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FARMER ADVISORY SERVICES IN TAJIKISTAN (FAST) Manual for the Feed the Future Tajikistan Household Farm Extension and Advisory System Last updated April 25, 2016 This manual was written by Dr. Don Van Atta, Dr. Peter Malvicini, Dr. Vickie Sigman, Dr. Paul McNamara, Mr. Ben Mueller, Ms. Catherine Liamzon, and Dr. Patrick Ludgate with annexes pulled from other sources, including the Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services project. Associate Cooperative Agreement No. AID-176-LA-13-00003 (Reference: Leader Award No. AID-OAA-L-10-00003) FAST project staff prepared this document for review by USAID. Views expressed in this document are those of the author or authors and should not be ascribed to the University of Illinois, the MEAS consortium or its members, USAID or the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. Suggested citation Van Atta, D., Malvicini, P., Sigman, V., McNamara, P., Mueller, B., Liamzon, C., and Ludgate, P. (2015). Manual for the Feed the Future Tajikistan household farm extension and advisory system. FAST project. Note on references This manual was created using a variety of materials and care was taken to reference sources correctly. Should you identify any errors or omissions, please contact us with detailed information on the original source and we will make the changes as appropriate. FAST Extension and Advisory Services Manual Contents Contents ________________________________________________________________________ iii List of Tables _____________________________________________________________________ vi List of Boxes _____________________________________________________________________ vi Acknowledgements _______________________________________________________________ vii The Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services (MEAS) Consortium ______________________ viii Abbreviations ____________________________________________________________________ ix Definitions _______________________________________________________________________ xi Figure 1. The FTF/T Zone of Influence in Tajikistan ______________________________________ xvi I. Context of the FTF/T EAS _________________________________________________________ 17 II. Assumptions of the FTF/T EAS ____________________________________________________ 27 III. Elements of the FTF/T EAS _______________________________________________________ 35 IV. Structuring the overall EAS system ________________________________________________ 48 V. Implementing the FTF/T EAS _____________________________________________________ 51 VI. Expansion and scaling up throughout the FTF/T ZoI ___________________________________ 67 Annex 1. A Taxonomy of Post-Reform Farm Types in Tajikistan ____________________________ 69 Annex 2. The Legacy of Command Agriculture in Tajikistan ________________________________ 70 Annex 3. Approaches to and Providers of Extension Services ______________________________ 79 Annex 4. Skills farmers need for organizing and managing groups __________________________ 83 Annex 5. Available translations of CRS Five Skill Sets _____________________________________ 85 Annex 6. Household farm learning group conveners (lead farmers) and Jamoat Extension Coordinators ____________________________________________________________________ 86 Annex 7. Sample guide to develop an EAS learning (crop advisory) package: tomatoes __________ 91 Annex 8. Farmer Field Schools ______________________________________________________ 93 Annex 9. Typical jamoat agricultural specialist job descriptions ____________________________ 96 Annex 10. Scope of work for the Jamoat Extension Coordinator ___________________________ 105 Annex 11. Scope of work for the agricultural production specialist (in Russian and English) _____ 111 Annex 12. Scope of work for the EAS facilitator ________________________________________ 116 Annex 13. Scope of work for the Extension Materials Development Specialist ________________ 119 Annex 14. P. Malvicini, "Workshop: Learning how to facilitate" ___________________________ 118 iii | P a g e FAST Extension and Advisory Services Manual Annex 15. Participatory Extension Workshop Facilitator’s Guide __________________________ 128 Annex 16. Participatory Extension Workshop observation and documentation guidelines" _____ 152 Annex 17. Resource Map _________________________________________________________ 154 Annex 18. Gap analysis ___________________________________________________________ 157 Annex 19. Conducting focus group interviews _________________________________________ 158 Annex 20. Venn diagram __________________________________________________________ 159 Annex 21. Social map ____________________________________________________________ 161 Annex 22. Crop Analysis Workshop facilitator's guide ___________________________________ 164 Annex 23. Problem tree analysis____________________________________________________ 168 Annex 24. FAST End-of-season Evaluation Workshop (ESEW) facilitator's guide_______________ 169 Annex 25 V. Sigman, "Sustainability of agricultural extension and advisory services" __________ 175 Annex 26. Local NGOs in Khatlon viloy _______________________________________________ 179 Annex 27. Booklet - Alfalfa ________________________________________________________ 180 Annex 28. Booklet - Cauliflower ____________________________________________________ 182 Annex 29. Booklet - Cucumber _____________________________________________________ 183 Annex 30. Booklet - Compost ______________________________________________________ 185 Annex 31. Booklet - Maize ________________________________________________________ 186 Annex 32. Booklet - Peanut _______________________________________________________ 189 Annex 33. Booklet Potato _________________________________________________________ 191 Annex 34. Booklet - Tomato _______________________________________________________ 193 Annex 35. Composting Presentation ________________________________________________ 194 Annex 35. Composting Presentation ________________________________________________ 194 Annex 36. Tip Sheet – Apricots (in Russian) ___________________________________________ 199 Annex 37. Tip Sheet – Grapes (in Russian) ____________________________________________ 202 Annex 38. Tip Sheet – Pomegranate _________________________________________________ 206 Annex 39. Tip Sheet - Poultry ______________________________________________________ 209 Annex 40. Tip Sheet - Test Strips (in Russian) __________________________________________ 212 Annex 41. Tip Sheet – Farmer Seasonal Calendar (in Russian) _____________________________ 213 Annex 42. Tip Sheet – What is Facilitation? (in Russian) _________________________________ 215 Annex 43. Farmer Work Shop Agenda _______________________________________________ 216 Annex 44. Plant Health (in Russian) _________________________________________________ 217 iv | P a g e FAST Extension and Advisory Services Manual Annex 45. Entering the Community (in Russian) _______________________________________ 222 Annex 46. Promoting Innovation Course – Lesson 6. Collecting and Recording Observations (in Russian) _______________________________________________________________________ 231 Annex 48. Carrot Production Materials for Household Farmers (in Russian) _________________ 242 Annex 49. Tomato Technology Packet (in Russian) _____________________________________ 247 Annex 50. _____________________________________________________________________ 253 Annex 51. Tip Sheet - Controlling Shot hole Disease ____________________________________ 258 Annex 52. Tip Sheet - Irrigating Fruit Trees ___________________________________________ 260 Annex 53. Tip Sheet - Pruning ______________________________________________________ 264 Annex 54. Tip Sheet - Thinning _____________________________________________________ 267 Annex 55. Tip Sheet - Signs of Nutrient Deficiency______________________________________ 269 Annex 56. Tip Sheet – Aphid _______________________________________________________ 270 Annex 57. Tip Sheet - Orchard Calendar ______________________________________________ 271 Annex 58. Orchard Tree Grafting Steps (in Russian) _____________________________________ 273 Annex 58. Copy of Planting Calendar for Crops ________________________________________ 276 v | P a g e FAST Extension and Advisory Services Manual List of Tables Table 1. Farm classification by form of ownership and legally-allowed purpose of production ......... xiii Table 2. Administrative and territorial sub-divisions in the Republic of Tajikistan .............................. xv Table 3. Share of household farms in overall crop production in Tajikistan, 2012 .............................. 19 Table 4. Share of household farms in livestock ownership in Tajikistan, 2012 .................................... 20 Table 5. Number of farms in the FTF/T ZoI, 2013 ................................................................................. 22 Table 6. Major elements of the FTF/T agricultural EAS ........................................................................ 35 Table 7. FAST training events for small commercial farmers, April-June 2015 .................................... 45 Table 8. FAST Participatory Extension Workshop (Module -2) ............................................................. 55 Table 9. Agenda for a Crop Analysis Workshop (PAW) (Module -3) ..................................................... 59 Table 10. Crops with which FAST is assisting HFLGs in 2014-15 (next page) ........................................ 60 Table 11: End-of-Season Evaluation Workshop (ESEW) (Module