CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 3 March 14, 2008

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 3 March 14, 2008 March 14, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 154, Pt. 3 4423 Michele Bachmann, Spencer Bachus, Brian LaHood, Doug Lamborn, Nick Lampson, Joe Wilson, Robert J. Wittman, Frank R. Baird, Richard H. Baker, Tammy Baldwin, J. James R. Langevin, Tom Lantos, Rick Wolf, Lynn C. Woolsey, David Wu, Albert Gresham Barrett, John Barrow, Roscoe G. Larsen, John B. Larson, Tom Latham, Ste- Russell Wynn, John A. Yarmuth, C. W. Bill Bartlett, Joe Barton, Melissa L. Bean, Xa- ven C. LaTourette, Robert E. Latta, Barbara Young, Don Young. vier Becerra, Shelley Berkley, Howard L. Lee, Sander M. Levin, Jerry Lewis, John f Berman, Marion Berry, Judy Biggert, Brian Lewis, Ron Lewis, John Linder, Daniel Li- P. Bilbray, Gus M. Bilirakis, Rob Bishop, pinski, Frank A. LoBiondo, David Loebsack, EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., Timothy H. Bishop, Zoe Lofgren, Nita M. Lowey, Frank D. ETC. Marsha Blackburn, Earl Blumenauer, Roy Lucas, Daniel E. Lungren, Stephen F. Lynch, Under clause 8 of rule XII, executive Blunt, John A. Boehner, Jo Bonner, Mary Carolyn McCarthy, Kevin McCarthy, Michael communications were taken from the Bono, John Boozman, Madeleine Z. Bordallo, T. McCaul, Betty McCollum, Thaddeus G. Speaker’s table and referred as follows: Dan Boren, Leonard L. Boswell, Rick Bou- McCotter, Jim McCrery, James P. McGov- cher, Charles W. Boustany, Jr., Allen Boyd, ern, Patrick T. McHenry, John M. McHugh, 5720. A letter from the Chief of Staff, Media Nancy E. Boyda, Kevin Brady, Robert A. Mike McIntyre, Howard P. ‘‘Buck’’ McKeon, Bureau, Federal Communications Commis- Brady, Bruce L. Braley, Paul C. Broun, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Jerry McNerney, sion, transmitting the Commission’s final Corrine Brown, Henry E. Brown, Jr., Ginny Michael R. McNulty, Connie Mack, Tim rule — In the Matter of Amendment of Sec- tion 73.202(b) Table of Allotments, FM Broad- Brown-Waite, Vern Buchanan, Michael C. Mahoney, Carolyn B. Maloney, Donald A. cast Stations. (Blanca, Colorado) [MB Dock- Burgess, Dan Burton, G. K. Butterfield, Manzullo, Kenny Marchant, Edward J. Mar- et No. 07-165 RM-11371] received March 10, Steve Buyer, Ken Calvert, Dave Camp, John key, Jim Marshall, Jim Matheson, Doris O. 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Campbell, Chris Cannon, Eric Cantor, Shel- Matsui, Martin T. Meehan, Kendrick B. Committee on Energy and Commerce. ley Moore Capito, Lois Capps, Michael E. Meek, Gregory W. Meeks, Charlie Melancon, 5721. A letter from the Chief of Staff, Media Capuano, Dennis A. Cardoza, Russ Carnahan, John L. Mica, Michael H. Michaud, Juanita Bureau, Federal Communications Commis- Christopher P. Carney, Andre´ Carson, Julia Millender-McDonald, Brad Miller, Candice S. sion, transmitting the Commission’s final Carson, John R. Carter, Michael N. Castle, Miller, Gary G. Miller, Jeff Miller, Harry E. rule — In the matter of Amendment of Sec- Kathy Castor, Steve Chabot, Ben Chandler, Mitchell, Alan B. Mollohan, Dennis Moore, tion 73.202(b) FM Table of Allotments, FM Donna M. Christensen, Yvette D. Clarke, Gwen Moore, James P. Moran, Jerry Moran, Broadcast Stations. (Susanville, California) Wm. Lacy Clay, Emanuel Cleaver, James E. Christopher S. Murphy, Patrick J. Murphy, [MB Docket No. 07-221 RM-11402] received Clyburn, Howard Coble, Steve Cohen, Tom Tim Murphy, John P. Murtha, Marilyn N. March 10, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Cole, K. Michael Conaway, John Conyers, Musgrave, Sue Wilkins Myrick, Jerrold Nad- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Energy and Jr., Jim Cooper, Jim Costa, Jerry F. ler, Grace F. Napolitano, Richard E. Neal, Commerce. Costello, Joe Courtney, Robert E. (Bud) Randy Neugebauer, Eleanor Holmes Norton, 5722. A letter from the Chief, Publications Cramer, Jr., Ander Crenshaw, Joseph Crow- Charlie Norwood, Devin Nunes, James L. and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue ley, Barbara Cubin, Henry Cuellar, John Oberstar, David R. Obey, John W. Olver, Sol- Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule Abney Culberson, Elijah E. Cummings, Artur omon P. Ortiz, Frank Pallone, Jr., Bill — Miscellaneous Pension Protection Act Davis, Danny K. Davis, David Davis, Geoff Pascrell, Jr., Ed Pastor, Ron Paul, Donald M. Changes [Notice 2008-30] received March 7, Davis, Jo Ann Davis, Lincoln Davis, Susan Payne, Stevan Pearce, Nancy Pelosi, Mike 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the A. Davis, Tom Davis, Nathan Deal, Peter A. Pence, Ed Perlmutter, Collin C. Peterson, Committee on Ways and Means. DeFazio, Diana DeGette, William D. John E. Peterson, Thomas E. Petri, Charles 5723. A letter from the Chief, Publications Delahunt, Rosa L. DeLauro, Charles W. Dent, W. ‘‘Chip’’ Pickering, Joseph R. Pitts, Todd and Regulations, Internal Revenue Service, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz-Balart, Nor- Russell Platts, Ted Poe, Earl Pomeroy, Jon transmitting the Service’s final rule — Sec- man D. Dicks, John D. Dingell, Lloyd C. Porter, David E. Price, Tom Price, Debo- tion 4371.-Imposition of Tax 26 CFR: 4371 Doggett, Joe Donnelly, John T. Doolittle, rah Pryce, Adam H. Putnam, George Radan- (Also: 4372, 4373, and 4374) (Rev. Rul. 2008-15) Michael F. Doyle, Thelma D. Drake, David ovich, Nick J. Rahall II, Jim Ramstad, received March 7, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Dreier, John J. Duncan, Jr., Chet Edwards, Charles B. Rangel, Ralph Regula, Dennis R. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and Vernon J. Ehlers, Keith Ellison, Brad Ells- Rehberg, David G. Reichert, Rick Renzi, Means. 5724. A letter from the Chief, Publications worth, Rahm Emanuel, Jo Ann Emerson, Silvestre Reyes, Thomas M. Reynolds, Laura and Regulations, Internal Revenue Service, Eliot L. Engel, Phil English, Anna G. Eshoo, Richardson, Ciro D. Rodriguez, Harold Rog- transmitting the Service’s final rule — Vol- Bob Etheridge, Terry Everett, Eni F. H. ers, Mike Rogers, Mike Rogers, Dana Rohr- untary Compliance Initiative Covering Poli- Faleomavaega, Mary Fallin, Sam Farr, abacher, Peter J. Roskam, Ileana Ros- cies of Insurance and Reinsurance Issued by Chaka Fattah, Tom Feeney, Mike Ferguson, Lehtinen, Mike Ross, Steven R. Rothman, Foreign Insurers and Foreign Reinsurers. Bob Filner, Jeff Flake, J. Randy Forbes, Jeff Lucille Roybal-Allard, Edward R. Royce, C. [Announcement 2008-18] received March 7, Fortenberry, Luis G. Fortun˜ o, Vito Fossella, A. Dutch Ruppersberger, Bobby L. Rush, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Bill Foster, Virginia Foxx, Barney Frank, Paul Ryan, Tim Ryan, John T. Salazar, Bill Committee on Ways and Means. Trent Franks, Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, Sali, Linda T. Sa´ nchez, Loretta Sanchez, 5725. A letter from the Chief, Publications Elton Gallegly, Scott Garrett, Jim Gerlach, John P. Sarbanes, Jim Saxton, Janice D. and Regulations, Internal Revenue Service, Gabrielle Giffords, Wayne T. Gilchrest, Schakowsky, Adam B. Schiff, Jean Schmidt, transmitting the Service’s final rule — Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Paul E. Gillmor, Phil Allyson Y. Schwartz, David Scott, Robert C. Qualified Films Under Section 199 [TD 9384] Gingrey, Louie Gohmert, Charles A. Gon- ‘‘Bobby’’ Scott, F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., (RIN: 1545-BG33) received March 7, 2008, pur- zalez, Virgil H. Goode, Jr., Bob Goodlatte, Jose´ E. Serrano, Pete Sessions, Joe Sestak, suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- Bart Gordon, Kay Granger, Sam Graves, Al John B. Shadegg, Christopher Shays, Carol mittee on Ways and Means. Green, Gene Green, Rau´ l M. Grijalva, Luis V. Shea-Porter, Brad Sherman, John Shimkus, 5726. A letter from the Chief, Publications Gutierrez, John J. Hall, Ralph M. Hall, Phil Heath Shuler, Bill Shuster, Michael K. Simp- and Regulations, Internal Revenue Service, Hare, Jane Harman, J. Dennis Hastert, Alcee son, Albio Sires, Ike Skelton, Louise transmitting the Service’s final rule — Guid- L. Hastings, Doc Hastings, Robin Hayes, McIntosh Slaughter, Adam Smith, Adrian ance under Section 1502; Amendment of Dean Heller, Jeb Hensarling, Wally Herger, Smith, Christopher H. Smith, Lamar Smith, Matching Rule for Certain Gains on Member Stephanie Herseth, Brian Higgins, Baron P. Vic Snyder, Hilda L. Solis, Mark E. Souder, Stock [TD 9383] (RIN: 1545-BH21) received Hill, Maurice D. Hinchey, Rube´n Hinojosa, Zachary T. Space, John M. Spratt, Jr., Cliff March 7, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Mazie K. Hirono, David L. Hobson, Paul W. Stearns, Bart Stupak, John Sullivan, Betty 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and Hodes, Peter Hoekstra, Tim Holden, Rush D. Sutton, Thomas G. Tancredo, John S. Tan- Means. Holt, Michael M. Honda, Darlene Hooley, ner, Ellen O. Tauscher, Gene Taylor, Lee 5727. A letter from the Chief, Publications Steny H. Hoyer, Kenny C. Hulshof, Duncan Terry, Bennie G. Thompson, Mike Thomp- and Regulations, Internal Revenue Service, Hunter, Bob Inglis, Jay Inslee, Steve Israel, son, Mac Thornberry, Todd Tiahrt, Patrick transmitting the Service’s final rule — Di- Darrell E. Issa, Jesse L. Jackson, Jr., Sheila J. Tiberi, John F. Tierney, Edolphus Towns, versification Requirements for Variable An- nuity, Endowment, and Life Insurance Con- Jackson-Lee, William J. Jefferson, Bobby Niki Tsongas, Michael R. Turner, Mark tracts [TD 9385] (RIN: 1545-BG65) received Jindal, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Henry C. Udall, Tom Udall, Fred Upton, Chris Van March 7, 2008, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ‘‘Hank’’ Johnson, Jr., Sam Johnson, Tim- Hollen, Nydia M. Vela´ zquez, Peter J. Vis- 801(a)(1)(A); to the Committee on Ways and othy V. Johnson, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, closky, Tim Walberg, Greg Walden, James T. Means. Walter B. Jones, Jim Jordan, Steve Kagen, Walsh, Timothy J. Walz, Zach Wamp, Debbie Paul E. Kanjorski, Marcy Kaptur, Ric Keller, Wasserman Schultz, Maxine Waters, Diane f Patrick J. Kennedy, Dale E. Kildee, Carolyn E. Watson, Melvin L. Watt, Henry A. Wax- REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON C. Kilpatrick, Ron Kind, Peter T. King, man, Anthony D. Weiner, Peter Welch, Dave PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Steve King, Jack Kingston, Mark Steven Weldon, Jerry Weller, Lynn A.
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