Advances in Social Science, and Humanities Research, volume 353 Third International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2019 – Humanity, Education and Social Sciences (IcoSIHESS 2019) Introducing Lesson Study to Improve Student Learning in the Classroom

Eko Purwanti Endro Dwi Hatmanto English Department English Language Education Department Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yogyakarta, Indonesia [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—The 2013 National Education Curriculum survey result in 2015, Indonesia ranked 67 in reading, 66 in requires students to be the center of teaching and learning Math, and 65 in Science of the total 72 countries [24]. This process in the classroom. Having Student Centered Learning program was conducted by the Organization for Economic (SCL) as the teaching approach, the implementation of the Co-operation and Development (OECD) in which 15-year- curriculum implies that students should be involved actively old school pupils' scholastic performance on mathematics, during the transfer of the knowledge in the classroom. In science, and reading were measured [25]. This evaluation is addition, students’ engagement during the learning process is conducted every three years in order to provide comparable paramount, and the teachers are supposed to be the students’ data among the member countries to improve their education facilitators of learning. However, the phenomenon in which policies and outcomes. Based on this result, it can be Student-Centered Learning gained less attention which affects concluded that the quality is still far students less interests in attending the lesson are commonly found in many Indonesian schools, including in an Islamic left behind compared to other countries. . This situation finally affects their learning in In an attempt to improve the quality of national education, the classroom, and consequently they cannot get the most benefit the Indonesian government has stipulated the Teacher and of their study. In this wake, this paper investigates student Lecturer Law No. 14/2015 in which teachers and lecturers are learning in the classroom using collaborative teacher regarded as professionals and they are entitled to have professional development called lesson study. Underpinned by additional incentives with certain conditions. Beside qualitative research design, the study employed ten secondary additional rewards from the government, the Teacher and teachers who collaboratively conducted ‘research lessons’ in which a model teacher delivered the lesson in the classroom and Lecturer Law No. 14/2015 requires teachers and lecturers to other colleagues observed the student learning. The data be professional by maintaining their competencies in terms of obtained from teacher observation and student evaluation pedagogy, professional, personal, and social competencies. revealed positive indicators of student learning during the However, such ideal conditions cannot be fully fulfilled teaching and learning process. Thus, despite lesson study is because of several obstacles caused by teachers, schools, or regarded as an initial professional learning activity for the students at the school. teachers, it is worth to maintain its sustainability in this Islamic In terms of teachers, many teachers in Indonesia are secondary school. regarded as less qualified in teaching [3] and this situation has Keywords—lesson study, student learning, research lesson, resulted in less effective teaching and learning process in the teacher professional classroom [2]. In addition, some teachers are found to teach subject other than their expertise. It is very common to find a I. INTRODUCTION teacher teaches a subject which is not in the area of his or her expertise. In fact, around 17, 2% teachers teach subject other Teachers become one of the important aspects in the than their expertise [2]. Furthermore, with the 2013 National success of education and play a very important role at schools. Education Curriculum (later K13) needed to be implemented As the spearhead of education, teachers are responsible for the in 2018, teachers’ workload is increasing because the K13 effective teaching and learning process in the classroom in curriculum demands the teacher to focus the teaching and order to produce excellent graduates. Having such important learning process on students. This approach is called Students roles in education; however, teachers in Indonesia in the past Centered Learning (SCL) and the teacher is demanded to were not regarded as professionals, and therefore; they serve as a facilitator rather than merely a knowledge received only a small amount of remuneration from the transferrer. In practice, the ideal situation becomes challenges government [1]. This condition was often blamed for teachers for teachers. Such less ideal situation was also found in an being incompetence in their job [2]; [3]. According to Human Islamic secondary school in Yogyakarta. Index Development (HDI), teachers’ quality in Indonesia is regarded not good enough to make changes in teaching areas. Based on my experience when observing pre-service Statistical data of HDI showed that 60% elementary school teacher internship several times at the aforementioned school, teachers, 40% junior high school teachers, 43% senior high there were several problems that had to be resolved so that the school teachers, and 34% vocational schoolteachers were teaching and learning process could be more effective. These regarded incompetent to teach [2]. As a consequence, student problems comprise 1) students are less interested in attending learning outcome was also regarded still poor. Based on the the lesson during the teaching and learning process, 2) PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) students’ participation in the classroom is low, 3) SCL

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( 36 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 353

approach gains less attention in the classroom. These lesson study are conducted in a learning cycle. Once a cycle conditions have affected in student low level of learning. is completed, another cycle can be started. This way, lesson study is regarded as an effective model of teacher professional In responding to such issues, several efforts are needed to development because of several features attached to it, such be conducted by the teachers in the school. Of several choices as 1) it can be conducted through a series of cycles, 2) it is of activities, lesson study is considered appropriate to be based on teachers’ classroom, and 3) it is conducted applied as a professional learning development for teachers at collaboratively [11].The activities conducted in research the school. Lesson study is a Japanese teacher professional lessons have become a teaching habit in Japanese classrooms development model in which a group of teachers which prove to increase not only teachers’ capacity but also collaboratively design lesson plans, deliver the lesson plans teaching quality, and therefore no school in Japan is found in the real classrooms, and conduct reflections on the teaching without research lessons [12]. Through lesson study, the and learning process [4]. Based on several previous studies classroom becomes the teachers’ laboratory for continuous [5]; [6]; [7], lesson study is regarded effective in improving improvement of teaching and learning. student learning in the classroom [6]. Even though lesson study as a model of teacher professional development has In more simple words, lesson study is defined as learning been implemented by secondary school teachers in various a learning activity [13]. Lesson study in Indonesia was started regions in Indonesia since early 2000s, including in by initiating IMSTEP (Indonesian Mathematics and Science Yogyakarta, the success of lesson study in improving the Project) in 1998 conducted by three teaching and learning process among teachers in this Islamic Institutes of Teacher Training and Education (IKIP) located secondary school has not been implemented yet. In fact, most in Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Malang in collaboration with of the teachers in this school had no idea about lesson study. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The Thus, while other studies usually explored lesson study IMSTEP project was regarded successful in improving implementation in which the participants were familiar and Mathematics and [13]. Since then, lesson already involved in lesson study activities, this research study has been implemented by many schools in different focused on the school in which all of the teachers had no parts of Indonesia. knowledge about lesson study. Therefore, this study may The premise behind lesson study is simple: if you want to bridge the gap. This study thus aimed to reveal research improve teaching, the most effective way to do so is in the questions such as 1) How is lesson study implemented in the classroom? 2) How does lesson study support student context of classroom lesson [14]. It has spread all over the world, moving far from its origin of country, Japan. Lesson learning, and 3) what are students’ responses toward lesson study? In order to answer these questions, a thorough study in Indonesia is implemented in three steps, clarified as: examination on the implementation of lesson study and how 1) Plan (planning the lesson plan and research lesson), 2) Do it affects student learning in the classroom now warrants (teaching and observing the lesson), and 3) See (evaluating further investigation. and reflecting the lesson). In planning phase, some teachers work together on designing a lesson plan on a certain topic. II. LITERATURE REVIEW The lesson plan is then taught in a real classroom, often called as a research lesson, by a model teacher while other teachers The objectives of lessons or courses can be achieved if the observe the teaching and learning process. It is also common teaching and learning process is effective. In addition, for the teachers’ team to invite other parties such as colleagues effective teaching is likely resulted from effective teacher. from different subjects, the principals, and the school Therefore, J.C. Richards, and D. Bohlke [8] mentioned that stakeholders as well as the experts of the subject matter to teachers play an important role in creating effective teaching, observe the research lesson. Having completed the class, they namely 1) creating a positive learning environment, 2) take a break for about 30 minutes and then they are ready to developing learner-centred teaching, and 3) planning and have debriefing or reflection session. In the debriefing, the reviewing the lessons. In maintaining effective teaching, teacher model shares his/her experience when teaching in the teachers have to ensure that students are engaged in the class, and then followed by other participants giving classroom. According to P. Goss, and J. Sonnemenn [9], when comments on the learning process, and ended with final students are engaged in class, they learn more. Therefore, it is remarks from the expert. After debriefing session, the necessary for teachers to provide conducive learning teachers’ team can revise and reteach the lesson plan to the environments. J. Parsons and L. Taylor [10] mentioned that same class or to a different class, and then another cycle of students’ engagement can be characterized by several lesson study begins. components, namely (1) interaction, (2) exploration, (3) relevancy, (4) multimedia, (5) instruction, and (6) authentic III. REVIEW ON PREVIOUS STUDIES assessment. As mentioned above, students’ engagement lead The success of lesson study in improving students’ to students’ learning; therefore, teachers need to be professional and competent so that students’ learning can be learning has been conducted by researchers. A study about how lesson study enhanced students' learning was conducted obtained in the classroom. Consequently, teachers need to update their knowledge by conducting on going teacher by G. K. D. Areni, and F. Syafri [15] in which thirty students were involved as the participants. The research aimed at professional development. seeking (1) the advantages and disadvantages of lesson study Lesson study is a Japanese model of teacher professional applied in a theoretical subject class; and (2) the effectiveness development in which a group of teachers collaboratively of it for students' learning outcomes. Using descriptive design a lesson, execute the lesson in the real classroom qualitative as the research design, the study revealed the (sometimes called as research lessons) while observed by following findings: (1) the teacher can prepare her lesson other peer teachers, and reflect the lessons. All steps of this plans and teaching media more carefully; (2) she can conduct

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her class more confidently and professionally; (3) she can get The study was conducted from December 2018 – to evaluation about her teaching process after her class ends; (4) February 2019 in an Islamic secondary school in Yogyakarta. the students can be more active and study more seriously; and Ten teachers of various subjects from the school and students (5) they can achieve better scores compared to other classes of three classes were willing to be the participants. The which don‘t use lesson study. It shows that the students found teacher participants who represented ten courses were to be more active and serious during the teaching and learning selected based on the principal’s appointment while the process, and therefore; students’ learning improved which student participants were chosen simply because their was proven by gaining better scores due to the classroom was used as the research lesson venue. implementation of lesson study. The data collection was started when the participants Another study related to lesson study and students’ conducted the lesson study cycles starting from Plan, Do, and learning was conducted by W. Cajkler [16]. Using Dudley’s See. In each phase of these cycles, all activities were recorded lesson study framework and, drawing on Hargreaves and and all documents such as lesson plans, observation checklist Fullan’s notion of professional capital, lesson study as a sheets, questionnaires sheets, field notes, photos, and videos means to maintain teacher professional development was were collected and stored. To answer the research questions, investigated. Underpinned by qualitative, inductive and the data collected was analyzed through several procedures. exploratory mode of enquiry, the setting for the study was an This research utilized data analyses suggested by J. W. urban secondary school in the East Midlands region of Creswell [20] in which three analyses strategies were England in which four teachers were involved. In this study, presented, comprising preparing and organizing the data, lesson study was implemented for approximately six months. reducing the data into themes through a process of coding and The finding showed that although teachers had problems in condensing the codes, and finally representing the data in time management, the implementation of lesson study figures, tables, or a discussion. In order to maintain its improved students’ understanding in the classroom. trustworthiness, the study employed triangulation which involved collecting evidence from different sources so that a Finally, an article about how lesson study may lead to an theme or perspective could be explained [20]. In this study, opportunity for teachers at to work together to observation checklists, documents, video recording, strengthen the link between instructional planning and student observations, and questionnaires were triangulated to learning was written by Jr. Anfara and V. A [17] using maintain the credibility of the study. theoretical perspectives of Situated Learning Theory in Jr. Anfara and V. A [17], learning is situated in the specific V. FINDINGS activity and is embedded within a particular context and culture. It means that learning happens due to a social process This section presents the findings of the study. Based on in which knowledge is constructed by individuals. In this the observation checklists result, documents, and students’ case, Lesson Study conducted by the teachers has resulted in responses to the questionnaires, there are three thematic teachers’ learning as they share ideas and collaborate on findings corresponding to the research questions: 1) the lessons for their actual classrooms. As teachers learn teaching implementation of lesson study, and 2) lesson study in practices from peer teachers, they can plan better instructions supporting students learning, and 3) students’ responses and this results in better students’ learning. toward lesson study. The findings are elaborated as follows: A. Finding 1: The Implementation of Lesson Study IV. METHODOLOGY The implementation of lesson study was started with a Underpinned by a constructivist paradigm, this qualitative discussion in which the teacher participants grouped study seeks to investigate the implementation of lesson study themselves into two lesson study groups, lesson study group in the classroom and how it supports students’ learning as 1 and lesson study group 2. After that, they planned a schedule well as investigate students’ responses toward lesson study in regarding the Plan, Do, and See activities. Furthermore, in this an Islamic secondary school in Yogyakarta. A constructivist meeting the participants agreed to have two cycles of lesson approach enables the development of a better understanding study in order to find out whether there was improvement of the participants’ experience [18] because the truth is related to students’ learning, and therefore; two teachers in constructed by individual interpretations [19]. As lesson study each lesson study group were assigned to volunteer as the is still relatively new among the participants, a constructivist model teachers. To find out students’ learning improvement, paradigm framing this study was able to encourage the the first and the cycle of lesson study were conducted in solicitation of participants’ view [20]. similar classes. In this case, the second cycles of lesson study This study mainly employed qualitative data collection were implemented based on the reflection in the first cycles. methods and analyses namely observation, document In the first cycle, Ms. Rara and Mr. Hadi volunteered as analyses, and a small-scale questionnaire. Although a small- the model teachers, while Ms. Rima and Ms. Sasha were scale questionnaire was used to support and enrich the data willing to be the model teachers in the second cycle. In collection, this study was still predominantly qualitative. addition, the participants decided the topics to be delivered in Observation during teaching and learning process in the the open lessons as well as the classes to be observed. The classroom was used to gather evidence about students’ first two lessons were done in the first week of February 2019 learning, while documents such as audio and video recordings and the second ones were in the following week. Following as well as observation checklists were used to validate the the typical model of lesson study in Indonesia, both lesson observation. Finally, the questionnaires from the students study groups conducted Plan, Do, and See. All of these steps aimed to reveal students’ responses toward the were carefully recorded and documented. implementations of lesson study in their classroom.

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B. Finding 2: Lesson Study in Improving Student Learning in Some students were engaged in learning activities in the the Classroom beginning of the lesson when the teacher displayed a video The second research question of the study aimed to learning. This was experienced by Ms. Sasha students when investigate student learning in the classroom through lesson she ran a video related to debate examples. The video learning study. The information about student learning was obtained was meant to introduce the topic of the lesson, “Debate in from the observation checklists provided by the teacher Indonesian language subject”. Similar situation in which the involved in lesson study groups. The questions in the students started their learning in the beginning of the lesson observation checklist such as 1) when do students start to happened when Mr. Hadi, an Arabic language teacher began learn in the class, and 2) what activities indicate student the class by asking students’ memory on the previous lesson learning helped these observers focused on finding evidences using the target language, Arabic language. The students of student learning during in the classroom. The observation seemed eager to understand Mr. Hadi’s question. results from the participants showed the situation when the While- in session. Some students found it difficult to put students focus their study and learnt lessons in the teaching their concentration in the beginning of their learning, and and learning process. In addition, the finding revealed similar thing was also experienced by the students in this activities which were believed to indicate students’ learning study. Based on the observation results, many students started in the classroom. The following paragraphs describes the their learning when the teacher explained the main content of findings related to students’ learning in the classroom based the topic. Therefore, some students participated actively in the on teachers’ observation and these activities were conducted class when the teacher asked them to do the tasks. Another without interrupting teaching and learning process. example showing students’ learning was when the teacher When do students start to learn in the class? instructed them to write the answer on the whiteboard in Mr. Based on the observation checklist results, it was found Hadi’s class. The result from observation also showed that out that students were indicated to start their learning at students actively listened to teacher explanation, read books, different stages of teaching and learning process. Some explained things, and other activities instructed by the model students had already actively participated in the classroom teachers. These activities indicate that students fully learnt in when the teacher started the lesson, while some others began the teaching and learning process. their learning when the teacher had explained the main content of the subject.

The following table describes detail activity indicating students’ learning in the classroom. What activities indicate students’ learning?

TABLE I. S TUDENT LEARNING IN THE CLASSROOM TABLE II. INDICATORS SHOWING STUDENTS’ LEARNING IN THE CLASSROOM. When do students Various activities indicating students’ learning start to learn? Students’ Indicators Lead-in session  Watching video participation  Refreshing students’ memory on Teacher-student  Responding to teacher questions previous lesson interactions  Starting the lesson using target  Doing tasks from the teacher language  Paying attention to the teacher While – in session  Doing the tasks  Copying the materials from the  Writing answers on the whiteboard whiteboard  Listening to teacher explanation, Student-student  Doing pair discussions explaining something on the interactions whiteboard  Doing group discussions

 Reading books Student initiatives  Moving seat to the front class

 Explaining things  Having question-answer sessions The table above shows the situations indicating students’

learning. Based on the observation checklist report, it was The table above shows that students have started their revealed that students’ learning happened because of three learning in the beginning and during the lessons. In this case, different activities such as 1) teacher-student interaction, 2) students’ learning was indicated by students’ participation in student-student interaction, and 3) student initiatives. Detail the classroom. It means that that if the students were involved explanation about such situations is explained in the actively in the teaching and learning process they were following paragraphs. regarded to have learnt something from the lesson. The following paragraph describes the situation when the students Teacher-student interactions. Students’ learning is related start to learn which is divided into two phases; lead – in to teacher teaching methods in the classroom. As mandated session and while-in session. by K13, a good teacher is required to be a good facilitator for their students, meaning that many opportunities should be Lead-in session. The table above presented students’ given to the students so that they become the centre of differences in showing their learning activities in the learning. The situation in which the teacher gave rooms for classroom. Based on the observation checklists and video students to participate actively in the learning process and recording, while some students had involved actively in the thus resulted in students’ learning was revealed when the beginning of the lesson, others were not active until the teacher gave questions and the students responded them. In teacher instructed them to do activities related to the subject. addition, the teacher asked the students to do the tasks related

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to the topic and the students completed the tasks. Students’ Based on the graphic above, it can be seen that most of the learning were also seen when they paid attention to the students stated that the lessons were interesting. In lesson teachers’ explanation and then they copied information given study cycle 1, thirty- two students stated that the class was by the teacher from the whiteboard. To summarize, teacher interesting while other two students thought that the class was creativity in the classroom will greatly determine students’ fair, and four students stated the class was uninteresting. In learning. cycle 2, more students attended the class. Of all students attending the class, thirty-six students agreed that the class Student-student interactions. Beside interacting with the was interesting, two students mentioned the class was just teachers, students’ learning in the classroom was also fair, and other two students stated the class was uninteresting. indicated by their interaction with peers in the class. When It can be summarized that the second cycle of lesson study students interact each other in the classroom, they can share had slightly made changes in students’ interest in learning. information and knowledge. Thus, student learning can be created by having student-student interaction. Some teachers There were some reasons why the students thought that the assigned tasks in which the students were required to have class was interesting when lesson study was implemented. pair discussions and group discussions. Based on the The following section explains detail information about their observation results, many students enjoyed both pair and reasons based on their questionnaire’s responses. group discussions. Their body gestures indicated that they felt a bit more relaxed when they did discussions with their Teacher’s teaching style. Many students admitted they friends. Thus, this teaching method is worth to do as it can stated that the class was interesting due their teacher teaching style. One student mentioned she liked the lesson because the enhance students’ learning. teacher explained the topic very clearly. Other student stated Students’ initiative. Based on the observation, students’ he liked the class because the teacher was not boring. In learning happened due to students’ initiatives. This case addition, the teacher was regarded always fun during the emerged when a student moved her seat from the back to the teaching and learning process. front seat. The observation checklist revealed that this student moved her seat because she could not read well the Getting knowledge. In addition to teacher teaching style as information presented in the whiteboard. Therefore, she explained above, students enjoyed and thought the class was needed to move closer to the whiteboard in order to interesting because they obtained more knowledge. A student understand more about the lesson. admitted he enjoyed learning Arabic language, while other student stated she improved her knowledge in Debate during C. Finding 3: Students’ Responses about Lesson Study Indonesian language lesson. These indicated that the students Implementation got more knowledge from the lessons and therefore they In addition to teachers’ observation in obtaining the data agreed to say that the class was interesting. related to students’ learning, the study collected the data from The use of media. The final reason why the students the students regarding lesson study implementation. The thought the class was interesting were due to the use of media questionnaires aimed to find out if lesson study affect in the classroom. The students were presented with video students’ participation during the lesson, and thus affecting learning on debates when they attended Indonesian language. their learning. The questionnaires were distributed to the They seemed to enjoy the class when the model teacher, students in the end of each meeting. The first question asking Sasha, introduced the topic by displaying video learning in the about their opinion regarding whether the class is interesting beginning of the lesson. The use of video turned to be or not due to lesson study implementation revealed the data effective in improving students’ interest in the subject. shown in the graphic below. VI. DISCUSSION GRAPHIC 1. STUDENTS’ OPINION This section presents the discussions of the study. Responding to the research questions, the study revealed three Students' opinion on the lesson delivery main findings, namely 1) the implementation of lesson study, 40 and 2) lesson study in supporting students learning, and 3) students’ responses toward lesson study. The findings are 35 discussed in the following paragraphs. 30 In relation to finding 1 revealing about how lesson study 25 was implemented by the teacher participants in the school, it 20 is found out that these teachers conducted lesson study into 15 two cycles considering their time constraints. There were two 10 open lessons in each cycle of lesson study, so there were four open lessons in total observed by these teachers. In addition, 5 as these participants were relatively novice in lesson study, 0 they implemented lesson study by following the steps of Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Indonesian lesson study such as Plan, Do, and See [21]. These Interesting So so Uninteresting steps of lesson study were conducted collaboratively among each member of the lesson study group. In order to make lesson study implementation more effective, the Plan and See

sessions were conducted at the same time. This model of lesson study implementation has actually been practiced by many lesson study groups in Indonesia [21]. Focusing on

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students’ learning, the steps in lesson study bring many teaching such as creating a positive learning environment. In benefits for the teacher participants starting from Plan, Do, addition, the observers noticed students’ learning through and See. During the Plan session, the teachers learnt ideas some various indicators such as responding to the teachers’ from the model teachers when Ms.Rara, Mr.Hadi, Ms. Rima, questions, doing tasks from the teachers, paying attention to and Ms. Sasha shared their ideas on their lesson plan. As these the teachers, and so forth. Such activities from the students teachers were from different background of subject, they indicated that they were engaged in the learning process, and finally could learn teaching ideas each other which probably when they were engaged in the learning process, they have different from their own background knowledge. In addition, more opportunities to improve their learning too. these teachers could also learn their peers’ teaching methods Finally, the third finding related to students’ opinion about during the open lessons. As they observed the teaching and lesson study implementation mostly revealed that in general learning process, they could also learn what went well and what needed to be improved from the model teachers. In fact, the students enjoyed their learning time because of several reasons, such as teacher teaching style, getting new the open lessons implemented by these teacher participants knowledge, and the use of media. These reasons are making were potential to broaden their minds. This is in line with C. C. Lewis, and I. Tsuchida [22] who mentioned that “research senses considering the teachers applied lesson study in the classroom. This is in line with G. K. D. Areni, and F. Syafri lessons (open lessons) expand teachers’ ideas of what teaching can be”. When teachers have resourceful ideas on [15] who revealed that lesson study enabled teachers to prepare lesson plans and teaching media more carefully, and their teaching, they tend to teach their students more conduct classes more confidently and professionally. The effectively. As Atkins, and Brown [23] said that effective teaching is sometimes related to successful teaching, meaning nature of lesson study in which the teachers collaboratively that the students learn something. Thus, if the teachers are designed the lesson plans, taught the lessons while observed effective, the chances for students to have learning by peer teachers, and got feedback in the reflection session opportunities are better. was very potential to improve their teaching practices and result in students being more active in learning. Next, the study found out that students’ learning improved due to lesson study implementation. This is in line with VII. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION previous studies conducted by Jr. Anfara and V. A [17], W. This study aimed to find out students’ learning using Cajkler [16], and G. K. D. Areni, and F. Syafri [15]. Based on lesson study in a private senior high school in Yogyakarta. the observation checklists result, the observers noticed that Students’ learning in the classroom is regarded important students were less interested in the open lesson of lesson study because it can be one of indicators of student-centered cycle 1, especially in social class. Therefore, the model learning as mandated by K13, and the students’ learning can teacher, Ms. Sasha tried her best to teach the same class in the be enhanced through lesson study implementation. Using a second cycle of lesson study. She employed various teaching qualitative research design, the study employed several data methods and teaching media to attract students’ attention so collection methods such as observation, documentation, and that students’ learning can be more improved. As mentioned questionnaires. The findings show three important things; 1) in the previous section, the observation checklist was the steps conducted in lesson study implementation provided so that the observers were able to record the data comprising Plan, Do, and See, 2) lesson study in supporting during the learning process. Although the observation students’ learning in the classroom, and 3) students’ responses checklist consisted of questions such as 1) when do students about lesson study implementation. As this is a qualitative start to learn in the class, 2) what activities indicate student study, these findings are unique, meaning that similar topic learning, 3) when do students lose their learning, 4) what with different participants and different context will result in activities indicate that student lose their learning, 5) what are different findings. the strengths of the model teacher, and 6) what experiences can you obtain from this learning process, the discussion is Based on these findings, some recommendations are focused on students’ learning. It means that this discussion proposed. First, lesson study should be introduced and covers only the first and the second questions. Referring to implemented in wider contexts. This study merely involved the observation checklist results from the observers, the time ten teachers from ten different subjects, and it should be when the students started to learn and the activities indicating continued by all teachers from all subjects in the future. Next, their learning process were recorded by the observers well. In lesson study is a sustainable teacher professional terms of the time when the students started to learn, it was development, and thus its implementation should be found out that these students were attracted to learn when the continuously maintained. Finally, more cycles should be model teachers conducted lead – in session such as displaying conducted in lesson study implementation so that the benefits video learning, asking questions to students, and using the can be enhanced. target language such as in Arabic language class. These REFERENCES activities in lead-in session have made students engaged in the teaching and learning process. This situation in line with to [1] S. Suyanto, Reformasi Pola Pengembangan Guru Menyongsong Era Globalisasi dan Otonomi. In Makalah pada Seminar Nasional P. Goss, and J. Sonnemenn [9] who stated that when students Pengembangan Pendidikan MIPA di Era Globalisasi. FMIPA, 2000. are engaged in class, they learn more. Thus, it can be [2] H. Murwati, Pengaruh sertifikasi profesi guru terhadap motivasi kerja concluded that students’ learning happens. In fact, a teacher dan kinerja guru di smk negeri se-Surakarta. Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis should start teaching using something interesting such as dan Ekonomi (BISE), 2013, 10:1-10. playing video learning or making interactions with the [3] M. Sari, Problematika Pembelajaran Sains Ditinjau Dari Aspek Guru. students by asking personalized questions. This phenomenon Al-Ta lim Journal, 2013, 20:346-356. corroborates J.C. Richards, and D. Bohlke [8] who mentioned [4] A. Takahashi, and T. 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