PCHR Palestinian Centre for Human Rights LTD (non-profit) http://www.pchrgaza.org ______

Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

A Palestinian woman standing at the closed Rafah crossing

19– 25 February 2009

NO 08-2009

Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Continue Systematic Attacks against Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) and Continue to Impose a Total Siege on the

• A Palestinian child from the Gaza Strip died of injuries he had sustained during the latest IOF offensive on the Gaza Strip.

• 19 , mostly civilians, including eight children and a journalist, were injured by IOF gunfire in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

• IOF warplanes bombed targets in the Gaza Strip.

• There were intensive IOF air strikes on the border between Gaza and Egypt, and forcible evacuation of Palestinian civilians living in the area.

• IOF conducted 35 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and one into the Gaza Strip.

• IOF arrested 42 Palestinian civilians, including six children and one woman.

• An IOF military dog bit the ear and shoulder of a 98-year-old Palestinian civilian.

• A number of houses were damaged during IOF house raids.

• Offices belonging to a radio station and a house were taken over by the IOF and used as military sites.

• Three houses were severely damaged in the central Gaza Strip.

• IOF have continued to impose a total siege on the OPT and have isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world.

• IOF troops positioned at military checkpoints in the West Bank arrested four Palestinian civilians, including two children.

• IOF have continued settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

• Israeli settlers broke into the Prophet Joseph Shrine in Nablus and launched a series of attacks in Hebron.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 1 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009


Israeli violations of international law and humanitarian law continued in the OPT during the reporting period (19-25 February 2009):

Shooting: During the reporting period, a Palestinian child died of injuries sustained during the latest IOF offensive on the Gaza Strip. The IOF also injured 17 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 8 children and a journalist, in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

In the West Bank, on 20 February, a Palestinian civilian was injured in Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron, when IOF troops moved into the village, following and firing at Palestinian children who allegedly threw stones at military vehicles.

During the reporting period, 14 Palestinian civilians, including 7 children, were injured when IOF used force against peaceful demonstrations organised in protest of the construction of the Annexation Wall.

In the Gaza Strip, on 24 February, 'Abdullah Nabeel Sha'ban Esleem, 17, died of injuries he had sustained during the IOF offensive on the Gaza Strip. According to PCHR's documentation, Esleem was injured in his home on 15 January 2009 when IOF warplanes bombed a neighbouring house belonging to Eyad Siam in order to assassinate Sa'id Siam, a senior leader. The attacks killed Siam and nine others. Esleem had been receiving medical treatment in Egypt.

On 19 February a Palestinian journalist was injured in Rafah when IOF warplanes bombed the Egyptian border, south of the town. On 24 February a Palestinian child was injured in Khuza'a village, east of Khan Yunis, when IOF fired at a number of Palestinian civilians who were near the remains of their destroyed homes. On 23 February, two members of the Palestinian resistance were injured during an IOF incursion into al-Musaddar village in the central Gaza Strip.

Incursions: During the reporting period, IOF conducted at least 35 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank. They arrested 42 Palestinian civilians, including six children. IOF also transformed offices of a local radio in Nablus and a house in al-Khader village near Bethlehem into military sites. During house raids, IOF damaged a number of houses. Additionally, an IOF military dog bit the ear and shoulder of a 98-year-old man in Tammoun village near Tubas.

Restrictions on Movement: IOF have continued to impose a blockade on the OPT and imposed severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

IOF have continued to close all border crossings to the Gaza Strip for over two years. The IOF siege and economic blockade of Gaza, which has steadily tightened since June 2007, has had a devastating impact on the humanitarian and economic situation in the Gaza Strip.

• 1.5 million people are being denied their basic rights, including freedom of movement, and their rights to appropriate living conditions, work, health and education.

• The main concern of 1.5 million people living in the Gaza Strip is to obtain their basic needs of food, medicines, water and electricity supplies.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 2 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

• The majority of the civilian population lack access to drinking water.

• Electricity is cut off for hundreds of thousands of Gazan civilians for around 8-12 hours a day, which has affected at least 500,000 students in various stages of education who are currently having exams.

• The UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was repeatedly forced to suspend its humanitarian aid delivery program to at least 750,000 Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip.

• The Rafah International Crossing Point was opened for a few days to allow a number of patients who had received medical treatment abroad to return home to the Gaza Strip.

• IOF have continued to close Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing for Palestinian civilians wishing to travel to the West Bank and for medical treatment, trade or social visits.

• IOF have imposed additional restrictions on international diplomats, journalists and humanitarian workers requiring access to the Gaza Strip. They have prevented representatives of several international humanitarian organizations from entering the Gaza Strip.

• Health conditions in the Gaza Strip have deteriorated and all medical facilities have been affected, particularly medical equipment that is operated by electricity. Dozens of medicines have been unavailable.

• The lives of premature babies have been endangered by power cuts that affect neonatal units run on electricity.

• Living conditions for Palestinian civilians have deteriorated; unemployment and poverty levels have risen sharply.

• At least 900 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails have been denied family visitation rights for over 17 months.

West Bank

IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians throughout the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. Thousands of Palestinian civilians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip continue to be denied access to Jerusalem.

• IOF have established checkpoints in and around Jerusalem, severely restricting Palestinian access to the city. Civilians are frequently prevented from praying at the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

• There are approximately 630 permanent roadblocks, manned and unmanned checkpoints across the West Bank. In addition, there are some 60-80 ‘flying’ or temporary checkpoints erected across the West Bank by IOF every week.

• When completed, the illegal Annexation Wall will stretch for 724 kilometers around the West Bank, further isolating the entire population. 350 kilometers of the wall has already been constructed. Approximately 99% of the wall has been constructed inside the West Bank itself, further confiscating Palestinian land.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 3 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

• At least 65% of the main roads leading to 18 Palestinian communities in the West Bank are closed or fully controlled by IOF (47 out of 72 roads).

• There are around 500 kilometers of roads throughout the West Bank that Palestinians are restricted from using. In addition, approximately one third of the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem, is inaccessible to Palestinians without a permit issued by the IOF. These permits are extremely difficult to obtain.

• IOF continue to harass, and assault demonstrators who hold peaceful protests against the construction of the Annexation Wall.

• Palestinian civilians continue to be harassed by IOF in Jerusalem, and across the West Bank, including being regularly stopped and searched in the street.

• During the reporting period, IOF troops positioned at military checkpoints in the West Bank arrested four Palestinian civilians, including two children.

Judaization of Jerusalem: IOF have escalated arbitrary measures against Palestinian civilians in East Jerusalem to force them to leave the city. During the reporting period, the Israeli Municipality of Jerusalem ordered 88 Palestinian civilians living in al-Bustan quarter in Silwan village, south of the old town of Jerusalem, to evacuate their homes, which were to be demolished allegedly because they had been built without permits. According to the al-Bustan committee, 130 families – a total of 1,500 people of which 65% are children – live in these homes. On 22 February IOF stormed the solidarity tent set up by the al-Kurd family near their house that was seized by IOF on 19 November 2008. They threw out the tent's contents and tore it down. The IOF had already torn down four tents set up by the family in the area.

Settlement Activities: IOF have continued settlement activities and Israeli settlers living in the OPT have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property, in violation of international humanitarian law. On 23 February a number of Israeli settlers, escorted by IOF troops, broke into the Prophet Joseph shrine east of Nablus, and conducted religious ceremonies for several hours. On the same day, Israeli settlers living in a settlement outpost in the centre of Hebron cut off electricity supplies throughout Hebron and launched a series of attacks against Palestinian houses in the centre and south of the town. They used stones and empty bottles in their attacks. A number of houses were damaged. IOF troops were present in the area, but did not intervene to stop the attacks.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 4 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

Israeli Violations Documented during the Reporting Period (19-25 February 2009)

1. Incursions into Palestinian Areas and Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip

Thursday, 19 February 2009

• At approximately 00:30, IOF moved into Dura village, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched a number of houses, but no arrests were reported.

• Also at approximately 00:30, IOF moved into al-Zahitiya village, southwest of Hebron. They raided and searched a number of houses, but no arrests were reported.

• At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Yatta village, south of Hebron. They raided and searched a number of houses, but no arrests were reported.

• At approximately 01:05, IOF moved into Ya'bad village, southwest of Jenin. They raided and searched a number of houses and shops selling agricultural fertilizers and insecticides and confiscated some goods.

• At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Nablus and the neighbouring 'Ein Beit al-Maa' refugee camp. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested four Palestinian civilians: 1. Mahmoud Taher Samaru, 22; 2. Na'el Khamis 'Awadh, 24; 3. Ashraf Tahseen al-Kurdi, 22; 4. Marwan Mahmoud Hamda, 25.

• Also at approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Northern 'Assira village, north of Nablus. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested three Palestinian civilians: 1. 'Alaa' 'Awad al-Shouli, 31; 2. 'Ammar Mahmoud Jarar'a, 25; 3. Ubai Hassan Hamadna, 22.

• At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into al-'Arroub refugee camp, north of Hebron. They raided and searched a number of houses, but no arrests were reported.

• At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Yassouf village, northeast of Salfit. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of As'ad Ahmed Yassin, 19, and arrested him.

• At approximately 12:40, IOF warplanes bombed the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, near Yebna refugee camp and al-Salam neighborhood. The bombardment continued for approximately 40 minutes, and as a result 'Aadel Ahmed Zo'rob, 35, a correspondent for local radio station al-Aqsa, was injured by shrapnel to the right leg.

Friday, 20 February 2009

• At approximately 02:00, IOF, accompanied by military dogs, moved into Tammoun village, southeast of Tubas. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested two Palestinian civilians:

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 5 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

1. Na'el 'Ouda Bani 'Ouda, 24; 2. Mohammed Mustafa Bani 'Ouda, 23.

During house raids, an Israeli military dog snapped at the body and ear of Salem Fadel Bani 'Ouda, 98. In his testimony to PCHR, the victim's grandson, Bilal Khader Bani 'Ouda, 22, said:

"At approximately 02:00 on Friday, 20 February, I received a phone call from a friend of mine who told me that IOF troops were near our house. I looked through the northern window seeing a number of IOF soldiers near the house. Approximately 15 minutes later, I heard sounds of 4 successive explosions in the yard, so all members of my family woke up. My grandfather, Salem Fadel Bani 'Ouda, 98, was in a room opposite our rooms. We all gathered in my room, except my grandfather. Five minutes later, I looked through the window and I saw soldiers knocking the door of our neighbour, Na'el Bani 'Ouda. Later, a sound bomb was detonated onto the yard of that house. Soon after, we heard of intensive shooting near our house, which continued for nearly 10. We then could no longer hear the movement of soldiers near the house. My father looked through the window, but did not see anything. He opened the door and went to my grandfather's room to check on him. I followed him. When we entered the room, we found my grandfather bleeding from the face, the shoulder and the left ear. My father asked him who did that to him. My grandfather said that the soldiers brought a black dog into the room and let it snap at him. The dog bit my grandfather's ear. While we were listening to my grandfather, we were surprised by at least 8 soldiers entering the room. One of them moved towards my grandfather and dressed his injuries using a white piece of cloth.”

• At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of 'Ali Ahmed Qouqas, 22, and arrested him.

• At approximately 06:00, an IOF undercover unit moved into Qabatya village, southeast of Jenin, traveling in a civilian vehicle. The vehicle stopped near the main market in the west of the village. Three IOF soldiers got out of it and abducted Husni Mohammed Zakarna, 24, and took him to an unknown location.

• In the afternoon, IOF moved into 'Assida area in the east of Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron. They chased a number of Palestinian boys claiming that they had thrown stones at IOF military vehicles traveling on the main road near the village. IOF troops raided and damaged two houses and a grocery shop and took positions on the rooftops of a number of houses. They also stopped and harassed civilians in the streets. Soon, a number of Palestinian boys gathered and threw stones at an IOF soldier, who immediately opened fire. As a result, Ziad Mohammed al-'Allami, 21, was injured by a gunshot to the left foot. IOF troops also arrested two Palestinian civilians, including a disabled one: Fadi Sa'id Sabarna, 23; and Bahjat Mohammed al-'Alama, 19.

• In the night, IOF moved into Beit Ummar village, north of Hebron. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Ahmed 'Ali 'Awadh, 17, and arrested him.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

• At approximately 00:30, IOF moved into Beit Fajjar village, south of Bethlehem. They raided and searched a number of houses and fired illuminating flash bombs. A flash bomb fell onto a house belonging to As'ad Mahmoud Dairiya and fire broke out, but no casualties were reported. IOF troops also took Mohammed Maher Jouda, 25, for questioning.

• At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into al-Far'a refugee camp, south of Tubas. They raided and searched a number of houses, but no arrests were reported.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 6 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

• At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into 'Arraba village, southwest of Jenin. They raided and searched a number of houses, but no arrests were reported.

• At approximately 06:30, IOF moved into al-Khader village, southwest of Bethlehem. They raided a house belonging to Khalil Marzouq Salah and turned it into a military site.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

• At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Zeita village, north of Tulkarem. They raided and searched a number of houses, but no arrests were reported.

• At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into Masliya village, south of Jenin. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of Mohammed 'Abdul Rahim Abu al-Rub, 16, and arrested him.

• At approximately 10:00, IOF moved into Ramallah. They raided Sunokrot factory of foodstuffs and questioned workers individually. No arrests were reported.

• At approximately 12:15, IOF moved into Tulkarem. They took positions in a number of areas and stopped and checked Palestinian civilians. No arrests were reported.

Monday, 23 February 2009

• At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Bethlehem. They raided and searched a house belonging to the family of 'Adli Balaha, 24, and arrested him.

• At approximately 07:00, an IOF infantry unit moved nearly 200 meters into al-Mussaddar village in the central Gaza Strip. Armed clashes erupted between Palestinian resistance activists and IOF troops. Israeli aircraft then fired three missiles at the area. One missile hit and destroyed a vehicle belonging to resistance activists, another one hit resistance activists and injured two of them, whereas the third one hit a house belonging to Sa'id Ghaleb al-Tarabin, heavily damaging it and two neighboring houses. IOF troops withdrew from the village at approximately 08:30.

• At approximately 23:00, IOF moved into Ethna village, west of Hebron. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested Hatem Mahmoud al-Kharouf, 37.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

• At approximately 00:00, IOF moved into al-Khader village, southwest of Bethlehem. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested Marwan Mohammed Abu Ghalyoun, 25.

• At approximately 00:15, IOF moved into Nablus. They raided and searched a house belonging to 'Imad Khaled Qandeel, allegedly searching for weapons, and they blew up parts of the house. IOF troops also arrested two of Qandeel's sons: Ghazi, 20; and Samer, 18. At approximately 09:00, the two sons were released. During this incursion, IOF troops raided offices belonging to Asia Television. They held the staff of the radio and residents of the buildings in two rooms and transformed the offices into a military site. IOF also blew up doors of a number of shops in al-Nasser Street in the Old City area of Nablus.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 7 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

• At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Sa'ir village, northeast of Hebron. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested four Palestinian civilians: 1. Murad Ziad al-Froukh, 21; 2. 'Essam Bassem al-Froukh, 18; 3. Jalal Ahmed Jabarin, 21; 4. Ayman Mahmoud Jaradat, 25.

• At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Jenin town and refugee camp. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 'Abdul Karim Zahi al-Sa'di, 29.

• Also at approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Kufor Dan village, west of Jenin. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested Murad Tawfiq 'Aabed, 25.

• At approximately 02:30, IOF moved into Qabatya village, southeast of Jenin. They raided and searched a number of houses, but no arrests were reported.

• At approximately 16:45, IOF troops positioned at the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel to the east of Khuza'a village, east of Khan Yunis, opened fire at a number of Palestinian civilians who were near the rubble of their homes that had been destroyed by IOF during the offensive on the Gaza Strip. As a result, Wafaa' Jihad al-Najjar, 16, was injured by a gunshot to the left leg. It is worth noting that the child's brother was killed by IOF troops nearly one month ago.

• In the evening, medical sources at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City reported that 'Abdullah Nabeel Sha'ban Esleem, 17, died of wounds he had sustained during the IOF offensive on the Gaza Strip. According to PCHR's documentation, Esleem was injured on 15 January 2009 while at home when IOF warplanes bombed a neighboring house belonging to Eyad Siam in order to assassinate Sa'id Siam, a senior leader of Hamas. The attacks killed Siam and nine others. Esleem had been receiving medical treatment in Egypt.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

• At approximately 00:30, IOF moved into Hebron. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested Mohammed Mahdi al-Ja'bari, 20.

• At approximately 01:00, IOF moved into Kharabtha al-Musbah village, west of Ramallah. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested 12 Palestinian civilians, including four children: 1. Adeeb Fareed Sammour, 19; 2. Fayez Hassan Harfoush, 18; 3. Mohammed Fayez Harfoush, 17; 4. Tha'er Mahmoud Kisba, 17; 5. 'Abdullah Mahmoud Kisba, 20; 6. Ibrahim Mohammed Kisba, 18; 7. Hani Mohammed Harfoush, 19; 8. Mustafa Hamdi al-Hubal, 17; 9. Mohammed Subhi al-Hubal, 18; 10. Nemer Mohammed Harfoush, 19; 11. Ayman Hisham Harfoush, 20; 12. Nidal Shareef al-Hubal, 17.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 8 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

• At approximately 01:15, IOF moved into 'Aaroura village, north of Ramallah. They raided and searched a number of houses, but no arrests were reported.

• At approximately 01:30, IOF moved into Bethlehem. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested Ussaid Hassan al-Wardian, 50.

• Also at approximately 01:30, IOF moved into al-'Asakra village, east of Bethlehem. They raided and searched a number of houses and arrested Salah Sami 'Arida, 19.

• At approximately 02:00, IOF moved into al-Yamoun village, west of Jenin. They raided and searched a house belonging to Bajes Hamdiya, who is allegedly wanted. Hamdiya was not at home at the time. No arrests were reported.

• From 13:10 to 14:00, IOF warplanes bombarded the Egyptian border, south of Rafah, near Yebna refugee camp, Salah al-Din Gate and al-Salam neighborhood. No casualties were reported, but Palestinian civilians were extremely shaken by the incidents.

2. Continued Siege on the OPT

IOF have continued to impose a siege on the OPT and severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem.

Gaza Strip

IOF continue to impose a total siege on the 1.5 million civilians of the Gaza Strip. The border crossings of the Strip have been closed for more than two years as part of IOF’s policy of collective punishment, imposing severe restrictions on the movement of civilians and goods. As a result, the territory is unable to secure basic foods, medicine, and other supplies, and the poverty rate now stands at more 80%.

The tightening siege has led to the collapse of the Gaza Strip’s economy. Most production facilities have ceased to operate due to the restrictions on movement of goods and individuals. With regard to Rafah International Crossing Point on the Egyptian border, the Egyptian authorities have started to open it on a limited basis for some patients. IOF allow a very limited number of seriously ill patients and staff of international organizations to pass through Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing. IOF have also prevented families of at least 900 Palestinians detained in Israeli jails from visiting them since 6 June 2007.

The continued Israeli ban on fuel supplies required for civilian life in the Gaza Strip has led to the paralysis of the educational sector. Healthcare facilities have registered a drop in clients due to the transport crisis, and hundreds of healthcare professionals have been unable to reach their work places.

The closure of border crossings deprives the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip of their right to freedom of movement, education and health. IOF also continue to impose severe restrictions on fishing in the Gaza Strip. Approximately 35,000 people in and around Gaza’s coastal communities rely on the fishing industry, including at least 3,500 fishermen, 2,500 support staff and their families. Fishermen have been subjected to intensive monitoring by IOF, which use helicopter gunships and gunboats to monitor them. The Oslo Accords permit Palestinian fishermen to go fishing up to 20 nautical miles from the Gaza coastline.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 9 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

During the twenty-two day IOF offensive in the Gaza Strip, the civilian population suffered a massive deterioration in the overall humanitarian situation. The resulting crisis is affecting all aspects of civilian life, and Palestinian civilians continue to be denied their economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights.

The deterioration of health services in the Gaza Strip has been exacerbated by the overwhelming number of fatalities and casualties caused by the IOF military offensive. All medical institutions in the Gaza Strip continue to be affected, including hospitals, primary healthcare centres and mental health service providers. Health institutions cannot meet the current demand for their services.

Movement at Border Crossings during the Reporting Period:

Movement at Karm Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) Crossing 18 – 24 February 2009

Date Details 18 February 2009 133 containers of food aid for international humanitarian organizations and goods for local traders were allowed into the Gaza Strip. 19 February 2009 103 containers of food aid for international humanitarian organizations and goods for local traders were allowed into the Gaza Strip. 20 February 2009 57 containers of food aid for international humanitarian organizations and goods for local traders were allowed into the Gaza Strip. 21 February 2009 Closed. 22 February 2009 93 containers of food aid for international humanitarian organizations and goods for local traders were allowed into the Gaza Strip. 23 February 2009 93 containers of food aid for international humanitarian organizations and goods for local traders were allowed into the Gaza Strip. 24 February 2009 100 containers of food aid for international humanitarian organizations and goods for local traders were allowed into the Gaza Strip.

Movement at Rafah International Crossing Point 18 – 24 February 2009

Date Details 18 February 2009 37 patients and their companions were allowed into the Gaza Strip. 19 February 2009 A 24-member delegation of UNRWA and Ayman Taha, a leader of Hamas, were allowed to travel to Egypt and 44 patients and their companions were allowed into the Gaza Strip. 20 February 2009 A Sudanese journalist was allowed to travel to Egypt and 13 patients and their companions and the body of a woman were allowed into the Gaza Strip. 21 February 2009 52 patients and their companions were allowed into the Gaza Strip. 22 February 2009 531 Palestinians, including students and patients, were allowed to travel to Egypt and 266 others and a fact-finding mission and reconstruction assessment committee of the League of Arab states were allowed into the Gaza Strip. 23 February 2009 590 Palestinians, including patients and students, were allowed to travel to Egypt, and 160 others and a European parliamentary delegation were allowed into the Gaza Strip. 24 February 2009 432 Palestinians, including patients and students, and a delegation of Hamas were allowed to travel to Egypt and 165 others and the body of a Palestinians were allowed into the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 10 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

Nahal Oz Crossing: During the reporting period, IOF allowed the entry of 760 tons of cooking gas into the Gaza Strip even through the daily needs of the Gaza Strip are estimated at 350 tons. IOF also allowed the entry of thousands of litres of energy fuel to operate the Gaza Power Plant.

Movement at al-Mentar (Karni) Crossing 16 – 24 February 2009

Date Details 23 February 2009 800 tons of seeds and fodder were allowed into the Gaza Strip. 24 February 2009 650 tons of seeds and fodder were allowed into the Gaza Strip.

The West Bank

IOF have imposed a tightened siege on the West Bank. During the reporting period, IOF imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians.

• Jerusalem: IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians to and from the city. Thousands of Palestinian civilians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have been denied access to the city. IOF have established many checkpoints around and inside the city. Restrictions of the movement of Palestinian civilians often escalate on Fridays to prevent them from praying at the al- Aqsa Mosque. IOF often violently beat Palestinian civilians who attempt to bypass checkpoints and enter the city. IOF impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians on Fridays to restrict their access to the al-Aqsa Mosque.

• Nablus: IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. On Thursday morning, 19 February 2009, IOF troops positioned at various checkpoints around Nablus imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. On Saturday morning, 21 February 2009, IOF troops positioned at Za'tara checkpoint, south of Nablus, carried out extensive and prolonged checks on Palestinian civilians. At approximately 06:00, IOF erected a checkpoint on al- Bathan road, northeast of Nablus. They stopped and searched Palestinian civilian vehicles. On Sunday morning, 22 February 2009, IOF troops positioned at various checkpoints around Nablus imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. At noon on Monday, 23 February, IOF removed an iron gate that had been established several months ago on Nablus-Tulkarem road. On Tuesday morning, 24 February, IOF erected a checkpoint near Beita intersection, south of Nablus. They stopped and searched Palestinian civilian vehicles.

• Jenin: IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. On Thursday morning, 19 February, IOF erected a checkpoint near the entrance of Kufor Dan village, west of Jenin. They stopped and searched Palestinian civilian vehicles. On Saturday morning, 21 February 2009, IOF erected a checkpoint near the entrance of Zabbouba villages, west of Jenin. They stopped and searched Palestinian civilian vehicles. On Sunday morning, 22 February 2009, IOF erected a checkpoint near al-Shuhada Triangle village, south of Jenin. They stopped and searched Palestinian civilian vehicles. On Monday morning, 23 February, IOF erected a checkpoint between Rummana and Zabbouba villages, west of Jenin. They stopped and searched Palestinian civilian vehicles. On Wednesday morning, 25 February, IOF erected a checkpoint between Bourqin and al-Shuhada Triangle villages, south of Jenin. They stopped and searched Palestinian civilian vehicles.

• Hebron: IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians to, from and inside Hebron. At approximately 20:10 on Sunday, 22 February, IOF moved into Hebron. They

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 11 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

erected two checkpoints near al-Salam fuel station and at al-Salam intersection in the west of the town. They stopped, checked and questioned Palestinian civilians. During the reporting period, IOF troops positioned at the intersection of bypass roads # 60 and 25, east and north of Hebron, imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. They conducted prolonged checks on Palestinian civilians.

On Wednesday afternoon, 25 February 2009, IOF troops positioned in the vicinity of the Ibrahimi Mosque in the old town of Hebron arrested two children: Hadeel Talal Abu Turki, 13; and her sister Jihad, 16. They claimed that one of the two children was carrying a knife in her purse.

• Bethlehem: IOF have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians. During the reporting period, IOF troops positioned at the Container checkpoint, northeast of Bethlehem, imposed additional restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians and subjected them to prolonged checks. On Monday and Tuesday, 23 and 24 February 2009, IOF closed the road leading to al-Sawahra village, northeast of Bethlehem.

On Thursday morning, 19 February, IOF troops positioned at the Container checkpoint, northeast of Bethlehem, arrested Ziad Mohammed al-Nawaj'a, 25, from Yatta village south of Hebron.

• Tubas: On Tuesday morning, 24 February 2009, IOF troops positioned at al-Hamra checkpoint, east of Tubas, arrested Islam Subhi Jabarin, 21, from Jenin refugee camp.

3. Construction of the Annexation Wall

IOF have continued to construct the Annexation Wall inside West Bank territory. During the reporting period, IOF used force against peaceful demonstrations organized by Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders against the construction of the Wall.

• At noon on Thursday, 19 February, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders gathered in the center of Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah. They moved towards the area where IOF were razing land to construct a section of the Wall in the village. Immediately, IOF troops fired at the demonstrators. As a result, four children were injured: 1. Ameer Nizar Yousef, 13, injured by a gunshot to the left foot; 2. Mohammed Lu'ai Khawaja, 14, hit by a tear gas canister to the back; 3. Ahmed 'Ali Nafe', 13, injured by a rubber-coated metal bullet to the thigh; and 4. Khaled Jamal Rushaida, 13, hit by a tear gas canister to the thigh.

• Following Friday Prayers on 20 February, dozens of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders gathered in the centre of Ni’lin village, west of Ramallah. They moved towards the area where IOF were razing land to construct a section of the Wall in the village. Immediately, IOF troops fired at the demonstrators. As a result, nine Palestinian civilians, including three children, were injured: 1. Mo'men 'Abdul Rahman al-Khawaja, 17, injured by a gunshot to the back; 2. Sa'adat Ibrahim 'Amira, 19, injured by a gunshot to the left leg; 3. Mohammed 'Abdul Raziq al-Khawaja, 20, hit by a tear gas canister to the left leg; 4. Mohammed Ibrahim Sorour, 18, injured by a rubber-coated metal bullet to the left leg; 5. Mohammed 'Atallah 'Amira, 17, injured by a rubber-coated metal bullet to the shoulder; 6. Mohammed Mohsen Mousa, 17, injured by a rubber-coated metal bullet to the head; 7. Barakat 'Ali al-Khawaja, 30, injured by a rubber-coated metal bullet to the right hand; 8. Majdi Salah 'Amira, 28, injured by a rubber-coated metal bullet to the back; 9. Ibrahim Khalil 'Amira, 28, hit by a tear gas canister to the face.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 12 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

Also following Friday Prayers on 20 February, scores of Palestinian civilians organized a peaceful demonstration in Bal'ein village, west of Ramallah, against the construction of the Annexation Wall. The demonstrators then moved towards the Wall and some of them threw stones at IOF troops positioned in the area. Immediately, IOF troops fired gunshots, rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. As a result, dozens of demonstrators suffered tear gas inhalation.

4. Judaization of Jerusalem

IOF has recently escalated arbitrary measures against Palestinian civilians in East Jerusalem to force them to leave the city. PCHR has devoted this section in the Weekly Report to highlight violations of human rights perpetrated by IOF against Palestinian civilians in East Jerusalem.

• During the reporting period, the Israeli Municipality of Jerusalem ordered 88 Palestinian civilians living in al-Bustan quarter in Silwan village, south of the Old City of Jerusalem, to evacuate their homes, which it said were to be demolished for allegedly being built without permits. According to the quarter’s committee, 130 families, comprised of 1,500 people [65% of which are children], live in these homes. Some of these homes had been built before 1967, and the newest was built 15 years ago. These homes stand on 46 dunums of land in the village whose total area is 5,421 dunums. The Israeli Municipality of Jerusalem declared that it would establish a park in the area. The plan is a part of a wider ideologically based plan known as "the Holy Basin."

• At approximately 16:00 on Saturday, 21 February 2009, IOF stormed the National Theater in Jerusalem and prevented a folklore performance organized by Jerusalem Association for the Development of Palestinian Society from going ahead. They forced the participants out. When the participants went to al- Hilal Club to hold their performance, IOF troops closed the entrance of the club and drove them away. This activity was part of a series organized in the context of the declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Arab culture in 2009.

• At approximately 09:00 on Sunday, 22 February, IOF stormed the solidarity tent set up by the al-Kurd family near their house that was seized by IOF on 19 November 2008. They threw the tent's contents out and tore it down. IOF had already torn down four tents set up by the family in the area.

5. Settlement Activities and Attacks by Settlers against Palestinian Civilians and Property

IOF have continued settlement activities in the OPT in violation of international humanitarian law, and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

• On Monday morning, 23 February 2009, a number of Israeli settlers, escorted by IOF troops, broke into the shrine of Prophet Joseph, east of Nablus, and conducted religious ceremonies for several hours.

• On Monday evening, Israeli settlers living in a settlement outpost in the centre of Hebron cut off electricity supplies throughout Hebron and launched a series of attacks against Palestinian houses in the centre and south of the town. They used stones and empty bottles in their attacks. A number of houses were damaged. IOF troops were present in the area, but did not intervene to stop the attacks.


Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 13 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

Recommendations to the International Community

1. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their legal and moral obligations under Article 1 of the Convention to ensure Israel's respect for the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. PCHR believes that the conspiracy of silence practiced by the international community has encouraged Israel to act as if it is above the law and encourages Israel to continue violating international human rights and humanitarian law.

2. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to convene a conference to take effective steps to ensure Israel's respect of the Convention in the OPT and to provide immediate protection for Palestinian civilians.

3. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to comply with its legal obligations detailed in Article 146 of the Convention to search for and prosecute those responsible for grave breaches, namely war crimes.

4. PCHR calls for the immediate implementation of the Advisory Opinion issued by the International Court of Justice, which considers the construction of the Annexation Wall inside the West Bank illegal.

5. PCHR recommends international civil society organizations, including human rights organizations, bar associations and NGOs to participate in the process of exposing those accused of grave breaches of international law and to urge their governments to bring these people to justice.

6. PCHR calls upon the European Union to activate Article 2 of the Euro-Israel Association Agreement, which provides that Israel must respect human rights as a precondition for economic cooperation between the EU states and Israel. PCHR also calls upon the EU states to prohibit the import of goods produced in illegal Israeli settlements in the OPT.

7. PCHR calls on the international community to recognize the Gaza disengagement plan, which was implemented in September 2005, for what it is - not an end to occupation but a compounding of the occupation and the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

8. In recognition of ICRC as the guardian of the Fourth Geneva Convention, PCHR calls upon the ICRC to increase its staff and activities in the OPT, including the facilitation of family visitation to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

9. PCHR appreciates the efforts of international civil society, including human rights organizations, bar associations, unions and NGOs, and urges them to continue their role in pressuring their governments to secure Israel's respect for human rights in the OPT and to end its attacks on Palestinian civilians.

10. PCHR calls upon the international community to pressure Israel to lift the severe restrictions imposed by the Israeli government and its occupation forces on access for international organizations to the OPT.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 14 Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the No. 8/2009 Occupied Palestinian Territory 19 – 25 February 2009

11. PCHR reiterates that any political settlement not based on international human rights law and humanitarian law cannot lead to a peaceful and just solution of the Palestinian question. Rather, such an arrangement can only lead to further suffering and instability in the region. Any peace agreement or process must be based on respect for international law, including international human rights and humanitarian law.


Public Document For further information please visit our website (http://www.pchrgaza.org) or contact PCHR’s office in Gaza City, Gaza Strip by email ([email protected]) or telephone (+972 (0)8 2824776 – 2825893).

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, 29 Omer El Mukhtar St., El Remal, PO Box 1328 Gaza, Gaza Strip Tel/Fax: +972 (0)8 282 4776 – 282 5893 www.pchrgaza.org 15