The London Gazette, 13Th May 1982 6399 Public Health
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 13TH MAY 1982 6399 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LICENCES TO PUBLIC HEALTH ACTS AND ABSTRACT WATER CLEAN AIR ACTS Notice is hereby given that an application is being made to the Severn-Trent Water Authority by R. L. Crowe, DERBY CITY COUNCIL Limped Farm, Tickhili, Doncaster, for h'cences to abstract the following quantities of water: CLEAN Am ACT 1956, AS AMENDED 69 cubic metres per hour 1380 cubic metres per day Derby City Council (No. 37) (Spondon) Smoke Control 25000 cubic metres per year Order 1982 from the River Tome at any point between NGR SK Notice is hereby given that Derby City Council in exercise 609 939 and SK 609 952 in the parish of Tiekhill of the powers conferred on them by section 11 of the 69 cubic metres per hour above mentioned Act propose to make an Order, entitled 1380 cubic metres per day the Derby City Council (No. 37) (Spondon) Smoke Con- 12500 cubic metres per year trol Order 1982, declaring the area described in the from the Oldcotes Dyke at any point between NGR SK Schedule hereto to be a smoke control area. 617 878 and SK 624 877 in the parish of Hodsock. Subject to the limitations and exemptions provided by Further details of the application are: the water will be virtue of section, 11 (2) of the Act, if on any day after used for spray irrigation during the months of April to the Order has come into operation, smoke is emitted from September inclusive in any calendar year. any chimney within the smoke control area the occupier A copy of the application and of any map, plan or of that building shall be guilty of an offence and liable other document submitted with it may be inspected free to a fine not exceeding £100 unless he proves that the of charge at the above address1 at all reasonable hours emission of smoke was not caused by die use of any during the period beginning on 20th May 1982 and ending fuel other than an authorised fuel. The authorised fuels on 17th June 1982. include anthracite, coke and other carbonised fuels, gas Any person who wishes, to make representations about and electricity. the application should do so in writing to the Director The Order will not come into operation before the of Scientific Services, Severn-Trent Water Authority at first day of October 1983. Ariel House, 2138 Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham Copies of the Older and of the Map referred to therein B26 3YT before the end of the said period. may be inspected free of charge, at the offices of the R. L. Crowe City Environmental Health Officer, Castlefields House, Main Centre, Derby and at the offices of the undersigned 7th April 1982. (762) at the Council House, Corporation Street, Derby, at all reasonable times during the period of 6 weeks from 13th May 1982. Within the said period any person who will be affected NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LICENCE TO by the Order may by notice in writing to the City ABSTRACT WATER Environmental Health Officer, Castlefields House, Main Centre, Derby, object to the making of the Order. Notice is hereby given that an application is being made E. Preston, City Secretary to the Anglian Water Authority by D. G. Moore and Son, Council House, Moor Farm, Bloxholm, Lines, for a licence to abstract the following quantities of water from the Central Lincoln- Corporation Street, Derby DEI 2FS. shire Limestone at the following point of abstraction: 3 million gallons per annum; 9,000 gallons per hour at NGR TF 069 523 Moor Farm. SCHEDULE A copy of the application, and of any map, plan or That pant of the City of Derby known as the Spondon other document submitted with it may be inspected free Ward and enclosed by a line commencing at the junction of charge at Moor Farm, Bloxholm at all reasonable hounsi of Raynesway and the Derby to London railway line; during the period beginning on Thursday, 13th May and thence following the boundary between Chaddesden and ending on 10th June 1982. Spondon Wards to a point where the said boundary meets Any person who wishes to make representations about the City boundary; thence eastwards along the City boun- the application should do so in writing to the Divisional dary and then southwards along the City boundary to a Manager of the Anglian Water Authority at 52 Wide point where the said boundary reaches the Derby to Bargate, Boston, Lines, before the end of the said period. London railway line; thence along the railway line to the P. W. Danks, Wright Rain Ltd., on behalf of D. G. starting point, which said area is shown coloured green Moore and Son. on the map marked " Map referred to in the Derby City 10th May 1982. (763) Council (No. 37) (Spondon) Smoke Control Order". 13th May 1982. (765) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LICENCE TO ABSTRACT WATER Notice is hereby given that an application is being made to the Severn-Trent Water Authority by John William ROAD TRAFFIC ACTS Marshall of Barracks Farm, Papplewick, Notts NG15 8FG for a licence to abstract the following quantities of water: BERKSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 51-3 cubic metres oer hour; 1,130 cubic metres per Royal County of Berkshire (40 m.p.h. Speed Limit) (Bray) day; 13,638 cubic metres (3,000,000 gallons) per year, from (No. ) Order 1982 an unnamed watercourse tributary of the River Leen at the following point of abstraction: NGR SK 552 502. Notice is hereby given that the Berkshire County Council Further details of the application are: 'the water will propose to make an Order under sections 74 (1) and be abstracted from an existing pond for irrigation of 84D (1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967, as sugar best and potatoes at West View Farm, Papplewick. amended by Part DC of the Transport Act 1968 and A copy of the application and of any map, plan or other Schedule 19 to the Local Government Act 1972, the document submitted with it may be inspected free of effect of which is to: charge at Barracks Farm, Papplewick, Notts, at all reason- (1) Impose a speed limit of 40 miles per hour on the able hours during the period beginning on 13th May lengths of road specified in the Schedule to this notice. 1982 and ending on 10th June 1982. (2) Revoke the Royal County of Berkshire (40 m.p.h. Any person who wishes to make representations about Speed Limit) (No. 23) Order 1973 so far as it relates the application should do so in writing to the Director to Schedule 2 Part (1) of that Order. of Scientific Services, Severn-Trent Water Authority at Ariel House, 2138 Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham Copies of the draft Order, explanatory statement and B26 3YT, before the end of the said) period. map can be inspected during normal office hours at the offices of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead /. W. Marshall and the County Secretary's Department at the address given 4th May 1982. (764) below..