UNIVERSITY OF BRAWIJAYA FACULTY OF ANIMAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCE UNDERGRADUATE STUDY PROGRAM OF ANIMAL SCIENCE LEARNING PLAN: THE OF LIVESTOCK Course Code Weight (credits) Semester Compilation Date Livestock Production PES62003 3 4 July 28, 2020 Authorization Course Coordinator Head of Undergraduate Study Vice Dean 1 Program of Animal Science Dr.Ir. Umi Wisaptiningsih,MS Dr. Herly Evanuarini, S.Pt., MP Dr. IR. M. Halim Natsir, S.Pt. MP. IPM. ASEAN. Eng Learning Outcome LO (LO) 1. Able to develop comprehensive insight and mindset according to the science and field of the animal industry (ILO 4) 2. Able to cooperate effectively and carry out a self-evaluation process towards the workgroup under their responsibility (ILO 8) Course Learning Outcome/CLO 1. Students are able to project economic activities, economic resources, economic principles and approaches, economic actors in the livestock industry 2. Students are able to analyze the theory and concepts of , revenues, benefits and functions 3. Students are able to design and evaluate the relationship of input-input, input- , output-output. Brief Course This course consists of an understanding of economic activities, economic resources, Description economic principles and approaches, economic actors, theories and examples of applications of micro and macroeconomic activities, theories and concepts of , theories and concepts of costs, revenues, profits and functions, relationships input-input, input-output, output-output and the concept of linear programming Topics 1. Lecture contract, introduction outline of economics, production and livestock and scope 2. Economic resources, economic approaches and economic actors 3. Theory of Demand and Theory of Supply 4. type/structure 5. 6. Macroeconomic theory (APBN/, , GDP-PNB) 7. Fiscal and 8. Mid-term test 9. Definition of Production and Production Process 10. Input-output relation 11. Input-input relation 12. Output-output relation 13. Concept of , revenue and 14. BEP, MOS 15. Linear Programming 16. Final Exam References 1. Pengantar Teori Mikroekonomi (Sadono Sukirno) 2. Pengantar Teori Ekonomi Pendekatan Mikro dan Makro (Suherman Rosyidi) 3. Ilmu Usahatani (Prof.Dr Soeharto Prawirokusumo,M.Sc) 4. Principles of (Andrew Barkley and Paul W Barkley) Learning Media Software Hardware Video, Power Point, e-book Laptop, LCD, reference book

Teaching Team 1. Dr.Ir. Umi Wisaptiningsih,MS 2. Dr.Ir. Bambang Ali Nugroho,DEA.IPM.ASEAN Eng 3. Prof. Dr. Budi Hartono ,MS.IPU.ASEAN Eng 4. Ir. Hari Dwi Utami,MS.M.Appl,Sc.Ph.D.IPM.ASEAN Eng 5. Dr. Ir. MB Hariyono,MS 6. Prof.Dr.Ir.Zaenal Fanani,MS.IPU 7. Dr.Nanang Febrianto,S.Pt.,MP 8. Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara,S.Pt.,MP

Prerequisite - Course Learning Criteria Scoring Method & Form Weight (%) Learning Week Sub-CLO Indicator of Material/Topic Assessm ent (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1 1. Obeying 1. Student 1. Lecture Student- the study s follow the contract centered contract and lecture regarding: Learning familiarize guidelines and lecture material yourself with familiarize for 1 semester, Small group the agreed rules themselves with the composition discussion in class the rules of Mid-term test, 2. Student 2. Student Final Exam s are able to s describe the scores, describe the economic practicum, concept of theory of assignments and economics, production in quizzes production and the world of livestock as the livestock scope

2 Students are Students 1. Human Student- able to determine resources, centered determine resources and financial Learning resources, economic actors resources, economic in the livestock natural resources Small group approaches and industry 2. Economi discussion economic c actors (farmer actors/entrepre , neurs government and companies) 3 Students Students are 1. Definition of Student- analyze demand able to analyze the law of centered and supply supply and supply and Learning demand in the demand market 2. Factors Small group affecting discussion 4 Students Students are 1. Perfect Student- compare market able to compare centered types and analyze market Learning market forms 2. Imperfect and examples competition Small group market discussion 3. 4. 5. 6. 5 Students are Students are 1. Elasticity Student- able to analyze able to analyze 2. centered the elasticity of the elasticity of elasticity Learning demand and demand and 3. Cross elasticity supply supply in the 4. Supply Small group livestock sector elasticity discussion

6 Students are Students are 1. Definition of Student- able to conclude able to conclude APBN (state centered the the components budget) Learning macroeconomic in the 2. Definition of theory macroeconomy, GDP Small group such as APBN 3. Definition of discussion (state budget), GNP GDP, GNP and 4. Definition of inflation and inflation analyze the impact on the livestock 7 Students are Students are 1. definition and Student- able to compare able to compare examples of centered fiscal and between fiscal Learning monetary policy and monetary 2. Definition and policy examples Small group 3. of monetary discussion policy 8 MID-TERM TEST 9 Students are Students are 1. Definition of Student- able to analyze able to analyze production centered the concept of livestock economy Learning Production and production 2. Livestock Production including MPP, production Small group Process TPP (Technical concept (MPP, discussion TPP and APP) Product Presentation)

10 Students are Students are 1. Optimum Student- able to analyze able to analyze combination centered the input-output the input-output 2. Profit Learning relation relation, such as maximization cost Small group minimization discussion and in the livestock business 11 Students are Students are 1. Definition and Student- able to analyze able to analyze analysis of centered the concept of the relationship isoquant Learning input-input between 2. Definition and relation livestock analysis of Small group business inputs Isocost discussion 3. An optimum combination of inputs 12 Students are Students are 1. Linked Student- able to analyze able to analyze relation/join centered the concept of the output- product Learning output-output output 2. Complementar relation relationship of y Small group livestock relationships/j discussion business oins 3. Supplementar y 13 Students Students are 1. Fixed cost Student- analyze and able to analyze 2. Variable cost centered measure costs, the concepts of 3. Reception Learning revenues and costs, revenues 4. Advantage profits and profits, and 5. BEP Small group measure the discussion feasibility of values toward the results of the analysis 14 Students are Students are BEP, MOS Student- able to analyze able to analyze centered BEP, MOS BEP, MOS Learning

Small group discussion 15 Students Students are 1. Linear Study case analyze and able to analyze programming measure the using linear analysis concept of programming and measure linear the feasibility of programming the of the analysis results 16 FINAL EXAM