Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee Held in Wookey Hole Community Hall, Wookey Hole on Wednesday 31St July 2019, 7:00Pm
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ST CUTHBERT (OUT) ST CUTHBERT (OUT) PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD IN WOOKEY HOLE COMMUNITY HALL, WOOKEY HOLE ON WEDNESDAY 31ST JULY 2019, 7:00PM PRESENT: Cllrs J Baker, M Hayden, E Danson, P Foster, I Humphreys, T Mallinson, J Henderson, J Zorab and J Reeves. Cllr T Hathaway was co-opted for this meeting. Amendment: Cllr M Lunnon attended (as minuted 21 August 2019) IN ATTENDANCE: Ms Michele Exton (Parish Clerk), Mrs L Pool (Deputy Parish Clerk), Cllr M Cooke, 29 Members of the Public. These included Cllr T Munt (Somerset County Council), Cllr D Hooton (representing Cllr Lucie Taylor-Hood of Mendip District Council), Cllr P Welch (Wells City Council) and Cllr Pullen (Mendip District Council and Somerset County Council). 01. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND TO CONSIDER THE REASONS GIVEN No apologies received. 02. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 02.01. Cllr Henderson declared a PERSONAL interest in planning application 2019/1540. Cllr Lunnon declared a PERSONAL interest in planning application 2019/1614. 02.02. There were no requests for dispensation for disclosable pecuniary interests. 02.03. There were no requests for dispensation. 03. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC There were no items for exclusion. 04. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 1 member of the public spoke on planning application 2019/1614. 9 members of the public spoke on planning application 2019/3619 and there were also follow-up questions from both the public and the Planning Cllrs. 05. MINUTES OF ST CUTHBERT OUT PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON WEDNESDAY 10TH JULY 2019 RESOLVED: To approve the minutes of the Planning Committee held on Wednesday 10th July 2019. 06. APPLICATIONS FOR RECOMMENDATION All planning applications can be viewed in detail from Members of the Public are welcome to express their views at the Parish Council Planning Committee as well as direct to Mendip District Council. Page 1 of 11 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee No. & Detail Type Officer 2019/1614 Conversion and extension of barn to form single dwelling with FUL associated garden and erection of a Detached Garage Building. Kelly Land adjacent to Shortwood Cottage, Gagley Lane, Easton Pritchard 31/07/2019 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 2019/1540 Application for the temporary planning permission for static caravans FUL and the erection of new timber pole barns for calving. Lynsey Land at 354503 142294 Long Drove, Launcherley Bradshaw 31/07/2019 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 2019/1635 Works to trees within a Conservation Area: TCA T1 Beech – reduce overall crown by approx. 1.5 T2 Holly – fell T3 Bay – reduce and reshape crown T4 Norway Spruce – fell T5 Sorbus – reduce overall crown and sever Ivy at base G1 Beech and Acer stems in boundary hedge – reduce height G2 Border shrubs inc Purple Hazel – reduce in height to approx 4-5ft Bo The Old Post Office, Riverside, Dinder Walsh 31/07/2019 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL Page 2 of 11 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 3619/ Temporary use of land, the creation of a low level removable slab for SCC 2019 stationing of a portable temporary structure and the stationing of containerised equipment, for the purposes of R&D trials demonstrating portable waste management technology with greater efficiencies during & post pyrolysis for a period of up to twelve months Stephen The Paper Mill site, Old Railway Yard, Haybridge Lane BA6 1AG Boundy 31/07/2019 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL WITH THE PROVISO THAT THIS APPLICATION 2019/3619 IS REFERRED TO THE SOMERSET COUNTY COUNCIL REGULATORY BOARD. This is due to: Slender margin majority vote by Cllrs on the Planning Committee. Wide-ranging concerns from residents: o close proximity to residential areas and the nature of prevailing winds o the robustness of emissions testing was questioned o waste disposal of by-products such as char o the possibly hazardous nature of the waste o traffic concerns o possible existing contamination of the site o availability of alternative sites (as mentioned by Pyrocore: Yorkshire, Bristol & Bath Science Park) o the pre-emptive arrival of containers and the connecting of units with disregard for planning procedure o incorrect claims that the Paper Mill site has a history of pyrolysis o the nature of St Cuthberts Mill as a listed building o uncertainty over status of previous pyrolysis plant applications at this site o the haste & timeframe of the application notice by Somerset County Council Given the holiday season, it was felt there was not full opportunity for many residents to make comments RPS & Pyrocore have not been given the opportunity to present their case fully and facilitate measured discussion with residents Page 3 of 11 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 07. TO NOTE PLANNING PERMISSION APPROVED The following applications have been considered by Mendip District Council via the Planning Application process. The ‘Dec.’ column refers to the decision by Mendip District Council, which will be either ‘APPROVAL’ (A), ‘REFUSAL’ (R) or if the Application has been ‘WITHDRAWN’ (W). Items marked with an ‘*’, have been determined contrary to Parish Council recommendation. Dec. No. & Officer Detail A/R/W 2019/1228 Demolition of a 4/5 bedroom house with attached garage. FUL Demolition of two number park homes and removal of one number park home plot. Erection of 11no. dwellings, consisting of 7no. 3 bed and 4no. 2 bed houses and associated works. Nikki Homestead Park, Wells Road, Wookey Hole BA5 1BW White Cllrs Danson and Lunnon left the room before the Committee considered and voted on this application. 10/07/19 RECOMMENDED: REFUSAL Comments: Overdevelopment; not in keeping with the historic nature of the village; concern for adverse effects on wildlife; concern that the development will add to the existing traffic congestion. The Parish Council would like to see a revised plan with realistically usable gardens and proposed properties not so close to existing properties. The Parish Council would request a S106 contribution of £1,500 per property for the provision of infrastructure and public transport. The Parish Council is aware that written objections which they have received, have also been submitted to Mendip District Council. The Parish Council request that this application is considered by Mendip District Council’s Planning Board. Page 4 of 11 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 2019/1381 Cllrs Danson and Lunnon returned to the room. OTS Application for Outline Planning Permission with some matters reserved for erection of up to 100 dwellings with public open space with only details of access considered. Nikki Land off Elm Close, Wells White 10/07/19 RECOMMENDED: REFUSAL Comments: Does not comply with the Local Plan; the outlet for surface water across the road and field to join into the existing pipeline is questionable; there are no plans; the reasons for Mendip District Council’s refusal of planning application 2015/1428/OTS are valid. The Council would not want to make any recommendation until it has been consulted, in detail, on any S106 considerations. The Parish Council strongly considers it improper of Mendip District Council to put this application out for consultation before the Local Plan Part 2 Inspector’s hearings on Matter 5.4. “Is there a need for a policy to address the need to protect green gaps between settlements….”on 26th July and Matter 9.5. “Site Allocations in Wells” on 31st July, and his decisions. The Parish Council is aware that written objections which they have received, have also been submitted to Mendip District Council. The Parish Council request that this application is considered by Mendip District Council’s Planning Board and furthermore, insist that the application goes before Mendip District Council’s Planning Board in the event that Mendip District Council Planning Officers recommend acceptance before the Inspector’s hearings/decisions. Page 5 of 11 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 2019/1368 Erection of agricultural machinery sales, repairs and distribution FUL centre (mixed use A1/B1/B2/B8). Anna Land at 357893 149950 Roemead Road, Green Ore Clark 10/07/19 RECOMMENDED: REFUSAL Comments: Existing fast-flow traffic; increase in heavy duty traffic; proximity to junction; recorded accidents at location; fragile road infrastructure; risk of contamination of water course; impact on AONB; building is overbearing and inappropriate for this location; development should not be on a greenfield site such as this site; does not comply with the Local Plan CP1 and CP4; consultation with adjoining Chewton Mendip Parish has been inadequate. The Parish Council is aware that written objections which they have received, have also been submitted to Mendip District Council. The Parish Council request that this application is considered by Mendip District Council’s Planning Board. 2019/1387 Application to vary condition 2 (plans) of planning approval VRC 2015/3085/FUL (Conversion and extension of barn and stables to form a dwelling house) to make changes to materials and introduce fenestration. Kelly Walcombe Farm House, Walcombe Lane BA5 3AG Pritchard 10/07/19 RECOMMENDED: APPROVAL 2018/2402 Appeal Reference: APP/Q3305/W/19/3229927. VRC Appeal Proposal: Application to remove condition 3 (Occupancy Limitation) of planning approval 2011/3057 (Re-use of structure of existing redundant poultry building to 3 tourism accommodation units in a managed environment). Anna Wellesley Park, Wellesley Lane, Dulcote BA5 3QB Clark 10/07/19 RECOMMENDED: NO FURTHER COMMENTS 2019/1436 Removal of interior ground floor walls to create single open plan LBC living space. Installation of floating engineered timber floor over existing. Installation of automist sprinkler fire system. Jayne 9 Nettle Combe House, Gilbert Scott Road, South Horrington Boldy 10/07/19 RECOMMENDED: APPROVAL 2019/0799 Creation of a car park, extension of playground and playing field. FUL Nikki Horrington Primary School, Bath Road, West Horrington White 29/05/19 RECOMMENDED: APPROVAL Page 6 of 11 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 2019/0919 Single storey rear extension and raised deck to garden.