Tali Khain 734-709-8048 •
[email protected] University of Chicago, Department of Physics Education University of Chicago Chicago, IL pursuing PhD in Physics October 2019 - present University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI B.S. in Honors Physics, Honors Mathematics September 2015 - May 2019 Research Experience University of Michigan Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO) Group June 2015 - July 2019 Advisors: Prof. David Gerdes, Prof. Fred Adams, Dr. Juliette Becker Using numerical N-body simulations, studied orbital dynamics of outer solar system objects discov- ered by the Dark Energy Survey. University of Minnesota Applied Math REU Summer 2018 Advisors: Prof. Arnd Scheel Investigated the effect of pinning in front propagation in a bistable lattice differential equation, in a variety of media (periodic, quasi-periodic, chaotic). WAVE Fellow, California Institute of Technology Summer 2017 Advisors: Prof. Konstantin Batygin, Prof. Mike Brown Using numerical simulations and analytical methods, analyzed the effect of the hypothesized Planet Nine on the dynamics of the distant Kuiper belt. University of Chicago Mathematics REU Apprentice Program Summer 2016 Advisors: Prof. L´aszl´oBabai Took an intensive course on Linear Algebra and its applications to Graph Theory, wrote an expository paper \Fractals and Dimension". Peer Reviewed Publications 10. Khain, T., Becker, J. C., Lin, H.W., et al. \Dynamical Classification of Trans-Neptunian Objects Detected by the Dark Energy Survey", 2019, submitted to Astronomical Journal. 9. Ankney, N., Avery, M., Khain, T., & Scheel, A. \Pinning and Depinning: from periodic to chaotic and random media", 2019, Chaos, 29. 8. Lin, H.W., Gerdes, D. W., et al. including Khain, T., \Evidence for Color Dichotomy in the Primordial Neptunian Trojan Population", 2019, Icarus, 321, 426.