Qada’ (Caza) Al-Chouf ±ƒ°ûdG AÉ°†b

Al-Chouf ±ƒ°ûdG

Mount ¿ÉæÑd πÑL 43 42

5Towards The North ∫ɪ°ûdG ƒëf

ähô«H Qada’ Al-Chouf ±ƒ°ûdG AÉ°†b

Jnah ìÉæL

5Towards Mdayrej êôjóªdG ƒëf Khaldeh √ó∏N Éà∏MR ø«Y Deir Al-Qamar ôª≤dG ôjO Ba’aqline Bchatfin ø«∏≤©H ø«Øà°ûH Kfarhim º«MôØc A’ammiq Al- ≥«ªY Barouk Mediterranean Sea QƒeGódG ∑hQÉÑdG Mountain §°SƒàªdG ¢†«HC’G ôëÑdG ∑hQÉÑdG πÑL Chouf Entrance ±ƒ°ûdG πNóe Beiteddine Moultaqa Al- øjódG â«H Nahrain øjô¡ædG ≈≤à∏e Boutmeh ᪣H Deir Dourit Ma’aser Al-Chouf Ch’him âjQhO ôjO ±ƒ°ûdG ô°UÉ©e º«ë°T Al-Khraibeh Mazboud Al- áÑjôîdG OƒHõe IQÉàîªdG Mrousti Ba’adaran »à°Sôe ¿GQò©H Bater Jeba’a 6Towards ´ÉÑL The South ¿ƒL ôJÉH Niha ܃æédG ƒëf Éë«f

Niha Mountain Éë«f πÑL ∑hQÉÑdG ƒëf 5Towards Barouk Ain Zhalta A’ammiq 45 Éà∏MR ø«Y ≥«ªY 44 1

4Towards Ma'aser Al-Chouf ±ƒ°ûdG ô°UÉ©e ƒëf

4 3Towards Towards Kfarhim A'ammiq Valley º«MôØc ƒëf 1 ≥«ªY …OGh ƒëf 1 1 2 1 1 1

2 2 6 3 3 4 É«ª°TQ ƒëf êôjóªdG ƒëf 2 1 6Towards 5Towards 2 Rechmayya Mdayrej 2 3 7 5 7 6 8 Monuments ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG 4 5 1. Angel Mikhael Monastery (1710 A.D.) (Ω1710) π«FÉî«e ∑ÓªdG ôjO 1 3 2. Old Mills ájôKCG ø«MGƒW 2 4 3. Old Cellar …ôKCG ƒÑb 3 2 Natural Attractions :á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 1. Pine & Oak Woods ¿Éjóæ°Sh ôHƒæ°U äÉHÉZ 1 Monuments ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG 2. Mountains & Rocky Slopes ájôî°U äGQóëæe 2 1. Ruins of the Old Village of Kafra GôØc áªjó≤dG ájô≤dG 䃫H ÉjÉ≤H 1 2. Protestants' Church âfÉà°ùJhôÑdG á°ù«æc 2 Bed & Breakfast áaÉ«°†dG 䃫H 3. Jews' Cemeteries Oƒ¡«dG QƒÑb 3 1. Angel Mikhael Monastery π«FÉîe QÉe ôjO áaÉ«°†dG â«H 1 4. Mar Takla Church Ó≤J QÉe á°ù«æc 4 03-275113/05-280160/05-340160 2. Camping Area º««îJ á≤£æe 2 Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 03-275113/05-280160/05-340160 1. Ain Zhalta Cedars Éà∏MR ø«Y RQCG 1 2. Ain Al-Daya'a (Village Spring) á©«°†dG ø«Y 2 Restaurants ºYÉ£ªdG 3. Al-Qa’ah Spring áYÉ≤dG ™Ñf 3 1. Janat Al-Wadi Restaurant …OGƒdG áæL º©£e 1 4. Al-Safa Spring ÉØ°üdG ™Ñf 4 03-780446/03-283838/03-867740 5. Pine Woods ôHƒæ°üdG êôM 5 6. Ain Al-Hallaq ¥ÓëdG ø«Y 6 7. Camping Area º««îJ á≤£æe 7 Restaurants ºYÉ£ªdG 1. Al-Tamiraz Restaurant RGô«eÉàdG º©£e 1 2. Al-Nai’im Restaurant º«©ædG º©£e 2 Handicrafts: Cottage Industry. 3. Diyarna Restaurant ÉfQÉjO º©£e 3 For purchase, please contact the Angel Mikhael Monastery 4. Al-Jazeerah Restaurant 03-215278 IôjõédG º©£e 4 Tel.: 03-275113/05-280160/340160 5. Al-Challalat Restaurant & Café ä’Ó°ûdG ≈¡≤eh º©£e 5 ájó∏ÑdG áfƒªdG áYÉæ°U :ájhój ±ôM 6. Yammine Restaurant ø«ªj º©£e 6 π«FÉî«e ∑ÓªdG ôjóH ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG ,AGô°û∏d 7. Al-Thimar Restaurant QɪãdG º©£e 7 8. Casino Nabi'i Al-Safa Restaurant ÉØ°üdG ™Ñf ƒæjRÉc º©£e 8 Hotels ¥OÉæØdG 1. Victoria Hotel ÉjQƒàµa ¥óæa 1 2. Al-Zoghby Hotel »ÑZõdG ¥óæa 2 Al-Moukhtara Al-Khraibeh 47 IQÉàîªdG áÑjôîdG 46 5Towards 3Towards 3 Ma'aser Al-Chouf 5Towards Beqa'ata ±ƒ°ûdG ô°UÉ©e ƒëf Al-Moukhtara 4 ÉJÉ©≤H ƒëf IQÉàîªdG ƒëf 6 7 4 1


2 4 1 6 5 3 1 3 11 3 2 10 7 9 3Towards 2 5 8 Ba'adaran 12 ¿GQò©H ƒëf 6 6 5 4 4 5

1 6Al-Moukhtara valley 1 Towards Besri river 6 4 IQÉàîªdG …OGh 1 …ô°ùH ô¡f ƒëf 3Towards Monuments QƒWɪY ƒëf A' ájôK’G ºdÉ©ªdG 3Towards ±ƒ°ûdG ô°UÉ©e ƒëf 1. Joumblatt Palace (Dar Al-Moukhtara) Niha 6Towards (IQÉàîªdG QGO) •ÓÑæL ∫BG ô°üb 1 Ma'aser Al-Chouf 2. Al-Saydeh (Our Lady) Church for Maronites áfQGƒª∏d Ió«°ùdG á°ù«æc 2 Éë«f ƒëf 3. Al-Saydeh Church for Roman Catholic ∂«dƒKɵdG Ωhô∏d Ió«°ùdG á°ù«æc 3 Monuments ájôK’G ºdÉ©ªdG 4. Old Bridges áªjób Qƒ°ùL 4 1. Mar Gerges (Saint Georges) Church ¢ùLôL QÉe á°ù«æc 1 5. Old Caves áªjób Qhɨe 5 2. Serail Al-Khraibeh á«KGôàdG áÑjôîdG …Gô°S 2 6. Old Mills áªjób øMÉ£e 6 3. Sarcophagi ¢ùjhGƒf 3 7. Al-Moukhtara Old Market ºjó≤dG IQÉàîªdG ¥ƒ°S 7 4. Shrine for a Town Patron(1305 AD) (Ω 1305) AÉ«dhC’G óM’ ΩÉ≤e 4 8. Heritage Houses ºjó≤dG AÉæÑdG øY êPƒªf 8 5. Old Stone Mill áªjób Iô°ü©e 5 9. Old Olive Mills áªjób ô°UÉ©e 9 10. Old Streets & Neighborhoods ºjó≤dG »ëdGh áªjó≤dG ´QGƒ°ûdG 10 Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 11. Old Burial Ground áªjób øaGóe 11 1. Al-Chatweyeh Spring ájƒà°ûdG ø«Y 1 12. Makam …RQO ΩÉ≤e 12 2. Al-Jadida Spring IójóédG ø«Y 2 (Sheikh Nahedeldine Hosneldine) (øjódG ø°üM øjódG ¢†gÉf ï«°ûdG) 3. Al-Qadima Spring áªjó≤dG ø«Y 3 4. Mechqeer Spring ô«≤°ûe ø«Y 4 Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 5. Al-A'adas Spring ¢Só©dG ø«Y 5 1. Wadi Al-Ma'a River (Water Valley) AɪdG …OGh ô¡f 1 6. A'amer Spring ôeÉY ø«Y 6 7. Old Oak Tree Iôª©e áfÉjóæ°S 7 Restaurants ºYÉ£ªdG 1. Nabi’i Mourched Restaurant ó°Tôe ™Ñf º©£e 1 Bed & Breakfast áaÉ«°†dG 䃫H 05-310220/1/03-696400/314914/803245 1. Bed & Breakfast 03-655670/05-311999 áaÉ«°V â«H 1 2. Club House Café – Café & Restaurant ¢ShÉg ܃∏c º©£eh ≈¡≤e 2 03-693031/03-518186 3. Al-Nabi’i Restaurant (Trout & Mezza) 03-587152 (√RÉeh âjhôJ) ™ÑædG º©£e 3

Handicrafts: Stone engraving & cottage industry. To Handicrafts: Needlework & hay products. To purchase, purchase, please contact the municipality. please contact the municipality; Tel.: 05-311999 Tel.: 03-723366/05-311234 ¢û≤dG áYÉæ°Uh (¬°Thôc) IôHEG ácÉ«M :ájhój ±ôM ¿ÉÑdC’G ™«æ°üJh ôéëdG ≈∏Y âëædG :ájhój ±ôM .ájó∏ÑdÉH ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG AGô°û∏d .ájó∏ÑdÉH ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG AGô°û∏d Ba'aqline Ba'adaran 49 1/2 ø«∏≤©H ¿GQò©H 48 Monuments ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG 1. Ruins of Old Presses áªjób ô°UÉ©e ÉjÉ≤H 1 2. Old Crusade Sarcophagi áªjób á«Ñ«∏°Uq äÉjQÉîah ¢ùjhGƒf 2 1 and Potteries (Al-Saleeb area) (Ö«∏°üdG á≤£æe) 3. Old Crusade Well ºjób »Ñ«∏°U ôÄH 3 (Khilwet Sheikh Al-Aqel area) (π≤©dG áî«°ûe äGƒ∏N á≤£æe) 4. Old Burial Ground ájôKG øaGóe 4 5. Old Serail (Built by Emir ≈Ø£°üe ô«eC’G ÉgÉæH áªjó≤dG ÉjGô°ùdG 5 2 Moustapha Arslan in 1902, É«dÉM »g h ,1902 áæ°S ¿Ó°SQG 10 currently serving as the National Library) á«æWƒdG áÑ൪dG 6. Mar Elias Church built in 1753 Ω1753 áæ°S ájôKC’G ¢SÉ«dG QÉe á°ù«æc 6 9 7. Old Shrine ºjób »æjO ΩÉ≤e 7 3 áÑjôîdG ƒëf 8. Cemetery of Miss Louisa Kitchen á«∏«éfE’G á«dÉ°SQ’G áaô°ûe øaóe 8 4 6 4Towards (Director of the Evangelical Missionary) 7 Al-Khraibeh 9. Hamadeh Family Palace IOɪM ∫BG ô°üb 9 7 dating back to around 400 years 5 áæ°S 400 ƒëæd ¬îjQÉJ óFÉ©dG 1 10. Al-Qariah Area ájô≤dGo á≤£æe 10 7 3Towards 8 (where Macedonian bronze currency á«fhó≤e ájõfhôH á∏ªY É¡«a óLh 4 bearing the name of Antokhios the »fhó≤ªdG ¢Sƒ«Nƒ£fG º°SG É¡«∏Y Üô°V Al-Moukhtara 11 Macedonian were found) IQÉàîªdG ƒëf 3 11. Ism Al-Sharif Shrine ∞jô°ûdG º°SG ΩÉ≤e 11 2 (Built by the Emirs of Banou Shweizan (áæ°S 450 »dGƒM) ¿Gõjƒ°T ƒæH AGôeCG √ÉæH 450 years ago) 12. Serail of Takieddine Family øjódG »≤J ∫BG …Gô°S 12 13. Bayader Al-Achayer District ôFÉ°û©dG QOÉ«H á∏ëe 13 (where the Ma'an Emirs used to meet with ø««æ©ªdG AGôe’G É¡«a ™ªàéj ¿Éc the country's tribes for consultation purposes) iQƒ°ûdG ó≤©d OÓÑdG ôFÉ°ûY ™e 14. Old Village's Fountain (1890) Ω1890 ájôKC’G á©«°†dG ø«Y 14 Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 1. Ain (Spring) Hzour Spring QhõM ø«Y ™Ñf 1 2. Ain Hattab Spring ÜÉ£M ø«Y ™Ñf 2 Monuments ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG 3. A'anj Al-Nahla Spring á∏ëædG èæY ™Ñf 3 1. Khilwet Al-Qataleb (Druze Place of Worship) ÖdÉ£≤dG Iƒ∏N 1 4. Ba'aqline River known ΩɪëdG ô¡æH ≈ª°ùªdG ø«∏≤©H ô¡f 4 2. Al-Sheikh Mouhamad Abou Chakra House Gô≤°T ƒHCG óªëe ï«°ûdG ∫õæe 2 as Al-Hamam River 3. Masar Abou Manqoud Rock Oƒ≤æe ƒHCG QÉ°üe Iôî°U 3 5. Public Garden & Park QOÉ«ÑdG á≤£æe √õàæeh áeÉY á≤jóM 5 4. Old Door á«KGôJ áHGƒH 4 of Al-Bayader area 5. Old Burial Grounds á«KGôJ øaGóe 5 6. Ain Kferhassid ó«°üMôØc ø«Y 6 6. Serail Ba'adaran ¿GQò©H …Gô°S 6 7. Ain Haret Al-Fawqa ÉbƒØdG IQÉM ø«Y 7 7. Heritage Houses á«KGôJ ∫RÉæe 7 8. Ain Haret Al-Wata ≈WƒdG IQÉM ø«Y 8 8. Mar Elias Church ¢SÉ«dG QÉe á°ù«æc 8 9. Ain Mafrak Ras Al-Jamous ¢SƒeÉédG ¢SCGQ ¥ôØe ø«Y 9 9. Ruins of a Grape Mill áªjób ÖæY Iô°ü©ªd ÉjÉ≤H 9 10. Ain Al-Tannour QƒæàdG ø«Y 10 10. Sarcophagi ó¡©dG áªjób ¢ùjhGƒf 10 11. Ba'aqline Woods ø«∏≤©H êôM 11 11. Al-Shiekh »fÉg ø«°ùM ∞°Sƒj ƒHCG ï«°ûdG QGõe 11 old oak trees, evergreen cypress, egilops & pine ôHƒæ°Uh ∫ƒ∏eq ,ø«Hô°T ,ôª©eq ¿Éjóæ°S QÉé°TCG Abou Youssef Hussein Hani Shrine 12. Kferhassid Woods ó«°üMôØc êôM 12 oak & egilops trees ∫ƒ∏ehq ¿Éjóæ°S QÉé°TCG Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 13. Lamartine Oak Tree (400 years) (áæ°S 400) ø«JQÉe ’ áfÉjóæ°S 13 1. Ain (Spring) Al-Marah ìGôªdG ø«Y 1 14. Ras Al-Jamous Woods ¢SƒeÉédG ¢SCGQ êôM 14 2. Ain Al-Sayfeyeh á«Ø«°üdG ø«Y 2 oak, egilops & pine trees ôHƒæ°Uh ,∫ƒ∏eq ,¿Éjóæ°S √QÉé°TCG 3. Pine Woods ôHƒæ°üdG áHÉZ 3 15. Al-Khasfat Woods äÉØ°ùîdG êôM 15 4. Natural Reserve for Birds Qƒ«£dG ᫪ëe 4 oak, egilops & evergreen cypress trees ø«Hô°T h ,∫ƒ∏eq ,¿Éjóæ°S QÉé°TCG 16. Old Caves áªjób Qhɨe 16 17. Raydan Pit ¿GójQ Iƒg 17 18. Old Pedestrian IÉ°ûª∏d áªjó≤dG ø«∏≤©H ô¡f ≥jôW 18 Road of Ba'aqline River Handicrafts: Stone sculpting & hay products. 19. Tein A'ammis Camping Area º««îà∏d ¢ü«ªY ø«J á≤£æe 19 To purchase, please contact the municipality. 20. Ras Al-Jamous Camping Hill Tel.: 05-311321, 03-651127 º««îà∏d ¢SƒeÉédG ¢SGQ á∏J 20 .¢û≤dG áYÉæ°Uh ôéëdG ≈∏Y âëædG :ájhój ±ôM .ájó∏ÑdÉH ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG ,AGô°û∏d Ba'aqline 51 ø«∏≤©H 2/2 50

Restaurants ºYÉ£ªdG 1. Chouf Touristic Complex »MÉ«°ùdG ±ƒ°ûdG ™ªée 1 Al-Massaya Restaurant ÉjÉ°ùªdG º©£e á«∏gÉédG ƒëf 05-301273/303160 º«MôØc ƒëf 2. Restaurant of the Chouf 5Towards êódƒc ∫Éfƒ«°TÉf ±ƒ°ûdG …OÉf º©£e 2 Towards 5 National College Fitness Club Al-Jahiliyeh 05-305888 11 Kfarhim 3. New Garbatella Restaurant Ó«àHôZ ƒ«f º©£e 3 1 05-301411 4. Restaurants & Café :ø«∏≤©H ô¡f »gÉ≤eh ºYÉ£e 4 4 of Ba'aqline River: 4 12 £ 18 Al Challalat Al-Zarka'a Park & Restaurant AÉbQõdG ä’Ó°T º©£eh √õàæe £ 17 05-301149/300617/03-355560/260619 15 13 19 £ Al-Dalghana Restaurant & Park áfɨdódG √õàæeh º©£e £ 6 03-734131/630042 £ Al-Tahouna Restaurant & Park áfƒMÉ£dG √õàæeh º©£e £ 05-305959/03-655563 £ Al-Jawz Restaurant & Park RƒédG √õàæeh º©£e £ 16 03-264050 2 2 Hotels 8 2 ¥OÉæØdG 1. Chouf Touristic Complex Hotel 10 5 »MÉ«°ùdG ±ƒ°ûdG ™ªée ¥óæa 1 12 1 3 3 7 05-301273/303160 11 9 7 14 6 10 1 14 Recreation á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG 1 4 1. Chouf Touristic Complex 4 ,¥ƒ°ùJ õcôe :»MÉ«°ùdG ±ƒ°ûdG ™ªée 1 shopping center, movies, night club 1 8 ¢ùæJ Ö©∏e ,íÑ°ùe ,»∏«d …OÉf ,ɪ櫰S 16 1 9 pool, tennis court 05-301273/303160 13 20 3Towards 2. Chouf National College Fitness Club êódƒc ∫Éfƒ«°TÉf ±ƒ°ûdG …OÉf 2 Ainbal 3 5 pools, tennis court, football playground ∫ÉÑæ«Y ƒëf »°VÉjQ …OÉfh Ωób Iôc ,¢ùæJ Ö©∏e ,íÑ°ùe 1 & fitness club 1 05-305888 1 3. National Library Center á«æWƒdG áÑ൪dG õcôe 3 2 05-304050/1 3 4. Atelier of Artisanat Al-Chouf ±ƒ°ûdG ÉfGõ«JQG π¨°ûe 4 needlework, embroidery, canvas, silk weaving IôH’G π¨°T ,ÉØæµdG ,õjô£àdG ,¬«°ThôµdG Towards 4 05-305937 Ö°ü≤dG ™e ôjôëdG π¨°ûe Beiteddine øjódG â«H ƒëf

Handicrafts: Olive oil, soap, grape & carob molasses, in addition to summer festivals To purchase & get more information about the festivals, please contact the municipality, Tel.: 05-300528 .ÜhôîdGh ÖæY ,¢ùHO ,¿ƒHÉ°üdG ,¿ƒàjõdG âjR :ájhój ±ôM ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG ,ø«∏≤©H äÉfÉLô¡e øY ójõªdG áaô©ªd hCG AGô°û∏d .ájó∏ÑdÉH Barouk 53 ∑hQÉÑdG 52

Monuments ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG 1. Poet Rachid Nakhleh á∏îf ó«°TQ íjô°V 1 Burial Place »æWƒdG ó«°ûædG ∞dDƒe øjódG â«H ô°UÉ©e ƒëf 2. Mar Antonious (Saint Anthony) Church ¢Sƒ«fƒ£fG QÉe á°ù«æc 2 5Towards 3. Mar Gerges (Saint Georges) Church ¢ùLôL QÉe á°ù«æc 3 Ma'aser Beiteddine Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG …ô°üªdG ô°ùL 1. Nature Reserve for Cedars ±ƒ°ûdG RQG ᫪ëe 1 Jisr Al-Masri 2. Barouk Spring ∑hQÉÑdG ™Ñf 2 3. Dalboun Woods ¿ƒÑdO êôM 3 4. Ain (Spring) Al-Jadida IójóédG ø«Y 4 4 5. Ain Al-Nabba'ah áYÉÑædG ø«Y 5 6. Ain Al-Mash-har ô¡°ûªdG ø«Y 6 7. Ain Al-Marjah áLôªdG ø«Y 7 8. Ain Al-Boustan ¿Éà°ùÑdG ø«Y 8 5 Recreation á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG 6 Amusement Park, biking, hiking, skiing & ´Éàªà°S’G É°†jGk ôFGõ∏d øµªj other winter activities. ,äÉLGQódG ܃côc IójóY äÉWÉ°ûæH 3 è∏ãdG ≈∏Y ≥∏MõàdG ,∫ÓàdG ≥∏°ùJ ¢Vhô©dG IógÉ°ûªH ™àªàdGh 3 .»gÓªdG áæjóe IQÉjRh è∏ãdG ≈∏Y Towards 5 8 2 Al-Fraydes Hotels & Bed & Breakfast áaÉ«°†dG 䃫Hh ¥OÉæØdG ¢ùjójôØdG ƒëf 1. Barouk Palace Hotel ¢S’ÉH ∑hQÉH ¥óæa 1 03-630055/05-240251/2 6Towards Ma'aser 2. Camping Area º««îJ á≤£æe 2 Al-Chouf 5 (in the Barouk Palace Hotel) (¢S’ÉH ∑hQÉH ¥óæa »a) ±ƒ°ûdG ô°UÉ©e ƒëf 3. Bed & Breakfast 03-225166 áaÉ«°V 䃫H 3 4 6 Restaurants ºYÉ£ªdG 1 1. Al-Arzeh Restaurant IRQ’G º©£e 1 2 1 03-283316/646427 2. Ras Nabi’i Al-Barouk Restaurant 1 3 3 ∑hQÉÑdG ™Ñf ¢SGQ º©£e 2 1 2 03-851938 3. Al-Kamal Restaurant 03-699138 ∫ɪµdG º©£e 3 7 1 6Towards 4. Al-Amir Restaurant ô«e’G º©£e 4 2 Ain Zhalta 03-225166/05-240044 Éà∏MR ø«Y ƒëf 5. Al-Jazeerah Restaurant IôjõédG º©£e 5 6. Al-Tourath, Al-Nahr, Al-Charqeh, ,ô¡ædG º©£e ,¢SGôàdG º©£e 6 Al-Gharbeh Restaurants »HôZ º©£e ,»bô°T º©£e (in the Barouk Palace Hotel) (¢S’ÉH ∑hQÉH ¥óæa »a) 03-630055 05-240251/2 Beiteddine 55 øjódG â«H 54


4Towards Ma'aser Al-Chouf ±ƒ°ûdG ô°UÉ©e ƒëf 5

3Towards Deir Al-Qamar ôª≤dG ôjO ƒëf Monuments ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG 2 1 1. Mar Maroun Cathedral ¿hQÉe QÉe á«FGQóJÉc 1 2. Al-Emir Khalil Castle 4 π«∏N ô«eC’G ô°üb 2 Administrative District Center á«eÉ≤ªFÉ≤dG õcôe 3. Al-Emir Bachir Castle ô«°ûH ô«eC’G ô°üb 3 4. Beiteddine Castle øjódG â«H ô°üb 4 3 Al-Amir Qassem Castle º°SÉb ô«eC’G ô°üb 5. Moussa Fortress ≈°Sƒe á©∏b 5 6 6. Maronite Archdiocese 3Towards á«fhQɪdG á«fGô£ªdG 6 Deir Al-Qamar Beiteddine Summer Residency øjódG â«H ∞«°üe (old road) ôª≤dG ôjO ƒëf Hotels ¥OÉæØdG (ºjó≤dG ≥jô£dG) 1 1. Mir Amin Palace Hotel ø«eCG ô«ªdG ô°üb ¥óæa 1 4 3 05-501315/7/03-900924 Restaurants ºYÉ£ªdG 1. Rawabi Al-Amir Restaurant ô«eC’G »HGhQ º©£e 1 5 1 03-447281/05-508055/6 2. Farah Restaurant ìôa º©£e 2 05-500509/03-238220 6 3. Mir Amin Palace Restaurant ø«eCG ô«ªdG ô°üb º©£e 3 05-501315/7/03-900924 4. Vieux Moulin Restaurant & Snack ¿’ƒe ƒ«a ∑Éæ°Sh º©£e 4 05-500560 5. Saj Al-Amira Iô«eC’G êÉ°U 5 05-503003/03-784399 6.Café Crème ºjôc ¬«aÉc 6 03-307607

IQÉàîªdG ƒëf

4Towards Al-Moukhtara 3Towards Ba'aqline ø«∏≤©H ƒëf Towards 4 Ba'aqline (old road) ø«∏≤©H ƒëf (ºjó≤dG ≥jô£dG) Ch’him Boutmeh 57 º«ë°T ᪣H 56 4

4Towards 1 7 8 Berjayn 2 1 ø«LôH ƒëf 1 2 2 6 3 9 4 1 2 5 3 4 3 3 5 4 5 Towards 6 Ma'aser Al-Chouf ±ƒ°ûdG ô°UÉ©e ƒëf 2 1 12 5 7 6 13 6 11 10 14 4Towards Al-Moukhtara IQÉàîªdG ƒëf

3Towards Mazboud OƒHõe ƒëf

Monuments ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG Monuments ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG 1. Ch’him's Roman á«fÉehôdGq º«ë°T QÉKCG 1 1. Ancient Site of Fernaimeh ájôKC’G ᪫fôa á≤£æe 1 Archeological Remains (ancient tombs) (áªjób QƒÑb) 2. Old Water Mill áªjób á«FÉe áæë£e 2 2. Ancient Grape Press áªjób ÖæY Iô°ü©e 2 3. Sheikh Abdallah Shrine ˆG óÑY ï«°ûdG ΩÉ≤e 3 3. Sheikh Abou Mahmoud øjódG »Ø°U Oƒªëe ƒHCG ï«°ûdG QGõe 3 4. Abou Al-Zard Shrine OQõdG ƒHCG ΩÉ≤e 4 Safieddine Shrine 5. Ch’him's Old Gate áªjó≤dG º«ë°T áHGƒH 5 4. Sheikh Abou Youssef Salim QÉ£«ÑdG º«∏°S ∞°Sƒj ƒHCG ï«°ûdG QGõe 4 The Northern District á«dɪ°ûdG IQÉëdG Bitar Shrine 5. Heritage House »KGôJ ∫õæe 5 Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 6. Old Church ájôKCG á°ù«æc 6 1. Winter Water Stream Al-Mrayjat äÉéjôªdG …ƒà°T »FÉe iôée 1 2. Ch’him River º«ë°T ô¡f 2 Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 3. Wild Cedars Woods zGƒ¡dG ∞jGôM{ …ôH RQCG áHÉZ 3 1. Pine Woods …ôH ôHƒæ°U êGôMG 1 “Harayef Al-Hawa” 2. Old Oak Tree “Oum Al-Charatit” Iôª©e §«WGô°T ΩCG áfÉjóæ°S 2 4. Rocky Layers “Ras Al-Ain” zø«©dG ¢SCGQ{ ájôî°U äÉ≤ÑW 4 3. Pit (reaching the valley) (…OGƒ∏d π°üJ) Iƒg 3 5. Ain (Spring) Al-Khamis ¢ù«ªîdG ø«Y 5 4. Al-Daya'a Cave (Village Cave) á©«°†dG IQɨe 4 6. Ain Al-Boustan ¿Éà°ùÑdG ø«Y 6 5. Boutmeh Valley ᪣H …OGh 5 7. Ain Al-Foukhara IQÉîØdG ø«Y 7 6. Water Springs √É«e ™«HÉæj 6 8. Ain Shou'a áYƒ°T ø«Y 8 7. Al-Matracheh Cave á°Tô£ªdG IQɨe 7 9. Ain Al-Jadida IójóédG ø«Y 9 10. Wild Cedars Woods z∫ƒ∏ZõdG êôM{ …ôH RQCG áHÉZ 10 Recreation á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG “Horsh Al-Zaghloul” 1. Al-Tiro hô«àdG 1 11. Ain Al-Khirbeh áHôîdG ø«Y 11 (Sharp Shooting Club) (ájÉeô∏d …OÉf) 12. Rayboun Earthquake Line zRƒé©dG ≥°T{ ¿ƒÑjQ ≥dÉa 12 03-663237 “Shaq Al-Ajouz” 13. Ain Youssef ∞°Sƒj ø«Y 13 14. Wild Cedars Woods “Al-Jord” zOôédG{ …ôH RQCG áHÉZ 14 Deir Al-Qamar 59 58 Monuments ájôK’G ºdÉ©ªdG ôª≤dG ôjO 1. Al-Midane Square ¿Gó«ªdG áMÉ°S 1 ähô«H ƒëf (Dany Chamoun Square) (ájôK’G ¿ƒ©ª°T »fGO áMÉ°S) 5Towards 2. Nabi’i Al-Chalout •ƒdÉ°ûdG ™Ñf 2 (Al-Chalout Spring) 2 3. Al-Emir Fakhreddine øjódG ôîa ô«eC’G ™eÉL 3 23 Al-Ma'ani 1 Mosque ∫hC’G »æ©ªdG 23 4. Al-Sakafah Souk áaɵ°ùdG ¥ƒ°S 4 23 (Shoemakers Market) 5. Amir Younes Al-Ma'ani Palace »æ©ªdG ¢ùfƒj ô«eC’G ô°üb 5 6. Khan Al-Harir – Qaisariyah ájô°ü«≤dG hCG ôjôëdG ¿ÉN 6 (Silk Market) 7. Al-Kharj êôîdG 7 (French Cultural Center) (»°ùfôØdG »aÉ≤ãdG õcôªdG É«dÉM)k 23 23 8. Al-Emir Fakhreddine »fÉãdG »æ©ªdG øjódG ôîa ô«eC’G ô°üb 8 Al-Ma'ani II Palace (™ª°ûdG ∞ëàe É«dÉM)k 17 (currently the Wax Museum) 23 9. Baz Palace RÉH ô°üb 9 23 10. Synagogue ¢ù«æµdG 10 23 11. Nicolas Al-Turk Palace 4 ∑ôàdG ’ƒ≤f ô°üb 11 18 23 (currently private residence) (¢UÉN ∫õæe É«dÉM)k 23 12. Al-Qobeh Tomb áÑ≤dÉH ±ô©j πµ°ûdG ™Hôe íjô°V 12 13. Saydet Al-Talleh Church á∏àdG Ió«°S á°ù«æc 13 23 14. The Column Hall OƒeÉ©dG áYÉb 14 19 15. Serail Al-Emir Youssef Chehab »HÉ¡°ûdG ∞°Sƒj ô«eC’G …Gô°S 15 16. Mar Gerges (Saint Georges) Church 23 ¢ùLôL QÉe á°ù«æc 16 2 23 17. Saydet Al-Najat Church IÉéædG Ió«°S á°ù«æc 17 20 18. Saydet Al-Faqira Church Iô«≤ØdG Ió«°S á°ù«æc 18 1 19. Mar Elias Church ¢SÉ«dG QÉe á°ù«æc 19 20. Al-Wardieh Church ájOQƒdG á°ù«æc 20 21. Oum N'oula Fountain 21 5 ’ƒ≤f ΩG ácôH 21 3 4 22. Stouh Al-Kharj (Rooftops) êôîdG 샣°S 22 23 23. Heritage Houses 15 5 á«KGôJ ∫RÉæe 23 1 6 Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 10 6 1. Nabi’i Al-Chalout (Al-Chalout Spring) •ƒdÉ°ûdG ™Ñf 1 3 7 23 1 22 Restaurants ºYÉ£ªdG 13 14 8 1. Café Al-Midane 03-763768 ¿Gó«ªdG ≈¡≤e 1 1 23 2. Amare Restaurant 03-363723/05-510006 …ôeBG º©£e 2 9 11 3. Serail Al-Beik Restaurant 05-510006 ∂«ÑdG …Gô°S º©£e 3 23 4.Gardenia Café & Restaurant É«æjOôµdG º©£eh ≈¡≤e 4 05-505280/03-446534 23 5. Al-Centra Restaurant 05-505953 Iôàæ°ùdG º©£e 5 23 6. Jamil Al-Ater Restaurant 23 ôà©dG π«ªL º©£e 6 21 7. Al-Bayadah Restaurant á°VÉ«ÑdG º©£e 7 12 Bed & Breakfast áaÉ«°†dG 䃫H 1. La Bastide 05-505848 óà°SÉÑdG 1 Recreation á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG 23 1 1. Wax Museum ™ª°ûdG ∞ëàe 1 03-756000/05-511166

øjódG â«H ƒëf Towards 6 Beiteddine 16 Towards 5 5Towards Al-Damour Jisr Al-Qadi Kfarhim QƒeGódG ƒëf »°VÉ≤dG ô°ùL ƒëf Jeba’a 61 º«MôØc ´ÉÑL 60 2 ±ƒ°ûdG ô°UÉ©e ƒëf 3 Towards 5 4 Ma'aser Al-Chouf 7 1 Éë«f ƒëf 3 4 6Towards 7 Niha 8 3 6 9 Towards 6 8 3 2 Deir Baba ÉHÉH ôjO ƒëf 2 2 1 Monuments ájôK’G ºdÉ©ªdG 1. Remains of Khirbeh Ruins áHôîdG QÉKCG ÉjÉ≤H 1 2. Memorial Site 5 4 AGó¡°û∏d …QÉcòJ Ö°üf 2 1 3. Old Burial Ground ájôKG øaGóe 3 4. Old Cave ájôKG øaGóe ô¡¶J áªjób Qhɨe 4 (includes Old Burial Ground) 4 1 6 Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 5 1. Jeita Spring Éà«©L ™Ñf 1 2. Ain (Spring) Cha'achou ´ƒ°û©°T ø«Y 2 3. Al-Ghabeh Spring áHɨdG ™Ñf 3 4. Ain Arabia á«HôY ø«Y 4 5. Roman Woods »fÉehôdG ¢TôëdG 5 ø«∏≤©H ƒëf ôª≤dG ôjO ƒëf 6. Al-A'arid (tree area) (QÉé°TG á≤£æe) ¢†jô©dG 6 6 7. Ain Al Daya'a (Village Spring) Towards 6 Towards á©«°†dG ø«Y 7 Ba'aqline Deir Al-Qamar 8. Old Trees ôª©eq ôé°T 8 Monuments ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG Joun 1. Heritage Houses á«KGôJ ∫RÉæe 1 2. Heritage Houses á«KGôJ ∫RÉæe2 ¿ƒL (Nakd era, 400-500 years ago) (ø«jóµædG ó¡Y ≈dG Oƒ©J áæ°S 500-400) 6Towards 6 3. Old Cemetery 2 Al-Awwali River áªjób IôÑ≤e3 3Towards 1 (Medieval ages) (≈£°SƒdG ¿hô≤dG ≈dG Oƒ©J) »dhC’G ô¡f ƒëf 4 A'alman 5 6 4. Ruins of a Press & Old Mill áªjób áæë£e h Iô°ü©e ÉjÉ≤H 4 ¿Éª∏Y ƒëf (Ain Al-Jadida Mill) (IójóédG ø«Y áæë£e) 3 2 5 Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 4 1. Kfarhim Cave º«MôØc IQɨe1 2 2. Ain (Spring) Haret Al-Tahta ÉàëàdG IQÉM ø«Y 2 3. Ain Haret Al-Fawqa ÉbƒØdG IQÉM ø«Y3 1 4. Ghabet Ja'afar Spring ôØ©L áHÉZ ™Ñf4 3 6 5. Al-Safa River ÉØ°üdG ô¡f 5 2 (on the borders of Kfarhim town) (º«MôØc Ió∏H OhóM ≈∏Y) 6. Wooded Strolling Terrain »°ûªdG h √õæà∏d äÉbôW 6 Monuments ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG 7. Public Garden & Playground Ö©∏e h áeÉY á≤jóM7 1. Monastery of the Savior ¢ü∏îªdG ôjO 1 8. Al-Sindiyana District (Old Oak Trees) (ôª©e ¿Éjóæ°S) áfÉjóæ°ùdG »M 8 2. Lady Ester Stanhop ܃¡æà°S …ó«∏dG ∫õæe 2 9. Pine Woods ôHƒæ°U êGôMG 9 3. Mar Youhanna (Saint John) Church ∞°Sƒj QÉe á°ù«æc 3 4. Joun Mosque ¿ƒL óé°ùe 4 Festivals Ió∏ÑdG ä’ÉØàMEG 5. Al-Saydet (Our Lady) Catholic Church ∂«dƒKɵdG Ωhô∏d Ió«°ùdG á°ù«æc 5 Annual provincial exhibition & festival ¿ÉLô¡e h …ƒæ°S …hôb ¢Vô©e 6. Byzantine Shrine »£fõ«H óÑ©e6 (for a period of 10 days during the month of August). .(ÜBG ô¡°T ∫ÓN ΩÉjG 10 »dGƒM óàªj) Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 1. Ain (Spring) Hayroun Handicrafts: Needlework, olive oil, olive, pine & jams. ¿hô«M ø«Y 1 2. Besri River …ô°ùH ô¡f 2 To purchase, please contact the municipality. 3. Pine Woods Tel/Fax 05-720001/720944 ôHƒæ°U êôM 3 :ájhój ±ôM 4. Ain Al-Tahta ÉàëàdG ø«Y4 ,ôHƒæ°U ,¿ƒàjR ,¿ƒàjR âjR ,(¬«°Thôc) IôHEG ácÉ«M 5. Ain Al-Fawqa ÉbƒØdG ø«Y5 .ájó∏ÑdÉH ∫É°üJE’G AÉLôdG AGô°û∏d .äÉ«Hôe 6. Caves Area Qhɨe á≤£æe6 Mrousti Ma'aser Al-Chouf 63 ´É≤ÑdG ƒëf 62 »à°Sôe (IóÑ©e ô«Z ≥jôW) ô°UÉ©ªdG - ᪣H ƒëf ±ƒ°ûdG ô°UÉ©e 5Towards 3Towards Beqa'a Boutmeh Al-Ma'aser (unpaved road) 1 Towards 5 5 Barouk 5 ∑hQÉÑdG ƒëf 5 1 4Towards 2 1 Jeba'a & Niha 6 Éë«fh ´ÉÑL ƒëf 2 3Towards 6 4 Al-Khraibeh 3 áÑjôîdG ƒëf 4 5 3 3 3Towards 2 Al-Moukhtara 4 1 IQÉàîªdG ƒëf 4 1 1 6

2 3 2 Monuments 6Towards ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG 1. Old Grape Press Ba'adaran áªjób ÖæY Iô°ü©e 1 2. Old Bridge of Mrousti ¿GQò©H ƒëf ≥jô£d ºjób ô°ùL 2 Éë«f ƒëf Ba'adaran Dirt Road á«HGôàdG ¿GQò©H »à°Sôe 1 3. Khilwet Al-Sheikh Al-Sadeq ¥OÉ°üdG ï«°ûdG Iƒ∏N 3 Monuments Towards 6 ájôK’G ºdÉ©ªdG (Druze Place of Worship) 1. Heritage Houses Niha á«KGôJ ∫RÉæe 1 4. Sheikh Hammoud Square OƒªM ï«°ûdG áMÉ°S 4 2. Mar Mikhael (Saint Michael) Church π«FÉî«e QÉe á°ù«æc 2 5. Statue of Kamal Joumblatt •ÓÑæL ∫ɪc ∫ÉãªJ5 3. Convent äÉÑgGôdG ôjO 3 6. Old Town Land (Byzantine Ruins) (á«£fõ«H ÉjÉ≤H) áªjó≤dG á©«°†dG ¢VQCG 6 4. Old Stone Carob Mill & other Mills áYÉæ°üd á°ü°üîe áªjób Iô°ü©e 4 for the Production of Wine & Araq áYÉæ°üd iôNCG ô°UÉ©eh ¢ùHódG Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG ¥ô©dGh ôªîdG 1. Oak Woods ¿Éjóæ°S êôM 1 5. Ruins of an Old Mill ô¡ædG iôée ≈∏Y áªjób áæ룪d ÉjÉ≤H 5 2. Ain (Spring) Al-Ghabeh áHɨdG ø«Y2 near the River Stream 3. Old Oak Tree Iôª©eq áfÉjóæ°S 3 6. Roman Fortress & Cemetery øaGóeh á«fÉehQ á©∏b 6 4. Ain Al-Tahta ÉàëàdG ø«Y4 5. Jeita Spring Éà«©L ™Ñf5 Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG 1. Ma'aser Al-Chouf Cedar Forest ±ƒ°ûdG ô°UÉ©e RQCG áHÉZ 1 Recreation á«aÉ≤ãdGh á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG 2. Old Oak, Pine & Cedar Woods RQC’G h ôHƒæ°üdGh ¿Éjóæ°ùdG êGôMG 2 1. The Municipal Playground …ó∏ÑdG Ö©∏ªdG1 3. Village Spring Ió∏ÑdG ø«Y 3 (Al-Mal'ab Al-Baladi), where the annual …ƒæ°ùdG äÉLƒàæªdG ¢Vô©e ΩÉ≤j å«M 4. Public Garden áeÉY á≤jóM 4 productions' exhibition takes place by ∫ƒ∏jCG ô¡°T ájÉ¡f »a 5. Wadi Al-Man ¿ÉªdG …OGh 5 the end of September 6. Al-Ghabeh Spring áHɨdG ™Ñf 6 03-246497/115164 Bed & Breakfast áaÉ«°†dG 䃫H The town also includes numerous camping areas in addition to a bed & 1. Mar Mikhael Monastery (arc en ciel) π«FÉîe QÉe ôjO 1 breakfast & other houses for rent. 03-216271/05-350451/2 áaÉ«°V â«H ≈dEG áaÉ°VE’ÉH º««îà∏d IOó©àe øcÉeCG Ió∏ÑdG »a óLƒj .QÉéÄà°SÓd áëdÉ°U ∫RÉæeh Restaurants ºYÉ£ªdG 1.Chez Nadim Restaurant 05-350114 ºjOÉf »°T 1 2.Al-Mhattah Restaurant Handicrafts: Production of jams, Arabic bread, burgul, á£ëªdG º©£e 2 Kichk & dried foods, in addition to collection of organic herbs such as oregano, hyssop & sage. For more information, please contact the municipality. Handicrafts: Production of araq, jams & cottage industry. To Tel.: 05-330107/03-246497 purchase, please contact the municipality, Tel.: 05-350380 or õÑîdG ,äÉ«HôªdG áYÉæ°U πãe ájƒæ°ùdG áfƒªdG AGô°ûd:ájhój ±ôM during the summer agricultural exposition. ÜÉ°ûYC’G ≈dEG áaÉ°VE’ÉH äÉØØéªdG h ,∂°ûµdG ,πZôÑdG ,»Hô©dG .ø«àdGh Öæ©dG ¢ùHOh ¥ô©dG áYÉæ°U:ájhój ±ôM ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG ,ø«©°ü≤dGh ÉahõdG ,ôà©°üdG πãe Ió«ØªdG ájƒ°†©dG »YGQõdG ¢Vô©ªdG ∫ÓN øe hG ,ájó∏ÑdÉH ∫É°üJE’G AÉLôdG AGô°û∏d .ájó∏ÑdÉH .∞«°üdG »a Towards 5 Bater ôJÉH ƒëf Niha 65 A'ammiq ≥«ªY 64 Distance from Beirut: 45km º∏c 45 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Éë«f Altitude: 1,050m Ω 1050 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh 1 1 ™≤Jh .≥«ª©dGh ÅWGƒdGh ¢†ØîæªdG »æ©Jh áªjó≤dG á«eÉ°ùdG äɨ∏dG ≈dEG ᫪°ùàdG Oƒ©J π°üØj …òdG QƒeGódG ô¡f …OGh ≈∏Y ±ô°ûJ å«M ±ƒ°ûdG ∞°UÉæe á≤£æe »a ≥«ªY »a ôª«a ,ø«à≤£æªdG §Hôj …òdG ≥«ªY/É«ª°TQ ≥jôW ÉeCG .¬«dÉY á≤£æe øY ±ƒ°ûdG ¿Gò∏dG ¿É«°ù«FôdG ¿GóaGôdG ɪgh á∏HR ƒHCG h ∑hQÉÑdG …ô¡f ≈≤à∏e å«M É«ª°TQ …OGh 2 .QƒeGódG ô¡f ¿Óµ°ûj 2 πFGhCG ≈dEG ¬îjQÉJ ™Lôj …òdG π«FÉî«e ∑ÓªdG ôjO ≥«ªY »a óLƒj QÉKB’G å«M øeh ≈∏Y øcôdG á≤£æe »a óLƒJ ɪc .á«MhôdG á°VÉjô∏d Éà«H ôÑà©jh ,ô°ûY øeÉãdG ¿ô≤dG 3 2 .É°†jCG ô¡ædG á≤£æe »a óLƒJ áªjób áfƒMÉW ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG ,IQɨe ô¡ædG ≥jôW The name A'ammiq, which has its origin in the old Semitic 4 tongue, means “the low and deep.” Located in the Manasif Al- Chouf, the town overlooks the Damour river valley, separating 2 5 6 5 the Chouf from Aley. The A'ammiq-Rechmayya road, linking these two areas, passes through the Rechmayya valley, where the Barouk and Abou Zebleh rivers meet to form the Damour river. A convent bearing the name of the Angel Mikhael, which dates 7 back to the early 18th century and is used as a spiritual retreat, can be found in the town. The river area of the town 8 features an old grinding mill that dates back hundreds of 3 years, with an old cave that can be found on the river's road. 4

9 Ain Zhalta Éà∏MR ø«Y Distance from Beirut: 38km º∏c 38 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Altitude: 950–1,220m Ω1220–950 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJ Monuments ájôKC’G ºdÉ©ªdG 1. Mar Gerges (Saint Georges) Church ¢ùLôL QÉe á°ù«æc1 ≈dEG IQÉ°TG á∏MGõdG ø«©dG √Éæ©eh áªjó≤dG á«eÉ°ùdG äɨ∏dG »a √óéf ᫪°ùàdG π°UG 2. Heritage Houses á«KGôJ ∫RÉæe2 ≈dEG √òg Ö°ùæJh ∞∏ëdG ø«Y º°SÉH ±ô©j ™Ñf Ió∏ÑdG »ah Gòg .áaôéæªdG É¡«°VQCG 3. Mar Youssef (Saint Joseph) Church ∞°Sƒj QÉe á°ù«æc 3 í∏°üdG º¡©e ó≤©jh ¬eƒ°üN ™e ô«ÑµdG ô«°ûH ô«eC’G ∑Éæg É¡jôéj ¿Éc äÉYɪàLG 4. Al-Wadi or Al-Qati'i Bridge ™WÉ≤dG ô°ùL hCG …OGƒdG ô°ùL 4 .¬FÉØ∏M øe GƒëÑ°ü«d 5. Ruins of Al-Nahr Al-Tahtah Mill ÉàëàdG ô¡ædG áæë£e ÉjÉ≤H 5 øeh ,π«∏¶dG ÉØ°üdG …OGh øe »HƒæédG íØ°ùdG óæY á«HGQ ≈∏Y Éà∏MR ø«Y ™≤J 6. Nabi'i Niha Bridge Éë«f ™Ñf ô°ùL 6 øjódG â«H ô°üb ≈dG ¬gÉ«e ôL ºJ …òdG ´É≤dG ™Ñf h ÉØ°üdG ™Ñf IQƒ¡°ûªdG É¡©«HÉæj 7. Al-Nabi Ayoub Shrine ܃jCG »ÑædG ΩÉ≤e 7 √É«e ´RƒJ iôÑc ï°V á£ëe óLƒJ å«M ¿É«YôdG ™Ñf É°†jCG ∑Éægh .ô«°ûH ô«eC’G ΩÉjCG 8. Niha Fortress Éë«f á©∏b 8 .á≤£æªdG äGó∏H øe ójó©dGh ÜhôîdG º«∏bEGh ¬«dÉYh ¿hóªëH ≈∏Y áØ°ûdG 9. Sarcophagi ¢ùjhGƒf 9 ΩÉjCG â«æH á©∏b ÉjÉ≤H ,Éà∏MR ø«Y »a Gó¡Y çóMC’G á«îjQÉàdG ºdÉ©ªdGh QÉKB’G øe º°SÉH ±ô©J á≤£æe ∑Éægh .âæà°ùJhôÑ∏d á°ù«æc ≈dEG É≤M’ âdƒMh »æ©ªdG ºµëdG Natural Attractions á«©«Ñ£dG ºdÉ©ªdG .GôØc ≈YóJ É¡Jƒ«H º¶©e âdGR áªjób Iô«¨°U ájôbh ,Oƒ¡«dG QƒÑb 1. Public Garden áeÉY á≤jóM 1 2. Al-Qat’ah Spring á©WÉ≤dG ø«Y 2 The town’s name can be traced back to the Semitic language, 3. Halqoum Spring Ωƒ≤∏ëdG ø«Y 3 meaning “the creepy eye.” Ain Zhalta is situated on a southern 4. Cedar, Pine & Oak Woods ¢ù«eh ¿Éjóæ°Sh ôHƒæ°Uh RQCG ¢TGôMCG 4 hill of Wadi Al-Safa. Among the springs in and around the town 5. Spring Niha Cave are: Al-Safa Spring; Al-Qa’ah Spring, from where water was Éë«f ™Ñf IQɨe 5 drawn to Beiteddine Palace during the rule of Emir Bachir; Al-Re’ayan Spring, where a huge pumping station distributes There is an old road between Bater & Niha sought by people wishing to potable water to Aley, Bhamdoun, and other neighboring areas; enjoy a nice walk. and Ain Al-Hilf, recorded in history as the site where Emir .»°ûªdGh √õæà∏d ¢SÉædG Égó°ü≤j Éë«fh ôJÉH ø«H áªjób ¥ôW ∑Éæg Bachir held meetings with his adversaries to make peace and become allies. In the town are the remains of a citadel that was built during Ma’ani rule and later was transformed into a Protestant Handicrafts: Needlework & production of honey, araq & church. There is also an area called “The Jews’ Cemetery” and olive oil. To purchase, please contact the municipality. nearby a small, completely ruined village known as Kafra. Tel.: 05-330002. ,¥ô©dGh ,π°ù©dG áYÉæ°U (¬«°Thôc) IôHEG ácÉ«M:ájhój ±ôM .ájó∏ÑdÉH ∫É°üJ’G AÉLôdG ,AGô°û∏d .¿ƒàjõdG âjRh 67 Ba'adaran ¿GQò©H Al-Khraibeh áÑjôîdG 66 Distance from Beirut: 60km º∏c 60 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Distance from Beirut: 62km º∏c 62 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Altitude: 1,100m Ω 1100 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh Altitude: 1,050m Ω 1050 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh â«H √Éæ©eh á«fÉjô°ùdG á¨∏dG »a √óéf ᫪°ùàdG π°UG ¿G ø«ãMÉÑdG ¢†©H ∫ƒ≤j Ió∏ÑdG ¿G á≤£æªdG √òg »a É¡«∏Y ôãY »àdG á«îjQÉàdG QÉK’G Aƒ°V ≈∏Y ¿ƒãMÉÑdG ó≤à©j á£ëe √Éæ©e »≤«æ«a º°S’G π°UG ¿G ¿hôNBG íLôj ɪ«a ,±É©°SE’Gh ¿ƒ©dGh IóYÉ°ùªdG .á«eGQBG/ á«≤«æ«a ájôb ™bƒe ºjó≤dG »a ¿Éc ™bƒe ≈∏Y Ωƒ≤J á«dÉëdG ¢Tƒ«é∏d Gõcôe ¿Éc ™bƒªdG ¿G ∫ƒ≤J á«îjQÉJ äÉeƒ∏©e ≈dEG GOÉæà°SG ∂dPh áMGôà°SG »a º°†Jh ,§°ShC’G ±ƒ°ûdG ≈∏Y π£J IQhÉéàe ÜÉ°†g ¥ƒa áÑjôîdG Ió∏H ôKÉæàJ √Éæ©e ¿G ∫ƒ≤j º°SÓd ôNBG Gô«°ùØJ ∑Éæg ¿G ɪc ,OÓ«ªdG πÑb 20 ΩÉ©dG »a á«fÉehôdG áªjó≤dG ø«Y h ájƒà°ûdG ø«Y h ¢Só©dG ø«Y πãe áªjó≤dG ¿ƒ«©dG øe GOóY É¡∏NGO .áæ«°üëdG á©∏≤dG á°ù«æch ,Ió∏ÑdG πNGO Iôª©e ¿Éjóæ°S Iôé°T ∑Éæg .IójóédG ø«Y h ô«≤°ûe ø«Yh É¡«fÉѪH õ«ªàJh IQÉàîªdG øe ܃æédG ≈dG äGôàeƒ∏«c á©Ñ°S ó©H ≈∏Y ¿GQò©H ™≤J Oƒ©J âfÉc »àdG …Gô°ùdG É°†jCG Ió∏ÑdG ºdÉ©e øeh .¢ùLôL QÉe á°ù«æc º°SÉH ±ô©J ádGódG √ÉjÉ≤H ∫GõJ ’h AGôeC’G ºµM ¿ÉHG ô°ûàfG …òdG »KGôàdG …Qɪ©ªdG ≥°ùædG äGP .∑Éæg ᪡ªdG á«îjQÉàdG QÉKB’G øe Ωƒ«dG ôÑà©Jh •ÓÑæL ∫B’ ∂dP Ö°ùM á«æѪdG 䃫ÑdG ¢†©H ∫GõJ ’h .øjódG â«Hh ôª≤dG ôjO »a á∏KÉe ¬«∏Y ¿Éjóæ°ùdGh ôHƒæ°üdG êGôMÉH áWÉëe ,≈∏Y’G ±ƒ°ûdG iôb øe Égô«Z πãe áÑjôîdG ô«eC’G ô°UÉY …òdG •ÓÑæL É°TÉH »∏Y ô°üb ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG Ió∏ÑdG »a áªFÉb RGô£dG .Iôª©ªdG RQC’G QÉé°TCGh .»fÉãdG »æ©ªdG øjódG ôîa Based on historic remains found in the village, researchers The town of Ba'adaran, which is known for its traditional assume that an ancient Aramaean-Phoenician village once Lebanese architecture, is located 7 km south of Al-Moukhtara stood in the present day area of Al-Khraibeh . village. This form of architecture was common under the reign Situated on the hills overlooking the mid-Chouf, and of the Emirs and is reminiscent of the edifices at Deir Al-Qamar surrounded by old pine, cedar and oak forests, the village and Beiteddine. A number of houses built in this style are still of Al-Khraibeh includes a number of old springs, such as the present in the town, along with the Palace of Ali Pasha Joumblatt, Al-A'adas spring. The village is known for an old oak tree that who lived at the time of Prince Fakhreddine Al-Ma'ani II. stands in the town and the Church of St. Gerges (Mar Gerges). The origin of the name Ba'adaran is disputed by researchers. In addition, the serail that used to belong to Al-Joumblatt family Some trace the name back to the Syriac tongue, to mean “the is one of the town's important historical heritage sites. house of help, aid and relief.” Others say it has its origins in the Phoenician language and means “a rest station,” as Ba'adaran was a Roman Army post in 20 B.C. Another Al-Moukhtara IQÉàîªdG translation of the name is “the immune citadel.” Distance from Beirut: 56km º∏c 56 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Altitude: 825m Ω 825 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh Ba’aqline 1/2 ø«∏≤©H •ÓÑæL ìÉHQ »∏Y ï«°ûdG πÑb øe ™bƒªdG QÉ«àNG ÖÑ°ùH º°S’G Gò¡H IQÉàîªdG ⫪°S Distance from Beirut: 45km º∏c 45 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ á©∏b ¢VÉ≤fCG ≈∏Y √ô°üb AÉæÑd ô°ûY ™HÉ°ùdG ¿ô≤dG »a -•ÓÑæL ô«°ûH ô«eC’G óL- Altitude: 850m Ω 850 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh .∑Éæg âfÉc á«fÉehQ RGô£dG óªà©J »àdG Qƒ°ü≤dGh QhódG øe Gô«Ñc GOóY á≤jô©dG IQÉàîªdG Ió∏H º°†J »a AGô°†N »HGhQ ™Ñ°S ¥ƒa - ø««æ©ªdG AGôeCÓd ≈dhC’G ᪰UÉ©dG - ø«∏≤©H Ωƒ≤J ¬îjQÉJ Oƒ©j …òdG •ÓÑæL ∫BG ô°üb »fÉѪdG ∂∏J RôHG øeh ,»KGôàdG …Qɪ©ªdG ôîa ô«eC’G É¡æe ≥∏£fGh É¡FÉLQCG »a CÉ°ûfh É¡«a ódh ¬fG ±hô©eh ,±ƒ°ûdG §°Sh á«bô°ûdG á«æØdGq äGô«KCÉàdG ¬«a ô¡¶Jh ô°ûY ™HÉ°ùdG ¿ô≤dG ≈dEG »dÉëdG ¬∏µ°T »a ¢ü∏îàdG ≈dEG ¬«©°S »a ,äÉ©WÉ≤ªdG ó«MƒJh ¬JQÉeEG ™«°SƒJ ≈dEG ÉëeÉW ,»fÉãdG øjódG .á«dÉ£jE’Gh .á∏≤à°ùªdG ádhódG áeÉbEGh ∑GôJC’G Iô£«°S øe âeó¡JÉ¡æµdô°ûY™HÉ°ùdG¿ô≤dGøeGó¡YΩóbCGá«æHCG¢VÉ≤fCG ≈∏Yô°ü≤dGó««°ûJ ºJ PEG ,√Éæ©e »a AGôÑîdG ∞∏àîjh ,á«fÉjô°ùdG á¨∏dG »a QhòL ≈dEG ø«∏≤©H º°SG íLôj ø««WÓÑæédGïjÉ°ûªdGø«Hâ∏°üM»àdGäÉ¡LGƒªdGhäÉYGô°üdGAÉæKG 1825ΩÉ©dG»a ¿G ∫Éb øe º¡æeh ,AÉ«cPC’G hG ∫É≤©dGq â«H øe ≥à°ûe º°S’G ¿G ∫Éb øe º¡æe ¿G êÉLõdGøe ¬JÉ¡LGhh¬JÉaô°ûHô°ü≤dGõ«ªàjhGòg.»fÉãdG»HÉ¡°ûdGô«°ûHô«e’Gh ÖgP øe º¡æeh ,∫ÉÑédG »a ∑ƒ°ûdG âHÉæe hCG ,äÉØ£©æªdG GP ¿ÉµªdG »æ©J ᫪°ùàdG .Iô°Tƒ°ûªdG¢SGƒbC’Ghá«eÉNôdGIóªYC’G äGP√òaGƒæHhójóëdGäÉæjõHGQódGh¿ƒ∏ªdG »àdG á©«HQ á∏«Ñb »gh ,¿ÓéY hCG πéY »æH øe á∏«Ñb ≈dEG âÑ°ùf Ió∏ÑdG ¿G ∫ƒ≤dG »a ájQɪ©ªdGäÉ°ùª∏dG êhGõJQƒ°üj ÉLPƒªfπµ°ûJô°UÉæ©dG∂∏Jπc¿GAGôÑîdG∫ƒ≤jh áWƒ£îe »a Ió∏ÑdG √òg º°SG OQh ïjQÉàdG »ah .ø««æ©ªdG AGôeC’G Ö°ùf É¡«dEG »ªàæj .ô°ûY ™°SÉàdG¿ô≤dG»aÉ©FÉ°T¿Écɪc ,á«dÉ£jE’GájQɪ©ªdGäÉ°ùª∏dÉHá«bô°ûdG âfÉc 1219 ΩÉY - »HƒjC’G øjódG ìÓ°U ≥«≤°T - ∫OÉ©dG ∂∏ªdG IÉah ¿G äôcP áªjób .ø«∏≤©H »a The name Al-Moukhtara , meaning “the chosen,” is a reference ácô©e ó©H ¿ÉæÑd πÑL iôb ≈∏Y ΩɵëdG ™jRƒJ ºJ ø«M ¬fG á«îjQÉàdG äÉeƒ∏©ªdG ∫ƒ≤J to the decision of Sheikh Ali Rabah Joumblatt (grandfather of ô«eC’G - πÑédG ºcÉM ¢üàNG ,1711 ΩÉ©dG »a ø««æª«dGh ø««°ù°ù«≤dG ø«H √QGO ø«Y Sheikh Bachir Joumblatt) to choose the village for his palace á«îjQÉàdG ɡ૪gCG ≈dEG IQÉ°TEG ôÑà©j ɪe ,¬°ùØæd ø«∏≤©H Ió∏H - »HÉ¡°ûdG Qó«M grounds. The palace was built in the 17th century over the õcôªdG âfÉc ɪc á«eÉ≤ªFÉ≤dG õcôªH Iô°TÉÑe á£ÑJôe âfÉc å«M á«°SÉ«°ùdGh ruins of a Roman citadel. .á«eÉ≤ªFÉ≤dG ∂∏àd »Ø«°üdG Various palaces and large residences built in the traditional á«îjQÉàdGQÉKB’ÉHÉ°†jCGõ«ªàJɪcêGôMC’ÉHá«æ¨dGá«©«Ñ£dGÉgôXÉæªH ø«∏≤©Hõ«ªàJ Lebanese architecture style can be found in this old town. ≈dEGáaÉ°VEG.ïjQÉàdG»aÉ¡àfɵe≈∏Y ∫óJ á«KGôJá«æjOäÉeÉ≤ehøaGóeh¢ùjhGƒf øe The Joumblatt palace, in its present form, dates back to the ¢ù°SCÉJóbh.ájhó«dG±ôëdÉHh¿ƒHÉ°üdGáYÉæ°Uh¿ƒàjõdGâjõHIó∏ÑdG√ògô¡à°ûJ ∂dP 17th century, and is among the most prominent palaces in ∫ÉLôdGøeójó©dGêôîJ ø«∏≤©Høeh .±ƒ°ûdGÉfGõ«JQG±ôàëe 1962ΩÉ©dG»aÉ¡«a the area. It is characterized by a combination of Orientalist .AÉ°†≤dGhÜO’GhÖ£dGhOÉ°üàb’G»a hGIQGOE’Gh á°SÉ«°ùdG»a¿EGøjRQÉÑdG and Italian artistic styles.It was built on the foundations ,±ƒ°ûdG AÉ°†b »a …õcôªdG …OÉ°üàb’G π≤ãdG Ωƒ«dG πãªJ ø«∏≤©H ¿G ±hô©ªdG øe of buildings that date back to the 17th century, but were É¡©bƒe É¡Ñ°ùcG ó≤d .±ƒ°ûdG äGó∏Hh iôb øe ójó©dG ø«H AÉ≤àdGh ™WÉ≤J á£≤f ôÑà©Jh destroyed in conflicts between the Joumblatt sheikhs and πãªàjh Gòg .IQhÉéªdG ≥WÉæªdG øe ¢SÉæ∏d ÜGòàLG õcôe âëÑ°UCG ≈àM á©°SGh Iô¡°T Bachir Al-Chehabi II in 1825. The palace is distinguished by ™ªée) »MÉ«°S ™ªéeh ɪ櫰Sh ìô°ùe OƒLƒH ø«∏≤©H »a »JÉeóîdGh »MÉ«°ùdG ¬LƒdG its colored glass facades, verandas, rails, windows, marble á«YɪàL’G äÉWÉ°ûædG ¬«a ΩÉ≤Jh ìGƒ°ùdGh QGhõdG Ö£≤à°ùj ¥óæah (»MÉ«°ùdG ±ƒ°ûdG columns and decorated arches. This fusion of Orientalist and §°Shh ø«∏≤©H ô¡f »ÑfÉL ≈∏Y ºYÉ£ªdGh »gÉ≤ªdG OƒLh ≈dEG áaÉ°VE’ÉH ,á«aÉ≤ãdGh Italian elements is representative of much of the 19th century .áHÓîdG á©«Ñ£dG architecture in this area. 69 Beiteddine øjódG â«H Ba’aqline 2/2 ø«∏≤©H 68 Distance from Beirut: 45km º∏c 45 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Altitude: 850m Ω 850 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh

áªjó≤dG á«eÉ°ùdG äɨ∏dG ≈dEG ÉgQhòL »a Oƒ©J ᫪°ùàdG ¿G ø«NQDƒªdG ¢†©H ∫ƒ≤j Ba’aqline, the first capital of the Ma’an emirs, is situated on ∫ƒ≤j ø«M »a ,AÉ°†b πëe ºjó≤dG »a ¿Éc ¿ÉµªdG ¿G íLôj å«M AÉ°†≤dG â«H »æ©Jh seven green hills located in the Chouf. Emir Fakhreddine II was É≤ah ¬fG å«M ,IOÉÑ©∏d hCG øjó∏d â«H ÉgÉæ©e πªëJ á«HôY ᫪°ùàdG ¿G ¿hôNBG ¿ƒãMÉH born and raised in Ba’aqline, from where he began to enlarge RhQódG øjóMƒª∏d Iƒ∏N Ió∏ÑdG Aƒ°ûf πÑbh á≤£æªdG »a óLƒj ¿Éc á«Ñ©°ûdG äÉjGhô∏d his emirate by uniting its various districts, in order to get rid of .É¡«a ¿hóÑ©àjq Ottoman rule and establish an independent state. This and 1840 - 1788 ¿ôb ∞°üf AÉgR ¿ÉæÑd πÑL ºµM …òdG »HÉ¡°ûdG ô«°ûH ô«eC’G ô°üb subsequent events brought historical and political importance ∂dP »a πª©dG ¿G ∫É≤jh ,ô°ûY ™°SÉàdG ¿ô≤dG »a á«fÉæÑ∏dG IQɪ©∏d ÉLPƒªf πµ°ûj to Ba’aqline as the governing and administrative center of Gô≤e »≤Hh 1812 ΩÉ©dG »a ¬«a AÉæÑdG CGóH PEG áæ°S ø«KÓKh ÉØ«f ôªà°SG ô°ü≤dG Mount Lebanon. ∫ƒÑ棰SG ºK á£dÉe ≈dEG ô«eC’G É¡«a »Øf »àdG áæ°ùdG »gh 1840 ΩÉ©dG ≈àM IQÉeEÓd The town’s name, which is traced back to the Syriac tongue, .1850 ΩÉ©dG »a »aƒJ å«M bears several meanings, among them “house of the smart ø««fɪã©dG I’ƒ∏d ô≤e ≈dEG ô°ü≤dG ∫ƒM 1842 ΩÉ©dG »a IQÉeE’G Ωɶf AɨdEG ôKG ≈∏Y people,” “the place with many turnings,” and “the thorn’s ºK øeh ,1915 ΩÉ©dG ≈àM 1860 øe ¿ÉæÑd πÑL »aô°üàªd Gô≤e ºgó©H øeh location in the mountains.” Other researchers argue that the .≈dhC’G ᫪dÉ©dG ÜôëdG ÜÉ≤YCG »a áHóàæªdG á«°ùfôØdG äÉ£∏°ù∏d name derives from the tribe of Bani Ijel of the Ma’an emirs. ΩÉ©dG »ah ,∫hC’G ¬≤fhQ IOÉ©à°SG ±ó¡H ô°ü≤dG º«eôJ ∫ɪYCG 1926 ΩÉ©dG »a äCGóH The name Ba’aqline was found in an ancient script mentioning á«KGôàdGh á«îjQÉàdG á«æHC’G OôL áëF’ »a É«îjQÉJ AÉæH ô°ü≤dG Gòg ∞æ°U 1934 that the brother of Salah Al-Dine Al-Ayoubi died there in 1209. ¢ù«FôdG ¿Éµa ájQƒ¡ªédG á°SÉFôd »Ø«°üdG ô≤ªdG 1943 ΩÉ©dG øe íÑ°UCGh ,á«fÉæÑ∏dG Ba’aqline has an abundance of wooded areas and is π≤f ºJ 1947 ΩÉ©dG »a ¬fG äÉeƒ∏©ªdG ∫ƒ≤Jh .¬«a ∫õf ¢ù«FQ ∫hCG …QƒîdG IQÉ°ûH characterized by the religious background of its ancient sites, - ¢ùª°T â°ùdG - ≈dhC’G ¬àLhR äÉaQ ÖfÉL ≈dEG øaOh ∫ƒÑ棰SG øe ô«°ûH ô«eC’G äÉaQ among them sarcophagi, cemeteries and shrines. The town RôHG øe ¬≤FGóMh ¬ØëàªH ô°ü≤dG ôÑà©jh Gòg .ô°ü≤dG ΩôM »a OƒLƒªdG øaóªdG »a is famous for the production of oil, soap and distinctive äÉæ«à°ùdG »a ¿Éc ɪc ô°ü≤dG OÉY á∏«∏b äGƒæ°S πÑbh .¿ÉæÑd »a á«MÉ«°ùdG ºdÉ©ªdG handicrafts. Of special interest is the atelier of Artisanat Al- »a á°UÉN ,᫪dÉY äÉfÉLô¡e ¬«a ΩÉ≤J á«aÉ≤Kh á«æa äÉWÉ°ûæd Gõcôe äÉ«æ«©Ñ°ùdGh Chouf, which was established in 1962. .ΩÉY πc øe ÜBGh RƒªJ …ô¡°T A number of figures prominent in Lebanon’s national life – in the political, administrative, legal, medical and other domains The town's name derives from the old Semitic language, – are from Ba’aqline. Today, the town continues to thrive as meaning “the house of adjudication.” However, some argue the economic center of the Chouf area. Its tourist sites include that the name is Arabic, meaning “the house of worship,” a tourist complex, a hotel, and several traditional cafes and since it included a khilweh (holy place) for the Druze, restaurants bordering the Ba’aqline River. according to folklore. Beiteddine is home to the famous palace built by Prince Bachir Al-Chehabi II, who governed Mount Lebanon from 1788 to Barouk ∑hQÉÑdG 1840. The palace's design and structure represent that of Distance from Beirut: 55km º∏c 55 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ 19th century Lebanese architecture. Its construction began in Altitude: 1,080m Ω 1080 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh 1812, at which time it was the principality's headquarters, and continued until 1840, when the prince was exiled, first in Malta .™«HÉæ«dG Iôãc ÖÑ°ùH âfÉc É¡fG ɪHQh ∑QÉѪdG »æ©Jh á«≤«æ«a ᫪°ùàdG and then in Istanbul, where he died in 1850. IôãµH ∂dòch ,á«©«ÑW ᫪ëe ≈dEG âdƒëJ »àdG Iô«¡°ûdG RQC’G áHɨH ∑hQÉÑdG õ«ªàJ Principality rule was dissolved in the year 1842 and the palace ∑hQÉÑdG ¿G ±hô©eh .≥∏£dG AGƒ¡dG »a áeÉ≤ªdG ºYÉ£ªdG É¡dƒM ≥∏ëàJ »àdG É¡©«HÉæj was converted into a headquarters for Ottoman governors. .»fÉæÑ∏dG »æWƒdG ó«°ûædG ∞dDƒe – ¬∏îf ó«°TQ – ±hô©ªdG ôYÉ°ûdG ¢SCGQ §≤°ùe »g In the years 1860-1915, it was used by Mount Lebanon's Ottoman Mutassarif, and after World War I the palace was The origin of the town's name is Phoenician, meaning “the placed under the authority of the French mandate government. blessed.” A distinguishing feature of Barouk is its renowned Restoration work on the palace started in 1926, and by the cedar forest, which has been designated as one of Lebanon's year 1934, it was designated as a historic building and placed nature reserves. Its various springs and open-air restaurants on the list of Lebanese heritage sites. Beiteddine palace went have added to the touristic appeal of the area, along with its on to become a summer residence for the presidency in 1943, status as the birthplace of the Lebanese poet, Rachid Nakhleh under President Bechara Al-Khoury. Later, the remains of Prince (composer of Lebanon's National Anthem), whose burial place Bachir were transferred from Istanbul to the palace boundaries is frequented by tourists. to be placed beside those of his wife, Lady Chams, in 1947. Beiteddine is a valuable touristic site and was used during the sixties and seventies for arts and culture festivals. Beiteddine organizers have resumed this tradition, with internationally recognized events taking place in the months of July and August each year. 71 Deir Al-Qamar 2/2 ôª≤dG ôjO Boutmeh ᪣H 70 Distance from Beirut: 55km º∏c 55 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Altitude: 1,000m Ω 1000 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh â«H `H É¡æY ¢†«©à°SG ≈àM øeõdG øe ¿ôb ¢†ªj ºdh .ÉÄ«°ûa ÉÄ«°T ™LGôàJ ôª≤dG ájôKC’G á«MÉædG øeh .á«Hô©dG á¨∏dG »a ɪc ,º£ÑdG ôé°T »æ©Jh á«fÉjô°S ᫪°ùàdG πÑL ºµëd Gô≤e »fÉãdG »HÉ¡°ûdG ô«°ûH ô«e’G ÉgQÉàNG »àdG IójóédG ᪰UÉ©dG ,øjódG äÉfGƒ«ëd á«©«ÑW äGôéëàeh ôî°üdG »a IQƒØëe áªjób ¢ùjhGƒf Ió∏ÑdG »a óLƒJ .1840 h 1788 »eÉY ø«H ¿ÉæÑd ΩEG áfÉjóæ°S º°SÉH á≤£æªdG »a ±ô©J Iôª©e áfÉjóæ°S ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG ,Iô«ãc äÉJÉÑfh á«KGôàdG á«æHC’Gh Qƒ°ü≤dG É¡«∏Y π£J »àdG É¡àbRCGh É¡JÉbô£H ôª≤dG ôjO πµ°ûJ .§«WGô°T »a Qó°U óbh .â∏N ¿hôb ≈dEG ¬îjQÉJ Oƒ©j ,≥∏£dG AGƒ¡dG »a ÉØëàe áØ∏àîªdG ø««æ©ªdG AGôeC’G Qƒ°ü≤H ᣫëªdG ájôKC’G ≥WÉæªdG êGQOEÉH Ωƒ°Sôe 1945 ΩÉ©dG The town’s name has its origin in both the Syriac and Arabic Ωƒ°Sôe Qó°U 1957 ΩÉ©dG »ah ,ájôKC’G á«æHC’G OôL áëF’ ≈∏Y Ió∏ÑdG »a ø««HÉ¡°ûdGh languages and means “the terebinth tree.” Found there are .»KGôJ ™HÉW äGP Ió∏H ôª≤dG ôjO ôÑà©j ôNCG some old sarcophagi cut into the rocks, animal and plant »ah ,ôª≤dG ôjO »a á«îjQÉàdG á«æHC’G ¢†©H º«eôJ á«∏ªY äÉæ«à°ùdG »a ä CGóH fossils, and an ancient tree known as “The Oak of Oum Al- á≤£æªdGh á«îjQÉàdG á≤£æªdG Oóëj …òdG »¡«LƒàdG §£îªdG ôbCG äÉæ«©Ñ°ùdG Charatit.” äBÉ°ûæªdGh á«æHC’G ádGREG ≈∏Y πª©dGh º«eôàdG äÉ«∏ªY äôªà°SGh ,Ió∏ÑdG »a á«æµ°ùdG 1995 ΩÉ©dG »ah .áªjó≤dG äÉjGô°ùdGh Qƒ°ü≤dG ¬jƒ°ûJ »a âbƒdG Qhôe ™e âÑÑ°ùJ »àdG .»ªdÉ©dG çGôàdG ™bGƒe áëF’ ≈∏Y ôª≤dG ôjO Ió∏H ƒµ°ùfh’G ᪶æe âLQOG Ch’him º«ë°T Distance from Beirut: 45km º∏c 45 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ The name Deir Al-Qamar, meaning Monastery of the Moon, Altitude: 600m Ω 600 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh is attributed to an old folkloric account of the monastery's construction. The story begins with a group of Christian monks .¬«a Ö∏≤dG õcôe πàëJ É¡fG ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG ÜhôîdG º«∏bEG äGó∏H ôÑcG º«ë°T ôÑà©J who discovered a monastery in ruins during the early years of õ«ªàJ .¿ƒ∏dG »a áeÉà≤dGh OGƒ°ùdG √Éæ©eh á«fÉjô°ùdG á¨∏dG ≈dEG ᫪°ùàdG π°UG Oƒ©jh Ma'an rule. It is said that they rebuilt the monastery, located É¡∏∏µJ ¬°ùØf âbƒdG »ah ,πMÉ°ùdG ≈∏Y π£J »HGhQh ∫ÓJ ≈∏Y ™FGôdG É¡©bƒªH º«ë°T at the top of a forest, in the moonlight hours and made their Ωhôc É¡JÉ°†Øîæeh É¡MƒØ°S »£¨J ɪc .AÉà°ûdG π°üa »a êƒ∏ãdGh á«LôëdG äÉHɨdG living during the day. .IôªãªdG QÉé°T’Gh ¿ƒàjõdG Another explanation attributes the name to a rock-carved »fÉehQ ô°üb ÉjÉ≤H óLƒJ å«M ô°ü≤dG á≤£æe »a ôãµJh á«fÉehQ QÉKBG á≤£æªdG »a drawing of the moon on the southern wall of the Saydet äÉ«aõNh ôHÉ≤eh ¢ùjhGƒfh á«£fõ«H á°ù«æch ΩÉNôdG øe IóªYCG ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG ,ºjób Al-Talleh Church. At the time, the word Qamar referred to ∂∏J ¿G ÉgDhGôÑN ócCG óbh QÉKB’G ájôjóe É¡H âeÉb »àdG Ö«≤æàdG äÉ«∏ªY É¡àØ°ûc the Semitic God of Sin, and it is believed by some that the ¿ô≤dG »a …CG – ∂Ñ∏©H á©∏b É¡«a â«æH »àdG É¡æ«Y áÑ≤ëdG »a â«æH ób âfÉc ∫ÓWC’G monastery was built over the temple honoring the god. .OÓ«ª∏d »fÉãdG During the Ottoman era starting in 1516, the rulers of Mount Lebanon ran their affairs from the administrative centers of Ch’him is the largest town and the center of the Iklim Al- Ba'aqline, Beiteddine and Deir Al-Qamar. Prince Fakhreddine Kharroub district. Its name can be traced back to the Syriac Al-Ma'ani II, one of the most prominent Ottoman leaders language, meaning “black and dark in color.” Located in the who extended the frontiers of Mount Lebanon to its present hills overlooking the coast, it is covered with olive and fruit borders, moved the capital from Ba'aqline to Deir Al-Qamar in trees. In its environs are traces of Roman presence, among 1590. He was forced to make the move owing due to a severe them the ruins of a Roman castle. Also found in the area are water shortage in Ba'aqline, and he exercised his rule from the ancient marble pillars, a Byzantine church, and sarcophagi and new capital until his death in 1635. Remnants of his heritage pottery dating to the second century A.D. can still be seen in Deir Al-Qamar today. After the culmination of the Ma'an family's rule at the end of the 17th century, the significance of the area began to Deir Al-Qamar 1/2 ôª≤dG ôjO diminish gradually, and in less than one century, Beiteddine Distance from Beirut: 35km º∏c 35 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ replaced Deir Al-Qamar as the capital of Mount Lebanon. Altitude: 850m Ω 850 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh Prince Bachir Al-Chehabi II, who designated the transfer, used Beiteddine as his administrative headquarters from 1788 to áj’h ájGóH »a ¬fG ÉgOÉØe á«Ñ©°T ájɵM ≈dEG óæà°ùJ ᫪°ùàdG ¿G ø«ãMÉÑdG ¢†©H ∫ƒ≤j 1840. »dÉYCG »a ™≤J áHÉZ »a Ωó¡e ôjO ÉjÉ≤H ≈∏Y ¿ÉÑgôdG øe ∞«Ød ôãY ø««æ©ªdG AGôeC’G With its distinctive, narrow streets that overlook historic GƒfÉc º¡fCG å«M ,ôª≤dG Aƒ°V ≈∏Y π«∏dG »a ¬FÉæH IOÉYEG ≈∏Y ¿ƒ∏ª©j GƒMGôa Ió∏ÑdG buildings and palaces, Deir Al-Qamar is practically an open-air ôjO ᫪°ùàdG â≤∏£fG Éæg øeh ,º¡°û«Y áª≤d Ö°ùµd QÉ¡ædG »a πª©∏d øjô£°†e museum that dates back several centuries. A decree issued PƒNCÉe º°S’G ¿G ¿hôNBG ¿ƒNQDƒe ∫Ébh .É¡∏c Ió∏ÑdG πª°û«d º°S’G óàeG ºK ôª≤dG in 1945 designated the areas around the Ma'an and Chehab ,á∏àdG Ió«°S á°ù«æµd »HƒæédG §FÉëdG »a Iôî°U ≈∏Y á°Tƒ≤æe âfÉc ôªb IQƒ°U øe palaces as Lebanese heritage sites, followed by another ôjódG »æH …òdG ø«°S ø««eÉ°ùdG ¬dG óÑ©e ≈∏Y ≥∏£J ∑GòfBG âfÉc ôªb áª∏c ¿G å«M decree in 1957, which characterized Deir Al-Qamar as a city .¬°VÉ≤fCG ≈∏Y »ë«°ùªdG with a special heritage character. ºgRôHCGh ,¿ÉæÑd πÑL ΩɵM ¿Éc 1560 ΩÉ©dG »a CGóH …òdG »fɪã©dG ó¡©dG ∫ÓN The repair of historic buildings in Deir Al-Qamar began in ¬Jô£«°S §°ùHh ¬ªµM á©bQ ™«°SƒJ ≈dEG π°UƒJ …òdG »fÉãdG »æ©ªdG øjódG ôîa ô«e’G the sixties, with urban planning directives in the seventies ¿hôjój ,ô°UÉ©ªdG ¿ÉæÑd É¡æe πµ°ûàj »àdG »°VGQ’Gh ≥WÉæªdG ´ƒªée õgÉæj Ée ≈∏Y identifying the historic sites and living areas in the city. On this ¬fG ±ó°Uh .øjódG â«H h ôª≤dG ôjO h ø«∏≤©H »a º¡ªµM õcGôe øe OÓÑdG ¿hDƒ°T basis, repair and restoration works took place, leading to the øe ƒµ°ûJ ø«∏≤©H ¬àª°UÉY âfÉc 1590 ΩÉ©dG »a ºµëdG Ió°S ô«eC’G Gòg ≈≤JQG ø«M removal of structures that had tarnished the appearance of the ôª≤dG ôjO ≈dEG ᪰UÉ©dG π≤f ≈dEG ¬H ™aO …òdG ôeC’G ,¬æe ÉgOQGƒe á∏bh √É«ªdG í°T old palaces and serails. áªFÉb √QÉKCG ¢†©H ∫GõJ ’h ,1635 ΩÉ©dG »a ¬JÉah ≈àM É¡æe ºµëdG ¢SQÉe å«M In 1995, Deir Al-Qamar was placed on UNESCO's list of World .Ωƒ«dG ≈àM ∑Éæg Heritage Sites. ôjO ᫪gCG äòNG ô°ûY ™HÉ°ùdG ¿ô≤dG äÉjÉ¡f »a á«æ©ªdG Iô°SC’G ºéf ∫ƒaCG AóH ™e 73 Kfarhim º«MôØc Jeba’a ´ÉÑL 72 Distance from Beirut: 28km º∏c 28 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Distance from Beirut: 70km º∏c 70 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Altitude: 550m Ω 550 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh Altitude: 1,200m Ω 1200 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh √òg »a ¿ƒÑ≤æªdG ôãY óbh áLhõdG ÜG …CG - ≈ªëdG â«H »æ©J á«eGQBG º«M ôØc áª∏c .áÑ°†¡dGh á∏àdGh ,πÑédG »æ©Jh á«eGQB’G á¨∏dG ≈dEG É¡dƒ°UCG Oƒ©J Ió∏ÑdG √òg ᫪°ùJ á«©«ÑW IQɨe ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG Gòg .áªjób á«æHCG ÉjÉ≤Hh ájôKCG ô°UÉ©eh ¢ùjhGƒf ≈∏Y Ió∏ÑdG á£ëe »fÉehôdG ó¡©dG òæeh IôHɨdG ΩÉjC’G »a â∏µ°T ´ÉÑL ¿G É«îjQÉJ ±hô©ªdG øeh .áªjób 䃫Hh äGƒ∏îdG øe OóYh .Qƒ°TBG OÓH ≈dEG Gó«°U øe øjôHÉ©∏d áMGôà°SG ÖFGôN ÉjÉ≤H ¢†jô©dG á≤£æe »a óLƒJh ájôKC’G ™bGƒªdG øe ójó©dG ´ÉÑL »a óLƒj The name can be traced back to the Aramaic language, »fÉehQ óÑ©e ÉjÉ≤H ≈∏Y ôãY ó≤a iôNCG á¡L øeh .É¡îjQÉJ ójóëJ Ö©°üj áªjób meaning “the house of the wife’s father.” Sites of interest QƒÑ©e á∏ëe »a ó¡©dG áªjób ¢ùjhGƒf ≈∏Yh áHôîdG á∏ëe »a QÉKB’G ¢†©Hh ºjób include ancient sarcophagi and rock-cut presses, as well as a .ôî°üdG »a áJƒëæªdG Öæ©dG ô°UÉ©eh áªjób ájôKCG AÉe ø«Y ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG ,…OGƒdG number of Khilweh (Druze place of worship) and a cave. The origin of the town’s name is Aramaic, meaning “the mountain, hill or elevation.” In Roman times it was a caravan Ma'aser Al-Chouf ±ƒ°ûdG ô°UÉ©e stop and provided resthouse accommodations for people Distance from Beirut: 58km º∏c 58 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ traveling from Sidon to Syria. Altitude: 1,150m Ω 1150 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh Archeological sites in Jeba’a include a Roman temple and some ancient sarcophagi, as well as grape presses cut into √òg »a Öæ©dG ô°UÉ©e Iôãc ≈dEG Oƒ©J á«HôY ᫪°ùàdG ¿G á«∏ëªdG äÉjhôªdG ∫ƒ≤J the rocks. .áeôµdÉH áYhQõe âfÉc É¡«°VGQCG º¶©e ¿G ɪ∏Y Ió∏ÑdG óbh ô°UÉ©ªdG RQCG áHÉZ √ƒ°ùµJ …òdG ô°UÉ©ªdG πÑéH áWÉëe ±ƒ°ûdG ô°UÉ©e Ió∏H ≈∏Y á∏£ªdG ∑hQÉÑdG Éë«f ∫ÉÑL á∏°ù∏°S áªb ≈∏Y øe .á«©«ÑW ᫪ëe É¡Ø«æ°üJ ºJ Joun ¿ƒL πª°ûj ™FGQ »©«ÑW ô¶æªH ™àªà°ùj ¿G AôªdG ™«£à°ùj Gôàe 1940 ´ÉØJQG øe Ió∏ÑdG Distance from Beirut: 45km º∏c 45 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ ¥É°ûY øe QGhõdGh ìGƒ°ùdG ™é°ûj ɪe Gògh ,¿ƒYô≤dG Iô«ëHh »fÉ£«∏dG ô¡fh ´É≤ÑdG Altitude: 375m Ω 375 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh .¿ÉµªdG IQÉjR ≈∏Y á©«Ñ£dG ɡ૪°ùJ π°UG ¿ƒãMÉÑdG Oôjh ,OÓ«ªdG πÑb 50 ΩÉ©dG ≈dEG Ió∏ÑdG √òg ïjQÉJ Oƒ©j Traditional folklore attributes the name Ma'aser Al-Chouf to the äÉHÉZ óLGƒàJ å«M á«©«Ñ£dG É¡æcÉeÉH ¿ƒL õ«ªàJ .ájhGR √Éæ©eh á«eGQB’G á¨∏dG ≈dEG town's numerous grape presses and vine-cultivated lands. ø«Y h ÉàëàdG ø«Y h ÉbƒØdG ø«Y h ¿ƒ«©dG ™«HÉæj :πãe ™«HÉæ«dG øe ójó©dGh ôHƒæ°üdG This village is surrounded by Mount Al-Ma'aser, an area covered ¢†©Hh ᪣ëe ¢ùjhGƒfh ájQÉîa »fGhG º°†J IQɨe 18 ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG Gòg ,¿hô«M with cedar trees that are an extension of the Ma'aser cedar . ójóëdG ô«eÉ°ùªdG forest, and also classified as a nature reserve. The Niha-Barouk Ió«°S »gh - ܃¡fÉà°S ôà°SG …ó«∏dG ô°üb ÉjÉ≤H ∑Éæ¡a ájôKC’G ™bGƒªdG å«M øe mountain range, which overlooks the village, reaches a height of âdGR Éeh ,1839 ΩÉ©dG »a É¡JÉah ≈àM ô°ü≤dG Gòg »a â°TÉY á∏«Ñf á«fÉ£jôH 1,940 meters above sea level. From that point, onlookers can ¬H §«ëJ âfÉc …òdG Égô°üb hCG - ájôéëdG É¡JQGO ∫ÓWCÉH ßØàëJ ¿ƒL Ió∏H view the Beqa'a valley, Litani River and Lake Qaraoun. ój äóàeG ¿ÉæÑd »a á«∏gC’G ÜôëdG ∫ÓNh ,ΩÉjC’G ∂∏J äGQGO QGôZ ≈∏Y ≥FGóëdG á«Hô©dÉH ΩƒbôªdG √ógÉ°T âdGRCGh ܃¡fÉà°S …ó«∏dG øaóe âHôîa çGôàdÉH ø«ãHÉ©dG .ájõ«∏µf’Gh Mrousti »à°Sôe OóY ≈dEG áaÉ°VEG Gòg ,¿ƒL ïjQÉJ ábGôY ≈∏Y ∫ój É«£fõ«Hk GóÑ©ek É°†jCG Ió∏ÑdG …ƒëJ Distance from Beirut: 67km º∏c 67 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ .óé°ùeh ¢ùFÉæc çÓKh ¢ü∏îªdG ôjO πãe á«æjódG õcGôªdG øe Altitude: 1,250m Ω 1250 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh The town’s name derives from the Aramaic language, πµ°ûJ Ωó≤dG òæe »à°Sôe âfÉc .áKhQƒªdG »æ©Jh á«≤«æ«ØdG á¨∏dG ≈dEG ᫪°ùàdG Oƒ©J meaning “corner.” Joun has a wonderful natural environment ΩÉ°ûdG ≈àM ´É≤ÑdÉH ±ƒ°ûdGh Gó«°U π°üj …òdG »HGôàdG ≥jô£dG ≈∏Y á«°ù«FQ á£ëe characterized by pine forests and a number of springs. There Iô¡°T ÜÉë°UG ÉgAÉæHG π©L Ée Gòg π©dh . Iô¨ãdG hCG »∏ÑédG ôªªdÉH ≈ª°ùj Ée ôÑY are 18 grottos in which remnants of ancient pottery and ™°SÉ°ûdG êôëdG ∂dP »à°Sôe »a áHÓîdG á«©«Ñ£dG ôXÉæªdG øe .áaÉ«°†dG Ωôc »a sarcophagi have been found. Also to be seen in the town are a QÉKB’G ≈dG áaÉ°VE’ÉH Gòg ,áæ°S »ØdC’G É¡°†©H ôªY RhÉéàj »àdG ¿Éjóæ°ùdG QÉé°TCG øe Byzantine shrine, three churches and a mosque. ,Qƒ¡°ûªdG Éà«©L ™Ñf h á©«°†dG ¢VQG h ÉàëàdG ø«Y πãe áªjó≤dG á«£fõ«ÑdGh á«fÉehôdG The most important site in Joun is the house of Lady Hester .•ÓÑæL ô«°ûH ï«°ûdG ø«Yh Stanhope, a member of British aristocracy, who left England ±ô©Jh ΩÉY 500 øe ôãcCG ≈dEG É¡îjQÉJ ™Lôj áªjób Iƒ∏N ≈æÑe É°†jCG Ió∏ÑdG √òg »ah in 1810 to seek adventure in the East, settled permanently .¥OÉ°üdG ï«°ûdG Iƒ∏N º°SÉH in Lebanon, and remained there until her death in 1839. The house today lies in ruins, its gardens full of wild flowers and The town’s name is derived from the Phoenician language, meaning weeds; and the stone tomb of Lady Stanhope, which was the “inherited.” Mrousti once was a major terminal on the road vandalized during the Lebanese war, no longer bears the linking the coastal town of Sidon to the Chouf, the Beqa’a and inscriptions that had marked her grave. Syria through a passage known as the “mountainous passage of Al-Thaghra.” This ancient “highway” location led to the Mrousti residents becoming well known for their hospitality to strangers. An outstanding feature of the town is its vast forest of oak trees, some of which are more than 2,000 years old. Of interest are some ancient Roman and Byzantine remains, such as Ain Al-Tahta and Ard Al-Daya’a, as well as the famous Jeita Spring and Ain Al-Sheikh Bechir Jumblatt. The town also has a 500-year-old Khilweh (a Druze religious meeting place), known as Khilwet Al-Sheikh Al-Sadek. Niha Éë«f 74 Distance from Beirut: 68km º∏c 68 ähô«H øY ó©ÑJ Altitude: 1,050-1,850m Ω1850–1050 ôëÑdG í£°S øY ™ØJôJh á∏£e á∏J ¥ƒa .º«∏ëdGh íjôà°ùªdGh ÇOÉ¡dG »æ©Jh á«fÉjô°ùdG á¨∏dG ≈dEG Oƒ©J ᫪°ùàdG Éëjô°V º°†j É«Ñ°ùf ó¡©dG åjóM AÉæH º«bG ¥ô°ûdG á¡L øe á«aƒ°ûdG Éë«f ájôb ≈∏Y »a Iô«¡°ûdG äGQGõªdG øe ƒgh ,܃jCG »ÑædG ΩÉ≤e RhQódG øjóMƒªdG ó«dÉ≤J »a ôÑà©j QhɨªdG øe GOóY …ƒëàa IQhÉéªdG á«Lƒdƒ«édG äÉfƒµàdG ÉeCG .É¡∏c á≤£æªdGh ¿ÉæÑd »a ôØM ∞¡c É¡æ«H øe ,ÉgOGóYEG »a ¿É°ùfE’G º¡°SCG »àdG ∂∏Jh á«©«Ñ£dG ±ƒ¡µdGh º°SÉH ±ôYh 1260 - 1165 á«Ñ«∏°üdG ÜhôëdG ¿ÉHCG áæ«°üM á©∏b ¿ƒµ«d Qƒî°üdG »fÉãdG øjódG ôîa ô«eC’G ¿G á«∏ëªdG äÉjhôªdG ∫ƒ≤J .¿hô«J ∞«≤°T hCG Éë«f á©∏b á≤«≤ëdG ÉeCG ,ø««fɪã©dG øe ÉHôg 1635 ΩÉ©dG »a ∞¡µdG Gòg ≈dEG CÉéd »æ©ªdG OóëJh Rɪbôb ô«eC’G – øjódG ôîa ódGƒH AÉÑàN’Gh Aƒé∏dG áKOÉM §Hôàa á«îjQÉàdG á°ù«æc Éë«f Ió∏H »a óLƒàa áªjó≤dG QÉKB’G á«MÉf øe ÉeCG .1584 ΩÉ©dÉH ïjQÉàdG á©WÉ≤dG ø«Y º°SÉH ±ô©j AÉe π«Ñ°S óLƒj ɪc ∞°Sƒj ¢ùjó≤dG º°SG πªëJ áªjób .¿ÉæÑd »a á«îjQÉàdGh ájôKC’G á«æHC’G OôL áëF’ ≈∏Y áLQóe ºdÉ©ªdG √òg ™«ªLh The name Niha , which has its origin in the Syriac language, means “the calm, relaxed and patient.” Located on a hill overlooking the Chouf town of Niha from the East is a relatively modern structure that is reputed to house the burial site of Nabi Ayoub (Job), according to Druze legend. As such, it is one of the most well-recognized and frequented destinations for the Druze of the Chouf and the rest of Lebanon. Neighboring geological formations include a number of natural and man-made caves. Among them is a cave fortress that was cut into a cliff during the Crusades in 1165-1260, known as Niha Castle or the Shakif Tiron. According to local tradition, Prince Fakhreddine Al-Ma'ani II took refuge in the cave when fleeing from the Ottomans in 1635. However, the more accurate historical version links the event with the prince's father, Prince Korkomaz, in 1584. Niha is also home to the St. Joseph Church and the Ain Al-Qat'ah spring, which are included in Lebanon's historical and heritage list.

äGó∏Ñ∏d ô«JÉîªdGh äÉjó∏ÑdG ,áMÉ«°ùdG IQGRh øe πc ∫ɪYCGh Oƒ¡L Qó≤fh ôµ°ûf áYƒ°Sƒe" h áëjôa ¢ù«fC’ "á«fÉæÑ∏dG äGó∏ÑdGh iô≤dG ºé©e" ÜÉàc ,áLQóªdG iô≤dGh .êôØe »fƒ£d "¿ÉæÑd ¿óeh iôb We acknowledge the efforts and works of the Ministry of Tourism, the municipalities and mayors of listed towns and villages, “Mo’ajam Al-Qoura wal Baldat Al-Lubnaniyya” by Anis Freiha, and “Mawsou’at Qoura wa Modon Libnan” by Tony Moufarrej.