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VOLUME 99—NUMBER 18 ARDMORE, PA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20. 1948 $3.011 A YEAH Voice of Haverford Returns; Freelon Shows Place ELECTION RETURNS Returns of the elmtion held Of Artist in World this mansion, tabulated as this Actors' Efforts Lift "Sea Gull" Broadcast Facilities Doubled Issue gore to prose, shows that Daring en 'seminally tang pause for Another studio has been added to The artist has his place in all die- the following men will be Stu- station identification, WHSC, the single one from which broadcast- Ilisations and has his role to play in dents' Areeeretion officer, for Difficulties of Production Volep of F/averord," has undergone a ing.Ime been done exclusively in the any dynamic and democratic society— the year 1948.1999t nuar of changes In the realms of past. The tweeted!m and the engi- this win the Aherne of the massage President preys Ilmerovernent rod general el- neer's 500171 have been completely delivered in Collection last week by Stephen R. Miller Cooper, Warburg fitieney which were designed to put. sountlproofed and'the station has oleo Allen R. Freston. prominent Philadel- the station on a higher plane of open' invested in some new equipment to phia artist and art teacher. Treentrer Receive Plaudits Mien and thus generally increase stu- outfit the amend studio. New turn- Society has regarded the artist ea Kenneth N. Moser By Joon HAVSLII dent interest in this eamiew activity., tables, • floor mike and various piece, • ,'Irare Individual willing to retreat of mierellancous radio equipment Seeretary Lost Friday and Saturday nights • t? into his ivory tower'. to paint and to A. Thecae. Emilmast the Bryn Maim College Drama Guild nere purchased. Such improvements sculpt for • select group or for him- "loves and Project were made pmeible by the College, joined our own Cap and Bells Club self. As a result, the artist her been to present "The Sea Gull," by Anton which supplied Wear free of charm, set off from the teat of humanity. Topic of Speculation making more money available for at- Chekhov, at Bryn Mawe's Goodbart This is both a faulty and • danner- NSA Opens Contact Hall. The result was mtlefaelory teal min.,. min arrangement. Mr. Freelon declar- BY JAMES THORPE "The new' studio Is destined to be but not highly satisfying_ Faced For over • year, • eertein member ed. Art, from the comic strips to the With Foreign Union with unusually difficult problems of of the faculty has lived Ina dense the home of Breeders], Mee jockey., highest level of Fine Art, is comment• while the old studio is to he used for acting. directing. and production, tho min of mystery. Otreeionally the cation and as such provides one of Voting 27 to 15, the Emit°. Sub- play needed • miracle to really came lire dramatic shows, such as Dramat- student body hues • }robotic tale of the greatest determinants of a mei- region of Pennsylvania NSA re- off well. Unfortunate/y,. the miracle adventure, and freqeMly it is reput- ic Interlude and Studies in Black and ety. At prevent, with commercial net White, quested the Nattered Staff Commit. didn't °roar. ed that the circle of chem majors reduced to a patterniced isnainft for tee to reopen negotiations with the Throughout the entire rehesrsal Among the Improvements is a new increased sales and to an anodyne for I, told a "dadne. exploit, bet new International Union of Students, an schedule the cast WAS able to use the at long last the NEWS has dispatch- program acheshile, which seeks to those who will never have perfect organisation which the National Stu- Gaodhart stage less than half a dosn ed . agent to the aromatic halls keep a varlets, in the programs to he dentures,.an automatic kitchen or a dents' Anmelation. feel. f. Commu- times' before the final week. The of the Chem lab to umover the har- presented In the coupe of an evening. detached house of field stone,,the Pies nist-dominated but is at present the stage crew was similerly bandieapped, rowing IOU serrounding Dr. T. O. Under Andy Knowlton, the station, Arta must provide an interpretation only contort between students on and the sets were dorm only just in program director, each evening's en- Jones and the .project." of life, of people and their innermat either aide of the Iron Curtain. Ha. time. Add to that the fact that "The Members oi the See Cuff cal receiving infractions irons Dmrc Finally Dr. Jones waa located in tertainment will have no least one fee- hopes and ideals. erford'e delegates voted with the ma. roa Sea Gull^ Is an intricate sort of play. tore besides the daily Classical Hour. Ymom. They Of, left lo right, NANCY KUN ...... Dom Swore 5,111, his office, hidden between two or- Many artists in Anterior. have been Jere), Ibiseyome Amu Low, Is. GAMEY, HENRY LEVINSON, A. J. Ante, with four seta, and it isn't surprising ganic labs, and the troth wee reveal- A news broadcast direct from the frightened recently because of an at- This we the main Issue of the Sub- ohm the final production lacked the New York Timer is to be presented Boa POLLARD, end Recte. MCKINLEY. ed. It seems that up to 1944, ha sided tempt to remove 14.1 from the rule regions] convention of FRUSNSA, finesse sod emmth pace nee.eary to the war effort as a conaultant on every night at 8:55. of communication. There has been a meeting at Penn on March 20. Hav- carry it off. Two live musical done are sched- heavy water for the government. greater and greater tendency in this erford was represented by Dan Dais. It is a pleasure to be able to say uled to relieve the monotony of the Town Hall Recital, Trip to Bennett Suddenly summoned by the Urteeral- roentry to refuse the artist the right don, Omar Bailey, Toni Hopkins, that the acting was generally wood. ty of Chicago, Dr. Jones found hhn- numerals. dire-jockey show. John to say anything of the world about Ernie Wilton, Ted Eastman and Lar- Highlight Extended Glee Club Tour Brooks Cooper, as Trigorin, was mile'. Pelf in the redioactiee heart of the Hamer Is slated to thump the Merles him. ry Canon. eially rood in his interpretation of a on Tuesday evenings and lieverfordhi nation, engaged in researeh of urd- Commenting on certain Maumee. of Plans fee an Intercollegiate Music Br J.tes Mos,. long. meaty pare. Geraldine War vernal importance — the famed 'blare hot musical combo, The Sett Peanut. euppression of areiste, Festival were Macon... but it was If the campue is looking for • sue- this IIINee213 is the excellent quality of burg, too, did very well as the flam- Cuslinded on Pane 4 e hlr. Freelon batten Project," parent of the *tom Pointed out that certain "lob Per deelded to postpone the date of the rem oterY of Halloo.. Proeortlons, direction given by Dr. William Roue. boyant, downineering Irina. I doubt bomb. As administrative assistant cent" Americans had made recent at- Feetival until sometime early next the buys of the college giro club are 'This leadership, combined with the very much whether the performantee likely cannidate. The may to Glenn Iceberg, co-dimmerm of tempts along Noe lines. He espe- EMIL Itheerford will be able to be Month. talented Moen neronPanimeel of of these two could have been int. elements 94 to 96, he wen to handle Slav Official Slated cially referred to the case of the tour represented by the cream of its musi- of conscientious effort are paying off freshman John Davie., is all that Proved. eeteet information on the United of America artiste' work in Europe cal crop, along with multi... of and the glee club has suddenly become could be desired. The most recent glee To go further down the list, Nancy Stales production of plutonium and To Visit Haverford which was mit shad mainly thrones other college.. an organisation of which Haverford club exploit which points toward. its Kunharrit as the frank Nina played can be proud- The major neeson foe oraitlanfitS9. the ethane of William Randolph NSA has ..routed a beret tour awe. kite anneal New. Toe), trig fluently arid well. and was appropti- Aside from the numerous adven- What proebee reports seem to in- Beers. who set himself up as an prt of Europe for this eunorter which will undertaken lam week-end. Thin trip athly beautiful. I thought she mis- tures incidental to the project, Dr. dicate trill be one of the outatanding ritic and raised o cry againet degen- last for two menthe and will cost stu- Concert Critics Hear e annml in the sense that most of interpreted her lent scene with Tree- Jones can bout of a position of na- Collmtion programs of the year will Crate an un-Anterkan art To the dents 5550. Students who might be the members wish to see it repeated left, when she injected An overly tions! significerme. In hie Pula. the place on April 8, when Saba N. artists, this brought back the mem- intetested in this tour Mould commit next year. plaintive note into lines that have al- n' the Chemical Divelion. not only Komnovic, Ambassador of the Fed- ory of the non-Aryan idea extant in the bulletin-board announcement and Original Selections The expedition was oft to a prom. ways ...lied to we to express alter- did he keep secret production retards eral People's Republic of Yugoslavia, Germany during the thirties, for it may obrein application blanks from Br HENRY Hasa eine Mad at 1,30 P. N. Friday after- nately despair and byeteria, but dur- In he safe-lined office, bet also ae- take. his place on lb...Roberts Hall was worthy of rote that the nem. the Students' Connell. On Sunday menInge a concert was noon•as each and every glee club ing the earlier paste of the play her thorired allocations for reacted and Meg. of some of the artists who contributed The political Mahn of NSA VMS held in the Union. during which vari- mender each on the steps of interpretation was invariably sound. requisitioned vital supplies of the Appointed to the post of Minister to the exhibition were not of the type discussed, and Ted Harris, the Re- ous compositions by Haverford and Roberts Hall to await the arrival of Alan Lavenaohn, making bin acting rare elements. Other administrative of Information in the Yugoslavian which would lead [hero '195 per cent' gional chairman. reiterated the Jaw- Swarthmore students were played. the Greyhound bur. By 2:15 a phone debut in the part of Trepleff, played duties included parcelling out re- government formed by Marshal Tito citieens to call their bearers 'scrod' pose of NSA to remain non-partisan The music on this program show- call rte.!ed that the company had with sincerity and good expresaion. search problems to lab scieMlets, In h(areh, 1945, and made ambassador Americans. in its efforts to ectileve certain rights ed varying talent, and much of it made a "iniatake7 and by 5:20 the bre cenestead summpising weekly and' monthly re- to the United States a year later. Mr. Aho, the motion picture, "The Best and privileges for students 1n this revealed careful study of einteenth actually relived. Meanwhile • the Continued oe Page gosanovit .11 be the first represen- Years of Our Lives.. was criticised coins try', and seventeenth century modals. This gleestere absorbed the healthful rainy' tatty. of a Communist government to by John Rankin. of the House Un- is especially true of John Davison's atmosphere which the weatherman Special Advertising Noted Political Scientist Make napalcist visit to Haverford in American Affairs Committee, because Samna. from a Maas, arranged for provided for that afternoon, nod pre- To Speak Here April 9 several years. of It attempt to treat the problems string quartet. It was written with pared their respective larywe for fu- Tests Set for April Mr. Emenovie wan born In Croatia great care, and with a fine sense of ture conquests by conversing only-in of our time with an adult viewpoint Boteler-'Haus Team The emend annual examinations to Artangernente for the visit of Ed- of a family of Serbian Cleft. Prom- melody. Two Muskat Fragments by slam whispers and sign laegeng.- ward EL Corr, noted STRIA lecturer According to Mr. Freelon, these and test aptitudes of college ',niers and nent In the Orthodox Church.' He many Lotto Lesarsfeld followed the Sanc- Finally the trip was under way; our and on International affairs, have finally other incidents take place not other young men and young was graduated from the Penalty of Wins Play-off Spot tus. The fist appeared to be a sort arrival in New York moon been completed. He will be at Hav- because of what is pr...t in art bet eventful who neck careen in the advertising law of the University of Budapest. of postorale---quite short, and lovely. only in that it was some to bromism of what is in the mind of the Now victorious in Eastern Interco!. o hours profession will be held throughout the erford on April 9. Seconders interested In polities men behind schedule. Mony are the Klee viewer. In the arse of the exhibi- The second sounded sr. .whet poly- United States next month. The testa, Now in Amensn as a member of after his graduation, he was active in Initiate Bridge competition, Haver- clubs which boast having sung in tions, It wae the names of the paint- phonic, and not 05 compact as the under auspices of the American Asso- the faculty of the Institute for Ad- mum political positions before the ford's champion bridge combo, Theca Squirm but the majority of er. rather than their work, and in first If this be a defect, It is prob- Matt. of Advertising Agenciee, will vanced Study at Princeton, Mr. Corr German occupation began in 1941. At Charles Boteler .d Roland Neuhaus, ably because it had not been worked them have Merely harmonized in "The Beet Years of Our Lives," the will compete with 15 other champion be conducted in the Philadelphia area is considered one of the weld's out- that time he came to the United over as much es the first composi- buildings adjacent to the "Groot presentation of a banker in a bad duets in the National Tournament Fi- on two suecessive Saturdays. April standing political serenade. As an Staten as a representative of the To- tion. White Way... Haverford, however, is light rather than any cultural or art- nals. The play-offs will be held in 17 end 24, in the John Wanamaker author of note, he ban presented an geslavian Government Three BOOMS by Charles Beater distinctive in that a reeoending, if istic deficiency that brought the hue Chicago's Drake Hotel, April 23 and Store. beginning at 9:30 A. M. on important study of the development Of interest to campus physician and cry. were performed by James Sorter, a not too melodious. A.major chord met of the International crisis since 1935, 24. both days. will in the tart that Mr. Koaanovic is He concluded by saying that "in baritone from Swarthmore, with attack right in Times Square as our and has also mitten Conditions of The pair made its fiat bid for the The purpose of the examinations is the nephew of the late 1411cola Teak, times like these, the artist must re- piano accompaniment by David Tu- faithful Greyhound playfully nosed Peace and The Soviet Impact en the reeently-rehieved little slam when, two-fold—to attract young people to a pioneer in electricity and an asso- member that he is an interpreter of dor. Of the three, I found the set- out a taxi at 43rd ,s. and 7th eve. A with three other Haverford vierers, it the advertising and to Rive Western World. ciate of Those. Edison. 110, ting to word, of Thomas Hood • fine banquetwre first en the list of Fri- nrofroximi. ste them en opportunity to twelve ap- pped from local into easternmone morsel. The-setting to Berne seemed dre night events and a chicken din- ropetition. These eight men praisal of their retiredor in seven were ' a little too formal. and the setting as furnielsed as the New York major types of work upon which the Tropical Fish Collections Sweep College Campus; winners in the Mtn-college competi- to eerie of Elisabeth Barrett Brown. Haverford Society held it. annual chances of their prefeenional succees tion begun here early last fall. dinner at the Town Nall Club. In Ines "How do I love thee?" did not in advertising will depend. Faculty Honored as Angel Fish is Named "Lillian" in this none 16 Colleges partielpat- add anything to the meaning of the ed. among them being such friends Successful completion of the exam- poem. The problem of ratting Words BY Wn.LIAM PEPPER protection. The Board of Directors ten days preceding last Wednesday and neighbors as Bryn Mawr, Pettn- ination. the Association advises The NEWS Ands It le no longer to music has worried nearly every us, includes, heed. Pete, Earl Manwil- North Barclay observers watched two, syteanie University, Temple Univer- ttot a guaruntee that the exsmiee,. able to ignore the atee/eratinn in. committer, and It requires great tech- ler, George Colman, Ted Eastman, male end a female, swim about in sity, Franklin and Marshall College, French Club Offers will immedretely bet placed in one cre.e t curators of icthyological Omar Carlson. and Ed Sender. the same tank, partitioned from each nique, rerocielly when the audience advertising, limber it will pu them specimens which the academic year Delaware University and Johns Hop- already knows the words and has a Not confined to North, the bug soon other. A feeling of longing and of into a select circle from which Adver- has produced. Not only that; but a kins University. The national mole reconceived notion as to what the Drama by Anouilh spreed to South,. Lloyd and other desiring stirred the spectator with al- tising agencies may draw Ps lot of people have been ,coining fhb recounts for 95 states, represented by mate should Ion, on the very least, ...Wee Parts of the rumpus. The total en- most the same power as stirred the p A ploy in French, Le Voyageur material to fill vacancies that may oce 169 entering colleges. should not) sound like. Mentor. It Is not quite certain what stim- rollment of Into in the school now bettor. No mere flirtation, they mina BUM, written in 1936 by Jean car in their organizations. To that ulated this interest in aquatic nog- In all cases the matches are played Cole's Fong from the "Rimes y le- runs well Into the hundreds. One would swim up to each other—fish to from rnall-rounds prepared by the Na- Anouilb, will be presented by the end the names of the succemful ex- kale, hut your reporter Is inclined to gendas" of Gustavo Adolfo Bccquer Haverford French Club, on the eve- group of collector. b. even Under- fish—then holt away in plummets of tional Intercollegiate Bridge Commit. aminees and the professional ratings believe It all began when Pere Ben- taken to name the various specimenn. twists and curem, thwarted by was quite pleasant. nings of April 10 and W. The first of their aptitudes will be given to ad- ismer returned to• his Barclay red tee. Jm Flaherty, incumbent presi- Richard Schuman'. Introduction In fact, one beautiful "angel fish" mere piece of glass. Air and water performance will be held in Roberts vertising agencies. dence lard fall with two tiny guppies. dent of Haverforde Bridge Club, was end Allegro struck we as being his The examinee. bears the pmenomen of a well-known were tenn and visite. etreamed Hall. while the second will take place too. will be advised of them Apparently they were of opposite son, in the College's tournament director. hit. most mature composition to data. and anner in faculty member. repeatedly to satisfy their anxiety. Mott Smith, of the National Commit- for the Alliance Fradreise in Phila- which they acquit themselves in the for soon they had many dependent.. I believe that it we. the finest thing delphia on the following Wednesday. It may he well to warn the no Finally on that memorable Widnes- tee, bee been In charge of all mating. two-day tests. It was not long before roommate. and hobbyist at this point to beware of on the program. Schen:win has be- The lead role of Cedes. will be dey evening the keeper. Ridged condi- and will conduct and score the final. Application for the tests meet be neighbor. were standing hourly vigil gun to find a style that in both in- played by Gunther Frank'. Rounding the exhibitions now present. If you tions lo be ripe, and the partition was made in writing and mailed to A. Ed- before the hypnotic movement. of All expenms foe the-Chicago-meta.1 divides! and pleaaing. The audience out the Haverford side of the cast will find yoarself staring into a tank for removed. The chase was on, up and ■ being ward Morgan, Chairman, Aptitude Pete's Pet. and seeds of thin. to 0. ..., Paid he the Assmine ineteted on hearing the Introduction be Charles Melchior, Sperry Lea, Sol over two minute., Mine, and try to down, bock and forth, In and out. The Test Committee: Room 1414, 1528 come were .being planted in North tion of American Playing-card Mane- and Allegro over again. David Ts- Blocker, George de Schweinits and forget It If you Mare for over ten Impatient male chewed fine of the ex- lecturers. Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Candi- Barclay minds. I L,111.11051 ell Pure .4 ' Bill Warner. Feminine parts will be minute.. that's ail—you're gone. You pectant mother in his exasperation, dates will pay a fee of $18 each. • Torbay the North Barclay Aquanaut might Just as well walk down to the Play. by Bryn Mawr end .he in turn returned dirty looks. , embraces the lower end of the first COLLEGE'CALENDAR The plot of Le Voyageur centers Ardmore pet shop and bond the roan At last all were rewarded an ego be- floor corridor and rooms on the Bide. Penn Wallet. Saturday, March He College adjourns for Spring Remes to pinnit around the wanderings of Gaston, an Change Flint Schedule= II usually starts with gan to fall. The husband rapidly fer- Dwarf amorammies, blue platys, sca- gold Ash. students to attend Philadelphia Friends Yearly Meeting. smash+ victim in World War I, who tilised each and carried it to the sum The Film Club wishes to announce ler. and corydoras play abobt in Monday, April 5, Yearly /deathng adjourns to permit stedents to re- One intereating tropical is the baLta face. There he Blew the eggs Into is seeking to locale his home. Alter change in next week's showing. telnperaturmadjusted tanks behind sume duties. or "Siamese fighting fish.. In met- isubbles. At this writing ft would be being led from one part of the coun- Grand Illusion will be shown next ropad-olf emu, and "Quiet-pima,- Tmeeday, April On Saba N. Kotanave, Ambassador from JUgualalie, ing habits offer • story of excitement, impossible to make- a report on the try to another by a feather-brained Wednesday and Thursday rather than Beh..pnwalng" algae Wee additional of trenedy, of Joy and will sneak before Collection: duchess, he finally locates the family of love. For crowned em Po. 4 Thursday and Friday, on account of he hoe left yearn before. Spring Vacation.

PAGE TWO HA VEM I OIiU 1911W S Wednesday, March 24, 1948 . Across the !look ALUMNI NEWS Pi-seldom Truman. erennenta at the begiming of his addrem to Toe HaverFora News green, although somewhat nreodrnmstie, were fairly realletic. Bunn doee I OUNDLO 1,131(.5;313V If, 191 indeed threaten Europe end Ito Influence can hardly ha diaregarded here in the United Stat. where we believe in Val 'democracy end peace Remember May 8 Doe You Know Thu... EillotGeoesc E. Ruff Remember June 12 SPort, Editor—Joseph W. Scrim. Jr. In hie speech Truman called for three means of stellar off tlea threat VADVIT'Y CLUB DAY Thera are at kleverford TBRBM intent or former Pepartimalie fi int. Aid.,r—E1113 P. Singer to the countrie. of Europe, Pleat v. Ma insistence that quick action he PADENTS' DAT Jenks Tenets Chemplo.t Antis Erldoe—H. Robert Lasday, John A. Viten, Weer I. Soliesohn. taken te get IMP working. 110 said, "Prompt passage Ind the mina& AMAIN' I DAY Feature Jidda—Kenneth M. Mow Jim Power 11901; Dint Minn into action) of that program is the meet telling eontribetion that we den Aintree Editor—William K. Gorham 11141, 1944), Pads bison 11142). News A5uneelr5—Gordon Baldwin. Allan Brick, Stanford Dennison, Ken- now make towards mace." . Bevan Elected Head neth Della., Willard Hallam, David Konowits, Robert Kunkel, James Break oat the banners! Raise the cheers: "Phi, teener flw war n Fire iniellinnee Companies Grandfather's Clock Howard O'Neill, William Nan, Willis,., Pcniehe tree peeve-loving notion Should work! Helping, warvisvaatated people. re• Spera- A.,,nnsh.—blenry G. Hood - gain their health told lives by feEding than and helping them to rebuild Of New York Club Elect Sanders as Officer Assetine Eddor—David E. Philips Generates _Energy their. own economics on a peaceful bask. The annual dinner meeting of the Fine officials were promoted end the Spun, A. o..--Drew Deacon, John Doane, Spenwr Hand. Donald Hue- was not so 6.3,91" rix h,r1., Menlo. Second was Tairoan's call for prompt enactment of universal New York Haverford Society was immune writing powers m the "Grandfather gaff Li...El Wood. A. Mcial Soitlen 1.1) training. He Danz., "IT° have forted that a armed meltary system heir' ...Felder atoning, Werth 19 at Springfield group of dee Inman. =Menne II non-tethnicsi and engag- thohrjrr—John T. Amon lenecessary ie time of peace if -.are to remain at paw.. the Town Hall Club in Slew Toth companies were extended at the an- ingly written article of the same title Adieetee., euir—Char7, D. CO ilith Even from s military point o/ view thin In sin absurdity. Yin*, the City. At the bus m, inning which nual meeting of the stockholders bald by Dr. Bicimmt Of. Button in the cur- , Cirradeono 11.rhigri—Joseph L. huninycr, Jr. boys under any of the proposed forms of UHT will eat be he the army and followed the dinner, the following of- in the Springeeld Fire & Marine Tn. rent km of *TIM &Ince Counselor,. en sursoce Company home egos. • qaarterly publicatim of the lim Poldithed eel id, ,r.joa fewly of Hat...lord College weekly aeonxidend dn. they will hove training only In the raw of light nen.. They *Mb, ficers wen elided for the moles year. David C. a.., We, was elect- nee Pens, Pittsburgh, deaden. r. Pranted ly the Ardmore IS iz/illy Codepowy„ 49 Rieleo- will have to oe discharged and reindueted into the ATM/ in ears of an In addition to the Springfield arvene Unlesnley S. Bowman, home Ple, Ardmore, Pa. ...y,oney, nil them they Will have to be given training- in..hc modern- ed president and Richard k Marine, the veep elan, leelnes the Pe No, "Gmndrather -sae net an 78. was chosen SO vice-prealednt. Seeded Fire Insurance CO., Nor dumb!" and ono of Um beet wartime+ linIrnd a, venial-dog. muff, at fix- Ardmore, Pa., Pall Of fire, wider ised mechanical for atonic! warfare. Samuel C. Withers, Jr.. '88, was Man- Ad Fire busarsrvo Ca. and the to the fact is the familiar grundfatb-. of Cormrrn. Angus! 24, 1912. Secondly such a program his been publican., prooleimed by some n to all the poet of enemy°. and England mints, own os a sedative. It will only lull tide country Into a false ranee John C. Marcy, kW, will fill lbw poet, New England Casualty Meow. Ca- er clock. a wanly exempta ol whieb in head offke, Franklin Sad- stands in the klaserford physics nee of security. of treswaser for the coming year. The the Over and beyond these military arguments, such a program is the Ettecative Committee for the ensuing of Longmeadow, wan advertised fessor's front 5.11. We View with Alarm year counts of John E. Anon. '29, antithesis of the European annvery" Program which Truman called for from assistant treasurer to the finan- Dr. Sutton Computer that when he Stacey K. Beebe, 112, ailtraffroy Bile. cial secretary al the dew !Ostend winds his grandfather clock every We've heard a let of talk recently about increased duets in first. It is • anode of money in America when it is nrvded by the stare• 126, -R. Wilfred Keiser. 'IS, Betherd the operation of the College. And some of us have looked upon leg peoples of Europe. Also It will show fon the surface) se pert of.the Lester, 74, Frvderkk G. Budge, VT. Casualty Insurance Co. Sedgy morning, he expends 69 fret it as on much hogtervih. When a merchant rare, "Don't you pospworld for 11 ermament met which is now getting Into full swing..5n John B. Sargent, Robert C. Suety., After attending Ilaverford College, pound. of undo] work, that Is enough 18. The know we're in the midst ef inflation?" we think of it as we did far in this century we have seen two each races end in ware of destruction '20, and Herbert F. Taylor, Mr. Sanders. from 1926 to 1980, did to mi. a 80-pound weight through Bonny then voted to make their statietkat work for a bond-Ale home the timeworn expression. "DonI you know there's a war on?" violence the likes of whieb had never been witnessed before. 'Inel- Oho foot, in order to enure himself end wain Bcholerthip a ,early Draw. he Beltnort, feathering which ha did And yet we knew full well that inflation was here when we dentalty, the atomic +deepens of today will multiply thin inhunsenity an and hie household of accurate and re- of their program. research on severities for a Bah/more hundred fold if this armament rear eel checked, now before It one lend liable time-kimping through the nest counted our change after That Weekend. Investment eons& In 1932 be be- the way to world war Cooper Balla& Greetings So what! came aeseented with Liman, Bayles week. Seth effort, whkb MOM. The third thing that Truman r.ounnended was the "temporary" re- Beth-4g President John E. Abobtt We heard that the College had lost 1.11% Frank Fetter to it Co., of Boston, where he remained among its reward. s semi-hourly emetreent of Selective howler to directly build up our' present *mod thee Ineviduced Alumni Secretary doing security .alytical work until chiming, be than compares to that Northwestern University. he majors looked Slum and 'thought ervices. Bennett S. Carper who extended becoming associated with the•Spring. it was too had. "Good man, Frank?" If we didn't know Frank ThM would answer the military objection. to UMT; .however, it would greetings to the poop from Presi- which is required to run for a week field hi 1988 as security ...Da in not srmwer any of the other obJection.. The re-enactment of Selective dent Gilbert. F. White and thanked tangle, modern. itera.,1 two watt Fetter, we looked at it rationally, as we put it. "Can't blame the the investment department. He VOW Service can only point out to the whole world that the United Blot. M the society ue behalf of the college guy ... only thing he could du." elected asaietant treamen }ginner, oleetrk clock. Two wan wind in. Ilse greatest power in the world today Only because Is the greatest (and for their action In making the New SG what! 10, 1992. iterneicent, but Pr. Sutton's

• 3,7417F, • Wednesday, Mara 24, 1946' HAVERFORD NEWS Baseball Squad Begins IJrill PAGE THREE SPRING SPORTS SCHEDULE Tennis Outlook Encouraging As 30 Prospects ,Turn Out BASEBALL TENNIS Moused Staff Problem; As '47 Champ Team Returns April 10 Moravian —.. Veteran Infield to Play; Away April IS Pennsylvania _ Away Tracknien Work-out Aped 14 Drain. .• . Schnuars, Maker Repeal ferry Howe Hits Hard As Mainstays of Squad; Out on the Class of '22 Pled the Comfort to Coach dart Of the winter mows have dB.. As Captain Grosholz Frosh, J. V. Teams Press peered and the air Is again Mled wilt Champ Cricketers; In a 'review of the tennis mason, . the sound of hardwood meeting cow- Primes fur Victory May. 6 Delmore —... A,May 1 Delaware .... Away it is hard to be anything less Ili. ' Aldo. Per the locid exponenta-of the May 8 P. M. C. Melee J. Brownlee Captain optimiStic because Comb Norm Bonne grmt American gal. of baseball nee Almost before the first rays of tuning op for another season under spring sun shone through the wintery all not only hes almost the whole the Omen eye of Coach Roy Randall. eklm Haverforee lutrepld track can- ' Hey 11 Oralnus . pienship teem will open its team that won the M. A. C. -elitIrtmion. Sines *Mid: praetiee has been under didates could be found Jogging about May 12 Drexel GOLF 1318 season mimediately following ship law lean returning, but also will way only a week, any accurate prow. the camp. working out the winter'. May 15 Swarthmore spring vueation. The American Inter- have a number of promising new nottleation about the outcome of the kinks and preparing for the coming May 19 Muhlenberg 1,11 AHomeway collegiate Championship was won lust to look over. Lest year the Haser- semen te impound, but It is helm, season. This .rly in the season It is that the DSO nearlet and Bleak nine impossible to make many needled*u TRACK year by virtue of a win over Ursinds, ford tennis team that won the chain. April 21 F. & If...... A,April 9-10 Interclass Meet will be en Improvement over lead for the success of the team: there era the only other college in th plop hip was composed almost. wholly April 17 Ursintni e countre year's team that won Only three too many unknown factors. One thing still havin of freshmen; They suffered their only April 2344 r Penn Relays g • cricket team. This game. out of 17 ancolinteri. To et-- for certain in that Haverford track _ Penn loss at the hands of Princeton Univer- Wallse the potential will be the big turns are once again on the up April El Lehigh . year's team trill be kuntlicapped by grade. April 30 Rutgers sity end compiled the admirable m- lob of Coach Randall and the boys on A large turn out of lower chessmen, Home Kay 1 Gettysburg A Johns Hopkins the fort that only woo lett er man: .May 8 Swarthmore on! of It wins us against the team. short on experience but tong on po- Home Evan Jones. will return. The other One defeat. Jerry Howe . tentiality and willingness, is now en- letter winners last year. Phil Garrett In addition te [hie a muderately sm- der the careful guidance. of coach , SAILING and Arny Post, were loot throu cmsful southern rood trip was under- "Pop" Heddleton. A fine echedule gh of April 10 Triangular Regatta, Geor taken. freshman meets hew been arran ge Washington graduation. Captain Jo, Brewnice, of ged by April 25 Quadrangular Regattu ...... Nave Manager Jake Lon.cre to stimulate CRICKET this year'a Ceram, deseribes the bowl- Jim Selumars interest and brin Schedule Incomplete at publication ing prospects as g out any hidden W- May 89 H. A. Championships ...... _ Navy rather ens. thin." Evan Junes is teen only. man Groakels Malastay Strong Ford Golfers who is an experieneed bower cal. The varsity shapes up with the Olympic Team Pick s Siting Under Way; though Brownlee did a little bowling mien strength lying in the flying feet of Soccer AU-Stars lust yews There is definite need of captain Jim Groshel. Jim Is in Prepare for Tough 11 for mom ,howlers, howevet and perfect shape from bis active winter Nest Saturday at Cembrie Regattas Scheduled men interested am invited to try net., calsPain craw ahould continue to dom- Season; Vets Return Stadium In Philadelphia a 61- inate the mile and Ionians all-star soccer team will Aiming for National Although seven,' member, of the. be pitted nu 1347 team. playing for the first tam.' Other point seeker. in these eventa Out on the Iderion West tted en ovate]ur all- golt course star last year. show, the n' are Prockop in the half, Cadwallader hopeful candidates for the wised. The outcome of this This year the Haverfonl Nautical mod. golf wad will be hard pressed to and Thomas in the mile. Cadwallader are beginning game ie to deekle which players Club, whiCh began In 1918, was reor- Win ns. its' to Mogen up for the will represent the Philadelphia usual strong opposition. The whed-I showed promise In the cress coun- corning season.. The prospects for ganised. The Ebro previously wus emu in ale is still Incomplete, Gm in all try season and should help provide a good year ire 11 the final Olympic smear completely under the -jurisdietion of mut- very bright. with the try ante. In this match Haver- ability it will coMist rnabily nf Phil- much-needed secondary punch. Ora fine of but year's eix-raan leant the Physieal Education 1:101.2tmeht ford will be repreeented by Half- and was given the same treatment mkt.. Cricket Clubs. Once amain the maritaa will depend returning to competition. on our 220-pound gazelle Stan Green- back Andy teethe and Gonne as any other college team. Under Jahn Hobart, Vice Clout., and Mal About 30 candidates been hatted wald. To aid the powerful Greenwald WMIams Captain John Deane. Both of these •men thee romtitution the .ilors, Lash promise to be the eleven's hal- out for parctice ea far, and, of these, will he Welt Robertson, Wilson Jones, Performed well for the Ford though they are still part of this ting stare this year. Roth had ex- The squad this year-will be led by almost half are either tilDhers or Teddy Test and Dick Renck, and in Captain Bob Willie.. Other letter- enmity hist season and have suc- department, are organised as a club, perience on lust year's team and made tome geed showin catcher. One of the big queations, the ZOO, Bob Wingerd. Wingerd will men are Tom Graff, Dusty Rhoads cessfully weathered two pre- complete with dues which will he Used gs. Lash will prob- abut . our vious elimi.tion games. The toward tge advancement of Udine ably be -keeper this sant, that only a few manes will answer. Is In hope in toe gruelling and Bill Mohn. This green will com- and Main team selected wilt meet a similar Hobart will g The men who made up the —how will the pitching staff shape pose the backbone of this nomun'o nt Reverfont and at the name time ive the Male 11111011 netsi- 001.- group from the Maryland district. ed strength in the sts1115112 up. At this early date. it min he said .lino Groshoelz eam. The same players, and Corson take some of the strain off the B- lied. limns of tali tweet Hownnt Comfort will befull- Ji11I that the strength of the mound staff Jones, who bee graduated, chalked up lames of the Physical Education De- Dtime F•Chlumia1, eoetain of the tram him partment. cutteh this yea, Last Hsu., Mehl Mntecr, not only an ow: ovoid very euily depend on the oink. a 9 won and 5 lost record durin roan the team g teal ,tanding uet wieltler on the t paw member.. Ted Wright, a one spring's competition. Emly in Muth, Joe Sener, Buzz racq in- Joe Bro.1114, As sours but also intertullegiate tan- member of the '47 team and a Monter The returning lettermen should be ,Frosh B Team Whiten. and.Gaitor Macintosh were last yea, han improved his motion sleeted Conneolore. Vlee-Comatodose gles awsisli vhs11110,0I Chu Retool greatly Improved after a mason of brothers, Bob and Pak, Tom Crab. and le getting more stuff on the bell. ntercollegiste matches. The s end Corresponding Secretary. rupee- He could be a winner. quad Beats Sophs; then., for the earning Wing end DU and Jim Euler. on the whole should be a great deal Scimitars and Mincer combined lust Tom Gerlach. another port-eider etreagthened, with a few newcomers cooing masons. Dt11171, the last. my- and a member of last year's J. V. wal weeks touch progress has bmn year to folrm an almost unlennuble ready, to give the regular+ Miff com- Frosh A, Idle doubles combinution, while the Belson team• can wrap loin sharp-breableg petition for all spots. Amon mede in mem.. the Club's four hook around a batter's ease llatlikka g the UP Although the champion Freshman sailin bole, Playing in the third end Dearth end eomhrryt g rtinghys fur the water, end ae- worthy - or mention are A „team was kik, the last week of eolith., ele formed a highly potent control. Improvement in thin impors Runcie Tattle% who competed in sev- teal ailing is scheduled lo begird the inkFamprel coinpetien held a great Week after spare doubka duo. a fast. weedy tent upset of hurling could make eral matches last yen, Al Adams, r mutton. The er111111,1 surpri.. The winner. classmate. Pl., and Big Jim Paster has im. him one of the best pitehers on the very promising freshman whose major improvement on the boats this team. An outstanding bleb school the Freeborn B's. had been occupying eeason has been the rigging of new erovol weer lust yews Around dmsu mores range front 75-80, end the Ca- Cho cellar all season. With only one eta men of last year's team. Norm flinger, Sol Toni, is a potential start- non brothers, Larry and Jim. stainless-steel stars. - er if he is not bothered too moth by victory to their credit, and that beer This spring the Nautical Club has Brentall is binning hie Ittle Winn, nit his buketball injury. "Little Moose" Par NI the nave cellar-dwelling Seniors, the been scheduled in four regattas with outfit that is going to be tough to Amussen, another freshman lefty, Fresh seemed doomed for the bottom a possible fifth meet on April 17. On bent. The Merlon couree is an excellent rung completee the list of southpaw hope- of the ladder. However, they May 01 and IS the National Internal.- ond, well coiled for College matches. finally found the ri Many Renewer. fuls. Per for the mum is 70 and pr ght combination legiate Yacht Racing Championships eetic- and sn It has been mentioned that a Right Handers Ily oil the Scarlet and Black players mered nut a 2847 victory over will be held at Annapolis. The best 1111- the hig ber of promising newotatere On the right side of the ledger we quarter-mile. Long =lending Bob de- have done it in 83 or less. During hly fevered Sophomore Ws. two colleges from Canada and each find veteran. Bob White and "Red veloped Nut net year and should be- Sparked by the scoring of Hal Cragin of 1hn New England, Middle Atlantic. out to make the going tough for the a meet, nine points are awarded. Six Ned" Sender. White, a starter last come evert more effective this year. and Dick Huffman and the floor play Pacific Coast, end Mid-Western areas veterans. Them mon are mostly inert, year, mixers a The hurdles have a large field of of Andy Zweitler. the Fresh took a will compute cal this time. here of last yeae's J. V, neat-citation good fast ball with • played with no couch, and the en- change-up, while Seeder, used meet- ontenders. The leading eandideto for Bob Williams three-point half-time lead and man- and freshmen. Up ham the J. Y. ly on e "fireman" in 1947, Is primar- honors in tong John Doane. A. a aged to stay in front until the final Joe Server pointment of Comfort shoal aid the ore Hank Stern, Bill Vogel, Sergi ily a control pitcher. Joe Billo. Dan freshman lent year John became one whiatle. For the beam, John Kate, team in its drive toward an enders.- Thomas end Franck Smiley, while Bernstein and 1101 Whitcomb Otto are of the =Metaye of the team by vir- who was out front on the fast break, miseason. Comfort was one nf Huy- freshmen Cori Spaeth, Jack Them. erford's great cricketer. He .mptain- trying for mound bertha. tue of his success in the high Inerdlee. tallied ten points, while Dusty Rhoads Ed Bellinger. Dave MacKenzie, Ihrk garnered nine. od the 1924 eleven, and was Eberle and others are certainly In le, The big battle for a starting posi- Over the longer distance in the low tion would seem to center around the Intones John lacks the sprint Unite The other half of the Sophontore bee or the last Haverfoni Want whith reckoned wish. clam, the A ar went to England in 1925. Comfort Tennis catchers. Jimmy Wood, last year's be a consistent winner, although med, was more success- get underway Idler piled up an enviable r sprin regular backetop, is being hard pre.- his line form saves.valuable seconds 101. They took over undisputed. pos. ecnol as bat, g vacation and the tit, redular man and bowler while pluyili at by both Andy Lucine and Bill Bern- and Away. make him a strong threat. aession of Meond place with an easy g hurt match is set for April le. with PI Mo- ier for the starting berth behind the Don Martin, Dan Brodhead and Tom 44.30 trouncing of the Junior.. The nt college- to. The reeminder of the sehedolc Sophs took an It-it lead at intennis. The looms its much the plow. Lueine, a member of the maned Hopkins compMte the hurdle field. $1,111,1111-, 0:1.010 ns ,Var• and held on to that ei oft definite wont.. and PostiblY ■ ■ considering the wealth 001 raw last year and owner of a good Dick Rankin, a new Matter to the ght-point Men •111 eye, and Bottler. a freshman up from inder path last /wagon, will continue advantage. three more. A Meeting nit all melt matcrint on bend plus the normal 'MI- interested in playing thin no.' provement prevailing tendon Scheel in Meshing., hove to hold the number one spot. among Standing, 01-10-h.■ , coma Bram:Ill :Mown plenty of promise and bid fair the two milers. For a novice last was hold yeNtenlay. 0111 1,0,n, for the should certainly Imre a winning ten- Wen Lost Pct. season were .liseussol. to make the catching year Dirk showed grout proneeo and corning s. tun. M 194x, race a tight One. Fresh A IS 2 .860 Veteran Infield steady development This year he is Roph A 0 it .1167 A glance around the infield reveals expected to be an improved and. dog- Soph B 5 4 .556 . number of familiar fares. Captain ged competitor. Rudy Rudielll, Royal Tel, Bryn Mater 0570 Juniors 5 5 .500 Jerry Howe seems to have established Shepard and Lee Hawkins all are po- FroshU g .200 CORSAGES FOR ALL OCCASIONS himself at fleet bean. Howe Is prob- Melia' point gettere in the lon g grind. Seniom 1 6 .143 ably the most dangerous hitter on tho Leek Pole Vaulter of these go to the low men and three JEANNETT'S team and Is a cool, steady flea gen- In the field mute most teeth meets for high ball. The PleYeu Dew eral, Little spark-plu g Willie Lea arc won and lest Right now they around the 18-hole course •In four Bryn Mawr Flower Shop end Big Al Hume will probably get am tho weakmt link in the team.. So some, with theabeet two from car Ardmore the nod at emend base and shortstop, HAYDEN HARDWARE CO. 51115. N. S. T. GRAMMER far no .ndidates have come forward Mem opposing each other, the num repetitively. Jewelers' Service LocksmithIng &MI &paha Although neither are for the pole molt. In the broad jump bee three and four men on each COMPLETE GIFT ASSORTMENT Builders. and Hooftheld WE TELEGRAPH EVERYWHERE murderuen sluggers they are h° qua 111 no leapers have been found able to °meeting with each other and th JEWELRY and WATCHES Hardware 823 lamest. Ave. emooth fielder. and one make thin Bryn Mawr, Pa. gs &arch 20 feet Dragstedt, Moses and laat two players of each sissorn 836 - 838 Lancaster Am. hot around the keyetone seek. Haley Guaranteed Work McNutt are in training for the high doing likewise. 44 W. Uneasier Pit. Bryn Mawr. P. Garrison, a freshroan with a wicked Phone Bryn - • - lump but 210 far little is known of Ardmore 4350 lbw 6864 whip, looks good at third base, and their ability. A eolution to this probe Colima Pr...raters oww Melilla.. by Pb114.1- with continued improvement mi Roar. erns. Mr •0110 yearn westing of ght lent could be found in the perun of Eastman, Dillon es, end 01111 got the eall at the hot corner. Phil EMabliehml 1872 Insasded 17•• Mende ArrA RLf Evan Jones. Last semen In a meet, Br Co. Albrecht's Flowers Memo., Phil Pierson, Were Sheep. with To previous training, he cleaned SDLIDAY & CO. less,-11a1 Gruen and Mary Segal are Member New York Stock iSsuls... Ph* stark ARDMORE &M.:1Mb action. on • (Mown fans .1.00 ...lob lobs. and the ernes bar at six feet and left over Exthenga Nsyise Was. eiving the vets a fight for the Infield IN'FF.0112-55.2 065211111.250 Corsages 20 feet in the broad jump. ASILA r. WALIMIL WsdiSms Basal. r.oss. Posts and will supply mush-nceded re. Investments 1420 Walnut Street At Remonabla Priem The shot put field is •held dawn by 225 9, 15th St- Phil. Pa. PHILADELPHIA serve strength Seethe team. Btu Greenwald, Fred Stroll and John PHONE ARDMORE UR In th e outfield, Credo Calhoun, a Dune. Dane ie aka a leadin veteran of lent year. Chuck Rohner, g ewe tender In the limb.. Freshman Rit- 0116160111010011011PRORWMARIIIIII~RA01101. I Don Hayes, Bob Price, Had Matovil- tenhouse has shown proudae in the MAIN LINE ler and Ro Ree, aeoura, g Collier eying for the javelin. three position. In this group recta BOWLING CENTER the potential hitting power needed for • Csnlinuctl tan ragn 1212 Lancaster Ace. . SPRITZLER'S u winning tears. Calhoun, Bottler Rmetnont, Ps. • VAN REUSES SIIIRIE end heel are big boys and are cap- SPECIAL RATES • BOTANY 500 11,0711ES able of socking the ball a country • MeGRECOR SPORTSWEAR "FOR JEEPS ON THE TO • DOUGLAS. SHOES miler when they get their brawn be- HAVERFORD STUDENTS hind that airba MAIN LINE" g. The others, too, are AFTERNOONS Regiments Cricket Ave. and School lone long ball hitters and are ce Ardmore 3446 rtainly to WILLYS ARDMORE TO be reckoned with. All' of there are 110.11.1 W Lancaster Ave. PAUL BREWER 47 W. Unmet. Ave. fonenny Cinneh gnat! al E Lamm,. A,. competent ball hawks. • 2800 -- Ardmore — 6 010 P. M. Merlon Ann. Ardmore 0176 T. DAVID SEUMADIMI, JR. '18 WILLIAM SHIRADER, '43

Wedraeday,Stardt 24 194A PAO Pi os nAvtri*enn N E 0. Jones Track Preview Radio Club Glee Club T. Union Concert m Sea Gull Review comma. inmi laze enntInUed ludo Pa Continued from Pa. I 3 'Fordians Journey Corslirt.E1 tetra. 4. 1 comet... from Pere I • • en11111111. 1,0171 1 dor played it with ths necessary dart. Right now the team is ensigns up will be heard over the air waves Wed- ports on nuclear research and con- for lost time. It has been badly hens nesday evenings. Not at of the pro- Hinglack of experience was occasion. payment for this feast and a night's ty and precision. E. H. Handy's ducting tours of the project for visit- dkapped by lack of time aid facilities grams heard over the college network ` To Cornell Meeting lodgings afterwards, the glee club Sonata elan China improved m it went M17 evident. -but I plosys had the ing brass. to train during the winter months. are to be broadcast directly from the prevented its best concert to dote to along. The third movement was par- !Invention] delegates will be mimeo impresnion that he really felt his part, Weather has held the men indoors un- stedion. for some from the second the assembled alumni and .friends of Worked on Radioactivity ticularly pleasing. I am aware that And in Cbekhov that's important. til this week to that Pop has Ms work floor of Union and the Roberts Hall the MO students attending the an- ge. Vocal and flute eoloa by Life on the project. os anyone trey allegro. are more likely to arrest the the colle cut out for him if he I. to have the stage are planned. If some tecOnlial nual Intercollegiate Model Genern1 Marjorie Ann Low as the perpetu- William Hough and John Geblterde have gummed, wee an experience not attention more quickly at first than team ready for the start of She sea- difficulties can be overcome, there in Assembly of the United Nations al ally enhdPny and dissatisfied Masha respectively were outstanding addi- noon forgotten. Housed in a softie]. adagios, and this may be the rean first son. For those tack men who live a strong possibility that the home more than believable, despite her tiom to the program, and the double ly constructed laboratory, Gemming that I did not care for the Cornell,University,.April 1-3. wet Pear the college. Pep will be an hand fames of the Haverford baseball team 'Mirth provided itsusual high quali- an entire city block, Dr. Jones and part, which tended to vender. Four-man delegatinns from each of sometimes ever.emotional approach during the vacation for additional Will also be broadamt. ty specialty numbers. The ensemble his co-workers were conatently ex- Thomas Todd'. liken. a Tre was approxlmetely SO Armes and univer- to the part. Jack GaileY ns - the coaching. After paying for the materials and singing won done with eonsiderable poled to radioactive rays in their called to the oudlences Medal atten- gone into the _i sties in the mid-Atlantic region. tyrannical but amusing Shantreyeff finesso, tern to the point that direr- atomic noes h- To guard against tion by Mr. Swan. who explained The first meet for Hayerford Tan- equipment which have imiludes New York, Pennsyl- provided a number of much-needed or Reese admitted it was well done. poisoning, they underwent daily baths that a ricercar was a sort of Pre- will be the famons Penn Reims modernization of the" atafhtn, the A mile relay team will be selected to treasury of WRAC I. cEae reMPFY- vania. N. .Iersey And Maryland. will lighter moments, with true grandilo. That is considered high prole*. and checks by Geiger counter., car- cursor of the fugue. Here again, mi. run in the Middle Atlantic Mile Re- As a means of obtaining additional mko • the asembly. each quenee and boorishness. A. J. Rock Excelsior ried radiation meters to keep trek dent e of the sixteenth and seven- lay Championship. Those fighting for money, the milk, Motion is planning mooning of their exposures, were mildest to teenth centuries wan men. RicTart umnber nation of the U. played his wife nicely, though stick- Satunlay found George position on the team am Buckley, to get more madvertieing for their g up the weekly blood end urine tests, and had Schuman's String Trio contained a in pretty we11 to nne emotional key, the Grey/mend proceedin . - vie dances. g monthly X-ray photographs and wax striking fugue in the second move- Hopkins, Winger& Teat, Cadwallader, shows and to spomossorne Hudson Tolley to Milibrook, New olx sponsors Cot, oim,ine its work on four Milord McKinley an Medvedenko did heed-mints token. ment, and showed additional evidence Shepard and Proctor.. Jim Grosh Trying to induce addSional York, site of Bennett Junior College, will anchor the team. to advertise on the elation, it has re- whom counterparts are well, though not brilliantly, and his for Within the windowless, concrete of the corimoser's talent. for women naturally). Bennett Memories duced Its advertising rates and under- gates, part was a pretty dull one. e Sally Sale contributed an unusual active at Lake Sucre. ,the dele 1107.e str aw.: fp05011 onqucn walls of the building, surrounded b The future Is bright for Haverford taken a vlgormix soliciting program of the glee guards and barbed wire. Dr. Jones piece called Dorian Prelude for during tla• threedey sessions Henry Levinson was there, of ad territory for Haverford. No truck. The main requirement for whleh readies as far as PhRadephia, g Radom. The Dorian mode is Greek, Model Assembly. will r rta pri s eurn., as Sort, and turned in his club member had previously estab- worked in • sound-proofed office, track men is wlllIngaeae to work and where the Rem:Pediment km agreed to with mune of the immeoliete problems lished manta •with this institution scrubbed every week to remove con- running from D to D, without ,harps few mo- train hard. Almost every man has 'monger ashow. usual allegUrac job with a tamination. Armed guards and gov- or flats. Nor is tit all: the Postlude faring the United NAL1011x. and the event Was looked forward to some event that he can do well: It Feeling that the social life of the ments of real brilliance, especially in t agents micompanied hint on to Sally Hales D4lon Prelude fol. Representing Denmark. Cheri. with mind belies.. By thin time the only require. a cage coach to discover college necessitates additional dances his "Man who wonted" speeches. Don project tripe. When the day's work lowed quickly. This reminds me of Sangre., Benjamin Collins, Robert sun 000 eat and a real spring day and entourage this talent. Hoverferd the station has decided to promote oat over, he left by one of the only the Elimbethan manner of labelling Parke nnil Elwyn Dmies the dele- Shoffmalt was sufficiently doctor-like MIA exuding its charms on the sue- has the talent and the math. Out of some and charge a small. admission. g two exits. protected by air pressure musical compositions—Giles Famby gates from -Revert.' College, will and charming as Dorn. although he mending countryside. The youn the large squad of freahmen will melt nervy on one of the assembly ladies of Bennett me schooled alarms. Hie Toy, and Mrs. Nichols Her All- occasionally reminded no a little too spring the stars of our future teams. committees which political And massive brown shingle building not- Helped Public Atomic Research otende. much of David Hamm. And finally, Soon the poor testis of the pant few security: economic and anemia% able for a wide sun porch on the side Dr. Jones has also been an assis- The final compositions on the pro- seamns will be but misty memories as BM Comet Diner E. R. Coale gave a smooth and com- hurannitarian and cultural, and the highway. The night if tant editor of the Manhattan Dietrict gram consisted of two eonata-move- the Ford trathsters once again mn pact performance as the cook. e number of beautiful Ben- men., the first of which was writ- trusteeship. a larg Technical Series — a vast publication roughshod over oil opposftion. • Good Foods ' The objective of the assembly, a Mn. Thos's direction of the play nettites anxiously awaiting our .r- of progress in radioactivity. By In- ten and played by Margaret Cole. cording to Leonard Lohman, of Cor- wits good, on might have been m- ival did notch to increase our Inter. sisting that his fellow' researchers Her composition was gracefel, and FAST AND COURTEOUS • A. VASSALLO nell, who veil het as secretary-general, ooned. However, it seemed to me Of est in the coming festivities. The write up their findings In reports, and wia repeated at the request of the SERVICE "is to educate studentn to filets of the though the short length of rehearsal afternoon was dedicated to a joint by carefully indexing audience. Jahn Davison played his the material, kV Barber Shop 782 Landater Ave U. N. nod to create a body of pub- time hod prevented him from going rehearsal. and the establishment of unfinished sonata, a well written com- has helped to produce • 24-volume SERVING HAVERFORD Bryn Have lic opinion which will net on moral us far as he might have. The pace mutual goodwill between Hmerford series of secret ieformallon. of which position, withh• suggestion of the MEN FOR 39 YEARS force supporting the U. NS" Ivan and Bennett; both -were sumeesful. modern French impressionists This George Morrie.; Mg r. of the play eras markedly une en, M he himself contributed two minims. Ill W. Lasksater eel. gain, and the con- Christennen, of Sermese teee IRA m t. for instance. It all Saturday evening produced an es was played gem a Y. II. C. A. Building will act an president of Me Mmlel seemed as though another week or lent joint concert, formal dame, and cert closed. Genern) Assembly. twn of rehearsals could have im- several opportunities for further ex- proved the show greatly. ercise of mole and female vocal And that bring. up it problem that chords. The Haverford octet Again Ardmore Shoe Tropical Fish has been bothering me. Is the tene- sang and practically everyone sang. hesterfield is my cigarette—it's Mild and pleasing" t. of the dramatic groups at Bryn again and again. By closing time. Rebuilding Co. Mawr and Haverford merely to give Hmerford was serioudy regretting progress of the new generation, xperience and training to enthusi- the existence of Buck phases of col- which still rusts in embryonic form ets of the drama or is it merely to legiate life on quarterly Moms and within nests of bubbles. However, intertaM the sizeable oudiences such Monday homework assignmente, for 0.10 o 10.01J01001 haws usually get? Ideally I sup. it is safe to my Mat never before the boys ere expecting at least 20 How to "THE PARADISE CASE,' specimens of bigger atubbetter belles. poseour dramatic productions should wan the glee club to royally and ALIAIO NIT OICOCC Not to he overlooked are the turmoil mmbine the maximum of training warmly received end entertained. polgiolludime (Comfort take note) of with the nutriment of entertainment. The FfIrItY, F.11YrooDew Dick Metcalfe, who In attempting to The Sea Guile did not We have Al 1 o'clock Sunday ming we breed the simer-goPPY: Don Damian. een the dramatic groups gement a were headed again for Haverford via renditions of proud possessor of a pair of pristella umber of difficult and experimental route 202. Various Your red wings. and Lee Harper, who be. Ploys in the port per or two. Uni- 'Were coining through on 202" were Hem. in one snail per fish. Then ty they were well done and hod con- sung until a low bridge necessitated Spring Vacation there's mane guys in It South who idemble audience appeal. In "The several complicated detours. How- have o few gold fish and a -lovely Sea Gull" the dramatic clubs picked ever. the driver ton determined and scalers" maned Lillian otter a faculty ploy too difficult for thern, in view after moth consultation with co-pilot member. of the numerous problems they had Photon he was able once again to The question arises as to what will o fare in producing it. What is more, mach the main road home. The4e- become of hettas and the many other he play is not even a very appealing tour, however, wag long and 'tor- rare curiosities throughout the ca one. True, it is a meat play, but tuous but the tedium was relieved by pus tomes June. The uneerminty is hisis spring. and most of us ore devious methods of entertainment. prevalent, but it is said that Messrs. young, and Chekhov's morbid intro- Most outstanding of these was Theo- Evans, Dunn and Henry. of the biol- metion just doesn't 'teem to fit the dare Handy's beam orotund° rendi- s, ogy department, have hem seen of deal bill of fore. 010 willing, we'll tion of typical American folk gong late with hungry looks, cleaning ins- ave a slightly cheerier, less involved such as "To' FeeUst too Big. and pecting pans. There in also talk that production this May. I hope AO. "Pinny the 1doothere meornpanled by Mn. Beatty has a solution. At any comb-solo and male Moms o[ en- le, the year. 1017,1FI, will go in the thusiastic, if not profmaional, voiles .cord as the yeat=when a better un- Six A. M. found us once again in cad Slime IBM Haverferd, disembarking into' the derstanding between d& men TNIMIS.• 111131= news for holiday fog and facing the stark realities of wa fostered at Ilacerford CnIlege- fun when you take a safe and academic life, but still dreaming obout and this nin't just no nsh story, A. Talone dependable train. Leave and the lost pleasurm of a wonderfet QUALITY DRY CLEANING anise as planned. Zorn part ARDMORE. PA. trip. traffic jams. By-pass stormy All Makes of weather, skiddy roads in thrifty modern coaches, cozy sleeping RADIOS cars. Come back on the last poe- stile train. Ste your ticket agent RECORDS for convenient schedules. thrifty PHONOGRAPHS fares. Or use return portion of RADIO — PHONOGRAPHS ' yourChristnuteiCallege Special" • Wad. I The Largest Sleek I How to I of Records in U. S."A. I H. Royer Smith Co. STRETCH 10th & WALNUT STREET Your Telephone: Walnut 2.2023 gzeweil."2140, PHILADELPHIA Ream DM USA. ' Travel Dollar W., Mao lo NEW YORK • PRINCETON • ITHACA • May n new "College Spedol" Round Trip ticket when you get home. It's madeto-measere for AUTOCAR a complete selection eollege men and women and teachers who need longer round. trip privileges Use it for your Spoof trip back to 'college of of apparel, furnishings and foe going home after exams. "College Special" tickets are on tole from now until March 31et° Ask any ticket agent or Railroad Ardmore and accessories Representativeabentticketcosts, return Emits, stopover privileges.

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