The Ninth Annual Report on Torture in Syria on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture 14,388 Killed Due to Torture by the Main Perpetrator Parties to the Conflict in Syria from March 2011 Until June 2020 Friday, June 26, 2020 1 snhr
[email protected] R200614 The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR), founded in June 2011, is a non-governmental, independent group that is considered a primary source for the OHCHR on all death toll-related analyses in Syria. Contents I. Nine Years of Continuous Torture in Syria and the Syrian Regime is Main Culprit II. Summary on Torture in the Current Syrian Constitution and Law III. The Death Toll of Victims Who Died Due to Torture in Syria Since 2011, and Their Distri- bution IV. The SNHR’s Cooperation with the UN Special Rapporteurs on Extrajudicial, Summary and Arbitrary Executions and on Torture V. The Amnesty Decrees Didn’t End or Reduce the Frequency of Torture or Arrest by the Syrian Regime VI. Practices of Torture by the Four Main Parties in Syria VII. Conclusions and Recommendations I. Nine Years of Continuous Torture in Syria and the Syrian Regime is Main Culprit: Every year on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, which falls annually on June 26, the Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) publishes an annual report dedi- cated to the issue of torture in Syria, with SNHR documenting hundreds of individual cases of torture over the past nine years. In our 2019 report, we outlined the death toll of torture victims, which was higher than that recorded in the previous year, 2018, since torture and neglect of healthcare practices still continued in detention centers, as they continue to date.