PARISH COUNCIL Chair Clive Abbott, Hassage House, Faulkland, Radstock, BA3 5XG [email protected] Clerk Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN, [email protected]

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 3rd April 2019 at The Old School Room, Farleigh Hungerford at 7.00 pm.

Present: Cllr Abbott (Chair), Cllr Hitchins, Cllr Scarrow, Cllr Lund and Cllr Eastment.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk). County and District Councillor Linda Oliver and 9 members of the public.

Prior to the commencement of the agenda the Chair confirmed that he would bring forward the agenda item relating to planning applications in order not to delay members of the public. He also spoke regarding the application relating to Lower Haven Farm, confirming that the application had been on the draft agenda, but had been removed following MDC’s declaration that the application was invalid. He advised that, because a site meeting had been conducted, members had agreed to take the application under late applications.

Cllr Oliver asked whether she could speak to the planning applications before they were discussed, and the Chair confirmed that he would take her comments under Public Participation. Cllr Oliver confirmed that, due to her previously declared interest in the application relating to 7 Upper Farm Close, she would leave the room during the PC’s discussion of that item.

Public Participation John Davidson – spoke regarding the Farleigh House application, making the Parish Council aware of the noise issues being experienced in relation to the site, playing a short recording in demonstration.

Deborah Allen – spoke regarding the Farleigh House application, making the Parish Council aware that there were several residents who had concerns about the application. She stated that the House had been used by Bath Rugby since 2010 and that the usage had been above that for which planning permission has originally been given. The access issues were significant and by 2016 the traffic data had indicated an increase in traffic of over 400%. She stated that the removal of conditions relating to pitch use would greatly expand the times the pitch could be used, which would create significant disturbance to residents as well as further affecting traffic levels and impacting resident’s quality of life. Farleigh House had also confirmed that, should the applications be approved, further applications would be made for floodlighting. She asked for the PC’s support in objecting to the application. She also confirmed that local residents had delivered a substantial folder of information on breaches of conditions to the enforcement team at MDC, which had not been taken forward.

Cllr Oliver – spoke regarding the Farleigh House application, reporting that she had contacted the planning officer and asked for an extension, which he had confirmed would only be possible to the 17th or 18th April. She had discussed the application; covering the lack of detail and the lack of new traffic data and transport plan. She reported that the planning officer had confirmed there had been no recent enforcement complaints, which she suggested would not help the objectors’ case. Cllr Oliver advised residents to make representations to the enforcement and environmental teams at MDC as well as advising the Parish Council to submit comments on the lack of information available to inform any decision and the negative impact of the application on local amenity.

Stuart Bryant – spoke regarding the application for Lower Haven Farm, thanking the Council for taking the application as a late item. He confirmed that he had met some members on site and outlined the detail of the application, informing members that the application was much reduced from the previous application and no caravans or camping were now envisaged for on the site. He referred to the Parish Council’s objection to the previous application and referred to planning policies which he felt supported his view that the application was not inappropriate in the Green Belt. He argued that the same applied to the new application and referred members to the planning statement, which outlined the special circumstances which applied referring to an Inspector’s statement on a similar application in Surrey. He confirmed that the site was not within the AONB. He felt that his proposals would provide opportunities for people to reconnect with nature and had good access from a main road. He also reported that there were no significant highway or landscape issues and asked for the Parish Council’s support for the application.

Cllr Oliver – spoke regarding the application for Lower Haven Farm, informing members that she had not sent a response to MDC as yet although she had spoken to the planning officer. This conversation had indicated that none of the reasons for the recommended refusal of the previous application had changed. Although she could see that the size had been reduced, this had not affected the principle of the application. Cllr Oliver highlighted the existing enforcement issues on the site, tabling aerial photographs which showed the changes in land use in recent years. She pointed out the debris on the site as a result of the development. She also spoke regarding the appeals the applicant had cited and stated that these were related to applications which provided countryside pursuits, which this application did not. Cllr Hitchins expressed concern at the red line outlining the site for the application, which the applicant confirmed he had altered and reduced for the current application. Plans were tabled and the red line of the application site was confirmed for members by the applicant.

John Oliver – spoke regarding the application for 7 Upper Farm Close, reporting that this was the fourth application for the site, the previous three having been objected to by the Parish Council and refused by MDC. He reported that the planners report had been received. He informed the Parish Council that the report stated that the PC’s comments had been withdrawn, which was not the case and asked that this be rectified. Mr Oliver asked for the PC’s continued support in objecting to the application and asked for a member to make representations to the Planning Board.

Alan Stubbersfield – spoke regarding the application for 7 Upper Farm Close and the comments which he had provided to members prior to the meeting. He echoed the points made by Mr Oliver, stating that the planners report was inaccurate and misleading in several ways – not least its reference that the PC’s comments had been withdrawn and the lack of clarity regarding the passing place. He reported his concerns over the application itself, which contained a lack of information on several vital points. He stated the view

that this application was more problematic than the previous application, as the proposed dwelling had now been moved into the conservation area, which it failed to enhance in any way. He stated the view that the positioning of the building would affect the views into the Conservation Area and his unfettered access to his own property.

Chris Beaver - spoke regarding the application for 7 Upper Farm Close, reporting that he had participated in the previously dismissed appeal and stated his view that the attempt to address the issues raised at appeal were crude and created additional problems. He confirmed that an objection covering five material considerations had been submitted to MDC, together with highways information and outlined the objections which had been submitted: - Negative impact on the conservation area and listed buildings - Adverse amenity impacts on future occupants of the dwelling (hard standing, obscure glass) and Albion Cottage (proximity and overlooking) - Highway safety – issues with accessing and exiting the site, insufficient space for turning, inadequate parking - Drainage – Wessex Water drain goes through the site and the footprint of the site being close to the sewer which would require special dispensation from Wessex Water. This issue of conflict with a public sewer was not yet resolved. - Lack of proper investigation by MDC case officer.


8149 Apologies for Absence Cllr Walker due to holiday, accepted.

8150 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate Cllr Eastment declared an interest in the Farleigh House application as a resident of Farleigh Hungerford.

8151 Minutes a) The minutes of previous meetings of the Council held on 20th February 2019 (proposed Cllr Eastment, seconded Cllr Hitchins) and 13th March 2019 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Scarrow, seconded Cllr Hitchins). b) Matters arising from the above meetings – None.

8152 Council Reports  Chair’s announcements – Cllr Abbott reported that the abandoned vehicle at Monmouth Paddock had been removed. He also reported that Cllr Eastment would step down from the Parish Council at the May elections. He drew attention to Cllr Eastment’s tremendous support to the PC during his tenure, thanked him for his incredibly hard work and said how much he would be missed

as a member of the PC. These comments were echoed by the members of the PC and Cllr Eastment was formally thanked for his work as a parish councillor (proposed Cllr Abbott, seconded Cllr Scarrow). It was confirmed that Cllr Eastment would remain as Chair of TAG and the Palairet Hall Management Committee. Cllr Eastment responded to the Chair’s comments, speaking to his involvement with the Parish Council over the years and his enjoyment of the camaraderie he experienced with members.  District and County Councillor, Linda Oliver reported the following: o That she was away for the PC’s AGM on 8th May 2019 but would send a County Council report. She asked permission to send a brief report as the District Councillor for 2018/19 even though she was not standing for re-election. o Carbon neutrality – encouraged the PC to take the lead on this issue locally. She reported on a local initiative to reduce street lighting and confirmed that she had contacted the appropriate officer at MDC to obtain information and advice on this, which she would circulate to the PC once received. o Litter picking – reported she would not be joining the litter pick group as she was committed to other areas. o Local filming – permission had been sought for historic filming in Norton St Philip which would require some road closures. SCC had responded to ask that the company liaise with the PC. The Chair confirmed that he had been approached in respect of this matter and would report further under the Correspondence agenda item. He confirmed that the manager of the pub was aware of the request and was due to respond to the Chair. o Longmead Close development – updated members that she was holding regular meetings with Mr Lippiat as developer of the site. She reported that she was assisting him in facilitating progression with various issues which required MDC and SCC support and action; such as the soakaway and the installation of the footpath. o Enforcement issues – stated that the Planning Team had reiterated that the PC needed to push forward any infringements with the enforcement team at MDC. The Chair reported that the PC was working with the enforcement team on outstanding issues. She reported that, before the end of her tenure as District Councillor, she would summarise the outstanding issues and ensure that the enforcement team was aware of them and had logged them properly. She also confirmed that she would ensure her successor as District Councillor was aware of the issues. o Planning Board meetings – reminded members that the PC needed to register should it wish to make representation at the Planning Board meeting on 17 April 2019. o The Chair drew attention to the fact that this would be Cllr Oliver’s last attendance at the PC as a District Councillor and thanked her for her service and hard work during her tenure. He proposed a formal vote of thanks, which was seconded by Cllr Lund and resolved.

 Parish Clerk – it was noted that the local contractor had not provided a quotation for the replacement of the notice board and it was therefore agreed that Cllr Hitchins would liaise with Cllr Walker to take this project forward.  Parish Path Liaison Officer –Ms Bolton was absent.  Sustainable Norton St Philip – Cllr Lund reported that the Litter Pick was taking place on Sunday 7th April at 10.00 am meeting at The George. A Litter Pick was also taking place in Farleigh Hungerford, with Cllr Eastment reporting that MDC had now sent contractors to clear Balls Lane.  Church Mead Committee – Cllr Scarrow reported that the AGM would take place on 30th May 2019.  Palairet Hall – Cllr Eastment had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes. He reported that the AGM was scheduled for 24th April 2019 at 7.30 pm in the Hall.  Traffic Action Group - Cllr Eastment had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes. He reported that a meeting had taken place with Avon and Police who had agreed to support the installation of the auto speed watch unit. It was expected that the units would be available by the end of the month and the Parish Councils who had taken part in the trial would be receiving a discount on any purchases. Cllr Eastment suggested that seven units would be required for the parish and confirmed that he would email the proposed locations through to the Parish Clerk, who would add this as a future agenda item. He also mentioned the issue of lack of funding at SCC for revisions of speed limits and suggested whether allocating to this might be a better use of allocated highways monies in the parish. The Chair confirmed that he would continue to liaise with Cllr Oliver in respect of making contact with the correct officers at SCC.

8153 Planning applications

2019/0535/HSE - Belvedere Lane Norton St Philip Bath - Single storey rear extension, and window with matching stonework beneath to replace of double doors at front – Support (proposed Cllr Hitchins, seconded Cllr Lund).

2019/0363/VRC - Farleigh House Church Farm Lane Farleigh Hungerford BA2 7RW - Application to vary condition 2 (hours of use) on planning consent 2010/1044 (Change of use from residential (C3) and office (B1) uses to a 'sui generis' mixed use as headquarters and training facilities for Bath Rugby Club. Engineering works to form a rugby pitch) to allow use outside the restricted hours – Objection – details of the grounds appended to the minutes (proposed Cllr Scarrow, seconded Cllr Lund).

2019/0365/VRC - Farleigh House Church Farm Lane Farleigh Hungerford Frome BA2 7RW - Application to vary condition 2 (hours of use) on planning consent 2010/1888 (Engineering work to improve the drainage and gradient of the site to create an artificial playing pitch, including the creation of an emergency vehicular access track) to allow use outside the restricted hours – Objection - details of the grounds appended to the minutes (proposed Cllr Scarrow, seconded Cllr Lund).

2018/2957/FUL - 7 Upper Farm Close Norton St Philip Bath BA2 7NA - Erection of 1No. two storey detached residential property with accommodation in the roof –members to determine whether to make any representation to the Planning Board and, if so, the substance of that representation (referred from March meeting) – Representation to be made to the MDC Planning Board (either Cllr Abbott or Cllr Walker to attend the meeting) details of the representation containing the PC’s areas of concerns appended to the minutes (proposed Cllr Lund, seconded Cllr Scarrow). Note – Cllr Linda Oliver left the room during the PC’s discussion on this application.

Members received and considered a planning application received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time fell outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained).

2018/0392/FUL – Lower Haven Farm Farleigh Road Norton St Philip Frome BA2 7NG– Change of use of land to provide holiday accommodation, to include the erection of two camping lodges, an associated amenity building, a play hut and associated works. Comment - detail appended to the minutes (proposed Cllr Hitchins, seconded Cllr Lund).

8154 Planning decisions, appeals, enforcements and other matters a) Members noted the planning decisions, notices and updates, which had been circulated with the agenda papers.

b) Mendip Local Plan Part II: Sites and Policies - Focused Consultation on Proposed Changes to Pre-Submission Plan - Notice of Examination Hearings – members considered the information (previously circulated) and resolved that the PC respond as below (proposed Cllr Scarrow, seconded Cllr Lund):

Norton St Philip PC wishes to support the changes to LPP2 in its Pre-Submission draft: Issues raised and Council Response (Norton St Philip). ( The PC also wishes to express its strong support for Mendip DC where changes to the Draft Plan are not proposed following representations made during the Pre-Submission Consultation

Members further resolved to engage LB Planning to assist the PC in formulating its responses to representations submitted by third parties on the LPP2 consultation document; such response to be submitted to the Local Plan Inspector. It was confirmed that the costs involved in retaining such expert support would not exceed £1,00 and it was therefore resolved to allocate up to this amount via a virement from the PC’s unspent budget for Neighbourhood Planning (proposed Cllr Hitchins, seconded Cllr Scarrow).

Members agreed that a paper containing the draft comments on the third party representations would be referred to the AGM in May 2019 (as a result of the work engaged from LB Planning).

8155 Financials  Council expenditure as listed was approved (proposed Cllr Scarrow, seconded Cllr Hitchins):

Payee Detail and statutory power Amount Chq no

N Duke WFHA and expenses April £23.73 1823 LGA 1972 s 112 HMRC PAYE March 2019 £231.27 1824 LGA 1972 s 112 Locality Neighbourhood Plan repayment £189.48 1825 of grant under spend Localism Act 2011 sch 12 C J Hire Work to CMC £978.00 1826 OSA 1906 ss 9,10

 Financial Position Report as at 5 February 2019 – circulated – members were informed that the March bank statements had been received that day, but that the promised amendment to the correspondence address had not taken place. The mail had therefore been forwarded. The Clerk confirmed she would contact the bank to endeavour to resolve this. The FPS for 5 March 2019 would be issued to members shortly.  Members considered a grant application from the Friends of St Philip and St James and it was resolved that £750 as allocated in the budget be released (proposed Cllr Eastment, seconded Cllr Hitchins). It was confirmed that the release of standing, budgeted grants would be an agenda item for the May AGM.  Members considered a proposal from the Palairet Hall Management Committee reference the Service Level Agreement for 2019/20 and the Chair confirmed that the capital works required would cost in the region of £13,000. Cllr Abbott and Cllr Eastment had been working on this issue and prepared a suggestion that the capital funding be forward funded for a three-year period and this would be referred to the AGM for the new Council to consider.

8156 Neighbourhood Plan Members received an update on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Hitchins reported that the end of Regulation 16 was due in 10 days and two representations had been submitted thus far. He confirmed that he would let LB Planning know that the comments were coming in. He reported that once the consultation period had ended the group would meet with LB Planning to consider the responses to the submissions on 18th April 2019. These responses would need to be submitted to the Examiner no later than 26th April 2019 and it was therefore resolved (as this timescale fell outside of the meeting schedule) to delegate the authority to submit these comments to the Parish Clerk (proposed Cllr Scarrow, seconded Cllr Eastment).

8157 Parish Council accounts year ending 31st March 2019 a) Internal Auditor for the 2018/19 financial year – it was proposed by Cllr Lund, seconded by Cllr Scarrow and resolved to appoint Mrs Abbott (Clerk to Binegar Parish Council). b) The Fixed Asset Register had been circulated to members and was approved (proposed Cllr Lund, seconded Cllr Eastment). c) The Risk Management documents had been circulated to members and were approved, with it being noted that the Risk Strategy required the Risk Register to be scored numerically in order for the two documents to synchronise (proposed Cllr Scarrow, seconded Cllr Lund).

8158 Footpath at Vicarage Lane The Clerk had provided advice on the financial support for an initiative for improving the footway at Vicarage Lane; That the Council may waive its Financial Regulations to accept a single quotation, thereby waiving the requirements to seek three quotations because the quotation represents one element of a wider quotation for works at the site. This was discussed and resolved (proposed Cllr Hitchins, seconded Cllr Eastment).

Cllr Hitchins reported that the footpath floods outside of the new houses on the former Foma site and it was noted that the Council may wish to consider mitigation measures in the future. The Clerk would add this to the agenda for June and Cllrs Hitchins and Walker would visit the site in the meantime.

8159 Lyde Green The Clerk reported that advice relating to proposed works on common land had been received– referring to residents’ suggestions for improvements to Lyde Green (referred from March meeting). It was agreed to defer this item to the June meeting.

8160 Chestnut Tree, Farleigh Hungerford Members considered a quotation for necessary tree work to the Chestnut Tree. Members resolved to accept a single quotation at £260 plus vat, thereby waiving the requirements to seek three quotations due to the specialist nature of the work (proposed Cllr Eastment, seconded Cllr Lund). Funds to be allocated from the tree works budget.

8161 Correspondence The Chair reported he had been contacted by a company who wished to film at Norton St Philip, which would require a road closure. The Chair had liaised with the manager of The George in respect of this request and would pursue the issue, keeping the parish council informed.

Cllr Hitchins reported he had received a phone call from Mr Millett regarding the footpath from Fortescue Fields to Church Mead. Members noted that the Chair had

recently written to Hugo Haig at Lochailort in respect of this matter but had received no response to date. He would continue to chase.

8162 Parish Magazine - Annual Parish Meeting and Annual General Meeting - Neighbourhood Plan- Cllr Hitchins to provide copy - Litter pick – Cllr Lund to provide copy

8163 Meeting schedule May 8th, 2019 – AGM and Annual Parish Meeting – Palairet Hall. AGM – 6.30 pm APM – 7.30 pm

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.00 pm.


Planning Applications

2019/0363/VRC and 2019/0365/VRC - Farleigh House Church Farm Lane Farleigh Hungerford Frome BA2 7RW:

The relevant condition of the grant of Planning Permission ref 2010/1044 was imposed in order to “safeguard the amenities of neighbouring residents and adjoining land users”. ‘Amenity’ is defined in MDC’s Local Plan Pt 1 as: “Those qualities of life enjoyed by people who can be influenced by the surrounding environment in which they live or work. ‘Residential amenity’ includes, for example, a reasonable degree of privacy, freedom from unacceptable levels of noise, air and light pollution.”

Condition 2 of Planning Permission 2010/1044 was clearly intended to protect neighbouring residents from the inevitable noise levels associated with rugby training. The protection given to these residents by the restriction of hours of operation is hugely important to them.

The Noise Survey submitted with the application is, in the opinion of the Parish Council, very seriously flawed. Pages 10-12 detail the samples obtained at neighbouring properties during the survey. The readings were hampered by rain; at location 3 ‘occasional noise from the activity was audible and consisted of random individual calls and shouts’ and at location 5 ‘Monitoring was undertaken towards the end of the training session and it is not clear how much training activity remained’.

The background readings detailed on page 11 note that the main audible sound was birdsong. Farleigh Hungerford is of course very rural and the roads are narrow lanes. The readings at location 3 indicates that the average ambient sound level was 42.3 db with peaks of 88.5db. During training the average sound level was 42db with peaks of 65db. This implies that the sound levels during training were actually lower than before training. This certainly does not reflect the reality experienced by anyone in the vicinity of Farleigh House during a full training session.

The readings from location 4 are also questionable. No readings taken before or after training are given and the report states that there was no audible noise from the training ground. Members of the Parish Council have personal experience of the very high volume of sound experienced at this location during training sessions.

No reading at location 2 during training is given. Yet members of the Parish Council can confirm that the noise from training is clearly audible in a direct line 50 meters north of this point (further from the training ground).

The readings taken during training at Farleigh House, 50 meters from the training pitch, are lower than the readings at location 3 which is 280 meters from the pitch. This may be explained by the ‘short period of monitoring’- under 3 minutes. It would clearly have been a very low key period of training for the ambient noise to have been ‘birdsong, a drone …. and people accessing the building facilities’

The houses in Farleigh Hungerford all lie north / north east of the training grounds; thus the residents live downwind of the sound source. Their right to peaceful enjoyment of their houses and gardens throughout the day and into the late evenings is threatened by this proposal.

The Parish Council are also concerned that the application fails to address traffic issues. The current levels of traffic already have a severe negative impact on the lives of Farleigh Hungerford residents. This proposal would severely increase this impact raising it to an unacceptable level. No traffic appraisal appears to have been carried out to assess the impact of the proposed change.

MDC’s Development Policy 8 (Environmental Protection) is relevant to this application. It states that: “Development will be required to demonstrate that it does not give rise to unacceptable adverse environmental impacts on ambient noise levels …..residential amenity and public health and safety”. These applications propose a very significant and material change to the operating times allowed under the original Planning Permission. The proposal is justifiably and understandably causing very great concern to the residents of Farleigh Hungerford.. No mitigation is offered to reduce the resultant harm caused.

The Parish Council therefore OBJECTS to these applications.

2018/2957/FUL - 7 Upper Farm Close Norton St Philip Bath BA2 7NA:

The PC agreed that the oral representation at MDC’s Planning Board on 17 April should be along the following lines.

The PC has two particular areas of concern. First, the positioning and scale of the proposed dwelling. The second relates to the movement of vehicles as regards highway safety.

The Design and Access Statement refers to the Inspector’s comments in APP/Q3305/W/18/3196197. (That Appeal followed an earlier application 2017/0918/FUL.) The D&A statement seeks to address the Inspector’s comments about preserving or enhancing the character and appearance of the village’s Conservation Area. The siting of the dwelling proposed now lines up with two nearby houses – a point raised by the Inspector - Greystones and Albion Cottage, which is listed. But the result is that the new house, now wholly in the Conservation Area, would have a far greater impact on the amenity of those two houses, especially Albion Cottage. It would harm its setting, be closer to it than the previous proposal (it would only be 15m away), and it would overlook the gardens of both the nearby houses. These concerns also relate to the mass of the proposed dwelling which would be out of scale and would block views from Albion Cottage. Moreover, it would be higher than Albion Cottage. While there are examples of new-built houses in the village which are less than 15m away from a listed building, the issue here is massing in this particular location. Our comments are confined to this application. The principle of development in this location is a separate issue.

On parking and turning, SCC advise that Standing Advice applies. That requires 3 spaces plus visitor parking for a 3 bed dwelling. Para. 4.4 of the proposed site plan shows 2 parking spaces. A key issue is whether, as we understand it, at least 3 spaces are required. If so, turning needs to be addressed. The SCC rubric is that turning must be provided where access is on to a classified road. We are not convinced that there is room for 3 vehicles to turn in the parking area. If they can not, and vehicles drive into the parking area in a forward gear, it seems that they could only exit by reversing on to the lane which raises safety concerns. There is currently no means whereby 2 vehicles could pass in the shared private lane leading from the application site. We understand that to be contrary to SCC’s Standing Advice. As to the argument that a passing place could be provided on the shared access lane by utilising an existing grassed bank immediately adjacent to the Grade 2 Baptist Chapel, we believe that the Conservation Officer’s assessment is needed on the impact on that listed building; and that such an assessment should have been included in the case officer’s report. We note the applicants’ comments on these issues concerning vehicular movements but key issues remain to be addressed; and we also believe that the considered comments of SCC Highways should have been sought in this case and should have been in front of the LPA before this application came to be considered. It should be noted that the Inspector’s conclusion that the proposal which she considered would not be detrimental to highway safety or conflict with Policy DP9 related to the layout in the previous application in which parking was at the front of the site, whereas in the current application parking is at the back of the property. We ask whether this is a relevant consideration.

For the above reasons, we OBJECT to this application.

2018/0392/FUL – Lower Haven Farm:

It must be for MDC to decide whether their concerns expressed about the previous application for this site (2018/3066) have been met, and to judge whether the current proposal is inappropriate development in the Green Belt having regard to the NPPF and development plan policy. This requites a professional judgement against the stringent criteria.

If MDC consider the proposal to be inappropriate development, the issue then is whether the perceived benefit would outweigh any harm in order to amount to the very special circumstances necessary to justify the development, for example as regards access to the countryside and links to nearby countryside pursuits. Again, this is a matter of professional judgement and interpretation of the rules; but if MDC were to conclude that this proposal meets the test of “very special circumstances” we are firmly of the view that the following conditions should be imposed: • The remainder of the field to be restored to agricultural use, • No caravans or camping wouild be permitted, • A tight restriction on occupancy numbers, • Debris and redundant plant and equipment on the site would be removed before any permission was implemented and that would be a continuing requirement. • The red line along the north of the site would be aligned with the southern side of the track.

Council Reports

Traffic Action Group:

Recent Community Speed Watch Sessions held on Church Street and Bath Road emphasise the fact that we have a major problem with too many drivers Not respecting the 20 mph speed limit, indeed too many above the old 30 mph speed limit!

To date we have not received the final drawings for the Small Improvement Scheme, which is disappointing.

AutoSpeedWatch is being presented to on 2nd. April and if approved the first units should be available by the end of the month.

Still far too many HGV’s being recorded on CCTV, with resulting reports to offending companies revealing that drivers are continuing to use their Satnav’s and Not observing the Mandatory Weight Limit Signs!

SCC Highways state that the request for re-siting of some speed limits on Wells Road and Frome Road has their support, but they do not have the funding to complete the projects! Similarly, the introduction of 40 mph ‘buffer’ zones on either side of Farleigh Hungerford should be approved, but lack funding; the Parish Council may have to fund these projects if we want to progress them?

The latest vehicle to be left abandoned is in Monmouth Paddock, this vehicle is causing problems for residents as it is parked over the pavement and covering a residents external ‘stop cock’. Police and District Council are aware; awaiting removal of said vehicle.

Still awaiting an independent Road Safety Audit for the area around the Church Street/ Church Lane/ School entrance. Parish Council is looking for a solution to ensure safe passage of children and residents from the pavement on Church Street across the A366 to Church Lane.

Rex Eastment Chairman Traffic Action Group

Palairet Hall:

The Chairman of the PC and I are taking a fresh look at insurance cover for the Hall; and we shall report further.

Entrance area to the Hall with be repaired /re-plastered by the 15th. April, (with as little disruption to users as possible.)

A second quotation for repairs to the main roof is being arranged and further quotations for replacement windows to the rear of the meeting room and side of stage.

Concerns have been lodged with regards to the amount of Ivy growth long the back wall of the hall and to the side from the Old School House. This to be followed up with adjacent property owners.

New rates for users to be agreed and implemented from May 1st.2019

SLA Grant application to the Parish Council ready for approval

Awaiting completion of PAT testing of Stage Lighting

Rex Eastment

Chairman of Management Committee