On the Security of CTR + CBC-MAC NIST Modes of Operation { Additional CCM Documentation Jakob Jonsson? jakob
[email protected] Abstract. We analyze the security of the CTR + CBC-MAC (CCM) encryption mode. This mode, proposed by Doug Whiting, Russ Housley, and Niels Ferguson, combines the CTR (“counter”) encryption mode with CBC-MAC message authentication and is based on a block cipher such as AES. We present concrete lower bounds for the security of CCM in terms of the security of the underlying block cipher. The conclusion is that CCM provides a level of privacy and authenticity that is in line with other proposed modes such as OCB. Keywords: AES, authenticated encryption, modes of operation. Note: A slightly different version of this paper will appear in the Proceedings from Selected Areas of Cryptography (SAC) 2002. 1 Introduction Background. Block ciphers are popular building blocks in cryptographic algo rithms intended to provide information services such as privacy and authenticity. Such block-cipher based algorithms are referred to as modes of operation. Exam ples of encryption modes of operation are Cipher Block Chaining Mode (CBC) [23], Electronic Codebook Mode (ECB) [23], and Counter Mode (CTR) [9]. Since each of these modes provides privacy only and not authenticity, most applica tions require that the mode be combined with an authentication mechanism, typically a MAC algorithm [21] based on a hash function such as SHA-1 [24]. For example, a popular cipher suite in SSL/TLS [8] combines CBC mode based on Triple-DES [22] with the MAC algorithm HMAC [26] based on SHA-1.