Multitasking Creates Mediocrity and Mistakes April 26, 2009
Bob Behn’s Performance Leadership Report An occasional (and maybe even insightful) examination of the issues, dilemmas, challenges, and opportunities for improving performance and producing real results in public agencies. Vol. 9, No. 8, April 2011 On why all public executives need to be aware of how Copyright © 2011 by Robert D. Behn Multitasking Creates Mediocrity and Mistakes April 26, 2009. Fenway Park. Bos- Indeed, during 2011, Ellsbury and multiple, simultaneous tasks that ton Red Sox vs. New York Yankees. Crawford are going to be exhibit A & involve thinking and deciding. These Bottom of the fifth inning. Bases B (or B & A) for the problem of multi- tasks require the brain to reset be- loaded. Andy Pettitte pitching for the tasking. And just wait until Ellsbury tween each thought—between each Yankees. Jacoby Ellsbury, Boston’s is on third and Crawford is on first. choice. This creates a lag. And if the fastest player, on third base. But We humans believe, of course, brain is trying to go back and forth Pettitte isn’t paying attention. that we are excellent at multitasking. between two different tasks, these Ellsbury steals home. Just ask us. In fact, however, people lags begin to accumulate (though to Andy Pettitte may not think so, but who report that they are excellent these lags, we humans are completely to Judy and me, cheering from the multitaskers are easily distracted. oblivious). bleachers, this is baseball at its best. “High multitaskers are suckers for Some types of multitasking are In four seasons with the Red Sox, irrelevancy,” concluded Clifford Nass easy.
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