4724 brough, Ayke, Lockington, Saint John , Skeckling, Burstwick, Thorngumbald, Heyingham, Watton, Kilnwick, Kttnwick juxta Watton other- Ottringham, Halsham, Burton Pidsea, Wyton, wise Kiln wick on the Wolds, Hempholme,Beswick, Bilton, Ridgemont, Hascomb, Winestead, South Leven, Routh, Eske, Tickton, Gatwick, Brands- Frodringham, Owthorne, Hollym, Welwick- burton, Long Riston, Sigglesthorne, Goxhill, thorpe, Ploughlands, Ryall or Ryhill, Welwick, Seaton, Seaton with Wassand, Wassand, Cat- and JPatrington, all in the said East Riding; and foss, Nunkeeling, Bewholme, Bewholme with terminating near the Windmill Hill, in the town- Nunkeeling, Atwick, Brockholme, and Horn- ship and parish of Patrington, in the said East sea, all in the said East Riding, and ter- Riding. A railway commencing in the township minating in the township and parish of , and parish of Gottingham, in the said East Riding, ia the said East Riding. A railway commencing by a junction with the said Branca in the township of Barlby and parish of Heming- of the Hull and Selby Railway, thence passing brough, in the said East Riding, by a junction from, in, through, or into, and terminating in the with the line of the Hull and Selby Railway, thence township and parish of Cottingham aforesaid, by a passing from, in, through, or into the several junction with the said railway to the said in- parishes, townships, and extra-parochial or other tended dock, to be called the Victoria ox East places following, or some of them, that is to say, Dock. Barlby, Osgodby, Lund, Cliffe, Cliffe cum Lund, And it is proposed to apply for powers in the otherwise Long Cliffe cum Lund, Hemingbrough, said intended Act or Acts to divert, alter, or stop South Duffield, North Duffield, Skipwith, Riccall, up, whether temporarily or permanently, all such Menthorpe, Bowthorpe, Menthorpe with Bow- turnpike roads, parish roads, and other highways, thorpe, Breighton, Gunby. Brackenholme, Weod- streams, canals, navigations, and railways, within hall, Brackenholme with Woodhall, Bubwith, the said parishes/ townships, and extra-parochial Harlethorpe, Aughton, Willytoft, Gribthorpe, or other places aforesaid, or some of them, as it may Foggathorpe, Spaldington, Arglam, Holme be necessary to divert, alter, or stop up, for the on Spalding Moor, Seaton Ross, Laytham, purposes of such proposed railways and other Everingham, Harswell, Shipton, Houghton, works respectively. Goodmanham, and , all in And also to take powers for the purchase, by the said East Riding, and terminating by a compulsion or otherwise, of lands and Houses for junction with the said first mentioned intended the purposes of the said intended railways and railway, in the township and parish of Market works respectively,, and to alter, vary, or extin- Weighton, in the said East Riding. A rail- guish all existing rights and privileges connected way commencing in the townships of Swanland with such lands and houses, or which would in any North Ferriby, Willerby, and West Ella, or one manner impede or interfere with the construction, of them, and parish of North Ferriby, in the maintenance and use of the said intended railways East Riding, by a junction with the said Brid- and works respectively, and to confer other rights lington branch of the Hull and Selby Railway, and privileges, and also to levy tolls, rates, or thence passing from, in, through, or into the duties for or in respect of the use of the said several parishes, townships, and extra-parochial intended railways and works, respectively, and to or other places following, or some of them, that is confer such exemptions from the payment of such to say, North Ferriby, Swanland, Kirk Klla, tolls, rates, or duties as may be thought fit. West Ella, and Willerby, in the East Riding of And it is also proposed by the said intended Act the county of York; Sculcoates, the Holy Trinity, or Acts to authorise the said York and North Saint Mary, Sutton Drypool, Summergangs, Midland Railway Company to raise a further sum Southcoates, otherwise Sudcoates, the Garrison of money, for the purposes of the said intended Side, and Withain, all in the town or borough railways and works respectively, and for the ge- of Kingston-upon-Hull, and county of the same neral purposes of the said undertaking. town or borough, Coitingham, Sutton, and Stone And notice is hereby further given, that dupli- Ferry, all in the said Last Riding; and termi- cate plans and sections of the said intended rail- nating at or near a certain intended Dock, to be ways and other works, together with books of called the Victoria or East Dock, in the township reference thereto, will be deposited for public and parish of Drypool, or in the said extra- inspection with the clerk of the peace for the said parociiial place, called the Garrison Side, both in North Riding of the county of York, at his- office the said town or borough of , at Nor thai! er ton, in the said North Riding;. with and county of the same town or borough. A the clerk of the peace of the said East Riding of railway from and out of the said last mentioned the county of York, at his office at Beverley, in railway' commencing in the township and parish the said East Riding; and with the clerk of the of Drypool aforesaid, thence passing from, in, peace of the said town or borough of Kingston- through, or into the several parishes, townships upon-Hull, and county of the said town or and extra-parochial or other places following, borough, at his office in Kingston-upon-Hull, on or or some of them, that is to say, Drypool, Sutton, before the thirtieth day of November in this pre- Summergangs, Southcoates otherwise Sudcoates, sent year; and on or before the thirty-first day of in the town or borough of Kingston upon Hull, December next, a copy of so much of the said and county of the same town or borongh, Marfleet, said plans, sections, and books of reference as Swine, Preston, Newton, Paul otherwise Paghill, relates to each parish in or through which the said Camerton, , Skeckling, Burstwick cum intended railways and works respectively are pro-