ROSE Family Bulletin Editors: Christine Rose, CG, CGL, FASG and Seymour T. Rose 761 Villa Teresa Way, San Jose, CA 95123 ©2013 website: email:
[email protected] DECEMBER 2013 Vol. XLVIII Whole No. 192 Established 1966 Descendants of William Rose of Bedford County, Pennsylvania Courtesy of Cindy Newman 1911 in front of the Rose farm in Bedford, Pennsylvania. l to r. Walter Miller, a family friend, Harry Rose, Lucy Hook Rose, Grace Rose, Veda Rose, Arthur “Jack” Rose Front row: Grant Rose, Dolly Rose (married an Oliver), Bill Rose in dress. The family of William1 Rose of Bedford County, Pennsylvania, falls into Group BB of the Rose Y-DNA study. According to a deed in Bedford County William had a wife named Mary, but other records in- dicate he may have had a first wife Mrs. Sarah Gardner (unconfirmed). This interesting Pennsylvania family left many descendants, some of whom still live in that area. Rose Family Bulletin - Volume XLVIII - Whole Number 192 December 2013 CONTENTS William Rose of Bedford Co., Pennsylvania, descendants (photo) ....................................................................................5501 Dear Readers ..............................................................................................................................................................................5503 Gallatin Co., Illinois Court Order Book .................................................................................................................................5504 Joseph Rose