Asia Pacific Journal of Developmental Differences
Asia Pacific Journal of Developmental Differences Volume 8 ⬧ Number 1 ⬧ January 2021 Published by the Dyslexia Association of Singapore (DAS) © 2021 DAS ISSN 2717 5200 (digital) Contact: The Managing Editor Dyslexia Association of Singapore 1 Jurong West Central 2 #05-01, Jurong Point Singapore 648886 Email: Reprint permission may be obtained by writing to the Managing Editor at the above address. The responsibility for facts and opinions represented in the articles rests exclusively with the individual authors. Their interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views or the policy of the editorial committee, the Review Panel, sponsors of the Asia Pacific Journal of Developmental Differences, or the Dyslexia Association of Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Developmental Differences Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors Professor Angela Fawcett Helen Boden, CEO British Dyslexia Association, UK Research Consultant Dyslexia Association of Singapore, Professor Hugh Catts, Florida State University, USA Emeritus Professor Professor James Chapman, Massey University, New Zealand Swansea University, UK Emeritus Professor Professor Steve Chinn, Educational Consultant, UK Sheffield University, UK Prof. Kevin K H Chung, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong Kate Curawalla, President, Maharashtra Dyslexia Association, Mumbai, India Dr Kristiantini Dewi, Dyslexia Association of Indonesia, Indonesia Executive Editor Dr Shirley Egley, University of South Wales, UK Professor John Everatt Dr Gad Elbeheri, Dean, Australian University
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