Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 2

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-301

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) COMPULSORY ENGLISH (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 Text Prescribed : Literary Pinnacles N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one from (A) any one from (B) in about 200 words each : [20] (A) ( i) Narrate how Uncle Podger makes the entire process of hanging the picture humorous. (ii ) Explain the degrading effects of capitalism, according to G.B. Shaw. (B) ( i) Discuss the moral of the story ‘A Retrieved Reformation’. (ii ) How did the devil triumph over Pahom in the story ‘How Much Land Does a Man Need’ ?

2. Attempt any one from (A) and one from (B) in about 200 words each : [20] (A) ( i) How does William Shakespeare describe the seven ages in his poem ‘All the World’s a Stage’ ? (ii ) How does the poet express her love in the poem ‘How do I Love Thee ?’ ? (B) ( i) Discuss ‘How Do I Love Thee’ as a love poem. (ii ) Describe ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ as a narrative poem. P.T.O. 3. Attempt any one from (A) and one from (B) in about 200 words each : [20] (A) ( i) Narrate the incident in the railway carriage that A.G. Gardiner uses to illustrate people’s lack of social sense. (ii ) Justify the title of the essay ‘The Pleasures of Ignorance’. (B) ( i) Comment on the title ‘The Selfish Giant’. (ii ) Explain the character of Mathilde.

4. Attempt any one from (A) and any one from (B) in about 200 words each : [20] (A) ( i) How does the poet Thomas Hardy wish to be remembered by his contemporaries after his death ? (ii ) Write a character sketch of Father Gilligan in detail. (B) ( i) Elaborate the message of the poem ‘If’. (ii ) Explain the central idea of the poem ‘A Psalm of Life’.

5. (A) Attempt any one of the following : [10] (i) How can the visual aids be used for effective presentation ? (ii ) What points should be kept in mind for making an effective presentation ? (B) Attempt any one of the following : [10] (i) How can one manage and organize time effectively ? (ii ) What does the term ‘stress’ imply ? What are the ways to cope with it ?

[5501]-EXT-301 2 Total No. of Questions— 5+4 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 6

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-302


(For External)


(2013 PATTERN)


:— (1)





:— (i)

(ii )

(1) [10]



P.T.O. [20] (1) (2) (3) (4)


(6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)


(13) (14)

[20] (1) (2) (3)

[5501]-EXT-302 2 (4) (5) (6)

[16] (1)


[24] (1)


[5501]-EXT-302 3 P.T.O. [5501]-EXT-302


:— (i)

(ii )















[5501]-EXT-302 4 [20]






(3) 100%



(2) ‘N.S.S.’



[5501]-EXT-302 5 P.T.O. (2)







[5501]-EXT-302 6 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 2

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-303

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) MARATHI Special Paper III

(2013 PATTERN) 100 :— (i) (ii )

[20] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi )

[20] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) P.T.O. (vii ) (viii ) (ix ) (x) (xi ) (xii ) (xiii ) (xiv )

[10] (i)

(ii ) (iii ) (iv )

[20] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

[30] (i) (ii ) (iii )

(iv )

[5501]-EXT-303 2 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-304

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) MARATHI (S-4) (Varnanatmak Ani Etihasik) (2013 PATTERN) 100 :— (i) (ii )

1. [20]

(i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) (vii )

(i) (ii )

P.T.O. (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) (vii )

2. [20]

(i) (ii ) (iii )

(iv )

(i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

3. [10] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

4. [20]

(i) (ii )

[5501]-EXT-304 2 (i) (ii )

5. [30]

(i) (ii )

(i) (ii )

[5501]-EXT-304 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Frages— 6] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 6 Seat No. [5501]-EXT-306

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) GERMAN General Paper III (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— Use of a bilingual dictionary is allowed.

Frage 1. Übersetzen Sie [22] (A) Übersetzen Sie den folgenden Text ins Englische oder Marathi ! (16) Seit den 70 er Jahren gehören Fernsehen, Radio hören und Zeitung lesen zu den beliebtesten Freizeitaktivitäten. Heute sind auch die elektronischen Freizeitmedien sehr beliebt, Z.B. Musik und Spiele auf CD oder DVD. Die Deutschen interessieren sich aber immer noch für Bücher als für Computerspiele. Der Alltag ist stressig, die Leute freuen sich auf das Wochenende und wollen sich ausruhen, nichts tun und ausschlafen. Wellness ist in : Immer mehr Leute achten auch auf ihre Gesundheit, sie entspannen sich mit Yoga oder gehen in die. Sauna. Auch die Arbeit im Garten ist beliebt und hilft gegen den Stress. Es gibt in Wien viele Sehenswürdigkeiten, unter andrem auch das Schloss Schönbrunn und den Zentralfreidhof. Hier liegen die berühmten Komponisten, Ludwig van Beethoven und Johann Strauss. Besonders schön ist die Metropole an der Donau durch ihre Atmosphäre. Die Stadt bietet viele Attraktionen für Touristen. Man kann gut mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreichen.

P.T.O. Wenn man Wien erkundet, so sollte man genug Zeit für Café- Besuche einplanen. Kaffeehäuser haben in Wien eine lange Tradition. (B) Übersetzen Sie ins Deutsche ! ( Nur 3 ) (6) (1) The more you smoke, more hair fall you will have. (2) People from all over the world visit Germany during the Oktoberfest. (3) It is said, one can concentrate better, when one learns a music instrument. (4) Germany lies at the centre of Europe.

Frage 2. Beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen ! ( Nur 4 ) [20] (1) Was denken Sie, wie werden die Häuser und Wohnungen in der Zukunft sein ? (2) Machen Sie regelmäßig Sport ? Warum ? Welches Essen empfehlen Sie, um fit und gesund zu bleiben ? (3) Welches Buch gefällt Ihnen am besten ? Schreiben Sie kurz darüber! (4) Wie wichtig ist das Einkaufen für Sie ? Wofür geben Sie das Geld am mesiten aus ? (5) Was würden Sie machen, wenn Sie ein Politiker/eine Politikerin wären ?

Frage 3. Grammatik [30] (A) Schreiben Sie die Sätze in Passiv ! ( Nur 5 ) (5) (1) Man soll jeden Tag eine Zeitung lesen. (2) Patricia hat den Text ins Englische übersetzt. (3) Jedes Jahr besuchen viele Touristen diese Stadt. (4) Der Mechaniker wechselte das Rad. (5) Jochen repariert die alte Uhr. (6) Peter sang viele Lieder auf der Party. [5501]-EXT-306 2 (B) Bilden Sie Konjunktiv I ! ( Nur 5 ) (5) (1) Der Reporter meint, ,,Ich habe mit dem Sportler ein tolles Interview gemacht !‘‘ (2) Die Familie Schneider sagt, ,,Die Regierung half uns viel in Notfall.‘‘ (3) Unsere Lehrerin sagt, ,,Die Studenten sollen klar und deutlich sprechen.‘‘ (4) Martina sagt, ,,Am Wochenende backe ich zusammen mit meinen Freundinnen.“ (5) Die Krankenschwester sagt dem Gast, ,,Bitten sprechen Sie etwas leiser.“ (6) ,,Warum kommst du nicht mit ?“, fragt Peter an seine Freundin. (C) Ergänzen Sie die richtige Form : Partizip I oder II ! Beachten Sie dabei die Adjektivendungen ! ( Nur 5 ) (5) (1) Die ...... Kinder sind traurig, weil sie den Wettbewerb nicht gewonnen haben. (weinend/geweint) (2) Die Leute aus Ostberlin versuchten, die ...... Mauer zu überqueren. (fallend/gefallen) (3) Man freut sich über die ...... Wünsche. (erfüllend/ erfüllt) (4) Ein Wasserfall mit ...... Wasser ist ein schöner Blick. (fließend/gefliessen) (5) Die Frau putzt das ...... Glas. (zerbrechend/ zerbrochen) (6) Wir sprechen mit dem gerade ...... Gast. (angekommen/ankommend)

[5501]-EXT-306 3 P.T.O. (D) Formen Sie um ! ( Nur 5 ) (5) (1) Wir können heute Pizza essen. Wir essen Pasta. (entweder...oder) (2) Vanessa hat die Flöte sehr lange geübt. Sie konnte das Musikstück sehr gut spielen. (nachdem) (3) Richard isst wenig Süßigkeiten. Er mag keine Schokoladen. Er mag keinen Kuchen. (weder...noch) (4) Der Kurs geht langsam zu Ende. Ich freue mich. Ich werde meine Freunde vermissen. (zwar...aber) (5) Tim kann sehr gut Spanisch und Japanisch. Er ist sehr begabt. (sowohl...als auch) (6) Wir müssen uns beeilen. Der Zug kommt gleich. (weil) (E) Erklären Sie die Sprichwörter oder Redewendungen ! (Nur 5 ) (10) (1) Eine Hand wäscht die andere. (2) Viele Köche verderben den Brei. (3) Hunde, die bellen, beißen nicht. (4) Lügen haben kurze Beine. (5) Tomaten auf den Augen haben. (6) Aus allen Wolken fallen. (7) Ende gut, alles gut.

Frage 4. Schreiben Sie einen Dialog über eines der folgenden Themen ! [8] Sie wollen einen Kuchen backen. Fragen Sie Ihre Mutter nach dem Rezept ! Oder Sie wollen einen Tanzkurs besuchen. Fragen Sie Ihren Freund/ Ihre Freund, ob er/sie auch mitkommen möchte !

[5501]-EXT-306 4 Frage 5. Lesen Sie den folgenden Text und beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen ! [10]

Deutsche Kultur in Japan

Deutschlernen im Ausland ist nicht immer leicht. Manche Länder

sind sehr weit weg, eine Reise nach Deutschland ist sehr teuer und kostet auch viel Zeit. Für japanische Deutschlehrer ist es

wichtig, dass sie in Japan mit Deutschen sprechen können und

die deutsche Kultur kennen lernen. Viele Japaner werden aus diesem Grund Mitglied in Japanisch- Deutschen Gesellschaften

(JDG). Eine große JDG gibt es in Kobe.

Herr Ishiguro arbeitet dort im Büro: ,,Wir haben über 400 Mitglieder. Es sind auch viele Firmen bei uns. Wir treffen uns

einmal im Monat. Da kommen auch Deutsche. Wir essen, trinken

und sprechen zusammen. Es gibt auch regelmäßige Sprachkurse.

Und jedes Jahr machen wir eine Weihnachtsfeier. Die ist immer

sehr schön.“

Frau Taguchi ist schon seit fünf Jahren Mitglied in der JDG.

Sie hat einmal Deutsch studiert. ,,Ich bin Mitglied, weil ich weiter Deutsch lernen möchte. Im Deutschkurs sind manche Lehrer

Deutsche. Ich kann also von Deutschen Alltagsdeutsch lernen und ich habe bei unseren Treffen immer viel Spaß.“ Es gibt viele Japanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaften in Japan. Einige

haben gute Beziehungen zu den Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaften in Deutschland.

[5501]-EXT-306 5 P.T.O. (A) Beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen zum Text ! (6)

(1) Warum ist es nicht leicht, Deutsch im Ausland zu lernen ?

(2) Welche Aktivitäten unternimmt die JDG für das Deutschlernen ?

(3) Gibt es in Ihrem Land auch deutsche Sprach- und Kulturvereine ? Möchten Sie auch ein Mitgleid sein ?

Warum ?

(B) Richtig oder Falsch ? (3)

(1) Die JDG hat weniger als 400 Mitglieder.

(2) Japanische Deutschlehrer wollen mehrer Möglichkeiten mit

Deutschen zu reden. (3) Die JDG bietet auch Sprachkurse. (C) Formulieren Sie den Satz um ! (1)

Ich kann also von Deutschen Alltagsdeutsch lernen und ich habe bei unserem Treffen immer viel Spaß. (Verwenden Sie dabei- nicht nur...sondern auch )

Frage 6. Wirtschaftsdeutsch [10]

Schreiben Sie einen Bewerbungsbrief an eine Schule. Sie möchten als Deutschlehrer/In arbeiten.


Sie brauchen 10 Tische, 50 Stühle und 60 Wörterbücher für Ihre Bibliothek. Schreiben Sie eine Anfrage !

[5501]-EXT-306 6 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 2

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-307

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) GUJARATI (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

P.T.O. [5501]-EXT-307 2 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 2

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-308

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) URDU Special Paper III (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :—(1) Attempt All questions. (2) Figures to the left side indicate full marks.

P.T.O. 2 [5501]-EXT-308 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-309

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) URDU Special Paper III (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :—(1) Attempt All questions. (2) Figures to the left side indicate full marks.

P.T.O. 2 [5501]-EXT-309 3 [5501]-EXT-309 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-310

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) URDU Special Paper IV (Essay, Grammar, Prosody & Philology) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :—(1) Attempt All questions. (2) Figures to the left side indicate full marks.

P.T.O. 2 [5501]-EXT-310 3 [5501]-EXT-310 Total No. of Questions— 5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 8

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-311

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) HINDI (G-3)

(2013 PATTERN) 100 : — (i)

(ii ) :— (i) (ii )

1. [10] (i)

(ii )

[10] (i) (ii )

2. [15] (i) (ii ) P.T.O. (iii )

(iv )




(ii )

(iii )

(iv )


3. [15]


(ii )

[5501]-EXT-311 2 (iii )

(iv )


4. [14] (i) F.C. (ii ) P.A.C. (iii ) R.B. (iv ) T.O. (v) O.K. (vi ) C.T.O. (vii ) L.A. (viii ) N.O.S. (ix ) Z.P. (x) C.S.D.

[5501]-EXT-311 3 P.T.O. [7]


(ii )

5. [7]


(ii )


[5501]-EXT-311 4 Gandhiji was devout nationalist. At the same time, he was

internationalist par excellence. In a letter to Dr. Julian Huxley

he wrote “The very right to live accrues to us only when

we do the duty of citizenship of the world.” According to

Gandhiji it is not nationalist that is an evil, it is the

narrowness, selfishness, exclusiveness which is the bane of

modern nations which is an evil. “Indian nationalism wants

to organise itself for the benefit and the service of humanity

at large”, he writes. A country has to be free in order that

it may die, if necessary for the benefit of the world.

[5501]-EXT-311 5 P.T.O. [5501]-EXT-311


:— (i)

(ii )

1. [12]


(ii )

2. [20]


(ii )

(iii )

(iv )

[5501]-EXT-311 6 3. [10] (i) AFIO (ii ) CBR (iii ) CHD (iv ) GICI (v) DA (vi ) ITI (vii ) LC (viii ) MHA (ix ) MHRD (x) OLC (xi ) PRC (xii ) UNO (xiii ) NSC (xiv ) ZSI. [10]

In our country many languages are spoken. They are Indian Languages and they convey the message of Indian Culture.

[5501]-EXT-311 7 P.T.O. Even then for national unity we have to adopt such a language. Through which we may exchange our views with each other the great men of our country after a considerable thinking and in this direction selected Hindi for the purpose the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi declared it as a national language. Everybody accepted the message of the father of the nation.

4. [24] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi )

5. [24] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi )

[5501]-EXT-311 8 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-312

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) HINDI Special Paper-3

(2013 PATTERN) 100 :— (i) (ii )


(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4) P.T.O. [18]

(1) (2) (3) (4)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

[12] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

[5501]-EXT-312 2 (11) (12) (13) (14) [16] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

[5501]-EXT-312 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-313

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) HINDI (Special Paper-4)

(2013 PATTERN) 100 :— (i) (ii )

1. [11] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

P.T.O. 2. [20] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

3. [15] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

4. [24] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

[5501]-EXT-313 2 5. [30] (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

[5501]-EXT-313 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-314

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) PERSIAN General Paper III (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 Texts Books :— (1) Rahbar-e-Nazadh-e-Naw by Kazim Zadhe. (2) Payame-e-Mashrique by Dr. Mohd. Iqbal. N.B. :—(1) Attempt All questions. (2) Figures to the right side indicate full marks.

1. Write a critique on Kazim Zadhe as a prose writer. [20] Or Assess the importance of Kazim Zadhe amongst his contemporaries.

2. Estimate the literary importance of Rahbar-e-Nazadh-e-Nav. [20] Or Discuss the salient features of ‘Rahbar-e-Nazadh-e-Naw’

3. Write a critical appreciation of poetic art of Dr. Iqbal. [20] Or Discuss the style and contents of the poetry of Dr. Iqbal.

P.T.O. 4. (A) Reproduce in your own Persian any one of the following : [10]

(B) Write any two of the following poetic form of literature : [10]

5. (A) Translate any two of the following passages into English or Urdu or Marathi : [10]

2 [5501]-EXT-314 (B) Explain in Persian or translate and explain in English or Urdu or Marathi any four of the following couplets : [10]

3 [5501]-EXT-314 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 4

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-315

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) SANSKRIT General Paper III (2013 PATTERN) Texts : ( i) ( Venisamharam" ) " ( ii ) ( Bhaminivilasah ) " Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 :— (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. (A) Translate into English or Marathi (any two ) : [10]


P.T.O. (ii )

(iii )

(B) Translate into English or Marathi (any two ) : [10]


(ii )

[5501]-EXT-315 2 (iii )

2. (A) Explain with reference to the context (any two ) : [10]

(i) (ii ) (iii ) (B) Explain with reference to the context (any two ) : [10]

(i) (ii ) (iii )

3. Critically appreciate the first act of the drama Venisamhara" . [20] "

Explain the concept of and with the help of the drama Venisamhara" . "

4. Explain the ‘ Meghanyokti ’. [20]

[5501]-EXT-315 3 P.T.O. Explain the Samudranyokti and Sarovaranyokti.

5. (A) Write notes on (any two ) : [10]

(i) Viskambhaka "

(ii ) Barburanyokti

(iii ) Malakaranyokti.

(B) Fill in the blanks selecting the correct option (any five ) : [10]

(i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) (vii )

[5501]-EXT-315 4 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-316

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) SANSKRIT Special Paper III (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

:— (i) (ii ) (History of Vedic Literature) (iii ) (Sanskrit Composition) :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. (A) [10] Explain any two of the following : (i) (ii ) (iii ) (B) [10] Explain any four of the following : (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv ) (v)

P.T.O. 2. (A) [10] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi ) (B) [10] (i)(a) (ii )(b) (iii )(c) (iv )(d) (v)(e) (vi )(f) (vii )(g)

3. [20] Write an essay on . OR

Write an essay on Brahmanagranthas of Yajurveda. "

4. (A) [20] Write critical notes (any two ) : (i) (Nirukta) (ii ) (Nature of Brahmanagranthas" ) (iii )(Chandogyopanisad ) " [5501]-EXT-316 2 (B) [10] (i)(a) (ii )(b) (iii )(c) (iv )(d) (v)(e) (vi )(f) (vii )(g)

5. [10] Write an essay in Sanskrit (any one ) : (i) (ii ) (iii )

[5501]-EXT-316 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 4] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-317

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External)

SANSKRIT Special Paper IV

(2013 PATTERN)

Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 Texts :

1. (A) [10]

Explain with reference to the context (any two ) :


(ii )

(iii )

(B) [10]

Write critical notes on any two of the following :


(ii )

(iii )

(iv )

P.T.O. 2. (A) Explain in detail. [20]

Write an essay on

(B) [10] Select the correct pair (any five ) : (i)(a) (ii )(b) (iii )(c) (iv )(d) (v)(e) (vi )(f) (vii )(g)

3. (A) [10] Write with reference to context (any two ) : (i) (ii ) (iii ) (B) [10] Write critical notes (any two ) : (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

[5501]-EXT-317 2 4. (A) [20] Explain and concept of Pramanas . %

(B) [10] Select the correct pair (any five ) : (i)(a) (ii )(b) (iii )(c) (iv )(d) (v)(e) (vi )(f) (vii )(g)

[5501]-EXT-317 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 4 Seat No. [5501]-EXT-318 T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) PALI General Paper : Udana and Cariyapitaka (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) Attempt All questions. (ii ) Answers of long questions should be given in 400 to 500 words each. (iii ) Answers of short questions should be given in 200 to 250 words each. (iv ) Answers of short notes should be given in 100 to 150 words each.

P.T.O. [5501]-EXT-318 2 [5501]-EXT-318 3 P.T.O. [5501]-EXT-318 4 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 4 Seat [5501]-EXT-318A No.

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) ARABIC General Paper III (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 1. Translate into English or Urdu or Marathi any two of the following passages : [20]

P.T.O. 2. Define with examples any two of the following topics : [15]

2 [5501]-EXT-318A 3. (A) Explain with reference to the context any five of the following

couplets : [15]

(B) Write short notes on any two of the following poets : [10]

P.T.O. 3 [5501]-EXT-318A 4. (A) Explain any one of the following : [10]

(B) Summarise any two of the following lessons : [10]

5. (A) Translate into English of the following passage : [10]

(B) Translate into Arabic of the following passage : [10] ‘‘Madras is a big city. Its inhabitants exceed three million persons. It is the capital of the State of Tamil Nadu. It is situated in South on the Bay of Bengal. The city of Madras is distinguished by its moderate climate. It is not extremely hot in summer like other cities nor extremely cold during winter.’’

4 [5501]-EXT-318A Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-319

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) ECONOMICS [G-3 : Economic Development and Planning] (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (iii ) Draw diagram wherever necessary.

1. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (a) What is Economic Development ? Explain the indicators of Economic Development. (b) State the concept of developing country and explain economic and socio-cultural characteristics of developing country.

2. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (a) What is vicious circle of poverty ? Explain the causes of vicious circle of poverty. (b) Critically examine Schumpeterian theory of Economic Development.

3. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (a) What is Fiscal Policy ? Explain the objectives and instruments of Fiscal Policy. (b) What is Foreign Capital ? Explain the problems of Foreign Capital.

P.T.O. 4. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (a) What is Economic Planning ? Explain the objectives of economic planning. (b) Explain Balanced Growth Approach. 5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (a) Indicators of Economic Growth (b) Population Explosion (c) Tide Foreign Aid (d) NITI Aayog.

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

[20] (a) (b)

[20] (a)


[5501]-EXT-319 2 [20]




(a) (b)

[20] (a) (b) (c) (d)

[5501]-EXT-319 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-320

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) ECONOMICS Special Paper III (International Economics) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) What is International Economics ? Explain the scope and importance of International Economics. (b) Explain in detail Heckscher-Ohlin theory of International Trade.

2. Attempt any one of the following quesetions : [20] (a) Explain the concept of Terms of Trade and discuss in detail the types of Terms of Trade. (b) State the causes of disequilibrium in the Balance of Payment.

3. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Explain the arguments in favour and against of Free Trade Policy. (b) Explain the role of Multinational Corporations in India.

P.T.O. 4. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Explain the composition and direction of India’s Foreign Trade. (b) Explain the objectives, organisation and functions of the SAARC.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (a) Inter-regional Trade (b) Importance of Terms of Trade (c) SEZ (d) BRICS.

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )




[5501]-EXT-320 2 [20]


[5501]-EXT-320 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 7

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-321

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) ECONOMICS (Special Paper IV) (Public Finance) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (i) Explain the difference between Public Finance and Private Finance. (ii ) What is public expenditure and explain the principles of public expenditure.

2. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (i) What is taxable capacity ? Explain the determination of taxable capacity. (ii ) What is public debt ? Explain the types of public debts.

3. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (i) Explain the needs and causes of deficit financing. (ii ) What is fiscal policy ? Explain the instruments of fiscal policy. P.T.O. 4. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (i) What is budget ? Explain the preparation of Indian Central Budget. (ii ) What is fiscal policy ? Explain the objectives of Fiscal Policy.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (i) Explain the constitutional provisions (ii ) Recommendations of 14th Finance Commission (iii ) Explain the objectives of deficit financing (iv ) Explain the Gender Budget.

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )

1. [20] (i) (ii )

2. [20] (i) (ii )

3. [20] (i) (ii )

[5501]-EXT-321 2 4. [20] (i) (ii )

5. [20] (i) (ii ) 14 (iii ) (iv )

[5501]-EXT-321 3 P.T.O. [5501]-EXT-321

(S-4 : Elementary Quantitative Techniques) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (i) Marks of 10 students of Arts faculty are given below. Compute standard deviation : Marks 56 62 68 72 58 64 65 71 63 61 (ii ) State the importance of correlation. Explain the types of correlation.

2. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (i) Compute mean deviation from mode of the following data : Size Frequency 10 5 20 10 30 20 40 30 50 15 60 10 70 7 80 3 (ii ) ( a) Explain the sources of public documents of data collection. (b) Explain the degree of Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation.

[5501]-EXT-321 4 3. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (i) Explain the methods to collect data from primary sources with merits and demerits. (ii ) Find the difference between simple and compound interest on ` 20,000 for 4 years at 3% p.a. rate of interest.

4. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (i) What is Statistics ? Explain the origin and growth of statistics. (ii ) ( a) Compute the median for the following data : Income Group No. of Family (`) 0—1000 8 1000—2000 12 2000—3000 18 3000—4000 25 4000—5000 11 5000—6000 7 6000—7000 4 (b) Explain the characteristics of Hypothesis.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (i) Types of elasticity of demand (ii ) Consumer surplus (iii ) Types of classification (iv ) Chi-square test.

[5501]-EXT-321 5 P.T.O. 100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )

1. [20] (i) 10

56 62 68 72 58 64 65 71 63 61 (ii )

2. [20] (i)

10 5 20 10 30 20 40 30 50 15 60 10 70 7 80 3 (ii )

3. [20] (i) (ii ) 3% ` 20,000 4

[5501]-EXT-321 6 4. [20] (i) (ii ) ( a)

(`) 0—1000 8 1000—2000 12 2000—3000 18 3000—4000 25 4000—5000 11 5000—6000 7 6000—7000 4 (b)

5. [20] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

[5501]-EXT-321 7 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 5

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-322

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) POLITICAL SCIENCE General Paper-III (Political Ideologies) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (a) Explain the concept of ideology and explain the scope of ideology. (b) Explain the views of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on Democracy.

2. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (a) Describe the types of Nationalism. (b) Explain the thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi on and .

3. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (a) Explain the causes of rise of Fascism. (b) Explain the ‘Marxian State’.

4. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (a) Write an essay on Indian Feminism. (b) Explain the concept of Social Justice of Dr. Banasaheb Ambedkar.

P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20]

(a) Mahatma Phule’s thought on

(b) Febianism

(c) Liberal Feminism

(d) Dialectic Materialism.


:— (i)

(ii )

(iii )










[5501]-EXT-322 2 [20]

(a) (b)

[20] (a) (b) (c) (d)

[5501]-EXT-322 3 P.T.O. [5501]-EXT-322 (G-3 : Local Self-Government in Maharashtra) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (1) Explain the recommendations of Vasantrao Naik Committee. (2) Explain the composition, powers and functions of Municipal Corporation.

2. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (1) Explain the importance of 73rd and 74th Amendment. (2) Explain the composition, powers and functions of Zilla Parishad.

3. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (1) Explain the impact of leadership on Development. (2) Explain the recommendation of L.N. Bongirwar Committee.

4. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (1) Explain the structure and functions of Panchayat Samiti. (2) Explain the challenges before Local Self-Government.

5. Write short notes on any two : [20]

(1) Nagar Panchayat

(2) B.D.O.

(3) Election Reforms

(4) Community Development Programme.

[5501]-EXT-322 4 100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )






[5501]-EXT-322 5 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-323

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) POLITICAL SCIENCE Special Paper III (Public Administration) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) What is Public Administration ? Explain the nature and importance of Public Administration. (b) Explain the salient features of ‘New Public Administration’.

2. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) State any three traditional approaches to the study of Public Administration. (b) Discuss on Idea of ‘Good Governance’.

3. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Explain the meaning and characteristics of ‘Bureaucracy’. (b) Explain the various methods of recruitment of civil servants.

P.T.O. 4. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Describe various stages of Budgetary Process in India. (b) State the nature of Legislative control of Public Administration.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (a) Goals of New Public Administration (b) System approach to the study of Public Administration (c) Administrative Reforms (d) Promotion

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )

[20] (a) (b)

[20] (a) (b)

[20] (a) (b)

[5501]-EXT-323 2 [20] (a) (b)

[20] (a) (b) (c) (d)

[5501]-EXT-323 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-324

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) POLITICAL SCIENCE Special Paper IV (International Politics) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Answer any one of the following : [20] (a) Explain the meaning, features and types of the term Balance of Power. (b) Critically examine the idealistic theory and realistic theory of International Politics.

2. Answer any one of the following : [20] (a) Define the term National Power. Discuss various determinants of National Power. (b) Discuss the meaning, nature and scope of International Politics.

3. Answer any one of the following : [20] (a) Define the term Terrorism. Explain its causes and consequences. (b) Discuss the meaning and functions of the term diplomacy. Critically evaluate the challenges in front of Diplomacy. P.T.O. 4. Answer any one of the following : [20] (a) Critically evaluate the meaning, need and challenges in front of disarmament. (b) Explain the meaning, features and various types of Human Rights.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (a) Types of Diplomacy (b) Importance and meaning of Collective Security. (c) Decision-making approach of International Politics. (d) Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

100 :— (i) (ii )

1. [20]

2. [20]

[5501]-EXT-324 2 3. [20]

4. [20]

5. [20]

[5501]-EXT-324 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-325

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) HISTORY General Paper-III [History of the World in 20th Century (1914-1992)] (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Describe the structure of League of Nations and explain its achievements in brief. (ii ) Give an account of Stalin’s Five Year Plan.

2. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Explain the role of Kemal Pasha in the modernization of Turkasthan. (ii ) Discuss the causes and consequences of the Great Depression (1929).

3. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Explain the achievements of United Nations Organization. (ii ) Give an account of the rise of America as a world power.

P.T.O. 4. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Give an account of Non-Alignment Movement. (ii ) Take a review of Globalization.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (i) Nazism (ii ) Cold War (iii ) Star War (iv ) Terrorism.

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )

[20] (i) (ii )

[20] (i) (ii )

[20] (i) (ii )

[5501]-EXT-325 2 [20] (i) (ii )

[20] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

[5501]-EXT-325 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-326

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) HISTORY Special Paper III (Introduction to History) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (1) Discuss in detail modernism and post-modernism. (2) State the importance of written sources in History writing.

2. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (1) Write the information about Bharat Itihas Sanshodhak Mandal, Pune. (2) Describe the relationship between History and Economics.

3. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (1) Give an account of Marxist Historiography. (2) Describe the achievements of T.S. Shejwalkar as historian of Maharashtra. P.T.O. 4. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (1) Explain the contribution of G.S. Sardesai as Historian. (2) Review the contribution of Romila Thapar in History Writing.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (1) Oral History (2) Importance of History (3) What is meant by Local History ? (4) D.D. Kosambi.

100 :— (i) (ii )

[20] (1) (2)

[20] (1) (2)

[20] (1) (2)

[5501]-EXT-326 2 [20] (1) (2)

[20] (1) (2) (3) (4)

[5501]-EXT-326 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 4

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-327

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) HISTORY Special Paper-IV History of U.S.A. (1914 to 1992) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Answer any one of the following : [20] (1) Explain the nature of Treaty of Versailles. (2) Describe the role of U.S.A. in the League of Nations.

2. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (1) Explain the role of USA in the Second World War. (2) Discuss about the Cuban Crisis.

3. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (1) What role was played by General Mac-Arthur in Japan ? (2) Give an account of disintegration of USSR.

4. Answer any one of the following : [20] (1) Review the role played by America in Arab- conflict. (2) Explain American Policy towards India.

P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (1) Balance of Power (2) Polarization (3) OPEC (4) Liberalization.

100 :— (i) (ii )

[20] (1) (2)

[20] (1) (2)

[20] (1) (2)

[20] (1) (2)

[20] (1) (2) (3) (4)

[5501]-EXT-327 2 [5501]-EXT-327 (History of Asia in 20th Century : 1914 to 1992) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Discuss the communist revolution (1949) in China. (ii ) Give an account of the reconstruction of Japan under General Mac Arthur.

2. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Give an account of role of General Nasser in modernization of Egypt. (ii ) Explain the contribution of Reza Shah Pahlavi in modernization of Iran.

3. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Discuss the achievements of Kemal Pasha. (ii ) Explain the various phases of rise of Israel.

4. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Explain the nature and importance of Arab Nationalism. (ii ) Take a review of Saudi Arabia Foreign Policy.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (i) What is Pan-Islamism ? (ii ) Third World (iii ) Dr. Sukarno (iv ) Asian.

[5501]-EXT-327 3 P.T.O. 100 :— (i) (ii )

[20] (i) (ii )

[20] (i) (ii )

[20] (i) (ii )

[20] (i) (ii )

[20] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

[5501]-EXT-327 4 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-328

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) ANCIENT INDIAN HISTORY, CULTURE AND ARCHAEOLOGY (General Paper-III) (Outline of Religion and Philosophy) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Discuss the historical importance and composition of Rigveda. Or (b) Write the socio-economic conditions during the Yajurveda and Brahmana. text period.

2. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Explain the historical development of the composition of Ramayana.. Or (b) Discuss various Yogas mentioned in Bhagvadgita.

3. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Explain the principles of Charvaka. Or (b) Write the causes for the rise of . P.T.O. 4. Answer any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Discuss the principles in the Chaturyama philosophy by Parshvanath. Or

(b) Write the life and teachings of Heterodox thinkers.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (1) Philosophy of Upanishads

(2) Puranas. (3) Buddhist (4) Jain Triratnas.

100 :— (i) (ii )



[5501]-EXT-328 2 [20]



[5501]-EXT-328 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-329

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) ANTHROPOLOGY (G-3) (G-3 : Maharashtra : A cultural Region) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Discuss the contribution of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule and Savitribai Phule in the spread of women’s education. [20] Or Explain the role of Saint Tukaram and Saint Ramdas in cultural life of Maharashtra.

2. Explain the cultural importance of Deepawali and Holi. [20] Or What is the role of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the social reform movement of Maharashtra.

3. Explain the importance of Marathwada and Vidarbha as a cultural region of Maharashtra. [20] Or Describe the meaning, merits and demerits of survey methods. P.T.O. 4. Elaborate the Tribal Movement under the leadership of Godavari Parulekar. [20] Or Explain the role of Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj and Mahatma Jyotirao Phule in social reform movement of Maharashtra. 5. Write short notes on any two of the following : [20] (i) Saint Tukdoji Maharaj (ii ) Dalit Panther (iii ) Acculturation (iv ) Balutedari system.

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )




[5501]-EXT-329 2 [20]


[5501]-EXT-329 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 6

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-330

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) GEOGRAPHY General Paper-III (Gg-310 : Human Geography (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (iii ) Use of map stencil is allowed. (iv ) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.

1. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) What is Human Geography ? Explain its nature, scope and importance. (b) Describe the Human Geography in pre-historic period.

2. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) What is human race ? Explain the bases of racial classification. (b) Give geographical account of Eskimos.

3. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Give geographical account of Naga tribe. (b) Explain major religion in the world.

P.T.O. 4. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Define migration. Explain the types of migration. (b) Explain the effects of population growth on natural resources.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (a) Concept of possibilism (b) Pure and mixed races (c) Tribes in Maharashtra (d) Migration in modern period.

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )




[5501]-EXT-330 2 [20]


[5501]-EXT-330 3 P.T.O. [5501]-EXT-330 (Gg-310 : Regional Geography of India) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (iii ) Use of map stencil is allowed. (iv ) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.

1. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Explain in detail Historical Background of India. (b) State major physiographic divisions of India. Describe the Northern hilly region of India.

2. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) State major River basins of India and give an account of Ganga River System. (b) Explain the characteristics of Indian climate.

3. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Explain the types and distribution of forest in India. (b) Explain the distribution of non-conventional energy resources in India with suitable examples.

4. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (a) Explain in detail the importance of agriculture in Indian economy. (b) Write a detailed report on regional planning in India.

[5501]-EXT-330 4 5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (a) Geopolitical importance of Indian ocean (b) Godavari river system (c) Causes of soil degradation (d) Green revolution.

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )




[5501]-EXT-330 5 P.T.O. [20]


[5501]-EXT-330 6 Total No. of Questions— 5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 6

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-331

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) PSYCHOLOGY General Paper III (Applied Psychology) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. (a) Explain the nature and scope of Positive Psychology. [20] Or (b) Explain the importance of Advertising and Consumer Psychology. Discuss the methods used by Consumer Psychologist. [20]

2. (a) Explain the definition, nature and scope of Educational Psychology. [20] Or (b) Describe the nature and fields of Forensic Psychology. [20]

3. (a) Discuss the issues of Adolescents. [20]

P.T.O. Or (b) Explain the use of Psychological tests in the Defense Services. [20]

4. (a) Explain use of Psychology in Rehabilitation work. [20] Or (b) Describe the use of Psychology in dealing with superstitions. [20]

5. Write short notes in 100 words each (any four ) : [20] (i) EEG (ii ) Psychology of Corruption (iii ) Cyber Crimes (iv ) Team Morale (v) Observation (vi ) Urban Slums.

100 :— (i) (ii )



[5501]-EXT-331 2 [20]







(i) (EEG) (ii ) (iii )

(iv ) (v) (vi )

[5501]-EXT-331 3 P.T.O. [5501]-EXT-331 (Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. (a) What is industrial and organizational psychology ? Explain functions of industrial psychology. [20] Or (b) Explain the recruitment techniques of personnel. [20]

2. (a) What is job performance evaluation ? Explain uses of job performance evaluation. [20] Or (b) Explain the concept of work motivation. Describe work motivation theories of McClelland and Herzberg. [20]

3. (a) What is job satisfaction ? Explain components of job satisfaction. [20] Or (b) What is Leadership ? Explain specific Leadership Skills. [20]

4. (a) Explain the history and scope of engineering psychology. [20] Or (b) What is Organizational Behaviour ? Explain the trends and challenges to Organizational Behaviour. [20]

[5501]-EXT-331 4 5. Write short notes on (any four ) : [20] (i) Interview (ii ) 360 degree evaluation (iii ) Future of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (iv ) Nature of Leadership (v) Work space design (vi ) Organizational change.

100 :— (i) (ii )






[5501]-EXT-331 5 P.T.O. [20]



[20] (i) (ii ) 360 (iii ) (iv ) (v) (vi )

[5501]-EXT-331 6 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-332

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) GANDHIAN THOUGHT G-3 : Relevance of Gandhian Thought (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Explain Vinoba Bhave’s concept of Sarvodaya as a Social Welfare theory. [20] Or

Discuss about peasant and labour movement of Sharad Yadav and Baba Adhav.

2. Explain Anti-imperialist movement of Martin Luther King which was influenced by Gandhian thought. [20] Or

Fully explain about Economic and Social thought of Dada Dharmadhikari.

3. Discuss how Acharya S.D. Javadekar synthesized Gandhian thought with Marxian thought. [20]

P.T.O. Or

Draw out Ganga Bachao Andolan as a movement of Environment.

4. Explain fully strength and limitations of Gandhian thought. [20] Or

State and evaluate Jayprakash Narayan’s concept of “Total Revolution”.

5. Critically evaluate Dada Dharmadhikari’s remark on social construction of Mahatma Gandhi. [20] Or

Bring out the importance of Anna Hajare’s concept of Right to Information.

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )


[20] [5501]-EXT-332 2 [20]



[5501]-EXT-332 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-333

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION G-3 : World Civilization (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Answer the following question (any one ) : [20] (i) Write about social, economic and religious life in Mesopotomia Civilization. Or (ii ) Write a note on Chinese Civilization.

2. Answer the following question (any one ) : [20] (i) Write a detailed account of Vedic Literature. Or (ii ) Write about philosophy, social, economic life in Roman Civilization.

3. Answer the following question (any one ) : [20] (i) Explain the social and economic life of the Arab. Or (ii ) Write in detail the causes for the Renaissance.

P.T.O. 4. Answer the following question (any one ) : [20] (i) Describe the meaning and nature of Feudalism. Or

(ii ) Discuss the geographical discoveries.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (i) (ii ) Ranaissance (iii ) Roman (iv ) Philosophy of Arabs.

100 :— (i) (ii )

1. [20] (i)

(ii )

2. [20] (i)

(ii )

[5501]-EXT-333 2 3. [20] (i)

(ii )

4. [20] (i)

(ii )

5. [20] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

[5501]-EXT-333 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5+5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 9

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-335


(For External)


D.S. G-3(A) : India’s National Security

(2013 PATTERN)

Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Explain the meaning and concept of National Security. [20] Or State the principles of Indian Foreign Policy.

2. State the linkage between foreign and defence policy. [20] Or Explain India’s Nuclear Policy.

3. Explain in detail the India-USA relation in Nuclear Agreement context. [20] Or

State the relation between India and Russia.

P.T.O. 4. State the causes and measures of Insurgency. [20] Or

Give an account of the activities of Superpowers in the Indian Ocean.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20]

(i) Objectives of Indian Foreign Policy

(ii ) Evaluation of Indian Defence Policy

(iii ) India’s role in SAARC

(iv ) MacMahon Line.


:— (i)

(ii )

1. [20]

2. [20]

[5501]-EXT-335 2 3. [20]

4. [20]

5. [20]


(ii )

(iii )

(iv )

[5501]-EXT-335 3 P.T.O. [5501]-EXT-335

D.S. G-3(B) : India and South Asia

Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Explain the strategic importance of Nepal. [20] Or

State India’s role in Bhutan development.

2. Describe India’s role in the Independence of Bangladesh. [20] Or

‘Kashmir issue is a crucial issue in India-Pakistan relations.’


3. Explain the ethnic problem in Sri Lanka. [20] Or

State the importance of Geo-politics.

4. Describe the historical relations between India and . [20] Or

Explain the structure and objectives of SAARC.

[5501]-EXT-335 4 5. Answer in brief (any two ) : [20]

(i) Causes of 1971 War

(ii ) Pakistan Military Capability

(iii ) Maritime Border

(iv ) India-Maldives Cultural Relation.


:— (i)

(ii )

(iii )

1. [20]

2. [20]

3. [20]

[5501]-EXT-335 5 P.T.O. 4. [20]

5. [20]


(ii )

(iii )

(iv )

[5501]-EXT-335 6 [5501]-EXT-335

D.S. G-3(C) : Contemporary Warfare

Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Describe the causes of War. [20] Or

Explain the nature and elements of insurgency.

2. “Mao-Ze-Dong as a Guerrilla Leader.” Discuss. [20] Or

Describe the origin and development of Nuclear Warfare.

3. What is Chemical Warfare ? Explain in detail its nature. [20] Or

Describe the means and methods of Psychological Warfare.

4. What is Economic Warfare ? Explain in detail its nature and

consequences. [20] Or

Explain the nature and effects of Electronics Warfare.

[5501]-EXT-335 7 P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20]

(i) Conventional Warfare

(ii ) Principles of Guerrilla War

(iii ) Objectives of Biological Warfare

(iv ) Means of Cyber Warfare.


:— (i)

(ii )

1. [20]

2. [20]

3. [20]

[5501]-EXT-335 8 4. [20]

5. [20]


(ii )

(iii )

(iv )

[5501]-EXT-335 9 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 4

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-336

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) DEFENCE AND STRATEGIC STUDIES (D.S. S-3(A) : International and Regional Organisation) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Explain the role of U.N. in Social Field. [20] Or Explain the UN role in International Peace ancl Security.

2. Explain the hindrances in the working of UN. [20] Or Explain the structure and powers of the Security Council. [20]

3. Explain the structure and functions of NAFTA. Or State the structure and functions of ASEAN.

4. Explain structure and functions of WTO. [20] Or Describe the India’s role in SAARC.

P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (1) Aim and objectives of SAARC (2) Structure of EU (3) Human Rights (4) UN Peace-keeping Forces.

100 :— (i) (ii ) 1. [20]

2. [20]

3. [20]

4. [20]

5. [20] (1) (2) (3) (4)

[5501]-EXT-336 2 [5501]-EXT-336

(Terrorism and Counter Terrorism) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Explain the economic implications of terrorism in India. [20] Or Explain the characteristics of terrorism.

2. Describe the counter-terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir. [20] Or Explain the nature of terrorism.

3. Describe the communal terrorism. [20] Or Describe the resources of terrorism.

4. Explain the Indian strategy regarding terrorism. [20] Or Describe the meaning of terrorism.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (1) Objectives of terrorism (2) Cross border terrorism (3) Terrorism and National law (4) Organisation of Indian terrorism.

[5501]-EXT-336 3 P.T.O. 100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )

1. [20]

2. [20]

3. [20]

4. [20]

5. [20] (1) (2) (3) (4)

[5501]-EXT-336 4 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-337

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) DEFENCE AND STRATEGIC STUDIES [DS.S-4(A) : Defence Economics] (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Explain the effects of war on Industry. [20] Or Describe the means of economics werfare.

2. What are the determinants of India’s defence expenditure ? Explain. [20] Or Describe the effects of war finance.

3. Explain in detail the determinants of war potential. [20] Or Explain the means and problems of war-time economy.

4. Explain the parliamentary control of defence budget in India. [20] Or ‘‘Defence and development are co-related to each other.’’ Discuss.

P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (1) Importance of development (2) Rationing during wartime economy (3) Types of loans (4) Preparation of India’s defence budget.

100 :— (i) (ii )





[5501]-EXT-337 2 [20] (1) (2) (3) (4)

[5501]-EXT-337 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-338

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) COMMERCE (General Paper III) (Business Management) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Explain various principles of Management. [20] Or What is meant by Planning ? State its types, merits and demerits.

2. What is meant by Communication ? Explain principles of communication. [20] Or What is Leadership ? State the merits and demerits of Leadership.

3. What is Organisation ? Explain the types of organisation. [20] Or Explain Maslow’s theory of Motivation.

P.T.O. 4. Explain the techniques of direction. [20] Or State the importance and scope of total quality management.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (a) Management as a profession (b) State the types of decisions (c) Management of change (d) Explain the importance of motivation (e) Explain the levels of planning (f) Co-operation and co-.

100 :— (i) (ii )

1. [20]

2. [20]

3. [20]

[5501]-EXT-338 2 4. [20]

5. [20]

[5501]-EXT-338 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 6

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-339

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) G-3 : EDUCATION (New Syllabus) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Answer any one question in 500 words : [20] (A) What is educational management ? Explain the functions of Education Secretary. (B) What is educational guidance ? Explain the need of educational guidance.

2. Answer any one question in 500 words : [20] (A) Explain the importance of ICT in educational evaluation in detail. (B) What are the problems in higher education ? Suggest the remedies to overcome them.

3. Answer any one question in 500 words : [20] (A) What is personality ? Explain the role of school in personality development among the students. (B) What is perception ? Explain educational importance of perception. P.T.O. 4. Answer any one question in 500 words : [20] (A) What is mental health ? Explain the role of school in develop mental health among the students. (B) Explain the meaning, nature, merits and limitations of demonstration method.

5. Write short notes in 200 to 250 words each (any two ) : [20] (A) Need of school counselling (B) Educational importance of individual differences (C) Importance of Action Research (D) Impact of globalization on higher education.

100 :— (i) (ii )

1. 500 [20]

2. 500 [20]

3. 500 [20]

[5501]-EXT-339 2 4. 500 [20]

5. 200 250 [20]

[5501]-EXT-339 3 P.T.O. [5501]-EXT-339

(Old Syllabus) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Answer any one question in 500 words : [20] (A) What is creativity ? Explain the educational importance of creativity. (B) What is school indiscipline ? What are the causes of school indiscipline ? Suggest remedies to overcome them.

2. Answer any one question in 500 words : [20] (A) What is individual differences ? What are the causes of individual differences ? Explain the educational importance of individual differences. (B) What is educational guidance ? Explain need of edcuational guidance.

3. Answer any one question in 500 words : [20] (A) Explain the meaning, nature, merits and limitations of project method. (B) What are the problems in higher education ? Suggest remedies to overcome them.

4. Answer any one question in 500 words : [20] (A) What is mental health ? Explain the role of school in develop the mental health among the students. (B) Write the meaning of personality and explain the factors affecting on personality.

[5501]-EXT-339 4 5. Write short notes in 200 to 250 words each (any two ) : [20] (A) Role of school in disaster management (B) Educational importance of imagination (C) Impression aspect of discipline (D) Impact of globalization on higher education.

100 :— (i) (ii )

1. 500 [20]

2. 500 [20]

3. 500 [20]

[5501]-EXT-339 5 P.T.O. 4. 500 [20]

5. 200 250 [20]

[5501]-EXT-339 6 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 7

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-340


(For External)


FMG-3 : Financial Mathematics and Graph Theory

(2013 PATTERN)

Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt each of the following : [20]

(i) An amount of $ 1000 is invested and attracts interest at a rate equivalent to 10% per annum. Find the total after one year if the interest is compounded quarterly.

(ii ) Find the maximum value of the profit function :

fx()=- 2 x3 + 3 x 2 + 12 x + 9

in the interval [0, Ñ).

(iii ) Prove that, at the price which maximises revenue, the elasticity of demand equals 1.

(iv ) Prove that, at the break-even point, the marginal cost is equal to the average cost.

P.T.O. (v) If the returns matrix is :

≈0.95 0.9 1.0 ’ ∆ ÷ R= ∆ 1.1 1.1 1.1 ÷ ∆ ÷ «1.2 1.15 1.25 ◊

Show that Y = (1000 –5000 4000) is arbitrage portfolio.

(vi ) Draw a graph G whose adjacency matrix is :

»0 1 0 1 ÿ … Ÿ …1 0 1 0 Ÿ A(G) = … Ÿ …0 1 0 1 Ÿ . … Ÿ …1 0 1 0 ⁄Ÿ

(vii ) Define complete bipartite graph km,n . Draw a complete bipartite

graph k3,3 . (viii ) Define bridge in a graph G. True or False : Every edge of a cycle is bridge.

(ix ) Draw any four different trees with 6 vertices.

(x) Define tournament. Draw all tournaments on three vertices.

2. Attempt any four of the following : [20]

(i) The supply and demand functions for a commodity are :

qS () p= 12 p - 4 , qD () p= 8 - 4 p .

If an excise tax of T is imposed, what are the selling price and quantity sold, in equilibrium ?

[5501]-EXT-340 2 (ii ) How much should you invest now in a bank account where the interest rate is a constant 7%, in order to be able to withdraw $ 1000 at the end of each of the next thirty years ?

(iii ) Suppose that the supply and demand functions for a commodity are :

qS ( p )= 3 p - 21500 , qD ( p )= 8500 - p .

Assuming that the suppliers operate according to the Cobweb

model, find a recurrence equation for the sequence pt of prices.

Find the explicit solution given that p0 = 7499, and describe

in words how the sequence pt behaves.

(iv ) Suppose you own a piece of land whose value V( t) after t

years is V(t ) = e t . Assuming that interest on a bank deposit will be compounded continuously at the equivalent annual rate of 12.5%, write down an expression for the present value of the amount realised by selling the land after t years, and determine the optimum time to sell.

(v) The supply and demand sets for a good are :

S{(,)|=q p q = bp - a } , D{(,)|=q p q = c - dp } ,

where a, b, c, d are all positive. Suppose the government wishes to raise as much money as possible by imposing an excise tax on the good. What should be the value of the excise

tax ?

[5501]-EXT-340 3 P.T.O. (vi ) Suppose that the government decides to allow an increase in

the money supply M S. What will be the effect on the equilibrium value of the national income ?

3. Attempt any two of the following : [20]

(i) Integration incorporated is a monopoly with cost function

C(q )= 100 + 80 qqq - 502 + 0.5 3 and the demand set for its product is :

D= {(qp , )|2 pq +-=2 20 q 100} .

Sketch the graph of the profit function for q > 0. Find the

level of production which maximises the firm’s profit, if the

upper limit on its output is :

(a) 30

(b) 50.

(ii ) Suppose that Quality Widgets limited is an efficient small firm

with cost function :

C(qq )=-3 10 q 2 + 100 q + 196

and suppose also that the maximum level of weekly production

is L = 10. Determine :

(a) their fixed cost

[5501]-EXT-340 4 (b) their profit function

(c) their start up point

(d) their break-even point

(e) their supply set.

(iii ) Consider an economy with three industries : coal, electricity,

railways. To produce $1 of coal requires $0.25 worth of electricity

and $0.25 rail costs for transportation. To produce $1 of electricity

requires $0.65 worth of coal for fuel, $0.05 of electricity for

the auxiliary equipment, and $0.50 for transport. To provide

$1 worth of transport, the railway requires $0.55 coal for fuel

and $0.10 electricity. Each week the external demand for coal

is $50000 and the external demand for electricity is $25000.

There is no external demand for the railway. What should

be the weekly production schedule for each industry ?

4. Attempt any four of the following : [20]

(i) ( a) For any graph G with e edges and n vertices v1, v 2 ,...... , v n ;

n d v e prove that ƒ (i )= 2 . i=1

(b) In any graph G prove that there is an even number

of odd degree vertices.

[5501]-EXT-340 5 P.T.O. (ii ) Define isomorphism of two graphs G 1 and G 2. Check whether the following graphs isomorphic or not. Justify your answer :

(iii ) Let G be a simple graph with n vertices and G be its complement.

Prove that for each vertex V in G, dvG()+ dv G () = n - 1 .

(iv ) Draw a graph G which is Eulerian but not Hamiltonian. Also

draw a Hamiltonian graph which is not Eulerian.

(v) Draw all 16 different spanning trees of K 4.

(vi ) Define orientable graph. Prove that if a graph G is orientable

it is connected and it has no bridges.

5. Attempt any two of the following : [20]

(i) Define tree. Prove that if T is a tree with n vertices then

it has precisely n-1 edges.

[5501]-EXT-340 6 (ii ) Using Prim’s algorithm find minimal spanning tree of the following weighted graph G :


(iii ) Let G be a bipartite graph with bipartition Y= X ß Y .

(a) Prove that if G is Hamiltonian, then |X| = |Y|.

(b) Show that if G is not Hamiltonian but has a Hamiltonian cycle, then |X| = |Y| ± 1.

[5501]-EXT-340 7 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 6

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-341

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS (GENERAL) (Statistical Inference) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (iii ) Use of statistical tables and calculator is allowed. (iv ) Symbols and abbreviations have their usual meanings.

1. Attempt each of the following : (A) State whether each of the following statements is True or False : [1 each] (i) Unbiased estimator is unique. (ii ) M.l.e. is a function of sufficient statistic. (iii ) If minimum variance unbiased estimator exists then it is unique. (iv ) Sign test is used to test equality of two population means. (v) There does not exist a UMP test based for testing

H0 : m = m0 against H 1 : m ò m0 for N( m, 1) distribution.

P.T.O. (B) Choose the correct alternative in the following : [1 each] (i) Size of a test is the probability of : (a) Type II error (b) Type I error

(c) Rejecting H 0

(d) Accepting H 1 (ii ) The following non-parametric test is used for testing hypothesis of goodness of fit of a distribution : (a) Run test (b) Sign test (c) Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (d) Mann-Whitney test (iii ) For carrying out Wald’s SPRT, the following should be fixed in advance : (a) Sample size (b) Only a (c) Only b (d) a and b (iv ) Pivotal quantity used for constructing confidence interval for parameter s2 in case of N( m, s2) distribution ( m is known) follows : (a) Chi-square distribution with ( n – 1) d.f. (b) t distribution (c) Chi-square distribution with n d.f. (d) F distribution

[5501]-EXT-341 2 (v) If T is an unbiased estimator of q, then the unbiased estimator of 4 q + 7 is : (a) 4T (b) 4T + 7 (c) T + 7 (d) 4T – 7 (C) Answer in brief : [2 each] (i) Explain the following terms : (I) Estimator

(II) Relative efficiency of an estimator T 1 w.r.t. T 2.

(ii ) Explain empirical distribution function S n(x). (iii ) Explain notion of likelihood ratio test. (iv ) State Neyman-Pearson lemma. (v) Define the following terms : (I) Confidence interval (II) Consistent estimator.

2. Attempt any four of the following : [4×5=20] (a) Explain the method of moments for estimation of parameters. Give one illustration. (b) Find the m.l.e. of l the parameter of Poisson distribution based on a random sample of size n.

(c) Let X 1, ...... , X n be a random sample (r.s.) on a discrete r.v. X having p.m.f. as follows : f(x, q) = q(1 – q)x – 1 , x = 1, 2, ...... ; 0 < q < 1 = 0 , otherwise 1 Show that X is unbiased estimator of . q [5501]-EXT-341 3 P.T.O. (d) Define sufficient estimator of a parameter q. Also, find sufficient statistic of q for U(0, q).

2 (e) Suppose X 1, ...... , X n is a r.s. from N( m, s ) distribution, show that the sample mean X is a consistent estimator of m. (f) Define Fisher’s information function I( q). Obtain I(P) in case of B(1, P) distribution.

3. Attempt any four of the following : [4×5=20] (a) State properties of maximum likelihood estimator (m.l.e.). (b) State and prove Cramer-Rao inequality. (c) The diameter of 10 ball bearings were measured in suitable units are as follows :

12.01, 12.00, 12.02, 12.01, 12.02, 12.01, 12.03, 12.02, 12.01, 12.00. Find the 95% confidence interval for mean diameter assuming

the diameters to be normally distributed. (d) State and prove Neyman’s factorization theorem for discrete probability distribution. (e) Define Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimator of a parameter. Show that UMVUE is unique, if it exists. (f) Given a random sample 3.6, 4.8, 5.4, 6.6, 7.2, 11.2 from the distribution with p.d.f. : 2 f(x, q) = (q – x), 0 Ç x < q; q > 0 q2 = 0 , otherwise

Estimate q by the method of moments.

[5501]-EXT-341 4 4. Attempt any two of the following : [2×10=20] (a) Describe Wilcoxon signed rank test and run test. (b) Construct L.R.T. of level of significance a for testing 2 2 2 2 2 H0 : s = s 0 against H1 : s ò s 0 where s is the variance of N( m, s2) when m is unknown. (c) ( i) Explain Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for completely specified univariate distribution. (ii ) The following is a r.s. of size 5 from a continuous

distribution (F X(x)) : 0.65, 0.35, 0.85, 0.6, 0.9. Test whether the sample can be regarded as drawn from a distribution which is uniform on (0, 1). (d) Construct SPRT of strength ( a = 0.1, b = 0.1) when 2 X ~ N( m, s ); for testing H 0 : m = 15, s = 8 against

H1 : m = 10, s = 4.

5. Attempt any one of the following : [1×20=20] (a) ( i) A test administered to a random sample of 9 students from school A and to another random sample of size 8 from students of school B. The score achieved by two groups of students are as given below : A : 93 91 96 99 89 79 85 98 84 B : 85 92 97 88 86 94 83 99 Test the null hypothesis that the performance of the two groups of students is the same. Use Mann-Whitney test. Use a = 0.05. [10]

[5501]-EXT-341 5 P.T.O. (ii ) Let X ~ N( m, 10 2) distribution. It is required to test

H0 : m = 100 Vs . H 1 : m = 110. Calculate sample size n if a = 0.05 and the power the test is 0.9. [5] (iii ) Explain the concept of non-parametric tests. State the differences between a parametric and a non-parametric test. [5] (b) ( i) Describe Wald’s SPRT of strength ( a, b). For testing

H0 : m = m0 against H 1 : m = m1 ( m1 > m0). Construct SPRT of strength ( a, b) when X follows Poisson with parameter m. [10] (ii ) A driver buys petrol either at a station S or at station T and the following arrangement shows the order of the stations from which he bought petrol over a certain period of time : S S S T S T S T S T T S S T S T S T S T T T T S T S. Test the randomness of the above sequence at 5% l.o.s. [5] (iii ) Explain the following terms : (I) Test of hypothesis (II) Level of significance (III)Power of a test. [5]

[5501]-EXT-341 6 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 2

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-342

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) ENGLISH General Paper-III (G3 : Advanced Study of English Language and Literature) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 Texts :— (i) A Collection of Indian English Poetry by Radha Mohan Singh. (ii ) Linguistics : An Introduction by Board of Editors. N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any two of the following in about 150 words each : [20] (i) ‘Song of Radha, the Milkmaid’ is a holy song. Illustrate. (ii ) Write a note on the central theme of the poem ‘Peace’. (iii ) Comment on the use of imagery in the poem ‘An Introduction’. (iv ) Bring out the significance of the title ‘Sea Breeze, Bombay’.

2. Write short notes on any four of the following in about 100 words each : [20] (i) Simple, compound and complex sentences (ii ) Transitive and intransitive verbs (iii ) Syntax (iv ) Do-support (v) Yes-No questions (vi ) Wh-questions. P.T.O. 3. Attempt any two of the following in about 150 words each : [20] (i) Comment on the use of humour and irony in the poem ‘The Bus’. (ii ) ‘Tribute to Papa’ is a confessional poem. Discuss. (iii ) Describe the element of nostalgia in the poem ‘The Season of the Plains’. (iv ) Explain the use of imagery in the poem ‘The Captive Air of Chandipur-on-Sea’.

4. Attempt any two of the following in about 150 words each : [20] (i) Write a note on homophony and homography. (ii ) Explain the difference between synonymy and antonymy. (iii ) Explain metonymy with appropriate examples. (iv ) Write a note on superordination and hyponymy.

5. Attempt any two of the following in about 150 words each : [20] (i) Write a detailed note on direct and indirect speech acts. (ii ) Discuss the various maxims of cooperative principle. (iii ) Describe with suitable examples the approbation maxim and the modesty maxim. (iv ) What is pragmatics ? Explain its scope.

[5501]-EXT-342 2 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 2

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-343

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) ENGLISH Special Paper III (Appreciating Novel) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

Texts Prescribed :— (i) Animal Farm —George Orwell. (ii ) The Old Man and the Sea —Ernest Hemingway. (iii ) The Guide - R. K. Narayan N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Answer any four of the following : [20] (i) What do you know about psychological novel ? State examples. (ii ) Bring out the importance of dialogue in a novel. (iii ) Explain in brief features of historical novel. State examples. (iv ) What is the difference between round and flat characters in a novel ? (v) Write a note on the significance of conflict in a novel. (vi ) Define the term plot and explain its types.

P.T.O. 2. Answer any one of the following : [20] (i) Compare and contrast the characters of Napoleon and Snowball in Animal Farm . (ii ) Discuss Orwell’s Animal Farm as a political satire.

3. Answer any two of the following : [20] (i) Comment on the setting of Hemingway’s The Old Man and The Sea . (ii ) Attempt a character sketch of Santiago in The Old Man and The Sea . (iii ) How does Hemingway’s The Old Man and The Sea demonstrate that man may be beaten but not defeated ?

4. Answer any two of the following : [20] (i) Write a detailed note on The Guide as a regional novel. (ii ) How do the minor characters in The Guide contribute to the effectiveness of the novel ? (iii ) Explain the use of narrative technique in The Guide.

5. Answer any four of the following : [20] (i) Write a note on Animal Farm as a fable. (ii ) Explain the beginning of Animal Farm . (iii ) Describe the elements of tragedy in The Old Man and The Sea . (iv ) Explain the role of sea in The Old Man And The Sea . (v) Give an account of the picaresque element in The Guide . (vi ) Write a note on the use of humour in The Guide .

[5501]-EXT-343 2 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 4

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-344

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) ENGLISH Paper-IV (Special) S-4 : Introduction to Literary Criticism (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any two of the following questions : [20] (i) What is Aristotle’s theory of artistic imitation ? (ii ) What does Walter Peter mean by ‘Art for Art’s Sake’ ? (iii ) How does S.T. Coleridge distinguish fancy and imagination ? (iv ) Comment on Wordsworth’s definition of poetry.

2. Attempt any two of the following questions : [20] (i) Explain I.A. Richard’s views on the relationship between ‘sense’ and ‘feeling’. (ii ) Discuss George Lucak’s concept of ‘Realism’. (iii ) Elaborate T.S. Eliot’s concept of ‘Tradition’. (iv ) Explain Allen Tate’s notion of extension and intension. P.T.O. 3. (A) Attempt any one of the following : [10]

(i) Comment on the neo-classical tenets in Dryden.

(ii ) State the significance of Dryden’s ‘The Essay of Dramatic

Poesy’ in the history of English criticism.

(iii ) How does Eugenius defend English dramatists ?

(B) Attempt any one of the following : [10]

(i) How does Coleridge distinguish between poetry and a

poem ?

(ii ) Explain Coleridge’s views on nature poems.

(iii ) Discuss the remark ‘poetry is a studied selection and

artificial arrangement to excite attention and to yield

pleasure’ in the light of Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria.

4. (A) Attempt any one of the following questions : [10]

(i) Why does Helen Gardner say that criticism has become

increasingly professionalised ?

(ii ) What, according to Helen Gardner, are the tasks of a

critic ?

(iii ) Comment on the significance of the title ‘The Sceptre

and the Torch’.

(B) Attempt any one of the following : [10]

(i) Comment on Frye’s notion of the ‘lower’ and ‘upper’ limits

of criticism.

[5501]-EXT-344 2 (ii ) Elaborate Frye’s idea that criticism is knowledge about literature. (iii ) Write down Northrop Frye’s remarks to personal taste in criticism.

5. (A) Explain any five of the following literary and critical terms : [10] (i) Point of view (ii ) Round and flat characters (iii ) Ambiguity (iv ) Metaphor (v) Paradox (vi ) Text (B) Read the following poem and answer the questions that folow (any five ) : [10] Determined to tell lies Determined to tell lies People are able only to tell the truth Said Rahman I said Leave aside truth and lies People only speak And what about people who don’t speak– Asked Rahman– What do they say ?

[5501]-EXT-344 3 P.T.O. I said– You know religion, Rahman

I don’t say a thing (i) What is the poet’s idea of religion ?

(ii ) Comment on the imagery in the poem ? (iii ) What is the main theme of the poem ?

(iv ) Suggest a suitable title for the poem.

(v) Identify the figures of speech in the poem. (vi ) How do you explain the term ‘truth’ in the poem ?

[5501]-EXT-344 4 Total No. of Questions— 5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 8

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-345


(For External)


(AMG-3 : Real Analysis-I and Real Analysis-II)

(2013 PATTERN)

Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt each of the following : [20] (i) Let f : R ç R2 be a function defined as f (x) = (cos x, x), x ≠ R. Find the range of f. (ii ) Give an example of a conditionally convergent series.

Ñ (iii ) Define limit superior of a sequence {Sn } n =1 of real numbers. 2 (iv ) Show that f : R ç R defined by f( x ) = e x is not one-to-one.

Ñ n + 1 (v) Does the series ƒ converge ? Justify. n=1 n + 4

(vi ) Give an example of a sequence of continuous functions that

converges pointwise to a discontinuous function.

P.T.O. (vii ) Show that the set of irrational numbers is not of measure


1 2 2 » ÿ (viii ) Let fx( )= x , 0 Ç x Ç 1. Let s be the subdivision …0, , , 1 Ÿ 3 3 ⁄ of [0, 1]. Find L[ f, s].

Ñ 1 (ix ) Does the series ƒ 2 2 converge uniformly on [0, 1] ? n=1 n+ x

Justify. Ñ (x) Find C.P.V. of — x dx . -Ñ

2. Attempt any four of the following : [20]

(i) Let f : A ç B and if X, Y ´ B, then prove that :

f-1(Xß Y) = f - 1 (X) ß f - 1 (Y).

(ii ) Prove that the set of rational numbers is countable.

iii Ñ ( ) Prove that if a sequence of real numbers {Sn } n =1 is convergent, then it is bounded.

(iv ) Evaluate :

3n2 - 6 n lim . nçÑ 5n2 + 4

Ñ (v) Prove that if a sequence of real numbers {Sn } n =1 converges, then it is Cauchy.

Ñ (vi ) If S1 = 2 and Sn+1 = 2 S n , "n í 2, then show that {Sn } n =1

is a convergent sequence. Hence evaluate lim Sn . nçÑ

[5501]-EXT-345 2 3. Attempt any two of the following : [20]

(i) Show that the Cantor set is uncountable.

Ñ 1 (ii ) ( a) Prove that ƒ is a divergent series. n=1 n

Ñ (b) If {an } n =1 is a sequence of positive numbers such that

a > a > a > ...... and liman = 0, then prove that 1 2 3 nçÑ

Ñ n+1 ƒ (- 1) an is a convergent series. n=1

iii a Ñ ( ) ( ) If {an } n =1 is non-increasing sequence of positive real numbers

Ñ 2n a such that ƒ 2n is a convergent series, then prove that n=0

Ñ a ƒ n converges. n=1

Ñ 1 (b) Prove that the series ƒ diverges. n=4 nlog n

4. Attempt any four of the following : [20]

(i) If f ≠ R[ a, b] and a < c < b, then prove that f≠ R[ a , c ],

b c b f≠ R[, c b ] and —f= — f + — f . a a c

ii Ñ a b Ñ ( ) If {fn } n =1 is a sequence of functions in R[ , ] and if {fn } n =1 converges uniformly to f on [ a, b], then prove that f is also

in R[ a, b].

[5501]-EXT-345 3 P.T.O. Ñ n (iii ) Does the series ƒ x(1- x ) converge uniformly on [0, 1] ? n=0 Justify. (iv ) Prove that : 11 x2 1 Ç— dx ÇÇÇ,0 x 1. 3 20 1 + x 3

Ñ 1 (v) Show that the improper integral dx is convergent, — 2 2 0 a+ x a > 0.

1 sin x dx . (vi ) Test the convergence of — 3/2 0 x

5. Attempt any two of the following : [20]

Ñ 1/2 Ñ x1/2 x 1 p (i) Prove that dx is convergent and dx = + . — 2 — (1+ x ) 2 2 4 1 (1+ x ) 1 (ii ) ( a) If f is continuous on [ a, b], if fx( )> 0, axb Ç Ç , and if

x F()x=— ftdta (), Ç x Ç b , then prove that F is strictly a increasing on [ a, b]. (b) If f≠ R[ a , b ], then prove that |f |≠ R[, a b ]. sin nx Ñ (iii ) Let fn ( x )= (0 Ç x Ç 1). Show that {f } converges n n n =1

Å Ñ uniformly to 0 on [0, 1], but that {fn } n =1 does not converge pointwise to 0 on [0, 1].

[5501]-EXT-345 4 [5501]-EXT-345

(MG-3 : Group Theory and Ring Theory) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt each of the following ( 2 marks each) : [20]

(i) Let G be a group and H 1, H 2 be its subgroups. Is

H 1 ß H 2 a subgroup of G ? Justify. (ii ) Let G be a group and f be an automorphism of G. If a ≠ G is of order 0( a) > q, then prove that 0( f(a)) = 0( a).

(iii ) Let G be any group and g be a fixed element in G. Define f: G ç G by f(x ) = gxg -1 . Prove that f is an isomorphism of G onto G. (iv ) Prove that subgroup of an abelian group is abelian. (v) Let G be the set of all integers. For a, b ≠ G define a * b = a.b. Is (G, *) a group ? Justify. (vi ) Show that the polynomial ‘ x2 + 8 x – 2’ is irreducible over Q. (vii ) Give an example of a ring R with unity 1 and a subring of R, with unity 1 Å ò 1.

(viii ) Find the characteristic of the ring Z3 × Z5. (ix ) Is the ring Z × Z, an integral domain ? Justify. (x) State true or false : ‘‘If F is a field, then F[ x] is a field.’’ Justify.

[5501]-EXT-345 5 P.T.O. 2. Attempt any four of the following : [20] (i) If H is a group of G, then show that for every g ≠ G, gHg–1 is a subgroup of G. If H is the only subgroup of 0(H) in G, then show that H is normal in G.

(ii ) ( a) Compute (1, 2) (4, 7, 8) (2, 1) (7, 2, 8, 1, 5) in S8. [3] (b) Find the maximum possible order for an element

of S 8. [2]

Z4ì Z 6 (iii ) Consider the factor group , where <(1, 0)> is the <(1, 0) >

cyclic subgroup H of Z4ì Z 6 generated by (1, 0). Find the elements in factor group. Write the multiplication table for the factor group.

≈12345678 ’ (iv ) Express the permutation ∆ ÷ of S 8 «∆82637451 ◊÷

as a product of disjoint cycles and then as a product of transpositions. (v) Let f be a homomorphism of G onto G Å with kernel K. Then prove that : G @G Å . k

(vi ) Let T:ab Rç R ,,a b ≠ R be defined as T()ab x= ax + b .

Let G = {T ab |a ò 0}. Prove that G is a group under the composition of function.

3. Attempt any two of the following : [20] (i) State and prove Cayley’s theorem.

[5501]-EXT-345 6 (ii ) Let G be a cyclic group with n elements and generated by

a. Let b ≠ G and let b = as. Then prove that b generates n a cyclic subgroup H of G containing elements, where d d is the gcd of n and S. Further, prove that < as> = < at> if and only if gcd (s, n) = gcd (t, n). (iii ) Let H be a subgroup of G. Then prove that the following are equivalent :

(a) ghg –1 ≠ H for all g ≠ G and h ≠ H (b) gHg–1 = H for all g ≠ G (c) gH = H g for all g ≠ G.

4. Attempt any four of the following : [20] (i) Prove that every finite integral domain is a field. (ii ) Prove that every ideal is a subring. Is converse true ? Justify. (iii ) Let ‘R’ be a ring with unity ‘ e’. Define a function

f : Z ç R as f (m) = m.e, " m ≠ Z. Show that ‘ f ’ is a homomorphism of Z into R. (iv ) If ‘F’ is a field, show that F[ x] is an Euclidean domain.

(v) Let a = 7 + 2 i and b = 3 – 4 i in z[i]. Find d and r in z[i] such that a = bd + r, with N( r) < N( b). (vi ) If a and b are associates in an integral domain, then prove that : = < b>.

[5501]-EXT-345 7 P.T.O. 5. Attempt any two of the following : [20] (i) ( a) Show that Z × Z is a ring under the operations defined as ( a, b) + ( c, d) = ( a + c, b + d) and ( a, b) . ( c, d) = ( ac , bd ). Find all the units of Z × Z. [7] R[x ] (b) Show that 2 is a field. [3] 1 (ii ) ( a) An ideal < p> in a PID is maximal if and only if ‘ p’ is irreducible. [7] (b) Show that ‘ x – 1’ divides x3+4 x 2 + 4 x + 1 as well as 2 x + 4, in Z5[x]. [3] (iii ) ( a) The norm N is defined on Z[- 5] as N(a+- 5) ba =2 + 5 b 2 prove that ‘N’ is multiplicative norm. Z (b) List the element of 6 and show that it is isomorphic <3 >

to Z3.

[5501]-EXT-345 8 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 4

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-346

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) MATHEMATICS (MS-3 : Metric Spaces and Complex Analysis) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt each of the following : [20] (i) Show that {( x, y) ≠ R2|x > 0} is an open subset of R2. (ii ) Find the set of boundary points of {( x, y) ≠ R2|y = x} in R2. (iii ) Show that the set of rationals, Q is not a complete metric space with usual metric.

(iv ) Find the diameter of the set (–1, 2) ß (3, 5) in Ru. (v) Find two non-empty disjoint subsets of Ru which are not separated. -2 (vi ) Find the principal argument Argz of z = . 1+ 3 i

(vii ) Let f() z= ||. z 2 Show that f Å(0) = 0. (viii ) Evaluate : cosh z dz . — 4 ||z = 1 z

1 (ix ) State the poles and their orders of f( z )= . z2(1+ z )

P.T.O. (x) If : z + 1 f( z )= , z2 + 9 find : Resf ( z ). z=3 i

2. Attempt any four of the following : [20] (i) Prove that a non-empty subset G of a metric space X is open if and only if G is a union of open spheres.

(ii ) Let (X, d1) and (Y, d2) be two metric spaces. Prove that a

sequence {( xn, yn)} in the product metric space X × Y converges

to ( x, y) if and only if the sequence { xn} converges to x in

X and { yn} converges to y in Y. (iii ) If Y is a complete subspace of a metric space X, then prove that Y is closed in X. (iv ) Let X and Y be metric spaces and f : X ç Y be a function. Prove that f is continuous if and only if f –1 (G) is open in X whenever G is open in Y. (v) Let X and Y be metric spaces and f : X ç Y be a uniformly

continuous function. If { xn} is a Cauchy sequence in X, then

prove that { f (xn)} is a Cauchy sequence in Y. (vi ) Prove that a closed subset of a compact metric space is compact.

3. Attempt any two of the following : [20] (i) Prove that a metric space X is a sequentially compact if and only if X has the Bolzano-Weierstrass property.

[5501]-EXT-346 2 (ii ) Let (X, d) be a metric space and Y ´ X be connected. (a) If Y ´ A ß B, where A and B are separated sets in X, then prove that either Y ´ A or Y ´ B. (b) If Z ´ X be such that Y´ Z ´ Y, then prove that Z is connected.

(iiii ) Let (X, d) be a complete metric space and let {F n} be a decreasing sequence of non-empty subsets of X such that d(F n) ç 0. Ñ

Then prove that the intersection < Fn contains exactly one n=1 point.

4. Attempt any four of the following : [20] (i) Find all values of (3+ i )1/2 . (ii ) If fÅ( z ) = 0 everywhere in a domain D, prove that f (z) must be constant throughout D. (iii ) If log z denotes the principal branch of logarithm, then prove that log(i3 )ò 3log i . (iv ) If w(t) is a piecewise continuous complex values function defined on an interval a < t < b, then prove that :

b b —w() t dtÇ — |()| w t dt . a a

-1 (v) Find Laurent series of the function f( z ) = in the (z- 1) ( z - 2) regions :

(I) D 1 = { z ≠ C | 1 < | z| < 2} (II) D 2 = { z ≠ C | 2 < | z| < Ñ}. (vi ) Let two functions p and q be analytic at point z0. If p(z0) ò 0, q(z0) = 0 and qÅ(z0) ò 0, then prove that z0 is p( z ) p( z ) p( z ) Res= 0 . a sample pole of the quotient and z= z q( z ) 0 qz() qzÅ ()0

[5501]-EXT-346 3 P.T.O. 5. Attempt any two of the following : [20] (i) Let C denote a contour of length L and suppose that a function f(z) is piecewise continuous on C. If M is a non-negative constant such that f(z) < M for all points z on C at which f (z)

is defined, then prove that — f( z ) dz Ç ML. Further show C that :

dz p Ç z — 2 where C is the arc of the circle | | = 2 from C z - 1 3 z = 2 to z = 2 i that lies in the first quadrant. (ii ) Suppose that a function f is analytic throughout a disk

|z – z0| < R 0 centered at z0 with radius R 0. Then prove Ñ n that f (z) has a power series representation fz()=ƒ azzn ( - 0 ), n=0

f(n ) ( z ) |z – z | < R , where a = 0 n = 0, 1, 2, ...... 0 0 n n !

(iii ) State and prove Cauchy integral formula. Further, evaluate : ez dz — 2 . |z |=1 z

[5501]-EXT-346 4 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 4

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-347

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) MATHEMATICS MS-4 : Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt each of the following : [20] (i) Find a homogeneous linear differential equation, with constant coefficients that has a particular solution y = 7 e3x + 2 x. (ii ) Solve the differential equation (D 4 + 8D 2 + 16) y = 0. (iii ) List the roots of the auxiliary equation for a homogeneous linear differential equation with real constant coefficients that has y = x2e–x + 4 ex as a particular solution. (iv ) Find a particular solution of the differential equation (D 2 – 2D + 1) y = xe x. (v) List all the singular points in the finite plane for the differential equation x(3 – x)yÅÅ – (3 – x)yÅ + 4 xy = 0.

P.T.O. (vi ) Eliminate the parameters a and b from the following equation and find corresponding partial differential equation z = ax + by . (vii ) Define linear partial differential equation of first order and give an example of it. (viii ) Test the integrability of the following differential equation : yz (y + z)dx + xz (x + z)dy + xy (x + y)dz = 0. (ix ) Find complete integral of the partial differential equation z = px + yq + log p + log q. (x) Solve the following differential equation : 2xzdx + zdy – dz = 0.

2. Attempt any four of the following : [20] (i) Explain the method of variation of parameters to solve the second order differential equation yÅÅ + p(x)yÅ + q(x)y = R( x). (ii ) If W( t) is the Wronskian of two solutions of the homogeneous system of differential equations, then prove that W( t) is either identically zero or nowhere zero on [ a, b]. 1 (iii ) Evaluate cos bx , where b ò a. D2+ a 2 (iv ) Solve (D 2 + 1) y = sin x using the method of undetermined coefficients. (v) Solve the differential equation D2(D + 4) 2y = 96 e–4 x. (vi ) Solve the differential equation yÅÅ – y = ex + 1 using the method of variation of parameters.

[5501]-EXT-347 2 3. Attempt any two of the following : [20] (i) Find the power series solution of the differential equation

yÅÅ + 4 y = 0 near the ordinary point X = 0. (ii ) Solve the system :

Å »ÿ»x2 1 2 ÿ»ÿ x …Ÿ… Ÿ…Ÿ …Ÿ…y= 1 2 2 Ÿ…Ÿ y …Ÿ… Ÿ…Ÿ ⁄ z1 1 3 ⁄ ⁄ z

(iii ) ( a) Using exponential shift, solve the differential equation

(D + 3) 4y = 0. (b) Solve the differential equation :

(D 3 – 3D 2 + 9D + 13) y = 0.

4. Attempt any four of the following : [20]

(i) Eliminate the arbitrary function F from the following equation and find the corresponding partial differential equation

≈xy x– y ’ F∆ , ÷ = 0. «z z ◊ (ii ) If X. curl X = 0 where X = (P, Q, R) and m is an arbitrary differentiable function of x, y and z, then prove that m X .curl (m X) = 0. (iii ) Show that the equations xp – yq – x = 0 and x2p + q – xz = 0 are compatible.

(iv ) Explain Natani’s method for solving Pfaffian differential equation in three variables.

[5501]-EXT-347 3 P.T.O. (v) Find integral curves of the equations : dx dy dz = = yxy(++ ) z xx ( + y )– z zx ( + y ) (iv ) Find complete integral of the partial differential equation xpq + yq 2 – 1 = 0.

5. Attempt any two of the following : [20]

(i) If h1(x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, a) = 0 and

h2(x, y, z, ux, uy, uz, b) = 0 are compatible with partial differential

equation f(x, y, z, ux, uy, uz) = 0, then prove that hi for i = 1, 2 satisfies ï(,fh ) ï (, fh ) ï (, fh ) i+ i + i = 0 ï(,xux ) ï (, yu y ) ï (, zu z )

(ii ) Find integral surface of the differential equation (2 xy – 1) p

+ ( z – 2 x2)q = 2( x – yz ), which passes through the line :

(a) x0(s) = 1, y0(s) = 0 and z0(s) = s

(b) x0(s) = 0, y0(s) = s and z0(s) = s (iii ) ( a) Find integral curves of the equation dx dy dz = = x+ z y z+ y 2

(b) Check whether z = ax + by + a2 + b2 ( a, b, parameters) is complete integral of z – px – qy – p2 – q2 = 0.

[5501]-EXT-347 4 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 6

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-348

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) STATISTICAL PRE-REQUISITES (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) Attempt All questions. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (iii ) Answers should be precise and to the point. (iv ) Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed. (v) Symbols have their usual meaning.

1. (a) State whether the following statements are true or false : [5×1=5] (i) Normal distribution is a symmetric distribution. (ii ) In testing of hypothesis alternative hypothesis can be one sided or two sided. (iii ) For using tests based on t-distribution sample size can be less than 30. (iv ) Run test is used for testing symmetry of the sample. (v) Distribution function is a decreasing function of X. (b) Choose the correct alternative : [5×1=5] (i) If X 1 and X 2 are two independent N(1, 1) and N(1, 2) random variables, then X 1 + X 2 follows : (a) N(2, 3) distribution ( b) N(5, 22) distribution (c) N(5, 8) distribution ( d) N(2, 8) distribution (ii ) For testing goodness of fit the appropriate test to be used is : (a) Run test ( b) Sign test (c) Chi-square test ( d) t-test P.T.O. (iii ) X -charts are used for checking whether the process is in control with respect to : (a) Average ( b) Number of defects (c) Perecentage defective ( d) Range (iv ) In analysis of variance two-way classification the degrees of freedom for error sum of squares is, where ‘ r’ is the number of rows and ‘ c’ is the number of columns. (a) ( r – 1) ( b) ( c –1) (c) ( r – 1) ( c – 1) ( d) ( r – 1) + ( c – 1) (v) Level of significance is the probability of : (a) Accepting the null hypothesis when it is true (b) Rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true (c) Accepting the null hypothesis when it is false (d) Accepting the alternative hypothesis when it is false (c) Answer in brief : [5×2=10] (i) Define continuous random variable. (ii ) State any two properties of normal distribution. (iii ) State the control limits for X -Chart. (iv ) State any two assumptions of analysis of variance. (v) State the break up of total sum of squares in case of two-way classification. 2. Attempt any four of the following : [4×5=20] (a) State any four properties of the distribution function. (b) If X is a continuous random variable with probability density function :

À3x2 Œ , 0Çx Ç 2 f(x) = à 8 Œ Õ 0, otherwise Obtain P(X í 1) [5501]-EXT-348 2 (c) The number of computers sold during a particular week is given in the table. Test the hypothesis that the number of computers sold does not depend on the day of the week using 5% L.O.S : Day No. of Computers Sold Mon 125 Tue 110 Wed 120 Thur. 115 Fri 130 (d) State the explain any two real life situations where quality control charts are used. (e) Define : (i) Sampling distribution of statistic (ii ) Standard error of statistic. (f) In a radio listener’s survey, 120 persons were interviewed and their opinions about preference to language, Hindi or English and preference to type of Music, classical or light were asked. The results are as follows : Type of Music Language English Hindi Classical 10 45 Western 40 25 Examine at 5% level of significance whether the preference to language is independent of type of Music. 3. Attempt any four of the following : [4×5=20] (a) 200 people were attacked by a disease and 190 survived. Can we say that 90% people survive if they are attacked by this disease. Use 5% L.O.S.

[5501]-EXT-348 3 P.T.O. (b) If X – N(50, 100), obtain : (i) P(X í 60) (ii ) P(40 Ç X Ç 60). (c) Distinguish between parametric and non-parametric tests of hypothesis. (d) Random sample of 15 audlts living in a village are selected to estimate whether the voter will favour a candidate for sarpanch. If Y and N designate the responses of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ the following sequence was obtained : NNNN YY N YY N Y NNNN Y Use run test at 5% L.O.S. to determine if the sequence is random. (e) A random sample of size 25 from a population gave the standard deviation as 7.5. Test at 5% level of significance the hypothesis that the standard deviation of population is 8. (f) Random sample of 8 boys had the following intelligence questions (I.Q.) : 70, 100, 121, 109, 83, 97, 100, 101. From the data can we say that the population I.Q. is 100. Use 5% level of significance. 4. Attempt any two of the following : [2×10=20] (a) The following data summery was obtained from a comparison of the lead content of human hair from adult individuals around 19th century with the lead content of present day adults. The data are in units of micrograms. Around 19th century Today Sample size 20 25 Sample mean 48 26 Sample standard deviation 14.2 12.5 Do the data indicate that the mean lead content of human hair today is less than around 19th century. Use 1% level of significance.

[5501]-EXT-348 4 (b) The following are the observed and expected frequencies of a binomial distribution obtained after esimating the value of parameter p. Test the goodness of fit at 1% level of significance. X Observed freq. Expected freq. 0 7 10 1 58 50 2 105 100 3 95 100 4 50 50 5 5 10 (c) The following data represent the number of defects discovered at a factory on successive units of 10 cars each. Does it appear that the production process was in control throughout Use c-chart. Cars Defects Cars Defects Cars Defects Cars Defects 1 141 6 74 11 63 16 68 2 162 7 85 12 74 17 95 3 150 8 95 13 103 18 81 4 111 9 76 14 81 19 102 5 92 10 68 15 94 20 73 (d) What is statistical quality control ? Explain its purpose in detail. 5. Attempt any one of the following : [1×20=20] (a) The following table gives the yields on 15 sample plots under three varieties of seed : A : 20 21 23 16 20 B : 18 20 17 15 25 C : 25 28 22 18 32 Find out whether the average yield of land under different varieties of seed show significant differences. Use one-way ANOVA. Use 5% L.O.S. [5501]-EXT-348 5 P.T.O. (b) Successive samples of 50 screws are drawn from the hourly

production of an automatic screw machine, with each screw

being rated as either acceptable or defective. This is done

in 20 such samples with the following data resulting :

Subgroup Defectives Subgroup Defectives

1 6 11 1

2 5 12 3

3 3 13 2

4 0 14 0

5 1 15 1

6 2 16 1

7 1 17 0

8 0 18 2

9 2 19 1

10 1 20 2

Canstruct the p-chart and comment on the state of the process.

[5501]-EXT-348 6 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-349

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) LOGIC (GIII-Logic and Methodology of Science) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Elaborately discuss difference between Science and Common sense. [20] Or (a) State the merits and limitations of questionnaire as a method of data collection. [10] (b) What is hypothesis ? Explain types of it. [10]

2. Explain in detail classification of laws of nature. [20] Or (a) Discuss the nature of inference. [10] (b) What are the grounds of Induction ? State and explain the formal grounds of induction. [10]

3. Discuss Mill’s theory of Causation and critically examine the same. [20] Or (a) Explain the functional and statistical explanation with examples. [10] (b) What is the nature of Social laws ? Explain. [10] P.T.O. 4. Can Social Sciences be Value-neutral and Objective ? Discuss in detail. [20] Or (a) Hume’s criticism of induction. [10] (b) Explain the nature of Science and state the objectives of Science. [10]

5. Write short notes on any four of the following : [20]

(i) Necessary and Sufficient Conditions

(ii ) Analogical Argument

(iii ) Working Hypothesis

(iv ) Primary Laws

(v) Subject matter of Social Sciences

(vi ) Interview as a method of Data Collection.


:— (i)

(ii )

(iii )



[10] [5501]-EXT-349 2 [20]
















[5501]-EXT-349 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 6

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-350


(For External)


Group A : G-3 : Work and Society Or

Group B : G-3 : Crime and Society

(2013 PATTERN)

Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(iii ) Attempt Group ‘A’ or Group ‘B’.

Group A : G-3 : Work and Society

1. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20]

(1) Explain the types of work.

(2) Discuss the issues of Trade Union Movement in India.

2. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20]

(1) Explain the problems of Bureaucracy.

(2) Elaborate the problems of unorganized sector.

P.T.O. 3. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20]

(1) Discuss the role of Multinational Companies in Global Economy

and their impact.

(2) Explain the issues and problems of Migrant Labour.

4. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20]

(1) Explain the New Economic Policy and its impact on workers

in formal sector.

(2) Write the surveillance theory of Michel Foucault.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20]

(1) Characteristics of Manorial System

(2) Japanese model

(3) Problems of BPO centers workers

(4) Problems of retail sector.


Group B : G-3 : Crime and Society

1. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20]

(1) What is Crime ? Explain the characteristics of crime in modern


(2) Explain the role of media in crime control.

[5501]-EXT-350 2 2. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20]

(1) Elaborate the causes of crime against women.

(2) Elaborate the new forms of crime.

3. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20]

(1) Describe the meaning and features of environmental


(2) Explain the view of Emile Durkheim and Robert Merton in

functionalist perspective.

4. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20]

(1) Examine the characteristics of organised crime in India.

(2) Analyse the theories of punishment.

5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20]

(1) Nature of Crime

(2) Parole

(3) White Collar Crime

(4) Criminalization of politics.

[5501]-EXT-350 3 P.T.O. 100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

Group A : G-3 : Work and Society 1. [20] (1) (2)

2. [20] (1) (2)

3. [20] (1)


4. [20] (1)


[5501]-EXT-350 4 5. [20]





Group B : G-3 : Crime and Society

1. [20]



2. [20]



3. [20]



[5501]-EXT-350 5 P.T.O. 4. [20] (1) (2)

5. [20] (1) (2) (Parole) (3) (4)

[5501]-EXT-350 6 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-351

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) SOCIOLOGY Social Research Methods (S-3) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Describe the steps in social research. (ii ) State the significance of ethics in social research.

2. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Define interview and explain the types of interview. (ii ) Define hypothesis and elucidate the significance and types of hypothesis.

3. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) What is survey method ? Explain its merits and demerits. (ii ) Elucidate the significance of computer in social science research.

4. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Define mean, median, mode and state its merits and demerits. (ii ) Explain the types of sampling method.

P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (i) Feminist approach (ii ) Qualitative research (iii ) Structured questionnaire (iv ) Histogram.

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )

1. [20] (i) (ii )

2. [20] (i) (ii )

3. [20] (i) (ii )

4. [20] (i) (ii )

[5501]-EXT-351 2 5. [20] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

[5501]-EXT-351 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-352

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) SOCIOLOGY Contemporary Indian Society (S-4) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Explain the nature of new economic policy of 1991 and economic development. (ii ) Elucidate the role of Gandhi and Nehru in nation building.

2. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Discuss the issues and challenges before the school education in contemporary India. (ii ) Discuss the changing role of media in India.

3. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Explain the changing nature of family and marriage. (ii ) Explain the impact of globalization on the quality of public health sector in India.

4. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Elucidate the major civic issues in urban society. (ii ) Discuss the consequences on agriculture in the post-independent India.

P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (i) Land Reforms (ii ) Globalisation and Indian agriculture (iii ) Private health sector (iv ) Indian Democracy (Concept).

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )

1. [20]

2. [20]

3. [20]

4. [20]

[5501]-EXT-352 2 5. [20]

[5501]-EXT-352 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 7

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-353


(For External)


(Design of Experiments and Operations Research)

(2013 PATTERN)

Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(iii ) Use of scientific calculators and statistical tables is allowed.

(iv ) Symbols and abbreviations have their usual meaning.

(v) Graph paper will be provided on request.

1. Attempt the following :

(A) Choose the correct alternative of the following : [5×1=5]

(i) For RBD with error degrees of freedom 12, with 4 blocks,

the required number of treatments would be :

(a) 5

(b) 4

(c) 6

(d) 3

P.T.O. (ii ) The expected value of error component in a design of

experiment is assumed to be :

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 0

(d) 0 or 1

(iii ) In factorial experiment 2 p means :

(a) 2 factor each at p levels

(b) p factor each at 2 levels

(c) 2 parameters

(d) power of 2 is p

(iv ) To test optimality of solution of a transportation problem

(T.P.) with m origins and n destinations the number of

basic cell should be :

(a) m + n – 1

(b) mn

(c) mn – 1

(d) m + n

(v) Monte-Carlo simulation method used for :

(a) Data collection

(b) Analysis

(c) Random number assignment

(d) Model formulation

[5501]-EXT-353 2 (B) State whether the following statements are true or false : [5×1=5]

(i) In RBD number of plots in every block is same as number of treatments in the experiments.

(ii ) Every LPP has unique solution.

(iii ) The objective of network analysis is to maximize total project cost.

(iv ) Assignment problem is a special type of transportation problem (T.P.).

(v) The random error component in the model of design of experiments is assume to follow a normal distribution.

(C) Define the following terms : [5×2=10]

(i) Slack variable

(ii ) Dummy activity

(iii ) Factorial experiments

(iv ) Local control

(v) Critical path method.

2. Attempt any four of the following : [4×5=20]

(a) Define a slack and a surplus variable in linear programming problem.

(b) Describe any two basic principles of design of experiments.

[5501]-EXT-353 3 P.T.O. (c) Explain the terms ‘experimental material’ and ‘experimental unit’ with illustration.

(d) Write the dual of the following LPP :

Maximize Z = x1 + 3 x2

Subject to 3 x1 + 2 x2 Ç 6

3 x1 + x2 Ç 4

x 1, x2 í 0

(e) Obtain the graphical solution to the following LPP :

Maximize Z = 5 x1 + 7 x2

Subject to x1 + x2 Ç 4

3 x1 + 8 x2 Ç 24

10 x1 + 7 x2 Ç 35

x 1, x2 í 0.

(f) Discuss the procedure of testing factorial effects A, B and AB in 2 2 factorial experiment.

3. Attempt any four of the following : [4×5=20]

(a) Explain the concept of total confounding by giving an illustration.

(b) What is the analysis of covariance (ANOCOVA) ? Give one real life situation where analysis of covariance is used.

[5501]-EXT-353 4 (c) Obtain IBFS for the following T.P. by using North West Corner

method :

Destination D 1 D2 D3 D4 Capacity


S1 19 30 50 10 7

S2 70 30 40 60 9

S3 40 8 70 20 18

Demand 5 8 7 14

(d) Complete the following analysis of variance table :

Source of Degree of Sum of Mean sum F-ratio

variation freedom square of square

Treatment 3 ? 26.18 ?

Blocks ? 6 1.5 ?

Errors ? 85.2 ?

Total 19

(e) State the mathematical model and hypothesis to be tested

in RBD.

(f) Obtain expectation of mean sum of squares due to error

for LSD.

[5501]-EXT-353 5 P.T.O. 4. Attempt any two of the following : [2×10=20] (a) Explain 2 3 factorial experiment in detail. (b) Derive the expression of efficiency of RBD over CRD. (c) Obtain the optimal solution to the following T.P. using IBFS by least cost method :

Destination D 1 D2 D3 D4 Capacity Source

S1 2 3 4 5 6

S2 5 4 3 1 8

S3 1 3 3 2 10 Demand 4 6 8 6 24 (d) Solve the following assignment problem for the minimum cost : Machine Job X Y Z A 19 28 31 B 11 17 16 C 12 15 13

5. Attempt any one of the following : [1×20=20]

(a) ( i) Solve the following L.P.P. simplex method : [15]

Minimize Z = x1 + x2 + x3

Subject to x1 – 3 x2 + 4 x3 = 5

x 1 – 2 x2 Ç 3

2 x1 – x3 Ç 3

x 1, x2, x3 í 0.

[5501]-EXT-353 6 (ii ) Describe the method of model sampling from bivariate normal distributions. [5]

(b) ( i) Explain the following terms : [15]

(1) Free float

(2) Independent float

(3) Unbounded solution

(4) Optimum solution

(5) Unbalanced transportation problem.

(ii ) Write a note on simulation. Also write advantages and disadvantages of it. [5]

[5501]-EXT-353 7 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 7

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-356

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) APPLIED STATISTICS (Applications of Statistics) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (iii ) Use of scientific calculator and statistical table is allowed. (iv ) Notations and abbreviations have their usual meanings.

1. Attempt each of the following : [20] (A) State whether the following statements are true or false : [5×1=5] (i) In normal distribution median > mode. (ii ) Run test for randomness is non-parametric test. (iii ) Distribution function of continuous random variable is step function. (iv ) Statistic is a function of sample observation and population parameter. (v) Assignable causes are not controllable.

P.T.O. (B) Choose the correct alternative : [5×1=5] (i) Let X ~ N(4, 25). The mode of X is : (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 25 (d) 5 (ii ) Which of the following is non-parametric test ? (a) z-test (b) t-test (c) c2-test (d) sign test (iii ) The range of distribution function is : (a) – Ñ to Ñ (b) – 1 to 1 (c) 0 to 1 (d) –1 to 0 (iv ) Testing equality of variances of two populations is based on : (a) c2-statistic (b) F-statistic (c) t-statistic (d) sign statistic (v) The purpose of ANOVA technique is to compare : (a) proportion of two populations (b) mean of two populations (c) mean of several populations (d) variance of two populations

[5501]-EXT-356 2 (C) Answer in brief : [5×2=10] (i) Check whether the following function is probability density function or not ?

À 1 Œ , aÇ x Ç b f x = Ãb- a Œ Õ 0, otherwise (ii ) State the assumptions of t-test. (iii ) Write a note on c2-test for independence of two attributes. (iv ) Let X ~ N( m, s2). Find : P[ m – s Ç X Ç m + s] and P[ m – 2 s Ç X Ç m + 2 s]. (v) Write a note on P-chart.

2. Attempt any four of the following : [4×5=20] (a) Distinguish between parametric and non-parametric tests. (b) Write a note on Wilcoxon signed rank test for one sample. (c) Suppose that Gambler’s die is rolled 60 times a record is kept of number of times each face comes up. The following is the record :

Face oi 1 15 2 7 3 4 4 11 5 6 6 17 Test that the die is unbiased by using c2-test for goodness of fit. Use 5% level of significance.

[5501]-EXT-356 3 P.T.O. (d) Define probability density function of random variable. Let X be r.v. with p.d.f. given below : 1 f(x) = , 1 Ç x Ç 11. 10 Find P[X í 5] and P[0 Ç X Ç 2] (e) Complete the following ANOVA table : Source of Degrees of Sum of Mean F-ratio variation freedom squares square Treatments 4 2000 ? ? Error ? ? 200 Total 20 ? (f) Explain chance and assignable causes with suitable examples.

3. Attempt any four of the following : [4×5=20] (a) Write a note on distribution free statistic. (b) Explain the statistic and its standard error with an illustration. (c) Measurements performed on random sample of two kinds of cigarettes yielded the following results on their nicotine content (in milligrams) : Brand A Brand B 21.4 22.4 23.6 27.7 24.8 23.5 22.4 29.1 26.3 25.8 Use level of significance a = 0.01 to check the claim that Brand B has higher average nicotine that Brand A.

[5501]-EXT-356 4 (d) A production process is regarded as being under control if

it produces 6 percent or fewer defectives. Suppose that sample

of 50 items contained 4 defectives. Test that the process is

under control.

(e) Explain the construction of C-chart with an illustration.

(f) Define ANOVA technique. Split up total sum of square into

treatment sum of square and error sum of square in one way


4. Attempt any two of the following : [2×10=20]

(a) Suppose that in 15 soundings oceanographer obtained the following

ocean depths in fathoms :

45.2, 47.7, 42, 51.3, 43.9, 53.2, 40, 51.1, 44.6, 45.5, 37.8, 50.9,

47.3, 45.4, 43.9.

Use sign test to test H 0 : Median = 42 fathoms against alternative

H1 : Median ò 42 fathoms at 5% l.o.s. 2 2 (b) ( i) Explain test procedure to test H0 : s 1 = s 2 Vs . 2 2 H1 : s 1 ò s 2 . (ii ) In past experience with the quality of manufactured product

has shown that s = 7.5 for the quality of variable in

question, and if the latest sample of size 25 gave a value

s = 10. Test H 0 : s = 7.5 Vs . H 1 : s > 7.5. Use 5% level of significance (l.o.s.).

[5501]-EXT-356 5 P.T.O. (c) ( i) Explain test procedure to test H 0 : P 1 = P 2 Vs .

H1 : P 1 < P 2 with suitable example.

(ii ) Test H 0 : m = 0 Vs . H 1 : m > 0 for the following data :

x = 1.24, s = 1.53 and n = 10.

Use 5% l.o.s.

(d) ( i) State properties of normal distribution.

(ii ) State properties of distribution function of continuous r.v.

5. Attempt any one of the following : [1×20=20]

(a) Draw X and R chart for the following data :

Sample Number Sample Observations ( xi) 1 37.5294, 41.1853, 40.3398

2 39.071, 34.6016, 40.5838

3 40.9908, 38.3226, 38.1167

4 40.5745, 39.0384, 40.6091

5 38.6422, 39.2775, 39.4053

6 40.5059, 41.6212, 38.7698

7 42.5602, 37.8609, 43.3471

8 36.3716, 42.8406, 36.5481

9 40.4680, 39.1698, 40.6876

10 38.1221, 39.1901, 45.3802

Comment on state of control of the process.

[5501]-EXT-356 6 (b) The following are the yields of wheat (in pounds per plot)

obtained with three kinds of fertilizer :

Variety of Wheat

B1 B2 B3

A1 46.3 41.9 43.7

Fertilizer A 2 33.8 37.4 35.8

A3 36.9 37.5 32 Use a level of significance of 0.05 to test the null hypothesis

that there is no difference in the average yield of three varieties

of wheat and the null hypothesis that there is no difference

in the effectiveness of the three fertilizers.

[5501]-EXT-356 7 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5+5 ] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 5

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-357

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For external) PHILOSOPHY (General-III) (G-3 : Social and Political Philosophy) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Explain in detail Mill’s conception of Liberty. [20] Or Discuss elaborately M.G. Ranade’s views on social reforms.

2. Explain in detail Marxist concepts of Historical and Dialectical Materialism. [20] Or Comment on Gandhiji’s notions of Truth, Non-violence and Satyagraha.

3. Narrate in detail various types of Feminism. [20] Or Give in detail Ambedkar’s views on caste system.

4. What are the important issues in Multiculturalism ? Elaborate. [20] Or Critically evaluate M.N. Roy’s conception of Radical . P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on any two of the following questions : [20]

(1) Marx on Alienation

(2) Image Politics

(3) Nayi Talim

(4) Ambedkar’s views on democracy.


:— (i)

(ii )

(iii )




[5501]-EXT-357 2 [20]


[5501]-EXT-357 3 P.T.O. [5501]-EXT-357 (Aesthetics and ) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Explicate the nature of Aesthetics as philosophy of beauty and art. [20] Or Explain and discuss content as a work of art.

2. Elaborately explain Aristotle’s theory ‘Art as Imitation’. [20] Or Explain, what is the place of Rasa theory in Indian aesthetics.

3. Discuss nature of religion with its various kinds. [20] Or Critically examine Nyaya arguments for the existence of .

4. Elaborately explain Dr. Ambedkar’s critique on religion. [20] Or State and discuss various issues and problems of Terrorism.

5. Write short notes on any four of the following : [20] (1) Sublime (2) Aesthetics object (3) Lokdharmi (4) Morality (5) Ontological arguments for existence of God. (6) Issues in .

[5501]-EXT-357 4 100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii ) [20]





[5501]-EXT-357 5 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-358

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) PHILOSOPHY (Special Paper III) (Thinkers and Textual Studies : Indian) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Explain in detail Vivekananda’s concept of Universal Religion. [20] Or What are the characteristics of Sthitaprajna according to Vinoba ? Discuss.

2. Elaborately discsus D.P. Chattopadhyaya’s arguments for Lokayata Metaphysics. [20] Or Elaborate upon Kosambi’s understanding of Prajna, Shila and Samadhi.

3. Elaborate upon Gandhi’s arguments against Railways and critically examine them. [20] Or State and critically examine Gandhi’s opinion about doctors.

P.T.O. 4. What, according to Gandhi, are the characteristics of true civilization ? Discuss with reference to Hind Swaraj. [20] Or Explain in detail Gandhi’s ideal of Swaraj.

5. Write short notes on any two in about 250 words each : [20] (1) Role and duties of Lawyers according to Gandhi (2) Vinoba’s views on education (3) Lokayata Epistemology according to Chattopadhyaya (4) The concept of Satyagraha.

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )

1. [20]

2. [20]

3. [20]

[5501]-EXT-358 2 4. [20]

5. 250 [20] (1) (2) (3) (4)

[5501]-EXT-358 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-359

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) PHILOSOPHY S-4 : Thinkers and Textual Studies (Western) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) All questions carry equal marks.

1. Write an essay on Nietzsche’s concept of will to power. [20] Or Elaborately discuss the picture theory of meaning.

2. State and discuss Dewey’s Pragmatic Philosophy. [20] Or What are the main features of Marcel’s Philosophy ? Discuss.

3. State and explain the criterion of verifiability and its different formulations. [20] Or Discuss the main features of Sartre’s existentialism in detail.

4. Why does Popper introduce the criterion of falsifiability ? How does he apply it ? [20] Or Elaborately discuss Malcom’s evaluation of the argument from analogy.

P.T.O. 5. Write notes on any two of the following : [20] (i) Wittgenstein’s concept of Philosophy (ii ) Master morality and herd morality (iii ) Transcendent metaphysics (iv ) Astrology as a pseudo science.

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )





[5501]-EXT-359 2 [20] (i)

(ii ) (iii )

(iv )

[5501]-EXT-359 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-360

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) SOCIAL WORK I–Introduction to Youth Welfare. II–Introduction to Rural Urban Welfare. (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Answer any one question in 500 words : [20] Discuss the differences between urban and rural communities. Or Define youth welfare and discuss the role of youth in social development.

2. Answer any one question in 500 words : [20] Explain the problem of air pollution in urban areas. Or Discuss the problems of backward class youth.

3. Answer any one question in 500 words : [20] Discuss the needs of rural communities. Or Explain the importance of leadership training for youth.

P.T.O. 4. Answer any one question in 500 words : [20] Explain the importance of sex education for youth. Or Discuss the various bad habits among the youth.

5. Write short notes on any two : [20] (i) Youth Club (ii ) Gram Sabha (iii ) Nehru Yuva Kendra (iv ) Problems of Adolescents.

100 :— (i) (ii ) (iii )

1. [20] (i)

(ii )

2. [20] (i)

(ii )

[5501]-EXT-360 2 3. [20] (i)

(ii )

4. [20] (i)

(ii )

5. [20] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

[5501]-EXT-360 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-361

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION [G-3 : Institutions and Issues in Indian Administration] (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (1) Explain the nature of Bureaucracy Training System in India. (2) State the meaning of Governance and explain its significance.

2. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (1) State the functions of Department of Law Affairs. (2) State the concept of Public Finance and explain its significance.

3. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (1) Discuss the role of Planning Commission in India. (2) Explain the Reservation Policy and Social Justice in India.

4. Attempt any one question of the following : [20] (1) Explain the relationship between political and permanent executive. (2) State the meaning and role of Voluntary Agencies.

P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20]

(1) State Public Service Commission.

(2) Public Account Committee

(3) Central Reserve Police

(4) Lokpal.


:— (i)

(ii )










[5501]-EXT-361 2 [20]




[5501]-EXT-361 3 P.T.O. Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 2

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-362

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Special Paper-III (Administrative Thinkers) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Explain Kautilya’s machinery of administration. (ii ) Explain Nehru’s views on Socialism and Administration.

2. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) State Woodrow Wilson’s views on Administration. (ii ) Explain Chester Barnard’s functions of the Chief Executive.

3. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Explain Herbert Simon’s views on Behavioural Approach. (ii ) Critically evaluate Weberian model of bureaucracy.

4. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (i) Explain F.W. Taylor’s principles of scientific management. (ii ) State Rigg’s structural-functional approach.

P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (i) Kautilya’s views on corruptions (ii ) Nehru’s views on bureaucracy (iii ) Herbert Simon’s views on decision-making model (iv ) Max Weber’s views on legitimacy.

100 :— (i) (ii )

1. [20] (i) (ii )

2. [20] (i) (ii )

3. [20] (i) (ii )

4. [20] (i) (ii )

5. [20] (i) (ii ) (iii ) (iv )

[5501]-EXT-362 2 Total No. of Questions— 5] [Total No. of Printed Pages— 3

Seat No. [5501]-EXT-363

T.Y. B.A. EXAMINATION, 2019 (For External) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (Spl-4 : Development Administration) (2013 PATTERN) Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100 N.B. :— (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii ) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

1. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (1) Explain the features and importance of development administration. (2) State the concept and importance of social welfare in India.

2. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (1) Explain the role of bureaucracy in development administration. (2) State the role of ‘Panchayat Raj in Rural Development’.

3. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (1) Discuss on the meaning and concept of peoples participation. (2) State the effects of globalization in development administration.

4. Attempt any one of the following questions : [20] (1) Discuss the new strategy of planning in development administration. (2) Explain the relations between development and public administration. P.T.O. 5. Write short notes on (any two ) : [20] (i) Nature of development administration (ii ) District level planning (iii ) Corruption (iv ) Administrative Neutrality.

100 :— (i) (ii )

1. [20]

2. [20]

3. [20]

4. [20]

[5501]-EXT-363 2 5. [20]

[5501]-EXT-363 3 P.T.O.