Prof. Dr. ELAGGOUNE ABDELHAK CURRICUL A University 8 May 1945 – Guelma, Algeria Nationality: ALGERIAN Date of birth: 7 October 1958; Age: 60 Place of birth: Belkheir, Guelma, ALGERIA. Professional address: Department of Letters and English Language, Faculty of Letters and Languages; University of Guelma, Guelma, BP 401- Algeria E-mail:
[email protected] Private E-mail:
[email protected] I/ EDUCATION 2010- PhD in American Studies, University of BADJI Mokhtar, Annaba, supervisor Prof. Miloud Barkaoui) 1982 – 1984 MA of Arts: Keele University – England, Great Britain 1979 – 1982 BA: University BADJI Mokhtar – Annaba 1975 – 1979 Secondary: Lyce Mahmoud Bne Mahmoud (Guelma) 1971 - 1975 Middle: Route Ain-Larbi Middle School (Guelma) 1964 - 1971 Primary: Mouloud Feraoun School (Guelma) Languages: Arabic, French and English (fluent) II/ TEACHING (A) Academic Positions Guelma University 2010 – Senior Lecturer in Ancient Cultures and Civilizations (Greek and Roman), American Civilization 1993 - 2010 Lecturer in US History and Political Institutions, English Grammar, American Literature, British literature, Culture and Civilization 1989 - 1993 Lecturer in US History and Political Institutions Other Universities 2007 – 2013 Visiting Lecturer in US Government and Political Institutions, (Doctoral School- University of BADJI Mokhtar, Annaba, Algeria. B) External Examining and Assessing Doctoral theses, Magister and Master dissertations 2010 – 2018: Department of Foreign Languages, BADJI Mokhtar University, Annaba, Department