of the moltth exhibited to him characters which appeared essentially to distinguish the species of Thrips from the other insects of this order. M. Strauss also, wl10 had studied them with admirable precision, considered that they belonged to the order Orthoptera. [Subsequently,- the genus has been raised to the rank of a distinct order by Mr. Haliday in a valuable memoir published in the En­ tomological Magazine, under the name of Thysanoptera, and I have illustrated the structure of the mouth in my Mod139·n Classification of Insects, vol. ii. p. 1, with figures. Mr. F. l02.--Thrips. Haliday has established a number of generic and subgeneric divisions.] Sometimes the wing-covers and wings are oval or triangular, without a fringe of hairs, and are deflexed at the sides lilce a roof; the rostrum is very distinct; the tarsi are terminated by two ungues; and the antennre have only six or seven joints : these form the genus APHis, Linn. Aphis, proper, bas the antennre longer than the thorax, '7-jointed, the third being elongated; the eyes are entire, and the posterior extremity of the abdomen is furnished with two horns or tubercles. They live mostly in society upon trees and plants, 1vhich they suck with their proboscis. Tl1ey do not leap, and crativl but slowly. The two horns at the extremity of the body in many species are tubes, from which frequently exude small drops of a transparent saccharine 1iuid, [termed -dew], of which the ants are very fond. Eacl1 society consists in spring and su1nmer of Qlant-lice always apterous, and of pupre [demi-nymphes], of which the I ' ' wings ought to be developed ; all these individuals are females, which produce living young, wbich are ejected tail foremost, without any previous coupling. The males, Fig. 103.-Aphis Rosm. amongst wbicb some are winged and some wingless, appear only at the end of the summer or in autumn. They fecundate the last generation produced from the preceding individuals, consisting of wingless females whicl1 require impregnation, after which they deposit eggs upon the branches of trees, which remain in that state all through the winter, from which young pla11t-lice are produced in the spring, capable of multiplying without union with the males. The inftuence of a single impregnation thus extends through several successive generations. Bonnet, to wl1on1 we are indebted for the majority of the facts observed upon this subject, obtained, by the isolation of females, nine generations in the space of three months. The punctures which the plant-lice make in the leaves and young twigs of vegetables, often cause these parts to assume different forms, as inay be seen in the young buds of the lime, the leaves of the gooseberry, pear, and especially of the elm, poplar, &c., where they produce a kind of vesi­ cles or excrescences, containing whole families of plant-lice, and often a saccharine fluid, in the interior. The INSECTA.

majority of these insects are covered 'vith a mealy matter, or with cottony tl1reads, sometimes arranged in rows. 'l'he larvre of tl1e Hemerobii, those of many Diptera, and Coccinellre, destroy a great number of plant-lice. M. Aug. Duvau has communicated to the Academy of Sciences the interesting result of his observatio11s on these irtsects, and his memoir has been inserted in the collection of those of the J!I1iseum d' Hist. Nat. The Apl1is of the oak (A. Que'rcus, Linn., Reaumur, 3, pl. 28, f. 5), is rem,arkable for having tl1e proboscis at least three times as long as the entire body. M. Blot has published, in the 1Wemoirs of the Linn


THE GALLINSECTA,- ' Of which De Geer formed a distinct order, have only a single joint* in the tarsi, with a single hook at the tip. The male is destitute of a proboscis, only tVl'O wings, wl1ich shut horizontally llpon the body; the abdomen is terminated by two threads. The female is without V\rings, and • furnished with a proboscis. Tlte antennre are filiform, or thread-like, and often eleven. jointed (nine in the species described by Dalman in the memoir noticed below). These insects compose tr1e genus

Fig. io1.-cuccu:1 Coccus, Linn. (or Scale-insects). aceris, male & fciuale. The bark of many of our trees appears often warty, by reason of a great number of small oval or rounded bodies, like a sl1ield or a scale, which are fixed to them, and in which no external traces of the insect are to be observed. They nevertheless belong to this class of animals, and to the genus Coccus.• Some of these are females; the others are young males, and which are similar to them in form. But a period arrives when all these individuals undergo singular changes. Tliey fix themselves to the plant, the larvre of the males for a detern1inate period necessary for their trans­ formations, and the females permanently. If observed in spring, their bodies are noticed gradually to increase in size, ending in their acquiring the appearance of a gall, being either spherical, kidney­ shaped, boat~shaped, &c. The slci.n i11 some is entire and very smooth ; in others it is incised, or offers traces of segments. It is in this state that the females are impregnated, shortly after which they deposit their eggs, of which the number is very great ; these they deposit between the ventral surface of their bodies and a layer of a cottor:ey secretion, with which they had previously lined the spot on which they had stationed themselves. Their bodies subsequently dry up and become a solid cocoon, which covers the eggs. Other females envelope their eggs in a very abt1ndant cottony secretion, 'vhich equally defends them. Those which are of a spherical form become a kind of },ox, inclosing the eggs. The young Scale-insects have the body oval, very flat, and fur1ushed with the name organs as their mother. They disperse themselves over the leaves, and reach by the end of the autumn the brancl1es, on ,vhich they affix themselves in order to pass the winter. So1ne, the females, prepare at tl1e com­ mencement of summer to become parents ; and the others, or the larvre of the males, are transformed into pt1pre beneath their own skin. These pupre have the two fore-feet directed forwards, and i1ot backwards, like the four hind legs, and lil{e all the legs of the other inactive pupre. Having acquired

« Dahnan, in a 1nemoir upon some species of Co::cus, eonsiders that the uun1ber of the joints in the tarsi is three .


'1Vings, the males make their escape from tl1e posterior extremity of their cocoons backwards, and tl1e11 seel{ tl1e fe111alcs, which are n1t1ch larger tha11 them. Reaumur observed t'vo small poi11ts lik.e ocelli at t11at part of the head which corresponds with the mouth. I have discovered in the head of the male of tl1e Coccus of the elm ten small similar points, as well as two balancers on the sides of tl1e thorax. Geoffroy states that the females have at the extremity of the body four white filaments, wl1ich appear only on pressing the body of tl1e insect. Dorthez observed upo11 tl1e Eupliorbia Characias a species which appears to differ in several respects both of structure a11d habits from the other species, and which determi11ed M. Bose to form this insect into a distinct genus, named Dorthesia. The antennre have nine joints, much longer and sle11derer in t11e male than in the female; the latter continues to live and to be active for some time after depositing her eggs ; the male has the extremity of the body furnished with a thick brush of long white threads : hence this insect is nearer allied to the Apl1ides than to tl1e Cocci. The Cocci appear to injure the trees, by causi11g by their punctures a too abundant overflowing of the sap. Hence they require the attention of those persons who cultivate peaches, oranges, figs, and olives. Some species attack the roots of plants ; some are precious on account of the splendid scarlet colour they fur11ish for the dyer. Further researches on these insects might detect others equally useful in this respect. Geoffroy divided these insects, which are called by the French Galle insectes, or, by contraction, Gallinsectes, into two genera, Cltermes and Coccus; tl1e latter was called by Reaumur, P1·ogall-i1isecte. Tl1e l\

------·· .


-THE NEUROPTERA (ODONATA, and tl1e major part of SYNISTATA, Fabr.),- Is distinguished from tl1e preceding orders by the fore-wings being membranous, generally naked, transparent, and similar to the two posterior in respect to their consistence and 11ses; from the 10tl1 and follo\ving, by the number of these organs as well as by the structure of tl1e mot1th, wl1ich is fitted for mastication, or furnished vvith true mandibles and maxillre, that is, formed on the ordinary plan [for biting], a character which separates this order from the I tenth, or that of the Lepidoptera, of which the fore-wings are, moreover, mealy. In the Neuroptera these wings 11ave their surface ft1rnisl1ed with a very fine net-work; tl1e inferior being mostly as large as the superior, or sometimes la1·ger, sometimes narrower, but longer. The maxillre and the inferior piece of the lower lip, or the mentum, has never a tub11lar
