2007-04-16.Patzek.CE170 Energy Earth Humans.University Of

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2007-04-16.Patzek.CE170 Energy Earth Humans.University Of Tad W. Patzek Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering The University of California Berkeley First DRAFT Copyright c 2007 by the University of California April 16, 2007 To Joanna, My Patient Wife, And My Children: Lucas, Sophie and Julie Contents 1 Preface 1 1.1 ExecutiveSummary ......................... 2 1.2 PriorKnowledge ........................... 3 1.2.1 UsefulPhysics ........................ 3 1.2.2 UsefulBiology ........................ 3 1.2.3 UsefulChemistry....................... 3 1.2.4 UsefulMathematics . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4 1.3 WhatisStillMissing......................... 4 2 The Finite Earth 5 3 Energy Primer 13 3.1 WhatAreYouGoingToLearn? . 14 3.2 WhyIsItImportant? ........................ 14 3.3 Preliminaries ............................. 14 3.3.1 UnitsofEnergy........................ 14 3.3.2 BombCalorimeter . 16 3.3.3 HeatingValuesofFuels . 17 3.3.4 HigherorLowerHeatingValues? . 20 3.3.5 Conclusion .......................... 22 3.4 PrimaryEnergyUseinUS . 22 3.4.1 DataSources ......................... 22 3.4.2 Electricity........................... 22 3.4.3 Petroleum........................... 25 3.4.4 Coal.............................. 25 3.4.5 NaturalGas.......................... 25 3.4.6 NuclearEnergy........................ 25 3.4.7 Summary ........................... 26 3.4.8 EnergyCosts ......................... 27 3.4.9 Problems ........................... 27 4 Economics 37 4.1 WhatAreyouGoingtoLearn? . 38 4.2 WhyIsItImportant? ........................ 38 ii CONTENTS 4.3 Background.............................. 39 4.4 ACrashCourseontheSSE . 40 4.5 GlobalPopulation .......................... 41 4.6 USPopulation ............................ 44 4.7 PopulationControl.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 44 4.8 Problems ............................... 44 5 Exponential Growth? 49 5.1 WhatAreYouGoingToLearn? . 50 5.2 WhyIsItImportant? ........................ 50 5.3 GrowthRates............................. 50 5.4 KingHubbert............................. 51 5.5 WhatDidHubbertTeachUs?. 53 5.6 WhyDoHubbertCyclesExist?. 56 5.6.1 LogisticGrowth ....................... 57 5.6.2 Logisticvs. GaussianDistribution . 58 5.7 Problems ............................... 61 5.8 Matching the Logistic and Normal Distributions . .. 69 6 Geologic Time Scale on the Earth 73 6.1 WhatAreyouGoingtoLearn? . 74 6.2 WhyIsItImportant? ........................ 74 6.3 GeologicTimeScales. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 74 7 Basic Thermodynamics 81 7.1 WhatAreyouGoingtoLearn? . 82 7.2 WhyIsItImportant? ........................ 82 7.3 Introduction.............................. 82 7.4 Body,PrimitiveProperty,andState . 82 7.5 TheSystem.............................. 83 7.5.1 ASimpleSystem ....................... 84 7.5.2 Path.............................. 84 7.5.3 ThermodynamicProcess. 84 7.5.4 Cycle ............................. 86 7.6 GeneralDefinitionofaProperty . 86 7.6.1 IndependentProperties . 86 7.7 TheLawofMassConservation . 87 7.8 AllowedStatesofaSystem . 87 7.8.1 PassiveResistances. 87 7.8.2 Constraints .......................... 88 7.8.3 IsolatedSystems .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 89 7.9 Temperature ............................. 90 7.10 EquationofState........................... 91 7.11Problems ............................... 92 CONTENTS iii 8 First Law of Thermodynamics 95 8.1 WhatAreyouGoingtoLearn? . 96 8.2 WhyIsItImportant? ........................ 96 8.3 Background.............................. 96 8.4 DefinitionofWorkInteractions . 96 8.4.1 AdiabaticProcess . 97 8.5 TheFirstLawofThermodynamics . 97 8.5.1 Energy............................. 98 8.5.2 OlderFormulations. 99 8.6 MoreonEnergy............................ 99 8.7 Problems ...............................100 9 Second Law of Thermodynamics 103 9.1 Background.............................. 104 9.2 TypesofStates ............................ 104 9.3 ThermodynamicEquilibrium . 105 9.3.1 StableEquilibrium . 105 9.3.2 Unstable and Neutral and Equilibria . 106 9.3.3 MetastableEquilibrium . 106 9.3.4 MutualEquilibrium . 107 9.3.5 Thermodynamic Propertiesand States . 107 9.4 SecondLawofThermodynamics . 107 9.4.1 StatePrinciple . 108 9.5 DefinitionofHeatInteractions . 108 9.5.1 DefinitionofHeatQuantity . 109 9.6 EnergyChangesin NonadiabaticProcesses . 109 9.6.1 LawofConservationofEnergy . 110 9.6.2 ImportanceofBoundaries . 110 9.7 OlderFormulationsofSecondLaw . 110 9.8 An alternative Modern Formulation of Second Law . 110 9.9 Problems ...............................111 10 Reversibility, Irreversibility, Etc. 113 10.1 WhatAreWeGoingtoLearn? . 114 10.2 WhyIsItImportant? . 114 10.3 EfficiencyofaHeatMachine . 114 10.4 Reversibility. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 114 10.5 ThermodynamicTemperature . 114 10.6 Perpetual Motion Machine of the Second Kind . 115 10.7 HeatReservoir ............................ 115 10.8 Irreversibility . 115 10.8.1 ProvingIrreversibility . 115 10.8.2 ExampleofanIrreversibleProcess . 116 10.9 Internal and External Irreversibility . 116 10.10Problems ............................... 118 iv CONTENTS 11 Entropy 119 11.1 WhatAreWeGoingtoLearn? . 120 11.2 WhyIsItImportant? . 120 11.3Background .............................. 120 11.4 ExistenceofEntropy . 120 11.4.1 Entropy Changes in Internally Reversible Systems . 122 11.4.2 Entropy Changes in Irreversible Systems . 122 11.4.3 Entropy and Heat in Irreversible Processes . 123 11.4.4 IsentropicProcess . 124 11.4.5 PrincipleoftheIncreaseofEntropy . 124 11.4.6 EntropyChangefor a Simple System. 125 11.5 Entropy,Order,andProbability . 126 11.6Problems ............................... 128 12 Thermodynamic Functions and Their Differentials 131 12.1 WhatAreYouGoingtoLearn?. 132 12.2 WhyIsItImportant? . 132 12.3 GeneralDefinitions. 132 12.4 Energy Balance for PVT Systems of Variable Composition . 133 12.4.1 LegendreTransformations . 134 12.5 Equilibrium in Closed, Heterogeneous Systems . 135 12.5.1 SpecialFormsofEquation(12.14) . 136 12.6 Gibbs-DuhemEquation . 138 12.7 AvailableFreeEnergy . 138 12.7.1 IntroductiontoExergy. 139 12.7.2 Change of Bth betweenTwoStates. 140 12.7.3 AnIndustrialFlowProcess . 140 12.7.4 Cumulative Exergy Consumption (CExC) . 142 12.8Problems ............................... 142 13 Solar Energy Sequestered by Agriculture 145 13.1 WhatAreWeGoingtoLearn? . 146 13.2 WhyIsItImportant? . 146 13.3 MainAgriculturalCrops . 146 13.3.1 Barley............................. 146 13.3.2 Maize(Corn) . 147 13.3.3 Cotton............................. 148 13.3.4 Potatoes............................ 151 13.3.5 Rapeseed ........................... 153 13.3.6 Rice .............................. 156 13.3.7 Sorghum............................ 157 13.3.8 Soybean............................ 159 13.3.9 Sugarbeets .......................... 161 13.3.10Sugarcane. 164 13.3.11Wheat............................. 165 13.4 Solar Energy Sequestered by US Agriculture . 167 CONTENTS v 13.4.1 LandUseintheUS . 167 13.4.2 CalorificValuesofWholePlants . 169 13.4.3 MainUSCrops. 171 13.5Conclusions .............................. 173 13.6Problems ............................... 181 14 Biomass to Fuels 195 14.1 WhatAreWeGoingtoLearn? . 196 14.2 WhyIsItImportant? . 196 14.3 AvailabilityofUSBiomass . 196 14.4 Second Law Efficiency of Major Biomass Sources . 198 14.4.1 EfficienciesofSolarEnergyCapture . 201 14.4.2 DrivingonSolarPower . 205 14.5Conclusions .............................. 210 14.6Problems ............................... 211 15 Black Body Radiation 217 15.1 WhatAreWeGoingtoLearn? . 218 15.2 WhyIsItImportant? . 218 15.3Background .............................. 218 15.4 Energy and Entropy in Terms of gi’s................220 15.5 ThermodynamicFunctions. 221 15.6 EvaluationofIntegrals . 222 15.7 Stefan-BoltzmannLaw . 222 15.8Problems ............................... 223 16 Solar Power That Drives the Earth 229 16.1 WhatAreWeGoingtoLearn? . 230 16.2 WhyIsItImportant? . 230 16.3Definitions............................... 230 16.4 AveragesofSolarEnergyFlux . 231 16.5 ADetailedBalanceofRadiationFluxes . 233 16.6 AFunctionalPowerBalanceoftheEarth . 235 16.7 SolarRadiation. 235 16.8 GlobalWarming .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 235 16.9Problems ............................... 242 17 The Extraordinary Water 245 17.1 WhatAreYouGoingtoLearn?. 246 17.2 WhyIsItImportant? . 246 17.3 HowMuchWaterIsThereontheEarth? . 247 17.4 MolecularStructureofWater . 248 17.4.1 The van der Waals Intermolecular Forces . 248 17.4.2 HydrogenBonds . 249 17.5WaterDensity ............................ 250 17.6 Water Melting and Boiling Points . 252 vi CONTENTS 17.7 WaterHeatCapacity. 253 17.8 WaterLatentHeatsofPhaseChange. 254 17.9 SurfaceTension. 255 17.10WaterAbsorptionSpectrum. 258 17.11WaterasaSolvent . 259 17.11.1Solubility of Salts and Hydroxides . 260 17.11.2Solubility of Polar Substances . 261 17.12Problems ............................... 261 18 Photosynthetic Efficiency of Plants 269 18.1 WhatAreWeGoingtoLearn? . 270 18.2 WhyIsItImportant? . 270 18.3Definitions............................... 270 18.4Background .............................. 270 18.5 Asymptotic Efficiency of Photosynthesis . 270 18.5.1 LightAbsorption . 271 18.6 Real-life Efficiency ofPhotosynthesis . 278 18.6.1 Recordcropin2004 . 282 18.7Problems ............................... 283 19 Water and CO2 Management by Plants 285 19.1 WhatAreWeGoingtoLearn? . 286 19.2 WhyIsItImportant? . 286 19.3LeafStomata ............................. 286 19.3.1 Countercurrent Diffusion of CO2 andWater. 286 19.3.2 H2O and CO2 FluxEstimates. 288 19.4 WaterRequirementsofCrops . 288 19.5Problems ............................... 291
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