Conflict Incident Monthly Tracker

Cross River State: May -J u ne 20 1 8 B a ck gro und defiled a 9-year old girl in Municipal. Recent Incidents or Gang/Cult Violence: In March, three people Issues, June 2018 This monthly tracker is designed to update were reportedly killed during a clash Incidents reported during the month related Peace Agents on patterns and trends in between the KKK and Vikings cult groups in mainly to communal violence, cult violence, conflict risk and violence, as identified by the . The clash was part of an and criminality. Integrated Peace and Development Unit ongoing supremacy battle between rival cult (IPDU) early warning system, and to seek groups on the campus of the University of Communal Violence: Tension was reportedly feedback and input for response to mitigate Calabar. elevated in Nakanda Clan, LGA, areas of conflict. over the selection of a clan head. Some Political Violence: In May, a woman was chiefs and village heads have allegedly Patterns and Trends reportedly killed by a stray bullet and 10 petitioned a paramount ruler in the area others shot during the All Progressives M arch -M ay 2 018 demanding the withdrawal of the certificate Congress (APC) primary election in Yakurr According to Peace Map data (see Figure 1), of recognition issued to the new clan head. LGA. Factions loyal to two party leaders in incidents reported in the state during this Separately, 15 people were reportedly killed the state engaged each other in a gun battle period included communal violence, in renewed hostilities over a land dispute over the list of delegates for the election. criminality, cult violence, and protests. between Ukele community in Yala LGA, Cross Others: In March, there was a protest by Communal Violence: In May, eleven people, River state and Igbeagu community in Izzi women over their colleague who was raped mainly women and children, were LGA, Ebonyi state. Animals, farmlands and by robbers in LGA. In a separate reportedly killed during renewed clashes property worth several millions of Naira incident, nine people including a 10-year old over a boundary dispute between Oku-Iboku were destroyed during the hostilities. Few boy suffered severe burns following community in Itu LGA, Akwa Ibom state, and days before the clashes, a woman was explosions caused by adulterated kerosene neighboring Ikot Offiong in LGA, reportedly shot in the farm and several at different locations in Calabar Municipal. . others sustained gunshot wounds. Violent Criminality: In April, a female drug Figure 1: Conflict Incidents and Fatalities, Cross River State peddler was reportedly killed by her gang 16Oct-17 3 4 members for betraying them in Calabar 14Nov-17 8 9 South LGA. Separately, three robbers who Dec-17 6 18 specialize in stealing motorcycles were 12 reportedly burned to death by a mob in 10 Incidents Fatalities LGA. In May, a 21-year old student 8 Jan-18 5 8 of the University of Calabar was killed by 6 robbers in LGA. Feb-18 5 6 4Mar-18 5 14 Violence Affecting Women and Girls Apr-18 5 11 (VAWG): In addition to the impact of 2 May-18 4 14 criminality on women and girls listed above, 0 sexual violence was also reported during this Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 period. In April, for instance, a 48-year old Incidents Fatalities pastor reportedly raped his 12-year old housemaid in Calabar Municipal LGA. Reported incidents and fatalities from February – May 2018 in Cross River State. Separately, a 25-year old man reportedly Sources: ACLED and Watch formatted on the P4P Peace Map NIGER DELTA MONTHLY CONFLICT TRACKER: CROSS RIVER STATE, MAY — JUNE 2018

Cult Violence: Seven were reportedly killed Figure 2: Conflict Fatalities by LGA Figure 3: Conflict Fatalities by LGA in renewed supremacy battle between rival (March - May 2018) cult groups in Calabar South LGA. The renewed gang war started after a cult leader May20 (February - AprilBoki 2018) Calabar MunicipalObubra 12Mar-18 0 0 0 was killed in reprisal by a rival cult member Communal/Ethnic Violence 11 3 10 15 10 that was earlier attacked. Separately, six Gang/Cult Violence 3 Boki Calabar MunicipalYakurr were reportedly killed at different locations 8 Violent10 Criminality 4 Jan-18 4 1 1 in Calabar South LGA by rival Vikings and Feb-18 0 3 1 Mob5 Violence 6 Klans cult members. Mar-18 3 3 0 Other Fatalities 4 4 Criminality: A businessman was reportedly 0 Apr-18 0 1 0 shot dead by robbers at his residence in 2 June (MarchBoki - May 2018)Odukpani Calabar Municipal Calabar South LGA. 0 Abi Calabar MunicipalYakurr Communal/Ethnic11 Violence 11 10 Others: Three children who were reportedly Feb-18Feb-18 Mar-181 Apr-183 May-18 1 incarcerated by their father over allegation Gang/Cult Violence3 3 Mar-18 0 3 0 of witchcraft practices were rescued by a Violent Criminality 2 Abi Calabar Municipal Other Fatalities Mob Violence Apr-18Yakurr 0 Boki1 0 child rights group in Akpabuyo LGA. Mob Violence May-18 0 1 1 Violent Criminality Gang/Cult Violence Obubra Calabar South Separately, six people including a woman Other Fatalities 1 Akpabuyo Bekwarra and her three children were reported killed Communal/Ethnic Violence Odukpani Yala in series of explosions caused by adulterated Reported incidents by Local Government Area (LGA) show that Boki, followed by Odukpani had the most kerosene in Calabar Municipal LGA. reported lethal conflict incidents during this period. Sources (Figure 2): ACLED and Nigeria Watch data formatted for the P4P Peace Map. Source (Figure 3): Nigeria Watch data formatted for the P4P Peace Map Pr o gno s is Incidents during the period included communal conflict, cult violence, political Figure 4: Heat Map of Incidents and Peace Agents in Cross River State violence, and criminality including kidnapping. Peace Actors in the state should monitor the situation closely and respond appropriately.

Questions for Peace A ge nt s 1. Is there anything significant missing from the tracker in terms of hotspots, trends, or incidents? 2. Which conflict issue suggested by, or missing from, this tracker is a priority Heat Map shows concentration of incidents reported from March - May 2018 in Cross River; with green for you as a Peace Agent? stars representing the registered Peace Agents. Source: All data sources formatted for the P4P Peace Map 3. What are some likely trigger events in the next 6 months that could escalate this conflict? Report Incidents: IPDU Early Warning System 4. Who are the key stakeholders that Please report any verified incident of conflict to the IPDU SMS early warning system: have influence on the conflict? Text: 080 9936 2222 Incident Details: Kindly include the State, LGA, Town, Date, and Brief Incident Description 5. What will you do to help mitigate the conflict in the short and long term? Contact Us Inquiries: Afeno Super Odomovo, IPDU Research Coordinator Telephone: 08172401595 Email: [email protected]