Holcombe Parish Council
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NORTON ST PHILIP PARISH COUNCIL www.nortonstphilipparishcouncil.co.uk Chair Clive Abbott, Hassage House, Faulkland, Radstock, BA3 5XG [email protected] Clerk Nicola Duke, April Rise, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN, [email protected] Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 3rd April 2019 at The Old School Room, Farleigh Hungerford at 7.00 pm. Present: Cllr Abbott (Chair), Cllr Hitchins, Cllr Scarrow, Cllr Lund and Cllr Eastment. In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk). County and District Councillor Linda Oliver and 9 members of the public. Prior to the commencement of the agenda the Chair confirmed that he would bring forward the agenda item relating to planning applications in order not to delay members of the public. He also spoke regarding the application relating to Lower Haven Farm, confirming that the application had been on the draft agenda, but had been removed following MDC’s declaration that the application was invalid. He advised that, because a site meeting had been conducted, members had agreed to take the application under late applications. Cllr Oliver asked whether she could speak to the planning applications before they were discussed, and the Chair confirmed that he would take her comments under Public Participation. Cllr Oliver confirmed that, due to her previously declared interest in the application relating to 7 Upper Farm Close, she would leave the room during the PC’s discussion of that item. Public Participation John Davidson – spoke regarding the Farleigh House application, making the Parish Council aware of the noise issues being experienced in relation to the site, playing a short recording in demonstration. Deborah Allen – spoke regarding the Farleigh House application, making the Parish Council aware that there were several residents who had concerns about the application. She stated that the House had been used by Bath Rugby since 2010 and that the usage had been above that for which planning permission has originally been given. The access issues were significant and by 2016 the traffic data had indicated an increase in traffic of over 400%. She stated that the removal of conditions relating to pitch use would greatly expand the times the pitch could be used, which would create significant disturbance to residents as well as further affecting traffic levels and impacting resident’s quality of life. Farleigh House had also confirmed that, should the applications be approved, further applications would be made for floodlighting. She asked for the PC’s support in objecting to the application. She also confirmed that local residents had delivered a substantial folder of information on breaches of conditions to the enforcement team at MDC, which had not been taken forward. Cllr Oliver – spoke regarding the Farleigh House application, reporting that she had contacted the planning officer and asked for an extension, which he had confirmed would only be possible to the 17th or 18th April. She had discussed the application; covering the lack of detail and the lack of new traffic data and transport plan. She reported that the planning officer had confirmed there had been no recent enforcement complaints, which she suggested would not help the objectors’ case. Cllr Oliver advised residents to make representations to the enforcement and environmental teams at MDC as well as advising the Parish Council to submit comments on the lack of information available to inform any decision and the negative impact of the application on local amenity. Stuart Bryant – spoke regarding the application for Lower Haven Farm, thanking the Council for taking the application as a late item. He confirmed that he had met some members on site and outlined the detail of the application, informing members that the application was much reduced from the previous application and no caravans or camping were now envisaged for on the site. He referred to the Parish Council’s objection to the previous application and referred to planning policies which he felt supported his view that the application was not inappropriate in the Green Belt. He argued that the same applied to the new application and referred members to the planning statement, which outlined the special circumstances which applied referring to an Inspector’s statement on a similar application in Surrey. He confirmed that the site was not within the AONB. He felt that his proposals would provide opportunities for people to reconnect with nature and had good access from a main road. He also reported that there were no significant highway or landscape issues and asked for the Parish Council’s support for the application. Cllr Oliver – spoke regarding the application for Lower Haven Farm, informing members that she had not sent a response to MDC as yet although she had spoken to the planning officer. This conversation had indicated that none of the reasons for the recommended refusal of the previous application had changed. Although she could see that the size had been reduced, this had not affected the principle of the application. Cllr Oliver highlighted the existing enforcement issues on the site, tabling aerial photographs which showed the changes in land use in recent years. She pointed out the debris on the site as a result of the development. She also spoke regarding the appeals the applicant had cited and stated that these were related to applications which provided countryside pursuits, which this application did not. Cllr Hitchins expressed concern at the red line outlining the site for the application, which the applicant confirmed he had altered and reduced for the current application. Plans were tabled and the red line of the application site was confirmed for members by the applicant. John Oliver – spoke regarding the application for 7 Upper Farm Close, reporting that this was the fourth application for the site, the previous three having been objected to by the Parish Council and refused by MDC. He reported that the planners report had been received. He informed the Parish Council that the report stated that the PC’s comments had been withdrawn, which was not the case and asked that this be rectified. Mr Oliver asked for the PC’s continued support in objecting to the application and asked for a member to make representations to the Planning Board. Alan Stubbersfield – spoke regarding the application for 7 Upper Farm Close and the comments which he had provided to members prior to the meeting. He echoed the points made by Mr Oliver, stating that the planners report was inaccurate and misleading in several ways – not least its reference that the PC’s comments had been withdrawn and the lack of clarity regarding the passing place. He reported his concerns over the application itself, which contained a lack of information on several vital points. He stated the view that this application was more problematic than the previous application, as the proposed dwelling had now been moved into the conservation area, which it failed to enhance in any way. He stated the view that the positioning of the building would affect the views into the Conservation Area and his unfettered access to his own property. Chris Beaver - spoke regarding the application for 7 Upper Farm Close, reporting that he had participated in the previously dismissed appeal and stated his view that the attempt to address the issues raised at appeal were crude and created additional problems. He confirmed that an objection covering five material considerations had been submitted to MDC, together with highways information and outlined the objections which had been submitted: - Negative impact on the conservation area and listed buildings - Adverse amenity impacts on future occupants of the dwelling (hard standing, obscure glass) and Albion Cottage (proximity and overlooking) - Highway safety – issues with accessing and exiting the site, insufficient space for turning, inadequate parking - Drainage – Wessex Water drain goes through the site and the footprint of the site being close to the sewer which would require special dispensation from Wessex Water. This issue of conflict with a public sewer was not yet resolved. - Lack of proper investigation by MDC case officer. AGENDA ITEM 8149 Apologies for Absence Cllr Walker due to holiday, accepted. 8150 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate Cllr Eastment declared an interest in the Farleigh House application as a resident of Farleigh Hungerford. 8151 Minutes a) The minutes of previous meetings of the Council held on 20th February 2019 (proposed Cllr Eastment, seconded Cllr Hitchins) and 13th March 2019 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Scarrow, seconded Cllr Hitchins). b) Matters arising from the above meetings – None. 8152 Council Reports Chair’s announcements – Cllr Abbott reported that the abandoned vehicle at Monmouth Paddock had been removed. He also reported that Cllr Eastment would step down from the Parish Council at the May elections. He drew attention to Cllr Eastment’s tremendous support to the PC during his tenure, thanked him for his incredibly hard work and said how much he would be missed as a member of the PC. These comments were echoed by the members of the PC and Cllr Eastment was formally thanked for his work as a parish councillor (proposed Cllr Abbott, seconded Cllr Scarrow). It was confirmed that Cllr Eastment would remain as Chair of TAG and the Palairet Hall Management Committee. Cllr Eastment responded to the Chair’s comments, speaking to his involvement with the Parish Council over the years and his enjoyment of the camaraderie he experienced with members. District and County Councillor, Linda Oliver reported the following: o That she was away for the PC’s AGM on 8th May 2019 but would send a County Council report. She asked permission to send a brief report as the District Councillor for 2018/19 even though she was not standing for re-election.